HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 13-03; ROBERTSON RANCH-RANCHO COSTERA; DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NATIONWIDE PERMIT VERIFICATION; 2014-05-20DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY LOS ANGELES DISTRICT U.S. ARMY CORPS' OF. ENGINEERS REGULATORY DIVISION 5900 LA PLACE COURT, SUITE 100 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 May 20, 2014 Peter H. Kim Ranhø Custera, LLC 725 West Town & Country Road, Swte 200 Orwiue CA 9286 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NATIONWIDE PERMIT VERIFICATION Dear Mr. Kim: I am responding to your request (SPL-201 I -00654-RJV) for aDepailment of the Anny(DA) permit. Your proposed project, Rancho Costera Residential Development, is located immediately north of El Camino Real between Cannon Road and Tamarack Avenue, in the City of Carlsbad. San Diego County. California (33.1.540 N, 417_31W W, see Exhibits I & 2). Because thisproject would result in a discharge-of dredged and/or fill material into waters of the U.S.. aDAperrnii is required pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344; 33 CFR parts 323 and 330). I have dcicnnined construction of your-proposed project complies with Nationwide Permit (NW?) No, 19 - Residential,Developments, if constructed as described in your application. Your project proposes to develop 212 acres of land for residential -and commercial puiposes. Most of the lands proposed for development are currently being used for agriculture purposes. Proposed residential land uses include 672, dwelling units in.frie Single family residential neighborhoods and two multi-family neighborhoods. Single-family neighborhoods include 309 dwelling units which are distributed as follows:* 36 units on 8,500 square-foot minimum lots, 76 Units on 6.000 square-foot minimum lots, 114 unitsoñ 5,000 square-foot minimum, lots, and 83 units on 4,000 square-foot minimum lets. The two high density multifamily neighborhoods include a total of 363 dwelling units, including affordable housini.g units and a maximum of 56 units of moderate income housing. The project also proposes a 110 net acre village center and a 13.9-acre public park, along with .1-acre of centralized community recreation for the surrounding neighborhoods. The project will also provide 81.7 acres of open space (vegetated with Diegan coastal sage scrub, riparian/wetland, revegetated manufactured slopes) mostly situated within time canyons of the project site. The project also includes widening El Camino Real to the north to its ultimate width óf126-feet.artdassociated biorctcntionlhydromodilication swales and basins, as well as providing setbacks, walls and landscaping. Specifically, and as shown, on Exhibits 3a-d and Exhibit 4, you arc authorized to conduct the following regulated activities resulting in. the permanent impact to 0J6acre of non-wetland waters ofthcILS. (911 linear-feet .(LF)).and 0.15 acre of wetland waters oftheU.S., and the temporary impact 10 0.1 5 acre of non-wetland waters of thcU.S.. (494 LF) and 0.06 acre of wetland waters of the U.S.: Discharge tppioximatelyJi cubic yards (CV) of aggregate sub-base/cutoff wall and 13 CY of ungroutcd rip-Tap (6.5-feet wide by 15-feet long) in order to construct a concrete storm drain- outiall near the Soithcm end of Glasgow Drive within.-drainage B-i., resulting in the permanent impact to 004 acre and temporary impact to 0;003 acre of wetland waters Of the U.S. (see Sheet 2 of Rancho Costera Storm Drain OuttilJ, Sections. prepared by 0-Day Consultants, last updated January 21 201.3); 2, Discharge approximately 1 532CY of native fill material on top of a'245 LF by 1 8-Etiot diameter metal plate pipe culvertlwildlifc Under-crossing. 