HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 480-4L; CT 12-07; VALLEY 17; 01-22Landscape Construction Documents for: Valley 17 Carlsbad, Prepared for: CA -■ CITY VENTURES LLC 1900 Quail Street, Newport Beach, CA 92660 ABBREVIATIONS: CONSULTANT TEAM: AC Asphalt Concrete FD Floor Drain PA Planting Area CLIENT: LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: NC Air Condenser FDN Foundation Pl Point of Intersection AD Area Drain FF Finish Floor PIP Prolect in Place City Ventures, LLC studio PAD, Inc. ADA American wlth Disabiliies Act FFE Finish Floor Elevation PL Pmperly Line 1900 Quail Street 92 Argonaut, Suite 270 AGG Aggregate FG Finish Grade PUC Poinl of Connection ALIGN Alignmenl FH Fire Hydrant POI/C Point of Vertical Curve Newport Beach, CA 92660 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 APPROX Approximate FL Flow Line PREP Preparation T: (949) 258-7531 T: 949-770-8530 ARCH Architect(ural) FOB Face of Building PSI Pounds par Square Inch FOC Face of Curb PT Point of Tangency Contact: Andrew Gerber Contact: Peter A Duarte BC Boilom of Curb FOF foce of Finish PVC Poly Vinyl Chlo,ide email: agerber@CityVentures.com email: paduarte@studio-PAD.com BCR 8e{Jinning Cur,a Radius FOS Face or Step PVI Poinl of Vertical lnler3action BD Board FOW Faca or Wal! PVMT Pa'lemenl BF Bollom or Fence FS Finish Surface BL Base Llne FTG Footing R Rc1dius ARCHITECT: IRRIGATION CONSULTANT: BLDG Building RCP Reinfomid Concrete Pipe BM Benchmark G Gas RO Roof Drain WHA I William Hezmalhalch Architects, Inc. Aqua Commercial Irrigation BOC Back of Curb GA Gauge RE Rim Elevation 2850 Redhill Avenue, Suite 200 810 Los 1/allecitos Blvd., Suite 204 BOP Bollom of Pipe GALV Gal'lanized RECPr Receptacle BOR Bottom of Ramp GB Grade Brake REF Raforence Santa Ana, CA 92705 San Marcos, CA 92069 BOS Bollom of Slope GC General Contractor RE!NF Reinforced T (949) 250-0607 T: (760) 750-1900, F: (760) 750-1999 BOT Boilom GFCI Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter REQ Required BS Bollom of Step GO Grid Origin REV Re'lision Contact: Don White I Jeremy Phillips Contact: Scott Lindner BVC Beginning of Vertical Cur,e GR Grade RL Ridge Line Email: Donw@whainc.com / jeremyp@whainc.com email: scott@aci-irrigation.com BW Bollom of Wall GV Gale Val'/e RO Rough Opening ROW Righi of Way HB Hose Bibb fWI Right of Way CAB Crushed Aggregate Basa HG Handicap CIVIL ENGINEER: CB Catch Basin RP Radius Point HOR Header CFS Cubic Feat par Second HORIZ Horizontal s Sewer Huitt-Zollars, Inc. Cl Casi Iron HP High Point SCH Schedule 90 East Thousand Oaks Blvd., Ste. 201 CIP Cast-in-Place HT Height sea Sewer Clean Out CJ Contraction Joint SF Square Feet Thousand Oaks, Ca 91360 CL Centerline ID Inside Diameter SHT Sheet CLR Clearance 11 Isolation Joint SIM Similar T: 805.418.1802 CMB Crushed Miscellaneous Base IN lnch SPEC Specification Contact: Peter Bernard CMP Corrugated Metal Pipe INV Invert SQ Square CMU Concrete Masonry Unit .JB Junction Box STA Station Email: pbernard@huitt-zollars.com co Cleanoul STD Standard Jr Join! CONG Concrete STL Steel CONT Continuous LB Pound STRUC Structural I -_, linear Fee ss Stainless Steel DBL Double LOW Limit of Work SHEET I DRAWING DCJ Doweled Constmction .Joint LP low Point TC Top of Curb INDEX: DET Detail THK Thick DF Douglas Fir MAX Maximum TOB Top or Beam DI Drain Inlet MECH Mechanical TOC Top of Cap DIA Diameter MED Medium TOS Top of Slope DIAG Diagonal MET Mela] TBO To Be Determined Qty. Shi. No. Sheet Title Qty. Sht. No. Sheet Title DIM Dimension MFG Manufacturer TD Top ofDrain DWG Drawing MH Manhole TF Top of Fence 1 CS-0.01 Cover Sheet 12 Ll-1.03 Hydrozone Diagram MIN Minimum TOR Top of Ramp E East MISC Miscellaneous rs Top of Step 2 LC-0.01 Construction Schedules Ll-5.01 Irrigation Details IE) Existing MOM Metalized Ornamental Metal TYP Typlcal 13 TW Top of Wall EA Each N North 3 LC-1.01 Construction Plan 14 Ll-5.02 Irrigation Details ECR End CUf'le Radius NIC Nol In Contract UNO Unless Noted Otherwise EIFS Exterior Insulation and Finish System NO Number 4 LC-1.02 Conslruction Plan 15 Ll-6.01 Irrigation Specifications EL Elevation V Vertical NOM Nominal VERT Vertical ELEC Electrical NTS Not To Scale 5 LC-5.01 Construction Details 16 LP-0.01 Planting Schedules ENCL Enclosure w West EQ Equal OC On Center WI Wilh C LC-6.01 Construction Specifications 17 LP-1.01 Planting Plan EQUIP Equipment OCE'I/ On Center each Way 0 W/0 Without EVC End Vertical Cur.a OD Outside Diameter we Water C!oset 7 LC-6.02 Construction Specifications LP-1.02 Planting Plan EW Each Way OE Or Equal WI Wrought Iron 18 EW'I/M Erectrically Welded Wire Mesh OPG Opening WP Waterproof EX Existing OPP Opposite WS Waler Surface 8 LC-6.03 Construction Specifications 19 LP-5.01 Planting Details 9 Ll-0.01 Irrigation Schedules 20 LP-5.02 Planting Details 10 Ll-1.01 Irrigation Plan 21 LP-6.01 Planting Specifications UNDERGROUND UTILITY SERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA! 11 Ll-1.02 Irrigation Plan 22 M-1.01 Maintenance Exhibit Call: (800) 227-2600 "CALL A MINIMUM OF TWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG" Plotted by: KC-SPAD Aug. 22, 2014 03:25 PM S:lz_Projects\CV04-2012_ Carlsbad SFR\sPAD\'P' (Production)\CS-001_ CV04-P .dwg VICINITY MAP: TO L.A. PROJECT LOCATION HILL ST. TO VISTA ~ r· ii) z ~ ATSF RR . !\-\IHtllirl •. ,, IIHHHIIIII-H-fHIHHlli-t!tHHlf tll-ll-\11'1-lf ,Ucflt= I- PACIFIC OCEAN LOCATION MAP: PROJECT LOCATION (j) w n'. :a' D ~ 5 VALLEY STREET JAMES DR ■ TO S.D. ~ Not to Scale ~ Not to Scale DAfE A security release letter shall certify that he or she has inspected the work and that the project complies with the following conditions: 1. Has been maintained in substantial conformance to the approved plans. 2. ls growing in a healthy and thriving condition. 3. All plantings required under Section lV.E of the Landscape Manual have been established as an effective surface erosion control. 4. There is no evidence of excessive run off from the irrigation system causing a soil erosion problem. 5. As-built landscape plans for the bonded work shall be submitted to and approved by the City. KEYMAP rn Not lo Scale DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE: I /l[R[BY O[CLAR[ WA r I AM 1/1[ LIC[NS[O O[S/GN[R OF WORK FOR Tl/IS PROJ[C ,; II/AT I //AV[ [X[RC/5[0 R[SPONS/BL[ CIIARG[ OVER ff/[ O[S/GN OF ii/IS PROJ[CT AS O[F/N[D IN S[CF/ON 6703 OF T/1[ BUS/N[SS ANO PROFESSIONS CODE ANO II/AT //IE DESIGN IS CONSISTENT 'M/f/ CURR[NT STANDARDS. I UNDERSIAND II/A I II/£ Cl/ECK OF PROJECT DRAWINGS AND SPECIF/CM IONS BY If/£ CITY OF CARLSBAD AND SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMEN r OF ENV/RONMEN TAL 1/EAUf/ IS CONFINED ro A REVIEW ONLY AND DOES NOT R[LIEV[ ME, AS If/£ LICENSED DESIGNER OF WORK, OF MY RESPONSIBILI I/ES FOR PTiOJECT DESIGN. Tl/ESE PLANS I/AV[ BE[N PREPARED IN SUBSlANFIAL CONFORMANCE 'MF/I Ir/[ APPROVED LANDSCAPE CONCEPI PLAN, WA /ER CONSERVA /ION PLAN, FIRE PRO {EC /ION PLAN, AND ALL CONDlflONS OF APPROVAL RCLAlED iO LANDSCAPING. BY: Peter /\. Duarte Pl-JONE NO: ( 949 ) _7_7_0_-_8cc5-=J~O _____ _ REGISTRATION NO: 5067 EXP/RATION DATE:: _8~/_1~0~/-=2_0_16~----- WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE DECLARATION: I AM FI\MILIAR WI if/ TI/C REQUIREMENTS FOR LANDSCAPE AND /RR/GA/ION PLANS CONTAINED IN Tl/£ CIIY OF CARLSBAD'S LANDSCAPE MANUAL & WATER ETF/CIENT LANDSCAPE REGULA/IONS. I //AVE PREPARED Tl/IS PLAN IN COMPLIANCE 'MT// I/JOSE REGULATIONS AND HIC LANDSCAPE MANUAL. I CER/IFY Tf/1\T II/£ PLAN IMPLEMENlS Tl/OS£ REGULA/IONS ro PROVIDE EFFICIEN r USE OF WA/ER. BY: Peter A. Duarte /yJJ -,,_ ____________________ ,Al/+--,,.; /~,_,'"'2.,<.-=-------- PI/ON[ NO: ( 949) _77_0_-_8~5~3~0 ____ _ RCGISTRI\T/ON NO: 5067 EXPIRATION DI\TC: -=B/~10~/-~2=0~16~----- BACKFLOW PREVENTER TESTING: /\LL /RR/GI\ TION B/\CKFLOW PREV£Nf£RS SI/ALL BE TESTED BY I\ CERTIFIED IESTER AND RESULTS MUST BE GIVEN TO WE ClrY AND If/£ CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DIS/RICI. PIPE BE/WEEN rl/E MEIER AND BACKFLOW PREVENTER SI/ALL BE "SC/IEDULE K f/1\RD COPPER". APPROVED CON fRACf BACKFLOW TESffRS CAN 8£ FOUND ON Tl/£ Cl!Y WEB SI/£ Al' I/TIP: //WWW CARLSBADCA. GOV /SERVICES/DE.PARIM[NTS/WA rER/DOCUM[N rs /r<ECYCLEDWA!ERB/\CKFLOW/ESIERL/Sf.PDF FOTI RECYCLED OR f/HP: //WWW. C/\RLSB/\OCA. GOV /SERV/CES/DEPARlMENIS/WA TER/DOCUMENTS/ WATERBACKFLOWTESTERLIST.PDF FOR POTABLE OR CALL (760) 438-2722. INSPECTION PROCEDURES: INSPECllON PROCEDURES: INSPECllON OF 111£ PROJECT SI/ALL BE PERFORMED BY II/£ LANDSCAPE /\RCf/UECT OF WORK, OR I/IS DESIGNATED AGENf. REFER TO If/£ SPEC/F/CAFIONS FOR {//£ SCI/EOULE OF REQU/R[D IN SPEC /IONS AND REQUIRED SUBM/TIALS. FOLLO'MNC COMPLE {ION OF Tl/£ WORK, fl/£ LANDSCAPE ARC/1/TECT OF fl/£ WORK 'MLL CERllFY Tl/A f I/IE INSlALLAflON I/AS B[EN COMPLEffD BY SUBM/H/NG Ii/[ "CERf/FICA f/ON OF COMPLETION" FORM. A REQU[S [ FOR A FINAL LANOSGA?£ INSPEC /ION BY 11/E Cl!Y MUST ALSO BE MADE BY CALLING 11/E INSPECTION REQUEST LIN[. "CER {IF/CA f/ON OF COMPLE/JON" FORM FI\X TO: (760) 944-8943. LANDSCAPE INSPEC{ION REQUESf Pl/ONE LINE: (760) 602-4602. PRIOR TO BEGINNING LANDSCAPE WORK: Tf/E CONrr<AC TOR Sf/ALL CONTACT fl/£ DESIGNER OF WORK PRIOR ro B[CINNINC LANDSCAPE WORK AND //IE DESIGNER OF WORK SI/ALL REVIEW Tf/E PT<OJECf UTILITY LOCATIONS AND REVISE PLANS ACCORD/NGL Y TO FULLY SCREEN ALL UJ/LlilES FROM VIEW AND PROTECT ALL U//Llf/ES (I\BOVE & BELOW GT</\0£) FriOM INV/\S/VC PLANT GROWrl/ AND ROOTS. 11/27/'13 PAD A separate City review and approval is required for any portions of these plans requiring a building permit. City approval of these plans is for Landscape planting and Irrigation only. 1st Cit Submittal -CDs COVER SHEET I SH~ET I I Landscape Architecture 92 Argonaut, Ste. 270 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 T: 949.770.8530 www.studio-pad.com Job No. : CV04-P Scale: NONE Drawn: sPAD CS-0.01 Checked: PAD APPROVED FOR IRRIGATION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" RCE EXP. DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ PLANNING DIVISION 2 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: Carlsbad -Valley & Oak Valley 17 I APPROVED: /1.:.k, \ 4: t:.H ~ i, -z.7. 1::j PLANNING INITIAL OWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CIT'{ APPROVAL RVWD BY: CT 12-07 480-4L -( ( ( ( • ' ( ( ' ' . - ( . • ( -. ( -. I PAVING SCHEDULE: KEY DESCRIPTION COLOR FINISH MFGJSUPPLIER PATTERN THK, REINFORCING CEMENT BASE JOINTING DETAIL COMMENTS IE] Enhanced Concrete Paving Yosemite Medium Davis Per Plan Per Per Soils 11/V Per Soils 1/8" Sawcut See footnotes #1-3 below. Brown 641 top-cast Report Report -Soils Per Per Soils Per Soils IE] Concrete Sidewalk Natural Match P-1 -Per Plan Soils Report 11/V Report 1/8" Sawcut -See footnotes #1-3 below. [EJ Concrete Driveway Natural Match P-1 Per Plan Per Per Soils 11/V Per Soils 1/8" Sawcut See footnotes #1-3 below. -Soils Report Report - Footnotes: 1. Refer to Soils Engineering Report for final concrete thickness, reinforcements and base requirements and recommendations. 2. Refer to Civil's drawings for step locations, 3. Install per Manufacturer's recommendations and specifications. 4. Install per Civil's detail. WALL SCHEDULE: KEY DESCRIPTION HEIGHT WllTH MATERIAL COLOR FINISH CAP CAP COLOR CAP FINISH MFGJSUPPLIER DETAIL COMMENT ~ Stucco Wall 6' 8' Stucco over Match .lli Sand Precast Verona 37 8" Wide Pacific Stone 2JLC-5.01 See footnotes below. CMU Architecture 20 Mont./WC-900 Sand Match I W-21 Low Retaining Stucco Wall Varies Match W-1 Match W-1 Match W-1 Match W-1 Stucco ¥, Sand ORCO Block 4/LC-5.01 See footnotes below, Architecture I W-3 I Terminate walls with 2' min. Wall at Building Connection ----------gap -typical. 1 W-41 Stucco Wall on Retaining 6' 8" Match W-1 Match W-1 Match W-1 Match W-1 Match W-1 Match W-1 Match W-1 -Per Civil's plan. Footnotes: 1. Install per manufacturer's recommendation and review the necessary precast pieces ( straights, corners & ends), if applicable. 2. Provide wall joints per block manufacturer's specs. 3, Refer to Civil Engineers plans for all grading and drainage information. 4. Refer to City of Carlsbad Standard Details and/or Structural Engineer's plans for structural walls details and supporting calculations. FENCE SCHEDULE: KEY DESCRIPTION HBGHT MATERIAL FINISH COLOR DETAIL COMMENTS [ID Shagbark (SW 3001) See footnotes below, Woodscapes House Stains. Apply per Manufacturer's Wood Fence 51-6'1 min. Wood Stained 'Woodscapes' 3/LC-5.01 specifications -min. (2) coats. See footnotes below. Footnotes: 1. Field verify gate openings prior to fabrication. 2. Paint/ stain by Sherwin Williams. GATE SCHEDULE: KEY DESCRIPTION HBGHT FINISH COLOR HARDWARE MFGJSUPPUER DETAIL COMMENTS ~ Sideyard Gate rl l"K Wood: Match F-1 Exterior 7/LC-5.01 See footnotes below. Woodscapes House Stains. Apply per a-o Stained Grade -Manufacturer's specifications -min, (2) coats. Footnotes: 1. Field verify gate openings prior to fabrication. 2. Install per local codes, regulations, and local fire department (including accessibility requirements, if required), 3. Paint/ stain by Sherwin Williams. SITE AMENITIES SCHEDULE: KEY DESCRIPTION MATERIAL MFG. MODEL# SUPPLIER COLOR FINISH DETAIL COMMENTS I SA-1 I MAILBOX -(2) Cluster Box Unit and verify with USPS prior to ordering and installation. Surface mount pedestal to Cluster Box Unit Metal WWW.mailbox-vigilant 1" USPS WWW.mailbox-Dark Bronze Powdercoat paving per Manufacturer's specifications. Footnote 1. ixchange.com 12 ixchange.com Footnotes: 1. Install per Manufacturer's specifications. Plotted by: KC-SPAD Aug. 22, 2014 03:25 PM S:lz_ProJects\CV04,2012_ Carlsbad SFR\sPADl'P' (Production)ILC-001_ CV04-P .dwg 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6, 7, 8, 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES: Conform Work to requirements of latest adopted edition of Uniform Building Code and applicable local and state codes, plans, specifications, ordinances and regulations. Prior to beginning work, become familiar with existing site conditions, including underground utilities, and above grade features such as grading, walls, fences, structures, etc. Contractor will be held responsible for his own damage. Upon being awarded Contract, make necessary arrangements to insure that materials, supplies, and manpower will be available when needed to construct this project in an orderly and timely fashion. Do not begin work until Contractor's 'Construction Set" drawings are current and have required pubic agency approvals. Verify property lines and limits of work prior to commencing work. Refer to project specifications for additional information. Obtain necessary permits and pay for related inspection fees required to install Work. Written dimensions lake precedence over scaling of Drawings. Where conflicts occur between Drawings and actual field conditions, notify Owner's Authorized Representative immediately for clarification, Failure to provide notification may hold Contractor liable for costs incurred to rectify problem, if required. Prior to installing paving, refer to the project's geotechnical report. Report discrepencies between the geotechnical report's recommendations and information noted in the Paving Schedule. Do not willfully proceed with construction operations when it is obvious that unknown obstructions and grade differences exist that may not have been known during the design process. Bring these conditions immediately to attention of Owne~s Authorized Representative for resolution. Assume full responsibility for costs incurred and required modifications due to lack of providing such notification. Be responsible for coordinating work with Owner, Owner's Authorized Representative, General Contractor and his sub-contractor's, public agencies, and project design consultants, Ensure that rough grade has been accepted by Owner prior to beginning work. Ensure that fine grades have been established correctly and approved by Owner's Authorized Representative prior to beginning hardscape work. Provide the following grade drops from paving finish surface: Turf areas -11/2', groundcover and shrub areas -2'. Ensure that Contractor-installed underground elements such as drainlines, irrigation mainlines and laterals, electrical conduit, sleeves, etc. are in place, operational, and approved by public agency inspection prior to installation of hardscape work. Paving mock-ups may be required on this project -refer to Paving Schedule and specifications for additional information. Ensure that curved edges such as walkways, headerboard, and mowstrips have smooth and continuous curves. Notify Owner's Authorized Representative with proper amount of lead-time as indicated in specifications prior to a Contractor-requested site meeting. Failure to provide appropriate lead time may result in Contractor being backcharged for Owner's Authorized Representative's time. Refer to Civil Engineers drawings for precise grading, step quantities, and drainage information. Dimensions are to the face of CMU or wood studs, unless indicated otherwise. Provide isolation joints when paving abuts vertical edges such as walls, steps, curbs, and columns. CONSTRUCTION KEY NOTES: 0 Road paving, per Civil's drawings. 0 Property/ lot line. 0 Adjacent architecture/ AC units, per Architect's drawings. ® Right-of-way. 0 Vehicular sight triangle, per Civil and local codes, @ Utility easement, per Civil's plan. (Public) 0 Adjacent light pole or fixture, by others. @ BMP Treatment and Detention System to be Maintained 0 by Homeowner Adjacent ramp with detectable warning strips & path of @ travel, per Civil's drawings. Retaining wall, per Civil's plan, Finish per W-4. CD Catch basin, per Civil's drawings. @ Existing Retaining wall, per Civil's plan. 0 Sewer line/ connection, per Civil's plan. @ Stamp Concrete Paving, per Civil's plan. CD Water meter I water-line, per Civil's plan. @ Utility easement, per Civil's plan. (Private) SYMBOLS LEGEND: I s u-I - cc>' ..... -----Center Line / ~~--Indicates Section Letter IE ,, Indicates Section Sheet Number -------Property Line • PA Planting Area I ------Isolation Joint L Landscape Architecture Contraction Joint & l"d"les Ele'"""' Ldlm ---Limit of Work Line --Indicates Elevation Sheet Number 92 Argonaut, Ste. 270 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 ------Match line Indicates Enlargement Number T: 949.770.8530 ~ www.studio-pad.com () Align / \ Enlargement Name/Description '----J Job No. : C\/04-P ~ Point of Beginning/Origin Point of Layout Scale: None Indicates Enlargement Sheet Number Drawn: sPAD LC-0.01 Checked: PAD APPROVED FOR IRRIGATION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" RCE EXP. DATE CONSTRUCTION REVIEWED BY: SCHEDULES INSPECTOR DATE I SH~ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD SHEETS PLANNING DIVISION 22 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: -J'!~DSCJlpf Carlsbad -Valley & Oak "'"Q """" fE,, 11, -1-9<:-s, <t°-<~ ~_,, 'i V ,,., ~ °a-~ Valley 17 -~ ~ n ~ ~ .... 'St;:ri.,lure ?"-l/-2o{_b I APPROVED: /t-)\ q-f:11 ~tr a,mSlli,o~ &;,·-Z.,-1:f .. _1::2-i -z. { r " PLANNING J';-lJ-d\<; I?--11: .._ ·t"' ..... < OF CALl'io'<' OWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INff!AL OArE INITIAL CHKD BY: DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTIOM OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: CT 12-07 480-4L E;,;pir..,tion D;ile: I -C C ( ( • • ( C ' ' ( • . ( -. ( - I ~ Front Yard Landscape to be Homeowner Installed or per Homebuilder offered Front Yard Landscape Option Packages (at time of sale). 0 10' 20' ii I Scale: 1 • = 20' NOTES: 1. Refer to Sheet LC-0.01 for Construction Schedules and Notes. 2. Refer to Civil drawings for retaining and grading information. 2. Refer to Civil Drawings for LMD Basin Area dimensions, details and specifications. KEYMAP rn 40' I I Landscape Architecture 92 Argonaut, Ste. 270 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 T: 949.770.8530 www.studio-pad.com Job No. : CV04-P Scale: 1·=20· Drawn: KHC LC-1.01 Checked: PAD APPROVED FOR IRRIGATION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" RCE EXP. DATE CONSTRUCTION REI/IEWED BY: PLAN INSPECTOR DATE I S~ET I ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION 2 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: ~i<DSGlpf 4 Carlsbad -Valley & Oak ':<.,-0 Q1jiiJUE&(1, ,?C ,P ~I'-C4 -$:,. Ii) J....I<) -J'. ;;..i. y cl" fl) ,(,l{µ.t[ % 's. Valley 17 S,;.n.~•ur~ I APPROVED: I ff-'JI-to/{, /-'?_:__£_( C..:r-~\,~t R,,_,,.,.,i l>..10 ~-Z-r. 1:J: • 't · ti-l-•l't_ " .J'l',,,:--..,_ n.,:. ~ PLANNING -1t: '/,.f.' OWN BY: I I f OF CALl~O PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE JNIT!Al DATE INlflAL CHKD BY: DESIGNER OF WOHK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAl CtTY APPROVAL RVWD BY: CT 12-07 480-4L Expitation Date: -C C C I < • ' C C - . . ( • . . • ( . . ( . .. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•' Plotted by: KC-SPAD Aug. 22, 2014 03:25 PM S:lz_Projects\CV04-2012_Carlsbad SFR\sPADl'P' (Produclion)ILC-101_Cl/04-P.dwg ' ' ' Front Yard Landscape to be Homeowner Installed or per Homebuilder offered Front Yard Landscape Option Packages (at time of sale). Matchline -See Sheet LC-1.01 -Front Yard Landscape to be Homeowner Installed or per Homebuilder offered Front Yard Landscape Option Packages (at time of sale) NOTES: 1. Refer to Sheet LC-0.01 for Construction Schedules and Notes. 2. Refer to Civil drawings for retaining and grading information. 0 10' I I Scale: 1" = 20' 2. Refer to Civil Drawings for LMD Basin Area dimensions, details and specifications. 20' I KEYMAP rn Not to Scale 40' I I Landscape Architecture 92 Argonaut, Ste. 270 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 T: 949.770.8530 www.studio-pad.com Job No. : CV04-P Scale: 1·=20· Drawn: KHC LC-1.02 Checked: PAD APPROVED FOR IRRIGATION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUILT" RCE EXP. DATE CONSTRUCTION REVIEWED BY: PLAN INSPECTOR DATE I SH~ET I ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD PlANNING DIVISION 2 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PlANS FOR: ~l'\DSCAPt Carlsbad -Valley & Oak ,,_,<::> ""'R"&1, -'lo>c sec; ,s-' '~ ~ <,;~ "i, 1-!:j I er: o..:i (i Valley 17 ~ . -' ~1t1IJIUI~ -I APPROVED: £-2,.1-t I /r-;,/-Zo/6 /-<i:.:J. ~ Gr -~ L.;-\t "~~<-z~M • S'~ !}JII.' ,,,_,'?: PlANNING -1 t: <1,"' ( OF CALl,O OWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INrTIAl DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: CT 12-07 480-4L 8pira1Ion Dale: -( ( ( ( ( . . . ( . . ( . . ._ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _., Plotted by: KC-SPAD Aug. 22, 2014 03:25 PM S:\z_Projects\CV04-2012_Carlsbad SFR\sPADl'P' (Production)ILC-101_CV04-P.dwg LEGEND 1, Shaped 1x8 header board. 2. 1x6 tongue and groove. 3, 2x4 top and bottom rail. 4. 1x4 plant-on. 5. 2x4 cross brace. 6. 2x4 wood frame. 7, 2x2 stopper. 8. Align end of gate head radius with top of wall. 9, Adjacent wall or fence-per plan. 10. Heavy duty self closing hinges to be selected by owner. 11. Lag bolts to adjacent wall or fence. 12. Lock latch to be selected by owner. FRONT ELEVATION NOTES A. Refer to Construction Plan for all type, color, finish and manufacturer applications. B. All wood to be S4S Douglas Fir minimum grade of no. 2 or better. C. Gates to be painted with 2 coats primer and 2 coats stain. D. Hinges and latch to meet all requirements for pool safety standard. All gates to swing into yard. TOP VIEW REAR ELEVATION 7 SIDEYARD GATE [G-1] 8 6 Plotted by: KC-SPAD Aug. 22, 2014 03:25 PM S:lz_Projects\CV04-2012_Carlsbad SFR\sPAD\'P' (Production)\LC-501_CV04-P.dwg r 3'-0" _GT-Wih'lD-06 .dwg Scale: 3/4' = 1'--0' LEGEND 1. 2" x 6" cap. 2, 1' x 4" top & bottom rnils. 3. 2" x 4' top & bottom rails. 4. 3" x 3" wood post 8'-0" o.c. 5. 1' x 6' panels. 6. Concrete footing. 7. 1 cu. ft. of gravel. 8. 90% compacted subgrade. 9, Finish grade. 10. 2" x 4" middle rail bevel top for no toe hold per pool code. 11. 1' x 4" panels, 1" overlap over .1" x 6" panels 3 WOOD FENCE [F-1] LEGEND 1. Finish grade. 