HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 97-13-03; CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH BUSINESS PARK - PHASE 2; FINAL REPORT OF TESTING AND OBSERVATION SERVICES DURING SITE GRADING; 2007-12-11FINAL REPORT OF TESTING AND OBSERVATION SERVICES DURING SITE GRADING CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH BUSINESS PARK - PHASE 2 (PHASE 2- LOTS 13 THROUGH 19; PHASE 3- LOTS 20 THROUGH 25 AND 27) CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PREPARED FOR TECHBILT CONSTRUCTION COMPANY SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA JAN 2 5 2019 LAND DE\iLLOPMENT ENGINEERING DECEMBER 11, 2007 PROJECT NO. 06442-32-13 GE000N LNCORPOATED GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS 10)r Project No. 06442-32-13 December 11, 2007 Techbilt Construction Company 3575 Kenyon Street San Diego, California 92110 Attention: Mr. Raul Guzman Subject: CARLSBAD OAKS NORTH BUSINESS PARK - PHASE 2 (PHASE 2-LOTS 13 THROUGH 19; PHASE 3 LOTS 20 THROUGH 25, AND 27) CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA FINAL REPORT OF TESTING AND OBSERVATION SERVICES DURING SITE GRADING Dear Mr. Guzman: In accordance with your request and our Proposal No. LG-07046 dated February 6, 2007, we have provided testing and observation services during grading for Phase 2 of the Carlsbad Oaks North Business Park. It is our understanding grading for the remaining partially graded lots (Lots 23 through 26) will be completed during future Phase 3 grading operations. The scope of our services included the following: Observing the grading operation, including remedial grading and placement of rock, soil- rock, and soil fill; tIle undercutting of rock and placement of the subdrain systems constructed during grading. Performing in-place density and moisture content tests in fill placed and compacted at the site. Performing laboratory tests to aid in evaluating the maximum dry density, optimum moisture content, and shear strength of the compacted fill. Additionally, laboratory tests were performed on samples of soil present at finish grade to evaluate the expansion characteristics and water-soluble sulfate content. Preparing an As-Graded Geologic Map. Preparing this final report of grading. The purpose of this report is to document that the grading of the Carlsbad Oaks North Business Park - Phase 2 has been performed in substantial conformance with the recommendations of the project geotechnical report. 6960 Flanders Drive U San Diego, California 92121.2974 0 Telephone (858) 5586900 U Fox (858) 558.6159 GENERAL The Carlsbad Oaks North Business Park is located along the eastern edge of the City of Carlsbad. The Phase 2 portion of the business park is located north of Faraday Avenue and east of Melrose Drive (see Figure 1, Vicinity Map). Prior to grading, topography within the Phase 2 portion of development varied from moderate to steeply sloping hillside with generally north-, south-, and west-draining tributary canyons. Vegetation consisted of coastal sage scrub and native/non-native grasses. The grading contractor for the project was Erreca's Incorporated. The project grading plans were prepared by O'Day Consultants, the project civil engineer, and are entitled Grading and Erosion Control Plans for: Carlsbad Oaks North, Phase 2, G.T. 97-13, Drawing No. 415-91, City of Carlsbad approval dated November 29, 2006. Recommendations for grading were provided in bur report entitled Update Geotechnical Investigation, Carlsbad Oaks North, Business Park and Faraday Avenue Offsite, Carlsbad, Califonda, dated October 21, 2004 (Project No. 06442-32-03). Following is additional correspondence associated with the project: Supplemental Trenching and Rippabilit' Study, Carlsbad Oaks North Business Park, Phase 2, Carlsbad, California, prepared by Geocon Incorporated, dated September 18, 2006 (Project No. 06442-32-11). The exhibit used as a base map to present the as-graded geologic information and in-place density test locations (Figures 2 through 7) was produced from an AutoCad file of the grading plans provided by O'Day Consultants. The map depicts the ultimate grading configuration with respect to lot lines, slope areas, lot numbers, and finish pad elevations. The existing ground topography prior to the commencement of grading is also shown. The as-graded geologic contacts and base of fill elevations were derived from the following: field survey information collected by O'Day Consultants during the quantification process for remedial grading, intermittent field shots taken with a Global Positioning System (GPS) unit by the grading contractor, and our measurements with respect to survey and/or grade checkers stakes. In this regard, the contacts and base of fill elevations should be considered approximate. References to elevations and locations herein are based on as-graded survey information (remedial grading exhibits) provided by O'Day Consultants, field measurements made by the grading contractor, or survey and grade-checkers' stakes in the field. Geocon Incorporated does not provide surveying services and, therefore, has no opinion regarding the accuracy of the as-graded elevations or surface geometry with respect to the approved grading plans or proper surface drainage. GRADING Previous Grading Phase 1 grading operations included grading portions of Phase 2, Lots 13 and 14. Mass grading operations resulted in removal of compressible materials to expose granitic rock. Prior to placing fill, Project No. 0642-32-13 -2 - December II. 2007 subdrains were installed in the canyon bottoms at the general locations shown on the As-Graded Geologic Map (specifically Figures 6 and 7). Canyon subdrains were connected to.permanent storm drain structures or were protected by a concrete headwall or riprap. The grading was performed in conjunction with the testing and observation services provided by Geocon Incorporated and the geotechnical information pertaining to these areas is presented in our report entitled Final Report of Testing and Observation Services During Grading, Carlsbad Oaks North Business Park, Phase 1, Lots 1 through 9, Carlsbad, calj/bnzia, dated August 30, 2006 (Project No. 06442-32-04A). Recent Grading Grading began with removing and exporting brush, vegetation, and deleterious materials from the areas to be graded. Undocumented fill, topsoil, and alluvium were then removed to expose granitic rock. Within areas to receive fill and where practical, the exposed ground surface was scarified, moisture conditioned, and compacted. Fill materials from on-site excavations were then placed and compacted in layers until the design elevations were attained. Removal of surficial deposits generally ranged in depth from approximately 2 feet to 5 feet below the original ground surface across the majority of the site. Grading was generally performed utilizing conventional heavy-duty grading equipment. Blasting and oversize rock handling procedures were also used to accomplish some of the grading. Blasting techniques were used to facilitate excavations within very strong to fresh rock in the general vicinity of Lots 16 and 18 as well as Whiptail Loop road between approximately Station 18+30 to 18+50. Where granitic rock was exposed at grade or within 5 feet of design sheet grade on the pad portion of the lots, the bedrock was overexcavated at least 5 feet and replaced with compacted fill soil predominately consisting of 6-inch minus material. Roadways and parkways exposing granitic rock were also over-excavated approximately 8-feet below design finish grade and replaced with compacted fill soil predominately consisting of 6-inch minus material for the upper 5 feet and 12-inch minus material for the lower 3 feet. The horizontal and vertical extent of the undercuts was checked by Erreca' s grade checker utilizing a portable GPS unit and O'Day Consultants survey crews. Phase 3 - Lots 23, 24, and 25 were partially graded during current grading operations. The ultimate grading of these lots will be completed during future Phase 3 grading. The slope zone areas along the northern portion of Lots 23 and 24 were constructed to ultimate design grade. Interim pad grades' resulting from recent grading on these lots was surveyed by the civil engineer and the information is presented on the As-Graded Geologic Map, Figures 2 through 7. Fill Materials and Placement Procedures The on-site fill materials generally consisted of silty to clayey sands and mixtures of gravel and boulders generated from excavations and/or blasting operations in granitic rock. Materials consisting Project No. 06442-32-13 . - 3 - December 11, 2007 of sandy clays stockpiled on Lot 14 subsequent to completion of Phase 1 grading operations were also placed as fill to achieve design grades. The on-site materials ranged in size from 6-inch minus to 12-inch minus soil fill with appreciable fines to soil-rock fills generally containing considerable amounts of fines and a maximum