HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP 96-01; TAMARACK HOFFMAN PBMS TAMARACK PCS SITE; Site Plan0 4901 ABBREVIATIONS .. --0 -........... _, p -__ ,._ M -,a; -"" -...... 11.£ H 11111 -,o; -Hr ---HC IIOUD#COAE L -HM --• -...., ~ • ,a Mt CON)fflQII■ K --• II.II. """" -IIUC ----.......,.,, IIUGI --llil -...,. -Ill' -C. I: -s Cl.Ill -J Jf -Cit CIQE • -CUI CWR OCN: COMClll1E g .... .......... OCIII' --"" ---WIE llDC'I( "" ...., """ L w. -cm --Ult. ..... 1M IEFTIWII D ... -UINI UII -.... -II. U\IE """' .,,._ ...... ~ ---II IMll ---IIIL -111,1 ---... ---ll.O. --MET -u ... -... -.... trrelMPP:■ t E wr y "-B£WIOII H --Ell. ...... • -Ellilf -,., IIJl'ltQMI~ l!IGf -NIB NOrll)SQU 0 oc CXI CENIIR w r "'" FMZOFIII» --Fr RET D.D. ................. FIi ..... .... -FIR -Fm 111••• •cmas LEGEND ROOM NAME 1 ,01 1 ROOM NAME ROOM NUMBER W___ ~ ~ V 0 PLAN NORTH DETAIL REFERENCE DETAIL NUMBER (TOP) SHEET NUMBER (BOTTOM) EI.EVATION REFERENCE El.EVA TION NUMBER (TOP) Sl-£ET NUMBER (BOTTOM) KEY NOTE (APPLICABLE TO NOTED SHEET GIL Y) TRUE NORTH NORlH ARROW 1. SCALES SHOWN ON DRAWINGS ARE REPRESENTATIVE OF FULL SIZE DRAWINGS ONLY ,~4• ll 36") - REDUCTIONS ARE NOT TO SCAL~ ..... PWD ,c, .... -PSI PL Ml RBI ... ... R.O. ..., """' M 9C • ... -"· ...... SID SID IIIR ftL "" 11lL ffl' -UII. 1111 -..... WI .. ., • .... W/ wr ... ... II/OUT EL PUiSIDI PL'IWOOD ~ .. CU!IC RNff POUNDS PER uet. RXJJ PD1N113 PM SOME f'001 POINISPIII-- WWWlt LINE ----"""" ----8HEEI' --""""' -------- 'IDDltONE -iUlfWMfct: ------- ..U. IUG ..... """"'" WES1" --""" ---"""" - CAMINO VICINITY MAP D D ® TAMARACK Hoffmari REAL CARLSBAD, SD-203 CUP 96 T-1A T-1 A-1 A-2 L-1 11 01 SHEET INDEX FINAL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1111.E SHEET SITE PLAN AND DETAILS ELEVATIONS AND AN1ENNA DETAILS LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN CONTACTS ARCHITECTS - lHE STICHLER DESIGN GROUP, INC. 9655 GRANTE RIDGE ORNE, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA. 92123 (619)565-4440 ,,,, ...... .., •• ." -_l,_t;; ,,,,,.,_/ ,·"?'f-... (619)569-3433 FAX ~-:,-.......... ,,,.-~ . I I I \ D \ , '.,,.:"'·' ,- •.;.. ' .,. ... r, ....... ( ..,,,. 'I'""•',.-, ~ ~ 1·-, \) 11 ?"r TRUE NORTH MAGNETIC NORTH MAGNETIC AND TRUE NORTH FOR SAN DIEGO COUNTY CCNTACT : MICHAEL KINTZ {PRO.ECT DRECTOR) STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS THE STICHLER DESIGN GROUP, INC. 9655 GRANITE RIDGE ORNE, SUITE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA. 92123 (619)565-+440 (619)569-3-433 f AX CONTACT : JOHN WALSH (SlRUCl\JRAL ENGINEER) EJ.ECTRICAL ENGINEERS lHE STICHLER DESIGN GROUP, INC. 9655 GRANITE RIDGE ORNE, SUllE 400 SAN DIEGO, CA. 92123 (819)565-+440 (619)569-3-433 FAX Cc»4TACT : ERIC THRUN (El£C1RICAL ENGINEER) CML ENG).NEEBS BEMENT DAINWOOO STIJRGEON 6859 FEDERAL BOULEVARD LEMON GROVE, CA. 91945 (619)582-4992 (619)582-7428 FAX CGITACT : GORDON AXELSON (PROJECT ENQNEER) CA 92008 PROJECT SUMMARY APPUCANT PACIFIC BEU. MOBILE SER't'ICES 9610 GRANITE RIDGE DR. SUITE A SAN DIEGO, CA. 92123 (619)496-4049 PROPERTY OWNER JAY HOFFMAN 4901 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, CA 92008 PROJECT DESCRIPTION INSTALi.A TION Of A PERSONAL COMMUNICATION SER"1CES (Pcs) 'MRELESS UTILITY FACILITY. EXISTING PROPERTY INFQBMI\TJQN LEGAL PESCBPDQN; lHAT PORTION Of PARCELS 2 AND 3 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 3451, IN lHE C11Y OF CARLSBAD, COUNlY Of SAN DIEGO, STAlE Of Ct\l.lFORNIA, FILED JANUARY 31, 1975, IN THE OFRCE OF THE COUNlY RECORDER or SAID COUNlY, LYING wESIERI.Y OF THE FOi.LOWiNG DESCRIBED LINE: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEA51ERI.Y CORNER or SAID PARCEL 2; 11-IENCE. Al.ONG THE NORIHERLY LINE Of SAID PARCELS 2 AND 3, WESTERLY ALONG A CURVE CONCAVE SOUlHERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 960.00 FEET. A DISTANCE OF 198.26 FEET TO A TANGENT LINE; 1liENCE, SOUTH ff7d27'3r WEST ALONG SAID TANGENT LINE 358.86 FEET: THENCE NORIH 2d32'23" WEST 10.00 FEET; lHENCE, SOUlH 87d27'37" WEST 145.41 FEET TO 11'1E lRUE POINT Of BEGINNING; lHENCE LEAVING SAID NORlHERLY LINE SOUlH 1d58'54" WEST 315.70 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT IN lHE SOUlHERLY LINE Of' SAID PARCa 2. ZllHE:. RAIO A55f550B'S PAROO NllftR; 207-101-19-00 Bllll,DING CONSJRUCTION D'.f'£; RAW LANO CQORPINAJES LA 111\JDE: 33-09-09 N LONGllUDE: 117-18-26 W !EASE MFA· BlS-UNllS • 200 SQ, FT, APPROX. ,, .,. :'"'· "'.Yc'':'.'VEDTE:NTA,,:r~•:; '· • .. ·. - ·· ,lO .. ___ _ · , . ·. _;~LJYIONNO. ___ ~ I · · r:yrrs---·· APPROVED 1 THIS IS Tim APPROVBD HlUF/.'FPJB hW'/m ~PER ... C:ONDmONNO. " OF PLANNING COMMISSIWRESOl.lmONNO. 2,S: . . . i-z- 1/1,4> ~&. THE STI ~!:iaL~fi -CIR.IN1E ..,. Ult 400 MIi -. CHRIIIIA 121a-2111111 (Ill) SIS iitO (FM) -J4D PREPARED FOR: ~~e!fi«tJ@~ILIL llliolllile Service• ® "20 ROSEWOOD Ult. IIUIG.. 2, '111 FlOOlt PL£.UWllOH, C.WRIINIA 1MB APPROVALS IR.f_ DAlE lzolih~ll OAlE !CONSTRUCTION OAlE !SITE ACQUISITION OA'lf' PROJECT NAME TAMARACK Hoffman 4901 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAO, CA 92008 SD-203-11 I DATE ISSUE 2/2/96 4/14/96 ZONING PREUM. REDLINE REVIEW CITY REVIEW SHEET TITLE TITLE SHEET DRAWN BY: MRK CHECKED BY: M.K. JOB NO. 95173.00 SHEET NO. T 1 I I I I I I I I 2 l 4 7 9 10 II 12 Il 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 l 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 u 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 PLANNING LOMMlSSlON RESOI.IJTION NO, 3984 A RESOU;llON OF THE PLANNING COMM[SSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION TO ALLOW HIE INSTALLATION OF TWO (2) GROUND MOUNTED PERSONAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEM EQUIPMENT CABINETS. SlX (6) P,!