27 CV of eLOSIOn resistant flJJ inside the pipe, 9 CV of ingrouted rip-rap (48-feet..wide by 404eet long) at the downstream end of the culvert. IS LF of a concrete headwali with wing vall's at the upstream endoithe culvert, and 32 .LF of a concrete beveled end treatment at, the dow'nstreani end of the culvert, in order to construct a drainage pipe/wildlife under- crossing within draiiuge.B4, resulting in tbe.pcnnanciit impact to 0.07 acre (350 LF) and tcrnporuiy impact to-0.02 acre (ISO LE) of non-wetland. waters. of the U.S. see Sheets 3 & 4 of Rancho Cistra Storm Drain Outfall Sections, prepared by .0-Day Consultants last updated January21 2013); Discharge a 35 fectlong, 18-inch Tcinfirccdconcre(e pipe with 290 CV of native till material, 12 CV of aggregate sub-base/cutoff wall, 10 CV of ungrouted rip-rap(26.5-feet wide by 254eet long,), and a 5-feet 6-inch wide by 44eet 3-inch long by 7-feet 4-inch high cQncrcle energy dissipater (San Diego Regional Standard Drawing (SDRSD) D-41), in order to construct a concrete stonu drainoutfall immediatelysouth of Edinburgh Drive within drainageB..2, resulting.in the permanent impact to 0.03 acre (205 LF) of non- wetland waters of [he thS... (see Sheet2 ofRanchoCostera Storm Drain Outfall Sections. prepared by 0-Day Consultants, last updated January21, 2013); Discharge approximately0.7 CV of ungrouted rip-rape 043 CY of.a wing-type headwall (SDRSD D-34), and 136 CV of native fill in. Order to construct a storm drain outfall structure orithe north sidf El Camino Real, west of Cannon Road within drainage B- I resulting in the permanent impact to-0.03 acre (50 LF and tcmpoiary lmpdct to 0.00-1 L (25 LF) of'non-wctl and WatCrs of the 3;S. (see Sheet 9of Rancho COstera Storm Drain Outfal) Sections, prepared by 0-Day Consultants, last updated J anuary 21.201.3); Discharge approximately 264 CYolnative fill, a 23 feet long section of a double 8-feet by 44eet reinforced concrete box, 13 GYpfa concrete wingwall(SDRSD D-79A), and L6 CYof ungrouted rip.rap, iri order to widen El Camino Real to the north, just east of Kclly Drive, extend the e\istmg box culvert.under El Camino Real, and. construt a storm drain outfall, resulting in the pennatent hnpact to 0J45acre and temporary impact to 0.06 acre of wetland waters of the U.S. within drainage A. and theperpianent impact, to 0.03 acre (234.LE)ofnon.-veUand waters of the U.S. within drainage A2: (see Sheets 63,8 of Rancho Custe?a Storm Drain 0. .uttall Sections, preparedby ODay Consultants, last updated January 21 2013). For this NWP verification letter tc'.be valid, you must comply with all of the tenns and conditions in Enclosure 1. Furthermore, you must comply with the following non-discretionary Special Conditions: Pre-Construction 1. This permit: is contingent upon the issuance of Clean WaterAct section 401 Water Quality Ceilification, (WQC). The Perniittee shall abide by the terms an conditions of the WQC. The Pcrniittce shall submit the WQC to the.U.S Army Corps of Engjieers (Corps) (preferably via email) within two weeks of receipt from the issui• state agency The Permittee shall not proceed with consructionuntil receiving an e-mail or other written notification from the Corps acknowledging the WQC has been received, reviewed, and dcterinincdto be acceptable. Prior to initiating eqnstruetion in' waters of the U.S., the. Pemiitlee shall submit to the Corps a complete set or final detailed. grding/enstruction i5lans showing all wOrk and structures in waters of the U.S. All plans shall be in compliance with the Final Map and Drawing Standards for the South Pacific Division Regulatory Program dated Atigust6, 2012 All plan sheets shall he signed. dated and submitted onpaper no iarg4r than. Ii x' 17 inches. No work in waters of' the U.S. i authorized until the Perinittee receives, in wilting(hylettcr or c-mail)! Corps approval of the final detailed grading/construction plans. The Pennittec