HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP 260D; PALOMAR TRANSFER STATION; PROPOSED PALOMAR TRANSFER STATION PROJECT; 2019-11-14Converse Consultants Geotechnical Engineering, Environmental & Groundwater Science, lnspectior1 & Test!r19 Services November 14, 2019 Mr. OJ Dean Principal Architect KPG 3131 Elliott Avenue, Suite 400 Seattle, Washington 98121 RECORD CoPY 7 ~i~ 1'¥1i' \/JI io . .. _ ., -, I) Initial Date f(~(~'E. i ~! !~4 '-·• Subject: Proposed Palomar Transfer Station Project Orion Street and Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California Converse Project No. 06-32-110-05 Dear Mr. Dean: In accordance with your request and approval, Converse Consultants {Converse) has prepared this percolation test review letter for the subject project. To prepare this letter, we have reviewed the following: • Converse Consultants, Geotechnical Investigation Report, Improvements to Palomar Station, Orion Street and Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, California, dated April 5, 2006, Converse Project No. 06-32-110-01. • The project grading, foundation and improvement plans for Proposed Palomar Transfer Station Project. • Percolation Testing Report, Palomar Transfer Station, 5960 El Camino real, Carlsbad, California, prepared by Geologic Associates, dated November 2018. Based on our review, the boring locations BH-1, BH-2 and BH-3 which were performed by Converse are in the proposed biofiltration area. The borings BH: 1, BH-2 and BH~3 show very dense materials up to five (5) feet below ground level and shallow bedrock materials from five (5) feet below ground level. Dense and bedrock materials have low percolations rates and not feasible to infiltration systems. Therefore, the proposed location is not feasible for infiltration systems. Proposed biofiltration location with soil borings and boring logs are attached with this letter. The opportunity to be of service is highly appreciated. If you have any questions or require additional information, please call the undersigned at (626) 930-1275. Sincerely, CONVERSE CONSULTANTS ~-'~~ c.:=-~~,' v-. ;i::;'--- siva K. ~an, PhD, PE, GE, OGE, QSD, F. ASCE Senior Vice President/ Principal Engineer Dist: 2/Addressee Attachments PA/SKS:jjl 717 South Myrtle Avenue, Monrovia, California 91016 Telephone: (626) 930-1200 + Facsimile: (626) 930-1212 ♦ www.converseconsultants.com ·, ·J -i i ·1 ·i I I L ........ -------... "i_ r-\ I j -,! ·-~-~--\ J NEW PAVING i j . , I. j , •• : .. : /. I I j-/,. : . ;·// f. / }I I ,!· • g § !/ p LE>s<LH II, I,: i 1, :/ : l,1 p ' caEJW..orr :1 • COMMERCt.ll ~/ J ti I CCIIWERCW;.·,o.r/ ,; ""ax~, ~1 I }ii , i NEW °"TES / / '!J ii t-f ··1 ri,, ~ : • i I \ a I , .. I i . \ ~:\\~ NEW '"BIJC \ \ \ •\\ •, \ ' '<i,~ .. _. CUEIJINC LJ,HC;', ~• I \ '.\\ ,v· ~\, '\.\\ . 'it,. \\ ~, -~ 'Ii). ·-~ .,._ "~ ~r '\, '110N ;✓ / / \l . -✓ / #✓/1~ .> ~\\\ V _.,-. -~ ,>~~/ ..... /"' · •.• ,,,, , 'o~J, J~~~ \ ;· ~ IIUC ~\..~~ MECIWIICS , ,' COST""'-"~\·~• ,o FNJ. Sli<lP AREA ' • -~~~!~'";,.~; .. ,.,,,~2:~-t'~(· -~L9l¢:cooH'. '•;'.-~;~/\ -"r;:> ,.i1¢,i\,.;-,\v~,__.· .,.110H '(::/ /) ,,,,. ... --:: .. ·'"\'... ..-.r / \ / •Ji; .. >•:_ V ·,:y_~/ /. ·: )v/. -~~;_✓~/ /'/ ,':(',' l, ·._,.· ,c;:> 11!111£R EXIT 1,,,,-, ,. ;1,_,,.···,.~ . ~✓/ \" ✓ , ✓ ,,. :· fflJOC . \ -\\\ .. · .,. .. .,. / w.sE LM· ·., ·.,, ,~ ~-\\ •, . v·, ~,, CCUUEJ!Ci.<1. EXIT -~ •:\'<.. ' ••~~\ <..:·~ '.'