HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 808-3; ; FIRE STATION NO 2 REMODEL, 1990; 01-08I I \ \ '•. I . ,_ . ' 2. :3. ' 4. 5 .. 6 • 7 . B .• 9. 10 .. 11. 12. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. · ;20. 21. 22. 2.3., 24. . '.' 25. . ,• . ' '. ,• ,, 2,6. All work.and al I construction method:=; and. ma-.tarial~ shall comply with al I provisions oT the Building Code5 and other, rules, regulat·ions and ordinances governing the· place of the Building. Building Code requiramentq. in a.11 cases take precedence over the Dra~ings.. It shall be the responsibity of anyone supplying labor or materials.or both to bring, to the attention of the Owner or his Representative any discrepancies or conflicts . bet~een tha· re(iuir,ai'ments of tha Coda and the D,:awlngs. Contract~r hereby guarantees to the Owner that all materials, fixtures, and equipment furnished to the Project are new unless othe~wise specified. Contractor also warrants that al I work will be of good quality and -free ·from ~ny faults or defects. Temporary barrriers and/or temporary shoring to maintain safety and/or to protect the integ~lty of the structure w~ere required' by the Building Departme~t sha.'l l be coi\structed in accordance with the r-ulep and ordinanca~ gov~rning the place of the Building. Sanitary facilities if needed shall be provided and maintilined-...by Contractor during co-ns-tPu-o-tie-n-~per applicable regulations. Contractor must ~erify all dimensions, elevations and site eonditions and 5hal l ~otify the Owner or his Representative of any discrepencies before starting work.- Contractor shall arrange and pay far-all tempory utility services and connections_during construction if needed. All omissions or con1I icts between the vari~ua elements of the Working Drawings and/or Gener-a~ Notes shat l be brought to the attention of the Owner or his Representative before proceeding with any work so involved. General Notes, notes and typical details apply to all drawings unless noted otherwise. All A.S.T.M. designations shall be a5 amended to d&te unless otherwise noted. Structural Drawings shall be used in conjunction with Architectural, Mechanical and Electrical Drawings. Framing conditions not specifically shown shall be framed similar to the details shown for the respective materials. Provide openings and supports for mechanical ~quipment, ducts, pipins, vents, etc, as required. Refer to Architectural and Mechanical Drawings for additional openings not shown on Structural. All suspended equipment to b~ provided with approved lateral bra~ing. Do not scale Drawings. All dimensions are to Tace studst concrete or masonry unless otherwise noted. Provide 6 inch or B inch studs, or furring ful I length of room wall where required to accomodate plumbing, electrical t and_ mechanical installations. Contractor shal I not disrupt the existing services or utilities without obtaining Owne~s prior approval and instructions in each Ca$e. Verify sizes and locations of all mechanical equipment before construction of any bases or pads to support such equipment. Verify al 1 plumbing and equipment size5 before beginning con5truction of cabinets. The Contract Drawings and Specifications represent the, addition~ and alterations of the existing structure. Unless otherwise shown they do not indicate method of c.o.nsruc.ti;)L. Cont·ractor-sha1 l 51-lpervi~e and di.-ect ·tha, work and shal I be solely responsible for all construction means, methods, techniques and procedu~es. Observation visits to the site by field repre58ntatives of the Owner shal I not Include inspections of the protective measures or the construction procedures required for same, which are the sole responsibility ~f the Cont~acto~. Any support services performed by the Owner and his Representatives, whether mater-ial or wor.J.:, and whether performed prior to, during, or after eompletion of construction are performed solely for the purp6se of a~sist-ing in qua1 tty control and in achieving conformance with Contract Drawings and Specifications, therefore, they