HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 903-1L; PD 333; PACIFICA BUSINESS PARK; L5-L12' ' ® :l :c;HVf' (;RAF~ICS/ACCUPRESS ~EOI-H.ltcR NO A3!!1£17 I 3/. 4 I " !' ' 11 I I • I" I'' -- BLDG. 1 I I I I I , I \ 11' I I" ' 00 I' - /' / Lb,/ c,x;,.Atl'.::>N OF-8Xf'?T,N0 HE;,"00 10 ·, APRii')XIMf',.TE:, Cv>JD?,k,17;~ 41!Ael. ~pi, i,, \, / » W& ;;-,1':-w 1,5 Ni¼i~Af'T .f 2f, C{;N\leuT ; 'Tl! £:xt~T\.li: flf-N c,iN~, NcTei: VA-WE:7 fi:,/1-\ 0-rrtm f,"Nlf"~i 'Sittri-L 1ie 11JT1) &.1~r1.1b , / y,, ~--r,;_ ~ ~1'1cf.i CiA '!'JZPv,'i:i<\S, (t),:r~~ / ~I ,.r,.rr"'1"'· q"'a"'t"'i"'on"""L"'c"'g'-"en"'c"', ."""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""....,"""""""""""""""""""""~I 1 • 1 ~ lL C! cor< V' t.Jp,'$ ilJ. ']l!-Z -F1&1.,0. _ .___ / / Syrrt:ol: furfornan::E fFita: ~. qtr rnf ful mis 1-bhl tbri:er M3.nl£. I:c=ipti= GfM RAD ffil >-------+--------------------------qtr half ful-----1 #570S • B #570C-6P #570S #570C-6P #570S -/Q.-n Toro -S:.7rl!b Spray ~ Q1 G" Riser w/ Flt S-td i'-bz -fC 'lbro Ftp-up Spray Hf:a.7 \-,1 Flat Std NJule -K' Toro Srrrub Sprdy fle::id. lh 6" Riser •.v/ Std N::izz:-2 -FC 'lbro B::ip-up Spray li::ad w/ Stardrrd tbzz le -FC 1bro Eu::bler Ch 6" Riser w/ FB 200 l:b'ale -K' Toro ~ F'orOf-ON ~• Fl)(f:f' 14~ 77:fO E.X15rl~ PP'!'AY H¥;'f7!> #-570C:-1P 'lb:!'."o I.awn Pop-up ~ay Head w/ Stardard N:Jzzle -FC IB~~? le' "I~ ~ r ;r-~w ~-~r. v'J/'<11,f-f<iffi:i'-, 1-" fYl'ICAL,____ ~ Rffrote Control Valve by: Weathema c j!.'. ·Series w/ Flew Cootro1 Sten. GJ.rde...ri Valve ':::J,J: Ourrpion &-= -I..cca.te in Gc-OllO'.J Cover: MG3.. AL:.tar0.Uc Qintroller l:Jy: Refer tD Plan for .H:del a,.'):j Station ~1u:TD2.::_-. Backflcw .cevice :oy: Feb:'o #-825Y, Li.re Size. . 72 1.27 2.4s· • 12 1.27 .8 1.7 3.4 .8 1. 7 1.0 I.? Z,,7 ¾5.4- Gate Valve b'J: Nilx:o #-'Ill3 6r .E'aLE.l, Line Size. A2t;:~ ~l)~1H0 VM>/~ 0Y: lttlkl"-IN'? 0[2-. ~IJM-J L.IN2:.-01-zh ~-c;, bS i:':f;I •. ;r-rPL'./\L, Valve Size/ G?M Ccntrollcr arrl Stution N..ltTrer • Spriri<ler lat.era l. P\C Class 200 f'£ s:E40 Sprin',.ler Lateral Insta.1100 Prior to A.C. Paving. 7' 20 7' 20 12' 20 12' 20 20 12' 20 l'7' U7 '0 -··-fV2 Cl 315 & SJ.I 40 P..'C S::::-i 40 Irrigation Mlln. U92 Cl 315 for 2" & 2-1/2", Use Eni 40 for 3/4" -1-1/2". SlEeVe. * ,',or-t,_: -l"Hi::~ ,"R;: l;:X/C;1fi ti'.,, 114'l6,Ai'!Ort 0'fC/n:,.["10 LoC::AWD ,ALoN0 ~rr H'O N ,A0E<;;, Ii? I< 'TH IC;; Prt.u E:C, i, l-,', H t) ~ !:-CO N , f'.Ac.. 10 f'-"=f·IA I., L-<;, U F-\/ ?{ i::Xi<;;rfjh0 CQ,it:l0T"ION0 fl<-IOf'-10 0UP.;>MITIIN0 PINAL.-~It?, A)"-lt) Pf"IOP,. --ro 0-r;"'Kl H6' V< 014'.-, 1)' : "'½ r . ii• ! 1 I" Ira, \I I '; . ' ' • 'i I • I • I ~--i" ' / , fil BLDG. 6 I NC;,"fAc-i.-l-Ai~L-l.,I H ~ IN PJ,,A---J Ti N(;, f-1<-'=:A 0 20 40 60 SCALE 1• = 201-0 11 I I I I I ,--f••-'-i t" ' .t.=•·=-·., ------ I I I I • I" . ' • ,~ ", • -c··-• . ~, \... -. : ____ _,.,.,:._;' '_;·,:·",::;:, C: a, -a.. C: 0 ·--a, C) ·-... ... - -· _, ~ ~_. ~., .. 7-: ,, ,IV "' (f:::,, ._~ (1) ;--- c: ~ C: "SJ:" .,- 1/') <D N a, C0 (.) en "" r-i (1) • .,, ...... ,s::, ... -a. ..,. (.) ,:. C0 m-.. ._..(1) ·----.c (.) Cl) 0 .... u, (.) (/'J (1) ctS ~ ~-5 (1) -(.) n:, ·-(1) C. a. "C n:, -0 n:, (/'J ..c: "C (.) C: ·-n:, -- C <C Ill UJ -I cc <C 0 ' ~ re <C a. en en lJJ z -C,,1 ::, m < (.) -LL ..... u <( a. drawn ~ _ ll!l/1<;, checked r"-e date illct,t; scale 111~,mr jab no. ?:·j~~q sheet C0 C: :, Cl C0 -. 00 ,- (1) - ui C0 8 . Cl) ~ I/') ,- <t: -z a: 0 LL ::J <( 0 0 < m en ~ u DvJCr. 9::J3 -IL . L-5 ol sheets ' 11!', SIStiOP GRAPHICS; ACCUPFIESS 'O'AEOADEFI NO. AJ9197 y \ _,/· -~ . ' BLDG. 2 '• Yo 'i, ''I-'t BLDG.3 1, ·I/,~ . , \ • • ·~ I . I" I I 1!' ,~ ·e, '~ "' t i '" 0 @----- • • 0'' ~ - 5% • '--, . ·-I " I~ I -. ~ I 1> I I /~ " I "' .. \1 I I 1 > 'I 1 ' ,, I .. -1< ~171& \--11>.'( U<,f, ~B-IJ 1/1,.Jffi, f a¥!011~ SfSfG-1 CP,Ntlaf Silfflff ~w l!BNh. t-Wli,r llmfi> -nf. D 20 40 SO SCALE 1•: 201-0• C: a:s -a. C: 0 ·--a:s C> ·-... ... - . revisions ',, . .. T ~J • -· -., I . ; j-:.j • .. . . . • -'·'-' ,_/ ' & i:", I,.-, J-,1n ti) ... (1) C: ti) C (1) .!'2 +■" a. co ·-...._ (.) ti) 0 +■" ti) (.) ti) (1) co~ ~"fi (1) ... (.) co ·-(1) ... a. a. co "O (.) ... ti) co .c "O (.) C: ·-co .__ C < Dl u, ...J a: < 0 ' ~ a: < a. en u, w z -U) ::, m < 0 -LL .... 0 <C C. by '~ I"' -~ ,~) • _r,f .... I,, a,,- N II) o<D 00N I Q) I l'0 o:s-u_ --.c o:s-(.) ~ l'0 --~ .. l'0 C :::, Cl l'0 - -~ .c in l'0 8 ui ~ 1/) ,-. <C -z a: 0 u. :J <C 0 .. C <C m "' ~ 0 drawn [..IJ,'1/10 checked r:7¥:, date &l0!ti'! scale \l\;;,&i job no. ~-5r:;/!~ she e I L-r, of sheets • . .. 1) I I i I I, {NO!e M~i U¼ fl01'1 Yfv/ff, If fi;!,;i'a S'(',JWt, CNillor 'i!Jl'Fofi NW /li;ll),, T!l'1Ck, ' BLDG. 5 I" ,I .. D 2D 4D BC ACAL E 1•• 201•0• ·--- I l;, ---~ . { .:. I, ; l;, I C: «s -a. C: 0 ·--«s O> ... ... - revisions by , z ' ;J,! ' AP ' ,, i ,' '~ A ,c, : .. !" " ". ' "" ,A V'. , \ i I/;\ L' t;/~l'!C c;;, C/'J .... a, C: en ffi .