>NEL ANTENNAS MOUNTED ON A 30 FOOT !IIOH MONOPOLE, AND AN UNDERGROUND UTILITY LINE LOCATED AT 4901 1:1 CAMINO REAL. CASE NAME: PBMS TAMARACK PCS SITE CASE NO· CUP 2t'i-OI WHEREAS, P:aclfic Bell Mobile Services "'Developer" has :filed a "Verified applicatfoc,, with th~ City of Carlsbad ~ga;rding property owned by Jay and Maryon Hoffm:an .. Owner'", descri.t,,ei:! ,u. Porria11s of Pu.reel :2 :and 3 or Parcel Map No. 34Sl, In tb!i!' City of C11risbad.1 County of San Ditgo, State of C11lifom.ia, r.dl!ld io the Office of the Co1111ty Record.et of Sau DiCij,'.o County, January 31, 1975 ("the Property'); ond WHEREAS. said verified application constianes a request fci: Conditional. Use Perm.it as shown on Exhibita "A"'¥ "D" dated September l8j 1996 ( to Bllow the installation or two groua;d .. mounted. Per$on•l Communication Sy:sttlil nu:lio equipment cabinets, :sh pa.neJ 11.nteanas mounted. on a 30 foot hip monnpolt. 1i11.d an undcri:round 11tllity line loc:a,ted :U 4901 El C:amino R*:11.I,) on file in the Pll!lfWni Department, l'PBMS _Tama~c:k PCS Site CUP 96-01), as provided by Chapier 19.04 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code;'"'° WHEREAS, 1he Planning Commis,;ion did on the 18th day of September 1996, hold a duly nioticed public hearing as pr¢::i¢ribed by law t0 consider said request; and WHEREAS, at said public hi:aring, up0n hearing and considering all tcstirnoey and !Uiumt::nts, examining the iniUil study, analyzing the infQmtation submitted by staff and considc:cing any writttD. c□mm~ received, the Plannin& Commission consi~d. all fa.:tors rela.1ing 1(1 the Mitiga1ed Negative Declaration. (l)iameter) OJ;l-eD si;iace t.ascmeiit $llrro111;1.di11.g the monopole, and the cquipweat ¢:lbiliets a.llid monopl).le, with tb~ ad4itiOD g,f tbe PCS antea.oas, are scr«iutd by la1:1.dsc2pin.g :apd :a.-• l~Hd far enough away from EI C:imino Real $0 iQ got to be visually inQ'Qsive to the El Camino R.eal Scenic Carridor-, 4. That th(: site for the intended use is adequate in 5ize and shaJ?e to accommodate the use, in :hat tbe J;l-roj«t 1;1u1~b all City :rt,utdimis and r;iolieies without the requiniwmit for .a variance tram $'Ul.ild"rd$, · 5-Tha( all the yard.$, setb¥:lcs, walls, fences, landsi:aping and other feanns ~s:;ary to adjust the requested u&e to ~tina: or permiw::d furure \!ses in the neighborhood. Will be provided and mainwned. in th.at 110 adjustments are necesss.ry to 9.Jl(lw the propu,al to be 1011:ated with.iii. the property boundaries. To minlmri;e potmtial vis.mil impiu:h created by tbt proje«, the project's perimeter will be· landac.aped with a cQclll.bW.ati<i11 of trees and shrub.$ :ii.:s .sbown on tbt 1>roject":1 la1:1.dsc:apc plan on rue iD. the Planning Oepafflilent, The proposed screen tree (Rh'" Lautta -"Africa S1una.e") is a hardy everereen specle$ witb full foliage. Tbey r-eacb a hc.ipt of 25 to 30 f"tM ~t maturity, :and wellld pi'I.Wide $et'lj!fflPJ.g J>f tbe monopole wbe.n the project is ~iewed from El C:11mino ~L 6. Toa:c the meet system s~ing the proposed use is adequate to propi::tly hand.lc:i all traffic gi::ci:rated by ti)!,': proposed we, in that no sl.piflalnt .iuldftiooal traffic will be gcner.ted by the installation of the Pcrsoo.al Cominuniation System equipment cabinet!! and auteumis. conditiOi* I. the 'Pl•noilig Commis:sion doe$ ~by ~pprove the Conditioul Use fett11it for the: Project entitled "PBMS Tamarack PCS Site" (CUP 96..01), (E;-;hlbia: ,. A" -,.D .. dated September 18, 1996 on file in the Planning Depanmem and incQq,oratec by r.tlis i;-¢fet(nce, subject to ~ conditions. herein set forth.. Staff' is. a.1,uhorized and directed to mlike or require ~V<:lop<:t to mllke all corrections and modifications to the Conditional Use Permit documerns., as necessary to ~ them iatcmal.ly consistent and in eonfonnicy with final aetton on the proje¢t. Development :shall occi.tr. substantially a.s shown on the appwv~d e-xhibits. Any proposed de,.,elopmc.nt s:ub:i.tantiwly different from this a.ppmval shall require an amendment to this approv$.l. 2. Th~ Developer .shaJI comply with all applicable provi~oos of federal, state and local ordinaru:c:, in. effect at the ti1m of building permit issuance:. :l. This Conditicri.al U.$e Permit is granted for a period of five (5) y¢ar.:i, Toi1, Condition.al Use Perm.it .sl\3.11 be rev~d by I.be Planning Directo:r on a yearly basis to determine if all conditions of this: permit have been met and that the use does not have .a $\lbSt!Ultial 1Iegative effecr on surrounding properties or the publi¢ health and welfare. lf the Plannina Director determines that the use has sucb subsWl.tial qeg:a.tive ,effe¢ts, the Plannina Dir,i;c;:tQI' -shall re.commmd thm the ?lilllI1ing Commission. a.fu:r providing me PC RESO NO. 3985 · $T.l.fl Of CI.Ul'Clll:Nl.1.-Tl!I lil!:!ilJUIW AOl:Na P!'r1! WILR;)N, C.--- CAllfORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION ~ ~ co.u, .i\ReA )111 c.o.MIMO lll!L •io NO!mj, SUM :20cl ,!;.1.i,,I Oll00, et. 921011-11"2~ ~ill m~ Permit At>i:,lica.t1oh Jolo. 6-2§-)39/lo Pag:e l of " 0ate November S 1496 AOMINISIRATJYf PEBMJT APPLICANT: Pac1t1c Be1l Mo~ile Services PR0J£Ci DESCRIPTlON: Construction of~ personil.l rnlWIWnicat'ion sen11ces wireless c01municat1on fac111ty consisting Qf 1nstallation of s1x panel antennas rtr:Junted atop a 30-foat high monopole a.!'1d two radio ~quipment cab1nQtS at the base of tli@ poli! on a 14.61 acre pa.rc1!l containing an el<i-sting :singl!