do not guarantee Contracto.ri:. performo.nce and shall not 'be construed as supervision of con5trt1ction. ,Cootactor Is responsible for total coordination between all subcontractors and trades. Unless noted otherwise, all vestibules, closets, columns, projections, recesses~ or other adjacent areas within scheduled areas have finishes as scheduled for thliil ril&'pect i Viii! spacei.: in which thay occura-. Anyone supplying labor and/or materials to the project shall carefully examina all subsurfaces to receiva work. Any conditions detrimental to work shall be ~eported to the" Contractor prior to beginning. Ccmmencement of work shall. imp 1 y_,. accept~nce of all ~ubsur-faces. Temporary bracing shall not ba removed from any element until! the eleme.nt is capable of supp.orting lt.,s de.,ign -1 oa~ ing.' Any mat~rial stored at the site shall be completely suppcrted free of th~ ground, covered and otherwise protected to .av9id damage from t,he el amen ts. No hazard'?us materials will be stored end/or used within. the building which ex.ceed the,quantit.ies listed in ·U,B.C. Tabl.es !;!,A ·and. 9-B. Separ.ate toilet faciliti.es,not r,equired .• ,, No·famal'a ·staff to be amp l.oy!"d. VICINI JOB ADDRESS ;901, ,4,e,t;,v/?t, Ro,,;o C l'1 .(l t.$,B,4 /), C /f 1./r 0£N//9 TY .SITE I ~---- , r ,,, \ ., . I .,. '', , .. • .... \ !;i_HEET INDEX SHEET :1 .. Floor.Plan. Door Schedule; Window ?ct1ed u le. Hardware ,Schedule., ., SHEET ;L_ Exterior Elevation~. ,, '., .• , .i , •• -. ' '·' ,,,··. - Kitchen Interior Elevations. Shower/Washroom l_nterdor Eleya,tiL)n5. ColoF Schedule. Finish. Schedule. SHEET ;i •• Reflected Celling Pian. Pumbing/H.V.A.C; ·Plan. Plumbing Fixture Schc:dule; H.V.A.C. Equipment Schad.Ula. SHEET i,.. Shop Interior Elevations. Utility Roam Elevat)ons., Looker Details. Dayroo111 Cal,iriet_Details._ Architectural Details. SHEET E-1. Exi5ting Elect~ical. Existing Panel Schedule. Exi~ting Single (ine Diagra~·,· SHEET E-2. R"modeled Lighting Plan. Fixture Schedule. Alarm Lights Control· D,iagr~~- SHEET E-3. Remodeled Power Plan. Remodeled Panel Schedule. Remodeled,Single Line Qiagpa~. ~lTtE 24 MANOA'tOR~ RiQUI~I:M~NTS 1To be: n.o,ted. On pla.ns or ,:1P4!cifica':~0ns) J::lVAC Ccn'trol::. 'Sec. 2-5315. <•) ·· t.J.cb av,v: .system "$l.all: · L Se equippeC. ""it.h. at lea:.t ons automatic-device ,\.,~,: fer reducing 8V'4C energy use duting 9eriod5 of nonuse or alter~a~e uaes of ~he b~tldin9 S?~ees er zones &e.t'Ved ~~ r.hc ~ySt&m: ·,2,. Be able t.0 E!'..11.i!lit>.'..n ~;;i~ch t..em~~rat.ure set pa.int,s,, i fro~ ss•F to es•p_ Two~~ 111Dre replace.able - fi~ed 5et-point device5 $l'lall be permi~~ed if. in~talled so a$ io Mint~in 5pace te:nper~ture set point.s in the: z.one that t~'l;ey control; l~ B• able to ~ro,.ide ~equen.:.ial tern~e.-'..,..-~•.ic~ control of he:&ting and coaling capacity in e~~~ zone, if bQth ~eating anQ.cQoling a~e provi~e~: ,. Provi1e a rang• of ~e.mperat~es up to 1o•y in ~bich no heati.-i.9 cir c'loling is provided to ':.he 11pa=e:,. .lt the HVAC 5};.lt~m-hM both Ji.e,o.ting ~nd ,;ooling capability; 5. k &bl• t0 teni.in&~• &11 h•ating a~ 10•1 or less; ud , &~ Be ahle to terndnate all cooling at ,a•~ or more. EXCE!HION1 M~lti~l~ Zon• HV~C ~yten.s requiring c;Qn~l,l.i'"r•~t oper&ttcn of in~ependen~ heating 4nd cooling ~y,;e,ns need~not .comply with Section 2-SllS{a} 4, z-~315 Ca)S, and 2-5Jl5(a)6_ (b) Zoning. Each ~en• shall be ~r0vided ~ith &~ leas~ on• cf th.a d•vicu specified in 5ubscc~ion {a) tc control th• HVAC system ...,h.ic:h serve:$ the zone.. ~ch floo:i:: of a bull.ding wiT"}'-conditioned space. shall. · _1;.ontain •t luat one z-··'-· ' ' ' Ventilation Syste,u. ,See. i-H1' .. on mec::ha.nica.l ventilation supply ~nd e.,c:Mu.s:t syste::1::1 oapa~l• 0~ mving mor~ than S,000 ~fm of air, auto-' m.A.tic ~•rs interlock~d and clo~~d on fan shut- down shall be pi;ovide.J.. On gia.vity ventilating · $y$tlUIUii,. •it~~r gutomatic 04 readily a~~essinle ' ' . '. .. '. ' ,£,,r,1.Srl'N',;._ . r.s,n,s.