HomeMy WebLinkAboutP 93-01; P 93-01; GEOTECH HAZARDS MAPPING STUDY; 01-84eotec ■ n1ca l_ia ...... r ., .. S· ·.· ... ·,,, _,,. ······ l''i ··••· ■ azar na ys1s an Carlsbad, California November 1992 Prepared for: City of Carlsbad Planning Department 2075 Las Palmas Drive Carlsbad, California 92009-4859 Prepared by: LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 3934 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite B205 San Diego, California 92123 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 2828 S.W. Corbett Avenue Portland, Oregon 97201-4830 ■ app1n 1 8 @ -CTYOFc,,n,o 3 INDEX MAP OF SHEETS FOR 1" = 400' MAPS Pacific o,_n1 \ 6 13 1 7 1 1 --------------~------- 14 ,,.,.a ____ ~------ -)AJ °'-- (<!)/ " ---.~ 17 19 20 ll'llenhaln 23 TABLE 1 -- MAP PAGES WIIICH CORRI\SPOND TO THE 400-SCALE SHEET NUMBERS Shed Nu111hc1 (fnrn1 Index l\rt.1p :1hll\'(') ·' nel)tcc hnic;-11 H,ua nls/C,msl ra 1n t~ Map (page) _l 4 s t, 7 [.(incl l/sc Capability Map (page) 2(, 27 ...... , ... ,. ................ ,; .. . 28 -; __ _ 29 Faull l.ocalion/ Sci:-:.mically Induced ClrounJ Shaking Map (page) 51 52 5:l , ....... , ................................. , .. , ....... . 54 ............................... ., .......... 30 55 ... , ........... , ............................... ..-, :l l._ .............. +·-··--·-·--··-· ............ ~i;-·--·-··--·-·· .. ·········· X ················" .... , ... , ·········~----·"'"···"'"'"""···· 'I 57 D 58 ................. ,.. ') 1 I 59 34 , i ........................................................... ' ___ ............. i£ _____ ....... T.. 35 , (,ti ..... l ................................ l ................ " " ....... -· ........... . I 1 13 14 . ..... .. .. . ......... ··'l""" "'"" .. ·::;x·· ... " ....... (""" , .......... (-;:i" ................. . 11 i 15 ___ .: ................. -------·-........ ; ........ . l4 .......... _,_ _________ .......... 16 ...... -----39 ' 64 .............. ). .. -·--·--·---··-··-·17·· .. ···· ...... -··-··-·--··:--·-···· .. ·········4() ---------1•······· .. ··········-·--·--(;5·-· ................ -._-· __ . 15 . . ---------..................... --·--'-·--·-·---.................. -··-·--·-·--•---'--................ . ... ] ................. , .. , .......................... , ... . il ' 36 f,l .... !·... . i7 _ ............. ' i,2 '18 41 , /,(, 19 ················42·-··-····-····f ............. --.--.----·-·;;'i-··· .............. -··-·-- .......... " """' ........ ~ ................ ""' ............. " .. .. 16 17 18 20 _____ ........... .l.. ...... _____ 43 ................. L. ________ .... <:8. .... . · 'I ' 44 ' 69 19 i .:.. , . . ........................................ ,.. ··2ii·-··-··-·--····t· ............. ·-· 22·--...... :··::·::::·::i: :::·-:·::·:: 4465. ::::::::::: .1,, ..... -·--- --- -.... ..77.<1>. ........ -------·--.. .. ' ... " .. ' .. ' .. ',.' .. ' .............. ~ .................... .., " -- 21 ---L n -_____ ........... 1_ ......... -----------1--2 ............... -.------22 , .............. 24 ------------..................... ----47 i ..... l .................... .,..,,,,,.,.,,, .................... , .. , ........... ., ........................... ~ ......... , .. 23 i 25 48 73 I f 18 22 Note: DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ENOL"JliE[l,RS, SURVEYORS, PLMNTIRS, LANDSCAPE AR.CHJ'TTICTS 2828 S.W. COR.UE'l'r AVbNUE POR'r!..AND, OR 9-,:,.o1 {:'\03)'~?,'.l-1'5663 T ABl,E OF CONTENTS ------ Title/Description Index Map of Sheets for -1"=400' Scale Maps . , ....... , . , , , ...... . Table l -l\1ap Pages Which Correspond to the 400-Scale Sheet Numbers Description of Maps and Tables ................. , . , . How to Use the Maps and Tables .. , , , , . , .... . T.;bk A -Hazard Category/Risk Zone Correlation T.thlc B -Suitable Land Uses According to Land-Use Capability Risk and Building Type , . , , ..................... . T:1ble C -Additional Geotechnical Hazards by lim:ard Category , , . , Tnhle D -Suggested Investigations According to Hazard Category and Building Type/Land lJse ... Cieo1echnical Hazards/Constraints ]';laps I . .ind-Use Capability Maps ... Regional Scismicity Index l\1ap Sc·tsmic Analysis Notes ...... , Seismic (iruund Shaking Intensity Scale . F,-,ult Location Map ....... , , ...... . F\wlt Location and Seismically Induced Ground Shaking Maps . Mitwral Resources Maps ............................ . Catastrophic Dam Failure Inundation, Tsunami and Seiche Hazard Zone M,-tps . . . . • · References .............. , . , , ............................ . The Tables, Maps, and other information contained this Geotechnical 1-lazards Analysis and Mapping Study are intended for general Land-use planning purposes only. A site specific geotechnical investigation will be required at the time of discretionary application for most projects. LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC. "N1rl MURPHY CANYON ROAD, Sl/lTH B'lf).S sAN DIEGO, CALlFORNIA 92121 (619)29'2-·8030 Page No. lh 2 2 2 2 3 through 25 26 through 48 49 49 49 50 SI t hrnugh 73 74 through 78 79 through 83 84 DESCRIPTION OF MAPS AND TABLES• Geotcchnicol Hazards/Constraints Maps (Pages 3 through 25) The 400-,calc (i.e., l inch = 400 feet) Gcotcchnicat Hazards/Constraints Marls divide the City into 14 different hazai:d category zones (descriptions of the different hazard category zon<..:s are presented on Table A -Page 2), Ench of the hazard categories represents the printipal hazard of that particular area. In addil1l1n to the hazard cntcgnry, a modilicr has hccn addl'd (the subscript letters next to lhc hazard t:ategory number) tt) ;1lso give the pertinent gcotcchnical constraints of the area. The tlcscription of the modifier.; is presented at the bottom of Tabll! A on Page 2. It should be noted thal arnas may h.av..: additional gcotechnical ha;;:ardti or (.:onslritinrs. not indicated by the map,_ Refer to Tahle C (Pnge 2) for other potential geDtechnical hnzard,. J,and•Usc Capahility Maps (P;1ges 26 through 48) The 400-scalc (i.e., I inch = 400 feet) Land-Use Capability Maps divide the City intD four different land-use capability zones based on the gcorcchnical risk of each of lhc zones. The zones, designated A through D (with A being the lesser risk and D being greater risk) give an idea of the potentir1l risks invnlv~d when planning for development in a particular area. fault Location Map (Page 50) The 2,500-scale (i-e., I inch = 2,500 feet) map presents the previously mapped faults within the City and the faults tht'lt comprise the Rose Canyon Fault Znnc located offshore to the wt:st. Fault Location and Sci,micaliy Ind\Lced Ground_.Shaking Maps (Pages 51 through 73) The 400,scole (i.e .. 1 inch = 4()() feet) Fault LocatiDn and Seismically Induced Ground Shaking Maps present the mapped foults within the City in greater detail than the 2,500-scale fault Location Map and divide the City into different seismic intensity zones based on the Modified Mercalli scale. The sei.m1ically induced ground shaking int.i..:nsity zones are hascd on the maximum proht'lblC earthquake that co~dd conceivably cause Lhc greate.~t amount or ground shnking (Le .. a 6.9 magnitude CHrthquake on the Rose Canyon fault zune which is shown on the 2,500-s.c~de Faull Location Map). Information including parameters anct assumptions utilized during the seismic study are presented on Page 49. \ilin~nd Resources Maps (Pages 74 through 78) The t.tXXl-scalc (i.e_, 1 inch = 1.()()() feet) \1incral Resources Map, depict the areas Df mining nnJ approximate oil well locations that have, are. or may he uti!izL'.d as mineral resources within the City of Carlsbad. Catastrophic Dam Failure Inundation, Tsunami and Seiche Hazard Zone \fops /Pilgcs 79 through 83) The 1.(ll)()-scale (i.e .• I inch = ).