HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 901-7L; CT 82-04; PALOMAR OAKS II; 01-10GENERAL NOTES I. Ail construction and installation )f landscape items are subject to City of' ca,·lsbad Landscape Guidelines,' 983), 2 The landscape contractor is res: ,,)Sible for obtaining all required permits necessary for installation prior to beginning work, 3. Contractor is responsible for knowing site conditions and all underground utilities, pipes and structures, and shall take sole ,espons i b Iii ty f 01· rep I acemen t costs incurred due to damage during construction. 4, Contractor shall not willfully pro;:eed with construction when It Is obvious that discrepancies exist between this plan and actual site conditions, and assumes responsibility that discrepancies are brought to the attention o: the owner's representative. Contractor shall bear cost of necessary rev1 s ions due to r a i I ure to give such not if I cat I on, and no change in contract price will be allowed for actual or claimed discrepancy between ex1st1ng conditions and those shown on plan, The contractor must not i ry the Cl ty Landscape Inspector (6 I 9/ 438-I 1 61 l 48 hours (2 working days), prior to starting construction. 5 48 hours prior to beginning c)nstruction, Contractor's on-site superv 1s or sha 11 meet with owner's r •presentat i ve for pre-construct ion site meeting. During construction, owner's representative s11a11 be available for site consultation. In this case of question, the Contractor shall notify the owner's representat., for clarification. Any work not meeting the approval of the owner or his representative shall be corrected at the Contractor's expense. 6, All property lines shall be verified and marked in an obvious manner p1·1or to construction 7. All landscaped areas shall be mairi.ained by the City of Carlsbad Parks Depar·tment 8. Cont1·actor shall provide reproducable "As -Builts" for the irrigation to the ow,,er, and the Landscape Architect. G \ LOCATION MAP LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL WORKING DRAWI.NGS )----------, / I ...__ t I ~\ I ,{ I ! \ L-2 L-6 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE .... \ \ PROPOSED WIDENED STREAM COURSE --.,,,,,,,..-- L-3 L-7 KEV MAPS L-4 L-8 OWNER: BIRTCHER PACIFIC 2761 I South La Paz Road Laguna Niguel, California 90039 (714) 831-BOO 1 ,,, ,,, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE: LIGHTFOOT PLANNING GROUP 702 Fourth Street Oceanside, California 92054 (619)722-1924 ENGINEERING: HENREY WORLEY ASSOCIATES 7875 Convoy Court Street Suite A-1 San Diego, California 92111 (619) 571-7728 SHEET INDEX COVER ' IRRIGATION PLAN IRRIGATION DETAILS & SPECS. PLANTING PLAN • PLANTING DETAILS & SPECS. SPECIFICATIONS L-1 L-2toL-4 L-5 L-6tol-8 L-9 L-10 P.P/:\, I ll:' ' . • I '"' •, .. , I" DFC (I J 'iS~f: Dr.F;rn BJueprint Co. ~--+--L!c:t'±llJ.J:N-:!!,C:=a__:,:,1<'£=V~,~2.!,,IOc'.::,--lr::a_ ___ --+_t--_-r_ i ~ C I Ty O F CA R Ls BA D SHEET 5 i------t--Lj __ J E~GINEERING DEPARTMENT /Q LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS PALOMAR OAKS 11 BIRTCHER PACIFIC I----+-----------·-------------t---t---1------1 ~============~ ~---1----1----------------t--t--+--1-A-P_P_.R_o_v_E_D_: ---~----- ' ' -----" -------------+--t--::-:-::::-t~:-::---OATE INITIAL DATE IN!TIAL ENGINE!:H OF WOP.I< REVISION DESCRIPTION SHT, NO. CITY APPROVAL ' RE. CITY ENGINEER DATE PROJECT NO. OWN. BY,,------,---I CHKO 8'!' ___ 1 FIELD BK, DRAWING NO. ~O\-lL. lHf llGHTfOOT PlANNING GROUP PlANNING SITf □fSIGN lANOSCAPf ARC~llfCTURf 701 FOURTH STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 161917221924 --ti) (.) ~ -LL ct -(.) 0 ~ cc cc LU ct :c u ,: I- 0 cc - ..J co f <( -z cc 0 LL -...J <( 0 ~ 0 <( co en _J cc <( (.) Scale: _____ _ Date: 6-27-88 Revisions: cc LU > 0 (.) Job# 216.01 Sheet: ' • I .. IRRIGATION HEAD TOP OF SLOPE ··---~ V ---------ii..--, \ _1 ______ 1 _ _i 6' + BUFFER AREA IRRIGATION HEA.D_:..-.._ ~--- STREAM COURSE STREAM COURSE IRRIGA TIONSECTION SECTION NOT TO SCALE ------~P-A--;:-L O M A R ~~~ AIRPOORRTT-FR~O~A~o~-------------- + + PALOMAR '% -!½, SLEEVE--/' I &D, "{!i_W + -- 1 1/2" BFP SEE SECTION ABOVE SEE DETAIL I SHEET L-5 ,____ 2" METER (BY OTHERS) ® jQ0\['3 H20 METER BY CONTRACTOR ./lj ~fW -----CONTROLLER 'D' MC-4 plus ELECTRIC METER BY OWNER I I --------- -+ r TQ HEADS SHEET L-3 -+ + + 1---+--+------------+--+--+---i ~ CITY OF CAR LS BAD ~ ~ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT L1.2_j LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS PALOMAR OAKS 11 BIRTCHER PACIFIC f--+---+------------f-+----t----j 1-A_P_P_Ro_v_E_o_, ______ _ _RE. CITY ENGINEER DATE DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION SHT, DATE INITIAL NO CITY APPROVAL OWN BY ---1 PROJECT NO. CHKD. BY f'IELD BK, DRAWING NO. 90\-7l THf llGHTfOOT PlANNING GROUP PlANNING Sllf OfSIGN lANOSCAPf ARCHllfClURf 701 FOURTH STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 91054 1619) 7121924 --<( -z cc 0 LL ::i <( ' 0 i ~ cc <) 1 "~ 40' Scale: ____ _ □ate: 5/23/88 Revisions: z 0 -I-z <( <( S2 ~. a: cc - Job# 216.01 Sheet -of =-L-2 10 - • \ TO VALVE SHEET L-2 \ \ 1/1 1 BlUf i>HIN! <,(JlHH f 'l. '.;)Pl'\ Y 1127\Hi SDG&E TOWER 10' ----- CLEARANCE ALL AROUND ++ + + I , ) \ I I CONNECT ALL RIGHT-OF-WAY IRRIGATION ---, TO EXISTING MAIN LINE-(TO BE VERIFIED BY CONTRACTOR AND OWNER REPRESENTITIVE _ ~ ~ ?----?-? --------R f). ' -------p-~---L-0;:. M f). • I . \ L-----.i ~I --•-\ -----~~~~::j~ . ~"'-:•···1/----9-__ ...... + + + \ • PALOMAR OAKS I / EXISTING LANDSCAPE \ ( CONTROLLER 'A' MC~6 plus CONTROLLER 'B' MCT-18 ry--, ELECTRIC METER -11Qv SERVICE SUPPLIED BY OWNER ? r,,. \.. ,._ 2• METER (BY CONTRACTOR ., ,....., ---· CONTROLLER 'C' MC-8 P~.,..,. - '%' I " ----..0::.::::--_..... _ _n=:..c.:Lt=~b-,=-tL01=-·=-= 0 ,-Q ;;_/" ~§Z6~{~ \filfj \~,1§1\Jtl_'Z/ \/Yzp ' ' ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD fsHEETs1 ~====i====t=======================+=;r===~===3L_2._j ENG I NEERING OE PART MEN T ~ ~ LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS PALOMAR OAKS II t==±==±================⇒==t==~==~ b~=-iB~IR~T~C~H~E~R~P~A=C=l=Fl=C===4 AP PROVED: ~====i====t=======================+==t==~j~~~~ RE. I CIT y ENG I NEER ~ OWN.BY,,-----, I PROJ-ECT NO. I 1-----t-----i,------------j-=-io.,,r:.E ~1NITT1rri.1A0· CHKO. BY, __ _ -SHT Oa · 'FIELD BK, NO CITY APPROVAL DATE INITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE DRAWING NO. 9 ~7 L ENG·NEER OF WORK lHf llGHTfOOT PlANNING GROUP PlANNING Sllf DfSIGN lANDSCAPf ARCHllfClURf 702 FOURTH STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 9205( 16191 722 1914 --u,o ~II ◄o 0~ a: a: ◄~ ~~ 0~ <( -z a: 0 LL --I <( 0 ... 