HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWG 484-5L; CT 11-04; QUARRY CREEK; 1A-20GENERAL NOTES RECYCLED WATER NOTES RECLAIMED WATER SYSTEM DRAWING INDEX: 1. ALL WORK SHALL BE. DONE. IN ACCORDANCE. WITH THE. CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT'S RULES AND RE.GULA T/ONS. QUARRY CREEK Sheet Title Title Sheet Sheet Number . 1A 1B.1C 2. DRINKING WATER FOUNTAINS ANO OE.SIGN A TEO OUTDOOR E.A TING ARE.AS SHALL BE. PROTECTED AGAINST CONTACT WITH RE.CYCLED WA TE.R SPRAY, MIST OR MISTING. DIEGAN COASTAL SAGE SCRUB REVEGETATION Irri!!ation Le!!end, Notes and Details 2-3 Irri!!ation Specifications 4-6 Irrigation Plans 7-11 Planting Legend, Notes and Details 12 3. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES SHALL BE. USED TO ELIMINATE. OR CONTROL TO THE BE.ST EXTENT POSSIBLE. PONDING, RUN-OFF, OVER-SPRAY, AND MISTING. 4. HOSE. BIBS ARE. STRICTLY PROH!BITE.O. 5. CROSS-CONNECTIONS BE.TWE.E.N RE.CYCLED WATER LINE.S ANO POTABLE. WATER LINES ARE. STRICTLY PROHIBITED. 6. NO SUBSTITUTION OF PIPE. MA TE.RIALS WILL BE. ALLOWED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL OF THE. CITY OF CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT. 7. ALL MAINLINE. PIPE.S SHALL HAVE. WARNING TAPE. PE.R CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WA TE.R DISTRICT'S RULES ANO RE.GULA T/ONS. 8. HOURS FOR IRRIGATION WITH RE.CYCLED WATER ARE. FROM 10:00 P.M. TO 6:00 A.M. THE. HOURS FOR /RR/GA TION WITH 0/SINFE.CTEO TE.RT/ARY RE.CYCLED WATER MAY BE. MODIFIED BY THE LOCAL AUTHORITY. /RR/GA TION DURING PUBLIC USE. PERIODS WITH DISINFECTED TERTIARY RE.CYCLED WA TE.R SHALL BE. UNOE.R THE. SUPE.RV/SION OF THE. OESIGNA TE.O USER SUPERVISOR. /RR/GA TION WITH WA TE.R OF A LESSER QUALITY THAN 0/SINFE.CTE.O TE.RT/ARY RE.CYCLED WA TE.R SHALL BE. BETWEEN THE. HOURS OF 10: 00 P.M. TO 6: 00 A.M. 9. BURIAL OF ALL WIRING AND PIPING SHALL MEET CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WA TE.R DISTRICT'S RULES ANO RE.GULA TIONS. 10. NON-DE.SIGNA TE.O USE. AREAS SHALL BE. PROTE.CTE.O FROM CONTACT WITH RE.CYCLED WA TE.R, WHETHER BY WIND BLOWN SPRAY OR BY DIRE.CT APPLICATION THROUGH /RR/GA TION OR OTHER USE.. LACK OF PROTECTION, WHETHER BY OE.SIGN, CONSTRUCT/ON PRACTICE. OR SYSTEM OPE.RATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITE.O. 11. /RR/GA TION HE.ADS SHALL BE. RELOCA TE.O OR ADJUSTED TO MINIMIZE. OR E.LIMINA TE. OVE.R- SPRA YING ON SIDE.WALKS, STREETS ANO NON-DESIGNA TE.D USE. AREAS. 12. RECYCLED WATER OU/CK COUPLING VALVES SHALL BE. OF A TYPE. DE.SIGNED FOR THE. USE. ON RE.CYCLED WATER DISTR/EiUTION SYSTEMS PER CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT'S RULES AND REGULA T/ONS. 13. ON RECYCLED WATER SYSTEMS, ALL APPURTENANCES (SPRINKLER HEADS, VAL VE BOXES, E.TC.) SHALL EiE. COLOR-CODE.D PURPLE PER AWWA GUIDE.LINES AND SE.CT/ON 116815 OF THE. CALIFORNIA HEAL TH ANO SAFE.TY CODE. 14. ALL /RR/GA T/ON PIPE. SHALL BE. STENCILED WITH WARNING, "NON-POTABLE OR RE.CYCLED WA TE.R", COLOR-COOED (PURPLE) ANO LAID WITH WARNING TAPE ANO STENCILING OR/EN TE.O TOWARD THE. TOP OF THE TRENCH PE.R THE. CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WA TE.R DISTRICT'S RULES ANO REGULATIONS. 75. ON NEW ON-SITE. SYSTEMS (POST-METER), POTABLE WATER, CONSTANT PRESSURE RECYCLED WATER ANO SEWER LINES SHOULD BE PLACED A MINIMUM OF FOUR FE.E.T APART OR AS DIRECTED BY THE PROJECT ENGINE.ER AND/OR REGULA TORY AGENCY. MEASUREMENTS SHALL BE. BETWE.E.N FACING SURFACES, NOT PIPE. CE.NTE.RLINE.S. 16. CONSTANT PRESSURE. RECYCLED WATER LINES SHALL CROSS AT LEAST TWELVE INCHES BE.LOW POTABLE. WA TE.R LINE.S ANO MAINTAIN AT LE.AST TWELVE. INCHES CROSSING SE.PARAT/ON BETWEEN OTHER UTILITIES. 17. IF A CONSTANT PRESSURE. RECYCLED WATE.R LINE. MUST BE. INSTALLED ABOVE A POTABLE WATER LINE OR LESS THAN TWELVE. INCHES BE.LOW A POTABLE WATER LINE, THE.N THE. RE.CYCLED WATER LINE. SHALL BE. INSTALLED WITHIN AN APPROVED PROTECTIVE. SLEEVE AS PER THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WA TE.R DISTRICT'S RULES AND REGULATIONS. 18. THE. RE.QUIRED CROSS-CONNECTION SHUTDOWN TEST SHALL BE. DONE BY THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT AND THE. SAN DIEGO COUNTY DE.PARTME.NT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH. 19. THE. RE.QUIRED CROSS-CONNECTION INSPECTION SHALL BE. DONE. EiY E.ITHE.R THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATE.R DISTRICT ANO/OR THE SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF E.NVIRONME.NTAL HEALTH. COPIES OF INSPECTION RE.PORTS WILL BE. FORWARDED TO THE NON-INSPECTING PARTY. 20. THE DE.SIGN ANO LOCATIONS PROPOSED FOR RE.CYCLED WATER "DO NOT DRINK" SIGN SHALL BE. CALLEO OUT ON THE. PLANS. 21. WHE.N RE.CYCLED WA TE.R BE.COMES AVAILABLE., AN ON-SITE. USER SUPERVISOR SHALL BE. DESIGN A TE.O IN WRITING. THIS INDIVIDUAL SHALL BE. F AMIL/AR WITH PLUMBING SYSTEM WITHIN THE PROPERTY, WITH THE. BASIC CONCEPTS OF BACKFLOW/CROSS-CONNECTION PROTECTION, THE RE.CYCLED PURE.YOR'S RULES AND RE.GULA T/ONS AND THE. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS OF A RE.CYCLED WATER SYSTEM. COPIES OF THE DESIGNATION, WITH CONTACT PHONE. NUMBERS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE. CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY CONTACT BOB GROBBE.L AT (619) 520-9563 OR AFTE.R HOURS CONTACT BOB GROBBEL AT (619) 520-9563 22. ALL PUBLIC AND PR/VA TE POTABLE. WATER MAINS INCLUDING FIRE. MAINS ANO ANY WATE.R WELLS AND WATER COURSES WITHIN THE RE.CYCLED WATE.R PROJECT SHALL BE SHOWN ON T/1E. PLANS. 23. CALL OUT ON THE PLANS IF THERE ARE OR ARE NOT DRINKING FOUNTAINS AND/OR OESIGNA TEO OUTDOOR EA TING ARE.AS ON THE. SITE.. 24. A PHYSICAL SEPARATION SHALL BE PROVIDED BE.TWE.E.N ADJACENT AREAS IRRIGATED WITH RE.CYCLED WA TE.R AND POTABLE. WATER. SE.PARA TION SHALL BE. PROVIDED BY DISTANCE, CONCRETE. MOW STRIPS OR OTHER APPROVED METHODS. 25. ALL /RR/GA TION BACKFLOW PRE.VE.NTE.RS SHALL BE TESTED BY A CE.RTIFIE.O TESTER AND RESULTS MUST BE GIVEN TO THE CITY AND THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT. PIPE. BE.TWEEN THE METER AND BACKFLOW PREVENTER SHALL BE "SCHEDULE. K HARD COPPER". APPROVED CONTRACT BACKFLOW TE.STE.RS CAN BE. FOUND ON THE CITY WE.B SITE AT WWW. CARLSBADCA.GOV/SERVICES/DEPARTMENTS/WA TE.R/DOCUMENTS/ RECYCLED WA TERBACKFLOWTESTERLISTPDF FOR RECYCLED OR WWW. CARLSBADCA. GOV /SERV!CE.S/DEPAR TMEN TS/WATER/DOCUMENTS/ WA TERBACKFLOWTESTERLISTPDF FOR POTABLE OR CALL 438-2722. TYPICAL SIGNS IN ORDER TO CONSERVE WATER . RECYCLED WATER IN USE DO NOT DRINK NO TOME EL AGUA WASH HANDS AFTER CONCTACllNG LAVES£ SUS MANOS DESPUES DE USAR _'L__,~----------~ 18" X 18" SIZE REFERENCE PLANS QUARRY CREEK HOA/COMMON AREA PLANS- CITY OF CARLSBAD DRAWING#.: 484-5N RECLAIMED WATER#.: 2014-310 QUARRY CREEK SLOPE PLANS- CITY OF CARLSBAD DRAWING#.: 484-5M RECLAIMED WATER#.: 2014-285 .032 ALUMINUM, .060 ABS PLASTIC OR STICK-ON VINYL SIGNS BLACK LOGO PURPLE BACKROUND 36" (N.T.S.) / 1" BLACK LETTERS SIGNAGE NOTES THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES FOR THE USE OF RECYCLED WATER ARE TO 8[ PERMANENTLY POSTED INSIDE THE DOOR OF EACH CONTROLLER WHERE THEY ARE EASILY VISIBLE. PLACE ON 8-1/2" X 11" SIZED SIGN. COLOR, PURPLE BACKGROUND WITH BLACK LETTER/NG. 1. GUIDELINES FOR RECYCLED WATER USE A. IRRIGATE. BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 10:00 P.M. AND 6,00 A.M. ONLY. WATERING OUTSIDE THIS TIME FRAME MUST BE DONE MANUALLY WITH QUALIFIED SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL ON-SITE. NO SYSTEM SHALL AT ANY TIME BE LEFT UNATTENDED OUR/NG USE OUTS/OE THE NORMAL SCHEDULE. B. /RR/GA TE IN A MANNER THAT WILL MINIMIZE RUN-OFF, POOLING, AND PONDING. THE APPL/CATION RATE SHALL NOT EXCEED THE INFILTRA T/ON RATE OF THE SOIL. TTMERS MUST BE ADJUSTED SO AS TO BE COMPATIBLE WITH THE LOWEST SOIL INFILTRATION RA TE PRESENT THIS PROCEDURE MAY BE FAG/LITA TED BY THE EFFICIENT SCHEDULING OF THE AU TOMA TIC CONTROL CLOCKS, (I.E., EMPLOYING Tc/£ REPEAT FUNCTION TO BREAK UP THE TOTAL /RR/GA TION TIME INTO CYCLES THAT WILL PROMOTE MAX/MUM SOIL ABSORPTION). C. ADJUST SPRAY HEADS TO EL/MINA ff OVERSPRAY ONTO AREAS NOT UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE CUSTOMER. FOR EXAMPLE, POOL DECKS, PR/VA TE PATIOS AND LOTS, ANO STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. D. MONITOR AND MAINTAIN THE SYSTEM TO MINIMIZE EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL FA/LURE. BROKEN SPRINKLER HEADS, LEAKS, UNRELIABLE VALVES, £TC., SHOULD BE REPAIRED AS SOON AS THEY BECOME APPARENT. E. Tc/£ LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR £DUCA TING EACH EMPLOYEE ANO ALL MAIN TEN ANGE PERSONNEL ON A CONTINUOUS BASIS, REGARDING THE PRESENCE OF RECYCLED WATER. MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL MUST BE INFORMED THAT WATER IS FOR /RR/GA TION PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT APPROVED FOR DRINKING OR FOR HANO ANO TOOL WASHING, UC. F. OBTAIN PRIOR APPROVAL OF ALL PROPOSED CHANGES AND MOD/FICA T/ONS TO ANY PR/VA TE ON-SITE FACILITIES. SUCH CHANGES MUST BE SUBMITTED TO, AND APPROVED BY, THE DISTRICT ENGINEERING OFF/CE AND DESIGNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH DISTRICT STANDARDS. 1. ALL RECYCLED WA TE.R SPRINKLER CONTROL VAL \!E'S SHALL BE TAGGED WITH IOENTIFICA T/ON TAGS. A. TAGS SHALL BE WEATHERPROOF PLASTIC, J"x 4", PURPLE IN COLOR, WITH THE WORDS "WARNING RECYCLED WATER -00 NOT DRINK" IMPRINTED ON ONE SIDE, AND "AV/SO -AGUA /MPURA-NO TOMAR" IMPRINTED ON THE OTHER $/OE. IMPRINTING SHALL BE PERMANENT AND BLACK IN COLOR. USE TAGS AS MANUFACTURED BY T CHRISTY ENTERPRISES OR APPROVED EQUAL. 8. ONE TAG SHALL BE ATTACHED TO EACH VALVE AS FOLLOWS: 1. ATTACH TO VALVE STEM DIRECTLY OR WITcl PLASTIC TIE-WRAP OR 2. ATTACH TO SOLENOID WIRE 0/RECTL Y OR WITH PLASTIC TIE-WRAP J. ATTACH TO VALVE COVER WITH EXISTING VALVE COVER BOLT. 2. ALL SPRINKLER HEADS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED AS RECYCLED WATER SPRINKLER HEADS. G. EACH AU TOMA TIC CONTROLLER ANO ITS ASSOC/A TED EQUIPMENT SHALL BE IDENTIFIED WITH A SIGN BEARING Tc/E WORDS "RECYCLED WATER USED FOR IRRIGATION" IN ENGLISH AND SPANISH, WITH BLACK LETTERS 1" HIGH ON A PURPLE BACKROUNO. THE SIGN SHALL BE PLACED SO THAT IT CAN BE READILY SEEN BY ANY OPERATIONS PERSONNEL UTILIZING THE E:QU/PMENT. ALL BACKFLOW PREVE'NTE.RS SHALL BE TESTED BY A CERTIFIED TE.STER AND RESULTS MUST BE GIVEN TO THE CITY AND THE WA TE.R DISTRICT PIPE BETWEEN THE METER AND BACKFLOW PREVENTER SHALL BE "SCHEDULE K HARD COPPER". APPROVED CONTRACT BACKFLOW TESTERS CAN BE FOUND ON THE CITY WEB SITE AT WWW.CARLSBADCA.GOV/SERVICES/DEPARTME.NTS/WA TER/DOCUMENTS/ RECYCLEDWATERBACKFLOWTESTERLISTPDF FOR RECYCLED OR WWW. CARLSBADCA. GOV /SERVICES/DEPARTMENTS/WATER/DOCUMENTS/ WATERBACKFLOWTESTERLISTPDF FOR POTABLE OR CALL 438-2722. INSPECTION PROCEDURES 1. DISTRICT CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION SHALL INCLUDE: A. REQUIRED SEPARATION BETWEEN POTABLE ANO RECYCLED WATER LINES (HORIZONTALLY AND VERT/CALLY). B. PIPE /DENT/FICA T/ON. C. SLEEVING AT CROSSINGS ■ 2. DISTRICT FINAL INSPECTION SHALL INCLUDE: NOTTO SCALE 3. A. SIGNAGE INSTALLED PER PLAN B. CONTROLLER STICKERS C. TAGG/N OF VALVES 0. COVERAGE TEST AFTER COMPLETION OF THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM TO ENSURE PROTECTION OF AREA NOT APPROVED FOR RECYCLED WA TE.R USE. E. ALL ASPECTS OF THE !RR/GA T/ON CONDITIONS INCLUDING WINDBLOWN SPRAY, RUNOFF ANO PONDING F. REQUIRED PROTECT/ON OF ALL RESIDENTIAL AREAS. G. REQUIRED PROTECTION OF WELLS, STREAMS, RESERVOIRS, ETC. H. CROSS-CONNECTION TE.ST IF REQUIRED /. COLOR COAOED, LAMINA TE.O CHARTS INSIDE EACH CONTROLLER. ANNUAL INSPECTION SHALL INCLUDE: A. A COMPLETE. INSPECTION THAT WILL COVE.R A-I OF THE DISTRICT FINAL INSPECTION. REVISIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY PUBLIC HEAL TH ENGINEER, CITY ENGINEER ANO 0/STRICT ENGINEER PRIOR TO IMPLEMENT AT/ON IN FIELD Irrigation Sheet 11 Planting Sheet 18 LOT14 ,fr "" ,# ~ J,rfiig~on Sheet 10 ,.,,,.,.. Planting Sheet 17 Irrigation Sheet 7 Planting Sheet 14 I I KEY MAP LEGEND ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ MATGHLINE Plantine ::ipecifications 13 Planting Plans 14-18 DECLARA T/ON OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE.: I HEREBY DECLARE THAT I AM LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF WORK FOR THIS PROJECT, Tc/AT I HA VE EXERCISED RESPONSIBLE CHARGE OVER Tc/E DESIGN OF THIS PROJECT AS DEFINED IN SECTION 6703 OF THE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE AND THAT THE DESIGN IS CONSISTENT 'MTH CURRENT STANDARDS. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE CHECK OF PROJECT DRAWINGS AND SPECIF/CATIONS BY Tc/E SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH AND Tc/E CITY OF CARLSBAD 15 CONFINED TO REVIEW ONLY AND DOES NOT RELIEVE ME, AS THE LICENSED LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF WORK, OF MY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR PROJECT DESIGN. THESE PLANS HAVE. BEEN PREPARED IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE 'MTH THE APPROVED LANDSCAP ONCEPT PLAN, WATER CONSERVATION PLAN, FIRE PROTECTION PLAN, AND ALL CONDITION F APPROVAL RELATING TO LANDSCAPING ADDRESS: OCIA TES, INC., 24 2 SECOND A VE. SAN DIEGO, 92101 5/28/15 , LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT (619) 718-9660 illclt'iJelr'NO(S): RLA 2681 EXP/RATION DA TE: 3/37/17 WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE DECLARATION I AM FAMILIAR 'MTH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR LANDSCAPE AND /RR/GA TION PLANS CONTAINED IN Tc/E CITY OF CARLSBAD'S LANDSCAPE MANUAL AND WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE REGULA T/ONS. I HA VE PRE.PARED THIS PLAN IN COMPLIANCE WITH THOSE REGULATIONS AND THE LANDSCAPE MANUAL ANO AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL REOUIREM WHEN SUBMITTING CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. I CERTIFY THAT Tel[ PLA /MPL NTS THOSE REGULATIONS TO PROVIDE EFFICIENT USE OF WATER. 5/28/15 DATE: BACKFLOW PREVENTER TESTING: ALL BACKFLOW PRE.VENTERS SHALL BE TESTED BY A CERTIFIED TESTER AND RESULTS MUST BE GIVEN TO THE CITY AND THE WA 7£R DISTRICT PIPE BETWEEN THE METER AND BACKFLOW PREVENTER SHALL BE "SCHEDULE K HARD COPPER". APPROVED CONTRACT BACKFLOW TESTERS CAN BE FOUND ON THE CITY WEB SITE. AT WWW.CARLS8ADCA.GOV/SERVICE.S/DE.PARTMENTS/WATER/DOCUMENTS/ RECYCLEDWATERBACKFLOWTESTERLISTPDF FOR RECYCLED OR WWW. CARLSBADCA. GOV/SERVICES/DEPARTMENTS/WATER/DOCUMENTS/ WA TERBACKFLOWTESTERLIST.PDF FOR POTABLE OR CALL 438-2722. INSPECTION PROCEDURES: INSPECTION PROCEDURES: INSPECTION OF THE PROJECT SHALL BE PERFORMED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARC/-1/TECT OF WORK, OR HIS DESIGNATED AGENT REFER TO THE SPECIF/CA T/ONS FOR THE SCHEDULE OF REQUIRED INSPECTIONS AND REQUIRED SUBMITTALS. FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF THE WORK, THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF THE WORK WILL CERTIFY THAT THE /NSTALLA TION HAS BEEN COMPLETED BY SUBMITTING THE "CERT/FICA TION OR COMPLETION" FORM. A REQUEST FOR THE FINAL LANDSCAPE INSPECTION BY THE CITY MUST ALSO BE MADE BY CALLING THE INSPECTION REQUEST LINE. "CERT/FICA TION OF COMPLETION" FOR FAX TO: (760) 944-8943 LANDSCAPE INSPECTION REQUEST PHONE LINE.-(760) 602-4602 PRIOR TO BEGINNING LANDSCAPE WORK: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE DESIGNER OF WORK PRIOR TO BEGINNING LANDSCAPE WORK AND THE DESIGNER OF WORK SHALL RE.VIEW THE PROJECT UTILITY LOCATIONS AND REVISE PLANS ACCORDINGLY TO FULLY SCREEN ALL UTILITIES FROM VIEW AND PROTECT ALL UTILITIES (ABOVE AND BELOW GRADE) FROM INVASIVE' PLANT GROWTH AND ROOTS. NOTE: THERE ARE NO PROPOSED WATER FEATURES SEE SHEETS 18 AND IC FOR RECYCLED r'lATER FACILITIES PLAN COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH LAND AND WATER QUALITY DIVISION DATE, 5/28/2015 DRAv"IN BY Jr'lH/LKL APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. ,.-----5-,----c:_____ GLENN LEEKS ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SPECIALIST "AS BU IL T" TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ~A CITY OF CARLSl3AD l?(fl LJA__j PLANNING DIVISION ~ TITLE SHEET FOR: OUARRY CREEK rla 2681 CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT DEVELOPERS NAME: PRESIDIO CORNERSTONE QC, LLC ADDRESS: 4365 EXECUTIVE DRIVE, SUITE 600 Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub Revegefafion 2" BLACK LETTERS 1" BLACK LETTERS WARNING RECYCLED WATER DO NOT DRINK ECYCLED WATER WASH HANDS AFTER CONCTACTING L VESE SUS MANOS DESPUES DE USAR 12" X 36" SIZE .032 ALUMINUM, .060 ABS PLASTIC OR STICK-ON VINYL SIGNS HOWARD' ASSOCIATES landscape architecture 2442 second avenue san diego ca 92101 619 718 9660 I DISTRICT ENGINEER APPROVED ,r~\ SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 /°'t-e.J<, \ Y:· l:::.(\/4t: /Z·<i>-1.; I I ld/;zs-t--0-FF_ic_E_: _(_ss_s_J_4_s_s_-9_7_o_o_x_1_20 _______ --t----ccc=-+cc=cc--r----------------------i----=-=---t---=------i----=-=---r-=-c-:=;;:::PLA::::N=N::::IN=G ===;-;:::=======:;-;::==D=A=TE== //. DATE ~~:TE PLAN PREPARED:-----------EN:1:TE:R 0t::~K REVISION DESCRIPTION 0~::: APP':~::~ □;: APP~:::~ Llc"-'D:_,.;__.D,_ 8 --'=;,.Y_._: ===-"I ~I __ C_T_R_O_J1_EC-1T_N_Q_4_~] 484~5NL V CX) C\I I V \ 0 C\I I !Ill Ill ' Iii! 1111 - I Ill 1111 I 1111 II I 1111 P.O.G. 11 CONTROLLER 'K' LOT13 ".,:r, ASSOCIATES,. " '" -;;-«-landscape architecture 2442 second avenue san die go ca 92101 619 718 9660 LOT12 r - LOT3 STREET 'A' ----------- 0 LOT1 !Iii 1111 I 1111 Ill I Ill I Ill Iii 1111 Ill I Ill 1111 I Ill !II ·E='J-----J------;:-_:::-·_ ---------------- =====:::1l1111 Iii Ill Ill Ill LEGEND POINT OF CONNECTION FOR RECYCLED V'lATER (METER AND BACKFLOY'I PREVENTION) POTABLE >"!ATER METER Y'IITH BAGKFLOY'I PREVENTOR "DO NOT DRINK" SIGN LOCATIONS FIRE HYDRANT ALL PROPOSED PLANTED AREAS TO USE RECYCLED >"!ATER RC-----RECYCLED >"!ATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE FER DY'IG 484-5L RW-----RECYCLED >"!ATER LINE W --------POTABLE >"!ATER LINE I ■ NOT TO SCALE APPROVED FOR "AS BUil T" PLANTING TITLE ANO IRRIGATION ONLY, REVIEWED BY: INCLUDING PRECISE DATE, 5/2B/15 LOCATION OF PLANTING INSPECTOR DRAV'IN BY, JV'lH/LKL AREAS. DATE DATE CTrJ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ PLANNING DIVISION B s OUARRY CREEK Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub Revegefafion APPROVED ,~,, ( I tq• E:J\~-t\-r -z-~-~.:; KEY HAP ■NTS DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CITY APPROVAL PLANNING DATE I OWN BY: 11 PROJECT NO. I [:ts4NG sNL. : CHKD BY: CT 11-04 OTHER APPROVAL SHEET UF SHEETS --1111 1111 0 0 TRACT j:3pUN~~RY .._111111111 Ill II!! llllill!lll!III III II llllili!IIIIIII 1111 Ill ll!llillfflilll !Ill 1111 .. LOT14 LEGEND IRWI POINT OF GONNEGTION FOR REGYGLED V'IATER (METER AND BAGKFLOV'I PREVENTION) ~ POTABLE V'IATER METER I/IIITH BAGKFLOI/II PREYENTOR "DO NOT DRINK" SIGN LOGATIONS ~ FIRE HYDRANT 1111 ALL PROPOSED PLANTED AREAS TO USE REGYGLED V'IATER RC----REGYGLED I/IIATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE PER DV".6 4B4-5P RC-----REGYGLED I/IIATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE PER DV".6 4B4-5L RW-----REGYGLED I/IIATER LINE W --------POTABLE I/IIATER LINE rla 2681 HOWARD::: •1• ASSOCIATES·~ •~ " .;; • landscape architecture 2442 second avenue s an die go ca 9 2 1 01 619 718 9660 LOT14 I Ill Ill I 1111 Ill I !II Ill I KEY MAP IINTS DATE, 5/28/15 DRAV'lN ElY, JV'lH/LKL • NOT TO SCALE APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. TITLE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR "AS BUil T" I I I DATE DATE Ill Ill I f-------+--+-------------+---+---+------+--, \ s1HECET \ CITY OF CARLSBAD l?rlls PLANNING DIVISION ~ ~=~========='._.'