& C. C'J ·-...... o en ~ts en a, m -~ ~ ■fi a, .... om ·-a, .... 11 11 m "C 0 .... en m "C ■fi C: ·-m .... - C <C m en -' a: <( (.) ' ~ a: <C C. u, u, w z -u, ::::, DJ < (.) -LL ..... (.) <( C. " drawn l l2;1l0 a,,.. N Ill oCD CO N I 0) ~ co ,::I' u • -.c ,::I' u '{:: co .._. (1) ' .c co C: ::I Cl co -• co ,.. (1) -·-::I en -~ .c cii co 0 u • en ~ II) ,.. <( -z a: 0 LL ::J <( 0 .. C <( co en ~ (J checked k.1·= date wlc:; I t,1 scale jll:;,,'20' job no, c-J.._.., < ~~ .:.j ' ., sheet L-7 of sheets ' \ ,., GENERAL IRRlGATit.N SPl£11:'ICATlCN3 ;. Scope Provide :c.bcr, Sf"2Ciflcci. C,cnc.ral Cord.J.tio!"l: l. ':='h:-• it-r-:::;a:_icn je.s.i•.;n a:-; :.r:d.:.::oc::.:?d un tf.e dr-.:::i.·.-.,j:-1.JS Js J1aqra:rrta'"'..i:._·. ~-(_'il]P-:_: ;)J.:c·er~sic::.s c-n;c, c:2:::· ;,:;,CJ· • ~:'"()re ::rc,;_·e':"<i_'._:1y witr: '.-.'C>Lk, d:K··-;_ .-'!r.:·; VP:-1:=y 3:itc dlrtcP:7'.'iJ0::3. 2. 1..:c :1ot inn•c:1;1 t.hP -in·i9c1J :on sysL!:".IT ;,;~!C:1 ·-1r.Knowr. ob:::t.n1::•~1cns, grade dl:"fe_;:ences or djscre:::o.r...:~es 11_ ar~c:,_ ct_:_:sen~-1:::---.s ex:c,;t:, 1.,,,.-,._-<)1.:Jc<:>:y , .• ·•:; d;:c;;;•r<:°'pcn-,ci,:>s • C:) t·he ;,1 t.en-ior ,;i t-:,e OW;':•::r's rc-c:-r2s,:":--:.t::a.t1ve, It ·1ct.~fLci'.lt .. c:·1 ~:, :7G~-p,•rf()rwcc!., t;·1t:..' _·:,r:tracto:c: st'..2.L ass:..i:re resp::us1r:-.1.~ . ., fo:· n"v1s1,_·;,r·s ::c-'C:~'-,Sd.ry. ::: .. Coorc.1:-,a~.c ::r,s':a.1,_-;_t_-·yi ·1: :rr:,vt~i,:; 1,,,·c,r>, :(, ceJ:~·o~d ·:;rifJi:::ts w:.t·~, plar::-.lng, u:.1l:t1es, e1:q1nccr1:1.g ar.d d:·chi t_,-,.,_·i ,,r·--:J'. fc,.iU.::1.,.·s. 6. :.:.,x·c"l, 1;::.1,--,,:•jpo'. ..cir,ci st.'lt.f• L::.w:-=, :_-,__;Jc,c:; 3.nd rcx:;ulat1ons g,::,,;cr:nnq or r'<,c;_::-.1:-:-::; ::.c-a :=x:;rL.o:i u= t:::u_s ·,,,,-(,r>< . .cir<2 here.by 'TkJ.::i.e c:l i':drt :cf ';:,,-se sD::'<.·: !:,. d! :0·1.s. 8. :.:ct1.• -,_: !"~·:i:.;j; '.]:!'.,-'t,1,_·;..: 0,.,:·,_:1:;n --:·'r::,_·!-.,~!--g w-:,rc::. or-;.:.:,c,1 ··~ ~:,'.:"~!lc:'--,c ~,:-:·:-_-..JL..:.·::; ">,-.:h•.':'.°' ~-,::1c':1cable. SCTJ!T.l t ta l c-<e,-,_ nJ iJ:·~-,·...,,::-1.;:~: cl. 1~'::'i.,rcxi ,-:-t·• ,-n,:, s,,, ~, -. :-i_,:; ;, c·, •c':;.·: _;_:-,:.,,..-1 :~::;~-:·,:, :=-, -, t ~·- _;·c:n: ,:\·~-'r _:1_-'(_;_Jr-.: ._;r.,,,,.,.1r-,:;s ~-C.' '.:',,_, :_·wn.0r'::_. 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Tf rul !1,-a11,·;r: i:-O 3. .:::},_:,<.,_:_1 L _'cl__ ::;•_/)'[ -'• 6. ·o.. ::-::.·cv:c•~· ;._,,_.-...... , ... ,-,nJ •~Y,:-'J'J_-,:_:-,.:,.i·i,; L _ __. ::.~;,_. _,,_;::.e;::.c:t.:.c c0r,:~!.•--·-'.(•~ a:::. :'",:;;:~·.:::r-.. -, -':--: :--.:-!' ci:-.:,•..,·::1q'.:'. b. , __ ,,:1~:-ly wet.:· :.;:i, .. "L.t. c._.dc•;--; -.,:.! 0:-...:'.1 .,r,, __ , __ a. :,,s··a~~ ,..,·:.:-~:i;J -~· sd;1e ::..::-er-.ct-. as p.:-ess~e s1.1pp:y lines wt-2rev~,r tx.;,ssible. :-:.u:---._C. '=-0,;•:-•:-.1 . .:: ,:,t ~;,:=_-::_..:_-,•-::ils A '.'./. L. ~;;:1 :-;;,;: 1cr::<-. :o ,;-,_; l l><'::' :·;;;;~e l"JE-':.' ... ',_'t:<, c:xit.:.u:ler ctu.: ::.,:-:,c ►f:-co,,t.r~,'. ,,c:;·,1e. c. ~:r:-;__;\•.de " ~" C..:.c:' .• t-y ii" l•.>nq ,:..x:ur;s:cr. ,::-·u:< _V.-'Jt!',]:-. .J' cf ec:.c:, ·,,;:u, s;·Lce COJ'10 at lJ(I' c,n cen':er. f[y<.l::.U.S[d[~(' Pr...,SSL.lf::' ".Le.st: 2. ~;:;r-_1:_y 0°.,·:-.c.0 r's repres2Lta~.:i·:~. .. est..:..r.q ;.::f:<:o~._...r P ~ .1 n.:_•:;.; ._,.u_., • ~:yc'.r'.,'.:'t:.ati,:.: e~ "CCS.:o<..u. c;:-of ) ,:,S ~ bs. rcu:,-;,rc,::,s;...:.rc :1r:cs c.ndl'r cxis7:.ing stcJt.:.c 8res::,ure. c. i:' '.Pok~, r>veL,i=,·, rpu i-J.Ct"-Jc•_'.:,C: .. :o end ::\c'pccci': tee>t: :.u:ti l s_y~te:1, J.C-s!<,.-.Ti t-_c 1.,e •..,·,=,b:'r: 'gh!. d. l·'..irr:.;..,;:1 :1b~-~''.:cso.r:-' for::~ f.)Ur.lf-· cLld ·:)t_t1Ei!:" test c,q-t.;.:;:-:-1cn:: .• 7. Rc:e~kf.: ]1r·,'-<: ,, • .Mec~ldLJ'dL:""· ccr,:.dct. 1x:,::::.<.:..i., to.:-::rer.c:-i1:ic1-to c:-y dC'r.Sity t...-..rui·;c;lent: ·_o ad;2cent u.rdistu:::bed f:;Ol., .±:i,i ;rcct ud:c:i:-er:::: ::,;ru,;1.-s w1~...:;0c.1 s . .ir;k<-c:1 ,~rPcia'o, !""1u1rr:.::co or· rn.:1er JtTP~c.::cir:t 1es. L. -'""'lct~'e 6" u.: r;,_:.t:'=' :..:,f :..·lec:'.ll ~<~L :rE:E:' :.,f ~ebris, rock, etc. dS ~r.l::.ld. l;.c;i'-/.fi_: ex: £>U="""'Lae .-:>1.1p~->; ~ llk'S. ;'J'. .+._P (i'.··p gr·;c;n;;,-';r ;,1a•·_prin.; with 'K: ::'::_,rei,3r: Tldtter lci.t:rJe:: ':~id.fl ~/2" in SJ.Ze dS :; '1i t · <ll i.:.n•·kfi l l ,-..... a ; ncr - I r"-"~~'.rre -l: r:e:c. d. ?l::i.cc c: n,1;.in:t...Jc· of 6" ut sa.nC c.,:-: p1~s :cx--:aLP::l u,1..--l2r FffPi'.lS w:':en2 i:x:i·.--.::1g I'll 1 · Die-' inst.ul >:--c2. ·.:,it..'.ol :x_o.ck:li11 fqr !.t'l'H~ft~~lc; b.ci(kf'll cir_-'(_'essctry. E:_. ~:1st.all c.'