HomeMy WebLinkAbout10437; CT 81-25; CONDOMINIUMS PINE AVENUE & LINCOLN STREET; 01-02• We, the undersigned being all the parties having any record title interest in the land covered by this map, do hereby consent to the preparation and recordation of this map as shown within the subdivision border line. NELLO TIBERIO, A MARRIED MAN, AS OWNER ULO~ JAMES CLAYTON PEACOCK, A MARRIED MAN, AS OWNER ~~~a~ SCLAY~ PEACOCK STATE OF CALJFORNII, CO_UNTY OF Th . ( . On thisl.'.6~)ay of_NP.uu,~t« ,198_, before me, G.LNoR F(!)e,U!..1/- a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared NELLO TIBERIO, known to me to be the person described in and whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same. Notary Public in and for said County and State. seal. My commission expires: ' • / 0 -[ ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF On this~£r'a_ay of ~A:,tR_ , 198 _, before me, t /?J d( (:;;,t,tc}, a Notar Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared JAMES CLAY~ PEACOCK, known to me to be the person described in and whose name is subscribed to the within instrum~nt and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Notary Public in and for said County and State. My commission expires: (,-/ <J -f.) OFF! Cl AL SF.At; - ELNOII FOUCH mJTAIN PUIII.Je • CAllF"OQN!AI OIIAM!Clllltll'I ., --..... ll!l 10, 1st) CARLSBAD T-RACT ·No. 81-25 ONE LOT FOR CONDOMINIUM PURPOSES 0.597 ACRES BEING A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF TRACT 218 OF THUM LANDS, IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER llAP NO. 1681, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON DECEMBER 9, 1915. For comp/ele n?eles and bound5 leqal de5cripf1on o/ //}e bavndory oi ///is subdil/1s1on, see cerlt/ted ftlle co177pa17_v descriphcJn one/ reptJrl Qn /tie in t/Je offtce o/' Ille C1ly £nq1oeer, . C1ly o/ Carlsbad STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO We, County Treasurer of the County of San Diego, State of California, County Engineer of said County, and Director of Department of Sanitation and Flood Control of said County, hereby certify that there are no unpaid special assessments or bonds wbich may be paid in full, shown by the books of our offices against the subdivision or any part thereof shown on the annexed map and described in the caption thereof. JAMES E. JONES County Treasurer & Tax Collector BY:w,~.:-w-"1•/f:fJ,r eputy Dated • • R.J. MASSMAN Director of Dept. of Public Works BY:~~ FOR DlllECTO~ I, ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ, City Clerk of 7-15-t:?. the City of Car~sbad, State of California, Dated hereby certify that the Council of said I, FRANK c: RICE, City Treasurer of the City of Carlsbad, State of California, hereby certify that ~here are no liens for unpaid City taxes or unpaid bonds issued under any improvement act or improvement bond act of the State of California showing on the books of this office except taxes not yet payable against the tract or subdivision, or any part thereof, shown on the annexed map and de~ ibed in the caption thereo,f. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hj,reunto set my hand this .IJI. ...__ day of ';J_ J~ , 198;2. !'irA,--,p- i'RANK C. RICE City Treasurer BY: __ ~ _____ l~-~~-'C?'~- city has approved this map of Carlsbad Tract No. 81-25 consisting of 2 sheets and des.cribed in the caption thereof IN WITNESS WIIEREOI', said Council has caused these presents to be executed the City Clerk and c•'-1..cc ted this / .t -tit day of_:£,=u~L......,_'{ ___ _ by 198~. • ALETHA L . RAUTENKRAN Z_j/Jl.!L!/~«.&£:.!1,w<OL.cl.~._R.L.\..l.t/J:.i.f.l'-,:;t;;"""'.,i'111il'-'I« .. "'")--. City Clerk (/ MAP NO. 1643"7 SHEET OF 2 SHEETS I, RAYMQND R. TOAL, a Registered Civil Engineer No. 1688, of the State of California, hereby certify that the survey of this subdi~ision was made in Sepcember, 1981, and the survey and final map were made by me or under my direction, and that the survey is true and complete as shown, that all stakes, monuments, and marks found are of the character indicated and occupy the positions shown thereon. I will set all other monuments of character, and at positions indicated by the legend in this map within 30 days after the completion of the required improvements and their acceptance by the City of Carlsbad, and all such monuments are or will be sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. ~=--@'"c--=-~~-~J)-~~~-~Dated:_/.