HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 450-8L; PIP 06-11; BRESSI RANCH OFFICE BLD LOT 17 & 18; 01-161 . . . SHEET INDEX TITLESHEET ..... , . , . , , ... RECYCLED WATER USE MAP. . . . . . . IRRIGAt1b'N plk,j lEGEftd AND SCHEDULE IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT LEGEND AND P~ESSURE CALCULATION. IRRIGATION DETAILS. . . . . PLANTING PLAN AND LEGEND. . PLANTING DETAILS ANO NOTES. HARDSCAPE PLAN ANO DETAILS SPECIFICATIONS, . . . . . . R,ECJ"CLEP HATER NQJ"Ee, I, ALL l'lqRK. SHALL ee DONE: IN AC-GORDANG.e WITH TH!: C~OOAD MUNICIPAL WATeR DISTRICT'S 'CAl'aOOAD ~TION RIJLES I Rl:6l!LATIONS FOR CON$TRJ.JC,TION OF Rl:(;YC.LED WATeFl MAINS" DATED OC.T06ER 1qq3, 2. DRINKIN15 FOUNTAINS SfiALL 6E ~TE:c.TE:D FROM SPAAY OF Rl:C.YCLED WATE:R, 61':S>T MANAf;l:;MENT PAAC.TIC:.ES SHALL ee U!">ED TO MINIMIZE REC.Ye.LED HATeFI. ENCROACHMENT ON P\J6LIG, FACILITIES OOC.H AS PICNIC. TAet.ES, 66Gl'S PI..AYl5i;;.ol)NDS, SAND TOT LOTS, !:TC.. 3. 6£:ST MANAe;i;MENT PRA,::,TIG-l;:S SHALL. BE USED TO ELIMINATe OR WNTROL TO THE 6EST EXTENT POSSl6U: PONDIN9, ~N-oFF, OVERSPRAY, AND MISTINl5. 4. HO!:e 6165 A~ STRICTLY P~Hl61Tl::O. .1 .2 j;(4 5 .6-8 ,9 & 10 .11 . 12 & 13 .14-16 $, ON SITe CROSs-<;oNNEG-TJONS 6£:Tl"IEeN ~Yc;LED WATER LINeS AND POTA6L.E V'iATER LINeS ARI! STRICTLY PROHlf>ITED. t. NO $1.16!:>TITVTION OF PIPIN9 MATeRIALS i'!ILL 6E ALLOl'IED WITHOUT PRlOR APPFI.OVAL 6Y THI: G-ARl.f>6AD MUNIG-IPAL V'iATER DISTFI.IG-T. 1. ALL ONSITe PIPeS SHAI.L HAVE V'iAFI.NING TAPE PER CARI.Sl:lAD MUNICIPAi. V'iAT!;R Di$TRICT'S RULES AND Re$ULATIONS. e,. THE IAA1i5ATION SYf>Tl;MS SHALL BE Fl.UN 61:;TJtaleEN THI: HOUFl5 OF 10,00 PM AND 6,00 AM THe FOLLOW!Ni5 MORNIN<:ll. ::;POT IAAleATION WULD 6E DONE AT A DIFFlal'<.f;NT TIME WITH GUALIFl!:D SUPERVISION PERSON'!!':!. ON ;',IT!!. "I. ~ID!! A MINIMUM OP AT Ll:!AST 1,11, INC.H!:S OF c;oYER QVf;FI. ALL WIRINC!il AND PIPING. AND RE:$ULATIONS. 10. NON-Df=SleNATeO use ~s e>HALL 6E PROTECTED FROM CONTAG-T WITH F<Ec;YG-LED V'iATEFI., WHl;THEFI. eY W!ND6L.OHN f>PRAY OR 6Y Dl~T APPLICATION nlROueH IAAl<$ATION OR O'l'HCR use. LACK OP f'Ft011:'CTION, WHl!'THER 6Y D!:el6N, CONSTRUCTION PRAG-TIG-E, OR SYSreM OPERATION IS STRICTLY PROHl61TED, II, IAAl<$ATION HeADf:> SMAW;. ElE F<EL.OCATl::O OR ADJUSTED TO ~T OVERSP.RAYINe !">IDEWALl<S, STFtl:ET!> AND NON-DEf>l~TED U5e ~S. · 12. ~'(Ci.ED i'!ATEFl a\JICI<. COIIPL.INe VAL.YES SHA!.!.. 6E OP A TYF'e DEf>li5NE:D FOR. THE! use ON F<!:G,'(G,Lf;D i'!ATEFI. DISTRl6UTION SY:,Tl;MS (SPIKE;; NOT /Nre~e WITH POTA6L.E l"lATER ®IC.I<. COUPLER &PIKE!:>) PER C.ARLseAD MUNICIPAL i'!ATEFI. Dlf>TFI.IG-T~ Rl!LeS AND RE01Jl.ATIONS, 1:,. MfreRS !:>HALL ElE SIZED 6Y THE c;ARL&eAD MUNlc;IPAL i'!ATER DISTRICT. · 14. ALL IAAleATION P/PeS SHALi. 6E :!;,Tl;NG,ILED Wlnl THE J,iARNING "NON-POTAEll..e' OR "F<EC'(C.LED V'iATJ;R', COLO~ (PUlsPL.e:) AND LAID WITH i'!ARNIN<ill TAPE(PE.~ DeTAII.J AND :!:>TENC.ILiNe ORl!:NT!;D TO!"IARD THE TOP OF THE TRENCH PER CAR1.S6AD MUNICIPAi-i'!ATEFI. J;)lf>TRICT'S RJ.JL!;S AND REeul.ATIONS. 1,. ON Nfl'I ON-e>ITe SY:!:>reM (POST-METER.I, POTABLE V'iATl;FI., CONSTANT PRES&URE REG-YC.L.ED i'!ATER AND Sf!l.'11;R LINES e.HOULD 61! PL.Ac;eo A MINIMUM OF FOUR FEf:T APART OR AS DIRl:G-TED eY THE P~JEG.T EN61NEER AND/OR F<E$ULATORY AeeNG-Y'. M!:;AS~TS :!:>HALL 6E 6ETl'if:f:i'I FACINC!il SiJl'tl"ACf:S, NOT PIPE G-faNTERLINES. . I&. CONSTANT PRESSURE F<EG-YCL!:D WATER I..INEl:I SHALL G-l'tOSS AT LeAST Tl'-a.Ye INCl-'ES eeLOW POTA6L!!! .-,!AT!;R LINES AND MAINTAii'I AT Ll:!Af:>T TWE!..Vll: ING-H!:S G-ROS$/Ne $EPl;RATlON 6eTY'lef:H OTHER UTILITIES. 11. IP A CONSTANT PRESSURE F<EG-YG-LED i'!ATEl'l LINE MU;,T 6E INf>TALLED A60ve A FOTAeLE V'iATER LINE OR LESS nlAN TJta!ELYe INCHeS ea.ow A POTA6Le J,iAT!;l'l LINE,THf:N THE Rf:C'(Cl..f:D i'!ATEFI. LINe &HALL 61! INSTALL!:D WITHIN AN Af'PROVl:D P~Tl¾TIVE SLa:YI!! Ai:1 PER THE CA!'<.L.S6AD MUNIG-IPA!. i'!ATER Dl:,TRIC,T'i:I RLILEl:I AND REel/LATIONS. IC,, DEN'!?LOPeR/CONTRAG-TOR SHALL CONDUCT A c;RO:!:>S-CONNEC,TION TEST AND c.oveAAel! TEST AS DIRECTED 6Y' CARLSElAD MJl'IICIPAL i'!ATER Dl:!:>TRIG-T AND THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF' ENVIRONMENTAL Hf:AI.. TH PRIOR TO ANY LJSe OF RECY'CLl=D ~TEl'l. i"I. THE REQUIRED C~S:1-GQNNEG-TION IN!">PECTION SHALL 6E DON!: 6Y EITHER THE CARI.SElAP MUNIGIPA!. l"lATER. Dlf>TRIG-T AND/Ol'l COUNTY OF SAN DIEeQ, Di;PT, OF PUeL.IC HeALTH. COPIE:I OP THE iNSPEG-TION REPORTS HILL 6E FORWAF!Ol=D TO THI!! NON-INe.PECTING PAR.TY. 20. THE DE&leN AND LOCATIONS PROFOS!:D FOR Rl=G-YCLED )"lATl;R "DO NOT DRINK' SleNS :>HALL 6/: CALLED OUT ON THE PL.ANS. 21. WH!;N ~YC.L!:D V'iATl;R BEGOMES AVAILA6LE, AN ON-!">ITe USER SUPERVISOR SHALi.. 6E DESISNATED IN HR!TTINC). THll:I INDIVIDUAL SHALi.. BE l'AMILIM HITH PLUMINe, SYf>reMl:I WlnllN THE PROPeRTY, WITH THE 6ASIC. CONC.i;PTS OP 6ACKFLOH/C,~sa--G.QNNEG-TION PROTeG-TlON, THE ~YCL!:D SURVEYOR'S fWLES AND F<Eoo.ATIONS AND THE SPECIFIC. ReQUl~TS OP A RECYG-L!:D V'iATER SYSreM. COPIEf:> OF THE Dfaf:>li5NATI01'1, HITH CONTAG-T PHONE NUM6faR5 5HALL 61! ~IDl:D TO TH!! CARLSl:lAD MUNICIPAL YiATER DISTRIC,T AND/OR THE e.AN DIEeQ COUNTY DEPMTMeNT OF ENVIRONM!;NTA!. HeALTH. IN G,A!">E! OF EMEl'<i5ENG.Y CONTACT, UR6AN WE!">T CONTACT, KIMSERLY HUTCH/Ne>S 'l:;56 l;A!:,T SANTA ANA eLVD. :;,ANTA ANA, GA '12101 PHONE, (114) ,4i-"!:2&0 P'AX, (;14) 242·'1001 22. A!.L PU6LIG AND PRIVATe FOTA6L.e i'!ATeR MAIN;; ING-L.1.IDINe FIRE MAIN& AND ANY i'!ATEFI. l'if:LLS AND i'!ATER COURrel:I HITHIN THI: RECY'CLED WATJ;R ~JECT SHALL ee SHOWN ON THE Pl.ANS. 23. C.ALL OUT ON PLAN;; IP TH!;Re ARE: NOT DRINKINC) FOJNTAINl:I AND/OR DESIGNATED 01.ITDOOFI. f!ATINe A~S ON THIS !">ITe. ;24. i;DUCATe ALL MAINTENANc.e PeRSONEL ON A CONTINl.i0\J5 eA!">IS OF TH!: PRJ::Sf;NC.!! OP Rl¾YCLED V'iATeR PERSONNEL MUf>T ee JNfQRt,,i!:D THAT l'tl¾YG!.eD J,iAT!;:R M!;;ANT FOFt IRRleATION PURPOSES ONLY', AND OP TOOLS, ETC,, i51VEN THE HIGH TURNOVER AATE OF EMPLOYEES IN LANDSCAPE! INDUSTRY IT 11:1 IMPORTANT THIS INl'ORMATION 6E DISSEMINATED ON AN AI..MOf>T DAILY ElASIS. 2,. ON F<EG-Yc;Lw i'!ATER SYSTEMS, ALL APPLJRreNANCfS (SPRINKU:R. HEAJ;)S, VALVE 60XES, ETC) !:>HALI.. l9E COLOR-COO!:D (PU~ PER AHl-'IA e\JIDELINEf:> AND SEc;TION 4G>4"1.l54 OF THE C.A!.IFORNlA Hl:!AL. TH AND SAF!;TY CODE. 2&. A PHY&ICA!. SeFAAATION SHALL. 61! PROVIDW 61;'1W;:f:N ADJAC.ENT AREAe IRR.leATED HITH ~YCLED i'IATER AND POTA6LE V'iATER, SEPARATION e>HALI.. ee PROVID!:D 6Y' CONCR.eTI! MOW sm1pg;, CHAIN LiNK FENCf:S OR OTHeR MeTHODS APPROVED SY' THE V'iATER DISTFI.IG-T I D.f;.H. Sl6NA6E NQTES1 THI! FOLLOHINe elJIDeLINeS FOR THE U$I! OP Ra:-YCLED i'!ATEFI. ARE TO 6e PefsMANeNTL'f POe,Tl::O INSIDE THE DOOR OF faACH CONTRO/.Lel'I. WHEFtl! THeY' ARE faA&ILY Vl$16L.E. PL.Ac;E ON &-112' >e II' SIZED !">ISN. G-OLOR, PUl'sPLE 6AC.K61'lOUND WITH 6LACK LETTERING. t $UIDELINES FOR ~YCL!:D i'!ATER U5e, I. IAAISATE 6ETl'if:EN THE HOUR;; OF 10,0Q PM AND 6,00 AM ONLY. i'IATeRINi:; OUT;,IDE OF THI!; TIME FFtAM!! MUf>T ee DON!! MANUAi.LY WITH QUALIFlf:D SUPERVISORY Pl;RSQNNEL. ON SITE. NO SYST!;M SHALL AT ANY TIHe 6e LEFT UNATreNDED DURINl5 use CUTSIDE OP THE! NOR."!A\.. SCH!:DULE. 2. IAAISATe IN A MA.'INEFI. THAT WILL MINIMIZE RUN OFF, POOLINe AND PONDINe. THE APPLICATION AATe SHALL NOT EXG-El::l:7 THE INFILTRATION RATe OF THI:! SOIL. TIMERS MUST 6e AD.J.IST!:D $0 AS TO 6E COMPAT16LE WITH THE LOl'if:ST SOIL /NFIL TRATiON RATE PRESENT. THI!; PROCEDURE MAY 6e FAG-IL.ITATEP 6'1" THE EFFICIENT 5"r!!:DUl.1Ni5 OF THE AUTOMATIG- CON~ CI.OGK5, f.<1>. EMF'!.OYINe in!! REPl:!AT FUNCTION TO 6ReAI< UP' THE TOTAL IRRIGATION TIME INTO CYGLEl:I THAT HILL PROMOTE MAXIMl.'M SOIi.. Aef>OR6T10N. --1--- :,. ADJUS;r Hf!ADS TQ ELIMINATE OVE~-;WAA"I' ONTO AREAS NOT UNDeR THI! CONTROi.. OF THE CUSTOMER. FOFt eXAMPL.E, POOL Df:G-KS, PRIVATE PATIOS AND I..OTS, AND STREETS AND SIDEHAL.KS. . .. "' . J _...,. L • !I.. , •• . .._._.,. ..._ . l_ ,,J;, .i,,. 4. MONITOR AND MAINTAIN ni sYeTEM -i-o MIN1M1ze E®IPMEl'IT ~ MAn:R1Ai. rt1i.uRi. 6ROl<EH SPFl:INKI..ER HeADS, LEAl<S, UNRl!LIA6L.I: VAL ve, ETG. SHOULD 61! RfaPAIRED A& SOON AS THl;Y' 6!¾0),,le APPAl'UaNT. THJi OCEAN COLLECTION AT BRESSI LOT 17&18 GATEWAY RD. AT CAMPBELL Pl.AC& ,. ,f;DUCATe ALL MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL ON A CONTINUOUS E'A&IS ON THE PRESl:NCI: 01" RECY'CLl=D WATER. PERSONNEi.. Ml.if>T BE INFORMED THAT RECYCLl=D V'iATER IS Ml;ANT FOFI. IAAleATION I"\,~ ONLY, AND IS NOT APPROVED FOR DRINKINl5 PURPOSES, HAND, TOOL V'iA:'>HINi5 i;TG. GIVEN THE Hl<SH TURNOVEl't AATe OF EMPLOYEEl:I IN THE! LANDSG-APe INDUS7RY IT IS IMPORTANT THAT THll:I INFOl'U-IATlON ee Dl!">SEMINATl:D ON AN ALMO!">T DAILY eASIS • IT 15 YOU, Tl£ LAND¾APll CONTRAC-TOFI., WHO 15 RESPONeleL.e FOR WUCATINe l;!Ac;H AND laVeRY ONE OP YOUR EMPLOYEES. CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM -FUTURE (PRIVATE) 6. 06TAIN PRIOR APPROVAL OF ALL PROPOSEP GHANeeS AND MODIFICATIONS TO ANY PRIVATE!, ON-e>rre FACILITIES. SUGH G-HAN<:5E5 MJf>T Be $VEIMITTED TO, AND APPROVED 6Y, THE DISTRICT eNelNEERING OFF!G-E AND DlaSleNED IN AG-CORDANC.E WITH DISTRIG-T f:>TANDAF!Ol>. 1. A!.L. ~YG!.ED V'iATeFI. SPRINKI..EFI. G-ONTROL VAi.Ve SHALL BE TA~ HITH IDf:NTIFICATION TAe:5. A. TAea e>HALI. 6e S"x4' wi:ATHERP~ PLASTIC,, PURPL.la IN COLOR, WITH THE HOFI.Di:1 ".-,!ARN/Ne • Rl=G-YG-L.W l"lATEFI. -DO NOT DRINK" ON oNe SIDE AND "AVl:$0 - AGUA IMPUAA·NO TOMAA" ON THE OTHER SIDE. IMPRINTING SHAL.L BE PERMANENT AND 61.AG-i( IN GCI-OR USe TAGS AS MANUFAC.'l'lJ!'<l';O 6Y T. G-HRll:ITY ENTERF'Rlf:>f;S OR APP~D l:QVAl.. 6. ONE TA~ SHALL ee ATTAG-H!:D TO f!ACH VAi.VE A& FOLLOWS, I. ATTAC.H TO VALVE STEM DIF<EC.TL'(, OR HITH TIE WRAP. OR ... 2. ATTACH TO SOLENOID Hll'<e Dl~TLY OR. WITH PLAf>TlC TIE J.i.o:AP. OR ... :I. ATTACH TO VALVE COVEl'l WITH EXISTINl5 VALVE! c,QVEFI. 60LT. &, ALL f>PRJNKLeR Hl:!ADS SHALi.. 6e IDENTIFIW A5 RECYG!.ED V'iATER SPRINl<LeR Hl:!AD:,. I. eAG-H AUTOMATIC. CONTROL.LeR AND ITS A5SOCIATED EQUIPMENT SHALL 6E IDENTlfieD HITH A SleN 61:!AR/Ne TH!! wo~s "RECYG-L!:O V'iAT!;R use FOR IAAIGATlON' IN ENl5LISH AND 5F'ANISH i"IITH 61.ACI< LETT!;RS I In~ Hier! ON A PUF.PL.ll 6AG-1<6F<OUND. THE SISN 5HA!.L 66 PLAC-l=D SO THAT IT CAN 6e READILY' SE!;N 6Y ANY OPERATIONS PERSONNEL USINe THE EGUIPMENT. INSPEGTIQN E8QCEPURES1 IN$Pf:G.TION OF THE PROJECT SHALi.. 6e PERFORM 6Y THE LANDSCAPE ARGHiTeG-T OF THE WORK, OR HIS DESIGNATED Ai9eNT. REFER TO THE SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE ¾HeDULe OF REGUIRED IN$PECTION;; AND REQUIRED 5U6MITALS. FOLL.OHINe COMPLETION OP THE HORI<, THE LANDSCAPE ARG-HITECT Of THE rlORK HILL. (:;ER.TIFY THAT THE INSTAL.t.ATION HAl:I eEeN COMPLI:Tl::O 6Y 5U6MITTINe "Flnol Londaec:ip<1> Csrtlfleotlon Form' A R.l:GUEST FOR FINAi.. 1..AOSCAPE INSPECTION 6Y THE G-ITY MUf>T ALSO 6f: MADE 6Y CAL.Lit-le THE INf>PECTION REQUEST L.INE. "FINAL LANDSC,APe GERTIFIGATION FORM" FAX T01 160-'144-ei'143 LANDe<::,APf: INSPEG,TION ~GUEST PHONE L!Ne, 160-602-460:2 ALL IRRleATION 6A~KFLOW PREVENTl;Fl.5 SHALL BE TEf:>Tl;D 6Y CERTIFIED TEST!;l'l AND RE9ULTS M!f>T 6E. (';l,IVEN TO THE C.ITY 1 AND THE CA~S6AD MUNICIPAL i'!ATER DISTRICT. PIF'e 6E'Tl"iE!':N THE METER AND 6AC,KFLOH PRl:VeNTER eHALL 6e "¾HEDULe K HARD COl"PER.' A~f;D CONTRAG-T 6ACl<FLOW TE!">TERS CAN 6E FOIJND ON THI: GITY HEEi SITE AT "'""'·c;tc.01rl&l:>ooi.ec:,.v5/pdldoc..html?pld=S4G> II. DISTRICT FINAL il-1$PECTION SHALi. ING-LUDI:. A, COVEAAee TESTS, AfTJ;R G-OMPLETION OP THE !">PRINl<l,.ER 5YSTJ;M TO DETEFI.MINe THE ADEGUAC,Y OF G-OVERAee ON THE APPROVED U5e ARl:A AND Pl'<OTECTiON OF AREAS NOT APPROVED FOR ~EIVINe RECYCLED WATER. El. WAR.NIN& Sl6NS AND LA6!!L.S C,. GUIGI<. <:;i:,UPLINC) V Al. VEf:> D, ALL ASPeCTS OF THE IRRISATION WNDITIONS, ING-LUDINe HINDBI..OHN SPAAY', ~NOFF AND PONDINe. E. REQUIRED f'ROTE(,TION OP ALL RESID/;NTIAL ARE.A;;. P. REQUIR.EO PROT!;CTION OP HELLS, STREAMS, REf>ERVOIRS, f;TC,. 9, G-~SS-«,NNEG-TION. Ill. ANNUAL INSl"ECT!ON SHALL. INCL.UDE, A G-OMPLETe IN!">PECTION WHICH SHALL COVER PART A, PART 6, AND PART e OF THE DISTRICT'S FINAL IN!">PEG-TION. ReVISION;; MUST 6E APPROV!:D 6Y PtieLIC HE;AL.TH f:N$1NeER. GITY PLANNINC!il DIR.l:C TOR, AND DISTRIG-T ENeJNEeR PRIOR TO IMPLEMfaNTATION IN Flf:LD • Ql:":N;R DAVID DIRl£;NZO WNTAG-T, KIMSERLY HUTGHIN$5 q;5e, !;AST SANTA ANA 61.VD. :;,ANT A ANA, G-A '12101 PHONE, (;14) 541-q:260 FAX, (114) :242-qoo, 121;G,LAAAt1QN 08 RESF'QNS1EM e ljHAA6J! I HERl:6Y DE:GLARE THAT I AM THe LAND5CAP!: ARGHiTf:C.T OP TH!: WORK. POR THIS PROJ!¾T, THAT I HAVI: EXERGl!">ED RESPONSiet.E G-HAR<Se OVER TH!: DESIGN OF ir!IS PROJEG-T ~ DEFINED IN Sec.TION 6103 OI" THI: 6U!">INESS PROFESSIONS C.OD!: AND TH!: Dl;SIGN IS C.ONSISii;NT Hirn G-URRENT !:>TANDARDS. I UNDERSTAND THAT THI! C.HEc.K OP PROJECT DAAW1Ne5 AND !">F't:c./FIG-ATIONS 6Y TH!: C.ITY OF CARl-!">6AD AND TH!: SAN DIE60 COUNTY DePARTMENT OP ENVIRONMENTAL HEAL TH IS C.ONFINEP TO A RE\IIEH ONLY AND DO!;:S NOT RE:LleYE M!:, AS l.AND;,C,APE: ARCHITeG-T OF WORK, OF MY' RE!">PON!:>16IL/TIES FOFII. PR.OJEc.T DE5l$N. THl:S! ~ HAVI: 6EEN PRePAREP IN SU6STANT1AL CONFO~ANG,1; WITH THI: APPROVED LAND;,C,APe G-ONG.EPT Pl.AN, WAT/;R C.ONf>ERVATlON PLAN, FIR.I: !">UPPRE$!ON PLAN, AND ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL RELATED TO l.AND;,C,APIN15. 1-rnJl ;::,_ ,e,ij~_. 1456 3/oe,101 616NAiVRI: OP t.AND5CAP! ARCHITeG-T LIC.eNS!: NO. DAT!: ALL IR.Rl6ATION 6Ac;KFLOH PRE:VENTERS SHALL 6e ifcSTED 6Y A c;ERTIFl!:D TESTEl'l AND RE:SI.ILTS.MIJS>T 6E ~IVEN TO THE CITY AND THe CARl.&eAD MUNlCIPAL l"lATER Dlf>TFI.IG-T. PIPE 6ETJta!EEN TH!! METER AND eAc;KFL.OH PReVENTER. SHALL 6f: "SCHEDULE K HARD COPPER'. APPROVED "'NTAACT 6ACKFL.OH TEf>TERS CAN BE! FOUND ON THE G-ITY HES f>lTe AT www.c.!.ce:rl•bc:,d.ce:,.va/pdldoc..hl;ml7pld•S4G> OR G-ALL. 1E>0-4'&-2'T22 PREPARED FOR: ~RBAN+WEST LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 1'l&180FCARLSSAD TRACTCTOH5 BRESSI RA/ilCH, IN THE Cf7Y OF CAR:I.SSAO, COUN1Y OF SAN DIEGO, STA1E Of CA!.JFORNJA, ACCOIWING TO MAP THt,REOF /YO, 14360, FILED IN THE COUNTY RECOROER OF SAN OiEGO COVNTY. FE/3RUAAY -4, ~OI . FILE NO. 20CS.009$07$ OF OFFICW. RECORDS, KEY MAP TOTAL SITE IS 183,308 S.F. TOTAL LANDSCAPE AREA IS 61,795 S.F. 34 % OF THE TOTAL SITE IS LANDSCAPING ZONE ONE LANDSCAPE AREA 9,205 S.F • ..!.% OF SITE. ZONE TWO LANDSCAPE AREA 52 ALL EXISTING TREES AND STREE APPROVED DRAWING NUMBER 39 ,590 S.F. 29 % OF SITE. T TREES ARE PER CITY 9-4l AND 399-4M. EMPLOYEE EATING AREA ROVIOE 3,418 S.F. OF THE EMPLOYEE EA TING AREAS P HARDSCAPE-LANDSCAPEAREAF THE AREA INCLUDES OUTDOOR D SET IN A BEAUTIFUL LANDSCAPED (MEETS THE 300 S.F/PER 5000 S.F REQUIREMENT FOR THE AREAS L OR EMPLOYEE BREAKS. INING, BENCHES, SPACE. . RATIO TO BUILDING OCATED BEYOND 1,000 S.F OF THE MINI-PARK) SEE SHEET 2 FOR RECYCLED WATER USE MAP NOTTO SCALE PROJECT SITE -/NNOVA TION "' s ' ~~ ,I/ WAY ~ 1ii 0 1 ROAi) <:> ,PALOMAR ~~p~ 1~ ' CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT SC ~ j::i n,l;J ~ "' l.-~ <'i -~ ' I k' ~ ~ ... a-. :: -~\ I EJ. FU,RT£ __)_.. WILLIAM E. PLUMMER R.C.E.# 21'1176 DEPUTYCllY ENGINEER EXP. 3/31/02 \ £ll STREET POINSETTIA' LAN£ SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH VICINITY MAP • EB SCAll:HOflO!C,IJ,I ,,ye_ c:___ APPROVED BY: 6-1/.08 OATE: '--tr-"'° r DATE: 936 East Santa Ana Blvd. Santa Ana, ca 92701 APN 21:Waf-DS &, o!1NIH..» DEVELOPER PAVIP OIRIENZO iJfiEA,STSANTA.AN/1 SL.VO. SAfvTA ~ CA 92701 PHONE!: (11.f) H?-9250 FAX: (114) ~MOOT "AS-BUILT " APPROVED FOR PLANTING AD.DRESS ,,,...._ -AND IRRIGATION ONLY. I Phone: (714) 547-9260 Contact: Kimberly Hutchings 2510 :254(> 2550 2520 25'f2 2651 2524 2541 25SCI CONTA.ct.· KIMBERLY H/JTCHJNG$ REV~ / INCLUDING PRECISE P.E. EXP. DATE PREPARED BY: 2510 25# n5II CIVIL ENGINEER/LAND SURVEYOR PROJSCT DESIGN CONSr..t TAt•rri 101 II ST., S/,JJ~ fOO SAN DJEGO, CA 91101 TEL· 6'/MBH541 CONTACT: NICOLAS PSYHOGfES I \I J,,/... ~ _M. . ENGINEE'futJI PLAN CHECKER OATE ~ LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED SY: AREAS. INSPECTOR DATE • • TESHIMA DESIGN GROUP 01YNER 0A VID DJRICNZO 936EAST SANTAANA BL.\!'P. SANTA ANA, CA 92'f(lf PHONE: (714) S.M2~ PAX: (714) 142-9001 · 6/3/08 MM A, CONSTRUCTION CHANGE lb->'t.,, I"" ~. r,.lt.1/!J ,,.,, J I SHE1 I ~ , . CITY OF CARlSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT . 9903 Businesspark Avenue, Suite C San Diego, CA 92131 CONT~CT: KJMS,iffl. Y HVTCH/1,/GS 858.693.8824 NAME TITLE """" TESlilMA DESIGN GROUP Ut.Nn9CAPB ARCHrIECTlJRB I.AND PLANN1NO 9903 BUSJNBSSPARIC AVE. surra C SAN DIBGO. C'A 92lll Ph: (858) 693-8824 Date: 11/21/06 I st Revision per plan cl1k. 3-29-07 Fax: (858) 693-1 l 82 Project No. TDG06-23.010 DATE INITIAL DATE INfTJAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVIS!ON DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL TITLE SHEET BRESSI RANCH OFFICE BUILDING LOT 17 & 18 I APPif~( g:1 ~~* PLANNING' "·t,;'·•'o I DATE OWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. PATE INITIAL CHKD BY: CITY APPROVAL RYNO BY: PIP-06.11 . ,,,. ' 450-8L . 1 ~ l ' l I j i ! ' ! ! ., l ' . l ·1! ' ' I I i I l t , . 1 I I l ! I l j I I l l l ! ! - ! i I I 1: RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM LEGEND l'lACKFLOW PREVENTER BALL VALVE PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE 1-"WATER METER ( RECYCLED) 2" MASTER CONTROL VALVE CONTROLLER REMOTE CONTROL VALVE ELECTRICAL CONNECTION ---PROPOSED RECYCLED WATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE (PURPLE PIPE) 1H n POTABLE WATER MAIN IN STREET (CAMPBELL PLACE) RECYCLED WATER MAIN IN STREET "DO NOT DRINK" SIGNS (5 TOTAL) AREAS OF RECYCLED WATER USE EXISTING LANDSCAPE TO REMAIN FIRE HYDRANT QUICK COUPLER POTABLE WATER METER IN ORDER TO CONSERVE WATER. •. RECYCLED WATER IN USE DO NOT DRINK NO TOME EL AGUA WASH HANDS AFTER CONTACTING LAVESE SUS MANOS DESPUES DE USAR, SIZE: 18" X 18" .060 ABS PLASTIC, STICK-ON VINYL ~-BLACK LOGO PURPl.E BACKGROUND 1" BLACK LETTERS ---36" --+---- N.T.S. ,,. 1 WARNING ECYCLED WATER DO NOT DRINK ,,---+--2" !lLACK LETTERS WASH HANDS AFTER CONTACTING LAVESE SUS MANOS DESPUES DE USAR SIZE: 12" X 36" .060 ABS PLASTIC, STICK-ON VINYL OR .032" ALUMINUM X RECYCLED WATER SIGN SEE DETAIL RW SHEET L-8 FOR ATTACHED TO FREE STANDING METAL POST RECYCLED WATER USE AND KEY MAP P.E, __ _ EXP, __ _ DATE North TESHIMA DESIGN GROUP LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 9903 BUSINESSPARK AVE. SUITE C Ph: (858) 693-8824 LAND PLANNING SAN DIEGO, CA 92131 Fax: (858) 693-1182 Date: 11/21/06 Project No. TDG 06-23.010 I st Revision pet plan chk. 3-29-07 NOT TO SCALE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE t-----r-,--------------------i I SHE2ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~6 PLANNING DEPARTMENT L1£.j :=='..==========-===: RECLAIMED WATER USED MAP BRESSI RANCH OFFICE BUILDING LOT 17 & 18 j..f:ill~,Q::.,.J,\1!~'.11 :=====:===::===========---~=======~:===~==-=-{:==~:=-=--11 I APP~~ Cf· t&Jl:,it C.,-3.t,.e,"7 ,-.....----1---+----------------->---+---1----,.---1 PLANNING DATE DATE 1NffiAL DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER /IPPROVAL OATE INITIAL CllY APPROVAL OWN BY: ---1 CHKD BY: ---1 RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. PIP-06.11 DRAWING NO. 450-8L --- ---semen! (TYP.) I No irrigation runoff or overspray shall cross property lines or paved areas. All required plant material shall be irrigated with a permanent below-grade irrigation system. The system shall be automatic, electrically controlled, and designed to provide water to all required plantings to maintain them in a healthy, disease-resistant condition. All locations of the tree bubblers are approximate see 'Planting Plan' for precise location. Property line (TYP.) Trash Bins typ. 0 5 1 :201 -401 SCAJ..I:: l"=:20'-0" ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS: n ............................................... ANGLE POINT .-,:::i:. ............................................... ALIGN BC ................................................... Back of Cum BW ................................................... Back of Walk CL ................................................... Center Line Dia .................................................. Diameter _ ............................................... Direction of Dimension E ................................ , .................. Electrical EO ........................ , ......................... Equal Distance EW .................................................. End of Wall FB ................................................... Face of Building FC ................................ ,, ................. Face of Curb FL ................................................... Fence Line FW .................................................. Face of Wall GV .................................................. Gate Valve HH .................................................. Hand Hole NE .................................................. North East NW ................................................. North West PB ...... ,.,,, ...... ,, ..... ,, ... , ......... , ....... , .. Pull Box PCR ............................. , ................. Point of Curb Return PL .................................................. Property Line PR ... ... .. .. . .. .. .. . .... . .. .... .... .. .. .. .... .. .. .. Point of Reference POC ............................................... Point of Connection QCV ............................................... Quick Coupling Valve R .................................................... Radius RCV .......... , ...... , ............................. Remote Control Valve L ........................................... Reference point SE ................................................. South East SW ................................................ South West EQUIPMENT LEGEND IRRIGATION SCHEDULE [I] Locate recycled mainline inside of planter area 18" from back of sidewalk. rn Locate recycled mainline outside the existing irrigation at 18" back from of planter area. @] Install all irrigation equipment in the median planter area at 18" back from edge of cube. II] Install all laterals inside of median planter area 18" back from edge of cube. I]] Wire Sleeve (Typ). []] Locations of the tree bubblers are approximate. See planting plan for precise location. III Retrofit exisiting irrigations affected by new construction see note No.3 ml Relocate existing mainline affected by new construction see note No.3 • [!I See Detail 2 for installation of micro-sprays in containers 1& Note: 1. Planting and irrigation is existing in this areas per City of Carlsbad approved Project No. CT-02-15 DWG No. 421-3L sheet 3 and Project No. CT 00-06 DWG. No. 400-8N sheet 4. Contract shall test existing landscape irrigation system for leaks and repair if necessary. SYIIIIOL DUCIUP'TlON MANUf MOD!I. SIZE NOTES 2. Existing planting and irrigation shall remain and be protected in place. Damaged areas shall be repaired / replaced as approved by the City landscape architect. s f\ec:ycled Water M9t.- Poirw: of Conntetloo B Reduced PreNutl 8.ackflow Pravent.r s Remote Control vatve l""'I Low Flow Control Zone Kit ,. Approx. where shown, field vitrify, By Owner Fobco 825V 11/2" See detail W'l!J. Rain Bird PESB-A Seriel Size P8' Plan lnstd In Yelve box with purple hd per detail F. Rain Bird XCZ-LF-075 3/4' Inst.al In valve box with purple lid per datall 1. 3. Planting and irrigation is existing in this areas per City of Carlsbad approved Project No. CT 00-06, DWG No. 411-7L sheet 6 and sheet 9. Any existing mainline in service shall be protect to remain in place. Any relocated existing mainline and irrigation equipment affected by new construction shall test for leaks and repair if necessary. @ Muter Control Vatve 4. The contractor shall contact the landscape architect prior to beginning landscape work so that the landscape architect can review the project utility locations and revise plans accordingly to fully screen all utilities from view. ¾"~ \ ,~ .. -I "l'-r--1-ll -~ potable · watel Meter Employee (TYP. w~~:t"':,<!zill break area , LDING D STORY ""''", ... -.:t IIW,.= tu :rabies & benc es M. seat Be ch Trash Bins W "'-.:..._-+--1-l-[Xi! ~ 1} II Q) 5 .. 5 .. @ -== ~==--=~= -- ,_,,,,. w w Cl) ® reuure Reducing Ve/vp 5. All mainlines and irrigation equipment shall be located outside the street of right-of-way. 6. Check valves shall be installed as required to prevent all low head drainage. @] Coot<j• prouuriied Purple l.aboraJ PVC ' ' l ! SINv•. ! i Purpla ColQf for Sch.40 Gtay Color 1of Sch. 80 * •oo Not Drink" Sign -6 Total Controller Station Maximum GPM VIWt Size PVC Cius 200 See Notea Size Per Plan Install at 12" depth. s.e Trenching det.il G. 8tV9 IITtPl'O'J ; Und« V9hicle Paving inttell mainli!ll, wirillJ and latefnls In Separate PVC Sch. 80 al9'Wft with 3/!J' Size Per Plan C0\191', Under PedMttian Paving Install mainline, wiring and laterals In separate PVC Sch. 40 sleev• with 18"' COVQI'. All 11Nv• shalt ba 2·1/2' times line 1ize. See H . See Sheet L-2 detail X. and sheet L-8 dtta~ AW KEY MAP NOTTO SCALE SEE SHEET 4 FOR IRRIGATION LEGEND SEE SHEET 5 FOR EQUIPMENT LEGEND AND PRESSURE CALCULATION SEE SHEET 6 TO 8 FOR IRRIGATION DETAILS SEE SHEET 9 AND 10 FOR PLANTING PLAN SEE SHEET 11 FOR PLANTING DETAILS SEE SHEET 14 FOR IRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS IRRIGATION NOTE: THE FINAL IRRIGATION AS-BUILT PLANS Will. · BE REQUIRED TO BE REVIEWED AND HE CITY AND FINAL MYLARS ED TO BE APPROVED AND APPROVED FOR PLANTING APPROVED BY T WILL BE REQUIR SIGNED BY THE DEPARTMENTS CITY PRIOR TO PLANNING IGNING THE PERMIT CARD. AND IRRIGATION ONLY. F 0 l:R i1TY F5AN CH!<.-AS eu11.. T CT. ~00 FE 0 R CITY Pk-AN CH!<.-AS eu11.. T CT.14~00 '" INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. - "~ILT " ~-1'2-1-06 P.E. EXP. DATE R~MBY: n g:-E:ll.~ {1.-C, .,=e INSPECTOR DATE 6/3/08 MM Iii\ . --·· EK] I CITY OF CARISBAD 11 SHEETS I : PLANNING DEPARTMENT : 16 lAND8CAPB ARClllTliCnJRB lAND PlliNNINO 9918 BUIINIBJPAll AVB. SUl1E C SAN DIBOO, CA 9D Ph: (858) 693-8824 Date: 11/21/06 l st Revision per ~Ian chk. 3-29-07 Fax: (858) 693-1182 Project No. TOO 06-23.010 DATE INITlAl ENGINEER or WOf!K DATE INITlAl DATE INITlAl REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL crrv APPROVAL IRRIGATION PLAN BRESSI RANCH OFFICE BUILDING LOT 17 & 18 IAP~Lr~ I 'z... i:;,=-o DATE PLANNINe OWN BY: PROJ t:CT Nb. DRAWING NO. CHf<D BY: RVWD BY: PIP-06.11 450-SL . .. ;11111111 Ill .. ... ... ¾" .. 4 ... .. .. -51 2" :2 " MAIN L INE :2' !=RO~ e;:,G,E: OF P.LAN-ER O TE , ,-' I .A.!..VES...:~rn COUPLER 31, .. E 2 FR l-4 DGE OF ~LANTEl<.4 ' Employee break area BUILDI ¾" 3 /11 1/4 8 t' Tables & hes Mix 2s-s ~..._, h ~ \.Urii 15 I 28 -+-----< 2J+00 I 9 1 flr-Offl 211 r=-4-~~ ~/,' 24+00 : Existing potable : water at street N (Jl I I I .., -m w 0 !I' 20' 40' SC.AL.I:: I "=:20'-0" \ NOTES: No irrigation runoff or overspray shall cross property lines c.,r paved areas . All required plant material shall be irrigated with a permanent below-grade irrigation system. The system shall be automatic, electrically controlled, ;md designed to provide water to all required plantings to maintain them in a healthy, disease-resistant condition. All locations of the tree bubblers are approximate see 'Planting Plan' for precise location. \ \ -11-----------+-:, \ \ \ \ 1 1 1 \ \ \ I \ : I ,; I ;1 It; I I L:.l'\1)1 IJ U.,.,.l!"IC' I \ ' I [\ • IRRIGATION LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION MANUF MODEL PSI RADIUS GPM NOTES 15, 12, 10, 8 Shrub Pop-up Rain Bird 1812-SAM Body Style 30 nsta screens as requ1r to ~ uce 1us . ... A & Nozzle -Full 15, 12, 10,8 Not Shown Nozzle -Adjustable 15, 12, 10,8 6. i,.. y Nozzle -Half 15, 12, 10, 8 3.7, 2.6, 1.6, 1.6 30 15, 12, 10,8 t------1-------,----+----+---'--------+--+--'------+----------, Install on riser (See Riser Detail N) except as follows : t---,---,--,-,----1------,-~----t----+---------+--+------+----------, Install 12' pop-up bodies when heads are within 10 15,12, 10,8 -/¢ /;': Nozzle -One Third 15, 12, 10,8 30 15, 12, 10,8 2.0, 1.3, 0.8, 0.8 30 15, 12, 10,8 1.2, 1.0, 0.5, 0.5 feet of walks, curbs and along turf areas and when t---:--c:-.....,.,........,-,.,..---1--.,..-----=-=---,---+----+------,--,---,----,----+-,--+----,----,--+--'----------, located within the City right-of-way, or any other area k''k-k-Nozzle -Quarter 15, 12, 10, 0 30 15, 12, 10,8 1.0, 0.7, 0.4, 0.4 t----'--=--t---------'--4------1---'--.;_-'----4---+-......;.--'-'----1-----'------'--'------l where pedestrian traffic might occur. Use bottom 1---~--1----------+----+---------+---+-------+--------; inlet only. See Pop-up Detail C. 10, 8 Turf Pop-up Rain Bird 1804-SAM Body Style O Nozzle -Half 1 o, a 30 1 o, 8 o.a See Pop-up Detail C. Install PCS screens as t---~-,----1--N-o_zz_l_e_-_Q_u_art_e_r_--+----+-----1-0,-8-. ---+-3-0-+---1-0-, -8--+----0-.4-----1 required to reduce radius. Shrub Stream/Bubbler Rain Bird 1806-SAM Body Style Tree Bubbler 1401 3_0 0.5 Install PCS screens where required to reduce -----------+----+-----~---+~-+------+----------, Full 5F-B/PCS-125 30 5' 1.3 radius. Install all shrub/stream bubblers on t---'<=r---+-----:--:H-,al,,...f ---+----+--=5'"'H-=-B'""/p=c=s""-60c=-=--+--='30'="+---5-, --+----=o-=.6:-----1 1806-SAM pop-up bodies with PA-80 adapter. 1---~---,1----Q=-u_a_rt'.'"e-r ----+---+-5-:Q:-.-=-B/c::P:-::C:-::Sc--4-:0--+-::30:-=--+---5-,---+-------=0-_4:-----1 See Pop-up Detail C. ~ 04 Xeri-Pop Micro Spray Rain Bird XP·400X Body Style • Micro Spray MP2Q-SS 30 2' 0.08 Detail 2. All heeds shall be on risers (See Rotor on Riser t----"---r---------+----+-'----------+--t------+--------1 Detail R) except as follows: Install 12' pop-up bodies ,1') Nozzle -Quarter Nozzle 1 1-10/l-20-HP-ADR-0.5SR 40 17' 0.5 ~ @ Nozzle -Half Nozzle3 1-10/1-20-HP-ADR-1,0SR 40 17' 0.9 t-----=---t---------+-----+---------+--t------+--------1 when heeds are within 10 feet of walks, curbs and l---~--1---:--:----:--c::----+------,-+-,...,.;.,,....,..,.--::--:----,-,-,,--+-:-::-+-----+----------, along turf areas and when located within the City right-of-way, or any other area where pedestrian t----=---r---------+----+---------+--1------+---....cc..'--------, traffic might occur. See Pop-up f!otor Detail P. @ Nozzle -Full Nozzle 5 1-10/l-20-HP-3RS-2.0SR 40 17' 1.8 ® Nozzle -Quarter Nozzle2 1-10/1-20-HP-ADR-. 75SR 40 24' @ Nozzle -Half Nozzle4 l-10/l-20-HP-ADR-1,5SR 40 24' 6 Nozzle -Full Nozzles l-10/l-20-HP-3RS-3.0SR 40 24' (t) Nozzle -Quarter Nozzle 7 PGS/PHG-ARV-7 40 30' @ Nozzle -Half Nozzle 9 PGS/PHG-ARV-9 40 30' E Nozzle -Varies IRRIGATION SCHEDULE IT] Locate recycled mainline inside of planter area 18" from back of sidewalk. [fil Locate recycled mainline outside the existing irrigation at 18" back from of planter area. [fil Install all irrigation equipment in the median planter area at 18" back from edge of cube. [i) Install all laterals inside of median planter area 18" back from edge of cube. II] Wire Sleeve (Typ). @] Locations of the tree bubblers are approximate. See planting plan for precise location. II] Retrofit exisiting irrigations affected by new construction see note No.3 rn:J Relocate existing mainline affected by new construction see note No.3 [g] See Detail 2 for installation of micro-sprays in containers Note: 1. Planting and irrigation is existing in this areas per City of Carlsbad approved Project No . CT-02-15 DWG No. 421-3L sheet 3 and Project No. CT 00-06 DWG . No. 400-8N sheet 4. Contract shall test existing landscape irrigation system for leaks and repair if necessary. 0.7 1.3 2.7 0.8 1.4 SEE SHEET 5 FOR EQUIPMENT LEGEND AND PRESSURE CALCULATION SEE SHEET 6 TO 8 FOR IRRIGATION DETAILS SEE SHEET 9 AND 10 FOR PLANTING PLAN SEE SHEET 11 FOR ?LANTING DETAILS SEE SHEET 14 FOR IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS r~i ~\~f I I\ I ~\ ' . 2. Existing planting and irrigation shall remain and be protected in place. Damaged areas shall be repaired / replaced as approved by the City landscape architect. 3. Planting and irrigation is existing in this areas per City of Carlsbad approved Project No . CT 00-06, DWG No . 411 -?L sheet 6 and sheet 9. Any existing mainline in service shall be protect to remain in place. Any relocated existing mainline and irrigation equipment affected by new construction shall test for leaks and repair if necessary. I '~ ~~ ::-.; ' I \ 4. The contractor shall contact the landscape architect prior to beginning landscape work so that the landscape architect can review the project utility locations and revise plans accordingly to fully screen all utilities from view. 5. All mainlines and irrigation equipment shall be located outside the street of right-of-way. 6. Check valves shall be installed as required to prevent all low head drainage. IRRIGATION CONTROLLER CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL (1) 36-STATION HUNTER ICC-3600-SS (EXTERIOR WALL MOUNT) WITH STAINLESS STEEL ENCLOSURE. FINAL LOCATION OF CONTROLLER SHALL BE APPROVED BY AUTHORIZED OWNl:R REPRESENTATIVE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE 120 VOLT ELECTRICAL SERVICE TO CONTROLLER PER MANUFACTURER RECOMMENDATIONS . IRRIGATION NOTE: THE FINAL IRRIGATION AS-BUILT PLANS WILL BE REQUIRED TO BE REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY AND FINAL MYLARS WILL BE REQUIRED TO BE APPROVED AND SIGNED BY THE CITY PRIOR TO PLANNING DEPARTMENT SIGNING THE PERMIT CARD. 6/3/08 MM It\ "' . TESHIMA OF.SIGN GROUP LANDl!ICAPB .ARallTBClURB lAND PlANNING 9903 BUSINBISPAll. AVE. surIE C SAN DIBOO, CA 9D Ph: (858) 693-8824 Date: 11/21/06 1st Revision per plan chic. 3-29-07 Fax: (858) 693-1182 Project No. TOG 06-23.010 DATE INm.-,. ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION ~ KEYMAP NOTTO SCALE ~'ij-:-BUILT " APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY. ~-&:-: lQ-1-o& INCLUDING PRECISE P.E. EXP. DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING RrillY: AREAS. ('t-.:;-@. &-E:lt 4 INSPECTOR DATE '"" .... m, CITY OF CARIBBAD , 1 SHEETS i . PLANNING_ DEPARTMENT 16 IRRIGATION PLAN BRESSI RANCH OFFICE BUILDING LOT 17 & 18 IAPP~( g -E:t--91\- PLANNING cz-c;,.:ie. / DATE DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. Dot.TE INl11AL DATE INl11AL CHKD BY: OTHER APPROVAL CITY ..IPPROVAL RVWD BY: PIP-06.11 450-BL ' IL~-~- ~ f-12" min.~ ~!F"'==-n.-----------CD )%N' ,A..:::::~L!::~~.:;!.Z.~~~.;ll-,/~,(-~~~~ CD FINISHE~ GRADE ,~~ Cg) PLASTIC PURPLE VALVE BOX @ PVC SCH.80 NIPPLE @ PRESSURE REG. @ PVC PRESSURE MAINLINE @ WYE FILTER 0nstall in a manner to allow (D) PVC 1.ATERAL LINE access for cleaning) @ REMOTE CONTROL VALVE @ 1.ANDSCAPE FABRIC @BRICKSUPPORTS @ VALVEI.D. TAG (z) 1/2 C.F.-3/4' CRUSHED Q3) EASY FIT MALE ADAPTER NOTE; RUN ONLY PVC LATERAL UNDERGROUND TO CONTAINERS GRAVEL IN BASE OF BOX @ EASY FIT COUPLING @ PVC SCH.40 TX T ELL @) XERI-BLACK PURPLE STRIPE TUBING G) XERI-POP WITH MUL Tl-PORT STREAM NOZZLE (3 OR 4 PER CONTAINER) . @ PURPLE 1/4" DISTRIBUTION TUBING ® POT -SEE POT SCHEDULE. (v POTTING MIX. @ POT STAND BLOCKS @PURPLE XBF3TEE 0 WATERPROOF SAUCER @FINISH SURFACE ® XERI-BLACK PURPLE STRIPE TUBING @) EASY FIT COUPLING @ PURPLE EASY FIT FLUSH CAP @)BARB TEE @scH. BO PVC NIPPLE @) 1' CLEAN GRAVEL. @)SPACERS ©--- 1 CONTROL ZONE KIT IRRIGATION DETAIL FOR POTS SCALE: N.T.S. EQUIPMENT LEGEND SYMBOL DESCRIPTION MANUF MODEL SIZE NOTES s Recycled Water Meter 1• Approx. where shown, field verify. By Owner Point of Connection B Reduced Pressure Febco 825Y 11/2'' See detail W20. Backf!ow Preventer s Remote Control Valve Rain Bird PESB-A Series Size Per Plan Install in valve box with purple lid per detail F. ~ Lew Flow Control Zone Kit Rain Bird XCZ-LF-075 3/4" lnstaU in valve box with purple lid per detail 1. -. @ Master Control Valve Rain Bird PESB-R Series 1-1/2' ,, install in valve box with purple lid per detail B. Install at point of connection as shown on plan. . . @' Pressure Reducing Valve Install .in (8") round valve box with purple lid and Wilkins 510YSBR 2·1/2" (3'j washed gravel at bottom and set @ 100 p.s.l. See detail M .. Exterior wall mount controller. Install with @] Controller Hunter ICC-3600-SS 36-Stations stainless steel enclosure. Install with WCS Rain .. Guard Sensor see detail O. Final location of controller shall be selected by Owner. install per manufacturer's specifications. See detail J. . Install in 1 O' Round Valve Bex with purple nd per • Quick Coupler Nelson 7645 1' detail K. Brand lid with letters "QC". . ,. ~ Ball Valve KBI WLT-OOOO·T Line Size Install in 1 O" round valve box with purple lid per detail A. Mount in the areas that will be exposed to NOT Rain Sensor wcs Rain Guard unobstracted rainfall, but not in the path of SHOWN ,. sprinkler spray. Mount per manufactuer'S ' specifications in location selected by Owner. ' See detail 0. Plug or hard wire controller onto GA [§ Electrical Connection 120Vott electrical outlet Loqation to be determined by Owner. NOT Check Valve KBI KC-Series lns1all where required to prevent low head 1 NOTTO SCALE IRRIGATION NOTES 1. ALL LOCAL MUNICIPAL ANO STATE LAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING OR RELATING TO AfN PORTION OF THIS WORK ARE HEREBY INCORPORATED INTO AND f.1Aj)E .f fABT .01::Jl:IE~g WECIFICATIONS ANO THEIR PROVISIONS SHALL BE CARRIED OUT BY THE CONTRACTOR 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES, STRUCTURES AND SERVICES BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. THE LOCATIONS OF UTILITIES, STRUCTURES AND SERVICES SHOWN IN THESE PLANS ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. ANY DISCREPANCIES BETWEEN THESE PLANS AND ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. a THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY PERMITS REQUIRED TO PERFORM THE WORK INDICATED HEREIN BEFORE BEGINNING WORK. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN THE PERTINENT ENGINEERING OR ARCHITECTUAL PLANS AND AS-BUILT DRAWINGS BEFORE BEGINNING WORK. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL IRRIGATION LINES ANO CONTROLLER WIRES WITH PROPOSED LOCATIONS OF PLANT MATERIAL ANO ROOT BARRIERS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION, ALL IRRIGATION SLEEVES SHALL BE COORDINATED AND INSTALLED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF ANY PAVING, WALL FOOTINGS/ FOUNDATIONS, CURBS AND ETC. 5. STATIC PRESSURE IS: RECLAIM WATER@ 146 P.S.I. & POTABLE WATER@98 P.S.I. DATE PRESSURE GIVEN: 10-18-06 VERIFIED BY: RICHARD· CMWD 6. THIS DESIGN IS DIAGRAMMATIC. ALL EQUIPMENT SHOWN IN PAVED AREAS IS FOR DESIGN CLARITY ONLY AND IS TO BE INSTALLED WITHIN PLANTING AREAS PS NECESSARY. 7. DO NOT WILLFULLY INSTALL ANY EQUIPMENT AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS WHEN IT IS OBVIOUS IN THE FIELD THAT UNKNOWN CONDITIONS EXIST THAT WERE NOT EVIDENT AT THE TIME THESE PLANS WERE PREPARED. ANY SUCH CONDITIONS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER PRIOR TO ANY WORK OR THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME ALL RESPONSIBILITY FOR AN'f FIELD CHANGES DEEMED NECESSARY BY THE OWNER. 8. INSTALL ALL EQUIPMENT AS SHOWN IN THE DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO COMPLY WITH CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY ANO STATE REQUIREMENTS FOR BOTH EQUIPMENT ANO INSTALLATION. 9. CONTRACTOR IS TO PROVIDE AN ADDITIONAL COMMON WIRE TO THE END OF THE MAINLINE RUN IN TWO DIRECTIONS FROM THE CONTROLLER. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE (2) ADDITIONAL CONTROL WIRES TO EVERY VALVE MANIFOLD, ALL ADDITIONAL WIRE SHALL BE BUNDLED, TAPED, AND PLACED IN CONTROL VALVE BOX. 10. ALL LATERALS, MAINLINE AND WIRE UNDER PEDESTRIAN PAVED AREAS TO BE INSTALLED IN A SCH. 40 SLEEVE TWICE TfJ.E DIAMETER OF THE PIPE CARRIED. ALL LATERALS, MAINLINE ANO WIRE UNDER VEHICLE PAVED AREAS TO BE INSTALLED IN A SCH. 80 SLEEVE TWICE THE DIAMETER OF THE PIPE CARRIED.ALL WIRE UNDER PAVED AREAS TO BE INSTALLED IN A SCH. 40 SLEEVE THE SIZE REQUIRED TO EASILY PULL WIRE TI-tROUGH. ALL SLEEVES TO BE INSTALLED WITH A MINIMUM DEPTH AS SHOWN ON THE SLEEVING DETAILS. SLEEVES TO EXTEND AT LEAST 12' PAST THE EDGE OF THE PAVING. ALL,SLEEVES TO BE AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. 