0 <( ca (/) -I ~ 0 Scale: 1"; 40' Date: 5/2 3/88 Revisions: z 0 -~ c., -a: a: - z <( -I 0.. Job# _2_l_6_.0_1 __ Sheet :=-L-3 _ of -, 10 f lJLULf'n,,17 SOUkC+. ll '.,l,f'·•I."/ 11:r:rEHi / ' I II I I I , I ./ I I I / / / I I PALOMAR OAKS I EXISTING LANDSCAPE I I I I (J) llll:: < 0 I I l • SEE DETAIL THIS SHEET M I N 0 V I D A f' f-CONTROLLER 'E' MCT-/Z ELECTRIC METE_R -110v SERVICE SUPPLIED BY OWNEA I \_ ______ __:__ ____ --; _____ I I R O B L I I I I I I I I I I MITIGATION AREA AND LIMIT OF W.ORK ___ ,,, ... " .. , ··-» ·• ... .' ,, _____ ,., ___ "x -· . ·-, EXISTING SLOPE W/PERM. IRRIGATION , , I I V POC I ._Js. . [SJ ( • I '\ l L8J- EXISTING PVB EXISTING H20 METER t \ ,-. •xisTING iRR10A'lio'iiirAiiii1iie J \, __ ···-·· ··--- EXISTING 2" GATE VALVE P.O.C. DETAIL iip.'.LA;-;N:;-----=--=---...=:.-=.c::....:...::.::::.:..~-............. ·--- N.T.S. / ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ISHEETSI t--+---+---------------+--1----1-----4 L_:1;_j. ENGINEERING DEPART "1 ENT / 0 t--+---+--------.,--~-----+-.J----1-----4 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS PALOMAR OAKS 11 _· BIRTCHER PACIFIC r---:::_--=..:-=--=--=-~~-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-~-=-~~-=--=--=-~-=--=--=--= I ~R:::E:::. ~====C~I T:::Y::::=:::E :::::N :::G ::I N::::E::E ::R ~==D~A::T~E =~ DWN.BY•,----11 PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. !APPROVED: CHKD. BY:__ (\ Ol _ 7 L' FJELD BK, "J DATE INITIAL ENG!NEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION SHT. DATE NO. INITIAL CITY APPROVAL \ .. lHf llGHTfOOT PlANNING GROUP PlANNING SIT[ DfSIGN lANDSCAPf ARCHITfCTURf 702 FOURTH STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 1619) 721-1914 --en 0 -LL -0 if a: UJ :::c 0 .... a: -m Scale: 1 ",. 40' Date: 6/27188 Revisions: z 0 --~ z C, :3 -a. a: cc - Job# 216.01 Sheet: <( -z a: 0 LL -..J <( 0 .. C <( m en ..J a: <( 0 ®VALVE REMOTE CONTROL -- no scale @GATE VALVE ·®VALVE QUICK COUPLER .I .I I I I ' I ' ,. u . 1/e, X:~<o bAU/. "?T""e-E:.:~l--S.-p:.?£-~ no scale F ---------~ ~1arE '. U-$cc -re'FL..?4 rPE-04 /'-l-L. 1-¥ l-E-Pl Pee? 71-J f'E.')-.?:', r;;'\E IRRIGATION HEAD STREAM ROTOR below grade _ no scale -( C' .BACKFLOW PREVENTER ,__,. PRESSURE VACUUM TYPE no scale rainbird 'shrub bug' EMT-M20 PVC NIPPLE 6' CLEAR _ __,, • ~~~~i~!;z;L_ ~~~!:_~ -~l IRRIGATION HEAD POP-UP SPRA y ROTOR -no scale f..lon:- N -~-/ "' -I ,1.~1, <,f'F-I1-i"-i,:i,f-rtfAr'? "'~ALL ~ C<!Uf~t? ,;' Jr -s-t.q'& f¾-.-1 "7TUt.Vi u:>JJU/4.-W(Toi-1. CC: IRRIGATION HEAD SPACING ALONG STREAM COURSE no scale Bcl'EµfllNl' '.:,()lJRCC: & SJ~Pl.Y 1127~5 j -[_-J---::;=a =r \_> --] IRRIGATION HEAD DRIP EMITTER no scale ; . . . r •' . . ~ ' . . . . . ,, ... ' I ' ' IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS ' I. DESIGN 15 DIAGRAMMATIC 1-'LL PIPING, VALVES, AND QTHE'R EQUIPMENT SHOWN WITHIN P IVED AREAS ARE FOR DESIGN CLARIFICATION ONLY AND SHALL BE INSTALLED IN PLANTING AREAS· WHEREVER POSSIBLE, AVOIDING CONFLICTS BETWEEN THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM, PLANTING, AND ARCHITEC fURAL FEATURES. ' . 2. DO NOT WILLFULLY INSTALL THE ,;PRINKLER SYSTEM AS SHOWN ON THE ' DRAWINGS WHEN IT 15 OBVIOUS ;N THE FIELD THAT OBSTRUCTIONS GRADE DIFFERENCES, OR DIFFERE~:LES IN AREA DIMENSIONS EXIST THAT MIGHT NOT HAVE BEEN KNOWN IN THE E"IGINEERING. IT 15 THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY THAT SUCH OBSTRUCTIONS OR DIFF[RENCES SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. It,; THE EVENT THIS NOTIFICATION IS NOT PERFORMED, THE IRRIGATIOI\ CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY REVIS1or1s NECESSARY. • 3. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR TO FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF WITH ALL GRADE DIFFERENCES, -LOCATION Ole \.'ALLS, RETAINING WALLS, ETC HE SHALL COORDINATE HIS WORK WITH THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND OTHER SUBCONTRACTORS FOR THE LOCATION AND THE INSTALLATION OF PIPE SLEEVES THROUGH·- WALLS, UNDER f,OADWAYS, PAVIN1., STRUCTURES, ETC 4. DUE TO THE SCALE OF DRAWINGS, ·T 15 NOT POSSIBLE TO INDICATE ALL OFF-SETS, FITTINGS, SLEEVES, E·1-c. WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED TCI!: CONTRACTOR SHALL CAREFULLY INVESTIGATE THE STRUCTURAL AND FINISHED WORK ACCORDINGLY. Fs!RNISHING SUCH FITTINGS, ETC, AS MAY BE REQUIRED TO MEET SUCH CC,NOITIONS. 5. THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL FLUSH AND ADJUST At.L SPRINKLER HEADS FOR OPTIM•JM PERFORMANCE AND PREVENT OVERSPRAY ONTO WALKS, ROADWI-YS, AND BUILDINGS. THIS SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY SELECTING THC: BEST DEGREE OF ARC TO FIT THE EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS AND 'HROTTLING THE FLOW CONTROL AT EACH VALVE TO OBTAIN THE OPTIMUM OPERATING PRESSURE FOR EAd-f SYSTEM. 6. 120 VOLT AC (25 AMP) SERVICE SHALL BE SUPPLIED BY ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR AT CONTROLLER LC{ATION; IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE FINAL CONNECTIO:\ FROM ELECTRICAL STUB-OUT TO CONTROLLER 7. EACH CONTROLLER SHALL HAVE JTS OWN INDEPENDENT GROUND WIRE. 8. SPLICING OF 24 VOLT WIRES WILL NOT BE PERMITTED EXCEPT IN VALVE BOXES. LEAVE A 24' COIL OF EXCES:, WIRE AT EACH SPLICE AND 100 FEET ON CENTER ALONG WI RE RUN. T 1\PE WI RE IN BUNDLES IO FEET ON CENTER NOT APING PERMITTED INSID: SLEEVES. 9 INSTALL A SPARE CONTROL WIRE OF A DIFFERENT COLOR ALONG THE ENTIRE MAIN LINE LOOP 36" EXCES: WIRE INTO EACH SINGLE VALVE BOX ANO INTO ONE VAL VE OOX IN EACH GROUP OF VALVES. IO ALL SPRiNKLER HEADS SHALL BE SET P:RPENDICULAR TO FINISH GRADE OF THE AREA TO BE IRRIGATED UNLES'., OTHERWISE DESIGNATED ON THE PLANS. 11. ALL IMPACT HEADS ARE TO BE INS'ALLED A MINIMUM OF 12" FROM 12. 13 . 14 15 . FENCES, WALLS, ETC. .ALL IRRIGATION HEADS AD,JACENT TJ ANY PATH, WALK, PEDESTRIAN 1\REAS, OR TURF AREA SHALL BE POP-UP 4" POP-UP HEADS IN TURF AREAS AND 6" POP-UP HEADS IN GROUND COVER AREAS. SPRINKLERS LOCATED WHERE LOW Hf.AD DRAINAGE OCCURS SHALL BE FITTED WITH A KING BROS. 