HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 814-5; 9203; FIRE STATION NO 1 HVAC (HEATING, VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING) , 1964; 01-02I -a•Y ' r:xJ I ~ ' I i I /'lid, Ci.i,. R.-... j i ....!. ' I ' ' I [ I ' i I ' ' -I /'ly:/, &/.oow,:I~ ,~ , ' i®. I 1.4'J.:'1. S1 ! HJ(,.. \ (),, ' '-... ' ' I r I I I I ' I ' , -' ' i , ' Z41Z'f iXt'' 1d' ' i i ' ,-,Mt. , 1 I ' "V llti. ' •;· ' i 2-'IY-7)./ i--.,..: -r-t<'~ ,(ec,, ' • I>< $''0 .) I I 2 4 '>( I Z I( (,;'J).)f{,v l1it1. Gi,u I I '/.''. cJ --11--fi-+..'l'I l'i~ i J q'•) Cu,. II.in .. 1e11 ....._ '!-1--""l ' "t' -~,,~.----~------jf--, C:1 J l'i'/L. cu.. kl. I D Lr - L ~ /'fr.I 'I CL/4, £a, a '1".J - =-{SJ 1 I 011 .__ _] ' - '"){'/ ...0 CL(., m,. ~ J.Y:JJ. - flJN 100!..f/ll ]Sl L 14~1,, cu kt.. ~ 1 11/..., , / l l 2.0'i/ I l/ ., /c" -'?' :;). V " -R.f:lC.. -14 ) ' c.,. u =<a''' J ' ~ IOXV SIOEu.>ML. ~c.. 15' '( L........ 2X1-1. r4,J, -[J...-:, I DX'} c.LC,, Z!X) C,F//1 . f<Et,, El l I ] 1211 ' r,._,.- . - 2 ,, - ·r " -1''Y . /4 "I,, CJ_r_ ~ -/(EL,.. '---p I: (J.\AN', ir-e _1 ".).C> XI z.. ~ -, /I ,...:::J :J c_ i' ,, ) KJ_---i;;-'/xl-c...u Rec... " ~x ~ CLC, t'.irt,. . • 8'(; J " ~ ~ j ·- - ' ' Cc, Jf.) 1//J / 1 rmm1 lillill /lJFr,., fno(Jel.. AfUF CCWN<.. UJ.! ir Sa£ 5,JJ /1;.Jlff; F/.J /vwJI.. 1l!1 e/tcvµ;.,-,~,J .OAJ\!1 NJ;, 583K ol/aJ 10 • 632.. 51,//J"t/g 1.8 ·;Z:'/3 1,,JfJ1t.5 ~'i 3 rJfJTTS /(..7.,.l (,FPt. Equipment and systems Efficienc:,: 1. HVAC and service water heating equipment shall meet Appliance Efficiency Regulations, per Sections 111 and 112. 2. Piping, except those conveying fluids at temperatures between 60 and 105 degrees F, or within IIVAC equipment, shall be insulated in accordance vith Section 123. 3. Air handling duct systems shall be sealed in accordance with the SMACNA HVAC Ducts Construction Standards, Metal and Flexible, 1985, per Section 124 (a) and (b). Ducts shall be installed and insulated as provided in UMC, Chapter 10. 4. Pilot lights ·shall not be installed for natural gas central furnaces, and pool and spa heaters, per Section 115. Ventilation 1. Every space in a ~uilding shall be cesig~ed to have outdoor air ventilation according to Sectior.. 12:..(a), (b) anc (e). 2. Operation and control of outdoor air shall meet the time-of- occupancy and pre-occupancy requirements of Section 121 (c). 3. When a return plenum is used to distribute outdoor air to a covered HVAC unit, the ducted discharge s~all be in accordance with Section 121(d). 4. systems shall meet the completion and loalancing requirements of Section 121 (f). Controls 1. Bach space conditioning zone shall be controlled by at, individual thermostatic control that responds to ten:;,erature within the zone. Heating shall be adjustable down to 55 degrees or lower, and cooling shall be e:dj,-stab".e up to 85 degrees or higher. The control shall provide a dead-ban~ of 5 degrees between heating and cooling. Sectlon 122 (a) and ·i,). 