.lf,.J.L:::'. JJ\(i~r ex1s::::1n; walks t:-y JC.ck.:.:--_;:: c::. u..::r2ng. It c.1t-_t--j_ng o::::- .si1al 1 r.,i~ clcrf-c'l::c: replaced c.::; pa.rt uf ,-___::1is cunt.:.a.c·t. Nut:jfy ,:.:.:·r:ns,,Jcn prcx.'eedincJ. 8. , Lir~p C.]er,,,.rdJ.CJ?: -a. LJ:1es sh3.ll haw· a cleara..rice :::,£ 6" o.r nc!'.'e from each ·::tr.er, anc. :::)ff :1n<c.0s c: o-... ,<-'::::--_r.L:l':c;. L. L.::·cJ:lel lio-2s shall not. oe 11·_.sr.a]led dirPct.ly ·:wee or.P a.:mLhE--r, .'.1<:"ff c.lg0.i1::,:-. UP ,.c;i:=ie.:; ,_,f .:''C"' ;--_::_·e~•:_" 9. Irr".:..qat}ori E',q:J.l!'i"·,er.t, as Cefined a!xne: u. Ir.si.c::.11 "" l-':"r j_p:.ai1s. L. c. d. ,S~;ct:~'~I),J :.,£ irLi<,;:e1.::..1•A: Il':'dJ.S st:.c~1 r::...,:__ t:=XCf:'ed rklJ(c'·,urr: che Ris12r .-·v::iq:",ls for :i.r-::-.:qat.:..on r:cads shal~ OC level. Ir,st& 11 10. ]\.sse:r.tl1es: ". b. . ~ .. l./ CJLI.. 1.:.. F + ..:sr.;_.,-,q and ,~.-.::_1u:.;t1L·.;l ::ys~_e_"fi: l 1 nes. z,_ ,.\, _i~r nT,.;ai /,:; :,i;_,el.ir:es or!:::i r_:_s<c'rs are 1r. pla.ce an::. cor.n-.,c:.(.'Cl, a.n,i ::r1 .. x t:...· .:.-:-,stcj_:~0t~.;)r '.Jf 1:::-.:::·i::i::l~-·-:: t.c.:::1.d~, u::Er'. -:.:-ie -:::::,rr::.rol val vcs' uJ1d ·.1se c::: fu1' :1e"-i(i uf Welt.Pr t.'.·, fl uc=:h ,-.,11:: s:r-stHT. b. /\_~uc::t -.;~~-~•.c,s a1.1 c1',q-r1rrPnf ru1d c:cf.rf::'.L:1.::e :.,f .:rr1qat:_cr: heads. Ad~·..:st11e:nts :.-ay 1n::::uctc, c.~anqes :;.n nozz~e :=-.,;,es c-.::1d •ie<J.!.ees of arc. 'l'!':ese c:1ctr.::;-es sJ-.c.lJ be ,,1:1.civ w::.thu__;t c.dd1t:;.::,·na:. ~:ost to t.r',P ow:1Pr. Observation Scht,.j;_, l r- V-, ! ) ! ·1 i I • - I I " ". I Aiv,. /_,,-'I I ' , .-'lfl.t::1/ 2. l\ pr(::-job co:1f2:::-ence shall be required be:':ore prcc:::eding wit..'l work 1.:nde:::--t_his c0-:-1t.ract.. Art observation schec1u:.e sha1 l ;-...-,e G~terrnir,ed at t...Tis t:i8c for a:l work. Observation::; shal: ir',clc.de, :xt net C€ limited :.o, one ;-r,eeting at the sL2rt ,.:,f the 60-day maintenance per.:;',_od and o.r.c at t.!~c: ,_:,d c.: t.ne 60-C:.uy muintenunce i:_::,cr.:..cd. ref=);::ese.:,tative 72 :loc.i c:; or 3 w:::,~-;<i ng days j r1 a<l'✓&1ce o+ e.:.F __ ,h, agree:l. obse:::-vation o:::-con"'er2r:.ce. LQ--------- I \ ~ iiP"--~ ,,Ji,'?-~;A ' • ' , ! 1!1:I ,--- i Ll () I ' -<l --7 ~----+--,------~ f " i i ', ' --)f---• ----------------,... --r • ~ --_' :1 : .L'+,--.,.-,- -i--,_ ! ---- 7~~~ C !,1 ==--= 1 \ - • \ ,, +-- I ~ ~ Nir'Y'Vt ~ t'V; pll~Uii-f V fri (¥Al/ l,iNI;? -- • ) ! \ l,~ a1-l~~ ~ ~~{1;1tctl9 I, " i I!· :t:......~: !I !i ~½fi'~l1l1 ~ . t , 1 . ' I \ \ ,-- I I I I ~/ tLANI~ 11ilw -m11 = l:J;.(,,P ~\k/ ~~J&N'fi:.J --. ... •--·-•--·---...___ .. ___ , ... -!>-. -·-----, --· ' "i!.;,. ✓;..,~ A,tj:.,"r. ~~-t,,P rir1::: • ' Q • ~i -1 I ! ¾-___,._---~-I ,t. )-< ~----------- sq ' i ~ l'f.l----4, 1 C,-,.."1' Cit:. £,A',!, \ • (/') -·-as ..... Q) Cl -0 C: as (/') C 0 ..... as (.) -·-(.) -(]) a. Cl) C 0 ·-..... ~ 0) ·-.... .... - revisions . - . 'j u, ... Q) C: C: n, u, Q) -.., m ·-8 u, U) n, oa Q) CJ a. ....... u, .., CJ Q) .., ·-.c ~ ca ·-Ci) ... a. a. n, "'C CJ ... u, m"C .c C: .2 n, ... - C < al Cl) ..J cc <( 0 ' ~ a: <t: a. Cl) CJi w z -(J) ::, al < 0 -LL --0 <t CL - . ) dra~n ~~ .,-; f - checked k:_},-,, ' ' date ',.. .:;,~,l V scale ,, ·,,-: ,. job no. -,,.,;,• ' ' ,.,- sheet L-fl by - :::i Ill -Ill C'0 0 (.) cii 0 a, II) ,- ~- <( -z a: 0 LL ::i <( 0 .. C <( m en ~ 0 of ,, she6t s • "· 'I~ f'DI/Jt? tJDf(, ·rr'i"'k:Av -----i- tJ~f. lf..i Ae,i.,O I I I -: .. ,, ... lb I (;p,t r,,.t,J, "' Ot,j ' ~,; ~p~ ' w~ TREE LEGEND ' } lb ,--~ ; t:,t! ,, '",-,zi::.--< /z.4•1e.:oJ.... '~ SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME end COMMON NAME ' Ji,"11J0 PAf'\'I li-?1--lA "A:M: • i".,VB: F'bf'-e EN l:'l.{1 Ml:iAL.::-IXA ,eJCf-0[:itJF'I l C " ,I 111ZE ou),NTITY ,,-·-,;--, ' 1--4'' ,.,..-, , P,OY-· _118-~ £ , Ai.,f. 1'?0/'1.--, I ~-,-x '" i;;,411 0,'iX ~-;e < ,,,, ., -~ ' 10 Cd.:._,v, ::;..., _.;., z.~ ' '---1 ;' ~- 0 :q_,..._TAN U0 mto:WfaA I 0 0."-J... ~ 2. £ )'14,-J . ·~ v-\J..I P...)r<fl l ,_ 0'(0"~"1Ji'i, ,....-rr,- 0 .-IQ\Jl~:-10,-\R 0T1i'K.I F~Llt 1"4 1 f;! ,y", 2.1 \ ,.:--:,\J ' ' AM l';f'l::rli ccJrJ w0ur-1 '--·< .. ,,A_~,-/ & - - VfNE 'LEGEND BOTANICAL NAME SIZE SYMBOL an<1 COMMON NAME V 'v ;":C:.J0 ~r\::1-10 ?0&J.,, ,~ .¾'-r,:: o; i--1 .r ,-, ,----,0 ( : : I ', GROUNDCOVER LEGEND s s . . D.S. .GUY MISC. ).?,, t)'? I?,;,, t;','? t 17.0 · MISC. I SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME and COMMON NAME SIZE SPACING ➔---,....i......--+ ' Iii\ a,s~or GRAP•1,cs' I.CCUf'RlSS "&' FtEO'iDE~ r-.O. AJ919/ V: M'°f' Ml r10F- N"\ZF-f'°f-. N I H N.--1:- r.,e;oat-\ I."'-' :'-J:'.,!'1 !"',ON 17Bf-10 10 1 M.AP,,\11-10,i' kAWN ◊-JrJl7f;r 0ets "''"t~. ~"'~ i;,~~-k a1<.1W,-~, A.'7?i' (-< G,'<L C.,A'f:, ,"?