.::::==; OUARRY CR££K Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub Revegefation APPROVED /'2 ·'cl·,~ PLANNING DATE DATE IN!TIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION I OWN BY: 11 PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL f---oT-HE_R_A~PP-Ro_v_AL--+--c-,TY-Af'~PR_o_vA-L -l'C,,_H"'K'::'.D _.B:"Y.:...:: ===-1 ~ __ C_T __ 1 _1_-_Q_4_~ 48 4-5 L SHEET O~-SH[ETS 0 A BALL VALVE CD SHl<.IJB ROTOR @ FINISH <SRADE ® SCH eo NIPPLE @ SCH 40 THl<.EADED COUPLER @ 1/2" PVC STREET ELLS (5) @ LATERAL TEE OR ELL G) LATERAL LINE @ MODEL HC-,SF-1SM CHECI< VAL.VE 1/'lHERE REQUIRED TO PREVENT LOVI HEAD DRAINA<SE @) MODEL 465551 5Hl<.IJB STAl<E l<IT, • 4 REBAR -L.EN<STH AS NEEDED TO BURY 12" IN <&ROUND N01:S, I. ALL HEAOS J..OGA7'EO 11"1,ITHIN .24" Of= YeHIGULAA OR PEOESTRIAN USES SHAW. ee POP..LJP HEAOS. 2. CON.TRACTOR SHALL IN9Tl"\I..L AL.L. +EADS NO CLOSER THAN .24' TO ANY l~ABLE SURFACE UNLESS THE iSRAJ::lE DRAIN5 AY'tA'Y' FROM THI= IMPERMEA.61.f: ~AC,E INTO A LANI,5C.APEO A!UeA. 9. AL.L HEADS L-OGATED )11\ITH IN 10' OF A PEDl:STRIAN PATH OR Jo'IALK. SH/IJ...L BE POP-VP HE;ADS. C ROTOR ON RISER 2 3 NOTE: ROUND PURPLE PLASTIC VALV BOX, AMATEK OR EQUAL FINISH GRADE BALL VALVE INTEGRAL UNIONS PVC SCH. 40, 45' ELL (TYP) PVC PRESSURE MAINLINE PIPE (SEE SPECS.) 1 CU. FT. PEA GRAVEL 2X4 REDWOOD OR BRICK BLOCKING DEPTH-SEE SPECIFICATIONS CD FlNISH GRADE/TOP OF MULCH ® QUICK-COUPLING VALVE WITH LOCKING PURPLE CAP NTS 0 VALVE BOX WrTH PURPLE COYER: 6-INCH SIZE 0 3-INCH MINIMUM DEPTH OF 3/4-INCH WASHED GRAVEL ® PVC SCH 80 NIPPLE (LENGTH AS REQUIRED) ® BRICK (1 OF 2) 0 PVC SCH 40 STREET ELL ® PVC SCH 40 TEE OR ELL ® PVC MAINLINE PIPE @ PVC SCH 40 ELL @ 2" x 2" REDWOOD STAKE W/ STAINLESS STEEL GEAR CLAMPS OR EQUf\lALENT SUPPORT SYSTEM 1. FURNISH FITTINGS AND PIPING NOMINALLY SIZED IDENTICAL TO NOMINAL QUICK COUPLING VALVE INLET SIZE. 2. QUICK COUPLER VALVES SHALL BE OF A 1YPE APPROVED FOR RECYCLED WATER USE. E QUICK-COUPLING VALVE f''"reh_/ ....... _, s.n-,, Should 1!w S..b.1• •¥-" ln....,.._n:>r'_l5_ e.....,,._ll'llklllatlon Cc::IIN!MO 1000--S Holetvr-o ~ Burlad Nrthrn ~ Zeno ~G-T eeNeOR PLACEMENT 19 DETE~INED-BT' A c-AL'SENSE FIELDTEGHNIG.IAN. OI~ -~T SENSOR 1'11.IRIN.e ONLY. fill~ H MOISTURE SENSOR CD FINISH <SRADE @ P<SP ROTOR HEAD @ 5/4" PVC STREET ELL. (5) @ SCH e,o NIPPI.E @ LATERAL. TEE OR ELL @ LATERAL. PIPE G) RECYCL.ED l<.IJOOER COVER 1/'lHERE INSTALLED ON RECYCLED SYSTEM OR FUTIJRE RECYCLED SYSTEM NOTES, I. ALL HEADS LOC.ATE:D Y'ilTHIN 24" OF VEHICULAR OR PEDESTl'<IAN USES SHAL.L 6E POP-UP HEADS. 2 2. CONTl'<ACTOR SHALL INSTALL ALL HEAP;, NQ-----r-;;,;t-1---\---------, CLO$ER THAN 24' TO ANY IMPERMEABLE $URFACE UNLE;,;, THE <&RADE DRAIN$ All'lAY FROM THE IMPERMEABLE $URFACE INTO A LANDSCAPED AREA 5 5. ALL HEADS LOCATS> 1/'llTH IN 10' OF A F'EOES'TRIAN PATH OR Y'iALK SHALL BE POP-UP HEADS. B POP-UP ROTOR . OC> ._,. I I I I :I,,: 1..---r---0 -!--{3 2 CD RECLAIMED WATER SIGN ® FINISH GRADE 0 6' X 1-1/4" T POST 0 VANDAL PROOF HARDWARE D RECYCLED SIGNAGE F 0 10" PLASTIC BOX W/ LOCKING LID G) 2 SPARE WIRES AND 1 COMMON WIRE (SEE SPECS FOR SIZE AND COLOR) 0 FLUSH IN LAWN AREAS, 2" IN SHRUB AREAS. © FINISH GRADE TOP OF MULCH @3/4" GRAVEL SUMP IN, UNDER AND AROUND VALVES BOX. FlLL TO TOP OF VALVE BOX HOLES @ INSTALL FILTER FABRIC AROUND GRAVEL SUMP. (j) STUB UP AND CAP PRESSURE SUPPLY LlNE. MAINLINE STUB *NOTE, POPUPS ARE REQUIRED IN Rl6'HT-Of-V'IAY AND SHRUB BEDS Jl'.IITHIN 10' Of HARDSCAPE AND ALL OTHER AREAS Jl'.IHERE PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC MAY OCCUR. NEl"l IRRIGATION MAINLINE AND VALVES SHALL BE HIGH-LINED AND CONNECTED TO A POTABLE V'IATER SOURCE PENDING SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION Of CROSS CONNECTION TEST AS PERFORMED BY CMJl'.ID AND DEH. FINAL CONNECTIONS TO THE EXISTING IRRIGATION RECYCLED MAINLINE ARE TO BE PERFORMED ONLY AFTER APPROVAL IS PROVIDED BY CtvfJl'.ID AND DEH. rla2681 HOWARD:": san ASSOCIATES, landscape architecture 2442 second avenue die go ca 9 2 1 01 619 718 9660 NTS NTS G IRRIGATION NOTES I. THE IRRl6ATION PLAN IS DIA6RAMMATIC. ALL IRRl6ATION EQUIPMENT SHALL BE LOC.AT'ED IN PLANTIN6 AREAS ONLY, UNLESS NOT'ED OTHERJIIIISE. REFER TO THE IRRl6ATION LE6END AND DETAILS FOR EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATION. 2. C.ONTR.AC.TOR SHALL KEEP THE PREMISES GLEAN AND FREE OF EXC.ESS EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS, AND RUBBISH INC.IDENTAL TO l'IORK OF THIS SECTION. :l. A. ALL RISERS SHALL BE P.V.C.. SC.HEDULE e,o. 6. ALL PIPE FITTIN<SS SHALL BE P.V.C.. SCHEDULE 40. 4. A. ALL i"IIRE SHALL BE 14 6AU6E Ai"l6 (MAX. 6AU6E) i"IITH SHEATH, MAXl-i"IIRE BY PAl6E ELEC.TRIC.. DIREC.T BURIAL TYPE, AND ALL SPLIC.ES AND C.ONNEC.TION5 SHALL BE MADE i"IITH 5M 6ELPAc.K DBY C.ONNEC.TOR5. 8. EAC.H C.ONNEC.TION FROM DEC.ODER TO VALVE SHALL MAINTAIN THE SAME i"IIRE COLOR AS DEC.ODER. C.. ALL i"IIRES SHALL BE INSTALLED i"IITH Ti'IIO (2) FEET OF EXC.ES5 HIRE (C.OILED) AT THE END OF EAc.H i"IIRE RUN. D. CONTROL i"IIRE SHALL BE BUNDLED AND PL.AC.ED BENEATH MAINLINE. E. VALVE SHALL BE A MAXIMUM 15' FROM DEC.ODER. F. C.ONTROL HIRE SHALL FOLLOl'II MAINLINE. I:>. LOOP i"IIRE BAC.K TO CONTROLLER IF CONTROLLER i"IIRE RUN 15 LONl:>ER THAN 2.4 MILES. H. CONTROL i"IIRES (I.E. MAXl-i"IIRE5) MUST MAINTAIN A 10-FOOT SEPARATION FROM ELEC.TRIC.AL TRANSFORMERS 4 UNDER6ROUND Hl6H VOL TAl:>E POil'IER LINES. 5. BAC.KFLOl'II PREVENTION DEVIC.ES SHALL BE LOC.ATED AS INDIC.AT'ED ON THE IRRl6ATION PLAN. INSTALLATION SHALL C.ONFORM TO LOC.AL 60VERNIN6 C.ODE5 AND RE6ULATIONS AND MANUFAC.TIJRER'S 5PEC.IFIC.ATION5. C.Mi"ID BAc.KFLOl'II 5PEC.IALl5T TO APPROVE LOC.ATION ph. (160) 45e-2,22 x1152 6. C.HEC.K VALVES SHALL BE USED i"IHERE INDIC.ATED AND i"IHERE NEC.ESSARY TO PREVENT i"IATER FLOl'II FROM LOl'IIER ELEVATION HEAPS i"IHEN 5Y5T'EM IS TURNED OFF. 1. ALL PRESSURE MAINLINES SHALL HAVE A 1e," MINIMUM C.OVER FOR 2-1/2" MAINLINE AND LESS AND 24" C.OVER FOR 9"-5-1/2" SIZE MAINLINE. ALL LATERALS SHALL HAVE A MINMUM Til'IELVE (12) INC.HES OF C.OVER. TRENC.H BAC.KFILL SHALL BE FREE OF ANY MATERIAL THAT MAY DAMA6E IRRll:>ATION PIPE OR EQUIPMENT. IN THE EVENT OF BAC.KFILL SETTLEMENT, C.ONTRAC.TOR SHALL PERFORM REQUIRED REPAIRS AT HIS Oi"IN C.05T. e, ALL AUTOMATIC. VALVES SHALL BE LOC.AT'ED i"IITHIN SHRUB AREAS. IN BOXES SHALL BE INSTALLED IN PURPLE VALVE BOXES, ONE VALVE PER BOX, i"IITH FOUR (4) INC.HES OF PEA 61'1.AVEL BENEATH EAC.H VALVE. BALL VALVES SHALL BE LOC.ATED IN SEPARATE VALVE BOXES. "1. SLEEVES UNDER ROADS, 6" OR LESS IN DIAMETER-56" C.OVER 6REAT'ER THAN 6" IN DIAMET'ER-4e" C.OVER SC.HEDULE e,o PVC. SLEEVES UNDER PAVIN6 (NON-ROADS), LESS THAN 9" IN DIAMETER-1e," C.OVER 9"-5 1/2"" IN DIAMET'ER-24" GOVER 6" OR 6REATER IN DIAMETER-56" C.OVER 5C.HEDULE 40 PVC. 10. AUTOMATIC. C.ONTROLLER5 SHALL BE SIZE AND TYPE AS NAMED, AND INSTALLED i"IHERE INDIC.ATED ON IRRll:>ATION PLAN. CONTROL i"IIRES SHALL BE SLEEVED UNDER PAVIN6 IN I" DIAMETER ELEc.TRIC.AL C.ONDUIT. I C.ONTROL i"IIRE MAX. PER SLEEVE. A. 120 VOLT 5ERVIC.E TO C.ONTROLLER SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE Oi"INER. II. PRIOR TO SAC.KFILLIN6 IRRl5ATION TRENC.HES, A. ALL MAINLINES IN THE SYSTEM SHALL SE C.APPED AND PRESSURE TESTED AT 125 P.5.1. FOR A PERIOD OF FOUR HOURS. ANY LEAKS FOUND SHALL BE C.ORREC.TED BY REMOVIN1:> THE LEAKIN5 PIPE OR FITTIN55 AND IN5TALLIN5 NEl'II MATERIAL IN ITS PLAC.E. 6. ALL LATERALS SHALL BE PRESSURE TESTED AT DESl6N PRESSURE FOR ONE HOUR. C.. THE C.ONTRAc.TOR SHALL NOT ALLOH NOR C.AUSE ANY OF HIS i'IIORK TO BE COVERED UNTIL IT HAS BEEN INSPECTED, TESTED AND APPROVED BY THE Oil'INER'5 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE AND C.ITY INSPEC.TOR. 12. IRRl5ATION C.ONTRAC.TOR SHALL APJUST ALL HEAPS TO PROVIDE EVEN C.OVERA5E AND TO KEEP SPRAY OFF BUILDIN1:>S, i"IALKl'IIAYS, i"IALLS, AND DRIVES. 15. i"IHEN THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM IS C.OMPLETED, THE C.ONTRAC.TOR, IN THE PRESENC.E OF THE OHNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE, SHALL PERFORM A C.OVERA6E TEST OF i"IATER AFFORDED THE PLANTIN6 AREAS TO ENSURE IT 15 COMPLETE AND ADEQUAT'E. C.ITY INSPEC.TOR TO APPROVE C.OVERA5E. THE C.ONTRAC.TOR SHALL FURNISH ALL MATERIALS AND PERFORM ALL 1/'lORK REQUIRED TO C.ORREC.T ANY INAPEQUAC.IE5 OF C.OVERA5E AT HIS Oi"IN C.OST. IRRl5ATION C.ONTRAC.TOR SHALL MAINTAIN THE SYSTEM FOR A PERIOD OF SIXTY (60) DAYS AND SHALL i"IATER ON A DAILY BASIS. 14. PRIOR TO FINAL AC.C.EPTANC.E, THE C.ONTRAC.TOR SHALL FURNISH A C.OMPLETE 'AS-BUILT' DRAl'IIIN5 TO THE LANDSC.APE ARC.HITEC.T FOR C.OMPLETION OF t-tfLAR DRAY'!IN55 AND THREE PRINTS TO THE Oil'INER 5HOl'IIIN5 EXAC.T LOC.ATIONS OF ALL ITEMS INSTALLED. 15. PRIOR TO FINAL AC.C.EPTANC.E, THE IRRl5ATION C.ONTRAC.TOR SHALL PLAC.E A LAMINATED, REDUCED C.OPY OF THE AS-BUILT IRRl5ATION PLAN, C.OLOR-C.ODED AS TO C.OVERA6E AREAS FOR EAC.H VALVE, IN THE C.ONTROLLER ENC.LOSURE. 16. THE IRRl5ATION C.ONTRAc.TOR SHALL 5UARANTEE THE ENTIRE IRRl5ATION SYSTEM TO BE FREE OF DEFEC.TS IN il'IORKMANSHIP AND MATf:RIALS FOR A PERIOD OF ONE (I) YEAR FROM FINAL AC.C.EPTANC.E BY THE OHNER. 1-r. "THRUST BLOC.KS C.ONSISTIN5 OF A MINIMUM OF I CUSIC. FOOT OF C.ONC.RETE (2,000 PSI) SHALL BE INSTALLED AROUND MAINLINES 9 " AND ABOVE AT ELBOl'IIS AND AT POINTS OF C.HAN6E IN DIREC.TION." (C.ITY OF CARLSBAD LANDSC.APE MANUAL IV.S-5). 1e,. INSTALL POP-UPS i"IITHIN 10 FEET OF ALL PEDESTRIAN USES IN ALL Rl6HT-OF-i"IAY AREAS. 1"1. ALL IRRl6ATION EQUIPMENT UTILIZIN6 REC.LAIMED i"IATER SHALL BE C.OLORED PURPLE PER C.ARLSBAD MUNICIPAL i"IATER DISTRIC.T REQUIREMENTS. 20. USE PA5E ELECTRIC. MAXIC.OM i"IIRE FOR 2-i"IIRE DEC.ODER i"IIRE PATH. 21. i"IARNIN5 TAPES REQUIRED (2) ONE TO BE LOC.ATED DIREC.TLY ON TOP OF MAINLINE AND ONE 12" ABOVE. 22. SUR6E PROTEC.TOR AND 5ROUNDIN6 ROD 15 NEEDED EVERY 450' OF LINEAR OF C.ONTROL HIRE. SEE RAIN!31RD SPEC.IFIC.ATIONS FOR 5ROUNDIN6 INSTRUC.TIONS. PERPENDICULAR TD SLOPE TILTED SLIGHTLY BACK FROM VERTICAL VERTICAL IF STANDARD NOZZLES ARE USED AT TOP OF SLOPE, TILT HEADS TOWARDS TOE OF SLOPE. INSTALL SLIGHTLY DOWN FROM THE TOP EDGE OF THE SLOPE INSTALL MID-SLOPE SPRINKLER HEADS HALFWAY BETWEEN VERTICAL AND PERPENDICULAR TO SLOPE SPRAY HEADS AND ROTORS INSTALLATION FOR SLOPES SLEEVE CHART FOR IRRIGATION PIPE* I I I I I I I t- LOW-ANGLE SPRINKLER: IF INSTALLED VERTICALLY AT TOP OF SLOPE TOP SYMBOL + ... • ■ ~ 0 □ rn (!) (!) @ @ ® I/; ~ ~ OJ [2.] @] Ii] ~ ~ ['.1_] @] @] @] [TT] B §] § § §s] ~ § §I ® @ @ @ @ @ 0 s ~ Irrigation Legend MAN'FR MODEL DESCRIPTION <SFM RADIUS PSI HUNTER FROS-00-FRS30R-MFIOOO-qo MP ROTATOR HEAD ON 12" RISER 0.11 B' 30 HUNTER PROS-00-FRS50R-MPIOOO-qo MF ROTATOR HEAD ON 12" RISER 0.33 B' 30 HUNTER PROS-00-PRS30R-MFIOOO-qo MP ROTATOR HEAD ON 12" RISER 0.16 12' 30 HUNTER FROS-00-PRS30R-MFIOOO-qo MP ROTATOR HEAD ON 12" RISER 0.32 12' 30 HUNTER FROS-OO-PRS50R-MFI000-3<:>0 MP ROTATOR HEAD ON 12" RISER 0.65 12' 30 HUNTER FROS-OO-FRS30R-MF200Q-qo MP ROTATOR HEAD ON 12" RISER 0.33 IB' 30 HUNTER PROS-OO-PRS30R-MP200Q-qQ MP ROTATOR HEAD ON 12" RISER 0.6$ IB' 30 HUNTER PROS-00-PRS30R-MF2000-360 MP ROTATOR HEAD ON 12" RISER 1.21 IB' 30 HUNTER FROS-OO-PRS30R-MFIOOO-qo FOF-UP SHRUB ROTOR 0.11 B' 30 HUNTER FROS-00-PRS30R-MFIOOO-qo FOF-UP SHRUB ROTOR 0.39 B' 50 HUNTER FROS-00-PRS30R-MFIOOO-qo FOF-UP SHRUB ROTOR 0.32 12' 90 HUNTER FROS-00-PRS90R-MF200Q-q0 POF-UP SHRUB ROTOR 0.6$ IB' $0 HUNTER PROS-OO-PRS30R-MP3000-qo FOP-UP SHRUB ROTOR 1.58 21' 30 HUNTER PROS-00-PRS30R-MPBOOO-qo MP ROTATOR HEAD ON 12" RISER 0.14 21' so HUNTER PROS-OO-PRSSOR-MF9000-qQ MF ROTATOR HEAD ON 12" RISER 1.5B 21' 90 HUNTER FROS-00-PR5SOR-MFS000-$60 MF ROTATOR HEAD ON 12" RISER 3.15 21' so NOTE, CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL APPROPRIATE IRRIISATION BODY TO REISULATE TO EITHER 30 PSI OR 40 PSI TO AVOID OVERTHROV'-1 ONTO PAVED AREAS. IRRliSATION HEADS SHALL NOT BE INSTALLED V'-IITHIN 24" OF AN IMPERMEABLE SURFACE ALL IRRIISATION HEADS SHALL BE PURPLE FOR RECLAIMED V'-IATER USE. HUNTER PGF-00-CV-R-,15SR SHRUB ROTOR ON RISER .15 25' 50 HUNTER PGP-00-GV-R-l .5SR SHRUB ROTOR ON RISER 1.5 25' 50 HUNTER P<SF-00-GV-R-3.0SR SHRUB ROTOR ON RISER 5.0 25' 50 HUNTER PGP-00-CV-R-l.5 SHRUB ROTOR ON RISER 1.5 $0' 50 HUNTER FGF-00-GV-R-2.5 SHRUB ROTOR ON RISER 2.5 30' 50 HUNTER FGP-00-C.V-R-5.0 SHRUB ROTOR ON RISER 5.0 :30' 50 HUNTER FGP-00-CV-R-2.0 SHRUB ROTOR ON RISER 2,0 95' 50 HUNTER P<SP-00-GV-R-3.0 SHRUB ROTOR ON RISER 3.0 35' 50 HUNTER F<SP-00-GV-R-6.0 SHRUB ROTOR ON RISER 6.0 35' 50 HUNTER F<SP-00-CV-R-5.0 SHRUB ROTOR ON RISER 5.0 40' 50 HUNTER F<SF-00-GV-R-4.0 SHRUB ROTOR ON RISER 4.0 40' 50 HUNTER PGP-00-GV-R-B.O SHRUB ROTOR ON RISER e.o 40' 50 HUNTER FGF-00-GV-R-MFR-30-qo SHRUB ROTOR ON RISER 1.15 25' 30 HUNTER PGF-OO-C.V-R-MFR-30-IBO SHRUB ROTOR ON RISER 2.31 25' 30 HUNTER PGP-OO-GV-R-MFR-30-360 SHRUB ROTOR ON RISER 4.66 25' 30 HUNTER PGF-00-GV-R-MFR-35-IBO SHRUB ROTOR ON RISER 3.05 30' 30 HUNTER PGF-00-GV-R-MFR-35-360 SHRUB ROTOR ON RISER 5_e,q 30' 30 HUNTER PGP-00-GV-R-4.0 SHRUB ROTOR ON RISER 9.3 5S' 50 HUNTER P<SP-OO-CV-R-MPR-30-qo POP-UP SHRUB ROTOR 1.13 25' 30 HUNTER PGF-OO-C.V-R-MFR-50-IBO POP-UF SHRUB ROTOR 2.3, 25' so HUNTER P<SF-00-CV-R-MFR-30-560 POF-UF SHRUB ROTOR 4.66 25' 50 HUNTER FGP-OO-CV-R-MPR-35-IBO FOF-UP SHRUB ROTOR S.05 SO' 50 HUNTER P<SF-OO-GV-R-MPR-35-360 FOF-UP SHRUB ROTOR 5_e,q 50' 30 HUNTER P<SP-00-CV-R-4.0 POP-UP SHRUB ROTOR S.5 35' 50 HUNTER P<SP-00-GV-R-B.O POP-UP SHRUB ROTOR 6.5 55' 30 RAIN BIRD PESB-FRS-R SERIES REMOTE CONTROL VALVE -SIZE PER FLAN RAIN BIRD 513 SERIES 2" MASTER REMOTE CONTROL VALVE DETAIL SHT2-C. SHT2-C. SHT2-G SHT2-C. SHT2-C. SHT2-C. SHT2-C SHT2-C SHT2-B SHT2-B SHT2-B SHT2-B SHT2-B SHT2-C. SHT2-G SHT2-C SHT2-C SHT2-C. SHT2-G SHT2-C. SHT2-C. SHT2-C SHT2-C. SHT2-C SHT2-G SHT2-C. SHT2-C. SHT2-C. SHT2-C SHT2-G SHT2-G 5HT2-C SHT2-G SHT2-C SHT2-B SHT2-B SHT2-B SHT2-B SHT2-B SHT2-B SHT2-B SHTS-B, 5HT2-H SHTS-J @ HUNTER HQ-44LRG-Ai"l-R QUICK GOUFLIN<S VALVE -I" SIZE -ACME THREADS AND LOGl<IN<S GOVER NOTE, QUIGI< COUPLER SHALL BE OF TYFE APPROVED FOR RECYC.LED i"lA TER USE SHT2-E ~ l<ING BROS. BLOGl<ED TRUE UNION BALL VALVE -LINE SIZE 5HT2-A IZI FEBGO e25Y REDUCED PRESSURE BACl<FLOl"l PREVENTER -SIZE FER FLAN IE] i"<ILl<INS ="OOXLHR-YSBR PRESSURE REGULATING VALVE -2-1/2" SIZE SHT3-N BB FER FLAN -INSTALL. HUNTER MINI CLIGI< RAIN SENSOR -EPOXY TO ENCLOSURE ® ® POTABLE i"lATER METER BY OVINER -SIZE PER PLAN -TO BE REPLACED i"<ITH RECYCLED METER i"<HEN RECYCLED i"<ATER BECOMES AVAILABLE GAL.SENSE FM-1.256 FLOl"l METER -14 Ai"l<S i"<IRE IN CONDUIT BETVIEEN FLOl"l METER AND MASTER VAL.VE GAL.SENSE ET 2000e-RRe-SSE-r/FM GAL.SENSE CONTROLLER IN STAINLESS STEEL PEDESTAL SIZE PER PLAN -INSTALL HUNTER MINI CLIGI< RAIN SENSOR -EPOXY TO ENCLOSURE AND 100-S MOTION SENSOR PVC SCH 40 'ALERTLINE' PURPLE SLEEVE -2X SIZE OF i"<ORl<IN<S LINE FVG CL 200 'ALERTLINE' PURPLE RECYCLED i"<ATER LATERAL LINE -ON <SRADE-STAl<E@ 12" O.G.-MIN. SIZE 3/4" PVC CL 200 'ALERTL.INE' PURPLE RECYCLED i"<ATER LATERAL LINE -BURY 12" MIN. -MIN. SIZE 5/4" PVC SCH 40 'ALERTLINE' PL!RPLE RECYCLED i"<ATER MAINLINE -BURY IB" MIN. -MIN. SIZE I" CL. 315 'ALERTLINE' PURPLE PIPE FOR SIZE 2" OR LARGER. BURY 36" MIN UNDER DRIVES ffi VALVE KEY _A--+_~ _ _,__A • 6PM v B = VALVE SEQUENCE NUMBER C = VALVE SIZE 'DO NOT DRINI<' Sl<SN -LANDSCAPE ARGHITEC.T TO CONFIRM FINAL LOCATIONS SHTS-P SHT 2-H,5-6 SHTS-H SHT2-F SHT2-D *NOTE, POPUPS ARE REQUIRED IN RIGHT-Of-V'IAY AND SHRUB BEDS Jl'.IITHIN 10' Of HARDSCAPE AND ALL OTHER AREAS V'IHERE PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC MAY OCCUR. SEE SHEET 3 FOR ADDITIONAL IRRIGATION DETAILS SEE SHEETS 4-6 FOR IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS APPROVED FOR PLANTING TITLE REVIEWED BY: "AS BUil T" DATE PIPE SCH. 40/80 PVC CONTROLLER SCH.40/80 PVC SLEEVE SIZE WIRES SLEEVE SIZE NOTE, DATE, 5/28/2015 DRAV'-IN BY: JV'IH/LKL AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. INSPECTOR DATE 3/4" 2" 1-18 2" 1" 2" 19-24 2-1/2" 1-1/4" 2-1 /2" 25-36 3" 1-1 /2" 3" 37-48 4" 2" 4" 49-72 6" 2-1/2" 6" 3" 6" 4" 6" NOTE: SLEEVE CHART IS FOR THE CONVENIENCE TO THE CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE ADEQUATE PIPE SLEEVE SIZE TO ACCOMMODATE THE INSTALLATION OF THE IRRIGATION PIPE AND WIRES 'SCHEDULE 80 PVC FOR UNDER STREET PAVING 'SCHEDULE 40 PVC FOR UNDER WALKWAYS IRRIGATION SPRAY HEADS SHALL BE INSTALLED AND ADJUSTED TO AVOID OVER.SPRAY INTO ANY STORM DRAIN FACILITIES. t------+--+-----------+---+---+---+---1 ~I S=H2E=ET :'...::I =C=IT=Y=O=F=C=A=R=L=S=BA=D====--=I ::::::::::~I ~ PLANNING DIVISION IRRIGATION NOTES, DETAILS AND LEGEND FOR. OUARRY CREEK Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub Revegelalion APPROVED 1z.-~.,c; PLANNING DATE DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION I I ' A NOTE: MAINLINE, LATERAL, AND WIRING IN THE SAME TRENCH Pl.AN VIEW RUN WIRING BENEATH AND BESIDE MAINLINE. TAPE AND BUNDLE AT 10-FOOT INTERVALS. NOTES: SECTION VIEW MAINLINE LATERAL WIRING IN CONDUIT PIPE PIPE ALL SOLVENT WELD PLASTIC PIPING TO BE SNAKED IN TRENCH AS SHOWN. TIE A 24-INCH LOOP IN ALL WIRING AT CHANGES OF DIRECTION OF 30" OR GREATER. UNTIE AFTER ALL CONNECTIONS HAVE BEEN MADE. 1. SLEEVE BELOW ALL HARDSCAPE ELEMENTS WITH SCHEDULE BO PVC lWICE THE DIAMETER OF THE PIPE OR WIRE BUNDLE WITHIN. 