HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 457-9L; PD 08-06; AQUATICS CENTER; 01-06LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT DRAWINGS FOR: GENERAL NOTES 1. LETTER OF CERTIFICATION (INSTALLATION) The licensed designer of record for all the projects requiring landscape plans shall submit a letter to the City stating that the project has been installed in substantial conformance with the approved plans and specifications. a. Prior to granting a Permit of Occupancy on private developments or, b. Prior to approval of City of work done on public property that will be maintained by City forces and prior to required maintenance period as described in Section B.3-1. 2 LETTER OF CERTIFICATION (RELEASE OF BONDS) a. Prior to release of bonds, the licensed designer of record on Iha project shall submit a letter to the City Engineer certifying that he or she has inspected Iha work and that the project complies with the following conditions: 1. Has been maintained in substantial conformance. 2. Is growing in a healthy and thriving condition. 3. All plantings required under section IV.e of this manual have been established as an effective surface erosion control. 4. There is no evidence of excessive runoff from the irrigation system causing a soil erosion problem. 3. AS BUILTS a. As-builts for all projects (bonded and non-bonded, public and private) are required to be submitted. Submittal of as-built mylar plans shall be as required by the Engineering and Planning Departments. b. Final as-built mylar plans shall be drafted clearly to the satisfaction of Iha Parks & Recreation Director, and the original mylars shall be submitted to the City for their keeping. c. Final irrigation as-built mylar plans will be required to be reviewed and approved by the Parks & Recreation Director and final mylars will be required to be approved and signed by the City prior to Planning Department signing the permit card. 4. All unpaved areas shall be revegetated according to the approved landscape plans as as soon as possible after grading. ADDITIONAL NOTES 1. All construction and installation of landscape items are subject to requirements of the City of Carlsbad Landscape Manual. The contractor must notify the city (760-815-6708) 48 hours (2 working days) prior to starting construction. 2. The Landscape Contractor is responsible for obtaining all permits necessary for installation prior to beginning work. This includes all building permits prior to commencing wall construction. 3. The Contractor is responsible for knowing all site conditions and all underground utilities, pipes and structures, and shall take sole responsibility for replacement costs incurred due to damage during construction. 4. The Landscape or Irrigation Contractor is to verify existing PSI at the job site prior to installing the landscape irrigation system. Discrepancies between the design pressures shown on Iha plan and existing static pressures shall be reported to the project Landscape Architect (760-692-1924). 5. The Contractor shall not willfully proceed with construction when it is obvious that discrepancies exist between this plan and actual site conditions, and assumes responsibility that any discrepancies are brought to the attention of Iha owner's representative. The Contractor shall bear the cost of necessary revisions due to failure to give such notification, and no change in contract price will be allowed for actual or claimed discrepancy between existing conditions and those shown on plan. 6. 48 hours (2 working days), prior to beginning construction, the Contractor's on-site supervisor shall meet with the owner's representative for a pre-construction site meeting. During construction, the owner's representative shall be available for site consultation. In case of any questions, the Contractor shall notify the owner's representative for clarification. Any work not meeting the approval of the Owner or his representative shall be corrected at the Contractor's expense. 7. All property and lot lines shall be verified and marked in an obvious manner prior to construction. 8. All reduced pressure backflow preventors and pressure vacuum breaker assemblies shall be tested by a City approved certified tester after installation, relocation, or repairs. The Developer/Owner is responsible for supplying a copy of the test results lo the City Public Works Department. 9. Approved landscape plans and specifications, and the City of Carlsbad Landscape Manual shall be at the job site location at all times. 10. Turfed areas shall have a maximum design slope of 4:1. Ground cover areas shall have a maximum design slope of 2:1. 11. All graffiti shall be removed within 24 hours of occurrence. 12. For details not referenced or shown on these plans, please refer to manufacturer's specifications for installation. 13. All engineering information on these plans are for reference only. 14. All irrigation backflow preventers shall be tested by a certified tester and results must be given to the City and the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. Pipe between the meter and backflow preventer shall be "Schedule K hard Copper'. Approved contract backflow testers can be found on the City web site at www.ci.carlsbad.ca.us/pdfdoc.html?pid=340 15. Water sevica (point of connection) installation, temporary or permanent, shall be in place to coincide with planting timing specified in section E.3-1. City of Carlsbad Aquatics Center Carlsbad, California X !T7'ori.------x----'-- MUNICIPAL SWIMMING POOL ,,-\ l...,,_,..,........,.......,......,...,..."I". -"-:; . .c I AQUATIC CENTUl OFFICES 1,-. ....... I/I//////I/II! Ill A:•.':••,: --t---7---j ~='o,--~_ C[L~-~-~=~. =~ MONROE 5T INSPECTION PROCEDURES: Inspection of the project shall be performed by the Landscape Architect of the Work, or his designanted agent. Refer lo the specifications of the schedule of required inspections and required submittals. Following completion of Iha work, the Landscape Architect of Iha Work will certify that the installation has been completed by submitting the "Final Landscape Certifcations Form". A request for a final landscpe inspection by the City must also be made by calling the Inspection Request Line. "Final Landscape Certification Form" Fax to: 760-944-a943 Landscape Inspection Request Phone Line: 760-602-4602 I hereby declare that I am the licensed designer of work for this project, that I have exercised responsible charge over the design of the project as defined in section 6703 of the business and professions code, and that the design is consistent with current standards. I understand that the check of project drawings and specifications by the City of Carlsbad is confined to review only and does not relieve me, as the licensed designer work, of my responsibilities for project design. SITE PLAN )00' 150' i Underground Service Alert ENGINEER'S SIGNAllJRE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY REVIEWED ENGINEERING PLANCHECKER DA TE SHEET INDEX TITLE SHEET IRRIGATION PLAN PLANTING PLAN IRRIGATION DETAILS PLANTING DETAILS SPECIFICATIONS OWNER City of Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Department 799 Pine Avenue. Suite 200 San Diego, CA 92008 (760) 434-2826 L-1 L-2 L-3 L-4 L-5 L-6 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT The Lightfoot Planning Group 5750 Fleet Street, Suite 200 Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 692-1924 CIVIL ENGINEER Cornerstone Engineering 620 Mission Avenue Oceanside. CA 92054 (760) 722-3495 olTE VICINITY MAP NOT TO 5CALE TITLE 'P- 0 13. :i. 0 i ~ 11 AS APPROVED F'OR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. REVIE\/ED BY: INSPECTOR BUIL T 11 DATE These plans have been prepared in substantial conformance with the approved landscape concept plan, water conservation plan, fire protection plan, and all conditions of approval related I ,....,,,k Call: TOLL FREE 1-800 227-2600 ~ CITY OF· CARLSBAD j SHE6ETS I 1--------11------+-----------------+---+---+----t----1 L_!__j PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT t------,t----+-----------------+---+---+----,----t TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG IMPROV£M£NT Pl.ANS FOR: CITY OF CARLSBAD PARKS & REC. Philip J. Arms! AOlJAT/CS CENTER The Lightfoot Planning Group DWN BY: DATE: PHILIP J. ARMSTRONG R.LA: 3413 DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL CID' APPROVAL CHKD BY: RVWD BY: l~( ll~~lf~~l ~lANNIN~ ~~~~~ PLANNING SITE DESIGN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURf 5150 IUII IIRIH,Sll151 CARIS BAO. C~ 9100! 1710) 691-11 I FAX 1110) 112-1935 ll 6 UIOBl@ll Ill I I 11 IG. ti M "'0 ~ as (I) .c c "' (I)~ -~ 0 as 0 "' ..... 0 ·-0 .... as >-::, Bi Scale: Date: Drawn By: ET. Revisions: ITY REDLINE 6-18-0':l i J_ □ I I ,. I I 1 : ,_ ·• _) I .J \------· ,. &oLAR PANEL PAD REFER TO CIVIL PLANS MUNICIPAL SWIMMING POOL PROPSOSED CARLS6AD 1-!IGI-I CAMPUS RECONSTRUCTION -; -< 1----I---'---+----PROP&oSED CI-IAINLINK = FENCE 4 GATE PER CAMPUS PLANS AQUA TIC CENTER OFFICES \ MONROE STREET + + + + + + + + +++ ++++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + _J_ _J_ • TITLE □ /I AS ENGINEER'S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY REVIEWED APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. REV!E\./ED BY, INSPECTOR +. I I I I ; I .,. I I " I I + + I I SOLAR PANEL PAD REFER TO CIVIL PLANS " I I I I I " I . '-I I ) , . I \ /a " \ // ~ -....... // ----1 '-. .:! -... :' 0 ' T-••-~~..... "---....... ,-/ ----~/ / -----·-·-·-----·-·/~ I i I I I I FUTURE IMPROVEMENT -... -... -... -... -... I CARLS6AD UNIFIED PLANNING A SEPARATE REQUEST TO IDEN ONR E SID WAL TI-IAT MAY AFFECT P ENTI L SCA E IMfJ OVE ENTS N + T IS A A + + + + + C + + + + + i ~ 01----j..j . ,. ' ' ~ . ~ ' IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT LEGEND VALVES 4 CONTROLS SYM KAl-!.IFAGTURER / KODEL # DE¾RIPTION IE] EXISTING 2' l'lATER METER VERIFY IN FIELD P.O.C.. IRRIGA 110N POINT OF C.ONNEc.110N VERIFY IN FIELD ... EXISTING 6Ac.l<Ft.011 PREVENTER VERIFY IN FIELD H MATC.O·NORC.A 190 SERIES GUIC,K Ac. TION ISOLATION GATE VAi.VE /LINE SIZI';) s Y'£A11-IERMAT1C. &200 C.R REMOTE c.oNTROL VALVE. C.ONNEc.T TO EXISTING c.oNTI<OLLER 0 AAIN61RD 441..Rc. 9/4' QIJIC,I< C,Ol,!"LER VAi.VE 0 SFEAFI.S 1l<IJ UNION 2000 THREADED 6AAS5 RU-PORT 6ALL VAi.VE /LINE SIZE FOR MANIFOLD) (0 EXISTING MASTER VALVE VERIFY IN FIELD @] c.oNTI<OLLfR CONNECT AI.L VALVES TO EXISTING HUNTER c.oNTROLLfR SPRINKLER HEADS SYMOOI..S KANUF AG TURER / KO DEL # 960 100 • qo 960 100 • qo J RAIN61RD l&oo-5AM-15 SERIES 0 0 ~ • 'IV F H, T, GI, VAN-fC,S NOZZLES AS NOTED 3.1 lb5 • ,q2 .5 POP-l.!' SFRA V 'II V V ~ll:6tf ~~AN~f m(s AS NOTED 105 .52 -26 15 POP-l.!' SFRA o e RAIN61RD l&oo-5AM-5 SERIES '-• 'IV F, H, T, GI, VAN,ff,5 NOZZLES AS NOTED .41 20 • .10 25 POP-l.f' SFRA iiJ RAIN61RD l&oo-5AM SERIES EST ..pe,5 SERIES NOZZLE 0 RAIN61RD l&oo-5AM SERIES SST· Pc.5 SERIES NOZZLE FIFING • SLEEVING SYM. DE¾RIPTION PVC. C.LAS5 915 PRESSURE MAINLINE PIPING 2·1/2' SIZE OR AS NOTED C.LAS5 200 PVC. NON-PRESSURE LATERAL LINE PIPING • SIZE A5 NOTED DETAIL D/L-4 E/L-4 G/L-4 6/L-4 A/L-4 DETAIL F/L-4 f/L-4 F/L-4 F/L-4 F/L-4 PVC. SC-HD. 40 51..EEVING FOR MAIN OR LA TEAAL LINE PIPING • 2X THE DIA. OF ENc.1.0SED PIPE PAIGE CA6LE P•i11·D RJLL OOX FOR C.OMMUNIC.AT10N !",IRE (AS SHOl"lN I NOT TO EXC-EED 150' O.C.) 601"1' HEIGHT* VALVE STATION NO. I PROGRAM* f712';;47. ~-t~l v.~ __ VAJ.VE SIZE 20 GPM * PRQGAAMS I• 11JRF 2• SHRl!B 9• SI.OPE t 600'( HEIGHT OR T'fPE: 4= 4' POP-UP HEIGHT b• b' POP-UP HEIGHT 12• 12' POP-uP HEIGHT 6= EIU66LER R• ROTOR KEY TO IRRIGATED ZONES PROTECT EXISTING IRRIGATION SYSTEM FROM CONSTRUCTION DAMAGE. CONTRACTOR SI-IALL ADJUST 1-!EADS AS NECESSARY TO INSURE COMPLETE IRRIGATION COVERAGE. MAINTAIN IRRIGATED AREA DURING CONSTRUCTION. IRRIGATION TIC MeTHOD PIPE: SIZING CHART PVC CI.A66 2<Z>IZ) 1.ATeRAI. TIC 5YM6OL 2' C.PM RANGE: 0 • II 12 • 11 I&· 21 2& • 31 3& • &1 s,e -es, NOTE:: THIS TIC MeTHOD CHART APPLIES TO 1.ATeRAL LINE:& ONLY. METER DAT A SI-IEET METER SIZE: 2' ELEV: 2/211' STATIC PSI: W PSI 6ACl<FLOUJ SIZE, 2' lo~' I ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD I SHE6ETS I ~=====t====t===============================i=====t====t====j====j L__{_j PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: CITY OF CARLSBAD PARKS & REC. AOIJATICS CENTER DESIGNED BY: ET /PA DATE: XXXXXXX DRAWN BY: ~ET~--SCALE: AS INDICATED t---t---+---------------....+---t---+---11----l PROJECT MGR.· PA JOB NO.: XXXXXXX ~=====================! DATE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF WORK, DATE INITIAL DATE INlTIAL DATE, PHILIP J. ARMSTRONG R.L.A., 3413 ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL DATE INITIAL CITY APPROVAL {d;_~~~-_7f,/4t PARK DEVELOPMENT MANAG RLA #2020 ~TE OWN BY· CHKD BY: RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. PD 08-06 DRAWING NO. 457-9L PlANNING SITE DESIGN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURl il!I 11111 !IBHl,Sll2\I CAB IS BAD, CA 92001 1710) 611-1114 FAX (160) 191-1935 llG IHI 01@111 IHI 11 tC. t IM "C ... «1 G) .c ...., C "' G) -... 0 «1 0 "' 0 0 ·-...., «1 >-::, ai !eale: Date: Drawn Bt Revisions: ~ El'_ ITY REDLINE 6-113-/ZIS_ ======== ======= Job# 1110.ei(:,.,; I -----' lo -: . i 1 i I "---l-1 __ _Jf l -+---,---1 ' ! . I i OOLAR PANEL PAD REFER TO CIVIL PLANS MUNICIPAL SWIMMING POOL ===al lt-------iba!.i+F==,'t-----+-----1~ PROPSOSED CARLSBAD 1-1161-1 ! I , -~/ ' ' '· i MONROE STREET I : I CAMFllS RECON,TRJCTk>N , __ . . } ' \ 1---i-:----1------PROPSOSED CI-IAINLINK FENCE f GATE PER CAMPUS PLANS AQUA TIC CENTER OFFICES +-+-+-- ~:':_,_:>~+~j EXISTING LANDSCAPE. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ++ ---.,4;.