'CV' S:J111ES CHECK VALVE IN LIEU OF SCHEDULE 80 COUPLING. INSTALL. VALVE BOXES 12" FROM AND c>ERPENDICULAR TO WALK, CURB, WALLS, FENCES, OR LANDSCAPE FEA:URE. AT MULTIPLE VALVE BOX GROUPS, EACH BOX SHALL BE AN ECUAL DISTANCE FROM THE WALK ' CURB, OR LAWN, AND SHALL BE 6" AP,IRT (THE SHORT SIDE OF VALVE BOX SHALL BE PARALLEL TO WALK, Cl''.<B, WALLS, OR FENCES. THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM DESIGN IS BA'..;ED ON THE MINIMUM OPERATING PRESSURE OF 50 PSI. THE IRRIGATIIJN CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY STATIC WATER PRESSURE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. IMMEDIATELY REPORT ANY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE WATER PRESSURE INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS AND ACTUAL PRESSURE READING AT THE IRRIGATION POINT OF CONNECTION TO THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. 5,YM[lUL ~ • c::;0-1 ...... [i] . . , V " ------ ~~ EB Jm&c/J{l;JAl7£/J@ltiV/ /L/£[_/g/£/1/1/ll) NUMIIIH 1?1\lf;BlfU EP-.'-SERIES RA!NBIRD PVB S[R![S G,AE VALVE llR!TROL MC SERIES CL. 200 LATER.4L LI NE CL. 315 MAI'" l.l~E WAI ER riUER DLSClllPTION ,:, ------------·-··· ··---·----·-····--·' .. .,. PCMOTE cor,Tr,OL VALVE (size 0·1 plan) 'I:• , OUICK COUPI ER VAi VF PRESSURE v1,cuur-1 BREAKER GATE VALVE (l!·ie sl1c) CO~TROLLER pedesta I In Olli' t (model No. on plans) : 2' BUR,AL DFPTH 111N. I 8'' BURIAL DEPTH nI,~. BY OTrERS ' l===:c=:::t========i==i======-:---c-cc-c==-==='i -'! I i i , 0 , ~10Dc.L , I TYPE l-=Ho·l,='N=T=~R==-PG-'-:. s=--=:=,'' =G E=A=R=-=DR=V=E=N=l=-=c..-".c;c===l=========l:j N 24 RISER STREAM HEAC ''' · PSI GPM P4D ARC ···- 50 * * ' * 0 , 6. ,0, V Y/ [J ~7 ~ • HUNTFR PGP TORO 5 70-15-0 570-15-H 570-15-F S 70-15-?40 T'.lRO 570-12-0 570-12+ 570-12-F 570-17-240 TORO 570-SST 5 70-55, 570-EST *see note oelow SHRUB SPi'tAY HEADS SIDE STRIP SPRAY HEAD$ so 50 so so so 50 so so 50 50 so 50 RAINtllRD EMT-M20 DRIP EMITTER SO RAlNBIRD P3-PJ IMPACT HEAii 60. !!! ·" * * * 1.0 15' 90 2.0 15' 100 40 1s· 360 2.8 15' 240 OS 12' c;:;-o, 1.0 12' 180 ?O 12' 360 14 12' 2'10 14 4x30' - 14 9'x 18' - 05 ,rx 15· - 1.9 GPH - i!:.8' ,m· ADJ. <D ~~~-~-----~-~·-~-~-~-~--' .. -:'.!l.Q!e; SFF HUNEK CHi\KT FOR NOZZlE siif • ' , BASED ON HE1\D SD ACING SHOWN OfJ PLA.NS. ALL TOl<O HEADS INCORPORAI t: PRES~URE COMPE.'6/,T!Nli NOZZ:.ES. .,. Sprin~.ler Arc and Nolzle Numoer• 90' 180° 360~ APPROXIMATE SPACING Nozzle I G.P.M" Nozzleµ G.F.M'.' Nozz.e :: 25' 6 30' : ·::: 2 ,· ; .. ; · .: 1.0., 5 2: 8 35' .,, 3 ,, . ..,,. "(!. ..::.,;,. ·,fj;,; ,c 1 A .. 6 2.7 9 40' 4 1.7 7 3.4 10 45' 5 2.1 8 4.2 11 50' 6 2.7 9 5.5 12 G.P.M:• 2.7 4.2 5,5 6.8 8.9 12.2 • When the arc/nozzle combinations are spaced as ir.dicated the precip. rate will be approx .. 4"/Hr. at 50 P.S.I. •• GPM at 50 P.S.I. Data represents test results in zero wind. Adjust for local conditions . fl Numbers 1, 2 and 3 nozzles require use of fine mesh (white)_rnter screen because ., particles that can pass through the coarse mesh (black) 11,ter screen will plug the orifices of these nozzles. ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD S~EETS l----+--+---------------+----+---+----1 ~ ENG I NEE RING DE p A A T .. ENT I D 1----+--+-----_c..._----------+·----'----l---- LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS PALOMAR OAKS II BIRTCHER PACIFIC -~· ~=================~ ',!AP.PROVED, ------1 f----+--+--------------+---+--+-----!, _RE CITY ENG I NEER DATE . DAT!: INITIAL t:NG!NEER DF WOHK REVISION DESCRIPTION SHT. __ OATf. INITIAL ; NO. CITY APPAOIJAL 1 DRAWING NO. 0\0\ -l L NO I THf llGHTfOOT PlANNING GROUP PlANNING Sllf OfSIGN lANOSCAPf ARCHllfClURf 701 FOURTH STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 1619I 7121924 --en u ~ -LL ct -u 0 ct ~ cc LU <( :r: u ~ I- 0 cc - ..I a) f <t -z a: 0 LL -_J <t u ~ 0 <t a) (/) _J 0:: <t u Scale: ____ _ Date: ____ _ Revisions: Job# 216,01 Sheet -.;,;:,, \ • - 0 111 OAK TREE BERM DETAIL SECTION NOT TO SCALE : 1 -•_;_ CL - \ \ I I - PALOMAR • - 4 ~ ~-,-;. f--.... ~ ~l.E-,'(l bA. ~bl I~ 161 40_c.... . PALOMAR I I . \ ~ J e, I t..CA 1--Jo·ri"-tc.f·:) r(C:ir~ e:;LtJE: , )c:q_ I --L NOTES: OAK TREE -- LL ~.jE:" rt,$-..' ~ /..1..£1. !Ci AL.t... A~-,,...-~!c:, -H - C,'"' c:( ---. @ WHERE FINISH GRADE EXCEEDS 2'-0" ABOVE ORIGINAL GRADE & ROOT CROWN, INSTALL © 3" PERFORATED PIPE IN .. GRAVEL BED. LOCATE 2' X 2' BERM AT OAK TREE i DAYLIGHT PIPE AT NEAREST SWALE ® DRIP LINE AROUND ENTIRE TREE TO PREVENT SURFACE WATER FROM DRAINING (j) PERFORATED PIPE TO BE INSTALLED 2'-0" TO TREE. AWAY FROM DRIP LINE & GO AROUND TREE NO ALTERATION OF ORIGINAL 'GRADE BY MORE THAN 6" ALLOWED WITHIN DRIP LINE OF TREE. NO MECHANIZED EQUIPMENT LARGER THAN 300 L~S. ALLOWED WITHIN THE DRIP LINE OF TREE. TO EXIT TOWARDS NEAREST SWALE PLACE PIPE ON ORIGINAL GRADl: 40 HE~~ME)..E.:-=, A.~..-:,L..1A '?61 I ~• O(... L'.--1 '1" I <1 E,,:. 'eel' ~c:.. o..:C:<l,_;, ..... b ;,..c.,e.1 <"OL-tt-. -od: ~}'H-f'.'-fi'=o ~"I ..._: , I • AL-I-;i...::..f-'': ,~'.."'.::..;, lJ,.,-;.., -:f: SlfAL.L ~ ;:-✓C ,::,. r::;c, • ..-t:e::,.... e:A12..a.c.-...: :7:.,/ 1u .... -' , f-lo 1-h'~f:D I H ~0..t1 COU!i-'=I! • NO CONTAINER PLANT MATERIAL SHALL ' . BE PLANTED WITHIN 12' OF STREAM COURSE. OAK TREE SURFACE DRAINAGE DETAIL LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS PALOMAR OAKS 11 BIRTCHER PACIFIC 1----+--+-------------+-t---t-----l I A p PROVED; PLAN NOT TO SCALE SURFACE DRAINAGE SHALL BE DEFLECTED ----------- AR OU ND TREE AT 2 % MIN. ;:R:::E::::. :===:==:C~l-;:_T::::Y :=E:::N:::G:::I N:::€:::E:::R~==;;:;:;:O::::AT~E~:==~ OWN BY•c-----1 I PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO, OAK TREE PRESERVATION DETAILS (i\ 2·0EEPSHREADEDREDwcioDeARK. o,TE INITIAL REvisioNoEscRiPTioN-sH,. DATE INITIAL ~~ll06\":c-, -_ . O/-ll !l.; -------.... -------~-------------~~~~:...!.!:~:!:.!:!~~~~~~~~!.~~~~!~:..~~!!~~--~-\~\:_~~~--------------~-JE~NG~IN~E~ER~O;F2WO~R~K;;~~~~~~~~~;;~;N;O.£;c;,T;Y;•·;·";O;VA;L;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;J ',.,,.. '" ! ~ , • ' '1.l '\I~ lHf llGHTfOOT PlANNING GROUP PlANNING SllE DESIGN lANOSCAPE ARCHITECTURE 701 FOURTH STREET OCEANSIDE. CA 91054 16191 7121914 --en ~ 0 0 -u. -0 ~ a: w :c 0 t-a: -ca <( -z a: 0 LL -..J <( 0 c"' <( ca en ..J a: <( 0 ·1"• 40' Scale: ----~ Date: 5/23/88 Revisions:• (!J z -t-z z <( <( ..J ..J a. a. . Job t_ 216.01 Sheet :-L-6 -of 10. - -- . I~ SY:1G~~r_1 ~,:~:./::: 1<:,,~,'-, ~-, · q£ C£:rl'-i L -;::;i-j CC:1 L-lP • / / //,// /I ' I - I l-1 ------- . r µO (£:S( UL.A t>i::,c .. J.