11. ALL HEADS ARE TO BE INSTALLED WITH THE NOZZLE, SCREEN ANO ARCS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. ALL HEADS ARE TO BE ADJUSTED TO PREVENT OVERSPRAY ONTO BUILDING, WALLS, FENCES AND HARDSCAPE. THIS INCLUDES, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ADJUSTMENT OF DIFFUSER PIN OR ADJUSTMENT SCREW, REPLACEMENT OF PRESSURE COMPENSATING SCREENS, REPLACEMENT OF NOZZLES WITH MORE APPROPRIATE RADIUS UNITS ANO THE REPLACEMENT OF NOZZLES WITH ADJUSTABLE ARC UNITS. 12. All HEADS INDICATED ON THE PLANS AT A SPACING LESS THAN 75% OF FULL OPEN THROW, AS PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS, ARE TO RECEIVE A PCS SCREEN OF APPROPRIATE SIZE TO REDUCE THE RADIUS TO MORE CLOSELY MATCH THE SPACING. REFER TO THE MANUFACTURER'S CHARTS PROVIDED WITH PCS SCREENS FOR SIZING OF SCREENS. 13. PROVIDE CLEAN SAND BEDDING AND BACKFILL FOR PRESSURE MAINLINE PIPE (3 IN. BELOW AND 6 IN. ABOVE PIPE MINIMUM). 14. IRRIGATION SYSTEMS ARE TO ae INSTALLED AS SHOWN ON THE PLANS & IN ACCORDANCE W/TrlE CRITERIA AND STANDARDS OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD LANDSCAPE STANDARDS MANUAL & OTHER APPLICABLE STDS. AS OF THE APPROVED DATE OF THESE PLANS. 15, USE VARIABLE ARC NOZZLES AS REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE COMPLETE COVERAGE WITH MINIMALOVERsPRAY 16. SYSTEMS ARE DESIGNED FOR A MINIMUM OF 30 psi FOR SPRINKLER HEADS. 17. ALL LATERAL END RUNS SHALL BE 3/4" SCH 40, UNLESS OTHERWISE NQTED. 18. ALL REMOTE CONTROL VALVES SHALL BE INSTALLED IN VALVE BOXES, ONE VALVE PER BOX . LOCATE ALL REMOTE CONTROL ANO QUICK COUPLING VALVES ADJACENT TO WALKS OR CURBS • 19. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY PROPOSED LOCATION FOR BACK.FLOW PREVENTER ANO IRRIGATION CONTROLLER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. C.M.W.O. 8ACKFLOW SPECIALIST TO APPROVE BACKFLOW PREVENTER LOCATION. 20. INSTALL (1) WC$ "RAINGUARD' RAIN SHUT-OFF DEVICE, OR EQUAL, PER CONTROLLER, PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. 21. CROSSOVER SLEEVE TO BE PROVIDED WHERE RECYCLED WATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE CROSSES POTABLE DOMESTIC WATER MAINS. SLEEVE TO BE INSTALLED ON RECYCLED MAIN ANO EXTEND TEN (10) FEET ON EITHER SIDE OF THE POT ABLE MAIN .CAMBELL PLACE 22. CHECK VALVES SHALL BE INSTALLED AS REQUIRED TO PREVENT ALL LOW HEAD DRAINAGE APPROVED FOR PRESSURE CALCULATIONS PROJECT: BRESSI RANCH OFRCE BUILDING LOCATION: PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND INNOVATION WAY PRESS ZONE/ SOURCE ELEV.: 98p.s.l / potable, 146 p.s.Vreclalm water DATE OF PRESSURE CHECK: 10/18/06 BY: Sam atCMWD JOB NO.: 05-48 CLIENT NO.: 858-453-1200 WATER AUTHORl'IY: Carlsbad Water District CALC. DA TE: 5/22/06 BV:SY VALVE NO. CHECKED: 21 PRESS. AT POC: 146 P.S.I. [(661-320) X .433 = 146) LGL: POC ELEVATION: 320 HIGHEST HEAD: 347 PIPE PIPE PIPE PIPE ACCUM. LOSS SECTION TYPE SIZE LENGTH GPM INPSl 1 CL200 3/4' 211' 2.8 ,16 2 CL.200 3/4" 311' 4.4 1.45 3 CL.200 3/4' 10' 10 .43 4 CL.200 1' 50' 14 1.21 5 CL.200 1' 20' 17.2 .77 6 CL200 1-1/4" 1 O' 18 ,12 7 CL200 1-1/4" 100' 32 358 8 CL2~0 1-1/2" 1 O' 32 · .19 A. TOTAL LA TERA!. SYSTEM LOSSES 7.43 MAINLINE/SERVICE LIN~ SYSTEM: PIPE PIPE i PIPE PIPE ACCUM. LOSS SECTION TYP1: SIZE LENGTH GPM INPSI CL. $15 I 2' 630' 27 8.06 MAINLINE ' B. TOTAL MAINLINf/SERVIGE LINE SYSTEM LOSSES 8.08 MISCELLANEOUS LOSSES: SIZE: WATER METER 1-1/2" 3.3 BACKFLOW PREVENTER 2' 15 CONTROL VALVE 1-1/2' 2.7 MASTER CONTROL VALVE 1-1/2" 2.7 C. TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS LOSSES 23.7 O. TOTAL SYSTEM LOSSES ( A+B+C) 39,2 E. FITTING LOSSES ( 15% OF TOTAL LOSSES) 5,9 F. HEAD LOSS/ GAIN IN SYSTEM [(347-320) X .433 = 10.4} 11.7 G. MINIMUM REQUIRED PRESSURE AT LAST HEAD 30 H. DESIGIII PRESSURE ( D+E+f+G) 85,5 I. AVAILABLE PSI (RECLAIM WATER@146 psi) SET@ 100 J. RESIDUAL PSI ( 1-H ) 14.5 K. PUMP BOOST I--. L /\DJ US TED RESIDUAL PSI ( J + K ) 14,5 "AS-BUILT " PLANTING SHOWN drainage. SEE SHEET 3 A~D 4 FOR IRRIGATION PLAN SEE SHEET 6 TO 8 FOR IRRIGATION DETAILS AND NOT~~ AND IRRIGATION ONLY. I Sch.40 1·1/2' Install at 18' depth. See Trenching detail G. • Pressurized Purple Mainline PVC or less Cl. 315 Size Per Plan I 2' or more .I\ ,ft Non-pressurized Purple Lateral PVC Class 20~ Size Per Plan Install al 12' depth. See Trenching detail G. SEE SHEET 9 AND 10 FOR PLANTING PLAN ~~"►i::~~:,1~'-1~-t-& SEE SHEET 11 FOR PLANTING DETALS . JIVJv-... .., SEE SHEET 14 TO 16 FOR SPECIFICATIONS ' INCLUDING PRECISE P.E. EXP. DATE ' LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY: I AREAS. INSPECTOR OATE .,,eeve unaer improvements: Under Vehicle Paving install mainline, wiring and I I laterals in separate PVC Sch. 80 sleeves with 36" l I Sleeve• PVC See Notes Size Per Plan cover. Under Pedestrian Paving install mainline, 6/3/08 MM I /1\GONSTHUCTICN CHANG!. IRRIGATION DETAILS ADDED, SCHEDULES R~!Set> 4,Z"l-cll ,..e:_ u] I CITY OF CARISBAD 11 SHEEfS I PLANNING DEPARTMENT 16 I I I I Purple Color for Sch.40 I I Gray Color for Sch. 80 * 'Do Not Drink" Sign • 6 Total -~ Controller Station '/ --MaximumGPM ,, I Vallie Size wiring and laterals in separate PVC Sch. 40 sleeves with 18' cover. All sleeves shall be 2-1/2'' times line size. See Sleeve detail H. . See Sheet L-2 detail X, and sheet L-8 detail RW . '. TESIDMA DESIGN GROUP lANDSCAPB ARCHITF.CTURB 9903 BUS1NFSSPARK AVB. SUITB C Ph: (858) 693-8824 Date: 11i2l/06 1st Revision per plan chk. 3-29-07 I.AND PlANNlNO SAN DJBGO, CA 92131 Fox: (858) 693-1182 Project No. TDG 06-23,010 IRRIGATION LEGEND BRESSI RANCH OFFICE BUILDING LOT 17 & 18 IAPW~/. .~~-\' I ~-V.•.c@, P NNIN 4 DATE OWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. PATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: 450-8L ENGJNEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: PIP-06.11 i 1 if i 1 . .I l !. ~ l ! ,~ ' t I ! .. ' l '----------....:. _______ ...;_ ____ ..;.._ _____________________________ ___,.. ___________ ..__ _________________________________ __,,. ' ; ; ". , -----------------•-----e,~-.---o<-,-...t;,_~-,,.""•>e,i~Le•,----=•,,4-,-:;,,~<~"'"''~~\"'¼-•>~•<'.0>&',:,W,i,""4'aa"<'<~<'.<-C>,-·."""""•"'"CC..,;C>,->,",,,Ac>"%<-''->om"-=-l,CS,,~;.;,-_=,;.,_,,,,,..,,,,--,,,,~.,_,,-,_,,,f,k¥,G.,,;,."-✓'",S,,<,,.,_,,,,,t,-j,_;;;;,,,,;;-,,_,,;,,,1/>'1;/µ_-=-~---,ii,c.,;, ___ ,,_, ______ ,_,_e~-,c-'---->,_<y,'C-',,,,.,.;,_~-.. ""'""'_,-,,,·,--•-r,'~-as,;,..,~-•~--------•~~-~--~-----------------"----------........... ----------1 1 2 4 (i) CD FINISHED GRADE {!) BRiCKSUPPORTS ® PLASTIC VALVE BbX WITH PURPLE BOLT DOWN COVER, USE STAINLESS STEEL BOLT NUT AND WASHER HEAT BRAND 'Git ONTO LID. @112 C.F, 3/4" CRUSHED GRAVEL @)BALL VALVE @MAINLINE (j) LANDSCAPE FABRIC ® BALL VALVE SIDEWALK 24 IN. PURPLE METER BOX LID WATER METER r7':r,-t?,;;::'.:'Z.Zj'ZZ2~r,::;::::.:-=-=.=::r:::;;11 -.C..L...~L, OC) ~----11 0:: t POTABLE SERVICE LINE 10 f'T., MIN. TO POTABLE MAINLINE IN STREET .I, RECYCLED WATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE W/SLEEVE NOTE: VERTICAL CLEARANCE OF 12 IN. MIN, IS MANDATORY WHEN CROSSING PATH OF A POTABLE WATER LINE. INSTALLATION Of RECYCLED WATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE 24 IN. FROM FACE OF SIDEWALK WILL PROVIDE THE NECESSARY 10 FT. HORllONTAL CLEARANCE FROM POTABLE MAINLINE IN 11-IE STREET. POTABLE MAINLINE CROSSING MAINLINE SPECIFICATIONS: CL. 315 FOR 2' OR MORE SCH, 40 FOR 1·1/2" OR LESS. NOTE: ALL PRESSURE MAINLINE UNDER DRIVES SHALL BE BURIED TO A 30' MINIMUM DEPTH. . =1 _-l ' -1- . WU 1i -- NOTES: 12' 1 1. Pipe shall ba snaked side to side in trench to allow expansion. 'illm~ :111-11 1.L I -(W:ffiru~= --2 1S" (i) FINISH GRADE @ CLEAN BACKFlLL • 90% COMPACTION REQUIRED • SEE SPECS @ PURPLl': NON-PRl':SSURE LATERAL LINE PER LEGEND 0 PURPLE COLOR PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE PER LEGEND --. _, :tM :w ,7'1'7 @ PROVIDE 2' OF CLEAN SAND BELOW PRESSURE MAINLINE IF ROCK LARGER THAN 2' IS PRESENT G) 6" MJN. CLEARANCE FROM HARDSCAPE { MAINLINE ONLY) NOT TO SCALE (!ll NOTTO SCALE @ DIRECT BURIAL, LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRES -INSTALL BELOW PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE. BUNDLE AND TAPE WIRES AT 12' O.C. LOOP CONTROL WIRES AT All 90 DEGREE CHANGES IN DIRECTION. SPLICING OF WIRE RUNS IS NOT ALLOWED UNLESS APPROVED 8Y THE OWNER @ TWO LAYERS OF RECYCLED WATER WARNING TAPE ALONG THE MAINLINE. ONE 12" ABOVE AND ONE RESTING ON THE MAINLINE @ TRENCHING NOTTO SCALE 0 ® ® 0 ® 1 FINISHED GRADE 1' BELOW VALVE BOX TOP IN TURF AREAS. 2' BELOW VALVE BOX IN SHRUB BEDS PUAPLI; PLASTIC RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX WITH LOCKING LID, BOX TO BE PLACED AT RIGHT ANGLE TO HAADSCAPE EDGE, CONTROL VALVE, SEE LEGEND FOR SPEC WATER PROOF WIRE CONNECTOR· "SNAP•TITE" OR EQ. 18' WIRE LOOP ( WRAP 15 TIMES AROUND 112" DIA. PIPE TO FORM COIL· REMOVE PIPE.) RECYCLED WATER TAG· CHRISTY'S OR EQUAL PVC SCH 40 SLIPxFIPT ADAPTER, (2 REQUIRED) NOTES: 1, ALL WIRE TO BE INSTALLED AS PER LOCAL CODES. 2. COMPACT SOIL AROUND VALVE BOX TO SAME DENSITY AS UNDISTURBED ADJACENT SOIL. @ PVC MAINLINE• PIPE PER SPECS, @ SCH. 80 UNION @BRICK SUPPORTS -(1) ONE AT EACH CORNER @ 3" SCH 80 NIPPLE TYP. (3 TOTAL) @ LAND$CAPE FABRIC @ 1 C,F.• PEA GRAVEL @PVC MAINUNE FIFE FROM BACKFLOW PER SPECS. @ PVC SCH.40 ELLS (2) (i) INSTALL SPRINKLER ANGLE FOR MAX, THROW IF IRRIGATING SLOPES @ FINISH GRADE OF SOIL OR MULCH WHERE OCCURS @PAVING OR STRUCTURE © SPRAY HEADS: 4" FROM WALKS AND CURBS 8" FROM STRUCTURES @ POP-UP SPRINKLER WITH PURPLE CAP AND BUILT-IN CHECK VALVE © 1 /2" MARL EX STREET ELL (MIPT X FIPT) (2) (2) 1 /2' SCH, 80 PVC THREADED 6" NIPPLE @ 1 /2' MARL EX STREET ELL (MIPT x RP1) @ PVC LATERAL LINE @) SCH. 40 PVC S XS X FIPT TEE OR ELL 12" MIN, NOTE: 1. Contractor shall install additional anti-drain valves, as required, to prevent low head drainage 2, Use bottom inlet only 3. Use pop-ups on ali heads within 1 O' of walks, lawn, or curbs. 3 MASTER CONTROL VALVE NOT TO SCALE @) POP-UP SPRAY HEAD NOTTOS STREET SURF ACE POTABLE MAINLINE {SEE IMPROVEMENT DRAWINGS) 3.5 FEET 12 IN. MIN. REQUIRED VERTICAL SEPARATION ~ "--.. RECYCLED WATER WARNING ,.....-::::,,-TAPE ABOVE MAINLINE. SEE TRENCHJNG DETAIL. RECYCLED WATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE NOTE: SLEEVE ALL RECYCLED WATER IRRIGATION PIPE AND SLEEVES SHALL BE PURPLE AND LABELED. (SEE NOTE 10, SHEET L-6) POTABLE SERVICE LINE CROSSING TESHIMA DESIGN GROUP LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE LAND PLANNING 9903 BUSINESSPARK AV£.. SUITE C SAN, DIEGO, CA 92131 Fax: (858) 693· l 18? Ph: (858) 693-8824 Dau,: 11/21/06 !st Revision per plan chk, 3-29-07 Project No. TDG 06-23.010 NOTTO SCALE DATE INITlAL ENGINEER OF WORK ® - REVISION DESCRIPTION 6--11 8 12 1. REMOTE CONTROL VALVE 2. SOLENOID 3. WATERPROOF 'MRE SPLICE CONNECTORS (SEE SPECS.) 4. CONTROL WIRES; BUN')LE AND TAPE (W/ 4 FT. MIN. EXmA WIRE) 5. PVC SCH 80 UNION 6, RECTANGULAR PLASTIC VALVE BOX W/ PURPLE LID 7. PVC NON-PRESSURE PIPE 8, PVC PRESSURE PIPE 9, PVC SCH 80 NIPPLE (TYP.) (LENGTH AS REQUIRED) 10. PVC SCH 40 FEMALE ADAPTER (TYP.) 1 15 11, FINISH GRADE, SET TOP OF BOX FLUSH IN TURF AREAS, 2 INCHES ABOVE IN SHRUB AND GROUNDCOVER AREAS 12. PVC SCH 40 TEE (SSS} OR ELL (SS) ON MAINLINE 13. UNDIS11JRBED / COMPACTED SUBGRADE 14, BRICK OR CONCRE.Ti;: )SUPPORTS - 2 EACH SIDE, FOUR ( 4 TOTAL 15. 1 CU, FT. MIN. PEA GRAVEL 16, SEE SPECS FOR DEPTHS 17. 2 IN. MIN. 18. RECYCLED WATER TAG - CRISTV'S OR EQUAL NOTE: 4-INCHES CLEAR FROM TOP OF VALVE STEM TO UNDERSIDE OF VAL VE BOX LID REMOTE CONTROL VALVE NOTTO SCALE '·,,,' ,, f ' ,, ' ,, f. ;;_, •,,, . i\ ·\ :;; "AS-BUILT .. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY. - INCLUDING PRECISE P.E. EXP. DATE LOCATION OF PLANTiNG REVIEWED BY: AREAS. INSPECTOR DATE I SHWI CITY OF CARI..SBAD CTr] PLANNING DEPARTMENT 6 IRRIGATION DETAIL PLAN BRESSI RANCH OFFICE BUILDING LOT 17 & 18 IAPPiD~ ( g: ~k,:ft: I !'.;-~-01 DATE PLANNING OWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIA!. DATE INIT!AL CHKO BY: OTHER APPROVAi. CflY APPROVAi. RVWD BY: PIP-06.11 450-8L \ Q) HARDSCAPE (TYPICAL) @ CLEAN BACKFILL" 90% COMPACTION REQUIRED -SEE SPECS GD SAND (TYPICAL) G) NON-PRESSURE LATERAL LINE IN SLEEVE 18" MINIMUM DEPTH 2" @ CONTROL WIRE SLEEVE ADJACENT TO MAINLINE SLEEVE @ PRESSURE SUPPLY L!NE IN SLEEVE 24" MINIMUM DEPTH NOTES: 1. Ail sleeves to be Sch.40 PVC ( Sch.SO under vehicle paving). 4 •./J 2. All sleeves shall be 2x the size of the pipe being carried. Min. sleeve size shall be 2". 3. Extend sleeves 1 ~" beyond edge of hardscape on both ends. 4. During installation tape closed ends of pipes until all laterals and wires have been run. Sleeve under roads: 6" or less In diameter• 36" cover Schedule 80 PVC NOTE: QUICK COUPLER SHALL BE TYPE APPROVED FOR USE WITH RECYCLED WATER WITH ACME THREADS SLEEVING ---© -----(11 "-----I 2 "------{13 1 2 Sleeve under paving (non-roads): Less them 3° in diameter -18" cover Schedule 40 PVC Control wires located under streets or other permanent irnp,ovements shall be installed in separate PVC sleeves. NOTTO SCALE 0 9" DIA. PLASTIC VALVE BOX WITH PURPLE LOCKING COVER INSTALL 2' ABOVE GRADE IN GROUNDCOVER @ FINISH GRADE @ PAVING OR STRUC"TURE @ QUICK COUPLER WITH RUBBER PUPPLE CAP @ 5" DEPTH PEA GRAVEL @ INSTALL BOX LEVEL WITH 2 STANDARD BRICKS {i) RED BRASS COUPLING @ RED BRASS RISER @ 1/2 CU. FT. MIN. CCNC. THRUST BLOCK @ PVC ELL OR TEE {CONNECTION TO MAINLINE) @ (2} RED BRASS STREET ELLS @ RED BRASS NIPPLES (2) @ RED BRASS ELL @ PAINT "Q'' ON COVER CD ® QUICK COUPLER NOT TO SCALE © 12 12' MIN. ® ------111 NOTE: 5 0 SHRUB OR BUBBLER HEAD © 1 /2' SCH l)O PVC RISER © FINISH GRADE 0 8' FROM STRUCTURES © EDGE OF WALL, FENCE OR OTHER CONSTRUCTION © 1/2' X 1/2" FIPT X FlPT SCH 40 PVC Ell 0 112" MARLEX STREET ELL (MIPT X FIPT) ® 1/2" SCH. 80 PVC THREADED 6" RISER 0 1 /2' MARLEX STREET ELL(MIPT X FIPT) @ PVC LATERAL LINE @ $CH. 40 PVCS XS X FlPTTEE OR ELL @ 12" FOR SHRUB SPRAYS 6" FOR SHRUB BUBBLERS @ RECYCLED WATER WARNING TAG (ADHESIVE-BACKED), ATTACH TO RISER 1. Contracto< shall lnstatl additional anti-drain valves, as required, to prevent low head drainage. 2. Use pop-ups on all heads within 10' of walks, lawn, or curbs. 3. Stake with galvanized steel pipe or rebar. SPRAY HEAD ON RISER NOTTO SCALE .._--' r -------r-....._ 1-------l ,.--1L _______ .i--,~•----~---- 0 LOW VOLTAGE WIRE, 3 MAX, G) OUTER CASE OF CONNECTOR @ INNER CASE OF CONNECTOR G) STRIP & TWIST WIRES FOR PROPER CONNETION G_) COPPER SLEEVE CRIMP INSTALLED W/ RECOMMENDED TOOL NOTE: Fill inner case with water proof sealer prior to final assembly. All wire routed between controller and remote control valve shall be a continuous run wtth no wire splices. Wire splices shall only occur at the remote control valve and controller pigtail ( if required) WIRE CONNECTOR 5 NOTTO SCALE CD PRIMARY MAIN LINE. SEE 0 BALL VALVE. SEE DETAIL, PLAN FOR SIZE. @SUB-MAIN (PURPLE COLOR)-@) CONTROL VALVE. SEE DETAIL SIZE VARIES. a,, SEE SCHEDULE BELOW ~ QUICK COUPLER. SEE DETAIL. MAINLINE SCHEDULE: 1-10 GPM 1" SCH. 40 11-18 GPM 1·1/4" SCH. 40 19-25 GPM 1-1/2" SCH. 40 26-39 GPM 2" CL. 315 40-58 GPM 2-112" CL. 315 @TEE OR ELL WITH REDUCER BUSHING 0 LATERAL LINE (CL. 200), PURPLE COLOR. SEE PLAN FOR SIZE. VALVE MANIFOLD INSTALLATION (TYPICAL) NOTTO SCALE TESHIMA DESIGN GROUP LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE LAND PLANN!NG 9903 BUS!NESSPARK AVE. SUITE C SAN DlEGO, CA 92131 Fax: (858) 693-1\82 Ph: (858) 693-8824 Date: 11/21/06 l st Revbion ~r plan chk, 3~29~07 Project No. TDG 06-23.010 1-- DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORI< Q) 6 8 ~ 0 2 @ g 7 r-3 4 00 .,.. I CD CONTROLLER, EXTERIOR WALL MOUNT FASTEN TO WALL PER MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS. SEE LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATIONS ® 120 VOLT POWER SUPPLY lN J-BOX, BY OTHERS @) ELECTRIQAL CONDUIT (1 ") 0 LOW VOLTAGE WIRE IN GREY PVC CONDUIT (Z' DIA.) WIRE TO BE SLEEVED IN CONDUIT TO 18' BELOW GRADE @swEEPELL ® LOW VOLTAGE WIRE TO REMOTE CONTROL VALVES ' 0 FINISHED GRADE G) RECYCLED WATER WARNING TAG (g) BRACKETS FOR FASTENING TO WALL @) THREADED CONNECTION NOTES: ON INTERIOR INSTALLATION ALL WALL PENETRATIONS SHALL BE CLEAN AND SHALL BE RESEALED WATER TIGHT. WALL MOUNT CONTROLLER CD FINISHED GRADE ® PLASTIC VALVE BOX WITH PURPLE BOLT DOWN COVER. USE STAINLESS STEEL BOLT NUT ANO WASHER HEAT BRAND 'GV' ONTO LID. @)MAINLINE 2 -1·1-1•1---' --1·. ---"-· --1-' 11-· 11 =! =I ·, '1-1 · 1 ··--: --~·· l - '-· 1 -1, 1·-,r1 ·11 = i =::: I 1=111= 3 0 BRICK SUPPORTS @)1/2 C.F, 3/4" CRUSHED GRAVEL @) WILKINS PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE (!) LANDSCAPE FABRIC SCALE: N.T .. MODEL 51 OHRYB PRESSURE REDUCltJG VALVE NOTTOSCAL "-~,.,,, ~~ • ·:c . ' ... ,,_ .. , .. --• -->,i'SC ii ~~~...., V "AS-BUILT ,, APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY. INCLUDING PRECISE P.E. EXP, DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY: AREAS. INSPECTOR DATE I SHE? I CITY OF CARlSBAD ~ Pl.ANNING DEPARTMENT 6 IRRIGATION DETAIL PLAN BRESSI RANCH OFFICE BUILDING LOT 17 & 18 l APP'.ltt l 4 f34>it I -c;' J,:;,. 0'1 DATE PLAl:NING DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL Cl1Y APPROVAL f<I/WD BY: PIP-06.11 450•8L -t: ln 0 ' CG) r ' ' @ <C= 3 LEGEND CD SURFACE @ MOUNTING BRACKET @ RAIN SENSOR WIRED NORMALLY CLOSED @ MOUNTING SCREW (1 OF 2) @ WlRE TO IRRIGA TlON CONTROLLER @ WIRE TO REMOTE CONTROL VALVE NOTE: e MOUNT IN AN AREA THAT WILL BE EXPOSED TO UNOBSTRUCTED RAINFALL, BUT NOT IN THE PATH OF SPRINKLER SPRAY. RAIN SENSOR MOUNTING DETAIL ,·. NOTES: ~: \ l. ,~iii~ol ~~J.\I~r iE ~ETER Alill BACKflO'/i ASS£MBL Y. 2. j~N;iJ if~:1,1~ ~Hr~ ~11mj~P }/i~~NJ!lD f <I~'"'": ©9 m~~tiwtr\£~m. Al 2' \Ly " 3. gesfJT~Wtl:bdl1,lfA MAX 5 12' MIN. ®-36" MAX. -@ ,s• UAV 1 .•. ,, .. .•. ~ ---.:.c.; I ";, il M Ti[b 1: . . .. • .. @--JJtF=" --J '.., -· ~·~ .. • • J I - II 3 7 3 11 ti II PUBLIC PRIVATE CONSUMERS RESPONSIBILITY i;::----✓/ ------~8 BE INSTAi\tD PlR~ANT TO fNICIP* ~1111[ Cl<oh4.08 400 -C.5 M E 17 0 H CALIF NIA D INISTRA VE C • f" M ~fPIION ,PFC11nm 1 METER AND VAL 1. 2 1 'rP..£._~ HARn T R BRASS . " 3 COPPE/i" OR BRASS JoER JOINTS 0~ 1l<READ£D Fl , s . 4 C()f R BRASS NJ A" UNION. , Af::£BQ.~Q BACKF'LO'.!Y PB( Y. COUCRE TH. ~ K -RffOX r RY ,ml ). -- REV. APPROVED DATE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ~L If/_.:__•·•• 2 INCH AND UNDER CITY' ENGINEER DA~ BACKFLOW INSTALLATION S'!'MIDMO OWG. Wl. W20 INSTALLATION OF BACKFLOW W-20------------------ N.T.s. NOTTO SCALE NOTE: ---__ Contractor shall install additional anti-drain ~- valves, as required, to prevent low ~1 2" head drainage _.J _____ _ Use bottom inlet only r [ 1 ~m!Jl 'TT~ -, 12"MIN. --'6 r--------{7 4r-1d~#~--------\B G) INSTALL ROTOR AT ANGLE FOR MAX. THROW IF IRRIGATING SLOPES @ POP-UP SPRINKLER WITH PURPLE CAP AND BUILT•IN CHECK VALVE @ 1/2' MARLEX STREET ELL• (MIPT X FIPT)(2) (i) 1/2" SCH. 80 PVC THREADED 6" NIPPLE• @ 1/2" MARLEX STREET ELL (MIPT x FIPT)* @ PVC LATERAL LINE @ FINISH GRADE OF SOIL OR MULCH WHERE OCCURS @PAVING OR STRUCTURE @ ROTORS: 12" FROM WALKS AND CURBS, AND STRUCTURES @ SCH. 40 PVC S X S X FIPT TEE OR ELL ® POP-UP ROTOR SIZE: 18" X 18" .060 ABS PLASTIC, STICK-ON VINYL OR ,032" ALUMINUM Q)~ IN ORDER TO 0°N$ERVE WATER .. , RECYCLED WAT1ER IN USE r;,; DO NOT NO TOME ELAGUA DRINK O· Joi C--~ 3" DIA. METAL POST ~FIN. GRD. I 10" @1----R_E_C_LA_I_M_E_D_W_A_T_E_R_S_IG_N_W_/_P_O_S_T_N_.r.-s.- TESHIMA DESIGN GROUP LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE LAND PLANNING 9903 BUSINESSPARK AVE. SUITE C SAN DIEGO, CA 92131 !'h: (858) 693-8824 Fax: (858) 693-1182 Date: 11/21 /06 Project No. TOO 06-23.0lO 1st Revision per plan chk. 3-29-07 3 NOTTO SCALE -- DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK CD ROOTBALL @ 2' MULCH LA YER @ 4" DRAIN GRATE, NOS II {PURPLE, HAND TIGHT FIT) © BUBBLER HEAD ASSEMBLY. SEE NOTE BELOW. @ 4" SOIL BERM 4 1 I @ FINISH GRADE (j) VALCON ADV CHECK VALVE @ 4"~ PERFORATED PIPE W/ FILTER FABRIC WRAP @ SCH. BO RISER @ P.V.C. LATERAL (DJ P.V.C. LATERAL OR SXT 90 ELL @PEA GRAVEL @ PLANTING BACKFILL NOTE: 1-----------1,,,, /,',t,' ,I 1-----------✓,t,I,' / ..,,,,.,,, .,,, 1-----------i:~~;; ~ 1-----------1,;;:;; ; 1-----------1,; DEPTH ROOTBALL u ·OF '' _________ .......,,.,.,,..,,, , . .,.,. 