particle dimension on the order of 2 to 4 feet. in some instances larger rock fragments were individually placed with additional placement and compactive effort. The transition between fill classifications was gradational. With respect to fill placement, the procedures performed during grading of the site conformed to the recommendations contained in the geotechnical report dated October 21, 2004. Fill materials classified as soil and soil-rock mixtures were placed and compacted in layers throughout the site. Placement procedures for soil-rock fills consisted of spreading and compacting the materials with a Caterpillar bulldozer in 2- to 3-foot-thick lifts, or less. During placement of each lift, the fill was uniformly wheel-rolled and compacted with loaded rock trucks. Prior to compacting, these materials were flooded during spreading. Soil fills were placed in lifts no thicker than would allow for adequate bonding and compaction. The soil was moisture conditioned, as necessary, and mixed during placement. Field In-Place Density and Laboratory Testing During the grading operation, we observed compaction procedures and performed in-place density testing to evaluate the relative compaction of the fill material. We performed the in-place density testing in general conformance with ASTM Test Method D 2922-05 (nuclear). Results of the in-place dry density and moisture content tests are summarized on Table I. In general, the in-place density test results indicate the fill has a relative compaction of at least 90 percent and an appropriate moisture content at the locations tested. The approximate locations of in-place density tests are shown on the As-Graded Geologic Map, Figures 2 through 7 (map pocket). We performed laboratory testing on samples of material used for fill to evaluate moisture-density relationships, optimum moisture content and maximum dry density (ASTM D 1557-02) and shear strength (ASTM D 3080-04). Additionally, laboratory testing was performed on samples collected at finish grade to determine their expansion potential (ASTM D 4829-04) and water-soluble sulfate content (California Test No. 417). Results of the laboratory tests are summarized on Tables II through V. Slopes In general, cut and fill slopes were constructed at design inclinations of 1.5:1 (cut) and 2:1 (fill) (horizontal:vertical) or flatter, with maximum heights of approximately 55 feet. Several composite, fill over cut, slopes were constructed throughout the interior of the Phase 2 portion of the business park. The outer portions (the outer approximately 15 feet) of embankment, slopes were constructed Project No. 06442-32-13 -4- December ii. 2007 with coil fill predominately consisting of 6 inch minus rock and occasional 12 inch minus material. In general, fill slopes were either over-filled and cut back or track-walked with a bulldozer during grading. Slopes should be planted, drained, and maintained to reduce erosion. Slope irrigation should be kept to a minimum to just support the vegetative cover. Surface drainage should not be allowed to flow over the top of slopes. During the grading operation, slopes exposing granitic rock were observed by an engineering geologist. Structural attitudes were measured and are presented on the As-Graded Geologic Map (Figures 2 thiough 7). For purposes of this report, only selective measurements are shown that depict the general conditions. Cut and fill slopes within the Phase 2 portion of the development, from a geotechnical standpoint, are considered grossly stable. Canyon Subdrains Canyon subdrains were constructed during this recent phase of grading and surveyed by the project civil engineer. Subdrain locations are presented on the As-Graded Geologic Map. Canyon subdrains consisting of 6-inch perforated, PVC pipe encapsulated in 3%-inch gravel and wrapped in filter fabric (140N or equivalent) were placed at the base of the remedial excavations where a depression occurred in the bedrock topography. The final segment of subdrains, or where subdrains daylighted into fill, consisted of non-perforated drainage pipe. Permanent subdrains were connected to previously placed subdrains or empty into open space. Permanent subdrain outlets emptying into open space were provided with rip-rap to protect the end of the pipe from damage or burial. Subdrains that will require extension during future Phase 3 grading operations were provided with a PVC pipe riser to facilitate locating the end of the systems. Finish Grade Soil Conditions Observations and laboratory test results indicate that prevailing soils randomly sampled (Lots 13 through 22 and 27) at finish grade have an Expansion Index (El) ranging from 0 to 2 and are classified as having a "very low" expansion potential (El of 20 or less) as defined by the California Building Code (CBC) Table 18-I-B. The expansion condition for Lots 23 through 25 (graded to an interim condition) will be provided upon completion of future Phase 3 grading. Table 1V presents the results of the expansion classification for the prevailing soils at finish grade. Previous and recent grading has resulted in compacted fill and granitic rock at grade throughout the Phase 2 portion of the Carlsbad Oaks North Business Park. The bedrock is limited to slope areas at the site. The pad portion of the lots and streets/parkways exposing bedrock were undercut at least 5 feet and S feet, respectively, and replaced with properly compacted fill. The areas that have been undercut are annotated as QUC on the As-Graded Geologic Map. Project No. 0442-32-13 -5- December 11. 2007 Undercut areas were capped with a 5-foot-thick soil fill predominately consisting of 67inch minus material. Rock fragments larger than 6 inches but less than 12 inches were placed to within 5 feet and 10 feet of finish grade within a compacted soil matrix in streets/ parkways and pads, respectively. Rocks larger than 12 inches in diameter were placed at least 10 feet below finish grade or at least 3 feet below the deepest planned underground utility within soil, soil-rock, and rock fill. The presence of these materials should be considered if deep improvements are proposed (e.g., sewer lines, storm drains). Although particular attention was given to restricting oversize rock placement to the criteria described above, some oversize rock could be present in the upper portions of the fill areas. The grading performed is considered to be in substantial conformance with our recommendations. Corrosion Samples obtained for expansion testing were also subjected to water-soluble sulfate testing to assess whether the soil contains high enough sulfate concentrations that could damage normal Portland cement concrete. The results of the tests indicate a negligible sulfate rating based on Table 19-A-4 of the CBC. Guidelines presented in the CBC should be followed in determining the type of concrete to be used. The presence of water-soluble sulfates is not a visually discernible characteristic; therefore, other soil samples from the site could yield different concentrations. Additionally, over time landscaping activities (e.g., addition of fertilizers and other soil nutrients) may affect the concentration. Table V presents the results of the water-soluble sulfate tests. Geocon Incorporated does not practice in the field of corrosion engineering. Therefore, it is recommended that further evaluation by a corrosion engineer be performed if improvements are planned that are susceptible to corrosion. SOIL AND GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS In general, the soil and geologic conditions encountered during grading were found to be similar to those described in the referenced project geotechnical report. The site is underlain by compacted fill soils (Qcf, Qpf, and Quc) overlying Granitic Rock (Kgr). Bedrock is exposed at grade on cut slopes. The As-Graded Geologic Map (Figures 2 through 7) depicts the general geologic conditions obs'erved. The figures have been annotated to show a general representation of the as-graded geologic conditions observed during grading. Geologic contacts should be considered approximate. A fault fracture was identified within the south facing cut slope located in the northwest corner of Lot 18. The approximate location of this feature is shown on Figure 3. The observed fault did not displace Holocene-age deposits (topsoil). No geologic conditions were observed during grading that would preclude the continued development of the lots. Project No. 06442-32-13 - 6 - December II, 2007 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1.0 General 1.1 Based on observations and test results, it is the opinion of Geocon Incorporated that grading, which is the subject of this report, has been performed in substantial conformance with the recommendations of the referenced project geotechnical report. Soil and geologic conditions encountered during grading that differ from those anticipated by the project geotechnical report are not uncommon. Where such conditions required a significant modification to the recommendations of the project geotechnical report, they have been described herein. 