shall ensure that the project is built in accordan with the Corps-approved, plans. DePermitte.eshall. clearly mark the limits of the wrispace with tiaggingor similar means to ensure mechanized equipment does not enter waters of the U.S.. ançl paiian wetland/habitat areas not authorized for impact, as shown on Exhibit 3a-3d. Adverseiinpacts to waters of the U.S. beyond the Coips-approved construction foøtpiint are bot. authorized. Such impacts could result in permit suspension and revocdtIon administrati'c, civil or criminal pcnaltiec, and/or substantial, additional, compensatory mitigation requirements. Prior to initiating construction in waters of the U.S., the.'Pcnnittee.shall post financial assurance ("finaneialassuraneet1) in. aThrm.approved bythecorjs for the estimated cost of implementing the approved initigatioii (including a 20% contingency lobe added to the total costs). The purpose of this financial assuiance is to-guarantee the, succcssflul implementation. maintenance and monitoring of-'ftwetland and non-wçtland. watcrs.cstàbliithmcnt, restoration,, and enhancement work. Our preferred form ôf'financial. 'assurance is a Peifonnance pond, in which caseou shall post a Performance Bond for 1.206/0 of the anticipated cost of the mitigation and monitoring associated with the project, as indicatd above In addition,. The bonding companymustappcar onthe Department *of Treasury Circular 5701 Companies Holding Certificates of Authority as Acceptable Suteties.oiederal Bonds and AceptableJeinsuring 'Companies. FQr.acurrent list of eaury-authorized companies, write or call the Surety Bond Branch, 1Fi'ntnicial Management 5ervhes. Department of the Treasury, Washington DC 20227; (202) 874-6850 or at the following website: http://www. t s.treas.go r/c51O/c57Ohtthl. The performance bond shall be released 'only upon a detcrminationby the corps that successf1 mitigation has bert completed. c, Alternatively, the Corps \vill accept an irrevocable. letter of rcdit in the same amount in lieu oia Performance Bond. The terms of.the irrevocable letter of credit are subject to Corps approval. i\1itiiation 5. The Pemdttee shall mitigate impacts to waters of the U.S. by re-cstablishinglestablishing 0.83 acre of wetland waters of theiJ.S, and 0.54 acre of non-wetland waters ofThe U.S. within the low lying area at the NW coiiier of El Camino Real and CannOn Road, in the City of Carlsbad, CA (see Figures 3,4t 5 & O in (lie below mentioned mitigation plan). The mitigation will be implemented as outlined in the 'Robertson Ranch West Vil !age Wetl kind }labitat Mitigation Plan," dated. February 22, 2012, updated Fthruary 18, 2014, and jtepa1ed by Planning Systems). Site wading and planting has already commenced-and it is anticipated that the habitat will develop into coastal., salt marsh mixed with southern willow scrub. Should the 0.54 acre non-wetland mitigation area develop into wetlands this will still satisfy the requirement of 0.54 acre of re-estabhshmcnt'establishmcnt ofnoii-wciiand waters of the ,U;S. According to the mitigation plan, responsible pal-ties would be as folJws: a) hnplementalion: .Ranclio Costert. LLC; b) Performance: 'RanchO Costera, LLC c) Long-term rnanageincnt The Center for Natural Lands Management.. The mitigation site contains mitigation for three separate.permits actions (Robertson Ranch Park and Elementary School (SPL-2OO61 $42), El Camino Real Southern Widening (SPL2014- 001 7), and this project). The Permittee i:ctainsultimatc legal responsibility for meeting the requirements of all permits and the final thitigation plan. Detailed mitigation objectives, performance standards, and monitoiiiigrcquiréments are described in the above mitigation. plan. Any requirements for financial assurants. and/or long-term. management provisions arc also described. in the above