2. Waterproof retaining side of wall. 3. 90% compacted subgrade. 4. Concrete footing per Structural Engineer. 5. Reinforcement per Structural Engineer. 6. CMU block. 7. Stucco tinish. 8. Flat stucco cap (allow for surface drainage). SECTION C w a: x m .5 ru ~ "' !!' m "' N ;;; n_ 1'! ;;; fl n_ 2 iii NOTES A. All wood to be rough sawn Cedar or rightwood prestained. Or per developer request. B. Contractor shall utilize galvanized finishing nails for all connections. C. Paint I Stain per Plan. ----- NOTES A. Refer to Construction Schedule for colors, materials & other specifications. B. Refer to Structural Engineer's drawings for connections, reinforcements & footing specifications. WL-RO-SO-SO-02A1 .dwg Plan Post at 8'-0" o.c. } } ------------ ELEVATION LEGEND 1. Stucco finish with precast cap. 2. CMU and reinforcement per Structural Engineer. 3, Finish grade. 4. 90% compacted subgrade. 5. Concrete footing per Structural Engineer. NOTES A. Refer to Wall Schedule for color and finish. B. Refer to Structural Engineer's C. plans and Civil Engineer's plans for grading. Section f . 5' <O Per -~~ - Struct. ' 8' 1 c w a: m .5 ·o !!' "' m £ SECTION CV_Typ Sideyard Fence.dwg Scale: 1/2' = 1 '--0' _Wl-FS-{30-S0-43 .dwg I Landscape Architecture 92 Argonaut, Ste. 270 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 T: 949.770.8530 www.studio-pad.com Job No. : CV04-P Scale: As Shown Drawn: PAD LC-5.01 Checked: PAD APPROVED FOR IRRIGATION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUILT" 4 Scale: LOW RETAINING STUCCO WALL [W-2] 3I4•=1·-o· 2 STUCCO WALL [W-1] Scale: 3/4' = 1 '-0" RCE EXP. DATE CONSTRUCTION DETAILS REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CITY OF CARLSBAD 2 ------------1-----+--->------------------+--_,_ __ .,___ _ ____j,___ _ _, I SH~ET I ::=~~=:::::::::::=========-'==~ 1---l---t---------------------J---1----1---1---t LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: ~ PLANNING DIVISION Carlsbad -Valley & Oak Valley 17 ---~---+-----------------t----l---l~---1-----11 A-P-PR_o_v_rn_,_.,___---'-t:\.___,_-=='-'-'-----l"z.:; _..J(_ C:f -fJ L .• ;i\- PLANNING £,z.1-1± DATE INfflAL DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DAfE INlrlAL DArE ltllr!Al faµira~on Oats: OTHER APPROVAL ClfY APPROVAL DWN BY: CHKD BY: RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. CT 12-07 DRAWING NO. 480-4L , C C C C • • C C - ' • . ( • . . • ( . • ( . . l FINISH GRADING PART 1 -GENERAL CONDITIONS 1.1 Description: A. Work included: ( Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, appliances and necessary incidentals for the complete installation of all landscape finish grading as shown on the drawings and as specified herein. a. Preliminary Grading: Grades in all planting areas will be established to within +/-1110 foot by others prior to beginning of landscape construction. Raised and roof deck planting areas shall be backfilled with mixes indicated on plan and in specifications. b. Weeding: Before and during finish grading, all weeds and grasses shall be dug out by the root and disposed of off the site. c. Finish grading: Finish grading shall consist of finishing surfaces by raking smoothly and evenly, removing and disposing of all extraneous matter to facilitate natural run-off water. All extraneous matter shall be disposed of off the site. d. Moisture Content: The soil shall not be worked when the moisture content is so great that excessive compaction will occur and not when it is so dry that a dust will form in the air or that clods will not break readily. Water shall be applied, if necessary, to provide ideal moisture content for tilling and for herein specified. 2. Visit the site to determine existing conditions, including access to the site and the nature and extent of existing improvements upon adjacent public and private property, nature of materials to be encountered and other factors that may affect the work of this section. Additional compensation resulting from the alleged ignorance of local conditions, and their effect upon the cost of the work will not subsequently be approved. 3. Cause minimum interference with workmen, materials, or other equipment of other trades on the project. PART 2 -MATERIALS 2.1 No materials are required of this section. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 Surface Condition: A. Prior to commencing work required by this section, inspect the work of other trades and verify that such work has been properly completed and installed to allow for proper installation of all materials and methods required of this section. B. All landscape finish grading shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of all governing authorities, the original design and the referenced standards. 3.2 Finish Grading: A. General: When preliminary grading and weeding has been completed and the soil has dried sufficiently to be readily worked, all lawn and planting areas shall be graded to the elevations indicated on the drawings. Grades not otherwise indicated shall be uniform levels or slopes between points where elevations are given. Minor adjustments of finish grades shall be made at the direction of the Landscape Architect, if required. Finish grade shall be smooth, even and uniform plane with no abrupt change of surface. Soil areas adjacent to building shall slope away from the buildings to allow a natural run-off of water, and surface drainage shall be directed as indicated on the drawings by remodeling surfaces to facilitate the natural run-off water. Low spots and pockets shall be graded to drain properly. B. Shrubs and Ground Cover: The finish grade of all shrubbery and ground cover areas shall be 1-112 inches below the grade of adjacent pavement, walks, curbs or headers and 3 inches below adjacent walls. An exception to the above requirements shall be made wherever drainage conditions may require flush grades as directed by the Landscape Architect. C. Lawn Areas: The finish grade of all lawn areas shall be 1-1/2 inches below the grade of adjacent pavement, walks, curbs or headers. An exception to the above requirements shall be made wherever drainage conditions may require flush grades as directed by the Landscape Architect. D. Drainage: Contractor is to finish grade with proper slope to drains. All flow lines, designated or not, shall be graded and maintained to allow free flow of surface water, and shall conform to lhe intent of all plans and sections after thorough settlement and compaction of the soil. 3.3 Inspections: All inspections herein specified shall be made by the Architect. Request inspections at least 24 hours in advance of the time inspection is desired. Inspection is required when finish grading is completed. END DRAINAGE PART 1 -GENERAL CONDITIONS 1.1 Description: A. Work included: 1. Provide all labor, materials, tools, equipment, transportation and necessary incidentals for the completion of all drainage systems as shown on the drawings including but not limited to the following: a. Installation of all brass, ABS and PVC drainage structures. b. Installation of all drain lines and other necessary equipment as intent of plans. PART 2 · MATERIALS 2.1 Acrylonitrile Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Schedule 40 plastic drain pipe, perforated or non-perforated in diameters shown on drawings. 2.2 Basins and Drains: High impact plastic styrene drain basins, catch basins, and grates, high impact plastic styrene deck drains and/or precast concrete drain box and catch basins and cast iron grate and/or brass basin and grate in diameters, sizes and types shown on drawings. 2.3 Fittings: Snap couplings, snap tees, ells, Y, and receiver couplings as necessary to connect all pipe, drains and fittings as shown or inferred on drawings. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 Trenching and Pipe Laying: A. Trenches to pitch a minimum of 114" per foot unless otherwise indicated on drawings. Contractor to verify all invert elevations and trench depth prior to excavation. B. Bottom of trench shall be smooth and continuous to flow direction. A hollow shall be made to receive bell of pipe so that the joint will not bear upon the subgrade. Adjustments to line and grade shall be made by scraping away or filling in with backfill under the base of the pipe and not by wedging or blocking. C. Trench material shall be used for backfill. However, no rocks or lumps shall be used. Welded joints shall be given at least 15 minutes setup before handling. Above the level of initial backfill, the trench may be backfilled with trench material. D. Compaction: Compaction by tamping shall be done in layers not exceeding eight (8") inches in loose depth. Each layer shall be thoroughly compacted before proceeding with work. 3.2 Cleanup and Testing: A. Prior to covering of trenches, drain line and basins shall be checked to insure proper flow and water tightness. B. The piping systems shall be flushed and cleaned prior to connecting to existing drain line, catch basin or storm drain systems. C. Upon completion of work, remove debris, tools, and surplus materials from site. 3.3 Inspection: The following inspection shall be made by the Landscape Architect: When drainage work is completed, request inspection at least 24 hours in advance of the time the inspection is desired. END SITE CONCRETE PART 1 · GENERAL CONDITIONS 1.1 Description: A. Work Included: 1. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, appliances, and necessary incidentals for the complete installation of all walkways per the drawings. 2. Install retardant finish concrete paving and steps. 3. Install broom finish concrete paving and steps. 4. Install sandblast finish concrete paving and steps. 5. Install steel trowel finish concrete bands. 1.3 Submittals: A. Samples of color and texture shall be submitted for approval. B. Prepare 5' x 5' panel of each type of paving using mix, materials and workmanship proposed for actual work. Plotted by: KC-SPAD Aug. 22, 2014 03:25 PM S:\z_Projects\C\/04-2012_ Carlsbad SFR\sPAD\'P' (Production)\LC-600_ CV04-P.dwg PART 2 -MATERIALS 2.1 Cement shall be Portland Cement Type 11, conforming to ASTM designation C-150. Maximum total alkali shall not exceed 0.6%. Single brand throughout project. 2.2 Aggregates shall conform to ASTM designation C-33, 3/4" maximum size. Fine, natural sand, well graded, shall conform to ASTM C-144. Expansion joints shall conform to ASTM designation D-1751, size, height and location as noted on the drawings. Joints shall be impregnated felt unless otherwise specified on drawings. 2.3 Water used shall be potable quality, clean and free of deleterious material. 2.4 Reinforcing steel shall be intermediate grade deformed bars conforming to ASTM A-615, Grade 40, free of any coating that would prevent proper bond. Welded wire mesh shall conform toASTMA-185. All steel shall be supported by chairs, spacers and hangers, and wired at intersections. Sizes shall be as shown on drawings. 2.5 Concrete mix shall be (unless indicated otherwise) a 5-sack Portland Cement mix, 3/4 inch maximum size aggregate with maximum 5" slump, designed for 2500 psi at 28 days. 2.6 Joint sealant shall be two-part polysulfide Class A self-leveling sealant as manufactured by Thiokol, or multi-part polyurethane construction sealant by L. M. Scofield. Color as selected by Landscape Architect. 2. 7 Curing materials for walks shall be Thompson's C & B curing and bond breaker compound, product of E. A. Thompson Co., Inc. or approved equal water sealer. 2.8 Integral color admixture shall be 'Chromix' admixture as manufactured by L.M. Scofield Company. Color shall be per drawings. 2.9 Curing material for color conditioned concrete shall be 'Lithochrome Colorwax' as manufactured by L. M. Scofield Company. Color shall be per Landscape Architect. 2.10 Retarded Finish Concrete: A. Aggregate to be 'San Fernando Stone'. Fine and coarse aggregate shall conform to ASTM C33. Coarse aggregate shall be 3/8 inch maximum in size. B. Surface retardant shall be Lithochrome concrete surface retarder by L. M. Scofield Company or equal. C. Color to be natural gray or color per drawings, with aggregates exposed. 2.11 Broom Finish Concrete: Broom markings on slabs shall be uniform using a new manila hemp bristle broom or equivalent tool. Pattern shall be as indicated on drawings. Color to be per drawings. Where no color is specified, color shall be natural gray. 2.12 Sandblast Finish Concrete: Produce an even-textured finish, which matches approved sample, throughout project. Verify and conform to methods approved by local governing agencies. 2.13 Steel Trowel Finish Concrete: Steel trowel finish concrete bands shall be edged with a small radius edger. Expansion joints shall be installed at 20'-0" o.c. and control joints at 5'-0" o.c. or as shown on plans. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 Subgrade: A. Grade all subgrades to a uniform depth and compact to 95% minimum compaction. Moisten all subgrades prior to pouring of concrete. B. Cut all footings in undisturbed or compacted soil. Footings shall be dead level. C. Place and compact sand or aggregate base as shown in the drawings. 3.2 Forms: A. Use only finished lumber. Set all forms to conform to plans and details and as directed. All edges and lines shall be truly vertical, horizontal or cuNed as shown on drawings. B. Moisten all forms prior to placing of concrete. 3.3 Expansion Joints: A. Place expansion joints in walks as shown on plans, not to exceed 16' on center. B. Provide expansion joints where new work adjoins existing work. C. Place 1/2" deep, tooled score joints as shown on the drawings, or at maximum 8' o.c. where not indicated. D. Cold joints are to have steel dowels as shown on plans. E. All joints shall be accurately aligned, of sharp, even width as shown on plans. 3.4 Concrete Installation: A. Class A concrete shall contain not less than 5 sacks of cement per cubic yard and be proportioned to attain a minimum cylinder strength of 2,500 psi in 28 days. Compressive strengths are to be determined in accordance with ASTM C-39. The slump shall not exceed 4". B. All transit mixed concrete shall be mixed and delivered in accordance with the requirement of the Standard Specifications for ready-mixed concrete, ASTM C-94. C. Where paving or steps adjoin existing elements, grades shall match exactly unless otherwise shown on plans. Concrete shall be finished to true, even lines and surfaces and left free from defects. Maximum variation permitted shall be 1/8 inch out of line or level in 10 feet. Joints and edges shall be straight and true and finished with jointing and edging tools. D. Curing: All newly placed concrete shall be kept wet by continuous application of water for the first seven days after concrete has been placed. 3.5 Concrete Finish: A. Retarded Concrete Finish: 1. Apply retarder to finished surface, before initial set takes place as directed by retardant manufacturer, by spray, roller or brush depending on retardant consistency. Cover with wet curing burlap and cure for not less than 10 and not more than 18 hours. Test surface with a knife blade to determine when to commence work of revealing aggregate. 2. Edge with a small radius edger before and immediately after the surface aggregate has been embedded. 3. Reveal aggregate by using water jet and coarse fiber brushes to remove retarded paste from surface, washing thoroughly until surface is clean and exposure is complete. Then replace curing burlap and maintain moist for at least seven days. 4. Slab surfaces shall exhibit an aggregate exposure of coarse aggregate particles of a 3/8 inch size constituting not less than 60% and not more than 80% of the surface. Exposure shall be to depth to provide a surface profile of 1/8 in ;1/16 inches. B. Broom Finish: Tamp fresh concrete with heavy metal grid. Screed with straight edge to remove all irregularities. Float to a smooth surface, steel trowel and edge to an even hard surface. Using new manila hemp bristle broom, brush markings on slabs in uniform fashion as shown on drawings. Construct 6" steel trowel shiner around edges as shown on plans. C. Medium Sandblast Finish: Finish shall be of an even texture throughout the project, exposing no aggregate greater than 1/8" in diameter. D. Steel Trowel Finish: Provide hard, dense, smooth impeNious surface, free of defects, achieved by working steel trowels into top surface of concrete. END BRICK MASONRY PART 1 • GENERAL CONDITIONS 1.1 Description: A. Work Included: Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, appliances and necessary incidentals for the complete installation of all brick paving as shown on the drawings and as specified herein. B. Related Work: Install all sleeves, anchor bolts and miscellaneous inserts as are necessary. 1.2 Quality Assurance: A. Codes and Standards: In addition to the requirements of all governing codes, ordinances and agencies, conform to the requirements of the following codes and standards: 1. Brick Masonry Technical Data Bulletin No. 19 of of the Associated Brick Manufacturer's of Southern California. 2. Standard specifications for facing brick ASTM C-216-62. 1.3 Subrnittals: A. Samples: Furnish three (3) full-size samples of all colored and textured brick pavers for approval by Landscape Architect. B. Provide a 5' x 5' sample of each paving pattern for inspection by Landscape Architect. 1.4 Product Protection, Storage and Handling: A. Protection: Take all precautions necessary to protect the materials of this section before, during, and after installation. B. Replacements: In the event of damage, immediately repair all damaged and defective work to the approval of the Landscape Architect, at no additional cost to the owner. PART 2 -MATERIALS 2.1 All brick units specified under this section shall comply with ASTM C-62, Grade MW, except that the maximum absorption shall be 16% by 24-hour submersion in cold water, or 19% by 5-hour boiling, and the minimum compressive strength shall be 1,500 psi. 2.2 Mortar and grout to match brick. Color to be approved by Landscape Architect. 2.3 Concrete Subslabs: See 'Concrete Walkways and Steps'. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 Inspection of Surface Conditions: A. Inspect the work of other trades and verify that such work has been properly completed and installed to allow for proper installation of all brick paving. B. All brick paving shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of all governing authorities, the original design, and the referenced standards. 3.2 Installation of Brick Pavers: A. Pavers shall be laid plumb, level and true to a line in both vertical and horizontal directions. Maximum deviation from straight line shall not exceed 1/8 inches in 10 feet. Headers and corner units shall show finished faces where exposed. B. Reinforcement: Install reinforcing as indicated on drawings. 3. 3 Cutting of Brick: Use masonry saw for all cuts unless specified otherwise. 3.4 Grout joints shall be maximum 3/8" wide with a concave tooled finish. 3.5 Protection and Clean-Up: All completed work and work of adjoining surfaces shall be protected from mortar and grout stains and smears. END CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS I SH~ET I - Landscape Architecture 92 Argonaut, Ste. 270 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 T: 949.770.8530 www.studio-pad.com Job No. : CV04-P Scale: None Drawn: sPAD LC-6.01 Checked: PAD APPROVED FOR IRRIGATION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" RCE EXP. DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ PLANNING DIVISION 2 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: Carlsbad -Valley & Oak Valley 17 •----1----1-------------------1----1----1----1----• l-A-PP_R_o_vE_□_: __ ·_ -I""~-=--==='-'-----• /A"i-q_ 0-tdl ...;ft PLANNING g.r,.1-+ E.tpiratlon Daie: DATE INITIAL DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL CffY APPROVAL DWN BY: CHKD BY: RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. CT 12-07 DRAWING NO. 480-4L , C C C C ' ' C C ' • . ( . . . ( . • ( . . I SITE STONEWORK PART 1 · GENERAL CONDITIONS 1.1 Description: A. Work included: 1. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, appliances and necessary incidentals for the complete installation of all slate work as shown or called for on the contract drawings and specifications. 2. Defective Work: Any piece of slate showing flaws or imperfections upon receipt at the storage yard or building site shall be referred to the Landscape Architect for determination as to responsibility decision as to whether it shall be rejected or redressed for use. 3. Submittals: a. Furnish three (3) full-sized samples of each type of stone to the Landscape Architect for approval. b. Pallets of stone shall be made available to the Landscape Architect for inspection a minimum 24 hours prior to installation. PART 2 · MATERIALS 2.1 Slate: A. General: All slate shall be standard grade, free of cracks, seams or starts which may impair its structural integrity of function. Inherent variations and characteristics of the quarry from which it is obtained may be acceptable. Color, texture and finish shall be within the range samples approved by the Landscape Architect. 2.2 Adoquin Stone: See Plans. 2.3 Mortar: Mortar for setting and pointing shall be one part Portland Cement and one part plastic lime hydrate to three parts of clean, non-staining sand. It shall be mixed in small batches, using clean, non-alkaline water, until it is thoroughly homogeneous, stiff and plastic. After mixing, the mortar shall set for not less than one hour or more than two hours before being used. Mortar color shall match stone. Mortar color shall be approved by the Landscape Architect. 2.4 Sealants and Backup Material: Where specified, G.E. Silpruf Sealant shall be used for the pointing of joints. The backup material used with the sealant shall be G.E. Glazing tape for joints 1/4" or less, foam backer rod for larger joints. 2.5 Anchors, Cramps and Dowels: All anchors, cramps, dowels and other anchoring devices shall be Type 304 stainless steel of the types and sizes shown on approved shop drawings. 2.6 Surface Sealant: See Plans. PART 3 · EXECUTION 3.1 Fabrication: A. Dimensions: Maximum variation in the dimensions of any piece shall be 1/4 of the specified bed and joint width. B. Flatness Tolerance: 1. Variation from true plane, or flat surfaces, shall be determined by use of a 4' long straightedge, applied in any direction of the surface. The maximum variation from true plane shall not exceed 1/4 of the specified joint width. 2. Variations from true plane on other parts of face surface shall not exceed the following: Honed Finishes 1/8" Cleft Finishes 1/8" C. Backs of Pieces: Backs of all pieces shall be sawn or roughly dressed to approximately true planes. Maximum variation in thickness from that specified shall not exceed 3/8" on pieces less than 3" thick or 1/2" on thicker pieces. Sawn backs shall be cleaned of all rust stains and iron particles. 3.2 Shipping and Handling: A. Packing and Loading: Finished stone shall be carefully packed and loaded for shipment using all reasonable and customary precautions against damage in transit. No material which may cause staining or discoloration shall be used for blocking or packing. B. Site Storage: Upon receipt at the building site or storage yard, the stone shall be stacked on timber or plattorms at least 4" above the ground, and extreme care shall be taken to prevent staining during storage. Polyethylene or other suitable plastic film shall be placed between any wood and finished surfaces and shall be used also as an protective covering. 