HomeMy WebLinkAboutSDP 2018-0009; CARLSBAD OAKS LOT 5; TRANSPORTATION IMPACT ANALYSIS SCOPING AGREEMENT AND REPORT; 2018-09-01... C ......... Transportation Impact Analysis Scoping Agreement and Report SEP 2 5 2018 -Hofman Planning & Engineering Planning Civil Engineering Fiscal Services Coastal C SCOPING AGREEMENT FOR TRANSPORTATION IMPACT ANALYSIS REPORT This letter acknowledges the City of Carlsbad requirements for the Transportation Impact Analysis of the following project. The analysis must follow the latest City of Carlsbad Transportation Impact Analysis Guidelines dated March 2018. Case No. c.,.v...~ 20 ,t -oD,t //DP Zt>IC'-l>o 'l)~ N ::>r 1t~ De..'<--~· ~'<-\Q-S~c..i ,e_ Project Name: Project Location: Project Description: Related Cases: SP No.: EIR No.: Consultant Developer Name: \J~S':'¥-" ~-"A·•"'-, J_ £y.,',,-,.,_j Address: 3\ S-2. Lw&e..L AJ <-- C..w:\c ~c;A (:A. 9:10li> I Telephont l 1 ~o \ C, q-7--4, c)() A. Site Plan (Attach a legible 11 'Xll' copy) GPA No.: U) ~ ( B. Trip Generation: (Attach a trip generation table. Describe phasing & trip reduction factors proposed) Existing Land Use --'""""'"'""'~;;;...:.~.a.>.,-_____ _ General Plan Land Use/ Zor ?I./ ? k. , Proposed Land Use Proposed Zoning :sc,e. &wcry-c. ~:\:-\.J ~A Existing Daily Trips l) Forecast Daily Trips 21,, i:) ~ Trip Generation Source: .I0:6~,·•~-e;;J.g~~~""~· ~::.;.._~,Le1--..3'Ueu......"'.:.:;'•c.= ..... :.:..~~c,c:...("_-.,u/ti.!,!C.L..,;.~~:~=--->,,(.,ill,eeOll:..,~s:.!.!, .. !O...\:...:.::.-::::..:.......JB-:=.c~:....::.,$!..-....:~-0 < $. ~-R~,: :>-('l - (ly r\ ~ ?,.:>l>--Z.) Type of Transportation Impact Analysis Report Required Scenarios to be Studied for Auto LOS MMLOS Existing Cumulative Regional Travel LMFPLevel ~veil (ped, bike, Trip Generation Condition Conditions Horizon Year Demand Model Analysls transit) Table Analysis Analysis Analysis Run Required • • D Level II • • • • D Level Ill • • • • D Level IV • • • • • • D Level V • • • • • D Level VI • • • • • • D Level VII • • • • • • D Level VIII • • • • • • • D TIA is not Needed for this Project Approved by City of Carlsbad Page 1 Daily Self Storage @ 2/1000 110,000 sf Facility 220ADT Trip Generation Table (North Oaks Self Storage) AM Peak In Out 6% 6% 13.2 13.2 PM Peak In Out 9% 9% n 19.8 19.8 u WENTWORTH , .. ,, .. ( _:,,., ..... OWNER/DEVELOPER 802 N 3RD AVE PHOENIX AZ 85003 602 875. 5000 1 ,_ II I 11 I I I I I I I APN 209-120-05 - -----------====---~~ =------ -- J. ~~AV AVENUE -{--- J._ j_ i NORTH OAKS SELF STORAGE ...______ ...______ ...______ NORTH CUP 2018-0013/SDP 2018-0009 PARKING ANALYSIS I PROJECT OESCRIPTION I _ _;_w:..:.....,.:.::.::.;.USC.:..:..l"""""":..:.:...:...:1~-.:...~,.-Q.,.'0-,-------------' 0£V£lOPMEN1' Of' sm: lt.CW002·STORYSTOfV,G( eu:wNG & HT~V Of!!~ 1/1,000SI lllS.P WITHSl!(.l"'°'PFtCVEMEHT!> l lO,!l9 S.f /1 OOC OfflctPIUC:GlllQ'l>; l SF.ref P['l 300 SI 14Al S.J /'!OO TOTAl RfQ'D PAAKJNG: TOTAL PAIUUNG l'tlOVIOCD CAL GM:EN ICYCll PARKING: ~RTTUtM RCQ'O ShORT TlR'-'I LONG1lJIM PAMING LS CALCULATIONS: ,i.Of PltKGMEA. PARKING.AAEA. PRl(NGl5~~-R[Q'O NOffi: 116SP ,,,, S'11, Of VISHOR PAA.KING "' NIA..< 10 TfNAh'T-OCCtJP.t.,n, '" 28.914 H 1,HS Sf NO Of REQ'O PRKG STAl.l5 H>JI SlOiVGE SttAL. B{ OfTERMlst:ON'TU, .VPROV Of Z0h1NG TXT AMENOMlNl •• rtf.QUIR[t) PIJ\f(JNG TO 8[ R[OUUOVIAPARk!NG STUDY OR SIMILARIJSE ln.$.~t l'IC)~ th.it p«i.or,tc tt-1~ U(bOfl ~;AOOITIOM.1.1.'1', 1' WIDf. LS'O ISl REQ'O AT[NmOf PRKC. litOWS GlNfAAI. NOTIS: 1. ONE ADOITIONAI. SPACE FOR EACH\1£HlCU l,'SEl)IN CONJONCTIOI\ WtTh USE BUILDING CODE ANALYSIS A.mQICfF■lXNGrow 8UllDINGC00£ MECHANICAL CODE. PWMBINGCOOE CUCTIUCAI.COOf [NERG'fC00£ FIRECOOC GRUNBUILOINGCOOE 2ClE CAU,ORMA 8UtlDING CODE 201fi CAUfOAAIA ME(.HAN;CAI. COO£ 2016 UJ.lf-OAAIAPUJMBINGCODE 2016 CAl.lrof!NIA £l£CTlUCAL COOl 2016 CAl.lfOltNlA E.N(~ COD( 201' CAIJf-OllNtA mu: CODE 2016 Gl'.[EN BUILDING STANDAROSC00£ PROJECT INFORMATION sntAPN: LlG"1 OCSCRIPOON: ,,,,_,_ OUSRiGlON .. G: •AOPOSED ZONING: DIISllNGG(N(M,L PLAN US(; PROP05f:D GlNl RAL flt.AN U5l: SPKFICPlAN: EXISTIN<i LAND W · PMOPOSED LAND U5l! l&lHAAll!OUCOLRT,o.RL56AO 0 209·120-04 LOl 5 Of CAAl.S&AOTIIACT NO 97 U-Ol,CAAl58AD O.US NOJl'Tl'i. lNTH£0T'r Of CAA156AO COlPffl'Of SANDlfGO, STATi Of CAlJF-ORNIA. ACCORDING TO MAJ'T],{[R.EOF NO 14S2E. fU.