~A ~ (>, RUTHERFORD T ~,10n H0 ~"\ifJ N ~" ,o lb[; Ffv '"'w , CIJ'0,10 UfZ.f'-01;': (HAN0i:e0 · i(f'ICAI,, i l~ ~ , I l.f\4-!e.c:+--2"-<I ~wD f--::;:;::~>'. fj {< j'¼0iHifr;, r-vnr1 H0 TO fl-?M-'\J H, uJH-rrY'CfOF-0HAU---I NrePJ"tCJ:. ,'-lfN t.,,ANC0cAP H0 WITH ~10il M0, i<EFLKI N0 /'w fLt','i-M,'\Te)<./.Al-C;;, !7AMA0EI? 17UP-I rl I:? wN0r/<.l..l:;t,10N fll,l,-IN [:'Xi0TI H0 U-f-~,A, .'T,rn . ..e1 IC-,-,..l.-, r-,,~ ,o o;,f't(.1N0 l.OT !-tit? V(H::~ Ne:~O~p To FIU. ✓01D0 n1'7CAl.,' (· ' , I --·-!-• l~-+--lf--1----- t-a: :::, 0 (.) ; I I· J l 'i j ' r<:::v0ve-~x, @He-, t\'.;?:j;;(:\ ,,r1t;ft' f<i:+10Vf':; ,:.:<, GOrl<,~T~ --+---+--+'"': , I H~Dt,f'._ ·.::? :f__ __ _ .. I . . ·1 . --.. :-. .. ·· . ' \ -, ... . . ' ·- PLANTING NOTES /::X10flH0 LAlNN•Tif; ---+-+-e+ /1-Rru!f l!W· ls'tv IN, ---t-111~ fji;, lA?. The planting plan is diagramatic. Plant locations are approxi- mate. Plant symbols take precedence over plant quantities sp~cified. No~ify the Owner's Representative of discrepancies prior to starting wo.rk. Plant quantities given in the Legend are convenier.ce of the Coatrac tor only. approximate and for the Prior to plant i.ng, construction adjacent to planting areas i:dtu.11 be comlJlCtc .:ind irri<Jfl tio_11 systems ins tallcd an 1. operational. '::::::i;~ P~ant m~terial in or near paving an<l walls may require installa- "-.... tion prior to construction. Coordinate this work through the "'G.eneral Contractor. Tak.e soil samples and submit written report. to Richard Price & Assuciates prior to the start of soil preparation per the s_peci- fications. Three weeks stock trees prio"7 to deli':ery to sit~, submit photos of nursery to Richard Price & Associcttes for review. Install trees ctt stall lines interfere with parked cars. in planting areas where trees may Keep shrubs and trees a minimum of 3'-0" .(or as indicated on from back of parking curbs to u.llou for car overhang. Unless stu.tcd differ"'!·-tly on the plan, pL:i.ntir.g areas should rcceivo ground covs;r treatment up to plant rootball. · No bate plan) soil areas shall be left exposed except directly above rootballs. ,'\.,)!~ P'.li'--rc:Mf'Ot'Jt-Y :1t,Jf-f-. r,~i'--·\-~ t·\."J-, ~::·\:, \''·f:.-\,J [)UfZ: rt,;, C.OH0TN.'(;f1CN. corftr'-"C. TOt'-I'°' "-~0 f'Ot10 i V;l--c:, F'-'1"--Fl'=Pk-'C-1 t10 A.HY f'L--"-H t0 ( Cle,?) 101·\A{r,,:; to i"-'"' ,;.>-,Vf:.1? lvK P-IN-'\L.. i.,."fif.X:?C:.-"-f-'1"0 MBA0) ,H/\T 0:f'; J'.)lir'-IH0 {,D l'VJ'f ,'CJ:, 1 I O ,1 . SHRU,B LEGEND SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME SIZE SPACING end COMMON NAME ~-- ,\f,..4.!0..,.,-i.,-.-1, .:. ~0-f}\i \ i0Al, l~"o.c,,. '\,J, 'I 'i 'f ·•-.) ' ' ' ' ,_, ' · ' '( """-HI:. .. ,I U, ' j-?~i.?. f;iJ-: I :.--+c-,J; I• ' -¾S/\e)','1THLi0. 'OU~H "{-IH''1 '2,' 0,(/. '6& • I t:-'? (,Al, ' , . vi L--Y O P T rl f H i I,£ ' OJ E:-f. "l /\N N i:'. 1 ~--~~ Ol-8P',, 'l?L./, I ~A.l<f's I 0 b"\1.--. w" o.c,,. -%-i ~ ''' 1"'? ( j , IHGIAN 1-\A.N"'.HoPN -~, 0-,2.;. r~, T: o:;.R-1<-Ll"f ,cB 11/' vJH i%l£ "'-1 ' -0 0/\l,. 00'0.c:, v'l H f;i3..B-¼ rm f', P! TTO 0f? RIM 0-h i?I fT00F'OfZ0M 101'711'\-."' V.AN ~t"-06,\i.,. '?/-(/ O,&, \/AF, fbAt~r,? '-' I TTC0f'O NJ M ·. ?o-4-><.Y vC-8.1,N1,,;,., U.J"-lf:,.,~-·~ ..... --r 'tv'\ 0 -~.-\ l,-4 '· :;, .l,' '--"'~//J•. , )<YW0M,A. - -m Jflri IA Pf't-Y? f 1'--1 00Al.-. 4' (),C,, CJ,'? ~Ys(;f:,~ l..?r:10f'1N!>-... r~:~r1i,A 't.,c~·v-s--> 11 00/4.i..--, ' 0-& 4 OJ.,. c0G,A.U..0"--I IA r,:· .. -:· .. - I·. . - '. ·.'. ·~--· \ ' ···-.. ·. -~--·:·.·· ~~:-= I . ·.-.·. . ' ', . : . - ROAD -7 BLDG. 6 o ea 40 SCALE 1•: 201-0 11 BC 1 i , ' +--------rlt'N 0or /\:"-1/1 · Ai..,~\>J 0><-0MG-.?'f'-i- TPAt-101nor-1 WITH t';XIC;,T1H0 1.,1\J,'ill;Af'i:1/\ , TYi"'. e~ \ ''i:,1c1, ' . I • Hevi Fl}lf/1}. H~t::P-· 1'f'l7U{.., ,Aruosr Pif-1.~ l-0< Aii~ \ ' ' - I I r ,, , ,, /;:; "c_,,__ / \ ) , C: a, -a. C) C: ·--C: a, -a. ~ L!.::. !/2" revisions . : . : :,. I 0-'1 :-2'-i. i1/l 011,,40 ""o/~ i '· 10 __..L..,._1-·1 f!? Q) by "'"'1°" Al° ~o .JA 0),... N II') olO CON I 0) C en C Q)~ ~ C. ; Ill . '<t () .S!' 0 Cl) 0 0 Cl) Q) Cl) ~ ca.- ca "fi Q) .... o ca ·-Q) C. C. "C ca .... 0 ca en ..c: "C .2 ffi .__ -£ '<t () ,-Ill !::::. 1: Ill C :::, Cl Ill -Cl0 ,... a, -·-:::, rn • rn 0 0) II') ,... • C / ' > • _< ' • * \.~L.:..,:,::....,L.,l) Jt <i' C <C m (,/J ...J cc <C (.) ' <C -~ z cc a: 0 <C u. :J CL <C en 0 .. en 0 w <C m z Cl) -~ en ::, 0 m < (J -LL ---0 <t ' c.. dr~n A, .. checked fZC' date (o I j 0)1 11 scale ,' -101 ,,,.-.,11 I-.,.., -- jo~-'lno. ~,;.~-✓,,.-.. sheet L-9 of ' . sheets ,✓ > ,a,._ BISHOP GRAPHICS/ ACCUPRESS '61 HEORDrn NO .0.39137 \ ~ 0 l 7' 7 ' ' . I 0t:.I;. 0H f;l;f [,, -"I @ f)(p,fl Hb 01,0PEc P!,AHTI H0 At1 D I f4<.1Gr\T k? rt c:o,N-rPAcro I<-:0H.A.~ i NT::: fZF;'<C.i:: MiT I 170 AWH0 INA l.