HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 902-3L; CT 84-14; TAMARACK POINTE TOWNHOMES; 01-17\ l . . . I I ... I • . ,. ..... d• • .. AP-.P-rovals . D I - I --. l . . I -I . • - I - ' --I ill?~©~ @5~ t:ti]~ CG~urll~@@l@v t@JTITiil@rr1ruCT@ VicinitY. Mag _______ _ PACPlC 0<:«AN -< Leucadia 1 Viet• SITE Sheet Index No. Sheet Title 1 RECREATION AREA GRADING PLAN 2-'1 CONSTRUCTION PLANS 5 lUlCllEATION AllEA G!lADING PLAN 6 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 7-9 IRRIGATION PLANS 10 IlECllEATION AREA IRRIGATION PLAN 11 IRRIGATION LEGEND AND.DETAILS 12 IRRIGATION SPECIFICATION8 13-15 PLANTING PLANS 16 RECREATION AREA PLANTING PLAN 17 PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS Sheet Index MaP- ,7 \ I "'ti\,""---t=-=IH---in -' Lf1r tJ . .,,,...i:.11 O:UP _j'"'7I""' N_ , -~I -. _;'."'.: -• --, ~.z~~''--'··crr._'_"'.-.:.~~~~#l'4' --l-'H Consultants Lamar Associates Landscape Architecture ■ Planning 32122 Paseo Adelanto, Suite 78, San Juan Capistrano California, 92675 17141 496·7756 '\ I \ \ I 0 i: ;, I I .. ·1 I I I I § ,,r I i . G2 ... -··--·-~·-.. ~·-,,,...,,,-~-·---.., .. ,-,.,...._. • < _,,,. ;,-:.,..,,,.._..,_.-....,. "., -· .," \ ' \ (, L NlJV271985 I ITT -- • .., II, "l EA=EME ...rr (./NE . ,, ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' A L A :.J OE-TAIL : CUR6 OUTIET (92' 0 0 0 SECTIOi../ A·A iJO SC.ALE /IKT're• CI..IR8 OI.JTC..E,T "lD BE CONSTF?tX,TE::> PeR REG .STD 0-27. 6' l • ~ tl • SECTIOA/ 13-1!, Ah 6C4LE s ~ r ' ·,!'.,; o4'Z(WX.) ~ ' I ~\ • I I / \ • Grading Lr.:!q~nd Symbol DS DW C CB FF A FG FL FS GB GF GP HP INV p TB TC TF TG .'l'P TS 'l'W TPC Grading Notes Definition Bottom of step 601101'1 Of WA !;.I.- constant Catch basin Finish floor Finish grade Flow line Finish surface Grade break Garage floor Garage pad High point Invert elevation Pad Top of bench Top of curb Top of fence Top of grate Top of pilaster Top of step Top o'f wall Proposed grade Existing grade Direction of drainage Existing contour Proposed contour Top of pool coping • Drainage arrows indicate 1% minimum on paved areas and 2% minimum in planted areas. * The grading plan is intended to be supplemental information to the engineering g.rading plans. The contractor shall notify the lat, !scape architect of any inconsistancies or errors immediately. * --Inctlca tes NDS -100 4' long by 4" wide channel with NDS 242 green grate in planted areas nnct NDS 242 grey grate in concrote areas. Set IIP flush with paving anct sot channel at .5% slope to low point. Q NDS 50 6° dia. round green grate and Spee-d-basin in planted areas. * -■-•-· .J\B:3 plpe or equal -Si:ze noted --" ... SHEET INDEX NO SC.ALE SHEET D (/) g, o ID C 1/'l Q) II ,.._ ■-~ ,.... C'm• ..., C ·-"' a. 01 (0 ca "' .., _o -·-Q. C .., .... (.) «I .... • ::i -.., 0 Cl) C ... «I (/) :::, (/) .... -(/) (,) IX) ,.._ <( Cl) Ill .... ... ·-·-.c ::i 1/l (,) ... 0 ~ ... C !! I/') ... Cl) ., ,.._ (0 a. "C ~ <I( 01 ca o E (,) Ill - C/J : «I ·-"C a. C ~ (0 C ~ 0 .... ·-...I ca .... - ..J ~ .., 0 <( ...I CL c,· z -Q <( a: C, <( 1LI a: <( z· 0 -;t- <( w a: 0 ~ LIJ en w I--z ~en~ QLIJ ~ o.::t8 0 C ~:ca: oz; ~3:c ct08 :::;El-3:; ~ w :c ... oete: 10-iz.-e'6 Drawn by:~ Revisions: 84901 Sheet 1 of 17 CONSTRUCTION LEGEND Symbo 1 0 0 0 0 © © 0 0 0 @ @ @ Definition Sidewalk.-See engineerlng plans Curb -See engineering plans 1-lundici'.lp ramp Typical 45° angle Align with wall, building, stairs, etc. Install 3~" thick concrete paving, natural color with heavy broom finish perpendicular to long axis of ~~ w:;1lk and a 3" wide srnutt1 trowel band along (g (I) exterior edges of walk, Expansion joins shall be at 10' o,c. maximum Install masonry wall -to match architectural· wall L'.Ll Install 31 wide wood gate_ to match~ 1nsta11 exposed aggregate paving -See sheet 6 for notes lnstal l 42" high wrought iron fence to match~ Install wrought iron fence~ Install 3' wide wrought iron gate to ~atch. ~ Gate shall be self~closing, self-latching andW t·1ave a key lock. Owner shall approve lock type and make arrangements for keys. Install gunite pool as shown. Depths to be 3' Lo 51 • Coping shall match 9 and be 1811 wide. Submit tile to owner for approval., Contractor shall prepare plans and details to secure permits an'd pay all fees. SEE \ \ " " " " ,; ,; " " " " ~ " " " " " \ ,; Install gunitc spa. 1211 wide coping band to match 13. Tile to match 13. Contractor shall prepare necessary plans and details to secure permits and pay all fees. Pool equipment ro:m -See ~rchitect•s plan ©-4 " ® @) R 00000 Restrooms -See architect's plan Wood trellis -See architect 1 s plan Install wood banch 12016-8 by Timberform. Wood sl1a 11 receive two coats paint to match building trim. Install in concrete footings per manufacturers specifications Install turf-b"1ocks per manufacturers recoIT11rOndation f~-'\-, light vehicle parking. Available from Associnted l In E,) Concrete Products Inc. 714/557-7470 /L-~~.,__ __ , .. _,./ Install #2120-8 wood bench with cast iron supports by Timberform. Available from the Wakefield Company, 714/752-6204 lnstull #1544 Swing Structure climber Dy Tirnberform. Available fr:,rn the Wukefield Ccmpany, 714/752-6204 Install #TR-240 play structure by Children 1 s Playtime 619/746-7S29 Install #TR-243 Teeter-totter by Childrens Playtime 619/746-7529 Install redwood header ~ Install wood stairs and lar1ding. Exact number of stairs shall~ be approved Py landscape architect prior to construction W Retaining wall -See engineers plans lndicat~s radius lnCicates phase line ~ = = § § = = = = = ~ 0 4 0 a:. oooo 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 ,Q C 0 C 0 C -C C 0 0 C Cl 0 0 0 Cl OJOCoooc;oo0uo0OOg DA§ 0 0 0 0 0 PONTIAC DRIVE --- &; rm [ID SEE SHEET D an Q [J]J !'ENCE LEGEND Architectural wall 11111111111111111111111 I I •••••••••••• C) ~ 0 Q: ,__ ~ "' c., "' Q: ill] O] . . :.--- &. i::xctf'f Af !::NP UNl!S AS INDICA-f~l7 _.., ··- I I SHEET INDEX NO \ ,, ' Scale: 1'-ad-d (h,J (i . '1:1 Z · L, SHEET A u, Q) ..., m ■-0 0 u, u, <C m E m ..J o,o C.; ·-~ CU: C ·o. (0 ID _u 0. C ID • ;;) ..., Q) C ... ID :::, "' -(.) Q) - -1- (.) :) a: 1- (/J z 0 (J Ill .... • - co Ill ,.._ ,.._ • co a, ~ ~ ... .... Date: 1-1-85 1 Drawn by:~, evisions: -~ I ·1.S-'6 6 -2.; _:82._ 1 I-Zb·6'5 -J'll?f . 84901 Sheet 2 of 11 I I I, \ \ ' \ CONSTRUCTION LEGEND Symbol 0 0 G) © © © 0 0 0 @ @ @ fil Definition Sidewalk -See engineering plans Curb. See engineering pla~~ Hand1 cap ramp Typical 45? angle Align with wall, building, stairs, etc. Install 3\u thick concrete paving, natural color with heavy broom finish perpendicular to long axis uf ®~ walk and a 3" wide smooth ttowel band along (D (p exterior edges of wal~. Expansion joins shall be at 10' o,c, maximum Install nasonry wall -to match archl ect•Jral wall Install 3' wice wood gate to match @ ,,' LAMBET InstJ11 exposed aggregate paving -See sh~,t 6 for notes ...J.~'~--.----r--,---,-,,,.,.-,::==~::::-:;::.::::0...,..,.--,..,.--,---:-"1"-\--- lnstall 41" high wrousht iron fence to ,natch@ lnstall wrought iron fence ~ .. lnstoll 3' wide wrought iron~: .• to match ~ Gate shall be self-closing, se'f-lat,:1·;,1g cndW have a key lock. 01mer shall :p,11ovc lock t.ype and make arrangements for keys. Install gunite pool as shown. Depths to bP 3• to s•. Coping shall matcl1 9 and be 18" wide. Submlt ti le to owner for approval .. Contractor shall preparr rlans and details to secure permits and pay all fees. ,~Install gunite spa. 12" ,wide coping liand ta match 13. Tile to match 13. Contractor shall prepare necessary plans and details to secure permits and pay all fees. I ~ I L-,,--.....----..-✓ R 00000 Pool equ·ipment room -See a1 chitect's plan Restrooms -See architect's plan l.Jood trellis -See archHect's plan Install wood bench #2016-8 by Tirnberform. Wood shall receive two coats paint to match building trim. Install in concrete footings per manufacturers specifications . ,C:-:~ Install turf-blocks per manufacturers rccotnrOC'ndation ~~If;,,' li9ht vehicle parkina, Available from Associated / 1 ) Ccncrete Products 1rc. 714/5S7-7470 ~_....../ lnstall #2120-8 •,ood bench witl1 cast iron supports by Timberform. Available fron the Wakefield Company, 714/752-6204 Install 111544 Swing Structure climber by Tir:-iberforrn. Available from the kakcfield Company, 714/752-6204 Install #TR-240 play structure by Children's Playtime 619/7•\6-7529 Install #TR-243 Teeter-totter by Childrens Playtime 619/746-7529 lnstall redwood header ~ Install wood stairs and landing, Exact nu:nber of stairs shall~ be approved by landscape arcn1tcct prior to construction W Ret.ainin9 wall -See engineers rilans Indicates radius Indicates phase line ------------ \ \ \ / ... • • • • •• ••• -.._,, I -.. FENCE LEGEND Architectural wall IIIIIIIIOIIIRIIIIUU Engineer's retairiin wall 3' Wood fence f 6 ,_ u w fence r ----~;:=:::::x::~~~~~~6 . & i::xce:.f'f Af !'::NP UNr(S A.S INDICA ~o Scale: 11'=3d-d' O~l{;f '}D?,, -!?L., SHEET B en G) .... (tJ ·-(.) 0 en en <( a,o C. ~ ·-.. c.; C ·a: cu • _o a. C • :, • .., Cl) C .... ::::, (/) -CJ al .... Cl) • --·-·-s:= :, C/l CJ 0 ... < -C • -... Cl): ,... Q.ci: \JV CO o E ~ = 'C 0. (tJ C ~ ..J.:f~ z- <C ...I a. -z 0 -l-o :::, a: t- U) z 0 0 (0 ' .,, ,._ ,._ ' (0 a, .. -.. -,._ - .,, ,._ (0 IN a, -• --C .. 0 -·--• u Date: 1-1-~' Drawn by : tfk_ evisions: __ I 7-25-85' /: ,\ 'i{ r 2,_ (. -'iJS'° ,\ 11-1':>·B!? 'fuw~ 84901 Sheet 3 of 11 I\\\ I ' I I I 1'1 /ti __ j CONSTRUCTION LEGEND Symbol 0 0 0 0 © © Definition Sidewalk -Sec engineering plans Curb -See engineering plans Handicap ramp Typical 45? angle Align with wall. building, stairs, etc. Install 3l-:" t~i:k concrete.paving. natural ~olor with ~ heavy broom f1n1sh perpend1cultr to long axis of (if) ei walk and a 311 wide s!TKloth trowe~ band.along (.p (p exterior edges of wa1k. Expans1on joins shall be at 10 1 o.c. maximum Install masonry wall -to match architectural wall Ins ta 11 3' wide wood gate to match EI£) Install exposed aggregate paving -See sheet 6 for notes Install 42" high wrought iron fence to match@ Install wrought iron fence@ Install J' wide wrought iron gate to match, ~ Gate shall be self-closing, self-latching andW have a key lock, Owner shall approve lock type and riake arrangements for keys, Install gunite pool as shOWf!r Uepths to be 3' to 5', Coping shall match 9 and be 18" wide. Submit tile to owner for approval.. Contractor shall prepare plans and details to secure permits and pay all fees. Install gunitc spa, 12" wide coping band to match 13. Tile to match 13. Contractor shall prepare necessary plans and details to secure permits and pay all fees. ----~--------~'"'-" ...... Pool equipment room -See architect's plan Restrooms -See architect's plan WJod trellis -See architect's plan I l"I l<j I __ l D E C I I D I I @ R 00000 Install wood bench 62016-8 by Timberform, Wood shall receive two coats paint to match building trim. Install in concrete footings per manufacturers specifications Install turf-blocks per manufacturers recommendat1on fo{c§~' /\ light vehicle parking. Available from Associated Jf /'2__\ Concrete Products Inc. 714/557-7470 _ / Install 62120-8 wood bench with cast iron supports by Timberform, Available from the Wakefield Company, 714/752-6204 ln5tall #1.544 Swing Structure climber by Timberform. Available from the Wakefield Company, 714/752-6204 Install ITR-240 play structure by Ch1ldren's Playtime 619/746-7529 Install #TR-243 Teeter-totter bi Childrens Playtime 619/746-7529 Install redwood header ~ Install wood stairs and landing. [~a~t number of stairs shall~ be approved by landscape architect prior to construction W Retaining wall -See engineers plans Indicates radius Indicates phase line I .,,.,---7 I I 0 0 / 'g 11\' . i I i 1 '/ ---tr I g I II \ \ C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D I I I ---•.I!