-...t!J7""'-Z=8_-_8_/ _ RAYMOND R. TOAL, Registered Civil Engineer No. 16889 I ,fl.lCHAf«) I,\. ALLEN , JR., City Engineer of the City of Carlsbad, California, hereby certify that I have examined the annexed map of this subdivision to be known as Carlsbad Tract No. 81'-25 consisting of 2 sheets and described in the c~ption thereof, and have found that the design is substan- tially the same as it appeared on the tentative map and any alterations thereof; that all the provisions of the Subdivi- sion Map Act of the State of California, as amended, and of any local ordinance of said City applicable at the time of the approval of the tentat~ve have been complied with, and I am satisfied that said map is technically correct. I hereby approve and recommend said map. RICHARD ll. Al.LEN Jr. City Engineer R. C. E. 2.1494 ~ ', 1982. ate I, JAMES C. HAGAMAN, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad, hereby certify that the tentative map of Carlsbad Tract No. 81-25 has been submitted to the Planning Commission for report and recommendation. I, PORTER Or ~REMANS, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the Count,<6\f Sa-it: .p.i.ego, California, hereby certify that the provisj,;_;_~~s pt;,. pi-v-i-s:f6.l:l 2 of Title 7 of the Government Code of the $.t:~-t$:·. 6-"f-.. Cal i.fd,n ia, as amended, havE' been complied with re'g_a,;nling--~o,eP◊6,its for taxes on the property within this s1Ul,lti)'ipioh. . , 2 PORTE.~ ~:~;~~;. ~---,: .· ·~J,-,../.p..l;j_,, Clerk o~·,t:ne,.mtiard ./t' Supervisors ~ •, , -!J I C• ' • • • FILE NO: g ,2 -..t-2.l-o.r~ :;: , VERA A. LYLE, County Recorder of the County o.f San Diego, State of California, hereby certify that I have accepted for recordati:J~is map filed at the request of Raymond R. Toal this )j _day of :::S:::U Ly , 198~ 11:ci O'clockJJM VERA A. LYLE BY: • 0 7 County Recorder Date FEE:,700 •· _, __ _J I'd. 17<itl al c,nt,rlint1 inNr1ecfion. --- ---7 -1.., "' Z\.l }--, L,) <( a: r }--, l.,l <( C'" C: I _J rd noil iS-1 cenf'erlint1 infer5ktion --- ' I • 40· • CARLSBAD -TRACT NO. 81-25 .. ONE LOT FOR CONDOMINIUM PURPOSES 0.597 ACRES CJ-\F<LSBJ-\D • LJ-\J\lDS J'YJJ-\P 0-l OJ j BBJ I L _ -rF<J-\c-r 9 9 ________________________________________ L_ -- ' I PINE. 1,:;15_ oo· Fd .3",,,f"r«lwood .Pt"t per Mop Mo. 1681 replaced wdh Z'" IP. n199ed /<'CE /~889 LOT I M 5'5°e8'3z•~ 100.00· 100.00· -- rd 3/..,,. I. P. open Accep+ed os corners or Troct Z'/9 WALNUT 220 AV£J.Jlle rd. P.K no,/ -~ 440. -,15· (IY ~,;;•eroo·e -,-,o.oo Per Mop I'-~!) ~'5.41' -~~-----·-22"0.04' (Ze0.00 per Mop /t;,8/) ____ ·-----::;~'!'( 218 ref. ¾"IP. fogqed l.5. 2940 /Yo. rel. Accep-ted o!!1 corner:5 of. rroct eee rd e;,z"redw<:>od po!!lt Accepted os mosr S'ly cor. 7rorl t'Z3 rd e· 1. P open r-. Accepred os mos+ a E't.y corner 7rocf ee:11~ II) l!/9.8~' . 30' • I I ,f40. 00 per Mop /~81 ). ~ ~1 15/0. 00 per Mop /~81) _______ ---=11 .. AVENUE Mothin9 found or set ~ -7 I 0 0 Z\.l '----./ __ , ------, .,., <.~ .---...,, Le_, Li..] LL, ..,., /----~ }--, ' -~ <( U) <( MAP NO . 10437 SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS Scale t..EGENO • /ndicotes m<:>numen+ found a!!1 noted in ~och instance. O Set z• iron pipe ond -to9 RC€ 1~889 BASIS OF BEARINGS The bos,s of' beorinqs f'or this surve{I 1s -the cenfert,ne of t.incoln Street os shown on Thum Lands, Mop Na /6tJI, ~hown fhereon as N 34° 33'00" W. • SOILS REPORT Pursl/ont fo 7J-IE Sv60/v,,..,,a,v ,.....,.Ar ACT , Sec-fion ~}4(f) nof,f',co+,on 15 11ttre1b~ /1,ooe ·rr,at o so,1 reporf~ prepared purs-uonr to Section 1793/J of. ?"he Heolfh and .:>o-1.ety Code hos been prepored by Soi/S' ond Moteriol Tesfing laboratory of. North Count-ff, Cloude 13. Porker, R.CE. 18987 ond CEO. 9ZZ. Said reporf is doted November?, 1979 and sold reporf hos been /',led with -fhe Cd9 Engineer of' -fhe Cdf/ of' Cor/sbod. NOTc Thi, 1'$a/T'10p o.f. o condominium pro/ec-f os_def'/ned 111 Sectio1_7 1350 of'-rhe Civil Code: of'rhe Sro-fe of' Coltf'orn,o, conro1n1n9 o maximum of' 14 unit's, ond i.S -f'iled pur.suon-t -to rhe Subdivision Mop Act. J.N. 4484