-l--. ief.0 A4 Al--l--f'L-2>.H T0 ·'J-H7 I FFl0ATIOIH t)"'"'!'<?c':V . P'J "-l ;-112 CON1,f!-'Uy70 N · 1'«-'lc:AL-- /./. ,./ . ,/, ,, ' \ BLDG. 2 • AW 6A2/4/-1 1~ [1-!0ffl, f'<l L .;ifl2'1 ~S C 2Wff21 BLDG.3 ' ~ . , ~*<---":{-t -~-l ~ , ,5 'f. I 7' 1 6 S__j/ :{(11i{:~ri:.:; \::. .. . ,..•:::, .. ::. :i;·;i , ·. -. ' :;~'. ;,-'.·"'. ----1ai:f)lfr,r\ \ I t-:-/' : ;/;-:'-'!. ---4:: .... Nt:'IN 0ot7 ( 0HM?ti:c:> ~) ,YI"'. fi:)(f':117 ,t, ,LJ /2-F i'f'l,',A0 , fYP ---1:1.,.~}--\------l:?<l0TIN0 ft,AJi!IHG A'H1 IR<-10/'ilON Ta f'.eMt'JM ---4?i<'i:?,( HHl>f't; r!Yhl 0~ . I HT~f4':~ E.Xl0n H0 Nini Hi::N ( . i . I-f'!AH TI H0 lvf2. 0W»711 11Wl01 r10H, f!l;.fAJ F'Ht? --~'>!<, ,, '.·.. a: f ".'. :) ,Ai.-L--,~ :)AM,Ab;:;i? t7URH0 W[i'?ff.U::.TION, ':t:: 0 (.) / l :;'•·: ---~~"n\~~Yr-+----fX"'ilH& GOPAi.,il~ · iYPiC.Al, -'<:.OHb f,Af<H0v-lOf-iH wLJl"-i ::(i h , L, . A:::;:;=a~.-ll~ J Jt .,,.--:•-. 0 1" D 20 40 80 SCALE 1•: 201-0• • C: (\1 -Q. C> C: ·--C: (\1 -Q. revisions by 7, I O '"4 -.. ,.2\(...7 -7, e-1 8"1 -\ f' 11, c:. B !'lo N-r:c. ' /Zc, ·-:: !'2. i I -:-lS ;A /;;'. 1,.-'.I 19 l?JO I.O, ~,-,..-" .. C'.,,. ~ Q) C: u, C: a,~ 1a C. ·-' (.) u, ~o en. ! ca·-oa ti a, ... u ca ·-a, ... C. c. ca "C (.) ... u, ca -c ti C: ·-ca .__ C <C m U) ..J a: <C u ' -~ a: <C a. Cl') "' w z -(/) ::, al <( (.) -LL .... (.) <C ' C. . ~awn .f' en ... N II) 0~ coN I en ~ nl 0:,-CJ --,s;!: 0:,-CJ ,::: nl --.8 nl C :, Cl nl -aS ... a, -·-:, Ill . ~ .r. iii nl 8 • Ill ~ II) ... <C -z a: 0 LL :J <C 0 .. C <C Dl ti) ~ 0 checked ~.co date . ; .-,l ''"""> . ,, ! . I scale I' -c -·~ 1-ri' -.:.-'J ._./ i ob no. c-'./2_;>-V, sheet L-IC) of I , sheets ® 6lSH()P GRAPHJCS ACCUMESS \ I I I I I I 11 I i /--1 --> ( I / ' // I // . ' --_;--'-,,-'---- / '~--.1 I 1 /-I I' / ----_/ / ) /11 - I I I I I ' I - I I I I I I I II I \ ' ' ', ~ ', -=' --··- • ; A-J. ~-r~ ~ l i . ;. ----·, BLDG.4 '1 I I I ··------ I I ' I ' I ' \ I \ I I I I, \ I \ \ ' \ ' - I ! ....._ r \ \ ' I '--I= ---- I ~ I ' I ! I D 20 40 BO SCALE 1•: 201-0• I I ' I ' I ' i I I I ' I I I ,-::, ' ~ I f--, \. f--1 ',-__ j ~ 6f::., ~--:r~-k, C, re 'i, ,.,_ ~ r, / .( ;,, \I,.;:: ) 0'--\...,r C «s -a. C> C ·--C «s -a. revisions by /,!J-0>' A_"~' 7, ·JI· a,,,J -;f ' ' /1\,c::; -:C/<)C ru ' ' '"71/-1(', /_', -~ ,A -· ---. :_...- 1,;;,_ <., i i "l f9D I ,.-, , rrt" n ,., c)-JIL ~ (l) C: UJ C: (l)~ 1ti C. ·-...... (.) UJ 0.., UJ (.) UJ (l) m:!: ~-5 (l) ... <.> m 'i: (l) C. C. "C m ... (.) m u, .c "C (.) C ·-m .__ Signature Date ' C <C Dl U) -I a: <C (.) ' ~ a: <C C. ' ti) en w z -en ::::, ' m <C (.) -LL --0 <C ' 0. 1.{;wn (7) ... N U'l 010 00N I (7) '3, C'O -:I'~ .-..r; -:I' CJ ,::: C'O --1; ' C'O C :::s Cl C'O -• 00 ... QI -·-:::s .., • ~ .r; "iii C'O 0 CJ • .., ~ U') ... :ot <( -z a: ft ::J <( CJ .. C <( co en ~ CJ c~ked date ' ' ;,U •, ~ ' l' , 1 scale I 11 := ~o ',·o ,1 jo b-,2t°· ::?,;;). /c '· ~, J', sheet L-11 of 112-, sheets • / GENER,'\L PI.AN"I' l.NG S?FCTF I('J:i::·:;:a.;s A, ,:3cupe B. L. rrc-vide la:.::or, rncJ.ter..:._dls and equipcnent cor;s1de:-ed 21s r.ecess,':lry t"o complete plantir:g \v,_i:.-k ns _ind1cuted and spec1£jPCl.. C£nerul Conc..1tions 1. T:-1'2 pldnt-.:.r-q (],c,caqn as 1nd1:.::a:.ed e,.:-; the d.rawings is diagrc1r:imatic. Scaled d.imensi,1Ls. Llre 3pproxima:-e. e,efurc p . .:ocf;;:"'2din,_; w1 tJ ,..,,_,r·k, c:h:=-c.>-: anG verify site d.i.rr,e::.~~ions. :2. Co not i::stall ;.;lar,· 1:1~ ,,.,rJ1.en ur:.k..'l'\own obstr·Jct..Lor~, gr.ade i."i:ffercnces or discre~,a::des :'..:1 area dimcr.s1ons exist. l:nmedi:.ti:.<y b.::in:; :jjsctepanci;:-s L,; the attcnt:on of t~7"='. cwne~·'s r2p:::.-cscnta::.ive. If not1ficat.]or, :s nc,c. :-""-'Lf0Lne<), Lhe c=ii:1~rac:::-·::ir sha.11 assum':::' n:•s;:.·onsfb1 ~1ty for rev.:.s.i::xlS nf::'(_·essary. ] . C::,,ordlr.atc 1.:-,:::;ta.l lat: 1 ,_:r. ".'.ir:::.-lJJ tPct. ,:---0:J'. :<?.:::.;_;__;.-cs. utilities, or en::3irif::'f:'ri ng a.""ld 4. rc-oto<:t. ir:.sta~:ect ::::-ont.:-dct: ,,vm.-k and wor.K. of others. b. :____._x:c1i., h<?i.·W:,· rnu.:1.icipa.l F..'1d st.ate :aws, rules ar1d ;::-egL.:ctti::.ins gcivf"rr:.ing er :::-elati!Y] t0 d txx-:.icr: of this wcrk are rrao(· a pa.rt c:: t~1ese spe•:: i ficati-:)ns. 1. Keep preri:·,;.,e.o., c:ear. and :=rec ot excess ":'qujl-Jmei t_, mat.t-:riuls and :::-ubbisi: jncj(lp:1~_a: :-.o wcrk dc.r::.ng G)r.s~r,.::::10.:1 ill'.::':. :rc1ir.::f:'nn;·,<·P p=an,,d. Broc'TI :-lf-:'an al~ ravf::'d 2Ueds. d. ~~otc· a. l f.:.~i.is!J yrd,;,-~.c.., t:,pf,y·e conmcricino wc:::-k. c:r.:gi:-.a: '.)t l."'lten~ed c•:..T:tu;_i.rs ·--,i·F'.re p;·ac'..1c::tl:::dc. K<2stcre finish gru.jc char\qe,j d~rir.s ccurse cf :.h::..s work to ; . • -·' . "-.;;rcc;-~;;r,::_c-YlJ ~s •::_\;st ~ep·_,: t: a.· 'l'dk'..c (2) c'il'T1P'lt"'1.