()()(J feet) Catastrophic Dam Failure Inundation. Tsunami and Sciche Hazard Zone Maps delincatt: the zones of flooding if one of the dams within or adpi.:cnt to ~he Cily wtrn to be bre:1chcd ,·:iUl'i(rophically. In addition, the m;--,,ps delineate the zones o[ tlooding th:H might he caused hy a majnr tsunami and/or H:ichc (see Page 79 f"nr the description of th~ t1naly~es and general i1~formution). Table I -Map Pages Which Correspond to the 400-Scale Sheet Numbers (Page la) Table 1 presents a list of the 400-scale (i.e., 1"=400') sheets shown on the Index Map above Table 1. For each of the 4[l0-scale sheets listed, the tahle gives the corresponding map page number of the sheet. For example, Sheet I is Page 3 of the Hazards/Constraint.s Maps. Page 26 of the Land-Use Capability Maps, and Page 51 of the Seisn,ically Induced Gruund Shaking Map,. Table A • Hazard Category/Risk Zone Correlation [Page 2) Table A presents the different geol.cchnical hazards/constrninb; present within the City, assigns each o[ the diffcrcr1t Jiaf-an.ls/con&trnin1.s a hazard category numher, and rates each category as to the land~usc capability risk. Tahlc B -Suitable Land-Uses Accordin~ tu Land-Use Capability Risk and Building Tvpc (Page fl Table 13 presents a list of possihle building types and/or land uses that may be planned, places the different building types/la ml-uses into similar groups and assigns each of the groups a range of suitable land-use capahility risk znne~ that may he compatible with the planned development. Tahk L • Additional Oeot<:chnical Hazards by Hazard Catct:9ry (Page 2) Table C presents relative rating, Ci-e., low, moderate, high, or insignificant/not applicable) of potential 1,:ngineering/geologic problems and seismic hazards that may be encountered or arc present on a site, based on that site's hazard category numlxr. Table D -Suggested ln)lestigation, According to Hazard Category and Building Type/Land-Use (P,~ Table D provides suggested investigations that should be performed at a site based on the hazard categDry or the site and the building typc~and-use planned for the site development. --------· --- • Additional information such as assumptions, parameters, and general notes are presented on Pages 49, 74 and 79 and at the bottom of each table on Page 2. Reference, utilized during the hazards mapping study are presented on Page 84. INTRODUCTION NOVEMBER 1992 >-0 :J I-en (!) z - -z J: u w l-o w (.!J Page 1A @ 1N2 MY OF Ctftl 'WIAD HOW TO USE THE MAPS AND TABLES TO DI-:Tl:RMlNE FOR A SIT!,: A. The principal geotcchnkal hazard or co,1s!raint Bl. The Land-Use Capability risk zone (if the principal hazard category is not known) OR B2. The Land-Use Capability risk zone (if the principal hazard category 0 known) CL If the site is rompatihle with the planned development (both the site and type of development arc known) OR C2. 'Nh:it building types or land uses are cornpalihle (only the site is known) YOU NEED TO: I. Oetermine the sheet number on which the site is located using the Index l\1ap on Page la. 2. Refer to Table l below the Index Map (on Page la) to find which Geotechnical Hazards/Constraints Map page number corresponds to the sheet number obtained in Step I. Turn to the appropriate page. 3. Find the site or area of interest on the map and determine the hazard category numher (and possibly a letter modifier) that represents the site. 4, Turn to Table A (on Page 2), find the appropriate Hazard Category Number and note the description of the Hazard Category. This description is the principal hazard or constraint for t.he site. 1. Determine the sheet number on which the site is located using the Index map on Page la. 2. Refer to Ta hie I below the Index l\,fap ( on Page la) to find which Land-Use Capability Map page numher corresponds to the sheet numher obtained in Step l. Turn to the appropriate p.ige. 3. Find the site or area of interest on the map and determine the land•use capahility risk zone of the site. This letter ( either A through D or a combination) represents the relative geotechnical risk of the site. 4. The land-use capability risk zones are briefly defined on the bottom of Table A on the following p:ige. OR l. Turn to Table A (on Page 2), find the Ha1ard Category Number and determine the Land-Ilse Capability Risk Zone ( on the right side of the iable), This letter (either A through D or a combination) represents the reln1ive geotechnieal risk of the site. 2. The I ,and-Use Capabilitv Risk Zones are briefly defined on the bottom of Table A. l. Determine the Land•U~e Cariahility Risk Zone of the site (see BI "r 112 above for directions). 2. Turn to Table H ( on !'age 2), find the 1•lnnned development (under the heading "Building Type/Lmd-Lsc: Description"). 