HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 448-8L; PIP 06-10; BRESSI RANCH OFFICES LOTS 19-22; 01-19SHEET INDEX TITLE SHEET. . . . . . . RECYCLED WATER use MAP. . . . . . IRRIGATION PLAN LEG.END ANO SCHE0Ut..e. IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT LEGEND AND PRESSURE CALCULATION. IRRIGATION DETAILS. PLANTING PLAN AND LEGEND. PLANTING DETAILS AND NOTES. HARDSGAP6 PLAN . HARDSCAPE DETAILS. SPECIFICATIONS. Bl;CYCLED HAI!=~ NOfE2, I. ALL HOF<!<. SHALL 61! DONE! IN AUOl'<DANG-E! WlfH THE! GAl'll.51:lAD MUNIGIPAI. 1-'lATE:Fl 1'1&Tl'llC.T'5 "C.Al'll.$1:!AD 1'tl¾-l..AMATIOH l'lULl;:5 • F!.E9ULATION5 FOl't C,ON5Tl'lUC'!"l0N OF' ~'r'GI.EP 1-'lATEFl MAIN$' PATl;:P OG,T06E:Fl I~~,. 2. 1'RINKIN$ FOUt-lTAIN5 SHALL ae PROTECT!:D FR.OH SPAA'l' OF l'IJ=G'r'GLED l"IATEFl. EIEST MAt-tAeE:MENT PAAGT1C.E5 SHALL 61! U~D TO MINIMIZE! ReGY'C.LED l'(A.TER E!t-lCROAGHMei:t-tT ON F'U6LIC. FAc-lLITIE5 $UC.H AS PIGNlC TA6LES, 66G'5 1"1.A'r'eROUt-lDS, SAND TOT LOTI!!, !;TC. ,. SE&T MANAeEMl;Nf PAA'-TIGE& &HALL 61! U5EP TC, ELIMINATE OFl GONTROI. TO THE! 61:l&T EXT!lNT l"OS&IBLe! POl'IDIN\9, l'l\JN-oFI", oveFt&PAA'r', AND M!STl!-19, 4. HO&! 61J;;SI Ali.! &Tl'llGTI... 'r' PFtOHIE)ITEO. .1. .2 3-4 5 .6-8 .9-11 .12 ,13-15 ,16 ,17-19 ;. ON &1111: GFt0&&-C.ONNEGTION$ 6ETiiEEN ~'!'GI.ED 1-'lATEFl LINES. ANO POTABLE! 1-'lATEFt LINe5 Al<:!!! STF!,IG'l1. '1" PFtOHll:llTEP. 6. NQ &U6&TITUTIQN 0,. F'IPIN9 MATl!FI.IAL:!> HILL 1'!; ALLOWl:0 HITHOUT F"'-IOFl APPFlOVAI., 6'r' THI!! GAl'tL&eAI::! MUNICIP>-1. l'IATEFl Dl&T1'.IGT. 1. ALL ONSITE! PIPe!!o SHALL HAVE l'IA1'.NIN9 TAPI! PEI'!. CARl-&6AD MUNIGIPAL HATER Pl!i>Tl'llCT't ~l;:i!I ANl:il ~TION5. 6. THI! IR'tleiATION SYSTEM$ 5HALL 61! R.I.IN Elf;;'TW:,l!;N THI!! HQURl!I 01' 10,00 PM AND b,00 AM THI! l¾ll,.1,.0Hl1'!qll MQAAING. SPOT iRl'I.ISATION C,Ollw;> E3e PONE AT A PIF'Fe!~ flMI!! l'llr!-1 GIJA!.IF11;:0 $1,/P~Vl&ION Pll~NNE:L ON sire. 'I. PFI.OVIOII! A HINIMIJH OF ,._,-1.1::AST ,,,_ INCHe!!o OF COVE;!'!. OY!aR ALL Hl~iN9 AND Pil"IN9. AND 1'1.1::.SVLATIONS. IQ, NON·OC:i;ll$NATE:lD 1!$1! AFl.l!A& SHALL 61!! PROT!;GTED Fl'!.011 CONfAG-1' l'llfH 1=1.1::C'r'CLEO HATeR, HHETHEiR. eY HIND6LOl'IN iilFR.A'1" Ol't ay Dl~T APl"I..ICATION TH~Uc$H IAAIESATION OR OTHE!Ft U&l!I, 1.AGK Of' PFl.0'$:, TION. HHl:;THialll. 6'1" 01:i;llSN. CONSTRJJG TION PFlAGTICI!!, a.Fl $Y;!,TeM OP!:AATION 1a ;l,TI'tlC'l1.Y Pf<OHl61TEP. II. IAAIO:,ATION HE:ADS &tlALL 61!! FI.E:1.C,C.ATeD 01' APJUSTl:D TO PFl.i!Vl;NT OVE~PAA'r'IN/3 SIDl;l-'lALK&, ;!iTF!lcE:1'9 AND NON-DESl$NATeD U&I! AAE:AS, 1,. ~YC:-1.!lP HATE:!'!. CIUICI( C:-OUF'l.11419 VAL ve:i 51-!ALL 61! Of' A TYPI!! 1:>e$1e;NE:O FOR. THI!! ue;I! ON J'ij;C,YC:-1...EP HATER Dl$TR,ll;l\JTION 5YSTI!MS ($1"1Kes NOT INT~HAN,:;;f;AE:11.E! HITH POTA6LEl HATel'f. ai.JIGK GC'UPLEFt SPl,:J;$) Fel'I. CAR!.Si:IAP MUNl<:;IPAI. 1-'lAf~ Dli!ltRICi''SI !'JJLl;5 AND ~00!.ATiOl-e. Hfi;T!;R$ $HALI,. ae $1Zl:!P E:!'1" 1'1-11:! CAl'l.l.$E:!AP M\JNICIPAL HATER. DISTI'tlGT. 14. ALL 11'1.RleATIOtl F'IF'ee SHALL ee $.TENCILl:O HITH fHe HAF!.NIN.S "NON-l"OTA6LE' Ol'I. "~'r'GLEP . •' MT!;!\', c:.o\.OFt-GODeD (F'Ul'i.l"L..e;) ANO LAID l'IITH l-'lA1'.NINt3 TAPl:(Pf:l't DETAIW AND ;!iTeNCILIN9 OFtlcNTeP TOl-'lARP THI! TOP 01" THI! Ti¢Nc,H PCFl <=,ARL&eAP HUNIGIPAL l'IATcFI. Dl$T1'1,ICT'S ptJJ(,I;:!:, ANO ReelJLATIOt-ta 15. ON N&I ON-&ITI!! SY$TEM (~T-Ml;Teie..), P01'Al9-LE 1-'lATEi(. C,ON$fANf PF!.e$SURI!! Rl!:c:,'l"C:,I...EP 1-'lA'rER AND ~Fl, LINE:5 SHOULD 151:! f't.AGeD A MINIMUM OF l"OUFl reet AFAAT QR AS Dlftl::G.TeD i;l'( THI!! PROJl;:CT l:N.SINl=eFt ANP/Ol'I. l'l.e~I.ATOFl.'r' AGENCY. Ml!!A9lJRf:HENTS SHALL 61!! 151:THl:!:N FACINe &UIYAC-E:5, NOT PIFI! CENTC:fl.LINE:5. 16. CONSTANT Pr/Ji:$&URE ~YCl.!:D HATl:R. LINES $HALL <=,F!.O&& AT L.E:AST Tlt'll:LVI; INCHl;S 61:LQH P01'A81..e 1-'lATeR LINES ANO MAINTAIN Ar LlaA&T THEL.Ve INCHE!! GRQS&INe &EPel'I.ATION eeTWeE!N OTHER UTILlrles, 11. If' A GON$TAN1' PR6GSURE l'l.laC'r'C,l.f;D l"!ATel'I. 1-INE i-v.;T !;le! INSTALL.ED ASOVI! A POTAl:ll.l! 1-'lA'rl;R L.INI! 01' LESS THAN THEI.VI! INCHES 131;1.0H A POTAel.e l'IATeft LINE,THeN THE! ~'r'C,Lf!I:) 11ATfiFt LIN!! !;HALL 61! INSTAI.LED HITHIN AN APF'fl.OVl:D Pl'<OTE:CTIVI:: &Leevi! A5 Pel'!. THI!! GAF!L&l:IAD MUNICll"AL 1-'lATeR OISTl'llGT'S ~I.ES AND REeULATIQN&. 1a. 01;','E:LOPl;:l".ICONTAAGTOR SHALL. CONPLIGT A Gl'<O~-C.ONNEGTION 11:;ST ANO coveRME! 11;:5,T Aa. Pl~TE:0 E>'1" CA1'1.Sl:IAP MUNIC.IFAI-i-'lA1'f;Fl DISTl'slCT ANO ff !MN 011:(;0 COUNTY DE:PAATMeNT 01" l!NVll'I.ONME:NTAL HeAL TH Pl'lllOR TO ANY' usa: OF Fl.eC YC:-L!;C, 1-'lA TER I'!. THI!: F?.EG!UIRf:D Cl'<0!&5-C.ONNl:CTION INSP!k;TION &HALL 61! !;)ONE: 6'1" EITHER THI! GAFl,l.SeAP M\JNIGll"AL 1-'lATl;l'I. DISTl'tlGT ANP/OR. COi.iNT'!' Of' SAN i;:>11::$0, Dl;:PT. OP' PU6!.IG 1-11:;AJ.. TH. GOl"IE:!> Of' THI! INGPl::GTION 1".EPOII.T!! HILL 61! FO~EO TO THI! NON•iN&F'l:CriN9 PAl'lT'r'. 20. TH! DE:Sl$N ANO LOCA1'l0NS Pi;I.OPOSE:D FOR FI.Ele'r't:;1..1:0 1-'lATeFl 'Do NOT ORiNK" &1$1'18 SHAI.L ee GAi.LE:!:) OUT QN THli: PLAN$, 21, l"IHeN FIJ;C,YCL.l;P 1-'lATl!R e!;"9M1=9, AVAILA6LI!, AN ON-SITE! USeft SUPEFI.Yl&Ofll SHAL.L 61! DE5l<SNATE:0 IN J.-RiTTINe, THl5 ll't'IVIDUAL SHALL 61!! FAMILIAR HITH PLUMIN<S SYSTEMS HITHIN THE! PROPERTY, HITH THI!: J;;A!:,IG C,ONG!aPT5 Of' 6AGKFL01"1/GF<OS5-GONNeGTION PFI.OTEGTION, THE ~C'T'CL.e:O $URV~Oft'S Fl.UL.I::!!> AND Rl=ei.JLATION:!> AND THI:: SF'E:C,lf'IG-~Ulfl.eMeNra OF A FI.E:C'l"CLE:D 1-'lATeR !:>YSTeM. GOPIE$ OF THE DeSl<SNATIQN, HITH GONTAGf PHONE: NUM6el'l!! SHALL, 61! Pl'I.OVIDEO TO THI! C:.A1"1.$6AO MUNIGIPAl- l'jATEFt Dl$Tl'llC:.T At,\D/01'1. THI! SAN PIE:$0 COUNTY' DlaPAftTME:NT OF E:NVIRONMENTAL HeALTH. IN ,::.A&E 01" l;Mf!~ENGY GOt-lTAGT, UR6AN HEST C,ONfAG-T, Kll-16EF!.L'r' HUT,:;,HINe!! ~,6 !;AST SANTA ANA 61-VD. . SAN1A ANA G-A "1:2101 PHOt-lt!, (114) 541·'!260 l"AX, (114) 242~"100'1 2::Z. ALL PU6LI,:;, ANO P~VATe POTABLE: HATEFt MAINS INGI.UDIN9 FIRE MAIN$ ANO ANY' l"!ATl;R HELL.5 ANO HATl;Fl GOU~I;!!, HITHIN THI! r!.£;<;'r'GLED 1-'lATl;:l'I. PROJ~T &HALI.. 61;: SHOHN ON THE PLANa ::.,. c.ALL OUT ON PLAN$ IF' THeRE Afte NOT DRINKIN.S FOUNTAIN!! AND/01'1. Dl!'SIGNATEO OUTOOOl'I. l;;ATIN9 Af(E:A$ QN THl5 i;,ITE!. 24. ::.,. EDUC.ATE! AI.L MAINTl;NANc:;,i! Pl::RSONEL ON A GONflNUOU:!. 6A&I& OP THE PRl::&ENCli: Of' FI.EG'r'C,LeP 1-'lATel'I. Pl;R.SONHE:L. MU5>T 6e 1Nf0Fij-1f:D THAT Rl:C'r'GLW l"!ATl;:R MEANT FOFl IAAISATION f'\ll'I.P0$1:5 ONLY', AND G)F TOOLS, eTG. SIVEN THI! HleH TURNOVER RATi! 01" l;MPLQYEEi$ IN LANOeGAPe INOUSTl'tY' IT 19, IMPOR.TANT THI$ 1Nf'Ofij-1ATION 6e J;)ISi;,eMINATeP ON AN ALMO$t DAILY eASI&. ON ~YGLE:P 1-'lATeR SY$Tl;MS, ALL APPI.IR.Tl;NANCE:& (;,l;'R.INKLER HEAPS, VAL. Ye OOXE:S, ETC::,) SHAI..L 61! GOI..OF:-coDl;D (PUR.PL.J=) FEit Al+lA 9UIDELINES AND &e,:; TION 404"1,54 OF THI: CAI.I FOF:NIA Hl;AI. TH ANP !oAFETY' C:-001!. . . A PHT'&ICAL $EPAFtATION $HALL ee P~IDE:0 se'l'Wl=EN AOJAGE:NT AR!:A!! IR.RIGATE:P HITH 1'?.EG'T'GI.EP HAT!;Ft ANO POTAeLE l"!ATel'I.. 5ePAAATION SHN-1-61: PROVIDE'O 6'r' coNc;R.Ere MOH STI'tlPl:I, CHAIN LINK FENCES OR 011-leR Ml!THODS APPFI.OVeP 6'1" THI! 1-'lATER DISTP<IGT • D,!.H. $1oNA§E NOTE$, THE FOLLOHIN9 elJIDELINE::1 FO~ THI!; U&I! OP' ~YCLE:D 1-'lATeR ARE TO eE PER.MANeNTL '1" POSTI:D INSIDl!i THE D001'1. 01" !:AGH C-ONTR.OLLl!R l"IHER.E THl!'1" AR.E i:ASIL '1" V1$l61.E. PLAc:-1: ON e>-1/::Z' l< II' SIZl;D &1$N. GOLOFl, PV1'tF'Le BACKGROUND l'IITH 61.ACK 1.l;:TTeRIN9. . . I. elJIDl:LINE5 fOR ~YCL!:D l'IATEl'I. USE, I. IRRIGATE! eETl"ll:15N THI! HOUR5 01" I0,00 PM AND b,00 AM ONLY. HATERIN9 OUTSIDE of' THIS TIMI:! FR.AMJ! MUSf 61! PON!: MANI.JAL.LY r!ITH OOAI..IFIEP SUl"E:RVl$0R.'1" PE:FI.SONNeL ON ~~~~ ~~-g1::.HALL AT ANY' TIMI: el! LEFT UNATTENDE:D DU1'.ING USE OUTSIDE! OF' THI!: ::Z. IRF!.IGATI:! IN A MANNER THAT HILL MINIMIZE RUN OFF', POOLIN,:, ANO PONDING. THI! APFI..IGArloN !'I.ATE SHAI.L NOf EXCl:E:P THE INl"IL TAATION RAT!!! Of' fHI! &OIL. TIMel'l.i!I Husr el! AP.JJ$TE:P SO AS TO 61; i::,oMPATleLI! 111TH THE LOHEST SOIL INFIL. Ti'I.ATION RATE PRS'$eNT. 'll-llS PFlOGJ:;PUFl.i! MAY Ell: FAGILITATl:P 6'1" THE! eFl"ICleNT SCHl;DULIN.s 01" THE AUTOMATIC C,QNTROL C,l,.OCK&, 1. ... el-1F'LO'r'IN9 'flii: REPEAr l"UNC,TION TO eRE:AK UF' THe:J TOTAL. IAAl1$ATION TIME INTO CYC.LE:l, THAT HILL Pfl.OMOTI!: MAXIMUM SOIL ASSORl:PTION, ,. APJU&'r HeAPS TO E:LIMINATE! oVeR-&PRA'1" ONTO ARE:A!! NOT UNOEl's ntt: C,QNTROL Of' THI!: CV!i>TOHER. FOR eXAMPL.I!, POOL DeGK&, Pl'I.IVATE PA1105 AND LOT!!, AND $77'1.E:ETS AND SIDEl-'lAI-KS. 4. M01'l!TQR AND MAINr AIN THE S'T'STl;:M TO MINIMIZe EG!UIPMENT AND l-1ATE1'1.IAI-FAILURE!. 61'!.0KeN SPFI.INKLC:l'I. HEADS, LE:AKS, UNReLIA131..e VAL.ves, ETC,. &HOUL.P 6E ~AIRED AS 500N A5 THl:'r' Ell:G,OME APPAl'I.ENT. Noles: THE OCEAN COLLECTION AT BRESSI LOT 19•22 GATEWAY RD. AT INNOVATION WAY. ,. EDUCATE! ALL MAINreNANce Pel'1.50NH!=L ON A GQNTINUQUS 6ASl.5 ON THI! PRE:SENCE Of' =YGLEiD HATeR. PfaFl.&ONNeL 1-1U9,T ee INFOFI.MED THAT ~Yt:;LeP 1-'lATER IS MeANT FOR IAA11$ATION FURPOSl;:S ONLY, ANO IS NOf APPR.OVeP FOi'!. DR.1:-IKINe PURP06e5, HAND, TOOL. • · t , , 1-'lA&I-IIN,S ETC, ea!IVEN THI!! HISH T\JJ'<;NOVE;R AATe OF EMF'l-O'r'Ee!! IN THE LANDSCAPE! INDUSTRY' Prior to the$ art of grading, the apphcant or IT I!! 'IMPORTANT TJ,jAT THl5 INFORMATl,ON 6! Pl&&E:MINATE:D ON AN ALM0$T DAU.Y' BASIS. applicant's agent shall obtain city approval of CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 IT 11!1 YOU, THI! LANDSCAPE GONTAACTOl'I.. r"il-lO I!! RE':SPONS16LE fOFt EPIJCATINe eAGH ANO a construction schedule and/or exhibit eVeRY oNe Of' youFt eMPLOYE:ES. ' outlining the timing of the slope planting and 6. OBTAIN PFllOFl APPROVAL Of' ALL PFI.OPOSEO·GHANeeS AND MODIFIGATION& TO ANY P1'.IVAT1;,irrigation. The schedule shall show timing of ON-SITE FACII.ITIES. SUGH GHAN<SE!!I MIJ&1' EIE SU61-11TTE:P TO, AND APPROVE!P 6Y, THI! construction of freirstanding, retaining and DIS,TF!,IGT eN01Nf:ERINe OFl"ICI! AND DESl0NeP IN A<¼ORDANC,e HITH DISTl'!.IC:,T &rANDAR.Da.. crib walls immediately after rough grading as -,, ALL 1'1.!:C,'r'CLEP l"!ATeR SPR.INKI..J";R C-ONTR.OL VAi-YES 5HAU. l:le TA$e!:'D HITH !DE!NTIFIC.ATION each location hi achieved. Irrigation and TA~. I I I . A, TA$!! SHALL ee :5"><4' 1'leATHeRPR.OOf' PLASTIC., PVFl.f'LE! IN GOLO~ HITH THE! plant ng shal take Pace as grading HOFl,05 'HARNINdl -~'r'C.Li::P HATEFI. -DO NOT DRINK" ON ONE! SIDe ANP "AVISO -progresses. Ae;UA IMPVAA·NO TOMAR.' ON fHI! OTHER s1oe. IMPFllNTINel SHALL eE FeR.MANENT AHO 6LAGK IN c:.o\.OR u .. e TAe:!, A& MANJ.IFAC-TURE:O 6Y r. C,H!l1.IS,T'( E:NTEFIPR.1$1;:5 OR AF'PROVEP eauAL. e. ONE! TAe e.HAI.L ee A TT ACHED TO EAC-H VAL Ye A,! FOI.LQHS, I. ATTACH TO VALVe &TEl-1 DIRECTI...'r', O!ll l'IITH TIE! liAAF'. 01'1. ... 2. ATTACH TO SOLENOID HIP:!!! OIRE:CTI...Y OR HITH PLASTIC TIE HR.AP. OR ... 5. ATTAGH TO VALVE COVel'I. HITH !'!XiSTINS VALVE CQVJ";1'. 60LT. Installation of irrigation as shown on the approved plans shall commence within 1 O days of the time when eaoh slopa is brougtit to grade as shown on the approved grading plans. e,, ALL &PRINKLE;Jlt Hl::ADS SHALL. 6E IOeNTIFll!P A& REC'fC,1..EC) 1-'lATER SPRINKLEFl Hl;At:)S. Planting and irrigation for the slope areas II. EACH "1/TOMATI,:;, WNTl'tOLLEFI. ANO 11'5 AS,OC:ATED EG!UIPl-11;NT 51-lALL. 6E IDENTIFl!!O l'IITl-l A h II b hi t I · t 11 d .h SI.SN Eli;Afl.lNe THI! HOl'l.0$ "Rl¾'r'OLl;P HAT!;:" U51! FOR IAAIGATION' IN eN01.l&H AND l:>l"ANISH s a 9 com,.. El e Y m~ a_ a • as S own on i'llfH 6LAGI< L.E~ I lnc:.h H1$H ON A P~RPLI! eACl<0FI.OUNO. THI! SIGN &HALL. 61! PLAC-ED so the approved plans, within 30 days after the THAT IT GAN 6E READILY SEEN eY ANY OPE:MTIONll PERSONNeL USINIS THE! EGUIPMEiNT, irrigation installation first commences. IN5PEC.TION PROC.EDURE5; IN&F'f!GtlON OF 'fHE PROJeGT &HALL 6E FE"-FORM 6Y THI: LANDeGAPE A;!.GHITECT OF THI!! V'IOFI.K, OR. HI& t?ESl<SNATED AGei'IT. ReFE:R TO Ti"la $PECIFICATION5 FOR ':'He sc;.k::DULI!: OF' RE~Ui~D INSF'E:CrlON!! ANO R!=atJll".eD SV6MITALl!I "l"inal 1-anc:ltc:.<>pe Ckt1'1"aitl,:,n F<>rm" Fol< to, ;60•'144-~<!4:5 Lanc:l&<-op• lnopeetl,:,n R;t,:,,veet Phon"' I.In•• 160·60;2•4b02 F'OLLOH!t-1$ GOMPLETION OF THe 1"01'.I<, TH~ LANP&c:;,APe A~HIT!"'CT Of' n4E! HOR.I<;. HII..L C.ER.1'11"'1" -:HAT THI! INi!l'tALLATION HA!! 6feN GOMPl.1:;TED ;;,Y 5ueMITf1Ne ';fincai L.r.:mc:loc:.apt1 C.<11ri;.llic:.at1c:,n For-m' A rt!:OII.IE;ST POI'!, FINAi-1..AD5CAPe INGPEGT!ON 6Y TH!! GIT'1" MU&T ALSO 9!! MAD!: !ilY C.ALLINe TH!: IN&Pl¾TION REO!UE&T LINE!. AN APPP<OVl=P LE:TTl;R, RE<SARDINe THI! iNGFf1:C.TION Of' THI:: l"ROJE:GT SHALL 61! OE:!TAINl=D f!'!QM TJ-111: Dl!!Tl'!.IG1', AND ee FORHAFI.Dl:P TO 7Hi! SAN Dll:GO GQUNT'r' DEPT, OF ENV,!'1.0NMtNTAL HeAL TH F'FI.IOR TO FINAL IN&f'eCTION APPl'<QYAI-, 11. Pl!!Tl'(ICT FINAL INS~ECTION SI-IAL.L. IN,:;L.UDI!!, A. «Ni;AA6E resra, AFTeR COMPLl!:TION OF' THI! SPRINKLER !:>'!'STEM TO PETER.MINI! THE AOEGIUAC'r' 01" COVERA<SE ON THI!! APf'FI.OVEO use AR.EA ANO PROTI!C.TION OP AP<EAS NOT APPROVl::D FOR REGE!IYIN<S Rec.YCLEP J."oiATeR . 6. HAAAINe Sl6NG AND LAea.5 C. ai.JIC.K COVPLIN9 VALYE9 P, AL.I.. ASPEC1'!!> OF 'llll! !AAIMTION GONDITION!:,, INC,Ul!?!Nl5 vllN06LOHM $P!tA'r', RUNOrF AN1' PONDIN.S. I!!. R6GUIFl.eD FROTEGTION Of' ALL R.E&IDEN1'1AL Al<.EA!I. I". Rl=atJIREP PFI.OTECTION Of' Hl!I..LS, 5TREAM9, ~&E:l'I.VOIF!.S, E!TG. e. CROSS-CONNECTION. Ill. ANNUAL. 1i,epec:,TION SHALL INc;LUDi:, A GOMPI..ETE INSPECTION 1'11-!IC,H i:IHALL. COVER PAR.TA. PAP<T 6, AND PAR.T $ OF THE Dl&TRIGT'& FINAL INGPl::C-TION. ~VISION!! MUST 61:: APPR.OVE:P 6'r' PUBLIC HeALTH l;N$INl;:1;:~ GITY' Pl.ANNIN<' DIis.EC-TOR, AND Dli!>i'll:ICT E:NGINeeR• PRIOR TO IMPL.eMENTATION IN FIELD. Q/"JNER PAVID DIFI.IEt-lZO G-ONTAC:.1', KIMSE;RI.Y HUTG-HIN6S "1,6 !:;A$T 5AN'fA ANA 6LVD. SEE SH:. SEE SH 6ANTA ANA.CA 01:.2101 PHONla, (114) :!,4"1-"12b0 FAX, (114) 24:.!•"1001 Dl=C.LAMTION QR 81;$PON~l6LE: CHAR17I; KEY MAP I Hl!R.et!Y' Dl;G-LARE THAT I AM THE LAND~API; AF!.CHITE:<:;T OF THE V'IORK FOR THIS PROJEGT, THAT I HAVI;: EXERC16EQ 1'1.!aSPONS16l-ia GHAF<GE OVel'!. TH!: DE5l6N OF' THIS Pfl!.OJECT AS DEF'INE:P IN 5EGTION 6193 OF' THI;! 6U51Nl:OO PROF'ES$ION6 GOPE AND TH!: DE$l<SN 1$ CONSISTENT WITH CURRENT STANDARDS>. I UNDERSTAND TI-IAT THE! CI-IEG-1< OF' Pf<.OJl;Gf DRAHIN$$ AND SPEG-IFICATION5 6Y THE CITY OF' GAA1.$6AD AND THE 6AN Dlei:c;;Q COUNTY DEl"Afl1.fMENT Of' ENVIRONMEt-lTAL HetAL TH 19 C.ONF'INl!D TO A R.l':Yll;i"I OHL Y ANCl POe5 NOT ~LleYI!! ME!, AS L.AND5c.AP!'!a Ar<C,HITEC:.T Of' V'IOF<.K, OF MY R.E:SPONSlt!IL.ITll::5 FOR PMJ!EG-T DESleN. -rH;:&e PLANS HAYE SEEN PR.ePARl=P IN su.SSTANTIAL C::,0Nf'Ol'U-1ANC.E HITH THE APP!<.OVED LANOGCAPe! C,ONCEPT PLAN, r!ATEFl C.ONSl;:RYATION Pl-AN. FIRE: SUPPR.e5510N PLAN, AND ALL~GONDITIO:;F ·A~PPROY:L Rel.ATl:P TO LAND!';C,APIN<:$,. d-~-'-l-'-4S;c,.6;c... __ $l~F' I.AND Al'i,C,HJTEGT LIC.eNSei: NO. ALL IRl=1.1$ATION 6AGl<FI..Ol'I PREVENTeR.S SHAL.L i;E TI;STeD eY A Cl;:RTIFIED TE&TeR AND f'tl;;!:,UL TS MUSf ~e 6IVEN TO THE GIT'( AND THE CARLseAD MUNICIPAL J.",JATl;R P1$Tl'l1CT. PIP!: 6E'!W=E:N THE METER AND eAC-KFLOH PREVeNTeR &HALL 6E "&<;.HEDUI..E K HAF<P GQPPEFl". APPROVED GONTl'I.ACT EIACKFLOH TeSTel'I.& CAN ISE FOUND ON THE C,IT'1" 1"11:6 91Te AT "'"'"'·~1.c:.c.rl5J:,c,c:l.c:.ca.ue/pc:lfc:l,:,c,.html?p1c:1-,40 OR G>-1.L. 160-4tl~-::Z122 TOTAL SITE IS 3601820 S.F. TOTAL LANDSCAPE AREA IS 841895 S.F. 23.3 ¾ OF THE TOTAL SITE IS LANDSCAPING ZONE ONE LANDSCAPE AREA 18,954 S.F. $.1 ¾ OF SITE. ZONE TWO LANOSCAPl:AREA 65,741 S.F. 18.2 % Of' SITE. - G TREES AND STREET TREES ARE PER CITY ALLEXISTIN APPROVED DRAWING NUMBER 399-4LAND 399-4M. EATING AREA YEE EAflNG AREAS PROVIDE 3,418 S.F. OF E-1.ANDSCAPE AREA FOR EMPLOYEE BReAKS. NCLUDES OUTDOOR DINING, BENCHES, UTIFUL l.ANDSCAPED SPACe. 300 S.F/PER 5000 S.F. RATIO TO BUILDING LEflAL P5$CRIPTIQN f;MPLOYEE THEEMPLO HARbSCAP 11-!EAREAI SET IN A BEA (MEETS THE REQUIREME OF THE MIN NT FOR THE AREAS LOCATED BEYOND 1,000 S.F PREPARED FOR: URBAN+WEST 936 East Santa Ana Blvd. Santa Ana, ca 92701 Phone: (714) 547-9260 Contact: Kimberly Hutchings PREPARED BY: TESHIMA DESIGN GROUP LOT te-22 OF CARLSBAQ TAACTCT 02-1~ BRESSI IV.NOH, IN T.1-/1: GIIT OP CARt.SflAD, COIJNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CAl..lFORlliiA, ~OCORD!NG TO M4P THEREOF NO 1490/'J, F/L/:D IN TH{! COVNTV RECORDER OF' SA~ DIEGO COVNTY, i:tESRUARY 4, JQQf; F!!..f ,"IQ. W!JMOB6673 OF OFFIClAl. RECORDS. DEVELOPER I-PARK) .,_t-l-lllSCAPt ~-. 21:t.-261-1~ THROUGJ-1213·261·11 ADD.RESS DAV/0 DIFIJENZO ne eAST SAWA ANA BL V SM/TA ANA., CA 92701 PHONE.· (TH) IUMZOO FAK; (71◄J 2~Nl007' WNTAC1: KJM'B~RL y HU ~~ES,'!~' t t(i ~(,t '· ~ !I ~~ l~C A®itEst AVAIL.ABLE AT 'ih;S TJME !IIOAOORESS .AVAfL.ABL.EAT THIS TJirlE CIVIL ENGINEER/[JND SUQVEYOR PFIOJ~CT DESIGN CONSUJ. TANTS 701 ll ST,, SUITE fOO SAN D//:aO. CA i,1101 TEL. 81B-881·Z541 CONTACT: NICOLAS PSYHQG/ES Off'N$R OAVID 0/P.lfl~iO ... ~ ... ; Q~~ •Da'.I. ,. ~ al • LI,: ,,,..I' ~~~ DICM.1~ 9903 Businesspark Avenue, Suite C San Diego, CA 92131 936 =AST sANTA ANA BLVD. SANTA AN/4, CA rmo1 PHONE: (114) 547-926" FAX: (114) 242-SOOT co1,rTAOT: K:MBfRLY HUTCHINGS f''i)t\DSCAP( ,. ' "'"'~ 858.693.8824 NAM< TITLE TESIIlMA DESIGN GROUP ~ AR.ClD.TECrORB LAND PLANNiNo 9903 BUSINESSPARK AVB. SUITB C SAN DJEOO. CA 92131. "v<':J ' ........ "c, ;;:._ J I-. . Sl~nati.1re lt Ren Dole 6/30/09 r-,:'\ /' R~J VE 6: ) ' /, ' '' 1{'. ~ j\ , I '-JAA... ENGINZ,RING-PLAN CH_ECKER DATI, INITIAL 0 PALOMAR/ ~ - ~ ~ "~ 'Al ' . - ul1sltoo7 DATE l'h: (858) 693-8824 Date: 11/21/06 Fax: (858) 693-1!8Z Project No. TDG 06-23.0J0 ~ Doto 02-er,--0•1 ~~CA\.11~ ENGIN.EER OF WOR~ REVISION DESCRIPTION .. I ~ Pl.AN PLAN NOT TO SCALE North PROJECT SITE INNOVAnON WAY ~✓~y If '---< I El. fUtRTE:J\ (;:I STRE:E:r POINSE:mA LANE N VICINITY MAP EB SC>J.!t MOT ,0 SCALI CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT 4?-£4;. {: ~~ WILLIAM E. PLUMMER R.C.E.111 2B178 DEPUTY CITY ENGINEER EXP. 3/31/0a SAN Ol~GO COUNTY DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ~ 'c: APPROVE'D BY: 7~,£.·02 QATE: 7-zt-a7 DATE: "AS-BUILT " APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY. INCLUDING PRECISE P.[. EXP. DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED EIY: AREAS. INSPECTOR DATE I ■ • • WI CITY 0~ CAR~BAD lur] : PLANN; DEPARTMEN,: : 19 . TITLESHEEf BRESSI RANCH OFFICE BUILOING LOT 19-22 IAPPmG-~+ I \a ·l\-c1 ~~~ ·= DATE DATE INITL'I. DATE INIT"',L DvvN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. Ci-iKD SY: PIP-06.JO 448-SL OTHER APPROVAi. CITY APPROVA~ RVWD BY: ·.....C::. ~ • oO r- • .;~- -,,"~----18'------11'-" 1 N.T.S. 1 ~~ IN ORDER TO CONSERVE WATER .. RECYCLED WATER IN USE -z DO NOT NO TOME ELAGUA DRINK WASH HANDS AFTER CONTACTING LAVESE SUS MANOS DESPUES DE USAR SIZE: 18" X 18" ,060 ABS PLASTIC, STICK-ON VINYL ~-BLACK LOGO PURPLE BACKGROUND 1' BLACK LETTERS ~J-4 c.o. ~ ;;,;_•; ,58 1 -jt. .0 1,£. !..1 ;-48. '"1 j', C) 1 .,... tt) \"II 1 t'l ,... N :;.: tl., <o; a C.v. 'J-J"i 1" 7 0 J ,✓ I• '18'' 3 -ec ) I ..., ' r fJO"' '" 6" \ ) __, . )7 j, ' I I ) " 1 ---36"---1-----------r N.T.S. 7 _J BUI DING I LJ \ BUILDIN l 1'118hBln•1VP-L _J Tabl ... & bloohM .,,.,._,.,.,., 18-[X 4H NO 17 ![ OUT(J45.49) , BUILblNG 3 L l STORY r L BUILDING 4 2STORY r WARNING ECYCLED WATER DO NOT DRINK r----+-2' BLACK LETTERS RECYCLED WAT R WASH HANDS AFTER CONTACTING LAVESE SUS MANOS DESPUES DE USAR SIZE: 12" X 36" .060 ABS PLASTIC, STICK-ON VINYL OR .032" ALUMINUM X RECYCLED WATER SIGN SEE DETAIL RW SHEET L-8 FOR ATTACHED TO FREE STANDING METAL POST N.T.S. ( L North \ \---1·· ----\c---1~ I I , .. -:_.;. ------,f, Property h (TVP,I BUILDING 5 ----BUILDING 6 ~ / I / BUILDINGS 2STORY , __ ,. I -\--©-t-\l I --l--d,.-,'f'-11 --t .. I I ;n'~o-:::1-.... -__.. ::...