1.2 No soil or geologic conditions were observed during grading that would preclude the continued development of the property as planned. Based upon laboratory test results and field observations, it is our opinion that the fill soils within the subject lots and associated streets have generally been compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction at the locations tested. 1.3 Lots 23 through 26 were graded to an interim configuration compared to the project grading plans. Future grading on these lots should be performed in conjunction with our geotechnical services. 1.4 No active seeps were observed during or upon the completion of grading. However, the - geologic units have permeability characteristics and/or fracture systems that are conducive to water transmission, natural or otherwise. (i.e., landscape), and may result in future seepage conditions. It is not uncommon for groundwater or seepage conditions to develop where none previously existed, particularly after landscape irrigation is initiated. The occurrence of induced groundwater seepage from landscaping can be greatly reduced* by implementing and monitoring a landscape program that limits irrigation to that sufficient to support the vegetative cover without over watering. Shallow subdrains may be required in the future if seeps occur after rainy periods or after landscaping is installed. 1.5 Excavations for fine grading and/or improvements, such as swimming pools, sewer lines, etc. that are advanced through the soil cap and/or into the underlying bedrock or oversize rock areas as previously discussed may encounter difficult excavation conditions due to the presence of intact rock and oversize rock within the fills. Very strong rock to fresh rock may require blasting to facilitate excavations. The potential for these conditions should be taken into consideration when determining the type of equipment to utilize for future grading or trenching operations. The oversize material may require special handling techniques and exportation. Project No. 06442-32-13 - 7 - December 11, 2007 1.6 References to the thickness or capping of pads are approximate and may be affected by subsequent fine grading to achieve proper surface drainage. 2.0 Retaining Walls and Lateral Loads 2.1 Retaining walls not restrained at the top and having a level backfill surface should be designed for an active soil pressure equivalent to the pressure exerted by a fluid with a density of 35 pounds per cubic foot (pcf). Where the backfill will be inclined at no steeper than 2:1 (horizontal: vertical), an active soil pressure of 52 pcf is recommended. These soil pressures assume that the backfill materials within an area bounded by the wall and a 1:1 plane extending upward from the base of the walipossess an Expansion Index of less than 50. For those lots with finish grade soils having an Expansion Index greater than 50 and/or where backfill materials do not conform to the above criteria, Geocon Incorporated should be consulted for additional recommendations. 2.2 Unrestrained walls are those that are allowed to rotate more than 0.001H (where H equals the height of the retaining wall portion of the wall in feet) at the top of the wall. Where walls are restrained from movement at the top, an additional uniform pressure of 7H psf should be added to the above active soil pressure. 2.3 All retaining walls should be provided with a drainage system adequate to prevent the buildup of hydrostatic forces and should be waterproofed as required by the project architect. The use of drainage openings through the base of the wall (weep holes, etc.) is not recommended where the seepage could be a nuisance or otherwise adversely impact the property adjacent to the base of the wall. The above recommendations assume a properly compacted granular (Expansion Index less than 50) backfill material with no hydrostatic forces or imposed surcharge load, if conditions different than those described are anticipated, or if specific drainage details are desired, Geocon Incorporated should be contacted for additional recommendations. 2.4 In general, wall foundations having a minimum depth and width of one foot may be designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,000 psf, provided the soil within 3 feet below the base of the wall has an Expansion Index of less than 90. The proximity of the foundation to the top of a slope steeper than 3:1 could impact the allowable soil bearing pressure. Therefore, Geocon Incorporated should be consulted where such a condition is anticipated. 2.5 For resistance to lateral loads, an allowable passive earth pressure equivalent to a fluid with a density of 300 pcf is recommended for footings or shear keys poured. neat against Project No. 06442-32-13 . -8 - December 11. 2007 properly compacted granular fill soils or undisturbed natural soils. The allowable passive pressure assumes a horizontal surface extending at least 5 feet or three times the surface generating the passive pressure, whichever is greater. The upper 12 inches of material not protected by floor slabs or pavement should not be included in the design for lateral resistance. An allowable friction coefficient of 0.4 may be used for resistance to sliding between soil and concrete. This friction coefficient may be combined with the allowable passive earth pressure when determining resistance to lateral loads. 2.6 The recommendations presented above are generally applicable to the design of rigid concrete or masonry retaining walls having a maximum height of 8 feet. In the event that walls higher than 8 feet or other types of walls are planned, such as crib-type walls, Geocon Incorporated should be consulted for additional recommendations. 3.0 Drainage 3.1 Adequate drainage provisions are imperative. Under no circumstances should water be allowed to pond adjacent to footings. The building pads should be properly finish graded after the buildings and other improvements are in place so that drainage water is directed away from foundations, pavements, concrete slabs, and slope tops to controlled drainage devices. 4.0 Update Geotechnical Report 4.1 An update geotechnical report presenting fine grading recommendations and geotechnical design criteria for the ultimate development of the individual lots should be prepared by Geocon Incorporated once fine grading plans have been prepared. LIMITATIONS The conclusions and recommendations contained herein apply only to our work with respect to grading and represent conditions at the date of our final observation of grading operations on August 31, 2007. Any subsequent grading should be done in conjunction with our observation and testing services. As used herein, the term "observation" implies only that we observed the progress of the work with which we agreed to be involved. Our services did not include the evaluation or identification of the potential presence of hazardous materials. Our conclusions and opinions as to whether the work essentially complies with the job specifications are based on our observations, experience and test results. Due to the inaccuracies inherent in most field and laboratory soil tests, and the necessary assumption that the relatively small soil sample tested is representative of a significantly larger Project No. 06442-32-13 -9 - December II. 2007 volume of soil, future tests of the same soil location or condition should not be expected to duplicate specific individual test results of this report. Subsurface conditions, and the accuracy of tests used to measure such conditions, can vary greatly at any time. We make no warranty, express or implied, except that our services were performed in accordance with engineering principles generally accepted at this time and location. We will accept no responsibility for any subsequent changes made to the site by others, by the uncontrolled action of water, or by the failure of others to properly repair damages caused by the uncontrolled action of water. It is the responsibility of Techbilt Construction Company to ensure that the information and recommendations contained herein are brought to the attention of the architect and engineer for the project, are incorporated into the plans, and that the necessary steps are taken to see that the contractor and subcontractors carry out such recommendations in the field. Recommendations that pertain to the future maintenance and care for the property should be brought to the attention of future owners of the property or portions thereof. .The findings and recommendations of this report may be invalidated wholly or partially by changes outside our control. Therefore, this report is subject to review and should not be relied upon after a period of three years. Should you have any questions regarding this