-x; J - c:.uee, I 1~.'A,L;.- I O ~A -'1 ~ i..t,.... b ~ ~·t-:{,.A ,-.A 1-'..f (3()(-. - ------- -~~-:- (3) '?1 f1/:l.tkDCZ 't, .,,__, ~_Ct-,A1 _ ""'-...:.. ,--._--r Hri • \ ' I \ I \ Zo it,'.'! • - ,;,,£ IS <c-¾-C ~ '-'~ i:-c ... :_,,,.:. 0 p,._ \.. Q- ~ ~ ~ "(' ~ I \ \ \ \ r-lof(~ ' µD ~D I~ tsft!~ c.ow,~ • NO CONTAINER PLANT MATERIAL SHALL . . BE PLANTED WITHIN 12' OF STREAM COURSE. ~ Cl TY OF CAR LS BAD I SHE ETSI 1--+--+------------l--l---l--_j LI.._j ENGINEERING DE PART 1111 ENT I CJ LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS PALOMAR OAKS II BIRTCHER PACIFIC \APPROVED, t----t----1-------------l---+------1---l RE. C t·TY ENG I NEER DATE t--+--+------------+--l---l---1 OWN BY, ---1 PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL SHT D.HE INITIAL CHK D. BY·. L\ o \ _ 1 L REVISION DESCRIPTION No F'IELO BK, -I \ '-.•.~ .. ~-•~-.. Ill_ ':"'!"' ....... •.~i:~~, ----------------------~-------------------------------------------------~E;NG;IN;EE;A ;OF;W;OA;<~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;~;;;~C~ITY~A~PP~AO~VA~L~;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ • I lHf \ llGHTfOOT PlANNING GROUP PlANNING SITE DESIGN lANOSCAPE AACHllEClURE 1 □1 FOURTH STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 91054 (6191 711191t --<( fl) -(.) z ~ a: -LI. 0 ◄ -(.) LI. -0 ~ ...J <( £C a: (.) w ... ◄ :c C (.) <( :E t-al Cl) 9 a: -...J al a: <( f (.) Scale: 1" = 4 0' Date: 5/23/88 Revisions: C, z -t-z z <( <( ...J ...J a. a. Job t 21s.01 Sheet I flllllf'f11Nl :,OIJl-:CC 11. SUPPLY 111795 I ' I It:] C]1jclb ----- f;.}. C:EAHDfHL:~~-~f ~LUC I '1'(.J\ C A M I N en liic:: < 0 \ \ \ ' I lq 13•0,c..... 4' C>.c.... ~-------IO ___ f fH~'::> _0\,/ft~A .. _ C:; (;i • ffi \ ·\. 0. ¼I"" . ..,.-,.,. :. ·~ C/. • . r ._,,....,_.. i ,-""!--s..i ~ 61 \ ~'i &+ I c;E::Ai--bfj-tus 'JuuA-~r'£i' • t✓ l · ' · '-4 ,-. • i ,,.,~ •. ,,/=-..:-_' --+--+--'-f--f----1 ~ C I TY O F CA R LS BA D ~ L .. c:t_J E fll G I N E E R I N G O EP A R T Ill E N T Llf2_J LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS PALOMAR OAKS 11 BIRTCHER PACIFIC IA p PROVED: -+-----l--1----~E __ CITY ENGINEER DATE t---+------+------------+---l---1---O W N. BY, I PROJECT NO_.\ · DRAWING NO. CHKOBY ___ , 1 L FIELD BK, 0] -DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION SHT, DATE NO. INITIAL CITY APPROVAL lHf llGHlfOOl PlANNING GROUP PlANNING ,. Silt OtSIGN lANOSCAPt ARCHITtCTURf 701 FOURTH STREET OCEANSIDE, CA 91054 ' 161917121914 --<C IA -· v, O Z -a: LL.0 -LL 0 -Of ~ a: w :c 0 l-a: -ca Scale: 1 "" 40' Date: 6/27 /88 Revisions: C, z -1-z z <C <C ...I ...I C. C. Job# 216.01 Shellt: 0 -C <C ca (/) ...I a: .<C 0 11 --~j. -!~~re-,,'·) ~-.,., 1,-.. I 1 1r--v 1 -\' ~.L-.e-?, O?-~~-C-::> c:~ "'---S'-4 .. ., G,t.-~. "T".2.?...t_.~ ' TREE PLANTING ' I '---------------~······-------..-" I f-.-r-1· ' ~ !+ I I J J. r- ,,_.. '~J~":7,..::,:!.(!''~ ':"l!(J) FiJ1-~-=..17~-;---,.:4-:"L~, ~ ~f..:1t::;i ;c.,.\~ K'--(!) u=.i-"'..?.oc,' f">-o ~ :::rih-'-~ -;:.16 }(Jd L.-0--G, B#.f 1'.3'M1f'l',(1:.'u:r-i5, F:::. = ,jC,f L 1 Pt\/j,) j TREE W / ROOT BARRIER I no scale SHRUB PLANTING {SLOPE) HU.-•l"HINI O,Ullf<CE '!, 5UPPl Y 112795 TREE PLANTING {slope) ,-----------------------, I SHRUB PLANTING 01-.!='B~O~U~L~D~E~R.!.--!..TYP!..!..!.!,IC=A=L =BU=R=IA.;;.;;L;;..._--;:;:;::;.;;:~ · no scale PLANT LIST SYMBOL OUANITY SIZE BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SPACI HG "REMARKS mptmt 0 0 14 10 0 27 G. y4· . ' @ 65 L~ v.:[]2>1,806 .m/Ml/lM c::::::;:::;} 8 5 0 17z_ ■ 170 ~3'.)3 <LITJ>269 I', I Z. ~ 262 5 ga I .A.LNUS CORDAT A I '5 :]21 5 gal PLAT ANUS RACEMOSA 15~;,I 15 ga: POPULUS cREMONTI I /,5 'jJ[ QUERCUS AC,R I FOL I A 5 gal RHUS OVA TA PLANT SALIX LASIOLEPIS ·BANDS ITAL I AN ALDER ' CAL. SYCN10RE COTT.)t,WOOD CC AST LI VE OAK SUGAI'; BUSH ARROY0 WILLOW 5 gal CARISSA GRANDI FLORA NATAL PLUM Ti.JTTLE' ! ga I CEANOTHUS 'JULI A PHELPS" .y ga I HETERO~,ELES ARBUTIFOLIA I gal I VA HAYES.ANA I gal MIMULUS CARDINAL IS ARCTOSTAPHYLOS 5 qal DENSIFLORA 'HOW ARD McMINN I I gal POS1\ CAI :FOl~N:Ci\ CEANOTHUS TOYO,, POVEi-f Y WEED SCARLET MONKEY FLOWC:R McMNN MANZANn'A CAL \'ii LO ROSE AS SHOWN 3' 4' 4· 4' "I' -~ .L l Sil R'1US INTEGRIFCLIA LEl·lc \!/\DEBERRY AS SHOWN □ .1.:, I 02 I RHAMNJS COFFEEBERRY CALIFORNIA 'EVE CASE' e ,:6 I qal ~"")/\l'il'\JC:lJS r1r1:1CA~~/\ ELDERilFRRY 0 ~? r gal CEANOTHUS 'l=ROSTYBLUE1 N.T.S. fWlKlYl'Tlll) fltD/'7/AN °1·08,000 s.f. FESTUCA El.ATIOR IO LBS/ IO )0 s.f 183,540 s.f. HYOROSEEC MIX A (SEE THIS 3t•EET FOR RATES) 26,460 sJ. HYDROSEB) MIX B ( SEE MIX BELOW ) HYDROSEED MIX A BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME POUNDS PURITY GERMINATION ARTFfUSIA CAUFORNICA CALIFORNIA SP.GFRRLISH t., /AC 15% m,.; ATRIPLEX LENTIFORMS 'BRFWC:RII' QUAIL BUSH 2/AC 90% 70% BACrHARIS GLUTINDSA SEEP WcLLOW 4/AC 2% 50% ERIOGONUM PARVIFOLIUM Sf:A CLIFF BUCKWHEAT 4/AC 30% 60% ESCHSCHOLZIA CAI IFORNIC/\ CALIFORNIA POPPY 3/AC 95% 75% LASTHENIA GL/\BRATA GOLOFIELDS 5/AC 90% 85% LOTUS SCOPA~ILS DfTRWEED 3/AC 40% 60% LUPI'IUS ALflICAIJI IS SICKEL KEELlD LUPINE 5/AC 95% 50% SALVIA MELLIFER/\ [)LACK SAGE 2/AC 8~% sn% SAi. VIA APIPN11 WHITE SAGC: 2/AC 70% 50% OF\inTHERA H011KE11I TPLL EVlNING PRIHROSE 5//\C 95% 75% RE~ARKS SOM SEED 24 HR. l'I WATER PRIOcl TO HYDnOSffDHJG . ----------------------- PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS i. PLANT MATERIAL cOCATIONS 5H0WfI ARE DIAGRAMMATIC AND MAY BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE IN THE FIELD BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. ALL TREES ARE TO BE STAKED AS Sf-OWN IN THE STAKING DIAGRAMS. 3. PLANT COUNT IS FOR THE CONVENIEttCE OF THE CONTRACTOR IN CASE OF DISCREPANCIES, THE PLAN SHALL GOVERN. 4. LABELING -.EACH GROUP OF PLANT MATERIALS DELIVERED TO THE SITE SHALc BE CLEARLY LABELED AS TO SPECIES, VARIETY, AND NURSERY SOURCE. 5. THE SIZE OF THE PLANTS WILL CORRESPOND WITH THAT NORMALLY EXPECTED FOR SPECIES AND VARIETY OF COMMERCIALLY AVAILABLE NURSERY STOCK OR AS SPECIFIED IN THE DRAWINGS. THE MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE SIZE OF ALL PLANTS MEASURED BEFORE PRJNING WITH THE BRA!