-----l<tt-t RECYCLED WATER USE AND KEY MAP NOT TO SCALE TFSHIMA DESIGN GROUP u.NDSCAPB ARCHIIECitJRE u.ND PUNNING 9903 BUSINF,8SPARK. AVE. SUIIE C SAN 00!00, CA 9'1l3I. Ph: (858) 693-8824 Date: 11/2 1,1)6 Fa.: (858) 693-1182 Project No. TOO 06-23.010 i I 7 BUILDING9 ~ BUILDING 12 r · -2 STORY L ii 1_:-P ll ~ ·1 , 1 I 1 . ' I [ □1 I ' I --fj I ' I ' I • • I q 0 --- A/Rf RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM LEGEND B M ® 8 BACKFLOW PREVENTER BALL VALVE PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE 1" WATER METER (FUTURE RECYCLED) 9 2" MASTER CONTROL VALVE [g] CONTROLLER ~ REMOTE CONTROL VALVE [g) ELECTRICAL CONNECTION --PROPOSED RECYCLED WATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE --W--POTABLE WATER MAIN IN STREET * ~ EZZ3 ... * [Ml RECYCLED WATER MAIN IN STREET "DO NOT DRINK" SIGNS (10 TOTAL) AREAS OF RECYCLED WATER USE EXISTING LANDSCAPE TO REMAIN FIRE HYDRANT QUICK COUPLER EXISTING POTABLE WATER METER ~POTABLE WATER METER i.lt---BACKFLOW PREVENTER CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT WILLIAM E. PLUMMER A.C .E.# 28176 DEPUTY CITY ENGINEER EXP. 3/31 /02 SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH APPROVED BY: DATE: DATE: APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGAT ION ONLY. INCLUDING PREC ISE LOCATION OF PLANT ING AREAS. "AS-BUILT " P.E, __ _ EXP, ___ _ REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE DATE I SH2EET I CITY OF CARIBBAD ~ l---+--+---------------1-----t---,r---t---1 PLANNING DEPARTMENT L1.§!_j l---+--+---------------1-----t---,r---1---1 RECLAIMED WATER USED MAP BRESSI RANCH OFFICE BUILDING LOT 19-22 I APJf~ ! ~~~\~it l---+--+---------------1-----t---,1-----t---1 =p,-JLA',-'N"':N:"clN~G_.._--'_=--=......,----- l---+--+---------------1-----t---,1-----t---1 /p-\\•O..., I DATE _ DIITE INITIAL MTE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OnlER APPROV"1. DIITE INITIAL CITY APPROV"1. OWN BY: __ _ CHKD BY: __ FNWO BY: PROJECT NO. PIP06-10 DRAWING NO. 448-SL I _J I. • Retaining Wall (TYP.) ¾' ' BUILDING I BUILDING 2 '1rlf-W-1t· ,,,.,_,,.:::...~ _JJ·=i:., •• ~~~~ I • ' (./1 •• •" I , sewer line I I 11 ~------ii ~,ri le--"---;~ d I' 2' 'J· le._ I 1' ,1 . ' Ir-'---+ . I' i1-+---+-I' . 'I< 2" ' J) ' I • ----------- 24 B30 1' ¾ 11 • • ' ---;___ ----1 ;' · I I ' / -/ A / '52 -11 I .C. /V .J .:JI • • • • • •1• Ii ••••••••• •-~.,.~ ••• MATCHLINE-SHEET 5 BUILDING 5 I ~I •" ' ' ¾ ' ~ --' Tables & benches " 1: Mix 2s-seat Ben~ " 4 ®1¾ • 11 · 1' BUILDING 6 r ¾ L ' ::~ 4 -1/ ¾ ~¾ ~ 1' 4 ¾' '\ 0 -,. .....•... ~ ..... Note: Final irrigation as-built plans will be required to be reviewed and approved by the City and final mylars will be required to be approved and signed by the City prior to Planning Department signing the permit card. >-~ ½ ) I . . '• 1· I • ¾' ¾" 2" 4 4 ~~· \1:Y ... \U ·~ ~ •' BUILDING 9 0 I I I I I I I ~ --J ; INT N ECflON INFORMATION bant of Co~ r Meter Ile~ 11/2' FoDcoil!:§Y ./r"C-20' Util' 'J CC) 1 easement I --¼----++~~r===--sewer lateral 17 Existin~ J u.----n::,::. I • ~ ' Tables enches ' metal l®-7 ~J1 ! -1/ I I I I ~ ; 1 ' I ¾II LJ_li ! I I ½· 3:.~11 ¾' a • I 1' . '. ,, ~ -e--+ -.... .................... . -1--1 sj t-· ¾ I • • 'f' ¾ ¾ • •' ¾" . . }.1't' • ~ ......;. ¾' ¾' • 28 L .J ' -- BUILDING 10 • .!J'• 1• 1·-~-• 74 · ¾' ¾" •• ~ ····••llll'alll•llll-.,.C••l··· .. ·········'...:' MATCHLINE-SHEET 4 2 I I I I I ' I I I I I I .... ' L_ I ION Existing Potable Water M ter C) C) + • ■ I ' gX. NOTE: SEE SHEET 4-5 FOR NOTES AND LEGEND APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY. INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. "AS-BUILT " P.E. __ _ EXP. ___ _ REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE DATE I I I I I SH3EET \ CITY OF CARI.SBAD ~ t---+-----i--------------+-----+---+---+----l PLANNING DEPARTMENT L.JJ!.j t-----+-----i--------------+-----+----+--4---l BRESSI RANCH OFFICE BUILDING LOT 19-22 J ~=E,=1E'· mm111rn11'i::, 'i::=Eri"E, ,DI, =i',ee'i'i:11 =i',mm11 ,'i'E•, •=i=1E'i"='nii:t'mi3i"':'E'Emm"!l!"'i'rr'irrm'ai:11½~ w TESHIMA OF.SIGN GROUP LANil9CAPB ARCHITECTURE LAND PlANNINO 9IJ03 BUSINFSSPARK AVE. SUrIB C SAN 00!00, CA 9213 G<IJ'EWAY ROWI NORTH 0 ,, ::10' "40' SC.Al.I:: I"= :20'-0" Ph: (858) 693-8824 Fax: (858) 693-1182 Dace: 11/21/06 Project No. TDG 06-23.010 ll,\TE !NfTW. ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION ll,\TE INITIAL ll,\TE INITIAL OTHER APPROV'-1. Cf!Y APf'ROV'-1. OWN BY: I PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. ~~g :~:--._ __ P_IP_0_6_-_1 O _ __,_ 448-8L .. C I I MATCHLINE-HEET 3 •............ , ..... w_oo ---' r'--,, .-~13 19 +-,-~-c---c11 ·~3t:··s1:1irm P~'?=i1::.;1 20'.,' Utility Easement ·····••■t•• 14+00 I . ' • 1' ' ' • I .... -------•.. -.- • • • • II) • I-• w• w• :c. u,. I • w. z. • • • • • • • • • • " • 4 4 • • i 41 <# "' 4 I 4 4 4 ¾" ¾" 1---20' Utility easement 23 "I •· 7 i I I --'O . ) ¾' • • water line I ----l..- 1 I -..J :c 0 • ■ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ■ • • ¾" s~ 1 O' Utility IL ______ _ easement ¾' I ,-L _________________ I ;J ¾' . ' . " ¾" DING I TORY 19 . . ," ¾" ¾" ¾" ¾' ' . ' • ' I (TPY.) I I \ O I \\ I \ ~~ \ \ \ ' \ \ =:...J ::__J "Do Not Drink' =-=l;IH:11 ----Fs --'S -_-_-fsjg_n _(t_PVs \ I I Sa --S.;J -FS --FS - 7 _J _J ~-Hydrant per civil BUILDING 12 2 STORY A4 1' 7 access (per civi I) I I 1' I I 4 ¾" 4 ¾" I 4 ~ • J'O'AD 29+00 ' Bus stop Existing reclaimed water mainline 30+00 31+00 :E I ~,:/ zn'' ~A ' ' -. . __ ,, ..J • ' ¾ • ■ "--' • - NOTE: SEE SHEET 5 FOR NOTES I Existin potable w~ter mainline H ..... ~1\ 1\ I .... ····~··•r , I _ 14+ 9.16 ' :, ------c t --; 1 M 11ment I 1 ' I l-,) • I I Ing reclaim r mainline !-!""IC\. 1-I -• I I C) C) -+ "S;j- c:::::i C) V) C) ' -+ ' (.Q "" rv, a x:: L_i Q: w ~ Lt_ V) \ " co \ x:: \ Lw \ ~sting laim I I Exi in p le 19 Q: ~ "CJ ~ c:::::i li.J ~ ~ ~ ---..J (.__) li.J Q: " co x:: Lw I I j I I er Q: kl ,___ ~ =s: " co x:: I . I 1-._: I I I I ( I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SYMBOL DESCRIPTION 15, 12, 10, 6 Shrub Pop-up • A &. Nozzle-Full Not Shown Nozzle -Adjustable L::,. '-\r' Nozzle-Ha~ ~1:5 Jc Nozzle -One Third k''k:, j(. Nozzle -Quarter E-Nozzle -End Strip .. Nozzle -Center Strip 15, 12, 10,8 Turf Pop-up (") eo Nozzle -Half ~ N) f'l Nozzle -Quarter Shrub Stream/Bubbler Tree Bubbler A-F'ull .. Hatt Quarter Center strip Slope Rotor ® Nozzle -Quarter @ Nozzle -Half ® Nozzle -Full (j) Nozzle -Quarter ® Nozzle -Half 1W Nozzle -Full (§) Nozzle -Varies SYMBOL DESCRIPTION (§ Recycled Water Meter Point of Connection B Reduced Pressure Backflow Preventer s Remote Control Valve @ Master Control Valve @ Pressure Reducing Valve [g] Controller (i) Quick Coupler I ' ~ BallValve NOT Rain Sensor SHOWN (fl Electrical Connection h.l=~~~~~~ © Flow Sensor r \ Sight \ \ Easeme (TYP!) ,f, I I l ' \ I \ \ \ ' \ I I • ~ NOT SHOWN Check Valve _ _ Pressurized Purple Mainline Non-pressurized Purple Lalet'al Sleeve· Purple Color for Sch.40 Gray Color for Sch. 80 * 'Do Not Drink' Sign -10 Total Controller Station Maximum GPM Valve Size TESHIMA DESIGN GROUP LANDSCAPE ARCHlTSClURE I.AND Pl.ANNING 991B BUSINl!SSPARK AVE. surm C SAN DIBOO. CA 9'll. Ph: (858) 693-8824 Date: 11/21,00 Fax: (858) 693-1182 Project No. TOO 06-23.010 MANUF MODEL PSI RADIUS GPM NOTES Rain Bird 1812-SAM Body Style 15,12, 10,8 30 15, 12, 10, 8 3.7, 2.6, 1.6, 1.6 ,n .. .,,~ screens as requ,r.,.. to recuce r-Ius. 15, 12, 10, 8 30 15, 12, 10,8 Install on ,I_ (See Riser Detail N) except as foHows: Install 12' pop-up bodies when heads are with in 10 15,12, 10,8 30 15,12, 10,8 2.0, 1.3, 0.8, 0.8 teat of walks, curbs and along turf areas and when 15,12, 10,8 30 15, 12, 10,8 1.2, 1.0, 0.5, 0.5 located within the City right-of-way, er any other area 15,12, 10,8 30 15,12, 10,8 1.0, 0. 7, 0.4, 0.4 where pedestrian traffic might occur, Use bottom lnle1 only. See Pop-up Detail C. 15EST 30 4 X 15 0.6 15CST 30 4x30 1.2 Rain Bird 1803-SAM Body Style 15, 12, 10, 8 30 15, 12, 10,8 2.0, 1.3, 0.8, 0.8 See Pop-up Detail C. Install PCS screens as 15, 12, 10, 8 30 15, 12, 10,8 1.0, 0.7, 0.4, 0.4 required to reduce radius. Rain Bird 1806-SAM Body Style 1401 30 0.5 Install PCS screens where required to reduce 5F-B/PCS-125 30 5' 1.3 radius. Install all shrub/stream bubblers on 5H-B/PCS-80 30 5' 0.6 1806-SAM pop-up bodies with PA-80 adapter. 5Q-B/PCS-40 30 5' 0.4 See Pop-up Detail C. SCST-B/PCS-40 30 5' 0.4 Hunter Modal/Nozzle Body Style Nozzle 1.0 PGJ-00-R 40 19' 1.0 All heads shall be on risers (See Rotor on Riser Nozzle 1.5 PGJ-00-R 40 22' 1.5 De1all R) except as follows: Install 12' pop-up bodies when heads are within 1 O -of walks, curbs and Nozzle 2.0 PGJ-00-R 40 25' 2.0 along turf areas and when locatld within the City Nozzle2 PGP·ARV-02 40 30' 0.8 right-01-way, or any ether area where pedastrlan Nozzle4 PGP-ARV-04 40 33' 1.4 traffic might occur. See P01>-up Rotor Detail P. r,ozzle 5 PGP-ARV-05 40 33' 1.8 EXI-,, !Nu Ru TORS EQUIPMENT LEGEND IRRIGATION SCHEDULE MANUF MODEL SIZE NOTES 1' Approx. where shown, field verify. Febco 825Y 1-1 /2" See detail W20. Rain Bird PESB-R Serles Size Per Plan Install in valve box with purple lid per detail F. Rain Bird PESB-R Series 1-1/2' Install In valve box with purple lid per detail B. Wilkins Hunter Nelson KBI wcs aln Maslet' KBI 510YSBR ICC-40-SS 7645 WLT-0000-T Rain Guard FS-150 KC-Series Sch .40 1-1/2' 11/2' 36-Stations 1' Line Size 120 Volt t-1 /2' Install at point of connection as shown on plan . Install in (Bi round valve box with purple lid and (3') washed gravel at bottom and set@ 85 p.s.l. See detall M. Exterior wall moont controller. Install with stainless steel enclosure. Install with WCS Rain Guard Sensor sea detail D. Final location of controller shall be selected by owner. lnstail per manufacture~s specifications. See detail J. Install in ·1 O' Round Valve Box with purple lid per detail K. Brand lid with letters "OC". Install in 1 O' round valve box with purple lid per detail A. Mount in the areas that will be exposed to unobstrac1ed rainfall, but not in the path of sprinklet' spray. Mount per manufactuer's specifications In location selected by owner. See detail 0. Plug or hard wire controller onto GFI electrical outle1. Location to be detennlned by owner. Install in valve box With purple lid per detail B. Install where required to prevent low head drainage. PVC or less a. 315 Size Per Plan Install at 18" depth. See Trenching detail G. 2" or more PVC PVC Clase 200 Size Per Plan Install at 12' depth. See Trenching detail G. eeva un er mprovemen : Undet' Vehicle Paving install mainline, wiring and laterals in separate PVC Sch. 80 sleeves See Notes Size Per Plan with 36" cover. Under Pedestrian Paving Install mainline, wiring and laterals in separate PVC Sch . 40 sleeves with 18" cover. NORTH AU sleeves shall be 2-1/2' tlmes line size. See Sle ve etail H. w 0 5' !20' 40' SCA!..!:: I "=:20"-0" IT] Locate recycled mainline inside of planter area 18" from back of sidewalk and outside of the street right-of-way. [fil Locate recycled malnline outside the existing irrigation at 18" back from of planter area. III Install all Irrigation equipment in the planter area at 18" back from edge of curb and outside of the street right-of-way. Install all laterals Inside of planter area 18' back from edge of curb [[I Wire Sleeve(Typ). [fil Locations of the tree bubblers are approximate. See planting plan for precise location. r-;, Retrofit exisiting irrigations affected by new construction, adjust sprinkler for 100% head L!.J to head covera e [fil Pvc Sleeve 2x the size of pipe(Typ). _J -- i I,,, •:-...• .. : ._' '.,.l_:.i ~';~,If L;_I .L' .'.J' 1:1• _;_· 1lu '-, i I ! r ~ ~'cc'-'-' .LJ._J GATEWAY APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY. INCLUDING PREC ISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS . "AS-BUILT P.E. __ _ EXP. ___ _ REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR " BRESSI RANCH OFFICE BUILDING LOT 19-22 DATE DATE l----+--+------------+---t----t--t----1 I AP~~( l-r-~-,-,-t\-: PLANNING lt.i·\\-o, DATE DATE INITIAL ENGINEER Of WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITW. DATE INITW. OTHER N'PR<:N/>L CITY ,PPR<:N/>L OWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: PIP06-10 448-BL RWID BY: I -OJ I o~,li n {irYF\:) I 4 I I I I I I I I 1• I rE. 00 -/345 49) BUILDING 3 ~ 2 STORY BUILDING 4 2 STORY ' ' ' MATCHLINE-SH~l:T 3 ............ ····••1--•----1 , •• 'JY,1188 10+00 -----+-+---i. t . U U I J) .! . -1,---"-~I-, I -I ., ' 2"V"!'' • ~ './1 I I I I firj service lin • 4 • ' • " 24 - ¾¾"¾· If l ~ LJ BUILDING 7 , 2 STORY L water lateral sewer lateral BUILDING 8 2 STORY ' ' L_ 1i I ' L ¾' ¾ ¾" ¾" ~·1 1 II ··1 '' ,· • • • • • • •oe:t" •1-•w •w •:i: • en • I .• w .z -• ...I • :i: •o ..... • <C • :E • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • ~;:;::::;:;;:91"'"1 __ _,.t!,4. • • ========::::/7~1·, :::::::::::::::r----==========================================· I:,.,... . ''"'-' . NOTE: SEE SHEET 4 FOR LEGEND I TESIIlMA DESIGN GROUP LANDSCAPE ARCHII'ECIURE LAND ft.ANNING 91)()3 BUSINES9ARK. AVE. surm C SAN DIEGO, CA m Ph: (858) 693-8824 Date: 11/21/06 Fax: (858) 693-1182 Project No. TOO 06-23.010 OJ [fil [[] m (fil I]] III I]] .--. IRRIGATION SCHEDULE Locate recycled mainline inside of planter area 18" from back of sidewalk and outside of the street right-of-way. Locate recycled mainline outside the existing irrigation at 1811 back from of planter area. Install all irrigation equipment in the planter area at 18" back from edge of curb and outside of the street right-of-way. Install all laterals inside of planter area 1811 back from edge of curb Wire Sleeve(Typ). Locations of the tree bubblers are approximate. See planting plan for precise location. Retrofit exisiting irrigations affected by new construction, ,i.djust sprinkler for 100% head to head coveraae Pvc Sleeve 2x the size of pipe(Typ) . Notes for existing conditions: 1. Planting and irrigation is existing in this areas per City of Carlsbad approved Project No. CT-02-15 DWG No. 411-7L sheet 3 and Project No. CT 00-06 DWG. No. 400-BN sheet 4. Contract shall test existing landscape irrigation system for leaks and repair if necessary. 2. Existing planting and irrigation shall remain and be protected in place except as noted onsheet 9. Damaged areas shall be repaired / replaced as approved by the City landscape architect. Remove (3) trees as shown on sheet 9 . 3. Planting and irrigation is existing in this areas per City of Carlsbad approved Project No. CT 00-06, DWG No. 411-7L sheet 6 and sheet 9. Any existing mainline in service shall be protect to remain in place. Any relocated existing mainline and irrigation equipment affected by new construction shall test for leaks and repair if necessary . 4. The contractor shall contact the landscape architect prior to beginning landscape work so that the landscape architect can review the project utility locations and revise plans accordingly to fully screen all utilities from view. 5. All mainlines and irrigation equipment shall be located outside the street of right-of-way. 6. Check valves shall be installed as required to prevent all low head drainage. 7 n .J PRESSURE CALCULATIONS PROJECT: BRESSI RANCH OFACE B<llDING LOCATIDN: CAMPBELL Pl.ACE ANO GATFIIAY ROAD PRESS ZONE/SOURCE ELEV.: 98p.J.l/p<Obl8, 148 p,1J/l'lcilimw .. DATE OF ~ESSURE CHECK: 1W11M 8V: Sam at CMWO J08 Ml: 06-23 CLIENT t«J.: 714-M7-9260 WAiER AUTHORl'TY; Cnbad W.. Dlllri:t CALC. OAlE: 12/18!06 BY: SY VALVE NO. CHECKED: 19 PRESS. AT PCC: 1415 P.6.1. (1681-320) X ,'33 • 146) LGL: POC ELEVATlON: 320 HIGHEST HEAD: 335 PIPE PIPE PIPE PIPE ACCUM. LOSS SECT'<lN T'IPE SIZE LENGTH GPM IN PSI 1 CL.200 3/4' 2~ 2,4 .1, 2 CL200 3/4" » 4,4 .23 3 CL200 3/4' !I& 10 2.!8 4 CL200 1' !& " 1,21 5 CL200 1' 30' 17.2 1.05 I CL.200 1-1/4" 2~ 20 30 7 CL.200 1-1/4' ,~ 20.4 ,96 A. TOTAL LATI:RAL SYSll:M LOSSES 6.49 MAINLINE/SEAVICE LINE IYITEM: PIPE PIPE PIPE PIPE ACCUM. LOSS SECT'<lN T'IPE SIZE 1.fNGTH GPM INPSI MAIUE CL. 315 2" m 20.4 6.26 B. TOTAL """I.INE/SERIICE LINE MIDI LOSSES I 626 MISCEll.ANfOUI LOISEi: IIZE: WATEAMEltR 1" 5.6 8ACKA.OW PREVENTER 11/l" 15 CONTROL VALVE 1-1/l" 2.7 MASTER CONTROL VALYE 1-1/2" 2.7 C. TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS LOSSES 23.7 D. TOTAL SYSTEM LOSSES ( A+B+C) 35.5 E. ATI!NG LOSSES { 1~% OF TUT AL LOSSES ) 5,3 F, HEAD LOSS/ GAIN IN SYSTEM 1(336-320) X .433 • 10,4) B.5 G. MINIMUM REQUIREO PRESSLIIE AT LAST HEAD 30 H. DeSIGN PRESSURE ( D-tE+F+G ) 11.3 I. AVAIWLE PSI (RECLAIM WATER@ 14ll .. l) BET@ 100 J. RESIDUAL PS! ( t-H) 22.7 K. PUMP BOOST L. AO.JUSTED RESIDUAL PSI ( J+K l 22.7 • C 11 C ------SU.TER PL. GATEWAY ROADI NORTH 0 5' :ZO' 40' APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY. INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. "AS-BUILT " P.E, __ _ EXP. ___ _ REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR I SHsET I CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT BRESSI RANCH OFFICE BUILDING LOT 19-22 - DATE DATE Liu 9 l-----+--+--------------4----1---1----+-l I AP~( q--~--Pi\: . PLANNING kP·U-01 I DATE . DI.TE INITIAi. o;.TE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL DWN BY: __ _ DATE INITW.. CHKD BY: __ _ CllY M'Pfl.<:NAL FNWD BY: PROJECT NO. PIP06-10 DRAWING NO. 448-SL .. CD FINISHED GRADE ® PLASTIC VALVE BOX WITH PUl'\PLE BOLt DOWN COV!:R, USE STAINLESS STEEL BOLT NUT AND WASHl:R HEAT BRAND 'GV ONTO LIQ. @MAINLINE 0 BRICK SUPPORTS @112 C.F. 3/4' CRUSHED GRAVEL @BALL VALVE (?) LANDSCAPE FABRIC if ® BALL VALVE NOT TO SCALE (!!) 24 IN. PURPLE METER BOX L.ID 1-lATER ME:T£;R POTA6L.I! Sl;~IC-1! L.INI! 10 FT.,MIN. TO POTAell! MAINL.INe IN STRce~, RE:C'l'C,I.E:D 1-lATER IAAl6ATION MAINL.INI!: W/SLEEYE! Nore, YfRTICAL. c-L.fAAANce OF 12 IN, MIN. IS MANDATORY 1-lHl:N CROSSIN!$ FATH QF A F'OTA6L.I! 1-lATER L.INe. INSTAL.l.ATION OF Rl¾'!"C-J,.eD 1-lATER. IRR16ATION MAINLINI! 24 IN. F~ FAC-!: OF SIDf;J,W.I< HIL.L. PROYIDI! THI= NE:e,E:SSAAY IQ FT. HORIZONTAL CL.fAAANc-e FROM POTAeLe MAINLINe IN THI: S.TRcET. @ POTABLE MAINLINE CROSSING MAINLINE SPECIFICATIONS: CL. 315 FOR 2' QA MORE SCH. 40 FOR 1-1/2' OR LESS. NOTE: ALL PRESSURE MAINLINE UNDER DRIVES SHALL BE BURIED TO A 36" MINIMUM DEPTH. NOTES: 1. Pipe shall be snaked side io sidil in lrench to allow expansion. CD FINISH GRADE @ CLEAN BACKFILL· 90% COMPACTION REQUIRED • SEE SPECS 1811 . --I I :111= -11-rrim .. .. . ...lli$a 3• ~r r--8'' cir:-: • - 5 e @ PURPLE NON-PRESSURE LATERAL LINE PER LEGEND © PURPLE COLOR PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE PER LEGEND @ PROVIDE 2' OF CLEAN SANO BELOW PRESSURE MAINLINE IF ROCK LAF!GER THAN Z' IS PRESENT (j) 6" MIN. CLEARANCE FROM HARDSCAPE ( MAINLINE ONL V) NOTTO SCALE @ DIRECT BURIAL, LOW VOLTAGE CONTROL WIRES• INSTALL BELOW PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE. BUNDLE AND TAPE WIRES AT 12' O.C. LOOP CONTROL WIRES AT ALL 90 DEGREE CHANGES IN DIRECTION. SPLICING OF WIRE RUNS IS NOT ALLOWED UNLESS APPROVED BY THE OWNER @ TWO LAYERS OF RECYCLED \'/ATER WARNING TAPE ALONG THE MAINLINE. ONE 12' ABOVE AND ONE RESTING ON THE MAINLINE TRENCHING NOTTO SCALE ® (i) ® ® © ® ® 0 FINISHED GRADE 1" BELOW VALVE BOX TOP IN TURF AREAS. 2" BELOW VALVE BOX IN SHRUB BEDS PURPLE PLASTIC RECTANGULAR VALVE BOX WITH LOCKJNG LID. BOX TO BE PLACED AT RIGHT ANGLE TO HARDSCAPE EDGE, CONTROL VALVE, SEE LEGEND FOR SPEC WATER PROOF WIRE CONNECTOR· 'SNAP-TITE' OREO. 18" WIRE LOOP (WRAP 15 TIMES AROUND 1/2" DIA. PIPE TO FORM COIL· REMOVE PIPE.) RECYCLED WATER TAG· CHRISTY'S OR EQUAL PVC SCH 40 SLIPxFIPT ADAPTER, (2 REQUIRED) NOTES: 1. ALL WIRE TO BE INSTALLED AS PER LOCAL CODES. 2. COMPACT SOIL AROUND VALVE BOX TO SAME DENSITY AS UNDISTURBED ADJACENT SOIL @ PVC MAINLINE· PIPE PER SPECS. @ SCH. 80 UNION @ BRICK SUPPORTS· (1) ONE AT EACH CORNER @ 3" SCH. 80 NIPPLE TYP. (3 TOTAL) @ LANDSCAPE FABRIC @) 1 C.F.