report, or if we may be of further service, please contact the undersigned at your convenience. Very truly yours, GEOCON INCORPORATED '--- _;— Emilio Alvarado RCE 66915 No. 66915 E 09f30%J6 Troy *' Reist CEG 2408 Of TROY LIST \ NO. 2408 U, . CERTIFIED - * ENGINEERING * GEOLOGIST 0CAL David B. Evans CEO 1860 EA:TKR:DBE:dmc (S/del) Addressee (3/del) Carlsbad Oaks North Business Park - Job Site Attention: Mr. Fran Richmond Project No. 06442-32.13 _10- December 11, 2007 TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS T 'rest No. Date Location Elev. or Depth it' ' Curve No. Plus 3/4" Rock t(j Field Dry Dens. l Pct ) Field Moist Cont ' ( ' Field Rd. Comp. Req'd. Re!. Comp. I 02/09/07 \V of Whiptail Loop 24+30 338 3 0 116.9 8.2 90 90 2 02/09/07 VofWhiptail Loop 24+50 340 3 0 117.4 7.4 91 90 3 02113107 Lot 25 350 1 0 121.2 7.1 91 90 4 02/13/07 Lot 25 353 3 0 119.2 8.0 92 90 5 02/13/07 Lot 25 357 1 0 120.2 7.6 9090 6 02/13/07 Lot 25 363 I 0 121.4 6.9 91 90 7 02/14/07 Lot 25 365 3 0 119.0 7.7 92 90 8 02/14/07 Lot 25 360 1 0 120.4 8.2 90 90 9 02/16/07 Slope between Lots 14/16 459 1 0 121.2 7.5 91 90 10 02/16/07 Slope between Lots 14/15 460 I 0 120.7 7.7 91 90 11 02/20/07 Lot 14 420 1 0 123.7 8.9 93 90 12 02/20/07 Lot 14 424 1 0 122.4 9.5 92 90 13 02/20/07 Lot 14 429 1 0 120.0 7.4 90 90 14 02/21/07 Lot 14 433 2 0 124.5 7.5 92 90 15 02/21/07 Lot 14 438 2 0 121.5 8.4 90 90 16 02/21/07 Lot 14 435 2 0 121.7 8.0 90 90 17 02/21/07 Lot 27 380 1 0 120.9 7.5 91 90 IS 02/27/07 Whiptail Loop 27+50 380 3 0 118.9 9.5 92 90 19 02/27/07 Lot 22 380 3 0 118.3 9.3 91 90 20 03/01/07 Lot 14 450 3 0 116.8 9.0 90 90 21 03/01/07 Lot 14 442 3 0 117.1 8.9 90 90 22 03/01/07 Lot 14 447 3 0 117.8 9.4 91 90 23 03/02/07 Lot 23 384 1 0 123.7 6.9 93 90 24 03/02/07 Lot 22 387 1 0 120.0 6.8 90 90 25 03/02/07 Whiptail Loop 28+00 386 1 0 122.9 7.0 92 90 26 03/02/07 Lot 22 390 1 0 120.4 7.4 90 90 27 03/02/07 Lot 22 387 1 0 120.9 7.3 91 90 28 03/05/07 Lot 22 394 I 0 124.2 7.5 93 90 29 03/05/07 Lot 22 394 I 0 120.0 6.9 90 90 30 03/05/07 Lot 27 385 1 0 120.5 7.5 90 90 31 03/07/07 Lot 25 368 3 0 117.6 9.3 91 90 32 03/07/07 Lot 25 384 3 0 119.3 9.3 92 90 33 03/07/07 Lot 25 386 3 0 116.9 9.0 90 90 34 03/08/07 Lot 27 398 3 0 120.4 9.7 93 90 35 03/08/07 Lot 27 395 3 0 116.8 8.9 90 90 36 03/08/07 Lot 27 379 3 0 121.1 10.1 93 90 37 03/08/07 Gazelle Court 11+10 368 3 0 117.1 9.5 90 90 38 03/09/07 Whiptail Loop 26+40 353 2 0 124.4 6.9 92 90 39 03/09/07 Whiptail Loop 27+00 360 2 0 121.5 7.5 90 90 40 03/09/07 Lot-15 370 2 0 125.7 8.8 93 90 41 03/09/07 Lot 25 369 2 0 123.8 7.9 92 90 42 03/12/07 Lot 25 371 2 0 121.5 7.5 90 90 43 03/12/07 Gazelle Court 10+60 365 2 0 126.5 7.0 94 90 44 03/12/07 Lot 25 - 370 2 0 I2.0 7.5 91 90 45 03/13/07 Lot 25 378 2 0 121.8 7.3 90 90 Project No. 06442-32-13 December 11. 2007 .1 TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Field Field Field Req'd. or 3/4' Dry Moist. Rd. Rel. Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. Test No. Date Location (it) No. (%)(pct) (%) (%) (%) 46 03/13/07 Gazelle Court 11+50 47 03/13/07 Gazelle Court 12+30 48 03/14/07 Lot 27 49 03/14/07 Gazelle Court 12+90 50 03/14/07 Lot 27 51 03/15/07 Lot 22 51A 03/15/07 Lot 22 52 03/15/07 Lot 22 52 A 03/15/07 Lot 22 53 03/15/07 Lot 27 54 03/16/07 Lot 14 55 03/16/07 Lot 14 56 03/16/07 Lot 14 57 03/16/07 Lot 14 58 03/19/07 Lot 14 59 03/19/07 Lot 14 60 03/19/07 Lot 14 61 03/19/07 Lot 14 62 03/19/07 Lot 14 63 03/20/07 Lot 14 64 03/20/07 Lot 14 65 03/20/07 Lot 21 66 03/20/07 Lot 21 67 03/20/07 Lot 14 68 03/21/07 Lot 14 69 03/21/07 Lot 14 70 03/21/07 Lot 14 71 03/22/07 Lot 14 72 03/22/07 Lot 14 73 03/23/07 Lot 14 74 03/23/07 Whiptail Loop 33+50 75 03/23/07 Lot 27 76 03/27/07 Lot 22 77 03/27/07 Lot 22 78 03/27/07 Lot 22 79 03/27/07 Lot 22 SO 03/27/07 Lot 22 81 03/27/07 Lot 21 82 03/28/07 Lot 22 83 03/28/07 Lot 22 84 03/28/07 Whiptail Luop 23+90 85 03/28/07 Whiptail Loop 28+00 S6 03/29/07 Whiptail Loop 28+90 87 03/29/07 Whiptail Loop 26+60 SS 03/29/07 Whiptail Loop 24+40 376. 2 0 125.5 7.9 382 2 0 122.5 7.5 390 I 0 123.6 8.0 389 3 0 116.9 9.2 386 1 0 123.2 7.0 395 I 0 118.6 4.9 395 1 0 121.6 7.3 400 1 0 117.7 5.0 400 I 0 120.0 7.4 390 I 0 121.0 7.2 445 1 0 122.9. 7.7 447 1 0 120.0 7.5 446 1 0 120.4 6.9 451 1 0 121.3 7.3 451 1 0 122.8 7.4 452 1 0 120.0 6.9 450 I 0 122.3 7.0 450 I 0 121.6 7.2 452 3 0 117.8 9.2 448 3 0 119.7 8.7 451 3 0 122.0 9.0 410 1 0 121.6 7.0 416 1 0 120.2 7.3 449 1 0 122.4 7.7 451 I 0 120.0 6.9 451 I 0 121.3 8.4 450 1 0 120.4 9.1 448 1 0 124.2 6.9 449 1 0 125.7 7.3 462 1 0 120.1 6.9 396 1 0 123.0 7.2 393 1 0 120.5 7.0 391 1 0 120.4 7.5 398 1 0 122.6 6.9 400 I 0 125.8 6.8 403 1 0 125.3 7.7 402 I 0 123.7 7.3 420 1 0 120.0 7.0 406 I 0 121.0 8.4 404 1 0 124.5 7.7 345 1 0 121.0 8.4 375 I 0 124.0 7.5 379 2 0 128.4 6.9 373 2 0 122.8 8.8 358 2 0 125.5 7.9 93 90 91 90 93 90 90 90 92 90 89 90 91 90 88 90 90 90 91 90 92 90 90 90 90 90 91 90 92 90 90 90 92 90 91 90 91 90 92 90 94 9(3 91 90 90 90 92 90 90 90 91 90 90 90 93 90 94 90 90 90 92 90 90 90 90 90 92 90 94 90 94 90 93 90 90 90 91 90 93 90 91 90 93 90 95 90 91 90 93 90 Project No. 042-32-I3 December ii. 2007 TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No. Date Location Elev. or Depth .11) Curve No. Plus 3/4 Rock ,c) Field Dry Dens. (Pc f) Field Moist. Cont. ;r) Field Rel. Comp. (so) Req'd. Rel. Comp. I 89 03/29/07 Gazelle Court 12+10 395 2 0 125.2 7.7 93 90 90 03/30/07 Gazelle Court 13+25 400 2 0 122.5 7.9 91 90 91 03/30/07 Gazelle Court 11+30 404 2 0 125.5 7.8 93 90 92 03/30/07 Lot 21 440 2 0 124.4 8.0 92 90 93 03/30/07 Lot 21 438 2 0 122.8 - 7.5 91 90 94 04/02/07 Lot 21 442 2 0 1 25. 5 6.9 93 90 95 04/02107 Lot 27 404 2 0 121.7 7.3 90 90 96 04/02/07 Lot 27 404 2 0 126.5 7.5 94 90 97 04/03/07 Lot 27 405 2 0 125.1 7.4 93 90 98 04/03/07 Lot 27 405 2 0 128.2 7.5 95 90 99 04/03/07 Lot 27 406 2 0 122.4 7.0 91 90 100 04/04/07 Lot 27 400 2 0 125.2 6.9 93 90 101 04/04/07 Lot 27 407 2 0 126.8 7.5 94 90 102 04/04/07 Lot 27 408 2 0 122.8 7.0 91 90 103 04/05/07 Lot 27 408 2 0 125.1 7.5 93 90 104 04/05/07 Lot 27 410 2 0 121.5 7.6 90 90 105 04/05/07 Lot 27 412 2 0 121.6 7.0 90 90 106 04/05/07 Lot 20 406 2 0 122.8 6.9 91 90 107 04/06/07 Lot 21 411 2 . 0 125.5 7.0 93 90 108 04/06/07 Lot 27 412 2 0 126.5 7.5 94 90 109 04/06/07 Lot 21 . 418 2 0 121.5 7.4 90 90 110 04/10/07 Lot 19 426 2 0 121.5 6.5 90 90 III 04/10/07 Lot 19 437 2 0 124.5 7.5 .92 90 112 04/10/07 Lot 27 415 2 0 121.8 6.9 90 90 113 04/10/07 Lot 27 415 2 0 125.7 7.5 93 90 114 04/10/07 Lot27 417 2 0 121.9 7.6 90 90 115 04/11/07 Lot 20 416 2 0 124.5 6.6 92 90 116 04/11/07 Lot 20 430 2 0 128.2 7.9 95 90 117 04/11/07 Lot 27 415 2 0 123.7 7.5 92 90 118 04/11/07 Lot 418 2 0 121.7 6.9 90 90 119 04/12/07 Lot 20 421 2 0 125.9 7.5 93 90 120 04/12/07 Whiptail Loop 34+10 420 2• 0 122.6 8.0 91 90 121 04/12/07 Lot 27 417 2 . 0 127.9 6.9 95 90 122 04/12/07 Lot 27 . 417 3 0 116.8 8.4 90 90 123 04/12/07 Lot 27 . 419 3 0 119.1 9.0 92 90 124 04/13/07 Lot 21 405 3 0 1 17. 1 8.8 90 90 125 04/13/07 Lot 21 415 3 0 120.9 9.5 93 90 126 04/13/07 Lot 21 422 3 0 123.5 12.2 95 90 127 04/13/07 Lot 21 435 3 0 118.2 9.9 91 90 128 04/13/07 Lot 21 428 3 0 117.6 9.6 91 90 129 04/13/07 Lot 21 430 3 0 117.2 8.9 90 90 130 04/16/07 Lot 20 . 423 I 0 117.6 3.2 88 90 130 A 04/16/07 Lot 20 423 I 0 120.5 7.5 90 90 131 04/16/07 Lot 20 424 1 0 118.6 4.5 89 90 I31 .A 04/16/07 Lot 20 424 I 0 121.4 7.6 91 90 Project No. 06442-32-13 December ii. 2007 Elev. Plus Field Field Field Req'd. or 3/4" Dry Moist. Rel. Rd. Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Comp. Camp. (ft) No. (') (Pc!) (%) (%) %) 436 3 0 119.5 9.0 436 1 0 123.0 7.3 438 1 0 124.0 7.4 438 I 0 120.1 7.5 456 3 0 119.7 10.4 443 I 0 126.4 7.5 443 1 0 122.6 7.3 447 1 0 122.4 8.0 451 1 0 120.1 7.7 456 1 0 120.4 7.5 459 1 0 122.6 8.1 462 I 0 123.6 7.7 462 I 0 120.0 7.9 466 I 0 125.6 7.4 468 1 0 121.0 8.0 469 1 0 122.9 7.5 470 1 0 121.2 7.6 374 3 0 120.2 9.5 372 3 0 116.8 11.1 380 3 0 117.8 10.3 377 3 0 117.1 10.7 387 3 0 119.1 11.4 366 3 0 122.0 10.9 419 3 0 120.2 9.7 418 3 0 117.8 10.4 420 3 0 121.9 11.3 419 3 0 119.3 10.7 420 3 0 117.9 11.4 434 3 0 117.1 10.7 433 3 0 117.5 11.0 435 3 0 121.5 11.2 446 6 0 121.9 8.5 422 6 0 119.0 8.7 440 6 0 119.4 9.7 445 3 0 121.2 9.0 433 3 0 119.5 8.8 442 3 0 119.1 9.1 441 5 0 120.0 7.9 442 5 0 121.8 8.9 420 5 0 122.6 8.6 425 5 0 119.9 9.3 424 5 0 124.8 9.4 420 5 0 121.2 8.9 426 5 0 122.4 8.3 424 5 0 120.8 9.0 92 92 93 90 92 95 92 92 90 90 92 93 90 94 91 92 91 93 90 91 90 92 94 93 91 94 92 91 90 91 94 92 90 90 93 92 92 90 92 92 90 94 91 92 91 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No. Date Location 132 04/17107 Lot 20 133 04/17/07 Lot 20 134 04/17/07 Lot 20 135 04/17/07 Lot 20 136 04/18/07 Lot 19 1.3.7 04/18/07 Lot 20 138 04/18/07 Lot 19 139 04/20/07 Lot 19 140 04/20/07 Lot 19 141 04/20/07 Lot 19 142 04/20/07 Lot 19 143 04/23/07 Lot 19 144 04/23/07 Lot 19 145 04/24/07 Lot 19 146 04/24/07 Lot 19 147 04/24/07 Lot 19 148 04/24/07 Lot 19 149 04/25/07 Lot 13 150 04/25/07 Lot 13 151 04/25/07 Lot 13 152 04/25/07 Lot 13 153 04/25/07 Lot 13 154 04/25/07 Lot 13 155 04/25/07 Lot 27 156 04/25/07 Lot 27 157 04/25/07 Lot 27 158 04/25/07 Lot 27 159 04/25/07 Lot 27 160 04/27/07 Lot 21 161 04/27/07 Lot 21 162 04/27/07 Lot 21 163 04/27/07 Lot 20 164 04/27/07 Lot 20 165 04/27/07 Lot 20 ST 166 04/30/07 Lot 14 ST 167 04/30/07 Lot 14 ST 168 04/30/07 Lot 14 169 04/30107 Lot 21 170 04/30/07 Lot 21 171 04/30/07 Lot 27 172 04/30/07 Lot 27 173 04/30/07 Lot 27 174 04/30/07 Lot 27 175 05/01/07 Lot 27 176 05/01/07 Lot 27 PctjcctNo. 