2. Heat pumps with supplementary electric resiE,tance heaters shall have controls per Section 112(b). 3. Each space conditioning system shall be _i,istalled with ar automatic time switch, able to shut off operation during periods of non-use, and allowing ope.ration during off-hou;,~s of up to four hours, per Section 122(e)l. 4, Thermostat setup and setback controls are r:,guired if the summer design dry bulb temperature is more t.:,an 99 degrees F_- or if the .winter design temperature is less than 33 degrees, per Section 122(e)2, and its exceptions. 5. Outdoor air supply and exhaust equipment shall be installed with dampers that automatically close during periods of non- use of the a~eas served by the equipment, per S~ction 122(f). 6. Each space conditioning system serving multiple .. zone with a combifled conditioned floor area more than 25,0DO ~quare feet shall be designed, installed, and controlled to serve isolation areas, per Section 122(g). NON-RESIDENTIAL ENERGY LAW STATEMENT OF PLAN CONFORMANCE I HAVE REVIEWED THE PLANS AND THE REQUIREDlsuPPORTING CALCULATIONS AND DATA. THE DESIGN SUB~TAN I ALLY CONFORMS WITH CALIFORNIA TITLE 24, DIVI&I-6ils 4-9 SECTIONS T-20- 1490 THRU T-20-1542) FOR~HE ES GN F HE BUILDING ENEVLOPE, HEATING, VENTILA NG AN A CDNDITIONING SYSTEM AND EQUIPMENT. '~ / ,' j!Y,.J/. " SOUTHCOAST HE1'TING AND AIR CONDITIONING SOUTHCOAST HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING 4055 OCEANSIDE BLVD~ OCEANSIDE. CA 92056 lti19) !;J41-7000 -----------si..te lli. •~ --------- TH!SE ?LANS DRAW!H□S AHO ~Ht OtsIGNS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE ~Ht ?RO~ERTY OF snutHCDAST H£AT1N~ AHO AIR CONDITIOHIHG AND Hhr ROT B~ R.!~ROOUCE:0 DR UTILIZED BY AttYOHE, E.ITH!R IN ALL OR P.I\.R"f WITH 01.l"t FIRST SE:CURIHG WRITTEN P£RHISSIOH FROH. SOIJTHCOAST H£A'TINC AND AIR CONDITIONIHG CAL]FORNlA STATE we. ~~~5255 c-20 APPROVED LJJL #r ikJ.1{5:C( /v0,-CJzo.3 oF (/)IZJ.5 /3;JC #) fi,;tf SrPT1 b;J /7 7.S uJ/Zl'!!3JJLJ il!v!/ V't:?lS i£ }{Ju, C/7!..I F i i 13/16 t ~;~~~13/16 I OUTLET -----11 - l 1/16~r--24-.5/16•-->..,..,-3 5-3/8 ·l 2-11,rn 5-l3fl6 t 2-3/S 11/ I i:;-~•I ~----E __________,r-11116 NOTE: 2 ADOlllONAL 7/8 DIA KNOCKOUTS A~!;. LOCATED IN TH~ TOP f'LA.TE NOTE: AIR 01:LIV~RY ABOVE 1800 CFM REQU!Ff~ rnAT BOTH SIDES OF r:URNACE 6E USED, 0~ A COMBINA110N OF 1 SIDE ANO aOTTOM, OR aorroM ONLY t=OA f!ETURN AIA.. DIMENSIONS (In.) UNIT ' S\:Z:E • 0 E 02404:'i H-3/16 12-9/16 11-11/16 036045 14-3/H:i 12-9116 11-11/16 024070 14-3/16 12'-9/16 11-11/16 . 11.11116 036Lr10 14-3(16 12-9/16 ---042091 17-1/2 15-7!8 16 048:)91 "~· .. 21·· 19-3/8 18-1/2 036111 17-112 ,. .. 15-718 10 048111 " 19-3.18 18-1/2 --'06ci'1·1, 24-1/2 22-7/a 22 ---18,1/2 0481-35 21 1'l-3/8 ~~---- 06G135 24-1/2 ~2•7/8 22 060155 24-1/2 22-716 22 "Re!e; to the h .. rn<'lce venting instructions for proper venting proooaures CLEARANCES (In.) ~1 14-112 _l INLET FT k---~3-1/4~----, ~-14 VENT SHIPPING CDNNECTIDH" WE.lGHl 4 114 ' 116 4 124 4 126 ' 140 -4 144 4 150 ' 156 4 172 5 168 --- n•--5 ' 162 5 1S2 -04S AND 070 091 155 UNIT Sl:Z:E 9ides-Sir1gie-Wa!! Vent 1 --·· Type B--1 Doubie;W.ill Vent Q Back 0 --Top-~i' Plenvm I 1 . Slngle,Will! vent 6 Vent Connector -··· Type 6-1 DOuDl~-\llla\\ 1 ""F~1•Sing1e-wam verit 6 1ype B-1 Double-Wall Ven\ 3 -· $t'!'vi::e 30 •n.:.:: 3-in. front cle.araf"JCe is nc-oow for co.