· PEA GRAVEL @ PVC MAINLINE PIPE FROM BACKFLOW PER SPECS. @) PVC SCH.40 ELLS (2) (i) INSTALL SPRINKLER ANGLE FOR MAX. THROW IF IRRIGATING SLOPES @ FINISH GRADE OF SOIL OR MULCH WHERE OCCURS @PAVING OR STRUCTURE @ SPRAY HEADS: 4" FROM WALKS AND CURBS B" FROM STRUCTURES @ POP-UP SPRINKLER WITH PURPLE CAP AND BUILT-IN CHECK VALVE @ 1/~' MARLEX STREET ELL (MIPT X FIP1)(2) (j) 1/'i!' SCH. 80 PVC THREADED 8' NIPPLE @ 1/2' MARLEX SlREET ELL (MIPTx FIP1) @ PVC LATERAL LINE @ SCH. 40 PVC S XS X FIPT TEE OR ELL 12" MIN. ~ NOTE: 1. Contractor shall Install additional anti-drain valves, as required, to prevent low head drainage 2. Use bottom inlet only 3. Use pop-ups on all heads within 10' of walks, lawn, or curbs. MASTER CONTROL VALVE NOT TO SCALE © POP-UP SPRAY HEAD NOTTO SCALE POTABLE MAINLINE (SEE IMPROVEMENT DRAv"'llN6S) 3.5 FEET 12 IN. HIN. REoUIRED VERTICAL SEPARATION ,v-~ fl~J'~JgvtrJJ~L~it'l."N'NG SEE TRENC.HING DETAIL. lt-oLEEVE RECYC.LED rlATER IRRl6ATION MAINLINE NOTE, ALL RECYCLED rlATER IRRleATION PIPE AND SLEEVES SHALL SE PURPLE AND LASl:=LED. (SEE NOTE 10, SHEET L-6) POTABLE SERVICE LINE CROSSING TESHIMA DESIGN GROUP J.ANDSCAl'B ARCEII'IECTURE I.AND PlANN1NO 93<l3 BUSINFSSPARK AVB. SUITE C SAN DIEGO, CA 92131 Ph: (858) 693-8824 Date: 11/21/06 Fax: (858) 693-1182 Project No. TDG 06-23.010 NOTTO SCALE DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK ® -.);.~oSCAP~ 'R,,._,;,;,;'i,. TES/t\~ > ~ ~ 1.-:::: ~ $ ..... . • -i.t ' ... 9na • 8 "' ,. nOat, ~Ito, REVISION DESCRIPTION I. REMOTE CONTROL. VALVE 2. SOLENOID 3. HATERPROOF J.ilFJ: 5PLICf CONNeG-TO~S (5>1:1:! 5PECSJ 4. CONTROL. J.ilF.1:5; 6UNDL.I: AND TAPI: (W 4 FT. MIN, exTAA HIRE) 5. PVC ¾H e,o UNION e,. ~C-TAN6Ul..AR PLA:oTIC VAL.Ye BOX WI PURPLE: LID 1. PVC, NON-PF<ESSUF<E PIPE E;. PVC F'Re;,SURI: PIPE: <I. PVC. $CH e,o NIPF'LE (TYF'J (L.E:NeTH AS Rl:GMRED) 10. PVC. SCH 40 FEMAL.I: ADAPTER (T'(PJ II. FINl&H c;AAOE, &E:T TOP OF 60X FLU&H IN i1JRF AREAS, 2 INCHES A60YE: IN &HRl.!6 AND -SROUNDC.OVl;R ARE:A:, 1:2. PVC. ¾H 40 TEE: (&SS) OR E:LL. (SS) ON MAINLINI= 13. UNDISi1JRSED/ COMPACTED SUOOAADE 14. 6RICI< OR CONCRl:TI=. SUPPORTS -2 £:AC.H SIDI:!, FOUFl (4) TOTAL. 15. I C,U. FT. MIN. PEA GRAYE:L. Ie,. SEE SPEC.S FOR DEPTH$ 11. 2 IN. MIN, ~-Rf;C,'!"C.LED HATER TAI$ - CRl&rr''S CR E:GUAL. NOTE, 4-INCHES C.Ll;AR FROM TOP Of' VALVE STeM TO UNDfR:olDI= OF VAL.Ye eox L.ID REMOTE CONTROL VALVE APPROVED FOR PLANTING "AS-BUILT AND IRRIGATION ONLY. INCLUDING PRECISE P.E. EXP. LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY; AREAS. INSPECTOR NOTTO SCALE " DATE DATE I SH6ET I urJ CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT 9 IRRIGATION DETAIL PLAN BRESSI RANCH OFFICE BUILDING LOT 19-22 1:;~( le-~\--o:fr: I !€' ·(\. oi DATE DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DAT£ INITIAL CHKD BY: OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: PIP06-10 448-8L t .. • ,ml 1- ,11 i G) HARDSCAPE (TYPICAL) @ CLEAN BACKFILL-90% COMPACTION REQUIRED. see SPECS @ SAND (TYPICAL) © NON.PRESSURE LATERAL LINE IN SLEEVE 1 B" MINIMUM DEPTH =1 ill - :1 I @ CONTROL WIRE SLEEVE ADJACENT TO MAINLINE SLEEVE @ PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE IN SLEEVE 24" MINIMUM DEPTH NOTES: 1. All sleeves to be Sch.40 PVC ( Sch.BO under vehicle paving). :• I ·6 3 2. All sleeves shall be 2x the size of the pipe being carried. Min. sleeve size shall be 2". 3. Extend sleeves 12" beyond edge ol hardscape on beth ends. 4. During installation tape closed ends of pipes until all laterals and wires have been run. Sleeve under roads: S" or less in diameter -36" cover Schedule 80 PVC SLEEVING NOTE: =11-" -=m1 i 1rn ~ ....... ~111 .n~~~ 1-·~;:,,i: ffi:.__. - I l111m11 -- • 1 t- . -. , \. . . ,, QUICK COUPLER SHALL BE TYPE APPROVED FOR USE WITH RECYCUED WATER WITH ACME THREADS ,,---(1 9 10 . . • I= I - 11- --© -lffifil 3 Sleeve under paving (non-roads): Less than 3" in diameter -18" cover Schedule 40 PVC Control wires located under streets or other permanent improvements shall be installed in separate PVC sleeves. 3 v. G) ® @ © @ ® 0 ® ® @) @ @ @ 8 NOTTO SCALE 9" DIA. PLASTIC VALVE BOX WITH PURPLE LOCKING COVER INSTALJ. 2" ABOVE GRADE IN GROUNDCCVER FINISli GRADI: PAVING OR STRUCTURE QUICK COUPLER WITH RUBBER PUPPLE CAP 5" DEPTH PEA GRAVEL INSTALL BOX LEVEL WITH 2 STANDARD BRICKS RED BRASS COUPLING RED BRASS RISER 1/2 CU. FT. MIN. CCNC. THRUST BLOCK PVC ELL OR TEE (CONNECTION TO MAINLINE) (2) RED BRASS STREET ELLS RED BRASS NIPPLES (2) RED BRASS ELL PAINT "0" ON COVER CD ® QUICK COUPLER NOTTO SCALE © 12' MIN. .---.11 NOTE: 5 G) SHRUB OR BUBBLER HEAD © 1/2" SCH BO PVC RISER © FINISH GRADE © B" FROM STRUCTURES © EDGE OF WALL, FENCE OR OTHER CONSTRUCTION © 1/2" X 1/2" FIPT X FIPT SCH 40 PVC ELL 0 112" MARLEX STREET EU. (MIPT X FIPT) © 112" SCH. 80 PVC THRl;ADED 6" RISER ® 1 /2' MARLEX STREET ELL (MIPT X FIP1) @) PVC LATERAL LINE @ SCH. 40 PVC S X $ X FIPT TEE OR ELL @ 12" FOR SHRUB SPRAYS 6" FOR SHRUB BUB6LERS @ RECYCLED WATER WARNING TAG (ADHESIVE-BACKED), ATTACH TO RISER 1. Contractor shall install additional anti-drain valves, as required, to prevent low head drainage. 2. Use pop-ups on all heads within 1 O' of walks, lawn, or curbs. 3. Stake with galvanized steel pipe or rabar. SPRAY HEAD ON RISER NOTTO SCALE ,--------,.....;..:: 1--------' ~--i~-------L-------~---' G) LOWVOLTAGEWIRE,3MAX. @ OUTER CASE OF CONNECTOR @ INNER CASE OF CONNECTOR G) STRIP & TWIST WIRES FOR PROPER CONNETION G) COPPER SLEEVE CRIMP INSTALLED W/ RECOMMENDED TOOL NOTE: Fill inner case with water proof sealer prior to final assembly. All wire routed betweeh controller and remote control valve shall be a continuous run with no wire splices. Wirij spiices shall only occur at the remote control valve and controller pigtail ( if l'equirad) WIRE CONNECTOR NOTTO SCALE 0 PRIMARY MAIN LINE. SEE 0 BALL VALVE. SEE DETAIL. PLAN FOR SIZE. ® SUB-MAIN (PURPLE COLOR)· © CONTROL VALVE. SEE DETAIL. SIZE VARIES. ri:\ see SCHEDULE BELOW ~ QUICK COUPLER. SEE DETAIL. MAINLINE SCHEDULE: 1-10 GPM 1" SCH. 40 11-18 GPM 1-1/4" SCH. 40 19-25GPM 1·1/2"SCH.40 26-39 GPM 2" CL. 315 40-58 GPM 2-1/2" CL. 315 @TEE on ELL WITH REDUCER BUSHING 0 LATERAL LINE (CL. 200); PURPLE COLOR. SEE PLAN FOR SIZE. VALVE MANIFOLD INSTALLATION (TYPICAL) NOTTO SCALE TESHIMA DESIGN GROUP LANDSCAPE ARcmTBCl'URE LAND PLANNING 9903 BU~ARK AVE. SUlTB C SAN DJF.00, CA 92131 Ph: (858) 693-8824 Da\e: 11/21/06 Fax: (858) 693-1182 Project No. TOO 06-23.010 (j ~11DSCAP , TES ::; -~ :fl ate 02-2: C,, Cl,I.I DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK Q) 8 ....--------.~ 0 2 0 CONTROLLER, EXTERIOR WALL MOUNT FASTEN TO WALL PER MANUFACTURERS RECOMMENDATIONS. SEE LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATIONS @ 120 VOLT POWEA SUPPLY IN J-BOX, BY OTHERS @ ELECTRICAL CONDUIT (1 ") 0 LOW VOLTAGE WIRE IN GREY PVC CONDUIT (2" DIA.) WIRE TO BE SLEEVED IN CONDUIT TO 18" BE:LOW GRADE @sweep ELL @ LOW VOLTAGE WIRE TO REMOTE CONTROL VALVES (j) FINISHED GRADE @ RECYCLEDWATERWARNINGTAG G) BRACKETS FOR FASTENING TO WALL @) THREADED CONNECTION NOTES: ON INTERIOR INSTALLATION ALL WALL PENETRATIONS SHALL BE CLEAN AND SHALL BE RESEALED WATER TIGHT. WALL MOUNT CONTROLLER SCAUE: N.T.S. G) FINISHED GRADE @ PLASTIC VALVE BOX WITH PURPLE BOLT DOWN COVER. USE STAINLESS STEEL BOLT NUT AND WASHER HEAT BRAND 'GV' ONTO LID. @MAINLINE 0 BRICK SUPPORTS @:)1/2 C.F. 3/4' CRUSHED GRAVEL @ WILKJNS PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE 0 LANDSCAPE FABRIC MODEL 510HRYB PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE NOTTO SCALE ~l'lt)S1:i.P;; "AS-BUILT " ~,,i. APPROVED FOR PLANTING :,, r}_. ~ AND IRRIGATION ONLY. ~ . ;~J~Lr INCLUDING PRECISE P.E. EXP, DATE fl RanD,r, ~ it LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY: "'❖ .c' u:J4 '&,~ AREAS. r'° OF ciu\1:1 INSPECTOR DATE I SH7ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT 9 IRRIGATION DETAIL PLAN BRESSI RANCH OFFICE BUILDING LOT 19-22 I AP1efJ Cr·~~* I lo·l\-o1 PLANNING DATE DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: PIP06-10 448-8L @ 4 5 8 <C= <C= .,..______,3 n,,-dl---l LE6E;ND CD eu~Ace @ MOUNTING 6RACl<ET @ RAIN &ENSOR UJIRED NOF<MALL Y CLOSl=D G) MOUNTING$ SCREUJ (1 OF 2) @ UJIRE TO IRRIGATION CONTROLLER @ UJIRE TO REMOTE CONTROL VAL VE NOTE, • MOUNT IN AN AF:!EA TI-IAT UJILL 6E EXPOSED TO UNO6STRLICTED RAINFALL, 6UT NOT IN THE FATI-I OF SPRINKLER oF'RAY. NOTE: -----------Contractor shall install additional anti-drain valves, as required, to prevent low head drainage ~.J.,_ ___ _ Use bottom inlet only I 12"MIN. ____ _,6 r-----~~1 -4-r-,r--;;:;?~6=-.--------iB G) INSTALL ROTOR AT ANGLE FOR MAX. THROW IF IRRIGATING SLOPES @ FINISH GRADE OF SOIL OR MULCH WHERE OCCURS @ PAVING OR STRUCTURE @ ROTORS: 12" FROM WALKS AND CURBS, AND STRUCTURES @ POP·UP SPRINKLER WITH PURPLE CAP AND BUILT-IN CHECK VALVE @ 1/2" MARLEX STREET ELL• (MIPT X FIPT)(2) (i) 1/2" SCH. 80 PVC THREADED fi' NIPPLE* @ 1/2" MARLEX STREET ELL (MIPTx FIPl)* @ PVC LATERAL LINE @ SCH. 40 PVC S XS X FIPT TEE OR ELL RAIN SENSOR MOUNTING DETAIL NOTTO SCALE ® POP-UP ROTOR 3 3 MCTER AN VALi/! BY DISTRICT , HA O OR TY/>£ L HAR COPPER COP O 8 A S 90 Et.BO SOI.OE JOINTS 0 COl'PE BRASS NIPP BRASS UNION. APPR ACKFLOW FR£ NTER A stMBL 'f CONCRETE TH 12' MIN. 36" MAX. 36' AK. 7 --@ . . . . . . .. 3 C ~ ;;.. ' ,_ i. ~ . • e1ze, 1e· >< 1a• ,1?;€,~ A89' PLA9'TIC, ericK-ON VINYL OR .!Zl32' ALUMINUM .... "'---~-18"-----if'lr 1 N.T.S. 1 IN OROl;R TO ¢o'1-i$ERVE WATER ... RE~CLED W TER I USE • Cl? ,<,. ~ NO TOME ~i DO NOT DRINK ~· El AGUA "" ~~ WASH HANDS AFTER CONTACTING ~ ,,_ LAVESE SUS MA 'O~ i)ESPUES DE USAR I~ o 3" DIA. METAL POST o 0 lo ~ 0 a lo ,-FIN. GRD. l I 11111 ~------~ ~ ... ~. .. ' , 1·,_ I 111 -------·--•• .. " ••' I .-.•.. ·. --~. ' . .• -•' Tfl7 ... • ' .t: .· . -· · .. · . . . • f-" • . • ,., • ' CONC. FOOTING 4 2 3 REV. APPR0\1£0 DATE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ~L., rf.?,_..:_ 6_04 I I I 11 1111 "----- 10• . z I NCH AND UNDER QTY OOHEER DA TE I' BACKFLOW INSTALLATION STANDARD OMl. HO. W20 INSTALLATION OF BACKFLOW N.T.S. ~i--R_E_C_LA_._l~-~-D_W __ A_·r_E_R _S_IG_N_W_/_P_O_ST_ ~ N.T.S. ® ROTOR ON RISER TE.SHIMA DESIGN GROUP LANDSCAPE ARCHlTECI'URB IAND K.ANNINO 9903 13USINESSPARK AVE. SUITE C SAN DWOO. CA 92131. Ph: (858) 693-8824 Date: 11/21/06 Fux: (858) 693-1182 Project ~o. TDC 06-23.010 3 G) ROOT BALL @ 2" MULCH LAYER @ 4" DRAIN GRATE, NOS II (PURPLE, HAND TIGHT Fil) © BUBBLER HEAD ASSEMBLY. SEE NOTE BELOW. @ 4" SOIL BERM 4 1 I @ FINISH GRADE (j) VALCON ADV CHECK VALVE @ 4"~ PERFORATED PIPE WI FILTER FABRIC WRAP @ SCH. BO RISER @ P.V.C. LATERAL @ P.V.C. LATERAL OR SXT 90 ELL (W PEAGRAVEL @ PLANTING BACKFILL NOTE: ~?' ~/ ,._ ________ __, ~,.~~ ~~ 1-----------1 /l'/1' ,.,. ,.,.,.,. // ///;' // 1------------f/1'/;" // //// I'/ ,._ ________ __,.,,. /, ,. / /l'r/ /'/ 1-----------~ DEPTH ROOTBALl ,, ·OF ·, 1-------'-'--C--~-✓/, •• ,'/ 1----------~~ROOT ~,. 'BALL" !-----------~~~?· ~~ 1------------I,~~~~ ~~ ,,,.,.,. ;'/;' ,__ ________ __,.~~~~ ~~ 8 1-----------~~~~ ~/ /I'// ,,.,,, INSTALL TWO (2) BUBBLER HEAD ASSEMBLIES PER TREE TRUNK INSTALL ONE IN 4" PREF. PIPE AS NOTED ABOVE AND ONE WITH 6" POP•UP BODY (SEE POP-UP SPRAY HEAD DETAIL). @rREE BUBBLER INSTALLATION (ArsoxEDTREELocAr1ONs) NOTTO SCALE NOTTO SCALE G) GEAR DRIVEN SHRUB ROTOR: NOZZLE SHOULD BE 12" ABOVE GRADE AT COMPLETION OF INSTALLATION @ 1/2"0 GALVANIZED STEEL PIPE OR #4 REBAR 30" LONG @ FINISHED GRADE @ CHECK VALVE (INSTALL AS REQUIRED TO PREVENT ALL LOW HEAD DRAINAGE) @ 18" PVC SCH. 80 RISER @ (2) CLAMPS WITH PLASTIC "ZIP TIES" OR STAINLESS STEEL HOSE CLAMPS (j) SUPPLY LINE TEE OR ELL @ SWING JOINT (2 MARLEX S x TELLS) @ RECYCLED WATER WARNING TAG (ADHESIVE-BACKED), ATTACH TO RISER NOTE: 1. A SWING PIPE ASSEMBLY MAY BE USED WITH FLOWS LESS THAN 4 GPM. NOTTO SCALE G) INSTALL SPRINKLER ANGLE FOR MAX. THROW IF IRRIGATING SLOPES @ FINISH GRADE OF SOIL OR MULCH WHERE OCCURS @PAVING OR STRUC11JRE @ SPRAY HEADS: 4" FROM WALKS AND CURBS 8" FROM STRUCTURES @ POP-UP SPRINKLER WITH BUILT-IN CHECK VALVE ------ 12" MIN. @ 1/2" MARLEX STREET ELL (MIPT X FIP1)(2) (j) 1/2" SCH. 80 PVC THREADED 6" NIPPLE @ 1/2" MARLEX STREET ELL (MIPT x FIPl) @ PVC LATERAL LINE @ SCH. 40 PVC S XS X FIPT TEE OR ELL NOTE: 1. Contractor shall install additional anti-drain valves, as required, to prevent low head drainage 2. Use bottom inlet only 3. Use pop-ups on all heads within 3' of walks, lawn, or curbs. PQP .. UP SPRAY HEAD ® NOTTO SCALE ,'!b"'-fii'! •· , Cl-.. tiJ;CAP~s . ,~t.:~iEsl{,,~~'l,~PPROVED FOR PLANTING g · "-~ fjj. D IRRIGATION ONLY. ,! ,g a ,. cl CLUDING PRECISE • Reno~• ~~A,,. l.OCATION OF PLANTING ~,t;,,, !~ "AREAS. "AS-BUILT " P.E,---EXP,, ___ _ DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE I SH8EE;T I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ 1----1----1-------------~I----J--.....;.. __ J-----J PLANNING DEPARTMENT t---+---1---------------il-----l---+--l-----J IRRIGATION DETAIL PLAN BRESSI RANCH OFFICE BUILDING LOT 19-22 l---+--+------------1---l--~--'-----l I AP. P&~":° f -.LL I ,,.,...i.i!Jic::.-~~:::\....:<:r~-..... t:,J,{""""", dd..1-T___ te ·)I·"' 1 PLANNING DATE . DAT£ INITIAL DAT£ INITIAL ENGINEsR OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHsR APPROVAL DATE INITI/\L Cl,-,. APPROVAL DWN BY: I CHKD BY: __ RVWD BY: . PROJECT NO. PIP06-10 I DRAWING NO. . 448-8L \ \ \ \ 7 _I BUILDING I r - I I I I I I I I 4 I I _____________________________ J I I I I I I I I I L _________ _ I 9 f I ~ LOT 22 t --i---waterline --------------■~--., 12&----. I ~I 1~1l1½f7 333777777 3 ' I I ~ BUILDING 5 --easement --- -+ -~--tl:~~- ~l-;~ ... 1 I • V) LL I i 1 I' V) I>----~ ' LL I I Q I--:--~- I I R ~~==- , I I --£--:711''+--:'="-'-"'"-'' Bench Trash1 Bins typ. L_ ---l'l:l,,..-1~---+-· ii I BUILDING 2 0 5r; Tables & benches 42" catena metal tabletop ' <D ~+--+ ji t Ii i I I"' '-.i-"-----+- 1, 1 V) 1! L I 11 I;, ' (:~:~>--+--+~:11 c2 '· 111 ATCHLINE-SHEET 11 TREE PLANTING NOTES: Plant trees minimum 2' from curbs. Plant trees minimum 5' from paving. Plant trees minimum 7' from sewer lines. Maintain all end parking row shrubs as hedge@ 48' O.C. and as 36" high. Trees shall not be planted in conflict with public utilities. All trees within 5' of any hardscape shall have root barriers. See detail S sheet 11 . Where on slopes, the rear of the planting pits shall be graded to a maximum of 1 :1 slope. Erosion control fabric shall be installed on this slope to control erosion while plants establish. 101--~ /// If /1? ••••••·•••n••••• LANDSCAPE MAINTAINCE: • All landscape areas and common areas to be maintained by Owner's Association. SEE SHEET 10 FOR SCHEDULE, TREE, GROUNDCOVER, TURF, COBBLE LIST SEE SHEET 11 FOR SHRUB AND LIST SEE SHEET 12 FOR PLANTING DETAILS AND NOTES SEE SHEET 17 TO 19 FOR SPECIFICATIONS SEE SHEET 19 FOR HYDROSEED NOTES SEE SHEET 11 FOR SITE FURNISHINGS 0 5' :20' 40' TESHIMA DESIGN GROUP I..ANilSCAPB ARCHn'ECI1.lRE LAND PUNNING ·9903 BUSINP&9ARIC AVE. SUrIE C SAN DIP.GO, CA 92131 KEY MAP NOT TO SCALE Ne,,-~~ SC-AL.e:: I "=::20'-0" Ph: (858) 693-8824 Date: 11/21 /06 111!11-"'/14/07 Fax: (858) 693-1182 Project No. TOO 06-23.010 Retaining wall max. Ht.= 5'-6' split face RCP "Olay Ranch Brown" CMU, no cap. See engineer's detail, sheet 6 of 9 Engineer Grading Plan, typ. section AA-EE. r---~ 7 7 6 Main! in all nd p rking row .......,i-"7'~'4 shrubs as hedge @ 48" O.C. and as 36" high. _J BUILDING 9 -----::."1A"-<.:---,--Hydrant per civil 1 s;-,---sJ -s; -SJ -SJ --s; -SJ --so --s; -SJ I 1 14 I ' ------- 4 ).,, J7'77';znrn] 11 Ir t ~ L J BUILDING 10 Retaining wall max. Ht.= 5'-6' split face RCP "Otay ----, Ranch Brown" CMU, no cap. See engineer's detail, shee 6 of 9 Engineer Grading Plan , typ. section AA-EE. 7 ........................ £&dl ......... -..... 1~, 'I I I I I' i: I 'I, ' I 1' I --1 ,1 -~ ~""71~· I, \ '-~ ' . I • MATCH LINE-SHEET 10 Remove (2) trees 6 >---~ from within site line C) C) -+- I'-.. Ct: ~ CJ...: lf" , " ·'.X:l ><:: '--l_; C) C) -+--c..o C) C) -,-. ;,>,'fl)_'i!ICA "AS-BUILT " ~~ . f,, 'fESlti, APPROVED FOR PLANTING l~ CflJ.ifi~ AND IRRIGATION ONLY. INCLUDING PRECISE P.E. EXP. . """ . -L-Cl LOCATION OF PLANT ING ~ -''o REVIEWED BY: AREAS. -~Of, .... INSPECTOR C! I__, 1-- SC -~ - ~ - ~ 'S -- " (. L Q " [) > L DATE DATE I SHgET I CITY OF CARI.SBAD ~ PLANNING DEPARTMENT 9 BRESSI RANCH OFFICE BUILDING LOT 19-22 I AP[~l~ g:-~,,o7T I l.@·ll•o1 PLANNING DATE OWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITW. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAl CHKD BY: ENGINEER OF·WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAi.. CITY APPROVAL RWID BY: PIP06-10 448-BL ,.. ,.. ■ ■ ■ • -- I ' ' ' ' • I _j MATCHLINE-SHEET 9 ■■■■■■■■■cp ■,r,..~■■■■ 'l■■■■■■■■I ■■ . _1 Jt00 v~I-j --.,+-+-_ • 1~+00 7i6rr::=l=c::::.. \ Retaining wall ax. H . = 5'-6\ spli face RCP "Otay '-'- Ranch Brown" CMU, o cap. See ngineer's detail, shee ~ 2 , Engil')eer Gradihg Pia , typ. s~io AA-EE. . . . . .. _..-1_;_---- -I ---- • ' 1'-. :--+ r ' ..-' ·s_ 1 ' __,~"-..__ 20' Utlli~ easeme \ ~I I I 1:1 ~I i i -~ I "' I sewer lateral \ 1 water·--=mc=:e-~"-b~~--,\ L --~=~-~~~ --~ __,r_ \ sewer line L_ ___ _ --~ I - =1 .I ---· LDING TORY ,--, -C " I 5 §1 = J ,--- 7 7 7 7 7 I LJ --r1 ~, Hydrant r civil _J BUILDI 12 2 STOR'f; \ \ water lateral 7 - I 0 - i -I \ \ \ I; 3 , I ! I I Ci Lw I ~ ~-I\, -1\ f (.) I I I lu I \ \ Q: I \ ~ I C() I I \ ' [\ I\ I I I I ,) \ I &5a Cl a --+-i-+-)--+---J--l-t--+-1 ! C.O IY") I IY") Q: Q: I I. ~ ~ CLfo ghtline I V") -I -C() C() ><:; ><:; I ~ '--'-.. §] I )r ~ Cl Cl ~ \ I I I ~ \ ' I ,, • ,I I ' I L I i / triamam , / _s,_f-;: =71 ~=~~±~===i= QJ .' ' I ' existing tree / / Jo+po acce11 ss (per cj ii) -.,,~-@] / / . , 1 7 1 --1-/-;o I ' 1 ; I I ( J I ' 1-/ / I 29 +oo m -,--~ Bus stop I \ \ ■ I --' TREE PLANTING NOTES: \ \ I I ' \ I I \Existing r;ee to be r~located for bus I stop verili$ in field ~r contractor \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ·, \ \ ' . \ I \ \ ' \ I \ \ \ I I ,_,; I SCHEDULE TREES PLANT LIST Right-of-way/property-line CODE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME CITY SIZE NOTES E1 0 Schinus molle 0 Koelreuteria bipinnata ~ • y .,. '> 1.,. 0 Trlstania con1erta ~ .. -- 0 Podocarpus gracilior ~ Tipuana tipu GJ Cupaniopsis anacardioides ~ Pyrus calleryana 'Aristocrat -Existing trees ( x\ -Podocarpus g racilior ,/ -Tipuana tipu (·) Tree to be removed GROUND COVER CODE BOTANICAL NAME TURF CODE V '1 V v • vvvv vvvv,r vvvv . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COBBLE Gazania 'Mitsuwa Series Yellow' Myoporum pacificum Mulch (TYP.) Lantana 'Spreading sunshine' NAME Grasscrete Enviro-Swale mix Agrono-Tec, Seed Co . 21420 Bundy Canyon Rd . Wildomar, CA 92595 Ex. Myoporum parvifolium Ex, turf California Pepper Chinese Flame Tree Brisbane Box Fern Pine Tipu Tree Carrot Wood Tree Ornamental Pear COMMON NAME Ivy Geranium Gazania Myoporum Yellow Lantana TYPE GC3 (A 142 mesh) SOD TYPE: Eden -Tall Fescue by Agrono-Tec. Contact -Don Allison Bio-swale Contact: Don Allison Tel; (951)-674-0428 Fax: (951)-674-6978 37 24" Box Standard . Double stake per detail S. See Detail T and U. 25 24" Box Standard. Double stake per detail S. See Detail T and U. 11 24" Box Standard . Double stake per detail S. See Detail T and U. Main leader must be intact. 13 24" Box Double stake per detail S. See Detai l T and U. 79 24" Box Standard. Double stake per detail S. See Detail T and U. 35 24' Box Standard. Double stake per detail S. See Detail T and u. 10 24" Box Standard. Double stake per detail S. See Detail T and U. Existing trees to remain protected in place. 12" Box TY SIZE NOTES 4" Pots 12" O.C. See Detail Y. Flats 12" o.c. See Detail Y. Flats 12" O.C. See Detail Y. 1 Gallon 12" O.C. See Detail Y. SIZE NOTES 75mm See Detail z. Seeded@ 12 lbs per 1,000 SF. Mix#1 85% Festuca Rubra (Molate fescue) 10% Festuca ldahoensis (Idaho fescue) 5% Poa Scabrilla (Pine fescue) Existing to remain in place. Any ex. Myoporum damaged during construction shall be replaced. Existing to remain in place. Any ex. turf damaged during construction shall be re laced. Existing trees and turf to be protected in [fil place and maintained by association. Any existing landscape damaged during construction shall be replaced. rn Existing sidewalk to remain protected in place I] Sight-line []] 35' landscape easement ~ Stamped decorative concrete at vehicular entries. See Sheet 15 detail A4. 