06442-32-13 . December H. 2007 TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No. Date Location Elev. or Depth if ' / Curve . No. Plus 3/4w Rock 'o'\ Field Dry Dens. , c Pc / Field Moist. Cont. c ('7`) ) Field Rd. Comp. i(1\ ,c1 Reqd. Rd. Comp. (c/S ,.c 177 05/01/07 Lot 27 425 5 0 121.8 8.5 92 90 178 05/01/07 Lot 27 429 5 0 123.4 8.9 93 90 179 05/01/07 Lot 27 429 5 0 119.6 9.3 90 90 180 05/01/07 Lot 27 428 5 0 124.4 8.5 94 90 ST 181 05/02/07 Lot 22 395 1 0 121.5 7.0 -. 91 90 ST 182 05/02/07 Lot 22 390 1 0 119.8 7.6 90 90 ST 183 05/02/07 Lot 22 397 1 0 123.1 7.3 92 90 184 05/02/07 Lot 20 445 5 0 119.6 8.7 90 90 185 05/02/07 Lot 20 442 5 0 121.8 8.9 92 90 186 05/02/07 Lot 20 447 5 0 120.0 9.2 90 90 187 05/02/07 Lot 20 449 5 0 125.1 9.4 94 90 188 05/03/07 Lot 20 449 3 0 117.1 9.2 90 90 189 05/03/07 Lot 20 449 3 0 119.7 9.1 92 90 190 05/03/07 Lot 20 451 6 0 120.6 8.7 91 90 191 05/03/07 Lot 20 453 6 0 119.1 8.8 90 90 192 05/04/07 Lot 15 448 I 0 120.0 7.4 90 90 193 05/04/07 Lot 15 454 1 0 120.8 7.0 91 90 194 05/04/07 Lot 15 459 1 0 117.6 4.5 88 90 194A 05/04/07 Lot 15 459 1 0 121.2 7.5 91 90 195 05/07/07 Lot 15 463 - - 1 0 123.6 7.7 93 90 196 05/07/07 Lot 15 467 1 0 120.0 8.0 90 90 197 05/07/07 Lot 15 460 1 0 125.0 7.9 94 90 198 05/07/07 Lot 15 454 .1 0 120.5 7.5 90 90 199 05/08/07 Lot 15 468 5 0 126.2 9.2 95 90 200 05/08/07 Lot 19 474 5 0 120.8 9.0 91 90 201 05/08/07 Lot 13 392 6 0 122.7 8.3 93 90 202 05/09/07 Lot 19 452 4 0 119.2 9.9 92 90 203 05/09/07 Lot 19 456 4 0 121.4 9.5 94 90 204 05/09/07 Lot 19 460 4 0 116.6 10.2 90 90 205 05/09/07 Lot 19 460 4 0 117.7 11.0 91 90 ------------------ 206 05/09/07 Lot 19 464 4 0 119.0 10.2 92 90 207 05/09/07 Lot 19 465 4 0 116.2 9.6 90 90 208 05/10/07 Lot 19 472 4 0 119.8 11.4 93 90 209 05/10/07 Lot 19 474 4 0 117.5 10.7 91 90 210 05/10/07 Lot 19 476 4 0 116.3 9.8 90 90 211 05/10/07 Lot 19 477 4 0 119.9 10.4 93 90 212 05/10/07 Lot 19 478 4. 0 116.2 9.6 90 90 213 05/10/07 Lot 19 478 4 0 121.4 9.9 94 90 214 05/11/07 Lot 19 483 6 0 125.3 8.0 95 90 215 05/11/07 Lot 19 484 6 0 119.1 8.5 90 90 216 05/11/07 Lot 19 476 4 0 117.1 11.2 91 90 217 05/11/07 Lot 19 482 6 0 123.2 9.6 93 90 218 05/11/07 Lot 19 480 6 0 119.2 9.7 90 90 219 05/11/07 Lot 27 431 5 0 122.6 8.9 92 90 220 05/11/07 Lot 27 432 5 0 119.6 8.7 90 90 Project No. 06442-32-13 December II, 2007 TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No. Date Location Elev. or Depth ft (ft) Curve . Plus 3/4 Rock (C',.)C Field Dry Dens. (pct) Field Moist. Cont. (q) Field Re!. Comp. (%• Reqd. Re!. Comp. (c/c 221 05/11/07 Lot 27 433 5 0 121.8 9.0 92 90 222 05/14/07 Lot 19 479 5 0 119.6 8.9 90 90 223 05/14107 Lot 19 481 5 0 121.9 8.5 92 90 224 05/14/07 Lot 19 485 5 0 119.9 8.7 90 90 225 05/14/07 Lot 27 437 5 0 124.0 8.5 93 90 226 05/14/07 Lot 15 455 5 0 119.7 8.9 90 90 227 05/15/07 Lot 27 439 5 0 120.1 8.8 90 90 228 05/15/07 Lot 27 450 5 0 126.4 9.3 95 90 229 05/15/07 Lot 27 445 5 0 124.7 9.0 94 90 230 05/15/07 Lot 27 456 5 0 125.9 8.9 95 90 231 05/16/07 Lot 15 474 4 0 119.2 9.9 92 90 232 05/16/07 Lot 15 473 4 0 117.0 9.6 91 90 233 05/16/07 Lot 15 475 5 0 119.6 9.0 90 90 234 05/16/07 Lot 15 476 5 0 125.1 9.4 94 90 235 05/17/07 Lot 17 385 5 0 123.2 8.5 93 90 236 05/17/07 Lot 13 390 5 0 120.8 8.7 91 90 237 05/17/07 Lot 13 394 5 0 119.8 9.0 90 90 238 05/18/07 Lot 13 394 5 0 125.1 8.6 94 90 239 05/18/07 Lot 13 395 5 0 121.9 8.9 92 90 240 05/18/07 Lot 13 396 . - 5 0 125.4 92 .... ST 241 05/21/07 Lot 20 468 3 0 119.7 9.9 92 90 ST 242 05/21/07 Lot 20 470 3 0 117.8 8.7 91 90 ST 243 05/21/07 Lot 20 465 3 0 123.5 9.5 95 90 244 05/21/07 Lot 13 391 5 0 119.7 9.0 90 90 245 05/21/07 Lot 13 393 5 0 123.0 8.9 93 90 246 05/22/07 Lot 13 386 3 0 119.7 9.0 92 90 247 05/22107 Lot 13 396 3 0 117.5 9.2 91 90 248 05/22/07 Lot 13 394 3 0 116.8 9.0 90 90 249 05/22101 Lot 13 399 5 0 122.2 8.6 92 90 250 05/22/07 Lot 13 395 5 0 123.2 9.0 93 90 251 05/23/07 Lot 13 403 5 0 119.8 8.4 90 90 252 05/23/07 Lot 13 404 5 0 119.9 8.3 90 90 253 05/23/07 Lot 13 405 5 0 122.6 7.9 92 90 254 05/23/07 Lot 13 405 5 0 119.9 8.2 90 90 255 05/23/07 Lot 13 400 5 0 119.6 8.5 90 90 05/23/07 Lot 13 0 122.3 8.6 92 90 257 05/24/07 Lot 17 442 5 0 123.1 8.6 93 90 258 05/24/07 Lot 17 457 5 0 125.4 9.0 94 90 259 05/24/07 Lot 13 409 5 0 119.6 7.9 90 90 260 05t24/07 Lot 13 410 5 0 119.9 7.9 90 90 261 05/24/07 Lot 18 490 5 0 122.6 8.5 92 90 262 05/24/07 Lot 18 490 5 0 120.4 7.6 91 90 263 05/24/07. Lot 18 490 5 0 119.9 7.9 90 90 264 05/25/07 Lot 18 491 1 0 122.4 7.7 92 90 265 05/25/07 Lot IS 494 1 0 124.2 7.9 93 90 Project No. 06442-32-13 December II. 2007 - - -.-• ,...,.... •-.1.- -. - . TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elcv. Plus Field Field Field Rcqd. or 3/4" Dry Moist. Rd. Rd. Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. Test No.. Date Location (ft) No. (%) (P') (%) (%) (%) 266 05/25/07 Lot 18 491 1 0 120.0 7.2 90 90 267 05/25/07 Lot 18 496 1 .0 122.2 6.9 92 90 26S 05/25/07 Lot 18 492 I 0 125.0 7.0 94 90 269 05/25/07 Lot 15 476 I 0 120.7 7.3 91 90 270 05/29/07 Lot 17 446 5 0 121.3 7.8 91 90 271 05/29/07 Lot 17 445 5 0 119.6 4.6 90 90 271 A 05/29/07 Lot 17 445 5 .0 123.1 8.3 93 90 272 05/29/07 Lot 17 450 5 0 121.3 7.9 91 90 273 05/29/07 Lot 17 449 5 0 122.1 8.6 92 90 274 05/30/07 Lot 17 449 5 0 119.7 8.0 90 90 275 05/30/07 Lot 17 448 5 0 120.0 8.3 90 90 276 05/30/07 Lot 17 451 5 0 121.9 8.4 92 90 277 05/30/07 Lot 17 451 5 0 118.3 4.1 89 90 277A 06/01/07 Lot 17 451 5 0 119.9 8.9 90 90 278 05/30/07 Lot 17 453 5 0 119.5 4.9 90 90 278A .. 66/61107 Lot 17 453 . 5 0 120.1 8.7 90 90 279 05/30/07 Lot 17 453 5 0 124.0 7.9 93 90 280 05/31/07 Lot 13 405 5 0 119.7 7.9 90 90 281 05/31/07 Lot 13 407 5 0 123.2 8.3 93 90 282 05/31/07 Lot 13 406 5 0 122.3 9.292 .. 283 05/31/07 Lot 13 404 5 0 119.6 9.1 90 90 284 05/31/07 Lot 15 477 1 . 0 125.4 8.5 94 90 285 06/01/07 Lot 17 468 1 0 122.9 7.3 92 90 286 06/01/07 Lot 17 471 1 0 120.8 7.4 91 90 287 06/01/07 Lot 17 468 1 0 121.0 7.5 91 90 288 06/04/07 Lot 13 Slope 425 1 0 122.2 7.0 92 90 289 06/04/07 Lot 13 Slope 428 1 0 120.4 6.9 90 90 290 06/04/07 Lot 13 Slope 430 1 0 120.0 7.0 90 90 291 06/04/07 Lot 13 Slope 440 1 0 124.4 7.2 93 90 292 06/04/07 Lot 13 Slope 430 1 0 122.2 7.0 92 90 293 06/04/07 Lot 13 Slope 447 1 0 120.1 6.6 90 90 294 06/04/07 Lot 13 Slope 445 1 0 124.9 7.4 94 90 295 06/05/07 Lot 13 Slope 435 1 0 120.5 6.9 90 90 296 06/05/07 Lot 13 Slope 452 1 0 124.2 7.7 93 90 297 06/05/07 Lot 13 Slope 448 1 0 120.2 7.3 90 90 298 06/05/07 Lot 13 Slope 436 I 0 122.9 8.9 92 90 299 06/06/07 Lot 13 Slope 443 1 0 120.4 6.9 90 90 300 06/06/07 Lot 13 Slope 452 I 0 121.6 7.3 91 90 301 06/06/07 Lot 17 455 1 0 120.0 6.5 90 90 302 06/06/07 Lot 17 450 1 0 125.6 7.6 - 94 -. 90 303 06/06/07 Lot 17 465 1 0 --- 122.2 6.6 92 90 304 06/06/07 Lot 17 450 1 0 120.5 6.7 90 90 305 06107/07 Lot 17 468 1 0 120.0 6.9 90 90 306 06/07/07 Lot 13: Slope between Lots 14/15 452 I 0 123.0 7.0 92 90 307 06/07/07 Lot 17 458 I 0 120.9 7.5 91 90 L Project No. 06442-32-13 . December II. 2007 TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Field Field Field Reqd. or 3/4" Dry Moist. Rel. Rd. Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. Test No. Date Location (ft)No. (%) (Pct) (%) (%) (%) 308 06/07/07 Lot 17 458 I 0 118.3 5.2 89 90 308 A 06/07/07 Lot 17 458 1 0 123.0 7.3 92 90 309 06/07/07 Lot 17 460 I 0 120.5 7.2 90 90 310 06/08/07 Lot 13 Slope 452 1 0 122.2 7.0 92 90 311 06/08/07 Lot 17 457 1 0 120.4 7.5 90 90 312 06/08/07 Lot 17 452 1 0 120.0 7.3 90 90 313 06/08/07 Lot 15 480 1 0 120.9 7.4 91 90 314 06/08/07 Lot 15 477 1 0 122.6 7.4 92 90 315 06/08/07 Lot 17 463 6 0 119.1 8.0 90 90 316 06/08/07 Lot 17 462 6 0 119.4 8.1 90 90 317 06/11/07 Lot 17 461 6 0 126.4 8.9 96 90 318 06/11/07 Lot 17 460 6 0 119.7 9.1 91 90 319 06/11/07 Lot 17 466 6 0 123.5 8.3 93 90 320 06/11/07 Lot 17 466 6 0 123.2 8.7 93 90 321 06/11/07 Whiptail Loop 49+00 - 454 6 0 119.6 8.9 90 90 322 06/11/07 Lot 17 466 6 0 121.8 8.0 92 90 323 06/11/07 Lot 17 468 6 0 124.8 9.1 94 90 324 06/12107 Lot 17 470 1 0 123.7 7.7 93 90 325 06/12/07 Lot 17 466 1 0 121.6 8.2 91 90 326 06/12107 Lot 17 466 1 0 125.3 7.0 94 90 327 06/12/07 Lot 24 349 1 0 1 20. 