~ ,,;\ s:'t r I 'I ~--~ LEGEND BH-2 INDICATES NUMBER AND S APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF BORING " -~ ' . f ••. -4 ~ l ~SITE -.~i '\t \ ~ ... IO!"'_!Vl#' J -__,,7'\ 'J fl / ',,.i ., / 0--"i VICINITY MN' .. r ... 11 cT Base Plafl•Provided: by.Riha-Construction Co. SIT€' A-NllJ:lBORING: LOCATION, PLAN• r01•c~No. IMPROVEMENTS.:TO'T1-iEPALOMAR'TRANSFER'STATION, Clty,of'Cartsba¢..California, 06-32..110:.01 ~ Converse a;o:r.rsuJtants, Geotechlica-El\9n"'""l· and ~p1,; Sdenca. F1g1ir• No, 1' Log of BH-1 3/9/2006 Logged by: CKL Checked By: Dates Drilled Equipment: 8" HOLLOW STEM AUGER Ground Surface Elevation (flt__ . N~~ Driving Weight and Drop_: _!40 lbs/ 30 in Depth to Water (ft): NOT ENCOUNTERED n I -I ~ .c a.. QJ 0 u E C. ro O> ,_ 0 (9 ...J -5 __ _J__ ' I I j r 10 r I I SUMMARY OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS This log is part of the report prepared by Converse for this project and should be read together with the report. This summary applies only at the location of the boring and at the time of drilling. Subsurface conditions may differ at other locations and may change at this location with the passage of time. The data presented is a simplification of actual conditions encountered. 4" ASPHALT CONCRETE OVER 8" AGGREGATE BASE FILL: SILTY SAND (SM): fine-to coarse-grained, olive gray. BEDROCK FORMATION: SANDSTONE: broken into silty sand, fine-to coarse-grained; cemented clasts, olive gray. -rocks and cobbles End of boring at 10.5 feet due to refusal of bedrock. Groundwater not encountered at the time of drilling. Boring backfilled with bentonite chips and soil cuttings. -SAMPLES I-~I ~ 0 0 UJ I-LL 0::: ---::i z Cl) 1 w , s I-::i ~ I :J I 0 S2 >-c I er: ::::, ...J 0 0::: (j 0 CJ:l CJ:l ~ o-e: 7- I 50-4" I 11.s : 110 I 50-6" i 14.5 1 99 '\ /; 50-4" 110 5 i 106 ·,/ I (50-2") . /· KN (I) I- (I) UJ I- co ~ ...J ds, wa I I .I __ -1.__________ ------I I I --~--'--1 ___ _j_ L - ~ Converse Consultants Project Name Project No. Improvements to Palomar Transfer Station 06-32110-01 Carlsbad, California For: Riha Construction Co. Drawing No. A-2 l I I Log of BH-2 Dates Dri lled: 3/9/2006 Logged by: .. _ CKL Checked By: KN Equipment: 8" HOLLOW STEM AUGER Ground Surface Elevation (ft):__ __NIA _ . Dri ving Weight and Drop: 140 lbs/ 30 !~ _ Depth to Water (ft): __ NOT_ENCOUNTERED _ SUMMARY OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Th is log is part of the report prepared by Converse for this project and should be read together with the report. This summary applies g u only at the location of the boring and at the time of drilling. .c i: Subsurface conditions may differ at other locations and may change ci 0. Cll Ol at this location with the passage of time. The data presented is a Cl) .... 0 0 C) ...J simplification of actual conditions encountered. T FILL: I I SILTY SAND (SM): fine-to coarse-grai ned, some fine gravel, brown. ' j 5 _, I BEDROCK FORMATION: I SANDSTONE: broken into silty sand, fine- to coarse-grained, some broken cobbles, cemented, I elastic sedimentary rocks and cobbles, reddish brown. _j ,. 10 I -gray, rocks and cobbles r I 1-15 I -rocks and cobbles I -20 7 -some fine gravel, olive gray I I I -rocks and cobbles L - End of boring at 24.5 feet due to refusal of bedrock. Groundwater not encountered at the time of drilling. Boring backfilled with soil cuttings. _j @ converse Consultants Project Name Improvements to Palomar Transfer Station Carlsbad, California For: Riha Construction Co. I I-~ ~ SAMPLES, g:-1 0 e.... 0 lJJ (/) LL a:: t: I----(/) ~ ::J z lJJ ! I-::J I-(/) ~ ...J 0 0 >-c 0) ' a:: ::J ...J I 0:: U I :5 0 co co ~ 0 -9:: ! --·7 --, I max,ma 50-6" 19.