-family ras1dence and a,gricultural buildings:. PROJECT LOCAT!~: 4901 El Cooino Reol. Culsbad, S<n Ol•go County. APN 207-101-19 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S DETERMINATION: The findings for thh determination, and for a11y special co11d1t1ons, are dtscuued on subuquent pages, JiWl.: Th@ Cc:J11111ission's ~e9ul~tlons pravids that this permit shall be reported to th~ CoMmission at its n@~t m@ating. !f one-third or more of the appoint8d me111ber,hi~ of the Commission so request, a. permit will not be issued for this p!;!rmit ij.ppllu.tion. Instea.d, tile applic.,.tion will be removed from th.e administrative calendar ~nd set for p~blic hear1ng at a subsequ8nt Commission m@Hi ng. Our office 111i 11 ri.otif_y you if s:1.1c:h remo-..a l occurs. Thh l)lilTillit will b@ r~porhd to the Cct1m1ss1on at the fQllawing t1me a.nd p1a.c4!: QATE ijrld TlME: 0e(ember 11, 1996 10:00 a.rn. LOCATION: Holiday Inn/Union Square 480 Sutter Street San Francisco, Cd IMPORTANT -Before vou mav prgc;e,:d with deve1oom@nt the fQ11avd09 must occ:ur: For this permit to become effective you must sign the ~nclo$&d duplicate copy ac~nowledg1ng the perait's teca1pt and accepting it$ contents, including 111 corul.itions, and return 1t to our office. Following the Co11111hsion 1 s neeting, and once we have received the sig11ed aclc.nowledg1t1ent ;Jm;t l;!;videnca of complh.nce with all special conditions. we Ifill send yo~ a.n a.uthoriiiJt.ion tQ proceed \ii1th development. BH08E YQp LAN OBTAIN ANY LOCAL PERMUS AND PROCEED k!ITH DEVELOPMENT YOII Ml 1ST HAYE RfCEJYEP BOIH YQIJB APMINISTRATIYE PEBMU ANO THE PiBtUT AIIJMORTZAIION F!lQM THIS OEFTCE- PETER DOUGLAS Executive Director 2 3 4 ; 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 l 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by th• Planning Commission as follows: A.) Tiiat the foregotng reeitat1oru1 are tnle and correet. B) ihat based on the evide1;1ee pr~sented at the public hearing, the Planning Cmnrnl.ssion hereby ARPROYES the Miri-C:llted Nega.ti'l,·e D,i;(:larati.on ae.cord~g to EWbit ""ND", dated August 9, 1996, the "PU", da~ed June 21. 1996, 21d tbe: Mitiption Mooitorine and llcportiu.g Program, attached herem and made a part hereof, based on th~ foll¢wing findings and subject to the following ◊omlitions: Findfpp: l. 2. The Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad has revilllwed., analyztd Md considered a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the PBMS T~clc PCS project, the e11viromni:ntal impacts therein identified. for this pi:-oj~i and said colIIIIl.eilB thereQn, and the Mi1igation Monitori~ and Reporting Progcam., on me in the Planning Depamnent, prior to approving the project, Based on the EI.A Pan~Il and cmrn:nents !hereon, the-Pl:mnine CQnuntssion. finds that there i$ M substantial ,:videm:e the project will have a signitlcant effect on the envtioM'l.ent, ~ Pl..ailt>.iq Commission does hereby fiad that the Mitiptl;':Ci Negative ~c.laration for the PBMS Tamarack PCS Sitt project and Mitigation Moniroring and Reporting Program have been prepared in ae<:Qrdan.ee with require:~ of the California Environmental Quality Act, Stat~ Guidelines and Envifonmenilll ~tion Procedures of the City of Carlsbad. :3. The Planning Commission finds thac tne Mitigated Ntgative Dec!at.ad.on for tbe PBMS Tamarack PCS Site project reflects the independenI jUQ.penr of the PlaDiain& Cmnmission of the City of Carlsbad. 4. The Planning Cormnlssion finds that all feasible mitigation measures or proj(:cr alternatives ldentific:d in the MEIR 93-01 which are appropriate to this Subsequent Project have been incorporated into thia SUbsequent Project. Condition~: 1. Approval of t..'ie Mitigated Ne-e:ativir: Dtdimition is granted subject to the approval of COP ~..(ll. Thlll Mitigatlf!d. Negative Declaration is subj=ct to all condirl.Ons contained in l:"l~a,1dng c~mmission Rit::!:i)ln:tion No. 3985. 2. l'rior Co the issuan('e of building pcr1t1.its, 1he Developer $h~ll re~i;1rd, on the s1.1bjed proptrty, a 30 foot wide (di2.anttu) open r~<:e euem.ent around the base of the monopole. The ea:stm~t ,hall be dedicated to the City l)f C.iu-libad and ~e- PC RESO NO. 3984 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. permici:ee the opportuntty to be l"i.e~d, add additional co:n.diii◊tt:$ to ~duce. or eliminate the .substantial negative effects. Th.fa pmriit may be rev(lked at .tnY titn~ aft,:r a public hearing. if it is found that thie use has a su'bstmtiru. detrimental c:ffec:t on E:Uff'Outid.Ill,g land uses and the public's health and welfare, or the conditions imposed heteii;t ba~ not been met. -Th.is pmnitmay be extended fur a reasonable period of"tirne not to~ fIVe (~ ye.iu-s ~pon written applic::atioc of th,: permittee made n.o less thau 90 days prior ro the ~xpiration date. The PIM.rung Commission tnay not grmt :11,1<:h ~;,i;tmsicn,. unless it finds ttm there are n.o !l\lb$tat!.tial negative effec~ 01.'1 SW;t01Jnditt&: limd TJS~ or the i:iublic-'!l health and welfare. If a substantial negative effect on surrounding land uses or the public's health and W(;J(are is found, the extension shall "be denied or granted -..vith wu.dition:i whic:h will elin:ii.nate or subSU!ntiaily reduct: suc:b cl'fectS. There is no limit tc the: number of extensions the. Plut.ni.ng Commission