8 7.5 91 90 328 06/12/07 Lot 24 352 I 0 122.9 6.9 92 90 329 06/12107 Lot 23 466 I 0 120.2 7.0 90 90 330 06/12/07 Lot 24 372 1 0 124.4 7.7 93 90 331 06/12/07 Lot .24 357 I 0 117.6 4.2 88 90 331 A 06/12/07 Lot 24 357 1 0 120.8 7.5 91 90 ST 332 06/13/07 Lot 27 469 1 0 119.5 6.6 90 90 ST 333 06/13/07 Lot 27 465 1 0 124.2 7.0 93 90 ST 334 06/13/07 Lot 27 468 1 0 119.7 6.8 90 90 ST 335 06/13/07 Lot 27 470 I 0 123.2 6.3 92 90 336 06/13/07 Lot 24 362 1 0 121.0 7.2 91 90 337 06/13/07 Lot 24 366 I 0 125.0 6.9 94 90 338 06/13/07 Lot 24 368 1 0 121.8 7.7 91 90 339 06/13/07 Lot 24 368 I 0 126.9 6.9 95 90 340 06/13/07 Lot 23 373 1 0 120.4 7.8 90 90 - 341 06/13/07 Lot 24 375 1 0 121.3 7.9 91 90 FG 342 06/13/07 Lot 27 435 1 0 122.8 6.2 92 90 FG 343 06/13/07 Lot 27 435 1 0 122.9 7.3 92 90 FG 344 06/13/07 Lot 27 433 I 0 121.1 6.0 91 90 FG 345 06/13/07 Lot 27 433 1 0 121.4 6.6 91 90 FG 346 06/13/07 Lot 27 431 1 0 120.7 7.3 91 90 FO 347 06/13/07 Lot 27 430 I 0 128.8 5.8 97 90 FO 34S 06/13/07 Lot 20 456 1 0 127.4 6.4 96 90 FG 349 06/13/07 Lot 20 458 1 0 127.9 7.3 96 90 FG 350 06/13/07 Lot 20 456 1 0 123.4 6.3 93 90 Project No. 06442-32-13 . December II. 2007 TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elcv. Plus Field Field Field Req'd. or 3/4 Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. Test No. Date Location (ft) No. M (Pd) (%) (%) (%) FG 351 06/13/07 Lot 20 FG 352 06/13/07 Lot 20 FG 353 06/13/07 Lot 20 354 06/13/07 Lot 24 355 06/13/07 Lot 23 356 06/13/07 Lot 23 357 06/14/07 Lot 24 358 06/14/07 Lot 24 359 06/14/07 Lot 24 360 06/14/07 Lot 16 361 06/14/07 Lot 16 362 06/15/07 Lot 24 363 06/15/07 Lot 24 364 06/15/07 Lot 16 365 06/15/07 Lot 16 366 06/15/07 Lot 16 367 06/18/07 Lot 23 368 06/18/07 Lot 24 369 06/18/07 Lot 23 370 06/18/07 Lot 24 371 06/18/07 Lot 23 372 06/18/07 Lot 24 373 06/19/07 Lot 16 374 06/19/07 Lot 16 375 06/19/07 Lot 16 376 06/19/07 Lot 16 377 06/20/07 Lot 16 378 06/20/07 Lot 16 379 06/20/07 Lot 16 3S0 06/20/07 Lot 16 381 06/20/07 Lot 16 382 06/20/07 Lot 16 383 06/20/07 Lot 16 384 06/21/07 Lot 15 385 06/21/07 Lot 15 386 06/21/07 Lot 15 387 06/21/07 Lot 22 388 06/21/07 Lot 22 389 06/22/07 Lot 23 390 06/22/07 Lot 24 391 06/22/07 Lot 24 392 06122107 Lot 23 393 06/22/07 Lot 23 394 06/22/07 Lot 24 395 06/22/07 Lot 24 458 1 0 123.9 6.7 93 90 457 1 0 123.9 6.2 93 90 459 1 0 122.4 6.9 92 90 365 1 0 125.0 7.7 94 90 376 1 0 120.0 7.5 90 90 370 1 0 120.4 6.9 90 90 375 1 0 123.7 7.8 93 90 375 1 0 121.3 7.5 91 90 375 1 0 125.5 6.9 94 90 453 1 0 122.8 7.5 92 90 459 1 0 120.0 7.3 90 90 372 6 0 119.1 8.3 90 90 376 6 0 124.0 8.5 94 90 464 5 0 123.2 8.6 93 90 466 5 0 120.0 8.9 90 90 468 5 0 122.4 9.0 92 90 380 6 0 122.9 8.8 93 90 380 . 6 0 120.6 8.2 91 90 382 6 0 125.3 9.4 95 90 384 6 0 119.0 9.0 90 90 385 6 0 126.6 8.6 96 90 385 6 0 120.6 8.2 91 90 472 1 0 120.1 7.5 90 90 474 1 0 124.4 7.7 93 90 475 1 0 120.5 7.3 90 90 476 1 0 121.4 7.5 91 90 479 1 0 123.7 7.2 93 90 481 1 0 122.8 7.7 92 90 480 1 0 120.0 7.6 90 90 477 1 0 122.2 7.3 92 90 477 . 1 0 125.3 9.9 94 90 483 1 0 121.1 8.0 91 90 482 1 0 120.0 7.2 90 90 480 6 0 119.1 8.8 90 90 483 6 0 122.7 9.2 93 90 479 6 0 119.9 9.3 91 90 - 406 6 0 124.0 8.2 94 90 405 6 0 120.6 8.6 91 90 353 1 0 122.2 7.7 92 90. 350 1 0 120.8 7.5 91 90 356 5 0 122.4 8.5 92 90 360 5 0 120.4 8.4 91 90 363 5 0 123.5 9.2 93 90 350 5 0 119.6 8.5 90 90 360 5 0 124.3 8.7 94 90 Project No. 06442-32-13 . December ii. 2007 Elev. or Depth Test No. Date Location. 396 06/26/07 Lot 23 365 397 06/26/07 Lot 23 368 398 06/26/07 Lot 23 369 399 06/27/07 Lot 13 393 400 06/27/07 Lot 13 395 401 06/27/07 Lot 13 396 402 06/27/07 Lot 13 396 403 04/28/07 Lot 13 404 404 04/28/07 Lot 13 398 405 04/28/07 Lot 13 403 406 04128/07 Lot 13 405 407 04/28/07 Lot 13 402 408 04/28/07 Lot 13 398 409 04/28/07 Lot 13 404 410 04/29/07 Lot 25 380 411 04/29/07 Lot 25 384 412 04/29/07 Lot 25 383 413 04/29/07 Lot 25 390 414 06/29/07 Lot 25 394 415 06/29/07 Lot 17 4.66 416 06/29/07 Lot 17 467 417 07/02/07 Lot (7 467 418 07/02/07 Lot 17 469 419 07/02/07 Lot 17 . 470 420 07/02/07 Lot 17 468 421 07/02/07 Whiptail Loop 53+20 418 422 07/02/07 Lot 18. 486 423 07/03/07 Lot 18 488 424 07/03/07 Lot 18 490 425 07/03/07 Whiptail Loop 43+90 479 426 07/03/07 Whiptail Loop 46+20 469 427 07/03/07 Lot 17 464 428 07/03/07 Lot 17 456 429 07/05/07 Lot 13 Slope 450 430 07/05/07 Whiptail Loop-47+80 457 431 07/06/07 Whiptail Loop 46+00 471 432 07/06/07 Lot 18 488 433 07/06/07 Lot 24 363 ST 434 07/09/07 Lot 17 465 ST 435 07/09/07 Lot 17 445 ST 436 07/09/07 Lot 13 426 ST 437 07/09/07 Lot 13 444 ST 438 07/09/07 Lot 13 441 ST 439 07/09/07 Lot 13 455 ST 440 07/09/07 Lot 13 405 Field Field Field Req'd. Dry Moist. Rd. Rd. Dens. Cont. Comp. Camp. (pci) (%) (%) (%) Plus 3/4,, Curve Rock No. (%) 5 0 123.1 8.5 93 90 5 0 122.6 8.9 92 90 5 0 122.2 9.1 92 90 5 0 119.8 8.6 90 90 5 0 123.2 8.5 93 90 5 0 126.2 9.2 95 90 5 0 121.3 9.9 91 90 5 0 122.4 9.2 92 90 5 0 125.0 9.0 94 90 5 0 119.6 9.1 90 90 5 0 121.1 9.9 91 90 5 0 123.2 9.3 93 90 5 0 119.7 8.9 90 90 5 0 121.1 8.5 91 90 5 - 0 121.8 8.2 92 90 5 0 119.9 8.9 90 90 5 0 123.3 8.7 93 90 5 0 122.2 9.0 92 90 5 0 122.6 9.1 92 90 5 0 124.2 . 8.9 94 90 5 0 123.7 8.5 93 90 5 0 120.1 8.2 90 90 5 0 120.3 8.7 91 90 5 0 122.4 7.9 92 90 5 0 120.6 8.2 91 90 5 0 121.5 9.6 91 90 5 0 120.8 9.1 91 90 5 0 120.1 8.2 90 90 5 0 121.7 9.4 92 90 5 0 120.5 8.7 91 90 5 0 122.9 8.3 93 90 5 0 123.6 8.4 93 .90 5 0 122.8 9.2 92 90 5 0 121.5 9.1 91 90 5 0 120.9 8.6 91 90 5 0 122.7 8.2 92 90 5 0 125.3 9.9 94 90 5 0 124.0 9.4 93 90 5 0 120.1 7.9 90 90 5 0 121.4 6.5 91 90 5 0 124.2 8.S 94 90 5 0 120.5 7.9 91 90 5 0 121.9 7.2 92 90 5 0 120.1 8.2 90 90 5 0 119.7 7.6 90 90 TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Project No. 06442-32-13 . . December 11. 2007 TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No. Date Location Elev. or Depth (ft) Curve No. Plus 3/4' Rock Field Dry Dens. PC ( 1)(%)%i Field Moist. Cont. Field Rd. Comp. t Req'd. Rd. Comp. (q ST 441 07/11/07 Lot 13 405 5 0 122.6 8.0 92 90 ST 442 07/11/07 Lot 13 395 5 0 120.6 7.9 91 90 ST 443 07111/07 Lot 13 285 5 0 120.8 8.4 91 90 444 07/12/07 Lot 23 371 5 0 123.1 8.5 93 90 445 07/12/07 Lot 24 373 5 0 125.4 8.3 94 90 446 07/13/07 Lot 22 409 5 0 119.9 8.5 90 90 447 07/13/07 Lot 22 406 5 0 122.6 8.6 92 90 448 07/13/07 Lot 23 385 5 0 119.7 8.7 90 90 449 07/13/07 Lot 23 386 5 0 126.4 7.9 95 90 450 07/16/07 Lot 21 423 6 0 121.9 7.5 92 90 451 07/16/07 Choker Whiptail Loop 3l+20 406 6 0 119.9 7.9 91 90 452 07/16/07 Choker Whiptail Loop 3l+50 405 6 0 121.6 8.5 92 90 453 07/16/07 Lot 22 410 5 0 119.6 8.2 90 90 454 07/16/07 Whiptail Loop 30+20 399 6 0 119.0 8.0 90 90 455 07/17/07 Whiptail Loop 37+20 449 I 0 123.7 7.0 93 90 456 07/17/07 Whiptail Loop 34+50 425 1 0 126.6 7.3 95 90 457 07/17/07 Choker Whiptail Loop 39+20 466 1 0 122.2 . 7.5 92 90 458 07/17/07 Choker Whiptail Loop 40+75 476 I 0 127.8 7.1 96 90 459 07/17/07 Lot 13 394 I 0. 120.0 8.2 90 90 460 07/17/07 Lot 13 392 1 0 124.2 7.7 93 90 461 07/17/07 Lot 24 376 1 0 121.2 8.0 91 90 FG 462 07/18/07 Lot 17 472 1 0 120.1 7.0 90 90 FG 463 07/18/07 Lot 17 468 1 0 124.2 6.6 93 90 FG 464 07/18/07 Lot 17 466 1 0 129.0 7.2 97 90 FG 465 07/18/07 Lot 17 473 1 0 121.6 7.5 91 90 FG 466 07/18/07 Lot 17 470 1 0 1 25. 3 6.4 94 90 FG 467 07/18/07 Lot 17 468 1 0 122.2 6.8 92 90 FG 468 04/18/07 Lot 15 484 6 0 119.1 7.5 90 90 FG 469 04/18/07 Lot 15 483 6 0 127.2 7.4 96 90 FG 470 04/18/07 Lot 15 479 6 0 120.6 7.6 91 90 FG 471 04/18/07 Lot 15 480 6 0 122.9 7.4 93 90 472 04/19/07 Lot 13 . .401 6 0 119.1 8.0 90 90 473 04/19/07 Lot 23 375 6 0 124.5 7.8 94 90 474 04/19/07 Lot 13 409 6 0 120.3 7.9 91 90 475 04/19/07 Choker Whiptail Loop 55+75 402 6 0 119.4 8.3 90 90 ST 476 04/20/07 Lot 27 420 1 0 120.0 6.9 90 90 ST 477 04/20/07 Lot 27 423 1 0 121.0 7.0 91 90 ST 478 07/23/07 Lot 25 380 I 0 120.1 6.9 90 90 ST 479 07/23/07 Lot 25 385 1 0 122.6 7.2 92 90 ST 480 07/23107 Lot 25 392 I 0• 117.5 7.4 88 90 ST 4S0 A 07/27/07 Lot 25 392 1 0 122.2 7.4 92 90 ST 481 07/23/07 Lot 25 393 I 0 120.0 7.5 90 90 FG 4S2 07/23/07 Lot 13 412 5 0 123.2 8.0 93 90 FG 483 07/23/07 Lot 13 410 5 0 120.8 8.3 91 90 FG 484 07/23/07 Lot 13 407 5 0 125.3 8.1 94 90 Project No. 06442-32-13 . December 11. 2007 TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No. Date Location Elev. or Depth Curve NO. Plus 3/4 Rock '' .c, Field Dry Dens. I .A I Field Moist. Cont.. t/. Field Rel. Comp. I7\ Reqd. Re!. Comp. (%) 485 07/24/07 Lot 23 375 I 0 123.6 8.0 93 90 486 07/24/07 Lot 24 379 1 0 120.9 7.6 91 90 487 07/24/07 Lot 13 407 I 0 122.8 6.9 92 90 488 07/24/07 Lot 13' 409 1 0 125.3 7.1 94 90 489 07/24/07 Lot 23 379 1 0 120.5 7.3 90 90 490 07/25/07 Lot 14 455 1 0 123.9 6.9 93 90 491 07/25/07 Whiptail Loop 39+20 465 1 0 120.1 7.5 90 90 492 07/25/07 Whiptail Loop 32+50 418 I 0 123.6 7.7 93 90 493 07/25/07 Lot 23 375 I 0 121.6 6.8 91 90 494 07/25/07 Lot 23 385 1 0 120.0 6.9 90 90 ST 495 07/26/07 Lot 13 447 1 0 122.2 6.9 92 90 ST 496 07/26/07 Lot 13 425 1 0 121.3 7.3 91 90 ST 497 07/26/07 Lot 13 445 1 0 120.0 7.0 90 90 ST 498 07/26/07 Lot 13 433 1 0 120.4 7.0 90 90 499 07/26/07 Lot 23 373 I 0 125.1 7.9 94 90 500 07/26/07 Lot 24 371 1 0 124.0 8.4 93 90 501 07/27/07 Lot 23 375 I 0 126.4 7.0 95 90 502 07/27/07 Lot 24 373 1 0 120.1 7.2 90 90 503 07/27/07 Lot 23 379 1 0 121.8 7.0 91 90 ST 504 07/30/07 Lot 21 433 2 0 122.4 7.4 91 90 ST 505 07/30/07 Lot 21 425 2 0 121.8 7.5 90 90 FG 506 07/30/07 Lot 21 440 2 0 121.9 6.9 90 90 FO 507 07/30/07 Lot 21 442 2 0 123.0 6.5 91 90 FO 508 07/30/07 Lot 21 444 2 0 127.1 6.6 94 90 FG 509 07/30/07 Lot 21 444 2 0 121.5 6.9 90 90 FG 510 07/30/07 Lot 21 442 . 