HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP 89-06; PELICAN COVE INN; Site Plani I I - I ,' - C -, ' - '. r""'.. • ... ! l, QY,.aUffl "°1'U I .. >r • Pl,Qal,...'1 I~ ~ ♦ • ,. ~llt«; UU.~ a t 11 .. " • ~KYLIOHT ~J l... IJ' • f ~ THI.RM.U. NA:'.11 liD 1 •ti,.. .11' ~ •- ~~ CQMPW.1,11C-, n:a rzn u 3,10 WNPU'ln ™1.Yalll8 l/M!C ™6ULATioM. i;:CT':Ql.IOR tf'AU. I~!.~TIOM; tLob~ lNStrLI.TIONl ' ~Z.ING: SH.AblNG! ALL EXTER'!t.~ WF.fl'!'l-! 11'.F,! .<:!'i'N TPf'Etl u-1.10,,. .. ALL !XX!lt8 A»Cl" W'INVQW"J 3HALL aE CERT"IPI":Q) AND ~:t::I,RD , nIDICA.T!HG '1'HJt..T THEY ME!T' THE STAiHlAftDS ~JtE'S-CiH:JS·r:D t-lf TllU: "2-SJV OF 'I'Hll: CU.H'OP.NU.. STJ..'I'E DUIIJ)-UfG coo~ (PAAT :jl:. TTTLE ~4, C-~-~. PJ-t0 THE l~7~ A.N,5.l, A~R INYILI'P.ATION STA!lOAP.DS) w:t:n; CALI1'0~U QUALITY .,,,. 'th:E llfS~TTO!f-~ ~ A 92GNED ~CJlTE •• ; ·• ~CTION 276. AFTER INS!'~ lNSDLA'l"lON, ".l.'HE ~ SHALL POST lN ,\ CONSPICUOUS LOCATION-IN TR£" eon..r>ING A. C5!TIFICATR StGNED BY THE I~ ANU TH~ ~lJILDl:R~~TAT~NG 'Pl-IA'!' Tflfl: TN!.1'AU .A'l'TC.N C0rtront6 TO Tfl:E; REQUIREMENTS OF TITLE ~ 2.:, .PAAT 2 CIDIPTER 2-5), .wrtD 'l'HA'l' 'l'flE MATERIALS IN-STAI.LEO • CONFORM \IIITH THE is'EQ{JlREllff)f'!'S -OF TJTLE 20, CRAP'I'ER 2, , " , .&IBCrLAP'!'ER 4. ARTICLE 3. THE CERT:IP'ICATE -SHA.LL ST11.TI: 'I'lll: 1'_ 1,-1111.t-lJJ"ll•:TTJP.~' S Nll.Ml: AMD JlATERIAL IDBN'fJ;""fic;\.'l'JOtl, THB ~ ' ~ T-N.<:;"l".l,U.m "I<" VA-r,1tt, AJ'ill (!li llif>PLI<':'ATION OF 1.<XiSE l"'ILL e,., Ult:IJLATION) TI:U: MINIMUM 'IN~ALI.m WI':IGIIT Pr::R SQUhl_E FOOT L;. CONS!Sf'.€:NT WITH 'l:HI:: MkNUFACTTIBER'S I.ABELED DE?,ISITY FOR 'Il:lll ,~ -DESIRED ~R" 'V).LUE. ~ e.. .AL:. on::Nit--G;S IN THE BUILDING ~PE SUQ,I ,llS E:JlTER!O,k , , JOIJJ1'$ A.ROtrWO "iii'INOO\i.S A.'ID DOOR MAIIE:S, 8!."I'Vltl:N W>.T,L _,:;:n.T.<:: ~ AND FLOOR SlTRFA.CES, BE"l'WEEN WAl,l, TOP ru~ AND FRitJo!IKG ._ ~ •• llOVl".1 l'l~E1!lf l'X'I'XlUOR Wll.L f'1111n-i, Ol'Efil?il"G-S IN WAU.S, • .._ " CEILINGS, FLOORS i ATTIC F'L()ORS ~ P1..tJMB.IMG, E:L:£c'i'RICAL, ~ ,:-, GJ..S LINES, CHun,,ltyS, ETC SHAU BE StAl.:E:D TO LIMIT _t_, WfU~TION l \_ \;. AJ.i.i.. f'AN;; ~Ai.1~~ivs-tm -~ 'h PP:Ofrow nTH .. -' BAC:{DFAIT D1il'l1"ERS ,, ro. ' C ""• I\LI, t"~CES ~ 8-E EQOIPPUI lfI'TH THE FoLI.,OWING' . " c. 'I'J.,..;~ PTrTIN<i ('Y.)$,t,BL£ ~ .11..,:;::: DOORS covmnm Tim ' F.N'l'TF.::E Cll"ENiNG OI' Tllr: l"~OX TI~HT FITI'ING J;'LJJ,t; DA.Ill':.¥ WITH READILY AO::c;$.,;:l~t,E CO~OL. EXTu>.J'.OR COMMISTIO!f AIR J:NTAKE (6 SQ. U.. fllJa ) WITH TlGH'I r-!T'r'7NG 01•.xFl':R THAT :ES Of>ERABU ANO f RY~DILY ACCCS5ID~. t-•.i°~rl: -'>HALL ~OT HA\:E .l CON'TTiroOUS 8tlRNlllG P"ILOT :UIGM' ~ SPACE HEATI}l(; EQUI~ $:iAl.L U -WITH AND SHALL COMPLY WITH SEcTIOH CJ.LIFOF.N!A S'I'ATE IlUlLDING CODZ (PART :'!, S!'Zl!:D Df ACC01WANCE 2-~3,2 (~) _ -or Tim TITLE 24, C.A C) ALL HF.AT:.00, VEl'iTttJ>.'l'TNG, ,.rll CO!IDIT10NnaG Mm H'1t.T?:Jt: ~TnJC ~l'MU<T SJ:f}..I:.L ¥.ElIT ALL Oi' THl': RD;lt)l.Jl..!2ret,l'l".:i Of <rBE APPLl1\NCE EFFIC.l:El'-ICY S'l'.'lL'mJ'I.RD:S ANO SHALL Bl:: CERTIFIED TO Tffi CALIJ"ORNIA E!iERGY C;)MMIS5ION AW., l'HEP'W"JST:A.TICALLY coii'T'J.'OU.FD ftll'.).TrNG s~ SHALL RA.VII: ~N 11.TlTOM>.T"IC ;,-SE'I'Mct:" TH~AT FOR AT l.F.As:T 2 .-'~.J.(.Jil~ WI'l'HW ~ -l HOL"RS" A TWO STAGE f{Ell.T ON IT:S Pl.JMFS, ~$TAT, WHICI'! ' CONTROLS THE STIPPL~Y SECOl'IC· STAGl:, SHALL BE :Rt,"$TT"Rn':· ?Ols ALL HEAT 1 BQUIP!lfEN'l: W!::!l"CH ~IR£S FF"L'llli"tIT!: ~CE TO EtrICI.ENT OPI$.ATIOO SltU,L BE !"tll1.NISRED wrra NECESSARY MAINTEl'l}tJ,l"CE JNPOP.MA.TION. ALL GAS-P-IRm Il'M T'if'E CENTRJ,.J. rtlRN.ACES, ~-r.l.Kltl) FAN T'fi'!: ~Al.,L FURNACES I Alfi:, CVQ11.:t:NG AP'PLIWCES ~L 1JE EQTTT"P'P'rn WI'I'H 1,N INTERMITTENT I@tlTION DE"/I-CE+ 11:LL-'!'RANEVERSE DUCT, -PLDTT.lM )J,1J:> 1T1"M'.NG JOnn'S S1iJlLL BE seALED WI'l'a ~t'RE S~fS1:1'!VE 'Un OR KASTIC "rO--l'REV!ll'f AIP. LO!:S AHO G1lALL BE DlstJL.1\.TED 111'lffi .K-:.?., l :AS R.EQUIRfil TO COtlt-"Q!'