0 4"-8' Rock Cobble in all diamond planters. Install permeable weed barrier (TYP.) m Light fixture per architect DWG. 0 Trash enclosures. See Site furnishings Im Employee break area. W/ Cantena bench, trash receptacle and tables ( 4-seats) E] Benches and tables. See Site Furnishings § Bicycle parking §) Grasscrete block pathway for 13' SDGE utility truck easement (must be clear). See detail Z. 1B Top of slope 2:1 fil] Bottom of slope 2:1 ~ 13' SDGE utility truck easement (must be clear). Ezl 25' triangular zone for sight clearance ~ Pedestrian path of travel. See Sheet 15 detail A4 . !ill 6' concrete mow curb. See detail W. ~ Brow ditch per civil DWG. e11 Overhead. See sheet 15 and 16 for detail. -- I CODE NAME TYPE SIZE NOTES Cobble stone by RCP Tan Cobble 4"-8" 7oo N. Twin Oaks Valley Rd}, ........... ....._ _____________ _._ _________ __.. __ __, San Marcos, CA 92069 f sales@krcrock.com ~DJ.llU......LLJ::U::C,:1ll1UlIL:ti.. f-±i f ' I I r-rr:::aLJJ:n:m:: • P: 760.744.1036 xl GAIEWAY R<WII F: 760. 744.8952 KEY MAP '-""'"W".PPROVED FOR PLANTING ND IRRIGATION ON LY. CLUDING PRECISE OCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. 1 NOT TO SCALE "AS -BUILT " P.E. __ _ EXP. ___ _ REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR I - :,.. I ~ § i DATE DATE t----+---+--------------l--t---t----t----1 ~ 11 Cfr!LA2EG £MMrBAD 11 S1E9S I BRESSI RANCH OFFICE BUILDING LOT 19-22 Plant trees minimum 2' from curbs. Plant trees minimum 5' from paving. Plant trees minimum 7' from sewer lines. w TESIIlMA DESIGN GROUP I APfWl,~ ( q:-t:fJ, ~ft ~-II -~J Trees shall not be planted in conflict with public utilities. All trees within 5' of any hardscape shall have root barriers. See detail S sheet 11 . LANDSCAPE MAINTAINCE: * All landscape areas and common areas to be maintained by Owner's Association. North 0 5' 20' -IO' SCALE, 1"=:20'-0" IANDSCAPE ARCHffllCIURB lAND PIANNING 9IJCll BUSINESSPARK AVE. SUfrB C SAN DIBOO, CA 9ll Ph: (858) 693-8824 Date: ll/21,Q(\ R&'. 10/01/~ Fax: (858) 693-1182 Project No. TDG 06-23.0 to t====jt===:::===============================t====:====:====~===~ ;;· P;:::LA;=:NN:;;l;:;:NG==' =::::;--;::=:=======::;-;:::::==DA=T=E~ OWN BY: ---PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. ~g ~:--PIP06-10 448-8L O.,,TE INITW.. ENGINEER Of WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION O.,,TE INITW.. D,>,TE INITW.. OTHER APPROVAi. CIT'/ lof'PR<NAl .. • MATCHLINE-SHEET 9 SCHEDULE 1••···~·~··· .............. . 88 10+00 . , ;ri.1 I-, --1---oo·••_••···~r···~ SHRUBS CODE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME QTY SIZE NOTES IT] Right-of-way/property-line I [_ \ BUILDING 3 r- ~ 2 STORY ·7 ! ,- ' - L > ' I 7 7 7 7 'I I L -7 . _.J BUILDING 4 2 STORY ,- ' ' \ I ' I I I I I \I I I I I ' I I I I aiemen/ end~ I \ I /El here ------··--------- --• I I ' I I I I • I I Q) se~rline 4 4 ~. __ _,__ __ _.. • ,I ul :1 I .....-11"--.~-+-+ jl'c ,1 ~ ·1 a, :~--+-...J....+ '" ..., I"' (/) ·1 Q) 11 11---,-~-t,.1: '1 II Ji JI 11 ..., -!, (/) ,_ 1c Q) IE I~ 1"' ..., ,Q) i~ -II 11 I I 1: ♦ u r I -,, .I V1 ' f :~ I ~ I FS ■ <l> C: -= <l> " 3: ' I I • r ., ==4 ire servic ' L I I 20' Utility--<... easement ~ r: 1 O' Utility ea ement 7 [!] • 4 •• 'X ',' 2" I,) , Tf:""P ! \ _ v(,L\ . L I I --------------------- TREE PLANTING NOTES: Plant trees minimum 2' from curbs. Plant trees minimum 5' from paving. Plant trees minimum 7' from sewer lines. Trees shall not be planted in conflict with public utilities. All trees within 5' of any hardscape shall have root barriers. See detail S sheet 11. LANDSCAPE MAINTAINCE: • All landscape areas and common areas to be maintained by Owner's Association. u 0 !I' ::ZO' 40' SC.Al.!: I "=.:2O'-O" I c=-- BUILDING 7 1 2 STORY L ~ sewer lateral r-7 L J BUILDING 8 2 STORY r- - 48" tall screening • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • Hedge ..-1t,-....~-+ • 11 ' waterline - I ant per CIV I --ill. ---:c-,.._~~'-= I I '12] 6 • " • • • • • • • • • • --0 . .,... ..... ·-w •w • :::c "' I w z -..J :::c 0 ~ :!E ·o >-=' ~:-■ • • • Iii • • • • e Agapanthus 'Queen Anne' Lily-of-the•Nile 237 5 Gallon 6) Hemerocallis species Daylily 316 5 Gallon (I) Phromium tenax 'Bronze Baby' New Zealand Flax 140 5 Gallon (?) Lavandula Dentana French Lavender 58 5 Gallon ® Nandina Domestica Heavenly bamboo 135 5 Gallon ® Ligustrum japonicum 'Texanum' Texas Privet 339 5 Gallon ® Abelia grandiflora Glossy Abelia 211 5 Gallon @ Viburnum davidii Viburnum 23 5 Gallon Q) Viburnum suspendum Sandankwa Viburnum 44 5 Gallon ® Photinia x fraseri Fraser's Red Tip Photinia 159 5 Gallon 0 Calliandra inaequilatera Pink Powder Puff 76 5 Gallon @ Rhamnus californica 'Eve Case' Coffeeberry 74 5 Gallon @ Ceanothus 'Concha' Wild Lilac 46 5 Gallon @ Cotoneaster horizontalis Rock Cotoneaster 107 5 Gallon @ Limonium perezii Sea Lavender 153 5 Gallon @ Salvia leucantha Mexican Sage 116 5 Gallon VINE CODE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME DTY SIZE 0 • Ficus repens Creeping Fig 58 5 Gallon e Distictis laxflora Vanilla Trumpet Vine 20 5 Gallon SEE SHEET 10 FOR TREE, GROUNDCOVER, TURF, AND COBBLE LIST SEE SHEET 12 FOR PLANTING DETAILS AND NOTES SEE SHEET 17 TO 19 FOR SPECIFICATIONS SEE SHEET 19 FOR HYDROSEED NOTES 7 MCj , I .I --------SLATER PL \ KEY MAP 1 NOT TO SCALE See Detail T. See Detail T. 80%yellow 20%oranae IT! See Detail T. I] See Detail T. I] See Detail T. ~ Plant 36" O.C. Maintain as m hedge 48' High along building walls. See Detail T. 0 Plant 36" u.C. Maintain as hedge 48' High along building walls. See Detail T. 0 See Detail T. m Plant 36" O.C. Maintain as hedge 48' High along building §I walls. See Detail T. Plant 48" O.C. Maintain as hedge 6] 60" High hedge. See Detail T. ~ See Detail T. @J See Detail T. ri3 See Detail T. 6] See Detail T . ~ See Detail T . @I See Detail T . ~ NOTES ~ See Detail V. ~ See Detail V. ~ Existing trees and turf to be protected in place and maintained by association. Any existing landscape damaged during construction shall be replaced. Existing sidewalk to remain protected in place Sight-line 35' landscape easement Stamped decorative concrete at vehicular entries, See Sheet 15 detail A4. 4"-8" Rock Cobble in all diamond planters. Install permeable weed barrier (TYP.) Light fixture per architect DWG . Trash enclosures. See Site furnishings below. Employee break area. W/ Cantena bench, trash receptacle and tables ( 4-seats) Benches and tables. See Site Furnishings below. Bicycle parking Grasscrete block pathway for 13' SDGE utility truck easement (must be clear). See detail Z. Top of slope 2:1 Bottom of slope 2:1 13' SDGE utility truck easement (must be clear). 25' triangular zone for sight clearance Pedestrian path of travel. See Sheet 15 detail A4. 6' concrete mow curb. See detail W. Brow ditch per civil DWG. Overhead. See sheet 15 and 16 for detail. SITE FURNISHINGS TABLES and CHAIRS Mingle 4-seats table 42" dia. Catina metal tabletop no umbrella hole 4-backless, with perforated metal seats =ffil BENCHES Mix 2s-seat bench (512 series) 18"x 18"x47' APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY . INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. backless bench with two perforated metal seat panels per bench no arms surface-mount color: bronze TRASH BINS Pitch top-opening litter receptacle 25' sq. at top /18" sq. footprint 33" tall rigid polyethylene liner rationally molded polyethylene top holes in base for surface-mount polyethelene color (lid): otter color: bronze Product information on www.landscapeforms.com "AS-BUILT " P.E, __ _ EXP. ___ _ REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR BRESSI RANCH OFFICE BUILDING LOT 19-22 DATE DATE TESIDMA DESIGN GROUP lANDSCAPB ARCHITECTURB LAND PlANNJNO 9903 BUSIN&VARK AVE. SUITB C MN DIF.00, CA 92l3l t----+--+------------1---1--i----i-....J I AP_ftu;R~=':l=~......,..,<'.::r ..... -..,,,.~=• .... ;dr-----(D ·IJ-c,1 t-----t---t---------------~---l---1------l-----l ~-P;;;LA::;:N;:N:;IN::;:G::::==::;-;:::=======:::;-;:=:::D::A:::T:::E ~ DWN BY: __ _ Ph: (858) 693-8824 Date: l l/2lft)6 Fax: (858) 693-1182 Project No. TOO 06-23.0J0 DATE INITIAL ENGINEER Of WORK DA TE INITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL DATE INITIAL. CHKD BY: __ _ CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. PIP06-10 DRAWING NO. 448-BL ... ... © I • (212 11-l DIA X 10, PT. LONClo LODGaPOl.e FINI &~ Al<E&, &ET FERf'ENDICLILAA TO PREVAILING IIJIMD&. 2 • V.1.T. 'Cit-ICM TIE&', 01'I EQUAi.. 11'!&TAL1,. FEl't M,.IN.l'Ac11.IRE'6 BFeCll'ICATION&. J • SET C~ 2 IN. A19CVI! FINl&M QftAC>I!. 4 • cut TOI' SECTION Oil' OI' 6TAKII 6' 131!1.0W 'rF<ISI CANO!''\", & • FIN1&>4~ 6 • E!!Acl<l'ILLISEI EIFECJ PUDDLI ANO SETTLI. &ET TREE 2 IN. AeCvl l'li'L G1'1. 1 • 2 X FIOOTeAl-1. DIAMi.TE1'1. 11. J IN. W..TE"1Na. eA614, la>«:ePT IN LAU!s AREA&. l<EMO\I!! AFTE1'-MAINT. FE!<IOP. 9 • f'I.ANT T AeLEr&. IN&T ALL pEJ;l MANU'A<:TUF<ISl't'I &~IFtCATIONS. IOI> • PLACI &T.«56 OUT&IDI OI' FI001t!ALL 11. FIN.~ AT laXl&TINCil &LOFI I Al REGl'Pl 12. W~f#~~ ~l!c~~~TM ~ WJTI-I PIL TEI'! FASl'tlC IJ • .,_, Ql'IA\l!!I,. Pl'tAINAGI! !!\k1F WIT>l FILTER FAel'tlC EPGI! ru FEJ;1 It a.AU.ON Tl'i$1! /2/ FEl'I 24 eo>< TF>EI! ANO 1.ARGEl'I NOTE, TREE6 It GALLON &IZI 01'1 SMALLl.1'1. • PROYID! !>INGL! &TAKI!. Ti.EEi 211' EIOX &IZB 01'I I.AF1GE1'1. • f'l<OVID! DOUel.l &TAKI!. CUT &TAl<li 6' SEI.OW TREI CANOPY. 14 • 6'·# MAXIMIJ11 I& -te1 -~• MAXIHI.H 16 • TREii FIT-FILI. ANO &ETTI.I U)ITM WATEl'I A MIN. OI' 24 1"0Ul"6 Ff<J01'1 TO FLANTIN3. TREE DOUBLE STAKING AND DRAINAGE CD WALL , FENCE OR TRELLIS SURFACE. @ VINE ATTACHED TO SURFACE WITH CLEAR PLASTIC TIES. NOTTO SCALE @ NURSERY STAKE I ESPALLIER (TO BE REMOVED) © SET ROOT BALL TIGHT TO FOOTING. REMOVE ANY EXCESS CONCRETE IF Ni::CCESAAY. @ 4" HIGH WATERING BASIN. @ FINISH GRADE. (] PLANTING TABLET-SEE PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS. @ BACK FILL MIX· SEE PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS. @ UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL. @ PIT DIAMETER • 2 X DIAMETER OF ROOT BALL. (jJ) CROWN -1/2' ABOVE FINISH GRADE. @ MIN. 4" BELOW FINISH FLOOR OF BUILDING. Q) CONCRETE GRID @ GRASS VINE PLANTING @ COMPACTED SOIL BACKFILL FOR EDGE RESTRAINT @) 3" SAND (50-75m111) @ TOPSOIL 1/2" (13MM) BELOW TOP OF GRID @ EXISTING COMPACTED SOIL SUB-GRADE GRASSCRETE BLOCK SEE SHEET 9 AND 10 FOR PLANTING LIST SEE SHEET 13 AND 15 FOR SPECIFICATIONS SEE SHEET 15 FOR HYDROSEED NOTES NOTTO SCALE NOTTO SCALE ----.. WHERE ON SLOPES, THE REAR OF THE PLANTING PITS SHALL BE GRADED TO A MAXIMUM OF 1 :1 SLOPE. EROSION CONTROL FABRIC SHALL BE INSTALLED ON THIS SLOPE TO CONTROL EROSION WHILE PLANTS ESTABLISH. 2 M -;; ... d -•== .. .,,_,""'-...?.<:l'>"'"--• --l-1----i-l IN. At TU!sl' 12 IN. 2 IN. AT e~~e .,.-i;oI1,. J l:IACl<Fll,.I,. MIX ,- 1:110-l!!AJ'lf<IEft AVALIAl!LE AT e>UTLEl't'& MILL eANDIEOO,CA 161'11/ iie.,-6161 NOT!, :;ueMIT 5A'1FI..E! TO CIT'\" INSA:CTOFI F01' APF'l'<OVAL F'ftlOft TO IN&TALLATION. CD AOOTSALL @ CROWN -1/2'' ABOVE FINISH GRADE. @ FINISH GRADE. @ FINISHED GRADE AT SLOPE. @ 2X AOOTBALL DIAMETER. @ BACKFILL MIX (SEE SPEC$.), (!) PLANT TABLETS (SEE SPECS). @ 4" HIGH WATERING BASIN (IF REQ'D). @ UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL, I • Tli:Ei! Tl'<UNK , • 1310-aAl'tl'tlEft 24' TOTAL LENa.Tf.l • 12' iilTHEFI Pli'<IECTION ll • E!X,i! OF f.lAl'IOSCAF'E /CURI', PAVINa.. PAD, ETCJ TREE/SHRUB PLANTING NOTTO SCALE @ ROOT BARRIER (D # 3 BAA CONTINUOUS, CENTER IN SLAB (LAP 12" AT SPLICES). @ TURFSIOE. ® PLANTER BeD. @) 1 /2" RADIUS (TYP). @ 9S% COMPACTED SUBGRADE. (!) FINISH GRADE. 6 NOTE: PROVIDE EXPANSION JOINTS AT 30' O.C. AND WHERE HEADER ABUTS CONCRETE PATIO OR WALK. 4 CONCRETE MOW CURB 3 "' G)21NCHES @ PREPARED SOIL @ FINISH GRADE OR WALK @) EQUAL (X) • SEE PLANT LIST @ PLANT TABLET @ CONCRETE CURB OR HARDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT. AS INDICATED ON PLAN. 0 EQUAL 1 /2 (X) (J) GROUNDCOVER PLANTING NOTTO SCALE : I ' ' ' 'fESfllMA DESIGN GROUP lANDSC'APE ARCHl.TECTURE J.AND ff.ANNINO 9903 BUSINFSSPARK. AVE. SllITB C SAN DIBOO, CA 92131 Ph: (858) 693-8824 Date: 11/21/0G Fox: (858) 693-1182 Project No. TOG 06-23,010 1l s;g en Data _,.61'-"-"'->!?--I Ott 02-2 OF CAI-I CATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK NOTTO SCALE 7 NOTTO SCALE .'-"v,_1'10 SC M>t I'$-~~~ • Oat • ,~.- REVISION DESCRIPTION GENERAL PLANTING NOTES 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE A THOROUGH STANDARD SOIL TEST PERFORMED IN THREE DIFFERENT LOCATIONS ON THE SITE AND COMPLETED BY A LICENSED AGRONOMIC LABORATORY PAE-APPROVED BY THE CITY INSPECTOR PRIOR TO AND AFTER LEACHING OF SALTS AND PRIOR TO TO ANY PLANTING OF PLANT MATERIAL. THE SOILS TEST SHALL INCLUDE, BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO, THE TESTING OF SOIL SALT LEVELS, NUTRIENT LEVELS, AND SOIL PERCOLATION. SOIL TEST RESULTS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE CITY INSPECTOR PRIOR TO AMENDING THE SOIL. 2. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL REQUIRED PERMITS PRIOR TO COMMENCING LANDSCAPE INSTALLATION. 3. ALL LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION INSTALLATION SHALL CONFORM AND FULLY COMPLY WITH THE CITY OF CARLSBAD LANDSCAPE MANUAL, 4. ALL LANDSCAPING SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY. 5. THE OWNER IS REQUIRED TO PERMANENTLY AND FULLY MAINTAIN ALL LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. 6. ALL INSTALLED TREE$ WITHIN 5' OF HAADSCAPE SHALL HAVE ROOT BARRIER INSTALLED ADJACENT TO HAADSCAPE, NOT ENCIRCLING f!OOTBALL. 7. CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL 3" OF SHREDDED BARK MULCH IN ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS THAT ARE LESS THAN 3:1 SLOPE. SUBMIT SAMPLE TO CITY INSPECTOR FOR APPROVAL PRIOR TO BULK DELIVERY TO JOB SITE. 8. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE APPROVED AT THE PROJECT SITE BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO ANY PLANTING. ALL PLANT MATERIAL REJECTED BY THE OWNER OR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE PROJECT SITE AT NO ADDITIONAL COST AND REPLACED, 9. SUBMIT PHOTOGRAPHS OF TYPICAL TREE FOR EACH VARIETY AND SIZE, TO BE PROVIDED UNDER THIS CONTRACT FOR APPROVAL BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO DELIVEl'!YTO THE PROJECT SITE. 10. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO PLANTING. THIS MAY BE DONE EITHER AT THE SITE OR AT THE NURSERY. CONTRACTOR SHALL PAY FOR THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT'S TIME AND MILEAGE FOR ALL NURSERY VISITS. 11. ALL PLANT SIZES ARE MINIMUMS. SIZES ARE TYPICAL FOR EACH PLANT SPECIES. ALL PLANTS ARE TO BE FREE OF DISEASE AND SCARS, AND TO HAVE GOOD COLOR, FULL HEADS AND GOOD CALIPER (15 GALLON· 3/4" MINIMUM, 24' BOX· 1 1/4' MINIMUM, 36" BOX· 2" MINIMUM. 12. PRIOR TO PLANTING, IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE FULLY OPERATIONAL AND ALL PLANTING AREAS SHALL BE FULLY WATERED IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLANTING. 13. PRIOR TO PU>.NTING, ALL PLANTING AREAS SHALL BE FREE OF WEEDS, ROCKS AND DEBRIS. RAKE AND FINE GRADE ALL PLANTING AREAS PRIOR TO PLANTING. 14. UPON COMPLETION OF PLANTING OPERATIONS AND BEFORE ANY SITE OBSERVATIONS, REMOVE ALL EXTRANEOUS MATERIAL AND DEBRIS, ANO BROOM AND WASH THE AREA CLEAN. 1 S. LONG TERM MAINTENANCE OF THIS PAOJE;CT SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE OWNER. 16. ANY EXISTING LANDSCAPE THAT IS DAMAGED AS PART OF THIS PROJECT SHALL BE REPAIRED TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD'S LANDSCAPE MANUAL 17. TREES AND SHRUBS SHOULD BE TRIMMED OR PRUNED TO PREVENT BLOCKING OR INTERFERENCE WITH THE FOLLOWING: a. SIGHT DISTANCE VIEWS b. PEDESTRIAN OR VEHICLE ACCESS. ••• " APPROVED FOR PLANTING "AS-BUILT AND IRRIGATION ONLY. INCLUDING PRECISE P.E. EXP, DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY: AREAS. INSPECTOR DATE uTI Lir] CITY OF CARU:iBAD 9 2 PLANNING DEPARTMENT PLANTING DETAILS BRESSI RANCH OFFICE BUILDING LOT ~ 9-22 IAli:l~~ I Cr-hl\i.;,\\: 1~-11-~--r PLANNING DATE . DWN BY: PROJECT NO. INITIAL DATE DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: OTHER APPROVAL CIT( APPROVAL RI/WD BY: PIP06-10 448·8L / I I I i I! -11 l I I = A • I I • □ • , • • '. i -- ...., / ,. { C.J. C ' I C..l. ~/. L J I- 1,;,J. ,# )S "I kl. i- = "" C.J. ~ ' ~ C.J . ® @) I ~ c--- --I ~ ~ ~ ~ -I 'j I T --- C.J. -- -- ".J, - ' I • ~) C.J. I -\ I - µ I--~-- ~ ~ I '-- I ~ --i ~, I @ - CD------- e--/ I =1 I I I I I I I I /T ; I I I lg /tT I 1 I C) C) • I I I I I I C.J. C.J. ,C.J. "£.J. 1C.J.1 T IC,J, "-/ IC.J. Tc.J. I C.J.1 C.J. C.J. I E.J-...n: ., ~ 0 • I / LJ ffl • • I I I - F? + CD I I I I I I \ I \ I I I ' \ \ \ I \ I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I 0 BUILDING 2 I ---I -- )'-. ,-- ' I -- --- r.,J, ~ I rjJ l'uurm° .. IDWLITTic':51mrn:=mo:cu:rrit=~im=mrrnmTTCIIC"m'n''i'rucllrr==ii::;jiim:i:~~.llJlliil~~y GATEWAY ROAD! KEY MAP NOTTO SCALE " ' [ ] [ ] C.J. [] G) G) " ' • BUILDING 10 G) --- ' +· I LL I - - I I [0 @----1=-=11 ' 7 Jt:::~t±-c . ...,,J.1f--1 ---+ [P @----.\ lr"'--C.J'+-. i"-_J L_ C) C) I I , I (( . ~ '' ' ' " w ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MATCHLINE SHEET 15 HARDSCAPE JOINT LEGEND KEY C.J. CONTROL JOINT (SEE DETAIL A2). --E.J. EXPANSION JOINT (SEE DETAIL A3). NOTE: (INSIDE) G) CONCRETE: SALT FINISH '1======'o- /.rtt--@ (( .,. r..J . I I c.J. I i:.J. I C.J. C.J. ' [ii /c.J . .....,..c----.,--.--1 ~-------..--__.~ µ ll ~ 1/ .J. cJ.I ' ' ' C.J. 11 c.J. c.N 10.J. I I • + LG ., . ..... . . .. , .. / L I w 2' •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Bitil l•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••I••• n ' . ' A · ............. , MATCHLINE SHEET 14 ~t,OSCAPE' ~-~ ~ .i!l "" '0 . 'ii! C,j , -.. , . ~--I• 01~ .. '-··-' 'j ' ~~ • SEE SHEET 14 FOR CONCRETE PAVING DETAIL A1 AND CONTROL JOINT (C.J.) DETAIL. SEE SHEET 15 FOR EXPANSION JOINT DETAIL (E.J.) AND STAMPED CONCRETE DETAIL A4. SEE SHEET 16 FOR OVERHEAD DETAILS H1, H2, H3. "AS-BUILT " APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY . INCLUDING PRECISE P.E. EXP . DATE LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY: AREAS. INSPECTOR DATE ® SAW CUT@ 3' X 3' SQ. DIAGONAL PATTERN (EATING AREA) @ MEDIUM BROOM FINISH CONCRErE, COLOR NATURAL GRAY u!] 3 ULi CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT 9 u 0 9' .20' 401 Nor-th SC.AL.I:: I "=:2O'-O" TESHIMA DESIGN GROUP IANDSCAPB ARCmI'BCltlRE 1AND Pl.ANNINO 9903 BUSINFS9ARIC. AVB. SUrrB C MN DIBOO, CA 9'2l3l Ph: (858) 693-8824 Dote: l l/2 liU6 Frut: (858) 693-1182 Project No. TDG 06-23.010 DATE INfTW. ENGINEER Of WORK DATE INITW. DATE INfTW. REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAi. CllY />PPROVN. HARDSCAPE PLAN BRESSI RANCH OFFICE BUILDING LOT 19-22 I APH:~~1 C::r ~ ~~:tt I 1ei ·\l-0"1 DATE PLANNING DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: RVWD BY: PIP06-10 448-SL .. .. j Lt) .... I-w w ::c u, w z -..J ::c 0 ~ :E MATCHLINE SHEET 13 ••••••••••••••••••• ioo __ -=-+ ----1 • CD----.... ..................................... , ... - 1Jt00 , ---14t00 ' ----------ll-- I ■ ■ -• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ■ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ■ • • • • • • • • • • • • . ■ ■ ■ • II r (( 0 --..........._ • C.J. -=::::::: i:.J c .J c .J.I ~.J.Jc.J. I [] C.J. -f '5::J:' • • [] I 7 'C --+---CD-1~~-~ l~c~.J_Lr'~-" ·lF7 ---....... ..... --r c.__ @ C.J . I ,~, C.J . C.J . C.J . ' C.J. ' C.J. i (( [] ..,,J['\ C.J. -f,J, C.J., r'(· ,, ~If.,--, ii Ii.. ! ,, ll CD -~JiffiLIII C.J. - C.J 7 -7 -_J b., c___J n J T C.J . I I "" ........ , l ....----· \J '· ----4; ll>------l -0 C.J ---w ; .. ' CD --,._ -7 BUILDING 12 I _I (L II LOT20 • ------------- • ,;__ C,J _·~ -2 STORY I _ I r-.. C,'' I' ! :..... ' I I=: C.J._ - i'-' _I C.J . -7 C.J. -_J C.J. -7 C,J ,- 2 ~ ~ GATEWA¥RbAD ' ' ., , .. • ,, ' ' ' I --- - I r= I '- I '- ,- -,_ • • •• - \ \ \ \ 14t ~ \ \ ••1 9.16 3/4 " PERFORMED EXPANSION JOINT FILLER , --~ INSTALLED 1/2" BELOW SURFACE W/ ELASTOMERIC SEALER. TOOL EDGES WITH 1/8" RADIUS. EXPANSION JOINT AT ALL PLACES WHERE .,----------PAVING ABUTS WALLS OR PLANTER .,----------GRAYCONCRETESEE PLAN FOR FINISH . 