3.3 Setting: A. All settings shall be done by competent stone cutters, in accordance with approved shop drawings. B. Unless otherwise shown on approved shop drawings, each piece shall be carefully bedded in a full bed of mortar and tapped home with a rawhide mallet to a full and solid bearing. Particular care shall be executed to equalize bed and joint openings and eliminate the need for redressing of exposed surfaces. Exposed surfaces shall be kept free of mortar at all times. C. Except for expansion joints and where otherwise specified, all joints and beds shall be completely filled and raked out to a depth of not less than 3/4 inches. Every precaution shall be taken to prevent direct bearing contact between pieces. 3.4 Backing: A. Unless otherwise specified, the spaces between the back of stone and the backing construction shall be filled using the mortar specified in "MATERIALS 11-C". B. This fill shall be thoroughly rodded to eliminate all voids, and care shall be exercised to avoid displacement of the slate. 3.5 Cleaning and Protection: A. After being pointed, the stone work shall be carefully cleaned, starting at the top, removing all dirt, excess mortar, stains and other defacements. B. Stainless steel wire brushes or wool may be used, but the use of other wire brushes or of acid or other solutions which may cause discoloration is expressly prohibited. 3.6 Protection of Finished Work: A. After the stone work is installed, it shall be the responsibility of the General Contractor to see that it is properly and adequately protected from damage. Boxing or other suitable protection shall be provided wherever required, but no lumber which may stain or deface stone shall be used. All nails used shall be galvanized or non-rusting. B. All stone work in progress shall be protected at all times during construction by use of a suitable strong impervious film or fabnc securely held in place. END MORTAR AND GROUT PART 1 · GENERAL CONDITIONS 1.1 Description: A. Work included: 1. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, appliances and necessary incidentals for the complete installation of all mortar and grout as shown on the drawings and as specified herein. 2. Codes and Standards: In addition to !he requirements of all governing code, ordinances and agencies, conform to the requirements of the following codes and standards: a. Masonry Codes and Specifications, 1974 edition. b. American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM) for masonry and grout. c. Uniform Building Code, 1979 edition. 3. Samples: Submit a complete color range for mortar color selection. 4. Protection: a. Take all precautions necessary to protect the materials of this section and adjoining work before, during and after installation. 5. Replacements: In the event of damage, immediately repair all damaged and defective work to the approval of the Landscape Architect, at no additional cost to the Owner. 6. All manufactured products shall be delivered to the job site in original unopened containers. PART 2 · MATERIALS 2.1 Sand: Conforming to ASTM C-144, except that not less than 3% shall pass through the No. 100 sieve. Grout sand and pea gravel shall be well-graded with not more than 5% passing through the No. 8 sieve and with 95% to 100% passing the 3/8 inch sieve. Conform to ASTM C-404. 2.2 Portland Cement: ASTM C-150 Type II, low alkali. Maximum total alkali shall not exceed 0.6% as per Federal Specification SSC 1928. Only one brand and one color of cement shall be used. 2.3 Lime: ASTM C-207, Type S. Plotted by: KC-SPAD Aug. 22, 2014 03:26 PM S:lz Projects\CV04-2012 Carlsbad SFR\sPADl'P' (Production)ILC-600 CV04-P.dwg 2.4 Mortar Colors: Pure, alkali resistant, non-metallic mineral colors, such as "Clinton Mineral Mortar Color", "Pecora Mortar Stain" or approved equal. All colors shall be approved by Landscape Architect prior to use. 2.5 Admixtures: A. Red Label Sucomen -Grout Aide Type II. B. Mortaron by Pen Dixie Chemical Company. C. Omicron by Master Builders. 2.6 Water: Clean and potable. 2. 7 Calcium chloride shall not be permitted. PART 3 · EXECUTION 3.1 Surface Conditions: A. Inspect the work of other trades and verify that such work has been properly completed and installed to allow for proper installation of all mortar and grout. B. All mortar and grout shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of all governing authorities, the original design and the referenced standards. 3.2 Mixes: A. Mortar for Use in Brick Masonry Construction: UBC Type S in following proportions by loose, dry volumes: Portland Cement Lime Mortar Sand Mortar Colors Admixture 1 part 1/4 part 3 parts As required Per manufacturer's recommendations, not to exceed 1/10 volume of cement. B. Fine Grout: For spaces less than 2 inches wide and block cells less than 3 inches, in the following proportions by loose, dry volumes: Portland Cement Grout Sand Admixture 1 part 3 parts Per manufacturer's recommendations. C. Pea Gravel Grout: For spaces 2 inches wide or more, and block cells 3 inches x 3 inches and larger, in the following proportions by loose, dry volumes. Portland Cement Grout Sand Pea Gravel Admixture Water 3.3 Mixing Mortar and Grout: 1 part 3 parts 2 parts Per manufacturer's recommendations. Not to exceed 7-1/2 gallons per sack of cement. A. Proportions: Accurate volume measurement, in mechanical mixer one (1) full sack capacity. Use measuring boxes for ingredients. B. Mix short water, cement and sand for two (2) minutes, add lime or admixture and additional water, and mix for ten (10) minutes. Add water for the proper workability. C. Consistency: 1. Mortar: Slump 2-3/4 inches, using 2" x 2" x 6" high truncated cone. 2. Grout: To permit pouring with segregation. 3.4 Mortar Application: A. Joints shall be maximum 3/8 inches thick, straight, uniform in tooling and clean, with the following types of tooling: 1. Exposed masonry -concave joints. 2. See plans for special jointing types. B. Jointing: All jointing shall be performed to achieve a clean, dense joint, well-bonded to all edges of masonry. C. Mortar shall be generously applied to masonry units on all faces and surfaces to solidly fill all voids within the joints. 3.5 Grouting Application: A. Reinforcing steel shall be in place and inspected before grouting starts. B. Align vertical cells to maintain a continuous unobstructed cell area not less than 2" x 3". C. Solidly fill cells containing reinforcement. D. Pour grout in 4-foot lifts stopping pour 2 inches below the top of the course. E. Solid grout cells containing bolts, anchors and other items inserted in the wall. 3.6 Tests: A. Mortar Tests: 2" x 4" cylinders, one pair made on each of three consecutive days. Compression: 7 days 750 psi 28 days 2500 psi B. Grout Tests: Prisms, approximately 3" x 3" x 6" made in brick molds, molds broken away after specimen has set. Tested in vertical position. Compression: 7 days 28 days 1000 psi 2000 psi END CAULKING AND SEALING PART 1 · GENERAL CONDITIONS 1.1 Description: A. Work Included: 1. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, appliances, and necessary incidentals for the complete installation of all caulking and sealing as shown on the drawings and as specified herein. 2. Samples: Submit one sample tube of each type of caulking to be used on this project to the Landscape Architect for approval. 3. Guarantee: Furnish a two (2) year written guarantee against all defects in materials and workmanship from the date of substantial completion as determined by the Landscape Architect. Guarantee of this section shall include replacement and/or repair as required by the Landscape Architect of all items damaged as a result of roof leaks. PART 2 · MATERIALS 2.1 Caulking: A non-staining water repellant composition containing no asphalt and meeting requirements of Federal Specification TTC-598, Grade I. 2.2 Joint Sealant: A. Dow Corning 780. B. General Electric Silicone Sealant. C. Thiokol LP: Tremco Mfg. Co. 2.3 Primer: As recommended by sealant manufacturer. 2.4 Joint Back-Up: Butyl or thafome rope of slightly larger diameter than width of joint. 2.5 Caulking color to match paving material. Colors to be approved by Landscape Architect. PART 3 · EXECUTION 3.1 Inspection of Surface Conditions: A. Inspect the work of other trades and verify that such work has been completed and inslalled to allow for proper installation of all materials and methods required for this section. B. All caulking and sealing shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of all governing authorities, the original design and the referenced standards. 3.2 Application: A. Joints and Surfaces to Receive Normal Caulking: Dry, clean and free from dust. Apply with gun-type applicator. B. Joints and Spaces to Receive Sealant: Clean and free from dust. Dry treat all joints with proper primer. Install back-up if joint over 1/2 inch deep. Fill joints with slight concave surface. C. Upon completion, caulking and sealing to have smooth, even finish. All sealed joints watertight and weathertight. D. Caulk all areas where two dissimilar materials meet and areas where water penetration may enter control joints in walls. 3.3 Clean-up: Remove stains of caulking or sealing operations from areas adjacent to treated joints, glass and aluminum. All joints shall be neat and straight, masking tape shall be removed prior to acceptance. END DATE JtllTJAL DESIGNER OF WORK E..1plfaOOn Dale: DATE IMH!Al REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS I SH;ET I Landscape Architecture 92 Argonaut, Ste. 270 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 T: 949.770.8530 www.studio-pad.com Job No. : CV04-P Scale: None Drawn: sPAD LC-6.02 Checked: PAD APPROVED FOR IRRIGATION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUILT" RCE EXP. DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ PLANNING DIVISION LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: Carlsbad -Valley & Oak Valley 17 I APPROVED: fq\ 4-f:t\ -4>tt ~-Z•·li: I PLANNING DWN BY: I PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. OATE ltllflAL CHKD BY: CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: CT 12-07 480-4L -( ( C < • , C ( • I . . . ( . . ( . . ( -. I REINFORCING PART 1 · GENERAL CONDITIONS 1.1 Description: A. Work Included: 1. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, appliances and necessary incidentals for the complete installation of all reinforcing as shown on the drawings and as specified. 2. Codes and Standards: In addition to the requirements of all governing codes, ordinances and agencies, conform to the requirements of the following codes and standards: a. Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI): 'Reinforced Concrete - A Manual of Standard Practice', latest edition. b. American Concrete Institute (ACI): 'Manual of Standard Practice for Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structures', ACI 315, latest edition. c. Uniform Building Code -1997 edition. 3. Coordinate reinforcing placement with all inserted or penetrating items through concrete. 4. Storage: Do not allow reinforcing materials to have direct contact with the ground. Cover adequately to prevent rusting or any other contact with materials injurious to proper bonding. PART 2 · MATERIALS 2.1 Reinforcing Bars: New, deformed, billet steel bars, conforming to ASTM A-615, Grade 40. Deliver bars new and free from rust and mill scale in original bundles with mill tags intact. 2.2 Welded Wire Fabric: New, rectangular welded steel wire fabric, conforming to ASTM A-185. Gauge and center-to-center spacing shall be as noted on the drawings. 2.3 Accessories: Provide galvanized steel or plastic spacers, chairs, ties, and similar items as required for spacing, assembling and supporting reinforcement in place. 2.4 Tie Wire: #16 gauge or heavier, black or galvanized steel tie wire conforming to ASTM A-82. 2.5 Accurately bend, cut and place bars as indicated on the drawings. Bend bars cold. Heating of bars will not be permitted. Do not bend or straighten bars in any manner that will injure the material. 2.6 Submit mill affidavits stating the grades, physical properties and chemical properties of the reinforcing steel, and conformance with ASTM specifications to the Landscape Architect before delivery of the steel to the job site. PART 3 · EXECUTION 3.1 Inspection of Surface Conditions: A. Inspect the work of other trades and verify that such work has been properly completed and installed to allow for proper installation of all reinforcing. B. All reinforcement shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of all governing authorities, the original design and the referenced standards. 3.2 Reinforcing steel shall be placed in accordance with the drawings and approved shop drawings and the applicable requirements of the codes and standards herein specified. Install reinforcement accurately and secure against any movement. 3.3 Clean all reinforcement from loose scale rust with wire brushing. Remove all items which would impair bonding of concrete. 3.4 Reinforcing Supports: Support bars on metal chairs, spacers or metal hangers. Accurately place and securely fasten to steel reinforcement. Supply additional bars as required to securely fasten reinforcement in place. Support legs of accessories in forms without embedding in form surface. Spacing of chairs and accessories shall conform with CRSl's 'Recommended Practice for Placing Bar Supports'. Accurately space ties and stirrups and wire to the reinforcing. No wood will be permitted inside forms. 3.5 Placing and Tying: Securely tie all reinforcing with #16 gauge tie wire at all splices and intersections and as directed. Point ends of wire ties away from forms. 3.6 Laps and Splices: Lap bars a minimum of 24 diameters in concrete and 40 diameters in masonry, but in no case less than 24 inches unless otherwise shown on drawings. Wherever possible, splices of adjacent bars shall be staggered. Welded wire mesh shall minimum side and end laps of 6 inches. 3.7 Welded Wire Mesh: Install wire mesh in as long lengths as practical. Wire all laps and splices. Lift wire into proper position while pouring concrete. 3.8 Dowels: Secure tie dowels in place before depositing concrete. 3.9 Inspection: Notify the Landscape Architect as least 72 hours prior to concrete pour. Place no concrete until reinforcing steel has been approved by the inspector and/or the testing agency. 3.10 Defective Work: The following reinforcing steel work will be considered defective and may be ordered by the Landscape Architect to be removed and replaced by the Contractor at no additional cost to !he Owner. A. Bars with kinks or bends not shown on the drawings. B. Bars injured due to bending and straightening. C. Bars heated for bending. D. Reinforcement not placed in accordance with the drawings and/or specifications. E. Rusty or oily bars. END SITE CARPENTRY PART 1 · GENERAL CONDITIONS 1.1 Rough Carpentry: A. Work Included: 1. Wood framing 2. Timbers for posts and beams 3. Rooftop equipment screens 4. Wood grounds, nailers and blocking 5. Wood furring B. Related Work Coordination: Fit carpentry work to other work, scribe and cope as required for accurate fit. Correlate location of furring, nailers, blocking, grounds and similar supports to allow attachment of other work. 1.2 Product Protection, Storage and Handling: Keep materials under cover and dry. Protect against exposure to weather and contact with damp or wet surfaces. Stack lumber as well as plywood and other panels, provide for air circulation within and around stacks and under temporary coverings including polyethylene and similar materials. PART 2 · MATERIALS 2.1 Lumber, General: Lumber Standards: Manufacture lumber to comply with PS 20 'American Softwood Lumber Standard' and with applicable grading rules of inspection agencies certified by American Lumber Standards Committee's (ALSC) Board of Review. 2.2 Inspection Agencies: Inspection agencies and the abbreviations used to reference with lumber grades and species include the following: RIS NLGA SPIB WCLIB WWPA -Redwood Inspection Service -National Lumber Grades Authority (Canadian) -Southern Pine Inspection Bureau -West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau -Western Wood Products Association 2.3 Grade Stamps: Factory-mark each piece of lumber with grade stamp of inspection agency evidencing compliance with grading rule requirements identifying grading agency, grade, species, moisture content at time of surfacing, and mill. A. For exposed lumber, apply grade stamps to ends or back of each piece, or omit grade stamps entirely and issue certificate of grade compliance from inspection agency in lieu of grade stamp. 2.4 Nominal Sizes are indicated, except as shown by detail dimensions. Provide actual sizes as required by PS 20, for moisture content specified on each use. A. Provide dressed lumber, S4S, unless otherwise indicated. B. Provide seasoned lumber with 19 percent maximum moisture content at time of dressing and shipment for sizes 2" or less in nominal thickness, unless otherwise indicated. 2.5 Lumber Grades: Reier to structural drawings for grades of lumber. 2.6 Lumber and plywood grading per Section 2505 of Title 24 CCR. 2. 7 Timber Connectors: Provide inspections per Title 24 Section 2518(b ). 2.8 Miscellaneous Lumber: Provide wood for support or attachment of other work, including rooftop equipment curbs and support bases, cant strips, bucks, nailers, blocking, furring, grounds, stripping and similar members. Provide lumber of sizes indicated, worked into shapes shown, and as follows: A. Moisture content: 19 percent maximum for lumber items not specified to receive wood preservative treatment. 2.9 Plywood Blocking Panels: For mounting electrical or telephone equipment, provide fire-retardent treated plywood panels with grade designation APA C-D PLUGGED INT with exterior glue, in thickness indicated, or, if not otherwise indicated, notless than 15/32". Plotted by: KC-SPAD Aug. 22, 2014 03:26 PM S:lz_ProJects\CV04-2012_Carlsbad SFR\sPADl'P' (Production)\LC-600_CV04-P.dwg 2.10 Miscellaneous Materials: Fasteners and Anchorages: Provide size, type, material and finish as indicated and as recommended by applicable standards, complying with applicable Federal Specifications for nails, staples, screws, bolts, nuts, washers and anchoring devices. Provide metal hangers and framing anchors of the size and type recommended by the manufacturer for each use including recommended nails. A. Where rough carpentry work is exposed to weather, in ground contact, or in area of high relative humidity, provide fasteners and anchorages with a hot-dip zinc coating (ASHA A 153). 2.11 Wood Treatment by Pressure Process: Preservative Treatment: Where lumber or plywood is indicated as "Trt-Wd" or "Treated", or is specified herein to be treated, comply with applicable requirements of AWPA with applicable requirements of AWPA Standards C2 (Lumber) Standards C2 (Lumber) and cg (Plywood) and of AWPB Standards listed below. Mark each treated item with the AWPB Quality Mark Requirements. A. Pressure-treat above-ground items with water borne preservatives to comply with AWPA LP-2. After treatment, kiln-dry lumber and plywood to a maximum moisture content, respectively, ol 19 percent and 15 percent. Treat indicated items and the following: 1. Wood cants, nailers, curbs, equipment support bases, blocking, stripping, and similar members in connection with roofing, nashing, vapor barriers and waterproofing. 2. Wood sills, sleepers, blocking, furring, stripping and similar concealed members in contact with masonry or concrete. 3. Wood framing members less than 18" above grade. B. Pressure-treat the following with water-borne preservatives for ground contact use complying with AWPB LP-22. 1. Wood members in contact with ground. 2. Wood members in contact with fresh water. C. Complete fabrication of treated items prior to treatment, where possible. If cut after treatment, coat cut surfaces with heavy brush coat of same chemical used for treatment and to comply with AWPA M4. Inspect each piece of lumber or plywood after drying and discard damaged or defective pieces. 2.12 Fire-Retardant Treatment: Where fire-retardant treated wood ("FRTW") is required (by agency or owner), pressure impregnated lumber and plywood with fire-retardant chemicals to comply with AWPA C20 and C27, respectively, for treatment type indicated below, identify "F RTW" lumber with appropriate classification marking of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., U.S. Testing, Timber Products Inspection or other testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. A. Exterior Type: Use where "FRTW" wood is indicated for exposed applications. B. Inspect each piece of treated lumber or plywood after drying and discard damaged or defective pieces. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 General: A. Discard units of material with defects which might impair quality of work, and units which are too small to use in fabricating work with minimum joints or optimum joint arrangement. B. Set carpentry work to required levels and lines, with members plumb and true to line and cut and fitted. C. Securely attach carpentry work to substrate by anchoring and fastening as shown and as required by recognized standards. 1. Countersink nail heads or screws on exposed carpentry work and fill hole. D. Use common wire nails, except as otherwise indicated. Use finishing nails for finish work. Select fasteners of size that will not penetrate members where opposite side will be exposed to view or will receive finish materials. Make tight connections between members. Install fasteners without splitting of wood -pre-drill as required. Use galvanized nails for all exterior carpentry. 3.2 Wood Grounds, Nailers, Blocking and Sleepers: A. Provide wherever shown and where required for screeding or attachment of other work. Form to shapes as shown and cut as required for true line and level of work to be attached. Coordinate location with other work involved. B. Provide permanent grounds of dressed, preservative treated, key-beveled lumber not less than 11" wide and of thickness required to bring face of ground to exact thickness of finish material involved. Remove temporary grounds when no longer required. 3.3 Wood Fu.rring: A. Suspended Furring: Provide size and spacing shown, including hangers and attachment devices. Level to a tolerance of 1/8" in 10', except 1/4" in 10' for thich-coat plaster work. 3.4 Wood Framing, General: A. Provide framing members of sizes and on spacings shown, and frame openings as shown or, if not shown, comply with recommendations of Title 24. Do not splice structural members between supports. B. Anchor and nail as shown, and to comply with Title 24. 3.5 Timber Framing: A. Provide wood beams and girders of the size and spacing shown. Install with crown edge up. Provide continuous members unless otherwise shown. B. Provide wood posts of the sizes shown. Provide metal anchoring and attachment devices as shown. END FINISH CARPENTRY PART 1 -GENERAL CONDITIONS 1.1 Description of work: Finish carpentry includes carpentry work which is exposed to view, is non-structural, and which is not specified as part of other sections. A. Work Included: 1. Exterior joists and beams. 2. Exterior decking and trim. 3. Wood screening and panels. 1.2 Quality Assurance: A. Factory-mark each piece of lumber and plywood with type, grade, mill and grading agency identification except omit marking from surfaces to receive transparent finish, and submit mill certificate that material has been inspected and graded in accordance with requirements if it cannot be marked on a concealed surface. B. Softwood Lumber Standards: Comply with PS 20 "American Softwood Lumber Standard" and with applicable grading rules of the respective grading and inspecting agency for the species and product indicated. 1.3 Submittals: A. Samples: Submit the following samples for each species and cut or pattern of finish carpentry. 1. Exterior beams and joists: 2'-0" long x full board width, unfinished. 2. Exterior decking: 2'-0" x full board width, unfinished. 3. 5 x 5 decking sample: Sandblasted. As indicated on drawings. 