-nbust1on-:;ur l:'lnd venh!a!IOll•atr entry UNIT St:Ze. --. . . . . 11,pul Btuh~ _qipeclty (6M1)t Non'il/ef!trler"iz(Xl 1cs·· Af'Uf.1 Nonvvc-~tharized !CS .. Certified Temperett..1re Ris~ Range "f Certified Ex<ern81 81..'ltic Prsssu-e HeatlCoor Airflow CFMt ~~~~-ing Coolirig ·eLE _-,,.-;i,:;., _,:..+ -,, 'f' ~ ., "' . Unit Vo!ts--Hom F't1ase Op.ir,o1.ting VoH::ige RangB Min-M.;n: MaJ1:i,num Unil Amps ~- !-Aei.Kimum w;i:_~~~~ngth \MeawrW 1 way} Ft Minimum Wire Sb:~ Msu:im1Jm Fuse Site Tra,1slormer ('i4v) E>i:torna! Control Heating Powe' Avajlabtc Coolin~ -.Air Conditioning Blower Rcl.'.ly CCNTR()l;.S·~•:_,;-'_!,,, . ' ' .. -,. a~- limit Cor'itrOI He~l!_ng Blower Coritrol Burners (MOr"lopart) __ Ga:; Connec1ion Si?C (/A'.\, Qii I '<rr,UYI•_ / . ---·· MEETS DOE Rli:SIDENTIAL CONSERVATION SERVICES PROGRAM STANDARDS. BelorE! purehaStng this appl1anoe, read 1ropori.ant energy cost and E!ffici!;!r"lcy informalion available from your retailer. -2- SPECIF*IONS i 036111 048111 060111 0118135 I 060135 110.000 110,000 110,000 13~,000 132,000 ae:ooo 69,000 89,000 107,000 101:000 MO 80 .. 0 80 .. 0 80.0 80.0 55-S5 45-75 25-55 50-80 .il0-70 0.20/0.50 0.20JO 50 0 .. 20/0.50 0.20,0 50 0.20/0.50 1175 1415 17~0 16-15 19/5 1210 1575 2210 1620 1980 ' ' ,' . ..,_, C,' '" 1 ~5--SO 1 104-127 8.0 10.1 1'1.4 10.1 13.3 3s 28 31 ,a 33 14 14 12 14 12 15 15 20 15 20 40VA 1.ZVA 35VA Sll:lndard ~ -· -;--r ' ,. ' . "' ~ ,, ,: .J. , " ,·: . ,_,' .. ··• ,·. ,' SPST S~id,State: 'rirns Ope~ation 5 I 5 I 5 I 6 I 6 H2-I~. NPT 0 ~~---~ 0 0 1 • 1 6 3 30 06(1155 15-4,000 124,000 80,0 50-80 0.20/0.SO 1695 ,. 19[]5 I • :< • -.. -. H.O 31 12 20 \ • ~ ,\ ,i ",;',A-~ I I 7 Gas Valve (Redundl:1-nt) ---~ ·-----+----------------Wh::.::2Ele'-"R~od~g~e2rs,___ ______________ -l Min lnle~ Pressure {i.f,. wo) 4.'5 {Na\ural _G_a0s0) ______ ~-----------l Ma.i; lnhot Pressure (11. w;) 13.6 (Natura:! Goi;) lgnilion o~v1cc Hot SLN"foice ai.owst. OAlA:"1~~~-'." ''t : •'' ·. ~ '-:" ' ,;,~ '" ,I' ,. ,. -,, . " ' --.. '~,,, ·-" ' 0•, ' -· ,,. "'"'. / . Oirect-Dr•ive Motor HP (PSC) 1,a 112 314 112 314 314 Motor Fult Load Amps 5.8 ,.9 11.1 7.9 11.1 11.1 -~---- flPM [No~l:'-1'/-'Specds 1075 4 1075.......4 1075--4 1075---4 1 D75----4 1075 4 Blower wooe: Dia:-:n,eter io: Width (in.) 10 X 7 10 x 8 11 X lQ 10 X 8 11 K 10 11 X 10 Filler Si7.e-Permanor>I Wash;ilJte (Svppiied) (iri.) (1)11:ix25)( 1 (1)20J\25Jl:1 (1)24;,,;25x1 (1) ?.0 X.25 X 1 (1)24J1:25.i;1 . . . . ••• . . . . Twinning Kit NIA KGATVll0101HSI ··•13_;;·5 Ccnivetsic:,rJ Kit---(Naiur.:11-lo-Pt-?pane) KGANP200llill Gi'l:<1 Conversion Kil---(Promine--to-Nalural) KGAPN16QIA!..l ,·,-- §ido f-1ltOr' Rack (With Washable Filter) (in.) --KG/\'FR0101ALL (Filter s,ze 15 x 25 x 1) Re\1.irn-f\ir Filter· Cc!binel (With Washable Filter'>) (in. I KGARP0101ALL (Filler Size 2-'20:,:. 