2. FOR PIPE AND WIRE BURIAL DEPTHS SEE SPECIFICATIONS. PIPE & WIRE TRENCHING (RECLAIMED) NTS B CD COPPER UNION (1 OF 2) 2 ® REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTER: RAIN BIRD RP-QT G) COPPER MALE ADAPTER (1 OF 2) 0 COPPER 90" ELL (1 OF 4) ® COPPER PIPE (TYPICAL) © FINISH GRADE 6 (?)PVC MALE ADAPTER ® IRRIGATION MAINLINE PIPE @COPPER FEMALE ADAPTER 1. INSTALL BACKFLOW PREVENTER AS REQUIRED BY LOCAL CODES AND HEALTH DEPARTMENT. VERIFY LOCAL REQUIREMENTS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. @''SCHEDULE K HARD COPPER" PIPE FROM POINT-OF- CONNECTION @PRESSURE REDUCER @UNION-TYPE K COPPER 2. "SCHEDULE K HARD COPPER" PIPE TO BE USED BETWEEN METER AND BACKFLOW PREVENTER. 3. INSTALL PER CMWD STD. DWG. # W-20 ' F BACKFLOW PREVENTER NTS G CD BALL VALVE ® INTEGRAL UNIONS 0 PVC SCH. 40, CONNECTOR (1YP) © PVC PRESSURE MAINLINE PIPE (SEE SPECS.) ® FINISH GRADE K BALL VALVE ON GRADE 1 /2" DIA. GALAVANIZED PIPE STAKE 24" LONG SUPPLY LINE CLAMP (GALV. OR CAD. PLATED) MACHINE PEELED FRICTION 1YPE LOOPED AROUND SUPPLY LINE AND STAKE G) FINISH GRADE CD 30-INCH LINEAR LENGTH OF WIRE, COILED ® WATER PROOF CONNECTION (1 OF 2) @ID TAG {~ REMOTE CONTROL VALVE: RAIN BIRD PEB @ VALVE BOX WITH COVER: 12-INCH SIZE ® FlNISH GRADE/TOP OF MULCH 0 PVC SCH 80 NIPPLE (CLOSE) ® PVC SCH 40 ELL ® PVC SCH 80 NIPPLE (LENGTH AS REQUIRED) @BRICK (1 OF 4) @PVC MAINLINE PIPE @scH 80 NIPPLE (2-INCH LENGTH, HIDDEN) AND SCH 40 ELL @ PVC SCH 40 TEE OR ELL (jj) PVC SCH 40 MALE ADAPTER @ PVC LATERAL PIPE @3.0-INCH MINIMUM DEPTH OF 3/4-INCH WASHED GRAVEL G) MANIFOLD PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE LOCATED UNDERNEATH -PER PLAN ® REMOTE CONTROL VALVE @ PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE PER PLAN 0 MANIFOLD BALL VALVE ® MANIFOLD PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE LOCATED UNDERNEATH -1 • ® QUICK COUPLER BALL VALVE r---,-------- 0 QUICK COUPLER ® HEAT BRAND ALL VALVE BOXES PER SPECIFICATIONS i DECODER TWO WIRE CABLE (INPUT) WIRE OUTPUT -2 _______ /:, 3 1'-611 NOTE: NO MORE THAN 4 REMOTE CONTROL VALV~ ARE TO BE INSTALLED PER MANIFOLD. ALL MANIFOLDS ARE TO BE INSTALLED IN PLANTER AREAS PER SPECIFICATIONS. REMOTE CONTROL VALVE C TYPICAL MANIFOLD CONFIGURATION C.AL5EN5E PRE-A55EHBLED ENc.L05URE INSTALLATION DETAIL CONTROLLER Pl AN VIEW 12 .,.,.,,, ,.J.,,~ F'lrp -TNo Ga..,_ c.ont:n,llr Pawla Mounted . .., l'"lu.h On l"aui Of l!!J,c;loeu~• at ,t,n,a• l'"or-15cay ~• hid vren ... I ____j ----2~.5" -~ _ ... -+ ...... l I I J : --~---:, ~ SSe•CI 9TAINl.ee 5n:EL ~ MODEi. 9SE-D-R (1'111:h Coffill ~ 0 -0 11 61"1 CMlet ' """' 00] 000 000 ............ Ill Ill ....... 111g YI~----....., ""' " Ill Ill 111 Ill 0. n ,.. i' ~-~t.~J G) 30-INCH LINEAR LENGTH OF WIRE, COILED ® WATER PROOF CONNECTION (1 OF 2) @10 TAG 0 PVC SCH 40 MALE ADAPTER ® FlNISH GRADE/TOP OF MULCH ® REMOTE CONTROL VALVE: RAIN BIRD av 0 PVC SCH 80 NIPPLE (CLOSE) ® PVC SCH 40 ELL ® PVC SCH 80 NIPPLE (LENGTH AS REQUIRED) @PVC LATERAL PIPE @PVC MAINLINE PIPE \. ,7 I I I I ' ' r--J ~ @ PVC SCH 40 SST TEE OR ST ELL Ill Ill Ill HI Ill Ill T ,'S ,7 . -1111 I I 11 1111 I I 11 :11:, ' f)-Ju NOTES, 381 0 n g.-:., I 2Q V.-.C. ..llnction Sox O'ICIU<:IN !'11th il!'IC,lo.ul'.J ~~ NTS ~--l<EC.TAN<SU~I< VAi.YE 60X (Sl:E SPE:C.5) (Do NOT C.1/T ADDITIONAL HOLES IN BOX) ~--Pl<f55Ul<E l<E6UI.ATIN6 VALVE (5EE 5F'EC,5) FINISH SUl<FAc.E SC.H 00 MAI.E ADAPTER (2 l<EQ.Jll<ED) INSTALL FIL TEI< FABl<IC. Al<OUND cSRAVEL SIJMP ¾" GRAVEL 5UMP IN, UNDEI< AND AROUND VALVE 60X. FILI. TO TOP OF VALVE 60X HOLES I. Fl'i:E55URE RE<SULATOR SHALL BE INSTALLED BEWIEEN METER ANP REDUC.EI> Fl'i:E55URE BAGKFLOl'I FREYENTOR G>ROUNDING> IN5TRUC.TIONS DETAIL Cl> ALL SYSTEMS LleHTININe PRONE Ct:115ene TP-110 ~--+--+--Sur-90 Arrostor- Ii 1111 c::J O c::J c::J □ □ □ c::J D c::, c::, □ □ □ □ □ □ CA:!laense TP-1 Tr-ans.lent Probec.tlon Boar-d ISround Lug "---#6 Solld eoi:,psr-6r-ound f'lll""S to iSround !tad 5te•xe,• Copper-6r-ound Rod ---(one for-eaeh contr-oller-J NON-STANP AL ONE Cl> ONE AREAS NON-LleHTNINe Fl<: -Common 1'llre From Controller _16 5olld CopF'OI"' 6r"ounc.l /l'>Jlro to i:Sr-oond Rod ,_ ....,,, , - _ lt"t""lgatlon Freid c.cmmon Y'llr-e - D CONTROLLER GROUNDING H G) PAVING ® DITCH G) SLEEVES 0 PVC CAP (TYPICAL) DEPTH AS PER SL~ CHART 4 NOTES: 1. ALL PVC IRRIGATION SLEEVES TO BE SCHEDULE 40/80 AS PER SLEEVING CHART PIPE. 2. ALL JOINTS TO BE SOLVENT WELDED AND WATERTIGHT. 3. WHERE THERE IS MORE THAN ONE SLEEVE, EXTEND THE SMALLER SLEEVE TO 24-JNCHES MINIMUM ABOVE FINISH GRADE. 4. MECHANICALLY TAMP TO 95% PROCTOR. SLEEVING 39" MAX. f END CAP BLOCK = H/f. 2-1/T 4$, sa: 60' HORIZONTAL & VERTICAi BEND REINFORCING STEEi DITAIL ~ CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK POLYETHYLENE WRAP N0.4 REINFORCING STEEL CD FINISH G>RADE @ SPRAY HEAD @ LATERAL TEE OR ELL @ LATERAL LIN!:: ® 1/2" PVC. STREET ELL5 (3) ® SC.H 80 NIPPLE 4 G) REC.YC.LED CAP V'lHERE C.ONNEC.TED TO REC.Ye.LED OR FUTURE REC.Ye.LED SYSTEM NOTES, I. ALL HEADS LOCATED i'IITHIN 24" OF VEHIC.ULAR OR PEDESTRIAN USES SHALL BE FOP-<JP HEADS. 2. C.ONTRAGTOR SHALL INSTALL ALL HEADS NO C.LOSER THAN 24" TO ANY IMPERMEA6LEa SURFAC.E UNLESS THE cSF!AI>E DRAINS Al'IAY FROM THE IMFERMEAeLE SURFAGE INTO A LANDSCAPED AREA. POPUP SPRAY HEAD 1 7 2 FLOV'l HETER INSTALLATION Rec:.tc;inguk:lr-Yaiva 6ox~ Maetar-Valve \. E j All Modele oP Gc.aleenee Gontroller-e 0 a w :::; 4 ::I [;] "' 5 6 FINISH GRADE ~ 8 NTS ROTOR SPRINKLER ON GRADE MASTER 4 5 G) 30-INCH LINEAR LENGTH OF WIRE COILED ® WATERPROOF CONNECTION: RAIN BIRD SPLICE-1 (1 OF 2) 0 ID TAG: RAIN BIRD YID SERIES 0 VALVE BOX WITH COVER: ® FINISH GRADE/TOP OF MULCH ® REMOTE CONTROL VALVE: g RAIN BIRD GB -PRS-D 1 0 0 PVC SCH 80 NIPPLE (CLOSE) ® PVC SCH 40 E.LL ® PVC SCH 80 NIPPLE 12 (LENGTH AS REQUIRED) @ BRICK (1 OF 4) @ PVC MAINLINE PIPE @ SCH 80 NIPPLE (2_-INCH LENGTH, HIDDEN) AND SCH 40 ELL @ OMIT @ PVC SCH 40 MALE ADAPTER @ PVC MAINLINE PIPE @ 3,0-INCH MINIMUM DEPTH OF 3/4-INCH WASHED GRAVEL CONTROL VALVE I" .M, Upetrean Dfflnetrecim Sn i..i,ngth Lengl:h I" 10" 5" 12!:I" 12.5" 6.2!," 1.5 I!" 1.!5' :i• :20' 10" 9' $0" ,~· ~terpr-ooP Ele;,,c.tl"'k:.al Gorineetor-e (do not ue.e pre-flllod t~pe c;omsc.tors) PIPE ON GRADE = M REMOTE CONTROL VALVE ON GRADE N PRESSURE REGULATOR 0 THRUST BLOCKS FOR 3'' < PIPE NTS P FLOW METER 7 NOTE: 0 FINISH GRADE/TOP OF MULCH ® QUICK-COUPLING VALVE WITH LOCKING PURPLE CAP 0 STAINLESS STEEL GRAR CLAMP OR EQUIVALENT © #3 REBAR ® UV RAD.IATION RESISTANT PVC SCH 80 NIPPLE (LENfH AS REQUIRED) ® PVC scr 40 SST TEE OR ST ELL 0 PVC MA/NLINE PIPE ® 'J' HOO~ ® RECLAIMED WATER STICKER 1. FURNISH FITTINGS AND PIPING NOMINALLY SIZED IDENTICAL TO NOMINAL QUICK COUPLING VALVE INLET SIZE. 2. QUICK COUPLER VALVES SHALL BE OF A TYPE APPROVED FOR RECYCLED WATER USE 0 QUICK-COUPLER VALVE ON GRADE M 3.5 FEET 12" MIN REQ. VERT. SEPARATION 1u---------,@ I.EGEND G) STREET SURFACE ® POTABLE SERVICE LINE @RECLAIMED WATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE W/ SLEEVE POTABLE NOTES: ALL RECLAIMED WATER IRRIGATION PIPE AND SLEEVES SHALL BE PURPLE AND LABELED AS SPECIFIED IN: "STANDARO SPECIFlCATIONS FOR PRIVATE IRRIGATION SYSTEMS" AND "CARLSBAD RECLAMATION RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF RECLAIMED WATER MAINS" OCTOBER 1993 MAINLINE CROSSIN r a 1 HOWARD.:;: ASSOCIATES c !> '" landscape architecture 2442 second avenue s an die go ca 9 2 1 01 619 718 9660 METER BOX AND METER ----24' __ _,,_, "'"~7r= CURB I cY APPR~xe· t POTA6LE SERVICE LINE----11 10' MINIMUM TO POTA6LE MAINLINE IN STREET RECYCLED i'IATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE !"I/SLEEVE NOTE, 12' Ml IMUM t VERTICAL CLEARANCE OF 12" MINIMUM 15 MANDATORY ~N CROSSING FATH OF A FOTA6LE i'IATER LINE. INSTALLATION OF RECYCLED i'IATER IRRIGATION MAINLINE 24" FROM FACE OF 51DEl'IALK i'IILL PROVIDE THE NECESSARY 10' HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE FROM FOTA6LE MAINLINE IN STREET. POTABLE SERVICE LINE CROSSING I SEE SHEET 2 FOR ADDITIONAL IRRIGATION DETAILS I SEE SHEETS 4-6 FOR IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS DATE, 5/28/2015 DRAV'lN BY: JV"IH/LKL APPROVED FOR PLANTING ANO IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. "AS BUil T" TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE f----+--+--------------,f----+--+----+---l '-I S=H3E=ET='-'I '=C=I=T=Y=O=F=C=A=R=L=S=B=A=D=-=I ==~I ,-PLANNING DIVISION IRRIGATION DETAILS FOR: OUARRY CREEK Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub Revegelalion APPROVED 12-%.-1,::;; PlANNING DATE DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION I--D_A_TE _ _,_1N_rr_LI\_L-+-_D_A_TE _ _,_1N_IT_IAL--1 I OWN BY: 11 PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL 1..oC'..':H~K:'..D _!:B:.!.Y.:.:: ==::.J. ~-__ C_T __ 1 _1_-_0_4_~ .. _4_8_4_-_5~L PART I -GENERAL I.I GENEF<AL CONDITIONS, The general c.onc:lltions, speclcal conc:lltlons, anc:I Division I, are can ac:lc:lec:I part of this section anc:I the contrac.t for this "'ork shall apply to this section as fully as If repecatec:I herein. 1.2 SCOPE, The "'ork lncluc:lee all servic.es, lcabor, mcaterlcals, transportcatlon canc:I equipment necessary to perform the "'ork lnc:llc.catec:I on the c:lrca"'rngs canc:I as spec.irlec:I. O"'ner/c:leveloper "'II I obtain canc:I pay call permits requlrec:I by governing authorities. All on site, rec.lalmec:I "'ater piping shcall be instcal lec:I In cac.c.ordanc.e "'Ith the uniform plumbing cod<> canc:I call other local governing c.oc:les, rules, and regulcatron. All piping ehcall be continuously and permcanently mcarked "'Ith the mcanufcacturer's name or trcac:lemark, nominal size, cand schedule or c.lcass lnc:lic.catlng the pressure rcatlng. PERMITS AND LICENSES Unless other"'lse stcated, sec.ure the required licenses and permits Including pcayments of chcarges anc:I fees, give required notices to public authorities, cand verify permits secured or carrcangements made by others cafPec.trng the "'ork of this section. V'lcater meters anc:I po"'er meters "'ill be the responsibility of the o"'ner anc:1/or his representative for rnstallcatlon and permit fees. 1.2.1 !'<ELATED l"IORK, I. Lcandsccaping sec.tlon 02480 2. Complicanc.e to City of Carlsbad rec.lcaimec:I "'ater stanc:lcarc:ls 1.2.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE .I QUALIFICATIONS OF INSTALLERS Provide cat lecast on" person "'ho shcall be pres .. nt cat all tim"s during execution of this portion of th" "'ork canc:I "'ho shall be thoroughly fcamlliar .... 1th the type of mcat .. rlcals being lnstcalled, th" materlcal mcanufac.turer's rec.ommenc:l"c:1 methods of lnst"llcatlon, the City of Ccarlsbcac:I r"c.lcalmed ""ater standards anc:I "'ho shall direct all "'ork performed under this section. .2 CODES AND STANDARDS In addition to c.omplylng "'Ith call pertinent codes and regulcatlons, comply i",lth the lcatest rules of th" Ncatloncal Elec.triccal Code and Elec.trlccal Safety Orders of the Stcate of Ccallfornlca, divisions of rndustrlcal safety, for all electric.cal "'ork canc:I materials. Refer to the latest ec:lltlon ol' the c5<reen Book Stanc:lcard 5peclflcat1ons for public ""ork5 construction "'here appllc.able. The City of Carlsbcac:I reclaimed "'ater standards, lcatest ec:lltlons anc:I rules canc:I regulation for reclaimed "'ater service In the City of Carlsbad. Latest ec:lltlons are lnc.orporatec:I into these spec.lflc.atlons by reference "'here rec.lalmec:I "'ater rs proposed. I.S SUBMITTALS, .I Submit complete material list prior to performing any "'ork. Submit c.atcalog data and full descriptive literature "'henever the use of Items dlfPerent than those specified Is requested. Submit notarlzec:I certificates by plastic pip<> and fitting manufacturers lndlccatlng that material compiles "'Ith specific.cations, unless material hcas been previously capproved. .2 Submit material list using the follo"'lng layout (Double spaced bet"'"'"'" each Item) Item Desc.rlptlon Manufcacturer Model No. I. Pressure Mainline Lasco SCH. 40 2. La"'n Head Ralnblrd 18O6-12F 9. Etc.. Etc.. Etc.. .9 Equipment or materials instal lec:I or furnished "'ithout the prior approval of th" Landsccape Architect or City inspector may b" r")"ct"c:I canc:I such matericals r"mov"d l'rom the site at no expense to the o"'ner/developer. .4 Approval of any Items, alternative, or substitution Indicates only that the produc.t(e) apparently meet the requirements of th" dra,..lngs c;md specifications on the basis of the lnformcat1on or samples submitted. .5 The contrcactor 15 responsible for perFormance of substituted Items. IF substitution proves to be unsatisfactory, the c.ontractor shall replace It "'Ith orlglncally spec.ll'led Item cat no cost to the o"'ner/developer. 1.4 c5<UAF<ANTEE, .I Submit "'rltten guarcantee In approved Form that call "'ork sho"'lng defects In mcaterlals or "'orkmanshlp "'ill be repaired or replaced at no cost to the o"'ner/c:leveloper for " period of one yecar from the elate of ac.ceptance by the o"'ner/developer. .2 The guarantee form shall be retyped onto the contrcactor's letterhead and contain the l'ollo"'rng Information, A. Guarantee for Irrigation system -(Project name). V',e hereby guarantee that the irrigation system "'e have l'urnlshec:1 anc:I inetcallec:I l'or (project name) is l'ree l'rom del'ec.ts In mcaterlals anc:I ""orkmanshlp, anc:I the "'ork has been completed in accorc:lanc.e "'Ith the c:lra"'lnge anc:I specil'icatlons, ordinary ,sear and tear anc:I unusual abuse, or neglect excepted. l',e agree to repair or replace any defects In material or ,sorkmanshlp ""hic.h may develop during the period ol' I year from date of acceptance and also to repair or replac.e any damage resulting l'rom the repcalrlng or replac.rng of suc.h del'ec.ts at no ac:lditloncal coat to the o,sner/ developer il'<e shall make suc.h repairs or re,place,me,nts ,slthln a re,asonc:,bie, time, as determined by the o"'ner/de,ve,iope,r, afte,r rece,Jpts of "'rltten notice. In the event of our failure to mcake such repairs or replacements "'!thin a reasonable time carter receipt of "'r1tten notice from the o""ner/developer, "'e authorize the o"'ner/c:leveloper to proceed to have scald repairs or replac.ements mcade at our expense anc:I "'e "'II I pay the costs and c.hcarges therefore upon demand. 6. PROJECT, (Project name) C. LOCATION, (Legal description of project property) Signed, Title, Address Telephone Signature and Date, 1.5 OBSERVATION, 1.5.1 INSPECTION SCHEDULE .I In all c.ases "'here observation oP the sprinkler system "'ork 15 requrrec:I and/or "'here portions ol' the ,sork are specified to be performed under the direction and/or observation of the Lcandscape Arc.hltect or City lnspec.tor. The contractor Is responsible for notll'ylng the Landscope Archlte,ct or Landscape Coorc:llnator In odvance for the Follol'llng Inspections, occorc:llng to the tlmE> indlcotec:I, A. Pre-Job conFerenc.e -1 co lendar days 6. Loe.cation of Irrigation sleeves -48 hours C. Lcayout of control equipment, sprinkler heads and piping -4e> hours D. Pressure mainline lnstollatlon canc:I testing -48 hours E. Conformance to regulotlone for reclolmed ""ater -48 hours F. Latero I trenc.h c:lepth c.heck -48 hours 5. Covercage test -48 hours H. Fina I lnspec.tron -48 hours I. Notrl'y the City of Carlsbod 24 hours In advonce of begrnnrng "'ork (160) 815-6108 .2 V'lhen Inspections hove been conc:luctec:I by other thcan the Lonc:lscape Archrtec.t or the Londscape Coorc:llnotor, sho"' evidence of "'hen cand by "'hom these lnspec.tlons "'ere made. .S No Inspection "'Ill commenc.e "'lthout as-built dra,..1ngs. In the event the c.ontrcactor calls For an lnespectlon "'lthout caes-built c:lra"'lngs, ""lthout completing previously noted corrections, or "'lthout preparing the system for lnspec.tlon, the contrcac.tor shcall be responsible for reimbursing the Lcandscope Architect or the Lonc:lsc.ope Coorc:llncator at the rote of $[00.00 per hour (plus ony transportotlon cost) for the Inconvenience. No further Inspections "'ill be schec:lulec:I until this chorge hcas been pord. The crty .... 111 require os-bu1lt c:lra"'lngs to be approved prior to boc.kfllling molnllne trench. 1.6 TESTINc5<, GENERAL .I Furnish call necessary testing equipment cand personnel to meet testing requirement. .2 Corre,c.t oil defec.t ond retest until acceptcance by o"'ner cand City. 1.6.1 TESTS .I Make hydroetcatlc. tests only In the presence of the City lnspec.tor 4 a representcatlve oF the o"'ner/c:leveloper. Air pressure check call lines that could "'""ken or dcamoge ony major structures or hcarc:lsccapes, II' "'ater "'"re used. No pipe shall be bockflllec:I until It hcas been Inspected, tested, and approved (Jnc.ludlng cas-builts). . 2 Furnish necessary force pump ond al I other test equipment. .S Test all pree;sure mcarnlrnes unc:ler a hydrostcatlc prese;ure ol' 125 P.5.1. for a period of four hours. .4 All testing sholl be opproved prior to the Installation oF remote control valves, quick c.ouplers, or other volve assemblies. .5 All piping unc:ler paved oreos shall be tested under o hyc:lrostatlc. pressure of 125 P.5.1. for o period of four hours cand proved "'atertight, prior to the paving operotlon. 1.6.2 ADJUSTING SYSTEM .I The controctor shall Flush ond odjust all lrrlgotlon hecads and valves l'or optimum pedormance and to prevent over sproy onto "'"11<5, roac:l"'ays, buildings, "'oils ond other structures. .2 IF It Is determined thot odjustments In the lrrlgotron equipment or nozzle changes "'ill provlc:le proper canc:I more adequcate coveroge, make all such changes or moke orrcangements "'Ith monufocturer to hove odjustment mcade, prior to plcantlng. . 9 Adjust remote control valves (bcattery systems) so thcat the most remote sprinkler heoc:ls operate cat the pressure recommended by sprinkler monufac.turer. 1.6.S. COVEF<Ac5<E TEST .I V'lhen the lrrlgcatlon system Is c.ompleted, the contractor sholl perform o coveroge test In the presenc.e ol' the Londscape Architect, Landsc.ape Coordinator or City Inspector, to determine If the "'ater coveroge for plontlng areas Is c.omplete cand adequate. Furnish all mcaterlcals and perform cal I "'ork required to correct any lnodequacles of coverage due to deviations from the plans or "'here the system has been "'lllfully Installed as lnc:lrcatec:I on the dro"'Jngs "'hen 1t rs obviously lnodequcate or lnopproprlote, "'lthout bringing this to the attention ol' the Lande;cope Arc.hltec.t or Lanc:lsccape Coordinator. This test shall be ac.c.ompllshed before any ground cover of turf Is p I anted. 