•~.!!.:.!•~• II 1111111•· II J, Ill ■••■ !!II II ·•'■■t II 111~~-i..-~-,--,, --- --------------------- 00000000000000000000000000 ,,' , .. -· -t I I I I I I m 1-w w :::c "' w w "' REGENT ROAD FENCE LEGCND 11111111111111111111m , .......... . ----· Architectural wall Engineer's retaining wall 3' Wood fenceffi 5' -6" Wood fenc: ~ SHEET INDEX NO ,SC,ALE I. " I d Scale: 1•30- SHEET C Cl) Q) .... m ■-0 0 Cl) Cl) <( m E m _. C) 0 c; ·--C • C 'ii. «I • _o Q. C • ::, • -, (I) C .... :::s (/') -(.) al ,.._ (I) • -- z cc .J Q. -z 0 -1- (J ::, a: I- "' z 0 0 Cl) ww t-z ~~ 0 ::E a. 0 (,) ~~ ui <to CCo <(O :E~ ~ w :::c: t- <O II) ,.._ ,.._ ' <O a, ... -.., .. ,.._ - 'llt ,- I 'llt CX) I-0 <( a: I- 84901 Sheet 4 of 17 -~ \ \ ' I \, i 7 \ • l 4 I : ' . • • ~\\~i~~µ}; \ z4 .,::::0.::\::. --------- liiw1 ;~~~if, ·--·--;;/lifffd .... ·;;:::'.;;;'.;1· : ... .' . . I \ \ ····•· i,l>il-+-----?) 12-' .---------- I CONSTRUCTION LEGEND Symbol Definition Sidewalk -See engin~ering plans Curb -See engineering plans Handicap ramp Typical 45° angle Align with wall, building, stairs, etc. 0 0 0 0 © © Install 3½u thick concrete paving, natural color with heavy broom finish perpendic'ular to long axis of ®~ walk and a 3'1 1'1'ide smooth trowel band along VJ V) exterjor edges of walk. Expansion joins shall be 0 © 0 @ © @ R at 10' o.c. maxlmum Install masonry wall -to match architectural wall Instull 31 wide wood gate to match Install exposed aggregate paving -See sheet 6 for notes lnstal1 42" high wrought iron fence to match~ Install wrought iron fence@ lnst,11 3' wide wrought iron gate to match. ~ Gate shall be self-closing, self-latching andW have a key lock. Owner shall approve lack type and make arrangements_ for keys. Install gunite pool as shown. Depths to be 3' to 51, Coping shall match 9 and be 18'' wide. Submit ti le to owner for approv a 1 •. Contractor shall prepare plans and details to secure permits and pay all fees. Jnsta11 gunitc spa. 12" wide coping band to match 13. Tile to match 13. Contractor shall prepare necessary plans and details to secure permits and pay all fees. Pool equipment room -See architect's plan Restrooms -See architect's plan Wood trellis -See architect's plan Install wood bench #2016-8 by Timberform. Wood shall receive two coats paint to match building trim. Install in concrete footings per manufacturers specifications lnst:ill turf-blocks per manufacturers recommendation for light vehicle parking. Av::iiluble from Associated Concrete Products Inc. 714/557-7,170 lnstall N2120-8 wood bench with cast iron supports by Timberform. Available from the Wakefield Company, 714/752-6204 Install #1544 Swing Structure climber by Timberform. Availab1e from the Wakefield Company, 714/752-6204 Install NTR-240 play structure -by Children's Playtime 619/746-7529 Install #TR-243 Teeter-totter by Childrens 519/745-7529 lnsta 11 redwood header ~ P1 ayt irre Install wood stairs and landing. -Exact number of stairs shall be approved by landscape architect prior to construction Retaining wall -, See engineers plans Indicates radius 00000 Indicates phase line SHEET: D fD" \0 I ' \ I ' u, c,o ~ C c 11)11 Cl) . ,-. ' ·-... ,..._ C.; ' ..., C 'ii co a, «I (0 ., .... \ _u -·-CL C: .... ., ~ 0 ,-. • :, -.., 0 Cl) C .. ., u, :::, Cl) .... . u, 0 Cl) ,-. <( Cl) CD .... -·-·-:, s::. Cl) 0 .. 0 <( -C ., It') ... Cl) C) ,-. co «I a.~ N a, (0 0 E 0 Cl) -"' ., C/J ., ·-"'C a. C ~ m C N 0 N -(0 ·-..J ~ -N ., ..J C') u < ... 0. er ·z -Q < a: d <-w a: < z 0 -... < w a: 0 -~ en w w -I-z Zen~ ow:E c.~8 0 C ~ :c cc oz; C:C3=c a:oo ~t-i ~ w :c I- Date: 1~[-851 Drawn by: .f/..iL. A\evislons: .J.... 7· 2.5-ttG' -~ 84901 Sheet 5 of 17 ! ·r'"•-·---· ,,_..,.,•~-•••"""I'·'-"& ' ~ • "'" -.. .. \_ .l.'(I .. ~ l(\ .... . .. JL 41 '. 1o'', L 41 ' -' - I @ "' I ' .. ~ .. , .. ~ ,. 1 . -. I<-\ I - " © -, I I ' '--· \"0 --~ '- ~--\ - . . 41 ------,,__.,-__ ~-r~ 3")1,i~~~~~ fo ) -ffitt1 'iP-e,,/l<.D ;-gQ:;pe, lo/o t-11~• 1k4-11 fA~"' lt<lfSON ~f;!~~N"' ct..1p ~o:Tf:.: A l,L. 1-,W o GHA 1, ~ t,~ ~~ P,f; Wood Construction Notes * All wood to be rough sawn (ros) unless otherwise noted. • All wood to be Ml construction grade or better. * All nails to be galvanized iron. * Refer to uniform building code for nailing schedules, * All straps, brackets, hangers, etc, to be galvanized ateel or painted w/2 coats tine chromate primer. * Paint all straps, brackets, hangers, etc, to match wood finish unless otherwise noted. * All bolts to be cadmium plated, galvanized or primered. * All construction to be plumb and true, crown all lumber -crown side up. * Use finish nails on decking, benches, rails, etc. and set heads l/6". * Space all decking w/16d nail unless otherwise noted. * All materials and construction to conform to governing codes and ordinances. * All wood shall receive 2 coats 01.ympic semi-transparent »tain. Color shall be selected by landscape architect. (~SHAl-l-ea~ f'Rt~u~r~A1"~t7:- • I . - . '- "I 01'<~ . .. -t--\,. \ -. ' '·.I;<\ . @. . · ,. .. · .. ?±) -·. ! ft;' 4-1 . --. RETARDJm'f FINISH CONCRETE NOTES * Job Sample: A 3'x3' sample shall be cast at the job site using the contemplated materials and construction techniques. The so.mp le shall be approved by the Lun·ctscape Architect prior to the placing of the concrete. * Concrete \!ix Dosign: All concrete designated as retardL'nt finish concrete shall be per the concrete notes. In addition a fine texture exposed aggregate finish of pen gravel shJ.11 be obtained using approximately 50 percent sand and 50 percent medium-fine aggregate. * Preparatory Work: All batching shall be in accordance with stand~rd inrl11stry practice. The concrete shall be placed and consolidated so as to completely fill all spaces in the forms. Tramping shall be avoided so that the aggregate will remain near the surface. A wood float finish shall be a.pplied lhat will expose the aggregate. Color shall be L. M. Scofield Chromlx admixture C-25 Sombrero Buff. + Ap;:ilication of Retarder: As soon ag final finishh1g has been completed, apply li thotex top surfci.ce retarder, as manufactured by L. M. Scoficld's Company, evenly over the surface in accordance with L. M. Scofielct's application instructions. A polyethylene film shall be used to cover th!:.' concrete after plflCing and until the &Urfac.e is removed. * Aggregate Reveal: The retarder shall be removed Uetween 8 and 20 hours after placemGnt with a coarse-fibered scrub brush and a jet of water. * Curing: After the surface has been removed, and the rrggregate exposed, the surfaces shall be cured with new, non-stainin~ curing paper. Liquid type curing compounds shed l be used. * Cleaning and Sealing: After the curing period and upon . approval by the Landscape Architect, all exposed aggregate surfaces shall be washed with a muriatic acid solution containing one (1) part of acid (20° baume) to ten (10) parts of water. The surface shall b-e thoroughly scrubed and r.ins<"rl with w.i.ter. After the surface has been thouroughly cleaned as directed above, the surface shall be treated with diluted lithochrome floor cleaner per the manufacturers recommendations. * After the above operation is complete the surface shall be thoroughly rinsed and protected while being allowed to dry. * All acid clcuner and rinse waters shall bG carefully drained so it docs not pollute the planting areas. ' \.. ~ I ~ 1. It is the responsibility of the contractor to inspect the jab site and become aware of all grade differences and any other existing site conditions prior to his bidding and construction, 2. If any disCrepancies or questions arise in the field, the contractor shall contact the owner. 3. The contractor shall be held responsible for the results of any errors, discrepancies or omissions which the contractor failed to notify the owner of before construction and/or fabrication of work. 4. Contractors shall be responsible for any and all damage to existing elements that are to remain, caused by themselves, sub-contractors or anyone under their direction, an~ shall pay all costs of repair and/or replacement. 5. ·' All contractors shall be responsible for clean-up of any and an trash, debris, slop-overs, etc. created by themselves, sub- contractors, or anyone under their direction and said action shal} be considered in base bid. 6. Contractor shall remove all demolition items completely from site and dispose them in a legal manner. 7. concrete shal 1 have a minimum-compressive strength of 2000 p. s. i. at 28 days and be a minimum of 3½" thick. 8. All workmanship and materials to conform to governing codes and ordinances. 9. Contractor is responsible for all permits. 10. Subgrade under paved areas Shall be compacted to a minimum of 90% 11. Contractor shall supply Landscape Architect with 3'x3' samples of all pnving for approval prior to construction. ,,~00 -f ,r <'3 -::- ' ,. II \ .- .. .. ' ,, '-:.:. II . I (t?M,Wd:, . ~ -·· , "';) . .. ~ @ • -. .. ' ~ .. r----. . . .. . . . - • 1·x 1' 1 T!Jt?!'i~ rcr1 etn011 ~11~-~L. r,eiit'Je;1 Vi::f'Tl~L;;'? e i::;, I 0,e,,. ~ l;.>(lu~c,TIJ~ ~t:-1:':L TlJl;;iN& ~ e,I a:,,. ~r~ fi2'11Nh fi1'4' ;,<. ,e,11 t:?el:::F' ---•---·- Non;: t-L.1.,. ~t::L W ~ ~~ fl ~ N fa::, v-i 1TH · ffiMf:::fi-CO"'T~Z~~ ~Ml-~~e~ COL01'2-ro ~ s~i::c--rw 4 :z < rL 0;: & ~ ~ ~ ll'1 ' _, - le. ~ ' ~ \) . /(~~ \' ~ & = 1£1: I =tarzf 11l ~-Pt.a¥- f1 W, C~i,,lb Njtoij;-r,ak;f~ 6AfJD C-OMf~m w~1~W ~D BA'S~ ~~Ct?Mrl>CIW eAS"~ en Q) ..... ca ■-0 0 en U'J <( ... «s E ca ..J C) 0 CO c:. ~ ~ ■-~"""' Ct;, C: 'ii ~ «J ., st _u a. C: st ., ... ,-.. ■ :, --, 4) C: ... ., :::, (/) -u co (I): -.... (/j .... -<( 1-w 0 z· 0 -l-o ::) " f-er, z 0 0 w :c I- Date: 1-t-85' Drawn by:_-,/~_ evisions: __ _ I 7. :z. 5"~~- 10-2_ ~~ 8 $' __ l~U,£6 Ji)_~ 84901 Sheet 6 of 11 \ - SHEET INDEX NO SC.ALE I I \ \ \ ., .. '\( \ --------- FENCE LEGEND 111111111111111!1111111 -, & ........... . J\rchitcctural wall Engineer's rotaining wall 3' Wood fence EE 5' -6" Wood i"enc: ffi "', ~- - ~, " "-- Q 0 tt' ,._ ;/! I 11.J I C, ,rt_~~&: 11.J I -_, -.:- tt' I ::.-I '$: lr.tc-----1 ---.,,__,u I -~:::y....-1_ ,~ I I ~ I ~ I I I I \ \ z- < ..I A. z 0 -... < C, -a: a: - I Date:~ Drawn by: q,L l;levisions: __ /{\ 7-2.5-85' 84901 Sheet 7 of 11 0 t-w w ::c ti) w w ti) .,, a .,._ ,z,fzf ---~ --------- . : ~ ~ ~ --''-", § § I g ~ t::=:l l..---t--' t::=:l I ~ L-.t--' § I g t::=:J B D § I t:::::j B D § I g i......---+--+----, E C D A I E C D A 18 I I / I I 10 / I I I \ I I I I f I ~ fl=· .......... .! .... · f ·• ........... ,1 ..........•.•. 1 ......... \. ~-........... ·• L--. -...... .I ......... !... .... _......J......__ .. _,i.. ....... 1 .• ,. ....•............ WI gw / cn1 gen <1 o< :c u :c o..•6a. I I o --.,r.§"c------1 __ I g I I FENCE LEGEND 1111111111111111111 IIII ····-······ ---- Architectural wall Engineer's retaining wall 3' Wood fence ( G 5' -6" Wood fence \ l I Scale: 1"=3d-d' ~\JJ C.,, (1t)1, <~1 lr S H EE T B \ Date:~ Drawn by:~ ijevis1on s: fil_Z-_:l_~-Si' - 84901 Sheet 8 of 1r ' I ~11 1\111\IIUl)IIUII\I~ § ·"1' . . ,t) ,11' f FENCE LEGEND ,/ ,f,f I'' 1-w w ::c "' w w "' , .......... . ·---· ~ ,:.---.;..._ ___ _;___;_~------t-_:___;__~:.J. '/ . ,~1EGENT ROAD ~----0 Lg~• ------------~-------I'' ,i ' , Architectural wall 3 ' Woo cl f e n c e !-'-,---I . 6 5 1 -611 ~Yood fence f 6 '• -... ti~:;.rr 0 I g 0 I g I o I o ,,t' ~" I O I/I v,ig 1,j, 0 "J/-f 0 I o 0 SHEET C """ C, 0 <O V# CC II) (1) ., ,._ ·--,._ CW· ..., C: ',i ~ "" co ., ., ,v -u -■-Q. C ., CJ ., ... ::, ,._ . -, - 0 Q) C .. ., en .a rn_ en o ~ <( Q) ., -... ·-::, .c 1/) 0-.. 0 <c .! II) ...... ., ,._ -i:, <D fl'I Q. ~ N "" C0 0 OI E ~: ! 