-1 . m.a.nu.allY oper-.1;.,¢ ~i:npcr~ ,in all op.:ni:,9:1 to t.he , ( 01.1t..:1idt1, ot}).e.t t.h~n ,c0mbus~i-0n· 4',ir o~ni.n1:1.s., .$.ha.11 1, .:'. :·,;\•;:;, , , be. provid•d. _ -' . -!'' AN'lf;f"',~ •' -..... £,;'/.ST/Alt, .. fee .. TII) 84 . ~Ml' ·:-.-~-'>+"" , H ,: 16-o. . • i· 5,t"5r~ :.stx;s r..M/45'h<WMG4? "J!S"1::11J ,, . V.c,11/~)( ~IL ~,qq'/,<Ze'Aofef-4-'7..!> ', . ,' ,-, C ->,~•••• • ,,. • ,'•' •.,.-:. •. ·, ''.,_., ,', '''. ' ',, ,, ' . ) . ,.-. '. ,,., 'f-' . . . .S?fJ4l J,f. ~;. ;-,.,;,• -I : ',. ' " ' ,., . ' '-;,, · · , .. , , ·.'.i-,':·:.~·.· .. ',,.: . ',':>_0i,) i~':~~·';f,;'"i,\\1./<, ·;.~~;,:,~:~<,~.it:~>;, ': .t ;/\:{ ,' ,< ,-_~, ,,, • , ,_,I ,,_1;,~J,,1, ), 1,,-''-<),,\".\-•1'~'.";,;,;,~_,,s,0i.!/,r,\", ,\-.,,.l[, .;,-~.~ • ,, ', ,~•~!", ,,r, •_1,.,.,f•/· ••~M Doors and Windo.,,._ · :-:sac-=.ion l .. 5)17. ', ht-) . Door~ a.nd wind.ows between conQi..-i~.ud A'1d \Jf.lC::On._,: ·.-. ditione4 $paces. such a.a 9'U'.'a9es ancl ·c-1:1s~ts-for · · \ ·-<:.'_ -.:,· •j, ,, ,_.._ ~nt..:al fa:ced. air ,JII.S furn.11.i;f!S U3ing c;.~t.aidier· a:•.i: for combu•tion, ~0-all be J•~i~ned ,to li~i~ •ir ' ·,_,;~~~.;e-,iJ'it.o,or,t:r,om tn-, ~,ui.ld.i_nr,_,~v.elcpe.;,, .',_:·· ' ,. ,,.>_·':\-.''.·•,'.;. ', -: ·'/: ·:·.:.--::.-··:\."·.·,.,. ' ·· / .· ~:.-;~; :.•.J,_,' ... .,. ~.DATA . ' Building 1:/ept,. ,, Heal th. Dl"p_t; •-=---,--,,-_.,-,.tf=S;-1,~~~=------ F.i r-e Dept • C ✓tt . if Cd(:/ -'/J.t> Rcad/J".raf:fic. Dept. -=.,,...."'.;;;._,,./4,.,/7'-.-----~'~-------- .GOVERNING CODES . f Bl'd C /<?GB Uni· orm g.·. ode.,---~~-~-~-~-~----- Unlform',Plumbing .Code.--~l_'l~&~S~----------- Uniform· Mechanical'! Code .. -~~t-f~G~S~--- Na ti one I 'EI ec tra I' Code .•. ·.:~'-"( .. · ... fc,8.,-.7c__ _________ _ nr~2..4. BUJ.LD.JNG JUSTIFICATION. Occupancy Type. B-2 F.i re Zone. ----~a:.,_,../e"A'~~--~----- Typ.e cf Coost,:-uction. J7:N'. ------~----- B.uil d Ing Ar-ea· .• £4W#L ",9£5if1-.4,!/~,;,;l/2:'.t:::¢" ~ scoc/i ·. E,xl t Req I d. --~Z.~---Actual Exits.---~------ q I •I• . Wtd th Req' d ., .. ·..,...,_.._.--!-Q..,_,_,_~. Actual Park I ng Pn,.v id ed ,. ~,.....,rf,__~.:S-,· ,.,Pc:_.,:,f,cC""':£=-5.,_ ___________ _ •.• .. · : ~rO&-/&.s. avef . ~4'.l,:V~,:;,6..€$'., --~11.,,_0~"!~M-,,~,=-,--,--~,--,-,--.,.--··~·----~ ,COnt~01 Devic~$ for I~dQQr Ligh~ing Se~. ~-5319. Controls fei iightin; loa~~ within tne bu~ldinq envelope .sball mea.t., eac:h of the fol.lowing l:'e-:,- qu.l.:i;ement:.$, ' · · (a) £ai::h area enclosed by c;:eiling-i\eight parti+.i~r,s shall h,!!.ve ind.11:pe,ndent:. eontrcl of the li'.)ht.ing wi~hin tha~ &r~a. thJ taoh are• enclosed by ceiling-height partitiOn5. shall havQ at least one rea4ily ac~eS$ible . ~AnuAlly OP'f'.r&ted s~itcflinq aevice to control 1li~htin~ wit..~~~ the a~~~. FQr lig~~ing ~oncrols •4eadily accas$i~~e~ me.ans located so ~hAt a ' persOl'I Ulihg t.he devic~ can see th~ ~on~rcl'~d ~ight:i 0~ the a.re.a being lit:.. s .... it:.c:hing-,1r.:~\.--~-: ·, i.n addition t('o, b1-t: not instead of, ti-.~ re, uir~, r@a~l'i acc;es.5ibl~ ma.nu.i,.ll'f op•ract.cd ~wi;,,.,..: • .:.ng devic~, shall also~ permitted. (c;:) The 9'e.n~ral ~\9hting of any area. 100 s.qui","e fet"t: ..:..( la~~cr ln vhi~h the connect~d li~htinq 10aC @cuals '._,cir exc:eerl.$ 1.0 wa.,t per 1:,,quAro foot t"J-.•.v .. "JL':li..~ •he entire a~•a ~hall :be cont.rolled so tnat th~ lc~J -~Y be n:du.c::e.d by &t l:.a.st one-half wh.+-le m,riln·:..-iin- .i.nq a re~.:sonably uniform level of illmin~ ~or throu.;hu1.+: t 1 .4 ar•a. Readily &cc-essiol~ , wi -t t-iae,5, ·t~t contJ;u.L -. ,;ll l~n.ai::e in a s~a.i::e wj_., 1i,· .i::,;i; than one l,~n.,.lr«, O};'thbt c~nt.l;ol ~~~;h l •. ~ --n a s.pac::e ~.nd.c:~ndei'.lt.ly 1W: et.. the J:11!'1:~uireme.u: ·"' • f 'ttoi:i .seci:ion. ,. (d), · In all •r~a.a 1'/"l,.c7e effe.c;:'tive: u:s~ may l;.c. 1..+ ~--,:: 1,.f , .r.a.tu.ral h.,;l,~:, l19"h~ing ~irc:ui·Ung snall J : · · "a.r:ra.n9i.:d ao that. 11-n.J.ts, .u1 all pon:.ioh.s o:L ti· ... _ ~•·-~a VheJo;• na!:ural light ;i • .s a,r~.1..la.t',le at 1 l"Jt!: s..c.me. t.J.JQe, are twitched ind~p..:.ucl~tly ot the r~ r.a.j.nd,,,c of the &J-:-..r.. , ·· , . L I~, --1 ~ I I ' i , 1·: ' I I I I ' I ~ I ' I I L___ -~ -~-.! ___ J_ , 0 I ' . _rR;;«,,,,,,-,,, I . 