1.6.4 DIRECT BURIAL CONTROL ll'<IRES .I All "'Iring sholl be tested for continuity, open circuits and unintentional grounds prior to c.onnectlng to equipment. The minimum Insulation resistance to ground shol I be fll'ty (SO) megaohms. Any "'Iring not meeting this requirement shall be reploc.ed, ot the c.ontroctor's expense. 1.6.5 FINAL ACCEPTANCE . I il'<hen oil "'ork unc:ler this c.ontract hos been c.ompleted, lncluc:llng testing odjustments, cac:lc:litlons or c:leletlons, the contractor "'ill notify the o"'ner l'or flnol Inspection onc:1 approval. Fino I ac.ceptanc.e by the o""ner does not relieve the c.ontroctor of his responsibility ol' "'"rronty. 1.1 RECORD DRAJ/1!1Nc5<S, 1.1.1 !'<ECORD DRAV>IINGS .I Record dra"'lngs shall be prepared and shcall sho"" all chcanges In the "'ork c.onst1tut1ng deportures l'rom the original contract dra"'lngs Including those Involving both c.onstcant-pressure and Intermittent-pressure I Ines anc:I appurtenances. . 2 All conceptual or major design c.hangee;, lncluc:llng any changes thot may be cai'rected by the requirements of these stonc:lard specifications, shal I be approved by the o"'ner onc:I Landsccape Arc.hltect before Implementing the chonges In the c.onstructlon contrcac.t. l',lthout prior approvol the c.ontractor mcay be requlrec:I to remove and replcac.e part or all ol' the system at his o"'n expense, to bring It to the orglnally specll'lec:I design. Follure to rec.elve prior approve,[ moy result In termination ol' servlc.e. .S Record accurotely on one set of bloc.I< cand "'hlte prints of the rrrlgotron drca"'rngs, all c.hanges In "'ork constituting departures from the orlglncal contract c:lra"'lngs, lncluc:llng changes In both pressure and non-pressure I lne. .4 Upon completion of each lnc.rement oF "'ork, tronsfer cal I suc.h lnformotlon and dimensions to the prints. Record changes anc:I c:llmenslons In a legible anc:I professional manner. V,hen the dra,..lnge are approved, trcansFer all Information to a set of reproducible seplca mylar c:lra""lngs supp I ied at coat by the Lanc:lsc.ape Architect. .5 Dimension from t"'o permc:,nent points of reference (burlc:lings, monuments, slde"'alks, curbs, povement) all Items c:,s required. Post Information on cas-built c:lro,slngs cloy to c:lcay cas the ""ork rs Installed. All c:llmenslons noted on c:lra"'lngs sholl be 1/4 Inch In size. .6 Upon completion of eoch lnc.rement of "'ork, oil required Information ond dimensions shall be transferred to the record droi",lngs. Focilltles anc:I Items to be locotec:I anc:I verlflec:I on the record dra"'lngs. Sho"" c:llmensloncal location and depth of the follo"'lng, NOTE, A. Point ol' connection 6. Routing of lrrlgcatlon pressure mcalnllnes ond all sleeves (dimension maximum 10 l'eet along routing onc:I cal I direc.tlonal changes.) C. Ball valves D. lrrlgotlon control volves E. Quick coupler valves F. Routing of control "'Ires G. Automatic. controllers H. other relotec:I equipment (os c:lirectec:I by the Lanc:lscope Architect) .1 Maintain as-built dro"'lnge on the site at oil times. These c:lro"'lngs care subject to lnspec.tlon at anytime. .8 Make all c.hcanges to reproducible dra"'lngs In Ink (no boll-point pen). Use erac:llcotlng fluid "'hen redoing dro,..lngs. Chonges anc:I dimensions sholl be rec.orc:led rn c, legible canc:I professional manner. Record construction dra,slngs shall be maintained at the Job-site during c.onstruc.tlon. .<J The Lonc:lscape Architect shall provide" complete set of 'as-built' bond plans to the City of Ccarlsbad Planning ond Engineering divisions upon c.ompletlon of c.onstruc.tlon. Contrac.tor shcall provlc:le all dimensions to Landsc.cape Architect and Landscape Architect .... 111 tronsfer oil as-built lnl'ormcatlon to plons, to the sotlsl'octlon oF the City. As-bullts shol I be provided on ne"' bond sheets to replcace the City signed plans. Fino! plans "'Ill be revle"'ed, opproved and signed by the c.rty prior to relecase ol' se,,rltes. 1.1.2 CONTROLLER CHART . I As-built dro"'lngs shcall be capproved by the Londscape Archltec.t or Landsc.ape Coordlnotor before c.hcarts ore prepared. .2 Provide one controller chort of the moximum size controller door "'ill allo"', For each c.ontroller suppllec:I, shol'ling the oreo covered by thcat automatic controller anc:I o corresponding legend oP the equipment instolled. . 5 The c.hort sholl be a reduction of the octual as-built system c:lro""lng. If the controller sequence Is not legible "'hen the c:lra"'lng Is reduced, enlarge rt to o size that i",[[I be reodoble "'hen reduced . . 4 Chart shol I be bloc.kllne print and a different pastel transparent color used to sho"' areo of covercage for each station. .5 il'<hen completed c:,nc:1 c:,pproved, hermetic.ally seal the chart bet,,een t"'o pieces of plastic., each piece being a minimum 20 mils thick. .6 Charts shcal I be c.ompletec:I anc:I approved prior to flnol Inspection ol' the Irrigation system. 1.1.5 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS .I Prepare anc:I c:lellver to the o"'ner "'!thin 10 calenc:lor doys prior to c.ompletlon of construc.tlon, all required c:,nd necesec:,ry c:lesc.rlptlve materlol In complete c:letall cand properly prepared In four(4) lnc:llvlduol bound c.oples. Describe the moterlcal Installed In sufficient detcalls to permit qucailfled operotrng personnel to understand, operate and maintain call equipment. lnc.lude spcare ports list cand related manufacturer Information for each equipment rtem Installed. Eoch monuol shall Include the l'ollo""lng, A. Index sheet stating contractor's oddress ond telephone number. 6. Durotion of guorontee perloc:I. C. List of equipment ,sith names canc:I caddresses of manufacturer's loc.ol representotlve . D. Complete operotlng and mointenanc.e instruc.tions on cal I mojor equipment. .2 In cac:lditlon to the mcaintenanc.e manuals, provide the mcaintenance personnel "'Ith Instructions l'or mojor equipment and sho"' ,srltten evlc:lenc.e to the Landscape Architect or Lanc:lsccape Coordlncator cat the c.onc.luslon of the "'ork that his service hos been rendered. 1.1.4 CHECK LIST .I Complete the folio,slng checklist at the encl of the project, using the l'ormot sho,sn, A. Plumbing permits (If none required, so note) 6. Moterlals capprovcal C. Pressure mainline test (by "'horn and date) D. As-bullts c:lro""lngs c.ompleted (received by and dote) E. Contro Iler chort completed (received by anc:I dote) F. Materlols furnlshec:I (received by anc:I date) G. Operation and molntencance mcanuals furnished (received by and date) H. System anc:I equipment operotlon Instructions (rec.elved by ond dote) I. Manufacturer "'arrantees (rec.elvec:I by anc:I elate) J. l',rltten guarantee by c.ontrcac.tor (received by onc:I dote) .2 For,,ard signed and doted chec.kllst to Lonc:lsc.ape Architect of Londsccape Coordinator before final occeptance of project . 1.8 GENERAL REGUIF<EMENTS, 1.8.1 Code requirements sholl be those of state ond munlc.lpal agencies ond regulcatlons loc.cally governing th rs "'ork, prov1c:l1ng that cany requrremente; of the dra,..rngs anc:I speclflcatrons, not c.onfllctlng there"'lth but exceeding the code requirements sholl govern, unless "'rltten permission to the contrary is grontec:I by the ogenc.y. 1.8.2 Extreme c.care sholl be exerc.ised In excavating and "'orking in the area due to existing utilities. Contrac.tor shall be responsible for domoges caused by his operotions. 1.8.5 Connections shcall be mode ot approxlmcately the locations sho"'n on the c:lro""lngs . Contrac.tor shcall be responsible l'or minor c.hanges caused by cactual site conditions. 1.8.4 Sccaled c:llmenslons ore opproxlmcate. Before proceeding "'Ith any ,sork, the contrcactor sholl c.arefully chec.k c:,nd verify oil c:llmenslons. I.!.,.'.;..,, ,,...., •-,_, t r / '"' ._..,,._.., ._.,, ,....., t"""'t"",_ 1., ,,__, ....,, ,_ spacing cand relative locotlons of call lnstollcatlons. 1.8.6 All lines shall hcave" minimum cleoronce of six (6) inc.hes from each other, onc:I from lines of other trades. Parollel lines sholl not be installed directly over one another. 1.8.1 Dielectric bushings shall be ue;ed In any c.onnec.tlons "'Ith piping of dissimilar metal moterlals. 1.8.8 Point of connec.tlon shal I be approximately os sho""n on dra"'lngs. Connec.t ne"' underground piping onc:I volves canc:I provide all flonges, adapters or other necessary fittings For connec.tlon. 1.8.<J Permission to shut off any existing In-use "'ater lines must be obtained 48 hours In advcanc.e, In "'rltlng From the o"'ner/c:leveloper. The contractor shall rec.elve lnstruc.tlons from the o"'ner/developer, os to the exact length of time of ecach shut-off. 1.8.10 Controctor shall oc.qualnt himself "'Ith all site conditions. 1.8.11 Molntenonce. The entire Irrigation system sholl be under full cautomatrc. operotlon for a period of 1 cloys prior to any plc:,ntlng. 1.8.12 The "'ork shall be caccepted In "'rltlng "'hen the entire scope of "'ork hos been completed to the satlsfcactlon of the o,sner. No callo"'anc.e for deviation from the original plans and specifications "'ill be mode unless previously opproved by the o"'ner. V',hen cany Item appears on the plan and not rn the spec.rf1cat1ons, or In the spec.lflcatione and not on the plons, rt sholl be considered In both. il'<hen c.onfllcts arise, consult the Lanc:lscope Architect for clarific.ation prior to proceeding. The o"'ner or his authorlzec:I representotlve sholl have the l'incal authority all Items of the project . 1.8.IS SERVICE BY THE CONTRACTOR, The contractor shall service the system at the o"'ner's request during the guarantee period and shall be pcalc:I For ""ork performed "'hlch Is not covered by the guarantee. If requested by the o"'ner, the controc.tor sholl furnish the o"'ner ,..1th " schedule of service Pee for c:,dditlonc:,I "'ork requested outside ol' the guarantee . The contrcactor shall engage the services of o professional "'"ter manogement company approved by the Irrigation designer c:,nc:1 provide support services for the follo"'lng Irrigation equipment, exc.ess flo"' sensing auto-rcaln shut off cand c.alibratlng sensors for excess flo"' . lnspec.t ond test c.ontrollers ond ground fault .. Mote Provlc:I<> technlc.cal support on the Job site as requested by c.ontrac.tor for c.ontrollers, excess flo"' sensing ond cauto-raln shut off sensing systems. Training In operation of all equipment. Five year limited flelc:I service "'arranty for controllers agolnst orlglnol defects In mcaterlols and "'orkmonshlp. l"larronty shcall be provided In "'rltlng. Avolloble through Hyc:lroscape Products. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 Materials, Al I mcaterlcals ond equipment used In sprinkler Irrigation "'ork sholl be ne"' and "'lthout flo"'s or defects anc:I of quality and performanc.e as spec.lfled. 2.1.1 Piping, Pipe sizes sho"'n are nominal Inside c:llometer unless other"'lse noted. .I POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE ("ALERTLINE") FOR NON-POTABLE V'IATER (I) PVC plae;tlc. pressure lines, for piping upstrecam of remote c.ontrol volves and quick c.ouplers. All four (4) inch ond smoller sholl be purple colorec:I PVC meeting ASTM-1184, Typ" I, c5<rode PVC-112O, c.ell c.lcass 12546. pipe, ASTM 2241 for SDR class pipe, ASTM 2612 for 11Alertllne 11 • PF<ESSURE MAINLINE, 1-1/2" and smaller pipe -sc.hedule 40 PVC 2" ond forger pipe -Class 515 PVC, SDR-15.5 NON-PRESSURE LA TEF<AL, All non-pressure pipe -c.loss 200 PVC pipe TYPE I, c5<F<ADE I PVC PIPE, Outside diameter of pipe sholl be the some as Iron pipe. Prpe sholl be morked on t""o eldee of the pipe at .24" lntervols "'Ith "Cavtlon Reclolmed >"later". Schec:lule 40 pipe shall not be threoc:led. Solvent shall be as suppllec:I by pipe mcanufcacturer. Pipe shall be purple In color. .2 6rcass pipe shcall be IPS standord "'eight 125 pounds, 85% red brass. 2.1.2 FITTINGS AND CONNECTIONS, .I Fittings for PVC pipe four (4) Inches cand forger, The c.oupling sholl be on lntegrol part of the pipe borrel. It shcall c.onslst of a thlckenec:I section "'hlc.h hos an expcandec:I bell "'Ith groove to retain a rubber eeollng ring of uniform c.ro"'n section. Fittings shall be Johns-Manville Ring Tlte PVC fitting, Poe.Ifie. V'lestern or equal. .2 Polyvinyl c.hlorlc:le pipe fittings and c.onnectlons, Type II, Grode I, Sc.hedule 40, high lmpac.t molc:lec:I l'ltt1ngs, mcanufoc.tured from virgin compounds as specified for piping, tapered socket or molder thread type, suitable for either eolvent "'eld or e;cre"'ed c.onnectJone. Machine threaded APPROVED FOR PLANTING TITLE "AS BUil T" . DATE DATE, 5/28/2015 DRAV'lN 6'Y, JV'IH/LKL AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE t------+---t-----------+---t------+---t------i .___I S=H4E=ET~I =C=I=T=Y=O=F=C=A=R=L=S=B=A=D==-'=l====~I ~ PLANNING DIVISION IRRIGATION SP£CIF!CATIONS FOR: QUARRY CR££K Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub Revegefafion APPROVED ASSOCIATES, , landscape architecture 2442 second avenue IRRIG>ATION SPRAY HEADS SHALL BE INSTALLED AND ADJUSTED TO AVOID OVERSFRAY INTO ANY STORM DRAIN FAC.ILITIES. IZ--~-1.:;: PLANNING DATE die go ca 92101 619 718 9660 san DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION . 2 Polyvinyl chloride pipe fittings "nd connections, Type II, Gr"d"' I, Schedule 40, high lmpoct molded fittings, m"nuf'"ctured from virgin compounds "s specified for piping, t"pered socket or molder thre,ad type, suitable for either solvent ,...,Id or scre,.,..e,d connections. M"chine thre,"ded fittings "nd pl"stlc s"ddle "nd fl"nge fittings "re not "ccept"ble,. Furnish fittings perm"nently m"rked l"lith follor<lng Information, Nomln"I pipe size, type "nd schedule, of m"te,ri"I, "nd n"tlon"I s"nlt"tlon f'ound"tlon (NSF) se"I of "pprov"I. PVC fitting shall conform to ASTM D2464 "nd D2466. .5 Br"ss pipe fittings "nd connections, St"nd"rd 125 pound closs e,551, red br"ss fittings "nd connec.tlons. 2.1.5 RISERS, . I All sprinkler heode. e.h"II hove riser& "nd sr<lng Joints os sho"n In the detoil dro.,..lnge.. All riser& ond sr<lng Joints sholl ue.e Morlex fittings ond schedule e,o PVC risers or nipples. 2.1.4 FITTINGS, .I Fittings, In generol, for oll lne.tollotlons sholl be considered lncldentol to the controct price ond sholl be the, controctor's ree.ponslblllty to provide "I I of re,qulred fittings to complete the controct. . 2 All fittings for pipe three (5) Inches ond smoller sholl oo schedule 40. . 5 All tees for the, lnstollotlon of sr<lng Joints r<III be lnstolled r<lth Duro, Losco Tee or equol. 2.1.5 AUTOMATIC CONTROL l'IIRE, . I Electric l"llrlng running from contrqller to the outomotlc control volves sholl be No. 14 solid, single conduc:.tor, c:.opper "ire, 4/64 inc:.h insulotion, 4/64 inc:.h neoprene J"c:.ket, style BR (direc:.t burl"I) or equal, color c:.ode, r<lre,s to each c:.ontroller, c:.ommon "Ire sh"II oo r<hlte No. 14 solid, single c:.onduc:.tor l"llre, 4/64 lnc:.h lnsulotlon, 4/64 lnc:.h neoprene Joc:.ket, style BR (dlrec:.t burlol) or equal. 2.lh MONITORING DEVICE5 .I All monitoring devic:.es such as flol"I ond pressure measuring devlc:.es, sholl oo os sho"n on dror<lngs. 2.1.e, AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER .I Automatic c:.ontroller, Fully automatic In ope,rotlon ond c:.opable of operating the number of stotlons of remote c:.ontrol volves os noted. . 2 Controller enclosure assembly, Pedestal mounted os noted, l"llth o seporote stolnless steel enclosure, termlnol strip, on/orr dlsc:.onnec:.t sr<ltch r</110 volt grounded outlet, rolnguord outo-roln shut-or!' devlc:.e ond loc:.klng, hinged c:.over. Avolloble from Hydroscope Produ<.ts In<.. 5e,05 Keorny VIII" Rd., 5on Diego, Collfornlo (e,5e,)560-1600. .3 Automotl<. c:.ontrollers sholl be of the type ond monufoc:.turers shor<n on the dror<lngs ond lnsto I led per monufocturer's rec:.ommendotlons ond detoll drar<ings. . 4 All c:.ontrollers shall be grounded by coppe,r c:.lad grounding rod and ge,ner"I ele,c:.trlc:. lightning arrestor #<!Ll5DCB002 (50 OHMS resl5tanc:.e required) 2.1."i REMOTE CONTROL VALVES, ELECTRICAL . I The elec:.trlc:. remote c:.ontrol valve5 (pre5sure regulotlng) shall be of the style ond monufoc:.turer's shor<n on the drol"llngs, or approved equol, ond lnstolled per detolled drar<lnge. ond monufocturer's recommendotlon. .2 Volves sholl be lnstolled a minimum of 6" from all fixed. objects ond 12" oport from eo<.h other. 2.1.10 MASTER VALVE .I Shall be of the style and manufacturer's shol"ln on the dral"llngs, and Installed per detolls, dral"llngs ond manufacturer's rec:.ommendatlons. 2.1.11 VALVE BOX, .I All volves Including pressure regulotlng volves, moster volves, re,mote, control volves, gote valves, and quJc:.k c:.oupler v"lves shall oo Installed In suitable valve boxes as shor<n In details. All shall be marked 11PRV1\ 11MV\ 11RC.VU, 11GV'\ or 11DF11 respectively v,irth station numbers for control valves embossed on the, valve c:.over. All shall state "Rec:.lalmed !'later" In English and Spanish. (!'<.CV boxes 5hall have loc:.king c:.overs) Other boxes suc:.h as pull boxes, etc:.. shall be m"rked acc:.ordlngly. V"lve boxes sholl be purple in color. 2.1.12 SPRINKLER HEAD, .I Sprinkler heads shall be os required on the drar<lngs. All sprinkler heads are to have fac:.tory built In c:.hec:.k valves or" c:.heck volve under each heod. Sprinkler heads shall hove o foctory c:.olored "Purple Rec:.lalmed li'!Gater" designation "s a port of the sprinkler or If not ovallable be pointed purple os dlrec:.ted by the City of Carlsbad. 2.1.13 GUICK COUPLER VALVES (NON-POTABLE), . I Gul<.k <.oupllng valves sholl be as specified on the drol"llngs. Eoc:.h qulc:.k c:.oupler sholl hove o molded vinyl loc:.klng c:.over l"llth ACME threods for rec:.lormed i"loter service. . 