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' r '~ '<,- , ... .... r l ,_,, . ---' -. - 7- RECREATION, AREA, IRRIGATION, PLAN, -- . - -- Lamar Associates Landscape Architecture ■ Planning !ff~ ~. 32122 Paseo Adelanto, Suite 7B, San Juan Capistrano THE WOODWARD COMPANIES California, 92675 17141 496-7756, ' / // j r $Tll1P WIP.£$ "'PPll.0111.. 6/a" fltOM I.MD IILP l CONME.C.TOIL UNTIL WIii.Go E.MO ltllll,,C'.11£,~ &0TfOM. STl!.P r. IMV. C.OMT£MT& OF $E ... LIN6 P.a.c.l(. C.UT '/& • O'l'r LMO OF P....::.it. ,I.MD IN$1UlT C.ONNE.C.TO!t TO OPPO$1TE LWD f,T11;.P 8 ,wa ... P OPt:H ENO 01" $EAUM6 ""'G"-WITlt Tj,,.PI. I N®~~j~t•~w.,. .. , ONTIL RE»N OE~• 6TLP 4- Wire Connector NOTES: 1. 1N SHRUB AND GROUND COVER AR£AS SET TOP OF 6" POP-UP SHAUB SPRAY 2° ABOVE FlNlSH GRADE. 2. 3. lN LAWN AREAS SET TOP OF POP-UP I.AWN SPRAY FWSH WITH TOP OF SIDEWALK OR CURB. IN OPEN SEEDED LAWN AREAS SET TOP OD POP-UP LAWN SPRAY 4• ABOVE FINISH . GRADE UNTIL LAWN IS ESTABLISHED. LOWER HEADS TO FINISH &RADE AS DIRECTED BY TH£ OW~R'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. srazr au. Pop-up Lawn Or Shrub Head ~ ~L.Ml)(- MIM (I -~ ~U. Ml)(et, l'-lllH ~II Nf'r!v'e ~I,. Tree Staking Detail ---1-4 ~ ay Wll(e ~ ~ H~e:: ,it:e- ~-~ ~ ~~N~ -r,c.ee ~Y11.f>i<~1 LaJt, ~H~ ~ I pv,,t:,I ·~'k1-~ i< -:z) ~wa:t:, ~ ~ ~,fr,;€,, -i-tl°'Nf~~6?1Y- ~ . Wf--rta,'~ .'P-lllh£,I~-~u.. Mb( ~ ---TT,'IJ:-,ij\~ ~L Ml>'- MIN. tJ'-~11 ~ff!U. Ml>C.~ itl/'?1 NA1l\E r-.c:,f L., Tree Guying Detail • I" IN U..WN .._,111L,._• r.• IN 614F\Uet. ""'&."'$ PVC. &C.M. 80 PIPE PVG l•I> ,o• E.L\.. pyc; KM. 80 PIPE. PVC. T•& .#>.,.LE: --tr,-,, ~PTE.I'\ (.TY .. IC.,.\.) . loNTA01.. wu,1-1."'t. _ __,__..u1-----' 'tll,i.E C.ONMI.C.TOP.• FINISH 611.i.OS: TD SPRINICLERS•A.N&LE. PIPt. To $PE.CIF'IEP OtPTM Wint 4~• E.LU. f;° ti & REDWOOD &LOCI'. 4/ PEA. 6lfA.VIU. _j_ -COMMON WIA~ TO OTMII.R VA.\.Vllft ON ,_,...,., C:oKTROLU:111. TO COMTA.OLLIIIA. .,_,.IN LINIE FITTIMO. w/ s,c.ru:wr.o outLE.T I OIRU.T 9,UM,.I. C.OPPS.,,_ ___ _ COWTJ,OL Wlllll. TO 1,1.1.C.,aic. C.ONT"OL y,-Lvr:• D "IITOIUTlc. GONTA.OU.I.R ~===;>o.-llT VOLT. 40 C.YC:LE ~Wia WIRE.~ IN &Ll'TNC-M. C.OWDUIT &P."-•• wva •"'""''NI!" W/&O -~ N-OllltL M:Al.11.11 FINl$M C!A"-OE 1g.,a.1t.•• ,a.• Tl,U:YJ~"T f>L.OC.14 (1YPIC. ... L) ,co POIWT or C.OMIH!.C.-YION ~O ... PT A• "&qlllP.£.D &P."'-" NIPPLI!. • 4• MUI. \.UIG"T\4 (TYPlc.J,1.) &R"'•• 90"1!\.L (1"yPIC.,._\.) &R,.fola WIPPUII (-.VPIG"'4 Electric Control Valve Automatic-Controller Backflow Preventer !It ?.• I.DJ.i.c.E.NT TO .,,,.,_Lit. o--. eu--.& · 6" IN OPE.M "-A.11!:,._S. WAL!t' OR CUil& t,; 1 6P. .. Dll :..I--EXT£N&IO"· LEM6"TM A.~ l:U:.QUIRS:D 1--;!>C:'4. 80 PVG 1,IIPPLi. • T&E. Shrub Spray Head Shrub Planting Detail 911:4M MIPPL.lll -fl t,• ._ 4• AEOWOCO - &1.0C.14 ._... .. Ulll. l'IPlt,IG, Quick Coupling Valve <7 -'V 0 ¢ 0 • • IRRIGATION LEGEND ·-·· -. -~---"'. _ _..r-"1..--_..-f --_......,_ ___ .• ,. '. " -" -~ '"' -.,.,,, 5. The sprinkler system design is based on the minimum-·opl:iratl~· · General Irrigation Notes 1. All pop-up type sprinkler heads installed 1n shrub or ground cover areas sha)l be installed so that the top of the sprinkler head is l '' above finish grade. ', 2. All pop-up type sprinkler heads installed in lawn areas shall be installed so that the top of the sprinkler head is flush with adjacent sidewalk or curb, 3, In open seeded lawn areas set top of pop-up type sprinkler heads 3" above fini5h grade ur.til lawn is established. Lc ... ,ering of all lawn heads by the irrigation contractor so that the top of the sprin%ler head is 1/4" above Unish grade, shall be accomplished within ten (10) days after notification by the owner's authoriz~d representative. 4. All sprinkler heads shall be set perpendicular to finish grade of the area to be irrigated unless otherwise designated on the plans, pressure of psi. The irrigation contractor shall verify water pressure prior to construction, Report any difference between the water pressure indicated on the drawings and the actual pressure reading at the irrigation point of connection to the owner's Q.Uthorized representative. 6. 120 volt electrical power outlet at the automatic controller location s:-'.all be provided by o.thers. It shall be the responsibility of the irrigation contractor to make the final hook-up from the electrical outlet to the automatic controller. 7. 'l'his design is diagrammatic. All piping, valves, etc. shown within paved areas is for design clari;ication o~ly and shal; be installed in planting areas where possible. Avo1d any conflicts between the sprinkler system, pla~ting and architectural features. Gate Valve 9. Do not willfully install the sprinkle~ system as shown on the drawings when it is obvious in the fie'ld that obstructions, grade . differences or differences in the arell. dimensions exist that might nut bave been considered ·in the engineering. Such obstructions, or differences should be brought to the attention of the owner's authorized representative. In the event this notification 1.s not performed, the irrigation contractor shall assume full responsibility for any re\.•isions necessary. 10. Install all ~aterials and equipment as shown in details. Vse teflon tape or teflon pipe dope or, all male pipe threads on all sprinkler swing joint and valve assemblies. 11. It is the responsiblility of the irrigation contractor to familiarize himsel( with all grade differences, location of walls, retair.ing walls, etc. He shall coordinate his work with the general contractor and other sub-contractors for the locntion and the installation of pipe sleeves thiough walls, under roadways, paving, structures, etc, · 12. ln aCrlition to the control wire sleeve·s shown on the drawings the en Cl) ...., m ■-(,) 0 en en <( C z UJ fa ..J ti) ..J z- 0 i! -UJ ~c c., -,, a: C a: m - w J: .... Date: 1-1-85' Drawn by:,L!L ~r~~~kLolJ Sheet 11 of 11 8. The irrigation contractor shall flush and adjust all sprinkler heads for optimum performance and to prevent overspray onto walks, roadways and/or buildings as much as possible. This shall include selecting Lhe best de~ree of arc to fit the existing site conditions and to throttle the flow control at each valve to obtain the optimum operating pressure for each system. irriaat ion contractor shall be responsible for the inst.illation r) of cOnt rol wire sleeves of suffici~nt size under all paved are.1l7o. i_,., 1i1\i; ,,'i ' ' . IRRIGATION SYSTEM J. SCOPE II. I I I. Provide a11 labor, ~aterials, transportation, and services necessary to furnish and install irrigation system as shown on the drawings and described herein. QUALITY ASSURANCE AND REQUIREMENTS A. Permits and Fees: The contractor shall obtain and pay for any and all permits and al I inspections as required. B, Manufacturer's Directions: Manufacturer's directions and detailed drawings sha11 be follO'llled in al I cases wher"e the manufacturers of articles used In this contract furnish directions covering points not shown ln the drawings and specifications. C. Ordinances and Regulations: All local, municipal and state la"ws, and rules and regulations governing or relating to any portion of this work are hereby incor~ porated into and made a part of these specifications, and their provisions shall be carried out by the contractor. Anything con- tained in these specifications shall not be construed to conflict w1th any of the above rules and regulations or requirewients of the same, However, when these specifications and drawings call for or describe materials, workmanship, or constructfon of a better quality, higher standard, or larger size than is reqtJired by the above rules and regulations, the provis1ons of these specifications and drawings shall take precedence. D. E~planatlon of Drawings: 1. Due to the scale of drawings, it Is not possible to indicate all offsets, fittings, sleeves, etc. which may be required. The coritractor shall carefully investigate the structural and finished conditions affecting all of his work and plan his work accordingly, furnishing such fittings, etc. as may be required to meet such conditions. Drawings are generally d1agramat1c and indicati~e of the work to b~ installed. The work shall be installed in such a manner as to avoid conflicts between irriga- tion systems, plantirig, and architectural features. 2. The word Architect as used herein shall refer to the CMner's authorized representative. 3. All work ulled for on the drawings by notes or details shall be furnished and installed whether or not specifically mentioned in the specifications. 4. The contractor shall not willfully install the irrigation system as shown on the drawings when it is obvious in the field that obstructions, grade differences or discrepancies in area dimen- sions e~ist that might not ha¥e been considered in engineering. Such obstructions or differences should be brought to the attention of the Owner's authorized representative, In the even~ this notification is not performed, the irrigation contractor shall assume full responsiDility for any revision necessary. SUBM I TT ALS A. Material List: 1. The contractor sha11 furnish the articles, equipment, materials, or processes specified by name in the draw;ngs and specifi- cations. No substitution will be allowed without prior written approval by the Architect. 2. Complete material list shall be submitted prior to performing any work. Hateria1 list shall include the manufacturer, model number and description of all materials and equipment to be used. 3. Equipment or materials installed or furnished withol.lt prior approval of the Architect may be rejected and the contractor required to remove such materials from the site at his own expense. 4, Approval of any item, alternate or substitute indicates only that the product or products apparently meet the requirements of the the drawings and specifications on the basis of the infonnation or samples submitted. s. Manufacturer's warranties shal 1 liability under the guarantee. supplement the guarantee. not relieve the contract or of his Such warranties shall only B, Record and As-Built Drawings: 1. The contractor shal 1 provide and keep l.lp to date a c~lete "as- built" record set of blue line ozalid prints which sha1l be corrected da1 ly and show e-Jery change from the origina1 drawings and specifications and the exact was.built" locatons, sizes, and kinds of equipment. Prints for this purpose may be obtained from the Architect at cost, This set of drawings shall be kept on the sit@ and shall be used only as a record set. 2. These drawings shall also serve as work progress sheets, and the contractor shall make neat and legible annotations thereon daily as the •ork proceeds. showing the work as actually 1 nstal led. These drawings sha11 be available at all times for inspection and shal I be kept in a location designated by the Architect. 3. Before the date of the final inspection, the contractor shall transfer all information from the "as-built" prints to an ozalid sepia, procured from the Architect. All work shall be neat, in ink and subject to the approval of the Architect. 4, The contractor shall d;mension from two (2) peM11anent points of reference, building corners, sidewalks, or road intersections, etc., the location of the fol1~1ng items: a. Connection to existing water lines. b. Connection to existing electrical power. c. Gate valves. d, Routing of sprinkler pressure lines (dimension maximum 100' along routing). e. Sprinkler control valves. f. Routing of control wiring, g. Quick coupling valves. h. Other related equipment as directed by the Architect. s. On or before the date of the final Inspection, the contractor shall deliver the corrected and c0111pleted sepias to the Arch1- tect. Delivery of the sepias will not relieve the contractor of the responsibility of furnishing required infonnation that may be omitted from the prints. C. Controller cnarts: 1. As-bui1t drawings shall be approved by the Architect before controller charts are prepared. 