3. Match the appropriate risk zone column with the building type/land-use row on Table B, to determine the compatibility of the pbnned devclupmcnt with respect 10 the Risk Zone. 4. l'lic symbols on Table B (which rq1resent the potential compatibility) are clcftncd at the bottom of the table. OR l. Determine the land-use cari:lbility risk zone of the site (see BI or 132 ;,hove for dirccti,msJ. 2. Turn to Tahle B (on Page 2). 11nd the risk zone designation :rnd follow the ('olumn down until the symbols indicate suitable compatibility (symbol is ;1 •J- 3. Any building type or land-11se with a "suitable" symbol 1s considered compatible with the site (also see notes at the bottom of the table). ·-----------------------------------------------~ D. Additional geote(chnical hazards (in addition to the principal geotcchnical haz.:ll'd or constraint determined above) E. The suggested types of geotechnical investigations to he performed 1. Determine the principal geotechnical hazard or constraint of the site (sec ;\ above for directions). 2. Turn to Tahle C (on l'ilge 2), find the principal hazard category number on the left of the table and read across the column to deh:rmine the relative risk of I.he engineering/geologic problems and seismic hazards. 3. The different se1sm1c hazards and relat.ivc risk symbols are defined at the bottom or the table. l. Oetermine the prindpal geotechnical hazard or constraint of the site (sec A above for directions). 2. Turn to Table B ( on Page 2), find the description of the planned development of the site and determine its group designation number (on the left of the table). 3, Turn to Table ll ( on Page 2), match the appropriate hazard category row with the building type/land-use designator column to find the types of suggested geotechnical investigations. 4. The suggested gcutechnical inves1 iga1 ions are defined at the bottom of the table along with some general notes. ------------------------------~-----' DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATF.S, INC. ENOINEilRS, SURVEYORS, PLANNERS, LANO.~CA.Pe ARCHITECTS H2JI S.W. CORRhIT AVFJ',RJF, PORTI..At-."D, OR 97201 (S03J223---ti663 -----,---~" ,. _-i ~ ~ -..... n 1/ '-/ ....._ TO DETERMINE FOR A SITH: Fl. rr there are any Faults present in the vicinity OR F2, In detail if faults are present G, The relative intensity of ground shaking from the most significant earth(Jltake. H. If a potential for mineral rrsources exists or existed on the site YOU NEl·:I) TO: I. Turn to the Fault Location Mari of the City (011 Page 50), locate the approximate location of the site and determine if there are any faults present in the vicinity. 2. A discussion of the seismic hazards, and a regional map showing the significant faults m southern California is presented 011 Page 49. OR 1. Determine the sheet number on which the site is located using the Index Map on Page la. 2. Refer to Tahle 1 below the Index Map ( on Page I a) to find which Fault Locat.ion/Seismically Induced Ground Shaking Map page number corresponds to the sheet numher obtained in Step 1. Turn to the appropriate page. 3, Find the site or area of interest on the map and determine if there are any faults present (!he faults are indicated by thick dashed lines). 4. A discussion of the seismic hazards, and a regional map showing the significant faults in southern California is presented on page 49. I. Determine the sheet number on whkh the siti' is located using the Index Map on Page la. 2. Refer to Tahle 1 below the Index Map ( on Page I a) to find which Fault Location/Seismically Induced Ground Shaking Map page number corresponds to the sheet number obtained in Step I. Turn to the appropriate page. 3. Find the site or area of interest on the map and determine the ground shaking intensity value. The numerical value represents t.hc Modi [icd Mercalli intensity value. 4. Refer to the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale presented on Page 49 for a description of characteristks relative to eflch or the intensity values. Also on page 49 is a discussion on the assumptions and parameters of the se1sm1c ground shaking hazards study. I. Turn t.o the Mineral Resources Maps on Page 74. 