1-----•------f ;ROOT~ 'BALL" -----------1,j/il' j~ /,,,.,, ,,, .,. --~--------i,,,,,.,,.,, ,I/ ,,.,,_,,.,, ,,,, __________ ,,,,,,,,. /,I ,., ,, I' I' ,, ----------~✓// INSTALL TWO (2) BUBBLER HEAD ASSEMBLIES PER TREE TRUNK. INSTALL ONE IN 4" PREF. PIPE AS NOTED ABOVE AND ONE WITH 6'' POP-UP BODY (SEE POP-UP SPRAY HEAD DETAIL). @TREE BUBBLER INSTALLATION (ATsoxeorRee LocAr10Ns) NOT TOSCA 7 ® REVISION DESCRIPTION 4 9 2 3 CD GEAR DRIVEN SHRUB ROTOR: NOZZLE SHOULD BE 12" ABOVE GRADE AT COMPLETION OF INSTALLATION @ 1/2"0 GALVANIZED STEEL PIPE OR #4 REBAR 30" LONG @ FINISHED GRADE @ CHECK VALVE (INSTALL ONLY IF HEAD ASSEMBLY DOES NOT INCLUDE CHECK VALVE) @ 18" PVC SCH. ao RISER @ (2) CLAMPS WITH PLASTIC "ZIP TIES" OR STAINLESS STEEL HOSE CLAMPS (j) SUPPLY LINE TEE OR ELL @ SWING JOINT (2 MARLEX S x TELLS) @ RECYCLED WATER WARNING TAG (ADHESIVE-BACKED), ATTACH TO RISER NOTE: 1. A SWING PIPE ASSEMBLY MAY BE USE WITH FLOWS LESS THAN 4 GPM. ROTOR ON RISER NOTTO SCALE "AS-BUILT " APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY. INCl_U0ING PRECISE P.E. EXP. DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY: AREAS. INSPECTOR DATE I SH~ I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT 6 IRRIGATION DETAIL PLAN BRESSI RANCH OFFICE BUILDING LOT 17 & 18 IAPPR~\ tr; ~~it PLANNING C,·'?0 ·07 l DATE DWN BY: PROJECf NO. DRAWING NO, OATE INITW.. DATE INl11AL CHKD BY: -PIP-06.11 450-BL 01l£R APPROVAL Cl1Y APP1sOVAL RVWO BY: ...t: ln 0 • OC) ' -0-t;'"...,_,, ' ' ' ' I ' \ \ \ l \ \ \ ' I :' \ Cobbie und8( \ container for . drainage \ :xf)< )<~Jt'it-Tra~h Bins tyP[§] BUILDING A 2 STORY \, '• \ Tabl~s & benches fa] 42" ()l:\tena metal tabletop TabJEir & benches ri::I Mix 2s\eat Bench lM \ 1andscape ei'lsement i~~;r-qP.) •:ii---T4-s'i3{iJify easement '/J,--~_,:J'.¥P.,::\I ____ _.:_:: I • \ \ ~ LOT 17 \ \ .................... --- \ \ \ 0 5' :20' ec.AL.e, 1 "=~0'-0" \ --- Ii di Iii ii fl j ill • ii 0 ll r- : tu • w : J: ill (./) !I w \ • w \\ : (./) \ 20' Util~, easement(lYP.) I. I.ANDSCAP.B ARCHlTF.CTlJRB 9!l03 BUS.lNFSSPARX. AVE. SUl'lB C Ph: (858) 693-11824 Dai,,: 11/21/06 !st Revision per plan chk. 3-29-07 \ II \ \ ii w I II z ·, ::I "' 5 • • II ~ ::E 'W 11 ■ ll • lANDff..ANNlNO SAN DIEOO, CA 92131 Fax: (858) 693-1182 Project No. TOO 06-23.010 . - PLANT LIST TREES CODE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Qn SIZE NOTES . 0 Schlnus molle California Pepper 17 24" Box Standard. Dbubla stake per detail S. Sae Detail T and U. 0 Koelreuterla blpinnata Chinese Flame Tree 19 24' Box Standard. Double stake per detail S. See Detail T and U. r' ~ y ~ ~ Standard. Double slake per ' 0 ,l Trlstanla conferta Brisbane Box 20 24" Box ,) detail s. See Detail T and u. ~ . ' 0 Standard. Double stake per Podocarpus gracilior Fern Pine 14 24" Box detail S. See Detail T and U. shall have the main leader in tact Trees w/ the main leader removed shall be replaced w/ approved trees ~· Tipuana tipu Tipu Tree 39 24' Box Standard. Double stake per detall S. See Detail T and U. © Cupaniopsis anacardioides Carrot Wood Tree 12 24' Box Standard. Double stake per detail S. See Detail T and U. c~ Existing trees Existing trees to remain • Podocarpus gracilior Protect in place. • lipuana tipu GROUND COVER CODE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE NOTES Ivy Geranium Flats or 12" 0.C. See Dalal! Y. Gazania 'Mitsuwa Series Yellow' Gazania r 12" 0.C. See Detail Y. Pots Myoporum pacificum Myopurum Fats or 12" O.C. See Detail Y. ts 0';:?f;'. Lantana 'Spreading sunshine' Yellow Lantana 1 Gallon 12' O.C. See Detail Y. v'.'.'.'v' Ex. M tt II Existing to remain in place. Any ex. Myoporum damaged during ::::.• yoporum parv O um construction shall be replaced. Replace all missing Myoporum ••••v'----------------'---------------------------1 Mulch (lYP .) Enviro-Swale mix Bio-swale Agrono--Tec, Seed Co. 21420 Bundy Canyon Rd. Wildomar, CA 92595 Contact: Don Allison Tel: (951)·674-0428 Fax: (951)-674-6978 LANDSCAPE MAINTAINCE: * All landscape areas and common areas to be maintained by Owner's Association; TREE PLANTING NOTES: Plant trees minimum 2' from curbs. Plant trees minimum 5' from paving. Plant trees minimum 7' from sewer lines. Trees shall not be planted In conflict with public utilities. All trees within 5' of any hardscape shall have root barriers. See detail S sheet 11. : . l: i 11Ti\ I: ! I : I i __ / #ic=-, ·~ . r ' .. , '· • . .... Seeded @ 12 lbs per 1,000 SF. Mix #1 85% festuca Aubra (Molate fescue) 10% fstuca ldahonesis (Idaho fescue) 5% Poa Scabrilla (Pine fescue) SITE FURNISHINGS TABLES and CHAIRS Mingle 4-seats table 42' dia. Catina metal tabletop no umbrella hole 4-backless, with perforated metal seall ri::J BENCHES i.!.ll Mix 2s-seat bench (512 series) 18' X 18' X 47" backless bench with two perforated rm seat panels per bench no arms surface-mount color: bronze TRASH BINS Pitch top-opening litter receptacle 25' sq. at top /18' sq. footprint 33' tall rigid polyethylene liner rationally molded polyethylene top holes in base for surface-mount polyethelene color Qid): otter eolor: bronze Product information on www.landscapeforms.com SCHEDULE I] Right-of-way/property-line Existing trees and turf to be protected In @ place and maintained by association. Any existing landscape damaged during construction shall ba replaced. [fil Existing sidewalk to remain protected In place rn Sight-line rn 35' landscape easement m Stamped decorative concrete at vehicular entries. See Sheet 13 detail A4. rn 4'-8' Rock Cobble in all diamond planters. Install permeable weed barrier (TYP.) m Light fixture per architect DWG. @ Trash enclosures per architect DWG. Eg Employee break area Sae sheet 12 for finish. B Benches and tables Sae site Furnishings below fill Bicycle parking per architect DWG. ~ (Typ.) 36"x36' concrete stepper, Sae sheet 13 detail H2. 8 Grasscrete block pathway for 13' SDGE utility truck easement (must be cleat1. See detail Z, ~ Top of slope 2:1 B Bottom of slop& 2: 1 ~ 13' SOGE utility truck easement (must be clear), B 25' triangular zone for sight clearance. B Pedestrian path of travel. Sae Sheet 13 detail A4. B 6' concrete mow curb. See detail W. ~ Brow ditch par civil OWG. ~ Employee enhance concrete area See sheet 13 detail H1. CONTAINER PLANTINGS @ CONTAINER QTY:3 Wasau TIie TF 4341 42" X 36" X 20" PLANTS ( 1) 15 gallon Podocarpus macrophyllus 'Maki' planted in center (1 O) Pelargonium peltatum 'Balkan' in flats or pots planted at 12' O.C. around outside perimeter @ CONTAINER QTY:1 Wasau TIie TF 434-0 36' X 30" X 16' PLANTS (1) 15 gallon Podocarpus macrophyllus 'Maki' planted in center (9) Pelargonlum peltatum 'Balkan' in flats or pots planted at 12" O.C. around outside perimeter © CONTAINER QlY:1 Wasau TIie TF 4339 30" X 24" X 16' PLANTS (1) 5 gallon Phormium tenax 'Sronze Sabt planted In center Contact Vicki Tressler Wausau Tile lno. Phone: 800 388 8726 ext.365 Fax: 715 355 4627 a-mall: vtressler@wausautlle.com or Brad Brummond Wasau Tile loo. Phone: 800 388 8728 ext. 328 " "AS-BUILT ~-i \., .. , i--. .-.. ~ ' ~ APPROVED FOR Pl.ANTING ... ' -· --. J ----" ---.-r R!;:_r-~~ IRRIGATION ONLY. ' $ .L __ ::: AND p,....,a •·--···1-l-,:>-'l'~--····· ! ·•·"t ·····--INCLUDING PRECISE EXP. DATE .~~,·-\;--__ ---- _._...,._ , ... --... ,.-. . P.E. f::--\ ''<-_, .. , ·1• ~:=:..:""\ ---······ . ., ... _ . . , ...... ,,_____ 'I LOCATION OF Pl.ANTING REVIEWED BY: KEY MAP NOTTO SCALE AREAS. INSPECTOR DATE MM ,....,:.,._,..,, ••""'' ' ,~-H....t !..!1L.... 6/3/08 /1\ I SHg I CITY OF CARISBAD ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT 6 PLANTING Pt.AN BRESSI RANCH OFFICE BUILDING LOT 17 & 18 I APP~=! 6,:-fa\.:e1t PLANNING G,.-1,-r~I DATE DWN SY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DAT£ INITIAL DATE INITIAL DAT£ INITIAL CHKD BY: PIP-06.11 450-SL ENGINEER Of WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHE!l APPROVAi. CllY APPROVAi. RVWD BY: " ' l I ' ! • ' ' t .,,,.; i1 ;1 t~· ~ I , , 0) l:u UJ ::c CJ) UJ w CJ) UJ z ::J ::c g ~ .1111 II ■ • • • Ill • ill • Ill ■ • • Ill II II • • 'i Iii II '111 lil 0) l:u w ::c CJ) w w CJ) w z ::J ::c g <( ~ \ \ ' •. \ \ \ \\ ~t--\, " ·,'-, \\ ·, '· ·, •. '"'., ', \ \ \._-----ll \ \ \ \ \ '\ \\ \ ' \ \ ', ' ' .... ,, \ Cobble uncjer container fo'r., drainage ' \ BUILDING B \. \ Brow Diii;:h -1,1-: \ .\ \ ~\ 2 STORY · 1 ~" R~talning walfs~all be consistent;- \ .. \ · with the approved landscape planf \ for lots 19·22 (P.I.P) Retaining wall\ \\ shall be constructed qf split face \ "Otay Ranch Brown• CM_U • \\ \, \ \ \ = ' \ \ \Flf8 Hy rant QJYP.) Storm dr:~\ / Inlet (TYP .) 1\ _____ , 20' Utility Easement (TYP.) ~ ~ l 0 ,, :xi' 40' SCA!..!, l"=~0'-0" I ' I \ ' I ; I : ' I ' I' ; ! i I I ' , ! I • : i l,1:,.·. 1·. ' I I i I , ' , , I ; : ; I I ; ' ' I ! I I 11 ii i! 11, i ' / ' ij 1 j' ' I i i II i i i i ;I : ! I i ,, I ! ! /J I I ' I I I , 1. 11 , , { . \: \I ,. I ' I I r· , ;~~ \ ,, \.<', '~ ' . ' ' ,,., ' '·. '·. (> '•,. ! I I ... ... . ' TESHIMA DESIGN GR<,)UP UNDSCAPB ARCmTBCIURB I.AND PfANN]NG 9903 BUSJNFSSPARK AV& SllITB C f1JiN DIEOO, CA WI Ph: (858) 693-8824 Fax: (858) 693-1182 Date: 11/21/06 Project No. TDG 015-23.010 1st Revision per plan chk. 3-29-07 SHRUSS CODE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME lT'! SIZE NOTES (D Agapanlhus 'Queen Anne' Lily-of-the-Nile 171 5 Gallon See Detail T. 0 Hemerocallis species Dayti!y 306 s GaJ(on See Detail T. B0%yello~. . 20%oranQ;, (!) Phromlum tenax 'Bronze Baby' New Zealand Flax to. 156 5 Gallon See Detail T. @ Lavandula Dentana French Lavander 60 5 Gallon See Detail T. ® Nandina Domestica H avenly bamboo & 108 5 Gallon See Detail T. Plant 36" O.C. Maintain as @) Ligustrum japonlcum 'Texanum' Texas P~vet 171) 5 Gallon hedge 46' High along building walls. See Detail T. nan! 36' v ..... ,v,aintam as ® Abefia grandiflora Glossy abelia 29 5 Gallon hedge 46' High along building walls. See Detail T. @ Viburnum davidn Viburnum 21 5 Gallon See Detail T. (l) Viburnum suspendum Sandankwa Viburnum 19 5 Gallon See Detail T . ® Plant 46' O.C. Maintain as hedge Photlnia 'Frazeri' Fraser's Red Tip Photinia 88 5 Gallon 60' High hedge. See Detail T. 0 Callindra inaequilatera Pink Powder Puff 94 5 Gallon See Detail T. @ Rhamnus calllornia 'Eve Case' Coffeebeny 92 5 Gallon See Detail T. @ Ceanothus 'conoha' Ceanothus 113 5 Gallon See Detail T. @ Cotoneaster horizontalis Rock Cotoneaster 100 5 Gallon See Detall T. @ Limonium perezil Sea Lavander 234 5 Gallon See Detail T. 64) Salvia leucantha Mexican Sage 78 5 Gallon See Detall T. @ Podocarpus macrophylla 'Maki' Yew Pine 19 15 Galler Plant 36' O.C. See Detail T. Nola: Ouanities include container plantings . . . . . ---- VINE CODE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME lln SIZE NOTES 0 Ficus repens CraapJng Fig 20 5 Gallon See Detail V. TURF CODE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE NOTES • ,:.'I'. .,:-111-r..; Dwarf Marathon II ;..;:,;,;a-Fescue Blend SOD !iii Grasscrete Dwarf Marathon II sod 2"PLUGS See Detail Z. COBBLe CODE NAME TYPE SIZE NOTES o;c-oo Cobble stone by RCP Tan Cobble 4•-011 700 N. Twin Oaks Valley Rd. OoOoO 0 0 0 San Marcos, CA 92069 sales@krerock.com P: 760.744.1036 xi F: 760.744.8952 SEE SHEET 16 FOR TREE AND GROUNDCOVER LIST SEE SHEET 11 FOR PLANTING DETAILS AND NOTES SEE SHEET 12 AND 13 FOR HARDSCAPE PLAN SEE SHEET 14 TO 16 FOR SPECIFICATIONS HEE 1 FOR FO H DROSEE OTES SEE SHEET 9 FOR FOR CONTAINER SCHEDULE £h TREE PLANTING NOTES: Plant trees minimum 2' from curbs. Plant trees minimum 5' from paving. Plant trees minimum 7' from sewer lines. Trees shall not be planted in conflict with public utilities. m -. -- --·· .. - m Right-of-way/property-line Existing trees and turf to be protected in rn place and maintained by assoeiation. Any existing landscape damaged during construction shall be replaced. rn Existing sidewalk to remain protected in place I] Sight-line I] 35' landscape easement rn Stamped decorative concrete at vehicular entries. See Sheet 13 detail A4. 0 4'-8" Rock Cobble in all diamond planters. Install permeable weed barrier (TYP.) [fil Light ffxture per architect DWG. @ Trash enclosures per architect DWG. ~ Employee break area. See sheet 12 for finish. [i] Benches and tables See site Furnishings below fill Bicycle parking per architect DWG. §1 (Typ.) 36"x36' concrete stepper. See sheet 13 detail H2. B Grasscrete block pathway for 13' SDGe utility truck easement (must be clear). See detail Z. fill Top of slope 2:1 B Bottom of slope 2:1 ~ 13' SDGE utlllty truck easement (must be clear). 8 25' triangular zone for sight clearence. ' rn Pedestrian path of travel. See Sheet 13 detail A4. @ 6' concrete mow curb. See detail W. la Brow ditch per clvil DWG. ~ Employee enhance concrete area. See sheet 13 detail H1. KEY MAP NOTTO SCALE All trees within 5' of any hardscape shall have root barriers. See detail S sheet 11. ·---;_::; ·--. " ,.,_,,,.,,.., APPROVED FOR PLANTING "AS-BUILT " LANDSCAPE MAINTAINCE: 111-L Im# l•i•-i~ I AND IRRIGATION ONLY_.,.,,,:: '"""',:~------ DATE • All landscape areas and common areas to be maintained by Owner's Association. ,._ --IIIJ)·c-~-.. -·-~ ... --=-"'::t'!"' •• INCLUDING PRECISE .-:" ,\i; ·,. .P~J';..;,-;':_,--EXP. __ _ LOCATION OF PLANTING. 1--'RC,.C.,~.-~+.,.i~.·-r,.}_,_-D _BY_: --------'-I AREAS. ,,.· L jiJ;,·· ..... '·-· ~ ., I!:(,.-~-.,-··+·•""". ·--------. i'·• . INSPECTOR DATE 6/3/oa MM /1\ ... . l't.• \': ~ -• ClTY OF CARLSBAD I SH1E6ETS I 1-----1---+------------------1---+----!l----+----'lt]_Qj ;·i_,.· PLANNING DEPARTMENT ~--+----4-------------~i----!---+---l------1 ~---=:::::;:===========:::::.::===: DAT£ INITIAL DAT£ INITIAi.. OAT£ INITIAL ENGINEER or WOR~ REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CllY APPROVAL PLANTING PLAN BRESSI RANCH OFFICE BUILDING LOT 17 & 18 DWN BY: ---I CHKO SY: ___ , FNWD BY: PROJECT NO. PIP-06.11 DRAWING NO. 450-BL .f., NOTE: lREES 15 GALLON SIZE OR SMALLER -PRO\IIDE SINGLE ST AKE, lREES. 24" a~x SIZE OR LARGER -PR0"1DE DOUBLE ST AKE. CUT STAKE 6 BELOW lR£E CANOPY, 1 -{2) 2 i~. PJA. X 10-FT; L,C+iD lOOGf;POLf PINE STAKES, SET PERPENPJCULAR TO Plff'VAIUN() 1/ANDS. 2 -~.I. T. 'ClljCH ThES', OR EQUAL. INSTALL PER MANUFACl\JRE'S SPECll'ICA TIONS. 3 -SET CROIIN 2 IN. ABO\<£ FINISH GRADE. 4 -CUT TOP SECTION OFF OF STAl<E 6" 6£1.OW TREE CANOPY, 5 ~ FINISH GRADE. 6 -i!ACKFILL(SEE SPEC.) PUDDLE ANO SETRE. SET TREE 2 IN. ABO\IE FIN. GR. 7 -2 X ROOTBALL DIAMETER. 8 -3 IN. WATERING 8ASIN, EXCEPT IN LAWN AREAS. REMCM: AFTER MAINT. PERIOD. 9 -PLANT TABLETS. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. 10 -PLACE STAKES OUTSIDE Of ROOTBALL. ! 1 -FIN. GRADE AT ,!:XIS TINO SLOPE (AS REO D). 12 -4" PERFORATED PWE WIBLA!,K ROUND GRATE CAP -4' MIN. ANO 6 MAX. LENGTH WRAPPED 111TH ALTER FABRIC 13 -f" GRA\IEL DRAINAQE SUMP llllli I'll TER FABRIC EDGE (1) PER 15 GALLON TREE (2) PER 24 BOX TREE ANO I.ARGER 14 -s·-o• MAXIMUM 15 -10'-o• MAXJMUM 16 -TREE PIT-Flll AND SETTLE 1/Alli WATER A 1111'1. OF 24 HOURS PRIOR TO PLANTING. NOTE: lREES IN n!RF AREAS TO RECE!\<£ lREE TRUNK PROTECTOR AT 8ASE. SHAU. BE • ARBORGARD" BY DEEP ROOT. ® TREE DOUBLE STAKING AND DRAINAGE G) WALL, FENCE OR TRELLIS SURFACE. @ VINE ATTACHED TO SURFACE WITH CLEAR PLASTIC TIES. NOT TO SCALI'; @ NURSERY STAKE I ESPALLIER (TO BE REMOVED) @ SET ROOT BALL TIGHT TO FOOTING. REMOVE At>f'! EXCESS CONCRETE IF NECCESARY. @ 4" HIGH WATERING BASIN. @ FINISH GRADE. (z) PLANTING TABLET -SEE PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS. @ BACK FILL MIX -SEE PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS. @ UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL. @) PIT DIAMETER· 2 X DIAMETER OF ROOT BALL ([j) CROWN· 1/2" ABOVE FINISH GRADE. @ MIN, 4" BELOW FINISH FLOOR OF BUILDING. VINE PLANTING (1) CONCRETE GRID (s) GRASS-FESCUE BLEND TURF @ COMPACTED SOIL BACKFILL FOR EDGE RESTRAINT @) 3" SAND (50-75mm) @ TOPSOIL 1/2" (13MM) BELOW TOP OF GRID @ EXISTING COMPACTED SOIL SUB-GRADE GRASSCRETE BLOCK NOTTO SCALE NOTTO SCALE CD ROOTBALL. (g) CROWN -1 /2" ABOVE FINISH GRADE. @ FINISH GRADE. @ FINISHED GRADE AT SLOPE. @ 2X ROOTBALL DIAMETER. / @ BACKFILL MIX (SEE SPECS.). (V PLANT TABLETS (SEE SPECS). @ 4" HIGH WATERING BASIN (IF REQ'D). @ UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL. @ UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL (@ REAR OF PLANTING PIT GRADED TO MAX. 1 :1 SLOPE INSTALL EROSION TREE / SHRUB PLANTING G) # 3 BAR CONTINUOUS, CENTER IN SLAB (LAP 12" AT SPLICES). @ TURFSIDE. @ PLANTER BED. @ 1/2' RADIUS (TYP). @ 95% COMPACTED SUBGRADE. @ FINISH GRADE. 6 2 NOTE: PROVIDE EXPANSION JOINTS AT 30' O.C. AND WHERE HEADER ABUTS CONCRETE PATIO OR WALK. 4 CONCRETE MOW CURB NOTTO SCALE 3 "' NOTTO SCALE TESHIMA DESIGN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 9903 BUSINESSPARK AVE. SUITE C Ph: (858) 693-8824 ~-------HARDSCAPE ~--1+----1--1 IN. AT TURF 2 IN, AT SHRUB .,;-SOIL .~ BACKFILL MIX ' :i:;:;::i ROOT BARRIER (BIO-BARRIER) ,:::ari= '"1""t"" W=;l ~aa1§1Eii!7 · ftii,.c·"c 0% '8111.~-c.:.'::' ·f ~~IJ,.~wn-~ 1l~4nlllP-r r NOTE: ROOT BARRIERS . SHALL BE INSTALL£D WHEN TREE IS WITH-IN 5 FT. Of ANY HARDSCAPf, ANO SHALL BE INSTALLED ADJACENT BIO-BARRIER AVAUA8LE AT BUTI.ER'S MILL SAN DIEGO, CA. (619) 263-6161 NOTE: TO THE HAROSCAPE ONLY PER lliE MANUF. SPECIFICATIONS. SUBMIT SAMPLE TO CITY INSPECTOR FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 1 -'TREE TRUNK 2 -BIO-BARRIER 3 24' TOTAL LENG'!li -12' EITHER DIRECTION 3 -EDGE OF HARDSCAPE (CURB, PA\IINQ, PAO, ETC.) @ ROOT BARRIER U)21NCHES @ PREPARED SOIL @ FINISH GRADE OR WALK @ EQUAL (X) • SEE PLANT UST © PLANT TABLET @ CONCRETE CURB OR HARDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT. Af3 INDICATED ON PLAN. (D EQUAL 1 /2 ()() . , .. ' '• .· GROUNDCOVER PLANTING GROUP LAND PLANNING SAN DIEGO, CA 92131 Fax: (858) 693-1182 DATE INITIAL NOT TO $CALI'; NOTTO SCALE - REVISION DE'.SCRIPTION Date: 11/21/06 Project No. TDG 06·23.010 ENGINEER OF WORK 1st Revision per plan chk. 3-29-07 PLANTING NOTES 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE A THOROUGH STANDARD SOIL TEST PERi'ORMED JN THREE DIFFERENT LOCATIONS ON THE SITE AND COMPLETED BY A LICENSED AGRONOMIC LABORATORY PRE-APPROVED BY THE CITY INSPECTOR PRIOR TO AND AFTER LEACHING OF SALTS AND PRIOR TO TO ANY PLANTING Of' PLANT MATERIAL. THE SOILS TEST SHALL INCLUDE, BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO, THE TESTING OF SOIL SALT LEVELS, NUTRIENT LEVELS, AND SOIL PERCOLATION. SOIL TEST RESULTS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE CITY INSPECTOR PRIOR TO AMENDING THE SOIL. 2. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL REQUIRED PERMITS PRIOR TO COMMENCING LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION. 3. ALL LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION INSTALLATION SHALL CONFORM ANO FULLY COMPLY WITH THE CITY OF CARLSBAD LANDSCAPE MANUAL. 4. ALL LANDSCAPING SHA1..L BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY. 5. THE OWNER IS REQUIRED TO PERMANENTLY AND FULLY MAINTAIN ALL LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS IN THE PUBUC RIGHT•OF·WAY. 6. ALI. INSTALLED TREES WITHIN 5' OF HARDSCAPE SHALL HAVE ROOT BARRIER INSTALLED ADJACENT TO HARDSCAPE, NOT ENCIRCLING AOOTBALL. 7. CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL 3" OF SHREDDED BARK MULCH IN ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS THAT ARE LESS THAN 3:1 SLOPE. SUBMIT SAMPLE TO CITY INSPECTOR FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO BULK DELIVERY TO JOB SITE. 8. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE APPROVED AT THE PROJECT SITE BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO ANY PLANTING. ALL PLANT MATEAIAL REJECTED BY THE OWNER OR LANDSCAPE ARCHiTECT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE PROJECT SITE AT NO ADDITIONAL COST AND REPLACED. 