2. Provide one controller chart for each cor1troller supplied, 3. The chart shall show the area controlled by the automatic controller and shall be the maximum stze which the controller door wi11 allow. 4. The chart ts to be a reduced drawing of the actual as-built system. Howe~er, in the event the controller sequence is not legible when the drawing 1s reduced, 1t sha11 be enlarged to a size that will be readable when reduced. 5. The chart shall be a black line or blue line ozalid print and a different color shall be used to indicate the area of coverage for each statiofl. 6. When completed and approved. the chart shall be hermetically sealed between two pieces of plastic, each piece being a minimum 10 mils. 7. These charts shall be completed and approved prior to final inspection of the irrigatio," syste111. IV, D. Operation and Hainten1nce Hanu1ls: 1. Prepare and del.1ver to the Architect w1thin ten calendar days prior to completion of construction, two hard cover binders with three rings containing the following infonut1on: a. Index sheet stating contractor's address and telephone number, list of equlp111ent with name and addresses of local manufacturer's representatives. b. Catalog and parts sheets on every material and equipment 1nstalled under this contract. c. Guarantee statement. d. C0111plete operating and maintenance instruction on all 1111jor equipment. 2. Jn addition to the above mentioned maintenance manuals. provide the Owner's matntenance personnel wtth instructions for major equipment and show evidence in writing to the Architect at the conclusion of the project that this service has been rendered. E. Equip,nent to be Furnished: 1. Supply as a part of this contract the following tools: a. Two (2) sets of special tools required for rew1oving, disassembling and adjusting each type of sprinkler and valve supplied on this project. b. Two (2) five foot valve keys for operation of gate valves. c. Two (2) keys for each automatic contro11er, d. Six (6) quick coupler keys and matching hose swivels far each type of quick coupling valve installed. 2, The above mentioned equipment shall be turned over to the Owner at the conclusion of the project, Before final inspection can occur, eYidence that the Owner has received ma.terial 11USt be shown to the Architect. PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE ANO HANOLING A. Handling of PVC Pipe and Fittings: lhe contractor is cautioned to exercise care in handling, loading. unloading, and storing of ?VC ptpe and f1tt1ngs. All PVC p1pe shall be transported in a vehicle which allows the length of pipe to lie flat so as not to subject tt to undue bending or concentrated external load at any point. Any section of pipe that has been dented or damaged will be discarded and, if installed, shall be replaced with new piping, V. GUARANTEE A. The guarantee for the sprinkler irrigation system shall be ~ade 1n accordance with the attached forr1. The general conditions and supplementary conditions of these specifications shall be filed with the Owner or his representative prior to acceptance of the irrigation system. B. A copy of the guarantee form shall be included in the operations and maintenance manual. C. The guarantee form shall be re-typed onto the contractor's letter- head and contain the following information: GUARANTEE FOR SPRINKLER IRRIGATION SYSTEM We hereby guarantee that the sprinkler Irrigation system we have furnished and Installed is free from defects In mater1a1s and workmanship, and the work has beeci completed in accordance with the drawings and specifications. ordinary wear and tear and unusual abuse or neglect excepted. We agree to repair or replace any defects in material or workmanship which may develop during the period of one year fr0111 date of acceptance ad also to repair or replace any damage resulting from the repairing or replacing of such defects at no additional cost to the Owner. We sh.all make such repairs or replacements within a reasonable time after receipt of written notice fr001 the Owner, we authorize the Owner to proceed to have said repairs or replacements made at our expense and we will pay the costs and charges therefor upon demand. PROJECT: LOCATION: ADDRESS: _________ _ PHONE: ________ _ DATE OF ACCEPTANCE: ,1. MATERIALS A, General; Use only new materials of brands and types noted on drawing~, specified herein, or approved equals, B. PVC Pressure Main Line Pipe and Fittings: 1. Pressure main line piping for sizes 2" and larger, shall be PVC Class 315. 2. Pipe sh.all be made from an NSF approved Type I, Grade I, PVC compound confonning ta ASTH resin specification 01784. All pipe must meet requirements as set forth in Federal Specifica- tion PS-22-70. with an appropriate standard dimension (S.D.R.). (Sol~ent-we1d Pipe) 3. Pressure !Min line piping for s1zeS 1-1/2" and smaller shall be PVC Schedule 40 with solvent welded Joints. 4. Pipe sha 11 be made from NSF app roYed Typ@ J, Grade I PVC compound conforming to ASTM resin specification 1785. All pipe must meet requirements as set forth in Federal Specification PS-21-70. (Solvent-weld Pipe) 5. PVC solvent-weld fitttngs sAall be SChedule 40, 1.2, II-I NSF approved confonwing to ASTM test procedure 02466, 6. Solvent cement and prfl'ller for PVC solvent-weld pipe and fittings shall be of type and installation methods prescribed by the manufacturer. 7. All PVC pipe must bear the following markings: a. Manufacturer's narrte b. NMinal pipe size c. Schedule or class d. Pressure rating 1n P.S,I. e. NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) approval f, Date of extrusion 8. All fittings shall bear the manufacturer's na~e or trademark, material designation, size, applicable l.P.S. schedule and NSF seal of approval. C. PVC Non-Pressure Lateral Line Piping: 1. Non-pressure buried later•l line piping shall be PVC class 200 with solvent-weld joints. 2. Pipe shall be made from NSF approved, Type I, Grade II PVC compound conforming to ASTM resin specification D1784. All pipe must meet requirements set forth in Federal Specification PS-22-70 with an appropriate standard dimension ratio. 3, Except as noted tn paragraphs 1 and 2 of section 2.0lC, all requirements for non-pressure lateral line pipe •nd fittings shall be the same as for solvent-~eld pressure Min line pipe and fittings as set forth in section 2.0lB of these specificat1ons. VI I, O. Brus P1pe and Fittings: 1. Where indicated on the drawings, use red brass screwed pipe conforming to Federal Specification #WW-P-351, 2. Fittings shall be red brass confonw1ng to Federal Specification ,WW-P-460 E. Galvanized Pipe Fittings: 1. Where indicated on the drawings, use galvanized steel pipe ASA Schedule 40 mild steel screwed pipe. 2. Fittings shall be 111edium galvanized screwed beeded malleable Iron. Galvanized couplings may be merchant coupling. 3. A11 galvanized pipe and fittings installed below grade shall be painted with two (2) coats of Koppers #50 Bttumastic. F. Gate Valves: 1. Gate ~alves 3" and smaller shall be 125 lb. SWP bronze gate valve with screw-in bonnet, nonrising stem and solid wedge disc. 2. Gate valves 3" and Sffla 11 er sha 11 have threaded ends ar,d sha 11 be equipped with a bronze handwheel. 3. Gate valves 3" and smaller shall be si~ilar to those ma"'ifactured by Nibco or approved equal. 4. All gate valves shall be installed per installation detail. G. Quick Coupling Valves: 1. Qufc~ coupling valves shall have a brass two.piece body designed for working pressure of 150 P,S.I. operab1e with qu1ck coup1er. Key size and type shall be as shown on plans. H. Backfloi,, Prevention Units: l, Backflow preventers and/or vacuum breakers shall be of size and type as indicated on the drawings. All sprinkler 1rrtgatton sistems that are using water from the potable water system shall requtre backflow prevention. All backflow prevent1on units shall be Installed in accordance with the requirements set forth by local codes and the County Health• Department. 2, Sprinkler irrigation systl@IIIS which use water fr011 the Mreclai•ed water~ system wi 11 not reql.l ire back fl ow p revent1 on. However, all pressure main Tine piping receiving water fr0111 the •rec1a1•ed water" systeni shal 1 be 111arked with an approved warning tape. Refer to reclaimed water notes for additional information. I. Anti-Drain Valves: 1. Anti-drain val~es shall be of heavy duty virgin PVC construction wtth F.I.P. thread inht and outlet. Internal parts shall be stainless steel and neoprene. Anti-drain valve shall be field adjustable against drawout from 5 to 40 feet of head. Anti- drain valve shal1 be similar to the Valcon •Aov• or approved equa 1 • J, Control Wiring: 1. Connections between the automatic controllers and the electric control valves shall be made with direct burial copper wire AWG-U.F. 600 volt. Pilot wires shall be a different color wtre far each automat1c controller. Corrmon wires sha11 be white w1th a different color stripe for each autOW1atic controller. Install in accordance with valve manufacturer's specifications and wire chart. In no case shall wire size be less than #14, 2. Wiring shall occupy the same trench and shall be tnstalled along the same route as pressure supply or lateral lines wherever possible. 3. Where •ore than one (1) wire is placed in a trench. the wiring shall be taped together at intervals of ten (10) feet. 4. An expansion curl should be provided withtn three (3) feet of each wire connection and at least e~ery one hundred (100) feet of wire length on runs more than one hundred (100) feet in length. Expansion curls shall be fomed by wrapping at least five (5) turns of wire around a one-inch in diameter pipe, then withdrawing the pipe. 5. All splices shall be ~ade with Scotch-Lok #3576 Connector Sealing Packs, Pen-lite wire connector, or approved equal. Use one splice per connector sealing pack. 6, Field splices between the aut0111atic controller and electrical control va1ves will not be al1a-ed witnout prior approval of the Architect. K. Automatic Controllers: 1, AutOl'lat1c controllers shall be of size and type shown on the plans. z. Final location of automatic controllers shall be approved by the Owner's authorized representative. 3. Unless otherwise noted on the plans. the 120 volt electrical power to the automatic controller location to be furnished by others. The final electrical hook-up shall be the responsibility of the irrigation contractor. L,, Electric Control Valves: 1. All electric control valves shall be the same manufacturer as the aut011atic controllers. 2. All electric\~ontrol valves shall have a manual flow adjustment. 3. Provide and install one control valve box for each electric control valve. M, Control Valve Boxes: 1. Use 9" x 24" round box for all gate valves, Brooks #9 or approved equal. 2, Use 9-1/2" x 16" x 11., rectangular box for a,11 electrical control valves~ Carson Industries 1419-l?B or approyed equal. N. Sprinkler He,ads: l. All sprinkler heads shall be of the s•11e size, type, and deliver the same rate of precipttation with the diameter (or radius) of throw, pressure, and discharge as snown on the plants and/or specified in these special provisions. 2. Spray heads shall have a screw adjustment. 3. Riser un1its shall be fabricated in accordance with the details shown on the plans. 4. Riser nipples for all sprinkler heads shall be the sa,ne stze as the riser opening in the sprinkler body. 5. All sprinkler heads of the same type shall be of the sa~e manufactl.lrer. INSPECTION A. Site Conditfons: l, All scaled di11ensions are approximate. The contractor shall check and verify all stze diniensions and receive Architect's approval prior to proceeding with work under this section. 