.M 'l'l.l 'l'J-:li:; f'ktYJISIONS o:r ~'!(:'T'TON" 1 UO!S 01" THE W.C • .l.98~ 'Ef)i'T'TO». _ ,Je. ~ it1.1.: p1M:111,;. rr AN m;cmmrtlon:D SP1lCl! Ln;Dllf(i To. AD 1"P.(lM I • I ~ HUTER$ SHALL BE ~ w:;TH Dfsot..\'I'Iml wrra AN ' ~-:l "'IH~ 'l'HERHiU P-J:;!,'l!:>'"TANCE Of' .-J ,¢11:. auT:tR ]l"t":i'R Tl'rr. !'; Tli-, r jN l'lJE l'INCO!fDU'.IO~ $?1'C'I".. _ Jli!"'ifj,., S'l~AAGE-·1-~,i,e; WATl::l-1.~ HUTUl:5 MV ~"'TORAG:E Ma: OP T~ -PQR -, ,r~ SOLAF. SYSTEMS SHll.L 8-E EXTERKU.LY WB-Ju>!>li:tl WITH INSULA.TION-" !lAVING AN INSTALLED~ Rl:SI5TANCE OF R-2 C.R c;R~TER. ALL LAMPS USED lN LUMINARES FOR G:i::NERll 1.J:GlfflJk.; IN KITCHENS ~1.1 JMTtiROOM5 SHALL MY?: AN Ul'.J:Cl.ENC'i 01' NOT LESS THl.N 2-'5 UJ'Mra1:;. 'PITT,: Wfl"1'1'. SROW~RltUO.$ ~ FAUCETS sa>..tL BE ~ ~ n.o,. .RESTRI.CTORS AS OUTi.INEO IN THE APPLIANCE UF!CIEltCY irL'iU'lwu-JJ~ .V.D-SH.U.L. tll:: ~Il'n!D TO niE ENlc:P.~Y COMIUSSION. ',,, -~ fflJS toESIGN ,::;y THE :E'F:oJt':CT DZPLIC'I''.ED UI Tm:SE !>RA1U1~S '-:i~IALLY CON1"0RM5 'l'O THE ~ P.mtfl.ATI:OIIS :FOR ~IO~ 'if &ITWINGS, ,, :. ~[_SHEET", SCHEDULE ~ -1. SIT-E 'PIAN MID f'R<),Tf:CT DATA l-~ 2: NOTES«~ r -j... ~ rt.('X,R PIJi,lll'. ~ i;n:ci:irn Fl.CO~ ~ I_ -,' .,,, V . .t1"0UMDATTON ;FLA!f ., 10. .SECOtJD FLOOR FRAKING * '1l!:XIIF n:miil:NG PLJfff ROOl'" ~ PLW = PL7,N •' -£X'l"l!:R'IOR ?:&EVA'i't(lil$ .EXI EJUOR :Jl!LEl,'AT':1~$ '-+, '· f , :IL...., B1!C'TIOKS ~--, 12,.." $£(:'I'IOll.i:; 1 P'IRS'l'n.ooREI$CTRICll.PLAB" , l ' l ' ·' tt :!33:& !'mCOND fLOOR ~C'?RICAL. !'LAN 1 t ..-' ( ti~ .. ·, Jf' ~-\. ~. ~-,.,, .-~-' t, /:c'f'1,.-• -ifooR P1'0l!BING PGU1 , -,4_;;, ', "r ! ; • ~ llf.,._SECOND Jl'LCO'R. ~ ~ ;. -, ' ~ _, ..,,. ~ J l--,~-~~--p~~~I~ ~+~_:: -:~~ J ~~~ ""." L :& r a ~=·-~ '[• . ,, a>-0--_,,, }~--~~:;f r :t'. ' I ~ 2,1 § El ~ El • §I IE) G ~ llfi r1~ \ NOTES lXll'!'lMa noHHV l,.l'Ji~ '!'O ~ r.x1eb0-JlllOP~~ l,.lNI TO u :c~ SXIRTlNG Cl!'$, ~ I SID.Dl'ALJI --, lXIl:JTIMQ. pown I HLXPHONJ: POL: '!O .mo.IN ~feECX OV'DIO.tfG m!lll'I'll'lc;I £'l'OJDI DAA!N Jr'tW MAHPED CONCRETR :P"VlHQ :,::XISTI~G l1'AMPEP CONCRETE TO MXUN ""'"""" nu: ~FACE DR/1.INA.ar PAf'I"Ell'N • /il..OP!: ~, !:IE lt EKU'I'IH<. BED , ffREAKf"AS'I' IMM' DO"ILDING TO BE ~ lfJ1mmtf -!ll!ll,L 3" DllMETER CON~ Jl'ILLm BClU.MID f8-UI1.DING WCOTlCTIOII') LINE OF 8tlll.D.UIG .AilOVE ~ISl'I!'Hi 400 GPM G1JHI• PUMP WITH l-l./"J. tlI' _llfOTOR TO ru!J!AI)'f EX'IST:ING m:A!HA.GE GFA.TE 'l'!::· Rl!X).ll XX.L~'.l'l~ FREE STAl:IDif.lG $!(";ff 'PO RfflAIN CONCP.ETl'! l"ILLEO Qn DI.AJll:E'n:R sn:£t. P:rn i'ROTEC'I'l.VE AROTJND ,i,' l'.Jl.AME.'T?:R STEEL S'J'.1t~ COLf.lMl'<, HEIGH"!' -'.'l' 0" EXISTING D1<.!V'F.W1'Y TO RDO.IN EXlSI'XNG 6~-011 HJ:Sli liOOD FPlfCf'. TO~ ' BXIS'I'I!fG $:'rllRS '!'Cl ~ LINE OF~ t . EXI..STill::'1'00DEN ~ !O ft" '"""'----DOTY lff:!AL co~ X,,~TC.IIP CDR~ IWII'" (.stmF"ACE IS TO Bl!: SLIP REG'IS'!'AN'l')- -£;ALT n~s~ srnRWAU;: • ~ ,"'8'l'RIP "• WIM-~~IN¢ ,!°iD~ {~~l:; £1!:."J'.A,iL 7~/N) -~ ,,,.pqJ4Q~ IN"ll"t< r~ ~LicJ:i!!l..E CODF.S WI~ SEE CROOVE$ LOCA'I'Et· A.1: ror ,[ CALI!'Oll'llU. ST~ BUIUIING o:J{J£, 't'T1'T ,l': Z-4 l.TJ'I~ Fl!lTTJ'JlNG C'CIDE: 1'9-B"~ lro!TIQllf TJNIFORM ME~ICl'l.L CODl: l:,\1:1!;, t.l,.>;i;'l'IOH 1.JN,J,JIURM PLUMBING com 1n~ EDITION NATIONAL ll.ECI'RXcAL QODL l~S7 EDI~ION 2 ..... filDP'I!: :t:i'N!$ll'F11 ~'R-~nF_ A.,.,'AY 1'F:OM ALL &llLD'.rwiS Jlt,1[) ~- ~S HINiffllM 2" I~ fIV'E FEE'I' '. 