2 Upon c:.ompletlon of the controc:.t ond prior to flnol occ:.eptonc:.e, supply the Oi"lner l"llth qulc:.k c:.oupler keys ond hose ells of the quantity called for In Irrigation section 2.1.22. The keys ond hoses ells shall oo of the same manufacturer as the c:.oupling valve. .5 Shall be I" size "s manufactured by Nelson Sprinklers Co. 2.1.15 BALL VALVE5, . I Boll volves three (5) lnc:.hes ond smoller shall be 150 pound bose, oil brass/bronze c:.onstructlon, single i"ledge disc, Integral toper seots, non-rising stem, s<.rel"led bonnets, bronze c:.ross hondle ond o brass/bronze ground Joint union c:.onnec:.tion at the dor<nstream outlet. Valves shal I be c:.apable of being repacked "hi le under pressure. .2 Ball valves four (4) Inches ond larger shall conform to all oppllcoble provisions of sec:.tlon 2.01.oe, of the Stondord Spec1f1c:.ot1ons of the city of Son Diego, Doc:.ument No. 121151. . 5 Sholl be similar to those m"nufoc:.tured by Kennedy, Stockham, Nlb<.o or opprovecl equol. 2.1.11 ATM05PHERIC VACUUM BREAKER, .I Atmospherl<-vocuum breoker 5/4" one! I" size sholl be mocle of heovy cluty bross <.onstruc:.tlon preventing boc:.kflol"I of r<oter Into fresh i"loter lines. Operating pressure of' 15 to 150 P5I one! sholl be monufoc:.turecl by the some monuol c:.ontrol volves llstecl obove. 2.1.1e, Bockflor< Preventer, Unit sholl be os shol"ln on plons. 2.1.1"! Conc:.rete footings sholl oo 2,000 PSI <.on<.rete ot 2e, doys . 2.1.20 Bo<.kFIII sholl be <.le>on Fill soil l"lith no ro<.ks or c:.locls 1/2" or lorger. 2.1.21 li'IARNING TAPE, .I Shall oo plostl<-tope pre,porecl r<lth silver printing on o purple field hovlng the i"lorcls, "Coutlon, Re<.lolmecl i"loter line belol"I". The overoll "ldth sholl be 5 ln<-hes. . 2 li'!Garnlng (cout1on) tope sholl oo monuf<ic:.turecl by Thor Enterprise, In<.., P.O. Box 450 sun Proirle, li'lisc:.onsin, 555"10, (6oe,) e.51-11"11. 2.1.22 li'IARNING LABELS 4 SIGNS, Shall be cipprove,cl by the dlstrlc:.t e,nglne,o,r to oo lnstollecl on cie,slgnoted foc:.llltles. Foc:.llltles suc:.h "s c:.ontroller enc:.losure "s de,slgnoted by the c!Jstrlc:.t englne,er or lnepe,ctor. See c:.over sheet for additional requirements . 2.1.25 li'IARNING TAGS, All rec:.larmed i"IOter sprinkler c:.ontrols volves shall be toggecl r<Jth lclentlfl<-otlon togs. 5.,., c:.ove,r sheet for odclltlonol requirements. 2.1.24 Controctor shall provlcle to the o"ner, .I Three (9) <.ontrol volve keys. . 2 Four (4) r<ren<.hes for removing ea<.h cllfferent type of sprinkler heacl . . 5 Tl"lo (2) 4e," tee i"lrenche5 For operating boll volves . .4 Five (5 ea.) quic:.k c:.ouple,r keys one! five (5 eo.) hose bib assemblies (potable $ non-potoble). .5 Five (5) keys for opening ond loc:.klng each outomotlc:. c:.ontroller. 2.1.25 li'lye, strolner sholl be of bronze body l"llth serer< fittings. See detoile one! dror<lngs. 2.1.26 In-line pressure regulotor sholl be os spec:.Jflecl on drol"llngs. PART 5 -EXECUTION 5.1 GENERAL REGUIREMENT5, 5.1.I Lo<.otrons on drol"llngs ore cllogrommotlc:. and opproxlmote only, ond sholl be changed one! ac!Justed "s nec:.e>ssary os clirec:.tecl to me>et existing c:,onclltlons one! obtoln complete "oter c:.ove,rage. Loc:."te ancl stoke all i"lork one! obtoln opprovol of the Londsc:.ope Arc:.hltec:.t before lnstol lotions . 5.1.2 lnstoll ond e,xtencl system os shol"ln on the clroi"llngs, ond as nec:.essory to c:.orry out the Intent of the, dror<lngs ond speclfJc:.otlons. 5.1.5 Loc:.ote lines, volves one! other underground utilities ond re<.elve the opprovol of the Loncls<.ope Arc:.hltec:.t before digging trenc:.hes. 5.1.4 Refer to the City of Corlsbocl stonclords for re<.lolmecl pipe lnstollotlon. All City of Corlsbod stonclords toke prec:.edenc:.e over plons and spe<.Jflc:.otlons for the proJe<.t unless noted one! approved. 5.2 IN5TALLATION OF IRRIGATION 5Y5TEM, 5.2.1 EXCAVATION AND BACKFILLING OF TRENCHES, .I Ex<.ovote trenc:.hes, prepare subgrocle, ond boc:.kfill to line one! grocle l"llth sufflc:.lent room for pipe fittings, testing ancl rnspec:.tlng operotlons. Do not boc:.kflll until the pipe system has been subJe,ctecl to o hydrostotl<. test os spec:.Jfled. .2 DEPTH OF TRENCH, Polyvinyl <.hlorlde pressure line (lees thon 3") -1e," minimum Pressure molnllnes (3" one! up to 5-1/2") -24" minimum Polyvinyl c:.hloride non-pressure line -12" minimum Control r<lre -1e," minimum .9 TRENCHING THROUGH AREA5 li'IHERE TOPSOIL HA5 BEEN 5PREAD, (I) De,poslt topsoil on one side of trench ond subsoil on opposite srcle. .4 subsoil sholl oo free of oil roc:.ks "nd c:.locls 1/2 ln<.h In diameter, clebrls, ond litter, prior to use "" backfill l"lhere so lncl!c:.otecl on cletoll. .5 Repair ony leoks one! re,ploc:.e ol I de,fe,c:.tlve, pipe, or fittings until lines meet test requlreme,nts. Do not cove,r ony lines until they hove been Jnspec:.tecl one! opprovecl for tightness, quollty of r<orkmonshlp ond moterlals. h Boc:.kflll trenc:.hes, ofter opprovol of piping, r<lth suitable ond opproved moterlol, tomplng soil orouncl pipe ond thoroughly <.ompoc:.tlng all tren<.h fills until "10% c:.ompoctlon hos been o<.hleved. .1 Boc:.kflll moterlol sholl oo on opprovecl soil, free from ro<.ks one! <.locls 1/2" one! lorger . _e, Contro<.tor sholl not instoll pipe ac:.ross c:.onc:.rete clrolnoge Sl"loles. Controc:.tor sholl Joc:.k or bore uncler sl"lole typlc:.ol. 5.2.2 UNDER EXISTING AND/OR PROP05ED PAVEMENT .I Trenc:.hes loc:.otecl under oreos r<here povlng, osphaltlc:. c:.onc:.re>te or <.onc:.rete l"lill be lnstolled sholl be bockflllecl l"llth <.leon fill soil, In o sleeve ond c:.ompocted In loyers to "15% c:.ompo<-tlon, using monuol or mec:.honlc:.ol tomplng clevl<.es. Trenc:.hes for piping l"lhl<.h ore not uncler povlng sholl be compoc:.tecl to equal <.ompoctlon of the existing oc!Jocent uncllsturbecl soil one! sholl be left flush l"llth the oc!Jolnlng grocle. The 1rr1got1on c:.ontroc:.tor sholl set In ploc:.e, c:.op and pressure test ol I piping uncler povlng prior to povJng i"lork . .2 Piping under e,xistlng poveme,nt moy be lnstollecl by Jac:.klng, boring or hyciroullc clrlvlng. Hoi"lever, no hyciraullc:. clrlvlng 1"1111 oo permitted uncler ospholt paving. .9 Provide o cover oP 1e 11 minimum For mG1inline (leee than 8 11)1 2411 minimum for mainline (S11 cmd up to 5-1/2"), 1e," minimum for no-pressure line, one! 1e," minimum for the c:.ontrol l"llre be,tr<een the, top of the pipe ond the bottom of tho, aggregote bose for all pressure ond non pressure piping lnstal le,cl uncler ospholtlc:. c:.on<.rete povlng . .4 5ec:.ure pe>rmlssion Prom the, Ol"lner/cle,ve,loper before c:.uttlng or breoklng existing povement. All nec:.essory repolrs ond reploc:.ements sholl be approved by Oi"lner/de,veloper, ond sholl be ot no odcl1t1onol c:.ost to o"ner/cleveloper. rla 2681 NOTE: 5.2.5 IN5TALLATION OF POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE, .I Bec:."use of the noture of plostlc:. pipe one! fittings, exerc:.lse c:.outlon in hanclling, loocllng one! storing, to ovolcl clom"ge. .2 The pipe and fittings sholl be storecl uncler c:.over until used, one! shc,II be tronsported In o vehicle r<lth o bee! long enough to ollor< the length of pipe to loy flot so os not to be subJec:.ted to unclue bencllng or <.onc:.entroted external lood ot "ny point. .5 Any pipe thot hos been dentecl or clomogecl sholl be disc:.arded until suc:.h cle,nted or clamogecl sec:.tion Is c:.ut ancl rejolnecl r<ith o <.oupllng. .4 Trenc:.h clepth sh"II oo os spec:.lrlecl obove, from the finish gracle, to the, top of the pipe. The bottom of the trenc:.h shall be, free of roc:.ke, c:.lods, one! othe,r shorp-e,dge,ci obJec:.ts. .5 Pipe encls one! fittings sholl be r<lpecl l"lith MEK, or e,quol, before "elcllng solvent Is opplled. li'leldecl Joints sholl be given o minimum of 15 minutes to set before, moving or hondllng. All flelcl c:.uts sholl be oovelecl to remove burrs one! excess before fitting ancl gluing together. h Pipe sholl oo snakecl from slde>-to-slcle, of tren<.h bottom to ollor< for exp"nslon one! c:.ontro<.tlon. .1 Center loocl pipe r<lth smoll omount of bo<.kfill to prevent or<-hlng ond slipping uncler pressure. Leove Joints exposed for lnspec:.tlon clurlng testing. _e, No r<oter sholl be, permlttecl In the pipe until lnspe<.tlon hove been completed ond a period of ot leost 24 hours hos elopsed for solvent "eld setting ond curing. ."I Plostlc:. to metol Joints sholl be mocle r<lth plastic mole adopters, metol nipple hond tightenecl, plus one turn r<lth o strap "ren<-h . .10 Pla5tic to plostic joints, Solvent-r<elcl, ueing solvent recommendecl by pipe monufo<.ture,r only. .II Solvent-l"lelcl Joints, Assemble pe,r monuFoc:.turer's rec:.ommencl"tlon. .12 All pressure pipe 9" or larger sholl hove the c:.orrec:.t sized c:.onc:.rete thrust bloc:.k lnstolleci ot every "brupt chonge, of "llgnmo,nt; "t gote volvo,s, tees, elbor<s, <.rosses one! o,ncls of pipe, runs; or r<herever the c:.Jty engineer cleems one to be necessary. Thrust block sholl be lnstollecl os per de,toll. 3.2.4 IN5TALLATION OF BRASS PIPE, .I Cut bross piping by por<er hoc:.ksa", c:.Jr<.ulor c:.uttrng moc:.hlne, using on obroslve "heel, or hond hoc:.ksai"I. Cut no piping r<Jth me,tolllc:. l"lhee,J <.utter of ony desc:.rlptlon. Ream ond remove rough eclges or burrs so smooth on unobstruc:.tecl flor< Is obtolned. .2 Corefully and smoothly plac:.e on mole threacl only. Tighten s<.rei"lecl Joints l"lith tongs or i"lrenc:.hes. Coulklng Is not permlttecl. 3.2.5 REMOTE CONTROL li'IIRING, .I Dlrec:.t buriol <.ontrol l"llre sizes, As shor<n and spec:.Jfled herein before. . 2 Provlcle one <.ontrol r<lre one! one <.ommon grouncl r<ire to service o,ac:.h volve in system . Provlcle 2-foot minimum exponslon loop ot eoc:.h volve to pe>rmlt removol one! malntenonc:.e of volves. .5 lnstal I <.ontrol l"llres ot leoet 1e," belol"I finish grode. .4 lnstoll c:.ontrol l"llres ond irrig"tion piping in common trenc:.hes r<herever possible. .5 Control r<lre splic:.es, Allor< only on runs of more than 500 feet, splic:.es as follol"ls, (I) 5trlp off minimum of 2-1/2 inc:.he5 of lnsulotlon from eac:.h r<lre. (2) Connedrng one! epllc:.Jng of l"llre ot the volves sholl be mocle using Duro 5eol Crimp splic:.es os monufacturecl by Rayc:.hem <.orporotlon. Controc:.tor sholl refer to Rayc:.hem lnstollatlon proc:.eclures using ultrotorc:.h 5 heotlng tool. No other splices r<lll be ollol"led. 5.2.6 AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER, .I AutomotJc:. <.ontroller shall be Jnstallecl os shol"ln ond d!rectecl. Controller shall be tested l"llth c:.omplete electrl<.ol <.onnec:.tlons. The c:.ontroctor sholl be responsible for temporary poi"ler to the c:.ontroller for operation one! testing purposes. .2 Connec:.tlons to c:.ontrol !'<Iring sholl be mode l"llthln the peclestol of the c:.ontroller. All l"llre shall follor< the pressure moln In so for as possible . .5 Electrl<-ol l"llrlng sholl be In o rlglcl PVC plastl<-<.ondult from <.ontroller to elec:.tr1col outlet. A c:,e,rtlflecl ele<.trlcol <.ontro<.tor sholl be responsible for lnstolllng all "Iring to the sub-ponels, c:.loc:.ks, or elsel"lhere os re,qulred, in order to c:.omple,te, this installation. A clisconnec:.t s"itc:.h sholl be inc:.ludecl. .4 Controller shall be> lnstallecl .,..1th vonclol-reslstont enc:.losures "s <.ailed for on the dro.,..lngs (stainless steel) os provided by the, monufo<.turer on odequate c:.onc:.rete found"tion. 5.2.1 VALVE5, .I Al I valves shal I be lnstol lecl os sho"n In the cie,tolls ancl In oc:.c:.orclonc:.e r<lth monufo<.turer's rec:.omme>nclotlons ond os required by the City of Corlsbocl for lclentlflc:.ation, per rec:.lolme,cl i"loter stondords, If use,ci . .2 All oul;om"tlc:. volves sholl be slzecl os shor<n on plons. Boll v"lves sholl be line, size. .5 lnstoll eoc:.h c:.ontrol volve In o se,porote volve box l"llth o minimum of 12" seporotlon beti"leen valves and 6" from ony flxecl objed or structure. DATE, 5/28/2015 DRAV'lN SY, JJll!H/Ll<L 5.2.e, VALVE SOX, .I lnstoll v"lve, boxe,s as shol'<n on detoil. lm;toll no more than one volve per box. V"lve boxes rnstolled neor ""lks sh"II obut from those Items one! the top surfoc:.ee shall be, flush r<ith items listed obove. .2 All boxes ore to be morkecl os to the type of volve, c:.ontrol 5totion number If appllc:.oble ancl Jclentlfied os required, pe,r re<.lcilmecl stondorcls. .5 Purple valve boxes required for recyc:.lecl i"lote>r . 3.:2."i SPRINKLER HEAD5, .I All sprlnkle>r heocls shall oo lnet"lled "" pe,r cle,talls shor<n. .2 Nozzle, size of all heods sholl oo adjuste,d to suit ony portlculor c:.ondltlone of the oreo. This shol I be clone after the system hos be,en thoroughly testecl, lmmecllately after l"lrltten notlflc:.otlon by the Arc:.hltec:.t to do so. 5.2.10 GUICK COUPLER A55EMBL Y, .I lnstoll ol I qulc:.k c:.ouplers os Jncllc:.otecl on clrol"llngs one! os directed. 5et oll volves plumb one! true, to finish gracle ond a maximum of 12 Jnc:.hes from povlng, l"lolks, heoclers or c:.urbs, one! as shol"ln on p Ions one! as clirected . .2 lnstoll oll quick c:.auplers In 6" cllometer rouncl volve boxes . 5.2.11 <SATE VALVES 4 BALL VALVES, 5.2.12 li'IARNING TAPE, li'lornrng topes sholl be rnstolled directly on top of the pipe lon91tucllnolly one! sholl be c:.entered. The i"larnlng tope shall be Jnstollecl c:.ontlnuously For the entire length of the pipe ancl shall be fostenecl to eo<.h pipe length by plostl<. tope banclecl orouncl the pipe l"llth fasteners no more th"n 5 feet "port. Toping attoc:.hecl to the sections of pipe before loyrng in the trenc:.h shol I hove Plops suffic:.ient for c:.ontlnuous c:.overage. All risers betr<een the molnline ancl c:.ontrol volves sholl be installed l"lith r<orning tope. A sec:.ond "ornlng tope running continuously above piping to be Jnstollecl 12 Jnc:.he,s above reclolme>cl r<oter line. 3.2.13 li'IARNING LABELS $ SIGN, 9.2.14 li'IARNING TAG>S, 5.2.15 BACKFLOll'I PREVENTER, .I Bo<.kflor< preventer ossembly sholl be lnstoiie,cl In ac:.c:.orclonc:.e r<lth monufoc:.turer's spec:.lflc:.otlons, loc:.oted one! os c!Jre<.ted on clrol"llngs, one! sholl conform to oil appllc:.oble c:.ode one! ordlnonc:.e requirements . .2 Exoc:.t loc:.otlon and positioning sholl be verlflecl on the site by the Lonclsc:."pe Arc:.hJtec:.t. 5.2.16 IN-LINE PRE55URE REGULATORS, .I Aojust one! lnstoll per plons one! cletolls . 5.2.11 SURGE ARRE5TOR, .I lnstoll per plons one! cletolls. 5.3 CLEAN-UP, As proJec:.t progresses, c:.ontra<.tor sholl malntoln all areos In o neot monner ond remove unsightly clebrls daily or os nec:.essory. After completion of the proJec:.t, c:.ontroc:.tor sholl re,move oll debris ond c:.ontolners usecl In o<.<.ompllshlng r<ork. He sh"II sr<e,ep one! cie,on oil slcler<olks, ospholt, ond c:.on<.rete oreos oclJ"<-ent to the plontlnge. APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. "AS BUILT" TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE f----+--+-----------+------+----+---1----------l ._I S=H5E=ET~I =C=I=TY:::=::::O::::F:::::::::::::C=A=R:::::::L=S=B=A=D='-=I ==~I ~ PLANNING DIVISION !RR/CATION SP£CIFICATIONS FOR: QUARRY CR££K Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub Revegefation ;.:HOWARD·;.:; •·· ·•ASSOCIATES, , ·•-, ,0 landscape architecture IRRIGATION SPRAY HEADS SHALL BE INSTALLED AND ADJUSTED TO AVOID OVERSPRAY INTO ANY STORM DRAIN FAC-ILITIES. 1----+----+-----------------l--+--+---+-----t 1-AP_P_Ro_v_ED __ tt.:.0_~_\_§~•_.t::l_\~4-' ~- . PLANNING IZ-~-1', DATE 2442 second avenue san diego ca 92101 619 718 9660 DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION ~-~---t---~----1 I DWN BY: ~ DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL CHKD BY: \ \ --------------- Pressure Loss Calculation Water District HGL: NIA Meter Designation: 8 Meter Location: Street E Meter Size: 1-1/2" Meter Elevation: 128 Sta.tic Pressure@ Meter: 137psi Valve#: H-12 Valve Size: 2" Highest Head Elevation: 170 Pipe Service Line: 2" Peak GPM Demand: 75gpms Section Total Pressure Loss Calculation Wab,r District: CMWD HGL: 375 Meter Designation: 11 Meter Location: On Lot 5 Meter Size: 1-1/2u Meter Elevation: 109 Static Pressure @Meter: 145 Valve#: K-11 Valve Size: 2" Highest Head Elevation: 120 Pipe SeNce Line: 2" Peak GPM Demand:75gpms Length Section Total System Run Time Calculation · 1-----M-e_t_e-r:-;-8--------·1-· ·r· -... Controller: H-----------, -. Peak run time Valve# per week (min) Gal/wk --~~-~-~~= _,_ psi Lateral Line Section Pipe Type Size Length in Feet GPM PSI Loss PSI Loss Lateral Line Section Pipe Type Size in Feat GPM PSI Loss PSI Loss loss/100' H-1 126 818 -----· A CL200 314• 28.00 B CL200 314• 28.00 C CL200 314• 28.00 D CL200 1' 28.00 E CL200 1' 28.00 F CL201 1' 28.00 G CL202 1-1/4" 105.00 H I J K L M N 0 p A. TOTAL LATERAL SYSTEM LOSS Pipe Pipe Main Line Section Type Size Length C I SCH40 I 3'' 703' B. TOTAL MAIN LINE SYSTEM LOSS MISCELLANEOUS LOSS/GAIN Water Meter Sackflow prewnter Master Contml Val"' Flow Sensor Ball Vaoos Control Valw Head Loss / Gain In System C. TOTAL MISC. LOSS I GAIN D. IDTAL SYSTEM LOSS (A+B+C) E. FITTING LOSSES (15% OF TOTAL LOSS) F. MIN. REQ. PRESSURE AVAILABLE AT HEAD G. DESIGN PRESSURE (D!-E+F) H. PRESSURE AVAILABLE AT METER I. RESIDUAL PRESSURE Water Eff1c1ent Landscape Worksheet Evapotranspiration Rate Maximum Applied Water Budget LA (Total Landscape Area)= SLA (Special Landscape Area) = Maximum Applied Gallons /Year = Eto(0.62) [(0.7)(LA) + (0.3)(SLA)) Maximum Applied Gallons/ Year= Design Case Table A B H Hydrozone #3 -Re1egetation K Hydrozone #3 -Rewgetation H1-21 K1-8 Total: C 1.50 4.50 8.50 11.00 13.50 16.00 19.00 GPM 75 Qty. 1 1 1 1 2 1 0.03 A CL200 314" 30.00 2.50 0.08 0.25 H-2 126 918 0.22 0.80 B CL200 314" 30.00 6.50 0.51 C CL200 314" 26.00 9.50 0.94 1.7 3.6 --·----____ ,, H-3 126 2,805 0.44 0.51 D CL200 1' 30.00 12.00 0.55 E CL200 1' 30.00 16.00 0.93 1.83 3.11 H-4 126 2,528 ~~~--~----•~~~ -- 0.28 1.47 F CL200 1-1/4" 28.00 20.00 0.42 G CL200 1-1/4" 28.00 23.00 0.50 1.51 1.8 H-5 126 5,911 H CL200 1-1/411 30.00 26.00 0.74 2.45 H-6 126 7,672 •w••-•~~·-- I CL200 1-1/2' 36.00 29.00 0.53 J CL200 1-1/2' 30.00 33.00 0.66 1.46 2.2 H-7 126 7,295 - K CL200 1-1/2' 26.00 37.00 0.21 08 H-8 126 717 L CL200 2" 28.00 43.00 0.25 0.9 -•---"· M CL ZOO 2'" 28.00 44.50 0.31 1.1 H-9 126 767 N CL200 2" 10.00 46.00 0.12 0 1. 19 H-10 126 4,691 3.75 p A. TOTAL LATERAL SYSTEM LOSS 6.74 H-11 126 3,899 ,, .. , -~•~-•--~ •-·w~ H-12 126 4,880 Section Pipe Pipe Section PSI Loss PSI Loss Main Line Section Type Size Length GPM PSILoss PSI Loss I 0.9842 I I C I SCH40 I 3'" I 586" I 75 I 0.6344 I I 0.98 B. TOTAL MAIN LINE SYSTEM LOSS 0.83 ~•--------- H-13 126 3,861 '--~----·--~-~ .... ·~---=- H-14 126 5,874 -----. ---·-"-· --· ·--·-·--·- H-15 126 2,427 PSI Loss Total Loss MISCELLANEOUS LOSS/GAIN Qty. PSI Loss Total Loss 11.20 11.20 Water Meter 1 11.20 11.20 •=• ~--~·~-~--~·-.