£DINTH(0Ff;(EOFTH[ COOtm RECOftOER Of !.ANOl£.OO COU"lTY. 0£C£MBER 15.2004 221,25A SJ Ofl 5,..l4 ACR~ P-M IPlANN[D lNDUSTRIAL) P-M tpt.ANNEO INOUSTlllAI.J P•I tPI.ANN£D .NOUSJIUMJ P_. iPW,M:0 NOU',TlijAl) SP2ll lCAIU.SBAOCMS N0~.5FK1~1CPLAN1 VK.M" 5(1.f•sTORK.f. (PERM mo P(R 2:34 010) NO. o, oarnNG .. DUSTIQAl. LOlS: l MA,"UlOORARlA RAT10: 0.SO f.A.lll. PAOPOSEO: COV£AAGE MAX: COVl:RAG£ HIOP05f:O: SOl,A(KS ltEQUIR£0: • FRONT 0.49 ""' 21.°" s.o·-o· •• STil.Ef'TSIDEYAAO 35-0" lNTERIOASIDEYNlO· ••• REAR STREETSIC(YAAC; INTUUOR SIC( YARD ~EAR: HUGKf: !8 1· NA FOOTPRt,r 63,785 Sf/228 2!>4 S~ PEA.21.3-4.070 HllGHT MAXl~M HEJGHTP~P()S(D: 3.5·-o• !PER 2J 3".070) 21'◄" fUIP""i .HfA PUNFOJJ2N fPfJAWNS U" COVt:RAGt: HIOVUO: "" A..• IAo • (1'o'S • 1,)1 • S.. IEOUAT10N5·1) SCHOOt. DtSTNCT: C,UU,,.58AOUN1fl(D SCHOOl DISTRICT CAR!.SeAO MUMOPAl WATUI DISTRICT C, TY Of CNU,,.58AO A..•.t.U.OWA.BUARu.lSF.I WATtROISTIUCT: Ai• AW)WA&ll AREA fACTO~fTABU S061) SlWlROtSTflllC'T: NS• AUOW"81..l Nil.A f~Qfl; FOIi NO"-•S~ll·NJ.U:REO 8U)G. fTAIIU ',OC 21 I, ,.ARfA FACl'OfflNCJIU&lOO( TO fltOf'l,'TAGf: INCREASE f"JW !(WlR DCMAND: l76 GPO s~•lUNWiSPAlfTOfGROUPA.E t-.l Lor It h •lf/P-0.25JW/30 t, • ARU, FACTOR INCll!ASI OU[ TO fRONTAGt f • IMJILOING P[AlMlTUI THAT Fll01'1,'TSON l>UBUC WA~ OR OPEN SPACE HAVING AM NlMUM OIS'T 20-0" ll!IIJllllil M DING OASYfKA, 00ft · OCCuPM'CY G~OOP S-1-S,.011.AG( CONSTllUCTlON TYPE 11..fl F RE !.PRJMCl.!RS. YES ROOHNG CV.S5HICA1'10N CLASS A AUOWt'N £ H£JGHJ' AUOWABlE HJ(i:t-'T" 7:S. fUUYSPRl"lklEIIJ:O HABLE !,,C,1-3) PROPOSI.D l!IIJltOIN(i t-fZGl-l1' • 40 ""-LOWABU tOF 5TDIIIES A80\1£GRAOEP.».E• ]STOIUE5AUOWEDfTABL.£S044) &14PfNGPYN-EfCAWN· f • 221-4"•121'..4"•221 ◄"•221 .. -.335>-4• p C 221'◄"•221-4"•221 -4"+221'-,4"•885'-4 'w. )0' 1, • {885" / 885.]· •. 25) 10 / )0' • 75 ,.. 3 A..• (Sl,SOOS..f ·>ll7.SOOSf • 75)1,3 A... 1%,17SS.f >-94.1105.f VICINITY MAP "1tlOCAT10II Cl. 0 ~ ~COARIBOUO t • FARADAY AVE (EQtJATION5-SI 1(Cll•22OGl'C u,u2sr Of~JCfJUOC:!>..fJEOU•0J!lDL1) A\lt:RAGl~YWATlllDCMAND: 1,442U X2.lOOGPD/i.0.000.5f al!2 GPD P(Al(OAYWATlR0£M'.N0: "548GPD PlAKHOURWATtRDCMAHD ~%3GPH POTA8l.EWATlRPflf5SUREZ0Nl.: HGL550 NJA. PRCVIOlJSlYGRAD(O IUI.D&NG ARlA AHO AVERAGE DIU. 'f' TllAHIC: SQUARC fOOTAGl TlllP RATl ADT OHICEU,442Sf.) 14/l.OOCSf 2C STOil.AGljl09?'19S.f.] 2(1,000Sf ns NOTU: • THIS5fraACkSH.&U!.££1'1,'Tl'l.(L'l'l.AN05CAP[0~1RR1GATED HOWMJl,VPON APPRO'IAI. OFTM( (ITV Pl,lNNER, 1liE u,.NDSOJ>EO PORTlO"I or NESETl!ACK MA'I' & R[DUCEO TO'n-i 111'1'-fl\lE FEITTOM:COMMOOATt A Dft!VfWAY ALONG n-E PORTIO,._ Of Th[ SCT8ACK FAFr"HEST FROM Tl« RIGHT-Of-WAY OR PRIVATE STil.(!l' ANY CR!I/EWJ,YWmtlN THE l'RONTYAROSE'TBAC( SHAU 8C SCR,[(NEOFROM l)f[ PU!i.JCOR PRIVATE STREEl 8Y A MllfTUR[ Of MOUNDING A."'10 lN«)5CAP1H:j TO THE SATISFACTION 0~ ltt£ OT'I' PLANNER •• MRYLOTINTHE P-M 20N£ THAT HASA fRONTYARDOft .510[ SlltEETYAAOFN:ING ON A COU[CTOR. lOCM. OR PRIVATE STilEfT SHAU. HA\1£ Alf A\1£RAGE snBAC,:; Of Th!RT'f rn,t FEET. 110WMR, TH£5£TBN:t.5HAU NOT SE LISS IBM! TWOfTH VE FE["'. THIS IDSACKSHAU.Bf. lHTilmY\ANC5CAFEC AHO IAA!GATEC ANOSr.AU. 11( ~El.SURED HiOMTWf R,Gt-1-0f-WAYUNEOA,, I,_ THE ~EOf A~RIV.ATE STREEl' fA(),',I. TH(OJR8 UNE ••• Al~ fEN fffT ACJACEN1 TO THl REAA PAC?t:"1"1' UM: ~BE ENTUIH'f' LM:OSCAPW N£ IM GATlC BUILDING AREA PROfOSED IUI.OI\IG 1: Off1C[ l+NCWDES CATI NG AREA) 1ST HOOfl STOfVG[. 2NO H.OOR STOAAGE: Olt!Vl-l.lf>S PROPOSED MaOI\IG J: ll<JVUJPS PAOPOSW llllDING 4: or;;,~ (iflAN0 TOTAL; • EMPt.OYU EAffiG AM.A lt(QI.MEO: Ewt.OYE[ EATING ARCA PROV10CO: INDOOfl U,"'lNCi ,&ll(A OUTDOOR EAT•NG ARLA. T0T"1 EMPt.OYU lAffiG AR£A: NOltS: 1.44lS& 45.EUS-f 47.QS4 SJ 9,e,110 Sf 110,841 S.f 6 tiSOSf: l,.Sf 1385f H2Sf • TO Sf R[Dl.lCf P£.RP\A.