mitigation plan. a well as in. Special Conditions 4 and 7. Your completeresponsibility to complete the required compensatory mitigation as set forth in this Special Condition- will not be considered ftultilled until you have demonstrated compensatory.mitigatkrn prOject success, including conducting a wetland delineation and.jutidictiona1 determination, and have received, written verification of that success :frorn the Corps. The entire mitigation site Shall' have met its performance standards belbre any one mitigation site will be signed-off, MONITORING: You shall submit monitoringrepom-ts for all compensatoxy thitigation sites as describedin the'tinal, approved mitigation plan by October 1 f each year following the construction.of mitigation. To assure compensatory mitigation success, you shall. monitor the mitigation area for at least five (5) consecutive rowing seasons after construction oruntil the Corps determines the final performance standards are met (nmanitoring shall be for a minimum of5'ycirs, or, if success s.not demonstrated to.thë.Corps" sitisfacton after the 5th. year of monitoring, additionalmOnitoring maybe requiredby the Corps as determined at that tinie). The- monitoring:period Shall: coimence upon, completion of the construction of the mitigation site. AdditOnal1y, you shall -demonstrate continued success of the compensatory,mitigation site, without human intervention (i.e weeding, irrigation, etc.), for at least two consecutive years during which interim and/or final -performance standards are met. The compensatory mitigation project will not he deemed successful uti1 this criterion has been met. You shall also moflitQr the storm drain oulfalls and wildlife undererossing, asoutliried in Special Conditions 10 and 11 below. GIS D.ATA:Within 61) clays following perimt verification, you shall provide to this office GIS data (polygons only depicting the boundaries of all compensatory mitigation sites, as authorized in the final mitigation plan tcferenced above. All GIS data. and associated metadata shall be providcdon a digital mdithn (CD of DVD) or via fitetransfer protocol (FTP). preferably usingthe Environmental Sytcms Research Institute (ESRJ) shaptile formal GIS data Ihr mitigation, sites shall conform to the Mitigation SPD.xlsx data table, as speciliád in the Final Mat) and Draing Standards for the South Pacific'ivision Regulatory Program dated August 6, 2012 (http://www.sjxl.usace.amiy.inilfPortals! I 3/docsfregulatory/standardsfmap.p(l I). and shall include a text file of metadata, including datum, projection, and mappc1 cirntact information. Within 60 days following completion of compensatory mitigation Construction activities, if any deviations have occurred. you shall submit as-buil.t GIS data (polygons only) accompanied by a narrative description listing and éxphuining each deviation. The Permittee shall ensure all sites within waters of thc"lJ,S. subject to authorized, iemporaiy impacts are restored to pre-project alignments, elevation contours, and conditions, including revegetation with appropriate nativ1ant species atlercomplction of constructiOn in the area, as described in Figures 14 of the "Wetlands Restotalion Plan —Temporai.y Impacts Areas" dated November 4.2013. Atu minimum, the acreage of waters ot'the U.S. and aqtiatic resource functions of each site shall equal or exceed: pre-projet acreage and functions by the end of the 5 year jilonitoring period. The Pennjttce' responsibility to complete the required restoration as set forth in this special condition shall not be considered fulfillód trntil the Permitteelias obtained written confirmation i'rom the Corps verifying successful rcstraticrn. Long-tcnn ProtcctioniManaczcmcnt The Pemiittee shall ensure the mitigation area is managed and maintained in perpetuity as natural open space. in. accordance