2. Using the index Map at the bottom of Page 74, determine on which sheet the site or area of interest is located. Turn to the appropriate sheet (which can be found on Pages 74, 75, 76, 77, or 78.) 3, Find the site or area of interest on the page and determine whether or not any potential mineral resources exist or existed on the site. 4. Refer to the legend at the bottom left of the page and the notes presented on Page 74 for a description and discussion of the mineral resources !sited on the map. ----------------------------- I. If the site lies within a catastrophic dam failure inundation, tsunami or seiche zone 1.. Turn to the Catastrophic Dam Failure Inundation, Tsunami and Sdcl1l• Hazard Zone l\Tap on Pagl, 79. 2. Using the Index l\1ap at the bottom of Page 79, determine on which sheet the site or area of interest is located. Turn to the appropriate sheet (which can be found on Pages 79, 80, 81, 82, and 83). 3. Find the site or area of interest on the page and determine whether or not it lies within the zones presented on the map. 4, Refer to the legend at the hottnm left of the page and the notes presented on Page 79 for the description and discussion on the different hazard zones presented on the map. • A brief description or the maps and tables is presented on Page la. Additional information including assumptions and parameters utilized during the gcotechnical analyses arc presented on pages 49, 74 and 79. References utilized d'.Jring the hazards mapping study are presented on Page 84. U!l'OllTON ANO ASSOCJA TllS INC. ~<,l;M MURPHY CANYON R.OAD, SUJTE 82~ SAN OibOO, CALJJ~)RNlA 9212.J [619)292-S()lO INTRODUCTION NOVEMBER 1992 >-0 :::, t-en (!'J z -z :c u w t-o w (!'J Page 1B JAB!-BA HAZARD CATEGORY/RISK ZONE CORRELATION Geotechnical Hazards/ Constraints Ground Rupture Potential Slope Instability Potential Ground Failure Coastal Stability Other Terrain Conditions. I ~ 'd Feature or Phenomenon Inactive & Presumed Inactive Faults Confirmed, Known, or Highly Suspected Possible, Conjectured, or Potentially Stabilized by Grading Thick Claystone; Intcrbcddcd Claystonc, Siltstone & Sandstone; Unfavorahle Structure; Modcrntl: lo High Mud Flow Potcntinl lnterhedded Claystonc, Siltstone & Sandstone; Neutral lo Favorable Structure; Moderate to High :vim] .flow Potcntia.l Rdativc Level lo Sloping Areas Underlain by Thick C1aystonc or Siltstone; Other Slide Prone Soils Major Alluvial Basins. Shallow Ground Water: Rclat.ivcly High Liq ucfaction Potential, Moderate to High Cornpressihility or Suhsid~ncc Hazard Category No. See Fault Map 21 22 23 24 25 31 Land-Use Capability Rlsk Zone Designation -Increasing Ri~k -- A B C D • • • • • • • • Potential 0 ·;;;;:: ~~r-----------+---+--+--+--1----~I " :;, "' VJ M11jnr Alluvial Basins. Moderate to " ~ 0 2,. Deep Ground Waler; :Mrn.k:rnte ·= u .E:;• Liquefaction Potential, Moderate to "'·-'-;j ] High Compressibility or Suhsidence 32 • • §.. ·91 Potential ·-nl i------------+---l-----+-+---1-------11 ~! Minor Alluvial Valleys & River Terraces; LJw t.o Modcraic Liquefaction Potential, Moderate to High Compressihility Potential High, Steep Bluffs; Unfavorable Structure, Moderate lo Rapid Erosion 33 41 42 • • • ,i;' ., Low Bluff Face; Generally Favnrahlc r;,;i .......... St.ructurc, Low to Rapid Erosion o~~---~---~~-----4----+--~-+-~--~1 " -0 </l Broader Beach Areas: Low to Rapid Erosion Moderately Sloping Areas Underlain by Terrace Deposits or S,mdslonc Moderately Sloping Areas Underlain by Granitic/Metavolcanic Bedrock Relatively Level Mesas Underlain hy Terrace Dep"'its, Sandstone or Granitic/Mctavtllcanir.:: Bcdrork 43 SI 52 • • • • • • Risk Zone Rating Key of Table A and the Land~Use Capabiljtv Maps (Pages 26 through 48) A• Nominal; B -Low; C • Moderate; D -High: Insignificant or very minor risk, A low prohahility that development of the area would result in risk to persons or property. A moderate probability that development of the area might result in risk to persons or property. A high probability that development of the area could result in substantial risk to persons and property. AB, BC · Variable Risk Key