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(UBC t .. ble 23•P) ~#11\1~5 ~ ce:iHng must be Where ceihng is \ 1tl0ns, ceiling Mt S-'!";>o--t.ing i'lterior part bcacing S'1all be provided by four No. 12 gauge =iner w,.th1.11 2 ~ - - " .re~ * "-="4 to tlla main inches o: th" C ,O&S runner Si)layed 90 deg.us fr= each not excuding 4' d•grees from ceilL,a;. A st.mt (ade41.1a vertie&.i. co,opo.ient f....., 1nc....,.~non o.nd r other at an angle tlla plane of the te tn re.u.st t.h• 1 lateral loads) 11 be extended 'C\lral members of 'these horizontal ..... ~ t'l t11a main runner sha t.o and fastm,ed t.o tlla Str\lC ~ roof or floor alloft. r..s>;:raint poi.tits shall be plac in both dinctinns with t11a f 6 fNt o.f each. wall. Atte:t "1rea to tba •tr11e0Jni ahoTe F~ .. ~ \i.uwi ,;__,,,1111:¥ mar c: ,• ed 12 feet o.c. irst polnt Wlthi:I aw11t of restraint ihall :i. adequate """""' 47-18. I ... ' {)__ ~ I -~-~- \ : ! '- ~' I ' : ' ' : ----- \ I-..., ~~ *~ ......, __ -. ! I ! ' ! PLllM.BINt; r/A'TU.£e .5CrlE£JULe k:cY lf.w C,W w.,r VNT .LJ.e::sce1 ?T /oJ-/ ' ' I ' I I ' I I I ' : ~--~ I ' I : ' I --I Gae ,::',M,l,Y-"7° ~ 12' &: -4· w/Jr 6'2 ,✓,tE-,,:n $,v. -s o t1l'P'-LON' --~~-..__ --NC>,B-,FLo /4M.!1!'£/C,9N ,MR &o4--r~ ~ ® Y/' ½." 2· z" J// Tt",.;,e,N -"IN.V -&rL,'C/1 y' :lJ/.SURn:,,ve q L.£ .E:3:2.I -J"'.ll'{IC&'T .:LK//Y LK 4-/£4--r e fa," ½" If£' 171." LAIV,:9:TO£Y -,e' CJI-IL6'£ C:/tKToN"/7''x 14 • ~ ,e.-;ez,o UNf)e'..ec:cvNT.G'/f!. -r//P<:er · ,&;H'L.tf,€, ''t!O,(!JU./1/$ "k-l~/JE 2 i.....---~ -&" 1 ,Z'' rO/t.Er-Kt'Jl-/te,e "w5LL.tF.5L.5)"· K-.:144-l-58J'i{1£/V6/Z ..5Ei.6CT #.FTLY/2 /V'<'FW l20d<ih') .5 /T,;( ;V0/£40 r?o -½." Z" ;f{. (JRIN,.<,L, -µ:-o,<&e..e ::t.,,,;,,ep-A$"Lb • k-JIJ24-i fi.a.5/1 Y.4LVc-Cll1C4<:iO 7..E:2 $,E=LP c;b:>$.tN',$ ~ k" Y1." --.SlfOW.G/4?.. Vh'L VE' -.-SYMMeW.S NO, 1-l@//T' 1/1£!-TeH.P .S;/tJltl/4¢ /'lSS~M'B,!.r, •- ® --:?," 2· S,timt/&,e LJ/ZP I ,V -. .:r 12. SM I TH :Z02i::J /I {2") . w ----Cj/9 £1.8/1 ,:;;,5 ,0/ $ £6.55/4 - IN-$/Nk-eMtz'}/2, ~ 77 Ji.1//k/7"0J,,?/1T/C, ;/Z,51'6<2.$/N'~ -$IV/TC# Y-2.H,P. ® Yz.' /2" .!3" 2· •~..ev1ce .SINK--KOHt.eJZ ",e,;.,v,v,:;,,v" ~ · 6 7 /' -~v.:::.er, f"'o.r~ "x -810.0-7,0_,.,, n .v -/ /., 7.4 /'.r,,. I------~ ....... _ - : I ' I i r· .__ __ ...., I r' ho/Ac 6qv1.PA?"e.A1r sc;./EtJLILE / L .E,c;ENLJS £Z:::,. C,9,<JS/vd Ja"1Prt>;O v'H/T ##;97i'N,;,/,:o,i,,1..;,v,;: '1J u✓Jrt1M.t. ~;,;.s-. Mao&(:. #eJA/ -s/4. "" ~c,:., &PM -Rjll-~1.e(J() Or/71 -"I,? ""t,t:,t) t;p,IVJ {!lj r,e,?~a11,v.o v,pr ~2,;:,,9 w/ s.;,r =tt~ C$W,,rc...+/., ® ,¼:>A/EY/4/cLC, T 8?,tX'J 4..svd-.d'"9$& /=A# 5/V,17:c::.,,I .@ L/NLJ£12.c//T IX)O£ 1" CC:£/L./,1/'l .0/1'''/-" (/$,€£, -/.d,e.p,/::q~,.!! 'P?,;:,o.GL /~ -,#/414S#'.,· <l'-lPtf' tf(l,t,/~g, ,t!U,t1dP 4N/IA?'4L. " \ I I _.,,,,,. - (~ (I) '",, ' ' ,, ' ' ' " -, ~· I . I I I I I I / --- ~ -. -\..~ ' .... I "/jlt:?T.c!" I. 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I . ·LP-Z .'- ·" "\. •·o o / ------01/MJ>. -/11,t ,F,;;~,I ' " ' . ~P-Lru--l. e-'5' Cf Li-:·#;~:;./~'' .. B/Mt'4£ £/'c2. . . . • ,t.1,.Jr£ ~,ntAl.i C-if,,5/~ ✓,Y ~,e.,o_,e,s. .1?/,f.!£ <'";;$/N$-T R . .;W,"L,c'9T<!:. 0/" $M°7ru.,9<f~t5!M!IT ·1.~---'------'- (2,"6;./ L.t;,3,. ,·~- . Lt"-3 ..5.HOP 17 We.ST. Nh'LL .x;;Le::fi,'',;,,1:-0~ > - /' /··. . --1 ··;--/-·-I ,;,> ... ,1, . ,.,_(P-s / ,...., ' -·~.---·,. ~ fi' ;,fd r,/4.MIJ.@..D . NEID P, r PL~T.:! N'~W$,!,9,8 1--· ',_ ..... tP-3 / -. ·7" . J, '. '· ·.:0 -•. / I. ', ... ,.,. ·,,, ,',, . ,. . ' -~--~..-'--jf-----'-·•·· ... -/4lfJ<1llii,'.;1$~l'';/'~1.' -~-I I I I I J ··l I I :, •,\, . . . . ·• , .. ,fL).:ra,r; s,/£LJ-'E5fMBJ#ET .. /IV12¼'/tJ.,; TP&f ,ti,</; $;#6L-'o/'f/A/£.· ·. ·· ... "'' ' ,.-, ,"·• . -), ' ' .. ----~=:.,.',.' ' CJi-'Y 0/2 C4R!.531?1) 'l.' I ',24f4f ,' W•> . "· ' ", ,' J. ::·, PADDLE 0 /:"Mt,,-? l 1--o-dil P, c I ◊d~\Rc. KANC,f OUTLET ON END t)j: CR/5'! 3 EMI..-Z 1 ◊c cp ◄ TrLE !'I-ION£ EML.-2 1· YPJ\ (jj 3 IL TY "v f!1L,-2 VIA AC.B I ♦ I I cp £!'11,,-Z L §el l2D/240 YOL1S . I Pl-iAS.