~-::1 ...:-t SJtc s-~J,l at a :.1•c"f)t:.t·: c,l 6 t-_o l) i:1-:::::,c-s, w1~t:in prcpc.s<?cl j..'1ii:r._'._:..._1n; c.rcas, aft.ec:- , .... +' -.y ;;.,, ~,--: ,-.,.,,~,J t•' wr-,-.-'''.)f'"r---.--r< c.:_,,,' ,.,.,,-,. .. ~~-.r1·or ::'c:.,7::'J(; .. l:),'c ()_ '_;~d,~~,.y ,, "le-',,,. ,_, ·,-'--·-• ,_ ~. ct"~~'-'--' L ' -y-'-'•" '• ll. Fffin~; sc'.l;,f-':cs :~'..,. d.Il a-.;::-,x,nr,i-:: scib ,.Psl.1nc ~d,.·_:·c::.':.c.,ry req1st.srre::.-i by i-:·;I? S'._u.t.e ,.::: C~lifor:Ja fur ;:;cd: .:~. ?.C"')UC-~'.. t,es .... ircc:r :::::,r f<:.,rti~_t-y anc! co;;.i·ill:-11.:it\' -Jr;a.'.·,1s.:.s -~'.:.t-J-: ·,,.-r~':"t.e:1 n--'cJr'Tlc:-xiat:ons £c.:-so~: ameri:mPnr_, ;:·,,~tJ·-,7p;· ar-.c. '"-"'.Cr-,:co., ::,-Jn,..:1t:.~:.:,i~ers, c:!pp; _;:,-,' ~--'n L1t-c..o t::,r S'.Jil ::•:-'='j-"'ct~dt.u:', pLin·1ng ba•::!d1ll mix, Ly-J.:-0s1:r,t·/ -::i..:-1d f<·'.·!_-:-fl1:,, ... ;:0;:c-c: :.c::1·;._~~=3•~-:,. , r,_,cr3:·,c.:. c. S'Jbrr.it written re;::x)!"C:. to O...-Tier1s reo: 2s2ntative:: nnur to sc..Ll a:ncndment a.rid ur:Je::::-ino oi.a...rit mater.LdL a.. _i_~ '. t"~•-r''--, sh,L I °':'l::.). •x, L-,_!: -:!(-:~v~:'/ ::..u U·.c :_;i'..<: ~~,1!.~~':.1000 .:::y b;..:k np:;.. ·_.,.·,=,;;;,hr_. .:"J• s·,_.;ppll-?r:..·.' .:::~c1'.:crnc:~-s cf r:v1.f~~---.r. l(::1 rpcD::-,i:r:,~ _;._,'!t:•~,1;: of 3.r"Cn-:'.:rnents and d. ?c•_",;,j~, r:irttP:.:rtls n: :;,·•c-:L '.'."P•::·..::-•DC'f;,1c.'-d (..fC.:a~Jt/ crA::a.l;ktl,:,C, ;,;)--:ic:t c~-rr,p~y :,;it.!-, ~a-... ·ir1•'.JS d.!Kl sp,"'Ci-!:"icc:rt:'..,.r.,-:. r;. ~;,_, :;cr,s::.:.t'.JtJ'.·,r. ,,,t s:;,:_,._-,,:.i.xi ··1.-1tpr;;,1s s::a:: u-: -r.adc r,,;:-.:,c-,,.;t-r,c,v~e·.-., c'" t_:-,e j"'T1<r's ::-(·;Jrese:,t.3t.i.ve:. d. :'":,~t'.:. cf r'JO~S, c • .)js and st:cnes :,.-;r_CJpc· t.:-J<lI". :" ;r. dl~'l-T'?>.'r-, •_,_·f::'ed.'o, s1 j, .. _;c--;, infv·.::tc.\t~~'l: -i/ .. _.,-!dt>~J.i::.·o_bL:: .ir.;_;c,:ts 3'.1d pl<C'.~'~ di'---'·'<h"" • ;:_;_ Sd::::~ty: Tb:=a sa~:l.t.::-ct'..-,'.-i:: PY,t-.tacr. :-::~_,nd--':;t1v::+:·:· ·,r-,:,i~ ;-.,-• ,_,x,·<->,-~_: J.~ :::::;;;'7b:..;:.~,C:--'. c..t .::5 c. ,..::,-_x:_~ ·..1n: T~,.3 S(xij L.T! Px;:•t"E:,j 4. J PP~'.. sh..1 l. •:_-).!:<jd:'i(.' A:r.em1rr,Pnl, d,..,,ived trc:n wx,::! or ~JCrK, :,_;_ner2.c; d:'.'"1J ::·,avin(} tt::e f-:;i~owir1~ prop2~L .. cs: i-l. I\lrl.L::e SlZC: 1) M'.r,. 17"-µ--:tss:nq -. ,esr. scr'?er. .2) Mfr:. [i(il fB~'-<'"l·-J F :-;,cs;, .'c:''.""'cCT. ~al1c1.:..ty -c:or.dl.'.c!:.lVity .:,.:, ;n1l:C·1:1,::,co;,M iit" L.~ :: '~~-,~'~,:_.:co~,_:.;--•_,-,, c..··ondv:r j •;i ty. cl. o::-,~Jd.fl:c content -~.:ruLi'.m C1C% by wF-.g:11.. d, C•-;:1·¥-'Tt:i~i-: Ferti.:.z-~.::-: Y,_).:i l p.::~_,::.:L~d:: ic,:, -use G-2':1-2U ~1rade '.:iyd..rospray: ;_:sf:.· l f,-6-iJ :_;.r cKlf::' !C,: O¼' rP, f'-'LlS(-_- W<':'eci cor:txol: t:se 21-0-U qra·-.:ie ,•ntt: ~i)C% "11c·a1__,c-r:t.I\J/:r. 500 L::'~Tt: ~•: ~6--::'C-,J g,ndi>, cJr.·:a-,onu.::r: ~:h:>S'::''.1.3.te. Mt.: i. r.tf•nuncc: _[•:)'.", c,,.: L-•. _l' ; :?L2 ,:5,_,4·:): ;nP' .a; Coy·;·",:Jl7 (Cdl,:..· ... ~,ir :-:;,_J] f<Cr _ _c, ('n --t1Jr";_,·:i,--::::ci'. ,·c)s! •c: 1.hc cwr.cr. ~-;u..'c;_;t-~t.;r.es ~:,.;1~l not\.-._, .~"'n:-1'" ,-.": '1:.:--::'; •·xr·-;·., .. , .. ,, fr )f:. the :y..,·r .Pr'-, c ,,~_.rese:·,: c;; -j -• .-~,. i:.:-c.,:.ec-t.10;1: :-11::,:Le :\S:d ~~-ore pl~:,t;:; t:-_, ;,~ :-,t ,o-:=.::: i:c,w: c:,, .. -,e ',jr '•-'~',_'-'._,:·,_;:·: t•·~·,,<·: ,,ft;:~:::-i:--.ir.ial r":'1.-~~w. i'j"'..:. >.s[ •·c,j: ·,.,·.;..--x-l ...:cc_ ]·.J]0.::;c ~c.JJC't,: --i.!.>,,,~r-;_1t 1u-; of i7cJ~t:-•..u-e, a~':: !"cur.fa.1. ·· ;.~ ··(-'-':c..:i t' :::-,::,c,.:.:·, ,,~: ... -~-.::c:., lau•:('I.~ -,..,~r_:'. :;u;-,r'"·'''' ::-.•,,·,_>;-',': . .:.,_---. •. "i .. tJ' • : -,..-. . cl . . F. G. J. ' After l;s:.a.:::J:s.1mer.c. Jf .::-ough grades, and pri:-:ir to soil pre;::erat.ion, till s0il to ·.Jprcx>t exisUng wee,::s an::: •]CciS'=es --u:-:i r,..,rn· ;,=, :':com site. App~y LCJ :bs. Pc'-r .J.c::-e ::,f :.:c.rnmerc.ia: fertilizer. Irrigate (4) times r"::'r di:iy dudng U,2 su:nrsicr season dn..'.. '·"'-t.i1·1'°'"" per .1uy .::.urinq other seasons for (3) v.-eeks, or en:.il most wc+:.'ds have gerrr.inat~- ~· Sp:::-a·1" r.or,-sele--.::.~vt.: c:)n~_.cict hPrbic1Ce pe.r rranufac~urer's directiuHs to erad:cate the gerrn:;_r.a':.ed w2p;Jc;. A:lo•.•; herb.i-;:idc· to .k:1ll •.-.·eeds. Ti1~ suil !.o uproot germinate:=: r.,;E'E'ds and gr-:isses ;,nd ren-ovc f.::-o:n -:;ite. Min~n1i7P sui: disturbar,cc-on slopes. d. It wce:::.s and qra3ses sr:ill exis:-., irrigate (4) or (2) :imes per day, as above, for (2) weeks 0:::-1.:.n':.il r~ew -:;-rowt_h ap;:::ears. Reapply he::::-bicide a.11d ciJlow t.imP t.c ki:I wee.Us. Remove weed.a; fr:.,m site. e. No p.:-e-e;7e::-:_;ent Leru}cide sb.al 1 :t:e used in landscape areas tc-be seedR-:. _i. HC::./<--f?'