~NING COMM•.SSION APPROVAL SHEET 2 ~S? 2815 CARIBOU CT I CARLSBAD, CA 09.21.18 -2ND SUBMITTAL FOR C.U.P. / SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN S T U D 0 architecture + engineering :Z3 ORCHARD ROAD SUITE 200 LAKE FOREST.CA 92630 T 949.380.3970 F 949.380.37n KSP PROJECT NO. 20414 North Oaks Self Storage 5 Mile proJect radius Bike Lane (both direcbons) Bus Stop Sidewalks/Crosswalks .. (NOT SO) VEHICULAR TRAFFIC DIEGO REGION BRIEF GUIDE OF FOR THE SAN APRIL 2002 GENERATION RATES SANDAG 401 B Street, Suite BOO San Diego, California 92101 (619) 699-1900 • Fax (619) 699-1950 NOTE: This listing only represents a guide of average, or estimated, traffic generation "driveway" rates and some very general trip data for land uses (emphasis on acreage and building square footage) in the San Diego region. These rates (both local and national) are subject to change as future documentation becomes available, or as regional sources are updated. For more specific information regarding traffic data and trip rates, please refer to the San Diego Traffic Generators manual. Always check with local jurisdictions for their preferred or applicable rates. LAND USE TRIP CA TE GORI ES [PRIMARY:DIVERTED:PASS-BY)" AGRICULTURE (Open Space) .......................... (80:18:2] AIRPORT ........................................................ [78:20:2] Commercial General Aviation Heliports AUTOMOBILP Car Wash Automatic Self-serve Gasoline .................................................... [21 :51:28] with/Food Mart with/Food Mart & Car Wash Older Service Station Design Sales (Dealer & Repair) Auto Repair Center Auto Parts Sales Quick Lube Tire Store CEMETERY CHURCH (or Synagogue) ............................... [64:25:11] COMMERCIAL/RH AIL s Super Regional Shopping Center (More than 80 acres, more than 800,000 sq. ft., w/usually 3 + major stores) Regional Shopping Center ......................... [ 5 4: 3 5: 11] (40-80acres, 400, 000-800,000 sq. ft., w/usually 2 + major stcres) Community Shopping Center............. [47:31 :22] (15-40 acres, 125,000-400,000 sq. ft., w/usually 1 major store, detached restaurant(s), grocery and drugstore) Neighborhood Shopping Center (Less than 15 acres, less than 125,000 sq. ft., w/usually grocery & drugstore, cleaners, beauty & barber shop, & fast food services) Commercial Shops ...................................... [4 5:40:15] Specialty Retail/Strip Commercial Electronics Superstore Factory Outlet Supermarket Drugstore Convenience Market (1 5-16 hours) Convenience Market (24 hours) Convenience Market (w/gasoline pumps) Discount Club Discount Store Furniture Store Lumber Store Home Improvement Superstore Hardware/Paint Store Garden Nursery Mixed Use: Commercial (w/supermarket)/Residential EDUCATION University (4 years) ....................................... [91 :9:0] Junior College (2 years) ................................ [92:7: 1] High School ............................................... (75:19:6] Middle/Junior High ................................... (63:25: 12] Elementary ............................................... [57:25:10] Day Care ................................................. (28:58:14] FINANCIAL5 ......................•.. , ........•...•..•........ [35:42:23] Bank (Walk-In only) with Drive-Through Drive-Through only Savings & Loan Drive-Through only HOSPITAL ...................................................... (73:25:2] General Convalescent/Nursing INDUSTRIAL ESTIMATED WEEKDAY VEHICLE TRIP GENERATION RATE (DRIVEWAY) 2/acre• • 60/acre, 100/flight, 70/1000 sq . ft.• • • 6/acre, 2/flight, 6/based aircraft• • • 100/acre•• 900/site, 600/acre* • 100/wash stall*• 160/vehicle fueling spa ce•• 155/vehicle fueling space** 150/vehicle fueling space, 900/station • * 50/1000 sq. ft., 300/acre, 60/service stall * • • 20/1000 sq. ft., 400/acre, 20/service stall• 60/1000 sq. ft.•• 40/service stall•• 25/1000 sq. ft., 30/servicestall** 5/acre• 9/1000 sq. ft., 30/acre* • (quadruple rates for Sunday, or days of assembly) 35/1000 sq. ft.,c 400/acre* 50/1000 sq . ft.,c 500/acre* 80/1000 sq. ft., 700/acre • * * 120/1000sq. ft., 1200/acre* •• 40/1000 sq. ft., 400/acre• 50/1000 sq. ft*• 40/1000 sq. ft.** 150/1000sq. ft., 2000/acre* •• 90/1 000 sq. ft. * • 500/1000 sq. ft.•• 700/1000 sq. ft.•• 850/1000 sq. ft., 550/vehicle fueling space** 60/1000 sq. ft., 600/acre* • • 60/1000 sq. ft., 600/acre* * 6/1000 sq . ft., 100/acre* • 30/1000 sq. ft., 150/acre* • 40/1000sq. ft.