£ I 3 ',,,//KE LOAD A e i LU fs,DEW~LL REAR DUTlfT i 7ir0 I I I (:..•jl-'Pt.£. Y'.:•OP. '.· 7W ' NCT I De..Nif /:ilD ;'Z{', I ' 72[) ' ' 72D I i I }2{: PF/"!Ol'f' {Jffl{_[ i '!)!.,;,' 'O!Jl.5/DE LT5 I .5,·5 / NOT IDEN71f:JlD : 7lC: i I £Ml.,,-Z VIR ACB J. iL✓ ___ _ fMt,,-Z -m i;v @ lL_ __ , lV C. -/;>-EM 2 V/.4 ATS ClY qp £.MI..-Z 1-◊f I ct) £!'11,,-z PANEL A FU.DER SD G f; MAIN ZDDAMP Cll?CUIT Bf?'Kf:.. €.XIS! ll✓G ,-,.ouNTING :SUI\P,qt£ fVO<Ri on CXT 8/(l(li':l Cl A B I i..OAD Z&·l I l ?D-1 ' ·-':Fk,(JN1 WA,U .. aura. r ::J-IOP I -' ' 4 I i4-4C'(ONC!<./;,1i:." w1-1LL ourars i 2H ,:: I I,, It_::;;,:. Fr..GNT 1,...·AlL D!J i1..[ TS --7 8 ' 72C NC,T IDENTifiLD , I 10 7:z_~: I .I r I I z'· ~0-2 I : ,;.1;0;'; AC UNI/" " ' .,_ I 4C(:,'./ I -'5 I It 2Q·/ I 77.JJ f')OUBL !: Bet i i) ! ,a ZD-! 14-4-r'\ Ll'I.P.,J-'., [M 1 r,5.11;,-,t_'N, ·,../l:Jl:.J.,{ . ·-1-:r;,;_, ""·" --- 1 'I I tc -'0-2 ,/ :JL..KJ' f'A)vl-!.. -LM ( f.lP AT5) J'iA f, • ~ !;c(,<,, . ' ., ~c ,.· J. ~ i Zl I ... . 1'355, I ,.._,_.,_ '. . ' I I ' I 23 I 1L I I -· ' 5U6 Tou,:.s I 7 4.J-Y._') I 7 'f'r :'':" i -,,." ! .' 74~5 I 17505 lg...._ 9-1,e·~ qrc ~ '_j~_, ,,,11 r i;i. t. TOT.C...L L.OAD I ~ -1 'f.4./} : VOI.TAf'tfP5 AT 240 V. I ,. -150. ::', AMP.5 l(L=-Zi,,00 ?So/::, (l[L +['{)f1f'P..[SSO-;:;_) I .1 13::J::!_____j I CA.L.lU!..A !'"ED TOTAL LOAD i 1-i,;J70 I ,1;012~c \'OL1.5, ?ANEL EM IFHO<R :-:1,11,;::,, ·.; ,1;_1._-; I P1,ASEI I IMA/f( /OCA LUb"'-, Qt,/i._ '( E'xlST!NG 3 '·"·• i I ,.-,r;/.1,VTl,VC, _C..,LJRf:"ACE. LOAD ' A e ' ·,etKRI lKi oa ERKk: UL "' I E, I LOAD ~ ..;,,:., . "' LDOIS < ,.,.,.,,., . ~' ' ' 2 ,t,')-,1 ,.-. 300 i . I ' ,/ ;.;1. 1.' ;-f . " , ~ ;,....,,., ~<, PAU!'1£I;t::. ~H:)F'F.L'ti£ .500 I I~ -I I -' ,._ ?t·I I I i 7""'-" II:: I /D(.A..'T,'f)·r!: S?ACE ! : ' E I,, ,.,., '" ,._' -r,-, ,._ ,,,• ,. . , " C ; ~ ' l ~--1 .. _. . •·PH~~,-~,,..-\. "" ''' '.,. I ' I 7 8 ':?.:>-,' ✓ I I 144-Q I A!",B_J ;_. ~ UC.I(~::;; u:. -· .SUB TC1.A.!..S ! 1120 :~t:c, I ..... ! ? -~ ":r ' .;;·.:..:-EC !~ ..'...!:: :?J~:.) l"'IT'IA,.. TOTAJ,. t.OAD S"C!:>t:: .) VOLT AMP'S AT l'4 0 V. I ,, ~ :! 3.1 AMPS LC.!. ~ ,1~11::.J Z'.:i7,-, ,'. [L 5 !9 u I C~L[!_ILATfQ T(lTA1. l,OAO ,--.;-." a I _, _;, -...... I I I i I 0) 7 ALL BfiTH Ll5 '1 F.4!✓ ON l'/11,,-2 CT>-':6"" r-----~~.,.,-----.~ 0 1+-.:.. 1 ____ --1;;,.... __ A -12 1 14 ~ 31411[, Z"#8 ~ i £n4 ._ _________ a._Jfa Cf -Q-EM Z Viii l!T5 £1'11-1 0 0A-!B METEP. ..1 Ff/NEL-A 15 A R£C:/DENTIAL ''ALL IN c;r,r ,, L/1;/T. I (20012 I ;JJl240V 1¢ 3W 200A PANEL-A AL!TD!1ATIC TRRN5FCf.. 5W!T[fl "ATS" I ( 3CI Z 3/4"C, 311B, I# 10 GKD. 2i/411C'. 3 tt ID, 7 -/t ftJE,l;'D PDRTRBLE GENERRTDR. .:SIN6L£ LINE DIL'IGRA/v1 r-----------------------......... 1 E/'14 '------------"b~J .... /ft; RETRACTA/3L£ C.DR.D R.££.L EMl·Z 0 I, [M4- 0 Enz VIA AT5 CD-◊ ,---------,£11~ ._ ________ b_Jft cb b EM4 J CONTROLLER GARA[:,.£. DODR. OP'EKRTOR5 4 I 1:-+---CONC.RETE SLAB@ ~--+W-JW,P ,..'3_.,... @" -~--l"C. 3:IIB 8 {j:p + 75'' +12" f-,L_~ 6AR/:/C:,E DOOR CONTROLS ~ , ~ FLOOR. PLAN EXISTING ELEC TR/CAL SHEET NOTE':,. 0 1, R.ELDC.A TE FIXTURE , SEE 51--/EET E-2. z.. R£11DVE FIXTURE l'1 DELIVER TD CITV ~lJRCES. REnav£ /JLJTLET ,/ AF!,ANDDN WIR.//V{;:, lJR MJ'./INTPIN OUTLET AS REB.UIR.ED. 3. RE/"IDVE. 4-_ R..E"LDCATE fJLJTLET. SEE 5}-{£FT E-3. 5. RELOCATE OUTLET TD + 90". 5££ SHEET E-Z FOR CCJNTINLJATIDN. iD. f?.[;LJJt:.ATE ATS. 5££ SJ.IEET £-3 NOTE 23. 7. INSTALL NEW PE c.ELL. f'l'!NEL A ~ MET£1(~M i' ,,,.;{)-PANEL EM '---- ~'f,? '4UTO WWSF£1< SWITCH ~ Q"ATS" - 1 ,✓ I-III06ROUND. A13 "" .,,--t---~14-"[. 1#4 c.u WATER LIIV/; 311c. ~ ~5D&E ,_ 4. . ,_ .Pi. 1 GfNff?IIL NOTES ALL WIR~ 5UAlL 6£. C..OPP.!R WITH TYPE THHN/ THL.IN INSUUHION _ UON. All. k/lR/r.;G, S,-IAlL BE fNS1Alil;0 IN APPftOV• ED AAlEW'AYS/CONDU!T. ALL R£[£ PTIULIS, 5!-fALL !!:i£. UDIAU.£0 AT /';J." ~FF. l"TIN/l'iUM. r,oN, AU UGHTJN6 lDNTRDL SWIT{HES. $h'ALL B'E MDUNTCO e.l,TWEEIV 3,{-,"' ,, 48" Af-F. W"Dii.'K MAN~IP 5HAL1. f'PTE( r (J~ 9.LEE D NE[A •• ST4.NDARD~ Of: INS"!"AHP.TIOIV" MANUAL_ l/f57AllATIDN .