~CHES IN NORMAL POSITION SHALL CONFORM WITH THE MEASUREMENTS, IF ANY, SPECIFIED ON THE DRAWINGS IN THE LIST OF PLANTS TO BE FURNISHED. PLANTS LARGER IN SIZE THAN THAT SPECIFIED ~1AY BE USED WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE CITY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, BUT THE JSE OF LARGER PLANTS WILL MAKE NO CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE. 6 REJECTION OR SUBSTITUTION -ALL PLANTS NOT CONFORMING TO THE REQUIREMENTS HEREIN SPECIFIED, SHALL BE CONSIDERED DEFECTIVE, AND SUCH PLANTS, WHETHER IN PLACE OR NOT, SHALL BE MARKED AS REJECTED AND IMMEDIATELY REMOVED FROM THE WORK SITE AND REPLACED WITH NEW PLANTS AT THE CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. THE PLANTS SHALL BE OF THE SPECIE, VARIETY, SIZE AND CONDITION SPECIFIED ON THE DRAWINGS. UNDER NO CONDITION WILL THERE BE ANY SUBSTITUTION OF PLANTS OR SIZES FOR THOSE LISTED ON THE ACCOMPANYING PLANS, EXCEPT WITH THE EXPRESSED CON~:ENT OF THE CITY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 7 THE BACKFILL MIX FOR USE AROUNl, ·, HE ROOTBALL OF CONTAINER-GROWN TREES AND SHRt.;BS SHALL BE AS FOLLOW'.!. (6) PARTS (BY VOLUME) ON-SITE :C')IL; (4) PARTS (SY VOLUME) NITROGEN STABILIZED ORGANIC AMENDMENT; ~ Lb':>. 6J,.:O P!:>.Jq.. r"u-l<eo ":>O J ... ~"::>. C-r y~ •1 .,. ~ ~,._ ~~ P'E:I'::: '-'-!!!ii'-XAW 8. ALL LANDSCAPE PLANTING SHALL RECEIVE AGRIFORM 21 GRAM PLANTING TABLETS AS FOLLOWS: I GAL SHRUB -2 TABS/ PLANT 5 GAL SHRUB -3 TABS/ PLANT I 5 GAL TREE -5 TABS/PLANT 24· BOX TREE -7 TAB'.'.! PLANT 36" BOX TREE -IO TABS/PLANT 9. ALL TO REC I EVE HYDROSEED SHALL BE MOISTENED PRIOR TO HYOROSEED APPLICATION. I 0. ALL LANDSCAPE PLANTING TO BE INS f ALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARDS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. I/. HYDROSEEDING APPLICATION: THE 'vVJRK SHALL CONSIST OF APPLYING A SLURRY MADE UP OF SEED, FERTILIZER, WAT:R. NATURAL FIBER, AND SOIL STABILIZER AT THE RATES SPECIFIED VIA HYDRAULIC SEEDING EQUIPMENT. STEP I. -APPLY SEED !NA SLURRY COMPOS[D oF SEED (IN SPECIFIED RATES) 500 LBS/ACRE CELLULOSE FIBER '.AS A DISPENSING AGENT) APPL'( STEP 2. -1500 LBS/ ACRE CELLULOSE FIBER I 2C LBS/ ACRE ORGAN/ C TACK IF I ER I 000 LBS/ ACRE GRO POWER PLU.) 2000 LBS/ ACRE GYPSUM 200 LBS/ ACRE SOIL SULPHUR 12 TYE YYDROSEED SLURRY SHALL BE SPRAYED ON TO THE SOIL SURFACE TO FOR'1 A UNIFOR,'1 VISIBLE LAYER THE SLURlY MIXTURE SHALL BE APPLIED WITHIN ONE HOUR FRON THE TIME THE SEED HAS BECN ADDED TO THE HYDROSEED TANK AND KEPT IN CONSTANT AGITATION. 13. SEED SPECIFICATION ALL SEED SH/,i_L BE DELIVERED TO THE JOB SITE IJNM XED IN SEPA.RATE SEALED CONTAINER:, EACH SEALED CONTAINER MUST BEAR THE SEED SIJPP'..IER"S LABELS. EACH LABEL SHALL INDICATE THE CONTAINER"S 'NEICiHT, SEED TYPE, SEED PERCENTAGE PUll!TY, AND SEED PERCENT GERMINATION ALL CONT /s,INERS SHALL BE LABEl..ED ACCOFDING TO STATE AND FEDERAL SEED FOR TEST I NG TO ASSURE. THAT 71/E SEED sr EC/ Fl CATIONS HAVE BEEN MET 14. NO HYDROSEED SHALL BE APPLlfD WITHIN 2' OF ANY CONTAINER J.?LANT MA-:-ERIAL HYDROSEED MIX B ~-·· -·------------------.... ~~~~~--------;::~,:;;~/;, ,;n, .~~~~~~/i\1~5e:-i~~A.1~.h,~ .. =.1:!.,·~,:;,,:;:r;;,,,1; .. ~-;,1:::,======~==;===;==~,::::1 ='.3===;1-;=c=,=r=y=o==F=--.=c=A:==:=R=L=S~B::=:=A=:D:=iil~~~i ANEMOPSIS CALIFORNICA YERBA MENSA 10/AC. 1 ' . Et>IGINEERING DE PAR TM ENT 0 ----~---~-------------------------- LASTENIA CALIFORNICA DWARF GOILDFIELDS 2/AC. 90% 85% FESTUCA MEGALURA ZORRO GRASS 6/ AC. 85% BO% DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL SHT NO. CITY APPROVAL LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS PALOMAR OAKS II BIRTCHER PACIFIC IAP PROVED: RE. CITY ENGINEER DATE DWN BY, I PROJECT ND I DRAWING NO. CHKD. BY: 901.:lL FIELD BK, I lHf llGHTfOOl PlANNING GROUP PlANNING SITf □fSIGN lANDSCAPf ARCHITfCTURf 701 FOURTH STREET OCEANSIDE. CA 92054 1619) 722 1914 --,n (.) ~ -LL ct -(.) 0 0:: a: cc UJ ct ::r: (.) ~ I-cc 0 - ...I co f <( -z cc 0 LL -...J <( (.) ~ 0 <( co (/) ...J Cl.. <( () Scale: ____ _ Date: 6-27-88 Revisions: C, z -t-z < -' 0. en -' -< 1-w 0 • en 0 w 0. "' ~ Job# 216.01 Sheet: =-L-9 of ,. . . - -"1•.:_·_Cto'•·_·_Y .. ·••.·.•••···•··. ·•·· ,'_,_.,,:·.·-' . ' ., ' -:,:·, _,,_ • • • LAYOUT AND DRAINAGE SPECIFICATIONS i. SCOPE OF WORK • A This work shall consist of construction or all walls, planters, concrete waiks and patios, shade structures, and drainage work. Bid price shall incluce all labor, materials, tools, and equipment costs as well as any other expenses necessarv for tho completion or this project 2 PLAN A Grading and construction items shown on these layout plans shall be staked and field ver,r1ed by the project landscape architect within 48 hours of notification !619) 722-1924 B. All concrete walks shall be 3500" p.si., 4" nominal thickness with specified finish and retardant added. Surface area shall not exceed one hundred squace feet ( I 00 sq. ftl without elastomarlc expansion joints. Concrete walks snail have 3/4" depth con:roi joints at 5' on center. Control and expansion joints shall have 1/4" radius. C. All concrete flatwork shall drain at 2% away from.!Ju1ldrngs and structur·es. Concrete walks s~all drain with a 2% cross pitch. D. Contractor shall snleld all existing work with vlsquean to prevent splattering of concrete or cnortar. E Contractor 1s responsible for leaving site clean or paving material and slurry residue. F. Header wher·e specified shall be 2"x4" redwood construction rough heart ror al I straight runs. Three (3) ply lamination ·header of 1 /2" x 4" construction rough heart shal I be used for curves. Stakes shall be 2" x 2" x IT "edwood and located at splices, corners, and intervals not to exceed 6' and criven s·ightly below the top of the header. Splice plates shall be used at bu:.t Joints. Header shall be nailed to stakes with two (2) galvlnlzcd nails. Splice plates shall be center:eo on the Joint and nailed to each header wit11 (oJr (-4) galvinized nails. G Area drains and drianage lines.shall be installed as necessary with prior approval of owner H. Where required, the drains shall 4" N.0.5. spee-d-basins, with 6" uni-grate In turf areas, 4" atrium grate In planting areas, or 4" spee-d-channel drain :n hardscape areas. Attach basin / inlet to 4" ADS non-perforated tubing and slope at .5% min. to curb opening or on-site catch basin. Contractor shall be responsaole for select:ng all fittings and obtai1ing curb core drilling as necessary for adequate drainage. I. Drainage grates