2% CROSS SLOPE AWAY FROM BLDG . KEY SIZE : ~-#3 REBAR GRID @ 18" O.C. EACH WAY MID DEPTH IN SLAB . ~-GRAY CONCRETE SEE PLAN FOR FINISH . 4" OF FULL-DEPTH SHADED AREA 4" THICK FOR CONCRETE WALK (TYP.) "----PORTLAND CEMENT "TYPE V"@ 4,500 PSI IN 28 DAYS .....___ MIN . 90% COMPACTED SUBGRADE (OR PER SOILS ENGINEER). .,----113 OF SLAB THICKNESS IN WIDTH 115 OF SLAB THICKNESS IN DEPTH ~--#3 REBAR GRID@ 18" O.C. EACH WAY MID DEPTH IN SLAB. C: GRAY CONCRETE SEE PLAN FOR FINISH. f--..3..--3-'4•~-...,;-1-t...-·_,i-----t l 4" 4" OF FULL-DEPTH SHADED AREA @ CONTROL JOINT (C.J.) HARDSCAPE JOINT LEGEND KEY --C.J. CONTROL JOINT --E.J. EXPANSION JOINT (SEE DE TAIL A3.) 4" THICK FOR CONCRETE WALK (TYP.) '--PORTLAND CEMENT "TYPE V" @4,500 Pl 28 DAYS 6" AGGREGATE SUBBASE MIN. 90% COMPACTED SUBGRADE ' ' (OR PER SOILS ENGINEER) . N.T.S. ,>.'f+.OSCAPc ,f '-· 1es.i,, APPRO VED I rr:::u:rrn, IIIIIIJ'.Cilill. _.J:.:.t±tilFI I I ii i I Iii GATEW~Y ROO)I KEY MAP FOR PLAN TING .-' • AND IRRIGAT ION ONLY. I :: I'---..,,_ •• I I u n u L, LJ NOTTO SCALE "AS-BUILT " 29+00 f-- 30+00 3 7 +00 a NOTE: (INSIDE) •. INCLUDI NG 'I:, -LOCATION PRECISE P.E. EXP. DATE OF PLANT ING SEE SHEET 15 FOR EXPANSION JOINT DETAIL (E.J.) AND STAMPED CONCRETE DETAIL A4. SEE SHEET 16 FOR OVERHEAD DETAIL H3. ,-- u 0 !I' :ZO" 40' Nortli SC.AL.I:, l"=:20 1-0 11 ____ C) -+= CD CONCRETE: SALT FINISH TESHIMA DESIGN GROUP LANDSCAPE ARCETECTURE LAND PlANNING 9903 BUSIN!mPARK. AVE. SUII'E C ~ DIF.00. CA 92J3l Ph: (858) 693-8824 Date: 11/21/06 Fa,c: (858) 69 3·1182 Project No. TOO 06·23.010 ~ . • AREAS . - DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL ENGINEER Of WORK REVISION DESCRIPTIO N OTHER APPROVAL REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CTrJ CITY OF CARLSBAD UL] 4 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 9 HARDSCAPE PLAN BRESSI RANCH OFFICE BUILDING LOT 19-22 I AP~~j~ ( -t\ki:l!: PLANNING q ~ -\1-01 1 DATE OWN BY: PROJECT NO . DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: PIP06-10 448-SL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: MATCHLINE SHEET 15 \ 1rm••••••••••••••••n•••••••• ,,..,.,oo -~ ---1-----~ • I I ' I .. -- BUILDING 3 2 STORY ~-- - I ; I i . ii I i I 11 ',. ' .. _, ~ I ' ' ' I I I I n ~-.__ __ _.......,.,,."'-I',·'· ____ __. . J. C.J. I I I I I l I \ I . :=:_.t-~ --c--3· ---=--' . C.J. C.J . 1c.J . t 1 :,, ' J !1 .! I 11 I BUILDING 4 2 STORY limit of Work -------I:~ - ~) C.J. C.J. ~ 't ./ 1 ;; .. ,J + " -Existing -- • .. • (( [ tJ ® [ tJ • I • , , CD ""\/ /,,...---___ __,__ __ _ / C.J. C.J, - )if [ Limit Of,., ••Ork Property line ] . -. ( ---<IJ" CD--"'- ""' g -----ll" C.J. I ~ _J L---,-,~~--s---:-:1-,. . : /1 C.J.I ., C.J. C.J. ~ . BUILDING 7 1 _ 2 STORY L _ 1 CD -----llC.J, '-. ~ BUILDING 8 2 STORY Si e alk (TYP Potable ---Water Meter ----(TYP.)--/ GATEWAY ROAD -26+00 ----_ ExisJm;ij~ed --,-------------------1----:....=. __ ..!!w~ate':c!..r m$inline :::-,, C =~~i;~~~~~~e --"-"'--- SEE SHEET 14 FOR CONCRETE PAVING DETAIL A1 AND CONTROL JOINT (C.J.) DETAIL . SEE SHEET 16 FOR OVERHEAD DETAILS H1 AND H2. 28+00 • • • • • • • • ----l--!· • - I 3/4" PERFORMED EXPANSION JOINT FILLER, INSTALLED 1/2" BELOW SURFACE W/ ELASTOMERIC SEALER TOOL EDGES WITH 1/8" RADIUS . GRAY CONCRETE SEE PLAN FOR FINISH. MIN. 90% COMPACTED SUBGRADE ~----(OR PER SOILS ENGINEER). @ EXPANSION JOINT (E.J.) N.T.S. 8" GRAY CONCRETE BANDING WITH --, SMOOTH TROWEL FINISH (TYP.) I 4~" COLORED & STAMPED CONCRETE "TYPE V" -~ 4,500 PSI IN 28 DAYS. MESQUITE COLOR WITH HERRINGBONE PATTERNS. ~,. EXPANSTION JOINT (TYP.) 12" SUBGRAE PREPARED & COMPACTED PER GEOTECHINICAL REPORT, 90% MIN, COMPACTION (TYP.) SIDEWALK WIDTH VARIES (4' MINIMUM) ~-6" THK. TYPE 2 CL "B" AGGREGATE BASE COMPACTED TO 95% (TYP.) A.G. @-S_T_A_M_P_E_D_C_O_N_C_R_E_T_E_W_A_L_K_W_A_Y_N.-T.S. HARDSCAPE JOINT LEGEND KEY C.J. CONTROL JOINT (SEE DETAIL A2.) --E.J. EXPANSION JOINT -NOTE: (INSIDE) CD CONCRETE: MEDIUM SALT FINISH ® SAW CUT@3' X 3' SQ. DIAGONAL PATTERN (EATING AREA) "AS-BUILT " Go\TEWAY APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY. IN CLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. P.E. __ EXP , __ _ KEY MAP NOTTO SCALE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE DATE 1---t----l------------l---l---+---+----l L1§J Cl'l1LA2!G £~~BAD ~ HARDSCAPE PLAN BRESSI RANCH OFFICE BUILDING LOT 19-22 TESHIMA DESIGN GROUP t------t--+------------+---+--+---l---l I .......1AP~.,..:.:p """=~=D+! _g..,_-__:ti::::...,.:_\-o=*'-'-----\£> ·ll-0'7 t---t---t-------------+--1----1----+---I ;::::P:::LA::::NN::::IN::::G====:::;-;::==============::::::::D:::AT:::E:== t-:DA:-:-=TE=-+-:::1N==.,,...+•,-------------1---1---1--_J_--l DWN BY: --PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. 0 9' :20' 40' SCALI:: l"=:201-0" IANDSCAPE ARCHnECl'URB IAND Pl.ANNING 9903 BUSINFSSPARIC AVE. surm C SAN D1BOO, CA 92131. Ph: (858) 693-8824 Date: l l/21Al6 Fax: (858) 693-1182 Project No. TOG 06-23.010 "~ DATE INITIAi. DATE INITIAL ENGINEER °" WORK REVISION DESCR OTION I--O-TH-ER_l>P.L..PR--(N-'AL.'-1--.C...C--ITY_l>P.L..PR--(j,l::..:AL.:.....i ~g ~~: --Pl P06-10 448-BL .. ... C C r PARKING LOT . - ' ! ' I ·-----j --: := Jb--Nr:=;:l=h=hl-----i=====:----i::c:::;:=t=r-7 ' i PLANTIN\9 AREA-./ PARKING LOT 1:a• "'1NGF<l:TE FOOTINeil lit eAS!! 4"X/II" lit II)" o,c,,------- pp, IO.OU5H 5AHII 4")(10' eeAM --- r ,S) ' OVERHEAD DIM. " I C-ENTEft. Ol" POIIIT r/lPTH V Mir (1'-6" HINIMUM.J L~--.'--1--;....7;....I-'-' _ _J I OVERHEAD _TOP VIEW DETflL SCALE 1/4" ~ 11-0" SCALE 1/2"'"' 1'-0'' rt--+--SIDSsAL.K PARKING LOT i;,-./1 ~., 1i;;;R "' --------------,------------------r------~,·-•=-=\.==· ==-,-,,===-~ ' ~-~~ I J f PED~STRIAN+---1 "+-1---1-__[ 7:t::: 1 ~1---1---+ Y'lAJ..KWAY 1\.-r-lJH I c::± :i::: -1--1----+ +-L _J -.__ 1---L j--- C l -----------.------/ --;----✓/ PLANTIN9 A -/ e,• C.UKC PARKING LOT OVERHEAD DIM. I --lt J ' \.~-,-I '-<:loNGF<e 'E r-- f :X,TI"" i I >-- 1, >----+---+-~~1- < Jo---~--------1121''----------_,. 4"X6' 0 1ei~ o.c.. ----- P.F. i<OUGH SAWN (Fl.SJ -~------'1'--' ------.l'--4'-611 4' I' POST C.Af'/eASE---7' MODl=LI $C4 S'I' ~TRON5-TIE. 2 11X611 l;\.S.--...,_ eANDHIC.H PO!T "'1L.UMN eASE -~ Mooa• c-e4'I e'I' IIITR<?Ni$-TIE. ' . '· I '.f • ( ' ,- i (2) il"XIO' ANCHOR BOL. TII rl/ r/ASHEF!. J<--1----------✓-.:, '--' ---'------,1• VJ C,ONC,Rf;il; ---FOOTIN9 ""r.•"" PEDE5Tl'IAN r!AL.l<WA'I' rlli:>,i!-1 VARIEIII · • (see SHEeT i' DeTAIL.; A4) OVERHEAD FRONT DETAI TESl-llMA DESIGN GROvP J.ANDSCAPB AR.CHIT'ECIURB lAND lUN'llj]NO 9903 BUSJNm!PARK AVF. SUITB C SAN DIEOO, CA 92131 l'h: (858) 693-8824 Pax: (858) 69J11s2 Date: 11 /21/06 ' Project No. TOO 06-~3,0JO I OSCAP TES!; £.. nature ati, 6/3 e Oc-26 CALI< - SCALE 1/4~ = 1'-0'' SCALE 1 /2" 1:1 1 '-0" . DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF' WORK . .I • f J f ! PARKING LOT ' ' ·-• ___ ,C I ~'-i' H'·b'-'-1'-t,'- --/ (/ { Ll:::::f 13= ---:::::/: -:l::: ---f--+ 1== 1-------1---I-'-1---' ------~, ------·- -----r ------C 1 -J r.=-:: -------------- ----~---, "-- ' --,_ 1---------- I J_ ' L - -------~---- I I I -· I I -----,-·---· c=i 8= -1---::::=[= --1---1--F 1---------1--->--~~ L a y SC.::: 1 J PLANTIN\9 AR.EA PARKING LOT OVERHEAD DIM. 4-"XIO'' 6fAl"'1 C-1-tAMFER EDo;;E (2) l"XIO" ANCl-!OR l!!OL. TII rl/ HASHER, ::t•x.• Rdlo _ __,, ~J11i:-H f'05T -411><611 ct ea,• o.e,. PP. "°t H SAWN PO!F,T C,AJ"/!:IA5E! HOPEL* ec;4 SY STRONc:;.-TIE!. C-ONGF<!:TE FOOTIN9 OVERHEAD SIDE DETAIL ,>. I! ------- -t:::f ----- t -- . - ~ -- -q 1--- ---- - -611 CURS F PL.ANTIN9 Af'V. 0 =~ l::: '1 ~ I)" 8ANDIN9 I - -----< / ~ -------- I - -~ ------ -- i I "'1NGRETE FOOTIN9 -~- ----- L ... -- i -----------~ ------ SCALE 1/4" ;II 1'·0" SCALE 1/2" = 1'·0" " ~)1 "AS-BUILT APPROVED FOR PLANTING ' ""' .1 i : !I ·. AND IRRIGATION ONLY. ' -.ti • .... . .. . . ~&-INCLUDING PRECISE P.E. EXP. DATE '·"-' ~: -~ it LOCATION OF PLANTING ··~ j!. ~ REVIEWED BY: 'Ii 61 ' AREAS. INSPECTOR DATE CTr] CITY OF CARLSBAD uTI 6 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 9 HARDSCAPE DETAILS BRESSI RANCH OFFICE ' BUILDING LOT 19-22 IAPP~Dl I t.o-11-01 : l-t_-. g: -~,cft PLANNING DATE DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: PIP06-10 448-SL / '7 -I ,--.cc-• -' -'I " I , ..--------------.... ----.... -------------------+--,------+--------------.------------------------------------------"-------------"•---=r--- SECTION 02480 IRRIGATION PART 1 -GENERAL 1. 01 GENE~AL! CONDITIONS: •• 1 ! i all. ' I •. : • I ~ A. The Gen~ral Condition•, Special Conditions, and Division 1 ore on added port of this section and contract for thls work and apply to this section as fully as if repeated herein. : 1.02 SCOPE: I A. The work includes alt services, labor, materials, transportation and •~uipment necessary to perform th• work indicated on the Drawings and os :,pecified. The Ge~erol Conditions and Dtviston 1 apply to thts section as fully as If repeated herein. 1 1. Rotated Work: (a) Landscaping Sectlon (02900) 1.0J SUBMITTALS: A. Submit a list of all irr1gat1on equipment to be used, manufacturer's brochures, maintenance manuals, guarantees and operating instructtons. 1 .04 GUARANTEE: A, furnish guarantee In cccordanc, with general conditions, for a period of ona (1) year from date of fincl acceptance -at conclusion of !Me Maintenanca Period -on complete wofor lrrlgation system, Including nonsettllng of backfill In trenches which, if occurs, shall be corrected, Including repairs and/or replacement of any material damaged thereby or therefrom, 1.05 OBSERVATION: A, In all coses where observation of sprinkler system work Is required and/or where portion ■ of work are specified to bo performed under direction and/or observation of Archit~ct or hio representative, Contractor shall notify Architect at least three (3) working days In advance of time such inspection and/or direction is requlrod. B. Observation will be required for the following ports of the work: 1. Upon installation and testing of main lines and lateral lineo; when pipes ore laid and are to be submitted ta pressure tests. Do not cover any lines until they have been observed and approved. 2. Upon insto!latlon and testing of valves, qutck couplere, backflow preventer device, automotle control\fr•, and control votveo and wtres, 3. Who~ sprinkler system Is completed, Contractor, 1n the presenco of Architect, shall perform a coverpge test to determtni If coverage of water afforded the lawn and plantin9 croas is complete and ~dequote. Contractor shall furnish all materiale and perform all work required to correct any in adjquocies to cover. 4. finai observatlon and performance test shall be at the samo time ail flnal observation of the lond,~ape work. 1.06 TESTI~t: Al.I PVC trll'ain and lateral llnee shall bo subjected to a pressure test of 125. PSI for a pertod of four hours, A I testing shall be in the presence of the Architect. Approval shall be received b~fore backfllllngli any trench. Do not cover any lines until they hove been observed and approved, 1.07 REco1r DRAWINGS !AS-BUILT DRAWINGS); ~clztf:f)Xt~n.9';:,'l;;0□c• of work, Con\rgctor •boll proyi,I• a record set of drcwings •bowing 1. Any ,~honges in location of Items or type of installations from that shown on drawings shall be so 11, dlcated on the record drawings. . ' 2. Valv1~ shall be numbered and corresponding numbers shall be shol"n on record drowingo, J. All rJlmote control valveo, ohut-off valvee, quick coupler valveo shqll be located by measure dimens,[· no. Dimensions shall l>e given to permanent objects and shall be. to nearest one-half loot. , 4. On \I e inside surface of the caver of each Automatic Controller, prepare and mount a chart showin\ valves and sprinkler heads service. d. by that particular ". ontroller. All valve.• shall be numberrrd to match operatton schedule and drawings. Only thoS<i areas controlled by controller shell b~ shewn. This chert shall be a plot plan, entire or partial, showing building, walks, roads ond wa •· A photostatic print of this pion, reduced as necessary and legible in an lletolls, shall ba me ~ to a size that will fit into the controller cover. This print sha! be approved by the Archite t and shall be hermetically sealed by plastic. Thto shall then be secured to inside of cover. 1 5. Imm i lotely upon Installation of any buried pipe or equipment, Contractor ohell Indicate on the drawing locotion1 of said ·equipment. Dimensions shall be glven from permanent abjects such as buih ngs, sidewolks, curbs and drlvewoye. 5, Imm 1dlotely upon Installation of any burled pipe or equipment, Contractor shell indicate on the drawing locations of said equipment. Dimensions shall be given from permanent objects such ca buil Jngs, sidewalks, curbs □rd driveways. 7. final )rrigation as-built plans ,wlll be required ta be reviewed and approved by tho City and Onal mylar• )1!11 be required to be reviewed and approved and signed by the City prior to Planning Deport]r"t slgnin the permit cc d. 1.08 GENER~L REQUIREMENTS: . . i A. Code ~equlremen\9 shell be .t~oso of State and Municipal Cod~• and regulations locally governing this work, prov.iding tho any requirements of the Drawjnge and Specifications, not confllctin~· therewith l>ut exceedin !ht Code Requirements shall ~overn., unless written parmlssio,rf to the contrary is grored by the District, : B. Extrenn core shall be exorcised In excavating and working in the area due ta existing utilities. Contracto shall be responsible f1r damages caused by his operalione. C. Conne~lans shall be made at approximately locations shown 9n drawings. Contractor shall be responsiblj for minor changes catsed by actual site conditions, I D. Landscbpe headers and mowinf strips shall be in place befor~ Installation of sprinkler system. E, Scaled 1 :dimensions are approxTate. Before proceeding with a;y work, Contractor shall carefully F. Pion 1Jctions of sub SI.Jrfoce lines, valves, controller and pip!! lln~• are diagrommattc and indicate tije spacing and relative 1ocotions of all lnstollotions. 1 G. All lindJ. shell hove minimum c~learance of six (6). inches from' •• each other, and from line• of other trodes. 1 arallel lines shall not b Installed directly over one cn~ther. H. Dielect ic bushings shall be us d In any connections with piping of disslmllar metal materials. I I I. Point o connection shall be approximately as shown on drawln~• Conn1>ct new underground pipin\j on l valves and provide all lnanges, adapters or other necersory fitting• for connection. J. Permis,Ion to shut off any exi,ting In-use water lines must b~ obtained 48 hoora in advance, in writing frJr. Owner. Contractor ~hall receive instruction• from orner, OB lo the exact length of time of o~ch shut-off. I : K. Contro]'or shall acquaint himsllf with all site conditions. ' PART 2 Jt PRODUCTS I: 2.01 MA ffRIALS: Pipe size~ shown a~•-nom'.nal inrd• diameter unless otherwise npted. 1. PVC Pr~ssure Mamltr•e Pipe Flt\lngs: All buried1 private piping in the r~cloimed water system shall be installed viith warning lope identifyinlj it as reclaimed water r,ith the exception of intermittent pressure lines. Intermittent pressure l~nes (line on the downsp-oom side of a controller valve \hot will not be subject to constant ressure) may be excep~ed as long aa It Is apparent, due to lin, size and locotloo os determine) solely be the District Engineer of Inspector, that the lines are port of a reclaimed water spr kier irrigation system. I b) Pipe shall be mode from on NSF approved Type 1, Groda 1, PVC compound conforming lo . STM Resin Specifications "D1784", All pipe must meet requirements as set forth in Feder<li Sp~clfications PS-22-70, with an Appropriate Standard Dimension (S.D.R.) - /solvent Weld Pipe). !c) P~es;~~. m~ini\~. p~)ng for sizes 1-1/2; and s,;;ai,;; shaii be PVC Schedule 40 ~ith olvent welded Joints, and shall ~• purple, d) Ptpo shall be mado from NSF approved Type 1, G\□do 1, PVC compound conforming to the ASTM Resin Specificationll "D1785". All pipe must meet requirements as set forth in federal Specification• PS-21-70. (e) PVC solvent-weld fitting, shall be Schedule 40, 1-2, 11-1 NSF approved conforming to AS™ Test Proceduro 02466, (f) Solvent cement and primer for PVC solvent weld pipe and fittings shall be of type end installation method• prescribed by tha manufacturer. Molnline pressure pipe shall be solvent welded utilizing a two step process with primer and gray glue. (g) All PVC pipe must boor ,the following markings. 1. Monufoc!urer • Name 2. Nomlh<li Pipe Stze 3. Schedule pr Closs 4. Pressure Roting in P.S.I. 5. NSF (Natlono.I Sanitation Foundation) Approval 6. Date of Extrusion (h) All fittings shall bear the manufacturer'• name of trademark, materiel desiQnation, size, applicablo I.P.S, Schedule and NSF Seal of Approval. A.C.P., 4" and cbova, shall have the words 'RECLAIMED WATER" stenciled In 2-inch green letters on both sides of tho pipa in at least three pieces in a 13-foot section of pipe (total of six placet per section of pipe). All pipe shall havo storclllng appearing on ~oth sides of the pipe with tho marking "RECLAIMED WATER" in 5/B" letters repeated every 12 inches. 2. PVC Non-pressuro Lateral Line Piping (o) Non-pressure buried lateral line piping shall be PVC Sch 40 with solvent-weld joints, and shall be purple. ' (b) Pipe shall l>e macie from NSr approved, Typo 1, Grade 11 PVC compour,d conforming to ASTM Specification■ "01784". All pipe must rneet requirements set forth in federal Speciflcatlon PS-22-70 with an appropriate Standard Dimension Ratio. (c) Except 01 noted in Paragraphs (a) end (b) of Section 2.01.A.1(0) and (t,), all requirements for non-pressure lateral line pipe and fittings shall be the same as for solvent-weld pressure mclnlin• pipe and fittings as set forth in Section 2.01 .A. 1 of \hese specifications, (Primer not required). All unsized end run later lines shall be 3/4" PIPE. J. Polyvinyl Chlaridt Pipe Fittings and Connections: TJ'P• II, Grode 1, Schedule 40, high Impact molded liltings, monufOctured from virgin eompaunds a.s specified for piping, tapered socket or molder thread t)'l'e, suitable for etther solvent weld or screwed connectloM, Machine threaded fittings and plastic saddle and flange fittings are not occeptable. Furnish fittings permanently marked with folio.wing information: Nominal pipe size, typo and schedule of material, and . National Sanltctlorl foundation (NSF) seal of approval, PVC fitting shall conform to ASTM D2464 and D2466. C. Automatic Control Wire: 1. Electric wiring running from Controller to Automatic control valves shall be No. 14, solid, singlo conductor, copper wire, 4/64 inch Insulation, 4/64 inch neoprene jacket, style BR (Direct Burial) or equal, color code Wires to each va!v~, common wire shell be white, D. Automatic Controller: 1. Controller shall be furnished and installed complete with all water, electrical and drainage services, reody for operation. Unit shcJl be electric, self-contcilned outdoor type, wall-mounted, or approved equal. See detail for controller enclosure. 2. Unit shall hove a minimum station• a• shown on Irrigation Legend. 3. Controller shall be th, latest model of the particular manufacturer supplied. 4. Unit shall be 120-volt, 60,-cycle controller, be completely automatic and shall function optionally with or without the clock. 5. Any station may be repeated independently in any 24 hours. 6. Stations shall bo adjustable from 1 to 59 minutes. 7. Control panel shall be removable plug-in type. 8. Mechanism shall be housed in sturdy, vandal-proof case, manufactured of 14-gau~• steel, ot case aluminum; furnished for maximum exterior protection. 9. Th• clock and oll working parts of the controller shall be contained within one protecting cover. · E. Control Valve,: 1. Remote Control Valves shall be of all Plastic body, Valve shall be provided with on adjustable fiow control stem and shall be operable manually without olectricity. f. Valve Bo•: 1. for remote control valves 9-1/2" x 15•· x ·11"' rectangular box mahufoctured by Amtex or approved equal. 