••.•• ., H-16 126 2,478 ~a, 12.50 12.50 Backflcw pre.enter 1 12.50 12.50 3.20 3.20 Master Control Val"' 1 3.20 3.20 H-17 126 2,528 ··--·~----,----- 1.00 1.00 Flow Sensor 1 1.()0 1.00 H-18 126 2,830 3.00 6.00 Ball Valves 2 3.00 6.00 1.80 1.80 Control Val;e 1 1.80 1.60 -•-"~· ---·-- H-19 126 1,660 ··-· . - 18.19 18.19 Head Loss/ Gain In System 4.76 4.76 53.89 C. TOTAL MISC. LOSS / GAIN 40A6 H-20 126 1,648 ,.. -----· H-21 126 2,578 58.62 D. TOTAL SYSTEM LOSS (A+B+C) 48.03 8.79 E. FITTING LOSSES (15% OF TOTAL LOSS) 7.21 ·------,·~------------- H-22 126 3,019 -~-----~-,•~-~ "'=''"""~ """' 50.00 F. MIN. REQ. PRESSURE AVAILABLE AT HEAD 50.00 117.41 G. DESIGN PRESSURE (D<E+F) 105.24 137.00 H. PRESSURE AVALABLE AT METER 145.00 H-23 126 2,578 ···----·· .. _., _.,_, ___ , ~-.. ··-- H-24 126 5,496 PSI: 19.59 I. RESIDUAL PRESSURE (H-G) PSI: 39.76 --·--~-· -_,_, __ ... , ---·-·-·- H-25 126 9,144 1--~---~- H-26 126 4,528 ----•-~<. -·, -__ ,,_••✓<•~•-•·· H-27 126 4,528 --·-----·-------·~•-·----·- H-28 126 2,893 Totals= 126 100,973 .. ----·--------------'"-" Total 3,648 201,947 Total time for all valves: 61 hr. Cont~~ll~;h~~-~;p;~ity to run 4 valv~--~-r---------------~---4--~-~---H•-• - atatime,socontrollerruntime= j 15hr/wk 4,345,264 F G E H D J K 60% Low 0.3 38,074 Rotors 0.70 54,391 1,584,950 40% Low 0.3 25,834 Rotors 0.70 36,905 1,075,416 213,024 100% Total Estimated Water Use (ETWU): 2,660,365 rla 2681 HOWARD::: "'"'"' ASSOCIATES., ;; " "' ·'> landscape architecture 2442 second avenue san d!ego ca 92101 619 718 9660 NOTE, IRRl6>ATION SPRAY HEADS SHALL BE INSTALLED AND AD.JUSTED TO AVOID OVER.SPRAY INTO ANY STORM DRAIN FACILITIES. ---System Run TI me Calculation __________ -----------r· Meter.ill -···----·--·· ,,.,---~- Controller: K .. --~-·-·"'" .,.~--~-'""'" Peak run time Valve# perweek{min) Gal/wk ---------------- K-1 126 4,113 -.... _,,,. "--------~- K-2 126 2,893 -·----- K-3 126 2,742 ••••-~ ~-•~~--•a,-,,•~ K-4 126 2,352 ----------------- K-5 126 2,201 K-6 126 8,050 K-7 126 5,408 K-8 126 5,031 •-=~'-= ~••--•a-=·•~ K-9 126 8,892 ---------. ------ K-10 126 7,043 -·-··-···------·--' .. K-11 126 9,119 •~•-~~-U .. -•o-,.,-~a> Totals= 126 57,845 Total 1,509 115,689 .... --· --•---------- Total time for all valves: 25hr. ---·-·--,, _______ ·•-··· -·---· ·~· ---·+·---. ---------- Controller has capacity to run 4 valves I ---------------1---. - at a time, so controllerrun time= , 6 hr/wk Booster Pump Notes I. BOOSTER FUM!"5 SHALL 6E 6Afi?.Fi(ETT EN51NEERED FUM!"5 IRRIOOOST MODEL, INSTALLED PER MANUFACTVRER'S SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAILS. 2. Oll'INER SHALL ~VIDE ALL ELECTRICAL SER.VIC.ES. c.oNTRAC-TOR SHALL INSTALL ALL l"IIRIN6 FROM ELEC-TRIC. MElER TO 6005TER FIJMP. 2. BOOSTER FUMPS SHALL MEET THE FOLLOl'IIIN6 5FECIFIC.ATION5, POINT OF l"IORKIN6 REGLIIRED ADDITIONAL MAXIMUM CONNEC-TION PRE55URE (PSI) PRE55URE(PSI) PRESSURE FLOl"I (6PM) REGUIRED e DATE, 5/2B/2015 DRAl"lN BY, .Jl"IH/LKL 50 110.e 90 APPROVED FOR PLANTING eo AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. -------- "AS BUil T" TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE 1-----+--+-------------,------------i---;----------i--------J ~ CITY p£~NG St~1SBAD ~ IRRIGATION CALCS FOR: OUARRY CREEK Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub Revegetation I APPROVED 1<'.:--/ l -.I.\--I r~~ Cr-f: ll....oJ,L IZ· ~-IS f----+---+-----------------t----t----t---t----, PLANNING DATE _ 1--EN-:-,::_:_R+O-;"_:,_:_K+------R-f\/-lS-IO_N_D_E_S_C_R_IP_T_IO-N----:~o-~-:-J-EE_R_-Af':Lp-,_:-:-v-:----tt----M-c-~----,,,,:Lp-:-:-,-:pj_-,AL_--,--l ~L.:I c:0::::D:8:::~,:::::::;-1 :1 :::c:r:R:O:J1:EC~l=T::Na:0:4::~:;;I ::::4::::R8=Aw=4:::N=G=5=L:::;_ I _,_ 0 20' 40' 120' i i i North Scale 1" = 40' . l ,-_.::-... / ""./ o;•,·•-> ,~ C•w•, .. ---- POINT OF GONNEGTION 1111 TO BE A 1-1/:2" REGYGLED MTER METER Jl'!ITH A :2" REDUGED PRESSURE BAGl<FLOJI'! PREVENTER.STATIC, PRESSURE 11"1.0. :2" SERVIGE LINE SIZE,AND 15 6PM AS PEAK 6PM. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY STATIC PRESSURE IN FIELD PRIOR TO STARTIN6 Jl'!ORI< AND NOTIFY LANDSGAPE ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY OF ANY DISC,REPANCIES. POC TO BE LOCATED AT STA 1+50.00. rla 2681 HOWARD.: ,. ,, ,. ASSOCIATES,,, -• landscape architecture 2442 second avenue san di ego ca 9 2 101 619 718 9660 j - i L SEE QUARRY GREEK SLOPE PLANS DJAl6' 484-5H FOR SLOPE IRRl6'ATION . :_ .. :: ·-... '· -~· , .. ,.:"_,_:,\f·\~>·,j/;:-·~{ ___---SEE QUARRY GREEK HOA GOHHON AREA:,?.(( PLANS DJAID il484-5N FOR PARKJAIAY IRRl6'ATION \ \ \ ... ,... ·.·····~ - ~ .. e, . I<· \ \ i\ 1-- ULAR ST;EEL'FENGING ;t, DRAIN ~Nl'. i',-. ·•· .. NOTE IRRl6>ATION HAINLINE LOCATIONS ARE SHOJAIN SGHEHATIGALL Y. ALL IRRl6'ATION MAINLINES SHALL BE INSTALLED OUT OF THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-HAY NOTE, IRRl6'ATION SPRAY HEADS SHALL BE INSTALLED AND ADJUSTED TO AVOID OVERSPRAY INTO ANY STORM DRAIN FACILITIES. NOTE, SEE SHEETS 2-:3 FOR IRRIGATION LE6'END, NOTES AND DETAILS. SEE SHEETS 4-b FOR SPECIFICATIONS. DATE, 5/28/2015 DRAV'IN BY, JJAIH/LKL - APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. --/-/ ' -/ / -, TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT >-----+---+-----------+-----+--+-----+------<I sH7EET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~s PLANNING DIVISION ~ ::::==:'...::::========='....===; IRRIGATION PLAN FOR: OUARRY CREEK Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub Revegefafion APPROVED (<. • 2:,.1.:; PLANNING DATE DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION 1--D_A_TE _ _,_I_N_ITI_AL---l_D_AT_E_~IN_IT_IA_L---l I DWN BY: 11 PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. OTHER APPROVAL Cl1Y APPROVAL L.::. C::.:H.:.:_KD::.._::B:..:.Y==-===.l. ~-__ C_T __ 1_1_-_0_4_~_, _4_8_4_-_5~L .:; ~- i.oT L'INE , 0 20' i North .,.,( . ' .· , ' : \. -· ·:v l tJ1 ✓ , :{;;,<_.:;*;-: .. _,c • y"'' ; j' -._~\;~,-.- ' ""!ll-: ·'._":::i~i '/ . \6EE·QUARRY DREE.J< .. SL.Q.PE ,PLAN5 DJAIG 484;::5M FOR SLOPE p / IRRIGATION ,,/ i ~-LODGEPOLE FENC.ING 40' 120' i i Scale 1" = 40' rla 2681 "HOWARD:.' , ,, ASSOCIATES, •; ,, landscape architecture 2442 second avenue san diego ca 92101 619 718 9660 '. ( . 1 ,._, ·, ._ -~ \ i" '' \ ,·: 5TORM DRAIN EA51:Ml:NT NOTE, IRRIG>ATION MAINLINE LOC.ATIONS ARE SHO!AIN SC.HEMATIC.ALL Y. ALL IRRIGATION MAINLINES SHALL BE INSTALLED OUT OF THE PUBLIC. RIG>HT-OF-IAIAY NOTE, IRRIG>ATION SPRAY HEADS SHALL BE INSTALLED AND ADJUSTED TO AVOID OVERSPRAY INTO ANY STORM DRAIN FAC.ILITIES. NOTE, SEE SHEETS 2-:3 FOR IRRIGATION LEGEND, NOTES AND DETAILS. SEE 5HEETS 4-6 FOR SPEC.IFIC.ATIONS. \ DATE, 5/28/2015 DRAV'!N BY, JY'IH/LKL DATE INITIAL "''"·,.' ' , -V / 1111 , I I I i ,. ,. f ,_. / / / C.ABLE TRAIL F~NdlNe- ~.'.··· ·····~.·· ;c·•·•''•······ ~._VI.,..--~_. - ' APPROVED FOR PLANTING TITLE DATE AND IRRIGATION ONLY, REVIEWED BY: INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING INSPECTOR DATE AREAS. CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT I SsET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ PLANNING DIVISION s IRRIGATION PLAN FOR: OUARRY CREEK Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub Revegetation APPROVED I~\ 4-tU~it I "l.-'lb. , .:;- PLANNING DATE DATE INrrlAL DATE INITIAL PROJECT NO. ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL crrY APPROVAL : CHKD BY: I DWN BY: 11 CT 11-04 I DRAWING NO, 484-SL ! I ,• 0 20' 40' ! ! North Scale 1" = 40' ! j I R.0.Y't 120' ! .f -J I , ,. /l : / / ,' .' ' •' ,/ /// J' ,!:>EE QUARRY C.REEl</HOA C,OMMON AREA PLANS DIAIG #4B4-5N FOR P.9(RKIAIAY IRRIGATION / / / 1111 rla 2681 ,HOWARD::: ASSOCIATES ,., ,; ,. landscape architecture 2442 second avenue s an die go ca 9 2 I 01 619 718 9660 ' I , , . ! ·' ! I \ ,:·.,·11111::. • •.. · 'MATCHLiNE SEE SHEEt 10 I NOTE, / f'.-; ~--~· "·' <j'' ) SEE SHEETS 2-S FOR IRRIGATION LEGEND, NOTES AND DETAILS. SEE SHEETS 4-6 FOR SPECIFICATIONS. NOTE: IRRISATION SPRAY HEADS SHALL BE INSTALLED AND ADJUSTED TO AVOID OVERSPRAY INTO ANY STORM DRAIN FACILITIES. NOTE, IRRIGATION MAINLINE LOCATIONS ARE SHOIAIN SCHEMATIC.ALLY. ALL IRRIGATION MAINLINES SHALL BE INSTALLED OUT OF THE PUBLIC. RIGHT-OF-HAY ! ! ( / / I i DATE, 5/28/2015 DRAll'!N BY, JHH/LKL / i . ~ ,,,· J' " ~ ' . ,' •'1 . i ::~-t2;. . ., ,:)~7')~-~~=:.~ ~."e;:~:s:·. ',.,, ;J-.;;;,.-:;c. ,• J ··" ' I i l /-, ~-~ ~ '•, •" ,,•:f ,.,, .. ,, "" • • r •<•~.<~::,·,:::, ::.\:> l!ffi!!l!lillil!!!tt,\".:': : ... :,:;.~:,ri•~·-,"."'f:·· \ APPROVED FOR PLANTING TITLE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR ---------- DATE DATE AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT 1----1-----4----------+--t--t--t--J \ sHgEET \ CITY OF CARLSBAD i?Ol5 PLANNING DIVISION ~ ::=:====--=========::::::'...::=:::::::; IRRIGATION PLAN FOR: OUARRY CREEK Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub Revegetation APPROVED PLANNING DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL I DWN BY: . CHKD BY: DRAWING NO. 484-SL \ I-,.. . -I~ -,<~ .,\); j Yl • 1 • . . , ••. ·".L1·1 ; ,, ·..,, 0, ~ '··.,.,' ; • ~--, ; _:,:;-',., / " .. · ;. !,I.J' -. Sl=;E ~~AR~Y C-~EK HOA,e,qMMON AREA ~ .;..· _ ,~-::~~i-,,~ . ;> . PLA~S D~ #484-5~ Ff~:~:;;~; ! : /--_., ,').• •," . ' ~' / .. ~,,;;~;-> " ----' ~~ ' ·_>( -.;:<~(-_ ~9t/\-~~~ .. ·,·_. ---20~·1 ! l .. t,~t ·.-., ..... ;:::,~ ~ .J ! ! -~ ~- 1 <: _:;.-~, .. . .. . .,,;;:2.'2!3 V; i. " 1 / .... ~--~-\:::~ ,' ,' ···.{ o',_ >l':;,. ... . \ \. ' ," -,.,_, ':..-" -':.,·,>? : ... ?3st~····.· . . -~/!! LIMIT OF C-OST~ SAGE REVEGETATIO \ '-·-.. , \,,, ;·-/ '· ( '<•w;.,,.,• ' ' • • I j • i ! • I I . :2" se.o '• ... SEE 10J~RRY ,CREEK-S/--OPE: __ PLANS DY'IG 4.B4-5M FOR SLOPE IRRIGATION GABL!; TRAIL FENCING ·,. -.:.: ·.•-.,. fhl'I" , C '"";~~~~;~i:,,.~'.~ ' . f f . • \ \ ' I \ '·- ·~ ➔ -~ ••'" -, .. ____ • ' ,t" .. ·:,.]··· '~, } 'i":'"1 :.'.,_.)_·l~:-_,; >:if.::>\~\ ,--·-·· •,\ _._.,.--' ,J ' ;"'~' ~tP '~'ii-- < ,-.Ai -l ') j I / NOTE, IRRl6ATION MAINLINE LOC-ATIONS ARE SHOY'IN SC-HEMATIGALL Y. ALL IRRl6ATION MAINLINES SHALL BE INS1'ALLED oJ-ll~1'HE PUBLIC-Rl6HT-OF-Y'IAY NOTE, IRRIGA1'l0N SPRAY HEADS SHALL BE INSTALLED AND ADJUS1'ED 1'0 AVOID OVER.SPRAY IN1'0 ANY STORM DRAIN FAC-ILITIES. N01'E, SEE SHEETS 2-S FOR IRRIGATION LEGEND, NOTES AND DE1'AILS. SEE SHEETS 4-6 FOR SPEC-IFIC-ATION5. rla 2681 ,HOWARD~ .. ASSOCIATES ,. landscape architecture 2442 second avenue san diego ca 92101 619 718 9660 '•,, : ··1·-' I / . .~ \- .A"'!::-.••. :••·-•···· [;i;;: :::: : ':.' /'" / /NE SEE SHEET 9 . \ . / ----·-,, / . ,. ' • J'• f : .. _ / .i /' i ·--.,~ ~-EASEMENT TO BE IRRIGATED FER Tl41;:,. PLAj(1 BUT Y'IILL NOTJ ~E INCLUDEJ:? IN REVEGE1'ATION AREA AND Y'IIILL NOTIBE RE9,ldlR~-q TO MEET JU'1:-d:-ESt'/GRITE;Rlf--. -~ . M .--·' / 1 ', } i f" ,,,-/'I,•. ,_, r' :.:•;,>»'~_~,-,J ,J ,z _,. POINr<oF c;oNNEGTIQN Ill, TC> lil!= '1~r12:• RricYGL'E':D l"IA"P=:R . METE\:< v-llT\:l A :2",REpU~E)? ... PRt~SURE lalAGKFJ..pv-1 / PREVENTER.ScTATfG PB,E~RE 11Q.I>. :2" $ERVIGil: LINE 5/ZE, AND 15 6PM AS IPEAl<.c,SM:ce>NTRAG,TOR 5HALl\.. FIELQ> VERJI")( .. $TATlt:, PREssuRE011>1-f1eLo F'F<.10,:..''io stARTIN$ v-ioRK AND Nor1PY , _ .. · .·• \_LANC,,5CAPI::: ARir-HIJl=GT/IMMEDlf'~L--Y,-9Fc.A)I{'( 61scREF'ANCljcS Pde )TO"SE LOGf,Tl;,D AT 5T,"1 :26+ 5<;:,.00 i / i f ... \, l / I "' i · · j t ~=::-::::'=±±:c:-:~'::=::::-:----EASEMENT" 1'0 BE IRRIGA1'ED PeR 1'His ······· ..... F'i[Af{:BUT:li"ltt:t..iNQT·l:3EINC,LUPEt::(JN. ,1 .............. .. .. .. ,· .. REVEGETATION AREA AND Y'llkk ... N9 .. T SI;;. __ ........ REQUIRED TO MEET SUC-GE5S C-Rl1'E~I~. i i .. \,/ ·1 0 20' 40' 120' i i i i Scale 1" = 40' DATE, 5/28/2015 DRAl"!N BY, JY'IH/LKL • J ... ! '""; APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. ; TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD f?Ol 1-----1-~-+----------------t------+---+----1---, LJ.._Q_j PLANNING DIVISION ~ ~====-======:::::::::::=::::::::::::=:::::::::::===:::::...::=====: IRRIGATION PLAN FOR: QUARRY CREEK Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub Revegefafion l----+---1--------------------+----+---+---+----1IA-P_P_R_o_v_E_D __ ~_-~~·-~~~~---I )~ q-1:::.j~-=)t It·~.,.:;- PLANNING DATE . DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION I C) -..... ttt ~ I .. tlj (/) ~ ..... ~ ~ ~ NOTE: IRRIG>ATION MAINLINE LOCATION5 ARE 5HOV'!N 5CHEMATICALL Y. ALL IRRIG>ATION MAINLINE5 5HALL BE IN5TALLED OUT OF THE PUBLIC RIG>HT-OF-V'!AY NOTE: IRRIG>ATION 5PRAY HEAD5 5HALL BE IN5TALLED AND ADJU5TED TO AVOID OVER5PRAY INTO ANY .5TORM DRAIN FACILITIE5. NOTE, 5EE 5HEET5 2-3 FOR IRRIG>ATION LEG>END, NOTE5 AND DETAIL5. SEE SHEETS 4-6 FOR SPECIFICATIONS. rla 2681 HOWARD:: ., "ASSOCIATES .. landscape architecture 2442 second avenue san diego ca 92101 619 718 9660 North ~-" I ···- . I' . ' ;, ' ·:, • . I • 'I it :' -\ ;_,·c.7'.. ,.,,,, ' 1, .. I ·1 _ _.) .. .. ~/ \ . _,,· - Scale 1" = 40' .• / ,/' / ,/ /' i ./ 120' / / / ., .. . . . \ / :--.,,/ t, \ \ V •.\ \_ y \ '•\ \! \_ \ ::\/\ \ \ y, \ • \ ,1 \ \ \ // \ \ ·. ,-' \ \ // \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / • I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ '-\ 5TORM DRAIN~ DATE, 5/2B/2015 DRAV'lN BY, JV'!H/LKL ~-_I TU!3~1:-AR 5TEEL FENy'ING> . . I EASEMENT T@ BE IRRIG>ATED PE11,'THIS '·. PLAN, BijT V'!ILL NOT BE INCLUDED IN ~VEG>ETATION AREA AND V'!ILL NOT BE/ Rl;:QUIREJ/ TO MEET 5UCCESS CRl)rERlly ; I . -I ',_ / /' / _/ / / // --./" '---~· ~' •""-~· .. APPROVED FOR PLANTING / AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. . ·' / I // i / f i • ' j -/i .,l') -o ' I I TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE I CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD i?Ol 1----1----1-----------------1-----+---+---+----+ L2..!_J PLANNING DIVISION ~ :==::.::::::::=========:.:::::=:::; IRRIGATION PLAN FOR QUARRY CREEK Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub Revegelalion DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION EROSION GONTROL NOTES, SLOPES -6, I OR STEEPER AND, -9 FEET OR LESS IN VERTIGAL HEl6>HT AND ADJAGENT TO PUBLIC. Y'IALKS OR STREETS REQUIRE AT A MINIMUM STANDARD #I (GOVER GROP OR EROSION GONTROL MATTIN6>J. -6>REATER THAN 9 FEET TO e, FEET IN VERTIGAL HEl6>HT REQUIRE STANDARDS #I (EROSION GONTROL MATTIN6> SHALL BE INSTALLED IN LIEU OF A GOVER GROP), #2 AND #9. -IN EXGESS OF 8 FEET IN VERTIGAL HEl6>HT REQUIRE STANDARDS #I (EROSION GONTROL MATTIN6> SHALL BE INSTALLED IN LIEU OF A GOVER GROP), #2, #9 AND #4. · AREAS 6>RADED FLATTER THAN 6, I REQUIRE A GOVER GROPPER STANDARD #I Y'IHEN THEY HAVE ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOY'IIN6> GONDITIONS, -SHEET 6>RADED PADS NOT SGHEDULED FOR IMPROVEMENTS Y'IITHIN SIX (6) MONTHS OF GOMPLETION OF ROU6>H 6>RADIN6>. -A POTENTIAL EROSION PROBLEM AS DETERMINED BY THE CITY. -IDENTIFIED BY THE CITY AS Hl6>HL Y VISIBLE AREAS TO THE PUBLIC OR HAVE SPECIAL CONDITIONS THAT Y'IARRANT IMMEDIATE TREATMENT. SLOPE PLANTING STANDARDS SLOPES REQUIR.IN6> EROSION CONTROL MEASURES, AS SPECIFIED ABOVE, SHALL BE TREATED Y'IITH ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOY'IIN6> PLANTIN6> STANDARDS, · STANDARD #I -COVER CROP/ AND EROSION CONTROL MATTIN6> -COVER CROP SHALL BE A SEED MIX TYPICALLY COMPOSED OF QUICK 6>ERMINATING AND FAST COVERIN6> 6>RASSES, CLOVERS AND/OR Y'IILD FLOY'IER.S. SUBMIT THE SPECIFIC. SEED MIX FOR CITY APPROVAL PRIOR TO APPLICATION. -THE COVER CR.OP SHALL BE APPLIED AT A RATE AND MANNER SUFFICIENT TO PROVIDE NINETY (GIO%) PER.CENT COVERA6>E Y'IITHIN THIRTY (90) DAYS. -TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL MATTIN6> SHALL BE AS APPROVED BY THE GITY AND AFFIXED TO THE SLOPE AS RECOMMENDED BY THE MANUFACTURER. -ON SLOPES 9 FEET OR LESS IN VERTICAL HEl6>HT Y'IHER.E ADJAGENT TO PUBLIC. Y'IALKS OR STREETS, · Y'IHEN PLANTIN6> OGGURS BETY'IEEN AU6>UST 15 AND APRIL 15, EROSION GONTROL MATTIN6> SHALL BE REQUIRED. · DURIN6> THE REMAINDER. OF THE YEAR, THE GOVER GROP AND/OR EROSION CONTROL MATTIN6> MAY BE USED. -ON SLOPES 6>R.EATER. THAN 9 FEET IN HEl6>HT, EROSION GONTR.OL MATTIN6> SHALL BE REQUIRED AND A COVER CROP SHALL NOT BE USED, UNLESS OTHERV'llSE APPROVED BY THE CITY. · STANDARD #2 -6>ROUND COVER -ONE HUNDRED (100%) PERCENT OF THE AREA SHALL BE PLANTED Y'IITH A 6>R.OUND COVER KNOJl'!N TO HAVE EXCELLENT SOIL BINDIN6> GHARACTERISTICS (PLANTED FROM A MINIMUM SIZE OF FLATTED MATERIAL AND SPACED TO PROVIDE FULL COVERA6>E Jl'!ITHIN ONE (I) YEAR) · STANDARD #9 -LOY'! SHRUBS -LOV'l SPREADIN6> Jl'!OODY SHRUBS (PLANTED FROM A MINIMUM OF l-6>ALLON CONTAINERS) SHALL COVER A MINIMUM OF SEVENTY (10%) PERGENT OF THE SLOPE PAGE (AT MATURE SIZE). · STANDARD #4 -TREES AND/OR LAR6>E SHRUBS -TREES AND/OR LAR6>E SHRUBS (PLANTED FROM A MINIMUM OF l-6>ALLON CONTAINERS) SHALL BE INSTALLED AT A MINIMUM RATE OF ONE (I) PLANT PER TY'IO HUNDRED (200) SQUARE FEET. 3. PLANTS PLANT MATERIALS USED ON SLOPES SHALL BE THOSE SPEGIES THAT ARE KNOJl'!N TO HAVE LOY'l Jl'!ATER. REQUIREMENTS AND R.OOTIN6> SYSTEMS OF VARIOUS DEPTHS THAT Y'IILL MINIMIZE EROSION AND SOIL SLIPPA6>E. 4. HYDROSEED · HYRDROSEED IN LIEU OF STANDARD #2 MAY BE ALLOY'IED IF APPROVED BY THE CITY AND UNDER THE FOLLOY'llN6> CONDITIONS, -NATIVE PLANTS ARE REQUIRED TO BE PLANTED A5 A CONDITION OF APPROVAL OF THE PROJECT BY THE CITY OR OTHER PRESIDIN6> A6>ENCY AND THE REQUIRED SPECIES ARE COMMERGIALL Y UNAVAILABLE IN CONTAINER OR FLATTED STOGK. -THE SLOPE IS DETERMINED BY THE CITY TO BE TOO ROGKY FOR HAND PLANTIN6>. · THE HYDROSEED MIX SHALL GONSIST OF A VARIETY OF LON6> LIVED PLANT MATERIALS Y'IITH ROOT SYSTEMS OF VARYIN6> DEPTH. rla 2681 HOWARD· ,, ASSOCIATES,, ; :v if landscape architecture 2442 second avenue san diego ca 92101 619 718 9660 SEC,TIQN NOT TO 5C,ALE NOTE, ALSO 5EE TREE 5TAKIN6 DETAIL o Tree/Shrub Planting HYDROSEED/N6 NOTES I. 6>ENERAL SPECIFICATIONS 0 TREE OR SHRUB ROOTBALL @ Dl<S HOLE 2X ~IDTH AND DEPTH OF ROOTBALL AND FILL ~ITH ~ATER AND ALLO~ TO PERC,OLATE INTO 5UB50IL. ® FILL HOLE ~ITH E>" DEPTH NATIVE BACKFILL MATERIAL. TAMP AND MOUND 5Ll6HTLY. 0 5ET ROOT BALL IN HOLE 50 THAT ROOT C,RO~N 15 I" ABOVE FINISH <SRADE. ® REPLAC,E BACKFILL MATERIAL (PER 50IL5 REPORT) UP TO 2/3 THE HEl<SHT OF THE ROOT BALL, TAMPING> AND SETTLIN6 AROUND REMAININ<S 1/3 OF ROOT BALL. © C,REATE IRRl<SATION BASIN A MINIMUM OF E," BEYOND SIDES OF ROOT BALL 0 