colors shall be green unless otherwise specified. IRRIGATION SPECIFTA'!'ION I SCOPE Or WORK A. This work shall cons·st of the 1ns"allat10,1 or a complete automatic 1rr1gatlon system as shewn on the plans Bid price shal I Include all labor, materials, tools, and equipment costs as well as any other expenses necessary for the completion or this project 2. f'L6tl A The plan is diagramat1c. Refer to notes, details, and legends to verify locations and type of irrigation eqoipment. B. Contractor shall carefully check and verify conditions on-site and be ramlllar with the location and details of on-site connections of water and power sources. C. Discrepancies between the p!an's clements and/01· site conditions must be brought to the attention of the owner's representative during bidding and prior to proceed,ng wl'.h any work. Failure to do so will result In responsibility by the contractor for any and all revisions that result there From. 3. ,'1ATERl.~l S A All materials shall conform to the local ordinances governing Irrigation equipment. B. All materials and equlpr'1ent shall be new and shall conform to the manufacturer's spec I fications. C No substitution or equipment will be allowed without prior written approval or the landscape architect. Contractor shall submit data to support claims of equal performance. Standards of performance of specified materials and equipment shall be used as a performance standard; substitute material must match specified material. ' D. Equipment and r'1aterla!s shall be as called out on the plan legend. 4. .1 AYOUT A. Pr:or to installation, contractor shall mark-out, with chalk, all pressure supply lines and laterals indicating the locations of Irrigation heads B. Layout shall be such that no hindrance or Interference with planting or construction occurs. C. Owner's representative shall approve of layout prior to Inst al la ti on. 5. INST Allh TlOt:! A Irrigation heads anc risers shall be Installed perpendicular to the flnsh grade and cr.ecked for adequate coverage prior to permanent stak Ing. B. All l(nes shall have a minimum clearance of six inches (6") apart from eacr, other. I ' \ C. On-grade piping sr,all be supported continuously and staked as necessary to prevent slippage per ~Ian detail and/or ranuracture0 ·s recommendations D. Flush alH>nes pr,or to :nstallat1on of sprin,ler heads. E. Spacing o' heads sr,all not exceed the radius Indicated by the manufacturer. ' F. Anti-Drain valves shall be Installed wherever necessary to prevent low head drainage.· o. TESTING A PRESSURE TESTS I. All pressure mains shall te capped and tested at a hydcostat1c pressure of 150 p s.l. for a period of three 0) hours aM proven water-tight prior to lnsta\l;r.g remote control valves. Any leaky fittings, Joints, and pipe sh al I be replaced and the line re-tested. 2. Lateral lines shall be capped and tested at the design pressure, at the last head, for three (3) hours and proven watec-t lght ~r1or to installatjon Of sprinkler heads Any leaky valves, Joints, fittings, or pipe 'shall be replaced anj the line re-tested. 3 All pressure tests shall be performed in the presence of the owner's representative and City Landscape Inspector. (619) 439-7157 4. Contractor shall provide all equ1oment necessary to conduct hydrostatlc testing 5. Contractor shall nctlfy City Inspector 48 hours prior to h'1drostatlc testing. , 8. COVERAGE TEST I. When system 1s complete, contractor shall perform a coverage test to determine that coverage Is adequate and complete 2. Adjustments shall be made by the contractor Lo compensate for site conditions and variations ,n grade. 3. Heads shall be adjusted in height and alignment after planting is completed and prior to hydroseedlng to ensure adequate coverage and that spray stream clears adjacent plant material. 7. CONTROi i FR SYSTEM A Controiler shall be a1.\ lf-t'-; ,-:oL t-1c.--~,!?-If"-":> unit prov1di:lg for manual or completely automatic operation. I. Each station shall be capable of prog0 amm1ng from 1-59 minutes and shal' operete at a minimum rate or one 24 VAC remote valve per station. 2 Cont"ol:er shall have capacity for everycay, .every otner day, or every third day programming and shall indicate the days watering occurs and whether watering occurs on the curr-ent day. 3. Controller shall have a minimum of 6 (six) separate start t:mes per day; each Individual start time shall be programmable at a,,y time of day B. WIRING I. W,re sizing for control valve wires shall conforT, to the following chart: 0 l,00i 1,000 ft, 1,500 ft. -12 GA -10 GA In any case, any valve shall not be more than 1,500 ft. from contro lier. 2. Wire color shall be as fol lows: a. Controller system wiring shall be per detail on plans b. Pilot wires shall be a dirferent color wire For each controller. c. Common wires shall be white With a different color stripe for each controller. 3. Wiring shall be taped together at 10 foot intervals. 4. Provide expansion curls withing 3 feet of each wire connection and at each change of dlrectlon by wrapping 6 turns of wire around a I-inch diameter pipe, then withdrawing the pipe. 5. All splices shall be made with Rainbird St-03UL "snap-tile' wire connector and PT _ss sealer. 8. FINAL ACCEPTANCE A Contractor shall demonstrate to owner the operation of each system and olece or equipment. B Contractor shall provide all manufacturer's data For all equipment. c. Contractor shall provide a reproducible "as built" plan depicting the actual locations or li1es, heads, valves, and controlling systems. Each va Ive for each contro II er w i II be c I early shown and I ts station number sha 11 be indicated ' D Landscape Architect will provlae base map inFor·mation to contractor for "as-built" plan. E. Contractor shall provide copies of each controller program, keys to the enclosure, and any special tools de\:vered as a stock accessory to any of the equipment. F. Maintenance period shall not commence unti'I this section's requirements have been fulfilled to the acceptance of the owner. - 9. G!l68.Atil.IT Contractor shall guarantee that system is free from detects and workmanship, for a period of one year; ordinary wear and tear, unusual abuse, or neglect exceptea. I 0. MA: ~TENI\NCE A. OPERATION ' Periodically la minimum of once a month) Contractor sr,all check al· systems for proper operation and coverage. Lateral lines shall be flushed out after removing the last two sprinkler heads at each end of the lateral. Al I heads are to be adjusted as necessary for unimpeded coverage. 