2 0 124.1 6.8 92 90 ST 511 07/30/07 Lot 20 439 6 0 122.7 7.4 93 90 ST 512 07/30/07 Lot 20 445 6 0 119.0 7.9 90 90 FG 513 07/31/07 Lot 16 479 6 0 119.4 7.4 90 90 FG 514 07/31/07 Lot 16 481 6 0 124.7 7.0 94 90 FG 515 07/31/07 Lot 16 483 6 0 1 23 .2 7.7 93 90 FG 516 07/31/07 Lot 16 486 6 0 120.0 7.2 91 90 FG 517 07/31/07 Lot 16 484 6 0 121.9 7.8 92 90 ST 518 07/31/07 Slope between Lots 14/16 470 6 0 .119.6 8.0 90 90 ST 519 07/31/07 Slope between Lots 14/16 473 6 0 124.5 7.4 94 90 ST 520 07/31/07 Lot 16 465 6 0 122.0 7.1 92 90 ST 521 07/31/07 Lot 16 473 6 0 119.0 7.3 90 90 ST 522 07/31/07 Slope between Lots 21/22 425 6 0 119.0 7.2 90 90 523 08/01107 Lot 24 374 2 0 124.4 8.4 92 90 524 08/01/07 Lot 24 370 2 0 121.5 7.9 90 90 525 08/01/07 Lot 24 370 2 0 125.6 9.2 93 90 526 08/02/07 Whiptail Loop 23+70 344 2 0 123.7 8.1 92 90 527 08/02/07 Whiptail Loop 23+00 352 2 0 126.7 7.6 94 90 528 08/02107 Whiptail Loop 23+50 362 2 0 123.7 7.7 92 90 529 08/02/07 Whiptail Loop 21+00 353 2 0 127.9 6.7 95 90 Project No. 06442-32-13 December II. 2007 TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Field Field Field Reqd. or 3/4" Dry Moist. Rd. Re!. Depth Curve Rock Dens. Cont. Camp. Comp. Test No. Date Location ( t) No. ic.) pet) c) (%) ti) 530 08/02/07 Whiptail Loop 22+00 355 2 0 121.9 TO 90 90 531 08/02/07 Whiptail Loop Choker 25+00 375 2 0 125.2 7.3 93 90 532 08/02/07 Whiptail Loop Choker 20+50 355 2 0 122.8 7.1 91 90 FO 533 08/03/07 Lot 13 406 5 0 119.9 6.9 90 90 FG 534 08/03/07 Lot 13 409 5 0 122.3 7.8 92 90 FG 535 08/03/07 Lot 13 406 5 0 119.6 7.7 90 90 FO 536 08/03/07 Lot 13 401 5 0 123.8 7.5 93 90 ST 537 08/06/07 Lot 19 465 4 0 121.1 9.9 94 90 Sr 538 08/06/07 Lot 19 470 4 0 118.8 9.2 92 90 ST 539 08/06/07 Lot 15 475 2 0 121.5 6.9 90 90 ST 540 08/06/07 Lot 15 465 2 0 123.0 6.5 91 90 ST 541 08/06/07 Slope between Lots 20/21 445 2 0 121.6 6.3 90 90 542 08/07/07 Lot 24 374 5 0 120.4 8.9 91 90 543 08/07/07 Whiptail Loop 45+75 469 5 0 125.1 7.9 94 90 544 08/07/07 Whiptail Loop 50+00 441 5 0 123.9 8.4 93 90 FG 545 08/08/07 Lot 22 411 5 0 119.6 7.8 90 90 FG 546 08/08/07 Lot 22 409 5 0 120.4 7.7 91 90 FG 547 08/08/07 Lot 22 408 5 0 125.1 7.5 94 90 FG 548 08/08/07 Lot 22 406 5 0 119.9 7.8 90 90 549 08/08/07 Whiptail Loop 19+00 343 5 0 119.7 7.5 90 90 550 08/08/07 Whiptail Loop I8+50 338 5 0 122.0 7.7 92 90 FG 551 08/10/07 Lot 18 497 1 0 123.7 6.9 93 90 FO 552 08/10/07 Lot 18 494 . I 0 121.3 6.5 91 90 FG 553 08/10/07 Lot 18 494 I 0 125.3 6.0 94 90 FG 554 08/10/07 Lot 18 492 1 0 126.6 6.5 95 90 FG 555 08/10/07 Lot 19 . 488 6 0 121.8 6.9 92 90 FG 556 08/10/07 Lot 19 . 485 6 0 119.4 7.5 90 90 FG 557 08/10/07 Lot 19 484 6 0 124.4 7.5 94 90 FG 558 08/10/07 Lot 19 482 6 0 125.2 7.0 95 90 FG 559 08/14/07 Lot 25 375 1 0 122.2 7.0 92 90 FG 560 08/14/07 Lot 25 372 1 0 121.6 6.9 91 90 ST 561 08/14/07 Lot 27 420 1 0 120.0 6.9 90 90 ST 562 08/15/07 Lot 14 445 1 0 123.0 7.0 92 90 FG 563 08/15/07 Lot 14 456 1 0 127.4 6.9 96 90 FO 564 08/15/07 Lot 14 454 1 0 126.6 7.3 95 90 FG 565 08/15/07 Lot 14 453 1 0 122.4 6.6 92 90 FG 566 08/15/07 Lot 14 449 I 0 124.0 6.9 93 90 ST 567 08/15/07 Whiptail Loop 23+30 355 1 0 120.1 7.1 90 90 ST 568 08/15/07 Whiptail Loop 24+00 360 1 0 120.9 6.9 91 90 ST 569 08/15/07 Whiptail Loop 25+00 360 1 0 122.6 6.6 92 90 FG 570 08/16/07 Lot 14 453 1 0 124.0 6.6 93 90 , FG 571 08/16/07 Lot 14 . 453 1 0 125.4 7.0 94 90 FG 572 08/16/07 Lot 14 456 1 0 122.6 6.5 92 90 FG 573 OS/16/07 Lot 14 456 1 0 126.2 6.5 95 90 574 0S121/07 Lot 24 379 1 0 122.8 7.0 92 90 Project No. 06442-32-13 . December II. 2007 TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No. . Date Location Elev. or Depth (ft) Curve i\o. Plus 3/4' Rock ) Field Dry Dens: (pcf) Field Moist. Cont. Field Rel. Comp. Req'd. Rd. Comp. 575 08/21/07 Lot 24 380 1 0 120.0 7.3 90 90 ST 576 08/24/07 Lot 24 375 1 0 123.0 6.9 92. 90 ST. 577 08/24/07 Lot 24 375 1 0 . 120.1 7.3 90 90 ST 578 08/24/07 Lot 23 373 1 0 120.4 6.8 90 90 ST 579 08/24/07 Lot 23 380 1 0 121.6 7.4 91 90 580 08/27/07 Lot 23 375 I 0 123.0 7.6 92 90 581 08/27/07 Lot 23 380 . 1 0 120.0 7.5 90 90 ST 582 . 08/30/07 Lot 23 375 1 0 123.0 7.5 92 90 ST 583 08/30/07 Lot 23 . 368 1 0 120.5 7.0 90 90 ST 584 08/30/07 Lot 23 . 368 1 0 120.9 7.7 91 90 ST 585 08131/07 Lot 24 . 365 1 0 120.2 6.9 90 90 ST 586 08/31/07 Lot 24 365 1 0 122.8 . 7.3 92 90 ST 587 08/31/07 Lot 24 375 1 0 121.8 7.4 91 90 Project No. 06-442-32-13 . December 11, 2007 TABLE I EXPLANATION OF CODED TERMS - TEST SUFFIX A, B, C,. .. : Retest of previous density test failure, following moisture conditioning and/or recompaction. Fill in area of density test failure wasremoved and replaced with properly compacted fill soil. - PREFIX CODE DESIGNATION FOR TEST NUMBERS FG - FINISH GRADE ST - SLOPE TEST - CURVE NO. Corresponds to curve numbers listed in the summary of laboratory maximum dry density and optimum moisture content test results table for selected fill soil samples encountered during testing and observation. - ROCK CORRECTION For density tests with rock percentage greater than zero, laboratory maximum dry density and optimum moisture content were adjusted for rock content. For tests with rock content equal to zero, laboratory maximám dry density and optimum moisture content values are unadjusted. - TYPE OF TEST SC: Sand Cone Test (ASTM D1556) NU: Nuclear Density Test (ASTM D2922) OT: Other - ELEVATION/DEPTH Test elevations/depths have been rounded to the nearest whole foot. Project No. 06442-32-13 December II. 2007 TABLE II SUMMARY OF LABORATORY MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY AND OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT TEST RESULTS ASTM D 1557-02 Maximum Optimum Proctor Source and Description Dry Density Moisture Content Curve No. (pci) (%) Grayish brown, Silty, fine to medium SAND, with trace gravel 133.3 7.4 2 Dark reddish brown, Silty, fine to medium SAND 134.9 7.4 3 Brown, Silty, fine to coarse SAND, with 129.7 9.3 trace clay 4 Dark brown, Silty, fine to coarse SAND, 129.1 9.4 with trace gravel 5 Dark brown, Silty, fine to medium SAND, 132.8 8.8 with trace gravel 6 Dark brown, Silty, fine to coarse SAND, 132.2 8.4 - with trace gravel TABLE III SUMMARY OF LABORATORY DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS ASTM D 3080-03 Sample No.* Dry Density (pci) Moisture Content (%) Unit Cohesion (psi) Angle of Shear Resistance (degrees) 1 120.2 11.8 500 35 2 122.0 7.0 715 33 3 117.2 8.8 545 37 *Samples were remolded to approximately 90 percent of maximum dry density at near optimum moisture content. Project No. 06442-32-13 December 11, 2007 TABLE IV SUMMARY OF LABORATORY EXPANSION INDEX TEST RESULTS ASTM D 4829-03 Sample No. (Proctor Curve No. or Lot No. and Location) Moisture Content ( Dry Density P' Expansion Index Before Test After Test El-1 (1) 8.0 14.1 118.0 0 El-2(2) 8.0. 12.6 118.1 0 EI-3(3) 7.9 15.0 118.2 0 EI-4 (4) 10.4 20.2 109.2 36 El-4A (N/A) 11.7 24.9 102.8 63 EI-4B(N/A) 11.4 23.5 105.7 73 El-S 7.7 13.4 117.9 0 El-6 8.1 13.4 116.6 0 EI-7 (Lot 17 East) 7.8 12.3 118.5 0 El-8 (Lot 17 Central) 7.4 13.0 118.1 0 EI-9 (Lot 17 West) 7.6 12.3 118.3 0 El- 10 (Lot 18 East) 7.6 12.5 118.1 0 El- Il (Lot 18 Central) 7.4 12.0 118.9 0 EI-12 (Lot 18 West) 7.6. 13.5 117.3 0 El- 13 (Lot 15 East) . 7.7 12.2 118.6 0 EI-14 (Lot 15 Central) . 7.5 13.1 118.0 0 El-IS (Lot 15 West) 7.6 12.3 118.5 0 El- 16 (Lot 27 East) 7.5 12.5 118.8 0 El- 17 (Lot 27 Central) 7.5 12.6. 118.6 0 EI-18 (Lot 27 West) 7.6 13.2 117.5 0 EI-19 (Lot 16 East) 7.7 12.7 118.6 2 EI-20 (Lot 16 Central) 7.8 12.9 117.4 0 EI-21 (Lot 16 West) 7.8 14.1 117.6 1 EI-22 (Lot 21 East) 7.6 12.4 118.6 0 El-23 (Lot 21 Central) 7.4 13.0 118.0 0 EI-24 (Lot 21 West) 7.4 12.4 . 118.6 0 EI-25 (Lot 13 East) 8.0 13.0 118.2 1 El-26 (Lot 13 Central) 7.6 13.0 . 118.6 0 El-27 (Lot 13 West) 7.4 12.3 119.1 1 El-28 (Lot 19 East) 7.6 12.4 118.7 0 Project No. 06442-32-13 December II. 2007 TABLE IV (Continued) SUMMARY OF LABORATORY EXPANSION INDEX TEST RESULTS ASTM D 4829-03 Sample No. (Proctor Curve No. or Lot No. and Location) Moisture Content (') Dry Density (pci) Expansion Index Before Test After Test EI-29 (Lot 19 Central) 7.2 13.4 117.9 0 EI-30 (Lot 19 West) 7.4 13.3 117.7 0 EI-31 (Lot 14 East) 7.0 11.8 120.5 0 EI-32 (Lot 14 Central) 7.2 12.1 120.9 0 EI-33 (Lot 14 West) 7.6 12.8 118.1 0 EI-34 (Lot 20 East) 7.1 12.3 120.6 0 EI-35 (Lot 20 Central) 7.7 12.9 118.6 0 EI-36 (Lot 20 West) 7.3 12.4 119.0 0 EI-37 (Lot 22 East) 7.5 12.6 118.7 0 EI-38 (Lot 22 Central) 7.5 12.5 118.4 0 EI-39 (Lot 22 West) 6.8 12.1 120.6 0 TABLE V SUMMARY OF LABORATORY WATER-SOLUBLE SULFATE TEST RESULTS CALIFORNIA TEST NO. 417 Sample No. (Lot No.) Water-Soluble Sulfate (%) Sulfate Exposure EI-7 (Lot 17 East) 0.018 Negligible. El-8 (Lot 17 Central) 0.008 Negligible EI-9 (Lot 17 West) 0.007 Negligible El-b (Lot 18 East) 0.007 Negligible El- 11 (Lot 18 Central) 0.012 Negligible EI-12 (Lot 18 West) 0.011 Negligible EI-13 (Lot 15 East) 0.015 Negligible EI-14 (Lot 15 Central) 0.005 Negligible EI-15 (Lot 15 West) 0.013 Negligible Project No. 06442-32-13 December 11,2007 TABLE V (Continued) SUMMARY OF LABORATORY WATER-SOLUBLE SULFATE TEST RESULTS CALIFORNIA TEST NO. 417 Sample No. (Lot No.) Water-Soluble Sulfate (%) Sulfate Exposure EI-16 (Lot 27 East) 0.012 Negligible El-17 (Lot 27 Central) 0.009 Negligible El- 18 (Lot 27 West) 0.001 Negligible EI-19 (Lot 16 East) 0.017 Negligible EI-20 (Lot 16 central) 0.017 Negligible EI-21 (Lot 16 West) 0.020 Negligible EI-22 (Lot 21 East) 0.008 Negligible EI-23 (Lot 21 Central) 0.010 Negligible EI-24 (Lot 21 West). 