1.4 Product Protection, Slorage and Handling: Protect finish carpentry materials during transit, delivery, storage and handling to prevent damage, soiling and deterioration. PART 2 · MATERIALS 2.1 General: A. Nominal sizes are indicated, except as shown be detailed dimensions. Provide lumber manufactured to the actual sizes as required by PS 20 or to actual sizes and patterns as shown, unless otherwise indicated. B. Moisture content of Softwood Lumber: Provide seasoned (KD) lumber having a moisture content from time of manufacture until time of installation not greater than values required by the applicable grading rules of the respective grading and inspecting agency for the species and product indicated. 2.2 Exterior Finish Carpentry: A. Beams and Joists: Provide lumber complying with the following requirements including those of the grading agency listed with species. 1. Species: Douglas Fir, Western Wood Products Association (WWPA). B. Texture: Saw-textured all four sides and/or re-sawn as indicated on drawings. 2.3 Miscellaneous Materials: A. Fasteners and Anchorages: Provide nails, screws and other anchoring devices of the type, size, material, and finish required for application indicated to provide secure attachment, concealed where possible, and complying with applicable specifications and all agency codes. 2.4 Wood Treatment: A. Preservative Treatment (Trt-Wd): Following basic fabrication, provide 3-minute dip treat- ment of finish carpentry items indicated to receive preservative treatment in 5 % solution of pentachlorophenol, with vehicle which will not interfere with finish application and will produce minimum effect upon appearance. Apply brush coat on surface cut after treatment. PART 3 · EXECUTION 3.1 Preparation: Condition wood materials to average prevailing humidity conditions in installation areas prior to installing. 3.2 Installation: A. Discard units of material which are unsound, warped, bowed, twisted, improperly treated, not adequately seasoned or too small to fabricate work with minimum of joints or optimum jointing arrangements, or which are of defective manufacturer with respect to surfaces, sizes or patterns. B. Install the work plumb, level, true, and straight with no distortions. Shim as required using concealed shims. Install to a tolerance of 1/8" in 8'-0" for plumb and level decking. C. Scribe and cut work to fit adjoining work, and refinish cut surfaces or repair damaged finish at cuts. 1. Apply flat grain lumber with bark side exposed to weather. D. Anchor finish carpentry work to anchorage devices or blocking built-in or directly attached to substrates. Secure to grounds, stripping and blocking with countersunk, concealed fasteners and blind nailing as required for a complete installation. Except where pre.finished matching fasteners heads are required, use fine galvanized finishing nails for exposed nailings, countersunk and filled flush with finished surface, and matching final finish where transparent is indicated. 3.3 Adjustment, Cleaning, Finishing and Protection: A. Repair damaged and defective finish carpentry work wherever possible to eliminate defects functionally and visually. Where not possible to repair properly, replace woodwork. Adjust joinery for uniform appearance. B. Clean finish carpentry work on exposed and semi-exposed surfaces. Touch-up shop-applied finishes to restore damaged or soiled areas. C. Protection: Installer of finish carpentry work shall advise contractor and/or owner of final protection and maintained conditions necessary to ensure that work will be without damage or deterioration at time of acceptance. END C. Lumber for Transparent Finish (Stained or Clear): Use pieces made of solid lumber stock. D. For exterior finish carpentry work, use lumber for "wet use" and certified so by respective grading and inspecting agency for species and product indicated. CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS I SH~ET I Landscape Architecture 92 Argonaut, Ste. 270 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 T: 949.770.8530 www.studio-pad.com Job No. : CV04-P Scale: None Drawn: sPAD LC-6.03 Checked: PAD APPROVED FOR IRRIGATION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUILT" RCE EXP. DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ PLANNING DIVISION LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: Carlsbad -Valley & Oak Valley 17 I APPROVED: t!4\ c. ::r-t::.I l ...,, :tt ~-'Z1', 1+ I PLANNING DATE INITLAL REVISION DESCRIPTION €,lpiralion Data: DESIGNER OF WORK OWN BY: I PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. DAfE !NrflAL DATE INlflAl CHKD BY: CT 12-07 480-4L OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWO BY: -( ( ( C ' • . ( • . . . ( . . C . ' I PRESSURE LOSS CALCULATION TYPICAL LOT DESCRIPTION '" IRRIGATION WATER METER+ SERVICE LINE ' 67' FEET OF 1.25" MAINLINE (0.35 PER 100') FITTINGS LOSS {20% OF MAINLINE LOSS) 0' FEET ELEVATION GAIN REMOTE CONTROL VALVE LATERAL LINES TOTAL LOSSES PRESSURE REQUIRED AT HEAD PRESSURE REQ'D: EXISTING STATIC WATER PRESSURE RESIDUAL WATER PRESSURE FLOW IN PSI GPM LOSS 7 1.80 7 0.23 7 0.05 0.00 7 4.20 7 5.00 11.28 30.00 41.28 60 18.72 IRRIGATION RUN SCHEDULES: Peak Month (July) Run Time Calculator #1 Drip Systems -Low Water Use Shrubs -Basins Precip Rate: 0.48 Dist Unit: 85% PR=(231.1 x Dripper Fklw Rate 'JPh)/(Dripper Spacing x Tubing Spacing) Precip. Peak ET ET per Week w/ Irrigation Efficency Rate: Application ,ches/rmnhes/week a1en App Rate/lrrig Elf. Monfr1 per 1Neek and Kc Value (.30 Kc (PF) Vdlue) Tolal Area: 4,056 Watering Required Per Week in hours hrs Dripper Spacing 18 Watering Req'd Per Week in minutes min. Tubing Spacing 16 Watering Watering Days Minutes per week per Day Flow Rate 0.60 0.48 July 5.19 1.21 0.43 0.89 hrs 53 min. 3 18 Start Times: 1 #2 Drip Systems -Low Water Use Shrubs -Parkways Preclp Rate: 0.43 Dist Unif: 8-5% Tolal Area: Drlpper Spacing Tubing Spacing Flow Rate PR=(231.1 x Dripper Fklw Rate 9ph)/(Dripper Spacing x Tubing Spacing) 10.401 18 18 0.60 Precip. Peak ET ET per Week w/ Irrigation Efficency Watering Required Walering Req'd Watering Walering Rate: Application ,ches/rmnhes/week a1en App Rate/lrrig Eff. Per Week Per Week Days Minutes Month per Week and Kc Value in hours hrs in minutes min. per week per Day (.30 Kc (PF) -.alue) 0.43 July 5.18 1.21 0.43 1.00 hrs 60 min. 3 20 #3 Mp Rotators -Low Water Use Shrubs Precip Rate: 0.43 Dist Unif: 70% Precip. Peak ET ET per Week w/ Irrigation Erncency Rate: Application ("/rmnl/7) ("/week) App Rate/lrrig Eff. Month per Week and Kc Value (.30 Kc (PF) "11Ue) 0.43 July 5.19 1.21 0.52 #4 Bubblers -Tree Supplemental Water Pree Ip Rate: 1.09 Dist Unif: 85% Precip. Peak ET ET per Week w/ Irrigation Efficency Rate: Application ("/rmnl/7) ("/week) App Rate/I rrig Elf. Monlh per Week and Kc Value (.58 Kc (PF) -.alue) 1.09 July 5.19 1.21 0.83 Established Plantings: Run lirres by Mc111h: #1 #2 #3 114 Low Shrubs Low Shrubs Low Shrubs Trees Drip-Basins Drip-Pkvrays Mp Rotators Bubblers Jan 5 6 7 5 Feb 7 8 9 6 Mar 14 15 18 12 April 14 16 19 12 May 16 18 22 14 June 17 19 23 14 July 18 20 24 15 Aug 18 20 24 15 Sept 17 19 23 14 Dct 14 16 19 12 Nov 7 7 9 6 Dec 5 6 7 5 Run Urres are based on 3 days/week The abo1e projecled run tirres are for established pt:mangs and are based on historical Eto rates. 1/arlalon in hislorical Eto will require schedule adjuslrrnnls. Watering Required Per Week in hours 1.21 Rooted Area 44.15 Watering Required Per Week in t1ours 0.76 Jan Feb Mar April May June July Aug Sepl Del Nov Dec Month: Eta % of Peak 0.3083 0.3757 0.7649 0.7977 0.9056 0.9364 1.0000 0.9365 0.9-122 0.7881 0.3699 0.3025 January February March April May June Ju~ Augusl September Dctober No1ember Decerrber Tola! "' ' " ' ' ' ' "' 44.00 hrs hrs Start Times: Watering Req'd Per Week in minutes 72 Start Times: Total ZDne GPM min. min. 2 Total Area: 4,211 Watering Days per week 3 sf 0.5 3 Constant 96.25 Watering Req'd Water,ng Per Week Days hrs in minutes min. per week hrs 45 min. 3 Start Times: 1 Establishing Planti1gs: Run lim,s by MonUi: #1 #2 #3 Watering Minutes per Day 24 Watering Minutes per Day 15 Fow Rate 0.25 #4 low Shrubs Low Shrubs Low Shrubs Trees Drip -Basins Drip -Pkways Mp Rotators Bubbers 11 12 15 9 13 15 18 11 27 31 37 23 28 32 39 24 32 36 44 27 33 37 45 28 36 40 48 30 35 39 48 30 33 38 45 29 28 31 38 24 13 15 18 11 11 12 15 9 Run tirres are based on 3 days/week Toe abo\e projected run tirres are for establishing (new) p.inlings and are based on historical Eto rales. Variation In historical Eta will require schedule adjuslrmnls. IRRIGATION SCHEDULE SYMBOL MANUFACTURER MODEL NUMBER DESCRIPTION DETAIL No. HUNTER W/ HUNTER MP1000 90"-210" NOZ. WI PROS-12-PRS30-CV-R MP ROTATOR NOZZLES WI 11 ON SHT. 12" POP-UP PRS REG SPRINK BODY Ll-5.02 I _.1_ I I 181 RAINBIRD RAINBIRD RAINBIRD AS DETAILED TORO TORO FEBCO NIBCO RZWS-10-25-CV-R XFS-06-18-XX XFF-TEE, XFF-ELBOW AS DETAILED EZF-29-Q4 DZK-EZF--075--LF 715 T-113 ROOT ZONE WATERING SYSTEM TWO PER TREE IN LINE EMITTER TUBING 18" O.C. EMITTERS 18" O.C. ROW SPACING SURFACE MOUNTED ELL, TEE OR CROSS CONNECTION PVC INTAKE/EXHAUST HEADER W/ XFF-MA-050 ADAPTER FITTINGS 3/4" VALVE W/ ATMOSPHERIC VACCUME BREAKER 3/4" DRIP VALVE KIT ASSEMBLY W/ ATMOSPHERIC VACCUME BREAKER 1" ATMOSPHERIC VACUUM BREAKER GATE VALVE ---------APPROVED SCH 40 BE 1.25" PVC PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE APPROVED APPROVED PER DETAIL APPROVED TORO TORO BY OTHERS CL 200 BE CL 200 BE (TREE SYSTEMS ONLY) SCH 40 BE EVOLUTION -(EV0-410) W/ ONE (1) FOUR STATION EMOD-4 EXPANSION MODULE & EVO-SC SMART CONNECTOR EVO-WS PER CIVIL DRAWINGS PVC LATERAL LINE -3/4" MIN. SIZE AS NOTED 3/4" PVC LATERAL LINE (TREE SYSTEMS ONLY) DRIP LINE FLUSH VALVE PVC IRRIGATION SLEEVE (SEE NOTE #2) 8 STATION CONTROLLER (W/ 4 ST A. EXPANSION MODULE AND SMART CONNECTOR WIRELESS EURAIN SENSOR WATER METER ~-------------------------CONTROLLER & STATION NO. / j \.-_-_-_-::_ _____________________ GALLONS PER MINUTE \ -I SYSTEM TYPE ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE SIZE NOTES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ALL BASE INFORMATION HAS BEEN TAKEN FROM DRAWINGS PROVIDED BY STUDIO PAD ARCHITECTS. INSTALL IRRIGATION SLEEVES UNDER ALL PAVED SURFACES PER THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULE: PIPE SIZE OR WIRE QUANTITY DRIP TUBING 3/4" LATERAL 1" PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE 1-20 CONTROL WIRES PROVIDE 18" OF COVER OVER SLEEVES. REQUIRED SLEEVES 1-2" SCH 40 PVC 1-2" SCH 40 PVC 1-2" SCH 40 PVC 1-2" SOR 35 PVC INSTALL RAINBIRD XFS TUBING AS SHOWN ON PLANS AND AS DESCRIBED BY CONSTRUCTION DETAILS. SECURE DRIP TUBING AT A CONSISTENT ROW SPACING WITH NETAFIM ffTLS6 SOIL STAPLES OR 6" JUTTE MATTE STAPLES NO GREATER THAN 36" ALONG LENGTH OF TUBING. USE TWO STAPLES IN AN 'X' PATTERN OVER ANY CHANGES IN DIRECTION OF TUBING. DRIP TUBING TD BE LAID DOWN SO THAT EMITTER OUTLETS ARE STAGGERED ON A TRIANGULAR SPACING PATTERN. DRIP TUBING SHALL BE INSTALLED BELOW MULCH LAYER AS DETAILED. SUPPLY AND EXHAUST HEADERS SHALL BE INSTALLED BELOW GRADE AT DEPTHS SHOWN. NOTES: 8 ON SHT. Ll-5.02 5-7 ON SHT. Ll-5.01 7 ON SHT. Ll-5.01 7 ON SHT. Ll-5.01 2 ON SHT. Ll-5.01 3 ON SHT. Ll-5.01 4 ON SHT. Ll-5.01 10 ON SHT. Ll-5.01 1 ON SHT. Ll-5.01 1 ON SHT. Ll-5.01 1 ON SHT. Ll-5.01 6 ON SHT. Ll-5.01 9 ON SHT. Ll-5.02 9 ON SHT. Ll-5.02 PSI GPM RADIUS PRECIP. RATE: 40 30 30 0.19, 0.37 0.25 0.5 PER TREE 0.6 GPH 8' -15' . per spacing 0.43"/HR 0' 0' 0.43"/HR Landscape Architecture 92 Argonaut, Ste. 270 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 T: 949. 770.8530 www.studio--pad.com Job No. : CV04-P Scale: Drawn: ACI Ll-0.01 Checked: PAD APPROVED FOR IRRIGATION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" RCE EXP. DATE 1. Refer to Sheet Ll-5.01/Ll-5.02 for Irrigation Details. IRRIGATION REVIEWED BY: 2. Refer to Sheet Ll-6.01 for Irrigation Specifications. SCHEDULE INSPECTOR DATE I SH~ET I m CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION 2 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: 1, !>-ND SC A p <" Carlsbad -Valley & Oak ~x,'v Ila. 1 te, L 1 c '1-B ,.__<,; '\' • ~ • +o q, 0 ';& . / Valley 17 -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ Ji! tf 1d:{tlh ':'.i:?. Slgnalllre I APPROVED: ~~ I • E,p 8110/),(/, • s.-~~--0:lt ~.-z:,:. t:± ~Rene.@b,¼ u> R"",zz.-tv/'I '<" PLANNING bate ~' /'<" o'<' OWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. OF CAI-I~ DATE INITIAL DATE IN!T!AL DATE INITIAL CHKO BY: DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL Cf!Y APPROVAL RVWDBY: CT 12-07 480-4L Expiration Date: z 0 -1-u :::::, 0:: 1-,n z 0 u 0:: 0 LL. l-o z I -It") 0 00 0 -.:I" ..... 0 N -.!!! C: Cl> E ::I 0 0 C C: 0 ·-0 2 -en C: 0 u • • -cu ~ ·-E ..c ::I ,n ~ u .c: .. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.. ~ Plotted by: Scott Aug. 05, 2014 0'1:21 PM Z:\CLI ENTS\Studlo-P AD\2255-Carlsbad-Val ley-Oak-CV\Ll-1 01 _ CV04•P .dwg Plotted by: Scott Aug. 05, 2014 01:22 PM ____ j_l - @: I I w ::> z w > <( X: <( 0 @: I I I I I en -ii . T~I " ' ~-I---+- SLEEVING (TYPICAL) -[WI----- VINE IRRIGATION NOTE SINGLE EMITTER TUBING ROW IN FRONT OF WALL. COORDINATE VINE PLACEMENT WITH EMITTER OUTLETS. EMITTERS SHALL BE WITHIN 4" OF VINES. TYP. VALLEY STREET Matchline -See Sheet Ll-1.01 POINT OF CONNECTION (TYP.) '-----+ I CONTRACTOR SHALL CONNECT TO EXISTING WATER SERVICE LINE BY OTHERS WITH A COMPRESSIONS TEE ON THE HOUSE SERVICE LINE. EXTEND 1" IRRIGATION MAINLINE AS SHOWN FROM SERVICE TEE TO HOMEOWNER SIDE YARD OUTSIDE GARAGE WALL. Aqua Commercial Irrigation 810 Los Val!ecilos Blvd., Sllite 204 San Marcos, California 92069 Ph (160)750-1900 Fax (760)75D-l999 OC1 119.itiun o.,~;..,,,_Pl.i,,,,imJ &W,m:r l.!JllJUOC•ll\!nl WATER SOURCE AT ALL POINT OF CONNECTIONS ALL POINTS OF CONNECTION ARE SERVED BY POTABLE WATER OFF OF THE DOMESTIC RESIDENTIAL METER. METER SIZES= f. STATIC PRESSURE 60 PSI AT EACH METER PEAK DESIGN FLOW: 6 GPM DESIGN PRESSURE: 25 PSI (AS REGULATED AT DRIP VALVE ASSEMBLY) E-".pira!/011 Date. Z:\CLI ENTS\Studlo-P A0\2255-Carlsbad-Valley-Oak-CV\Ll-1 01 _ CV04-P .dwg ----[W)------(JI)-----[W)-----[W) DATE INITIAL CONTROLLER (TYPICAL) IRRIGATION CONTROLLER TO BE INSTALLED ON THE INSIDE GARAGE WALL. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ELECTRICAL CONNECTION AND GROUNDING. SEE DETAIL. FINAL CONTROLLER LOCATION TO BE APPROVED BY OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE. 0 10' Seate: 1' = 20' NOTES: 1. Refer to Sheet Ll-5.01 /Ll-5.02 for Irrigation Details. Refer to Sheet Ll-6.01 for Irrigation Specifications. 2. DAfE INlflAL DAfE KEYMAP rn Nol lo Scale VALVE LOCATIONS (TYPICAL) GATE VALVES, PRESSURE REGULATORS AND CONTROL VALVES ARE SHOWN DIAGRAMATICALLY AND SHALL BE LOCATED IN SIDE YARD IMMEDIATELY TO GARAGE WALL. 20' 40' IRRIGATION PLAN ~ 0 I Landscape Architecture 92 Argonaut, Ste. 270 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 T: 949.770.8530 www.studio-pad.com Job No. : CV04-P Scale: 1'=20' Drawn: ACI Ll-1.01 Checked: PAD APPROVED FOR IRRIGATION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" RCE EXP. DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CITY OF CARLSBAD m PLANNING DIVISION 2 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: I APPROVED: PLANNING OWN BY: INITIAL CHKDBY: Carlsbad -Valley & Oak Valley 17 JU\ L:f-t:11~it ~-2••!± I PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: CT 12-07 480~4L z 0 -1-u => ct:: 1-cn z 0 u ct:: 0 LL. l-o z I -ll") C 00 C ~ ..... C ~ .!!? C: a, E ::::s 0 0 C C: 0 ·-u ::::s ... -U) C: 0 u ---ca :::: ·-E ..c ::::s en ~ ·-u ..c: ~ w ~ :::::> z l{) l!) ,w -II > 2 <( LOT.: PAD: PLAN: VALVE LOCATIONS (TYPICAL) GATE VALVES, PRESSURE REGULATORS ANO CONTROL VALVES ARE SHOWN OIAGRAMATICALLY ANO SHALL BE LOCATED IN SIDE YARD IMMEDIATELY TO GARAGE WALL. ' ' ---~---:.8! 0 . ~-. -~--. 1 DRIP 5 DRIP I ' I , I , I I I r • 3 SLOPE ---------.,_ = --.. ·<S----. -~ ... _...... 3/4" 3 2-2 I DRIP 3/4" 5 2-3 DRIP 3/4" l SLEEVING (TYPICAL) CONTRACTOR SHALL SLEEVE ALL PIPING THAT EXTENDS BENEATH WALLS, WALKS AND DRIVEWAYS. REFER TO IRRIGATION NOTES FOR SIZES. Aqua Commercial Irrigation 810 Los Vallecitos Blvd., Suite 204 San Marcos, California 92069 Ph: (760)750-1900 Fax: (760)750-1999 WATER SOURCE AT ALL POINT OF CONNECTIONS ALL POINTS OF CONNECTION ARE SERVED BY POTABLE WATER OFF OF THE DOMESTIC RESIDENTIAL METER. METER SIZES =f. STATIC PRESSURE 60 PSI AT EACH METER. PEAK DESIGN FLOW: 6 GPM DESIGN PRESSURE: 25 PSI (AS REGULATED AT DRIP VALVE ASSEMBLY) CONTROLLER (TYPICAL) IRRIGATION CONTROLLER TO BE INSTALLED ON THE INSIDE GARAGE WALL. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ELECTRICAL CONNECTION AND GROUNDING. SEE DETAIL. FINAL CONTROLLER LOCATION TO BE APPROVED BY OWNERS REPRESENTATIVE. w :::::> I POINT OF CONNECTION (TYP.) CONTRACTOR SHALL CONNECT TO EXISTING WATER SERVICE LINE BY OTHERS WITH A PVC TEE. EXTEND 1" IRRIGATION MAINLINE AS SHOWN FROM SERVICE TEE TO HOMEOWNER SIDE YARD OUTSIDE GARAGE WALL. . C \_"' (81 I LOT.: ~4'\_ f- -H~--t--+--t--H PAD: 1 1.5i '!IF==t'',1------''-t-~--i, PLAN: 1 "" -~ ,___, 1 , 2 14-1 '\. / DR!P 3/4" 17 r-;::lt:=~~/~(~-~ t ~-~ ~ / " ' 314" ·-.. -...:.-:._ -:::: :::: -==-==--1 I ,;::: . N -- -:::.::_ ~ I KEYMAP rn Nol to Scale VINE IRRIGATION Landscape Architecture 92 Argonaut, Ste. 270 • • DATE INITIAL Expiralio11 Date: DESIGNER OF WORK 0 10' 20' 40' Scale: 1" = 20' NOTES: 1. Refer to Sheet Ll-5.01/Ll-5.02 for Irrigation Details. Refer to Sheet Ll-6.01 for Irrigation Specifications. 2. IRRIGATION PLAN ~ 1 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 T: 949.770.8530 www.studio-pad.com Job No. : CV04-P Scale: 1"=20· Drawn: AC/ Ll-1.02 Checked: PAD APPROVED FOR /RR/GA TION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" RCE EXP. DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ PLANNING DIVISION 2 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: Carlsbad -Valley & Oak Valley 17 I APPROVED: itj\ 4:-~l-4>Jt fl,, 1,7, i-+ PLANNING REVISION DESCRIPTION OWN BY: PROJECT NO, DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: CT 12-07 480-4L z 0 -l-o ::::, a:::: 1-U) z 0 0 a:::: 0 LL l-o z • -IO 0 00 0 'q' ..... 0 N -1/) -C Cl) E ::::, (.) 0 C C 0 ·--(.) 2 -1/) C 0 0 • • -(tJ = ·-E .c ::::, U) ~ ·-0 ..c: .. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .,..-:;; Plotted by: Scott Aug. 05, 2014 01:22 PM Z:\C LIENTS\Studlo-P AD\2255-Carlsbad-Valley-Oak-C\/\Ll-101_ CV04-P .dwg " 7 ___ ljW) I _ -<h~+-1--"il'-::::-c-=c: ;;-,:,-_ -IW>-----,w,-L ----UliL.ffTfL_r,1>---;==--;;;°"":=--'~i:°i;;;;;.i:i'"'l"'~•l' ... r---,w,-----\WJ •• --(G X..1.../(=•----i-(G) )--ss;:---,_-~-:'¥-~• __ 0 -'n,jfof _ r-(0) --1--(G) · l I 1 • -.--,..,·. ,_-,,,.,.:. ·· . .'•r.J . , "•""·'•.' ~ !'U,f.CY, <' c•;} f ,-!•i;,•;.,c,,.,'.-. , j I I I I I "' "-~~.---<c--Prop Li(>e----, I ~· I I I l i j I' .\. I * I n,:;;:;~'ffi+'l"-¢-i-'fTn-1-1 .,___. t-~ I i I i" " I :x: 11 ! I n I 1 ·1 : 'I I J; ..,...._~ f' Utility easement:.-c===,.,-, : [ (Private) -(r-f-c'f\!1'.-ft:H ~-L· l Ti ~~" i I : ~'i l: r-J r i ~ Li-,,-,.,r-;-,,---rrr~I I I . I [ 1~ , 1--:c• ~ / --- ' I " . ' I . n I . i=L I r-1 .... I l I . r• -·-. I ., " r =i..r-::::1~ ~ -~L.. ~ .. wia:. .. ---'{~~----,....:::-::_,,_,_,,; )... ..... =--::=-:---,.lw) ........ --=-:=...,...::::r-=:-_,...,...... _,,__.'*(NJ--.---" ---~J______. ---<E----------<E--------, ' • ' ----~---_ _,, _fL/6~ &!..~[SOI ---~ -(SD) --2·n•·rm1;ic;-;;_8aMffi(S8D0\ t,_ Q...J.o::._m, ~rop Line~ --1.----=-=.....==-~ l ~!":!~-u ~ ro [ Limit of Work HYDROZONE PLAN '-~---' PAD: l,o~.i..... PLAN: 3 !"Y LOT.: 1-,:,,.,,:.:+H'-PAD: PLAN: 0 20' Scale: 1" = 40' 40' 80' HYDROZONE1 _,,..--------ALL PLANTED AND IRRIGATED RETENTION BASIN, CONSISTING OF LOW WATER USE PLANTINGS SERVED BY DRIP IRRIGATION. IRRIGATION PROVIDED BY THE HOMEOWNER. TYP. SYMBOL 4056 SQ, FT. HYDROZONE 2 ALL PLANTED AND IRRIGATED PARKWAYS, CONSISTING OF LOW WATER USE PLANTINGS SERVED BY DRIP IRRIGATION. IRRIGATION PROVIDED BY THE HOMEOWNER. TYP. SYMBOL 10,401 SQ. FT. HYDROZONE3 _----------ALL PLANTED AND IRRIGATED SLOPES GREATER THAN 3' HIGH, CONSISTING OF LOW WATER USE PLANTINGS SERVED BY MP ROTATOR IRRIGATION. IRRIGATION PROVIDED BY THE HOMEOWNER. TYP. SYMBOL Aqua Commercial Irrigation 810 Los Vallecilos Btvd., Suile 204 San Marcos, CaHfom!a 92069 Ph: (760)750-1900 Fax: (760)750-1999 4,211 SQ. FT. HYDROZONE4 TREE BUBBLER SYSTEMS-44 TREES TOTAL, CONSISTING OF MEDIUM WATER USE TREES SERVED BY DEEP WATERING BUBBLER IRRIGATION. IRRIGATION PROVIDED BY THE HOMEOWNER. TYP. SYMBOL 1,943 SQ. FT. 1..1>,NDSC,ip~ ~<,,_,.'v ua di, l IC -11?; :,«: ' ... Jtl . ,j,~ %. ...... <b '-'' _,,.\ CJ ~ 0 (f\ f..J.J~ ~(;{ Ol(") a::: a. -.I -I Signature • E,p.8/IWJ-d? • <.P ,?,,·ic-t()/'f ,,-NOTES: 1. Refer to Sheet Ll-5.01/Ll-5.02 for Irrigation Details. Refer to Sheet Ll-6.01 for Irrigation Specifications. 2. ~Renew@ba¼ bate ~' ;-~ o'I.' OF C/\1..\' Expiration Dale: APPENDIX E: WELO WORKSHEETS Carlsbad Valley Oak-Homeowner Maintained Areas: Hydrozone Table for calculating ETWU Pk.ise comµletc the hy<lrozonc tablc(s). Use as many tabks as ncccss.try CITY OF CARLSllAU ESTIMATEU TOTAL WATER USE (ETWU) Hydruwnc Number (1·5 with Sl.t\ Zone Uclow-use as 111,rny tables as IH!Cess;iry lo complete all hydrozoncs) Process Step No. (Uclow) l Evapolrnmpirntion R.ite l (Eto)' Conversion Factor 2 (Step 1 x Step :.i.) 3 Pl,ml factor (PF} ... (From WUCOLS) (VLW_HW)(o.1-4 0.3 o.8) Hydro:wuc luea (l-IA} 5 405G (Step•\ x Skp 5) 6 1216.8 lrrigr.ttion Effid<:11cy (lE)* ... 7 o.8 Step 6 8 1521.0 (Total All Step B ~ 'l'ot..:d SU\ 9 sq.fl. in Step 5) (Step J x Step 9) Estim.ucd Total W.iter Use in gJ.!lous to per yt:,lr (lHWU) -Tot.ii sh.tll not exceed MAWA Elo_. Wes£ of J-5"' 40.0 Bust of 1-5 um/ West of £1 Cumirw reul = 44.0 Eusl of El Camfrw Reul=r. 47.0 Applicurit 111C1y provide <I differe11t Eto if .supported by docu11H!11t11ti011 subject to C1pprov11l by the City Pfmrnilly Vivisiu11 u l'lunl fc1<:lor uml \Vutcr Use o.J ::a VL W • Very Low Wutcr Usi.: O,J = L W -Low Wuter Use Pla11ts 0.5 = Al W -Alodcrute Wutcr Use Plu11ts o.8"" 1-HV -1-ligl, Wult'r Use f!luulS z 3 4 5 SLA 44 0.62 z7.28 0.3 0.3 0.5 0 L0401 42u ,9,13 0 0 3tzo.3 1263.3 97t.5 0 o.8 0.7 0.75 0 3900.4 1804.7 u95,3 o.o 8521.4 232,464 H4JE Alicro-spruy"' .Bo Spruy = .55 Rotor= .70 llt1bblcr = .75 Drip=.&, .Applicu11t muy provide u differe11t It:: if supporied by tlocu111c11t11Lio11 st1bjcct w 1\pprovul by t/Je City Plw111i119 Division C/'urf u11J Lumlscupe Jrri9utiu11 Liest 1'vlurruge1111:11t flructkes, April 2005) MAXIMUM APPLIED WATER USE (MAWA) calculation: Put.ible Water HOA (44.0)(0.62)(0.7 x 20,6u) ~ MAWA ~ >----1-9_3,_58-8-<lgal. 1,ANDSc~ ~<;) ,i.. LI~ ~ ,.,,..,"._ \a "-,i .<.; cl' I ., -c..j ✓ 111\..111 -~ tl .;rr-,-;;\ V ~ 19noture :: \l 01.23.14 '- ~um~ 5.3).16 ~ qr: bp1rei;; ~~ CALlfO DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE HYDROZONE PLAN LgJ 2 Landscape Architecture 92 Argonaut, Ste. 270 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 T: 949.770.8530 www.studio-pad.com Job No. : CV04-P Scale: 1"=40' Drawn: ACI Ll-1.03 Checked: PAD APPROVED FOR IRRIGATION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" RCE EXP. DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CITY OF CARLSBAD m PLANNING DIVISION 2 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: Carlsbad -Valley & Oak Valley 17 I APPROVED: ~-z.,-1+1 tb:£1 ~-t:\l....,ft PLANNING OWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. INITIAL CHKD BY: DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWDBY: CT 12-07 480-4L z 0 -l-o ::, 0:: 1- U) z 0 (,J 0:: 0 u. l-o z I -lt') 0 00 0 -.:t ..... 0 N -~ C: Cl) E :::, 0 0 C C: 0 t; :::, ... -rn C: 0 (,J ctl :t:: ·-E .c :::, U) >, -·-0 .c: .. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------■--~ Plotted by: Scott Aug. 05, 2014 01:23 PM Z:\CL IENTS\Studlo-P AD\2255-Carlsbad-Valley-Oak-CV\Ll-101 _ CV04-P .dwg NOTES: ~-----------FINISHED GRADE NATIVE SOIL AS APPROVED BACKFILL W/ ~------MINUS 1/4' MATERIAL ---6' MIN. ...._ __ PVC LATERAL PIPING ....._ ____ CONTROL WIRING BELOW PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE 1. ALL PLASTIC PIPING TO BE SNAKED IN TRENCHES 2. BUNDLE AND TAPE WIRING AT 10' INTERVALS. 