•• 60/1000 sq. ft., 600/acre• • 40/1 000 sq. ft., 90/acre • • {110/1000 sq. ft., 2000/acre* (commercial only) 5/dw elling unit, ZOO/acre• (residential only) 2. 4/student, 100 acre* 1. 2/student, 24/1000 sq. ft., 1 20/acre * • • 1.3/student, 15/1000 sq. ft., 60/acre* • • 1 .4/student, 12/1000 sq. ft. 50/acre* • 1.6/student, 14/1000 sq. ft., 90/acre* • • 5/child, 80/1000 sq. ft.** 150/1000 sq. ft., 1000/acre* • • 200/1000 sq. ft., 1500/acre* 250 (125 one-way)/lane• 60/1000 sq. ft., 600/acre • • 100 (50 one-way)/lane* • 20/bed, 25/1000 sq. ft., 250/acre* 3/bed* * Industrial/Business Park (commercial included) ....... (79:19:2] 16/1000 sq. ft., ZOO/acre• • • Industrial Park (no commercial) 8/1000 sq. ft., 90/acre* * Industrial Plant (multiple shifts) ............ ., .............. [92: 5: 3] 10/1 000 sq. ft., 1 20/acre* Manufacturing/Assembly 4/1000 sq. ft., 50/acre • • Warehousing 5/1000 sq. ft., 60/acre•• HIGHEST PEAK HOUR % (plus IN:OUT ratio) Between 6:00-9:30 A.M. Between 3:00-6:30 P.M. 5'1o (6:4) 9'1o (7:3) 4'1o (5:5) 4'/o (5:5) -Pio (5:5) 81/o (5:5) -P/o (5:5) 5'1o (7 :3) 81/o (7:3) 4'1o 7'1o (6:4) -Pio (6:4) 5'1o (6:4) 4'/o 4'1o 4'/o 4'1o 3'1o 3'1o 4'1o 4'1o 81/o 9'1o Wo 'Pio 3'1o 4'/o -Pio 5'1o 2Yo 31/o 31/o 9'1o 10% 12% 20% 30% 32% 17% 4'/o 5'1o 3'1o 2Yo 4'1o 8'1o 7% (7:3) (7:3) (6:4) {6:4) (6:4) (7:3) (7:3) (6:4) (5:5) (5:5) {5:5) (7:3) {6:4) (7:3) (6:4) (6:4) {6:4) {6:4) (6:4) (3:7) (8:2) (8 :2) (7 :3) (6:4) (6:4) (5:5) (7:3) {6:4) {5:5) (7:3) (6:4) ElYo (5 :5) 15% (5:5) 9'1o {5 :5) B'lo (5 :5) 81/o (5 :5) 9'1o (5 :5) 9'1o {5 :5) 81/o (4:6) 11% (4:6) 10'/o 10'/o {5 :5) 11% (5:5) 81/o (5:5) 10% 9'/o 10% 1CJ'lo 9'1o 1CJ'lo 9'1o 1CJ'lo 1CJ'lo 8Yo 7'1o -Pio 9'/o 8Yo 9'/o 9'/o 8Yo 9'/o 1CJ'lo 9'1o 13% 9'1o 9'1o 10% 9'1o 9'1o 18% 8Yo 10'/o 13% 9'1o 15% 10% 7¼ (5 :5) (5:5) (5:5) (5:5) (5:5) (5:5) (5:5) (5:5) (5:5) (5:5) (5:5) (5:5) (5.5) (5:5) (5:5) (5:5) (5:5) (5:5) (5:5) (5:5) (6:4) (3:7) (6:4) (4 :6) (4 :6) (4 :6) (5:5) (4:6) (5:5) (5 :5) (4 :6) (4 :6) 12% (8:2) 12% (2:8) 11% (9:1) 12% (2:8) 14% (8:2) 15% (3:7) 19% (9:1) 20% (2:8) 13% (7:3) 15% (4:6) Stcoj/f:aaggee:====------------------C2=1rnoo tL, 0:-2 vault, 'aer~~------=::;e;8'A~o~5~5)-=---~-¾, Science Research & Development 8/1000 sq. ft., 80/acre* 16% (9:1) 14% Landfill & Recycling Center 6/acre 11% (5:5) 10% (OVER) MEMBER AGENCIES: Cities of Carlsbad, Chula Vista, Coronado, Del Mar, El Cajon, Encinitas, Escondido, Imperial Beach, La Mesa, Lemon Grove, National City, Oceanside, Poway, San Diego, San Marcos, Santee, Solana Beach, Vista and County of San Diego. ADVISORY/LIAISON MEMBERS: California Department of Transportation, County Water Authority, U.S. Department of Defense, S.D. Unified Port District and Tijuana/Baja California. TRIP LENGTH (Miles)' 10.8 12.5 2.8 5.1 5.2 3.6 4.3 8.9 9.0 4.8 5.0 3.4 3.7 3.4 8.3 9.0 11. 7 • LAND USE TRIP CATEGORIES [PRIMARY:DIVERTED:PASS-BY]" ESTIMATED WEEKDAY VEHICLE TRIP GENERATION RATE (DRIVEWAY) HIGHEST PEAK HOUR % (plus IN:OUT ratio) Between 6:00-9:30 A.M. Between 3:00-6:30 P.M. LIBRARY .......................................................... [44:44:12) LODGING ............................................................. [58:38:4) Hotel (w/convention facilities/restaurant) Motel Resort Hotel Business Hotel MILITARY ............................................................ [82:16:2) OFFICE Standard Commercial Office ................................. (77:19:4) {less than 100,000 sq. ft.) Large (High-Rise) Commercial Office ....................... [82:15:3) (more than 100,000sq. ft., 6+ stories) Office Park (400,000 + sq. ft.) Single Tenant Office Corporate Headquarters Government (Civic Center) ............................... [50:34:16) Post Office Central/Walk-In Only Community (not including mail drop lane) Community (w/mail drop lane) Mail Drop Lane only Department of Motor Vehicles Medical-Dental .................................................. [60:30:10) PARKS ................................................................. [66:28:6) City (developed w/meeting rooms and sports facilities) Regional (developed) Neighborhood/County (undeveloped) State (average 1000 acres) Amusement (Theme) San Diego Zoo Sea World RECREATION Beach, Ocean or Bay .......................................... (52:39:9) Beach. Lake (fresh water) Bowling Center Campground Golf Course Driving Range only Marinas Multi-purpose (miniature golf, video arcade, batting cage, etc.) Racquetball/Health Club Tennis Courts Sports Facilities Outdoor Stadium Indoor Arena Racetrack Theaters (multiplex w/matinee) ........................... [66:17:17) RESIDENTIAL ....................................................... (86:11 :3) Estate. Urban or Rural (average 1-2 DU/acre) Single Family Detached (average 3-6 DU/acre) Condominium (or any multi-family 6-20 DU/acre) Apartment (or any multi-family units more than 20 DU/acre) Military Housing (off-base, multi-family) (less than 6 DU/acre) (6-20 DU/acre) Mobile Home Family Adults Only Retirement Community Congregate Care Facility RESTAURANT' ................................................... (51 37:12) Quality Sit-down, high turnover Fast Food (w/drive-through) Fast Food (without drive-through) Delicatessen (7 am-4pm) TRANSPORTATION Bus Depot Truck Terminal Waterport/Marine Terminal Transit Station (Light Rail w/parking) Park & Ride Lots • Primary source: San Diego Traffic Generators. 50/1000 sq. ft., 400/acre•• 1 0/occupied room, 300/acre 9/occupied room, 200/acre* 8/occupied room, 100/acre • 7 /occupied room*• 2.5/military & civilian personnel * 20/1000 sq. ft.,0 300/acre* 17/1000 sq. ft.,0 600/acre* 12/1000 sq.ft., 200/acre* • • 14/1000 sq. ft., 180/acre• 7/1000 sq. ft., 110/acre* 30/1 000 sq. ft.•• 90/1 000 sq. ft. • • 200/1000 sq. ft .. 1300/acre* 300/1000 sq. ft., 2000/acre* 1500 (7 50 one-way)/lane* 1 80/1 000 sq. ft., 900/acre • • 50/1 000 sq. ft., 500/acre • SO/acre* 20/acre • 5/acre {add for specific sport uses), 6/picnic site• • • 1 /acre, 10/picnic site*• BO/acre, 1 30/acre (summer only)*• 115/acre* BO/acre* 600/1000 ft. shoreline, 60/acre* 50/1000 ft. shoreline, 5/acre • 30/1000 sq. ft., 300/acre, 30/lane • * 4/campsite • • 7 /acre, 40/hole, 700/course* * * 70/acre, 14/tee box* 4/berth, 20/acre * • • 90/acre 30/1000 sq. ft., 300/acre, 40/court* 16/acre, 30/court • • 50/acre, 0.2/seat • 30/acre, 0.1 /seat• 40/acre, 0.6 seat* 80/1000 sq. ft., 1.8/seat, 360/screen* 1 2/dwelling unit*" 10/dwelling unit*" 8/dwelling unit•" 6/dwelling unit•" 8/dwelling unit 6/dwelling unit 5/dwelling unit, 40/acre* 3/dwelling unit, 20/acre* 4/dwelling unit*• 2.5/dwelling unit*• 100/1000 sq. ft., 3/seat, 500/acre* * * 160/1000 sq. ft .. 6/seat, 1000/acre* * * 650/1000 sq. ft., 20/seat, 3000/acre* • • 700/1000sq. ft.•• 150/1000 sq. ft., 11 /seat• 25/1000sq. ft.•• 10/1000 sq. ft., 7 /bay, BO/acre** 170/berth, 12/acre* • 300/acre, 2112/parking space (4/occupied)* • 400/acre (600/paved acre), { 5/parking space {8/occupied) * • * 2'1o (7 :3) 61/o (6:4) 81/o (4 :6) 5'1o {6:4) 8'1o {4 :6) 9'1o {9:1) 14% 13% 13% 15% 17% 9'1o 5'1o (31/o 7'1o -Pio 5'1o 5'1o 4'1o 13% -Pio 4% 7% 31/o 3'1o 2'1o 4'1o !Pio 8'1o 8'1o 8'1o 8'1o -Pio -Pio 81/o 9'1o 5'1o 4'1o 1'1o 81/o -Pio S'lo 9'1o 9'1o 14% 14% {91) (9:1) (9:1) (9:1) {9:1) {9:1) (6:4) {5:5) (5:5) (6:4) (8:2) {5:5) (7 :3) (8:2) (7:3) {3:7) {6:4) (3:7) {3:7) {2:8) (2:8) {3:7) {3:7) (3:7) (3:7) (4:6) {6:4) (6:4) {5:5) {5:5) (6:4) (6:4) {4:6) (7 :3) (7:3) 10% (5 :5) 81/o (6:4) 9'1o (6:4) -Pio (4:6) 9'1o (6:4) 10% (2:8) 13% 14% 13% 15% 16% 12% -Pio 9'1o 1C1'1o 12"/o 1C1'/o 11% 5'1o 11% 8'1o 9'1o 9'1o 7'1o e'lo 9'/o 11% 8'1o 1C1'1o 1C1'/o 1C1'1o 9'1o 9'1o 9'1o 11% 1C1'/o 7'1o 8'1o 8'1o 8'1o -Pio -Pio 3'1o 8'1o 15% 15% (2:8) (2:8) (2:8) (2:8) {1 :9) (3 7) (5:5) (5:5) (5:5) (4:6) (3:7) (5:5) (6:4) (4:6) (3:7) (5:5) (6:4) (6:4) (5 :5) (6:4) (7:3) (7:3) (7 :3) (7 :3) (6:4) (6:4) (6:4) (6:4) (6:4) (5:5) (7 :3) (6:4) (5:5) (5:5) (3:7) (5:5) (3:7) (3:7) • Other sources: !TE Trip Generation Report {6th Edition]. Trip Generation Rates (other agencies and publications). various SAN DAG & CAL TRANS studies. reports and estimates. ' Trip category percentage ratios are daily from local household surveys, often cannot be applied to very specific