+++ + +Y+ + ~-+ + ~ ++;+++_\++_[ + 1+ + + + + + tj + + + _.. + +j + + : + \+ + + + j+ + + + + + + f + + + .,j.. +-. -+- EXISTING FLATUJORK = = PROPERTY LINE TITLE □ ENGINEER'S SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON PAGE 1 ONLY REVIEWED APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF' PLAN'l'ING AREAS. REVIE\JED BY, ENGINEERING PLANCHECKER DATE INSPECTOR I I I I r· • I -,. I I X I I I I X I I I I I X I . '-I I ),... I \ /' X \ /// ~--~,{~ ;' () ' ,--··-..... ' '"-., ' ' ' ' ' ' I STADIUM IMPROVEMENTS PLANT MATERIAL LEGEND TREES /~ TO RECEIVE Of<!:J>NIC MULCMJ SYM 60T PNICAL N,l/1E I VARIETY 0 ERI060TRYA DEFLEXA 0 PYM KAWAKA/111 0 SYAC.RU5 ROM,!l,IZOFFIAN.N COMMON N,l/1E 51ZE / SPACING DETAIL BRCNZE LOOUAT 24' 60X/ A& 5HOl!N 6/L-~ EVE~EN PEAR 24' 60Xi QUEEN PALM A& 5HOIIN 6/L-5 1,'6TI-!/ A5 5flOllN 5HRU65 AND VINES IAAEA& TO RECEIVE Of<!:J>NIC 11JLCH/ SYM 60T PNICAL N,l/1E / y ARIE TY COMMai N,l/1E 51ZE / 5PACING DETAIL 0 CALL15TEMON YIMINALl5 DWAF1f 5 GAL/ 3' O.C. AIL-5 'LITTLE JOft-4' 60TTLE BMH 0 XYI.OS1A cc,-ic,E511J1 XYL06MA 5 GALI 4' O.C. AIL-5 GROUNDCOVER5 /AAEA& TO RECEIVE Of<!:J>NIC 11JLCM -EXCEPT 11JF1f/ SYM 60TPNICAL N,l/1E / VARIETY COMMON N,l/1E SIZE/ SPACING DETAIL ~ CAREX lU"M.ICOI.A BE!<KELEY &EDGE 4' POT/ 2' O.C. AIL-~ ~ MUH.ENBE~IA RIGIDA RJRPLE MUH.EY 4' POT/ 2' OC. AIL-~ ~ NA&HVILLE' m TUF1f c.RA55 MARA11-la-l II TUF1f 50D EXISTING LPNDSCAFE • ffiOTECT IN Fl.ACE REFI.ACE IN KIND IF AFFECTED BY CONSTRUCTION ACTMTIE5 (.~ ~ ~ 24'-30' LPNDSCAPE BE~ -Fl.ACE AND INSTALL AT THE DIRECTICt,I OF THE <ldl' LPNDSCAFE AACfllTECT PND CITY STAFF CON5TRUCTION KEYNOTE& DESCRIPTON DETAIL <6> CONCRETE PAVING 6/L-S 0 CONCRETE CONFORM 1-1/L-S <§> 6' CONCRETE MOWCURB F/L-S <§> CONCRETE TI-IICKENED EDGE 1/L-S EXISTING f.!EDGE PROTECT IN PLACE EXISTING SIDEWALK BUIL T 11 DATE = PROPOSED PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY PER STADIUM IMPROVEMENT PLANS i-----r---r-------------+---+---+---+--1 CTI ¥A\I1& 9EfREAYi~~fu~R~{\~ IT] IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: CITY OF CARLSBAD PARKS & REC. DESIGNED BY: ET /PA DATE: XXXXXXX DRAWN BY: ET SCALE: AS INDICATED t---t--t----------------+---+---1---1----1 AOUAT/CS CENTER PROJECT MGR.· PA JOB NO.: XXXXXXX LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF WORK, DATE, DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL PHILIP J. ARMSTRONG R LA, 3413 DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL OWN BY: CHKD BY: RVWO BY: PROJECT NO. PD 08-06 PLANNING SIJf OfSIGN LANOSCAPf ARCHIJfCJURI 5150 HIii SIBIH.SIE.1ll CARLSBAD, CA 91001 (160) 611·1914 FAX (168) 19!-1135 ll GH If O 6 l@ll GIii O 611 G. CO I ======, "'O '-as .! ..c C "' ~ (I) -'-0 as 0 "' .... (.) ■-0 ~ as ~ :::, .:t:: C" o< ======- Seale: Date: Drawn Bt Reiisions: S/21/03 Et ITY REDLINE 6-18-~3 =====- =====c Job# 111006;) < IRRIGATION NOTES 1. This irrigation design is diagrammatic. All piping, valves, and all other irrigation devices shown within paved areas are for design clarification only and shall be installed in planting areas wherever possible. All irrigation work shall be installed to avoid any conflicts between the irrigation system, planting material and other architectural features. 2. Do not willfully install the sprinkler system as shown on the drawings when it is obvious in the field that obstructions, grade differences or differences in area dimensions exist that may not have been considered in the engineering of the site. Such obstructions or differences should be brought to the attention of the owne(s authorized representative. In the event this notification is not performed, the irrigation contractor shall take full responsibility for any revisions necessary. 3. It is the responsibility of the Irrigation Contractor to familiarize himself with the landscape improvement plans, including all grade differences, the location of walls, retaining walls, paving and similar structures. Ha shall coordinate his work with the general contractor and all other sub-contractors for the location and the installation of pipe sleeves through walls, under roadways, paving, structures, and all other hardscapa areas. 4. Dua to the scale of these drawings, it is not possible to indicate all offsets, fittings, sleeves, and other items which may be required. The contractor shall carefully investigate the structural and finished conditions affecting all of his work and plan his work accordingly furnishing such fittings, and material, as may be required to meet such conditions. These drawings are diagrammatic and indicative of the work to be installed. 5. Each controller shall have its own independent ground wire. 6. Controller locations shall be powered by solar energy. 7. Splicing of 24 volt wires will not be permitted except in valve boxes. Leave a 24" coil of excess wire at each splice and at 100 feet on center along wire run. Tape wire in bundles at 10 feet on center. No splicing is permitted inside sleeves. 8. The irrigation system design is based on a minimum operating pressure of 40 psi. The Irrigation Contractor shall verify the static water pressure (PSI, prior to construction and report any difference between the water pressure indicated on the drawings and the actual pressure reading at the irrigation point of connection to the owner's authorized representative and the Project Landscape Architect. 9. All irrigation equipment is to be installed in accordance with the standards and specifications of the 9!£ of Carlsbad Landscape Manual. 1 O. The Irrigation Contractor shall notify all the local jurisdictions for inspection and testing of the installed backflow prevention device and pressure mainlines. Test mains for 4 hours @ 80 PSI and obtain City Inspectors' approval of test prior to backfilling trenches. 11. Install a spare control wire of a different color along the entire main line. Loop 36" excess wire into each single valve box and into one valve box in each group of valves. 12. Install valve boxes 12" from and perpendicular to walk, curb, walls, fences or other landscape feature. At multiple valve box groups, each box shall be an equal distance from the walk, curb, lawn, or planting area, and all boxes shall be 6" apart. The short side of the valve box shall be parallel to walk, curb, walls, fences, etc. 13. All spray heads & drip emitters are to be installed a minimum ol 12" from fences, walls, or structures. 14. All irrigation heads within 1 O' of any path, walk, or pedestrian areas shall be 12" pop-up heads. 15. All sprinkler heads shall be set perpendicular to the finish grade of the area to be irrigated unless otherwise designated on the plans. 16. Sprinklers where low head drainage occurs shall be fitted with a King Bros. Cv series check valve or equal in lieu of schedule 80 coupling. 17. The Irrigation Contractor shall flush and adjust all sprinkler heads for optimum performance and to prevent overspray onto walks, roadways and/or buildings as much as possible. This shall include but not be limited to: selecting the best degree of arc to fit the existing site conditions, the inclusion of pressure compensating fittings or flow reduction screens, throttling the flow control at each valve to obtain the optimum operating pressure, and coverage for each system. 