2. for ball valve: 10• x 10'1/4" round, Amtex bolt cover or approved equal. Extension sleeve ta be PVC-6" minimum size. G. Sprinkler Heads shall be as required on the dnawings or approved equal. I. Ball Valves: 1. Ball valve 1 Inch sizo to 2 inch size shall meet ASTh! s\ondard1 with seals which are self adjusting to compensate wear. Ball Villveo shall have molded micro-finish ball with low torque requirements to aperot• unit manually, Ball valve shall have a patented feature -"Preloaded" stem seal and Impact resistant handles. 2. Product: 1• -2' size (King Bros. Lo-torque ball valve model• Lt. 1000-t thru Lt.2000-t) 2" -4• size (King Broe. Block true union ball valve models Valencia, California 91384 Phone: (800)541-2672 or (805)257-3262. J. Concrete footings shall be 2,000 psi concrete at 28 days. K. Backfill shall be clean fJII soil. L. Contractor shall provide to the Owner: 1. Two (2) Control Valve keys. 2. Two (2) wrenches for removing each different type of sprinkler head. 3. One (1) 45• tee wrench for operating gate valves. 4. Six (6) quick coupler keys and six (6) hose bib as$embliee. 5. five (5) keys for opening end locklng each automatic controller. M, Pressure regulator shell be bronze with screw fitting. See d~talla and drawing. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: A. Locations on drawings are diagrammatic and approximate only, and shell be cha,nged and adjusted os necessary as dlre.o\ed lo meet existing conditions and obtain complete water coverage. Locate and stoke all work and obtain approval of Architect before installations. 8. Install and extend system 01 shown on drawings, and as necessary to carry out the i11tent of Drawings and Specifications. C. Locate lines, valves and other underground utllitie• and receive approval of Architect before digging trenches. 3.02 INSTALLATION Of IRRIGATION SYSTEM: A. Excavation and Backfilling of Trenct1es: 1. Excavate trenche9, prepare subgrade, end backfill to line end grade with sufficient room for pipe fit.tings, testing and inspecting operations. Do not bockflll until pipe system has been subjected to hydrostatic test as specified. 2. Depth of Trench: Polyvinyl Chloride Pres~ure Line 18" minimum Polyvin)I Chloride Non-Pressure line 12• minimum Polyvinyl Chloride Non-Pressure Lines for drip system lateral lines shall be installed at 12' depth. Installation of Polyethylene Distribution tubing: Diotributlon tubing shall be cut into lengths that will allow tubing to lay in a relaxed manner from, emitter polnt (at shrub stem). Allow two (2) distribution tubes per plant. Tubes shall be pressed firmly onto emitter barb so the tube end comes lnio contact with emitter body at base of barb. 3. Trenching through areas where topsoil ha• been spread: (a) Deposit topsoil on one side of trench and subsoil on opposite side. 4. Subsoil shall be free of all rocks over one (1) inch in diameter, debris, and litter, prior to use os backfill where so indicated on detail. 5. Repa.ir any leak1 and replace all defective pipe fittings until lines meet test requirements. Do not cover any lines until they have been Inspected and approved for tightness, quality of workmanship and moterials. 6. Backfill trenches, after approval of piping, with suitable and approved material, tamping sell around pipe and thoroughly compacting all trench fllls until 90111 compaction has bean achieved. 7. Backfill material shall be approved soil, freo from rocka and clods. 8. lnstallatlon of Polyvinyl Chloride Pipe: 1. BecQuse of the nature of plastic pipe and fittings, exercise caution in handling, loading and staring, to ovoid domago. 2. The pipe and fittings shall be stared under cover untfl using, and shall bs transported in a vehicle with d bed long enough to allow length of pipe tc lay flat so a• not to be subjected to undue bending or concentrated external load ct any paint. 3. Any pipe that hos been denied or damaged shall be discorded until such dented or damaged section is cut and rejoined with ,;, coupling. 4. Trench depth shall be as specili¢d above from the finish ~rode to the top al the pipe. The bottom of trench shall be free o1 rocks, clods, and other sharp-edged ob jec\s. -5. Pipe ends and fittings shall be wiped with M~K. or equal, before welding solvent Is applied, Welded joints shall be given a minimum of 15 minutes to set before moving or handling. All field cuts shall be beveled to remove burrs and excess before fitting and gluing together. 5. Pipe shall be snaked, from side-to-side of trench bottom to allow for expansion and contraction. 7. Center load pipe with smoll amount of backfill to prev•nt arching ond slipping under pressure. Leave joints exposed for inspection during testing. 8. No woter shall be permitted in the pipe until inspections have been completed and a period of at leost 24 hours hos elapsed for solvent weld setting tJnd curing. 9. Plastic to metal joints: Solveht-weld, using solvent recommended by pipe manufacturer only. 10. Plastic to Plastic Joints: Solvent-weld, using solvent recommended by pipe manufacturer only. 11. Solvent-weld Joints: Assemble per manufacturer's recommendation. 12. Thrust block shall be installed cs per detail. C. Rernote Control Wiring: 1. Direct Burial Control wire sizes: As shown and specified herein before. 2, Provide one control wire and one common ground wire to si,rvice each valve in system. Provide 4-ioot minimum expansion loop at each valve to permit removal and maintenonce of valvee. 3. Install control wires end Irrigation piping In common trenches wherever possible. 4. Control Wire Sµlices: Allow only on runs of more than 300 feet, splices as follows: (1) Strip off minimum of 2~1/2 Inches of insulation from each wire. (2) Twist on Scotchlock electrlcol spring connector, minimum four complete turn•. (3) Seal connector in epoxy resin. (4) Tope completed splice with Scotch 3J electrical tape. 5. Numbering and Togging: Identify direct burial control wires from automatic valves to terminal stripe of controller at terminal strip by tagging wire with number of connected valve. , ... .. -~ - ~ TESHIMA DESIGN GROUP UiNDSCAPE .ARCHlTEl-"l'lJRE mJ BUSINFSSPAAK AVE. SUlT8 C Pb: (858) 693-8824 I.AND Pu\NNINO SAN DJEOO, CA 91Jl 11. s;g en bate _,,61,..,3="'--J ct, 02-26 DA1£ INITIAL .. ,,; A ~ I I /41 ,. ()"' -- . D. Automatic Controller: 1. Automatic Controller shall be installed 01 shown and directed. Controller shall be tested with complete electrical connections. Contractor shall be responsible for temporary power to controller for operation and testing purposes. 2. Connections to control wiring sholl be mode within the pedestal of the controller. All wire shall follow the pressure main insofar as possible, 3. Electrical wiring ehall be in a rigid PVC plastic conduit from controller to electrical outlet. The Electrical Contractor shall be responsible for installing all wiring to the sub-ponele, clocks, or elsewhere os required, in order to complete this Installation. A disconnect switch shall be Included. 4. Controller shall hove a mooter switch. It shall be possible to operate each valve manually, independent of clock of any other valvo. F. Valve Box: 1, Install valve boxes as shown on detail. Install no more then one valve per box. StencU valve numbor and controller letter on underside of ·valve box lid. G. Sprinkler Heade: 1. All sprinkler heads shall be Installed as per details shown. 2. Nozzle size of all heads shall ba adjusted to suit any particular conditions of the area. This shall be done after the system hos been tho!"oughly testod, immediately after written notification by the Architect to do oo. H. Quick Coupler Aesembly: 1. Install all quick couplers as indicated on drowlngs and as directed. Set all valves plumb and true ta finish grade and a ma~lmum of 12 Inches from paving, walks, headers or curbs, and as shown on plans and as directed. I. Boll Valvee: 1. lr,stall where shown as detailed. J. Bockflow Preventer: 1. Backfiow preventer assembly shall be installed in occord with manufacturer's specifications, located and as directed on drawings, and shall conform \o all applicable coda end ordinance requirements. 2. Exact locotion and positioning shall be verified on the site by Architect. K. Pressure Regulator if needed shall be Installed oo per drawing• and detail. Verify final locotlon with Architect. L. Installation of Anti-Drain Valves: Anti-drain valves shall be installed in the riser assemblies of all sprinkler heads that do not hove manufacturer installed anti-drain devices. M. Install quick couplers and remote control valves adjacent to walks and curbs In shrub planting areas. Install quick couple• valves no further and 170' apart. N. Sleeving: 1. Crossing of roads with irrigation pipe or wiring shall t>e avoided wherever possible. If a crossing must be made, Schedule 80 PVC sleeves shall be installed at a minimum depth of 30" below finish grade. 2. Irrigation lines under other asphalt concreta or Portland concrete improvements (other than roads) shall be installed In Schodule 4D PVC sleeves at a minimum depth of 1 B" below finished grade. 3. Sleeve sizes for irrigation lines shall be a minimum of two (2) times the size of the line it serves. 4. Controller wires located under streets or other permanent improvements shall be Installed in separate PVC sleeves and corresponding to type and depth as specified on L-1. and L-2. 3.03 CLEAN-UP: A. As project progresses, Contractor shall maintain all areas In a neat manner and remove unsightly debris as necessary. After completion of the project, Contractor shall remove all debrie and containers used In accomplishing work. He shall sweep and clean all sidewalks, asphalt, and concrete areos adjacent to plantings. • •• APPROVED FOR PLANTING "AS-BUILT AND IRRIGATION ONLY. INCLUDING PRECISE P.E. EXP. LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY: AREAS. INSPECTOR " DATE DATE uTI CITY OF CARLSB~ I SHEETS I 7 PL/INNING DEPARTMENT 19 SPECIFICATIONS BRESSI RANCH OFFICE BUILDING LO'T 19-22 I AP~~ I ~-~l-4;\ I IO· li\•01 DATE PL/INNING DA1£ INITIAL DATE INITIAL DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. StencITed flpe, as specified belowj will be accepted In conjunction with warning tape. (a) Pres~~re mainline piping for fizes 2• end larger shall be PVC Closo 315, and shall be Date: 11/21/06 Fax: (858) 693-1182 Project No. TOO 06-23.0IO Of' CAI.If CHKD BY: ENGINl,ER Of WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: PIP06-10 448-BL purple. II I II I SECTION 02900 LANDSCAPING PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL CONDITIONS I A. Drowings and Goneral Provisions of Contract, Including General and Supplementary conditions and Division 1 Specification section• apply lo work of this section, and must b~ fully considered In connection there,ith. 1.02 SCOPE A. The work includes oil services, labor, materials, transportation and equipment necessary to perform the work indicated on the drawing• ahd 01 specified herein and cs required ti:, complete properly Iha contract. B. Related Work: 1. Irrigation (Section 02480) 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Sea requirement• in General Conditions, and Section 01340. B. Contractor ,moll submit a typewritten list with specification• of all feasible mcterlals, including soft o·mandmente, fertilizers, pla_nt materiols, eto., with quantities of eoch. 1.04 DEFINITIONS OF TERMS A. "Planting Area" shall mean all areas to be seeded, sodded, planted wi\h trees, shrubs, and/or groundcovors, 1.0~ GUARANTEES AND REPLAC~MENTS A. Plant Molorlals: Plants (15-gollon ~ize ond larger) shall ba guaranteed to llve and grow in healthy condition during the agreed upon 90 day moihtenonc• period or until final acceptance (3.20 Part B). Plant materiel will continue to be guaranteed for one (1) year, B. Plant material smaller than 1 a-gallon size: Shall ba guaranteed to llve and grow in vigorous healthy uprlgh\ condition for a minimum of one growing season ofter final acceptanco of work (excluding seasonal color). c. Replacement: All plants not healthy end in vigoroua growlng condillon as determined by the Landscape Architect shall be replaced immediately. Plants used for replacement shall be the sam• kind and size 01 specified In the plant list. They shall be furnished, planted and fertilized 01 originally speclfled at no costa to Owner, · 1 .06 VERIFICATION OF EXISTING CONDITIONS A. All scaled dimensions on Iha drawings are approximate, Sefore proceeding wl\h any work, the Contractor shall carefully check end verify all dimensions, quantities, and grade elevo\loni!!, qnd shall Immediately Inform the Landscape Architect of any discrepancies. B. ~rlor to tho excavation for planting or placing of plant materiolo, the Contractor shall verify the location of oil underground utility llneo end other improvement., and take proper precautions to ovoid damage to such improvements, In the event of conflict between such lmprovementa and plant locations, the Contractor shall notify tho Landscape Architect. and arrangements will be mode for relocation 01 necessary. Fanure to follow lhi• procedure places upon tho Contractor tho responsibility for makin9 any and all repairs for damage resulting from work as herein specified ot his ow11 expense. 1.07 PROTECTION OF EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS During tho construction and maintenance period, \ho Contractor shall toka every precaution to protect and avoid dornoge to sprinkler heads, Irrigation lineo, drainage lines, ond all othar underground focili\leo and all paving, structures, fixtures, and existing plantinge, 'the Contractor shell be held responslbl• for any end all damage ta such Improvements end shall completely repair or replace the same pt no cost to the Owner, 1.0B INSTRUCTIONS ANO OBSERVATION A. All changes and deviations to the plans and specifications shall be confirmed in writing via the Landscape Architect. B. The Contractor shall be alienable on call to make o Joint observation with the engineer. The Contractor shall have sufficient work personnel available during normal working hours lo correct deficiencies Immediately upon request of th• Landscape Architect. Such repair or re-work services are to be performed without interference of regular proj"°t schedule. C, Planto shall be subject lo approval by the Owner's Representative ot the placo of growth and/or upon delivery to the si\e for quality, size and variety. Such approval shall not Impair the right of observotiQrl and rejection at th• site during progress of work far s)zo, condition of root boll, latent defects, or injuries. Rejected plant■ ohqll be removed Immediately from the site, unless otherwise approved by the Landscape Architect, D. Sito observotlono herein specified shall be made by the ~ondscope Architect. The Contractor shall notify \he Landscape Architect of a sit.• obsorvotlon at ledst 4S hours In advance of an observation. An obsorv.a\ion will be modo by tho Landscape Architect during office working hou" on each of tho steps or conditions listed below. The Contractor or his authorized representative shall be on site ot the lime of each observation. Tho Contractor will not be permitted to Initiate the sue<0eedlng step of work un\11 he has received approval to proceed by tho Landscape Architect. 1. Pre-Construction Meeting! Immediately prior ta the cornmencement of work of this section, Contractor shall receive approval of moteriolo and equipment to be used, and methods of installation. 2, Incorporation of son conditioning and fertilizing into the soil: Soll tests performed by the laboratory licensed shall t,e submitted and paid for by the Contractor for agricultural suitability and approved by the Landscape Architect once rough grading hol been completed, and prior to installing any plant material. 3. Upon the completion of finish grading end mow curbs layout in tho field, but prior to mow cur~ installot\on. 4. Approval of oil plant mo\eriol quality. 5. Layout of plant material. 6. Pre-maintenance observation: When planting end oil other indicated or specified work, except \he Maintenance Perlod, has t>~on completed. Acceptance and written approval shall establish be~inning of the Maintenance Period, this is not a final ot,servatlon or ace_ eptance, and it does not relieve the Contractor from any of the rosponsibllities In tho contract documents for this project. 7. Final sita observotion at th• completion of tho specified maintenance period. This oboervotion shall establish Iha beginning dote for tho guorontee period. E. Acceptance: Upon completion of the Final Observation and the work of \hie section, the Contractor will be notified in writing (1) whether tho work is Qcceptable and (2) of any requirement:, necessary for completion and acceptance. 1 .09 SUSP~NSIO~ OF WORK A. The Landscape Architect shall recommend to the Own\!< any necessity to suspend the work wholly, or In part, for such period or periods as ha may deem necessary due to u11suttable weather; or such othe; conditions as ore considered unfavorable for the reasonable performance of the work, or for such time cs is neeenory due to the failure on the piiri of ilie Conlroclor to carry out orders given or to perform any or oil provisions of \he contract. B. If it, should become necessary to slop work f_or an indefinite period, the Contra.ctor shall store oil materials in such o manner. that they will not become an obstruction nor become domo9ed In any way, and he shall toke every precaution to prevent damage or deterioration of the work performed, The Contractor shall cover all open excavations and shall provide euitoble drainage ,, by opening d\lche•, planting pih, etc,, and erect temporary structures wh,re necessary. C. Grading, soil preparation, and planllng work shall be performed only during pariods when beneflclal and optimum results m"/ be obtained, If the moisture content of the soil should reach a level \hot working it woul destroy the son structure, spreading, grading and tilling operations shall be suspended until the moieture content reaches accep\oble levela and the desired results are ottolnable. 1.10 CERTIFICATIO"S AND NOTICE OF DELIVERY OF MATERIAL A. The Landscape Londs_copo Architect shall be furnished with duplicate sig. ned, legible copies of corllflcotes and/or invoices stating the brand, grade, amount end quantity of each item for all soil, fortllizors, soil conditioners, plans and other mQ\eriols. THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT MAY STOP WORK PROGR~SS UNTIL CERTJFICATES ARE RECEIVED AND REVIEWED BY THE ENGINEER. B. The Contractor shall notify tho Landscape Architect in advance when oil materials ore to be dellverod and tho manner of shipment, and shall furnish therewith an itemized list, In duplicate, of the actual quantity of material in each delivery, In order to ensure satisfactory coordination of delivery, and to expedite the required inspection ct the point of dellvery. The Itemized list, in duplicole, for each delivery of plant rnoterlol shall include Invoices certifying that subject material ho• been 1napecled 01 required by the State Agricultural Code prior to acceptance or planting, Particular core, using approved equipment, shall be e~ercised to ensure sofa loading, unloading,. shipping and handling for all plantings from source to In-place locatlons indicated on the drawings. 1.11 PLANT MATERIALS A. Quantities for plant materials are shown per plan for convenleoce only and not guaranteed. Contractor shall check and verify count and supply sufficient number to fulfill Inion\ of drawings. 1 .12 INVOICE OF MATERIALS A. Upon delivery of materials and/or compl,etlon of oil soil conditioning and grading, but prior to initiating planting opero\ions, tho Lonc;lscopo Architect with the heretofore epeclfied signed copies of 1·oquired certificates, trip slips and invoices for soil rreparolion material~, shall inv,;,ico such material, comparing the lotal quantities of each maloria furnished ogain,t the total area to each operation. If the minimum rates of aP.plication have not been met, the ~andscape Architect wlll require tho distribution of add1tlonol quontiti•s of these materials \o fulfill the minimum requiremon\s specified. 