land uses, and do not include non-resident drivers (draft SAN DAG Analysis of Trip Diversion. revised November, 1990): PRIMARY -one trip directly between origin and primary destination. DIVERTED -linked trip (having one or more stops along the way to a primary destination) whose distance compared to direct distance ;, 1 mile. PASS-BY -undiverted or diverted < 1 mile. L Trip lengths are average weighted for all trips to and from general land use site. (All trips system-wide average length = 6.9 miles) c Fitted curve equation: Ln(T) = 0.502 Ln(x) + 6.945 }T _ 1 . • _ 1 000 f -tota trips. x -. sq. t. ° Fittedcurveequation: Ln(T) = 0.756 Ln(x) + 3.950 . • Fitted curve equation: t = • 2 .169 Ln(d) + 1 2 .85 t = trips/DU , d = density (DU/acre). DU = dwelling unit 5 Suggested PASS-BY [undiverted or diverted < 1 mile] percentages for trip rate reductions only during P .M. peak period (based on combination of local data/review and Other sources**): COMMERCIAURETAIL Regional Shopping Center 201/o Community " " 3Y/o Neighborhood " 40'/o Specialty Retail/Strip Commercial (other) 10'/o Supermarket 40'/o Convenience Market 50% Discount Club/Store 3Y/o FINANCIAL Bank 25% AUTOMOBILE Gasoline Station 50% RESTAURANT Quality 10'/o Sit-down high turnover 2fJ'lo Fast Food 40'/o 1 Trip Reductions -In order to help promote regional "smart growth" policies, and acknowledge San Diego's expanding mass transit system. consider vehicle trip rate reductions (with proper documentation and necessary adjustments for peak periods). The following are some examples: [1] A 5% daily trip reduction for land uses with transit access or near transit stations accessible within 1 /4 mile. [2] Up to 1 0% daily trip reduction for mixed-use developments where residential and commercial retail are combined (demonstrate mode split of walking trips to replace vehicular trips). TRIP LENGTH (Miles)L 3.9 7.6 11 .2 8.8 10.0 8 .8 6 .0 6.4 5.4 6.3 6.1 7.9 4.7 Project: CUP 2018-0013/SDP 2018-0009 North Oaks Self Storage Segment: Faraday Avenue From Whiptail Loop West To Whiptail Loop East Scenario: Not Applicable • Mandato!)( (Criteria must be met}: Sidewalk or path meets ADA unobstructed width requirements • Mandato!)( (Criteria must be met}: Sidewalk width meets minimum width for typology according to the Mobility Element {or S' if unspecified) Sidewalk width exceeds minimum width for typology according Accessibility and to the Mobility Element {or 6' If unspecified) functionality • Mandato!)( (Criteria must be met): Ramps and landings within segment meet ADA requirements • Mandato!)( (Criteria must be met}: Sidewalk segments meet ADA requirements (cross-slope and trip hazards) Sidewalk width meets recommended width for typology according to the Mobility Element {or 8' if unspecified) 3 lanes or less to be crossed without pedestrian refuge On-street parking or bike lane provides 6' or more buffer between pedestrians and vehicle travel way Landscaping 2' to 5' wide provides 'buffer' between pedestrians and vehicle travel way Landscaping greater than 5' wide provides 'buffer' between Street characteristics pedestrians and vehicle travel way Less than 3,000 vehicles per lane per day Speed limit 30 m h or less No apparent sight distance issues at intersections and pedestrian crossings Permanent speed control devices installed on segments posted as approved by the City Traffic Engineer • Mandato!)( (Criteria must be met): Crosswalks are marked according to CA MUTCD guidelines Crosswalk is high visibility (i.e., continental markings per the CA MUTCD) Traffic calming measures that reduce crossing width Crossing characteristics (pedestrian refuge, bulbouts, chokers, right-turn median island) Presence of intersection enhancements for pedestrians (pedestrian-friendly signal phasing, pedestrian countdown heads, signage, etc.) RRFBs at uncontrolled crossings if warranted • Mandato!)