~H flll~ET Ort f:JLEED ALL APPLJC.A6tf C.ODESJ ORDINANCES, £.AFF:TY ORDFRS 1 £iC . /\i I f'KFOSf.D CO.A/DLJJT SHAl,.L 05 .EMT. UON. C.ONCE'Al.ED WJfi.JMD ('JIN t',E. TYPE: AC. tA8J.f. l·Xl.')rlti{-. CON{ll\1.fD :.,./IRIN[; 1.5 iYP£. NMC. 1,,,/HE'Ri:. '1£1< £.Xl.'.)'(IN6 1-1/l<JNC, I~ MDD!f:"Jl[) tJR. ADfJf;'.D TO, .5TE£.L. BDX~ -:5HALL !3~ ACJDf"fJ 0,'( SUB'S"T!TUTEO FOR Pt..ASTfL HilXE=·· , 1(:. P::JWlR 'jf.-i(/T[)()i.-JNS SHAl./. 8~ MINIMIZED" 'i,,mftv' h'r:frn THEY -=..HALL BE ~CI-IEDLJL[D IN I\DVANrE 'wlTH THE FIF<E DEP•r. 11. (~OJ,ffR.f1{f{}R. :3hAl.L J"n'IOR T{) 'SlARl" CF REMOIJE.L., VEN/FY ALL. EXIS1'G CfRCI.IIT~Y. r2 PRJ[l,,f:{ T{) i=INA.L ALC.Ef7ANC.J.-·J PAYMENT :::.CNT;;.A{!()R SHALL: 0 WP UlJN NEC X ;;, FR.UViOE LE(~}tsLE R.tr~oD!.iCJ0L.E. l'AS-BUILT II DRAWING:.). €!) PR0\/10£ TYPELJRJTTJ;.N PNlEL Sll/EDlJL.l:f..S. (' FKOV!D£ CIR.C.LJIT !OENT!Fft:.Art!JN AT AI..L OLJfLET£.. Sr.iii'0-1['5 ,t ,JUMC.TIDN l=,OXE.5- (DYMO 1/lPE (JN et,C.X DF tOV!iRPLATt,s). CONDUIT ' 1,,/JK{. HJU IMS~/ HNRJ<[, At<i." 'fl/UUf7 WIK['::.. 'l1. H~'.JN Hf/RK JS &R.DU!dJ. -..,'Jiff IS 'lfl2A'w& UON. N(! l~nsn MJ..'/..'KS 11'1 "C_ 'w'/7~, 2 li/2 UON- i---lDME KUN TO PJU{[i,_ EX!.HPlF PAWEL A C/is'W/75 :Z 114. ?lJA WY.?ll'r' TU~61.E 5i.Jit£.H -~~Uti5C!UPT 5 . NON£ -!Jllr6l.l Pc,U:,· HUfH3f"l ! 3 -]li,/J:Y P -Rf[' r'l1 . .(:,f 15A l'!D\/ DLif'L£X JifO. f'71lCLf 'I.DA J'JOV DU l'J EX RU [ n AC LE 2:]A .'2[') 'I i,r cs,zor t1 ,~.3:ZOI ~ /t{)J-PL ;: CK 1r;-I ~CK20-I flS~-5/~I U'JA 1 lOV CUFL.fX L;.A'O!..'!.'Q FAUL i /Nll:1<1,.:HPT F<f..l.E.PT!l[LE LE.VI T{JN 'II l,,,.B '}'} -I U'.l\.i VC!l 1r-,::,.t.. 51NLJlt. ~ou::. DOUE'iLE THllOW CENTER OF{: J.1()M[Nr4£Y CONT/UT 'SWifCH SIER.RA, MllJ'Jt-I _:::: $/N~L ( f-'OL f [;ANGE O :jW!T(H£'::i. i...!J',,./E R. CA Sf LE lfff,;,5 10€NTIFY EQ•Pr C(lN(/WlLED. JUNCTION BDX :SIZE!) P/;.f(. NEC. WtR.E FILL. WEATHERPROOF, um f,5S DTIIEf?WIS.(;. NO'rE'.0. NATIDA.iAL f.Lf:'CTFUl. CQOE. tXl~TING E:Q.1PT Tf) REMIHN £:XC.(Pf A!.L Wf/(/Nl, DEVICE~ ~ PLATE,':> =:.J-f.41..L. f5.E KEPI..IICf:C WIT~ NEW tJEYIC.ES A.~ .SHOWN A8Dv£. ~LA7fi':::.: j1AIIJLES5 5ffEL IN KITCJIEN W/l';,;HKOOl'l "J{)/Lt'f, APPAIU~'fLJ.":. M'f, 31./0P..rf WEJG~rR"oOM f:Ul,Pf SURFAC€ NOUNTED DE.VJCJ;S .::'J,1-1.QJ..1. HRVli INDU.':,1-1:IAL RAtjC,D PU.HES .ii .,JH.5().UIJRE BO.X..t;'S. ALL OfJ.tf:F. !NDtJOII. .AP.l:.-'15 ~ IVC!KY SM00H-I THEF<l'10- fr1./'l';J 'f} C. . REVISIONS Scale' Dr..iwn C -·, .,_,;.e(/[I / DATE 0 u.J I c/J ..J "' <C ... c/J u.J "' "' "' "' "' "' 0 "'z "' .... ,U "' -('J ..J ... '" ii":J -<C !£,U w"' ..J 0 a, 0 0"' a: 0, ...... 0 L: -o > <C 0"' z c/J -,,J ::. a: i3 i"i Job f'ilr sr~..,.ltN 2 ~{Nlo ,..-1.. Sheet Ot Sheets ALARM RELAY BtJX 11AR8" \ AC_8 £'1 X ® i© eQ i "" ! <J !WI-- __ , __ 5 5 d. l C J C d ® p I u e ® i ' ,I ® BY HVAC \ e r/ C-5 "r- c[>r,----H---.._ X '10 \_ ' I I ( X @TYP/C~L FOR b I ( l r,r :fef ~ AlB0) [> <l <l _ ______,®,_ __ r> <J [> <] [> '© TYPIC/IL ;'l- <>-b /71't-..c1a Q, b xV M ._ a3 X ., ® '---_;c:",-a.,-' E 10 VI~ IJCB ® -LV x-iv ® ~ a, £·ID EID tvx X ALAK.M [DNTl![TOR EDX "Al 8" SHEET NOTE~- ® r 2, 3. 4-. S. 2-3/4-11 .CO STUB OUTS TD UNDERSIDE OF &RRAbE [.£/LING. FIXTURE. DN RADIO ALARM CONTROL, TYPICAL, MOUNT SWITCH IN SIDE DF CABINET, VER.IF\/' EXIST/Nu W//J,,/Nb. ( APPEARS THAT NEUTRAL 15 .SWITCHED J SE£ 51-/ITT £-3 FOR. CONTINUATION. A[/3 £8 Al30V£ RQQ;:: flll'JED NORTH / : ' ' __, E4 b \ \ REWCRTED EXJ5T!NG ) )' @ TYfll.AL FOR. 7 , ________ bil,0£4 b £4 FLOOR PLAN B C n " G, " I K L M />i :_17;.iCNiA --- f.iALO £Xl5TJN[;, Fll(T (1: :'=-SL.J.t.J _.,_1)_"':,S.23~ -'"2Dc35 ~P/:?4DA!Z-/Z'GES L24G-l20£S J.. Z'if;; -_120£5 TO 5£ ,ELECTED IN51All N,:"W J;/Jc,•'f,', -1'1/C e.-ALJhJT ~ LNf P~ e:. SCH E:.DuL~ S)RFL TYPE At sm1uU': {.1.([Pr H0/blN6 IS H 7T 1-YPE Bf 5/MILAR' FACEPT HDIJ5IN~ IS H7T, Z·F4DWW,5.$ :,n=;e:,{:,£KED .STXlf-"5 ::!iUKf':r..C{_" 0 -F3CWi./l55 ,- SUR fAC£ LAY-IN CHAIN /: 9/,, (kl/SS 7SW.4TT MAX. AUOW $ .35 EACH .1NCLu'D It((, Lfjfl'i,P, CLE."R1✓ r:xrurn S RFf.,"f 7SWA7T ! A-LLOW $ 50 EACH INCW IJ • MAX. IN& LAl'1P w:o FE. i, r1Y-,---,_ 7Z '211,, 124- 124- 75 PANEL-E ·-----•-~-----------,,-/ :--fl...