25 X 1) • Gas input r;;itings 8re certi!isd for elevflt•oris to 2000 It. For eleva1loris e1bove 2000 ft. reduCE 1;c1tings 4% for each 1000 ft above sea l~vel.. Fleler lo Na11onal Fuel G.'J.S Cooc Table F-1. i CapaGity in .iccordariO!l with U.S. gcwemment OOE tes~ procedures. + Ai, del,very .:ioove 1800 CFM requfr~s that both sides. or a oombin-!l;tion of 1 :s.i!le and oouom, or t>c:>11om only of 1he furn~ bB ui.ed for relum air. A filtli!f i'> required for el;)Qh relum-air Supply. n Isolated CombusliOf'l System -4- Ill 1/1;1' )!~• lf•T ,-U,UJ(l,EO C,~1'.IH (.251.21 in.ti ,. (tQ:,.ZI ~-±:==--o= I 11,'16" 31"'" NPT QIIIA,JN~ (M.1) !1f,ll ,, l-(7$.,,,,C7-..C=------' C 10 11e• r~P.:i'J 1, "(203,2) CASED-¢OILS tlD~J\)(1',04.t. 043 .. 04!l. 06□ .. CD5A)r;A060 :i~•:;-i I--,---. " ,. /50.~l E" :iUCTtQt.1 llME El!Q..'{j RIG;HT :ilDF CASED COJ1,,::; CD5AXAl;l'll3 02'4, 030. 036. 0'42: O◄J, 0-'IS. CD5Al!:WQJ~. C05AXC0-'IS Fig. 1-Model CD5A/CD58 Coil rnmensions A "'IT IN. MM CDM,CDSB A01S t 4-3i1 !5 360.4 CD5A,CD5B AON 14•3i'H5 360.4 CD5A.COSB A030 14-3/io 3604 C05A,CD5B WD30 17 1/2 444.S CD.5A.C05B A0:36 17-1/2 444.5 C05A,CD5B WQ36. 21 S:J3,4 C05A,CD58 A(),12 21 53j:.4 CDM.C:056 A043 21 533..t! C05A.,CD5B A04B 21 533.il CD.SA,CDSB C048 21 53.3.4 CD5A,CD56 W042 24 1/2 622,3 CD5A,C05B WMJ 24-1/2 022,3 CDSA.CD5B W048 24-1/2 522.3 CDM,CD5B A060 24-1/2 622.3 CD5ACD5B W060 31-1/2 600.1 ,.«•··~. , ' ,, MODEL \ } . ?,C~aO,r"'. Cla~TlFICATION APPLIES ONLY WHI:~ !.JSliD \li\"iH t>OOPi..R COMPONENTS AS US TED WITH ARI E'\IAP 35 AIR CFM I C D E IN. MM IN. MM IN. 14-316 365.1 12-9!16 319.1 518 14"3/'8 365.1 12-9/16 319. l 518 11~rue 447.7 12-9111;, 319,1 314 17 5/8 447.7 15-7/8 403 .. 2 314 19-5/S "98.5 15-7/8 403.2 314 19-5!8 -498 .. S 19-318 492 1 314 ,9-518 -493.5 1 9--316 4n.1 718 25-S/8 651..0 19-3/8 492, 1 118 25-518 651.0 19,3/8 492.1 718 21-1/S 535.6 19-318 -492.1 716 21 1/8 536.G 22-7/8 58i.O 718 :21-1/8 536.6 22-7/8 581.0 7/B 21"1/S 530 .. 6 22-718 581,0 7/8 2:1 1/8 ~6.6 22,7/8 581.0 ,,. 21-1/B =-• 29-7/6 75S,6 718 -2- COOLING CAPACITIES (MBluh) con. REFRIGERANT TEMP· ("fl 40 I 45 50 Evrip Ah' -Entering w~1-Bulb lctnperature ('F) CCSA/CD5A/CD5B . , ., 67 72 •• 67 72 . , 67 72 .. 67 450 22 27 34 18 24 30 " 20 29 11 16 0.17 15 75 14 14 13 13 12 12 TT TO TO 600 26 33 41 ,, 2" 37 1B 24 32 ,. 19 A018 >----19 17 10 15 14 12 12 22 TB 17 15 13 750 30 38 47 25 33 42 20 28 " 17 22 25 22 21 21) 20 19 17 17 17 15 14 14 600 2B 36 .. 24 31 39 19 26 34 15 21 12 20 20 18 18 17 16 16 15 14 13 13 800 34 43 52 29 37 47 ZJ 32 " 19 25 A024 16 25 24 22 22 21 ,0 19 19 17 1B 16 1000 39 49 60 33 43 5-1 27 36 47 22 29 ,. 29 27 25 26 25 23 23 22 20 19 19 -75/l 37 46 57 31 " 52 25 34 45 19 27 13 26 25 24 24 ,, 22 21 20 .. 17 17 A030 1000 45 57 70 38 50 63 30 4' 55 25 33 . W030 17 33 31 29 29 28 26 26 ,s 23 21 2, \:250 52 66 81 44 57 n 35 .. S3 29 38 20 39 36 34 35 23 so 30 29 ., ,s 25 . 