( (Criteria must be met): Street light locations appear adequate Active building frontages on 80% of street curbline (pedestrian attracting frontages such as active storefronts and recreational Other Elements spaces) Street trees provide shade over more than 50% of sidewalk length Street furniture oriented toward businesses or attractions 15 15 15 10 10 10 s 0 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 5 5 5 5 0 0 5 5 5 5 0 0 10 10 0 s s 0 10 0 0 10 10 10 5 0 0 10 10 10 5 0 0 s 0 0 s 0 0 0 0 100 85 A B Yes Yes ' . Project: CUP 2018-0013/SDP 2018-0009 North Oaks Self Storage Segment: Faraday Avenue From Whiptail Loop West To Whiptail Loop East Scenario: Not Applicable to Level 1 Speed limit is :S 2S mph Speed limit is 30 mph Street Characteristics Speed limit is 3S mph Residential street with ADT < 3,000 Street with ADT between 3,000 and 6,000 Class I facility (off-street path), Class IV (cycle track), or multiuse path Class II facility that meets minimum width of 5' (on-street bicycle lanes) Facility Bike lane buffer 2' min) is rovided Class Ill facility (bike route designated by signage or paint only) Additional traffic calming/speed management features have been applied to Class Ill facility (I.e. a bike boulevard) Bikeway meets or exceeds the Bicycle Master Plan Bike lane (including buffer) is at least 8' wide from face of curb Bicycle facilities with signing and striping meet design Blkeway Design guidelines D Good pavement condition for bikeway (no visible potholes) Free of infrastructure that obstructs bike facility (e.g. grates) Bikeways on side streets are consistent with Bicycle Master Plan alon se ment Connectivity/ Contiguity Bike lanes are striped continuously on all approaches to and departures from intersections, without dropping at turn lanes or driveways Adjacent Vehicle No on-street limit is 25 or 30 m h Back-in angled parking Parking Parallel arkln with door-side buffered bike lane Enhanced bicycle detection or video detection is provided at Other Elements intersections 2S 0 0 15 0 0 10 0 0 15 0 0 10 0 0 25 0 0 15 15 15 5 0 0 5 0 0 10 0 0 25 25 25 10 0 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 5 s 0 0 5 5 5 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 5 5 5 0 0 75 75 C C • Project: CUP 2018-0013/SDP 2018-0009 North Oaks Self Storage Segment: Faraday Avenue From Whiptail Loop West To Whiptail Loop East Scenario: Not Applicable to Level 1 Transit Stop Located Within 1/2 Mile Walk from Sub ect Site or Roadwa 30 (rail) No greater than 1/4 mile walk to the nearest transit stop 20 (bus) 20 {rail) Access No greater than 1/2 mile walk to the nearest transit stop 10 (bus) No greater than 1 mile bicycle ride to the nearest transit stop 5 ADA compliant sidewalk or path to transit stops in both 15 directions Multiple transit routes stop on segment 10 Route provides a direct link to a COASTER station or mobility 1S Connectivity hub Route provides for a single transfer to reach a COASTER station or mobility hub s Transit priority Dedicated ri ht of way 5 Transit priority during peak hours 5 Headways of-15 minutes between 6:30-8:30 am and 4-6 pm 15 on weekdays Headways of 30 minutes between 6:30-8:30 am and 4-6 pm on 5 weekdays Service Headways of 1 hour between 6:30-8:30 am and 4-6 pm on 2 weekdays Commute shuttle service provided during the morning and 10 afternoon commute periods No more than 1 hour headways between 9 am and S pm on s weekends Covered bus stops 5 Bench 10 Amenities Well-lit stop that provides a sense of security 5 Trash cans 2 Bus stop located within a block of commercial services 5 Bicycle Bike arkin available at the bus stop 5 Accommodations Bus stop within 1/4 mile of a bike repair shop 5 Transportation Demand Documented TOM measures are in place that result in a trip Management {TOM) reduction of at least 15% 2S Strategies No Transit Sto Located Within 1/2 Mile Walk from Subject Site or Roadwa Documented TOM measures are in place that promote 60 Available Mobility ridesharing Services On demand service is at least 50% subsidized for trips to transit 60 service Se ment within FLEX service area 60 0 0 10 10 0 0 15 15 0 0 1S 1S 5 5 0 0 0 0 15 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 0 0 Segment 0 0 0 0 0 0 70 70 C C Project: CUP 2018-0013/SDP 2018-0009 North Oaks Self Storage Segment: Whiptail Loop West From Faraday Avenue To