with The "CalaVera thus and Robertson Ranch Habitat Conservation Area Management Plan 2013-2017," dated October 2012, prepared by The: Center for Natural Lands Management (CN LM) and any subsequent. updates to the plan. The CNLM is currently managing open space lands narand adjacent tothemitigation area and will take overlongtcnn niunagementot the mitigation area once all performance standards have been met. A conservation casement covering the mitigation area and nearby open space areas was recordcdonDecember 2.1 2.007 anda non-wasting endowment is currently in place for the perpetu1 management of the mitigation area and surrounding open space areas. 'GISDATA4 Within 60 days of perthit issuance, you shall provide to this office GIS data (polygons only) depicting the CE boundaries, as authorized 'by the Corps All GIS data and associated metadata shI1 be. provided on -a digitalinediuni CDorDVD) orvia file transfer protocol. (FTP), preferably using theEnvirninental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) shupeflic formaL GIS data for CE sites shall conform. to the Mitigation_SPD.xlsx data table, as specified in the-final Mapand Drawing Standard for the South.Pacific Division Regulatory Program dated August 6,2012 (http://wwwspd,iisace.athly.milfPortals/13/docs/regulatory/StafldardStmal).Pd'O, and shall include a text file of metadata, includingdatuin projection,, and mapper contact information. Post-construction S. \Vithiir45 calendar days of completion (if authorized work in waters of the U.S., the Peniiittee shall stibmii to the Corps a post-project implementation memorandum including th lbflowing informal ion: a. Date(s) work within waterS 91 the U.S was irtited and completed, 'h, Summary of cothpliance status with each special condition of this perMil,-(includiriL, any noncompliance hat:.prcviooslyoccurred or s currently occurring and corrective actions taken or proposed to achieve compliance); - c Color photographs(inc1udiiigniap of photopoinis)-taken-at, thc pwjtct 'itebcIoje 111(l after consftuctioti for those aspects directly associatedwithpenmrnent impacts to Waters of the U$ such Lhat the cxteht'faulhorizcd tills cai e vcri tied; One.copyof'!as built." drawings for the entire projecL Electronic submittal (Adobe PDP Format) is preferred. All sheets must he signed, dated, and to-scale. if submitting.paper copies, sheets musthe no lagcr.than it xi7inhes;.and Signed Certification of CothpliancC (attacliedas pai-t4 this.perinit package). 9. All stonri drain out fills shall be monitored' for erosion/sedinientatioaiiperptuity and after all storm events. Exccs erosion/sedimentuton h3'bnd 124nch6sshalibe fixed within 30 days (in particular the outfalls located west of Glasgow and Edinburgh Drivc at the lop of the canyon the outfall(s).upstream ofthe.wildlife rossiigIlarge culveit crossing, the outfalllocated at hc west ejid of the site just wetof the entrance.off Tamarack Avenue, the outfall iocatcd.next to the 8-foot, by $-f09tbox culvertnear the intersection ofElCamino Reat:and CannonRoad..and all outt-ill withrn the mitigation areas PA23C Open Space) iradditional rcmcdiationmeasures are needed, bioenginecring or similar practices shall be.tised. Hard strt,ictures(J.e. additiOnal rip- rapi concreterOuting, etc.) shailbe notbeused, viDioutCorps approval. The Pennittec shall submitan annual assessment of each. out fall with the mitigation maintenance and monitoring reports. The assessment hall include photos a description of the conditibn of the outftill, a sLiminaiy of'tiny erosioil or scdt!netitàtion problems and -when.it. occurred, and any remedial action(s)that occurred to [ix the pr.obleimandwhcntheyoccurred. tO. The. 18- foot wildlife uh.dcr-crossing/culvert: located ,betweePA-8 and PA9/10.shaIl be monitored for erosion and sedimentation m