7_ SLOPl': ALL WALKS 1mmru,i OOILDINGt: OTHER STiroc-roru,$ Al,(; ~ ~.m:-ntrCAL ~II, COMMJfUw\fl-00 CONTIUIT, o.moo:.100 Sl'!RVICE FAC'Il,ITIES AND O'J'J,I.U{ U"I'ILITY 5!:Fl.VIC'ES -5ff;\.U, 'RF lll::C~L'Af.LRD IDlDER::;p_o~ \(l''l'HTN THll: B001IDA!lr1:$ Or Tirn PROJecI' sn, EI.EC'l1UCAL Sl!:FV!C!: Sl!U.L 8:E LESS THAN ZOO iLtfPS m.RC'J'RlCAL .::;:i:SfPI £HALL BI". l,R,')J:'IJ,IDE() 'Pmi JrfEC &.RT. 2~.S-lfc} CO?IVElllENCTI OOTLETS Itl 1;1-7,THROCW~ A"t!D ALL I:NSTALV,.TIONS SHA!.L Boe: 0!4 t;I''I ~ECTED CIRctJI'I'S RXRAUST FAN$ Mt:ST BE DUCTED 'l-0 EXTERIOR mF. LAN0SCAPr: ~ ~~ saA!,L ~I JCQ'J.IPPm ll'l'RO-V-W Bl\CU'LOK Pl-0:;Vt,;WL'J.t.Jtl DEVICE • ' 0 0 ' L,~ l"~ i 0 ' -' - \ (_' (1 _ _,, -, (~, ,,-l: ,_, ' i • i, 's: : I EXISTING BED I , EXISTING I I I I & ie11EAKFAST I f'. r. ,f"l.O / I I I I I ' . . I I I -. I : l ,;:te, - ' INN I ' I , I i I WALNUT • I PROPOIID I , H 'W-:7 ~, ' ' / ! -ur ' ' ' AVENUE ' ..,, '.~ -·~ ,,, ,,~ .. ::,+"'" ,.;". >' .::-~' "~-~ .... I I I I I I I rt if I I • @TI I ., ~~ tV:/,-@ (//-;:,, I I~ I / • • • ,.. • • ' ,, • . • " -• < 11,1 a: «; . ·-.. '' __________________________ .:._ __________________________________________________________________ ~-~- • ~ PI'flri:-~ --I'l.,ANS.. MID otf'l"I,nfll 5"1:C:CITC..~ONS W.S Bl:Xl4 DE.vn.DPED- ' lii;R 'l!l'm pl'JM-'O!,-F. -0:r OB'f'AIN'[NC ffiE NECESs..ua ~II.DING Ftf(MT'l'5 FRoM , 'THF. crr"l 01' CAra,SE,AD. C'Rl"H(:.M, APCH:!:tf.-C'."T'fr..AL AND GTRU~ 1j, NOTES AND-Dt'.M!.US THAT Etl'ECT STRUC"rITT,.AL INTEGRTTY AM1 ~TH -' Sll.FI'.'TY CONSYDERATIQNS >.RE PROVIDED l'HlS :;~ DOES NOT, HO~, ~ EXTENSIVE PmI:SH [)t,AT::::LS AND/OR NOTES ~OR DOU IT nkLl..TDE" ~na: 1<~(:HTT?:C"l'ORAL OR ~IJC1'1JR.i).L D!IT"A.£1..IlfC. ,~ -U IS ~,t;.(J Tl:lAT Tl!E sroo:nti:: ~ IS -?:l'(PDT IlJ -516 05i; - 1!£1i; l"'H:U) AND WILL PROVIDE J. 1001; CQKFJ.,ETg A:JID 11iOROOOH JOB :rKCU.'IDI~ J.LL 11,1.T~, LA&JR, EQOIPMllf'I', ETC. AS AFPROI'IU.\TK )I., l"OR 'l'HlS TTI':E ~ OUlLITY 01" ~, , I :· ~ 1"f',. IS DIPERP.!Ta, ~EClM-I.Y MR WV.-TR1llllS 'mM' f'~ ?'Dli$J:I' '.;; J WORK, 'l'~'l' ~ ~ACTOlil: M£I:l' TJD: ~ T.11£. Ui<JNER OF.-:Rl~ l -. , REPru:sENTATi"V'£ ~ DEVn.OP A CLltAR ~ oP 1'HE KA'rElU).LS., ~, 'lUALITY MD EX'!"l:m' ot ™ ~T fltt OWJrmi. artcts t'O BE INCl..CftJEP---· __ ' J ,/1 ni TirE a:rn FOR lolOMC. _ __ •----... -~- " ·" . . ';;4'_,____,,,,,,..,._ -:;,.~~...-L~.L~~-"':-;e..,. .......... -✓~ ' ' I • f ' ' ' ... NOTES GAAD:nii. f"(Jf{ 'l'K'IS ~ SHM.L NOT Jl:XCE:!!t'1 5-0 Ctl. UlS. ~ ~~ CIJ'I' l FIJ.,L AND SliALl, BE BAI..All¢ED WITH NO EXPOM' OR -· l.N'V B,,.I,.!l:WO..:K 5lV&LL BE 1.211-l.Ta:i 'l'O DIRLCT!NG SURFACE DRAilU,.GE" NIIA'f JfJrolll $1'R~. THl;PROJ!:C'? tXYES HOt' ~iRl! A ~ING~ ' I ' , : _..,.,.. J ·-"'-' , . ~-•-~~NV I, ' o.WNER ~ COVE INN RO~ERT & Cl::LESTC to..r.JI: 320 WALNUT AVJ':N'"-1"1: CAP.LSE.AD, CA n00-8 (6l'i;) 434-.'5995 ARCHITECT WILLUX DOO":'H-' RO~ERT SOAJU:Z ARCHl 'I"t!C'l'I.J.'-\t: O! ~lJ:l,Nl's ING i',O. =!OX 4651 CA.R!,SBAD, CA 92-00!! (619) 4'.34-8474 -wILLIAM M, :e-,::)QT'ff, ~R<:F'T':J'"F(:'J' CALIFOFJ,!k REGI:ITRATION NO-. counn LEGAL DESCRIPTION 'THE NORTHEAS~Y ~.oo Fttl' t)f" TME W.PiliiWESHJU.Y 120~00 F'FXT OJ!" TR.ACT 219 OF THUM LANDS, IN' 'l'l=IE CIT"t Oi" CARl.t;DAD, C'OWTY OF SA1-l" DIEGO, STATE Of C,U.!FCRNJ;J,, ACCORDINC TO Tli.!: MA.-' THUU:;V.f" NO l+:i&+, flLll• IN '.['HJ;: OFFICE OF THE COUNTY P.E<XIP.DEF (lf .$A)'/ J)l'F:<'-.<":· C\Jlnn'Y, DECEMBER 9, 19l5 A.L.,J. THAT PORTION OF TR'.Pt.CT 2 l9 OT l'ffl.l!I! ~$, IN ~ CT'T"t C6 .<:1•."!