may grant. The Developer Sb.all rtport. in. writing, to the Plannini Diri:ctor within JO days, any address ohange from that wbfoh is shown on the eondition.,1 use pennit ap~liation. Approval of CUP %"'1! Is 11tantod subject to the approval of the ~ Nqative Declar:;ition. CUP 96-01 ts subject to all oonditiOtl$ eontaintd iii Planning Commi.s.sion Resolution No. 3984. Prior to the issuxnce: of"buildiog permiu, the 01.1.11er shall submit 10 the Citv a NOtiQe of :Restriction to be filed in the offi.c~ of" the COIJllty Recorder, subject to the .s:itisfaction of tht! Planning Director, aotifying a.II interested parties and successors in int~ tha.i tbe City of Car~bad ha.s issued a Conditional Use Permit by ~solution No. 3985 on the ~ property owned by the City J>f Carlsbad. Said Notice of Restriction sh.all note the property description, l¢¢S\:ci¢n of the file eont!.i.n:i.ng ¢¢mpli::ic project details and all conditions of ai:,prova.l as well as any co~ttoll.S or restrictions specified for inelusi¢n in the Noti(:e of Restriction. The ~laMinQ Dir«tor has the authority to execute and record an amendmeni to the notice!" which modifies o~ tennin:a«:at said notice up0.0. a ~i of good ca.use by the owne:-. or successor in interest. Prior to i:.suanc~ of building permibi:, the Developer shall ~ve approval of a Coastal Development Permit issued by the California Cl'.J:Wal Commission that substantially conforms to this approval. A siiined copy of the Coastal Dc:velopmem Permit must be !iUbt.niued to the Planning Direetor, If the approval is substantially different, an :anie)'ldrnent to CUP 96-01 .sb.aU be required, The Developer shall pi"O\'idc: the-City with a reproducible 24'' x 36''. mylar copy of the Site Plan !$ ~prtrvi:d by th,: Planning Commission. The: Site Pb.a shall refl=t tb.-: condiUoM of approval by the City. _The Plan copy shall be :submitted to the City En~neer and ai,proved pr~or to building, grading, final map or improvement phm submittal, whtcheve:r oecurs first. The: Developer $hall include, as pan: of~ plans submitted for any pern:tit plan ¢he¢k, a reduced, Iesibk version of the approving resolution 01;1 $. l4'' x. 36" blueline drawing. Said blueline drawing $hall al~ include a c:Dpy of any .tpplicable C.O:astal Development PC RESO NO. 3985 STANPARP CONOTTIQNS; •-96-1)9 Pa.9e 2 I. Notice of Rec@int nod Aclcnowledaement-Th@ permit h Mt valid a.nd d~v~l □pment shall not commence unt11 a copy of th~ per~it, sign@rl by th@ p9rmittee or auttiorized agent, ac~now1edglng receipt of the permit and acceptanc@ of the terms and conditions, is returnad to th~ Colilllis-sia~ off1 ,a. 2. Exoiration. If development has not· colllll@ncad, the permit will expir@ hiO years fro~ the date on which the Commis$ion voted on the applieati()rl. Development shall b@ pursued in a dilig@nt ma~ner and c~leted in a r@asanable per1od of time. Applicat1on for e~tension of tha pamit 111Ust be made prtQr to the expiration date. 3. Compliance. All d~veloptttnt mu$t oteur ln strict c011pltance with t~e proposal as set forth below. Any devi~tion from the approved olans lliti.St be rev1ewed and approved by tha staff and may require Cor.aission it.pproval. 4. Ioteroret~tion-Any qt.iist1ons of intent or tnterpretation of any condition w111 be re~olved by th~ Eiecut1ve Oire~tor or the Commission. S. Inspettlons-Th@ Commi~ston staff sh~ll h@ allow~d to inspect the site ~nd t~e development during constructirn,, subjvtt to 24-l101,1r_ advance not1ca. 6. Assianment. The perm1t may be assigned to any qualifi~ p9tson. provided assignee ftles with the Cotrn1hston .an aff1clav1t acceptlng all til"ffl$ a.ncl conditions of the pRtmit. 1. Teems and CondHi ons Fun with the I 0nd. The:.e tems and c0fl4ition:s st'la 11 b@ perpetual, and tt h thi intention of the Co111111ission a.nd the pe:T11itttt to bind all future owners and pos:sessors of t~e subject property to the terms a.nd conditions. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 1S OEIEBHI~ATTON (continued): Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 30624. the Executive Director he~eby d@t@rmines that the proposed davelapment, -subject to Standard and Special Candition& as attached, 1-s in (Onformtty ~1th the provts1ons of Chapter 3 ot the Coastal Act of 1976, will not prejudice the ability of the local gc,vernment to prepara a Local Coastal Progra~ that 1:s in conformity with tha provisions of Ct1apter 3. and will not have any significant illlS)~cts on the environment within th0 meaning of the Caiiforn1a Environmental Quality Act- Any development located behleen th@ naar&st pijblic toad and the sea 1$ in conformity ~ith the public ~ccess an~ publtc recreatlon policies of Cbapter 3. Proposed is tne cQnstruction of a personal cc111munication services wirele,s co11111unication facility ~onsisting of installation of six pa.ne1 antannas 1101mted iJtop a 30-foot high monopole a.nd hlo radio ei:iuii:iment ca.binet$ at the basi,, Qf the pole on a 14,61 a.ere s1te cont~ining .,_ ~i.11gle fa•i ly r,sidencet catportt l)Qat she(!. and agricultur~l buili:lings. The ~ite Is not u.nder agricultur1\ cultivation. The facility Is proposed to be enc1osed ~ith a 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 !O 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2l 24 25 26 27 28 2 l 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ll 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 meuund from the b9.se of the n,:011Qpi)lc to tllfbi"e tbat the stru.etu.re does not 2'teidcntally collapse on .any future hotJH:$ (tr bnildings within tb.e residend:ally ;ii;ined propt:rty :iUrTilnnding the facility. The-cultivation of .avicultu.n.l crops, irrigation ~Sttms and :lt-Ct$$ to~<b. shall be permitted within tht 30 foot tastW:ent and th~ easement dO'-Umeat sh.all so state this l)rovision. UpOD ,uy future termination of the Condition.I lT$e Permit for the Personal CamntQOieatioa System Fa.