900 " 52 63 35 46 57 28 39 50 22 31 70 .. 32 30 30 29 27 27 20 24 22 22 A0.35 ,200 50 S3 75 ., 55 66 34 46 60 2B 37 >--'---W036 13 41 39 35 36 35 n 33 32 29 2B 28 1500 57 70 84 49 62 ,. 39 52 67 33 42 -,. .. 44 40 44 41 3' S9 37 33 33 33 105D 45 66 66 36 49 61 31 ., 5-1 2' 33 14 37 54 3' 33 31 29 29 28 w "' 24 A042 1'00 53 66 79 45 58 72 36 49 63 31 39 W04.2 " ,, " 37 41 38 34 36 34 31 31 30 -·11so 60 73 87 51 65 80 42 55 70 36 44 20 52 47 42 47 .. SB 42 40 35 30 35 1050 43 53 64 .. 47 57 30 40 52 25 32 10 37 34 30 S3 31 28 ,. 2B 25 ,s 25 A043 1400 50 61 73 51 5-1 66 35 47 59 31 37 W043 13 45 39 ,a 42 37 33 '5 34 '7 ., 30 1750 55 66 78 48 59 73 42 51 64 36 41 " 51 45 36 47 42 37 42 39 33 36 30 1200 .. 59 71 41 52 .. 33 44 57 30 "3s 18 39 36 33 36 34 30 32 30 28 30 27 A04B 1600 •• 68 80 47 60 74 39 51 .. 33 ., W048 22 47 43 38 43 40 35 38 36 32 33 32 -2000 61 74 88 53 66 81 44 57 72 38 46 25 54 49 42 5') 45 39 44 42 30 38 37 1200 44 57 69 36 48 ., 30 40 53 25 29 11 39 36 33 35 33 so 30 29 27 25 25 1600 52 ., 78 <3 66 71 37 46 61 31 35 C048 15 ,a -4,, 38 42 40 35 37 36 32 31 ST 2000 57 71 85 49 62 7B 42 50 68 36 39 " 50 50 42 .. 46 40 ., 41 36 36 37 1600 57 71 87 48 62 78 38 52 68 31 41 22 47 .. ., 43 40 37 37 ,. 33 31 31 2000 65 80 97 S4 70 88 43 59 75 36 46 A0/30 25 55 51 46 so 46 42 43 42 38 36 37 2400 71 .. 105 60 77 95 •• G5 83 41 51 2' 62 57 so 56 52 46 48 " 42 41 41 1600 63 7B 94 54 69 85 43 59 75 35 ., L_~--52 48 44 47 44 40 41 40 30 35 35 2000 71 88 105 61 78 9' 49 66 85 41 53 W060 19 60 55 50 05 51 46 48 ,. 42 41 41 2400 78 96 114 67 85 104 55 73 93 •• 58 21 68 62 54 ., 57 51 54 "' 46 46 46 ---4- MM 15.M 15.68 1!.J,05 19.05 19.05 19,05 22 .. 23 22.23 2223 2223 22.23 22.23 2.!.23 22.23, 22.23 ,. 22 • 27 T1 30 73 29 12 35 15 39 17 38 16 46 20 53 23 42 21 50 25 57 29 45 23 53 27 60 31 " 24 5{) 30 55 31 49 24 56 .. 6, 33 43 23 50 28 55 32 57 29 64 S3 70 37 64 32 72 37 79 41 A~l91 SHIPPING WEIGHT LBS. , .. 27 12.2 29 13.2 3' 14.5 37 16.8 ··-43 19 5 45 20.4 45 20.4 53 24,0 57 25.9 46 S!1.8 •• 22.2 51 .23.1 53 24.0 "' 24,0 66 299 I 55 62 ., T2 • 11 16 B 8 8 12 13 21 TO 10 to 14 15 24 11 12 T1 " 15 23 11 11 to 16 18 27 13 14 13 19 20 31 18 16 15 14 16 25 " " 13 17 19 30 " TS ,. 21) 22 34 20 21 19 19 22 33 79 19 18 23 2G 40 23 23 22 27 30 45 27 28 25 20 23 36 20 21 19 25 2B 42 25 2B 23 30 32 47 30 30 ., 20 21 34 20 20 19 25 25 39 25 is 22 30 30 ., 30 JO ,, 22 26 39 22 23 21 27 30 45 27 28 25 32 .. 00 32 32 29 20 21 32 20 21 19 2S 25 37 25 " >4 29 29 41 29 29 2' 26 29 44 26 20 24 30 33 so 30 31 28 34 36 55 34 3-1 31 "' 34 51 ,. 29 27 34 39 58 34 34 32 '9 43 S4 39 39 36 IM---1"-- N j .,. ,~ -- \JNIT I OPf:.R. SIZE WT, A B C 0 ' S61A SERIES Lb. '" '"· '" '"· 018 A m 22 1/2 :?1-15/16 3--3/16 5/B --02' A "' 22-112 ~1•1511 E 3-3116 518 030 A 124 J.'.2-1/2 21-1S.r15 3--3/16 '" 035 A 13S 2~•1/2 2s:1S:1s 3-3/16 314 o,, A 169 30 23-15.116 3--1/4 ,,, DIS B 103 22-1/2 21-15.'i6 3-3/16 518 024 B ''5 22-11~ :-21-15/16 3.31115 513 030 B 118 22-i/2 !25-15/16 3-3116 314 036 B ,., 22-112 29-15/16 3.3,1e 3/4 . 