3. INSTALL ALL CONTROL AND COMMON WIRING TO THE SIDE AND BELOW THE PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE. NOTE: DIAMETERS OF RISER, FITTINGS AND NIPPLE SHALL EQUAL CONTROL VALVE DIAMETER. CONTROL AND COMMON WIRE TO CONTROLLER ELECTRIC CONTROL VALVE W/ ATMOSPHERIC VACUUM BREAKER AND PRESSURE REGULATING MODULE PVC UNION FINISH GRADE 1" SCH. 40 PVC NIPPLE, LENGTH AS REQUIRED SERVICE TEE -SOLVENT WELD FITTING - REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS PVC PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE SCH. 40 PVC 90 ELL SLIP X THR. ADAPT OT LATERAL OUTLET SIZE PVC LATERAL CONTROL AND COMMON WIRE TO CONTROLLER .3/4" SLIP X THREAD ADAPTER SERVICE TEE -SOLVENT WELD FITTING -REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS PVC PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE SCH. 40 PVC 90 ELL SLIP X THR. ADAPT OT LATERAL OUTLET SIZE PVC LATERAL NOTE: DIAMETERS OF RISER, FITTINGS AND NIPPLE SHALL EQUAL CONTROL VALVE DIAMETER. ~-----------------1" FEBCO MODEL 715 ATMOSPHERIC + VACUUM BREAAKER ,--------------SCH 40 PVC UVR ELL, SIZE PER PLAN (_ 0u 0 ~L,l•--;------'t-NOTE: NO VALVE OF ANY TYPE MAY BE INSTALLED ON THE DISCHARGE SIDE OF THE ATMOSPHERIC VACUUM BREAKER. INSTALL ATMOSPHERIC VACUUM BREAKER AT LEAST 6" HIGHER THAN ANY SPRINKLER IN THE SYSTEM SERVED BY THE AVB. 6" Ml . ----------POP-UP OR SPRAY HEAD ON I .. :~"-1 ,_ . ' ; RISER SPRINKLER ~c,-~ ·-1 · L'([~xi ,-":,:-------FINISH GRADE ! : '-! · ' ' L' !cc::! •:S:c SCH 40 PVC UVR RISERS, SIZE i;-;:r: . ;7'1i: '~~. PER PLAN, LENGTH AS REQUIRED . I V , .--+.e----,-§!-1---------SCH 40 PVC ELL, SIZE PER PLAN C1~ ~ ._ ___ -l_,, -----------------TO CONTROL VALVE ATMOSPHERIC VACUUM BREAKER 0 TRENCHING N.T.S. 0,__c_O_N_'""T_o"'R_,,~o_VEB-=-~-~-L_V_E ____ N_.T_.s. 0-□_R_I_P_C_O_N_T_R_O_L_V_A_L V_E __ N_.T._s. 0 TOP OF SLOPE N.T.S. 1/2" PVC SCH 40 SUPPLY RISER TRENCH FOR SUPPLY --......,__ & EXHAUST HEADERS 3/4' X 1/2" X3/4', S xSxT PVC SCH 40 TEE OR ELI'. __ _____ 3/4" PVC SCH 40 SUPPLY OR EXHAUST HEADER ,----------RAINBIRD XFS--06-16-XXX IN-LINE EMITTER TUBING EMITTERS AT 18" INTERVALS ,------RAINBIRD XFF-MA--050 ADAPTER-FITTING (RAINBIRD TUBING TO PVC FITTING) ~--1/2" SCH 40 FPT TEE {TYPICAL) IRRIGAITON BED MULCH FINISHED GRADE g· 12· -r-1-==------MID-LAYOUT SUPPLY HEADER & RISERS AS REQ'D.18" O.C .. / I TRENCH BOTTOM l EMITTER TUBING 0t--l_N_TA_K_E_H_EA_D_E_R_M_A_N_IF_O_L_D ___ N.T_.s. CONTROLLER & STATION NUMBER INTO VALVE BOX LID. 1/2" FPT X BARB ADAPTER FITTING TO ACCEPT EXCALBUR TUBING 1/2' SUP X SLIP SCH 40 BALL VALVE ----, 1/2" COIL OF EXCALIBER (FLEX -----, PVC) TUBING WITH 1/2" BALL VALVE -SEE BELOW. 10" VALVE BOX TO REST ON GRAVEL SUMP --- 1/2" SxT SCH 40 RISER LENGTH AS REQ'D. 112• SxT SCH 40 ELL ,~ 'a co ,--------IRRIGAITON BED MULCH ,------1/2' S x T sch 40 ELL (TYPICAL) '' RAINBIRD XFF-MA--050 ADAPTER-FITTING (RAINBIRD .----TUBING TO PVC FITTING) ,---RAINBIRD XFS--06-1 S-XXX IN-LINE EMITTER TUBING EMITTERS AT 18" INTERVALS ! • ! --' 3·• -+-..rr~ FINISH GRADE 9·• 1/2" PVC SCH 40 EXHAUST RISER EXHAUST HEADER TERMINATION OF 12" SYSTEMS & RISERS AS REQ'D. '7r------,i,,~-------r1'-....Jt-.._ 1/2' PVC SCH 40 SUPPLY OR EXHAUST HEADER ~----------112" SCH 40 TEE TO FLUSH VALVE ASSEMBLY ~-----------1/2" SCH 40 PVC PIPING, LENGTH AS REQUIRED -:_::::.::::.=-:.::.~~-----1B"x1/2" I.D. EXCALIBUR IRRIGATION HOSE ,,,---',-\-t\-----INSERT x MIP 90 ELL '-------1/2" SLIP XSLIP SCH40BALL VALVE PLAN 01--E_M_I_T_TE_R_T_U_BI_N_G_I_N_TA_K_E_H_EA_D_ER_M_A_N_I F OLD N.T.S, Aqua C ommercial Irrigation Vallecilos Blvd., Suite 204 Marcos, Ca!ifom!a 92069 810 Los San Ph (760) 750-1900 Fax: (760)750-1999 " VALVE ASSEMBLY SEE DETAIL #1, THIS SHEET) \ ,----INSTALL TUBING 3" FROM CURB OR WALK ,----RAINBIRD XFS--06-18-XXX IN-LINE EMITTER TUBING 11 /,-___ :::~:: ::F~:::::::TER -FITTING (RAINBIRD " PVC SCH 40 SUPPLY HEADER -~ q, -WALK OR CURB ~ ~ I I TUBING TO PVC FITTING) I ' I' f # I • • • • I -1 18" ,_ ., (EMITTERS) 18" TUBE SPACING (TYPICAL). I• I• . • • • ,, 'I \ I PVC EXHAUST HEADER ASSEMBLY & - II --- (j) I' I, FITTINGS • • • • ,, 'I 3/4" END PIPE HEADER I. I • • • ,, ,, ~ 3' FROM CURB, WALL OR WALK TYP. ALL SIDES I . I' • • • -LINE FLUSHING VALVE ,, ,, J:~ (SEE DETAIL #5 THIS SHEET) . • • I /2 ~ CONTINUATION OF SYSTEM '------RAINBIRD XFF-TEE OR XFF-ELBOW FOR SURFACE MOUNTED CONNECTIONS '-------CURB, WALK, WALL OR FENCE NOTE: TUBING SHALL BE STAPLED TO THE SOIL SURFACE 3' O.C. ALONG EACH TUBING LENGTH WITH 6" LONG SOIL STAPLES OR 6" LONG JUTTE MATT STAKES. IN-LINE EMITTER TUBING LAYOUT N.T.S. NOTES: 1. Refer to Sheet Ll-5.01/Ll-5.02 for Irrigation Details. ~,~1~ 2. Refer to Sheet Ll-6.01 for Irrigation Specifications. IRRIGATION DETAILS Landscape Architecture 92 Argonaut, Ste. 270 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 T: 949. 770.8530 www .studio-pad.com Job No. : CV04-P Scale: Drawn: ACI Ll-5.01 Checked: PAD APPROVED FOR IRRIGATION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" RCE EXP. DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD m 3 PLANNING DIVISION 2 \.1'I•lDSC)jp<" LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: 0,-v.,,\) \).a,rte, lt0 -1.-P, Carlsbad -Valley & Oak t;-'<; '"1-11 . ,j,o S;, '~ .,.. ....... Valley 17 ~ ~ 0 ~ IJ.J a, ~ o> 0 Ct:: Q. -.i -I Slgnatura I APPROVED: ~~ I * E,p. 8110/J</ 6 * Lr-f:I\ ::12±t: ~-Ll•I± ~R,new@fu•¾ u' ?-2.i-i,t'( '<' ,;, bate ~' PLANNING ,,.<' o<i-OWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. OF CAl\~ DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: CT 12-07 480-4L ExpirnUon Date: z 0 -l-o :::> 0:: I-en z 0 u 0:: 0 LL l-o z I --IO 0 00 0 -.:t" ...- 0 N -en -C Cl) E :::I (.J 0 C C 0 t; 2 -en C 0 u • • nJ :::: ·-E ..c :::I en ~ u .c - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.. -.:t-Plotted by: Scott Aug. 05, 2014 01:33 PM Z:ICLIENTS\Studlo-PAD\2255-Carlsbad-Valley-Oak-CV\Ll-101_CV04-P.dwg ROOTBALL r----tt--HUNTER RZWS-10-25-CV I I ,,...._\ -- 10"DEEP ROOT WATERING SYSTEM ASSEMBLY WITH SWING JOINT. .'i.:i 1:J --F r HUNTER ____ __..,\---,;·_1,...1~ J. / I RZWS-18-25-CV 16"DEEP \~\,'ii... .. ~ /'. • 1/2" SCH 40 PVC LATERAL PIPE. ROOT WATERING SYSTEM ~J;( .. I _ _ --••'~-~• ASSEMBLY WITH SWING ·•,/ • ' ' • • ;• JOINT. ',. ___ ____,, LATERAL PIPING -----------~ GRATED CAP -----------, FINISH SOIL GRADE -------, I -------t-;IT vi BUBBLER CHECK VALVE SWING JOINT ASSEMBL.'">'-------, (PART OF DEEP ROOT WATERING ASSEMBLY V ' 1/2" SCH 40 S x TELL FITTING PLAN -DEEP ROOT WATERING SYSTEM ASSEMBLY WITH SWING JOINT. DEEP WATERING 0 BUBBLER ASSEMBLY • II I 'fffl j PRECISION 'O' SERIES SPRAY NOZZLE OR MP ROTA TOR NOZZLE ,-------SET BOTTOM OF CAP AT GRADE LOCATE 6" AWAY FROM WALLS AND OTHER VERTICAL SURFACES. ,---CURB AND GUTTER OR SIDEWALK WHERE APPLICABLE 11r-•4"- • I H,---.., Jl111-hTriliaoF't---12" HI-POP SPRAY HEAD ill= ,~----PURPLE PVC LATERAL J. '?'~::::;:==;::::JJ ~ SCH. 40 PVC FITTING f ______ FLEX PIPE NOTE: 12" POP-UP SPRAY HEADS TO BE PLACED FOUR FEET (MIN) FROM EDGE OF CURB OR SIDEWALK, AS PER CITY GUIDELINES. USE TEFLON TAPE ON ALL THREADED CONNECTIONS UNLESS SPECIFICALLY INDICATED BY THE MANUFACTURER OF THE COMPONENT TO NOT USE TEFLON TAPE. 12" POP-UP SPRAY SPRINKLER NT8 N.T.S. WIRELESS EVRAIN SENSOR MOUNTED ON FASCIA IN A LOCATION EXPOSED TO RAIN NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO GROUND AND PROVIDE SURGE PROTECTION FOR FIELD UNIT IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS AND GROUND ROD(S) SHOWN. ALL ELECTRICAL WORK TO CONFORM TO LOCAL CODE. CONTROLLER-INSTALL ON BUILDING WALL SECURE WITH ANCHOR BOLTS INSTALL 4• HT. SELF ADHESIVE VINYL LETTERING CORRESPONDING WITH FIELD UNIT# ON INSIDE SURFACE OF ACCESS DOOR FINISH GRADE 5/6"x6 FT. COPPER-CLAD GROUNDING ROD WI BRONZE CLAMP & 10" ROUND VALVE BOX (TYPICAL). QUANTITY AS RECOMMENDED BY MANUFACTURER #4 BARE COPPER GROUNDING WIRE 2• SWEEP ELL· CONTROL WIRES & GROUND WIRE 54" N.T.S. (n'\ IRRIGATION CONTROLLER ~1---------- Aqua Commercial Irrigation 8 to Los Vallecitos Blvd., Suite 204 San Marcos, California 92069 Ph: (760)750-1900 Fax: (760)750-1999 L.t ....... 7i~':_TT/E~;::=:;:::=:;1;fr'F:~ffiT~~ FINISH GRADE =lllffilll~fr'/ !-, ij@/111- 1111 n-,,=---~-10• ROUND VALVE BOX BRAND =cc ~ I I---: 'GV" ON LID OF VALVE BOX. REFER -I' TO TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS. VAL VE BOX TO REST ON GRAVEL SUMP. · •----3/4' SCREENED GRAVEL SUMP 1 CU. FT. 0 <:) • :,c EE • 0 lt--"..-'0'----'-'~--6' CLASS 160PVC SLEEVE -b-' '~ 0 BOTTOM TO BE FLARED AND ......_,,t:, CONTACT TOP OF PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE r--""'a'---+~noli.-- • ). -3 -r ,/. D...-r-0'4-1--t,--- ----PVC PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE ------SLIPxMIPT SCH.40 PVC ADAPTOR (2) ,__ _______ GATE VALVE W/BRASS CROSS HANDLE @GATE VALVE N.T.S. NOTES: 1. Refer to Sheet Ll-5.01 /Ll-5.02 for Irrigation Details. Refer to Sheet Ll-6.01 for Irrigation Specifications. 2. IRRIGATION DETAILS ~ - Landscape Architecture 92 Argonaut, Ste. 270 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 T: 949.770.8530 www.studio-pad.com Job No. : CV04-P Scale: Drawn: ACI Ll-5.02 Checked: PAD APPROVED FOR /RR/GA TION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" RCE EXP. DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ PLANNING DIVISION LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: I APPROVED: PLANNING OWN BY: Carlsbad -Valley & Oak Valley 17 I¼\ 0:-El ~~:It jil-'l-•-t:I I z 0 -l-o :::> 0:::: 1-u, z 0 0 0:::: 0 LL. l-o z I -u, 0 00 0 -.:t' ~ 0 N -.!!? C: Cl) E ::s u 0 C C: 0 ·-t, ::s ... -1/) C: 0 0 • • -C'll ::: ·-E ..0 ::s u, ~ ·--0 DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. OATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: CT 12-07 480-4L OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: ~piration Date: .C 1---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------..... ~ Plotted by: Scott Aug. 05, 2014 01:33 PM Z:\CLI ENTS\Studlo-P AD\2255-Carlsbad-Valley-Oak-CV\Ll-101_ CV04-P .dwg SECTION 02810 IRRIGATION SYSTEM PART I. GENERAL. 1.01 WORK INCLUDED • Work of this Section generally includes provision or an underground irrlgation system including llle following: A. Trenching, stocl<pmng axcavation materials, and refilling trenches. 8. Complete system Including but not limited to plping, valves, fittings, heads, controller wiring and final adjustmEmls to !nsure elriclenl coverage as delerrnir1eU by Consultant. C. Water Connections. o. Replacement of unsatisfactory materials. E. Clean up, Inspection, and approval. F. Tests. t.02 REFERENCES A. Perform Work in acco1dance with requirements of Cond!ions of the Contruct and divisior1 01 , General Requi1emenls as well as provlsions of all applicable laws, codes, ordinances, rules, and regulations. B. Conform to requiremants of reference Information II.?ted below except where more stringent requirements are shown or specified in Contract Documents. J. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)•Specifications and Test MeU1ods spec1fic<.Jlly referenced in this Section. 2. Underwriters laboratories (UL) -UL Wires amJ Cables. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Special Requirements: 1. Tolerances -Specified depths of pressure supply lines and laterals and pitch of pipes are minimums. Selllement of trenches is cause for removal of finlsh grade treatment, relilllng, recompaction, and repair of finish grade treatrnenL 2. Cuordirn1Uun 1MU1 OU1er Contrat.:ts -Prot1.1t.:l, mai11tall1, arid <.:oordim1le Wo1k wllll Wor'r: under olner Sections. 3. Dmnage To Other Improvements -Contractor shall replace or repair damage to grading, utilities, soil preparation, seeding, sodclng, or plant/ng done under other Sections during work associated wiU1 Installation of lrrigution system al no adtlitiom1I cost to Owner. 4. Work involving substantial plumbing for installation of backflow preventers, copper service and related work shall be executed by licensed and bonded plumber(s), performed In accordance with prevailing codes and regulations. 5. Work lrwol•,ing cormecUon lo, installation, or ~xlenslon of ·120 volt or yrealer electrical service, shall be executed by a Ji:ensed and bonded electrician, performed in occordance with pre,.,ailing codes end regulations. 1.04 SUBMITTALS -Prepare and make submittals In accordance wi1J·1 conditions of the Contract. A. Submit all products lo Owner for approval. E. Controller Drawings 1. Provide one controller drawing for each automatic controller Installed. a. Controller drawing may be same size reproduction of record drawing, if scale permils filling Inside controller door without folding drawing. If photo reduction prints .ire required, keep reduction lo maximum s!:.::.e possible lo retain full legibility. b. Conltoller drawing shall be blueline print or actual "as~built" systern, showing area co,.,ered by thal controller. c. ldentif/ area of covaraye of each remote control valve, using a distinctly different pastel color for each zone. H ghllght heads, lateral piping, and control valves. U. Follo·t..lng review of conltoller drawings by Consultant, hermetically seal each drawing between two layers of 20 111ll lhick clear plastic. e. Co111toller drawings shall be completed arnJ .ipproved by Consullm1! prior to final completion walk-through of Irrigation system. f. Atlach approved controUer drawing to inside of each controller door usinti selr-adhesive Velcro strips. F. Operation Manual: See Se<::tion 01700 Contract Closeout, Paragraph 1.07, for description and timing ol Operation Manual submittal. Include lho following Information: 1. Index sheet staling project name, and listing company, address, phone number and contact i:orson of Owner, Landscape Architect and Contractor, including Primary Subcc11tractors. 2. Manufacturer Technical Manual for controllers. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE, and HANDLING -Deli11er, unloac, store, and hantlle materlals, packaging. bundling, products, in dry, weatherproof, waterprod condition in manner to prevent damage, breakage, deterioration, intrusion, Ignition, and vandalism. Deliver ln original unopenecl packaging containers prominently clisplaylng manufacturer narne, volume, quantity, contents, instructions, and confonnance to local, state, and federal Jaw. Hemo'✓e and replace cracked, broken, or contaminated items or elements prematurely expose:J lo moisture, Inclement wealtJer, snow, Ice, temperature extremes, fire, or fobsile damage. A. Handling of PVC Pipe • Exercise care in handling, loading and storing of PVC pipe. All PVC pipe shall De transported in a vehicle which allows le11gU1 of pipe to lie f!at so as not lo subject it to undue bending or concentrated externa loads. All sections of pipe that have been dented or damaged shall be discarded, and if installed, shall be removed and replaced with new piping. 1.06 JOB SITE CONDITIONS A. Protection of Property: 1. Preserve and protect all trees, plants, monuments, structures, and paved areas from damage due lo Work of this Section. ln the event damage does occur, all damage to lnanimate items shall be completely repaired or replaced to satisfaction of Owner. All injUJy to living plants shall be repaired by Owner, and aJI costs of such repairs shall be ct1arged to and pa.d by Contractor. 2. Protect buildings, walks, walls, and olher properly ftom damage. Barricade open trenches. Damage caused to asphall, concrete, or ottier building material surfaces shall be repaired or replaced al no cost to Owner. Restore disturbed areas to original condition. B. Existing Trees: 1.07 1.08 1. All trenching or otner Work under limb spread of an/ and all trees shall be done by hand or by otf1er meUJJds so as to prevent damag1;1 to Hmbs or brnnches. 2. Where it Is necessary lo excavate adjacent to existing trees, use all possible care to avoid Injury to trees and tree roots. Excavation, iri areas where two inch aml larger roots occur, stiall be done by haud. Roots lwo Inches or larger in di~uneler, except directly In the p.:ilh of pipe of conduit, shall be tunneled under and shall be heavily wrapped with bi.rlap to prevent scarring or ;)xcessive drying. Where a trenching machlne is operated close to trees having r::iots smalle:ir tt1an two inches In diamele:ir, wall of trench adjacent to tree shall be hand trimmed, making clean cuts through roots. Roots one Inch and larger in diameter shall be painted wilh two coats of "Tree Seal~. Trenches adjacent lo ife1;JS shall be closeU within 2'1 hours. and when this Is not possible, side Qf trench adjacent to tree strnH be kept stiaded wilt! moistened burlap or can'las. C Pro(1;Jctior1 and Repair of Underground lines 1. Request proper utility company lo stake e,<act locQUon (Including depth) of all um.lerground ell:lctrlc, yas, or telepi10J'le lint.ts. Tak1:1 w/Jalttver precautions are 11ecessary to protect these underground lines from dc:1mige. In the event damage does occur, all damage shall be repaired by Contr.i.ctor, and all costs of such repairs shall be paid by Conltactor unless other arran;Jermmts t1ave been made. 0. Replacement of Paving and Curbs • Where trenches and lires cross existing roadways, paths, curbing, elc., damage lo these shall be kept to a minimum and shat/ be restored to original condition as deemed accaptable by Owner's Represe·1tativa. WARRANTY/GUARANTY~ Contrcidor s;1all wcirrant maleri.ils against defe:icts ror a period of one year from date or Substantial Comµlelicn. Contractor shall guaran:ee workmanship for similar pE:1riod. Contractor shall be respomible for coordinating material w.irrnnly items wiU1 m anuf actur e1/Ui strlb utor. A. Sett!ing of backfilled trenches, which may occur during guaranty period, shall be repaired by contraclar al no expense la Owner, Including complele restoration of damaged prop-3rty a11d landscape Improvements. B. Expenses due to vandalism befoJe substantial completion shall be borne by Contractor. C. Own9r or Representative Maintenance Company will main•.ain turf and plunling areas durirg warranty period, so as not to hamper proper operation of Irrigation system. MAINTENANCE A. Furnish the fol!owl119 maintemmca Hems lo Owner prior lo final Acceµtance: ·1. 2 Sets of special tools required for removing, disass:imbling, and adjusting each type of sprin~Jer he<1d and valve supplied on this Project. 2. Two G-foot valve:i keys for operation of gate valves 1Jr stop und waste valves (ii applicabl{;I). 3. 2 keys for each uutomutic cotltf'ol/er. 4. 5 sprlnkler liodies Qf each si:.::.eltype used. PART II • PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS: A General Piping: I. Pol.ibl'.:1 Waler Pressure Supply Lines (downstream of backflow prevention unils) • Schedule '10 (1" -2 1r2.' ). 2. Non-pressure lines. Schedule 40. 3. Drip Tubing (3/4') -Netciim Techline CV In Line Emi11er Tubing. 4. Emitter tublnlJ ( l/4"} -Hardie EHD 0437~ DURA-POL Hose. 2. BIOW•Out tubing (1/2") -S.ilco ½" NR PVC flex hose 8. Plastic Pipe and Fillings: 1. Identification Markings: a. AH pipe lo be ldaItified with following Indelible markings: 1) Manufacturers name. 2) Nornlna! pipe size. 3) Schedul'J of class. 4) Pressure rating. 5) MSF (National Sanitation Foundation) seal of approval. 6) Dale of 1;JXlrusion. 2. Solvent Weld Pipe• Manufactured from virgin polyvinyl chloride (PVC) compound In accordance with ASTvl D2241 and ASTM D"178'1; cell classification -12454-B, Type 1, Grade ·t. a. Fittings -Stardard welgt1t, Schedule 4'J, injection molded PVC; complying with P.STM 01784 and D2466, cell classification 12454-B. 1) Threads• Injection molded type (where required), 2) Tees an:J ells -Skle gated, b. Ttlreaded Nipples· ASTM 02464, Schedule BO wiU1 molded threads. c. Joint Cement and Primer • Type as recommended by manufacturer of pipe cmU fittings. c. Low Pressure/Volume Systems: 1. Emilter Tubing as indicaled on drawings. 2. Drip Tubing • Manufaciured of UV resistant flexible vinyl chloride cornpountl conforming to As·rM 01248, Type 1, Class C, Category 4, P14 and ASTM 03350 for PE 1221110. 3. Fitlings -As racommendsd by lubing manufacturer. 4. Drip Valve Assembly -Trpe and size st1own on drawings. a. Wye Strainer -Plastielfiberglass construction with 200-mesh nylon screen, manufa::tured by Rainbird ProdlJcls, lnc. Size as noted on drawings. b. Control Valve -2 way, solenoid pilot operated type made or synthetic, non-corrosive material; diuphragm activated and slow closlng. Include freely pivoted seal seal; ret.iined (mounted} '«ilhout attactimenl to diaphragm. c. Pressure Redudng Val11e • Plastic consln,ction with pre-set pressure regulation and siie:id for :.::.one flow rate. Manuf;ac\ured by Netaflm Products. D. Copper Pipe and Fillings: 1. Copper Pipe -Type 'K' h,ird ternpereU. 2. Fillings -Wrought copptr, solder joint type. 3. Joints • Soldered 'Nith solder, 45% silver, 15% copper, 16% zinc, and 24% cadmium and solidus at 1125' F tmd liquids at 1145' F. E. Gata Valves: 1. Gate Valves for 3/4 inch througti 2·112 Inch Pipe• Brass construction; solid wedge, IPS U1reads, arid non•rlsing stem witfl wflee/ operating lland!e. 2. Gate Vs:1lvtts fo, 3 inch anu Laryer Pipe -lron tioUy, bras~ or bronl.e mour1l1;1U NNWA gate 'lalves with a clear WcJlerwcJy equ.il lo full nominal diameter of valve; rubber gasket or mecha1ical folnt-lype only. Valves shall be able to wit11stand a continuous WQrklny pres:iure of 150 PSI and be equipped with a square operating nut. F. Valve Boxes: 1. Gale Valves, Drip line aow•out Stubs, .ind Wire Stub Box• Carson #91□·10•4 w/ 11011-bolt down cover. 2. 3/4 Inch through 2-lnch Control 1/alves • Carson 1'1419-12-338 W/ boll down cover. 3. Drip Valve Assemblies. Carson #1419·12•38 w/ bolt down cover. 4. Control Wiring Splices -Carson #91 □-·12·38 w/ bolt down cover. 5. Master Valve -Rectangular with extension (see construction details). 6. Provide stainless steel bolts for vslve box CO\'ers v.here required and indicated above. G. Electrical Control Wiring: 1. Low Voltage: a. Electrical Control Wi'8 • AWG UF UL approved No. 14 gauge direct burial copper wire for all control wires, anc No. 12 gauge direct burlal copper wire for all common wires. b. Wire Colors: 1) Control Wires • Red. 2) Commm 'Mres • Wt1ile. 3) Master Valve Wires -Blue. '1) Spare Wires• Green (tabeled at terminations). 5) FulLire Wires -Same as conltol and common wire (labeled at termina1ons). Control wire connections and splices shall be made with 3M direct bury splice, Rain Bird Pertite connectors, or similar dry splice method. 2. High Voltage • Type required by !ocal codes and crdinances, of prope:ir size to accommodate needs of equipment servlcecl. H. Electric Control Valves -As fndicaled on drawings. I. Sprnkler Heads -As Indicated on drawings. Fabrical-:i riser/swlng Joint units In acOJrd.ince with details on Drawings -with riser nipples of same size as riser opening In sprinkler body. J. Controller• As Indicated on um,,.,ings. K Emrtters and Emiller Components -As indicated on lhe Dra\•ings. J. Sprnkler Heads -As Indicated on drawings. Fabricat-1 riser/swing joint units In acmrdance with detalls on Drawings • with riser nipples of same siz.e as riser opening In sprinkler llody. PART Ill • EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION -Examlr1e areas and conditions under whlci1 Wo1k of U1is Section is to be performeU. Do not proceed wHh Work until unsalisfaclory conditions ·rave been corrected. A. Gra.!ing operations, with lhe exception of final grading, shall be cornpleled and .ipproved tiy Owner prior lo slaking or irislallation of any portion of irrigo:Uon system excepl sleeving 3.02 PREPARATION A Slaking shall Occur as Follows: 1. M.irk witl'1 powdered lime or marklng paint, rouling of pressure supply line and flag heads and control valve locations for first seres of zones as directed by landscape Architect. Conlact LanUscape Architect 48 hours in .idvEince and request review of st.iklng. Landscape Architect will review staking and direct d1.inges if required. Staking review does nol relf.lve installer frolfl coverage problems due:i to improper placement of heads alter staking. B. Install sleeving under asph1.1lt paving and concrele walks. p,Jor to concreting and paving operations, lo accommodate pii:ing and wiring. Compact bockfill around sleeves lo 95% Standard Proctor Density witti!n 2% of oplimum moisture content Jn accordanca with ASTM 01557. C. Trenching -Trench excavation shall foUow, as much as possible, layout shown on Drawing. Dig trenches straight and support plpe continuous!