8. After installation of plant materials, but prior lo the pre~mointononce site observation, the Londecopa Architect, with the hereto/pre specified signed copies of \he required cor\lflcotes and related ilemo, shall invoice such materiel, cornporing the total area and/or the amounts specified. If the minimum amounts hove not been. furnished, the Landscape Architect wlll require the installation of oddltionol materials to fulfill the minimum requirements specified. C. A sample of tho soil amendment, shall be dellvered to the Landscape Architect within 15 days oft~ recording of the contract for submittal to o testing laboratory, along with specifications of each product. After sell amend.men\s hove been thoroughly mixed into _the site, rando(l1 samples oJ the mixed soil will be token by the engine•• and submitted to the soil laboratory for th.a Contractor. 1.1J PROTECTION OF' EXISTING TREES, SHRUBS ANO VINES A. It ii the intent of the project !hot certain areas of the existing plant moteriola shall b• retained. Prior to tho removal of any trees, Iha Contractor shell confer with the Landscape Architect lo determine those plonts \hot ore to remain. B. All existing trees which are to re.main in the project shall be togg•d and Identified by the Contractor prior to slort of work. C. Contractor shell be responsible for all trees that are to remain in the project. Damage to o plant which results in death or permanent disfigurotion shall result In tho complete removal of the plant, including roots, from the site by the Contractor, The Conlro.clor ct his own expense shall replace the plant with one of equal value as established by the Landscape Architect or reimburse the Owner the cost of sold replacement if a replacement cannot pa obtained. The Landscape Architect shall be the sole Judge of the condition of tho plant. D. All existing \roes that are to remain shall be protected at oil tlmea from damage by men and equipment. All damage by the Contractor to existing plonh sholl be repaired at his expense by personnel approved by the Landscape Architect. E. Tha Contractor shall lnS~re that no foreign material and/or liquid, su~h as paint, concrete, cement, oil, turpentine, acid or tha like, be depoelled or allowed to be depoeited on any soil within tho driplins (the outside edge of foliage overhand) of any tree or shrub or within ~• of the trunk of a vine. Should any such poisoning of \he soil occur, tho Contractor shall remove said soll os directed by the Landscape Architect and replace it with acceptable soil at no expense to the Owner. F, Excavation adjacent to exi1;1tlng trees ond shrubs: Where it is neoessary to excavate in close proximity to existing trees and shrubs, all possible caution shall be exercised to ovoid injury to roots ond trunk. Excavation close to trees shall be by hand, tunneling under roots 2" and larger in diameter. Cutting of roots 2" and larger shall be only on the approval of the Landscape Architect. Paint cut roots within 24 hours of initial damage with approved pruning point. When this is not possible, ~eep the side of excavation adjacent to tree shaded with moist burlap or canva,. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2. 01 QUALITY A. All materials shall be of standard, approved, and first grade qualiiy and shall be In prime condition when Installed and accepted. All commercially processed ond/or packaged rnoteriols shall be delivered to the site in the original unopened containers bearing the manufacturer's guaranteed analysis. 2.02 SOIL AMENDMENT AND FERTILIZER SHALL BE FOR BIDDING PURPOSES ONLY Specifio son test shall be conducted after grading operation has taken place. b e i o uc r v o a · · it I a r e r Amendment she I upon analys s con to In al \eost 1.0% nitrogen on a· dry · weight bosi.s) with on osh coDtent not lo exceed 15:i!. A commercial grade product shall be used, Contractor shall supply Landscape Architect or hi• appointed representative with o eomple of \he proposed omendment occQmpanied by a laboratory onqlysis from on approved loborqtQry illustrating degreo of compliance. Guqrantee = wt/cu/yd. = 460/1 -720/1. Ammoniac nitrogen = 1.0il. pH (less thQn 6.B). Salinity (totol soluble salts = 3.0 ·MMHO). Density • 20/1 cu. ft. Properties "' (grodotion sieve size) -No. 6 -95% minimum passing: No. 6-80:i! mlnlmum passing: No. 35 -30% minimum passing. Wetobillty -to be in -,. - B. Agricultural Grade Gypsum -Shall be a (Ca S04 -H20) calcium sulfate product -94.3:i!. 90% shall poss a 50 mesh screen. Chemical reaction will remove Sodium attached to son particles, G)1lsum also loosens heavy clay soils through electro-chemical action. Cohtrol of dust during opplicotion is mandatory. Sholl be U.S. G)'Psum, Dolmor, Sof'N'Soll, or l;landinl, If not avallable, shall be equal \o. C. Sulfur (Soil) -Shaff be elemental sulfur (99.5:i!) commer~ially prepare~ so \hat 46.9% passes a 50 mesh screen. Shall be Wil-Gro, Union Chemkols or Boker Industries, ii not ovolloble, shall be equal to. D. Iron Sulfate -Iron shall be expressed os metallic -derived from sulfate -deep green (Fe S04 H20). A mlnjmum anolysts of 20.0% and 98.3:i! retained on o 10 mesh screen. Shall be WIison & Geo. Meysr, Wll~Gro, or Bondin!. If not ovanoble, shall be equal to. E. Pre-plant or starter fertilizer shall be a commercial gtade flowable fertilizer wlth-1% nitrogen, 10:i! phosphorous pentloxide and 10% potassium sulfate. No Potassium Chloride is to be used. Organic nitrogen shall be from Cottonseed Meal and Urea. Phosphate ovalloble from superphosphote and Cottonseed Meal. Potash from sulfate of Potash and Cottonseed Meal, Screen analysis: % retained on stacked screen-approximately B-mesh 24.2:11; 20-mesh 75.2%; 48 -mesh 0.2:i!. Avolloble percentage weight of plant food: Nitrogen Phosphoric acid Pola"'1 1.0" min. 10.0% min. 10.0:t min. Sholl be Wll-Gro, Sandin! or Kellogg. If not avolloble, shall be equal to. F. Post Plant Fertilizer (Maintenance): F'erlllizer (commercial) shall be a combination of nctural organic and inorganic granular fertlllzers, free-flowing, suitable for opplicotion with approved equipment and shell contain the following minimum ovclloble percentages by weight of plant food: Nitrogen 14,0:i! min. 4.0% min. Ammoniac Sulfate Remainder of Nitrogen 1.25'-Water Insoluble Phosphoric ocld Potash B.75:i! Water Soluble 7.0% min. 3.0% min. Iron Zinc Manganese Calcium 2.0% 0.15:i! o. 15:i! 2.0% Organic Nitrogen i• derived from Urea and Cottonseed Meal. Phosphate from Superphosphate and Cottonseed Meal. Potash from Sulfate of Potash and Cottonseed Meal. No Po\ossiµm Chloride 11 to be used, Sulfur from Sulfate of Ammonia. Calcium from Superphospho\e, Iron from Ferroul Sulfate and mixed Sulfides. Zinc end Manganese are expressed cs metallic end in their elemental form. Screen analysis: (% retained) -approximately: 4 mesh = 1.3%; 8 mesh = 24.2%; 20 mesh = 74.0%: and 46 mesh 0.05:i!. Shall be Wll-Gro Fairway, Bondini, or Kellogg. II not available, shall be equal to. G. Planting tablets shall bo lightly compressed chip type commercial grodo planting tablets, of varying sizes with the following avollabls percentages by weight of plant food: Nitrogen Phosphoric Potash acid Sholl be Agrlform or Gro-Power. If not available, shall be equal to, 2.0J PLANTING BACKFILL FOR TREES AND SHRUBS 20.0% mlM. 10,0:i! min. 5.0% min. A. Rate of application is for bidding purposes only. SoM. test may reduce or increase total soil yardage amendment and chemical additive■• Planting bockf\11 shall be a thoroughly blended mixture of topsoil ond soil amendments cl the following mixtures: So!I Amendment1/2 c.y. Stock Pned site soil 1/2 c.y. Gypsum5 lbs. per/cu/yd. of mix Sulfur (soll)1 lbs. per /cu/yd. of mix Iron Sulfote1 lbs. per/cu/yd. of mix Pro-Plant (1-10-10) 3 lbs. por/cu/yd, of mix (also see 3.04 Exterior Planter Backfill). 2.04 PLANT MATERIALS A. Nomenclature: Scientific. end common nomes of plants herein. specified shall conform with the approved names given in "a checklist of Wo_ ody Ornamental Pienta of California." published by the University of Colifomla, Collego of Agriculture, Manual 32 (1963). Sea list of plant materiol on drawings. B. Labellng: Each group of plant-materials delivered on site shall be clearly labeled cs to species and variety. However, fingl_de\erminotion of plant epecle$ and vorlety wlll be made by \he Landscape Architect end whose decision will be final. All patented plants (cultlvor) required by the plant list shall be delivered with a proper plant patent attached. C. Quality ond Size: All plants shall t>e vigorous, of norma_ I gro)Y\h, free from disecses, lnse1::ts, insect eggs, ond/or exceed the meaeurements specified, D. Container Stock: Shall ho~ grown in contoiners for at least s)x months, but. not over \\VO years. No container plants that hove cracked or broken ~ells of ecrlh when token from the container shall be planted, except upon speciol opprovol. No trees with damaged roots or broken bolls shall be planted. E. Pruning: At no time shall \ho plant materials be pruned, \rl"lmed or topped prior to delivery, delivery and any alteration on tho site of their shape shall be conducted only with the approval and in the presence of the Landscape Architect. F. Inspection of Plant Materials: Required by City, County or Slot,e authorities, shall be o responsibility of the Contractor, and when necessary he shall have secured permits or certificates prior lo dellvory of plants cl site, be oubjec\ to Inspection and opprovol or G. On-Sito Inspection of Plant Materials: Plante shall rejection at the project site at any time before or du condition, latent defects and injuries. Rejected plants immediately. ring progr~ss of work for size, variety. . shall be removed from the project si\ · ' . • V7 . H. Rejection and Substitution: All plonts not conforming to the requirements herein specified shall be considered defective, and such plonts, whether In place or not, shall be marked ae rejected and be immediately removed from the site of the work and replaced with acceptable plant materials. The plant material• oholl meet all opplicoble inspection ■ required by low. All plants shell be the species, variety, size, age, flower color and condition oo speelfled herein and/or as indicated on Iha drawings. Under no condition will there be any substitution of plant species, variety, or reduced size for those listed on Iha occomponying drowings, escept with express written consont of tho Londscopa Architect. I. Ri9ht to Changes: The Landscape Architect reserves the right to change the species, variety and/or sizes of plant motoriol to be furnished, provided that the cost nf such plant change• doe• not exceed \he cost of plants in the original bid. The Contractor shall be notified and confirmed In writing prior ta sixty (60) days before tho planting operation hoe commenced. Change• in the sizo and/or variety of any plant to bo furnished which Involves a reduction or addition In cost shall ba adjusted In the contract cost. J. Root Condition: The Landscape Architect reserves the right to inspect root condition al any species, particularly those grown from seed, and if found defective, to reject the plants represented by the defective sample. K. Protection: All plants at all times shell be handled and stored so that they oro adequately protected from drying out, from wind bum, end from all other injury. All plants determined by the Owner"s representative to be wilted, burned, or dried 01Jt, may be rejected, arid removed from the site. The Contractor's on-site plant storage area shall be approved by the Owner's representative prior to tho delivery of any plant mo\eriols. L. Shrub and Tree Samples: T)1)1cal samples, three each of all varieties and sizes (shrubs 5 gallon and under, trees 15 gallon and under) of oil plant motoriolo shall be submitted for Inspection approval ot the site Q minimum of fifteen days prior to planting operations. Approved samples shall remain ;n tho site and shall be maintained by Iha Contractor as standards of comparison for plant materials to be furnished. Samples will be Incorporated into the work. WEED ABATEMENT PROGRAM Ingredient, 1 . 50% Scythe 2, 50% Glyphosate (Roundup) Prep11rlition: Fill the spray tank with the required amount of water, then add above mixture. Agitate thoroughly at mixing and re-agitate occasionally during use. Rates: Above mixture may be used at rates from 3% to 10% volume 10 volume in water. Use the lower rates for tank mixing with glyphosate and medium rates when applying alone to weeds less than 6 Inches in height. Apply above mixture at the higher rates for weeds greater than 6 inches in height. Application: . Use a backpack or handheld sprayer or a conventional spray rig. Be sure to thoroughly oover all of the target plants' foliage. Timing: For fastest kill, apply on a warm, sunny, day, Do not apply during windy conditions that could carry spray to desirable vegetation in nearby locations. ~ . -~~ APPROVED FOR "AS-BUILT PLANTING r,,.:i ,i AND IRRIGATION ONLY . " " ' . . IA »· INCLUDING PRECISE P.E. EXP. ,~ ~ LOCATION OF PLANTING REVIEWED BY: ~ AREAS. . INSPECTOR WJ CITY OF CARLSBAD 8 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SPECIFICATIONS BRESSI RANCH OFFICE BUILDING LOT 19-22 DATE DATE ~ 9 c;omplionce with standards os per American Socl~ty of Agronomy TESHIMA DESIGN GROUP ,AP~~l g:-~~ I /G-M·OI LANOSC'JJ'B ARCHm!CTtJRB 9903 BUSINBSSPARK AVB. SUITE C Ph: ( 85 8) 693-8824 Date: 11/21106 LAND Pl.ANNINO SAN DIOOO, CA 92l3J. Fax: (858) 693-1182 Project No. TOO 06-23.010 OATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF W□Rl< DATE INITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL PLANNING DATE OWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: CITI' APPROVAL RVWD BY: PIP06-10 448-8L M. Specimen Tree Selection: 1. One somple each of each tree vorloty and size, as coiled out on drawings, 24" box and larger shall be delivered to tho project site for approval prior to installation. 2. The Contractor shall immediately remove any trees not approved. 3. The Contractor at his option and at hie expen1;;e, can retain the services of the Landscape Architect to review trees 24" box size or larger togged ot the nursery and/or at its place of growth. 2.05 GROUNDCOVER A. Groundcover plants shall be healthy, vigorous rooted cutting• grown in flats. 2.06 PLANTER MULCH A. Planter mulch shall be Redwood Nilrolized shavings. Availablo at A-1 Solis, 858/577-2727. Shall range In size from 1/2-lnch to 3/4-inch, 2.07 STAKING MATERIAL A. Tree guy wires shall be of pliable, zinc-coated steel minimum gauge No, 12 and anchor to appropriate dead man. Wire loops al branch•• shall be covered by 2-ply reinforced rubber 1/4° in diametor. Guy wires shall bo flagged with 1/8-inch diameter x 4•-0• length surgical tubing. 2.8 ROOT BARRIER A. Root barrier shall be a multi-year root control system consisting of herbicidal time-released nodules permanently attached to a permeable geote,tile fabric which will inhibit plant root encroachment. Active Ingredient: Trifluralin (a,a,o -Trlfiuro-2,6-Dinitro -N,N -Dipropyl -P -Toluldine)17.1il: Inert lngredlents82.9il: Shall be Bio-Barrier -No Known Equal. 2.9 PRE-EMERGENT HERBICIDE A. Pre-Emergent herbicide shall be as determined by the Contractor. 2.10 WEED CONTACT HERBICIDE A. Weed contoct herbicide shall be 01 determined by the Contractor. 2.11 LAWN A. All lawn area• shall be sodded with Marathon Ill Dwarf Fescue blend. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION A. Examine proposed planting areas and conditions of instollctlon. Do not start planting work until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. 3.02 PREPARATION A. General: The areas to r$Celv1 trees, shrubs and groundcover plantings and theW respective requiremen\o for imported topsoil, fertilizing , soil conditionin9, and other treatment shall be as deflned on the drawing•. Equipment necessary for preparation of the ground surfaco and for handling and placing all required material shall ba on hand in good working condition. Work shall be performed only during periods when beneficial results con be obtained. 8. Clearing and Grubbing: Prior to ripping and \llloge operations, all vegetotlon in the area l.o be planted shall be grubbed, raked, and cleared from the sit~ The ground surfoce shall be cleared of oil material which ho• accumulated during construction and oil material which might hinder proper grading, tillage, planting and subsequent maintenance operation. All grubbed materials and debris shall be lawfully disposed of off the site by the Contractor ot his cost. C. Obotruction B.elow Ground: All subsurface rocks over 2• in diameter and other underground obstruction• shall be removed to the depth necessary to permit proper fine grading, tilling, or planting according to plans ond specifications, All _abandoned utility lines uncovered or severed shall be cut below grade and copped or plugged with concrete. i;xploslves shall not l)e used for removal. When the location of utility lines Is shown on the plans or has been made known to the Contractor, all damage to these lines shall bo repaired by the Contractor in a manner approved by the Landscape Architect and affected utility. D. Deep Ripping: All areas (including elopes) to receive groundcover, shrubs, and hydroseeding shall be deep ripped and loosened to a depth of twelve (1l) Inches in ell directions. 3.03 SOIL AMENDMENTS, FERTILIZING AND ROTOTILLING A. Rote of application ia for biddln~ purposes only. Soll test may reduce or Increase total soil amendment yardage. Adjustments (plus or minus) may be necessary. Contractor shall obtain at least two soil tests of rough grade at site and submit results \o the Land•capa Architect for interpretation end recommendat7on. 8. After the areas have been cjeep ripped, the following rotes of soil amendment material• shall be evenly spread over all planting areas and shall be thoroughly scarified to on overogo depth of six inches by rototilling a minimum of two alternating passes. Amendment must be Intimately blended with soil. Soll amendment: 6 cubic yards par 1,000 sq, ft. to a depth of s•. Gwsum: 120 lbs. per 1,000 sq, ft. Soil Sulfur:10 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. Iron Sulfate: 10 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft. Fertlllzer (commercial) 1-10-10 shall ba applied at the rote of 30 pounds per thousand square feet and scarified into the top two Inches of finish grade. Fertilizer shall be applied after leaching operation. C. Th• thoroughness and completeness of the rototilling end incorporation of the soil amendments shell bo occeptobla to the Landscape Architect. Slopes 2: 1 and steeper or os per the drawing• omit soil conditioner application and tilling. D. Deep Water Leaching and SoH Testing: Deep water leaching shall be competed as recommended by a certified ogronimic laboratory. The following process for deep water leaching is for bidding purposes only. Item number three (3.) shall be performed as stoled below. 1. After the tilling operation, the area shall be deep water leeched three (3) time• over o five (5) day period. Apply 1/2" water at eoch application. Walt one (1) day between applications. 2. One day after final application of water, tho soil shall be teated for content of soluble salts (electrical conductivity E.C.). Landscape Architect and Contractor shall toke sevorol soil samples and deliver the samples to a labor.atory for testing of soluble soils. E.C. test reading shall not be above 2.0, the soil amending, tilling end deep watering procedure shall be repeated until \est readings are not obove 2.0 3. If soil test reading for o particular area tested is above 2.0, the soil amending, tilling and deep watering procedure shall be repeated untn test readings are not above 2.0 E. Core shall be taken that the rate of application of water does not cause erosion or sloughing of soils. F. All depressions, voids, erosion scars and settled trenches generated by the deep watering shall be filled with amended soil and brought to finish grade. G. Apply Naiad Wetting Agent, Srovon or equal 4 oz. per 1,000 s.f. at the first spray of soQ amendments. 