9. SUBMIT PHOTOGRAPHS OF TYPICAL TREE FOR EACH VARIETY AND SIZE, TO BE PROVIDED UNDER THIS CONTRACT FOR APPROVAL BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO DELIVERY TO THE PROJECT SITE. 10. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO PLANT''JG. THIS MAY BE DONE EITHER AT THE SITE OR AT THE NURSERY. CONTRACTOR SHALL PAY FOR THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT'S TIME ANO MILEAGE FOR ALL NURSERY VISITS. 11. ALL PLANT SIZES ARE MINIMUMS. SIZES ARE TYPICAL l'OR EACH PLANT SPECIES. ALL PLANTS ARE TO BE FREE OF DISEASE AND SCARS, AND TO HAVE GOOD COLOR, FULL HEADS AND GOOD CALIPER (15 GALLON -3/4" MINIMUM, 24" BOX-11/4" MINIMUM, 36" BOX-2' MINIMUM. 12. PRIOR TO PLANTING, IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE FULLY OPERATIONAL AND ALL PLANTING AREAS SHALL BE FULLY WATERED IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLANTING. 13. PRIOR TO PLANTING, ALL PLANTING AREAS SHALL BE FREE OF WEEDS, ROCKS AND DEBRIS. RAKE ANO FINE GRADE ALL PLANTING AREAS PRIOR TO PlANTING. 14. UPON COMPLETION OF PLANTING OPERATIONS AND BEFORE ANY SITE OBSERVATIONS, REMOVE ALL EXTRANEOUS MATERIAL AND DEBRIS, AND BROOM AND WASH THE AREA CLEAN. 15. LONG TERM MAINTENANCE OF THIS PROJECT SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE OWNER. 16. ANY EXISTING LANDSCAPE THAT IS DAMAGED AS PART OF THIS PROJECT SHALL BE REPAIRED TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD'S LANDSCAPE MANUAL. 17. TREES AND SHRUBS SHOULD BE TRIMMED OR PRUNED TO PREVENT BLOCKING OR INTERFERENCE WITH THE FOLLOWING: a SIGHT DISTANCE VIEWS b. PEDESTRIAN OR VEHICLE ACCESS. ·-----. ¾ . ,, •-. ':: .. :,.,,~ ('' '•-,, ;,;;r; '. ••• > \ ' SEE SHEET 9 AND 10 FOR PLANTING LIST SEE SHEET 13 AND 15 FOR SPECIFICATIONS SEE SHEET 15 FOR HVDROSEED NOTES " APPROVED FOR PLANTING "AS-BUILT AND IRRIGATION ONLY. INCLUDING PRECISE P,E. EXP. -DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY: AREAS. INSPECTOR DATE LU] CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ 1 PLA~:41NG DEPARTMENT 6 PLANTING DETAILS BRESSI RANCH OFFICE BUILDING LOT 17 & 18 IAPP&~o( s:-~L..,ft i:;, ,..,,0,1 --PLANNING DATE DATE INITTAL DATE INITIAi. OWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: PIP-06.11 450-BL OTHER APPROVAL CllY APPROVAL RVWD. BY: -t::-g:. f oO r -----CD . C. . • C.J, .. · c:J . .. C.J. C.J .. C:J .. · C.J. c.J BUil 2S INGA'-'=ii=" RY C.J. .J. . C.J. · . C.J. . C.J . . ,,-. .., '.i \-f;~:1.c . .J. ------CD ; C.J C.J. C.J. C.J. .J. BUil 2S : I ,· .G',<t C.J. : ---,-----<€1•i~',W' ------"-~---~ 0:. :J 1 J. c·.,.-• ••-·--CJ r· CJ ,----@ .. !C.J .. 'c:J./ -.L..(j'j'-•f'ccl:==•ccf'"'"C .. T t;li . ·. C.J. ~J 1--; tt=~i----·7---•·-----c._.....' ~~,~c'-,·;;;:;;;;~ ... =,:-"=,.◄~ .. =-~--;==-""-=·::·=;j·~cfii.J~, ~. ~. ~-~~-5;". ~. ;.:,S.,·=.3 ... · .!. ··=· ·=-=·· ~=---=---""'~""""5====~~~'::·':"'···'::·--~·'.""·""'~-~· ~.~.-='.· :'== ..•.•. =:=:.~·:~·~-"'.;;.~. ~~c~.J·~C.J~· ~";';; .... :..: .. _·cc·_·.·· ; r::; ·-· ~ / I:!, C.J. C.J. C.J I ·1·, . ' r-·---- 1 '-- o+ .49 ' J oo @ 47ao LOT I S / ~:if 5 oo I f '--G) ' ' -1---·· ·-··-•----·-· • _J a... _J _J w ca a... t \ HARDSCAPE JOINT LEGEND KEY [Ill .J .J C.J. CONTROL JOINT (SEE DETAIL A2.) E.J. EXPANSION JOINT (SEE DETAIL A3.) NOTE: CD CONCRETE: SALT FINISH ® SAW CUT @3' X 3' SQ. DIAGONAL PATTERN (EATING AREA) SEE SHEET 13 FOR HARDSCAPE DETAILS. BUILDING C @---.... --CD l r i"-------------................ ____ ···• -----............ ·11··•·--· ·· ' i --- TESH!MA DESIGN GROUP LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 9903 BUSINESSPARK AVE. SUITE C Ph: (858) 693-8824 LAND PLANNING SAN DIEGO, CA 92131 Fax: (858) 693-ll 82 Date, l l/2!/06 Project No. TDG 06-23.010 1st Revision per plan chk. 3-29-07 BUILDING E i ' . , ... ' i ! .... \ ....+------+ G) i '.\' ~ 1-(7 I I 0 5' 20' 40' North SCALE: 1"=20'-o" DATE INITIAL ENGINEER or WORt< REVISION DESCRIPTION ':•.-c.~''- . _''.', ,. ,.. . ""· \ "AS-BUILT " APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY. INCLUDING PRECISE P.E. EXP. DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY: AREAS. INSPECTOR OATE Lill CITY OF CARLSBAD l1f6S] 2 PLANNING DEPARTMENT HARDSCAPE PLAN BRESSI RANCH OFFICE BUl!..DING LOT 17 & 18 !APP~( g-~kit c:;., s,:,. DI I PLANNING DATE , uwN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITlA!. DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: PIP-06.11 450-8L 01'HER APPROVAL Crrt Al'PROVA~ RVWD BY: . _c ln 0 • 00 r TURF NATIJRI.I. GRAY CCNCRETE PAO W/ SALT ANISH. PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY -.~----. ·. . ' NATURAL GRAY CONCRETE s:TEl'!'!;JV"'~:::__=._'::_=--._=-=-:'.'.:· --·= W/ SALT FINISH. I· •.. ' : ~. • I TURF /f--1--------!' _, •• __ _,_ --<-~ SHO\tl CUT . ! . . . --r.~:~~':o,,...--'-~ __ ...:. ____ -~....L~,-:_::::..~....:,-.\·•-~· -=_-=_-:_-=_:.:._~-=----=-~-=.-1-==-··;:== BENCHES SEE ARCHITECT o·=.-y -~ "'·· ~ ""-. ~ '"- ~---------EXPANSION JOINT AT ALL PLACES WHERE PAVING ABUTS WALLS OR PLANTER ~--------GRAY CONCRETE SEE PLAN FOR FINISH. --#3 REBAR GRID@ 18" O.C. EACH WAY MID DEPTH IN SLAB. ·, ~ / •-~ '--.., _ / ;-GRAYCONCRETESEE , ,_ PLAN FOR FINISH. 2% CROSS SLOPE 4" OF FULL-DEPTH SHADED AREA 4" THICK FOR CONCRETE WALK (TYP.) --PORTLAND CEMENT "TYPE V"@ 4,500 PSI I 28DAYS ~ MIN. 90% COMPACTED SUBGRADE (OR PER SOILS ENGINEER). EMPLOYEE ENHANCED AREA DETAIL SCALE 114" = 1'-0' @ SECTION OF CONCRETE PAVING NOTTO SCALE SEE HEADER DETA!l --36"X36" NATURAL GRAY CONCRETE STEPPER W/ SALT FINISH. r--.. ~~ .""' ... I • • • f . '·- . . . 3" THICK MULCH CONCRETE STEPPER DETAIL {2) 16D NAIL~ PLANTING BED ----- ( SCALE 1/2""' 1'-0" ,,--..--2"X4" RWD. HEADER .---3" THICK MULCH ~-"DEWITT" WEED BARRIER ~-,,L-\;~ ,-'--m· _ ~~----"'Ll ~r-,,·) ""i~ffl~!% IJJf::,UJ~Ql[T;.=, -SUBGRADE 2"X2"X12" STAKE -----11~jjij~'.'1' 1 ½~/•fl!d~e-~-- 1'. Ln, ' 'if1~ ]li""lll.. ,_ HEADER DETAIL NOTTO SCALE 3/4" PERFORMED EXPANSION JOINT -~ ---16" LONG #4 SMOOTH STEEL DOWEL, CENTERED ACROSS EXPANSION JOINT. Wlv< PAPER WARP ON ONE END TO ALLOW FOR DIFFERENTIAL MOVEMENT OF SLABS. FILLER, INSTALLED 1/2" BELO\11/ \ SURFACE WI ELASTOMERIC \\ I SEALER. TOOL EDGES WITH 1/8" RADIUS. GRAY CONCRETE SEE - PLAN FOR FINISH. ___ #3 REBAR GRID @ 18" O.C. EACH WAY MID DEPTH IN \ SLAB. t-1--'--:-'4 '_' --~---[:lj~-:r.:;::=ij J 6" OF FULL-DEPTH SHADED AREA -' ~&:;IIJ~g:r;=;::ff'i 4'' THICK FOR CONCRETE WALK (TYP.) [:::f'J=1 -. i1=·' t ,,___:-, f=' 11,L'-111-' :1 11·1--1 i 1==: 11=· 111=' ·111::~.: !=I 11 1= . ,-1' ,-, --, -' ' :~ -i I !-___ j I ,-__ J I I_, ________ ! 11-11 ,-_-•---PORTLAND CEMENT "TYPE V" @4,500 Pl I--::, 11=1 I 1::···' ',_ : 28 DAYS ., _.!.-I If- '-~ MlN. 90% COMPACTED SUBGRADE (OR PER SOILS ENGINEER). EXPANSION JOINT (E.J.) NOTTO SCALE SEE SHEET 12 FOR HARDSCAPE PLAN AND NOTES TESHIMA DESIGN GROUP LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE LAND PLANNING 9903 BUSINESSPARK AVE. SUITE C SAN DIEGO, CA 92131 Ph: (858) 693-8824 Fnx: (858) 693-1182 Date; 11/2 l /06 Project No. TD() 06-23.010 !st Revision per pion chk. 3-29-07 "" ~t. =§/=_, ote 02-2 OF CALI DATE INmAL E'Jo<GINEER OF WORK 314" PERFORMED EXPANSION JOINT FILLER, --- INSTALLED 1/2" SELOW SURFACE WI KEY SIZE: ____ 1/3 OF SLAB THICKNESS IN WIDTH 1/5 OF SLAB THICKNESS IN DEPTH ELASTOMERIC SEALER. TOOL EDGES WITH 118" RADIUS. #3 REBAR GRID@ 18" O.C. GRAY CONCRETE SEE -- PLAN FOR FINISH. r-EACH WAY MID DEPTH IN , I I ' SLAB. 314"-lt----: J -- REVISION DESCRIPTION ~~I~----+ 4" 6" OF FULL-DEPTH SHADED AREA CONTROL JOlNT (C.J.) 1 4" THICK FOR CONCRETE WALK (TYP "---PORTLAND CEMENT "TYPE V"@ 4,50 I 28DAYS 6" AGGREGATE SUBBASE MIN. SO% COMPACTED SUBGRADE __ ,(OR PER SOILS ENGINEER). NOTTO SCALE 4~" COLORED & STAMPED CONCRETE "TYPE V"@ -~ 4,500 PSI IN 28 DAYS. MESQUITE COLOR WITH \ HERRINGBONE PATTERNS. . SIDEWALK WIDTH VARIES (4' MINIMUM) STAMPED CONCRETE /-:\" EXPANSTIO I JOINT (1YP,) /-8"--- A.C. NOTTO SCALE " APPROVED FOR PLANTING "AS-BUILT AND IRRIGATION ONLY. INCLUDING PRECISE P.E. EXP, DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING . . REVIEWED BY: AREAS. INSPECTOR DATE CTI] CITY OF CARI.SBAD lliJ 3 PLANNING DEPARTMEfiT 6 HARDSCAPE DETAILS BRESSI RANCH OFFICE BUILDING LOT 17 & 18 --- !APP~[ g. t:jk,i\-.;-~• D'? I PLANNING DATE DWN BY: I PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. DATE IN!TIAl DATE INmAL CHKD BY: OTHER APPROVAL Ci1'/ APPROVAL RVWD BY: I PIP-06.1 i 450-BL t: LT'\ 0 I 00 r \ i -o-G"'-nu> SECTION 024d0 IRRIGATION PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL CONDITIONS: A. The General Conditions, Speciol Conditions, ond Division 1 ore an added port of this ssctlon and contract for this work end apply to this section as fully as If repealed heroin, 1.02 SCOPE: A. The work includes all serYlces, labor, moterlals, tronsportotlon end equipment necessary to perform the work Indicated on the Drawings ond cs opecified. Tho Generol Conditions and Division 1 apply to this section os ful1y as If repeated herein. 1. Related Work, (a) Landscaping Section (02900) 1.03 SUBMITTALS: A. Submit a list of oii irrigation equipment lo be used, manufacturer's brochures, maintenance manuals, guarantees and operating lnstructlons. 1.04 GUARANTEE: A. Furnish guarontee In occordonce with general conditions, far o period of one (1) year from date of final acceptance -at conclusion of the Maintenance Period -on complete water lrrigoUon system, including nonaeltling of bookfill in trenches which, if occurs, eholl be corrected, Including repairs and/or replocement of any material domoged thereby or therefrQm. 1.05 08SERVATION: A. In all coses where observation of sprinkler system work Is required and/or where portions of work ore speclfled to be performed under direction ond/or obserV0tlon of Architect or his representative, Contnmtor shall notify Architect at least three (3) working days in odvonco of time St/Ch Inspection and/or direction is •~quired. B. Observation will be required for the following ports of the work: 1. Upon lnstollatlon ond testing of main lines and lateral lines; when pipes ore laid and are to be submitted to pressure tests, Do not cover any lines until they hove been observed and approved. 2. Upon installation and testing of valves, quick couplers, bockftow preventer device, automatic controllers. and control valve& Qnd wires. 3. When sprinkler syatem Is completed, Contractor, In the presence of Architect, shall perform o coverage test to determine If coverage of water afforded the lawn and planting areas is complete and adequate, Contractor shall furnloh all materials and perform all work required to correct any lnodequacies-to cover. 4. Final oboervotlon and perfarmonce test oholl be ot the some time as final observation of the landsc,;,,• work. 1.06 TESTING: All PVC main and lateral lines shall be subjected to o pressure teat of 125 PSI for a period of four hours. All testing shall. be In the presence of the Architect Approval shall be received before bockfllllng any trench. Do not cover any Jlneo until they hove been observed and approved. 1 ,07 RECORD PBAWINGS (AS-Billi I PBAl\!NGS): A. Bf;}fore flog! ooc;;tQtaoce of wmk, Contn:actor 1bgll Provlde o record sat of drnwlngs showing sprinkler system work, 1. Any changes in locotlon of items or type of lnstallotl-Ons from that shown on drawings shall be so indicated on the record drawings. 2, Valves shell bs numbered and corresponding numbers shall be shown on record drawings. 3. All remote control valves, shut-of! valves, quick coupler valves shall be located by meooure dimensions. Olmenalons shall be given to permanent objects end shall be to nearest one-half fool. 4. On the inside surface of tho cover of eoch Automatic Controller, prepare end mount o chart ehol'llng valves and sprlnklor hoods aervlced by that partlouior controller. All valves shall be numbered to match operation schedule and drowingo. Only those oreoa controlled by controller shall be shown, Th!• chart shall be o plot pion, entire or partial, showing bulldlng, walks, roods and wells. A photostatic print of this plan, reduced os necessary and lsglble in all dotoils, shall be mod• to a ol,-thot will fit into the ccntrcller cover. This print shall be approved by the Architect ond shall be h8rmetlcolly sealed by plastic. This shall then be secur&d to Inside of cover. 5. !mmediotely upon installaUon of any buried p;pe or equipment, Contractor shall indicate on tho drawings locotlons of sofd equipment. Dimensions shall be given from permanent objects su<>h as buildings, sidewalks, curbs and driveways, 1.08 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS; A. Code Requirements shall be those of State and Munlc!pol Cod•• and regulations locally governing this work, providing that ony requirements of the Drawings and Specifications, not conflicting therewith but exceeding the Code Requirements shall govern, unless written permission to the contrary Is gront&d by the District. 8. Extreme core shall be ex•rclsed In excavating and working In the area due to existlng utilities. Contractor sholl be responsible for damages coused by his operations, C. Connections shall be made ol approximolely locations shown on drawings. Contractor shall be responsible for minor changes caused by actual •!lo conditions. D. Landscape headers and mowing strips ehall be in place before Installation of sprinkler system, E. Scaled dimension• ore approximate. 8efore proceedlng with any work, Contractor shall carefully F. Plan loccitl-ons of sub surface lines, valves, controller ond pipe Unes ore dio-grommatit and 1ndic:ote the spQcing ond relaUw iocoHons of all lnstollations, G. All lines shall have minimum clooronce of six (6) inches from each other, ond from lines of other trodes, Parallel lines shall not be installed directly over one another. H. Dielectric bushing• shall be used in ony connections with piping of dissimilar metal moteriolt. I. Point of connection eholl ~e appro,imolely oa shown on drawings Connect new underground piping and valves ond provide all fiongos, adopters or other necessary fittings for connection. J. Permission to ahut off any existing In-use water lfnea must be obtained 48 hours in odvcnce, In writing from Owner. Contractor shall receive Instruction• from Owner, as to the exact length of time of each shut-off. K. Contractor shall ocquolnt hlmeelf with all site conditions. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 MA TERI /\LS: Pipe sizes shown are nominal Inside diameter unless otherwiae noted. 1. PVC Pressure Mo!nllne Pipe Fittings: All burled private piping In the reclaimed water system oholl be installed with womlng tape identifying I! os reclaimed water with the exception of Intermittent pr""8Ure lines. Intermittent pressure lines (llne on the downstream side of " controller valve that will not be subject to eonstont pre&$ure) moy be excep!:~d as long a, It I$ apparent,. du-e to line size and focotion os determined solely be the District Engineer of Inspector, tho! the llnos ore port of a reclaimed water sprinkler Irrigation system. SteneRed pipe, as specified below, will be accepted in conjunction with warning tape. (a) Pressure mainline piping for sizes 2" and larger shall be PVC Closs 315, and sholl be purple. (b) Pipe shall be made from an NSF dpproved Type 1, Grade 1, PVC compound conforming lo ASTM Resin Specifications •01784", All pipe must meet requirements as set forth In Fedorol Speolflcotlone PS-22-70, with on Appropriate Standard Dimension (S.D.R.) - (Solvent Weld Pipe), (c) Pressure mainline piping for slzee 1-1/2" and smaller shall be PVC Schedule 40 with solvent welded Joints, and shall be purple. (d) Pipe shall be made from NSF approved Type 1, Grode 1, PVC compound conforming to the ASTM Resin Speclflcallons 'Di785". All pipe must meet requirements as set forth In Federal Spocificotlons PS-21-70. (e) PVC solvent-weld fittings shall bo Schedule 40, 1-2, 11-1 NSF approved conforming to ASTM Test Procedure 02466. (f) Solvent cement and primer for PVC solvent weld pipe and fittings shall be of type and lnatollotlon methods prescribed by the manufacturer. Moinllno pressure pipe shall bo solvent welded utilizing a two step process with primer and gray glue. (g) All PVC pipe must bear the following mor1dngs, 1. Monufocturer'o Nome 2. Nomlr.ol Pipe $iZ6 3. Schedule or Claes 4. Pressure Rating in P.S.I. 5. N::sF (Notional Sanitation Foundation) Approvo! 6. Date of E,tru•lon (h} All fittings shell bear the manufocturer's name of trademark, material designation, size, appllcoble I.P .S. Schedule end NSF Seal of Approval. 11.C.P., 4" ond above, shall hove the words "RECLAIMED WATER" stenciled In 2-inch green letters on both sides of the pipe In at least three places in a 13-foot section of pipe (total of six places per section of pipe). All pipe sholl hove stenciling appearing on both e!dee of tho pipe with the marking "REClA!MED WATER" ln 5/8" letters repeated every 12 Inches. 2. PVC Non-pressure Lateral line Piping (a) Non·-pressuro burled l0terol line piping shall be PVC Sch 40 with solvent-weld joints, and shall be purple. (b) Pipe shall be made from NSF approved, Type 1, Grade 11 PVC compound conforming to ASTM Speclflcotlons "D1784•. All plpe must meet requirements set forth In Federal Speclf!cotlon PS-22-70 with on opproprloto Standard Dimension Ratio. (c) Escept os noted In Poragrophs {a) and (b) of Section and (b), all requirements for non-pressure lateral line pipe and fittings shall be the some as for solvent-weld pressure molnllne pipe and fittings cs set forth In Section 2.01.A.1 of these specifications, (Primer not required). All unsized end run later l!neo shall be 3/4" PIPE. 3. Pol)l'llnyl Chloride Pipe Fltt!ngs and Connections: Type !I, Grode 1, Schedule 40, high !mpoct molded fittings, manufceturod from virgin oompoundo "" specified for piping, topored socket or molder thread type, suitable for either solvent weld or screwed connections. Machine threaded fitting• and plastic •addle and flange fittings are not acceptoble, Furnish fittings permanently marked with following Information: Nominal pipe size, type and schedule of material, and National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) seal cf opprovcl. PVC fitting shall conform to ASTM D:2464 and 02466. C. Automotle Control Wire: 1. Electric wtring running from Controller lo Automatic control valves shell be No. 14, solid, single conductor, copper wire, 4/64 inch 1nsulot1on, 4/64 inch neoprene jacket, style BR (Direct Burial} or equal. color code wires to each valve, common wire shoU be white. 0. Automatic Controller: 1. Controller shall be furnished and installed complete with all water, electrical and drainage servicesi read~ for operation, Unit shell be elactric1 self-contained outdoor type, wall-mounted, or approved equal. See detail for controller enclosure. 2. Unit shall hove a minimum stations os shown on Irrigation Legend. 3. Controller shall be the latest modol of the particular monufocturer supplied. 4. Unit shall be 120-volt, 60-cycle controller, be completely outomotlc and shall func!lon optionally with or without the clock. 5. Any station moy be repeated Independently In ony 24 hours. 6. Stations shall be adjustable from 1 to 59 minutes. 7. Control panel shall be romovablo plug-in typo. 8. Mechanism shall be housed In sturdy, vandal-proof case, monufoclured of 14-gaugo steel, or case oluminum; furnished for mmdmum exterlor protection. 9. The clock and all working parts of tho controller shall be contained within one protecting cover. E. Control Vclves: 1. Remote Control Valves shall be of oil Plastic body. Valve shall be provided with an adjustable flow control stem and shall be operable manually without electricity. F. Valve Box: 1. For remote control wlve, 9-1/2" x 16"' x 11" tectcngulor box manufoctured by Amtex or approved equal. 2. For boll valve: 10" x 10'1/4" round, Amtex t,olt cover or approved equal. Extension sleeve to be PVC-6" minimum size. G. Sprinkler Heads shall be a, required on the drowlngs or approved equal. I. Boll Volves: 1. Boll valve 1 Inch size to 2 Inch siza shoH meat ASTM stondords with seo!s which ore self adjusting to compenaate weor. Boll valves shall have molded micro-finish boll with low torque requlr-ementa to operate unit manually. Bali valve shall have a pQtented feoture -"Pre!oodedn stem seal and impact resistant handles. 