~ I 11 8 ~ 50-6" ~I ~-j •, /I' I f I 1--,' ~-1 I I I l--j >( p I I I::: /1 , . . I ,/',,, 50-4" (50-4") (50-2") 1 (96-11")1 I (50-6") I I Project No. 06-32110-01 16 109.5 10 I d" ISt. I --__j____ ______ l Drawing No. A-3 i I I I I l,.og of BH-3 Dates Drilled: 3/9/2006 Logged by: CKL Checked By Equipment: 8" HOLLOW STEM AUGER Ground Surface Elevation (ft)~_ NIA Driving Weight and Drop~_14_~ lbs! 30 in Depth to Water (ft):_~9I .§_N.C<?_l!!')T~f3~Q_ g .c -Cl. a, 0 g .c Cl. CO Ol ,._ 0 (9 .J SUMMARY OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS This log is part of the report prepared by Converse for this project and should be read together with the report. This summary applies only at the location of the boring and at the time of drilling. Subsurface conditions may differ at other locations and may change at this location with the passage of time. The data presented is a si)11plification of actual conditions encountered. FILL: SAMPLES I t .~ I w 1· 1-, a::: - :) I z I-::i 5£2 >-c-o 0::: u I ~ 0 .e: I SILTY SAND (SM): fine-to coarse-grained, some fine gravel, brown. 5 J-'_l~--- BEDROCK FORMATION: 50-4" 12.5 1 108 50-6" 8 I 10 15 SANDSTONE: broken into silty sand, some fine gravel, cemented, elastic sedimentary rocks and cobbles, brown. -gray ,~ ~ ~ ~ r CLAYSTONE: broken into clay, cemented, gray brown. I ... ;v: X >: X Y X A X X X :,,· I .-C X >< ;x -,.. ',, -,, )' X ;o.. ,o X l X Y >" > I I. I ~ ----------------' ' End of boring at 22.0 feet due to refusal of bedrock. Groundwater not encountered at the time of drilling. Boring backfilled with soil cuttings. I (50-6"), I I 11 s.5 I I i 50-4" 10 107 50-6" 25 , 92 , 50-6" 18.5 103 I l _L_ --~------· KN ~ Converse Consultants Project Name Project No. 06-3211 0-01 Drawing No. Improvements to Palomar Transfer Station Carlsbad, California For: Riha Construction Co. A-4 . . Log of BH-4 Dates Drilled: 3/9/2006 Logged by: . _ _ __ . CKL Checked By: Equipment: 8" HOLLOW STEM AUGER Ground Surface Elevation (ft): __ N/A Driving Weight and Drop: 140 lbs/ 30 in Depth to Water (ft):_ NOT ENCOUNTERED € ..c: ...., a.. (lJ 0 (.) :.c a.. CO Ol L. 0 (9 ...J SUMMARY OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS This log is part of the report prepared by Converse for this project and should be read together with the report. This summary applies only at the location of the boring and at the time of drilling. Subsurface conditions may differ at other locations and may change at this location with the passage of time. The data presented is a simplification of actual conditions encountered. I ISAM~LES _ § a::: :J ...J 0 co co ·~lL':5 1 I ...___4_"_A_S_P_H_A_L_T_C_O_N_C_R_E_T_E_O_V_E_R_8_"_A_G_G_R_E_G_A_T_E _____ I_ I - I I r 5 -- ' I J __ _J ___ j . \ BASE FILL: SIL TY SA ND (SM): fine-to medium-grained, some fine gravel, light brown. -rocks / / ---------------------- End of boring at 6.5 feet. Groundwater not encountered at the time of drilling. Boring backfilled with soil cuttings. I ! I I I I I ' 50-2" 16.5 I dist. (50-6") I ______ J___i __ ·------' --~ KN ~Converse Consultants Project Name Improvements to Palomar Transfer Station Carlsbad, California Project No. Drawing No. 06-32110-01 A-5 For: Riha Construction Co.