18. The Irrigation Contractor shall install all irrigation lines and controller wires in sleeving that pass under paving. For clarity, all sleeving is not shown on this plan. Sleeving shall be as follows: Main, wiring,and laterals under vehicle paving shall be installed in separate PVC sch.BO sleeves with 36" cover, Main and wiring under pedestrian paving shall be installed in separate PVC sch.40 sleeves with 18" cover, Laterals under pedestrian paving shall be installed in separate PVC sch.40 sleeves with 12" cover. Sleeves shall be 2X pipe size diameter, and extend 12" minimum past hardscapa. 19. To use quick coupling valves when master valve is closed: wire the master valve to an unassigned controller station and manually start the station for the required time period. If no station is available, manually bleed the master valve to operate the quick coupler. 20. Install all irrigation lines below (perpendicular) to brow ditches. 21. If static pressure is 80 PSI or greater, install pressure regulator at POC. 22. Contractor shall provide and install mylar/metalic pipe detection tape over all irrigation mainline and sleeve crossings installed within the public right-of way. 23. The landscape contractor shall provide material submittals, catalog cut sheets, shop drawings or samples of all material, equipment and assemblies used to complete the contract. Submit three (3, copies for landscape architect review prior to installation. 24. All graded portions of the site that are not permanently landscaped and not scheduled for improvements within 6 months of completion of rough grading shall be temporarily irrigated and planted as approved by the City of Carlsbad. Otherwise, all areas shall receive complete coverage with automatic sprinkler irrigation systems. Any sprinkler system within 1 O' of hardscape, City right-of-way and any other areas where significant pedestrian traffic may occur shall be below grade. Temporary irrigation will not be required on the adjacent park site (PA 12,; should indicated hydroseed mix reach 90% coverage to the satisfaction of the City, temporary irrigation will not be required. I' I '-II I I 1 • _Ii j-:·-r~:rr~·~";-u,.,~, _-::-::·! i i=--~-~ j I ]-=-Q 1-1··1!_1_;-;-i--1,_!_i_, 0 ,---------VALVE 60X --------12' DIA. SCH 130 PVC PIPE FINISl-l 6RADE __ _.-..,_•-·--'-: 1~1'~' -· -___ ISOLATION VAL VE - ; :•==! ! PER LEGEND -LINE SIZE C i i I =• --1 ; 1---· '·•~ i=._i~•].;..----BRICK SUPPORT - ...,_.,.,_ ,.,, --• i ! i-EACH CORNER 1-.. -.1 i 1--:~-: i t-h'N..I!--I: I ---: ! ' . cccc'. , i=-__ CRUSHED ROCK -I CU. FT. 1--...:.-! I j-·-I i , ---PVC MAINLINE -REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS ® 6ATE ISOLATION VALVE D---------scALe: N.T.5. ,,,.-------(3) 36-INCH LINEAR LENGTH OF WIRE, NEATLY COILED .,-----WATER PROOF CONNECTION ,,,.------ID TAG ~FINISH GRADE/TOP OF MULCH ,.---VALVE BOX WITH COVER, 12-INCH SIZE ,.---REMOTE CONTROL VALVE OR MASTER VALVE ,.,--PVC SCH W NIPPLE ,.,--PVC SCH 40 ELL ,,,.---PVC SCH W NIPPLE <LENGTH AS REQUIRED) r71~~,.,,.--BRICK (I OF 4) ,.----SCH ee NIPPLE (2-INCH LENGTH, HIDDEN) AND SCH 40 ELL ~~,---,;;:__=_::_::~_::~~~-:"-------< PVC MAINLINE PIPE ~-PVC SCH 40 TEE OR ELL '---PVC SCH 40 MALE ADAPTER '---PVC LATERAL PIPE '----3/4' CRUSHED ROCK -6' MINIMUM DEPTH ® REMOTE CONTROL VALVE E ---------SOAI e l"•l'-0" _/""-FINISH GRADE/TOP OF MJLC.H POP-UP SPRAY SPRINKLER, RAIN BIRD 1000 SERIES PvC. 5C-H 80 NIPPLE (LENGTH AS REQUIRED) PvC. 5C-H 40 ELL PvC. SC.H 40 STREET ELL PvC. SC.H 80 NIPPLE (LENGTH A5 REQUIRED) PvC. SC.H 40 STREET ELL PvC. LATERAL PIPE PvC. SC.H 40 TEE OR ELL ® POP-UP SPRAY HEAD F ---------SCALE: I-1/2"=1'-0" AM.IMM I I I ii----·' ~--FINISH GRADE '--------CRUSHED GRAVEL - I CU. FT 0 MASTER VALVE A ---------9CAI e l"•l'-0" i '-II ! i : I ---, , -' -i r ' '-II ii '-II __J \) ~--------VALVE 60X ~------12' DIA SCH ee PVC PIPE ------6ALL VALVE -PER LEGEND LINE SIZE ;--FINIS14 GRADE -I" TYP./ ! [ I i : ' ----i ---: I ' ,---BRICK 6UPPORT - FULL PERIMETER ,---CRUSHED ROCK I CU FT. MIN. ,,---PVC UNION : : I --I , ~-PVC MAINLINE -REFER TO &PECIFICA TfONS I i ---, . I ---, : ! -----~-------PVC MALE ADAPTER @t--"-e_AL~L ___ V_AL~VE ______________ sc_A1_e_NTS __ 0 l---+--+---------+--+--+-----+------1 I SH4EET I CITY OF CARLSBAD I SHE6ETS l PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT ::=='-'==========:::'....'::=~ IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: CITY OF CARLSBAD PARKS &-REC. DESIGNED BY: ET /PA DATE: XXXXXXX DRAWN BY: ~ET~---SCALE: AS INDICATED AOUAT/CS CENTER PROJECT MGR.· PA JOB NO.: XXXXXXX LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF WORK: ~ ~£ot_ RLA #2020 DATE: DATE INlTIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION PHILIP J. ARMSTRONG R.LA: 3413 OWN BY: PROJECT NO. I 457:9L DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: PO 08-06 OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RvWD BY: PLANNING SITE DESIGN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 5751 FLEET !IHHl,SIL15b CARLSBAD, CA 9200! (161) 111·1114 fAK(JIO) 111·1135 llG ilf O Dl@lll llf lDltU IM -c L. a, G) .c +,I C c( ,.,, -G) 0 L. 0 -d' a, 0 ,.,, 0 0 ·-+,I a, >-::, ai =======· Scale: Dale: &/21/0'3 Drawn By: EI Revisions: CITY REDLINE6-IS-0'"3_ =======: =====- Job# 1110.06.3 MEDIUM BROOM FINISH 6" X 6" X 2.11?> X 2.11?> E~ CENTER IN PAVING SECTION ,1 • ,1 <1. 4_ .... " ., 4 OVERLAP $ TIE V>lr'lM WHERE OCCURS ' 4 ' . . 4 . . 4 ~ = @ CONCRETE PAVIN6 ® CONCRETE CONFORM CONCRETE PAVING CLASS 6 AGGEGA TE BASE MATERIAL PER SPEC'S COMP AC TED SUBGRADE PER SPEC'S fll'!AI F: 6"=1'-0" EXISTING CONCRETE FAYING CORE DRILL EXISITNG FAYING FOR •4 SMOOTH DOWEL 11 24' O.C. ,,,-----1/2' FELT EXPANSION JOINT CONCRETE FAYING, FINISH SURFACE TO BE FLUSH W/ EXISTING FAYING . " SCALE: 1-1/2'=1'-0" ,.---FINISH GRADE FLANTER AREA FER FLAN ~-CONCRETE <FINISH PER PLAN) l 1 6" l 1 0 CONCRETE THINCKENED ED6E SCALE: 1-1/2'= I '-0" @--------- NOTE: ;::=~::;°l-~======================~s;~::;;:~======~========; STREET TREES AND • • ·· · .; · · .. ~-· · • • . , · • · ALL TREES PLANTED , . ,,. .. , • • ·. " • : .... '! )IIIITHIN 10' OF )IIIALLS ·· • · . • •. ·. , AND HARDSCAPE • ·. ·-; . • •.. . ·,·. •, .. •. ·., ' SHALL BE PLANTED · .• •. · · •·. ·•. , , • • · ·• . > )IIIITH A ROOT ·:. '• ·, • ~ • • DEFLECTION TYPE ~ .~ • · :.. ' ·. , •. • ' •. 4, BARRIER DEVICE. DO • • ROOT BARRIER ■ NOT li'lRAP ROOT BARRI ER AROUND ROOTBALL. INSTALL BARRIER AGAINST INSIDE EDGE OF C-URB OR )IIIALL -HARDSC-APE, IN A ----REFER TO PLAN W~@'k'f ,r;fti~t6LE. I -~-~_£_+--'-"..,._...-,__-__:_=_._.