..AL-·,.::,. ,l'....j:,T"...-1:.:.,,4:t.-!:.Z. ,;:;;n.:...c/;_,, ;.',...-~ L.,;;J;:H<:-)61/ V,\1 -:r-1~ ?:;.Tz..-r::-:-,_:,~ 0>0tr-9t'-1'--F,-. Seil l-'r'::'[H.I?.,-ior: a. . F:i ;-,1 sr. qradin(J, mcurK1..L!1y, b. Ap;,;y p2r l ,l}JQ sq. tt. soj 1 s 1.est.ing and weed conc.rol These rates may be adjusted by st.call t,e comp'.et_'2(1 prior :.:.1c soi ls repo:::-t :md o.re tc soil prepa.ratic,r,. for bidding pnroses UrgdI1ic Ar'ler1cia1ent. Commorc:;ial Ferti :i2er Sc;i: S'...l.lfw; 4 20 10 I c;u. · yds. bs. l;Js. Work in! o s.it.P soil ny culUvat.:.oll, spadi..::ig C:'" Jc,•ot.i_l ::.ng qra::::e ':::.c smcc,:h finL;L {1) inc:~ DE'low adJacer.t ;:.,av.:in(J' ci..:-Jd c:Pan r:eine~ul stains tr::,rr: paving. ~o a df:ptr. cf at least 4-6 :nchi2s a..,d fir:c RP.11cr~•t0 iebris and weeds f.ru•n .c,', '.".e. P1,1n!:.1n~: i:I. Tre,:,s, shrubs u.nd VJncs: c. l f Sr.a"-e ;clci.J1,-_ ~oc:e1t·: c:ns or place rec:ornmendf::'d c_7.la.'."1ti t.:.es of pl ants ::.:1 ccmt;ainers on Lx .. ·a.t ion,=;, a 11d c-t.t2.1.:--: ver1:icat.ic~t frcm t:"v:-owner's rcp~esentative before excavatjng pir.s, rrukinq necessar/ a..-JJ<~s'."_mP.nts as G.:.r0Ctcd. 2) P1an':::. materials dS scxJn as site is available a.nd wea:::1er condit.ions are suitable for ;::,er:::.,rm<lr::.-e of the s;:eciflc3t1cr.s. CD not plan: if sci 1 is P..xc-essivcly wet. 3) J..:Xcdvdte pits wit:.!-: vr'rtical s"i.des .3J1d rougher-1ed surfaces. T'hP size shall be ]3::::-g-e en:.)ug~1 t;) f.>Pr-:11r. t-.andlin::; 3nd r:,lar-1:.ing min~mi2i1:c; inj1;rJ t.o n:::o:-J::al ., a.'1.d rerr.a..:..:1 t" u: :11nre a·,,ray .:ro:11 cu:-bs 3.!ld pav_ny. 4] f)c:;~·;,.f111 11ix: S~ockpilc to:::,soi~ fou:-:-::.: or: site er c.se spe::ii:ic·.:.. .:r;ip:)::::-t s,:.,,:_l. T'.-:s r;;x F2.V be a:-..:~'.lstec by the soi ls n•p.-:,,-1. and. -:s :'or ;:;-1::d1nq pu...:-p::ises unly. R:,0-nd ::.er cc.. yd. Topso1l/i;npcrt so1.l 6 pcut.s by v2-:ume. c;-r-;2.:11,-: A~endmcnt -4 ;::-,arts oy v(:lu:1:ie. :i:1 P1a-::e i::,ar;kfil: :n1x a'" bot Lorn of eact"i pt. creat:i.ng pldtfocn for r:xit.l:x:ll. Set p~ar.t.s i:, cer:t':'~ of -;:its, in vc,rt1cal rcsj::.icn su that.. r:rm,;:, o::= plant .:.s l" abcve L.r:.:.c.o:Jel'. g~·adP. Bc1ckf1!l plant t:1t ·.-.·1 ~ n :)2CKfi; 1 r;i.ix ~c-onc-~ • .t tt1e hei:__;!Lt :_,f the rociLt>n 11, and wa.:::c-r. G) ?lar.t.:.n,1 tab:<:tcc: ?lace UP:· the fol ~ow1r.c::: scr:f:?d·.J}e: l -:-_;al. ~---(rl:. :s----\.x:\~-, 24" ,x,x 3 O"lx-X/ 36"bcx 47'rl-_nx,' 48"0Cx 2 ta:.:~ets 4 ta:::li:ts s l ~,;,,t: r i.-e ~u·,.,-! j r·, i sh ~rc":de. Fo::::-rn bas:;.r. r 1 rr~, K<;>ep:::10 n r,1 w1 ::.:1ir. 01..:.t-_cr cD-:,e,~ :x :-·J--'':.;.-"-": l Li::· SJ'.:.'___;_ra.':2 .r-:--::it3 a.nc.! f i:-·;_ ':_,'.l t:0c"di 11 aL:i.l..'"Xi +-::he :'.'·:X.:·':.5. _, . : l 8_1 f'jr1e q.:-_·ade ;:cPG.S orcw.6: ::,a.r.ts to finish J.::,_:d,.:,s a:,d j'..s;:osc ot excess s:::i:l. 9) Pr~.:-:c, anc: s.,a;:)e ::~d:1ts .. :t> t,J or-<"-t.~:rJ cf the tra~·:cl"":ing s~.:uctcite. J,=.,m:.,ve t:rokcr. or .ha.za~du1.,.s ;_,..'..;,;;(-r-1,:.s and '.-.'P2k .i.Erbs. Pa..:.nt ':'7..lt.s ::_3.r:ser t.han 1" 1n di~-::.1.ctcr w:itn aspna:': tu::'e p,:1:;r1.. P~ur . .:.nq o~ ~~f->':"Cl~f::r. t..:-~:~ Jone 1:ndpr· thP guidance c:: the ,J',·mer's re;:,n-ser-:tai·ive. 18:1 Scc.:.rc vine to :7asonry wcil~ v.it.h scTPW 2y-2s or meta.I. ::ast:.eners ar.:.5. :!-1eC>V'./ dut·.y green ::::,lastic n.::::ton. '.::In ,,._,,_-~_-_,:·l su:r:Eac .. ~s, all:.rr..:n-J.r:: r.ail;,.;. wi:l-1 c.+•='ci'.iP(:l p:2.s0 • .ic ~:bton :nay be usecl. ir: :J,:'~J nr srew eyes or fo.c;;t::1=r:er ,co. Gru1;n(J Cover: 11 Plant g.c:uu.::Kl ,:-u,-~i-.c;; :_o ccve.::: :_.,c C:es.iqna.t.,:CC ar-,>c':ls dt tl·1e spPc.:.fie-j spa.c1ng. 2:1 P~cl:":t :..:: strai:::;-f,~. r:_y.-.·~.' ':c'..-ic'I>l)' sp,=icp,;_·} us.:r,g t.:::ia..---:igular spa.c~:-ig L:.n:ess ::f-t"":,c..n.,,1se r:ot.cd on pla..-:.s. J.I !-':u.is!:'en sci j J-p:;~,c<? ;:-:c:on:inq. Ret-,a.'.n sli9~1t .-..:epri:'s<n:, arou:ld cc.ch ':'.)]ant, a:-K.'. f~~1isL ',,,~t.r-: nPCJ.t, · .. 1nJtor---: n2.t·r2l '}rdde. 4) :1ur.:: '-"'::it.er 1:r.:-'\E'C._;_2.t.e]y dfte.r inst.a~ 1r.1t.io:-1. Plants s.,al: n:::it be d:}:.)W''::"(: t.:-:i d:"y Dl:~ bcfo:::-c·, :':urin::: er ,~f·_µr 1n:.:,tc1.lci.t-10:1. ,:,::x1::.1::-it..:e ,::.c t:ct.:-id ,..,0-er tw·.r:'=°' cl WC'.:?k :or (.) :nc-:-i::'." .