2. Product: 1• -2• size (King Sros, Lo-torque boll valve models Lt. size (King Bros. Block true union boll valve models Valencia, California (800)541-2672 or (805)257-3262. J. Concrete footings shall be 2,000 psi concrete ot 28 days. K. Backfill •hall be eleon fill soU, L Contractor shall provide to the Owner: 1. Two (2} Control Volve keys. 2. Two (2) wrenches for removing each different t)'?e of sprinkler head. 3. One (1) 48" to& wrench fer operating gate V0lves. 4. Six (6) quick coupler keys ond six (6) hose bib osoemblles. 5. Five (5) l<eys /or opening and locking each automatic controller. 1000-t thru lt.2000-t) 2" -4" 91364 Phone: M. Pressure reguiotor shall be bron:ze with screw fitting. See details ond drawing. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: A. Locations on drawings ore dlagrommotlc and appro•lmate only, ond shall be changed and adjusted as necessary os directed to meet existing .conditions and obtain complete water coverage. Locate and slake all work and obtain approval of Architect before Installations. e. Install and extend system os shown on drawings, and as necessary to carry out the Intent of Drawings and Speclftootl-Ons. C. Locate lines, valves and other underground utilities and receive approval of Architect before digging trenches. 3.02 INSTALLATION OF IRRIGATION SYSTEM: A. Excavation and l;lockfilllng of Trenches: 1. Excavate trenches, prepare subgrade, ond backfill to line and grade with sufficient room for pipe fittings, testing and Inspecting cperotlons. Do not backfill until pipe system hos been subjected to h)ldrostotlc test as specified. 2. Dept.h of Trench: Polyv!nyl Chloride Pceosure Line 18" minimum Polyvinyl Chloride Nan-Pressure Lins 12" minimum Polyv!nyl Chloride Non-Pressure Lines for drip system lateral lines shall be tnsla!led at 12" depth. installation of Polyethylene Distribution tubing: Distribution tubing sholi be cul Into lengths that wiii allow tubing to lay In o relaxed manner from em!tler point (at shrub stem). Allow two (2) distribution tubes per plant, Tubes shall be pressed firmly onto emitter barb so the tube end comes Ink contact with emitter body at bo•e of barb. 3. Trenching through areas where tcpson hos been spread: (o) Deposit topsan on one side of trench and sub$oll on opposite slc;!e. 4, Subsoil shall be free of all rocks over one (1) Inch In dlome!or, dei:,ri•, and litter, prior to use as backfill where so indicated on detail. 5. Repair any leaks and replace all defective pipe fittings until lines meet test requirements. Do not cover any lines until they hove been Inspected and approved fQr tightness, quollty of workmanship and materlols. 6. Backfill trenches, after opprovol of piping, with suitable and approved material, tamping. soil around pipe ond thoroughly compacting oil trench fills until 90% compaction ho• bosn achieved. 7. Backfill moterlol shall be approved soil, frse from rocks ond clods. B. lnstollotlon of Polyvln;t Chloride Pipe: 1. Becouoe of the naturo of plastic pipe and fittings, exercise caution In handling, loading and storing, to qvold domoga. 2, The pipe ond flttlnga ohall be stored under cover until using, and shall be transported In a vehicle with o bed long enough to allow length ot pip• to lay fiat so oo not lo be subjected to undue bending or concentrated external load at any po[nt. J. Any pipe that has been dented or damaged $hall be discarded unt!I such dented or domoged section Is cut ~nd rejoined with o coupling. 4. Trench depth shall be as specified above from the finl•h grade to the top of th$ pipe. The bottom of trench shall be free of rocks, clods, and other shorp-edgod objects. 5. Pipe ends and fittings shall be wiped with MF:K, or equal, before welding solvent Is applied. Welded joints •hall bs given o minimum of 15 minutes to set before moving or handling. All fiold cuts shall be beveled to remove burrs and excess before fitting end gluing together. 6, Pipe shall be snaked from side-to-side of trench bottom to ollow for expansion and contraction. 7. Center load pip• with small omounl of backfill \o prevent orchlr,g and slipping under presoure. Leave joints exposed for lnspection during testing. 8. No waler shall be permllled In the pipe until Inspections hove been completed and o period of ot least 24 hours ho, elapsed for solvent weld setting and curing. 9. Plastic to mstol joints: Solvent-weld, using solv~nt recommended by pipe manufacturer only. 10, Plastic to Plo&llc Joints: Solvent-weld, using oolwmt recommnnded by pipe manufacturer only. 11. Solvent-weld Joints: Assem~le per mamJfacti.Jrarfs recommendotion. 12. Thrust block shall be Installed as per detail. C. Remote Control Wiring: 1. Direct f:lurlol Control wire sliH: As ohown and specified heroin before. 2. Provide one control w!re and one common gtound wire to service each volve in system. Provide 4-foot minimum •"Panslon loop al each valve to permit removal and m-olntenance of volves. 3. install control wires and Irrigation piping In common trench"" wherever pos,!ble. 4. Control Wire Splices: Allow only on runs of more than 300 feet, splices as follows: (1) Strip off mlntmum of 2-1 /2 Inches of Insulation from each wlro. (2) Twist on Scotchlock electrical spring connector, minimum four complete turns. (3) Seal connector in epoxy resin. ( 4) Tope completod splice with Scotch 33 electrical tope. 5. Numbering and Tagging: Identify direct burial control wires from ou\arnctlc vclves to terminal strips of controller at terminal strip by tagging wire with number of connected valve. TESH I MA DESIGN GROUP LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE LAND PLANNING 9903 BUSINESSPARK AVE. SUITE C SAN DIEGO, CA 92131 DATE •NITW. . Ph: (858) 693-8824 Date: ! 1/21/06 Fax: (858) 693-1182 ENGINEER OF WQRK REVISION DESCRIPTION Project No. TDG 06-23.0IO 1st Revision per plan chk. 3-29-07 D. Automatic Controller: I. Automotic Controller shan be installed as shown and directed. Controller shall be tested with compie\e eleetrlcol connections. Contractor shofl be responsible for temporary power to controller for operotlon ond testing purpooes. 2. Connections ta control wiring shall be mode within the pedestal of the controller. All wire shall foUow the preseura main Insofar as poe;eible. J. Electrical wiring shall bs In a rigid PVC plastic conduit from controller to eleclrlcol ou!let. .The Electrlcol Contractor shall be r•sponsible for installing all wiring to the sub-panels, clocks, or elsewh.,rs os re<;Jlred, In order to complete this installation. A disconnect ow!tch shall bs included. 4. Controller shall hove o master awltch, It shall be possible to operate eoch vclve manually, Independent of clock of ony other valve. F. Valve Box: 1. tnstol! volve boxes as shOwn on detail. lnstoll ho more than one valve p$r box. Stencil valve number and controller letter on undorslJe of valve box lid. G. Sprinkler Heads: 1. All sprinkler head• shall be lnstollad os per dstolls shown. 2. Nozzle size of all heads shall. be adjusted to suit. any porliculor conditions of the area. This shall be dons after the system ho• been thoroughly tested, immedlotely ofter written notification by the Architect to do so. H. Quick Coupler Assembly. 1. Install all quick couplers as Indicated on drawings and os directed. Set all valves plumb and true to finish grad• ond a maximum of 12 Inches from poY!ng, wolks, hso<Jers or curbs, and as shown on pfons and as directed. L Boll Valves: 1, Install where ehown o• detailed. J. Bockflow Preven\er: 1. Bockflow pre~nter assembly shall be installed ln accord w!th manufocturer~s specifleatrons, located and as directed on drawings, and shall conform to all applicable code ond ordinance roqulrements. 2. Exact location ond positioning shall be verified on the site by Architect, K. Pressure Regulator II needed shall bo lnst<1lled as per drawings ond dotoll. Verify flnol locat!on with Architect, L. Installation of Antr-Droln Valves: Antl-droln valves shall be Installed In tho riser ossomblles of all sprinkler heads \hot do not hove monufocturer Installed anti-drain deYices. M. Install quick couplers and remote control vQlves adjacent lo walk• and curbs In shrub planting oroao. lnstoll quick couploo valves no further and 170' apart. N. Sleeving: 1. Crossing of roods with irrigation pfpo or wiring sholl be avoided wherever possible. If o crossing must be mode, Schedule 80 PVC sleeves shall be Installed at o minimum depth of 30" below finish grade. · 2. lrrigotlon fines under other aspholt concrete or Portland concrete Improvements (other thon roods) shall be lnstolled in S<:hedule 40 PVC •leeve• at o minimum depth of 18" below finished grade. 3. Sleeve sizes for irrigation lines ohall be a minimum of two (2) time• tho siio of the line It serves. 4, Controller wires located under streets or other permanent Improvements shall bo Installed In separate PVC sleeves and corresponding to type and depth o• specified on L-1. and L-2. 3.03 CLEAN-UP: A. As project progresses, Controctor sholl molntoln OIi oreos In a neat monner and remove unsightly <' ·,brls os necessary. After completion of tt,e project, Contractor shall remove all debris and ,;on talnors used In occompltshlng work. He shall sweep and clean all sidewalks, ospholt, end concrete aroos adjacent lo plantings. 3.04 FINALS, A. As-built plans for oil projects (bonded and non-bonded, public and prfV0la) ore required to be submitted. Submittal of as-built plans shall be as required by Englneerln9 and !>lannlng Deportments. The flnol plan, should be prepared by the landoeop• orehl\ect from dimensions provided by contractor. Flnol o,-bullt plans oholl be drafted <:!early to the sotisfoctlon of the City,ond the original mi,!aro shall be submitted to \he City for thelr keeping. ••• ""."°_:±"",, . t,,, "AS-BUILT " APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY. INCLUDING PRECISE P.E. EXP. DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING REIIIEWED BY: AREAS. INSPECTOR DATE ~ Cl.!. I OF CARI.SHAD ~ 4 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 6 - SPECIFICATIONS BRESSI RANCH OFFICE BUILDING LOT 17 & 18 IAPPR~:t( PLANNING 6f Mk:!-,;:., • :$,!) • 0 71 DATE DATs INITIAL !),IT£ INITIAL DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: PIP0 06.11 450-8L OTHER APPROVAL CITY A.;;;iPRQVAL RVWD BY: ~ 0 I 00 r SECTION 02900 LANDSCAPING PART 1 -GENERAL t.01 GENERAL CONDITIONS A. Drawings ond Generol Provlslona of Contract, Including General and Supplementary conditions and Division 1 Specification sections apply to work of this sectlon, ond mu•t be fully considered In connection therewith. 1.02 SCOPE A. The wo,k Includes all services, labor, materials, tronoportatlon and equipment necessary to perform the w()f'k indicoted on the drawings and as speciflecd herein and as required to complete properly the contract, B. Related Work: 1. Irrigation (Section 02480) 1.03 SUBMITTAL$ A. Seo requirements In Gonorol Conditions. and Section 01340. 8. Contractor shall submit a typewritten 11st with B!'eclflcotlons of all feoail>le materials, lncluqlng soil amendments, fertilizers, plant materials, eto., with quantities of each. 1.04 DEFINITIONS Of TERMS A. "Planting Area" shall mean all areas to be seeded, sodded, planted with trees, shrubs, ond/or groundcovers. 1.05 GUARANTEES ANO REPLACEMENTS A. Plant Materials: Plants (15~gallon size and larger) shall be guaranteed to live and grew In healthy condition during the ogretld upon 90 day maintenance period or until flnol oceeplance (3.20 Part B). Plant material wnl continue to be guoronteed for one (1) )18<'.!r. 8. Plant material emollet than 15-galloo size: Shall be guoronteed to live and grow In vigorous healthy upright cQndltion for a minimum of one growfllg season ofter flnol acceptance of work (excluding seasonal color). C. Replacement: All plants not healthy and In vigorous growing condition as dotermlne<i by the Londscape Architect shall be replaced lmmedlatoly. Plants used far replacement oholl be the some kind and size as specified In the plant list. They shall be furnished, planted and fertilliod as orlglnolly specified at no costs to Owner. 1,06 VERJFICA TION Of" EXISTING CONDITIONS A. All scaled dimensions on the drawings are approximate. Before. proceeding with any work, the Contractor shell carefully check and verify oil dimensions, quantities, and grade elevatlons, and shall immediately Inform the Londocape Architect of ony dlscreponcios. B. Prior to the &xcavation for planting or ploclng of plant materials, the Contractor shall verify the location of all underground utility lines and other Improvement•, and toke proper precaution• to avoid domogo to ouch Improvements. ln the event of conflict betweon such lmprovements and plant locations, tho Ccn\roctor ohall notify the Landllcapo Architect, and arrangemon\s will be made for roloaa\lan as necessary. Follure to follow this procedure places upon the Contractor the responsibility for making any and all repairs for damage resultrng from work as herein sp-ee!fied at hia own 8:)(pense. 1,07 f'FIOTECTION OF EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS During the construetlon ond maintenoMo period, the Contractor ohall toke every precaution to protect and ovoid d0mage to sprinkler heodsf Irrigation lines11 drainage lines, arid oil -olher underqround focllltles ond oil paving, structures, fixtures, and e>lstrng plantings. The Cantroctor shall be held responsible for ony and oil domogo to aueh Improvements and shall completely repair o, reph1ce tho same ot no cost to the Owner. 1.08 INSTRUCTIONS AND 08S1,RVA'rlON A. All changes ond dev!otloos to the plans and specifications shall be confirmed In writing via lhe LandsC<lpe Architect. 8. The Contractor shall be ovalloble on coll to make a Joint observation with the engflleer. Tho Contractor shall hove sufftclent work personnel Ol'<liloble .during normal working hours to correct deficiencies Immediately upon requost of the Landscape Architect. Such repair or re-work servlees ore to be performed without interference of regular project schedule. C. Plants shall be sublect to opprovol by tho Owner's Repre~ntatlve at tho placo of growth and/or upon delivery to the site for quality, size and variety. Such opprovcl shall not Impair the right of observoUon and rejection at the site during progress of work for size, condition of root boll, latent defects, or Injuries. Rejected plants shall be removed Immediately from the site, unlos• otherwioe approved by the Londscope Architect. D. Site observations herein specified shall be made by \he Landscape Architect. The Contractor shall notify the Landscape Architect of o site observation at least 48 hours in advance of on observation. An observation will be made by the Landscape Architect during of!lce wori<ing hours on each of the steps or conditions listed below. The Contractor or his outhorlzed representative shall be an site at tho lime of eoch observation, The Contractor will not be potrnlUed lo lnltlate the succeeding step of wot1< until he hos received approval to proceed by tho Landscape Archfte,;l. 1. Pre-Construction Meeting: lmmedlctely prior to the commencement of work al this section, Cor,troctor shall receive approval of moteriole and equipment to be used, ond methods of ln•tollatlon. 2. Incorporation of soil conditioning and fertilizing Into the aott: Son tests performed by the laboratory licensed eholl bo submitted ond potd for by the Contractor for agrlculturol sullobllity and approved by the Landscape Architect once rough grading hos been completed, and prior to lnstomng any plant moterfol. J. Upon tho completion of finish 9rodlng ond mow curbs layout !n the field, but prior to mow curb installatlon. 4. Approval of all plant moteriol quality. 5. Layout of plant moterlol, 6. Pre-molntenonce oboerva\fan: 'Mien planting ond all other fndlcaled or speclf!ed work, except the Maintenance Period, has been completed. Acceptance and written approval shell establish beginning of the Maintenance Period. this is not a final observation or acceptance, and It does not rolleve the Contractor from any of the responsibiilties in the contract documents for this project. 7. Flnol sit-e observation ot the completion of the specified maintenance perlod~ This obs.ervotlon shall estoblr,,h the beginning dote for the guorantoe period. E. Acoeptance: Upon completion of the Final Observation and the work of this section, the Contractor wHI be notlflod In wrftlng (1) whether the worl< Is acceptable ond (2) of any requfremenls necessary for completion and occeplonce. 1.09 SUSPENSION OF WORK A. Tho landscape Architect shall recommend to the Owner My necessity to suspend the work wholly, or In part, for •uch period or periods as he may deem necessary duo to unsuitable weather, or such other condltfons as are considered unfovor-able for th-e reasonable perfonmonco of the work, or for such time as Is necessary due to the failure on the port of the Controctor to corry out orders given or to perform ony or al! provisions of lhe contrad. B. If It should become necessary to stop work for on Indefinite period, the Contractor shell store oil materials in such a manner that they will not become an obstruction nor become damogec;I in any way, end he shall take every precaution to prevent damage or deterioration of the wor1< performed. The Contractor shall cover all open excovotlons end shell provide suitable drainage by opening ditches, planting pits, etc., and erect ternporory structures whore necessary. C. Grading, soil preparation, and planting work shell be performed only during periods whon beneficial and optimum results may be obtained. If the moisture content of the sell should reach o l<>v&I that working it would destroy the sail structure, •preoding, grading and tilling operationo shall be suspended until \he moisture content reaches occeptoble levels and the desired results ore cttainab!e. 1.10 CERTIFICATIONS ANO NOTICE OF DELIVERY OF MAT!RIAL A. Th~ Landscopo Landscape Architect shell be furnished with dupllcoto signed, legible copies of certificates and/or lnvoicoo slating tho brand, grade. amount ond quonlity of each item for oil soil, fertilizers, soll conditioners, plane and other moterlols. THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MAY STOP WORK PROGRESS UNTIL CERTIFICATES ARE RECEIVED ANO REVIEWED BY THE ENGINEER. 8. Th• Contractor shall notify the Landscape Architect In advance when all materials ore to be dellvered and the manner of shipmen\, and shall furnish therewith an ltemiud llot, In duplicate, of the actual quantity of material ln each delivery, in order to ensure satisfactory coordination of delivery, ond to expedite the required Inspection ot the po!nt of dellvery. The itemized 11st, in duplicate, for each dellv..,y of pfont material sholl Include Invoices certifying that subject material has b""n Inspected os required by the State Agricultural Cotie prior to acceptance or planting. Particular core, using approved equipment, •hall be exercised to ensure safe loading, unloading, shipping and handling for all plantings from source to in-place locotlons indicated an the drowings. 1.11 PLANT MATERIALS A, Quantities for plant mo\orlols ore shown per pion for convenience only and not guaranteed. Contractor shall check and verify count an-d supply sufficient number to fulfill Intent of drowlngis. 