--_. PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF ------.r-5' --'1-1~--5' --10 LINEAR FEET OF APPROVED ROOT PLANTING AREA BARRIER, ALIGNED ON ,r---10' -------f FER TO CITY OF OCEANSIDE ST'MDARD DETAIL 211A FOR TREE AN!D ROOT BARRIER INSTALLA,Titm.. ___ _. REFER TO PLANTING PLANS FOR TREE LOCATIONS GENTER li'llTH TREE TRUNK, 24" BURIAL DEPTH. ® ROOT BARRIER SCA! e I/4'=I'-0" ~ -~ -~---~-;~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ IQ Ea -~~----EQUAL TRIANGULAR SPACING • --/ii --1• --1 . ----1~ ----1~ REQUIRED BETl"lEEN PLANTS (REFER TO PLANT LEGEND M ):..{ 'd,_ M 'r./.. FOR ON CENTER SPAC.ING ~-_r<_ __ --~-_';'!-( ___ r<. OF SHRUBS OR GROUND COVER). ~ ~ \ ~~~~~ ~ -@--@--~ -@-~-:j-.. --DISTANCE FROM EDGE OF PLANTER TO C.ENTER OF PLANT TO BE 1/2 TI-IE SPECIFIED SPACING ® PLANT SPACIN6 SCA! F: l'=l'-0" --------TURF NOTE, -----112' TOOLED RADIUS -----8' WIDE CONCRETE MOWBAND W/ LIGHT BROOM BROOM FIN16H LENGTHWISE -----•4 REBAR CONT. ---COMPACTED SUOORADE EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL BE I 1/2" DEEP SC.ORE, STRAIGHT RUNS @ 30'-0" O.C. MAX INTERVAL AND AT 20'-0" O.C. MAX ALONG C-URVES. PROVIDE 1/4" )lll!DE x 3/4" DEEP SCORE @ 5'-0" O.C-. INTERVAL. ® CONCRETE MO~ CURB SCA! F: 1-1/2'=1'-0" LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF WORK: DATE INITIAL DATE: PHILIP J. ARMSTRONG R.LA.: 3413 ENGINEER OF WORK ' ' ' I I , ' ' : , ... · .-_,_ i•>·. 0 0 ' ,• / ' . / ROOT ElALL ~~---FORM 3' WATERING BASIN WITH BACKFILL . ,-/ SOIL MIX ~--I ORS GALLON CONTAINER SHRUB ,,,---MULCH LAYER KEEF o' CLEAR OF TRUNK --UNDISTURBED NATIVE 60IL l SUBGRADE . . -INSTALL 50 ROOT BALL 15 3/4' TO I' . / .1--, ABOVE FINl51-1 GRADE (AFTER BACKFILL . /,. . I-IA5 SETTLED) . /'I • I, ·····! I,,,,___ ___ i/ / . / · / >.:i: -:: FLANTER BACKFILL MIX - / · --..... I < //;_~REFER TO 5PECIFICATION5 SOIL fi'lfDl:pTAb-. .•. /1 -.-· . PLANTER PIT --: ',-,-1 '-"-,~ • ', SCARIFY 51DE5 AND BOTTOM I i __ (.(' • i FERTILIZER PLANT TABS PER SPECS. INSTALL 50 TABLET TOUCl-15 ROOT BALL x ~ PLANTING PIT 2x ROOTBALL 1 1 0 I OR 5 6ALLON SHRUB INSTALLATION A ---------SCAI e l'=l'-0" B 1',..!c...,------FORM 3' WATERING BASIN WITH BACKFILL .::.~ 11 i=-=1 I SOIL Fl:~~fAU:--~ --11~-1 I I l=i If~--~ SOIL MIX ,,---BREATHER TUBE(5J -CONNECT TO PERFORATED PIPE LOOF -SEE DETAIL __..--IS GALLON OR BOX CONTAINER TREE .,.,.--MULCH LAYER ~y>~,..._ 1---I 1--I· FINl51-1 GRADE 11 L -i 1 ,_ ·--INSTALL 50 ROOT BALL 15 112' TO 3/4' ABOVE FINl51-1 GRADE (AFTER BACKFILL 1-IAS SETTLED) ,.._____ PLANTER BACKFILL MIX - REFER TO 5PECIFICATION5 1""'-FERTILIZER PLANT TAB5 PER 5PEC5. INSTALL 50 TAElLET TOUCHS ROOT BALL. 1 PLANTING PIT 3x ROOTB~LL ~•1~ '------PERFORATED FLEX PIPE LOOP AT k ~ BOTTOM PERIMETER OF PLANT PIT 1 1 15 6ALLON OR BOX TREE IN5TALLA TION SCA! F: l'=l'-0' FROND TIE DETAIL FAN TYPE PALM ONLY .....--v--PALM TRUNK TO BE SET PLUMB (VERTICAL). WHEN NECESSARY, 6RACE OR GUY PALMS A5 DIRECTED BY Te!E LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. TIE PRIOR TO PLANTING W/ ORGANIC DEGRADABLE TWINE REMOVE Tl-IE DAY OF INSTALLATION AND REMOVE l/3 OF FROND6 (OLDEST) 12' CLR BREATHER TU6E5 -SEE DETAIL (NOT REQ. FOR WA51-IINGTONIA OR 5Y AGRU5J 3' LAYER OF MULCH PER 5PEC5. 100% 6AND BACKFILL PER 6PEC. BACKFILL TO BE WATER JETTED DURING PLANTING. k-3' WATERING BASIN IN PLANTER SI-IOYEL CUT EDGE IN TURF FINl51-1 GRADE ==:-:=:=: fi1 FERTILIZER TA65 PER SPEC. 1J : •: f:~. INST ALL 60 TAB6 TOUCH ROOTBALL ----'o.----=-: •~,:~·~~~'~' ~~~1 -NATIYE SOIL ,.I:) _,,__ __ _ C\e, ,------PAL-'-M_P~LA~N~T~IN~6 _____________ _ \:::::._; SCALE: 6'=1'-0" RLA #2020 OWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL CHKD BY: RVWD BY: PO 08-06 457-9l PLANNING SITE DESIGN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURf 5150 11111 SJHIII.STl.2!•1 CAHlSIAD, CA 91888 ll&D) 191-1911 IAI 1111) 691·1135 ll ! H 110 I [@ll ! Hlf 8 81 I I. 10 M "'C L. a, Q) .c ~ C "' cS Q) -L. 0 a, l 0 "' .... 0 ·-~ 0 ~ a, ~ :::, Gi Scale: Date: Drawn By: ET Revisions: CITY REDLINEG-18-09. Jo~# 1110.06.3 I. CONSlRUCTION A. SCOPE OF WORK 1. This work shall consist of hardscape construction and flatwork such as driveways and walks. Bid price shall include all labor. materials, and equipment costs as well as any other expenses necessary for the completion of this project. B. STAKING & LAYOUT 1. Fie!d surveys for control of all construction and grading on the plans is the responsibility of the Contractor. All field surveys. including construction staking, shall be under the supervision of the Contractor and verified by the Landscape Architect 760-692-1924. Staking shall be performed on all items ordinarily requiring grade and a!ignment at intervals normally accepted by building trades involved. C. FINE GRADING 1. Finish surfaces shall be free of irregular changes to provide a uniform grade or smooth transition gradients. 2. Planter or lawn areas receive topsoil amendment to within no more than 0.10' above or below required sub grade elevation. 3. Walkway finish surface shall be shaped to line, grade, and cross -section, with the finish surface not more than 0.1 O' above finish grade elevation D. CONCRETE & MASONRY 1. General a. Concrete work shall be constructed of Portland cement concrete type 11 or I1A conforming to ASTM C150 un!ess otherwise specified. Concrete shall be prepared in a manner generally acceptable to the trade. The Contractor shall provide facilities for integrating any required installation of banding, sleeves or inserts specified and perform cutting and reinforcing of form required to accommodate them. Do not place any concrete until all inserted items are installed in their proper locations, secured against displacement, cleaned, inspected, and approved. b. All aggregates shall conform to ASTh1 C-144 for mortar and C-404 for grout. Water shall be clean and potable from a domestic source. 2. Walks a. General (1) Compact and tamp concrete in order to bring a 3/8" layer of cement/mortar to the surface. Use wood screeds and masonry floats only, and apply the specified finishes after excess surface water has disappeared. (2) All walks shall be constructed of 2000 psi at 28 day concrete with a 4" nominal thickness. (Provide specified finish and retardant as noted on the plan.) Surface area of walk shall not exceed 100 sq. ft. without the incorporation of expansion joints. b. All concrete fiatwork shall drain at 2% away from buildings and structures. Concrete walks shall drain with a 2% cross pitch. All water to be focused to subsurface drainage fixtures. 