• l) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Grading: Fine g:;:-ade areas too smooth continual grade conforming to drainage putterns iJ.nd finish g::::-ades estubl .:shed by L'le Engineer. Rem.ove rocks and clods larger than l" :i..n diameter tv a minirr,urr. de ctr, of 2 ". r_,::;_-;.i.tA·1e.nt: Hydro-seed.er sha) l bP on s i t.e wj th a built-ir. agitation system and cap:,.c-ity :arge enou.gt to aq.:.tate, suspPnd and f"icrroqenously '!T:ix o slr,rry cont2ir.in:;-40 lbs. of mc..Jcr~ and 8 lbs. fertilizer solicJ;:, for each 100 ga.llcns of • ... B.ter. l-'rer,ar.at" .i 0::-1: Fil 1 tank or.e-third with wu.t.er. In the order liste-::~, add ferti li 2f:::'.t, binder (if rec:t:.ired}, seed, ther: mulct to forrr a slurry before tank reaches three-quarters capacity. Slurry pr~pa::·aUon sha} l be on-site with api=·l ic-c.1ticn comme..i-:icing irr,mediately c.fter tar~ is fu11. Ap?~ica-<::ior,: MoisLe.'1. so.iJ prior tc hydruseed.:Jng. l,ppJy the sJurry a.Lowing wO::C fib:::-es to b4lld on each ot:ler unti: a ur_iform coat is achieved and material is spread aL Lhe required rate per acre • c;Pr . .n overspray frol:l areas not desigrcc',t.er': for seed. Wateri.__119: Contract.or is resp:insible tc rr.ai.ntai..ri suf::'.'ic.ient wat.er ~o in.sure proP2r gerrr..: .. nati.o:.ri and p :a.",t growth u..1ti 1 the end of 111a ': :11-.Pnar,c:e. 1.-.t::'seedj,-g: Rese:cd bare areas as long a~ necessury to obtair. a :Eu:l stand of p:a:l.ts. The owner's ::::-epreseI":!totive sLclJ obse::c-ve seeded are:as to determine p.::-Oi:er. plant cr,w"r.-agP fer erosion control~ F:!-c1s1c"1 control, per acre: wcIT. c-eJ LJ)osc mulct-. C0rro:1 ercia: fer.-U }j zer Sc,i ~ bir,cier &-➔ec:-] 2,000 lbs. 40U J.bs. ]CO Jbs. Refer to pld1t list 8J Sc·cdc-:i lc:.w:,, ~Y:::-acre: Wcxxi ccllu ... ose mulch Ccm,rr,Prd al :::ert. i 1 izer Sccd 2,00C :bs. 40C :bs. 650 lbs. "i arPc.l.~' ,.o!:'-:i-;_.·::_· . .Jr.t .. :-:·; . .c,;1_J'.::i.leC',v;(,·::-;·1ingr.-;d::::,:naq:0 pat:.::2r:--,s-c1nd :1,-i,~rg,::.:.dccs ,_·s· :,;,,~-: ;_:/ r, ,__ ,.1 ~ .. :,~, • :~C':7CV".:' re-:·.-:~-' _1;.-j c:l-:x:::-. iar:_;er tti,--;:1 :" ·in d1un1c~ ... ~r. · ,,an :-,;,f, ::()::.:t s•:iu~-;r,_--', loid para'. ~t0 : tc ::.t·.c ccr.'-_r· .. n~. · iqr:t. :-:1fr. s01l into lo.ir.t.s t·o fj~} vc,-_L-'-. 1. t✓.cJir.l:c:in project tcr a pericid of (60) calendar days, comme:-icin; f.rom t}r:1E-cont.roct w-:::1::.·k has bee., ccnplet'::'<1 t:_, Uie saUsfdction o: t.hc owr.cr's ::-e:;_:-,::::·eser:tdtive. r, is tJ1t.' cor:tractors' respc.m::,i}_,_i~it.y t.o not..i:'.:"y owr10.r's rcprc-::;2r:ta-.:v,::.· at the ~"-><_;i.i:.;;ic,;; .=ir.:': en:i c~ tlic QQ--,jay 11:a.:.nten,;;nce pPT.100. ;_ Mc:lir,::.e!'lar.ce o;::-ioll ir,c]ud~, but not be limited t:_1, ,11ow-Ln;, trimming, pruninq, watering, fl"::'rtj}:;"zaL.'..on, weed con:::.rcl, cult.1vat;o:1, [:it-st crn1r__rol, operc.:=.ion, aajustmer.t, ruK.l reµ~~r of the irriqation syster:-., anci c-lt>an- "'P~ J. l-.:::ply C·:);r:r·:crda~ fec: . .lljzer at_ :-.he rut.c of :i 1:::-,s. per 1,000 sq. ft.. for c;ll pla:--itcd areas, 45 dctys nf"t_Er u-,~-' ::.-c:'~_ir...:,ir·•'::J r,f Lhc nsc::.1.nt.ena.nc~, per_;_cx.l, :x rr:,n: often as needed to establjsh thrjving p~a..'1:.s. 4. :->rote::t: r,ew'-.y planted ac':ccL,; f.rorn foot_ t.rc:ffic, vandalism, burrowir1g ar,imuls anc erosion . .;{epoiJ_-and !'::';::}dr-.t. •::!d!;d'.je<-J 2T"-?2S. rtt"-p1anl_ c::irPc.:.s tt:at os n:-.:,t shu•.-.· d proir,;:;,:_ es:-_e1.:..::.ishnen::. o: p~ant ma.t.E-dals. Re:t=-lacc OcaC: ,;:ind n_:'_s.sing plants. C:::-:iil:;..-L t__: or1 ,, f ;:;reject :n2.::.ntcn2..,ce and plant. es!.cibl i sr.:mc:--it wi l ~ be rev j ewe(] hy t.he owner's representat: i Vi::'. 1. 1~1 pre-lob co~1ferecce sria: 1 l"R r~irc-::i befo::::-e prc,c..·eedi.ritJ wj t..h wo::::-k w1Gcr l:his contra.ct. All nbsPrvc.'::.ion sch<"'f;1J 1 e sh,c, 11 lx-d2 term::..ne::l at ':.:t1.i :<:, tj 1r e-for o: 1 wcrk. Obs<?...rva~iur~s slidl 1 j ncl clde, bu.t r:ot be limitec.1 t_:o, r_:ne IT,ee,::1~(J at tLe sLa:rL of the 6U-Cay ma.i.nten.c.mce pedod a!iC. ono2 at t:-Je end of tfle EO-day 1fo:1intc:iance rx:nod. 2. It is t-'le contrac·tor's responsibi]jty to concact t',s owner's represencativc ·;2 hours or o working days in ad\;c:nce of euch ar:;re"c."'"J o;::;servotjo;, or confererence. I I! :·,1,- '1i:!1 i j ~~~: t;,\i I'?-Gf41-~ ,: ~ ... ,. t'? jf,, . . t,j.,&-~.~t? *~ if(,p: ''v)~ ~ ~M-·tJ.pe-ru.O ~!~ l"x4" Wi.it7. ~ ' ~; ~ ~~ ~Vt.'69 ~ ! ,, X .4 I X ;;:;:,: I ~ l<'t:?ir:? ' ~'l,;A,/12);,vl!'~ ~~ ~i"'M',(~&;';11¢f?' {O t"MAt,,~ ~ ~ e_\,l,. • l l 'l \ ------- \~~ ~It'?~~~~ ... r~ ~~~­ ti!,~ ~i,i.. MlllitlJtl~ ~ ~:"'. ' , • en C: 0 ·-+-' ro () -·-() (],) C. Cl) "O C: ro en -·-ro +-' (],) 0 OJ C: +-' C: ro -a. . . revisions - -· .I . -J . . ' f a, C C ct! -C. C <C cc (/) -I cc < 0 ' ~ a: <C a. (/) (/) w z -(/) ::> m < (.) -LL -(..) ' ' by --,;..~ . . I Ol ,-N u, o<D c:o ('lj I C!) '3, (II -.:I' (,) • -.r:. -.:I' (,) ,:. ffl --ls ' . (II C . 51 (II -00 ... CV -·-::I UI • t .r:. i 8 ui ~ It) ,- <C -z 0:: 0 u. ::J <C 0 .. C <C m en $ 0 - <t .. a. dra_wn chacked L:_t--c. date scale sheet 'of Cc, '