2. Exercise extreme care in excavating and working near existing utilities. Contractor shall be responsible for damages ta utilities which are caused by hts operations or neglect. Check existing utilities drawings for existing utility locations. 3. Coordinate installation of sprink1er irrigation materials. including pipe, so there shall be NO interference with utili- ties or other construction or difficulty in planting trees, shrubs, and ground covers. 4. The contractor sha 11 carefully check a 11 grades to satisfy himself that he may safely proceed before starting work on the sprinkler irrigation system. VII I. PREPARATION IX. A. Physical Layout: 1. Prior to installation. the contractor shall stake out all pressure· supply lines, routing and location of sprinkler heads. 2. An layout shell be approved by Architect prior to installation. B, Water Supply: 1. Sprinkler irrigation system shall be connected to water supply points of connection as indicated on the drawings. 2. Connections shall be made at approximate locations .as shown on drawings. Contractor is responsib1e for mtnor changP.s caused by actual site conditions. C. Electrical Supply: 1, Electrical connections for aut0111atic controller shall be made to electrical points of connection as indicated on the drawings. 2. Connections shall be 11ade at approximate locations as shown on dr1wings, Contractor is responsible for minor changes caused by actual site conditions. INSTALLATION A. Trenching: 1. Dig trenches straight and support pipe continuously on bottOl'II of trench. Lay pipe to an even grade. Trenching excavation shall follow layout indicated on drawings and as noted. 2. Provide fore minfmu11 of eighteen {18) inches co¥er for all pressure supply lines. 3. Provide for a m1ni11u11 coYer of twelve (12) inches for all non- pressure lines. 4, Provide for a min1111ur,i cover of eighteen (18) inches for all control wiring. 8. Backfilling: 1. The trenches shall not be backfilled until 1111 required tests are performed. Trenches shall be careful1y backfilled with the excavated materials approved for backfilling, consisting of earth, loam, sandy clay, sand, or other approved materials, free frcn c1ods of earth or stones. Backfill shall be mechanically COfllPacted in landscaped areas to a dry density equal to adjacent undisturbed soil in planting areas. Backfill will conform to adjacent grades without dips, sunken areas. humps or other surface irregularities. 2. A fine granular material backfill will be initially placed on all lines. No foreign matter larger than one-half (1/2) inch tn stze will be pemitted in the initial backf111. 3. Flooding of trenches wi11 be permitted only with approval of thft Architect. 4. If settlement occurs and subsequent adjust11ents in pipe, vahes sprinkler heads, lawn or planting, or other construction area 1s necessary, the contractor shall make all required adjustments without cost to the Owner. C. Trenching and Backfill Under Paving: l, Trenches located under areas where paving, asphaltic concrete or concrete wi11 be installed shall be backfilled with sand (a layer six (6) inches below the pipe and three (3) inches above the pipe) and COll'll)acted in layers to 95J compact ton. l.lsing manual or mechanical tafflping devices. Trenches far ptping shall be COfflPaCted to equal the compaction of the, existing adjacent undisturbed soil and shal1 be left in a firm unyielding condi- tion. All trenches shall be left flush with the adjoining grade, The sprinkler irrigation contractor shall set in place, cap and pressure test all piptng under paving prior to the paving work. 2. Generally, piptng under existing walks 1s done by jacking, boring or hydraulic driving, but where any cutting or breaking of sidewalks end/or concrete is necessary, it shall be done and replaced by the contractor as part of the contract cost. Pennission to cut or break sidewalks and/or concrete shall be obtained fr0111 the Architect. No hydraulic driving w111 be pennitted under concrete paving. 3. Provide for a minimum c~ver of eighteen (18) inches between the top of the pipe and the bottom of the aggregate base for all pressure and non-pressure piping installed under asphaltic concrete paving. D. Assemblies: E. F. G. H. I. 1. Routing of sprinkler irrigation lines as indicated on the drawings 1s diagranmatic. Install lines (and various ass@fflblies} In such a manner as to conform with the details per plans, 2. Install NO Multiple assemblies on p1astic lines. Proyide each asse11bly with its own outlet. 3. Install all assemblies specified herein in accordance with respective detail. [n absence of detail drawings or speci- fications pertaining to specific items required to complete work, perform such work in accordance with best standard practice with prior approval of Architect. ,; 4. PVC pipe and fittings shall be thoroughly cleaned of dirt, dust and moisture before installat1on. Installation and solvent welding methods shall be as reconmended by t"4:! pipe and fitting 111anufacturer. 5. On ?VC to r1etal connections, the contractor shall work the metal connections first. Teflon tape or approved equal shall be used on all threaded PVC to PVC, and on al 1 threaded PVC tO metal jotnts. Light wrench pressure is all that is required. Where threaded P~C connections are required, use threaded PVC adapters into which the pipe may be welded. Line Clearance: All lines shall have a minimum clearance of each other and from lines of other trades. not be insta11ed directly over one another. Automatic Controller: sh (6) inches from Para11el lines shall Install as per manufacturer's instructions. R@mote control va1¥es shal1 be connected to controller in numerical sequence as shown on the draw in.gs. High Voltage W1rtng for Alitomatic Controller: 1. 120 volt power connection to the automatic controller shall be proYided by the irrigation contractor. 2. All electrical work shall confonn to local codes, ordinances, and union authorities naving jurisdiction. Remote Control Valves: Install where sh0111n on drawings and details. When grouped together. allow at least twe1¥e (12) inches between va1¥es. Install each remote control valve in a separate valve box. F1ushing of System: l, After all new sprinkler pipe lines and risers are in place and connected, all necessary diversion work has been completed, and prior to installation of sprinkler heads. the control valves shall be opened and a full head of water used to flush out the system. 2. Sprinkler heads sha11 be installed only after flushing of the system has been accomplished to the cooiplete satisfaction of the Architect. J. Sprinkler Heads: 1. Install the sprinkler heeds as designated on the drawings. Sprinkler heads to be installed In this work shall be equiva- lent in all respects to those itemized. 2. Spacing of heads shall not e•ceed the maximum indicated on the drawings. In no case shall the spacing exceed the max.imum reconnended by the manufacturer. X, TEIIPDRARY REPAIRS The Owner reserves the r1ght to make temporary repairs as necessary to keep the sprinkler system equipment in operating condition. The exercise of this right by the Builder-Developer shall not relteve the contractor of his responsibi11ties under the tenns of the guarantee as nere'in spec1 fled, XI, EXISTING TREES Where it fs necessary to excavate adjacent to extst1ng trees, the contractor shal1 use all possible care to avoid injury to trees and tree roots. Excavation in areas where two (2) inch and larger roots occur shall be done by hand, All roots two (2) 1nches and larger in diameter, except direct1y tn the path of pipe or conduit, shall be tunneled under and shall be hea-Jily wrapped with burlap to prevent scarring or excessive drying. Where a ditching 111achine 1s run close to trees having roots smaller than two (2) inches in diameter, the wall of the trench adjacent to the tree shall be hand tri11111ed, making clean cuts through. Roots one (1) inch and larger in diameter shall be painted with two coats of Tree Sea1, or equal. Trenches adjacent to trees should be closed within twenty-four (24) hours; and where this 1s not possible, the side of the trench adjacent to the tree shall be kept shaded with burlap or canvas. ll!. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Adjustment of the System: 1. The contractor shall flush and adjust all sprinkler heads for optimum performance and to prevent overspray onto walks, roadways, and bui1dings as 111uch as possible. 2. If it is deternined that adjustments In the 1rrigat1on equipment will provide proper and more adequate coverage, the contractor shall make sl.lch adjust•ents prior to p1arit1ng. Adjustments may also include changes in nozzle sizes and degrees of arc as requ1 red. 3. Lowering raised spr1nk1er heads by the contractor shall be accomplished within ten (10) days after notificaton by Owner. 4. All sprinkler heads shall be set perpendicular to finished grades un1ess otherwise designated on the plans. B. Testing of Irrigat1on System: 1. The contractor shall request the presence of the Architect in writing at least 48 hours in advance of testing. 2, Test all pressure lines under hydrostatic pressure of 150 lbs. per square fnch. and prove watertight. Note: Testing of pressure main lines shall occur prior to installation of electric control valves. 3. All piping under paved areas shall be tested under hydro- static pressure of 150 lbs. per square inch, and proved watertight. pr1or to pa¥1ng. 4. Susta1n pressure in 1 ines for not less than two (2) hours. If 1eaks develop, replace joints and repeat test until entire system 1s proven watertight. S. All hydrostatic tests shall be made only in the presence of the Architect, or other duly authorized representaive of the O'l'lner. No pipe shall be backfilled until It has been inspected, tested and approved in writing. 6. Furnish necessary force pump and a11 other test eQuipment, 7, When the sprinKler irrigation system 1s completed, perform a coverage test in the presence of the Architect to deter- mine if the water coverage for planting areas is complete and adequate. Furnish al1 materials and perfom all work required ta correct any Inadequacies of coverage due to deviations from plans, or where the syste11 has been willfully installed as indicated on the drawings when it is obviously inadequate, without bringing this to the attention of the Architect. This test shall be accomplished before any ground cover is planted. 