<T~<:;'BAO, 0:00NT'{ ot SAN DIEGO, STAT'!" OF CALil"ORNI.a.., ACCORD~ TO 1'!AF T~EROOF NO 1631, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ru;c~U. OI" SAN CJ:i;:r:;o com."T'J, O~Dml'!R i, 1915, DESCFIBED AS f'OLLOWS THE NOR:rHI'.ASTlll.I,Y S-C•+O FEET OF 'l'li£ SOUTHWI:.S"l'ERL't' 170 0 PEET EXCEPTING '.L'l-!.:.:hU-"P.OP!. •n•l,t: r,lt).R'll-lWE~'I'~.:..y 100 0 FEET THEP.EOF, •-srA TISTlCS ' 'EXIS~Itl"G LAND um· ~R0POSED LAND (:t~ <.WERAL PLl.lf D,t;~J.Glli\'I'!btfi! LOCAL FAClLITIES KANi\.G~ ~ !';UJLDING COVERAG~• L,Aill:JSC:APR/H.ARDSCAP! COVERMlrl 2, ·,i-,l'-6". B SF • 2-L a.:t ~.4-f,~.O :JV -)l,)~ .,~31.~ ~ -43,'A. OCCUPM:Ciil ')'1.'PE OF CO!l"S'l'i,:IJ(.."I'I{)N; :rttnIDER OF ~ra;E~: d!EIGHT COl'mri'IO!liALIJSEn'RllrM' V!RD!tCK 'BED ii ~P.v,JQ'.AS'r, GARAGE: 2 J; '4°U. 2'5, in- ~ 8-42. ~ SF • .i,~1-1.u 's.t,, ·~ 1,075£&. SF 33~. l:: Sf' 1, 4:ll,.'7 ·~· A!,t'iI'i'l:04t" fdrAL AiGu:rit&;: ' ,_r.x~:mc''Q ~ 't Z4,.,!lL,~ p. i. .';TZ\:r..J~<:: - "'!raw 8+5 11: 2-0.0,• S"l'lllll!iS" ,. -. ¼ S"1"llLSr' !'OTAL P11.P.l1:IN~ PROv:u:.,:to; , ._ 9 STil.I.S'" VICINITY MAP , ; ' ./ t i 0" r r,~:ptfE , P[A~~:,.Kote~.' ·~ ;' i ~ ~· 11.r.J, 1-RC&,¥-d t~, b..$£,u!hiS • B'O!LDINGS~ BdJ& EX!Si.t&.-• t _, .:J< 41:ro PRo:°sro, ~ Sfl'.Offl.: ei TJ3:rs ~ PLm. ;; 1 ~, K Sl!OlRD"PHAn :6r--nns £'B:OffJ(:'P u,n-'l!ll:P: ~ CRI'PI~ lflll: l ~-:-;-:?' p ~XOUN'l!~ OJ' ~t .AS Sff.OWllf Olt THE Gll>"W.AL ~-~ 1'.i;'i· ...... ~f:;_ -l,-'. i l. ..__ ~:... --w" ~- I t ' ~,,.-l ~· .. - ~~L ~ ~. ~~da~-i!,, :(_;: :i£~~ rt¾:lm£~tzi ' ' - -l, _i •• •• z z - w > gQ g (.) [ [ z <( (..) -.J w a.. ' ca L '-' --;; V ~ ~ ~ -~ ---c;, ~ ~ .. n •• . < (.) . 0 < Ill C/J ..I cc. < (.) "' ~ n ~'---.... ~ . - ~ 0 ' '~ -•• - ----~ ----~ =·= ;,-• '--"!'--.:: ·,~' .·, c. ' •· l ,~ ,, ~. 1, : A,! -~'•ii . #i ' ' . ::r:: u ~ ,::c ,,. ~ -1'r-O "" ., - -,.__ ~ ~-~ z :J- ;, CUP 89-06 V 89-03 ~-. :TA15,47//(Jt:'lt)65 !5e,i7b: ~,se41 f-/II.Pl NP/IVA .£,;,,?~ C,:f s ~-"//UtleNUf f&!/}'J~,, ~11n1 -: -·= -C:£--1//11:/ /11//v/tl -64· "Pff/1-L uLJj~ G e:i et-"'?'9~~/#f/,J T~ f"'$l2-I,/ .. 't#J Jd$/h/,1)0/L)t!,,$ ;,e. .::Tt?-5,#/ NfJ.,,, 'U 'C)S,'4 /,S ~- ;&f'f&M'11N/ W/t ft?({/,. ~:..o~ND C&l/eli?.: ~:...; /N8 StJl.t!,/ aUI ''/31'~ ~12-6' e /2-" t=).C.,. ' ' : =------~Ne;; t.?E /Bf/t.LYNa:-:;:f,a,::')//t!, ---"."'" _u ~ --/Mv~ I w ! "-; / . --..__ \ / " ' ' \ r I I I I -I / 4 jZ ~ I NI &? __ ,S -/lJ4/Jll2ul/l ,, I I I I I l I I I I _S:lll)CJI :£ NEW ADDITION , --' .:?.,-;V4A/Cf/l/l1 Pf}IJ?~ ,~ 9~• •lt/tAV~lj_ &f~>I --C:;:Jf~/'I . --,••, ··~" ·-·····--···-·--····'------------·- I I ,:;a,a, ' 4 Ct:U.--t,A L/Lj' '/, --w~ J~/NG::iv.oe,;. 6 iJ!¥U,. ~5t'f,.pf / .. /t'J -. Vdll)f, v!O/IIN "/. ~ 1/S 1 d>a_ • ;t-.f.4ff/Y/LL&4r r~, ~~=:i!:j"~_WA,&l~l;in~~~~~~ / ~-:J4~,11;;Va10~ I I I I I I L_ H Sptf!-:Td?4'J/Ne, # ,'5tl:d(,,,. l.;ie!A'N /!':et. ¢__ / . . I (lt/t;?/t. ' ' ~ ,6 ~ L.,/, 't'/>& /J'lt/~;I +--'+---I --70 #U?V, .................. -~ _ · _ r _gj/,PfP .::;::a,,vc:.,2_ '-£,1Je=; -~-13 ~-~/IF!!.<'ft"Mij . ' ' ' ' ---....L.,t:-----t . EXISTING BED and BREAKFAST PLANTING PLAN &f/<EiTIN~' (Af--~/N~ ~ APPROVED ;:::::flFl==t!f!!!'l"'A''ffiF~·1,1•_ iNS, MUST 1IE![ RESUBMfTTE,D WffH -C0flREC1'EIJ P ~1,NS _________________ , __ ,. ____ , ~--e /:2-/I 8 "-If/(;/! - £.f" --1- /<Nf?, ; ,?&,VAIi~ I'S:,, 'Sl'f Lt//tff / ~I.I:., :Z.,,/1//1//il/1 a~WA~'/al11 SC~/5/~&:>r ,. .t:...IY,Be:!£/4 / '.J;<!U-'-s I vr r ff/e-5, +-----"~'--4 _C/lffl2-S e1 ~ -'S&AS:C:Wd'L:'?1 dv.t?/1/I? 't'6P/ ~ '/LtflJ//1 "M v,,n £:!V/C-~ 3/ (i, 1/v'/l" Q) :::, C Q) > I I <( -~ I • I ; ----l• :::, I~ C ! -I m ~ ~ -C+ if I I I "DECLARATION OF AllClil'J'llCf 01' WORK" I hereby declare that the design of the improvements tJ.S :d,own on thc:se vJaus complies .ilh profe&.sional stanclardi -l.nd prncticcs. 1\5. t..hc Lam.1st-ape /uch.itect in responsible charge of t:.h~ des.ign of these in1proveme:nts1 I assume full responsibility for such design. I uncJers,and and acknowledge !liar Ille plan check of il1esc plam by the City of Carlsbad is a review for rhe limited purpose of ensuring that tJ1e plans comply w.it.h City procedures and other appHcallle polides and ordiaances. 