perptwty and after all stoim events Excess erosion/sedimentation beyond 12-inches shaUbe*ed within 30day.. The ennittee shall ensure drainagepatterns upstream anddownstreim of thecrossing;are not altered, flOws are not inhibited and the culvert does not. cause. excessive erosion orsedimentation. Fill within the culvert shall consist of natural matu-iat and shall be maintamed in -perpetuity.. The ?cniuitlee sh ll not allow the nati\'c material within the culvert to be eroded down the bottom of the pipe If additional icmediation measures are needed, btocngineering or similar practices shall be used Hard stn.icturesi.e. additional rip-rap, concrete, pouting, etc:) shall be notibe used. without. Corps approval ThePem,uttee shall submit an annual assessment.of the; under-crossing/culvert with the thitigatiOnñiaiitenaiie andmontoring.reports. The assess enshallinôludephotos a descrjtion oL'tile condition of the under-crossing/culvert a.s.umniary'gf t. any erosion or sedimentation problems and.when it occurred,. and any-remedial action(s)'.t.hat occurred- to llx the problem and when they occurred. 11. All installed rip-rap shalL he un-grouted and the miithnum necessary. Endangered Species 12. This Corp permit does not authorize you to take any threatened'orendangered species, in particular the coastal Calithmia gnatcuteher (Polioplila cal?for,itca cc:Iifcirnico) or,adverseli modify its designated critical habitat in order to legally take a listed specics you niust have separate authorization under the Endangered Species. Act(EA)(c.g. ESA Section 10 perniit or a .Biological.Opinion (BO) under ESA Section 7. with "incidental thkç" provisions with which ou must comply). Pursuant to the Habifat Managenient Plan .(HMP) consistency letter from the US. Fish and Wilcili të Service (FWS),, dated.-December 17, 201.3, your project is consistent with the City Of Carlsbad I-IMP and the ec1ion 10(a)(1)(13).pen'nit thatvas issued for tho City of Carlsbad HMP, dated November 12 2004, is authorized for thisproject. Your authorization under this Corps permit is-conditional upoi your tompliance with..all: of the niandatdry terms and conditions associated cvith the Carlsbad H MP and the associated November 12. 2004. section. IQ(a)(1)(13) pcimit...Paiiure to comply with the terms and conditions would. constitute an unauthorized takm and it would also constitute noi'coinpliancc with your Corps permit Tribal/Historic Resources i3 Pursuant to S C.F.R. section 800.1 3,in the event of any discoveries during construction Of either human reinaiiis,.archeological deposits, of any other type oiIistoricproperty, the Permittee shall notify theCorps' 'rojectMatiagcr (lU. Van Stint at; 760-602-4837) and the Corps' Archeology Staff within 24 hours (Steve Dibble at 213-452-38.49 or John Killeen at 21 3- 452-11861.), The Permittec shall impediatelystispcnd all. work- iii any area(s) where potential cultural resources are. discovered. The Permiuee Miall nótresume construction in the area surrounding tile potential cultural resources until the Corps Rei,huory Di vision re-tothorizcs project cônstniction, per 16,C. P.R. section 800. 03 This .yeritication is valid through March. .18, 2017. Ifon. Maith 18, 2017 you have commenced or are under contract to commence the pennitted activity you 'will have an additional 'twelve. (12). months to complete the activity under the present NWP ternis Mid. conditions. However; if I discover 'non-compliance or unauthorized: activities associated with. the penilitted' activity we can exercise direti.onary authority and thereby modify suspend or revoke this specific veri1iation at-an earlier date in accordance with procedures in 33 § 330,4(e) and 33 C.F.R. § 330.5(c) or (d). At the national lcvel'the:Chicfaf Engineers at any timeprior to the expiration of a NW!' may choose to modiTy,. suspend, or