036 C 117 22-112 29-15116 3-3!16 314 0'2 C "o 30 2J-15i16 3-114 718 ''" B 178 30 2(-15115 3-114 718 04' C. E "' ,0 7.7-15116 :':1-114 718 "" D 167 30 27 H1116 J 11-'1 718 ... 060 B 215 ,0 3S-15116 3,1/4 ,,, 050 c.' 243 30 39-1~1115 3-1/4 7,. 060 D 1,, 30 39-15116 S,114 718 MOTES 1. AJ.l(>w ;i,;i IH. (7t;) Cl;·",RANCE TQ :iERVICE SIDE OF UNl"f, '-9 IN. !1:!'10-~J At!O\l'o. VI/IT. e IN. OSl~) 00 9PIE &IJE.. 1i 11'1. (31;1,1,~) !)'I R=t.lAINNJ SIDI,~. ,._ND:;~ IN. Q~i.'l) BCTWE[N UNITS FOR P'R"°JP~ AlflflOW. ~: ~:~~~~~ .... ii~i:;,;';::r.;.;~~~tll3 UOOC. 1:, ss·r 11u1·C), ~AX. 11~'F 1~~, ,•e, 4. SE~!: OL!'IGHATIDl-l ~-TI-I[ 1~11-1 l'OSITIQN OF TifC 1JNIT MODEL l'f.JM3~F\, j_ CEITTI,;~ OI' !>RAVlry ~ ,m·r..19 SJ' , ,rno,.JM (NUH(l<Jl~ -<~• F-,.A(,~ ] DIMENSIONS ' F G '" '"· '"- H '"· -·F--····· -G--_ ___,J ------H tJ1,1r nO.JNllMG ~--r•HN hl;,Q_ flfl{I. qiNe;EC-TloN 'QC,,.II0N •''" "ICM ,or, J ' L '"· '"· '"· M ! '"· 3-11/16 18--ll/3. 19-31'1 22-114 14-3/8 19-'9118 2M116 \ 10-3te 3-11/15 18-1 '6 19-3/4 22-114 14-3/8 19--9116 2:.l-1/Hi 10--3.'6 3-ll/15 18--118 19-3/4 ~2-1/4 14-.3/8 19-9,'16 22-1116 I 10-3./8 3-11;16 18-HS. 19-3/4 2i-114 ll\,'J./8 19-';1116 22 111/j 10-114 6-1,12 23--1/2 27-11-1 ~9-314 20 2/,1116 29-9116 14-1!2 3-11/16 18-118 19-3/4 22,1/4 1'1-$18 19-9.'16 22 1,,Q 10" 1/4 3-'1116 16--1/8 1'l,31"-22-1/4 1<1-318 19-9!15 22-1116 10-314 3-11/16 18-118 19-3/4 22,1/4 14-318 19-9.'16 22 11"11:i 10·1/8 3-11116 18--1/8 19-3/4 I 22-l/4 14-$18 19-9.'15 22-1116 i 10,1f.4 3-11116" tt-~IB '1~-'514 22-114 14-318 19.g116 22 111G 1Hl4 6--1/'2 23--112 27,1/4 29-3/4 20 27-1!15 29-9/16 14-118 6-112 23-1/2 27-114 29-3,'4 20 27-,/1$ 29-9/16 15-112 6-112 43-1/2 27 ·114 29.314 20 27,1!16 29-9/16 1S-H2 6-l/;? 23-l/2 27-i/4 29-3/4 20 27-1"15 29-9116 13•7/8 6-112 23-112 -!7-114 2l;j.3;4 . 20 .27-1i16 29-!;l/16 15-H!? S-1r.2 2J-1f2 27-'14 29-'3i4 20 27-1116 29-9/11$ 15-112 5-112 23-1/2 27-114 ZS-Ji-4 20 ~7-1/16 29-!;1116 1"--l!l;I A9'1232 N '"-10-1/4 10 1/<I 10-1/4 9,1{2 " ,0-1/ti --9-3:4 !;l--3!4 10 10 14,//8 " 14-1/4 15 " 14•114 14,1/4 . TM datl;l in trt,s publ1ce\lon ,s d1~leyed for all se. 1es. however, e.iery 3ene5 m.i:, no, be 2rv<11fable from manufact1,1re,f_ -2- '"""'""oos "'"''"""' i 208/230-208/230-460-60~ 2081230-2061230-460---60- Unit Volts,~H.::r"ll:-Phase 60-1 60 3 3 6!>-1 200/230 6C> 1 60 3 3 _9_pe,·at,ng Vol!age Rang~~-197-253 187-253 414-506 197-.253 197-253 1'7 2S3 414 506 23.1 Corr,p1c:osor-!'t:1ted Load Ami:;s 18.2 10.7 5.3 19.9 23,? 14.7 7.1 LOCIIM R0101 Amp~ 10~.o 85,0 42,0 1-~~-- 115.0 129.D 106.0 130.0 64-0 Com:ienscr Fan Motor-Fun loa/J Amps 1., 1.4 o, 1., 1,4 1., 1 4 o., , .. ,. . _Min Unit Ampadty for Wire_ Sizing 24.2 14.8 7,4 26.J 31.0 30.3 19.B 9,7 Min Wire Size {50"f75• Copper) AWG~' 12112 1-4114 1411-4 t0/10 a110 6110 14114 14/14 . Ms:ir: Wire lengtt1 (60"/75") (ft):j: 63160 70167 260124] 91186 120f73 124176 .5-4/51 2271216 Max Branch Ci~Clli( Fuse··siZet 35 20 " 40 ' 45 45 30 15 • .. .. ' Comp1essor-!