8. Upon completion of each phase of work, entire system shall be tested and adjusted to meet site requirements. XI I I. MAINTENANCE A, The entire sprinkler 1rrigat1on system shall be under full auto- matic operation for a period of seven (7) days prior to any planting. B. The Architect reserves the right to waive or shorten the operation period. XIV. CLEAN-UP X,. XVI. Clean-up shall be made as each portion of work· progresses. Refuse and excess dirt shall be removed from the site, all walks and paving st1all be broomed or washed down, and any damage sustained on the work of others shall be repaired to orig;nal conditions. FINAL INSPECTION PRIOR TO ACCEPTANCE A. The contractor shall operate each system in Its entirety for the Architect at time of fina1 inspection. Any ite~s deemed not acceptable by the Inspector shall be reworked to the complete satisfaction of the Architect. B, The contractor shal I '5,how evidence to the Architect that the Owner has received all accessories, charts, record drawings. and equipment as required before final Inspection can occur. FINAL INSPECTION SCHEDULE A. Contractor shall be responsible for notifying the Architect in advance for the fol1owing Inspections, according to the time t ndicated: 1. Pre-job Conference 7 days 2. Pressure supply line installation and testing 48 hours 3. Automatic controller installation 48 hours 4.' Control wire installation -48 hours S. Lateral line and sprink1er installation 48 hours 6. Coverage test 48 hours 7. Final inspection 7 days B. When inspections have been conducted by other than the Architect, show evidence of when and by whom these inspections were made. C. No inspection will corrmence without as-built drawings. In the event the contractor ca1ls for an inspection without as-built drawings, without completing previously noted corrections, or without preparing the system for inspection, he shall be responsible for reimbursing the Architect at the rate of $35.00 per hour porta1 to portal (plus transportation costs) for the inconvenience. No further inspections will be scheduled until this charge has been paid, I u, C') 0 10 C; LI) Q) ,-. ·-~ ,-. C:.; • ...., C: ·a. 10 a, «J m '° st _u - ■-a. C st <O ... 0 ::, ,-. • -""J 0 Cl) C ~ <O u, :::, en -u, 0 al ,-. <( Cl) "' -.... ·-·-::, .c: Cl) 0 ~ 0 < .... C <O -LI) '-Cl) "' ,-. "C 10 «J C. .:,: N a, m 0 E 0 "' . (/J II) <O <O ·- "C Q. C ~ «J C: N 0 N -m ·-..J ... -N <O ..J M u en z 0 -ti 0 -u. -0 LLI Q. tJ) z 0 -tc C, -a: a: - w Cl) w I--z ~(/) ~ ow :!! 0 c.:E () 0 C ~::c ex: (.)' ; <( z tt: 3: C 0 <(0 0 :El-3'; ~ w :c t- Date : 1-1 -~-S' Drawn by: .l:U..,_ Revisions: ··~-· ·-----·- Sheet 12 of 17 i \ . 1 I -. ~ ... SHEET INDEX NO SC.ALE rj oo,Jc . .)q 0 • ,--~·S ' '"·V )Q ;:;a., -=,;, .•oooooo0c·"J ...,._ ..-,<. if AF ~-Y--: PLANTING NOTES * Landscape contractor shall include placement of headerboard as shown on the construction plans • ~ndicates plant symbol -see legend Indicates gallon or box si2e Indicates number of plants :;<I> c!I o0~ ~ood\4S. d\4S,oo-S, C:Jo, • ' (# '" '4 /~ /1 (11 JL " ~ ~ " Si "' " B D I I ~~·~-1 .. ,..... . ----.. -. ········~""';,,"''= .... 00000000000 PONTIAC DRIVE -, () t 0 .. 0 0 D 0 (" ' I [JJ] 0 ........ 0 • • • • • • • • :1 • • • • • 0 u • 0 • 0 --• 0 - 0 0 • • 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 • C } . : 0 '/ 0 -: 0 -· 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 : 0 • / :, g • 0 : 0 : D • 0 ( PENCE LEGEND ( Arcl1itcctural wall IIIIIIIIRIDIUIIIIIIII Engineer ts retaining wall 3' Woocl fence ( .....__.,..--._5_' -_6_.,." Wood fenc: ffi . • -q --11 rr-,-,_::;; ---i - • • • • 41 • ..... :1 0 ........... . I .. • •• • . • • • • • • • • • :1 • • --.: • • • . • .:; • .:1 • . 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I / L H- ~--1----r'--I _____ ----310 A D I I <---'-........., ~--~~·.,.,,.....,..~~--..A-... ~~ ...;ii±:' 0000 t . (Iv' 2.i; I ,.., ~--f .,,----... @ 1---'--.'--f I ;-:.;-.'---II\ I----'-<--, I ~,@ FENCE LEGEND Architectural wall ·nmn lllllllffll!IUI Engineer's retaining wall ,,_.__.,---.._.--., ______ ....__ 3' Wood fence r m 1--w w :c en w w en ............. 6 ·---· 5' -11 Wood fence SHEET INDEX NO SC-AI.E ---1 ----------ooooooooooooooooooofog I g I g I o J--..;....-1 I, REGENT ROAD ----------------- •• I d Scale: 1-30- SHEET C -1--z c( ..I a. Date: 1-(-6,;' Drawn by:}1L ~evisions: ~- f!::::.._1·~5"-~L 84901 Sheet 15 of 11 I • / \ ,--, -\ / \ PLANTING NOTES Landscape co:1tractor shall include placement of henderbca as shown on the construction plans • ~lnd;cates plunt symbol .. see legend Indicates gallon or box size Indicates number of plants SHEET INDEX NO .SC..ALE SHEET D \ I I d _,_ .. ., en C)o <D Ci II) Cl) ,.._ ·-~ ,.._ C -;; I ..., C ·-co Cl. a, co co II st _u - ■-Q. C st (.) II ..-:I ,-. . ..., - 0 Q) C ._ II en .E Cl). en "~ <C Q) II --·-·; .c 1/1 () . ... 0 ct: c !!! II) ... Q) ...... "O <D co Q.< N C0 0 Ol E " ... Ill 111 U, Ill ·-"C a. ~ co C N 0 (0 N '.:; ..J..J~~ c,· z -I-z <( ..I £L <(" LU a: <( -z 0 -I- <( LU a: 0 LU a: LI.I z <( ..I £L w :c I- Oet• ; 1__±:j£ Drawn by: J1L I Revlsions:~- 1 /4l,. 10,1,:,-St:; 84901 Sheet 16 of ,1 I I '\ ' \ I. I I. PLA•lING SPECIFICATIONS SCOP£ Furnish all material, labor, transportation. equipment, and pro- perty to complete the landscaping of the planting areas shown on the drawings, or reasonably implied to complete the construct1on, Included as a part of the work of this Section, but not necesar~ 1ly limitea by 1t, are the following items: A. Pre-planting weed control of all planting areas. 8. Soil preparation and fine grading of all planting areas, including the addition of soil amendments. C. Preparation of all planting and specimen tree holes. O. Furnishing and installation of all plant materials, lawns and ground CO\lers. E. Furnishing and inst11llation of all required planting backfill materials, tree stakes, guy wires, and miscellaneous material F. Pro't'iding ma1ntenance for sh:ty (60) continuous ca1endar days after acceptance of construction. G. Guarantee and replacement. MATERIALS ----- All materials shall be of standard, appro ... ed and first grade quality and shal1 be in prime conditions when installed and accepted. Any comlercially processed or packaged material shall be delivered to the site in the original unopened container becring the manufacturer's guaranteed analysis. Contractor shall supply Owner with a sample of all supplied ~ater1als accompanied by analytical data from an approved laboratory squrce illustrat- ing compliance or bearing the manufacturer's guaranteed analysis. A. Topsoil: Topsoil, llS required, shal I be obtained from on site plant1ng excavations. B. Soil Conditioners and Fertilizers: Soil conditioners may include any or all of the specific conditioners herein specified. 1. Nitrogen sti?lbi 1 f zed organic amendment: Amendment shall be fir or cedar sawdust. derived from wood of fir or wood of cedar fo1 lowing physical properties: Sieve Size ------ Source s ha 11 be co~taining the Percent _P~s_s..!..!!..9.. 95-100 80-100 0-30 6.33 mm (1/4 inch) 2,38 (No. 3, 8 mesh) 500 Micron (No. 35, 32 mesh) Chemistry shall be: Nitrogen Content (dry weight) -0.651 -0.841 Iron Content -Minimum 0.081 dilute acid soluble Fe. on dry weight basis. Soluble Salts -Maximum 3.5 Millimohos centimeter at 25 degrees centigrade as determined by saturation extract method. Ash -(dry weight) O -6.01 2. Other materials: Fertilizer Shall be delivered to the site in the original unupent!d containers and of cOflJllercial grade, uniform in composition, dry and frl:!e flowing, of the following analysis a. Gro-Power Plus b. Gro-Power planting tablets C. Tree Support: Materials for staking and guying shall be as follows: 1, Support stakes shal 1 be lodge pole pine stakes, Length as determined to facilitate upright stand as described. 2, Ties: E1ast1c webbing, polyethylene tape, or Owner approved tie. 3. Guy wire, steel guy anchor and plastic hose tie of adequate size and length to safely support tree. O. Misce11aneous Materials: Si1nd: Washed river sand or equal. Post Emergent Weed Ki11er: "Paraquat", wRoundup", or Owner appro¥ed herbicide. Tree Wound Paint: As approved. Fiber. Wood cellulose mulching fiber "Conweb'' or equi?ll, Chemical Additi ... e: Seed germinating additive "Catalytic Pre-Merge" or equal. L Nomenclature: The scientific and comlon names of plants herein specified conform with the approved names given in "A Checklist of Woody Ornamentdl Plants 1n California", Manual 32, published by the University of California School of Agriculture (1963). 2. Plant List for Bid: The contractor is herein referred to the landscape plans for the plant material s.election and the requirements of this section of the specifications. Container sizes, unless other- wise stated, have been usea to indicate the size of the plant material required. 3. labeling/Delivery: Each gnJup of plant materials delivered to the site shall be clearly labeled as to ~pecies, variety and nursery source; however, determination of plant species or .. ariety will be made by the Landscape Architect, and his decision will be final. The contractor shal 1 notify the :Landscape Architect 48 hours in advance of delivery of all plant materials and shall submit an itemized list of the p1ants in each delhery. As a con1Jenience to the contractor, the Landscape Architect, upon request, wlll inspect box size material at the source nursery prior to delivery at the cost of the contractor. Said source nurSl:!ries shal 1 be reasonably close to the project site as determined by the Landscape Architect. Plant materia1 so inspected shall ef'"rive at the project site in an undamaged condition. 4. Qual1ty and Size: Plants shall Oe in accordance with the California State Depart- ment of Agriculture's rl:!gu1ation for nursery inspections, rules and grading . .Al 1 plants shall ha1Je a normal habit of growth and shall be sound, healthy, vigorous, and free of insect infestations, plant diseases, sun scalds, fresh abrasions of the bark, excesshe abrasions, or other objectionable disfigure- ments. Tree trunks shall be sturdy and well 'hardened uff'. All plants shall have normally well-developed branch systems and vigorous and fibrous root systems which are not root or pot bound. Jn the e1Jent of disagreement as to condition of root system, the root condition of the plants furn1shed by the contractor in containers will be determined by re1"11ovi1l of earth from the roots of not less than two plants or more than two percent of the total number of plants of each species or variety. Where container grown plants are from several sources, the roots of not less than two plants of each species or variety from each source will be inspected. In case the sample plants inspected are found to be defective, the Land- scape Architect reserves the right to reject the entire lot or lots of plants represented by the defective samples. The Landscape Architect is the sole judge as to acceptability. Any plants reridered unsuitable for planting because of this inspection will be considered as samples and will be provided at the expense of the contractor. The size of the plants w111 correspond with that normally expected for species and variety of conl'llercially available nursery stock, or as specified in the Special Conditions or drawings. The minimum acceptable size of all plants, measured before pruning with the branches 1n normal position, shall conform with the measurements, 1f any specified on the draw1ngs in the 11st of plants to be furnished, Plants larger in size than specified may be used with the approval of the Landscape Architect, but the use of larger plants will make no change 1n contract price. If the use of larger plants is approved, the bi?t11 of earth or spread of roots for each plant will be increased proportionately. 5. Rejection or Substitutions: All plants not conforming to the requirements herein specified, shi1ll be considered defective, and such plants, whether in place or not. shall be marked as rejected and 1ffl!led1ately removed frcrn the site of the work and replaced with new plants at the contractor's eKpense. The plants shall be of the species, variety, size and condition specified herein or as shown on the drawings. Under no condition will there be any substitution -of plants or s1zes of those listed on the accompanying plans, except with the expressed consent of the Landscape Architect. 6, Pruning: At no time shall trees or plant material be pruned, trimed or topped prior to de11very and any a1teration of their shape shall be conducted only with the approval and when 1n the presence of the landscape Architect and as noted in the Planting SpecificatioMs. 7. Protection: Al 1 plants ;it all times shal I be hand1 ed and stored so that they are adequately protected from drying out, from wind burn, or from any other injury. 