2. Contractor snal I adjust the watering schedule equal to the appl1catlon rate each area Is capaole or receiving based on topography, soil type, plant material, season, or weather climatic factors. Owner's representative shall be given a key to controller and instructions on how to turn off system In case or emergency 3. Two weeks prior to the end of the maintenance period, all valve boxes shall be checked for soil lnvas'on, cleaned out, and new gravel replaced as noted In or:ginal speclflcatiQns. 4 .1\11 screens in backflow preventer strainers shall be checked and cleaned as rieces,ary three (3) times per year. 5. Contractor shall utilize repeat cycle on controller to eliminate excessive run-·off. 6. Contractor will be responsible for trimming and making necessary adJustments to riser height as growth rates Indicate 7. All systems ;hall be personally observed during operation cycle at least once per month to verify effectiveness or sprinkler operation. 8. Contractor shall throttle down valves enough to prevent useless fogging, allowing droplets for effective watering. 9 Hoers schedvle,J operation will be programmed to minimize -disease occurrence of plant material and reduce possible nuisance from sprinkler operation to pedestrians or vehicles B. 11,\INTE~/\NCE I. P.r1y repairs made by the contractor will be In ac'coraance with the original details or as directed by Owner's representative. 2 Repairs to irrigatior system, caused by conditions under which the contractor does not have any direct control, shall be paid for oy the Owner as extca work. '"epairs under this condition shall be vandallsrn, normal wear and ,ear, stom1 damage (acts of God), or by others. It shall be the contractor·s responsibility to report such conditions immediately to owner's representative. 3. Contractor shall make minor repairs under this contract. l"linor repair s.,all be defined as an occasional repair such as a broken riser, which can be repaired easily without the need of a specialist 4 Malfunction of any nature, which are deemed to be the fau]t or materials or wockmanshlp, st\11 covered under original Installation guarantee sr.all be reported immediately to the owner's representative. 5. Contractor shall furnish his own hoses, nozzles, sprays, and co:itroller keys as required 6. Any damanges to system caused by contractor's operations shal I be reoa1red without charge. Repairs shall be made within one watering pe 0 iod. 7. It will not be the respcnslblllty or the contractor to pay for heads requiring replacement, but he will be responsible for the labor Involved. Heads shall be of the exact type as previously Installed. Substitution. will be allowed only with prior approval of City Landscape Architect. PLANTING SPECIFJCAflON I. SCOPE OF WORK This work shal' consist of performance of soil preparation, planting and hydroseecing er those materials called out on the plans and Installation per the details depicted on the plans. Bid price for this work shall include all labor, materials, tool, and equipment costs as well as any other appurtenances necessary for the completion of this project. 2. £L6N fhe plan Is diagrammatic. All plant mater1iJI locations shown are approximate Plant symbols take precedence over quantities shown on the plant I 1st. 3 M,\TERIALS A. PLANTS ' 1. All plan:s snail be of healthy or normai'growth, well rooted, and tree or diseases and insects. Quality anc size sl1al\ conform to the State of Ca Ii r orn i a Grading Code of nursery stock, number one grade. 2 Plant material shall not be root-bound. Project Landscape Architect and/er owner re!')frves tile right to reject any and ail material round to be defective. Defeftive material sl1all be removed from site and replaced with acceptable mciter:al at Contractor's expense i 3. Contractor shalllbe responsible for damage to plant material due Lo negl1ge-1ce or 1rrlgat,on iystem failure during construction or dur,ng the .c-a: cteoance period \ B. SEED I. All seed is to be delivered to the Job site, unmixed, In separate sealed containers. Each sealed container shall bear the seed supplier's tags which shall indicate the weight of the container, seed type, purity and germ inat Ion. 2. All seed shall be labeled according to State and Federal Seed Laws. , 3. A sample or each seed type may be drawn and held ror testing before seeding operations. If any discrepancy between specifications and germination material Is discovered, contractor shall pay For seed tests performed by Ransom Labs <805) 684-3427, and shall replace seeded area wiln specified mix. 4 SOIL PREPARATIQN A Slopes shall be ripped or serrated to a depth of six (6") Inches in a horizontal direction prior to any planting or irrigation installation. B 3ackflll mix and amendments srall be as specified from soil tests performed by a qualified testing laboratory arter rough grading operations All backfill and amendments shall use native soil as a mix base and Incorporate: 6 parts Or site sol\ 4 parts Nitrogen stabilized organic amendment zc, I e.,,,:,,,, ~«-,-t"..J:..., C:.:f"-f"L_LJL-_.;, "' O LE7:>. W""'•·H-'t "? ~---~. ~I I_ t:.._._~.•<r'L.L~~-":f c,ue..:.., 'f Ajcp contractor shal I be responsible for verlrlylng backfill mix with delivery reclepts of all specified amendments. 5. Pl ANTING A Genera I I. Set plant plumb and hold rigidly In position until soil has been tamped flrm:y around ball or roots ?. Use only specified mix For backfill. 