1.12 INVOICE Of MATERIALS A. Upon delivery of materials and/or completion of oil soil conditioning and grading, but prior to initiating planting operations, th& Landscape Architect with the heretofore specified signed cople~ of requfred certific0tes, trip slips and Invoices for eoll preparation mote-riots, shall Invoice such materlo!, comparing the tote! quontiUes of eoch material furnilhed against the tolt:d area to each operatlon. If the minimum rates of oppllcolian hove not been met, the londscope Architect wlll require the distribul!on of addllk>hol quantities of these materials to fulfill the minimum requirements specified. B. After Jnstollal!on of plant materials, out prior to the pre-maintenance site observation, the Landscape Architect, with tho heretofore specified signed copies of tho required certificates and relote<I iteme, shall lnvofca such rnoterlal, comparing the total area and/o-r the amounts specified. If the minimum amounts hovo not been furnished, the Landscape Arehltect will require the lnstollo\lon of odditi011ol materials lo fulfill the minimum requirements spoclfled. C. A sample of the soil amendments shall be delivered to the Landscape Architect within 15 days after recording of the contract for submittal to a testing laboratory, along with speolficotlons of each product. After soil amendments hove been thoroughly mixed lnto tho site, random samples of the mixed soil will be token by the engkleer and subm1tted to the soll loborotory for the Contractor. 1. 13 PROT!CTION OF EXISTING TREES, SHRUBS AND VINES A. It is the Intent of the project tho! certain areas of the existing pion! moterlols shal! be retah,1ed. Prior to the removal of any trees; the Contractor s~all confer with the Landscape Arct,itect to determfne those plants that are to remain. B. All e<isting trHs which are to remain In the project shall be lagged ond tdentlf!ed by the Con\rootor prior to start of work. C. Contractor shol! be responsible for all t:ree3 thot ere-to remain in -the project, Domog~ to a plant which results in death or permanent diofigurotion shall result in the complete removal of the plant, Including roots, from !he silo by the Contractor. The Contractor ot his own expense shall replace tho plant with one of equal volue os established by the Landscape Architect or reimburs~ the Owner the -cost of said replacement if a replocement cannot be obtained. The Landscape Architect sholl be the sole ju<lge of the condition of the plant. D. All existing trees !hot are to remain shall be protected at all times from damage by men and equipment. All damage by the Conlr13ctor to existing plants shall be repolrsd at hl:s expense by personnel approved by the Landscape Architect. E. The Controo!or shall insure that no foreign materiel ond/or lfquld, such os paint, concrete, cement, oil, turpentine, acid or the Hl<e, be deposited or allowed to be deposited on ony .so.II within the dripline (the outside edge of foliage overhand) of any tree or shrub or within 5' of tho trunk of a vine. Should any such poisoning of the soil occur, the Contractor shall remove said sow as directed by the Landscape Architect end replace it with acceptable soil at no expense to \he Owner, F. Excovatlon odjocent to exlsting trees and shrubs~ Wh-ere It ls necessary to excavate in close proximity to existing trees and shrubt:i, o\i possible caution shall be exercised lo avoid fnj.lry to roots ond trunk. Exccvotion close to trees shaU be by hand, tunod!ng under root.a 2• and larger in diameter. Culling of roots 2• and larger shall be only on the approval ol the Landscape Architect. Palnt cut roots within 24 hours of inlliol damage with approved pruning point. When this is n-ot poseiblei keep the side of excavation adjacent to tree shaded with moist burlap or canvas. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 QUALITY A. Ail mater!ols shall be of standard, approved. and first grade quollty and shall be In prime condition when inst-ailed ond accepted. All comrnercia11y processed ond/or packaged materfols shall be dellvered to the site In the original unopened containers bearing the manufacturer's 9uaronteod analyols. 2.02 SOIL AMENDMENT AND FERTILIZER SHALL BE FOR BIDDING PURPOSES ONLY Specific soil test shell be conducted after grading operation hos token place. I Amendmen shall upon analysis contain at oaot !,0% nitrogen on a dry weight basis) with on ash content not to exceed 15%. A commerclol grade product shall be used. Contractor shall supply Landscape Architect or his appointed representative with a sample of the proposed amendment accompanied by o l<>boratory onol)'Sls from on approved laboratory Illustrating degree of compliance. Guarantee = wt/cu/yd. = 4801/ -7206, Ammoniac nitrogen = 1.0%. pH (less than 6.8). Salinity (total soluble salt• = 3.0 MMHO). Density = 20/1 cu.ft. Properties = (grodotlon sieve size) -No. 6 -95% minimum passing; No. 8-80% minimum passing; No. 35 -30% minimum passing. Wetoblllty -to be in compliance with standcrds (IS per American Society of Agronomy TESHIMA DESIGN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE B. Agricultural Grod$ G:,psum -Shall be o (Ca $04 -H20) colcium sulfate product -94.3%. 90% shall poss o 50 mesh screen. Chemical reaction will remove Sodium attached to soil particles. Gypsum olso loosens heavy day soils through elootro-chemlcol action. Control of dust during a~pllcatlon is mandatory. Sholl be U.S. Gypsum, Dolmar, Sof'N'Soll, or Bondtni, if not ovoilable, shall be equal to. C. Sulfur (Soil) -Shall be elemen\oi sulfur (99.5%) commercially prepared so that 48.9% passes o 50 mesh screen. Shall be Wil-Gro, Union Chemicals or Saker Industries, If not ovofioble, shall be equal to. D. Iron Sulfote -Iron sholl b• expreseed as metollki -derived from sul/<lle -deep green (Fe S04 H20). A minimum analysis of 20.0% ond 95.3,; retained on o 10 m••h screen. Sholl be Wilson & Geo. Meyer, Wil-Gro, or Bandin!. If not avalloble, shall be equal to. E, Pre-plant or starter fortlllzer shall be o commerclol grode flowoble fertilizer with-1% n:trog.en, 10% phosphorous pentioxidttt ond 10% potaesium oolfate, No Potassium Chloride ii to be used. Organic nitrogen eholl be from Cottonseed Meo\ and Uroo. Phosphate ovolloble from superphosphote and Cottonseed Meal. Potash from $Ulfate of Potash and Cottonseed Mool. Screen onolyels: % retained on stacked screen-opproxlmotely B-meeh 24.2%; 20-mesh 75.2%; 48 -mesh 0.2%. Available percentage weight ol plant food: Nitrogen Phosphoric acid Potash Shell be \.VU-Gro. Bondin! or Keflogg. 1.0% min. 10.0% min, 10.0% min. If not ovcnable, sholl be equal le. F. Post Plont Fer\lllxer (Malntenonee): fertilizer (commercial) shall be a eomblnatlon of natural organic and Inorganic gronulor fertlllzers, free-flowing, suitable for application with approved equipment and ehall contain the following minimum available percentages by weight of plant food: Nitrogen Ammoniac Sulfate Remainder of Nitrogen 1.25% Water Insoluble Phosphoric acid Potosh kon Zinc Manganese Calcium 14.0% min. 4.0% min. 8.75% Water Soluble 7.0% min. 3.0% m!n. 2.0% 0.15% 0.15% 2.0% Organic Nitrogen I• derived from Ureo and Cottonseed Meal. Phosphate from S4perphoophote ond Cottons.ed Meo!, Potash from Sulfate of Potash and Cottonseed Meal. No Potassium Chloride Is to bo used. SulfUr from $uliats af Ammonia. Calcium from Superphosphato, Iron from Ferrous Sulfate and mixed Sulfides. Zinc ond Manganese ore expressed os metallic ond In their elemental form. Scr&l!n analysis: (% retained) -approximately: 4 meeh = 1.3%; 8 mesh ~ 24.2%; 20 mesh = 74.0%; and 46 mesh 0.05%. Sholl be WII-Gro F'alrwoy, Bondin!, or Kellogg. If not available, shell be equal to. G. Planting tablets shall be lightly compressed chip type commercial grade planting tablets, of varying Jlzeo with \he follow!ng ovollable percentoges by weight of pion\ food: Ni\rogen Phosphoric Poto,h oeict Sholl be Agrlfotrn or Gro-Power. If not available, shall be oquol to, 2.03 PLANTING BACKFILL FOR TREES ANO SHRl,JBS 20.0% min. 10.0% min. 5.0% min. A. Rate of oppllcotlon is for bidding purpose• only. .Soil toot may reduce or Increase total soil yardage amendment and chemical oddltlvea. Planting backfill shall be o thoroughly blended mixture of topisoll ond s-on -amendments at the fol!owing mb:turesz Soll Amendmentl/2 c.y. Sfock Plied site soil \ /2 c. y. Gypsums lbs. per /cu/yd. of mix Sulfur (soJ1)1 Iba. per /cu/yo. of mix Iron Sulfate1 lbs. per /cu/yd. of ml• Pre-Plant (1-10-10) 3 lbs. per/cu/yd. of mix (also see 3.04 E•terior Planter Bockfl!I). 2.04 PLANT MATERIALS A. Nomenclature: Sclentlflc ot1d common names of plants h-erein specified shall conform with the approved names given in "a cheekllt,:t of Woody Ornomentoi Pkmts of Colifornla," published by tho University of California, College of AgrlClJlture, Manual 32 (1963). See list of plant material on drawings. 8. Labeling: Each group of plant materials dellverl!d on site shell be clearly labeled as to species and variety, However, final determination of plont species and variety will be made by the Landscape Architect and whQse decision wl!i be final. All patented plants (cultivor) required by the plant 11st shall be delivered with a proper plant patent attached. C. Quality and Size: All plants shall b<1 vigorous, of normal growth, free from diseases, insects, Insect eggs, and/or exceed the measurements specified. D. Container Stock: Sholl hove grown in eonlalnors for at least six months, but not over two years. No container plants that hove crocked or broken bolls of earth when lokon from the container •hall be pkmted, excep\ upon special approval. No trees with domoged roots or broken balls •hall be plonted. E. Pruning: At no time shall the plant materials be pruned, trimmed or topped prior to delivery, delivery and any olterollon on the site of their shape shall be conducted ooly wilh the approval and In the presence of the Landsc;ope Arehitoct. F. ln•pection of Plant Materials: Required by City, County or State authorities, shall be a responsibility of th~ Contrcictor, and when necessary he shall have secured permits or certificates prior to delivery of plants at site. G. on-Site Inspection of Plont Mo\erlols: Plants shall be oubjact to Inspection and -approve or urtng prOCJress of work for size, vorlely, rejection at the project sfte at any time before or d condition, latent defects and Injuries. Rojecteo pion! • ohall be removed from \ho pro joct silo immediotely. GROUP LAND PLANNING DATE INITIAL H. Rejection and Substitution: All plants not conforming to the requirements herein specified shall be consldered defective, and sc:ch plants, whether ln place or not, shall be marked os rej(,cte<J and be lmmedio\Jly removed from the site of the work and reploc,d with acceptable plant materials. Tho plan\ moterlcyls shall meet oil oppllcoble inspections required by law. All plants shall be the species, variety, size, age, flower color and condillon os specified herein and/or os lndlca!e;J on tho drawings. Under no condition will there be any substttu\lan of plant sp~c:iest variety, or reduced site for those liste.d on the acoornpanying drt;.win-gs, except with oxpreas written consent of the Landscape Architect. I. RI$hl to Chongee: The Landscape Architect reserves the right to change the species, variety and/or sizos of plant materfol to be furnished, provided thot the cost of such plant changes does not ••ceed the coat nl plants In !he original bid. The Contractor shall be notified ond confirmed In writing prior to sixty (60) days bofore the planting operation hos commenced. Changes In the olze ond/or variety of any plant to be furnished which involves a reduction or addition in cost sholl be ad justed In lh e contract cost. J. Root Condition: The Landscape Archttect reserves the right lo Inspect root condition of any species, portlculorly those grown from seed, ond ii found defective, to reject the plants represented by the defective sample. K. Pr<>lectlon: All plants ol oil limes shafl be handled end stored $0 !hot they ore adequately protected from drying out, from wind burn, and from all other Injury. All plants determined by the Owner's representative to be Wilted, burned, or dried out, mcy be rejected, ond removed from the site. The Contractor's on-site plant storage oreo shall be approved by the Owner's representative prior lo tho deliw,ry of any plant materials. L Shrub and Tree Samples: Typical samples, three each of all varieties and sizes (shrubs 5 gallon and under, trees 15 gallon and under) of oil ~lont mcterlols shall be submitted for Inspection approval ot the $1te a minimum of fifteen day., prior to plontin~ operations. Approved samples shall remain on Iha site cind shall be molnlolned by the Contractor as standards of comparison for plant moterlols to be furniehed. Samples will t>e Incorporated into the work. WEED ABATEMENT PROGR.AM ingredients 1. 50% Scythe 2. 50% Glyphosate (Roundup) Preparation: Fill the spray lank with the required amount of water, then add above mixture. Agitate thoroughly at mixing and re-agitate occasionally during use. Rates: Above mixture may be used at rates from 3% to 10% volume to volume in water. Use the lower rates for tank mixing wtth glyphosate and medium rates when applying alone to weeds less than e inches in height. Apply above mixture at tl1e higher rates for weeds greater than 6 inches in height. Application: Use a backpack or handheld sprayer or a conventional spray rig. Be sure to thoroughly cover all of the target plants' foliage. Timing: For fastest kill, apply on a warm, sunny, day, Do not apply durin() windy conditions that could carry spray to desirable vegetation in nearby locations. APPROVED FOR PLANTING "AS-BUILT AND IRRIGATION ONLY. - INCLUDING PRECISE P.E. EXP. LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY: AREAS, INSPECTOR ,, - DATE DATE LN] CITY OF CARLSBAD U§J 5 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 6 SPECIFICATIONS BRESSI RANCH OFFICE -BUILDING LOT 17 & 18 I APP~O; ~ ~~:it I c;. i-9 . .,;,1 DATE PlANNIN DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OWN BY:~-PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. 9903 BUSINESSPARK AVE. SUITE C Ph: (858) 693-8824 Date: 11/2 l /06 SAN DIEGO, CA 92131 Pax: (858) 693-1 I 82 ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION ornrn APPROVAL CHKD BY: -PIP-06.11 450-BL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: Project No. TDG 06-23.010 1st Revision per plan chk. 3-29-07 M. Specimen Tree Selection: 1, One sample each of eoch tree variety and size, as called out on drawings, 24" box and larger shall be delivered to the project •lte for approval prior to installation. 2. The Contractor shall immediately remove any trees not approved:. 3. Th& Contractor at his optlon ono at his expense, can retain the services of the Landscape Architect to review trees 24" box size or larger tagged at the nursery and/or ot Its place of growth. 2.05 GROUNDCOVER A. Groundcover plants shall be he<>lthy, vigorous rooted cuttings grown in flat•. 2.06 PLANTEfl MULCH A. Planter mulch shall be Redwood Nltrollzed shavings. Aval!able at A-1 Soils, 658/577-2727. Shan range in size from 112~inch t-o 3/4-fflch, 2.07 STAKING MATERIAL A. Treo guy wlreo shall be of pllablo, zinc-coated steel minimum gouge No. 12 dnd anchor to appropriate dead mon. Wire loops ot branches shall be covered by 2-piy reinforced rubber 1/4" In diameter. Guy wires shoU be flagged with 1/8-lnch diameter x 4"-0" length surgical tubing. 2.8 ROOT BARRIER A. Root barrier shall t)e o multi-year root control system consisting of herbicidal tlme-releosed nodules penmonently attached to a permeable geote,tlle fobrlc which will lnhlblt plant root encroachment. Active ingredient: Trlflurolln (o,o,a -Trlfluro-2,6-Dlnitro -N,N -Dlprop)'I -P -Toluldine)17.rn: Inert lngredlents82.9% Sholl be Bio-Barrier -No Known Equal. 2.9 PRE-EMERGENT HERBICIDE A. Pre-Emergent herbicide shell be os detarmlned by the Contractor. 2.10 WEED CONTACT HERBICIDE A. Weed contact herbicide shall be as determined by tho Contractor. 2.11 LAWN A. All lawn areas shall be sodded with Marathon Ill Dwarf Foscue blend. PART J -EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A. Examine proposed planting areas and conditions of lnstollotlQn. Do not start planting work until unsollefoctory conditions are corrected. 3. 02 PREPARATION A. General: The areas to receive trees, shrubs and groundcover plon\lnge and their reapeatlvo requirement• for imported topsoil, fertilizing , soil conditioning, and other treatment Sholl be as defined on the drawings. Equipment necessary for preparation of the groond surface and for hondling ond placlag o!I required moterlol shall be on hond In good working corditlon. Work shall be performed only during period• when beneficial results can be obtained. 8. Clearing and Grubbing: Prior to ripping and t!llage operations, oil yegelotlon In the area to be planted shall be grubbed, raked, and cleared from the site. The ground surfoce sholl bo cleared of all material which hos accumulated during construction and oil moteriol which might hinder proper gr<>dlng, tillage, planting and sub.equent molntenonce operation. All grubbed materials and debris shall be lawfully disposed of off the site by the Contractor at his cost. C. Obstruction Below Ground: All subaurfoos rooks over 2" In dlometer ond other underground obstruetlons shall be removed to the depth necessary to permit proper fine grading, tilling, or planting occordln~ to plans and speclficcllons. All abandoned utlllty lines uncovered or savored shall be eut below grade and copped or plugged with concrete. Explosives shall not bo used for removal. When the .location of utmty lines la shown on the plans or hos been mode known to the Contractor, oil damage to these line• eholl be repaired by the Contractor in a manner approved by the Landscape Architect and affected utility. D. Deep Ripping: All areas (including slopes) to receive groundcover, shrubs, ond hydroseedlng Sholl be deep ripped and loosened to a depth of twelve (12) inches In oil directions. 3.03 SOIL AMENDMENTS, FERTILIZING AND ROTOTIU.ING A. Rote of oppllcotlon Is for blddln~ purposes onlr, Soil test may reduce or increase total soil amendment yardage. Adjustments (plus or minus may be necessary. Contractor shall obtain at least two soil tests of rough grade at ,Ite and submit results to the Landscape Aroh!teet for Interpretation and recommendation. B. After the oreas have been deep ripped, the following roles of soli amendment moterlols shall be evenly spread over all planting areas and shall be thoroughly scarified to on overage depth of six Inches by rototllling a minimum of two olternotlng passes. Amendment must be intimately blended with .all. SoU amendment: 6 cubic y.,rds per 1,000 sq. ft. to o depth of 8". G)']>sum: 120 lbs. per 1.000 sq. ft. Soil Sul fur: 10 lbs. per 1,000 sq. fl. Iron Sulfote:10 lbs. per 1,000 oq. fl, Fertilizer (commerelol) 1-10-10 ohall be applied at thG rote of 30 pounds per thousand aquore feet and scarified Into the top two inches of finish grade. F ertl!lzer shall be applied after leachlng operotlon. C. The thoroughness and completeness of the rototllling ond incorporation of the soil amendments shall be acceptable to the LQOdscopo Architect. Slopes 2: 1 and steeper or os per tho drawings om!t S<>II conditioner application and Illling. D. Deep Water Leaching ond Soil Testing: Deep woter l•ochlng shall be competed as recommended by a certified ogronlmlc laboratory. The following proceos for deep woter leaching Is for bidding purposn only. Item number threo (3.) shall be performed as slated below. 1. After the tilling opero!lon, the area shall be deep water leached three (3) tlmes over o five (5) day period. Apply 1/2" water at eoch applieotion. Wait ono {1) day between opplicotlons. 2. One day after final oppllcatlon of water, !he soil shall be tested for content of soluble sol\• (electrtcol conductivity E.C.). Londscope Architect and Contractor shall take several soil · ' .amples and deliver the sornples to a laboratory for tosling of soluble salts, E.C. test reading shall not be obove 2.0, the soil amending, tilling and deep watering procedure shall be repeated untU test reading• ore not obov,, 2-0 3. If soil test reading for o particular area tested is above 2.0, \he soil amending, tll!lng and deep watering procedure shall be repeated until test readings or& not obove 2.0 E. Core shell be token \hot the rote of oppllcotlon of water does not cause erosion or slough!ng of soils. F. i\1I depressions, volds, eroelon score and settled trenches generated by the deep watering oholi be lllled with amended soil and brought to finish grade. G. Apply No!od Wetting Agent, Sravon or equal 4 oz. per 1,000 s.f. at the first spray of s9II ornendmenta. 