~ility (CUP 96,, 01) 11.Dd rem.0'1!il.l af rbe monopolt, tl~ 30 foot v,,ide open space easement $ban be quit-claimed per tbl! p~,ejl.Qres iestablbbed by the City of Carl.,:b:ld :ind the undt.rlyioi iand all~ to dewilop per the propc:rty;!i General PIMJ land use d~goation. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED " • rel!1l1ar m<eting of th< Plwmin• - Commi,sioD of the City of Csrl•bad, California, bold OD the 181.b day of September 1996, by tho foll¢Wiiig vote, to wi-c: AYES: NOES: C~enon Compas, Commwioncrs Heineman, Monroy, Nielsen, Noble, Savary and Welshons None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: No .. WILLIAM COMP AS. Chaiq>,= CAR!.SBAD PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: Planning Dirootot l'C RESO NO. 3984 Pemi.it and signed apg:iroved site plan. 10. Tot Devllllloper/O~ti:!.toi:' sbe.U ¢0rnply with ANSI/IEEE st.Mdard$ for EMF emissions. Within six (6) moll.th$ ~fter the issuance of oc<:upMC:y, aad annually thcrc:after, the Developer/Operator shall submit a ptOject implementation report wh:iQh provides cumulative field meMnrem.~nts of redio frequency (EMF) power de.nsities of all antennas inffl:llc:d at the -subject site. Tot report sha.11 qwm.tlfy the EMr" emissions and compare the results with c~ntly acc,:pted ANSiilEEE standards. Said report shall be subject to teView and app!'Oval by the Planning Dim::tor for cons:ist=ncy with the Project's. preliminary proposal. report and the accepted ANSI/IEEE standard$. If on review, the City 1'irui$ that the Project does not meet .A.NSI/IEEE standards, the Ci1Y may ~vokc ot modify this conditional use i,ermiL l L The Devclop:r/Operator shall and dcu•:s: hereby agree to indemnify, protect, i:tefend and hold hannli:ss the City of Carlsbad, its Council men;ibers., offic:ers, employees, agents, and teprc:sentatives, from and apinst. any and all liabilities, losses, damages, d<mlaJlds. claims and costs, inc.hiding co.urt -costS and attomi:y1s fi:cs i~ur.ccd by the Cit)· arising. directly or indirectly, frat&:) (a) Ciey':; approval end iS8Wlll.cc of this C¢nditkina.l Use Permit, (b) City's approval 01 iS.$\i.M.C~ of .any permit Qt' action, whether discretionary or non- discretio11:uy, in comiection With the use 1:onteniplatcd herein. and (c) Oeveloper/O~Qtol"s. inswlation and operatkin (If the f'Mility permitted. h,:rcby, including without limitation, :my imd. all liabilities arising from the tini:!'lsion by the fac-iliey of electromagnetic fields or other tm~tiY waves or emlssi()D$. ll. The Developer shall prepare a der.a.ikd landscapc and irrigation plan in confonna.nee .with the ap~oved Preliminary Landseapc Plan and the Citis landscape Manual. The plans shall be submitted to anct approval obtained from th.¢ Planning Director prior to the approval of the grading permit or building permit. whichever QCC\li'S first. The Deveioper shdl construct BM inst.all all landscaping as $M-Wti ¢n the approv,:d plans. and maintain all landsoi.pi111 in II healthy and thriving condition, free from weeds; trash, and debris. 13. The dt!itAiled landsca.pe and irrigation plan :!lh:11.ll lndad~ sp"imen size 241'1 boi: trttt la iufru:ient n-.mbc!ir to provide screening of the facility when v'"'crl from El Cmni1110 Reid, 11II to the satb:f:1,:rion of tbt Planning Dinctor. Eoginttring C9R411ioll:'l~ 14. Prior to hauling dirt or c:onstruction material$ to or frorn the site, the appli~t shall &Ubm.it to and receive approval from the City Engineer f"or the proposed haul route. The applicant shall comply with a.II conditions and requirements the City Engineer may impose with teaurds to the hauling ope,:aiion. 1.5. Prior to buildin1 permit i$$\13m::e,. the followjng note sh.all be ad~d to Sheet A-1 on tbe eonforndng site plan: '"No ,ub:itantial en.ding i$ propoml for tbb project. Tbf only PC RESO NO. l985 i-96-139 Pag:e 3 sh-foot liigh brown vinyl-coated chain link f1mi;:@. Tha prol@ct area. 1S l1111ited to 250 sq.ft. 1n size. The s1te is located ori the Wist s1de of El Camino ~eal north of Tamarack Avenue in the City of Carl-sba.d wwll inland of tntenta.te-S. With regard to protection of visual resourc@s, seveTijl polic1~s cf tne certifiad carlsbld LCP address the prQservation of scenic and visual resource$. According to the Clty staff report prepartd f□r the project, the site 1s locat~d about 50 faet higher tha~ the roadway ela~at1on of El Cai11ino Real. Therefore, the project site w111 be partially v1s1ble troni El Cijlllino Real which is. d~sisnated as a scenic road~ay 1n the General Plan, How~vert the surrQund1n9 natural vie~shed ls nQt $ignific~nt a$ lt ha$ been dagtaded by the ~onstruction of other co11111ercial structures, a ll'IObile homt park and · utlltt1 pol@ lines along El Camino Real, and sev;ral very tall SOG&r.E e1ectr1ca1 transmiss1ol'1 towers about 500 feet to the north. Any potential v1ews from El Cil.mino Real would be distant. However, to help buffer thos• view, the City has r,~ulred $Ub~ttt~I of a landscape plan to in(luda specimen si?e Z4" bo~ trQiS to orovide screening of the facility frQm ~1 Caaino