3. Backfill pit with planting soil half Its depth and water thorough,y. Backfill remainder of pit with planting soil. Firm down, c·,1minaling all aw pocket, Do not pack. .; Construct watering basins equal to diameter or pit excavated 'or pla",tinq plant material. Depress:on of each basin shall be capable or holding a depth of 3 inches of water 5. After watering, any settlement witr,in basJos shall be refilled :o requ1 red grade w I tn prepared soi I. 8. Conta1!'er-Grown r'lants I Can removal Cut cans on two siaes with an acceptable can cutter Jo not injure root ball. Carefully remove plants without Injury or damage to root ball. /\fter removing plant, superfically cut edge·roots with knife on three sides 2. Box removal Remove bottom or olant boxes before plarrting. Remove sides of box without damage to root ball after positioning plant and partially backf'iling 3. Dig plant1rig holes to accommodate root bal's as per detail 4. Hand backfill and hand tarip, 'eaving a slight depresssion around plants Stake trees designated to be staked, as per detail, with minimum of one stake on windward side of tree. 7. HYDROSEEDJNG A General 1 Al 1 s I opes sha 11 be c I ean and watered for three (3) days prior to seeding to properly moisten the soil All container plant material shall be ; nsta I led prior to app I icat: on of hydroseed mix. B Materials " I. Mu:ch: Fibrous wood cellulose material dyed green containing no germination or growth-Inhibiting materials. It shall have a consistent texture which disperses easl ly and remains suspended in agitated water. Mulch shall be of tne type specified on the plans and applied In the quantities listea thereon. 2. Tacklfler: Shall be an organic base binder that will provide soil stabilization and allow moisture lo penetrate :nto the soil. Tacklfler shall be of the cype spec If led and app Ii ed at the rate specif led on the p Jans 3. Fertl'izer: Shall be of a commercial grade of granular or pelletlzer material, free-flowing uniform composition with an N-P-K rating as specified on the plans and applied in the quantities thereon. 4. Seed shall be as described in Sect:on 3B above and of the species and varieties listed on the plans and shJII meet the purity and germination standards thereof. Application rates shall be as speclfieo on the plans. 8. HYDR0SEED APPLICATION A Equipment: Hydraulic equipment used for the application or slurry shall r,ave a built-in agitation system with an operatinf{apacity sufficient to agitate, suspend, end homoge1eously mix slurry. Distribution lines shall be large enough to prevent stoppage and to provide ever d\st.rlbutton of the slurry over the ground In order to facilitate proper coverage, the pump must be capable of exerting up to 150 PSI al tile nozzle The slurry tanks shall have a minimum capacity or 1500 gallons and shall be mounted on a traveling unit which, will place the slurry tank and spray nozzle within sufficient proximity to the areas to be seeded so as to provide uniformity in distributior, 1Nithout waste The mixture of seed and additives are to be applied by as hydro"mulchlng cnachlne The nozzle height shall be between 6' and 10' above ground level. Discharged pressure at the nozzle shall be 100 PSI. B. Preparation: The slurry preparation shall take place at the work SI te. I. With the engine at hall throttle, begir. adding water. When the water level rezches the height of tre agitator shalt, good recirculation shall be establlshec. 2 Add fertilizer per hydroseed mix on plans when tank is at least one-third full of water. 3. Engine throttle shall then be opened fully when tank Is r.alf full of water and all fertilizer has been added. 4. Wood pulp mulch shall be acded ano all of the amount specified on the plans shall be added by the time the tank is two-thirds to three-quarters foll. 5. Seed, In the quantities specified on the plan shall be added last and the tank brought to its full wate," capacity. 6. Spraying shall commence immediately when tank is filled. 7 No hydroseed shall be applied within 2' of any container plant material. C. Application: The operator shall spray the slopes with a uniform, vlslbie coat by using the green color of the wood pulp as a guide. Tne slurry shall be applied In a sweeping motion, as In an arched stream so as to fall like rain allowing the wood fibers to build on each other until a good coat is achleveo and the matleral Is spread at the required rate per acre. D. Tirne limit: All slurry mixture which has not heen applied to the slopes within four hours after m1x1ng wlil be rejected and removed from the project a\, the Contrax:tor's expense. ' E. Protection: The Contractor shall protect al I areas not being treated against trespassing and from damage at all t',mes. Special care should be ' exercised in preventing any cf tl"e slurry to be spr·ayed inside any reservoir basin or onto drainage ditches ana channels Which may impede the Free Flow or ra;n or wrigation water or rrom covering plant materiai. Any slurry splllec into res'.ricted areas shall be cleaned up at the Contractor·s experse to the satisfaction or the owner Af'l'Ul-.'<fiOr1 /!Ail:" Se;:E ',ol-lE£T" '-' "1 9. GUARANTEE All shrubs and trees shall be guaranteed by the Contractor for one or rnore or the following lengths of time upon completion or the specified maintenance per1 od: A All one gallon material -90 days. B. All rive gallon and large, .. material -120 days. 10 MA'NTEN.I\NCE Maintenance period sha 11 be For 120 calendar days, cor'1mencing from date of final acceptance by Owner·s representative and City Landscape Inspector. Plant maintenance shal I consist of the following: A Care and maintenance or plant basins for container stock removal of known noxious weeds from projecr. area, and mowing and trlming of lawn B Rep'acement of diseased or dead container stock. Fertilize with Best Triple Fifteen 15-15-15 two (2) weeks prior to the end of the maintenance period C. C\ean!ng of drainage structures or debris that might impede the r low or water through them. 0. Contractor shal I Inspect the site no less than once per week during the maintenance period. CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ 1-----+---+--------------1-1-1-:--l ENGINEERING DEPART M ENT 0 l----t--+----------t-t--r1 ~===1_:· ~~~~~:=:=====i LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS PALOMAR OAKS II BIRTCHER PACIFIC ' !APPROVED: RE. CITY ENGINEER DATE I· DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF 'f{ORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OWN.BY, I PROJECT NO I DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL CHKD. BY: qD\-71L SHT. FIELD BK, '-\, NO CITY APPROVAL THf llGHlfOOl PlANNING , GROUP PlANNIN-£ S I Tl U f S I G N lANUSCAP[ ARCHIT[CTUR[ ' I 702 FOURTH STREET " / OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 161911n1924 --Cl) 0 ~ -LL <C -0 0 8: a: er: LU <C :c 0 :e J-a: 0 - -I ro i <C -z er: 0 LL -_J j ~ 0 <C ro (/) ....I a: -' ' L - Scale: ____ _ Date: -·-s.:.2 7-8 8 Revisions: Cl) z 0 -I-<( 0 -LL -0 UJ a. Cl) -- Job# 216.01 , Sheet: =-L-10.: --';, - :_of j:(): ,_ ____.:.,. ".-· ' ., ·- '