3.04 EXTERIOR PLANTER BACKFILL A. Bockflll for eJ<terlor planters: Shall bo oo speclfled !n Section 2.04. Prior lo backfilllng Planter, Contractor shall Install "Monollnk Irrigation System" per manufacturer's specifications. 3.05 FINISH GRADlNG A. flniflh grodes shall be os Indicated on clvll plan. B. Finish grades shall be measured after the ground has been watered-In and mechanlcolly compacted and settled. Tho final grade shall be within plus or minus 0.1 foot of the spot elevations ond grade lines Indicated on the Civil drawing. C. Eose lop and toe of all existing slopes. D. All undulations and lrregularlt,eo In the planting surfaces rosul!lng from tillage, rotolilllng and all other operations shall be leveled and floated out before planting operations ore initialed. _E. The Contractor shall toke every precout!?n to protect and avoid damage to sprinkler heeds, irrigation lines, ond other underground utlll\1ee during his grodlng ond conditioning oporotions. F. Final finish grades shall insure positive drainage of the site with ell surface drainage away from buildlngs, walis, over mow curbs, and toward roadways. drains and catch basins. G. Final grades shall be occeptoble to \he Landscape Architect before planting operations will be allowed to begin. • H. Planting Surfaces shall be graded with no less than 2 percent $1Jrfoce slope for positive drainage. I. All rock ond debris shall be removed from piantlng oreos and then from the site In accordonc-e wlth the following crlterlo, 1" <Ha. in lawn areas, 2'' dla. in shrub area, 2~ dia. In hydroseed areas. J. Finish grade shall be 2• below finish pqvlng surface In shrub arees. 3.06 PLANTING INSTALLATION A. 11mlng: Actual planting shall be performed dur!ng those periods when weather end soil conditions ore suitable and In ocoordonce with locally acceptable practice. B. Loyaut of Trees: All trees(24" bo• size ond lorger)sholl be placed In the londecope per the direction of the Landscape Architect prior to lns\ollallon of irrigotion system. The trees shall then be moved so that planting holes can be excovoted and amended. The trees sholl then be installed In their respective hoes and posltlored In the hol~• per direction of \h~ Londscope Architect. C. Layout Plantlng: Locations shall be approved by the Landscape Architect. All container plants shall be set by the Contractor in their final loco\lon In their respective containers prior to digging holes and/or plontlng. All plant locations shall be checked for possible Interference with existing underground utnlty lines. D. Backfill for Trees and Shrubs: Shall be os specified in section 2.03. If artlRclol drolnoge Is requested, then drolns shall be Installed first, then backfilled with soil. E. Disposal of Excess Soll ond Debris: All excess excavated subsoil, rocks and debris shall be legally disposed of off the site by the Contractor ot his cost or utl!lzed on tho site as directed by ond at \he option of the Landscape Architect. 3.07 PLANTING TREES, SHRUBS AND VINES A. Soll moisture level prior to planting shall be no less than hortlculturally acceptable. The Contractor sha!I request approval of m-0lstL1re, and if found to be-ln$Ufficlent for pk;ntlng the planting pits shall be !IJled with woler ond allowed to drnln before starting any planting ' operations. B. All o>«:ovoted holes shall hove vertical sides with roughened surfaces ond shall be of the minimum sizes indlco\ed on drawings. Holes shall be in oil cases Iorgo enough to permit handling ond plontlng without lnµry or breakage of root bolls or roots. C. Excavation shall Include the stripping end stocking of all oeceptab!e soil encountered within the areas to be excovated f0< plant pits ond planting beds. Protect oil areas that ore to be trucked over and upon which soil ls lo be temporarily stocked pending ih re-use for tho filling of holes, pits and beds. D. Plants shall be removed from containers In such o manner that tho ball of earth surrounding tho roob Is not broken, and they sholl be planted and watered lmmedlotely ofter tM removal from \ho containers. E. The plants sholl be planted ot approved locotlons with the heretofore specified amendments ond ooll planting backfill, F. 6ackflll sholl be placed ct the bo\lom of each hole and thoroughly watered and compacted to a depth so that when a pion! is placed In !he hole, Its root crown is slightly above the estobllsl1ed final grade, ond unless otherwise noted shall be raised or replaced as directed by the Landscape ArehiteQt. G. Planting tablet. shall be plac,,d In each planting hole at the following rates ond per the monufocturer1s re-commendations.; 1 -5 grom tablet per individual liner and flat size plant. 1 -21 gram tablet per gallon oonlalner. J -21 gram tablets per 5 gallon container. 4 -21 gram tablet per 15 gallon container. 1 -21 grom tablet per each 4 inch box size. Random testing to verify planting toblet instollotlon shall be conducted by the Landscape Architect. H. No plont will be occe1>ted if the rootboll ls broken or crocked, either before during or ofter tho process of installation. ' ' I. All plants shall be thorooghly watered to the full depth of each planting hole immediately ofter planting. J, Guying: All tress and other plants Indicated on the plans shall be guyed os detailed. K. The Contractor shall be reoponslble for all surface and subsurface drainage required which moy affect his guoront•e of the trees, shrubs and vines. L Pruning after planting shall be required on all trees, shrubs, and vines when necessary to provide the specified or approved standard shapes, f0<m and/or sizes characteristic to each plant. Pruning may Include thinning, topping, and/or ct1t\lng and shall be under the direction of the landscape Architect. Cuts over 3/4-inch In diameter shall be pointed with on approved tree seolont. M. All trees 24" box and larger shall be spoiled. 3.08 PLANTING GROUNDCOVER A. Groundcovers •hall be pion ted in the oreos Indicated on the plans and shall be free of surface rock over 2" in diameter and debris. 8. If the top four (4} Inches of soil In the areo to be planted ln groundcovar ls not sufficiently moist (hortlculturolly acceptable standards), the area shall be thoroughly Irrigated and no less than twelve hours oholl poss before planting. C. Groundcover plants oholl be grown In flats. Varloty indicated on \he pion\ list. Flat grown plants (rooted cuttings) sholl remain in \hose flota until transplanting. The fiots soil sholl contain sufficient moisture so !hot II will not foll oport when lifting the plants. Plants shall be protected at all timeo to prevent dr)'lng of the root boll. D. Groundcovers shall be planted In staggered, random rows and evenly spaced unless otherwise noted and at intervals called out In the drowlng•. · E. The slze ol planting escavatlon for groundcover shall be at least twice the depth of the root boll. TESHIMA DESI LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 990.3 BUSINESSPARK AVE. SU Ph: (858) 693-8824 Dare: 11/21/06 lsr Revision per plnn chic 3-29-07 CITY OF CAIIU.SBAD SLOPE IREVEGETATION 11.i:IIOSIOI\I CONTROL POLICIES AND REQUIREMENTS F. Each plant shat} be pionted in c. mvnnier that wiH enaurn minimum dlsturbonc6 of foe root system, but In no case ,hall this depth be less than two nodes. Eooh groundcover plant shall be planted with one 5 grom plont!ng tablet Incorporated Into the root zone. Planting area shall be hand-smoothe,1 ofter planting to provide on even and smooth flnol finished grade. To ovoid drying out groundeover, plants must be Irrigated aflor planting. This may be done manually or by using the Installed irrigation oystern, Repeated applications may be required, especially on a sloping site. This inltlal irrigation Shall continue until a zore at least twice the depth of each hole Is thoroughly moistened. E.3·1 SLOPE PLANTING E,3·1,1 SLOPE PLANT.ING STANDARD$ 3.09 POST FERTILIZATION A. Trees -Post fertilization shall ocCtir a! 100 day lntervols after plontlng. Bore holes around drlpllno ( various depth a) and apply fertilizer at the rote of 1 lb. per 1 • caliper In holes. Fertlllzer shall be Wil-Gro14-7-3, Fairway, Bondin!, or Kellogg. If not ovalloble, shall be equal to. B. Shrubs -Post fertilization shall occur 60 days ofter planting and apply fertnlzer at the rate of 1 teaspoon per each I gallon plant ond 1 tablespoon per 5 gallon plant. Fertlllzer shall be (14-7-3) Wli-Gro, Falrwoy, Bondin!, or Kellogg. If no! ovailoble, shall be equol to. C. Groundcover and lawn Qreas -Post fertlllzo\lon shall ocCtir 60 days ofter planting ond apply fert!llzer at !he rate ol 7 lb./1,000 s.f. Fertilizer sholl be (14-7-3) Wll-Gro, Fairway, Bandlni, or Kellogg. l! not avoiloblo, shall be equal to. D. All planted areas shall receive Sarvon, Nolod Wetting Agent or approved equal, 4 oz. per 1,000 o.f. 45 days after tho start of the maintenance period. 3.10 GENERAL MAINTENANCE AND ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD A. General: Maintenance operations shall bogln Immediately ofter each plant Is planted and shall be kepi in o healthy, growing condition by watering, fertilizing, pruning, spraying, weeding and all other necessary operations of maintenance. All areas shall be kept free of weeds ond noxioua grosses end ciean and free of rocks, clods, ond debris. All paving and walks shall be k-ept. clear, clean end washed down. B. Establishment Period: Trees, Shrubo, Vines ond Ground Covers -The es\abllshmen\ porlod shall begin on the date thot the Landscape Architect Inspects ond gives written provisional occep\once of the work and shall be ninety (90) colendor days. The establishment period may be extended or shortened at the discret.lon of the L<indscape Architect. C. Maintenance Operations: Plants sholl be kept In o healthy, growing condition by waterlng, pruning, mowing, reseeding, rolling, .resoddlng, trimming, edging, ler\lllzlng, rostoklng, post controtJ sproyk1,gi weeding ond-qll other necessary operations of maintenance; PIClflting beds shall be kept free of weed•, gross on<) other undesired vegetative growth, and lawn area• shall be kept free from all weeds. During the specified molnter\onc• period, all plants that ore dead or severely distressed shall be replaced Immediately. All seosanol oolor, annuals or per..,nlols shall be maintained in a vigorous, healthy condition through the maintenance period. Slopes 6:1 or steeper requii"ing erosion control measures as speclfled herein shall be treated with on-e or mor~ of the foJlowin-g planting standards: a. Standard #1 • COVER CROP/REINFORCED STRAW MATTING. Cov~r crop shall be a seed mix typically made up of quick gai'minating and fast covering grassa$, clovers, and/or wild ftowers, Submit the specific seed mix for City approval prior to application, Th~ covet crop shall be applied at a rate and marmer sufficient ta provide 90% coverage wi!hin thirty (30) days. Type of reinforced strow matting shall be as •pproved ~y the City and staked to the slope as racomm0ncted by the manufacturer. Reinforced straw matting-5haH be required when p!aliting occurs between august 15 and april 15. Durlng the remainder of the year, tha cover crop and/or reinforced straw me.Wng may be used. b. Slandard #2 • GROUND COVER Qne hundred percent {100%) ol 1ha area shall be planted with a ground cover known to hav-a excellent soi: ;,,Jnding charact-eris.tics {planted from a minimum siie oi flatted material and spaced to provide full coverage within one yea-r), c. Slandatd ,113 · LOW SHRUBS Low spreading woody shrubs (planted from a m!minum of 2¾ int.h liners) shall cova.r a minimum of seventy percent (70%) of tha slops lace (at mature size). d. Sb>nda,d #4 "TREES AND/OR LARGE SHRUBS Trees and/or large shrubs shall be (plantod lrom a minimum of one (1) gallon containers) at a minimum rate of one(1} plant par two hundred (200} square feet. D. Extended Malntenonce: l'.tlen, In the opinion of the Londscape Architect, there i• Improper maintenance, poor or unhealthy condition of plant moterlols. the Contractor shall be responsible for oddltlonol molntenonce of the work at no odditlonol cost to the contract until oil the work Is aceeptoblo. E.:J.1.2 AREAS OF APPLICATION (PLANTING) E.3-1 .2.1 SLOPES •-8: 1 or steoper and: a. 3 feet or less in verUcW height and are adjacent lo public walks er streets require at minimum Standard #1. b. 3 leet to 8 feet in vertical height require Standards #1, #2 and #3. E. Protection: The Contractor shall be respon,I1:>le for provldlng adequate protection of all planting areas against traffic or other use by erecting fencing or other acceptoblo means Immediately after the planting Is completed. Warning signs and banrlcades shall be placed In various high- traffic oreos. Dornaged areas shall be repo!red Immediately by the Contractor. I'. Weeding and Cultivating: All tree, shrub, grQundcover ond hydrosoeded areas shall be kept free of d,brls and weeds. Groundcover and shrub areas shell be Ctiltlvoted at lntervole of not more than fourteen (14) days minimum. c. In•-• of 8 f•et In vertical height require Standards #1. #2. #3 and #4, E.3-1.2·2 SPECIALCONDITIONS G. Replacement: During the malnteMQnce period, plants which die or which ore In on unhealthy or badly Impaired condltfon shall be replaced by the Conlroelor within fourteen (14) days ofter unsatisfactory condition Is evident. No replacement of planting• shall be made In any season definitely unfavorable for planting. At the conclusion of the maintenance period, the Londecope Architect will make on inspection of the work to determine the condition of all plants. All unhealthy plants shall be removed from tho s!ts and replaced with plants of the some kinds and slzes as originally specified. Such replacement shall be made In the some manner oa specified for the original planting ond at no extra cost to tho Owner. E:.3•1,2•2.1 Areas graded !latt&t 1han 6:1 require S1andard #1 (cover crop) when they hove one or more of ::h$ following coriditions: •· Sheet graded pads not scheduled for improvements wl!hin a months of completion of rough grading. b, A poteritial ~rosion problem as determined by the City. o. Identified by the City as highly visible areas to the public or have special conditions that warrant immediate treatment H. Acceptance: At the conclusion of the maintenance period, on Inspection shall be made by the Landscape Architect, upon written• notice requesting inepection before acceptance. Maintenance period shall oontlnoe ontli oil deficiencies ore corrected. E.3-1.2-2.2 Areas to be hydroooaded shall first be dlsksd or rototllloct to provide a itiable, loose seed bad, ... HYDROSIEED MOTES c. Fiber mulch shall be applied at a minimum rate of 2,000 pounds per acre except when used in conjunction with waw mulch, when it 1. Hydrosead preparation and a.pp!icstioo shall conform to all County 6. shall be applied at a minimum rnte of 400 pounds per acre, of San Diego guidelines and restrictions regarding erosion control d. BFM shall be applied at !east 24 hours before or after rainfall. BMP. 2. Equ!pment: e. Contractor sha!! protect site with brow ditches snd/or dlvergion a. Hydraulic equipment used for the application of the 1artllizer, b~rms at the top of slopes to diva.rt ilow from the face of the slope, saod and slurry of prepared bonded fiber matrix {6FM) shall be af f. BFM must be ihstalled In conjunction with seeded erosion ccnlrol !he 'Super Hydro.Seeder" type as approved ~Y Iha San Diego County Engineer. This equipment shal! have a buHHn agitation vegetation. system and operating capacity sufficient to agitate, &Uspend, and followop and C.rflflcailen: horn~genaously rnix a slurry containing not IE!SS than 3500 pounds fiber matrix per acre atld 300 pounds 15-15-15 mb< per acre. a. AU bare spots shil:U be re•seeded wlthtn ninety (90) days to the satisfaction o1 tl1e Landscape Architect b. The-slurry dlstribuUon lines shall be large enough to prevent b. Prior to the acceptance of the hydrOSeeded areas by the stoppage and shaU be equipped with a sat o! Mydraulic spray nozzles which will provk:le a continuous non-fluctuafing discharge. Landscape Architect, the Hydroseed Contraotor/A~lcator must The slurry tank shall have a minimum capacity of 1500 gallons and submit a letter to the County lr.spector for approval certifying th~t shall be mounted on a traveling unit. either ll6I1•propellect or drawn the BFM has been instelled In accordance with tha approvad 3. by a separate unit, which 'WiU place the s.lurr; tank spra," noules application rates and coverage requirements and that lhs within sufficient proximity to the areas to be seeded. hydroll6sd groW1h Is adequately established to prevent erosion. . Prepafatkm: c, Parman&ritiy irrigated slopes-shall be malntained for a period no a, Tha slurry preparation shall take place at in& siia of w0rk and less than 90 days. sha-11 beg.in by addlng water to the tank when the engine Is at d. Nonpermanentfy lrrigated areas shall be maintained for a period ft'"I ha!f~throttla. When the wa~r level has reach~ the height of the agltator shaft, good ra-circufation shall ba establlshed and1 at this 001: lees than 25 months. .,, r, time, 1he seed shall be added. Fertil!zers shall then be added, ~ ~ e. AH revegetated areas shall be maintained by the P8rmittes until ~ ()I ."' followed by bonded fiber matrix. ;; (,, -~ final approval by the City Mana.get. The maintenance period begins b. Fiber matrix shall only be added to the mixture after the seed and on the fifst day fol1owing acceptance and may be extended at U1e ~ ,_ na1Uf1 l }t when !ho tank i• at I .. s! one,thlrd (113) 1Uled with water. determination of the Cily Manager. -ti Ren Data.¥.w/48 ' c. The engine throttle shaU be opened to full speed \Nhen the tank is f. Prior to final approval, tha City Manager may require corrective i,t;, 'L.. ~ half·fillad with water. All the bonded fiber matrix shall be added by action Including but not limited to rep1antirtg, the provision or .lq1£0f~ 4. the time the tank iG two~thirct-s (2/3). to three-fourths (3/4) full. modification of irrigation systems, e.nd the rep.air of any soil a.rosiOn Spraying shall commence immediately when the tank ls fuH. or slope a!ippage, -d, A wstttng agent consisting of 95 percent alky! polyethylene glycol ether shall be applied as per manufacturer's recommendations. Appllcail .. : "AS-BUILT a. Equipment used /or tha appllcafion o! slurry shall have a bullHn APPROVED FOR PLANTING agitation sys1am to suspend and homogeneously mix 1ho slurry, AND IRRIGATION ONLY, The siurry mix shall be dyad green, The equipment must have a pump capabie of applying slurry uniformly. The operator shall INCLUDING PRECISE P.E. EXP. spray the slopes with a uniform, visible ooat by using the -green color of the fiber matrix •• a guide. The slurry shall be appliad In a LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY: sweeping motion, in an arched stream so as to fall ~ke rain, and must be applied from all directtons1 allowing the fiber matrix to build AREAS. on each other until 100% coverage is achieved and the material ls spread at the required rate par acre. INSPECTOR ,, DATE DATE b. Applicatlo11 ra1aa shall be 3500 pounds per acre minimum for 2:1 I SH~6 II cITY gr cARIBB~ 11 SHEETS I or shallower slopes and 4000 pounds per sere for slopes steeper than2:1. PlA;ING DEPARTMENT . 16 . SPECIFICATIONS ,~oSCAi>c BRESSI RANCH OFFICE ~s,TESH1 ~, .,.,, BUILDING LOT 17 & i 8 §. ~ - GN GROUP • If. , s:.._ . Iii i» ;:, I A:BE:: • ~ c;-~-0, I LAND PLANNING ,jl Signature * Ron Dote 6/30(08 , ITE C SAN DIEGO, CA 92131 DATE ,l' 0<,t,, 02-'26-07< Fax: (858) 693-1182 DATE IIIHIAL DATE INIT!AL DAT!': INITIAL !OWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. ~If ~\ CHKD BY: Project No. TDG 06.23.0IO OF" CAL If ENGIN!iiR OF WORK REVISION .DESCRIPTION OTH!:R APPROVAL. QTY APPROVAL. RVWD BY: PIP-06.11 450-8L