3. Expansion & Control Joints a. Expansion joints shall be constructed in curbs, walks and other paving as shown on the plan. Joints shall be installed vertically and extend to the full depth and width of the work. Expansion joints shall be 20' -0'" on center, not to exceed a surface area of 100 square feet unless noted otherwise. b. Control joints shall be 5' -o· on center unless noted otherwise. Finish joint opening shall not be wider than 1/8 inch. 4. Reinforcing Steel a. General (1) All rebar. wire and wire mesh reinforcement shall conform to details on plans unless otherwise noted. Before being placed in work, all reinforcing steel may have a very slight rusting finish to enhance bonding properties. Steel shall be entirely free of mill scale, mortar, oil, dirt, heavy rust or coating of any character which would likely destroy, reduce, or impair its proper bonding with concrete or mortar. (2) Reinforcing steel shall be either grade 40 or grade 60 billet steel conforming to ASTh1 A615. All bending or straightening shall be accomplished so that the steel will not be damaged. Kinked bars shall not be used. (J) Wire mesh reinforcement shall conform to ASTM A185. The gauge of wire and mesh dimensions shall be shown on the plan. 5. Cleanup a. The Contractor shall clean up & remove from the site all unused materials and debris resulting from the work performed. E. EXCAVATION 1. Dig trenches to a uniform width and depth as specified on plans or as required for proper installation of pipe. Provide 6" to 9" clearance on both sides of pipe. Carry depth of trenches for piping to establish indicated flow lines and invert elevations. II. IRRIGATION A. SCOPE OF WORK 1. This work shall consist of the installation of a complete automatic irrigation system as shown on the plans. Bid price shall include oil labor, materials, tools and equipment costs as well as any other expenses necessary for the completion of this project. B. IRRIGATION DESIGN 1. The plan is diagrammatic. Refer to notes, details, and legends to verify locations of irrigation equipment. 2. Contractor shall carefully check and verify conditions on-site and be familiar with the location and details of on-site connections of water and power sources. 3. Discrepancies between the plan elements and/or site conditions must be brought to the attention of the Owner's Representative during bidding and prior to proceeding with any work. Failure to do so will result in responsibility by the Contractor for any and all revisions that result therefrom. C. MATERIALS 1. All materials shall conform to the local ordinances governing irrigation equipment. 2. All materials and equipment shall be new, and shall conform to the standards of specification by the manufacturer. J. Under any circumstances, no substitution of equipment will be allowed without prior written approval of the Landscape Architect and City Inspector. Contractor shall submit data to support claims of equal performance. Standards of performance of specified materials and equipment shall be used as a performance standard; substitute material must match specified material. 4. Equipment and materials shall be as called out on the plan legend. D. LAYOUT 1. Prior to installation, Contractor shall mark-out, with chalk or equal, all pressure supply lines and laterals, indicate the locations of irrigation heads and valve 2. Layout shall be such that no hindrance or interference with planting or hardscope construction occurs. J. Owner's Representative shall approve layout and verify the location of control clocks prior to installation. E. INSTALLATION 1. Irrigation heads and risers shall be installed perpendicular to finish grade and/or manufactured slopes and checked for adequate coverage prior to permanent 2. Flush all lines prior to installation of sprinkler heads. J. Spacing of heads shall not exceed the radius indicated in the irrigation legend. 4. Thoroughly fiush all (lateral) lines prior ta installation of sprinkler heads and/or drip emitters. After installation of drip emitters, flush laterals a second time before capping and pressurizing PVC lines. F. TESTING 1. PRESSURE TESTS a. All pressure mains shall be copped and tested at o hydrostatic pressure of 150 p.s.i. for a period of four (4) hours and prove water-tight. prior to installing remote control valves. Any leaky fittings, joints and pipe shall be replaced and the line b. Laterol lines shall be copped and tested at the design pressure, ot the lost head, for three (3) hours, and prove water-tight, prior to installation of sprinkler heads. Any leaky valves, joints, fittings or pipe shall be replaced and the line retested. c. All pressure tests shall be performed ln the presence of the Owner's Representative and City Landscape Inspector. d. Contractor shall provide all equipment necessary to conduct hydrostatic e. Contractor shall notify City lnspector 48 hours prior to hydrostatic testing. 2. Coverage Test a. When system is complete, Contractor shall perform a coverage test to determine that coverage is adequate and complete. b. Adjustments shall be made by the Contractor to compensate for site conditions and variations in grade: (1) Heads shall be adjusted in height and alignment after planting is completed and prior to hydroseeding to ensure adequate coverage and that spray stream clears adjacent plant material. G. CON lROLLER SYSTEM 1. Controller shall be a solid state microprocessor based unit providing for manual or completely automatic function. a. Each station shall be capable of programming from 1-59 minutes and shall operate a minimum of one 24 VAC remote valve per station. b. Controller shall have capacity for everyday, every other, or every third day programming and shall indicate the days watering occurs as well as indicating if watering occurs on the current day. c. Controller shall have 4 separate start times per day; each individual start time shall be programmable at any time of day. 2. WIRING a. Wire sizing for control valve wires shall conform to the following chart: Zero to 500 ft. -14 GA * 501 to 1,000 ft. -12 GA * 1,001 to 1,500 ft. -10 GA In no case shall any valve be more than 1,500 ft. from controller. b. Wire color shall be as follows: (1) Controller system wiring shall be per detail on plans. (2) Pilot wires shall be a different color wire for each controller. (.3) Common wires shall be white with a different color stripe for each controller. c. Wiring shall be taped together at 10 foot intervals. d. Provide expansion curls within 3 feet of each wire connection and at each change of direction by wrapping 6 turns of wire around a 1-inch diameter pipe, then withdrawing the pipe. e. All splices shall be made with Scotch-Loe #3576 Connector Seal Packs and Pen-lite wire connector. Use one sp!ice per connector sealing pack. H. FINAL ACCEPTANCE 1. Contractor shall demonstrate to Owner the operation of each system and piece of equipment. 2. Contractor shall provide all manufacturer's data for all equipment. 3. Contractor shall provide an 'as built' plan depicting the actual locations of lines, heads, valves and controlling systems. Each valve for each controller will be clearly shown and its station number indicated. 4. Contractor shall provide copies of each controller program, keys to the enclosure, and any special tools delivered as a stock accessory to any of the equipment. 