'I'he plan check is not a detenn.i.nation of Ll1e tecJ11UcaJ ndequacy of t11t~ design of tJ1e improvements. Such plan check does not, il1erefore, relieve me of my responsibility for il1e design of iliese improvements. As Landscape Arch.i~e.;-t in respoHsil,ic charge uI the design ul tlicse improvcu1ents, I agree Lo .i.ndenutify and savt1 tJw City of Qi.rb:U~<l, ils Qffice,·s, agents, anJ employees hannJess frmn any ani:.l all liability, clnim;, dru:nage:il or iujurlcs lo n11y verson or p1opcny which mighc aJfac from the negligent acts, errors or outlssions of the LaI"ulsc.ope A.id1itect i.u resv,uusil>Je charge of the, <.le5ign of these improvements, my employees, agents or cousuhants. REVISIONS BY (!)~ UJ<J) ~o C!>! z z - ~ z ~ ~ I.LJ ""7 ~ 0 2 u, z z t v; Date/ 8 a:-r 81 Scale Yf I/,,_/ 1-0 •1 Drawn £?'G, f ~ , Job tf?(l, f:., Sheet ,L -/ Of 5, Sheet• I I . I . I . - \/i l/i" I I IRRIGATION LEGEND I l I I I I I I I I TP/LO ?7a ~r-1:1-,1 -H ~"sH,«t,e FOF-t1f' ::25 ~70 <bf'-12/-Cf) ;2b ? 7,tJ "'S -/ Z 1 -f <S #f-1}~ tfE:d/;:J ;2'5 67() ~-/J.'-H t.at,11 &Jt,,. :2.IS S7?'-G -/~' -e,p :V? I-o /:L' I€, 12-' -;;.., 0 /'I-' /.o /2-' 1? 12./ I I I I I I ---- '77'7-G-"i-~T SIC>& '>TFIF Sff2"!o/ '.2-/J /. P? '/11'21/ i-1----------+--+--_i?-_:-+--1/R/)---1--+!-1-1*_-_:~~1. o_ P-N~=~ r ;i} $Ii; ~, ~ ?70~,;,6-"fO t,()"4 f,1i /I ~ • "}.'7 -Z--~1 ~ ~ v'C, -t? 7i=l c:!j>f/1~ C.O?'P.Lq'<!- -t wil¥iN'i> I" ~5~ ;.«.:. wt-v!-m t:.fftfX~ $ -r~o -~~~-~~~Mffln1 -----------r··-~~ -- it:-.:::~.:::.:::.:::.:::.:::::-.:.::.::::.:::.:::::-.:::,,t'.:::-t~:.::::.t-,.._~~-.::::~-i-=--~~...,'!. ~"= ~~ ~~ff ,e,;zt,v:i,e . .. J .. l=8=t Htf/'l)I -~,2/]2 :si:/z-1_&6.. ~. ~rc<71aN e,ON7Mt..L.t.F-I I ----jji~~ ct4'~s B/6 !Vf:r,mf'~e I : ----~~ /" 50/fU)(,lte, 10 -;:;:i-,,,/N H'AJe, I . I =--=::: __ _ :?-l' ~Ci@_ -t1t6 -f() 1m~lf[;_'e?AJ I . SLe£.tte, G-/8" UtaV ~ e,, EXISTING BED and BREAKFAST IRRIGATION PLAN NEW ADDITION I /I . 1/:z, ii Ct,.&e//t, el, /!JII 1I II '~~& I/ II 12 . II II (J.,.. CD ::, C Q) > <( -::, C - REVISIONS BY . ' ~ 2 ~ ~ 2 ~ - w~ ~ >~ I D~ § u~~ ~ ~ z~~ ~ ' c(~ £J u~ i -~ \fl ~~; D. (\ ' Date/ 6 f1e,r tp'1 Scale f¥11.,._ /'-OIi Orawn/j?,"9, +f4l, ·· Job /"f?:1~ef,, Sheet j,,, --:-:z_ Ct/t° t3i-OIR . . GENERAL SPECIFICA'!"!ONS A. SCOPE OF WORK The work to be done includes the furnishing of all labor. materials, equipment and transportation, both foreseeable and unforeseeable. in performing all the work required to complete said work indicated on these drawings and specifications. B. WORKMANSHIP The work of constructing and installing landscaping shall be conducted in an efficient and satisfac- tory manner. C. PERMITS ANO NOTICES Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining any and all necessary building permits and notices unless otherwise stated. 0. LICENSES AND INSURANCE Contractor shall carry a necessary California State Contractor's License. Contractor shall carry all necessary compensation and liability insurance to cover his workmen and worl< so as to protect Owner trorn any suits, liens. and c':.c,ages. E. STORAGE OF MATERIALS .".!I materials shall be stored in a I0(;ation agreed upon as i;'!'r Owner'::-:..,!tructions and shall be stored in a manner so as not to obstruct any public rights of way. Contractor shall be responsible for protection of all his equipment and mate,ials. · F. SITE INSPECTION Contractor shall visit the site and shall familiariae himself with all existing condi0ons prior to final submission or bid. Contractor shall also determ,ne the means of transferring materials to the job site and any other factors which may pertain to said job. SITE CONDITIONS ExerCi$e a:xtrama care in ~~:-avating and w~:-~;~g near existing utilities at job site. Cornractor to coordinate with Owne, .:i;: .:tlllty locations i:,nor to any work. Contr;-:ctor shall be responsible for an'! damages to utilities due ,o nis operations and/or neglect. · G. WATERING Owner shall be responsible for supplying all necessa.