8. Right of Inspection: The Landscape Architect reserves the right to approve or reject at any time upon delivery. or during the work any or all plant material regarding size, variety or condition. E. Seed: All seed used shall be labeled i?tnd shall be furnished in sealed standard containers with signed copies of a statement from the vendor, certifying that each container of seed delivered is fully labeled in accordance with the California State Agricultural Code and is equal to or better than the requirements of these specifications. Seed which has become wet, moldy, or otherwise damaged in transit or storage will not be accepted. F. Hydro-Mulching Materials: The hydro-mulch mix shall consist of wood ce11ulose ~ulching fiber, Conweb mulching fiber or equal. G. Hydro-Mulching Application: Equipment: Hydraulic equipment used for the application of the fertilizer, seed and slurry of prepared wood pulp shall be of t!"!e "Super Hydroseeder" type as approved by the Landscape Architect. This equipment shall have a built-in agitation system and operating capacity sufficient to agitate, suspend and homogeneously mix a slurry containing not less than 40 lbs. of fiber mulch plus a combined total of 7 lbs, fertilizer solids for each 100 gallons. of Wllter. The slurry distribution lines shall be large enough to prevent stoppage and shall be equipped w◄tll a set of hydraulic spray nozzles which ,dll provide a continuous non-f1uctuating discharge, The slurry tank shall have a minimum capacity of 1,500 gallons and shall be mounted on a traveling unit, either self-propelled or drawn by a separ- ate unit, which will place the slurry tank and spray nozzles within sufficient proximity to the areas to be seeded. 111. GRADING AND SOIL PREPARATION The general subsoil grading, deep ripping, tilling, and establishment of the rough grade will be done by others, under a separate contract. Oth~r work such as fine grading, cultivation (and 1n some cases, add1t1on of topsoil) and/or soil conditioners are required to prepare the fin1sh grade. After approximate finished grades have been established, so11 shall be cond1tfoned and fert111zed in the following manner. Materials shall, at the following rates, be unlfonnly spread and cultivated thoroughly by mei?tns of mechanical tiller into the top 6" of soil per 1000 square feet: Application Rates -~~-i.---....-~--...--~2251bs. Gro-Power Plus (_& 3 CU. YPS, Nl1ROI-IZf:P SHAYlt-.!GS · i '5"0 L..e>S. AGRICUL--rURA\... GY f'.SUM All soil areas shall be compacted and settled by application of heavy irrigation to a 111inimum depth of twelve (12) inches. A. Final Grades: After the foregoing specified deep watering, minor modifications to grade may be required to establish the final grade. These areas shall not be worked until the moisture content has been reduced to a point where working it will not destroy soil structure. l. Finish grading shall insure proper drainage of the site. 2. All areas shall be graded so that the final grades will be one inch below adjacent paved areas, sidewalks, valve bo.11es, headers, clean-outs, ,drains, n1anholes, etc. 3. Surface drainage shall be away frOR1 all building foundations. 4, Eliminat~ ;i11 en,sion scars. JV, PLANTING INSTALLATIO• Actua1 planting shall oe perfonned during those periods when weather and soil conditions are suitable and in accordance with locally accepted practices, as approved by the landscape Architect. A. Weed Control: After so1l preparation and establishment of final grades prior to ctny_planting, the contractor shall irrigate thoroughly for a period of time, two (2) to three (3) weeks or until the weed seeds have geminated. When there is sufficient weed seed germination, the contracto~ shall apply a post-emergent weed killer, according to the directions of the manufacturer. The contractor shall then waft an additional one (1) week to allow the weed killer to disipate, then plant as indicated 1n the plans and specifications. B. layout of Major Plantings: Locations for plants and outlines of ar~as to be planted sha11 be marked on the ground by the contractor before any pits are dug. All such locations shall be approved by the Landscape Architect. lf an underground construction or utility line is encountered in the excavation of planting areas, other locations for planting may be selected by the Landscape Architect. C. Planting of Trees, Shrubs and Vines: I. Excavation for planting: Excavation for planting shall include the stripping and stacking of all acceptable topsoil encountered within the areas to be excavated for trenct\es, tree holes, plant pits and planting beds. a. Protect all areas from excessive compaction when trucking plants or other material to the planting site. b. All excavated holes shall' have vertical Sides with roughened surfaces and shall be of a size that is twice the diameter and 6" minimum deeper than the root ball, c. Excess soil generi1ted fr0111 the planting holes and not used as backfill or in establishing the final grades shall bt> removed from the site. D. F, 2. Planting: No planting shall be done in any area untt1 the area concerned has been satisfactorily prepared in accordance with these spec tfi cat i ans. Only as many plants as car, be p1anted and watered on that same day shall be distributed in a planting area. Containers shall be opened and plantS shall be removed in such a manner that the ball of earth surrounding the roots is not broken, and they shal1 be planted and watered as herein speci- fied immediately after removal from the containers. Containers shall not be opened pr1or to placing the plants 1n the planting area. Container plants shall be backfilled with: 6 parts by volume on site soil 4 arts b v lume n1 n bilized or i1n1c end nt 20 L.e,5. Gf?..O·P0H R PI-U$ PtR CU. YP.S MIX' 15 l-BS A&RIC.uL.:ru~L. GYP.SUM PteR CU, YP5, ~ All plants which settle deeper than specified above shall be ra1sed to the correct level, After the plant has been placed, add1tiona1 backfill shall be added to the hole to cover approxi~ately one-hi?tlf of the height of the root ball. At this stage, water shall be added to the top of the partly filled hole to thoroughly saturate the root ball and i?tdjacent sofl, After the water has comp1etely drafned, plantlng tablets shall be placed as indicated below: 3 tablets per one gallon container 8 tablets per five gallon container 15 tablets per fifteen gallon container 16 tablets per 20" and 24" box 18 tablets per 30" box 20 tablets per 36" box 22 tablets per 42" box 24 tablets per 48" box Larger sizes: For each 1/211 caliper measured 14" above soil level use 3 additional tab1ets. The remainder of the hole shall then be backfilled, Planting tablets shall be set with each pli1nt on the top of the root ball whi1e the plants are still in their cor,tainers so the required number of tablets to be used in each hole can be easily verified. After backfilling, an earthen basin sha11 be constructed around each plant. Each basin shall be of a depth sufficient to hold at least two inches of water. Basins shall be of a size suitable for the individulll plant. In no case shall a basin for a fifteen gallon p1ant be less than four feet in diameter; a five gallon plant, less than three feet 1n diameter; and a one gallon plant, less than two feet tn diameter. Tl'te basins shall be constructed of amended bi1ckfill materials. 3. Prun1ng: Pruning shall be li~ited to the minimum necessary to remove injured t~igs and branches, and to compensate for loss of roots during tranplant1ng, but never to e~ceed one-third of the branching structure. Upon approval of the landscape Architect, pruning may be done before delivery of plants, but not before plants have been inspected and approved. Cuts over three-quarters of an inch in diameter shall be painted with tree wound pi?t1nt. 4. Staking and Guying: Staking of all trees sha11 confonn to tree staking and tree guying details and as herein specified. Protective stll~es may be planted with the tree, driving them into undistrurbed soil at the bottom of the planting hole until 18" remains above ground 1evel. Support stakes tllll enough to support the particular tree shall be driven 18" into the soil. A line drawn between the two support stakes shall be at right angles to the Nost trouble- some wind directlOn. Attach crosstles to the supportive stakes on the leeward side of the prevailing wind. Ties· shall be placed as low on the trunk as possible but high enough so the tree wi 11 return to upright after deflection. To find the proper height for tie locations, hold the trunk 1n'one hand, pull the top to one side and relei1se. The height at which the trunk will just return to the upright when the top iS released is the height at which to attach the ties. Ties are to form a 1oose loop around the tree trunk and auxiliary staKe so that the trunk cannot work towards the support stakes. Support stakes are not to exceed 6M above the tie locations. The auxiliary stake shall be attached to those trees needing eKtra trunk support as deterained by the Landscape Architect. Wind i?lnd wrap the top of the w1 re with friction tape. One tree of each size shall be staked i1nd approved by the Landscape Architect prior to continued staking, Ground Cove rs: Ground covers will be planted in the i?treas indicated on the plans. Ground cover plants shall be grown in' f1ats, peat pots, or taken as cuttings, as indicated on the plans. Flat grown plants (rooted cuttings) shall remain in those flats unttl transplanting. The flat's soil shall contain sufficient moisture so that 1t 1ti1il1 not fall apart when lifting the plants. If plants from peat pots are used, the pots shall be protected at all times prior to planting to prevent unnecessary drying of the root bi111. Unrooted cuttings shall be 10 inches or more in ~ength, They shall be insect and disease free tip cuttings from healthy, vigorous and strong growing plants. Ndture or brown-colored stem growths or cuttings which have been trinmed or rooted before planting will not be accepted. Cuttings shall be planted not more than 2 days after cutting and shall not be allowed to ·<try or wither. 1, Ground cover shall be planted tn straight rows and evenly spliced, unless otherwise noted. and at intervals ci?tlled out in the drawings. Triangu1ar spacing shall be used unless otherwise noted on the plans. 2. Each rooted plant shall be planted with its appropriate amount of flat soil or in a peat pot, in a manner that will insure minimum disturbance of the root system, but in no case shall this depth be less than two nodes. To avoid drying out, plantings sha11 be immediately sprinkled after planting until the entire area 1s soaked to the full depth of each hole, unless othen,,,ise noted on the drawings. Lawn: Lawns shall be planted by hydroseeding and sodded as indicated on the plans. All areas shall be fr~ from weeds and weed residue. Hydroseed1 ng: Hydroseeding shall include application of mulch, fertilizer and seed, planting bed preparation, pre and post-planting irrigation. l. After soil preparation, establishment of final ,grades and weed control, the surface two (2} inches of soil shall be loosened by harrow or rototiller and floated level and irrigated ju_st prior to planting. 