IRRl6ATE FROM TOP TO SETTLE BACKFILL AND BERM, FILLING, BASIN. © FINISH 6RADE 0 FERTILIZER TABLETS PER 501L5 REPORT ~ SLOPE AT REAR OF PLANTIN<S PIT TO BE 1/::::J 6RADED TO A MAXIMUM la! SLOPE ® INSTALL EROSION GONTROL FABRIC, ON PLANT PIT 5LOPE5 6REATER THAN OR EGUAL 2,1 ALL SLOPES INDICATED ON THESE PLANS TO BE PLANTED SHALL BE HYDROMULCHED AFTER HAND-BROADCASTIN6> OF SEED MIX 'A' AT THE SPEGIFIC RATES PER THE FOLLOJl'!IN6> NOTES, II. HYDROMULCH SUSPENSION OR SLURRY GOMPOSITION A. GONY'lEB OR EQUAL VIR6>1N Y'lOOD GELLULOSE FIBER MULGH -2000 POUNDS/ AGRE. 8. ECOL06>Y CONTROL 10-BINDER -150 POUNDS/ACRE IV. APPLICATION PROCEDURES AND EQUIPMENT A. EQUIPMENT. HYDRAULIC EQUIPMENT USED FOR THE APPLICATION OF THE SLURRY OF PREPARED FIBER MULCH SHALL BE OF THE "SUPER HYDROSEEDER" TYPE. THIS EQUIPMENT SHALL HAVE A BUil T-IN A6>1TATION SYSTEM AND OFERATIN6> CAFAGITY SUFFICIENT TO A6>1TATE, SUSPEND AND HOM06>ENEOUSLY MIX A SLUR.RY CONTAININ6> NOT LESS THAN 40# OF FIBER MULCH FOR EACH 100 6>ALLONS OF Y'IATER. THE SLURRY DISTRIBUTION LINES SHALL BE LAR6>E ENOU6>H TO PREVENT STOFFA6>E AND SHALL BE EQUIPPED Y'IITH A SET OF HYDRAULIC SPRAY NOZZLES Y'IHICH Y'IILL PROVIDE A CONTINUOUS NON-FLUGTUATIN6> DISGHAR6>E. THE SLURRY TANK SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM CAPACITY OF 1,500 6>ALLONS AND SHALL BE MOUNTED ON A TRAVELIN6> UNIT, EITHER SELF-PROPELLED OR DRAY'IN BY A SEPARATE UNIT, Y'IHICH V'llLL PLACE THE SLURRY TANK SPRAY NOZZLES V'llTHIN SUFFICIENT PROXIMITY TO THE AREAS TO BE SEEDED. B. PREPARATION. THE SLURRY PREPARATION SHALL TAKE PLACE AT THE SITE OF Y'lORK AND SHALL BE6>1N BY ADDIN6> V'lATER TO THE TANK Y'lHEN THE ENGINE IS AT HALF-THROTTLE. Y'lHEN THE Y'lATER LEVEL HAS REACHED THE HEl6>HT OF THE A6>1TATOR SHAFT, 6>00D RECIRGULATION SHALL BE ESTABLISHED AND, AT THIS TIME, Y THE FIBER MULCH SHALL BE ADDED. FIBER MULGH SHALL ONLY BE ADDED TO THE MIXTURE Y'IHEN THE TANK IS AT LEAST ONE-THIRD (1/3) FILLED Y'IITH Y'IATER. THE ENGINE THROTTLE SHALL BE OPENED TO FULL SPEED Y'IHEN THE TANK IS HALF-FILLED Y'llTH Y'IATER. ALL THE FIBER MULCH SHALL BE ADDED BY THE TIME THE TANK IS TV'!O THIRDS (2/3) TO THREE FOURTHS (3/4) FULL. SFRAYIN6> SHALL COMMENCE IMMEDIATELY Y'IHEN THE TANK IS FULL. C. APPLICATION. THE OPERATOR SHALL SPRAY THE AREA Y'IITH A UNIFORM, VISIBLE GOAT BY USIN6> THE 6>REEN GOLOR OF THE FIBER MULGH AS A <SUIDE. THE SLURRY SHALL BE APPLIED IN A SV'lEEPIN6> MOTION, IN AN ARCHED STREAM SO AS TO FALL LIKE RAIN, ALLOY'IIN6> THE V'lOOD FIBERS TO BUILD ON EACH OTHER. CONTINUE APPLICATION UNTIL A 6>000 COAT IS ACHIEVED AND THE MATERIAL IS SPREAD AT THE REQUIRED RATE PER AGRE. D. ALL BARE SPOTS SHALL BE RESEEDED Y'IITH SAME HAND-SEEDED MIX AND SUSPENSION COMPOSITION Y'IITHIN THIRTY (90) DAYS TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE OV'lNER. NO SEED SUBSTITUTIONS V'llLL BE ALLOY'lED Y'IITHOUT PRIOR EXPRESS V'lRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT, CITY INSPECTOR AND RESTORATIO SPECIALIST. N Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub Revegetation Plant Legend SYMBOL BOTANICAL NAME GOMMON NAME SIZE QUANTITY TREES HA HETEROMELES ARBUTIFOLIA TOYON I 6>AL 2Gl4 MALOSMA LAURINA LAUREL SUMAC I 6>AL 2Gl4 RI RHUS INTE6>RIFOLIA LEMONADEBERRY I 6>AL 2Gl4 SM SAMBUCUS MEXICANA ELDERBERRY I <SAL 2"14 SHRUBS @ ARTEMESIA CALIFORNICA CALIFORNIA SA6>EBRUSH I <SAL Gl18 ® ENC.ELIA GALIFORNICA COAST SUNFLOY'IER I 6>AL "118 @ ERI06>0NUM FASCICULATA COMMON BUCKY'lHEAT I 6>AL "!18 @ SALVIA MELLIFERA BLACK SA6>E I 6>AL "118 @ OPUNTIA LITTORALIS COAST AL PR.IC.KL Y FEAR I 6>AL 1"16 @ CYLINDROPUNTIA PARRII SNAKE CHOLLA I <SAL 2'14 c§ CYLINDROPUNTIA PROLIFERA COASTAL CHOLLA I <SAL 2'14 ISROUND COVERS-TO BE APPLIED ACROSS ALL SLOPE AREAS rn SEED MIX 'A' (HAND SPREAD) ARTEMESIA CALIFORNICA BACCHARIS FILULARIS DEINANDRA FASCICULATA CALIFORNIA SA6>EBRUSH COYOTE BRUSH FASCICLED TARPLANT ENC.ELIA CALIFORNICA CALIFORNIA ENC.ELIA ERI06>0NUM FASCICULATUM CALIFORNIA BUCKY'IHEAT ERIFHYLLUM CONFERTIFLORUM6>0LDEN YARROY'I ESGHSCHOLZIA CALIFORNIA GALIFORNIA POPPY ISOCOMA MENZIESII <SOLDENBUSH LASTHENIA 6>RACILIS COMMON 6>0LDFIELDS LOTUS SGOPARIUS DEERV'lEED LUPINUS SUCGULENTUS ARROYO LUPINE MIMULUS AURANTIACUS MONKEYFLOY'IER NASSELLA PULCHRA PURPLE NEEDLE6>RASS PLANTA6>0 ER.EC.TA DOT-SEED PLANTAIN SALVIA MELLIFERA BLACK SA6>E SISYRINCHIUM BELLUM BLUE-EYED <SRASS TOTAL, LBS. FER ACRE 9 I 2 9 6 2 2 I 2 I 2 2 6 2 3 2 40 NOTE, ALL PLANT MATERIAL QUANTITIES AND LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. FINAL LOCATIONS TO BE DIRECTED IN THE FIELD BY PROJECT RESTORATION SPECIALIST. NOTE, SEE HELIX "UPLAND MITIGATION REPORT FOR QUARRY CREEK MASTER PLAN PROJECT" FOR PLANTIN5 INSTALLATION NOTES AND GUIDELINES NOTE, SEE SHEET IS FOR R.EVEGETATION, MITIGATION, AND MONITORING NOTES APPROVED FOR "AS BUILT" PLANTING TITLE DATE ANO IRRIGATION ONLY, REVIEWED BY: INCLUDING PRECISE DATE, 5/28/2015 LOCATION OF PLANTING INSPECTOR DATE DRAl-"!N BY, Ji-"!H/LKL AREAS. ~ WJ CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION 2 s PLANTING LEGEND, NOTES AND DETAILS FOR: OUARRY CREEK Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub Revegefafion APPROVED l~~,O G\. {::.\\ _Jr 1'2-•% .,.::; - PLANNING DATE I DWN BY: I PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INrTL'sL DATE INITIAL 484-SL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL : CHKD BY: CT 11-04 REVEGETATION, MITIGATION AND MONITORING NOTES PLEASE REFER TO HELIX'S OUA RRY CREEK lv!ASTER PLAN lVIITIGATION REPORT 1"OR ANY REFERENCES TO THE FOLLOVv1NG: RESPONSIBILITIES: OWNER/PROJECT PROPO:\TENT The owner/project proponent shall provide detailed construction drawings, phasing plans, accurate timelines, and written project specifications in conformance with the upland mitigation plan for Quarry Creek !Vlaster Plan Project prepared by HELIX, dated, July 16, 2014. The owner/project proponent shall be responsible for funding all aspects of the project including implementation, long-term maintenance, and any needed remedial actions as determined by the U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE (USFWS), CCALIFORNTA DEPARTMENT OP PISl-1 ANO GAME (CDFG), U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS (USACE), and City of Carlsbad. RESTORATION SPECIALIST Overall supervision of the installation, maintenance, and monitoring of this restoration project will be the responsibility of a restoration specialist experienced with upland habitat restoration. The restoration specialist will oversee the efforts of the installation and maintenance conlractor(s) for the life of the project. Specific tasks of the restoration specialist include educating all participants with regard to mitigation goals and requirements, and directly overseeing fencing, planting, seeding, weeding, and other maintenance activities. The restoration specialist will explain to the contractor(s) on how to avoid impacts to existing sensitive habitat and sensitive species. When necessary, the restoration specialist will provide the project proponent and contractor(s) with a written monitoring memo, including a list of items in need of attention. The restoration specialist also will conduct annual assessments of the restoration effort and prepare and submit an annual report to the city each year during the 5-year maintenance and monitoring period. PLANT Sl/PPLU:R The plants selected for installation in the upltmd restoration area have been documented to occur on site (HE! JX 2013a) or are common in the region tmd the project vicinity. All plants and seed installed at the site will come from nearby sources. The restoration specialist must approve all seed and container stock orders prior to finalizing. PLANTI"G PLAN After completion of site preparation, including installation of irrigation, and erosion control measure's, native plants will be installed on the created upland slopes. The species selected for planting and seeding are found in undisturbed DCSS and NG habitats on site or near the project vicinity (Tables 2 and 3 in HELIX Upland Mitigation Report). Substitutions or use of commercial material may be allowed if materials are tmavailable, at the discretion of the restoration specialist. The source and proof of local nativeness of all plant material and seed should be provided and addressed in the as-built report for the site. The restoration specialist must inspect all plant material prior lo installation. Fast-growing annual species that are quick to germinate will be included in the seed mix to provide initial cover and protect freshly graded soils from erosion. During the course of plant succession, it is tmticipated that native perennial species will ultimately dominate the restoration areas. All container stock shall be of the size specified in Tables 2 and 3 and should be installed in holes that are at least 1.5 times larger than the planting container. Holes will be dug with mechanical augers where possible and by hand elsewhere. Planting arrangements should be installed in a way that mimics natural plant distribution; therefore, DCSS container plantings will be installed in groupings of 7 to IO plants, comprised of 3 to 5 larger species. After plant installation within DCSS areas, seed should be hand-spread to ensure direct contact with soil. In DCSS areas this would be followed by a hydromulch application to tackily seed and stabilize soil. See Sheet I 2 (in this set) for seed mix and hydromulch notes. AS-BUILT CONDITIONS The restoration specialist shall submit a brief letter report to the appropriate agencies, includingan as-built graphic, within 6 weeks of completion of mitigation installation. This letter will describe site preparation, installation methods, and the as-built status of the overall project. Part of this submittal will be an as-built graphic that depicts deviations in the locations of plantings, structures, and other key features from the construction documents. Pre-and post-installation photographs taken from identified photo stations shall be included a.s part of the as-built report. !VIAINTl':NANCE ACTIVITIES A 5-year maintenance program is proposed for Areas A through C to ensure the successful establishment and persistence of the restored habitat. A 3-year maintenance program is proposed for Areas D and E to ensure erosion control cover criteria arc met. The maintenance program will involve removal of non native species and trash, inigation maintenance, and any remedial measures deemed necessary for the success of the restoration program (e.g., re-seeding and replanting). Maintenance activities will be directed by the estoralion specialist and implemented by the maintenance contractor. GENERAL MAI~TENANCE The maintenance guidelines are tailored for native plant establishment. Maintenance personnel will be informed of the goals of the restoration effort and the maintena.r1cc requirements. A professional. with experience and knowledge in native habitat restoration maintenance will supervise all maintenance. It is the maintenance contractor's responsibility to keep all seeded a.rid planted areas free of debris, and to monitor irrigation function and scheduling, plant material condition and health, and removal of non-native species. The maintenance contractor will also be responsible for replacing any dead or terminally diseased plants, at the direction of the restoration specialist. Damage to plants, irrigation systems, and other facilities occurring as a result of unusual weather or vandalism will be repaired as directed by the restoration specialist. The cost of such repairs will be paid for as extra work. The contractor will be responsible for damage caused by the contractor's inadequate maintenance or operation of irrigation facilities, as determined by the restoration specialist. REIVIEDIAL INSTALLATION Reseeding ,md/or planting will occur at any bare areas exhibiting low germination and establishment of native vegetation, at the direction of the restoration specialist. !\'ON-NATIVE PLANT CONTROL Particular emphasis will be placed on pro-active removal of non-native plants. Eradication will be conducted as necessary to minimize competition that could prevent native species establishment. As non-native plants become evident, they should be removed by hand or controlled with the proper herbicides (if approved by the restoration specialist). The restoration specialist will oversee weed control by the maintenance contractor; however, maintenance personnel must be knowledgeable in distinguishing non-native species from desirable native vegetation. Non-native species considered to be highly invasive by the California Invasive Plant Council (Cal-IPC List A and B species; Appendix A) shall be totally eradicated within restoration boundaries. Examples of invasive plants include but are not limited to fennel ( F oeniculum vulgare ), hottentot-fig ( Carpobrotus edulis), artichoke thistle ( Cynara cardunculus ), and blue gum (J(ucalyptus globulus ). IRRIGATION The irrigation schedule will attempt to develop deep root grow1h with evenly spaced, infrequent, deep applications of water. To obtain deep penetration of water, the irrigation system may be activated several times in one 24-hour period. Irrigation will be minimized to the extent possible following natural rainfall events. The irrigation system will be maintained until the restoration specialist etermines that supplemental water is no longer required. At that time, irrigation will be permanently disconnected ( e.g., the mainline will be cut), but not removed. Above-ground portions of irrigation will be removed when directed by the restoration specialist. OTHER PESTS If deemed necessary, a licensed pest control adviser will make specific pest control recommendations. All applicable federal and state laws and regulations will be closely followed. The restoration specialist will be consulted on any pest control matters. FERTILIZER APPLICATION Fertilizer will not be applied except in extraordinary circtunstances a.rid only at the written direction of the restoration specialist. PRUNING No post-installation pruning is necessary unless otherwise directed by the restoration specialist. MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Maintena.r1ce will be perfom1ed as necessary to prevent re-seeding by non-native plm1ts and will likely change with varying site conditions and seasons; the schedule outlined herein (see Table 4 HELIX Upland Mitigation Report) serves only as a guideline. At a minimum, lhe installation contractor will conduct monthly maintenance during the 120-day establishment period until the restoration specialist recommends sign off of the 120-day establishment period in writing. The maintenance contractor will be responsible for all maintenance activities during the remainder of the 5-year maintenance period. For the first 3 years of the 5-year maintenance and monitoring period, maintenance is expected to be required 4 times between November and May (to cover the peak growing period for upland species) and every 2 months during the remainder of the year. Maintenance visits may be reduced and become quarterly in Years 4 and 5 if approved by the restoration specialist. The installation/maintenance contractor(s) will complete maintenance requests from the restoration specialist within 14 days of tmy written request or monitoring report. rla 2681 ::HOWARD:: ,,ASSOCIATES &, , 0 landscape architecture 2442 second avenue s an die go ca 9 2 1 01 619 718 9660 RESPONSIBLE PARTY Quarry Creek Investors, LLC will be responsible for ensuring implementation of the maintenance program. The responsible party may change with the sale of the property. Ultimately, the property may be transferred in fee title (subject to City approval) to a public or private entity specializing in long-term management of open space or to the Homeow11ers Association established for Quarry Creek. MONITORING PLAN Monitoring will be carried out by the restoration specialist, beginning with site preparation tmd habitat installation, and continuing through project sign off, approximately 5 years after the start of the project (3 years for Areas D and E). Monitoring will include ( I) documenting prerestoration site conditions; (2) installation monitoring; (3) maintenance monitoring; and (4) technical monitoring. During each visit, the restoration specialist will inspect the site to ensure that the restoration effort is progressing as planned and identify any problems that may affect the effort. INSTALLATION l\IONITORING The restoration specialist will be on site daily, or as needed, during installation to ensure that activities are being conducted per this plan. The restoration specialist will monitor all phases of the installation process, including site preparation a.rid installation of plants and seed. The restoration specialist must inspect and authorize each phase of work before the next phase may begin. Pre-installation photos will be taken of existing habitats in the restoration area from designated photo documentation stations. This information will be used later to track the changes in vegetation as a result of site restoration. MAINTENA'iCE \101\ITORING (AS OUTLINED IN HELIX CPLAND l\1ITIGATION REPORT): Maintenance monitoring will consist of general site inspections focusing on visual observations of native plant establishment and growth and other site conditions ( e.g., presence of non-native plants). Following installation, the restoration specialist will monitor maintenance activities conducted by the installation contractor during the 120-day establishment period and by the maintenance contractor for the remainder of the 5-year maintenance and monitoring period (in accordance with the schedule outlined in Table 5). Areas D and E will be monitoring for 3 years consistent with Table 5. Monitoring visits will be conducted monthly during Year I. In Years 2 and 3, visits will be conducted 4 times from November through April (to cover the peal, establishment period of both spring and summer germinating species) and twice in the remainder of the year (8 visits per year). During Years 4 and 5, monitoring will be conducted 4 times per year. This monitoring schedule is the minimum; more frequent inspections may be necessary if there are problems with contractor perfom1ance or habitat development. Monitoring memos noting any issues with plant establishment, irrigation_ sediment control, etc., will be provided as necessary to the installation/maintena.r1cc contraclor(s) and the project proponent. ANNUAL MONITORING In addition to maintenance monitoring visits, the restoration specialist will conduct annual technical monitoring in April or May of each year during the 5-year maintenance and monitoring period (3 years for Areas D and E). The visits are scheduled for late spring to coincide with the peak of the growing season for most native upland herbs and shrubs. The exact timing of the visits will depend on site and weather conditions. Annual monitoring will consist ofa qualitative (visual) assessment in Years I and 2, and both a qualitative and quantitative (transect data collection) assessment in Years 3, 4, and 5. Due to the small size of the native grassland restoration area (0.32 acre), only qualitative assessments will be conducted in Years 3, 4, and 5. Qualitative monitoring will include assessments of plant health, estimates of native and nonnative plant cover, observations of plant recruitment, lists of wildlife and plant species observed on site, and photographic documentation each year. Quantitative monitoring will be conducted by collecting data from transects established within the restoration area. Success criteria milestones arc provided in Section VII, below. TRANSECT SAIVIPLING (VEGETATIOI\ COVER A".