-y ·-·•,ter lhrough the e,isting distribution system. Contractor must supply all necessary equipment to distribute water. H. CHANGES ANO EXTRAS Any changes and/Qr extras from orig;001 Con'•-~ct •hall have prior wn!'~n approval by the Land- scape Architect and/or Owner. I. SAFETY MEASURES Contractor shalt provid& all safety measures such as ~;9"' -;;uards. lights. barricades. and other protective r.:easures as may be required. J. INTERPRETATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Should there ba an error or discrepancy in or ~etween the plans, specifications and planting list, Contractor shall notify the landscape Architect. Cor.troctc:r is responsible for .,erilying all plant counts pr':e to bid acceptance, and shall notify Landscape Architect ol said error(s) and discrepanc~9. K. SITE PREPARATION 1. Existing soil shall be .a!,"red of all rock, debris, and no•ious ma'.erials. 2. Stockpile soil for earth mounds shall be placed in permanent location and graded to finish snapa. 3. All areaB shall be graded to insure proper drainage. 4. Finish grades shall be below hard scape u follows: 2" for ground cover areas, and 1" for lawn areas. L. ·SOIL PREPARATION 1. All plant material9 shall conform per California State Department ot Agricultural Standards for Nursery Inspection and Grading. No. 1 grade. 2. Contractor shall be responsible for the maintenance and protection of all plants from sun, drought, wind, theft, rain and heat at all times before and during planting operations, 3. All ground cover areas shall r]eive _the following amendments which shall be thoroughly mixed into top 6" of soil. · ~-I< ~J.1114'!~;;,t,? -;7' L,y' .,.-.. (a) Nitrolized Organic Redwoo ':VI i -I Soil Conditioner / I . ,_,,) Gypsum · (c) Ory Commercial "Water In'" (d) Pre-plant Fertilizer All ground cover areas shall receise weed contro_l treatment consi Ing of EC Su_ flan rated as JJe~j<~/iactwer~Jflf~:&mA: Af'Pl,.lvA10/L Te> _t>e, t.-l'k4,NUP 13'/ 4. All lawn are~ shall receive the !J?II0wing amendments which shall be thorou_ ghly mixed into top B" of soil. -7f,: G4 t..:t j ~~ I~ ~ltz~ "»~ (a) Nitrolized Organic Redwood 5,,,>i tJ; , "-t 1 -T 1 -I ' · Soil Conditioner __:.=::::,,,-.,,~-,---,-----,-,-,--,--,---- (b) Gypsum .AS f? I 7i:p Lj~j:,I? (c) Pre-;!::-:: Fer-tiliier (d) Dry Commercial "Water i,,-· Seed Application at Rate ot Stolon Application at Rate of Sod Lawn IQ be All lawn area• shall be ore-moistened to a depth ol 8" immediately prior to any planting. Al! :,ewly-oodded, s,,eded, and stolonized areas ,,eia11 be protected from tr,ff,;,. Ba~-.1111 tor au_ shrut,s and trees ~-iart consist of:'1\' ~~-• ___ 7dl--L.-t..,. __ l;_e::e'T'_ ~ (a) 1/3-nitroiized oqanic redwood · ?~ '.::~ L._;; so11 cond1t1oner ~ (bl 2/3-natlve soil (c) Pre-plant fertiHz,,r M. PLANTING 1. All plant material shall be true to name and subject to inspection and approval by Owner. 2. Substitution ol any plant material subject to approval by Owner and/or Landscape Architect. 3. Contractor ohall be responsible lor all plant material from delivery to the site to the written acceptance of contracted work. 4. Container-grown plants shall be planted in plant pits two (2) times width ol plant container and one and one-half (l'k) times depth of plant container. The pfant crown to be oet slightly higher to compensata for compaction. 