HomeMy WebLinkAbout11174; CT 84-02; CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION - LA COSTA POINTE; 03'°'!' MAP NO._l...,..__.1~17_4 __ CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 84-2 CONOOMtN1uM LOTs:2 LA COS TA POINTE AREA 2.837 ACRE8 SHEET I OF 3 SHEETS 1, RICHARD G. C:lH!lllOF?N, A REGJSTF,RED CIVIL FNGINEER OF THE STATE OF CALlFORNlA, HERF.flY CERTIFY THAT THE SURVEY OF Tll1S SUBDlVISJON WAS MADE BETWEEN Ff:RRllARY 29 AND MARCH 15, 1981,, AND TIIE SURVEY AND F1NAL MAP WERE MADE BY ME OR LINDER MY Dlln:.C:TTON, AND THAT THE S!!RVEY IS WE TH.E l;NDERS lCNED, LH::INC REPRESENTA'l' l \'E (H ALL TIii< l",\l\l: F. HAVl;,!C ANY RECUJ{[) TlTl.l:'. 1.NT!:~RJ:::ST l.N THE !AND C(NERJ:D ht' THTS MAP, DO HEREBY COi~'.;EtS:T TO TH!·'. PREPARATION i\ND RECORDATiON {)F TIil.'; MAP, A~; :;11owN WfTll.LN THI~ DT.STl.NC'fL\'L I BORDERLINE. WE ,, ~ ' ( C F A ( I. A 'I w s M 984 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: Grabhorn Engineering Corp. 9619 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 101 San C1e90, CA 82123 By: Richard G. Grabhorn, President WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Grabhorn Engineering Corp. 9619 Chesapeake Drive, Suite 101 San Diego, CA 92123 89 4937,0 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER-$ USE --f If •-,;,:_ e M~lll'fi•.:;.._,... __ .. ,._ CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION Pursuant to Section 66469 of the Subdivision Map Act, NOTICE IS GIVEN that Map No. 11174 in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, filed in the Office ~f the County Recorder of said County on March 13, 1985, is in error, and is corrected ,n accordance with Section 66469 of the Subdivision Map Act as follows: 1) In lieu of finding a 3/4-inch iron pipe marked "RCE 9416" at the most westerly subdivision corner, a 2-1nch pipe marked "RCE 8195" was ·found, per Record of Survey Map No. 10840. 2) In lieu of setting a 2-inch pipe with metal disc marked "RCE 19375" along tha northweater1y subdivision boundary callVftOn to the southeasterly sideline of Unicornio Street at the points of curvatur~ of that certain 730.00 foot rad1us curve being concave north,~est1;,rly, a nail and disc marked "RCE 8195" set in a concrete wall footing was found, per Record of Survey Map No 10840. 3) In lieu of S8tting a 2-inch iron pipe with metal disc marked "RCE 19375'' along the northwesterly subdivision boundary common to Unicornio Street at the point of curvature of that certain 20.00 foot radius curve being cohcave southwesterly, a 2-inch iron pipe with disc marked "RCE 8195'' was found, per Record of Survey Map No. 10840. 4) In 11eu of setting a 2-inch iron pip~ ~1th.metal disc marked -RCE 19375" along the northeasterly subdivision boundary common to the southwesterly sideline of El Fuerte Street at the points of curvature uf that certain 958.00 foot radius curve, a 2-inch iron p q.ie w 1th disc marked "RCE 8195 ", was found, per Record of Survey Map No, 10840. 5) In lieu of setting a 3/4-inch iron pipe with plastic plug marked "RCE 19375" at the lot corner common to lots 1, 2, and the southeasterly sideline of Unicornio Street, a 3/4-inch pipe with disc marked ''RCE 8195" was found, per Record of Survey Map No. 10840. 6) In l1au of setting a 3/4-inch iron pipe with plastic plug marked "RCE 19375" at the angle points of the lot line common to lots 1 and 2, a 3/4-inch iron pipe with disc marked "RCE 8195" was found at the northwesterly and southeasterly termini of that certa1n course bearing N 22 20'11" Wand having a length of 141.55 feet; and a nail and disc marked "RCE 8195 set in brick was found at the southeasterly terminus of that certain course beanng N 32 22'31" wand having a length of 97.14 feet, a11 per Record uf Sur,ey Map No. 10840. 