\D SPECIES IUCHNESS) Transects will be used to collect quantitative data for the upland annual monitoring in Areas A through E. The number of transects, and transect length will be determined once installation has completed. Transects will be positioned to provide a representative sampling of all restoration slopes covered in this plan. Once established, tra.r1sect locations should be mapped using a Global Positioning Satellite and permanently marked in the field with re bar lo facilitate their use in subsequent years. Vegetative data will be collected along each transect using the point intercept line transect sampling methods described in the California Native Plant Society's Field Sampling Protocol (Sawyer and Keeler-Wolf 1995). Species cover data will be collected by recording all of the species intercepted al each 0.5-meter interval along the length of each transect. Vegetation will be recorded separately for herb (0 to 0.6 meter), shrub (0.6 to 2 meters), and tree (greater than 2 meters) layers. Species richness data will be collected by noting all species occurring within a 5-meter belt transect centered on each line transect. \VILDLIFE OBSERVATIONS Observations of wildlife within the restoration areas will be documented and included in each annual rep01i. No focused wildlife surveys will be conducted. PHOTO DOCU!VIENTATION The photo documentation stations established at the beginning of the project will be rephotographed each year during the annual assessment to demonstrate the development of the mitigation site. ANNUAL REPORTS An annual report will be prepared each year during the 5-year monitoring period and submitted to the cities of Carlsbad and Oceanside and appropriate agencies by December I of each year. DATE, 5/2B/2015 DRAV'IN BY, JV'iH/LKL SUCCESS CRITERIA (SEE lJPLA:'1.'D MITIGATIOI\ Rl':PORT FOR REFERE'iCES) To complete the 120-day establishment period, all irrigation must be functional, container pla.t1tings must have 100 percent survivorship, and all target invasive species (Appendix A) must be removed from the restoration area. Any replacement plantings added lo attain the survivorship criterion must be installed for at least 30 days prior to sign off of the 120-day establishment period. Success criteria provide specific standards to evaluate the progress of the restoration effort. Attainment of these standards indicates that the restoration area is progressing toward, and has the habitat function and services specified by, this plan. Restoration success will be determined by comparing the quantified measures of vegetative cover of the restoration area to specified para.rneters, ba.sed on visual observations and quantitative assessment. As of the end orthe project, the following parameters will determine success of the mitigation effort for DCSS Areas A through C and NG: ( I) survivorship of initially installed container plantings; (2) absolute native cover of at least 65 percent for DCSS and NG within the open space preserve; (3) absolute non-native cover (excluding target species) ofno more than 10 percent; (4) cover hy target invasive plants (Cal-IPC List A and B species) ofno more than O percent. In addition to these parameters, recruitment (the successful, natural reproduction and/or establishment of plants in a given area) of several native species must be observed. These criteria are based on observations of intact native habitat located on site. Interim success criteria, demonstrating that the project is on track to meet the final criteria, are also provided for Years 3 through 5 in Table 6 for DCSS Areas A through C, in Table 7 for DCSS Areas E and F, m1d Table 8 for NG. Success criteria specified for Years 1 and 2 will be estimated visually and used as a guide to determine if the restoration site is on track to meet final success criteria. SURVIVORSHIP Container plant survival should be 80 percent of the initial plm1tings for the first 2 years. At the first and second anniversary of plant installation, all dead plants should be replaced unless their function has been replaced by natural recruitment. i\'ATIVE COVER Cover by native vegetation should incre,me over time and ultimately approach that of 65 percent in OCSS for Areas A,B, and C, 40 percent for Areas D and E (after year 3), and 65 percent within the native grassland. Native vegetation cover will be measured separately for herb, shrub, and tree strata within the restoration area; but the success criterion only applies to total native cover. NON-"ATIVE COVER Non-native cover is typically a problem with habitat restoration, particularly at the outset of the project. However, as the restoration takes hold and with diligent maintenance efforts, non-native cover should decrease to an acceptable level. Within Areas A though E, non-native cover should not exceed 20 percent in Years I and 2, and continue along a downward trajectory in following years until no more than 10 percent of non-native species occur within the restoration area. Within the native grassland, it is expected that there should be some tolenmce for the presence of non-native grasses. Cover by non-native species should not exceed 20 percent in any year of monitoring. TARGET INVASIVE SPECIES Target invasive weed species (Appendix A) should be completely eradicated from the restoration site each year. No target invasive species (e.g., 0 percent cover) shall be allowed to persist within the restoration area or the adjacent buffer area. IRRIGATION To provide evidence that vegetation is self~sufficient, direct irrigation ofthe restoration area must be shut off at least 2 years prior to the end of the maintenance/monitoring period. The native grassland will not be irrigated. COMPLETION OF MITIGATION NOTIFICATION OF COMPLETION The City of Cm·lsbad and appropriate agencies will be notified of completion of the restoration effort through submittal of a final (Year 5) monitoring report. CONFIRMATION If the project meets all success standards at the end of the 5-ycar monitoring period or sooner, then the restoration will be considered a success; if not, the maintenance and monitoring program will be extended until the standards a.r·c met. Specific remedial measures (approved by the appropriate agencies) will be used during any extension. Monitoring extensions will be done only for areas that fail to meet final success criteria. This process will continue tmtil all Year 5 standards are attained or until the appropriate agencies determine that other mitigation measures are appropriate. Should the restoration effort meet all goals prior to the end ofthe 5-year monitoring period, the cities and appropriate agencies, at their discretion, may terminate the monitoring effort. If requested, a site visit may be conducted with the City of Carlsbad and appropriate agencies to verify site conditions. CONTINGENCY "'IEASURES If the restoration effort is not meeting success standards for the project, the restoration specialist shall notify the project proponent and propose corrective measures. Should the restoration area fail due to a natural disaster such as an earthquake or flood, the contractor(s) will not be held responsible for rephmting of any restoration ar;;ea,. . ..._ ______________________ _, APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. "AS BUILT" TITLE DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE uTI CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DIVISION REVEGETATION NOTES FOR: OUARRY CREEK Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub Revegefation APPROVED I<--~ 1.:;;-' PLANNING DATE f----+---+------------------~-----i---~-----i-----i ~;;::::::=:;;:;:;====;-;::::=========~;========== "-o~-:-::-A~PP-;-~r-::-~-+-0-:-:-AP~P-~N-~:-:-~__, L'I c".'.D:ccK"No,__ 8 -=:c'.:"', ===JI ~l __ C_T_R_O_Jt_1_T_N_O_4 __ 1484~ 5NL. DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION f I j ( ; \ i i ! i C .J ;I / \ ' i 11-•/\ • ec \ \" \ • •• ! \ \ . \ "\'· \,,,_i_ .. { --,. I I. .J t ~'. Ys .-\,,;: :·w, \:,:~, ,;,\&" ·. ·,. \ "·,\ ¾ \\\. ,, '\ \ \ '\ \ \~\t\" ' \( \ \%;\,\ \ t •/• ···•\\\•\: \i l \•Ci \ ·\\~ I, \\\\\,\\ I :-, ~ \; : ill\ ( I \ j . ! \ 1 \ l h ' • •, ,: ,• T0BULAR STEE( ~~~C.1~6\ \ .. • l < \ • '111 I 11 u !• . \ MATCHLINE SEE SHEET 15 " ii,·,: ·,.~ ... , ... ~ NOTE: SEE SHEET 12 FOR PLANTING LEGEND, NOTES AND DETAILS. SEE SHEET 19 FOR SPEC.IFIC.ATIONS. NOTE: ALL PLANT MATERIAL QUANTITIES AND LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. FINAL LOCATIONS TO BE DIRECTED IN THE FIELD BY PROJECT RESTORATION SPECIALIST. rla 2681 HOWARD,': ASSOCIATES, landscape architecture 2442 second avenue san diego ca 92101 619 718 9660 .. --· GEL E - SEE QUARRY C.REEI<. SLOPE PLANS D~G. 484-SM FOR SLOPE PLANTING j ----------~ "'""'"'' '" •~ •••" ~•\\'" (r i" \ ---------------------- f ... j J i f ' \ \ -;-~"'--R:;9-~'"" :'.> .. .. North 0 i I .~ . j ') . . ' \ ,, i I r · ,-·· r •· ·· ...... ··_ .. 1 i> 1111111 tllll . ;111111 ·· -- ,_. } i '.:,,,·,:,:,1/ r':;:·:::r~·~ ·--·,· \ ·• .. ~. I'{ f} l 1 20' 40' i i Scale 1" = 40' 120' I .---=-=-=::--=---:---:=-:::--::=-=-==----il-------;;,,,;:;A:cS1 BRiLJ111j""":L T;:,; .. :----~ APPROVED FOR PLAN Tl NG TITLE DATE AND IRRIGATION ONLY, REVIEWED BY: INCLUDING PRECISE DATE, 5/28/2015 DRAY'IN BY, J~H/Ll<.L LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. INSPECTOR DATE ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD !?07 I-----J.--+---------------t---+--t---t--1 ~L!__U::::::::4=:..::===:::::P::::LA:::N:::N:::IN::::G=D:::IY:::IS:::10:::N=====-.'::~==S~ PLANTING PLAN FOR: OUARRY CREEK Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub Revegefafion APPROVED PLANNING DATE INrrlAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION 1-.:.DA.:.T.:.E_.,__1N_1_r1A_L-lf-o_A_TE _ _.___1N_1T_1A_L--i LI c:D!:cW!:N::'.._B..':Y~:..:...::===.ll I CllY APPROVAL CHKD BY: OTHER APPROVAL PROJECT NO. CT 11-04 I DRAWING NO. . 484-SL j r LOJ:i?cSEFOkE FENc:;;,IN(S, i ! i "1 0 North / i " I l - i ! ,,,J',,)',.! ",.. ,. - . . ---:::··· NOTE, /( I f I :.,,, ·MA _,: Z'.''-· I SEE SHEET 12 FOR PLANTING, LE6'END, NOTES AND DETAILS. SEE SHEET IS FOR SPECIFICATIONS. 20' 40' NOTE, ALL PLANT MATERIAL QUANTITIES AND LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. FINAL LOCATIONS TO BE DIR.EC.TED IN THE FIELD BY PROJEC.T RESTORATION SPECIALIST. rla 2681 120' 0} ';;HOWARD .; ASSOCIATES,, •· •! landscape architecture 2442 second avenue Scale 1" = 40' san diego ca 92101 619 718 9660 j -\ "./ ,,.•"" ,,·" 0'"'" -CU61JlA~ STI:EL· FE1'1CIN6' SEE PLANS DY'l6'. LINE SLOPE FOR SLOPE PLANTING, II I Ii 1,,, / GEL E I r . i ~-,,-· . ~-.~~:~:-~~-·~--✓• :.:~·.:~.5t;~· ORA,N EA$EMeNT .. ' r.···.~.· .. ' ·• ... t\ I .(. \1 ( \ \~,"'•' .,» ,' ,, " ' ,,• '. '. ,,,• 't -• ,,, .. ' \/, ,,, ' f ! i I ,.,.\ .,~ ,,#' ~\ '\. ·" !:' '\ ,• . . . . ,.,,9' \ '\'"'' 4 \ I {1 , \ \. , \r , '.\ ... ~<·\;·.. . \\ \ .1/ '\. ,,, . \~··. '.\/ ,,. ·• ;\~ .\·· .. , ... ,\:., \· ... •""" \,~ \ ,.,. ,v, C '\ ,,,·'" '\ ~• ~ Y'\ DATE, 5/28/2015 DRAll'lN BY, Jil'IH/LKL DATE INITIAL ·' ;,/ / ;,,,> \ 't \ 1,, \ y~'" ,.-¢:. ) i • i, ... "'fc.' /i / ;., '/\ . . // j ·. ' ; \ ·•· () 0-1-t_ ~-· """'~~-EASEMENT TO !;.\E PLANTED PER Tr/~S !\ ...... . • µ~,,., FLAN,,,,l!i3UT Y'IILL NOT 6E INC.LUDE',IN' REYEcSETATION AREA AND ·Y'IIL[' No:i:'.se' , .. ,· ' ~ ,. ,, ' ' . \ REQUIRED JQ •. MEET SUCC.ESS CRIT,ERle,.·1 ef,s<fi•'' <• ,,>• ,-:-:•,; k,,,p••"',>"0 \ i ;v( APPROVED FOR PLANTING TITLE AND IRRIGATION ONLY, REVIEWED BY: INCLUDING PRECISE .• "AS LOCATION OF PLANTING INSPECTOR AREAS. I ::"""'·~' ·:;:· , . •••••• BUil T" DATE DATE uI] CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ 5 PLANNING DIVISION s PLANTING PLAN FOR OUARRY CREEK Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub Revegefation I APPROVED 1~:]\ I Cf, ti}, J:t I-Z.-b·IS PLANNING DATE PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL I OWN BY: : CHKD BY: 11 CT 11-04 I 484-5L I I North i I ! 0 i J i . . 20' i 111111 / 111 111 111 II 40' i Scale 1" = 40' Ii ll t / / ! ( R.O.JAI. NOTE: . i i / f I I·; i I / I r ; I l I i \ . .. n,.---;,--ST~ r,p;v.1N EASEMENT SEE SHEET 12 FOR PLANTIN6> LE5END, NOTES AND DETAILS. SEE SHEET 19 FOR SPECIFICATIONS. NOTE ALL PLANT MATERIAL QUANTITIES AND LOGATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. FINAL LOGATIONS TO BE DIREGTED IN THE FIELD BY PROJECT RESTORATION 5PEGIALl5T. 120' i rla 2681 HOWARD ASSOCIATES landscape architecture 2442 second avenue san die go ca 92101 619 718 9660 / - i / j / I • ' I ! f j / ! • . i ' I / j I I • / 1111111 -J • 11111 ;' / -/ 11111 MATCHLIIYE SEE SHIEET 117 j j i SEESHEEI1 i l ' . / i I i I I I t . f f I / / 111111 /111111/ I I f I / ,, -~·::,,_,,. ~~;,~Asa-ENT 'fi'' ft >-EAii5EMENT T0;6E PLANTED PER,tHIS .. FLAN, BlJT JAIJLL NOT BE INC,LlJI?E IN •. /. RE'V'E5ET A rioN AREA AND JAIILL NOT SE·· REG1lJIRED 1TO MEET/SlJC.CE;,5 C.RITE~lA. ,· ,/ / / i j / j J i f ( ! i I l ! / f I i / ! . j l f I / j / .. l DATE, 5/28/2015 I / I \ I )'/ .. I l DRAJ/'lN BY, JV'IH/LKL DATE INITIAL / ! I / ,( '. .?~·'/ /· \ , .. ,, ,W j / y i ,,"''" •'l ,"" "'' ,. j T j J •~•,,,_ \ /' )'w? W l l I / i i / / / I i / / I i j i : ( / / ! I j l ( I APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION j j '"' '" ·-w.,,;y, '·"' TITLE ' ,, ;.,1 /": 'i<a' ,/ i { l . F'"" • I "AS BUil T" REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE DATE [irJ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ PLANNING DIVISION PLANTING PLAN FOR: QUARRY CREEK Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub Revegelalion APPROVED rz:-·_,.t7( l:t:· E::J(/4 r-i.~.(..:;'" PLANNING DATE i J J ' I / / i ' / ABLE 7;:RAIL FENCING> ,, . LOT LINE < .'' ·,:, ~\ SE~ QUAi;z.RY CREEK SLOPE PLANS DY'IG -4~4-5M FOR SLOPE \ '•. PLANTING \ \ I \ \ North ' 0 i \ \ \ i .• \ i NOTE, . i i ·,, !,_ ['; ,' • . , '> I \ • SEE SHEET 12 FOR PLANTING LEGEND, NOTES AND DETAILS. SEE SHEET 15 FOR SPECIFICATIONS. 20' i 40' i NOTE, ALL PLANT MATERIAL QUANTITIES AND LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. FINAL LOCATIONS TO BE DIRECTED IN THE FIELD BY PROJECT RESTORATION SPECIALIST. 120' i rla2681 ,.::HOWARD:: , , ASSOCIATES i landscape architecture 2442 second avenue Scale 1" = 40' s an die go ca 9 2 1 01 619 718 9660 / I \ r • I I I I ; \ i T \ \ \ \ / i \. f J, i ~-sEE1 auARRY cREEK HoA cc,Mt-1aN,.,:..R1:::A PL/!.,~ DY'IG, 484-5N • \ i ,: . I I' I J, DATE, 5/28/2015 DRAV"4N BY, JY'IH/LKL "' "I I J, e-;; r1 I' APPROVED FOR PLANTING AND IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. / j I "AS BUILT" TITLE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR I ' j r I • \ i . I J I DATE DATE ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD l?ol 1---l--+------------------11----t--+--+----J LlLJ PLANNING DIVISION ~ ::=====--==========::::::'....::===; DATE INrTIAL ENGINEER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE \NrTIAL E INITIAL PLANTING PLAN FOR: OUARRY CREEK Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub Revegefalion APPROVED PLANNING IZ--~-i-:; DATE I OWN BY: f----'----+----'----i CHKD BY·. OTHER APPROVAL Cl1Y APPROVAL I -- SEE QU RRY CREEK 'SLOPE PLANS DJ"lG. 484 5M FOR SLOPE AND BASIN PLANTING GEL E North I. --I -1 I 0 20' 40' i i i Scale \ 1" = 40' ·•····· SEE QUARRY;t.REEK SLOPE~-·/ PLANS Dl"l6. 484"'5MFOR BERM .AND i BRl,:!5.H"'MANAGEMENT .PL"ANTING I;.. # ft'" - -----. LOD<:;,EF'OLE FENG I l'{t;;,;-, ./" • i . J - rla 2681 -:y HOWARD" '0 120' i • ' < \P ASSOCIATES if zy, landscape architecture 2442 second avenue san die go ca 9 2 1 01 619 718 9660 • .I • ··' .. "k I J I ,, \ '. I .. , . ' ., • \I 5 \. I ·, . c:::) 't-- I- tti ~ tH Cl) ~ --::E ~ ~ .\ -.,_l ! I SEE QUARRY . .\ 1· ·1 ·1--~ ,_, --·· """"" " ... ! ! MATCHLINE SEE SHEET 10 NOTE, SEE SHEET 12 FOR PLANTING LEGEND, NOTES AND DETAILS. SEE SHEET 19 FOR SPECIFICATIONS. NOTE, ALL PLANT MATERIAL QUANTITIES AND LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. FINAL LOCATIONS TO BE DIRECTED IN THE FIELD BY PROJECT RESTORATION SPECIALIST. ! \ / DATE, 5/2e>/20I5 DRAV'IN ElY, JV'IH/LKL ! j APPROVED FOR PLANTING ANO IRRIGATION ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREAS. r f TITLE f i LINE l I i I ! REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR J l ! I /) ~1 /; fi\· \ ! • \ r "AS BUil T" J • • 'i' ' \ DATE DATE ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD i?Ol 1-----1-----+----------------t---+---t---t------1 ~ PLANNING DIVISION ~ ~==--===::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::===-===~ PLANTING PLAN FOR: QUARRY CREEK Diegan Coastal Sage Scrub Revegela!ion DATE INITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION I APPROVED &44( (r:: E:j ,,:,tr I<-· 1>-1~ I t=====t====j==================================;=====;====~=====~====~ _ PLANNING DATE . ~, D;;W~N:;:::;B~Y=: ===~1 ==:::::P:::::R:::::OJ:::::E;.C:::::T=N:::O::::.=:::::;-;:D;,R;,A:::::W;:I N=-G~N~O. DATE INrTV\L DATE INITIAL 5 L f-0-T-HER-A~PP_R_OV-AL--+-C-llY-Af'~PR-OV-AL-CHKD BY: CT 11 -04 484-ENGINEER OF WORK