Real. These plans have been ~ijbmitted •ith the $Ubject ~pplication. The ptopos~d tress will reach a height Qf 25 tQ 30 1eet at maturity and would ptov1da adequate sceen1ng of th@ roonopQle structur11 when tna projtct h viewed froa El Camino R~al. !11 addition. th& plans also 1nd1cate planting of several $hrubs.. At such, the proposal can be found consistent with the poli~1as cf the Mello II LC?. Although the stte is zoned R-A-10,000 (Residential~Agriculture) and designated Residential Low-M~dium at a density 3.2 dwel11ni units per ~ere, tna applic~nt has received a CcnditiQnal Use Permit from the City whieh permit-s &stablishment of a wir@l@ss co11111unication facility on the tubje(t stte, Approval of the proposed project will not prejudice the ab11ity of the City of Carlsbad to impl,ment its certified LCP, SPECIAL CONOITfQNS: 1. future Rftde:6190· Prior to th(!, a11thoti2at1cn to ptocaed with develop~ent, the applicant sha.11 agree in writing that where future technological advance$ would allow for reduced visual impacts resulting frQIII tl'I@ propo$ed teleco111111nication facility, the a;Rlic~nt ijgrees to llli).k$ thOiQ MOd'ifkation-s whtc.h would reduce ttle vhu~l tmpac:t of the propoJi:td ·fac111ty. If, in the future, the facility is no longer needed. the a.pplii;:a11t agrees. to abandQn the facility and be re,ponsible fot removal of all perma.nent structures, ar,d restoration of the site ai. needed to re-establish the area. consistent with the character of the surrounding vegetation. Before perfarmi~s any work in response to the requirements of tnts condit1on. the applicant shall contact tht Executive Director of the California. coasti1 Col!WRhsion to dehrm111.;, Han amaru:lment to this coastal d111~elopment permit is nie&SSuy. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ,o 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 II 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PLANNING COMMISSION BF-50LUTION NO 3985 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A CONDlllONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW THE INSTALLATION OF TY-10 (Z) GROUNI).MOUNTID PERSONAL COMMUNICA 110N SYSTEM RADIO EQUIPMENT CABINETS, SIX (6) PANEL ANTENNAS MOUNTED ON A 30 FOOT HIGH MONOPOLE AND AN UNDERGROUND UT1UTY LINE AT 4901 EL CAMINO REAL. CASE NAME: PBMS TAMARACK-PCS SITE CASENO-· CJJP96-0I WBEREAS, Pacific Bell MobU• Ser>1ffl "Developer" has filed • verified a-pplicati.ot1; with the City of Carlsbad re&ardina-prop¢tcy owned by l.11)' .and Mst_,.011 Hottm.:an .. Owner'', described. as Portions of Parcel 2 ll.Dd ~ of Parcel Map No. 3451, in tb.e q.ty of Carlsbad, Couqty of Sao Diego1 State of C.a.li:fon:us, flkd In tQe Office: of the County R.m::order-of San Diego County; J:anm.ry 31, 1175. WHEREAS. said verified application constmlte$ a request fo1 a Conditional Use Pcmtlt as shown on Eldubit "A"~ "'D''t dated September 18, 1994), on fil~ in the 1"1.aMing: 0.-ont (PBMS Tamorack PCS Sit< CUP 96-01) .. prowled hy Chaplet 21.42 of the Csrlobad Municipal Code; and WHEREAS. the: Planning Commission did. on the 18th day of S~ptembtr 1996, hold a duly noticed publk. hearing t0 consider said request: and WHE'.REAS, Ill: "1d public hearingt upon hmring and con,ldtring eJ.I testin:iony and arguments, if any, ofall P""""' do,irnlf; to be heard, ,aid Commission considered all factor, rcla.ting: t¢ th,: Conditional Use Pennit er:ll.d.iag t&at will M rcquJr«I ii treachinc: for tbt uiidtrground eieettieal facilities. tt Fin Conditj991: lf;i. Prior to is:sUMce of Building Permits, the Developer shall submit to the ~ire Department building pl.am for Fire Departm.crir: dct,cnnination cf conf'ormancc with applicable fire and life saf~ty requirements of the :nate and J(IQal fitt codes. 17. Pl;m;; and/ or specifications for fite ale.nn S)'$tems, fire hydrant$,. automatic fire !IJ1rinkli:rs system! and other fire pmtecti.Qn :sygtc:ms shall bl!! submitted to tbe fire Department for approval prior to construction. Gene,..I Coditiop: 18. If any of the foreaoing oonditi.oas fiill to oc:cut, or if they-arc, by their terms. tD be impleinentcd md maio~d Ovt'i' time, if any of s~ ,::onditions WI to be so im.plernenwi m:,.(I mA;nt:ai:ne-:1 ac:c:01ding to their term$, the City, ·shall he.ve the right tQ revoke or modify all approvals herein gnmted, den.y Qt' further ooll.dition issuance l)f all future building permits, deny. mroke or :further con.di1io.n all i;~fk.ates of occupancy i:ssued under the authority of approvals herein pnted, imtittttt and prcsecute litiption to com.pd thi:ir coinpliam::c -with. said conditiom or seek damages for their \liQJ.ation. No v""'d rights ar. pined by Dovoloper or•...,,..,.,, in in1=st by tho City's "!'P"'val of thi$ R.i:solution. Code Bemindtr:a:: 19. This appmval shall bo,:,me mill and void if buildicg pe,,nit, .,. not issued for th!, project within I S months from the date of project approval. 20. Approval of tbfa r,:q~ shall not CXCU$C: (:Qinpl~ with all applicable sectlom of tile Zoning Clrdimmce and all other applicable City ordirumc:cs in dfcct at time of building pennit issuance, exQept: M otbel'Wi:ie specifically provided herein. 21. All la..ndscape and im.gar.io.n plwc shall be prepMed. to cc:mfonn with the LM<l.