~ on bottom of trench. Trench bottom shall be clean and smoolh with all rock and organic debris removed. Pressure supply line trencties shall be over•excavated as required to allow for bedding material. Trench depth shall be uniform as required to meet minimum depth requirements for type of µping. 1. Clearances: a. Piping Smaller tnan 3 Inches -Trenches shal have a minimum widtil of 7 Inches. b. Line Clearance -Provide not less lhan 6 inches of clearance between each line and not less than 12 inches of clea'ance between lines of other trades. Plotted by: Scott Aug. 05, 2014 01:25 PM Z:\C L IENTS\Studlo-P AD\2255-Carlsbad-Valley-Oak-C\/\Ll-1 01 _ CV04-P .dwg J.03 2. Pipe and Wire Depth: a. Pressure Supply Piping .10 inches from top of pipe. b. Non-pressure Piping (drip main laterals) -12 inches from top of pipe. c. Non-pressure P,ping (drip emitter tublng ar.d side laterals} -12 inches from lop of pipe. d. Conlrol Wiring -Sil.lo onU bottom of pressure supply line. 3. Boring will be permitted only where pipe must pass under obstrucUon(s), which cannot be removed, and must be approved by consultant if not specifically lndic.ited on construction drawings. Final density of backfill shall match lhal al surrounding soil. Use of sleeves of suitable diameter is acceptable lf Installed first by jacking or bo(ng, and pipe laid through slee·,es. Observe same precautions as though pipe were installed lu open trench. 4. Refer to drawings for sleeving schedule and sizing fe<.Juiremenls. 5. install verticc1I piping as 1equired lo reach correct pipng depU1 when sleeving into walled planters. INSTALLATION • Locate other equipment as near as possible lo locallons designated on construction drawings. Davlalions shall be approved by Consultant prior lo installation. A. PVC Piping 1. Snako pipe In trench as much as possible to allow for expansion and contraction. 2. When pipe laying is not in progress, or at enU of e.ict1 day, dose pipe ends with tight plug or cap. [Perfcrm work in accordance with good practices prevailing In piping trades]. 3. Coordinate pressure Sl!pply line installation v.ith required bedding operations. 4. Slake all above grade PVC piping per details. 5. Use 45" ells wlIen maklr.g perpendicular crossings or al.love grade PVC piping, lo depress bottom pipe. 6. Lay pipe anU rrrnkE:1 all i::laslic lo plastic joints in acoordance wiU1 manufacturer's reco11Irne11dalions. 8. Drip Tulilng 1. Install fitting connections per rrianufacturer's recomm:tndations. 2. Install drip tubing on ttie surface as detailed. Only iniake and exhaust manifolds shall be installed below grade at 12• deep, with riser and adapter assemblies ex:tending to grade level. 3. Tubing shall bE:1 Installed in parallel, evenly spaced rows as intllcaled on the drawings. Distance between rows shall not daveiale more U10n 1" from row to row. 4. Staple tubing to sol/ surface al minimum of 3' on center or as detailed. 5. Install drip line blowout stubs al all dead ends of drip tubing. 6. Any deviations from drip tube routing st1own on drawings must be approved by Consultant prior to Installation. Any changes exceeding a 5% increase in lhe length of the drip tubing, or the tie in placement of tt'.e pvdpoly adapter indicated on the drawings must be approved by the Consultant prior lo inslall.iUon C. Corrrol Wiring 1. Low Volt<.Jge Wiring: a. Bury control wiring between controller and electric •1alves in pressure SlJpply line trenches. with wires consistenUy located below and lo one slde of pipe, on top of initial pipe bedding, or in separate trenches. b. Bundle all 24 volt wires al 10 foot intervals 'Ni:h electrical or duct tape. c. Provide an expansion loop al pressure suwly line angle fittings, every electric control val•,e location (in valve box), and at minimum 500 feet fnlervals. Form expanslon loop by wrapping wire al least 8 times around a 3/4 Inch pipe aid withdrawing pipe. d. Make splices and electric control valve connections using Rainbird Penlile connectors or similm dry splice meU1od. e. Install conlrol wire splices not occurring at control valve in a sepuralE:1 splice v.ilve box. f. Install one control wire for e.ich control valve. g Run lwo spare #14•·1 control wires from conlloller pedestal lo last electric control •,alve operated by conlroller on each and every leg of pressure supply line. Labal spare wires al controller and wire stub box. Loop a minimum of 2<1'' from all spare wires Inside every control valve box operated by controller. ti. Run all future control wires from controller pedestal to point Indicated oci drawings. Coil a rnioimrnn of ten (10) feet at termination and install in 10" round valve box. Label all wires al terminatio.1. 2. High Voltage Wiring for Autornutic Cmitroller a. Provide 120 volt power connection to automatic controller. 120 volt power conne-;tion must be made by a Hcensed Electrician. D. Controller '1. Install controller In accordance wilh manufacturers Instructions as detailed and where shown on Drawings. 2. Connect remote conltol valves to conlro!ler In ,wme,ical sequence as shown on Drawings. 3. Final location of conlrolle1 shall be approved by Consultant prior to Installation. 4. Each controller shall be grounded per lhe NEC. 5. Above ground conduit shall be risiid galvanizeU willl appropriate fillings. Below ground conduit shall be schedule '10 PVC. E. Elec!Jic Control Valves 1. Install cross handle 2 Inches below finished grade where shown on Oraw!ngs and as Uetailed. 2. Wilen grouped together, .i.Uow at least 12 Inches belv.eeri valve box sides. 3. Install each remote control valve in a separate valve t.ox. 4. Install individual valve bo.t flush with grade. 5. Whan parallel to roadway, sidewalk, or other permanent element or structure, cor11Iol valve anU tiox to be iust.illed µe:irpentlicular to elerne11t or structure, spaced equally. F. Drip Valve Assemblies ◄ Install drp valve assembly as detailed and as described above in the section titled 'Electric Control Valves•. G. Sprin<ler Heads ·L Install sprinkler heads where designated on Drawings or where staked. Spacing of h£;1ads shall not exceed tt1s maxlmurn Indicated on Drawing unless re-staked as directeU by Consullunl In no case shall the spacing exceed maximum recommenUed by manufacturer. 2. Set plumb to finish grade as l1£;1tailed. Install heuds on double swing-joint risers ot schedule as detaJJed. Angled nipple re!aUve to non-pressure line shall be no morn than 45 degrees or less than 10 degroes. Adjust heads lo correct hoight after sod is installed. 2. Adjust part cirde heads for proper coverage. Plant placement shall not interfere with Intended sprinkler heat! covera90, piping, or ott1er equipment. Consultant may request noale d1anges or adjus!menls without additional cost lo the Owner. 3. Install sprlnkler heal.ls 3" from curbs and sldewalks, 12· from verUcal surfaces such as walls and fences. H. Valve Boxes: 1. Install one valve box for aach type of valve Installed as detailed flush with grade for .ill sodded areas, and 1/2" abova grade for all stteded areas. 2. Valve box extensions are not acceptatile except for master valve. 3. l11s\aU gravel surnp after :;ompaction of all trenches. Valve box to rest on gravel sump. Place fin<II portion of grnvel Inside •1alve box after valve box Is backfilled and compacted. I. Gate Valves -Install where shown on Drawings as detalle(J. J. Emitl-Jrs -Install as detailed a! the quantities Indicated on the drawings for each tree withir drip 2ones as supplementa' watering. Aqua Commercial Irrigation 810 Los Vallecitos Blvd., Suite 204 San Marcos, California 92069 Ph: (760)750-1900 Fax: (760)750-1999 K 3.04 5. Conlrol Wir~g: 1. All conlro! wiring lo be laid to boltorn and side of pressure supply line trench. Separate wire trenches wil not be allowed unless apµoved by Consultant prior to installatio11. L. Bacl\filling -Do not be(Jin backfilling operations unUJ required system tests have l;een completed. Backfill shaU not be done in free.ling weather except wilh prior approval by Consultanl leave trenches sli£hlly mounded to allow for settlement after backfilling is completed. Trenches sho1II b-:i finish gratled prior lo walk-through of system by Consullanl 1. All pressure supply lines shall be be<Jded with construction grade sand 4" below invert of pipe, lo 6" above lop of pipe and ·.-vidth of trench. 2. Materials -Excavated material is generally considered satisfactory for backfill purposes after completing bedding requirements. Backfill material shall be free of rubbish, vegetable matter, frozen materials, and stones larger \flan 2 inches in maximum dimension. Co not mix subsoil with topsoil. Material not suitable for buckfill shall be hauled away. Contractor shall be responsible for pro,.,iding suitable backfill if excav.ited materfall is unacceptable or not sunicienl to meet backfill, compaction, and rinat grade requirements. 3. Do not leave !ranches open for a period of more than '18 hours. Open excavations shall be prolscle<.l in accordance with OSH.t\ regulations. '1. Compad backfill to 90'½ maximum density in 6" lifts, determined in accordance with ASTM 0155-7 utilizing the following methods: a. MechE10lcal lamping. b. Puddling or pording. Puddling or ponding and /or jetting is J){ohibited witl1in 10'· O'' of bul/ding or foundation walls. M. Pipir.g Under Paving: 1. Provide for a minimum cover of 24 inches between U1e lop of the pipe and the bottom of the aggregate base for all pressure and non-pressure piping installed under asphaltic concrete or concroto paving. 2. Piping shall be bedded with construction grade sand or squeegee -6 inches below pipe to 6 inches above pipe an<.I width of exc;;M,ition. 3. Compact backfill mat8flal in 6-inch !ifts al 95% maximum density determined in accordance wiU1 ASTM 01557 using manual or rnechanlcal tamping devices. 4. Set in place, cap, and pressure test all piping under paving, in presence of consultant or Owner prior to backfilling and pa•,ing operations. 5. Piping under existing walks or concrete pavement shall be done by Jacking, boring, or hydraulic dri'ling, but where cutting or breaking of walks and/or concrete is necessary, il shall be done and replaced al no cost to Owner. Obtain permission and prior approval to cul or break walks a·Jd/or concrete from Owner. N. Waler Supply and Point of Connection • Waler supply shall be ex:tended as shown frarn waltr supply lines. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A Owner lo be no~fied to obser,e all testing and before anything is backfilled. R Flushing -Nter piping, risers, and valves are in place and connected, but prior to lnstdlation of emitters, quick ccupling valves, and air release valves, thoroughly flush plpirlJ system under full head of water pressure frnm dead end rittings. Maintain llushing for 5 minutes through furthermost va!'les. Cap risers after flushing. C. Testng. Conduct lasts in presence of Consultant. Arrange for presence of Consultant a minimum of 48 hours in advance of testing. Supply force pump and all ottier test equipment. 1. After b;;ickfilling, and Installation of <Ill control valves, quick coupling valves, drain val1,es, and air release vc1lves, fill pressure supply line with waler, and pressurize to 40 PSI over the designated static pressure or 120 PSI, whichever ls greater, for a period of 2 hours. 2. leakage, Pressure Loss• Test is acceptable if no leakage Of Joss al pressure is evident during test period. 3. Leaks -Detect and repair leaks. 4. Retest system unlil lest ~ressure can be maintained for duralion of tesl Before final acceptance, pressure supply line stmll remain under pressure for a period of 48 hours. 0. Watk Through for Substanticl Completion: 1, Auanga for Consultant's presence a minimum of 48 hours In ad11ance ol ,,.,.alklhrough. 2. EnUre system shall be completely Installed arid oparational prior to scheduling of walk-through. All sodded areas are to be complete wiUi head heighl and valve boxes adjusted accadingly. 3. Operate each zone ii lls entirety ror Consldtant at lime of walk lllrough .ind open all valve boxes. 4. Consultant shall generate a list of items lo De corre-:ted prior lo Final Completion. 5. Furnish al! materials and perform .ill Work required to correct all inadequacies due to deviations Iron Contract Documents, and as directed by Consultant. 6. During walk•UIrough expose all drip ernltlers under operations for observation by Consultant lo demonstrate that they are performing and installed as designed; prior to placing of all mulch material. Schedule separate walk-through ii necessary. E. Walk-Through for Final Completion: 1. Arrange for Consultant's presence a minimum of 48 hours in advance of walk through. 2. Operate each zone ldentiflsd as deficient at substantial completion w.ilk tt1rough for Consultant at lime of rin.il completion w.ilk lhrcugh to Insure correction of all incomplete items. 4. Items deemed not ,Jcceptatile by Consultant shall be rewo1ked lo complete satisfaction of Consuilant. 6. If afler request to Consldtant for walk-through for Final Completion of irrigation system, Consultant fi"!Us items durlng w.ilk through Ythich have not been properly adjusted, reworked, or replaced as Indicated on 11st of incomplete items fro,n substantial compleU)n walk-through, Contractor shall be charged for all subsequent walklhrougtls. Funds will be wllht1eld from final payment and/or refaiinage to Co11ttacUr, In amounl equal to additional lime and e;.:penses required by Consultant lo conduct and document fwther walk-throughs as deemed necessary lo insure o:>mpllance with Contract Documents. 3.05 ADJUSTING • Upon substantial compleUon of installation, "fine•tune" enlire system by regulating valves, adjusting patterns and break-up armslscrews, and se!Ung pressure reducing valves or throltling control valve flow controls at proper pressure to provide opLimum and efficient co•,srage. Flush and adjust all sprinkler heads for optimum performance and lo prevent overspray onto walks, roadways, and bulltlings as much as possible. Heads of same type shall be operating at same pressure+/-7%. A. lf it Is determined that irrigation adjustments will provide proper and more adequate coverage make such adjustments prior to Final Acceptance, as directed, at no additional cost to Owner. Adjustmenls may also Include changes in emitter spacing ar.d sizes, and control valve lhrctUing. 8. Areas which do not conform !o designa!e:ir.J operation requirements due lo unauthorized changes or poor Installation practices shall be Immediately corrected at no additional cost lo the Owner. 3.06 CLEANING • Maintain contiluous cleaning operation Uiroughoul the duration of Work. Dispose of, off-site at a leg.ii dunipsite and at no additional cost to Owner, all trash or debris generated by installation of Irrigation system. END OF SECTION 02810 IRRIGATION MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS Irrigation Maintenance Specifications A. Drip and Rotor IHigaled Trees, Shrubs, Groundcovers, and Vlnes shall be checked weekly for adequate water requirements. Conditions such as: wilt, color change, vigor, stress, growth rate and plant turgor should be monitored and adjustments shall be made as necessary. Conduct a review of the drip systems in operation if plant material appears stressed in an isolated area. Repair and/or replace drip lubing as necessary. 1. Soil sampling at e• to 8" depths at several locations throughout property shall be done biweekly to check for adequate moisture. 2, Watering schedules shall be arranged so as not lo coincide with herbicide applications, or other events that may Interfere with the use of !he facUity. 8. System Maintenance 1. The Irrigation system shall be maintained for optimum performance by: deaning, adjusting all sprinkler nozzles, wye and basket strainers, drip emitters and screens for proper coverage {head lo head or beyond) and to reduce overspray onto sidewalks and pavement. 2. Weekly inspections of the irrigation system while in operation should be made during the warmer months (May 111 through September 151h), and biweekly in other spring and fall months lo detecl any malfunctioning of the system. J. AU malfunctioning equipment shall be repaired prior to the next scheduled Irrigation. 4. All replacement heads and other equipment shall be of the same manufacturer, type, and application rates. 5. Conduct a system flush of all drip systems at least once a year, by operating lhe valve and opening the flush valves for a period of 30 seconds, one at a time. In the event that drip tubing is cut or !ateraf piping is broken, repair the system and conduct the previously described flushing operation prior to operating the drip system to insure the system is clear of contaminants. C. Conforming with MAWAJEWU requirements: 1. During initial programming use the maximum r1Jn lime indicated on these plans for the month of July of each Hydro:zone {station). 2. Set controller to operate from input received from Et weather sensor, controller will adjust run times {either increasing or decreasing the time Indicated) automatically from the maximum Input In step 1. 3. Review and Input the number of start times lndicated on the Irrigation schedule for each hydrozone and input a minimum soak•in time of '.30 minutes between start times. 4. Observe the plant material in each hydrozone, looking for signs of overwatering (saturated soils, yellowing of leaves) or under.watering (wilting). Adjust run limes up or down by percentages In 10% Increments as allowed by the controller for each stat/on to fine tune the run times. NOTES: I Landscape Architecture 92 Argonaut, Ste. 270 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 T: 949.770.8530 www.studio-pad.com Job No. : CV04-P Scale: Drawn: ACI Ll-6.01 Checked: PAD APPROVED FOR IRRIGATION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" 1. Refer to Sheet Ll-5.01/Ll-5.02 for Irrigation Details. 2. Refer to Sheet Ll-6.01 for Irrigation Specifications. RCE EXP. DATE IRRIGATION REVIEWED BY: SPECIFICATIONS INSPECTOR DATE ~ ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD 5 PLANNING DIVISION 2 1,~t-lDSC)\pl: LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: °'"v,<::> "'"'• lie -1,?, Carlsbad -Valley & Oak ~'\/2. +,, %. ' ~ ~ A Valley 17 (!) ~ 0 ff\ ~ rf. /PM£' ~ ~ ~oc1 ~rl<J.Jtion lle~lyn,PI.J11nh,y " t.V/,.itcr M.ill.JtJCIUCf1[ Signature I APPROVED: ttJ\ q--Eii=1t I • E,p, 8/10~</& • ~-Z.1 · 1-f N Re,:,w@b,i,¾ <.P fr, .,_, -loJ 't' '<- /' bate +' PLANNING /' I: o'<' OWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. OF CALI\ DATE INITIAi. DATE INJTIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWDBY: CT 12-07 480-4L ExpiraLion Date. z 0 -1-- (.) ::::::, ~ 1-- (f) z 0 (.) ~ 0 LL 1-- 0 z I -I,() C) 00 C) """ ..... C) N -II) -C: Cl) E :::, 0 0 C C: 0 ·--0 2 -II) C: 0 (.) • • -cu t: ·-E .c :::, (f) >, :!:: (.) .c: ~ GENERAL PLANTING NOTES: TREE SCHEDULE: KEY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME FORM STAKE/GUY DETAIL NO QUANTITY • SIZE WOCULS COMMENTS ~ ~ Ago Fie Agonis flexuosa Peppermint Tree Standard Double 1/LP-5.01 19-15 gallon Low Soil & Plant Laborator_y, Inc Soil &,~).~.~!.!:-.~£~.:.~tor_y, lnc stake -......... "' ~ .. ,~ r. .... , :!in<• 19~· 1. Refer lo planting details and specifications for additional planting information. Nl(Nltlil.a,~..to,JW,'I ,,,,,.Ma .. .Jpwill!,il,,a,.:.l"'t--n Lag Ind Lagerstroemia indica White Crape Myrtle Standard Double 1/LP-5.01 25 -15 galkln Medium 2. Consult with site superintendent, appropriate agencies, and Drawings lo verify existing locations of underground utilities, 'Natchez' slake - Anc1heirn office Page2 pipes and structures. Take sole responsibility for costs incurred due to damage of these utilities, pipes, or structures if proper Lal.J No: H-09+00'19 Studio Pod verification by Contractor was not performed. April 11, 0214 April 1'1, 2014 3. Do not willfully proceed with planting operations when it is obvious that unknown obstructions and grade differences exist that SHRUB SCHEDULE: Studio Pa<l Tree and Shrub Plcrnting Guidelines may not have been known during the design process. Bring these conditions immediately to the attention of the Owner's 92 Argonaut Street, Suite 270 Authorized Representative for resolution. Assume full responsibility for costs incurred due to lack of providing such WOCULf QUANIDI AUso Viejo, Cl\ 92656 L Ex'c<1vate plcuiting plt:. i;lt least twice the diameter of the rootball. SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE FORM SPACING DETAIL NO. COMMENTS 2. -rhe toµ or the rootball should Ile at or sliyhtly ab.ave final yrade. notification. 0 Agave al\enuata Fox Tail Agave 5 gal 36" o.c. 2/LP-5.01 Low 28 Attn: Peter Duarte J. Organic material Is not required in the buckfill; however if you wish, the amended surface soil or a soil blend --consisting of 110 more tl1tu1 200/Q Uy volume oqJan!c 11\dtter can tie µlaced !11 UIe upper 12 inches of llacktill only. Soil 4. Coordinate olher contractor's work relaled to proper execution of Contractor's work. 5. Obtain approval of final grade certitication from Owner prior lo beginning planting operations that certifies that rough grades CARLSBAD SFD below this depth should not contain any added organic 1natter because of the threat of plant disease and/or @ Anigozanlhos 'Red' Red Kangaroo Paw 5 gal. -36' o.c. 2/LP-5.01 Low 144 -artaerobic soil co11ditio11s developing. are within 1110th of an inch from specified grades. Ensure that finish grade elevations of planting areas are set to the proper Attached are the results of the analyses performed on two soil samples that were collected from the above mentioned 4. !-'lace slow release fertilizer tablets In the upper 12 inches of backtill at manufacturer's reconn'lended rates. lf elevations relative to the finish surfaces of paving, utility covers, and curbs. <!') Pennisetum messiacum Red Bunny Tails Fountain 5 gal. 36" o.c. 2/LP-5.01 Low 57 -project site by the undersigned 011 Aprl! 4, 2014. These sarnples were mrnly:z:e<l in preparntion for a new landscape fertilizer amended soil is used as a backfill the addition of slow release fertiltzer tablets Is not necess,1ry. Grass -ins@Hation, Tlie 'ffl' and '#2' samples are composites ofsoJI collected from tile LP-1.01 and LP-l.02 respectively{ as 5. Do not cover the oriyinal rootball wiU1 0U1er soil. ldeaUy, a temporary soil benn is ollcn constrm:ted arorn1d lhe 6, Existing site soil may be used in planting areas, however, It may need to be amended as indicated in the horticultural soils 5een on Uie i:lllached rnaps. Each of those st1mples was c1rrntyzetl for general chemistry a11d 11 utrienl levels. The outer edge of the rootball to help clm1111el water into the rootball and then into surrounding soil until roots c:ire report. Should import soil be necessary lo bring site lo specified finish grades, indicate source location. Ensure that import ® Salvia leucantha Mexican Bush Sage 5 gal. -36~ o.c. 2/LP-5.01 Low 67 -texture of the soil was found to be uniform throughout and those two ScHnples were combined into a single composite established in the backfill and the rootball is no longer the sole source of water for UIc plant. soil is of a sandy loam nature, containing no toxic chemicals or elements that might inhibit or retard normal plant growth. ('#3') for analysis to determine particle size distribution and textural classification. 