2. Preparation: The slurry preparation shall take place at the site of work and shall begin by adding water to the tank when the engine is at half throttle. When the water leve1 has reached the he1ght of the agitator shaft, good recirculation shall be established and at this time the seed and chemi~al additive shall be added. Fertilizer shall then be added followed by wood pulp mulch. The wood pulp mulch shall only be added to the m1Mture after the tank is at least one-third filled with water. The engine throttle shall be opened to full speed when the tank is half fi11ed with water. All the wood pulp mulch shall be added by the time the tank ts two-thirds to three-fourths full. Spraying shall corwnence five minutes after addition of the chemical additive when the tank is full. Application rates: Fiber Seed Gro-Power Plus 1.500 lbs. per acre. See plans l,'300 lbs. per i1cre (H area Of MIX ~ has been soil prepped, only use SS"Olbs. per acre) Chemical Additives 3 gallons per acre Urea Formaldehyde 300 lbs.· per acre ®Application: The operator shall sp. ray the arell w h a uniform 1Jlsible coat by using the green color of the wood pulp as a guide. The slurry shall be applied in a sweeping motion, 1n an arched stream so as to fall like rain allowing the wood fibers material to spread at the required rate per acre. 4. Time limit: A11 slurry mixture which has not been applied within two hours after mixing will be rejected and removed from the project at the contractor's expense. 5. Irrigetion: Inwnediately after completion of hydroseeding, ei?tch arei?I shall be irrigated. Irrigation during the germina- tion period of the seeds shall keep the hydro-~ulch moist at all times without creating run-off, erosion or O¥er- saturation. The 1rrtgat1on system is to be in operating condition and have been tested before planting is started. V, ESTABLISHMENT AND MAINTENANCE PERIOD The contractor shall continuously Maintain all area! involved 1n this contract during the progress of the work and during the estab- lishment period until final acceptance of the work by the O,mer. The contractor sha 11 request an inspection to begin the p 1 ant establishment period after all planting i?tnd related work has been cDfflpleted in accordance with the Contract Documents. A prime requirement is thi?tt all lawn areas shall show an even, healthy stand of grass seedlings which shall have been mown twice. If such criteria 1s met to the satisfaction of the Landscape Architect, a field notification will be issued to the contractor to establish the effective beginning date of the plant estaOlish- ~ent and maintenance period. Any day when the contractor fails to adequately maintain plantings, replace unsuitable plants or do weed control or other work, as detennined necessary by the Landscape Architect, will not be credited as one of the plant establishment working days. Improper maintenance or possible poor cond1tion of any planting at the termination of the scheduled estab11sMlent period may cause postponement of the final comp1etion data of the contract. Mctinten- ance shall be continued by the contractor until all work is acceptable. In order to carry out the plant establishment work, the contractor shall furnish sufficient men and adequate equipment to perfom the work during the plant establishment period, Maintenance shall be according to the following standards: A. All areas shall be kept fref of debris and all planted areas shall be weeded and cu1tivated at intervals of not more than ten (10) diys. fl'aterlng, mowing. rolling, edging, trimming, fertilization, spraying and pest control, as may be required, shall be included in the establishment period. 6. The contractor shall be responsible for maintaining adequate protection of the area. Damaged areas shall be repaired at the contractor's expense. C. Between the 15th day and the 20th day of the establishment period, the contractor shall reseed a11 spots or areas within the lawn •here normal turf growth is not evident. D. Fertilize all planting areas with the following: I. At the end of maintenance period and at 90 day Intervals, should mainteni1nce period be extended, 25 lbs, per 1,000 square feet wttti Gr.i-Power Plus. E. l'to--1ing of turf wi 11 conrnence when the grass has reached a height of two inches. The height of cut will be l to 1-1/2 inches. Mo1ti11ng will be at least weekly after the first cut. Turf must be well established and free of bare spots and weeds to the satisfaction of the Landscape Architect prior to ftnal acceptance. Excess grass clippings, as determined by the Landscape Archi- tect, will be picked up and removed from the site and premises. All turf located tree basins shall be removed and seeded by hand 30 days prior to end of maintenance period or sooner at the contractor's discretion providing adequate, deep-watering of tree is continued throughout the establishment period. F. The contractor's maintenance period wi11 be extended if these provisions are not ftl led. G. Clean-up: The contractor shal I keep the premises free from accumulation of waste materials and debris. After all planting operations have been corr1pleted, the contractor sha11 remove all trash, excess soil, empty plant containers, tools, and equipment used in this work and/or any other debris resulting from his work on the site. Any scars, ruts, or mars 1n the area caused by the landsc~pe work shall be repaired at the contractor's expense. The contractor shal1 leave the site area broom clean and shal1 wash down al1 paved llreas within the contract area leaving the premises in a clean condition. · GUARANTEE ANO REPLACEMENT A. All plant material installed under the contract shall be guaranteed against any and all poor, inadequate or inferior materials and/or workm,rnship for a period of one year. Any plant found to be dead or in poor condition due to faulty materia 1 s or workmdnship, as determined by the Landscape Architect, shall be replaced by the contractor at his expense. 8. Any materii?lls found to be dead, missing, or fn poor condition during the estllb1ishment period sha11 be replaced iflmediately. The Landscape Architect shall be the sole judge as to the condition of material. Material to be replaced within the guarantee period shall be replaced by the contractor within c. 15 days of written notification by the Owner. Replacement shall be original plantings. of material shall be cost to the Owner, made 1n the same manner as required· for Materials i1nd labor involved in the replacing supplied by the contractor at no additional Vl I. INSPECTIONS ~omal progress inspection shall be requested frcm the Landscape Architect at least 48 hours 1n advance of an anticipated inspection. An inspection will be made by the Landscape Architect on each of the steps listed below. The contracto.r wi11 not be pennftted to initiate the succeeding steps of •orlo:. until he has received written approval to proceed by the Owner. A. brrnediately prior to the commencement of the work on this section. 8. Completion of fine grading. C. Completion of soil conditioning. O. ~rior to appl1cat1on of post-emergent weed killers. E. Pre or post-delhery of all p1ant material. F. Completion of ~ajor plant layout. G. Prior to hydroseeding or installation of sod. H. CQllllllencement of maintenance. t. Completion of first 30 day maintenance period. Final Acceptance of the Project: Prior to the date of the final inspection, the contractor shall acquire from the Landscape Architect approved mylar prints, and finally record from the job record set all changes made during construction. label said prints' "As-Bu1lts", and deliver to the Landscape Architect, Pr1or to the d.tte of final inspection, the contractor shall deliver to the Landscape Archttect the "Landsci?tpe and Irrigation Guarantee" as required. PLANT LEGEND Symbol AC AF AL AR DP CL cc CP CA ED FR GS JA JT KB LI LF LPA MR ML NW NP PC PR PU PA PE PY PK RMB ST TC Shrubs ag nn ap ae ase ab an nv nj a! nc br cl ct cj Cb cg cm er CV ef fj ctn hs lm ma me ml nd nc cp pf pt pv pd pc re rp rj op tc VC vt vj XS XC Espaliers Eci Ecc Edb Esc Lhv t:hy F.ll r Er.tu Cpg Dotanical Name Acer pnlmatum Agonus flexuosa Albizzia jullbrissin Alnus rhomblfolJ..a Brnchychiton populneum CallJ..sternon lanceolata Cinnamomum camphora Cocos plurnosa Cupania anacardiodea Eriobotrya deflexa Ficus rubiginosa Gleditsia 'sunburst• Jacaranda acutifolia Juniperus chlnensis 'Torulosa• Koelreuterla blpinnata Lagcrstroemla lndica (lavender) Liquidambar 11Fest1val" Liquidnmbar 'Palo ~Ito• Magnolia gr. 'Russet' Mclalcuca leucadendron Nerium oleander (white) Nerium oleander (pink) Pinus canarlcnsls Pitt.oi:;;porum rhombifolium Pittosporum undulatum Platanus acerifolia Popocarpus olongatus Prunus vcsuvius Pyrus lrnwakami Raphiolcl}is "Majestic Ucauty" Schinu-s tcrebinthifolius Tristania confcrta Common Name Sapanese maple Australian willow Silk tree White alder Bottle tree Lemon bottlubrush Camphor tree Queen palm Carrotwood tree Bronze loquat Rusty leaf f lg Honey locust Jacaranda Twisted juniper Chinese flame tree Crape myrtle Llquidambar Liquidambar Magnolia White paper-bark tree Oleander Oleander Canary island pine Queensland pittosporum Victorian box Sycamore Japanese jew ned leafed plum Eve'rgreen pear Indian hawthorne Brazilian pepper Drisbano box Abella "Edward Goucher11 Edward Goucher abelia Agapanthus nfrlcanus Lily-of-the-nile Agapantus at'ricunus "Peter Pan11 Dwarf Lily-of-the-nile Aralia elegantissima Japanese aralia Aspidistra elatior Castiron plant Asplenium bulblferum Mother fern Asplenium nidus biras' nest torn Aucuba japonica 11 varicgato." Gold dust plant Aucuba japonica "nana" Dwarf aucuba Azalea southern inctica "Formosa" Azalea Azalea belglan indica "Chimes" Azalea Degonia richrnondensis Sun begonia Calliandra 1naequ1latara Plnk powder puff, Calliandra twccdi Trinidad flame bush Camellia japonica Camellia (whlto) Carissa grandiflora "Boxwood Deauty11 Compact natal plum Carissa grandiflora 11 Tuttlei" Natal plum Cllvia mlniata Kaffir lily Coprosma rcpcns Mirror plant Coprosma repens 11 variegata" Variegated'mirror plant Escallonia fradesi Plnli princess Fatsia japonica Japanese a~alia Dicksonia untarctica Tasmanian Treefcrn Hemerocal11s species Daylily (yellow) Liriope muscari Dig blue lily turf Mahonia aqulfolium "Golden abuhdilnce"Oregon grape Mahoniu aquifoliun "Compacta" C6mpact oregon grape Muhonia lomarifolia Burmese mahonJ..n Nandina domestica heaveuly bamboo Nandlna domestica 11 Compacta11 Compact heavenly bamboo Nanctina domestica "Nana Purpurea11 NCN Photinin. fraserl Photinia Pittosporum tobira Mock orange Pittosporum tobira "Variegata11 Variegated mock orange Pit tosporum tobira "Wheelers (lwart11 NCN Plumb~go capcnis Dlue plumbago Tiaphiolepis indica "Jack Evens11 Indian hawthornc Raphiolopis indica "Pinkie" lndi11n hawthorne lthynchospermum jasninoides Stu.r jasmine Statice perezii Sea lavender T~comu capensis C~pc honeysuckle Vcronicn "Coed" Veronica Viburnum tinus ,.t laurustinus Viburnum japonicum Viburnum Xylosmu senticosa Xylo~ma Xylosma senticosa "Compacta° Compact xylosma Calliandra lnaequilat~ra Clytostonn cnllistccioidcs Distictis buccinatoria Grcwin cnffrn JlibbcrtL1 volubilis lllbiscus rosa-sinensis 11lbiscus rosa-sincnsls Mactadyena unquis-cilti Podocn1·dus graci l ior Indicates Jledera helix "Hahnil" at 8" o.c. triangularly spaced from flnts, Pink powder puff Violet trltmpct vine Blood-red trunpct vine Lavender star flower Guinc~ gold vine lliliiscus -yellow lllll1scus -red Yellow trunp~t vine Fern podocarpus "' 0, 0 '° c~ l() Q) r--·-~ ,.._ C -V) ' +J C: CL '° (j) ca (Q "' st u -- ■-a. C V "' ~ 0 :, ,.._ • --, 0 (l) C ... "' "' ::, en -CJ) 0 ID r-- ct (l) Q) --·-·-:, .c: 1/) 0 ... 0 <( -C "' -l() ... (l) ill r-- -0 '° ca a. < N (Q (j) 0 E 0 Q) . V) "' en "' ·-"'C Q. C ~ ca C: N 0 N -(Q ·-..J ~ -N "' ...J C') u Cl') z 0 -~ 0 -u. -0 w a. Cl) CJ z -... z cC ...J 0. Cl') w LLJ I--z ~(/) ~ ow :E 0 a.:E u 0 0 ~:E cc ~z ; o:~ 0 0 <Cl-0 ~ :E i:!: 'LLJ :c I- Dale: 1-l -'85 1 Drawn by: f-1.L. :ievisions: g. :z,.. -f<'S' 10 -'I -85" - ----·--· ----- ---~ ----. - ---·--· ·-· --- -·----·· ··- -----·-- Sheet 17 of 17