-+f,'.lla 1 '----------'WE4 0- fl)£4 ---©,---- C)__ b @ b 5·W □ '--------/ PAN£L-B "--b Ll&I-ITING REf'/10D£..LLED //,'J.II -f'QI' ~--~-IN i•nr-3" RADIO ALARM ..-,,,-:_::::::..:> ,..,'- f 2 ElJ~~ f~lj1/ N ''--1 ~ /:./0 C.bA N 0---j f--------©----- l tll f9 Ce.A ,., '$ e Fl. 1,t "'" ;f R1 '1 R2. 15A. 3POLE fl.ENER~L PUXPD5£ PLUC.. IN R.ELA 'r' 5 ft BASfS !!Y "AC.R" R2v -:---,..._._---'(A f'-' R2w -i ').-~ARE D d-2-501 .KXl.3 V20 W/11-I 5501 NRBZ.. J T Al WALT BBLfSC 8[);( - ALAA.M Llbl-l"T5 CONTROL OJA&RAM [ £Xl5TING JQIS TS 5W!N6 OUT li!.l-15 l /~\· . ' '/· ~1 FIX7LJKT;. TVF'E E DRY'w/:JLL 'cl/DOD BLOCKS Sil~D TD 5LJIT 1 NRtL[D 1,:1 ..JOl:iTS, /tll!.'!t'IUI-T LCNb 7fl 4 2!1. .SECTIC!N l3 -E, ND -51'.AL£ REVISIONS Date Scale DATE □ w I <1) al <( ti w "'d (Dz ,,, ... . .u '° -(') ...J sr u: O)::; -<( a'. 0 W'° _,o wo 0"' C: "' <( <( 0 o_ -o > <( om ;;,_ rn -...J ::. C: <( <( 00 Job F,~r f-r,{!nt-t-1 2 f:t !', t~ Sheet E-2 Of Sheets i cfp X X X X X ~ C-8 X i I 3 ./-18" \ i . [-1 ' D1.51-1 '-t!JSHER ' ' " -/-f,, /I +4-B II CFI ' ~ ! &r-Hfr -f-k 11 : : f,IIRB. DJ5P1L • I 4b I,, --1--'+r---+-80" MllKDW/JVE J 27 GFIJ;_~~ 2c~~::~_~_P_o_N_R_oo_F_,_E~F-l~~OTEC~D¥cb ' ' ' FREEZER tla'' --+ +4B"---- REFFUG'R -f 48"--1- u c-z 7 11 X X X 11> 1P qli X X \.___l.:'f+I--""" B 2'1 ~ I SOLA 7"£ E t,,f_ l·Jtvl) X X :SH££T NOTES ® 1, RELOCATE AS RE.G.'D. 1-. R£fZRt:.£ EXIST/NC, WITH t;FI. ;;::,;411c, 3 # 8. f #10 C:.RD. FDR CONTINUATION SE£ SHEET E-2. REMOVE SWITCH 4 IN:5TIILJ. RECEF7ACLE. GFI PROTECTED. 3/411C. 2;#1£,, 1#!0 GRD. DO NDT INSTALL ON ROOF. MOUNTT;D IM FACE OF CABINET. SEE TD/LET E:, El.EVATION SHEET Z. EX/5716 3/411C. ZHB. /?£MOVE WIRE '1 !{£AL/,l,tJ C(JIJDUIT TD f'liNEL 5. INST/ILL 2 iii,,. 1 II JO GF;D. RELO[f/TIT) {JlJTl.ET, f{lJN INSIDE CABINET TO SLJRFAt:E G.l..JADPLEX. RELOCATED TUEPHCJNE ,; SPEAK£R. R£LOCA TED Mf/NLJ~L MOTOR S TAKTEF... 1/1.."C. 2#12, 1#/2GKD. R.El.DCATED ATS . i.,0/2 X ON ROOF X _L.--+ 31,," X X tx -+75" ----l, PANEL a"'-- n~ X:@=t I X X Q) BIB ·.-- ~ b MS ,.. I (20':!.)Z"£/'1T, 3113/0 THWA Cu. M j4z Isci---/ ! P 1.1, CU C,KD \ ZDD/2 · JJN / PIJN[ L -B IZD/24-!JV Z!JG/1 1¢.3W. ID Kl'IJ:... Z7 FLOOR PLAN POWER---- 1/4 11 -/'0" /IF;' I 3 "C. D ---4'-- / ~ ,--..... ~'7------•---~,------i ------- ( 4D/2 ( 4D/Z I 3,81. I5C 5DG£ EXIST'G. 11/2,,C 3-Jt.'c, RDD 1 ti !O C.,F:_ 5!E"'t8' &RD.ROD -4>-4>---:tl4CU. W11TER 314"£.f!T. 3#'8 f -/1 !O ,':./L ATS fr=\._/\ ~ ....ri=-6 4-D/2 .__...-\j;;; 5' !:. 4D' !:. PNL E 30'! /00 1 ± J f----H----1 J ' _,,/' EJI.I 5T'G ' C SINGLE LINE DIA GR.AM -PE MODELLED Bl+ t 48" ~ -~ j-11 ---148" ~ '2 ,-1§"'-, conrKES5or.:.-~ PAN[l -E -4'1-4---r 14 +48'1 21 I : • 5-21, 25 '2 / : +48" x~~ PANEL-13 X (l)B5 I l...,..__,,;j, I~ ~ ZI X X b I IZ£.MODELLED r:c[-~-1 -~ ~-=.:LI.() L2 L3 10 ALWlllT i/a U224MTBP 21 PANEL E ,.~-----~ A N 0 I 8-42: I I I I i L2 X J WP A -"MS" 3''CO Ll ID. I/_ /Z. 13. 14.. ,~. I 1£,, 17. 2.11C. 3.:# 3/0 1 1#1;, UD. lll5T~LL ON BDTITJM OF MANSARD. /l{/U6ATIDN CDNTIC.OLLER. --ALW!iLT i1/Z /31,,RTSC. -z u, IB. :3b"X 4B" X 4" CONCKCTE 5LA8. Jq_ EXIST/Alb PPUELS TD BJ;: LJIILIZ.ED JIS L/UNCT!ON BOXES. 20. 2.1 • 2'2. - 23. EXTEND EXISTING CIRCUITS AS REB'D. TO N£W PA/JELS. CIRCJJ!T £XTEN5JDN5 AR.£ NOT 5!-IDWN BUT TT-IE CDNTRAC.TOR 5/.lllLL IN5TIILL ALL NEC.ESSl-lf,Y CONDUITS I WI!:£, ETC. FOi?. A CJ)MPL£Tf;;D :SYSTFM. RfC!K.C.UIT T!J PANEL E:, C!RCUITB. Vt::RIFY R.t;G.'D LOCATION. SE£ NCJT£ £, 5H£ET E-1 . RELDlftT£D CJUTL£T. / / 4"r4")( JP/' 3 11 Rl6ID G/JTT[K 11 S£lT!ON At-Al NO SCRLE /!}t, "X /5/jj" i l/N/5TRUT 5UFPORT5 I I -I 2''C. 3 113/0. r n 1,. &RP LA1 ' \ ELEVRT!0N A-A NO SCAL[ C NfJTFS 0 1. CONTl/lliJL_) Lt ,1 L'l JJI{" NtCJ.JANl{f!LL r ftrr£1?£bt:xED ,I A,'.'.1:" MEfi-./lUYl[J:ILl Y I-IF.lD. 1:.01 Z4C vans! P.4.,Vfl.. 8 FHDE"R ,:•,:: 3-#3/D. f -JI. ID tJ.RD I PHAS~i l.F.01,.JNO MAIN 2DDA LUGS DNL'>'' 3 W1R~ I SV5 MOUl(TING 5Ultf:"AC-l; '04~ '--'--· h.CS [Klt.-• A B :_.:_ L Blil(I? ,~, C.I\T e11.:R ~Ci.. ' A B LOAD W.ll.S ar.A- I l'{)l'i r ,.,:,r_ ::, '. r; f. f 11,,-Q 2D·:?!. I 2 t~-1 3.::.J /;.Xl:JT1MC, (.0AD 2 ti 5 I 7..,,::: ' _; 4-I 14~.? • . . -:,_,r./':.., 5 I 7 _ _'{) F]-1 ~ I,. I J{)B!) ! " J T I{ •. , -720 7 " ---p '~- e ! 