6. Ideally, a weed and turf free zone, preferably 2-3 It. in diameter, should be maintained just beyond the diameter of the planting hole. A 2~4 inch deep layer of coilrse mulch can be placed around the tree or sbrub; mulch should Submit soil test results of Import soil to Owner's Authorized Representative for approval prior to delivering soil to site. Allitly:Ucal R~sull'.;?: be kept a minimum 4-6 Inches from the trunk. 7. Submit representative photos of each tree species to Owner's Authorized Representative for approval. Trees of a similar Mc,inte11<111ce-Fertilit<1tion lhe reaction of the sol! Is sligt1tly acidic, being measured at 6.2 and 6.1 on the pH scale In the 1/ll' and 11t2' sample!i species and variety are to have matching form. GROUND COVER SCHEDULE: respectively. This is sultcJble for c1 broad rqnge of plants and no pH tidjustment is recornrnended. 8. Plant material must be approved by Owners Authorized Representative prior to installation. Plant material installed without for turf, groundcover and rnass planting areas, uniformly broadcast ca/dum riitrc1te cit the rate of 6 lbs. µer 1000 sq. rt. Owner's Authorized Representative's approval may be subject lo removal and replacement with related costs borne by SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE SPACING DETAIL NO. WOCULS QTY (SF) COMMENTS Nitrogeu is below optimum In Uoth samples. Phosptiorus an<.I potaSsium are ample and neither will require ud<.lition ·nie fir:;t cipplk:ation should occur approximately 45 days after planllny, wiU1 repeat npplicc1tiot1:> every 30-90 clays or as growth and color dk:tate. In emly spring, 2015 substitute a complete fertilizer such as 16-6-8, or equal, for the calcium Contractor. ~ Triangular Spacing. until r.1t least spring 2015. Cillcium and rrngnesium me sufficient in both Sc1rnples. Copper, zir1c, m·1ngc11Iese c1ml 11itrnte ;it UIe rnte of 6 lUS. per 1000 sq. ft. to ensure continuing supplies of phosphorus and palilssium. Trl!e and shruL Bougainvillea 'Monka' Oo-La-la® Bougainvillea 5 gal. 30' o.c. 3/LP-5.01 Low 2,910 iron, c:ilthough not problematically high, will not require addition for at lc~t a year and probably longer. 9. Final locations of plant materials are subject to approval of the Owner's Authorized Representative prior to installation. plm1tings rnn be m«intfilned with the c1bove fertilizers; however, the frequency be~Meen upplici1tio11s should be every 90- Perform the following before beginning planting pit excavation: I" · · :1 Rosmarinus p. 'Huntington Prostrate Rosemary 1 gal. Triangular Spacing. Salinity (ECe) is safety low in both samples. The favornbly lo9w sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) values Indicate that 120 days or as color (Hid growth dictate, with the first application GO <.lays after planting. Follow each fertiliziltiou with a ' t ' t 30" O.C. 3/LP-5.01 Low 770 thorough lrri<Jation. When plaIIL<i have beco1re well established, fertilizer applications can be lesci frequent. . . . . . Carpet' sodium ls properly balanced by calcium and mc1gneslum In regmcls to its effect on soll structure aud Wc'lter l11fllt@tlo11. a. Shrubs -place in containers on-site in 'final' locations. (gg~gg~ Serpents Blue Chalk Fingers Boron is s.1fely low, yet sufficient for plant nutrition In both samples. b. Trees -stake or flag centerpolnt of tree. Senecio vitalis 'Serpents' 4" Flats 16" o.c. 3/LP-5.01 Low 5,625 Triangular Spacing. c. Container Pots -locate pots prior lo planting. The t~xture of the soil at this site is 'sandy loi!rr(. The estlmatctl water I11flltrn.tio11 rntc, which rnay vmy with tht.: lf we can be of any further assic;ta,lce, please feel free to contact us. 10. Motify Owner's Authorized Representative in sufficient time to perform a required site observation visit. Refer to specifications r,:,:,:,:,:,i Baccharis pilularis pilularis □wart Coyote Brush 4' Flats 12· o.c. 3/LP-5.01 Low 279 Triangular Spacing. degree of soil compaction, is 0.34 inches per hour. y~-~ for specific site visil notillcalion tasks and limes. Insufficient notification time given Owners Authorized Representative may ~ Baccharis pilularis pilularis □wart Coyote Brush 1 gal. 42" o.c. 3/LP-5.01 Low 6,139 Triangular Spacing. Install reinforced straw mat to cover (~ecomrnendations require the site visit lo be canceled, or possibly, make Contractor responsible to compensate Owner's Authorized all slope areas. Surface Soil Preparntion For Turf Groundcover and Mass Planting_ Jason Gihring Representative for overtime. IH!HHI Carex pansa California Meadow Sedge 1 gal. 30" o.c. 3/LP-5.01 Medium 2,460 Triangular Spacing. 11. Furnish plant material free of pests, poor condition, or disease, Including pre-selected or 'tagged' plant material provided by If fec1siUle, prior to mnemling the areas where 5evere comp,:1clio11 exists, the surfc1ce soil should lte ripped or tined to c1 9-Emailed: paduarte@studlo-pad.com Owner's Authorized Representative. ~'$..\\\\i Erosion Control Malting ---1,575 Type of matting lo be approved by City. Install per inch depth. Uniformly broildcast and blend the following witf1 e;.:isting sol/ to ii G-lnch depth. --manufact.'s recommendations & City's Landscape Manual. 12. After fine grading operations have been completed and prior to beginning soil preparation, take a minimum of (3) horticultural Amount per 1000 soil samples where soil conditions or plant types vary, I.e. turf, shrub, slopes, etc. Soil samples are to be collected and tested Materfc1ls sq.rt. Sample Lucation(s) by a qualified soil testing laboratory (current member of the California Association of Agricultural Labs and pre-approved by Nitrogen fortified organic amendment 4 cu. yards Both sample locations the City.) and a written report prepared which will include but not be limited to the following: VINE SCHEDULE: (compost-~ or re.dwood or fir sawdust) a. organic matter content b. N,P,K SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE SPACING DETAIL NO. WOCULS QTY COMMENTS Catcium nitrate (15.5-0-0) lO lbs. Both sample locations C. pH .,. Macfadyena unguis-cati Cat's Claw 5 gal. d. EC Per plan 4,5/LP-5.01 Low 15 Triangular Spacing. -~R11tes and fertilizers m:1y have to Ue adjusted depending on mrnlysis of selected compost e. soil lexture (sill, clay, sand) ----·-------.. --------------------- r. recommendations for soil amendments, leaching, fertilization, planting backfill mixes and maintenance. 4/4.l E. Hunter Ave.1 Suite A 1@' 1101 S. Winchester Blvd., Sllite G-.li'J 4/4.L I:. Hunter Ave., Suite A @' llOt S. Winchester Blvd., Suite G-173 Submit a copy of the report to the Owner's Authorized Representative and the City. These requirements shall be incorporated SYMBOLS LEGEND: Anaheim, CA 92807 Sari Jose, CA 95128 Amihelm, CA 92807 San Jose, CA 95128 into the soil preparations. P/7 H.282.8777 F/711.282.8575 ·,,wu.ls11)Corp.cc.m P/108.727.0330 F/408.727.5125 P/714.282.8777 F/714.282.8575 ·1,w11.Llll)CorpLW1 P/•108.727.0JJO F/408.727.5125 13. If conflicts arise between actual size of planting areas on-site and those areas indicated on Drawings, contact Owner's Authorized Representative for resolution. Failure lo make such conflicts known lo Owner's Authorized Representative in a .... Indicates Vine Center Line Slut.Jio Pat.J (ii) Soil & i!~.JE.!;.,<;.,~~:.~tor_y, Inc. timely fashion may result In Contractor's own liability to relocate plant materials. 0'----- 92 Acyonaut Street, Sta 270 14. Ensure that turf areas are separated from groundcovers and shrub areas with specified edging -refer to Drawings. •1741 E. Huntlt Av,, Suite A Anaheim, CA a2W7 114:zez~n1 Whon•l 714-282~575 lf.lxl 15. Triangular space groundcovers and shrubs, unless Indicated otherwise on Drawings -refer to planting details. ® Quantity of Plants in Planting Area Properly Line www.:.oi{ilflUplwitlulM•\r,;uy.!;t.l111 stu I --t---J\liso Viejo GA 92656 16. Provide a representative example of a typical tree slaking and guying (If any) Installation for Owner's Authorized -I -Representative review before performing tree staking and guying (if any) operations -refer to planting details. ~-Indicates Tree Type Limit of Work Line Project: Carlsbad sr-o Report No : 1.4-094-0049 I --Purchase Order: 17. Excavate plant pits lo specified dimensions per planting details. Indicates Tree Quantity --Indicates Tree Size COMPREHENSIVE SOIL ANALYSIS Uate Heed: 04/04/2014 18. Do not plant trees closer than 4-feet to fixed edge such as sidewalks and walls unless indicated otherwise on Drawings. Data Printed : 04/09/2014 19. Ensure that top of tree rootballs are set 2" above finish grade and shrub rootballs are set 1' above finish grade. ----Match line 1--'a~e: 1 of 1 20. Install plant material with its best side facing predominate view of public. -@= Indicates Vine Type Half Sat pH N03 -N I NH.,-~ PO-4--P K ""ca Mg •Cu Zn Mn ,. I 21. Provide the required selbacks between trees and elements such as utilities, i.e. gas, electric, sewer, water and related vaults, Indicates Vine Quantity Indicates Vine Size (\ Align % ECo pprn . ppm ppm PPm ppm ppm ppm . ppm ppm pj}m ,Ornanic . ·s.mple Description -Sampl& lb Lab No . .Qua/ -dSfril 'Yt "drt w1. ' streetlights, fire hydrants, and signage. TEC Suff1cl111lc:{F•ctari. ' Limi ! 22. Replace or repair existing materials that are damaged by Contractor during planting operations. .. I Note: Plant quantities shown on plans are for contractors convenience and reference only. xx' Indicates Tree Box Size "1 14 6.2 17 I 4 36 "' 750 '"' 2.0 ,., ' 21' 23. Verify property lines prior to commencing planting operations. 1.2 15836 Landscape Architecture Contractor is responsible lo provide all plant material required to conform to specified plant 53 Non11 0.7 ,. r w ,., 1.0 ,, ,., 1.0 .. , 24. Refer lo City and County standards for standard landscape plans and specifications, where applicable. spacing. xx' BT Indicates Palm Brown Trunk Height I Keep turf 2' clear of tree trunks. Apply wood mulch In this buffer zone. #2 12 ,.1 ' ' " l74 "" 11!5 ~I 7.Q 1 137 25. 1A 158T/ " Nan, o., l..t ,., 1.0 1.5 2,9 ~, ·L2 , .. 92 Argonaut, Ste. 270 ( #3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l 15838 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 WOOD MULCH SCHEDULE: Slopes 6:1 or steeper requiring erosion control measures as specified herein shall be lreated with one or more of the following planting standards: Saturation Extract Values Percent of Sample Passing 2 mm Screen I T: 949.770.8530 a. Slandard 1 --Cover Crop/Reinforced Straw Matting: Griil.vol '¼ I . www.studio-pad.com ·so, s .. nd USDA.SQ.ii cias!iific:ali01i en M~ No K e ~All :snt .'C.!ay Lab ~o. c;o"a:i-sO Frne Voiy :co·arse · ~oarso Me.d .. lo'Vi:ri-y.FinQ :Oii.i--.06 ' Mulch these planter areas with a minimum 3-lnch deep layer of wood mulch: Cover crop shall be a seed mix typically made up of quick germinating and fas I covering grasses, clovers, and/or wild meq/L .me·q/L rncq/L meq/L ppm mE!q/L 5 -12 2-6 1 · 2 .0,5 -1 0.05 4 0.5 0-.002 i Job No.: CV04-P A. Shrub areas. flowers. Submit the specific seed mix for City approval prior to application. The cover crop shall be applied at a rate and 5.U 22 ,., 2.1 0.2!l l.7 t.!l 15836 Scale: NONE B. Groundcover areas. manner sufficient to provide 90% coverage within lhirly (30) days. ( 6.5 I 25 I 4.5 I 1.6 I O.J:2 I ,., I ~, I I I I I I 158J7 I Drawn: sPAD Type of reinforced straw matting shall be as approved by Iha cily and slaked to lhe slope as recommended by the ( I I I I I I I o., 1., I 22 L!I_U 45.ll I 1".D I ,.1 I Snndy loam I 15838 l LP-0.01 1. Mulch Type: 'Forest Floor (2" minus). manufacturer. Checked: PAD 2. Supplier: Aquinaga Fertilizer (949) 786-9558. Reinforced straw matting shall be required when planting occurs between August 15 and April 15. The cover crop and/or reinforced straw mat shall be used the remainder of the year. APPROVED FOR IRRIGATION AND 3. Comments: Provide Owners Authorized Representative with (1) baggle of mulch for review and approval prior lo placement b. Standard #2 --Ground Cover PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING of mulch. One hundred (100%) percent of the area shall be planled wilh a ground cover known to have excellent soil binding 4. Refer to the Landscape Planting specification for additional mulch information. characterislics (planted from a minimum size of flatted material and spaced to provide full coverage within one year). PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING C. Standard #3 --Low Shrubs AREA. Low spreading woody shrubs (planted from a minimum of 2-3/4 inch liners) shall cover a minimum of seventy (70%) percent of lhe slope face (at mature size). TREE ROOT BARRIER SCHEDULE: d. Standard #4 --Trees and/or Large Shrubs Sufilduncy fadur ( I.0=:;uflicianf fur ;..v1mi,1s crop} balow each ~ufliunf valua I\ f:i.dor b;i.liw:j on 200 ppm constisrl fund. SAR= Sodiqm ndsorp:iori ratiCJ. H;iif SalLr,don 'Y.=awox 1ield m::ils:t:ro capacr.J. J\ilrof1en(N), Poiii!i:,;jt11n{K), "AS BUil T" C•lciurn(C.,;.) ;md ,,1.;,;m.~iu111(',t;:;) by !iodiu111 ci luklu !!X~ il'.;clbu. Pho~µ1orus{P) Uy soo'ium 1Jk:;;1!.rJ11o1!1;l r.i.dr~-t~~ CUSJp•~r{Cu), Z~1l.(Zu), ~,liill£iim:~:.(r.4a) lo lr1Jn{Fe) t.,y DTPA 11i1&::UC(1. t,;t_ (;.{i moil:'J'·J for :,;,,.li1.ii-t (ECe ;,ii; US/111),Bui.t.t1 Trees and/or large shrubs shall be (planled from a minimum of 1 gallon containers) at a minimum rale of one (1) per {13), Sulfu!1.(SO 4 ), S<..(Jii.m10\i!j. Grn•t"d fru,,;lion c4m .. ~~sod u:. µ:.1::L11f IJ{ WL1\jt1[ of u·~L"11·1.lriui.l "Jurui;l.i p.i~:.i11g i:'! 1211u11(112. rm:h) :.ilm1. P-uril::lt, ~.::1,-:. !n r11illimulc1s. 01guni<.: p;:rw11!u~l.! dct111111i11cd Li:,r W.iUwy.Bl.a::k or Lou:. on l,jl i!im, 1. Provide root control barriers for trees planted within 5-feet of a hardscape edge such as paving, walls, curbs, steps, etc. two hundred (200) square feet. • 1,QW , S.UFFlr.:IENr , tliOI-I 2. Type: CP18-2. Install per manufacturer's specifications. Slopes --6:1 or steeper and: RCE EXP. DATE a. 3' or less in verlical heighl and are adjacent lo public walks or streets require al minimum Standard #1. PLANTING REVIEWED BY: 3. Mfg: Century Root Barrier (800) 480-8084 b. 3' to 8' in vertical height require Slandards #1 (erosion control malling shall be inslalled in lieu of a cover crop), #2 and #3. SCHEDULES ' 4. Length: 1 O' long, refer to manufacturer's specifications. c. In excess of 8' in vertical heigh! require Standards #1 (erosion conlrol matting shall be installed in lieu of a cover crop), #2, INSPECTOR DATE #3, and #4. ~ ~ 5. Comments: CITY OF CARLSBAD A Set top of barrier a minimum of 1/2' above finish grade and below surface of wood mulch or turf. Areas graded flatter lhan 6:1 require Slandard #1 (cover crop) with temporary irrigation when lhey have one or more of 6 PLANNING DIVISION 2 8. Refer to the Landscape Planting specification for additional root barrier information. the following condilions: LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: C. Alternatives may be submitted for review. a. Sheel graded pads not scheduled for improvements within 6 months of completion of rough grading. ~~DSCAP1, 'I Carlsbad -Valley & Oak D. Refer to detail 4 on Sheet LP-5.01. b. A potential erosion problem as determined by the City. <,.,<:! 00"1'7E & ltr '9C',s, ~ <:}·'?· .. ,,,.f: :.;.. c. Identified by lhe City as highly visible areas to the public or have special conditions lhat warrant immediate treatment. 6' 0 Ii!) 'fc. "' Valley 17 -~ ~ r::. -I -! --,, ... ,, -~ _Ll tc "(,•/ r, APPROVED: 1~1 H,~,,_ ,1 [<llC c:..+' EJl--ait ::g, , t.:,. I + " ~U,lQ/'( .. S'/'.; }ale :-,_'¥". PLANNING .</1; "'"" >!' OF C/\Ll<O OWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE JNITIAL CHKO BY: DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTIOM OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWO BY: CT 12-07 480-4L Expirafon Dale: Plotted by: KC-SPAD Aug. 22, 2014 03:26 PM S:lz_ProJects\CV04-2012_ Carlsbad SFR\sPADl'P' (Production)ILP-101_ CV04-P .dwg -( ( ( < • , ( ( - ( . • ( . . ( . . I -~L I 4 4 • I ·'-\.j'· ~co~-I ~iii0 : 0 og I'' l,-!;-,-...i'l;;:c=,1'-1 )( ,= t f l~--.->o0 a 0 0 0 0 •·-., .. (5. / --._ 1 1 1 j~ I ..• );" •~ : \ .,<~--;, , __ ~CJ ~-j[ _ __,._, -j~o,,,, .o?.; ,s•s, s SS , I ~ I I[ c3 • 0000 000 ~ ~-,--~~~~~-~--~--~ -I °'_~ I 00000 ooo ~-: 0 a0 0~00°a0 o 55! --------E------~ -·cE--------· · ·-E---· · -~ I d!~~;;p;;,,;t O I I ~~~... ,. 0 . TREE SCHEDULE: .. Front Yard Landscape to be Homeowner Installed 1 l KEY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME FORM STAKE/GUY DETAIL NO QUANTITY· SIZE WOCULS COMMENTS Ago Fie Agonis flexuosa Peppermint Tree Standard Double 1/LP-5.01 19-15gallon Low stake Lag Ind Lagerslroemia indica White Crape Myrtle Standard Double 1/LP-5.01 25-15 galon Medium 'Natchez' stake SHRUB SCHEDULE: SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE FORM SPACING DETAIL NO. WOCULS QUANTIT'I COMMENTS 0 Agave attenuata Fox Tail Agave 5 gal. -36" o.c. 2/LP-5.01 Low 28 - @ Anigozanthos 'Red' Red Kangaroo Paw 5 gal. -36' o.c. 2/LP-5.01 Low 144 - ® Pennisetum messiacum Red Bunny Tails Fountain 5 gal. 36" O.C. 2/LP-5.01 Low 57 Grass -- ® Salvia leucantha Mexican Bush Sage 5 gal. -36" O.C. 2/LP-5.01 Low 67 - GROUND COVER SCHEDULE: SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE SPACING DETAIL NO, WOCULS QTY {SF) COMMENTS ~ Bougainvillea 'Monka' Oo-La-La® Bougainvillea 5 gal. 30" Q_C. 3/LP-5.01 Low 2,910 Triangular Spacing. I" .. ·1 Rosmarinus p. 'Huntington Prostrate Rosemary 1 gal. 30"o.c. Triangular Spacing. t ' • t 3/LP-5.01 Low 770 . ' . ' . Carpet' g o·o \~I 000000 ·~ O 0 Senecio vitalis 'Serpents' Serpents Blue Chalk Fingers 4" Flats 16' O.C. 3/LP-5.01 Low 5,625 Triangular Spacing. f,/ V V V ~v] VVV¥VV 'u u ., u Baccharis pilularis pilularis Dwart Coyote Brush 4" Flats 12' o.c. 3/LP-5.01 Low 279 Triangular Spacing. ~ Baccharis pilularis p'dularls □wart Coyote Brush 1 gal. 42" o.c. 3/LP-5.01 Low 6,139 Triangular Spacing. Install reinforced straw mat to cover all slope areas. UlHH!i Carex pansa California Meadow Sedge 1 gal. 30" o.c. 3/LP-5.01 Medium 2,460 Triangular Spacing. t\%~'\\~1 -Erosion Control Matting ---1,575 Type of ma tung to be approved by City. Install per -manufact.'s recommendations & Cily's Landscape Manual. VINE SCHEDULE: SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE SPACING DETAIL NO. WOCULS QTY COMMENTS ,. Macfadyena unguis-cati Cat's Claw 5 gal. Per plan 4,5/LP-5.01 Low 15 Tnangular Spacing. 2 15G NOTES: 16 165.88 2 1 Jl u [t--- I I II I I I ;1 Front Yard Landscape to be Homeowner Installed or per Homebuilder offered Front Yard Landscape Option Packages (at time of sale). 1. Refer to Sheet LP-0.01 for Planting Schedules and Notes. \ I < ---- 0 10' I Scale: 1" = 20' 2. Refer to Civil Drawings for LMD Basin Area dimensions, details and specifications. ~l'DSCAp<!' '1 '.<.,<::) 0\.1/\H rE & lJ. ,9("'o/, ~ ~~ c:? 1/ 4}~~ '%-~ :5 !t IEfd __ -• ';. ~ f-?l.·ZP/l!__ ----· k,,:-:" ,1 ,1.,,, " _f,:.Z-1,.~Z.•l'f ,. S'?: i\11'" ,.'I(: '1 t: "'"". < OF CA\.\rO DATE fNrTIA!. DATE INirlAL DATE KEYMAP rn Not to Scale 20' 40' PLANTING PLAN ~ 7 Landscape Architecture 92 Argonaut, Ste. 270 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 T: 949.770.8530 www.studio-pad.com Job No. : C\/04-P Scale: 1·=20· Drawn: PAD LP-1.01 Checked: PAD APPROVED FOR IRRIGATION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUILT" RCE EXP. DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION 2 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: Carlsbad -Valley & Oak Valley 17 I APPROVED: {<z..-.i \ I y -e I ...;ft ~ · z..7. I :I: PLANNING OWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. INlflAL CHKD BY: I I DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: CT 12-07 480-4L E,qiiraWn Date; -( ( ( C ( .- • C . • ( • .. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .. , Plotted by: KC-SPAD Aug. 22, 2014 03:26 PM S:lz_Projects\CV04-2012_ Carlsbad SFR\sPAD\'P' (Production)\LP-101_ CV04-P .dwg TREE SCHEDULE: KEY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME FORM STAKE/GUY DETAIL NO QUANTITY-SIZE WOCULS COMMENTS Ago Fie Agonis nexuosa Peppermint Tree Standard Double 1/LP"<i.01 19 -15 gallon Low stake - Lag Ind Lagerstroemia indica While Crape Myrtle Standard Double 1/LP"<i.01 25 -15 gallon Medium 1Natchei stake - SHRUB SCHEDULE: SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE FORM SPACING DETAIL NO. wocuu QUANffi1 COMMENTS 0 Agave attenuata Fox Tail Agave 5 gal. -36" o.c. 2JLP-5.01 Low 28 - ® Anigozanlhos 'Red' Red Kangaroo Paw 5 gal. -36" o.c. 2JLP-5.01 low 144 - <El Pennisetum messiacum Red Bunny Tails Fountain 5gal. 36" o.c. 2JLP-5.01 low 57 Grass -- ® Salvia leucantha Mexican Bush Sage 5gal. -3Wo.c. 2JLP"<i.01 low 67 - GROUND COVER SCHEDULE: SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE SPACING DETAIL NO. WOCULS QTY (SF) COMMENTS ~ Bougainvillea 'Monka' Oo-La-la® Bougainvillea 5 gal. 30" o.c. 3/LP-5.01 low 2,910 Triangular Spacing. l:'.:::::<I Rosmarinus p. 'Huntington Prostrate Rosemary 1 gal. 30" o.c. 3/LP-5.01 Low 770 Triangular Spacing. Carpet' ~gg~~g~ Senecio vilalis 'Serpents' Serpents Blue Chalk Fingers 4" Flats 16" O.C. 3/LP-5.01 Low 5,625 Triangular Spacing. [,"" ".] v,,11_,v .. " .• v v Baccharis pilularis pilularis Dwart Coyote Brush 4' Flats 12" O.C. 3/LP"<i.01 Low 279 Triangular Spacing. ~ Bacd1aris pilularis pilularis Dwarf Coyote Brush 1 gal. 42" o.c. 3/LP-5.01 low 6,139 Triangular Spacing. Install reinforced straw mat to cover aN slope areas. lllllllll Carex pansa California Meadow Sedge 1 gal. 30• O.C. 3/LP-5.01 Medium 2,460 Triangular Spacing. ~\~~'\\~ -Erosion Control Matting ---1,575 Type of matting to be approved by City. Install per -manufact.'s recommendalions & City's landscape Manual. VINE SCHEDULE: SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE SPACING DETAIL NO. WOCULS QTY COMMENTS ,, Macfadyena unguis-cati Cats Claw 5 gal. Per plan 4,5/LP-5.01 Low 15 Triangular Spacing. ,-----Front Yard Landscape to be Homeowner Installed or per Homebuilder offered Front Yard Landscape Option Packages (at time of sale). Front Yard Landscape to be Homeowner Installed or per Homebuilder offered Front Yard Landscape Option Packages (at time of sale). NOTES: 1. Refer to Sheet LP-0.01 for Planting Schedules and Notes. KEYMAP Stamp concrete paving at median, per Civil Plan 0 10' 20' I I Scale: 1 • = 20' 40' I rn Not to Scale I Landscape Architecture 92 Argonaut, Ste. 270 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 T: 949.770.8530 www.studio-pad.com Job No. : CV04-P Scale: 1 ·=20' Drawn: PAD LP-1.02 Checked: PAD APPROVED FOR IRRIGATION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" 2. Refer to Civil Drawings for LMD Basin Area dimensions, details and specifications. RCE EXP. DATE PLANTING REVIEWED BY: PLAN INSPECTOR DATE m CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ 8 PLANNING DIVISION 2 v'!!-IDSCl\p~ LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: "-'Q o0 "'"&" ~c Carlsbad -Valley & Oak p ,,.~ <:, -s;.,,. '-tJ4.'-' '\~ v '"i!!d r, :::i ' ~ Valley 17 -~ .. \,p, ,,or. __ L:}l: l• Ir,, I APPROVED: t'(~( I II) ,:·it~"1A;y J~ ~ E;il..r2tl:: ~--Z•-!:± J'/'. (}al,; ~ :,-.1?'. -1r o,:/' PLANNING "DFcALlt0 OWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INHIA!.. DATE INITIAL DATE ltllf!Al CHKD BY: Dl;SJQNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CHY APPROVAL RVWO BY: CT 12-07 480-4L E.tpirat:;on Date: -( ( ( C • • C ( . ( • ( . . ( -. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' Plotted by: KC-SPAD Aug. 22, 2014 03:26 PM S:\z __ Projects\CV04-2012 __ Carlsbad SFR\sPADl'P' (Production)ILP-101 __ CV04-P .dwg 7 8 LEGEND 1. Wall beyond. 2. 9 gauge galvinized guy wire. 1/4' x 2' galvinized eye screws set in lead shields (on landscape walls). Use adhesive/clear caulking vine-eyes on residential walls. 3. Attach primary espalier branches to guy wire with green nursery tie wire. 4. Espalier -prune lower branches as requird. 5. Finish grade. 30" ELEVATION 5 VINE ATTACHMENT 6 NOTES A. Coordiante vine support on-site with Owner's Authorized Representative. B, Attach major vine branches to wires. 