48 UNIT CONDOMINIUM -C.P. 270 ,,......,, ..... ' . , I i li C ' r ' I) 1 : I I certify that the following are the names of a11 present fee owners of real property affected by such corrections. Richard Will1am Bolls and Gwendolyn Flora Bolls, as Trustees of the R. W. Bolls Family Revocable Living Trust UTD December 1, 1988, and Alfred Falter and Marianne A, Falter, as Trustees of the Falter Family Trust Dated August 1, 1979. CERilFlCATE 0£ ENQlNEEB ' I, Lloyd Hubbs, City Engineer of the Cit r.;;::f;;lfl:~8'0 , State of California, certify that r have examined the foregoing Certificate of Correction and I find that the only change$ shown hereon are changes provided for by Section 66469 of the Subdivision Map Act. Lloyd Hubbs City Engineer~ RCE 23889; Exp, 12/31/89 / Fila No. I, Vera L. Lyle, County Recorder of the County of San Diego, State of California, hereby certify that I have accepted for recordation this certificate of Correction filed at the request of Grabhorn Engineering Corp. bo/ Richard G. Grabhorn, this __ _ __ day of ________ , 1989, at _____ o'clock, _.M. FEE: $7.00 VERA. L. LYLE County Recorder By: --:--~-------------Deputy 6" i.u- .4N f,/984 7R.OS W$/OAIS 'ACT, 'TLE iOY OF HERE SSUED T R lJ E A N D COM P I , ET E A S S H O \.IN , T II AT A J, L S T A K ES , MON 11 M EN TS , AND MARKS FOUND ARE OF THE CHARACTFR fNDTCATED AND OCCUPY THE POSITTONS SHOWN THEREON. I WTLL SET ALL OTHER MONUMENTS OF THE CHARACTER, AND AT THR POSITIONS fNDJCATED BY THE LEGEND lN THIS MAP W1TlllN 10 DAYS AFTER COMPLETlON OF THE RE(}lll IIED IMPROVEMENTS AND THEIR ACCEPTANCE BY THE CITY Of CARLSBAD, AND_,:Aft::.\~l}.GJI. !i_Q_NU~ MENTS ARE OR WI LL BE SUFF1CI ENT TO fNA•Ol~~ 'tHE i,;'tJ'IWl}f TO BE RtTRACED, (SEE LEGEND ON '.:,llEET 2.t:··,-.. ':; '\,r,,\_ ~i\' ll11-·1~f/c9$4 k~~-.. •/,,,.::·;:·.\/ lffE !9315 \',, , _/,, ,/ '. ! ., \ I ' R (J N A L J.) A • ]H'. C K M A N • Cl J y E N (; I N r: E R u F' t HE . t [ ',1')'' CU." ('ARLSRAD.. CAL!FORNT A, 1i1 fH.!H r:untFY TllA"t -r::ttAVP' F X AM l NE O 'f ll F. AN NF X f·, !) ~1 A I' 0 F TH I S ,; r 1rn l \' I ,; f ON l O HF uw W N A S r: A R L S fl A D T R A CT N O • 8 4 .. ~~ ( L A CO '.-; TA f' 0 I N Tl: ) C: 0 N S I :-; Tl N G OF 2 SHFFTS AN!l IH:'.,fR!lHJ) iN )Ht CAl'T!UN TIHVEOF, AND IIAVE FOUND THAT 'llfE IH:~;J(;N 1::.; SllH~,TANTIA!l.Y THE SAME AS I 'I' AP f' EA H Ell ON T 11 F f H'i TA'/ I VE MA P AN f) AN Y A I .'ii" ~: A I I ON S THEREOF; THAT ALL ll!E l'lHJVlSIUN:; OF THE ',llBDlVl~;toN MAP ACT OF TH£ STATE OF CALlFO!UdA, AS AMF1'1H.D, f..ND OF ANY LOCAL ORDINANCES OF SAi!) CITY APPL!CAl\LE AT THE TlME OF APPROVAL OF THE TE.NTATJVE MAI' HAVE BEEN COMPLTF.Tl WITH, A ND I AM SAT l SF I ED 'fl! AT '.; A l D MA f' f S T F. C II N I CALLY CORRECT. l HEREBY APPROVE AND RECOMMEND SAID MAP. RONALD A. BECKMAN RCE J 7911 CITY ENGINEER '°'-· ) r I , \ '() -By : .. .L<-:~~M:. .... ~ L,,,.... -·- DATED: J, MICHAEL J. HOL!'.MII.IER, SECRETARY OF THE PLANNING COMM1SS10N OF Tf1f CITY OF CARLSBAD, HEREBY CERTTFY THAT THE TENTATlVE MAP OF CARl.SRAD TRACT NO. 84 2 (LA COSTA-POINTE) HAS REEN SllBMTTTED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FOR REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION. M!CHAEL J. HOLZMILLER SECRETARY OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVED AS TO FORM THIS VINCENT F. BIONDO, JR. CITY ATTORNEY 19rr THE 1, PORTER D. CREHANS, CLERK OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ICE HEaEBY CERTIFY THAT THE PROVISIONS OF THE SUBDIVlSlON HAP B-• ACT (DIVISION 2 OF TITLE 7 OF THE GOVERNMENT CODE) REGARDING MAP (A) DEPOSIT. ES, AND (B) CERTlFICATlON OF THE ABSENCE / 0 F rH E :i ,\ !) :,r'.TS rED I' AS OF LIENS !,S~~~t:;!4 TE, COUNTY, MUNICIPAL OR LOCAL TAXES OR SPEC M..:::...,... ~:"Miil\.'QLLECTED AS TAXES EXCEPT THOSE NOT YET PA , MPLlED WlTH. PORTER D. CREHANS CLERK OF THE BOARD Of SUPERVISORS DATED: FI l~E NO. J1 b-08"!)'. 7(-j,-(t; I, VERA L. LYLE, COUNTY RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALlFORNIA, H~REBY CERTIFY THAT 1 HAVE ACCEPTED FOR RF.CORDATION THlS MAP FILED AT THE !-:~EST RICHARD G. ~RAB!IORN, THIS .. /3 ►.;!. _DAY OF 7J,,1t1,# ___ _j I 9 g,~: AT ___ ';/'_<~--:..-0' C LOC l{. /.I. . M. VERA{' !)LE -COUNTY f.:F:CJJRDER FEE: ,.,, /-· A'? __ . . l / / .' .,< ~ a ,<,..,.._,,,,'-""'1.-.., . 1 DEPUTY .. e50-0014