5. Prune plants as directed by Landscape Architect. 6. All plants to be watered immediately after installation. 7. All plan1" to receive Agriform 21--gram tablet (20-10-5) at a rate of: (a) One per one-gallon, two per five-gallon, three per fifteen-gallon. three per foot of bo~ tree width. (b) All rooted ground cover plants to receive Agriform 5-gram (20-10•5) tabl"t per plant. 8. Plant hormone shall be installed on all boxed plant material as per manulactu,er's specifications. 9. All trees up to fifteen (15) gallon size shall be staked. Set stakes on windward side of tree. All trees shalt be guyed. staked or anchored immediately after planting. 10. All shrubs and trees shall receive watering basin and mulch as per details. 11. All planting areas shall receive post plan""3 fertilizer sixty (60) days after planting operations. and shafl be apµiied at a rate per mari":'tacturer's specifications. 12. Pl;:int t1uantities on the plant list are for Contractor's convenience oniy and nrit ouaranteed to be accurate. 13. Plant symbols tak" i,recedence over quantities specified. N. PLANT MATERIAL GUARANTEE ANO REPLACEMENT All •hrubs, trees and ground cover installed shall be guaranteed by Contractor to maintain h""lthy. vigorous growth and appearance for a minimum period of ninety (90) days after written acceptance of Project and/or final acceptance by Owner. All plants found ta be dead or in unhealthy state •hall b• rei,laced immediately. 0. MAINTENANCE Maintenance period shall be:;::-: on the first day arter all planting in tr~ project is complete. checked, accepted, and wrj\~,;;o11 d.µµroval from Landscape Architect anJ/or Owner is given to begin the maintenance period, and shall continue for no less lhan sixty (60) days (continuous days). (a) Maintenance shall eonsiot of watering. weedi~g. caring f,.,, ;,lants, edging. mowing and clean-up. {b) The project shall be kepi in a neat, presentable appean:nca ~t all times. 2. Co~:ractor shall continuously maintain all ,~·,01vec ~reas of p!oject during the progress of work and during th~ maintenance period u,·.~•I the final acceptance of ·;,;ork-by Landscape Architect and/or 0W'1ef. 24 X. le ~IN'ftD ON MO. 10DCM el..fAA ... INI"• .. P. PLANT MATERIALS LIST Soil Conditioner Gypsum Welling Agenl Pre-plant Fertilizer Post Plant (lawn fertilizer) Post Plant (ground cover) Planting Tablets Plant Hormone Tree Stakes Tree Ties Tree Guys Nitroi'ized Organic Redwood-(loamex or equal) Commercially packaged with minimum 14% sulphur Soil Aire, Water-In, or equal l<ellogg·s • All Purpose" 8-6--4 Bandini "Gro Rite" 6-10-4 Gro-Power "Plus•• Best "Turf Supreme" 16-6-8 Bandini "Gro Rite" Agriform (20-10-5) Superthrive/Hormex 2" • 2" • 10' Redwood or Lodge Pole Pine Stakes ··Grow Strait" 10" minimum Cinch-Ties 12-gauge Stranded Wire IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS A. SCOPE OF WORK Work included in these specifications shall include furnishing ol all materials, eQ•uipment. appuan- ces, labor and permits tor the insta.l!arion and construction of an irrigation system as shown on the plans. B INSTALLATION 1 All lines. valves, and sprinkler heads shown on plans are diagrammatic and are to be located in planter areas where possible. 2. All workmanship and materials shall conform to local building and plumbing codes. 3. 1',enches tor piping shall be straight with bottom and uniform in grade, (a) Mainline shall hi1ve minimum earth cover of 1s•·. (b) Laterals shall have minimum earth cover of j-Z:,' 4. Backfill of all trenches shall be lree of rocks and foreign material,. Backfill to be uniformly placed, tam::,e~ and finish-graded to final grades. 