30' PL-Vl-03 .dwg Scale: NTS LEGEND 1. Edge of paving, sidewalk, wall or curb 2. Shrub or groundcover plant. 3. Locate plant equal distance from each olher. Spacing per Plant Legend. 4, 1/2 of plant spacing distance -12" min. 0t • • • • 0/\\0 • • TRIANGULAR SPACING • • SQUARE SPACING • • I \ •---• 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • PL-GC--01.dwg 3 SHRUB/GROUNDCOVER SPACING Scale: N.T.S. LEGEND 1. Vine. 2. 3' deep water basin. 3. Fence, wall, or post. 4. Finish grade. 5. Plant labfets -refer to Specifications for quantity. 6, Amended backfill. 7. Undisturbed native soil. NOTES A. Refer to planting specifications for additional information. 8, Set vine as close to fooling as possible. 5 6 7 2x rootb~II width -,~--~--?- PL-Vl-01 .dwg 4 VINE PLANTING Scale: NTS . 0':t1DSCAP1, .q ' ..,<> 90'"" •&c: -9('-S: ,· ~ ~ ,J, ~ .'<CJ;...._,,,_,~ 'V~ /5ii:/f!d ~~ -~~-51)'0;\C~,._ l[-J//Lo/0 • ;:·:;~:~.,y/e .S-;,-_>..__ Ll-Ji., -~:'\~ "it: ~"" 'OFCALlfO E:o:piralioo Data: LEGEND 1. Tree -cenler in pit. 2. Tree ties. • 3. 2' dia. x 1 O' Lodgepole Pine slake -keep clear of rootball. 4. 3' deep waler basin -no basin in turf areas. 5. Finish grade. 6. Plant tablets -quantity per specifications. 7, Undisturbed native soil. 8. Rootball -set top 2" above finish grade. 9. 12' deep layer of amended backfill. 10. 3' high native soil pedestal. 11. Non-amended backfill. b ' N 2x rootball width NOTES A. Refer to planling specificalions for addilional information. B. Keep turf 24' clear of trunk -mulch this area and keep mulch 3' clear of trunk. Prevailing Wind PLAN VIEW PL-TR-02.dwy 1 TREE PLANTING (Double-Staked) Scale: NTS LEGEND 1. Shrub -center in pit. 2, 3" deep water basin. 3, Finish grade, 4. Amended backfill. 5. Plant tablets -quantity per specifications. 6. Undisturbed nati•1e soil. Rootball NOTES A. Refer to planting specifications for add'itional information. 8, Set rootball 1" above finish grade. ~~ -'"''..,,, .... • ,I' ,, ,I 6 )' 2x rootball width , • PL-SH-01.dwg Scale: 2 SHRUB PLANTING NTS PLANTING DETAILS ~ 9 I Landscape Architecture 92 Argonaut, Ste. 270 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 T: 949.770.8530 www.studio-pad.com Job No. : CV04-P Scale: As Shown Drawn: PAD LP-5.01 Checked: PAD APPROVED FOR IRRIGATION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" RCE EXP. OATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ PLANNING DIVISION 2 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: Carlsbad -Valley & Oak Valley 17 I APPROVED: i~\ I (y> £I) -0ft ~--z-r' i-t PLANNING I I INITIAL OWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE DATE INITIAL DATE IN!TIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION CHKD BY: CT 12-07 480-4L DESJGNER OF WORK OTHER APPROVAL err{ APPROVAL RVWD BY: -( ( ( ( • ' C ( - . . ( . . . ( . . ( • ~=~~~~'.":"=~~i:-~~~==~:-:---:~~=':'.""'■.'~~~~~---------------------------------------.;;....;;;;;_~;;..~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;,;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;,;;;;,;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:.i, Plotted by: KC-SPAD Aug. 22, 2014 03:26 PM S:\z_Projects\CV04-2012_Carlsbad SFR\sPADl'P' (Production)ILP-501_CV04-P.dwg 7 5 8 6 centu roo ■ 1er SPECIFICATIONS: CP -SERIES: CP12-2, CP18-2, CP24-2, CP36-2, AND CP48-2. 90° 1/2"-3/4" RIBBED SIDE INTERLOCKING CONNECTION MATERIAL: POLYETHYLENE WITH ULTRAVIOLET INHIBITORS THICKNESS: .060 -.085 MATERIAL POLYETHYLENE THICKNESS .060 -.085 ASTM TEST PROPERTIES: METHOD TENSILE STRESS @ YIELD D638 ELONGATION @ BREAK D638 TENSILE MODULUS OF ELASTICITY D638 FLEXURAL STIFFNESS - CANTILEVER BEAM D747 TENSILE IMPACT D1822 ENVIRONMENTAL STRESS - CRACK RESISTANCE D1693 HARDNESS, SHORE D 02240 VALUE POLYETHYLENE COPOLYMER 4100 TO 4300 PSI 40% 150,000 PSI - 125,000 PSI 50FT. LBS/IN' - 1 HR. 68 SIDEWALK CENTURY PRODUCTS 1144 N. GROVE ST. ANAHEIM, CA 92806 TOLL FREE: 1-800-480-8084 PHONE: (714) 632-7083 FAX: (714) 632-5470 www.centuryrootbarrier.com FEATURES -FLEXIBLE TOP SAFETY EDGE -VERSATILE BARRIER FOR LINEAR OR TREE WELL APPLICATIONS -MANUFACTURED WITH 50% RECYCLED PLASTIC -RAISED 90° ROOT DEFLECTING RIBS 90° 1/2"-3/4" RIBBED SIDE INTERLOCKING PANEL CONNECTION ADJUSTABLE ANTI-LIFT POLYETHYLENE PANELS WHICH CAN BE SEPARATED INTO 1' SECTIONS ~ 3-4" GRAVEL ,,.---TREE TRUNK GRADE '= ~.~.-.-.• -.-.-.---,r----,,---~~=--n~,"~ ~ ~ • • a . • CURB • I -iiicc --CURB = ~-CENTURY PRODUCTS ROOT BARRIER INNER 90' __J DEFLECTING RIBS TREE WELL APPLICATION NOTTO SCALE NOTES: 1. INSTALLATION TO BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANC E WITH MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. 2. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE CONSIDERED TRUE AND RE FLECT MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. 3. DO NOT SCALE DRAWING. PURPOSES AND ARE FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES 4. THESE DRAWINGS ARE NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ONLY. ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN WA BE REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY THE PRODUCT S CURRENT AT THE TIME OF DEVELOPMENT BUT MUST MANUFACTURER TO BE CONSIDERED ACCURATE. THE INTEGRITY OF POST-CONSUMER MATERIALS, AND 5. TOLERANCES MAY VARY IN ORDER TO MAINTAIN ASSURE THE MATERIAL STRUCTURE. WE MAKE N SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM THE WARRANTY OF MER 0 OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND CHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR 6. CONTRACTOR'S NOTE: FOR PRODUCT AND COMP ANY INFORMATION VISIT www.CADdetails.com/info REFERENCE NUMBER 005-003A. LINEAR APPLICATION NOTTO SCALE RB-TR-CP-01 .dwg 4 CP-SERIES ROOT BARRIER Scale: PANELS· APPLICATION N.T.S. PLANTING DETAILS ~ 0 I Landscape Architecture 92 Argonaut, Ste. 270 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 T: 949.770.8530 www.studio-pad.com Job No. : CV04-P Scale: As Shown Drawn: PAD LP-5.02 Checked: PAD APPROVED FOR IRRIGATION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUILT" RCE EXP. DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ PlANNING DIVISION 2 lANOSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: 0;\'IDSCAP£ '1 Carlsbad -Valley & Oak -,.__,<:> Q0"'1TE & IJc ~(''!< ;.; .• ~ .. '%~ ~ A.~~-~ V!f.•;, -~~ Valley 17 ✓ I. S,fn:Llurc t, ,J,z,Jt, I APPROVED: id\ Lf· EJ.\~tr I ~:·;;:'.·~-t'f «I .'.b•-Z"1·!+ "'" ~~"' PlANNING o'<' I I OF CAllf OWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE JNrT!Al DATE INrT!AL DAfE IN!f!AL CHKD BY: DES!GNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL ClrY APPROVAL RVWD BY: CT 12-07 480-4L E;i;pifat;on Date: -( ( ( ( • ' < ( - . . ( . . . ( . . ( -. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------... 1 Plotted by: KC-SPAD Aug. 22, 2014 03:26 PM S:\z_Projects\CV04-2012_Carlsbad SFR\sPAD\'P' (Produclion)\LP-501_CV04-P.dwg LANDSCAPE PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS PART 1 · GENERAL CONDITIONS 1.1 Description: A. Work Included: 1. The work included in these specifications shall consist of the furnishing of all labor, tools, materials, permits, appliances, taxes and all other costs, foreseeable and unforeseeable at the lime of contracting necessary and appropriate for the installation of the accompanying drawings. 2. No deviation from these specifications or from the agreement or from the general conditions is authorized and no such deviation shall be made unless the written authorization, therefore signed by the Owner or his duly authorized representative, has been obtained in advance. 1.2 Interpretation of Plans and Specifications: A. The Landscape Architect will interpret the meaning of any part of the any plans and specifications about which any misunderstanding may arise, and his decision will be final. B. Should there appear to be an error or discrepancy in or between the plans, specifications & planting lists, the Contractor shall refer the matter to the Landscape Architect for adjustment before proceeding ~nth the work. Should the Contractor proceed with the work without so referring the matter, he does so on his liability. 1.3 Quality Assurance: A. Quality of work: The Landscape Architect shall be notified at least two days prior to work commencement, by the Contractor and prior to inspection visits by the Landscape Architect. All work shall be done in a good workmanlike manner in accordance with all plans and specifications and best considered practice, shall meet with the approval of the Landscape Architect and Owner and shall be in accordance with the requirements of local building codes and laws. Any defective work will be redone at the Contractor's expense as directed by the Landscape Architect. B. Permits: The Contractor will be responsible for obtaining any and all necessary building permits from the city of other governmental authorities. C. License requirements: The Contractor shall carry necessary Contractor's California State License or Certificate for type of work listed, such as the Landscape Contractor's License. D. Insurance coverage: The contractor shall carry all necessary compensation and liability insurance to cover his workmen and work to protect the Owner from any possible damage suit or lien on the Owners property in the course of the work by the Contractor and will show the Owner such evidence of above indicated insurance coverage prior to initialing work. E. Property, etc., Damage responsibility: 1. The Contractor is to protect at all times all existing utilities, structures, trees, plants and other features intended to remain on and adjacent to the job site and to repair or replace any damaged items in a neat and good workmanlike manner during and due to his work on the job and he shall assume all damage or injury that may result to all such property and/or to persons where such damage or injury is caused in connection with his work or is due to his negligence or to his leaving open or unprotected portions of streets or other property. 2. Should any part of the work under this contract be damaged by other contractors, the Contractor and party causing such damage shall make adjustments between themselves and not with the Owner relative to the repairs or reconstruction and payment for same. F. Knowledge of site: It is assumed that the Contractor has visited the site and familiarized himself as to the site conditions and shall have verified all dimensions as well as ascertaining the means of getting into the site and any other factors affecting the work. 1.4 Costs: A. Segregation of costs: At the time of execution of the contract. the Contractor shall furnish to the office of the Owner, for purposes of accounting and scheduling, a segregated cost schedule or breakdown of the contract price, listing the various components in the plans as well as unit prices of each component specified in a form satisfactory lo form the Owner. These schedules shall also be used as the basis in formulating the progress payments to be made to the Contractor and these cost breakdowns shall be part of the contract. B. Extras or changes: Any extras or changes from the contract on the job shall have the prior approval of the Landscape Architect and must be approved in writing by the Landscape Architect and Owner. C. Increased costs: If the extra or change is to be done at at increased cost over and above the contract fee, the Owner shall sign the Contractor's written request for such additional funds for extra work prior to actually doing this work. 1.5 Product protection, storage and handling: A. Site condition: The Contractor, in the course of his work, is to keep the site in a neat and tidy condition as much as is practical so as not to disturb the normal usage of the surrounding areas by the Owner or by others. B. Site clearance: Upon completion of the work, the Contractor shall properly clean and tidy such work and the surrounding areas used by and remove any or all excess materials, dirt, debris from the site or to dispose of same as directed by the Landscape Architect. C. Owner's materials: During the course of the work, any materials, equipment and services may be provided by the Owner and used by the Contractor in the job, for such materials, equipment, and services, the Contractor is to give credit to the Owner at the standard current rate for such items. Such credit, if any, will appear in the final billing by the Contractor to the Owner. D. Plans and specifications: All landscaping including plants, ground covers, soil additives and other miscellaneous landscape items shall be provided and installed in strict accordance with plans and specifications prepared by Owner. E. Changes: The Owner shall have the right to make minor changes in the landscape design and installation to insure practicality of design and for aesthetic reasons at no additional cost. PART 2 · MATERIALS 2.1 Grading: Grade all areas by filling and/or removing surplus soil as needed to ensure proper grades and drainage as indicated on the plans. Unless otherwise noted, finish grade shall be below hardscape as follow: 2" for ground cover areas, 1" for lawn areas. 2.2 Moisture content: The soil shall not be worked when moisture content is so great that excessive compaction will occur nor shall it be so dry that dust will occur and form in the air or that clods will not break readily. Water shall be applied, if necessary, to provide ideal moisture content for tilling. 2.3 Weed removal: Weeds, plus bermuda grass, etc., shall be dug out from all planting areas by their roots wherever possible and removed from the site. Where necessary to discourage reoccurence of this material, the Contractor shall apply one or more treatments of a satisfactory chemical per manufacturer's directions in regard lo concentration plus allowance of an ample period of time for effective performance prior to cultivation. The site shall be maintained in a weed and litter free condition during the maintenance period. Weeds shall be removed at frequencies adequate lo prevent the maturation of weed seeds. 2.4 Plants: A. Inspection: Plants shall be subject to inspection and approval or rejection by the Landscape Architect at place of growth and/or the project site at any time before or during progress of work for size, variety, condition, latent defects and injuries. Rejected plants shall be removed from the site immediately. B. Conditions: Plants shall be symmetrical, typical for variety and species, sound, healthy, vigorous, free from plant disease, insect pests or their eggs and shall have healthy normal root systems, well filling their containers, but not to lhe point of being root bound. 2.5 Protection: Protect and maintain all plants from sun, drought, wind, theft, rain and heat at all limes before and during planting operation. 2.6 Planting requirements for trees and shrubs: A. Plant materials in quantities and sizes specified shall, after grading operations, be spotted approximately as shown on the landscape drawings and are to be approved by the Landscape Architect before being removed from containers and excavating soil for planting. B. All backfill materials shall be mixed thoroughly on site before using. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 Planting: A. Container-grown plants to be planted in plant pits two (2) limes wider than plant container and a depth of twice the height of plant container. Plant crown lo be slightly higher than its natural growing height after settlement. B. Prune plants as directed by Landscape Architect. C. All plants shall be watered immediately, before backfilling planting pits. D. All areas receiving plants and/or hydroseeding shall be moist to a depth of 6" at lime of planting. E. Plant all plants 5' minimum from irrigation heads (slopes only). F. Scarify the sides of each root ball prior lo planting if circular root is evident. G. Plant quantities on the plan are for the Contracto~s convenience and not guaranteed to be accurate. H. Plant symbols take precedence over quantities specified. Plotted by: KC-SPAD Aug. 22, 2014 03:26 PM S:lz_Projects\CV04-2012_ Carlsbad SFR\sPADl'P' (Production)\LP-601 _CV04-P .dwg 3.2 All work shall be as directed by Owner's field representative, who shall be appointed prior to the commencement of the work. 3.3 Contractor shall submit all material receipts to Landscape Architect. 3.4 Maintenance: A. Maintenance period shall not begin until entire installation is accepted by the Owner. B. Maintenance period shall be for the following duration: 90 days. 1. All plants and planting shall be guaranteed for the following durations beginning at the first day of the maintenance period. Trees and shrubs, 15 gallon and larger ... . Shrubs, 5 gallon and smaller. ............ . Ground cover. ...................... . Lawn .............................. . 1 Year 90 Days 90 Days 90 Days 2. All dead, damaged or broken plant material, including sodded and seeded lawns and ground cover, shall be replaced at two-week intervals. C. Fertilize with 2 lbs. actual nitrogen per 1000 sq. ft. at end of each 30 days. Landscape Architect will specify type, depending on season. Perform last fertilizing at end of maintenance period in the presence of the Landscape Architect. PART 4 · PLANTING NOTES 4.1 Landscape Contractor shall repair and/or replace any damaged plant material which is damaged due to his negligence. 4.2 Landscape Contractor shall be backcharged for Landscape Architect's lime in locating any landscape material as requested by the construction manager. 4.3 Landscape Contractor shall submit all amendment quantity receipts to construction manager and/or Landscape Architect for approval. 4.4 Contractor shall perform all fertilizing in the presence of the construction manager or Landscape Architect. See Soil Preparation Requirement, this sheet. 4.5 Contractor is responsible for maintaining all areas in a weed and debris free condition throughout the maintenance period. (See specifications). 4.6 Plant symbols take precedence over plant quantities. 4.7 All plants shall be protected against heat, sun, wind and frost during transportation to the site and while being held at the site. Do not store plants in total darkness for more than one day. 4.8 Wilted plant material shall not be planted or used on the project. 4.9 Do not damage plant root during transportation or planting process. 4.10 Plant material may be rejected at any time by the Landscape Architect due to condition, form or damage before or after planting. 4.11 Landscape Architect shall approve final placement of all trees, shrubs and vines prior to planting. 4.12 All surface rock and debris 3" and larger shall be removed from planting areas and then from the site. 4.13 Crown of plant shall be slightly higher, after settling, than adjacent soil. 4.14 Prune trees as directed by Landscape Architect after inspection. 4.15 Remove water basins from all trees located in lawn areas prior to hydroseeding installation. 4.16 Any and all damage in new and existing paving caused by the Contractor shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and be repaired by the Contractor. 4.17 Install all trees and shrubs prior to planting of groundcover and/or hydroseeding. ExpiraUon Data: PART 5. HYDROSEEDING MATERIALS. 5.1 Seed: A. Label seed and furnish in sealed standard containers with signed copies of a statement from seed vendor certifying that each container of seed delivered is fully labeled in accordance with California State Agricultural Code and is equal to or better than requirements of this section. B. Contractor shall submit all seed labels and certification letter to landscape architect for verification and approval. C. Seed which has become wet, moldy or otherwise damaged in transit or storage will be rejected. 5. Fiber Mulch: A. Composed of green colored wood cellulose fiber containing no germination or growth inhibiting factors. B. Mulch is to be manufactured in such a manner that after the addition of seed, fertilizer, water and additives in a special 1,500 gallon slurry tank, the fibers and above materials will become uniformly mixed to form a homogeneous slurry. C. Weight specifications of this material from the suppliers and for all applications, shall refer only to the air dry weight of the fiber materials. Absolute air dry weight is based on the normal standards of the Technical Association of the Pulp Industry for wood cellulose and is considered equivalent to 10% moisture. Each package of the cellulose fiber shall be marked by the namufacturers to show the air dry weight content. D. Acceptable Manufacturer: Conwed. 5.1 Seed: A. Dry, organic powder hydrocolloid formulation. B. Hydrate and disperse in a mixing tank with circulating water from a homogeneous slurry, either alone or in combination with other materials. pH to be stable in presence of fertilizer. C. Application of soil and mulch tackifier to be made at a minimum rate of: a. Flat areas-80 pounds per acre. b. Sloped areas (3:1 or steeper)-120 pounds per acre. D. Acceptable Manufacturer: Ecology control-M Binder by Conwed. E. Chemical germinating additives shall be" Catalytic Pre-Emerge" or approve equal. F. Urea formaldehyde shall be a pelletized commercial fertilizer for hydromulch slurry. END Soil Preparation "For Bid Purposes Only- Recommendation To the extent all new landscape areas should thoroughly be tilled lo a minimum 9" deplh. DATE INITIAL For turf and ground col/er planting, the following amendments should I.Je uniformly broadcast and thoroughly Incorporated to a minimum 6'" depth by means of a rolotil!er or equal. AMOUNT/ 1,000 sq. IL -4 cu. yds. Nitrogen stabilized organic amendment derived from redwood, fir, or cedar sawdust. -200 lbs. agricultural gypsum -20-20-20 fertilizer The backfill mix for use around the rootball should be prepared as follows: -6 parts by 'iolume on-site soil -4 parts by volume nitrogen stabilized organic amendment -15 lb. 20-20-20 fertilizer Contractor lo provide Soil Test from: Soil & Plant lab 1594 North Main Slreel Orange, CA 92863 (714) 282-8777 DArE INITIAL DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL PLANTING SPECIFICATIONS I s;E1ET I Landscape Architecture 92 Argonaut, Ste. 270 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 T: 949.770.8530 www.studio-pad.com Job No. : CV04-P Scale: None Drawn: sPAD LP-6.01 Checked: PAD APPROVED FOR IRRIGATION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" RCE EXP. DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ PLANNING DIVISION LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: Carlsbad -Valley & Oak Valley 17 I APPROVED: 17~\ c ,--, E::H4: I ~. 2,.1-}' PLANNING OWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: CT 12-07 480-4L CITY APPROVAL RVWDBY: -C C C C ' ' < C - ' • . ( • . . . ( . . ( . . l OArE INlflAL DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION E;;.piro1tion Date: City area Private area 0 15' 30' 60' Scale: 1' = 30' MAINTENANCE EXHIBIT ~ 2 Landscape Architecture 92 Argonaut, Ste. 270 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 T: 949.770.8530 www.studio-pad.com Job No. : CV04-P Scale: 1 ·=20· Drawn: PAD M-1.01 Checked: PAD APPROVED FOR /RR/GA TION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" RCE EXP. DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ PLANNING DIVISION 2 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: I APPROVED: PLANNING OWN BY: DATE INITIAL DATE INI f!AL CHKD BY: OTHER APPROVAL ClrY APPROVAL RVWDBY: Carlsbad -Valley & Oak Valley 17 /<i:-.::,g\ Gr-f:l1-Jt q.. 'l,. •. 1-t I PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CT 12-07 480-4L -( ( C < • ' C C - . . . . ( . ~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~----..... ~~--------------------------------------------...; ______ ;,.....;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..1, Plotted by: KC-SPAD Aug. 22, 2014 03:26 PM S:lz_Projects\CV04-2012_Carlsbad SFR\sPADl'P' (Production)\M-101_CV04-P.dwg