0.005 Negligible EI-25 (Lot 13 East) 0.026 Negligible EI-26 (Lot 13 Central) 0.014 Negligible EI-27 (Lot 13 West) 0.011 Negligible EI-28 (Lot 19 East) 0.019 Negligible EI-29 (Lot 19 Central) 0.005 Negligible EI-30 (Lot 19 West) 0.006 Negligible EI-3 1 (Lot 14 East) 0.009 Negligible EI-32 (Lot 14 Central) 0.014 Negligible EI-33 (Lot 14 West) 0.008 Negligible EI-34 (Lot 20 East) 0.024 . Negligible EI-35 (Lot 20 Central) 0.013 Negligible EI-36 (Lot 20 West) 0.019 Negligible EI-37 (Lot 22 East) 0.012 . Negligible EI-38 (Lot 22 Central) 0.014 Negligible EI-39 (Lot 22 West) 0.027 Negligible ProjccL No. 06442-32-13 December 11, 2007 LiLLJ... I NO SCALE 03 5 00 47 :Z L4221 4, Ik W65 W87 73 41P 407 4 82 1 09 . ::• 4 / N 0260 49 I 259 / • / 398 1/ N/ 7~483 _W53 F3770 / 252 W80 281 39 x '\A2 %S x ST i• 389 240 X 9 own 67 3990 239 47 F -533 ot 44 51 Qcf 0 59 DIN" 7~ / J X 367\\ _AA 37 SCALE I"= 50' GEOCON LEGEND x 2 GRADING / --- - J_•J_______ -- 5E I GRADING F EREN CED REPORT J AUGUST 30 2006 Qcf........COMPACTED FILL QUC --------COMPACTED FILL IN UNDERCUT AREA Qpf -------- PREVIOUSLY PLACED FILL (Dotted Where Buried; See Geocon Report Dated 08-30-2006, Project No. 06442-32-04A) Kgr -------- GRANITIC ROCK (Dotted Where Buried) APPROX. LOCATION OF IN-PLACE DENSITY TEST FG .... Finish Grade ST .... Slope Test APPROX. LOCATION OF SUBDRAIN PLACED DURING RECENT GRADING APPROX. LOCATION OF EXISTING SUBDRAIN PLACED DURING PHASE I GRADING (See Geocon A Report Dated 08-30-2006, Project No. 06442-32-04A) APPROX. ELEVATION OF SUBDRAIN I 328 I ........APPROX. ELEVATION AT BASE OF FILL ........STRIKE AND DIP OF JOINT INACTIVE FAULT/FRACTURE mf (Dotted Where Concealed; Queried Where Uncertain) APPROX. LOCATION OF GEOLOGIC CONTACT (Dotted Where Buried; Queried Where Uncertain) LOT NUMBER CURRENT SURFACE ELEVATION OF FILL FOR UNFINISHED PAD PORTION OF LOTS 23 AND 24 A ,322 x Y&9 x x 34 319 129 J5 x 1P 'A ,320 x x - ------.-...........................---..... - ............-.--.........----.--- --...----.-...... ......... .-.... -.---.-.-.---..--,-.- _______.....................- SCALE 1" = 50' r - 2 - URE GRADING F-4476 I 444/I 67 A//I fr / Nq- Kgr F4-4-9-1 I 68 FG-517 0 383 / 14491 UC \G65 \ 6 (7 7 imp, r .ø• .••: ••• . 64 445 44 -572 Cf 448 58 590 /1 è54 / : 61 f -, / '449' QC 44 ~A 1A %Ae 0 -.. PHASE I GRADING SEE REFERENCED REPORT DATED AUGUST 30, 2006 --------------- 470 88 to PHASE 2 GRADING PHASE I ThW SEE REFERENCED REPORT DATED AUGUST 30, 2006 V GEOCON LEGEND Qcf........COMPACTED FILL Quc ........ COMPACTED FILL IN UNDERCUT AREA Q pf........ PREVIOUSLY PLACED FILL (Dotted Where Buried; See Geocon Report Dated 08-30-2006, Project No. K 06442-32-04A) gr........GRANITIC ROCK (Dotted Where Burled) APPROX. LOCATION OF IN-PLACE DENSITY TEST FG .... Finish Grade ST....Slope Test APPROX. LOCATION OF SUBDRAIN PLACED DURING RECENT GRADING zç ........APPROX. LOCATION OF EXISTING SUBDRAIN • PLACED DURING PHASE I GRADING (See Geocon A Report Dated 08-30-2006, Project No. 06442-32-04A) 6 - APPROX. ELEVATION OF SUBDRAIN F-328-1 I ........APPROX. ELEVATION AT BASE OF FILL 37 STRIKE AND DIP OF JOINT S '4" INACTIVE FAULT/FRACTURE (Dotted Where Concealed; Queried Where Uncertain) APPROX. LOCATION OF GEOLOGIC CONTACT (Dotted Where Buried; Queried Where Uncertain) --Ti LOT NUMBER CURRENT SURFACE ELEVATION OF FILL FOR UNFINISHED PAD PORTION OF LOTS 23 AND 24 7 A 351 X I - fSPA CE 0 IG 25 26 25 F1 . SHEET INDEX NO SCALE (0 Lu cj fl' 0 1±1 (I) - SCALE 1" = 50' -- GEOCON LEGEND Qcf -------- COMPACTED FILL Quc ........ COMPACTED FILL IN UNDERCUT AREA --------PREVIOUSLY PLACED FILL (Dotted Where Buried; See Geocon Report Dated 08-30-2006, Project No. Kgr 06442-32-04A) GRANITIC ROCK (Dotted Where Buried) -------- APPROX. LOCATION OF IN-PLACE DENSITY TEST FG .... Finish Grade ST .... Slope Test APPROX. LOCATION OF SUBDRAIN PLACED DURING RECENT GRADING APPROX. LOCATION OF EXISTING SUBDRAIN PLACED DURING PHASE I GRADING (See Geocon A Report Dated 08-30-2006, Project No. 06442-32-04A) APPROX. ELEVATION OF SUBDRAIN F 328 I ........APPROX. ELEVATION AT BASE OF FILL 37 STRIKE AND DIP OF JOINT ---- 2.. . 35 T........ INACTIVE FAULT/FRACTURE Uncertain) (Dotted Where Concealed; Queried Where ,uhhbZ /........ APPROX. LOCATION OF GEOLOGIC CONTACT (Dotted Where Buried; Queried Where Uncertain) LOT NUMBER N CURRENT SURFACE ELEVATION OF FILL FOR LOTS 23 AND 24 UNFINISHED PAD PORTION OF N SCALE 1" = 50' X 425 GEOCON LEGEND Qcf ........ COMPACTED FILL QUC ........COMPACTED FILL IN UNDERCUT AREA Qpf ........ PREVIOUSLY PLACED FILL (Dotted Where Buried; See Geocon Report Dated 08-30-2006, Project No. 06442-32-04A) Kgr ........GRANITIC ROCK (Dotted Where Buried) APPROX. LOCATION OF IN-PLACE DENSITY TEST FG .... Finish Grade ST .... Slope Test APPROX. LOCATION OF SUBDRAIN PLACED DURING RECENT GRADING APPROX. LOCATION OF EXISTING SUBDRAIN PLACED DURING PHASE I GRADING (See Geocon A Report Dated 08-30-2006, Project No. 06442-32-04A) APPROX. ELEVATION OF SUBDRAIN I 328 I ........APPROX. ELEVATION AT BASE OF FILL 37 STRIKE AND DIP OF JOINT . .-35 INACTIVE FAULT/FRACTURE Where (Dotted Concealed; Queried Where Uncertain) APPROX. LOCATION OF GEOLOGIC CONTACT (Dotted Where Buried; Queried Where Uncertain) LOT NUMBER CURRENT SURFACE ELEVATION OF FILL FOR UNFINISHED PAD PORTION OF LOTS 23 AND 24 14 401 /) vJFrl I: I,k I// Pi -'LI F0 c 'A F4-3-8-1 I 127 0 t ?CJ 82 IP 37 473 S 181 54 364 T-5 3:380 5 -359 7 -/340 68 71 r_361_1 362- 386 X 75 362 LOT 23 379 > \ NOT TO FINAL -G LOT 24 X 36 / ' \ \ 501 \ \ \ 68 \) / \ \ N NOT TO FINAL GRADE / A I a76 0 I 36 37 9 99 502 376 \ \\\\ \\ \ 3S6 J ,/ lilt -489 / N 361 It 444 ST. \ 374 I f 389 500 360 485 0 i t -' r-f84 - \ \ 524 366 gP42 503* 25 SQ 85 397 OZOVIDE 35 ERS DA I DRA EF n____ 36 57 46f -16 jl~ 435 31 2t T \ \ \ SCALE 1" = 50' \ø'\/'\ \T Lu GEOCON LEGEND \ \ . Qcf ........ COMPACTED FILL -561 •: - UC ........COMPACTED FILL IN UNDERCUT AREA 121 .116 Qpf........PREVIOUSLY PLACED FILL (Dotted Where Buried; See Geocon Report Dated 08-30-2006, Project No. 06442-32-04A) ST-'177 Kgr........GRANITIC ROCK (Dotted Where Buried) 559 i . • APPROX. LOCATION OF IN-PLACE DENSITY TEST 3 5 ,• FIG .... Finish Grade .103 .APPROX. LOCATION OF SUBDRAIN PLACED DURING RECENT GRADING Q 1 3 '-- APPROX.LOCATION OF EXISTING SUBDRAIN r-T • . ... PLACED DURING PHASE I GRADING (See Geocon 91 T. •98 '.: A Report Dated 08-30-2006, Project No. 06442-32-04A) I, z APPROX. ELEVATION OF SUBDRAIN 6 S - 157 , I 328 I ........APPROX. ELEVATION AT BASE OF FILL 382-1--,\STRIKE AND DIP OF JOINT 359 .89 •48 . •. 2' . .35 INACTIVE FAULT/FRACTURE (Dotted Where Concealed; Queried Where Uncertain) -_... _! - -- APPROX. LOCATION OF GEOLOGIC CONTACT - . - - - - 3 •• (Dotted Where Buried; Queried Where Uncertain) 27 .........LOT NUMBER 371 Qc .• CURRENT SURFACE ELEVATION OF FILL FOR • UNFINISHED PAD PORTION OF LOTS 23 AND 24 77 N NN)26 N 448w 7P (387 190 924, 7' '1 T 347 __............... 0 CD CD CD ---------------------- CD DING 25 455 x 4917 -170 wuc 439, SHEETINDEX 84 2 153 2 210 tui /71 FO \\ (5SJ ( 4'7 // S S IF86II\ \ /161 F\131\8 CT 186 44 39, x 262 ST- 91 :c:\ S Q 6c~ F -554 ST 41 29 1 /• \ / 7 / 46 423, Lu 417 6 T1.7 CTT 8 / 111 412 \ 425 i r 1 Al / 47 4 478 (0 / 2 e / / 452 462 / / / SCALE! 50' ' . . . .. . ... 0 53 44 F~15\ % Ix Qpf ........ PREVIOUSLY PLACED FILL (Dotted Where Buried; __01 See Geocon Report Dated 08 I F431 56 ~ 4~ Kgr ........ GRANITIC ROCK (Dotted Where Buried) ------- 5590 ....... APPROX. LOCATION OF IN-PLACE DENSITY TEST 494' 9 ~2 t2 / /2 /// /// /1 / \ 69 39 I / / (\v7 / ........ APPROX. LOCATION OF SUBDRAIN PLACED DURING 107 7O/ / 1 F --A RECENT GRADING __ \ \ / 61, s ............ ........ APPROX. LOCATION OF EXISTING SUBDRAIN 391 9 0 PLACED DURING PHASE I GRADING (See Geocon uIq Report Dated 08-30-2006, Project No. 06442-32-04A) 174 ........ APPROX. ELEVATION AT BASE OF FILL IT 17 20 4J3 30 P~3 (Dotted Where Concealed; Queried Where Uncertain) .37 ~1 -334 V FZ-3 490 ~80 ........ APPROX. LOCATION OF GEOLOGIC CONTACT 21 FG 611 (Dotted Where Buried; Queried Where Uncertain) C C LOT NUMBER 1 479 x IX ........ I N 99 71 40 71 / ........ CURRENT SURFACE ELEVATION OF FILL FOR OF LOTS 23 AND 24 0 383 47 381 373 6!7 -19 /bF DIN 428 old 449 433 __