5. Maintenance period shall not commence until the requirements of this subsection have been fulfilled to the satisfaction and acceptance of the Owner. I. GUARANTEE Contractor shall guarantee that the entire irrigation system is free from defects and workmanship, for a period of one year; ordinary wear and tear, unusual abuse, or neglect excepted. J. MAINTENANCE 1. OPERATION a. Contractor shall adjust his watering schedule equal to the application rate each area is capable of receiving, based on topography, soil type, plant material, season and weather factors. Owner's Representative shall be given a key to controller and nstructions on how to turn off system in case of emergency. b. Periodically (a minimum of once a month) Contractor shall check all systems for proper operation and coverage. All heads are to be adjusted as necessary for unimpeded coverage. Adjust outlets of distribution tubing as required for growth of plant material. Observe the site regularly for puddling and run-off. Change !ength and/or frequency of the irrigation cycle to eliminate any problems. c. Check filter mesh condition within five to seven days of initial operation. If clean, check again in 30 days. Check condition of filter until a regular maintenance interval can be established for each site-specific system. d. The lines shall be flushed periodically and whenever repairs have been done on the system. If water quality is adequate, perform fiushing at least once a month for 30 to 60 seconds. e. Monitor and maintain optimum operating pressures throughout the system. f. ln March, all valve boxes shall be checked for soil invasion, cleaned out and new gravel replaced as noted in original specifications. g. All screens in backflow preventer strainers shall be checked and cleaned at least three (.3) times per year or as often as necessary. h. Contractor shall utilize a repeat cycle on controller to eliminate excessive run-off. i. To insure minimal obstruction of irrigation spray patterns, Contractor will be responsible for trimming and making necessary adjustments to riser height as plant material growth rates indicate. j. All systems shall be personally observed by the Contractor during operation cycle at least once per month to verify effectiveness of sprinkler operation. k. Contractor shall throttle down valves enough to prevent useless fogging, allowing droplets for effective watering. I. Hours of scheduled operation will be programmed to minimize disease occurrence of plant material and reduce possible nuisance from sprinkler operation to pedestrians or vehicles. To prevent leaf burn of many plant species, do not operate the irrigation system during warm daylight hours, generally between 9: 00 a.m. and 5: 00 p.m. 2. MAINTENANCE a. Any repairs made by the Contractor will be in accordance with the original details or as directed by Owner's Representative. b. Repairs to irrigation system caused by conditions under which the Contractor does not have any direct control shall be paid for by the Owner as extra work. Such repairs are those caused by vandalism, normal wear and tear, storm damage (acts of God), or by other parties. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to report such conditions immediately to Owner's Representative. c. Contractor shall make minor repairs under this contract. Minor repair shall be defined as an occasional repair such as a broken riser, which can be repaired easily without the need of a specialist. d. Malfunctions of any nature which are deemed to be the fault of materials or workmanship still covered under original installation guarantee shall be reported immediately to the Owner's Representative. e. Contractor shall furnish his own hoses, nozzles, sprays, and controller keys as required. f. Any damages to system caused by Contractor's operations shall be repaired without charge to the Owner. Repairs shall be made within one watering period. g. lt will not be the responsibility of the Contractor to pay for heads requiring placement. but he will be responsible for the labor involved. Heads shall be of the exact type as previously installed. Substitution will be allowed only with prior approval of City. K. ADDITIONAL WATER LINE NOTES 1. SEPARATION BETWEEN WATER, SEWER, RECLAIMED WATER, AND OTl-lER UNDERGROUND UTILITIES Horizontal and vertical separation of water, reclaimed water, and sewer mains shall adhere to State of California Department of Environmental Health "Criteria for the Separation of Water Mains and Sanitary Sewers." a. Horizontal Separation: Ten (1 O') foot minimum separation between water, reclaimed water, and sewer mains shall be maintained. Any special situation requiring less separation will require District approval. b. Vertical Separation: Twelve (12") inches minimum separation between water, reclaimed water, and sewer shall be maintained at all crossings, all crossing should be at 90 degree angles horizontally. Normally, water, reclaimed water, and sewer shall be located horizontally from the streets finish grade surface in the order of the higher quality, i.e., water shall be above reclaimed, reclaimed above sanitary sewer. 111. LANDSCAPE PLANTING A. SCOPE OF WORK 1. This work shall consist of performance of soil preparation, planting and hydroseeding of those materials called out on the plans and installation of material per the details depicted on the plans. Bid price for this work shall include all labor, materials, tool and equipment costs as well as any other appurtenances necessary for the completion of this project. B. PLAN 1. The p!an is diagrammatic. All plant material locations shown are approximate. Plant symbols take precedence over quantities. C. MATERIALS 1. PLANTS a. All plants shall be healthy, of normal growth, well rooted and free of diseases and pests. Quality and size shall conform to the state of California Grading Code of nursery stock, number one grade. b. Plant material shall not be root-bound. Owner reserves the right to reject any and all material found to be defective. Defective material shall be removed from site and replaced with acceptable material at Contractor's expense. c. Contractor shall be responsible for damage to plant material due to negligence or irrigation system failure during construction or during the maintenance period. 2. SEED a. All seed is to be delivered to the job site unmixed and in separate sealed containers. Each sealed container shall bear the seed suppliers tags indicating the container weight, seed type, purity and germination. b. All seed shall be labeled according to State and Federal Seed Laws. c. A sample of each seed type shall be drawn and held for testing before_ seeding operations. lf any discrepancy between specifications and germination material is discovered, Contractor shall pay for seed tests by Ransom Labs (805) 684-3427, and shall replace seeded area with specified mix. D. SOIL PREPARATION 1. Planting areas of 4: 1 slope or less shall be ripped or serrated to a depth of six (6) inches in a horizontal direction prior to any planting or irrigation installation. 