72~~ 9 ID i 720 IC I I ' l?[i ! i " " U,,.D-E 4t',,,5{J A~ :.!NIT 12 ., ' 3•~ I~ I 4-I 4t,,Bt ' I; ." ' i!J!JT'E:I~:· Li';__ :..,·· ' I ~..,.~ --·• :'.I ✓ ' ' 15 1 r-I 2['-/ 1:·o =11~Tit1L) i_(lA[; lb I " ·_, T ,,, ---: _ ... L\:. · -7,,r -+ : 7 I : ;:. I I i /,:..:.:: I ,'::', ,."..J • l'1-f 7/,-.,j.,-.~ -~---1 10 ! 4.:'•Z; ✓ .i3.':.-.PANL -E ! I . IS "'-''• :-.,:· '·, .,,,,_,, ;,·.~r l\[.{U~ ,aso i ' ., n~ I ' / .:3102 I ',,:.A.:...:!, 0 /"<,'.; .-hi ,1 •• \ I 700 ! n Z4 4-:J•Z -21$1). p1,,.,,·;:_:_ -C \.(f",jf.ilfy 0 l'"!f![fi,'lii: I !5DD I 15 z I, I / : ~'fCO ' ,- ,-J.:.): I,, .... -.v . t· •. ~' -!\I. {.i. .... "":: ' •riu Z7 ,,. Zti -I C ,. i .::<"C.J'ilh'.~"-.i),~f-' W(,l I.'!'/ us CQMi:-•'vT"I':~ 160 ~'l e,O 51',t:, CE I SPACf ' '31 " . ' 3;, 34 ' J5 31, h ~7 ' -'" i " 4t) I I ' ~, <Z 15-1 ,':)[) 1AR.1G. i:JNfl(.C_ sue TOTA.LS !L,~.;;.Oi!:5-1~---tr,I .~ :_ , L = j 1?'1D5 ' ' /f,l;Si. ~5:;._.:; INITIAL YiJTAL LDAO .; ;.{).J.7 ~OLTAMPS AT Z4-D v. 1 ti ~ /92,'3 ~MP.5i ;_ ~ -::, 7r1-; 2.5 •;. / LlL TAC_, 41:)7 ::1__j I "' CALlUZ.ATfD TOU.L LOAD 4(, /54 I ' . . tW/ 240 VOZ.15 PANEL r FHOER ~l4''C, :!13, l~!OGRD-~ I PHA.SE GRDUND BUJ 1'1AJ!f /DOA LUG':::i ONL'r. 3 WIRE -,MOUNTING ~t...USH i..OAi'J A B UL """ oa CKT ae.el I A 8 LOAO D/'5HWIJSHER 1200 ?0-1 I 2 ?D-/ I 7SD FRE£ZEf< M.1[/;.C WA'l.f ov,:N 1200 I .3 ... ' B~O bfJf<B. DISP. t RfCEP'S DAY!l:;:Or1 I SF-.,.fi[!" W, UGH7 Tl?A(.K. /#[) ✓ £ /. : 510 N/JOlJ, RfJN6f /{;Ji, R£[[f5 - 7 e I I 720 8~DR1'0M~ IJ•!Z Kl££!!, ' ' ' I • ID I SPt:.CC I I i ii it i I j s:.ie T01Al-S 1.Z"'4lli !ZOO _., :,,~oo z,eo ;&--1"tl1z,O 1580 fN'T!A(. TOTAi.. '-OAO ~L..BLl I VOLTAMP'5 Ar 240 V. ' ti~ ""-" .A"r,iPj LU "144-tJ 25o/.,, LCL ;,,:,o i A I ' CAL[JL.ATtP TOTAi. 1.0AO 704-D --' I 120124D YOLT.S PANH E FHO[R 3/,1"[. 3 It B r#TOG.'<D. ' PHASE; MAIN IOOA LU65 ONLY 3 \JIRF: (,J<OUN'D 5LJ.5 M:JUNTfNG FLl_l5J.,,' I LOAO A i B /C • .c B,fiKi? c.,a O<T Eq\"Ji'1 /_It .. ! A 8 LO.AD 6ARkC-{ L'lDR -,.,/£57" 3,_.. t; '::.; -i I t J_". I '_":,00 MF/Cf R£lE."' . , -~ ' ,, -'---';, ~ '"'---" L !: :. }Is -:.,:;A·.~,;;;:_ I .FJ&.0 .3 "-/ I 8<£ (_:,,RPR££ us. ,UtUIID, 5;, Ti-I, J.'il/1? r1n.~·y 1 75 Li,,//_. / 5 ,. I BC<) RFF'C.R. L16. Cf,i!Tf:Ol ~-l5?AC._.. . 7 " ' ✓ I 15&4 ()fFIU. Dfl'fl\!1 E. LT, r,mtK l rj i !!J ,-D t; ::;.1 M::. . ...,·Hf l ~/,a f ~7~ 150C I ✓ 15· ~ !O ✓ •t.:,': t. l:{"{!"f'#, Cllf'T nT. t'Jf'.'£." L75 S.Pt.C,.= ! ' f1 i I< i ! SPACE .. SUB TOTALS , 1-n.1..ol e1,,o ... , :!1C.7 ' .;:;: 3 I Z l~l9lr,, 1'rS1 /NIT!A,i_ TOTAL LOAO I IZ 14 I v::n.rAl"fPS AT No v, ' ti ~ 34,4-AMP~ I ! .. '; • ,,; I '7.:: i:,:-;, t,.i:L i I (14Jt ! t, I CI\LlULATED TOT.Al LOI\C I .5::. t.:..• --I PANEL NOTES /. PANELS MJ:iY BE LOAD CENTE:k TYPE v!IT!1 C.OPPE~; BUS. f..' 11:i'LJ ! T EP.: E 13.. fi'i-'"/.:" S 51/1-,L l HE-F!J l.L :<.JZ£. TWIN. HAIF .5!ZE1 PJl,,C:,Y 13ACK ' l ' ! ETC. AP:E SPEC.if:ICALLY Pl.'D!IIBJTED. 4_ ~ SDGE ALL CIRCLJ;T E3REAXf.:k.'3 :.>I.ALL BE' JVEv,J IDKAIC R/JTED. £.XIST"JIVC:! 8R£AK£:RS :5H.RLL NOT Et: Rl:-USED. AFffR '-~xr-:::.Tlt✓:S LC/1,..'"' lll"Vrc-IC'''"!' ,:._ ....., -; , ,:J.:; . I ,.: ...,..,,t;,; •~ I I"' r 'IT.'/ C ... , l'(' NE r·,-,c l') ,, p-,_,·v;:sr,·o-· , ,l_/_•_f" /~" i:::i......) 4 r.JN ,t,t...:, , ,I"-'}-:-y;•, ~ PANEL SCHEDULE 5HALL. l3E Pf<E.PIIRF.D. REVISIONS OATE II; ~.~---<> "' "' ~ z 0 0 a: w ;:: .., J: u CL "' ::, w :::, a: a: £D t:i z z (/,) -i=: Z(!)Q.JW 0 _;::QU <I) <I) .., a: z w u UJ > ,...... c:( JCHI:ZZ < •W Qtu u (!) "' u ~ zz a:-o □:.i' w a: w ::;; w u >--::;; ::,;W>-<" o~e,:.:15 u (!) ffi ~ ;:: ....1ffi2::i<t: -<t: u.J -<t: ...J -.J <> a: < >-->--"' "' "' -::, z (') "' 0 -"' z (') . "'0 "'z .... .u "' -(') -' ... u: ~:J -< !£0 w "' u• _,o z e £D 0 0"' -u a: "' • u~ ..,< ~-· 0 u_ a: 8 -0 > <( ........ 5 0 £D z <I) -.J o u~ ::;; a: <( <( u w~ uu ....I a w ~~ "' Cl (') N . ' ~ Da1e '7-15'-9/ Sc.ti~ Drawn Scoi{/ Job ,.C;~~-SrAr1,,....,, .;: ·,1t,10L\""t... St"ieet E-3 Of Sheets