$ca~e: Monual and mbroitted pet Ibo londscapo ~!an oboolr. .,_..... on fd• in the Pl...,ng Dcpa,1mom. PC RESO NO. l985 6-96-139 P•ljll 4 ACXN9HbiDGittfNI Of PEBHTT RECEIPT/ACCsPIANC£ OF CQNT£NJS; (/He acknowledge that I/we have r111ca1ved a copy of' th1 s permt t and have accepted its eontants 1ncluding all conditions. ~gn1ng 2 ·3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 n 24 25 26 27 28 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 n 24 25 26 27 28 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by tho Plamung Cowmi$SiOn of the City of Carlsbad~ follows: A) That the foregoing recitatiort:$ ~ true and GQ~ct. B) Th.at based on the evidence: pt"e:sented al the publi¢ h=aring, the Comm..i,sio11 APPROVES Conditional. Use Permit, CUP 96..01. based QQ t:he folloWing fmdings and $\l..bje¢t to tru: following con.dition:s: Fiodinp: l. :r11_e Pla1111ing Coln~sion-:finds that the prejei::r., a!! ¢onditio:n.ed herein for CUP 96-01, 1:. m confom11mce -..vith thl!: Land Uff Element of the City's General .Plan, based on the foll<>v.ins: 2. .. The p'c'Ovision of Mi, groua.d-mauute,d Personal ComrauniCSl.tioo Sysfflb equipme!lt c2bineu, six antenn•t mounted on ;111 30 foot high monopole will bie- compatihl~ with surrounding land usit:! Ott tbe site. The ptoposed project L"I toa.sistt:ut with the E_qidenti.11.l Mtdium Low (,RLM) Gen.tr.al Plan desiguatioD. in that tbe propo-'~d 11se will aUow tOlltinued provision of wtnless eonmiuai(:ati<1n facilities for the e:ommua.ity and rt.:potl as a wbolte:, including comm.uuimtion. For p-..blk .safety entities. Further, th qtillty !:land use Is pttmitted in :all ZO.!i.$9 ,abject ti) ~pproval of a C~ditioul Usfl Permit. The project i:i c:onsistent. with the CicyTWide Facilities and Impmvements Plaii.. the app_lieable lo~ faeilitic:s managemtnt pl.m, and all City put:ilk fa¢ility policies a.n.d ord.mance.s Smee all 11ecesstay public improve.rntmts have been provided. or !ll't ~uired. as t:ond.itions of apprqv;d, 3_ Th.at tbe requested use is necessary or desirable fot the devi:lopmc:nt of the c□mmun.icy, in that the £!0mmunity benefits of PCS indt1dc:, bat are not limited tny thi, following: 1) Wireless <!OU11n11nicatia11; will im.l)rovc telecommunication !llenice by providint: mobile voice and d2t~ transmission;,; 2) Potentially provide enban(:ed emerg~cy rt51;1onse tor police, fir-e :1.nd paramedio .services; .3) lmptovt voite a."nd data quKlity through the QSe ofall-di&i-1:11.I tttbm:iloeY, wt,.tcb will eliminate fadingi. dropping, and crack.liug that ean lnt1:m1pt regu.11111r wireleH ca.Us; !lad 4) Provide one persona.I porta.ble .. hone number for voice, voice mail, paa:er, data aud. facsimilt. 4. That tb.e ri:q_uested use Ls. e.s~tia.lly in banno11-y with the v;irlous elements and objectiv~ of thlll General PIAn in tha.t the General Plan, Local COliliital Program 11-ad zoiliilg designationi; on the site allow the 10-tation of accessory public and qu~st .. public utility l1Sft. with approv:.I of a Conditional U$e Permit. 5. That the retj~ll'.:d use is not detrirne11tal to existing ~ speeifically pi:mtltted. in the tone in which the proposed use is located, in that there would be :1 30 foot wide PC RESO NO. 3985 -2- PASSED, APPl<.OVED AND ADOnED at o rel!1l1ar mooting of tho Planning Commi,sion of tho City of Carl,bad, c.lifomia, bolo OD the !8th day of S•ptember 1996. by rhe followtog vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: Chairpen:on Com-., CotnnU.$3iolltr$ Ht:iinemm,. Monroy• Ni~ls:en, Noble, Sav>ey ml We.lsho.ns Nooe ABSENT: Non,: ABSTAIN; None WILLIAM COMPAS, C ~ n CARLSBAPPLANN!NGCOMMISSION ATTEST: ~ ' MICHAEL 1. H •• /l".b Planning Dim:to, PC RESO NO. 3985 5TAlE Of CWPOtNl.1.--."rlll; ~fS,.i,OE~P!Y' CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION SAM OIi~ .COA$l .i,U.1. )ltl Cv.uHQ !;)fl. MO N<llmt, s~ :iw 5.1.N t:lilfflO. e,,, ~IJl..1~ □ate: P8b9ffibiC 12 1996 Permit No.: ·5=9& JJ9 (~19l ,21.«134 PERMIT AllTHOBJZATIPN App 1 i cant: _..1P:11• .. r.1.ifuJ.-c..1Ba,ew.J .1.I _eMQ121!.btul_.e~s.,9u;t:,..yj1Jtillft>.'-- Ple~s~ be advised tnat you are hereby authorized to proceed with dav111lopinent of you, project, petmit number 6~96~132 • which was rei:,orted to the Comih~ion on Peq@bet )1 1996 . Development of your project is subject to compliance with all tenns and condition~ :specified in tne Admini~trat1ve Pl!trmit '1111.ich wils sEtnt to you on November 5 1996 Should you have any Q~e$ttons, please (Ontact our office. •·ffS !S lHE APPROVED H'N J. ! -1 · ~:I,"'"' ~ • L ~ n.i • ~ ,. $. ,\:, , '! PLAN PER CONDITION NO._ .'i .... __ 01r·;JJ•·':,,:l~ COMMISSION kESOUTnON NO ... ~-. THE . STICHLER DESIGN GROUP, INC. 1111115 <&\NllE llllCIE 1111',f, SIAlli: 400 ---911»-:ISSI (1111) --('AX) 11111 :W:S., PREPARED FOR: rAc1ric II BELl Mobile Service• ® 4'20 ROSEWOOD DR. BLDG, 2, 4TH f'I.00R PIIASUITON, CAUF011H1A M5U APPROVALS !OPERATIONS CA~ II IZONlNG ICONSTRUCTION 'SITE ACQUISITION PROJECT NAME TAMARACK Hoffman 4901 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, CA 92008 SD-20:3--11 DATE SHEET TITLE ISSUE PRB.JM. ZO REVIEW CITY ZO SUBMITTAL PREUM. CO" REVIEW CITY CD SUBMITTAL CO RELEASED f'OR CONSlRUCTION □ PERMITTED . □ ELECTRICAL PERMIT ONLY II II II II FINAL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DRAWN SY: A.B. CHECKED BY: S.A. JOB NO. 95173.00 SHEET NO. 1 !::,. I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I ... I I I I I I~ I I I I I I I I I I I I S 06"40'58" W .-------EXISTING TREE .,,,,.,- ,,.,,,. ,,.,,,. TRUE NORTH CORN~ LOT '!' I I I PER MAP 823 -- ~ HOUSE CENTERLINE OF EASEMENT FOR RIGHT OF WAY TO SDG&E PER DEED REC. NO\£Mll£R 27, 1951; IN 6(l()K 4302 PACE 401 Q.R. NO WIDTH SEl fORTH IN 0E£0 I EL CAMINO ff 4· EASEMENT TO SDG&E ~ N 0 =3•57• E FOR ANCHORAGE RIGHT OF = L WAY PER DEED REC. JULY 11. !