5. All PVC pipe to be installed as per manufacturer's instructions. 6. All lawn ;:io;;-up heads to be installed rlush with finished grade. 7. A:: shrub heads to be ins::J.lled 6" above g,ade and set a minirnu,11 l)f 4'" away frorn adjacent paving and/or structuroo. All shrub heads adjacent to walkways sha:: ,,,, installed with flex-risers as per detei,. 8. All impact heJ;td:= i.o be reinforced with 3/8'. diameter rein1orcing steel and secured with g.;,!·.·.:.:i- ized wire. No. 3 re-bar shall be a minimum of 18'' in length, 9. All electric .-~i1tvte control valves shall be grouped and installed in meter valve bc,x:;:,,:.. ·:.:-:i'w'e boxes to be installed with top of box 1.,,,e1 with finish grade. 10. Pressure vacuum breaker to be installed as per manufacturer's specifications. C. TESTING 1. All irriga;;ion lines to be !lushed prior tc :,lacement of sprinkler heads. 2. Contractor shall be responsible lor leak-proof system and shall repair any visible l<,aks. 0. SPRAY ADJUSTMENTS Contractor shall adjust all sprinkler heads as to minimize oversprayonto walks, paving, and buildi'n9 structures. E. GUARANTEES Alt materials and installation of work shall be guaranteed to ::,e free of problems and shall be operable for a period of ona (1) yea, from lhe date of acceptance. E· ,11L1-lf!LPG4f7tW rtmN~ p, &£ ~1/Lf. 11i, 6-,_ d. id,, ~ ___ 1NTP:li_ 14-_. Wi/1!,iU itJ I¼ _ .A._-,./6 .,;1;, t1illVlrtJP/11 UNt.t.fS _ Sf'JUIFIW '.Pll"F$fi!i}Vf1.y c:::>N /"l.A N-.. IRRIGATION CALCS «eJJ:;~4} ~126 .Ld~ 71t~d!'/I j/ALl/6 :4-1 . Ff-lt-(11,AJ f"/f"e,,. ef'4? f!f6&ti&, ~~ 1(()(7 ,, ~/"II CJ .L,c; . {'&"1 ur:r IP., '/;, . • I I . (t) I ,//-/ l!J' ,(? ( -I., 1/;, If , '5(7 (,j I ,"5 ;( It)' ' p'5 .:2 .(5 '/,_ ,, /.1..-1--(O' /,22 ;-I /tJ I , I;.. . --- . 1/z_,. /· ~i:; 1' /.~'i;,£'fl '}? 'J, 0 ~ _/, 0 '!:i ' , 1--;., IO I , ').2 -;-I I tJ 1 , 0.2- _3, 0. '/2 " I ~6 IO 1 l,r,t;-,1 10 I , 17 _;S,C '!>-,, 11--G /0 I 'l 1~~ /tJ I , 13 db,C 3/r'' 2 ()~ 7' ::z ' () 3 Jf 71 . ,1 ,-5 1/z_ ., . I I ( 0 I ,//~It)' '"' /J3 1/2 .. ,. ,5d I() ' ,'5()-,L; /{) I • OS ;::;.,.1:5 1/J.. , I, J. :z_. /{) I (,J.2. '7'/t)I '/2 3,0 '!; ' I, a, 5 3 I ;,a,,;'/ 'J' , t>S j.:z,,:! I,. '2-, i) ')_ I '.2 . '/3 ;( :2.-' , o-5 S!f5~,,,,, Lo-;s ;. ~ 7 _,, Ir. ~ ' ii 53/r;,~/J ;~?€, ,#C?Vlf<f,IJG0Jf"S ~/2-Vr?W&, A 1 ) (;:i... tJ &i47 Sff!N~;:a. FSI f-,!=C?Vl,e&,o 213 , c r'5 / i-?1-p!M6 j='SI LCS:t -Vtl{C.tJ& ',1 1 /37 f'!TTIN6 ~S'S :2 • tJO :2...--1 • cJ;,,1rz:, //At.-!les e.2· 0 f'5/ ~ ,f,,:JP /' -tJt.ec7f2-!c. 1/a~//e, e. /.2-e-f"/,IJ "/,-so /' ~t..'f-"'YtP /~tMflt1/fJ /M/1111/ (';5) /· 81 1• ~/!.¼O 766 f°I/~ e/.2--<$/'.#/ '2,-so /" dJ.l!p,k-/4€/FrL Q, /.L6;P,#J , "/ j-:7&/ jZ£4' ?111<&.0 .Y2-· I$ p;:;; 4(/41/LA',Bt,,6 q~ /4:."~A~ ~c,7Z'~ 6/jalt-,t, 1/e~ -S!?f t=-W""~l2- f='MS;-tl;z&,P, ~~-s:-./. ~-:5 ~~ pie, LaA-b:0?f¥:--a 1. -· T er d/Vlj D~ ~~ . /tb '1 "/36 -,2.2,6/J REVISIONS BY /M~ l,~1~ ft:fDNGf 1 )\A,i:dNl-J~ q'Jl#VAlr-1kk§r ~Vt; ~L, ,, e '-------+~~faF~~ ~,F<e,Ul!,.,J.,,ie?' ~---tflr--11~ 6ftz>.O::=.- .,.._ ___ ---fr::>-,',,:; ~-ea P""~ I . I I p.o'jg~ r-----tr'~ ~,¼ -I::,,,., ~T 1-..,.:.-...,-------+ F"' ~ &(>..,.,. "!,1<;,,r-z-= ~:_ ~ ~ m ·~ ~ F'~"'f~ 2 . ~ ~~~~) D ~ ~ ,.-'M,J-~w~~b!-) -~ =i: ~ ~l!::Cl.li.e ecJ ,J1fPz- t-~ ◄ ti '~~14~~ ,""" ~ -f",:, ~"J =~"';l"7 I ~ u ~ r ~,4' 'A'ff~it·~ -~ ' w i:J:o:.;,;,-+ =; f1r4~ <"I . ~ IL ~ 111 ~~ -{/'.-.-SHtzU~-wr ~ ~, u w ~} ll ID N \J IJ 11 J4~ l ; ... 4~!'-!"!tlJV'i ~ ·1tiuiz++ Date /tJ O::,{ 6J Scale ;1/ Yo-/!...-t!) 1 7~~~~ ~ '1,)(~~ ''f~r~ Drawn(!:,, ~-ff., L -Job /fzt(,, f!,,, ---------· --~ t=i-d:±:hJtk::r D1<ltll-~t?Ur f1-At;1Tltt?f ~IL-Sheet/_-3 Of 3 S11eets CUP 81-0&