_vlanufacturer Copeland Minenn,uro Copeland Bris1o! Type Recipr~!i~ St;lroU Scroft I Recipro<;l;:itin,g Ternper:rnife a0a Cu11F,T1t P101,i:,c1.ion .... lntem~t i..ine Sreak Refrigerant-~~ .. ~r\d Amount @ 15' A·22 5.8.S I R,22 6 .. ~1 I . R-22 6.89 Rl;'lrigerant Tubee;_ ir'I (OD) V~pc1 anti l1Q1.J1(1 (up \o $01\) 7/6 ilr"K1 3.18 '•'-"• • COil Face Area (5Q Fl) 12.44 13.7 H.93 1i4 PSC I Fan Motor-HP. T11pe, and 11PM ,_ 1 '4 PSC and 1100 .f.11101125 114 PSC and 1100 Volts-Hern:-P:~ase 208.'230-60--1 ~Czir\dcns~ AirflmN \CFM) ... :HOD 3300 3,jQQ . . '•" . '"• _!:ttle Prolector KSACY0101AAA .St;mdard Standard KSACYD101AM StM MSi:!il-PlC Type N1A Standard KAACS0201PTC St<1r'1dard 7 N.'A --·- -~tar1 Ass;is1--Capacitor/Rel_~Y Typet·t KAAHS0401AAA NIA NIA KAAHS1601AAA low-F'ressure Switch KAALP0101LP°s Sta.ridard KAALP010lLP.S ---· sew, _f::li_g~-Pressvre Switeh KSAH10!01HPS St.ind1:1rd KSAH10101HPS Souncl Hood ' NIA kWI!; r~m;IP [ Stanoarcl 1----.... "'' --. . Time-Oelay ~~lily KAATD0t01TDR .. -Lrm-Ambient Con\rollert P251-0083 .. ~A;-~er.~t.irt Comro1t KAAWS0101AAA :_v:,po~_1_~r' Fr~ze Ther~Mat't •... KAAF"f010\AAA Cr:,nk::::asc ti~ater si"iin□ar(:I I NIA I KAACHl~il,M I KAACH1001AAA --, . UQt.110 line Sdle11oid V,i;ilveJ 1 KAAL'50101 l\.S Coastal filler KAACF0501 LRG --····-I TXV Kil jRPO) KA/\1 X0501AP6 KAATX0601 RF'B " Kti.Arx1201Hso l XV (Hard Shut-cfl)t1 KAATX1301HSO 1'\'mnnet.;tal and Subt;tJsc-1-S'.age He8\, 1-S\8□6 CooJ-M:;inu:;i! Ch,:mgeo·,cr-·F HHOIPC18<1 TI-Errnost1;111;1nd SLbba:;.e-1-St1;1ge Heat 1-Stage Cool-AU)O Chcmgeovtlr-' F HH01PC185 'rt1ermost1;11 ~d Sl.ltrbasB--1-St~ge Heal, 1-Stage Coo!-~anual Changeover-"C HH01PC186 lhermo:;t;,1 end Sutbc1se-I-St8ge Heal h-!·SIBge Cool-Auto Charigeover-·C HH01PC187 . Tl1errnci:.;ta! (1 Piece) Ntgtll Setback, 2-Slat Heal, 1-Stage COOi- Auto 1--i:ongeo-,,ei--• " . 5-2 0.!!Y Pr;:...rammabk: HH07PE001 See no!es Or'I pa9e B. -5- p '"· 9-1/4 9-3/4 10-314 11 114 11 10-1.14 10-1/4 lD-314 11-314 13 12-3!8 16 11-114 13 17 16-114 19•JJ4 ' 2081230- 60---1 1W-253 e•w-- 24' 140.G 1 _4 31.9 8110 120I73 -~·-so Millennium Scroll , __ ,_ 114 3ricl 1125 I 3:300 St.indord $t21r'1dard NIA S1.&1d,i.rd Standerd I NIA SPECIFICATIONS Continued .. ' •I;, SERIES B . t-Unll VQ!r.8-Hertz-Pha~ 2081230----60 Opclcl_!ir1g Voltage ~a,r,ge• t97-253 Compressor~Rated Load Amps 28.a 1---LDek.e(l Rotor Amps 169.0 Cofldcr1se; Fan Motor-Full Loa/J Amps 1.4 Mir, Un!t Ampacily for Wire Siz:ini:i 374 ~~-Wire Slze(60'!._75' Copper) AWG .. 818 Ma.: Wire Length (60"/75°) (lt)t 10MJ5 t-., '" Max Branch Circuit !"use Si:o:et 50 • .. . . CompreS$0J'~_;;1nufacturer Type Copel21nd I Type Scroll Temperature and Cur1Ar1! Protecti0r1 ,.£!