¥"='-"""',,.,,,;;,.;;;,;_;,,.,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1974; Fl NO. 74-154502 O,R. f; =t;L=COUNTRY S1'=00£~¼~ ASPHAI. T PAAKING LOT TRUE NORTH ,-----UNDERGROUND POWER LINE NEW LANDSCAPE ~--(3 (5 GAL) ACACIA BAIL YANA OR SIMILAR) LACERATED WITHIN 2'-0" STIRIP. ----.............. ------'----=.----·-·- --------~.---------- I REAL ASPH6£RM ---, 3/4" IRON PIPE N 1601.6 E 2630.6 SITE PLAN • so· o· SCALE: 1 = - FUTURE BTS - PROPOSED BTS & ~~~-=---------r--~ SUPPORT EQUIPMENT d uJ ' d uJ BTS MONOPOLE AREA PLAN SC.ALE: 1/2•=1'-0• BTS17A.DWG .---------, STICHLER 320° \ \ 320° \ \ \ \ I I I 210° I I I 210° @)~TENNA PLAN ':,,. n "' I "' ' ' z "' I (0 ,.., I I{) 11111111 1111 1111 TEL.' ~·~·-~, .... ~ .. F :]] I I 11 11 11 ,----, I i I i ELEC. I ! 11 1..-...-i,~r-----=---LI:: 3 a:> I "' 90° NEW ijQNOPOLE 0 ..--.,TS [RADIO BASE STATION] ICROFlECT BTS MOUNT ~----,_QNC. BAS£ SLOPE TOP 1/2" NEW PROPOSED BTS CABINET NEW ELEC. PANEL NEW TELE. PANEL PROPOSED FUTURE BTS CABINET NEW CONC. SLAB '------t-----NEW PROPOSED ELECTRIC CABINET '-------------PROPOSED A/,ITENNAS MOUNTED ON NEW MONOPOLE DESION OROUP, INC. ----Sll1E400 ---IZ1U-211111 {Ill) 9M tUO (FAJ() 911 34:i, PREPARED FOR: lPJffe.~!IP!~ lfil~llll lilolbl• Senic•• ® -M211 ROSEWOOD DI. IIUlCI. 2, ffll Fl.00ll PLrAMNn1N. CAllFGRIIA 94518 APPROVALS rs. DAT!, 120NING DAT!, ICONSTRUCTlON OAT!, IS/TE ACQUISITION DAlE PROJECT NAME TAMARACK Hoffman 4901 EL CAMINO REAL CARI SBAO, CA 92008 S0-203-11 1; g > ii ... ii ~ ,, ii "'d ," ~ ~ ··~ !t ' I 0 :_J ~ .. '." I < ij ~ t:, iB -;.., I DATE ISSUE 1 2/2/96 5/14/96 ZONING PREUM. REDLINE REVIEW aTY SUBMITTAL SHEET TITLE SITE PLAN DETAILS DRAWN BY: MRK CHECKED BY: M.K. JOB NO. 95173.00 SHEET NO. A 1 II II I I I I 30'-9" ~ TOP OF MONOPOLE 30• -s· ~ TOP OF MONOPOLE ~---PROPOSED SECTOR 'B' ANTENNAS 1 & 2 (AT 90°) ~-PROPOSED SECTOR 'A' ANTENNAS 1 & 2 (AT 320°) ~ PROPOSED SECTOR 'C' ANTENNAS 1 & 2 (AT 210°) ~-------PROPOSED SECTOR 'A' ANTENNAS 1 & 2 (AT 320°) PROPOSED SECTOR 'B' ANTENNAS 1 & 2 (AT 90°) ~-----PROPOSED SECTOR 'C' ----~ ANTENNAS 1 & 2 (AT 210°) POWER POLE BEYOND ~-----PROPOSED BTS UNIT & ----~,,, SUPPORT EQUIPMENT ~-------NEW LANDSCAPE PROPOSED SECTOR 'C' ANTENNAS 1 & 2 (AT 210°) PROPOSED SECTOR 'A' ANTENNAS 1 & 2 (AT 320°) PROPOSED SECTOR 'B' ANTENNAS 1 & 2 (AT 90°) ,-------PROPOSED BTS UNIT & SUPPORT EQUIPMENT ~--NEW 6' FENCE ~--NEW LANDSCAPE 120· (TYP) (TYP) GAL VD STEEL ARM PLAN VIEW 16" SCH 40 -~ STEEL PIPE ASTM A-B3 GRADE B (2)@ 180" -~ 4" X 8" GALVD STEEL HANDHOLE FRAME W/CO\/ER MIN ID IS 12-1/2" AT POLE BASE SIMPLEX BOLT CONNECTION MIN 10 IS 9-1 /2" AT POLE TOP • BOTTOM OF ~ BASE PLATE AMERON-POLE FOUNDATION POLE ELEVJ..TION POLE AP400X10 SHOWN • <C ' r-----------.-----------THE : STICHLER .,. IR SIDE VIEW REAR VIEW PLAN VIEW @)~c!;~= 1 ~TENNA MODEL 58010 ' "' ' POLE DESIG- NATION POLE HEIGHT ABOVE PLATE NOMINAL MAXIMUM MAXIMUM ARM ANTENNA ANTENN WEIGHT MOUNT HEIGHT HEIGHT (lbs.) HEIGHT ABOVE GROUND .. AP400X07 23'-0" 27'-4" 30'-0" 30'-9" 3950 NOTE: "A", "B" AND "c" DIMENSIONS ARE TAKEN FROM BOTTOM OF BASE PLATE DIMENSION "D" IS TAKEN FROM GROUND LEVEL GROl.lND LINE. ·, -.,,,-.,, ..-------22" SQ. x 1-1/2" THICK GALV. STEEL PLATE ASTM A-36 12-1 /2"10 HOLE ,.-------..._; ~ (4) 2-1/4" DIA HOLES @ 90· o.c. 24" DIA. BOLT CIRCLE DESICiN CRbUP, INC. -CIWIIE -IIIIM. DIE 400 SAN IIEIO, ~ '21»-211111 (la9}S85 1UO (FAX)• '415.'S PREPARED FOR1 f ~~ilF~4:I ~~!LIL lilolllil• So"le•• ® ,4420 ROSEWOOD DR. 111H. 2, 4111 FUlOR PWSANTON, CAUFlllltlA MSII APPROVALS 'CONSTRUCTION 'SITE AcQUISlllON PROJECT NAME TAMARACK Hoffman 4901 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, CA 92008 S0-203-11 # DATE ISSUE OA~ II DA~ II 2/2/96 ZONING PRELIM. REDLINE REVIEW 4/14/96 CllY SUBMITTAL SHEET llTLE ELEVATIONS & DETAILS DRAWN BY: MRK CHECKED BY: M.K. JOB NO. 95173.00 SHEET NO. A-2 EXISTING YUCCA -~ PROTECT IN PLACE NATURAL BRUSH NORTH LANDSCAPING NATURAL BRUSH 3 RHUS LANCEA ~ •l:!Qj,; AFRICAN SUMAC 8 LEUCOPHYLLUM FRUTESCENS 5 GALLON TEXAS RANGER \ AGRICULTURAL FIELD ACCESS ROAD IRRIGATION SYSTEM NATURAL BRUSH THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM FOR THIS NEW SITE WILL CONNECT TO AN EXISTING WATER SUPPLY. THE NEW IRRIGATION SYSTEM WILL USE FIXED BUBBLER HEADS SET ADJACENT TO EACH PLANT. THERE WILL BE ONE BUBBLER HEAD FOR EACH SHRUB, AND TWO BUBBLER HEADS, FOR EACH TREE. EACH BUBBLER HEAD WILL HAVE A FLOW OF 0.25 GPM. THE VALVES FOR THIS SYSTEM WILL BE AUTOMATIC VALVES ' POWERED WITH SELF-CONTAINED BATERY PACKS. AN ATMOSPHERIC VACUUM BREAKER BACK FLOW PREVENTION DEVICE WILL BE USED FOR EACH VALVE, DOWNSTREAM OF THE V/>J....VE. APPROVED l L nus IS THBAPPROVl!D &d1':/D'f'B W!'/flTE ~Pl!llCOM>fflONNO. SL OFPLANNING . COML158Mi-lU!S0U1IIDNND. 3253: · . f,/ ~ f) 1-t-'/? 1 ~q., ..... LA -.1111> •• 7 /~ D!rmiql'lfll!-Oam MARUM ASSOCIATES landscape architecture ■ ■ ■ 3914 Murphy Canyon Road S u i t e A-243 Son Diego California 92123 619 292-5141 TI-IE STICHLER DESION OROUP, INC. -IWIIE IDE 1111£. UIE 4111 loVIIIGQ,_111_ (t11)• 1tl0 ,~-- PREPARED FOR: PACIFIC EIBELL Mable Slrw:11 ® 4GO llOSEWOQu ,._ UG. 2, 4111 FI.OGll PWSNIIOII.~ ... APPROVALS rMS I kuciioA F'it AcaJISliioA PROJECT NAME HOFFMAN 4901 EL CAMINO REAL CARLSBAD, CA 92008 S0-203-11 f DATE SHEET TITLE ISSUE DA~ II DA~ II DA~ II LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN • '' DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: vb. JOB NO. SHEET NO. L-1