revoke the nationwide use of a NWP after fo1owhig procedures set fortlin 33 C.FR. § 330.5 ft is..inpunibent'upon you to comply with.all of the, terms and conditions of this NW verification and to 'remaii informed of any change to the NWPs. A NWP' does not, grant anyproperty rights or exclusive privileges. Additionally, it does: not authorize anyinjury to:tbe property, rights. of others, nor does it authorize interference with any existitig or proposed Federal project. Furtherinorc,, it does not obviate the need to obtain other Federal, stat; or local authorizations required by law. Thank you ir participating in the reguwory-prograin. If you have any questions, please contact nie at 760-602-4837 or via e-Aiail at Richard.J.Vansant@iisace.arthv.rnjl. Please complete the customer-survey form at htp://coipsmpu -usace.army.mU/cp-iapc,çff?p=reguatorysurvey, which would hell) me to cviluate and iimprove the regulatory experience for others-. Sincerely, ?L ~iebard J. Van, Sant tIl Senior Project Manager South, Coast Branch Enclosures _c i( 0 LOS ANGELES DISTICI' US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS CERTIFICAtE OF COMPLIANCE WITH DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NATIONWIDE PERM ET Permit Number:' SPL20i7.00654_IU11' Name of Permittee: Peter !-L .Ki,ii; Rancho C'osiera., LW Date otlssiiance: A-MY 20, 2014 Upon completion. of the acti vity authorized by this .perm it and the mitigation required by this pumu sign tins u.itilicate and re1wn tbyONC ofthc foIlcning methods, 1) Eniai I a digital.scan of the igned certi1 çate to. Rdiird'J.\iansant@usace.arni;nill OR 2.) Mail the signed ceiiifkte to US. Army. Corps oEugiiieers —'LogAngeks.bistiict Regulatory :.his'ion Carlsbad Field, 011ice: Attention: SPt3-201 t-0O65.RJV 590QLaPlace.Court. Suite 1.00 Carl sbad CA 92008 1. hereby certify the authoriztd'work and. any rquircd compensatory .thitigatkn has been Lompleted In accordanc.e vitb the NWP authorization including all general regional, ot acti 1W- specific umditions Furthcrinqrc if crcdit horn a mitigation bank orjn-hu.i lee program were. USLd'tQ satisfy compensatory rn111gaU011 tequnement 1 have attached the documentation xeqwred by 33 CPR 33Z3(.1)(3) tQ confirm the appopriateiwmber and resource type.of credits have been sceured signature of Perniittee Pilte (1) w H- U 0 Cl) (I) (I) 0 —J z z w Adapted from USGS San Luis Rey, CA quadrangle 0 1,000 2,000 4000 --Feet NORTH Ak le 7 , t'w *7 47 - Olilwle-; iliE .4 vi - - N •.. i _\. N - ' - • • , •:.- .:•' Legend N •• •./• LJProject Boundary Corps Non-wetland Waters A Corps Jurisdictional Dehneation/lmpact Map Project Footprint Corps Wetlands 0 200 400 ooa GLENN LUKOS ASSOCIATES • Site Plan Farmed Wetlands Width in Feet Permanently Impacted Corps Feet Exhibit 3a Temporarily Impacted Corps 1 inch = 400 feet S - -'- - 33.158353 — '7 297017 - I AMP. --- 71 Legend N Project Boundary Permanently Impacted Corps A Corps JU,, thCUO I1Project Footprint Temporarily Impacted Corps 0 875 350 GLENN LUKOS ASSOCIATES Site Plan Corps Non-wetland Waters Feet Exhibit 3b - • Width in Feet Corps Wetlands OU OOO2 U Farmed Wetlands 1 inch = 175 feet - Legend [] Project Boundary Permanently Impacted Corps [] Project Footprint Temporarily Impacted Corps Site Plan Corps Non-wetland Waters Width in Feet Corps Wetlands Farmed Wetlands , E 1 000 44, I SO '- \ 1I•UIIi - 4I - / --- -_: r ---/ - - a AL N C.-.raln'i5ns-rapa A JCOFpS Juirsdictjiial 0 50 tOO 200 GLENN LUKOS ASSOCIATES Fset Exhibit 3c - - 1 inch = 100 feet - TL I, 5 -i- nz - I (i I / Ii ---.- 1; 4 / 41 IM im \ ' - •1 Legend [] Project Boundary Permanently Impacted Corps Project Footprint P-. Temporarily Impacted Corps Site Plan Corps Non-wetland Waters Width in Feet Corps Wetlands 17.2992 ' 0 100 200 400 Feet A orps -"Impact Map GLENN LUKOS ASSOCIATES Exhibit 3d