3.04 EXTERIOR PLANTER BACKFILL A. Backfill for exterior planters: Sholl be as specified in Section 2.04. Prior to backfilling Planter, Contractor shall install "Monolink lrrtgatlon System" per manufacturer's speciflcatione. 3.05 FINISH GRADING A. Finish grade• shall be cs indicated on civil plan. B. Finish grades shal_l ba measured after the ground has been watored-in and mechanically compacted and settled. The final grode shall be within plus or min.is 0.1 foot of the spot elevations and grade lines indicated on the Civil drawing. C. Ease top and toe of all existing slopes. D. All undulations and Irregularities in the planting surfaces resulting from tillage, rototilling and all other operations shall be leveled and flooled out before planting operations are initiated. E. The Contractor shall takf every precaution to protec:t and ovoid damage to sprinkler heads, irrigation lines, and other underground utilities during his groding and conditioning operations. F. Final finish grades shall Insure positive drainage of lhe site with all surface drainage away from buildings, wall•, over mow curbs, and \award roadways, drains and catch basins. G. Flnol grodes shall be acceptable to the Landscape Architect before planting operations will bo allowed to begin, H. Planting surface• shall be graded with no less than 2 percent surface slope foe positive drainage. I. All rock and debris shall bo removed from planting areas ond then ftom the site In occord0nce with the foHowing criteria, 1" dio. in lawn areas, ;2" d1o. in shrub area, 2" dio. in hydroseed areas. · J. Finish grade shall be 2• below finish paving surface in shrub arecs. 3.06 PLANTING INSTALLATION A. _Timing: Actual planting shall be performed during !hose periods when weather and soil condition• are suitable and in accordance with locally occept.oble practice. B. Layout of Trees: All treea(24" box size and larger)shall be placed in the landscape per the direction of the Landscape Architect prior to installation of irrigation system. '1la trees shall then be moved so thct planting holes can b• excavated and amended. The trees shall \hen be inslclled in their respective hoes and posilloned in the holes per direction of \he Landscape Architect. C. Layout Plcn\lng: Locations shall be approved l)y the Landscape Architect. All container plants shall be sol by tho Contractor In their final location in their respective containers prior to digging holes ond/or planting. All plant locations shall be checked for possible interforence with existing underground utility lines. D. Backfill for Trees and Shrubs: Sholl be as specified In section 2.03. If artificial drainage is requested, then drains shaU be installed firot, then backfilled with soil. E. Disposal of Excess Soll end Debris: All excess excavated subsoil, rocks ond debris shell be legally disposed of off t~e sits by tho Contractor ot his cost or utilized on the site as directed by and at the option of tho Landscape Architect. 3.07 PLANTING TREES, SHRUBS At-ID VINES A. Soll moisture level prior to planting shall ~• no less than horticulturally accept<,ble. The Contractor shall request approval of moisture, and ii found to be insufficient for planting, the plantin_g pita shall be filled with water and ollowed ta drain before otartlng ony planting operations. B. All excavated holes shall have vertical sides with roughijned surfaces and shall be of tho minimum sizes indicated on drawings. Hole_s shall be In all cases lo,·ge enough to permit handling and planting wlthovt Injury or breokoge of root balls or roots. C. Excovolion shall include the stripping ond stacking of all acceptable soil encountered within tho areas to be excavated for plant pits and pianting beds. Protect all areas that are to be trucked over and upon which soil is to be temporarily stacked pending Its re~use for the filling of holes, pits and beds. O. Plants shall be removed from containers in such a manner that the ball of eccth surrounding \ha roots Is not broken, and they shall be planted and watered Immediately ofter the removal from the containers. E. TI1e plants shall be planted al approved locations with the heretofore specified omenqmen\s and soH planting backfill. F. Backfill shall be placed at the bottom of eoch hole and thoroughly watered and compacted to a depth so that when a plant io placed in the hole, Its rapt crown is slightly above the established final grade, and unless otherwise noted shall be raised or replaced as directed by tho Landscape Architect. G. Planting tablets shall be placed In each planting hole ol the following rotes and per the manufacturer's recommendations.; 1 ~ 5 gram tablet per individual liner and fiat size plont. 1 -21 gram tablet per gallon container, ;) -21 gram tablets por S gallon container. 4 -21 grom tablet per 15 gallon container. 1 -21 grom tablet per each 4 inch box size. Random testing to verify plontlng tablet instollotion shall bo, conducted by the Landscape Architect. H. No plant will be accepted if the rootball is broken or cracked, either before, during, or after the process of lnstallolion. I. All plants shall be thoroughly watered to the •ull depth of ooch planting hole immediately ofter planting. . , J. Guying: All trees and other plants indicoted on tho plans shall be guyed as detailed. K. The Contractor shall be resp011sible for ell surface and subsurface drainage required which may affect his guarantee of the tree•, shrubs ond vines. L. Pruning ofter planting shall be required on all trees, shrubs, and vines when necessary to provide the specified or approved standa,rd shape•, form and/or sizes characteristic to each plant. Pruning may include thinning, topping, and/or cutting and shall be under the direction of the Landscape Architect. Cuts over 3/4~inch in diameter shall be pointed with an approved tree seal on t. M. All trees 24' box and larger shall be spotted. 3.08 PLANTING GROUNDCOVER A. Groundcovers shall be planted In the areas indicated on the plans and shall be free of surface rock over 2" in diorneter and debris. · B. If the top four ( +) inches of soil In the qrea to be planted in groundcover is not sufficiently moist (horliculturally acceptable standards), the area shell be thoroughly irrigated and no less \hon twelve hours shall pass before planting. C. Groundcovar plants shall be grown in floto. Variety indicated on the ~lent list. Flot grown plants (rooted cuttin~s) shall remain in those flats until transplanting. The flats soil shall contain sufficient moisture so that it will not fall orart when lilting the plants. Plants shall be protected at all times to prevent drying of the roo ball. I ~- F. Each plant shall be plonted In a manner that will ensure minimum disturbance of tho root system, but in no case shall this depth be less than two nod••· tech groundcover plant shall bo planted with one 5 gram planting tablet incorporated into tho root zone. Planting area shall be hand-smoothed aftor planting to provide an even and smooth final finished grade. To avoid drying out groundcover, plonto must be irrigated aftor planting. This may be done manually or by using the inst.ailed Irrigation system. Repeated applications ,nay bo required, especially on a sloping site. This initial irrigot,on shall continua until a zone at least twice the depth of each hole Is thoroughly moistened. 3.09 POST FERTILIZATION A. Trees -Post fertilization ehall occur at 100 dcy intervals after planting. Sore holes around dripllno (various depths) and opply fertilizer al the role of 1 lb. per 1• caliper In holes. Fertilizer shall be WII-Gro14-7-3, F'oirwoy, Bandin!, or Kellogg. If not available, shall be equal to. 8. Shrubs -Post fertilization shall occur 60 days after planting and apply fertilizer al the rote of 1 teaspoon per each 1 gallon plant end 1 tablespoon per 5 gallon plant. fertilizer sholl be (14-7-3) Wil-Gro, Fairway, Bondin!, or Kellogg. If not ovallable, shall be equc, ta. C. G~oundcover and lawn area• -Post fertilization shall occur 60 days ofter planting and apply fertilizer at the rote of 7 lb./1,000 s.f. Fert111zer shall be (14-7-3) WII-Gra, Fairway, Bandin!, or Kellogg. If not available, shall be equal to. D. All planted areas shall receive Sorvon, Naiad Wetting Agent or approved equal, 4 oz. per 1,000 s.f. 45 days after the start of the maln:enance period. 3.10 GENERAL MAINTENANCE AND ESTABLISHMENT PERIOD A. General: Maintenance operations shall begin immediately after each plant is planted and shall be kept in o healthy, growing condition by watering, fertilizing, p'uning, spraying, weeding and all other necessary op~ratians of maintenance. All area• shall be kept free of weeds and noxious grasses and clean and free of rock•, clods, and debris. All paving and walks shall be kept clear, clean and washed down. B. Establishment Period: Trees, Shrubs, Vines and Ground Covers -The establishment period shall begin on tho date that tho Landscape Architect inspects and gives written provisional acceptance of the work and shall be ninety (90) c,alendar doys. The establishment period may be extended or shortened at the discretii>n of the Landscape Architect. C. Mointenonce Operations: Plants shall be kept in a healthy, growln~ condition by watering, pruning, mowing, reseeding, rollin<;1. resodding, trimming, edging, fertlhzing, restoking, pest control, spraying, weeding and oll other nece-ssory operations of maintenance. Planting bed, sholl be kept free of weeds, grass and other undesired vegetative growth, end lawn areas shall be kept free from all ~•eds. Ouring the specified maintenance period, oil plants that ore dead or severely distressed shall be replaced immediately. All seasonal color, annuals or perennials shall be maintained in a Vigorous, healthy condition through the maintenance period. E.3-1 E.3-1. 1 CITY OF CARLSBAD SLOPI! REVEGETATION/EROSION CONTROL POLICIES AHD REQUIREMENTS SLOPE PLANTING SLOPE PLANTING STANDARDS Slopes 8:1 or steeper requiring erosion cDntrol measures as specified herein shall be treated with one or more of the following planting standards: a, Sta,,dard #1 -COVER CROP/REINFORCED STRAW MATTING. Cover crop shell be a seed mix typically made up ol quick germinating and fast ocvering grasse$, clover11 and/or wild flowers. Submit the specific seed mix for City approval prior to application. The oovar crop i>hall be applied at a rate and manner sufficii&nt to provide 90% coverage within thirl)' (30) days. Type of reinforced straw matting shan be as approvad by the Clly and .staked to the slope as recommended by the manufacturer. Reinforced straw matting shall be required when planting occurs belweon august 15 and aprll 15. During the remainder of the year, the cover crop and/or reinforced straw matting may ba used. b. Standard #2 -GROUND COVER One hundred percent (100%) of the a1·eo shsll be plsnted wilh a ground cover known to have excellent soil binding characteristic• (planted from a minimum size of flatted material and spaced to provide fuJI coverage within one year}. c, Standard #3 -LOW SHRUBS Low spreading woody shrubs (plsnted lrom a mlminum of 2¾ Inch liner•) shall cover a minimum of seventy percent (70%) of the slope face (at mature sizs). d. Standard #4 · TREES AND/OR LARGE SHRUBS Trees and/or large shrubs shall be (planted from a minimum of one (1) gallon containers) at a rr_iinirnum rate of one(1) plant per two hundred (200) square feat. D. Extended Maintenance: When, in tha opinion of the Landscape Architect, there is improper maintenance, poor or unhealthy condition of plant materials, the Contractor shall be ,·esponsible for additional maintenance of tho work al no additional cost to tho contract until all the work Is occeptoble. E.3-1.2 AREAS OF APPLICATION (PLANTING) E.3-1.2.1 SLOPES -6:t or steeper and: E. Protection: The Contractor shall be responsible !or providing adequate prolec\lon of all planting areas against traffic or other uso by erecting fencing or other acceptable means immediately after the planting is completed. Warning_ signs and barricades shell be placed in various high- traffic areas. Damaged areas shall be repaired immediately by the Contractor. a. 3 feel or less In vertical height and are adjacent to public wa!ks or streets requi~ at minimum Standard rl'1. b. 3 feel to 8 leet In vertical height require Standards #t, #2 and rl'3. a. In excess o! B leot In vertical height require Standards #1, rl'2, #3 snd #4. F. Weeding and Cultivating: All tree, shrub, groundcaver and hydroseeded areas shall be kept free of debri• and weeds. Groundcover and shrub areas shall be cultivated al lnter.ols of not more than fourteen (14) days minimum. E.3-1.2-2 SPECIAL CONDITIONS G. Replacement: During the rnaintenonce period, plants which die or which are in on unhealthy or badly Impaired condition shall be reploced by tha Con\l'odor within fourteen (14) doi,o after unsatlsfoctory condition is evident. No replocement of plcmtinga shall be mada in any season definitely unfavorabla for planting. Al the conclusion of \he maintenance period, the Landscape Architect will make on Inspection of the work to determine the condition of Qil plants. All unhealthy plants shall be removed from lha site and replaced with plants of the so,ne kinds and sizes as originally specified. Such replacement shall be made in the same manner as specified for the. original planting and at no extrc cost to tho Owner. e.3-1.2-2.1 Areas graded flatter than 6:1 require Standard #1 (cover crop) when they have one or more of the following conditions: a. Shes! graded pads not scheduled for improvements wllhin 6 months of completion of rough grading. b. A potential erosion problem as determined by the City. c. ldanafied by the City as highly visible areas to the public or have special conditions that warrant immediate treatment. H. Acceptance: At the toncluslon of the main1enance period, an inspection shall be made by the Landscape Architect, upon written notice requesting Inspection before acceptance. Maintenance period shall continue until ell deftcienciea are corrected. E.3·1.2-2.2 Areas ta be hydroseeded shall first bo disked or rotatilled to provide a triable, loose seed bed. • •• HYDROSEED NOTES 1. Hydroseed preparation and appllcalion shall conform to all County of San Diego guidelines &nd rest1·ictions regarding erosion control BMP. 2. ~qulpment: a, Hydraulic equipment L1sed for u,e application of the fertillzar. seed and slurry of prepared bo11ded fiber matrix (6FM) shall be of the "Super Hydra-Seeder" type as approved by tho San Diaga County Engineer. This equipment shall have a built-in agitation system and opera.ting capacity sufficient to agitate, suepend, and homogeneously mix a slurry containing not less lhan 3500 pounds fibet matrix par acre and 300 pounds 15-15-15 mil< per acre. b. ihe slurry distribution lines sh;iil be iarge erough to prevent stoppage and shall be equipped with a sat of hydraulic spray nozzles which will provide a continuous non-fluctuating discharge. The slurry tank shall have a minimum capacity of 1500gallons and shall be mounted on a traveling unit-either sett-propelled or drawn 3. by a separate u11i~ which will place the slurry lank spray noz,lea within sufficient proximity to the areas to be seeded, Preparation: a. The slurry preparation shall take place at the site al work and shall begin by adding water to the tank wl1en lhe engine Is at half-throttle. When the water level has reached the height of tho agitator shaft. good re-clrculetlon shall be established and, at this time, the seed shall be added. Fertilizers shall then be added, fallowed by bonded fiber metrlx. b. Fiber matrix shall only be added to the mixture after the seed and when the lank i$ at least one-third (1/3) fiDed with water. o. The engine throttle shall be opened to full speed when lhe tank io haK-filled with water, All the bonded filler matrix shall be added by 4. lhe time the tank Is two-thirds (2/3) to three-fourths (3/4) full. Spraying shall commence immediately vvhan the tank is full, d. A wetting agent consisting of 95 percent alkyl polyethylene glycol ethar shall be applied as per manufacturer's recommendations. c. Fiber mulch shall be applied at a minimum rate of 21000 pounds por acre except when used in conjunction with straw mulch, when it 5. shall be applied at• minimum rate ot 400. pounds per acr•. d. BFM shall be appHed at least 24 hours betore or after rainfall. e. Contractor shall prot&ct site with brow ditches ood/or diversion berms at the top of slopes to1 divert flow from the fact of the slope. f. BFM must bP' Installed in conjunction with seeded erosion control vegetation. FolloWIIJI and Certlllcatlo,. •· All bare spats shall be re-seeded within ninety (90) da\'S to the satisfaction of the Landscape Architect. b. Prior to the acceptsnce of the hydroseaded aroos by Iha Landscape Architect. the Hydrosoed Contractor/Applicatot must sul,mlt a latter to the County Inspector for approval ce1tifying U1at the 8FM has been installed in acaordancs wllh the approved application rates and coverage requ(rements and th~t th& hydroseed growth is adequately established ta prevent erosion. o. Permane1111y irrigated slopes shaU be maintained for a period no less than ~O days. d. Nonperrnanently irrigated areas shall be maintained for a period not less than 25 month•. e . .AJI revegetated areas shall be maintained by 1~,e Permittee unUI final approval by the City Manager. The maintenance period b0gi11s on the first day fallowing acceptance and may be exl&nded at the determination of the City Manager. I. F .. or to final approval, tha City Manager may require corrective action including but not limited to replanting, the provision or modification of irrigation systems, and the repair of any soil erosion or slope slippage. , Application: APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY. INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANT 11NG AREAS. "AS-BUILT a. Equipment used for the app!ieu,tian of slurry shall have a built~in agitation system to suspend and homogeneously mix the slurry, The slurry mix stiall be dyad green. Tl1e equipment must have a pump capable of applying slurry uniformly. T11e operator shall spray u,a slopes with a uniform, v:sible coat by using the green color of the fiber matrix as e guide. The slurry shall be applied in a sweeping motion, in an arched stream so as to fall like rain, and must be applied lrom all dlrecti0t10, allowing the fiber matrll< ta build on each other until 100% coverage is achieved and the material is spread at the required rate per acre. ------------ P.E,----EXP, ___ _ REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR " DATE DATE D. Groundcovers shall be planted in staggered, random rows and evenly spaced unless otherwise noted and at intervals called out In the dra·wlngs. E. Tho size of planting excavation for groundcover shall be al least twice the depth of th• root ball. b. Application ratea shell be 3500 pounds per acre minimum lor 2:1 rn:J CIT· Y OF CAR' CIBAD ITr] or shallower slopes and 4000 pounds par acre for s,lopss steeper t-----il-----\---------------------11-------l------4---..l-----l g lJl,J than 2:1. PLA'lNING DEPARTMENT .__ ______________ _., :===-===============~ TESHJMA DESIGN GROUP LANDSCAPE AR.CHmlC,TURE 9903 BUSINESSPARK AVE. !i'UITB C Ph: (858) 693-8824 Dnte: 11/21/06 LAND Pl.ANNINO SAN DIEOO, CA. 921.t Fax: (858) 693-IJ 82 Project No. TDG 06-23.010 , !)ATE INITIAL DATE INmAI. ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL DATE INITIAL CITY APPROVAL SPECIFICATIONS BRESSI RANCH OFFICE BUILDING Lo·r 19-22 I APtt=-~ g:-fjJ, at ie,\l•o1 PLANNING DATE OWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: RVWD BY: PIP06-10 448-8L I '()' ""'°~~