Faraday Avenue Scenario: Not Applicable By: Hofman Planning & Engineering Transit & Ridesharing MMLOS Criteria ----~~·-~·~-EB WB Criteria Points Points Assigned Points Assigned Transit Stop Located Within 1/2 Mile Walk from Subject Site or Roadway Segment 30 (rail) 0 0 No greater than 1/4 mile walk to the nearest transit stop 20 (bus) 20 (rail) 10 10 Access No greater than 1/2 mile walk to the nearest transit stop 10 (bus) No greater than 1 mile bicycle ride to the nearest transit stop 5 0 0 ADA compliant sidewalk or path to transit stops in both 15 15 15 directions Multiple transit routes stop on segment 10 0 0 Route provides a direct link to a COASTER station or mobility 15 15 15 Connectivity hub Route provides for a single transfer to reach a COASTER station 5 5 5 or mobility hub Transit priority Dedicated right of way 5 0 0 Transit priority during peak hours 5 0 0 Headways of-15 minutes between 6:30-8:30 am and 4-6 pm 15 15 15 on weekdays Headways of 30 minutes between 6:30-8:30 am and 4-6 pm on 5 0 0 weekdays Service Headways of 1 hour between 6:30-8:30 am and 4-6 pm on 2 0 0 weekdays Commute shuttle service provided during the morning and 10 0 0 afternoon commute periods No more than 1 hour headways between 9 am and 5 pm on 5 0 0 weekends Covered bus stops 5 0 0 Bench 10 0 0 Amenities Well-lit stop that provides a sense of security 5 5 5 Trash cans 2 0 0 Bus stop located within a block of commercial services 5 0 0 Bicycle Bike parking available at the bus stop 5 0 0 Accommodations Bus stop within 1/4 mile of a bike repair shop 5 5 5 Transportation Demand Documented TDM measures are in place that result in a trip Management (TDM) reduction of at least 15% 25 0 0 Strategies No Transit Stop Located Within 1/2 Mile Walk from Subject Site or Roadway Segment Documented TDM measures are in place that promote 60 0 0 Available Mobility ridesharing Services On demand service is at least 50% subsidized for trips to transit 60 0 0 service Se ment within FLEX service area 60 0 0 70 70 C C .. Project: CUP 2018-0013/SDP 2018-0009 North Oaks Self Storage Segment: Caribou Court From Whiptail Loop West To Whiptail Loop West Scenario: Not Applicable By: Hofman Planning & Engineering Transit & Ridesharing MMLOS Criteria -~---EB WB Criteria Points Points Assigned Points Assigned Transit Stop Located Within 1/2 Mile Walk from Subject Site or Roadway Segment 30 (rail) 0 0 No greater than 1/4 mile walk to the nearest transit stop 20 (bus) 20 (rail) 10 10 Access No greater than 1/2 mile walk to the nearest transit stop 10 (bus) No greater than 1 mile bicycle ride to the nearest transit stop 5 0 0 ADA compliant sidewalk or path to transit stops in both 15 directions 15 15 Multiple transit routes stop on segment 10 0 0 Route provides a direct link to a COASTER station or mobility 15 15 15 Connectivity hub Route provides for a single transfer to reach a COASTER station or mobility hub 5 5 5 Transit priority Dedicated right of way 5 0 0 Transit priority during peak hours 5 0 0 Headways of-15 minutes between 6:30-8:30 am and 4-6 pm 15 on weekdays 15 15 Headways of 30 minutes between 6:30-8:30 am and 4-6 pm on weekdays 5 0 0 Service Headways of 1 hour between 6:30-8:30 am and 4-6 pm on weekdays 2 0 0 Commute shuttle service provided during the morning and 10 afternoon commute periods 0 0 No more than 1 hour headways between 9 am and 5 pm on 5 weekends 0 0 Covered bus stops 5 0 0 Bench 10 0 0 Amenities Well-lit stop that provides a sense of security 5 5 5 Trash cans 2 0 0 Bus stop located within a block of commercial services 5 0 0 Bicycle Bike parking available at the bus stop 5 0 0 Accommodations Bus stop within 1/4 mile of a bike repair shop 5 5 5 Transportation Demond Documented TDM measures are in place that result in a trip Management (TDM) reduction of at least 15% 25 0 0 Strategies No Transit Stop Located Within 1/2 Mile Walk from Subject Site or Roadway Segment Documented TDM measures are in place that promote 60 0 0 Available Mobility ridesharing Services On demand service is at least 50% subsidized for trips to transit 60 0 0 service Segment within FLEX service area 60 0 0 l l