_efr19erant-li,'pe .in(f Aroount@ 15' R-22 8.33 Ref,·,geranl Tvbes In. (OD) VBpor ar"ld liquid (up tu 50 fl) • ' • Coil face Area (Sq Fl) 19.91 ~r_\ Motor -HP. Trpe. a~d Fl:PM vo1ts-Hertz:-Pt1ase 1-----'-'--Condenser ill.irliow (CftM) .. • • Cvcle Protector St~rnda(a Ste.rt. ,,siSist PTC lype KAAC'SD201PTC Staf1 Assis:t Capacitor/Relay Typett NIA Low-Pressure Switch High-PTl;:~8Ure Sw'itdi Souncr Hood KSASHO'OlCOP I Tinie-Oelay ne1Qy Low Arnblonl Controllert ~-11:!f Slaf1 Controlt Evaporator Freeze Thcr'mos1att Cranlscase Heater KAACH1201AAA. I Uqu<d L!l:'e Solenoid Valvet1 Coastal HIier 1-------..•. TXV Kil{RPB) rxv (Hard S11~t-off)t t The®o::.tat fin·::! Subbase~1-Sta9~ He.:!\, ~1?~.ige Coo!-ManLJal ChangG:over-• F Thermostat and S\Jbbass-1-Slage Heat. 1-Sta!Je Cool-Auto C::har.geaver-•f Therm~tal cl!'ld SubbasB-1-S1;ge Heat, I--1-Stagc Coo!-Menui:I! Changoover-'C Toormost;.1 1:1r,o S\.ibbase 1-Stage Heat. 1-St&gc Cool-Auto Changeover-~c Thcrmoslal [I Pices) Night SB!bacl(, 2-5tage Heat. 1-Stagc Cool- Auto hangeover-·F. 5-2 Dav Pr""rammable NIA-Not appl1~ablo 1n this app1,eat1on. NOIE: All mot0r:sfcomprcS50r5 conl.iin altemaJ ov,:n\oar:I protection Copper wjre must be usM from servi= disoonnect to tinit Control cira..iit is 24v Ofl 1:111 units enQ reQIJ'res e)(1erns1 power wurcc. , ,:;11 C,E I E 1 108/230 60 3 1a1-2s3 30.1 17,3 147.0 150.D 1,4 , ,4 :39 .. B 2.3.0 Bi8 12112 9<:.192 ,:a14e GO 35 Bri5,tol R~proc&.li(l~ lr-.ternal une Break R-22 ij.08 t-1/Bl'Jnc:!318 22,40 1/4 PSCal"l(l 1100 2081230 60 1 3400 KSACY0101AAA St~ndard NIA KAAHS 1701 MA KAALP0101LPS KSAHl0101HPS Standard KAAT00101TDR P251-0083 KAAWS0101MA KAAFT0101AAA KAACf-i I D01At,A KAAI...S0101 LLS KAACf-0501LRG KAATX0701 RPS. KAAT'X1401HSO HH01PC184 HH01~c1ss Hli01PC185 Hfi01PC167 HH07PE001 •I; I ' 460 60 3 1\14~506 9,6 73.0 0.8 12.8 14/14 165/157 20 • Pem11S'.sible limits of the voltagB range al whioh 1.1nit w,11,:,~r1'11e satisfactorily. Operation wt~ide these limits may 1e:,,uli in 1.1dt fa~ure •• 11 wire is .,ipplled at amt»onl greater tl'ian 30'"C (86"FJ, onnsl.lll Table 310,15 of the NEC (ANSI/Nf PA 70) , ' 'I.-, D 208./230-60-1 ---'·'-----'-1'7 253 30.0 165.0 1.4 38.S 8/5 97/92 6D Miuonnium S=11 R·229.ij4 1/4PSCand1125 ,_ 3300 Standard Stan(:lard NIA Slandard Stariclard NIA N>A The 1;1mpaeityor nonm~talitc--sheathad oabletNMI. tr1;1de name ROMEX. shall be that of i;o~c (140'F) condudor5, psr the NE;C (ANSI/NF PA 70) Anicle 336--aG. If other' than 1Jf'1C03\e<:! (non-plated), GO Of75'G(11\0or 167"F)insulc1lion. coppe• wire(solld wire for 10 AWG and sm.iller, strarided wire lortarger\Mn 10 fi..WG) tS ~. QOl1!;,UI~ apj)!1caole tero\6:s. i;,I ~he NEC(A.NSJ.INF?A 70) t Tlme--deley or HACR type fuse. i Length showri is .i~ rnea:sured 1 way along wi1epa1h~tm'.IB'n 1,Jnit~nd service pan~ for voltage Orop r'\Ot to ex~d 2% ttSl-311 tlSSi:!;I capocitot and relay required when usingl>quid ~d valve or l1cr.rd :shu1.-o1l TXV {excepl 046 aria 060 6 Series) Do Ml u:se hard shui-off TXV with liquid solenoid valve. APPROVED {?t,J .. /4 '1"hM lmJ"lr"cr M: 9zo3 C1j-zj or {:/JIZJ.5 /Y)IJ #J ;,:;;;~ SrP.T7ol<l 127..5 (fl/l!.f SJJ.tJ Lk1v1:: J //; !Jflt, "If' C/Jf!L.5 16 X)t'J, {:fll/ F ...