2. Backfill mix and amendments shall be as specified from soil tests. All backfill and amendments shall use native soil as a mix base. For bid purposes use: 7 ports on-site native soil 3 parts composted organic soil amendment -Greenways Environmental, LLC. or equal 17 lbs 12-12-12 NPK fertilizer per cubic yard 2 lbs iron sulphate per cubic yard Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining soil tests and preparing backfill mix per soil test recommendations. Submit soil test results to City Inspector for approval prior to soil amending and/or backfilling. 3. General soil preparation for areas which are less than a 2: 1 gradient (amount per 1000 square feet) 4 cubic yards Greenways Best Soil Conditoner -Greenways Environmental, LLC. 1-949-380-8301 50 lbs. Humate Plus -TriC Enterprises 1-800-927-3311 25 lbs. granular fertilizer 50 lbs. Ag Gypsum 10 lbs. Soil Sulfur 4. Top dress all slope areas 2: 1 or steeper with the following lightly racked into soil approximately 1•-2• depth -(amount per 1000 square feet) 6 cubic yards Greenways Best Soil Conditioner 1-949-380-8301 10 lbs. Soil Sulfur 1 gallon Plants Choice SR (sprayer applied) -Plants Choice 1-619-661-6712 E. PLANTING 1. General a. Set plant plumb and ho!d rigidly in position until soil has been tamped firmly around ball or roots. b. Use only specified backfill mix for backfill of planter pit. c. Backfill pit with mix ta half its depth and water thoroughly. Back fill remainder of pit with mix. Tap down firmly to eliminate all air pockets. Do not compact. d. Construct watering basins equal to diameter of pit excavated for planting plant material. Depression of each basin shall be capable of holding a depth of 3 inches of water. e. After watering, any settlement within basins shall be refilled to required grade with prepared soil. 2. Container-Grown Plants a. Can removal: Do not injure root ball. Carefully remove plants without injury or damage to root ball. After removing plant, superficially cut edge-roots with knife on three sides. b. Box removal: Remove bottom of plant boxes before planting. Remove sides of box without damage to root ball after positioning plant and partially backfilling. c. Dig planting holes to accommodate root balls as per detail on plans. d. Hand backfill and hand tamp leaving a slight depression around plants. F. STAKING OF TREES 1. Stoke designated trees as per detail, with minimum of one stoke on windward side of tree. G. GENERAL 1. Maintenance for all palm planting areas will be for a minimum of 120 days exclusive of other maintenance requirements for the project. The Contractor shall also follow direct maintenance as specified. Refer to Specification Section J for additional information and direction. 2. Mulch Application a. All planting areas, with the exception of areas with slope gradients in excess of 25% ( 4: 1 and greater) shall receive a 3" layer of mulch. b. Mulch material shall be recycled tree trimmings containing no grass, weed seed, trash or other contaminants. Screened 3" to 3/8" fines. Greenways 'Pacific Mulch' or approved equal. Available through Greenways Environmental, LLC. 1-949-380-8301. Submit sample to City Inspector for approval prior to bulk delivery to job site. c. Additional mulch application may be required during maintenance/establishment to maintain 3" layer depth due to settling and compaction. H. GUARANTEE All shrubs and trees shall be guaranteed by the Contractor for the following lengths of time upon completion of the specified maintenance period: 1. All trees and shrubs for duration of maintenance period. 2. All one gallon shrubs -120 days. 3. All five gallon trees and shrubs -120 days. 4. All 15 gallon trees and larger -180 days. I. MAINTENANCE 1. The entire project shall be completely and satisfactorily maintained for a period of 120 calender days. The Contractor shall call for the start of establishment/maintenoce once the project is substantially complete -(100% hardscape, ftatwork and furnishings installed -95% Planting & Irrigation installed). Establishment and maintenance period shall commence upon the date of completion of the work, as authorized in a written notice from the Landscape Architect after a 'start of establishment period' inspection has been completed by the Owner's representative; and all punch 1ist items have been corrected by the Contractor. 2. Maintenance shall consist, but not be limited to, the following: a. Care and maintenance of plant basins for container stock. Removal of known noxious weeds from project area. b. Replacement of diseased or dead container stock. c. Clearing of drainage structures of debris that might impede the flow of water through them. d. Weekly edging & mowing and/or inspection of all turf areas. e. Removal of all trash, debris and plant litter from site. f. Cleaning, brush or power washing of flatwork and furnishings at least one time, or more if directed by the Owner or Landscape Architect. g. Contractor shall be responsible for protecting the work from vandalism and accidental damage. damage by frost or torrential rains. Any damage shall be promptly repaired at no additional cost to the Owner. h. Contractor is responsible for all repairs or replacements caused by acts of vandalism, including removal of graffiti, and/or refinishing os required. i. Contractor shall inspect the site no less than once per week during the maintenance period. 2. Final Acceptace a. The Contractor shall show evidence to the Landscape Architect that the Owner has received all required manuals, accessories, maintenance recommendations, etc. before final inspection can occur. b. Notification by the Contractor shall be made in writting to the Landscape Architect at least seven (7) calender days prior to final inspection for acceptance. The final inspection of the work shall be made in the presence of the Owner's representative and the City Landscape Inspector at the time the work is completed. 1--+---+-------------t--+---+---t----f I SH6EET I CITY OF CARLSBAD I SHE6ETS I ::==::::='_'::::::::PA::::R:::K::::S::::::::&:::::::::R:::EC::::R::::EA::::T::::10:::N::::::D::::E::::P::AR:::T:::M:::E:::N=T ~==~ IMPROVEMENT Pl.ANS FOR: CITY OF CARLSBAD PARKS & REC. DESIGNED BY: ET /PA DATE: XXXXXXX DRAWN BY: __.E.._T ____ SCALE: AS INDICATED r----+---+-------------------1~--+---+----i-----1 PROJECT MGR.· PA JOB NO.: XXXXXXX AOUAT/CS CENTER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF WORK: ¢1"ARK -DEVELOPMENT MANAC:¢ RLA. #2020 DATE: DATE INITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL PHILIP J. ARMSTRONG R.L.A.: 3413 ENGINEER OF WORK OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL OWN BY: CHKD BY: RVWD BY; PROJECT NO. PO 08-06 =k"----,.::J PLANNING SITE DESIGN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 5751 flfll !IBIIT,Sl251 CARlSBAD. CA 91008 1160) 192-1121 FAX (l!O) 612-1935 ll I WI ll@ll ! H II UHG. t IM -c .... as (I) .c ..., C "' ~ (I) -.... 0 as 0 "' ..... 0 ·-0 ..., as >-::, c3 i Scale: . Date: &/21/~ Drawn Br: l:T Revisions: CITY Rl:DLINI:& -18-1Zl'3 Joh# IIIIZl.lZl&.3 L-6 ..