to Hazard Category Number modifiers presented on the Geotechnical Hazards/Constraints Maps (Pages 3 through 25) For example: 33E, where E is the modifier. E: Soil and bedrock materials may be highly expansive. N: Excavatibility of bedrock materials is anticipated to be difficult (or non-rippable) and may l'C<!Uire blasting. C: Areas underlain l,y compre•sible soil• which may be subject to consolidation or settlement due to loading (i.e., buildings and fill placement) and/or seismic shaking. General Notes 1) Hazard Category numbers correspond to the numbers utilized on the Geologic Hazards/Comtraints Maps (Pages 3 through 25) while tbc Land-Use Capability Risk Zone Designation Letters corre,p<md to the letters on the Geotechnical Land-Use Capability Maps (Pages 26 through 48). 2) All Risk Zone Ratings and Hazard Area boundaries are subjt.et t<> change, as new data b«omes available. 3) A Definitive Risk Assessment Analysi• was not part of this study. The Land-Use Capability Risk Zone designations or this study are relative in nature and do not necessarily mean that risk to persons or property, if the site is developed is a foregone conclusion. Rather, the study is an attempt to segregate areas within the City of Carlsbad into relative risk zones that range from nominal to high. Also refer to the general notes in Table B. @ Wl2 CIJY OI" Clffl MAD • Haza,d Category No. 21 22 23 24 25 31 32 33 41 42 41 5l 52 5.1 lnaclivc Fault"'* TABLE B SUITABLE LAND USES ACCORDING TO LAND-USE CAPABILITY RISK & BUILDING TYPE Land-Use Building Type/ Land Use Capability Risk Group Designation No I II III IV V VI fu..<nbols e -Suilahlc Zone Designation -Increasing Risk- Description A B N uclcar Facilities, Large Dams, Primary Electrical Power Grid Systems • 0 Hospitals., fire or Police Communka1ion Facililics, Critical TransportHtion Elcmcnls such • as Bridges or Overpasses, Smaller Dams, lrnport:;int Utility Centers Schrn,ls, Churches, Large or lligh Rise Buildings or Other Pisces Normally Attracting Large Concentrations of People (sw:h as Civic • Buildings), Large Commercial Structures, Most RllHd,, Other Utilities Residential SlructurC' . .s (SinglcrFamily Residences. Condo!lliniums, Apartmcnls, etc.), • Mrn;t Commercial and Minor Puhlic Structures Most Industrial, Other Minor Commercial Structures (WarehDuscs), Wharves, Docks. • Marinas, Parks, Refuse Disposal Sites Agriculture, Managed Mineral Resources. Development, Other Open-Space Areas • 0 • • • • C I) X X X X 0 X • 0 • 0 • • 0 • Provisionally Suitahle X -Generally Unsuitah\e General Notes l) This tahle is intended for general land~use planning only. Suitability for specific t1scs fnr a srecific site must be confirmed hy further investigation. An area evaluated as umrnitablc for a particular use does not .nc..--:ccssarily preclude the use, if no other more suitable alternative sites arc available, and, prnvided that all potential hazards/constraints can be mitigated . 2) Development may be feasible in all areas ii' adequate provisions are made for stabilization. TABLE c ADDITIONAL GEOTECHNICAL HAZARDS BY HAZARD CATEGORY Engineering/Geologic Prohlems. Seismic Hazards '""•"'"'"''••"•••••• ••••••••••••••n•om,mmmH ,,.,.,,.,,u,u.u,u,u ·············-··-····,··•·m,mm .,,..,..,.,,,..,,,.,,.,, ""'""""'',.'"""''''',.'" •• ---•••••••••••••••• •••••••-•••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• n•••,m,mmmmm "'"'"'""''"'"'"''''"'"'•' Slope Stahility H H H M•H M-H ◊ ◊ ◊ H L - M ◊ L-M L ◊ Ground Settlement Water Excuvation"' Erosion Flooding L-M L L-M M · H ◊ L L L-M M-H ◊ ◊ L L-M M-H ◊ ◊ L L -M M-H ◊ ◊ L L - M L-M ◊ M -II H ◊ II 1-1 M-H M-H ◊ 1-1 H L - M ◊ H M ◊ ◊ ◊ II ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ H L -\1 \1-H II ◊ H H ◊ ◊ L-M L -11 ◊ ◊ ◊ H I. ◊ ◊ ◊ I. -II I. -M ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ Lateral Ground Liquefaction Lurching Spreading Shaking ◊ ◊ M M ◊ ◊ L - M L ◊ ◊ ◊ L ◊ ◊ ◊ L ◊ ◊ ◊ L H M M 11 M M L - M II L-M M I. M ◊ ◊ ◊ M ◊ ◊ ◊ M 11 M M 11 ◊ ◊ ◊ L M ◊ ◊ ◊ I. ◊ 0 ◊ L · M ◊ M'i 1\,1'/ M Dynamic Settlement ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ H 1-1 M ◊ ◊ H ◊ 0 ◊ ◊ Areas underlain by metcvolcanic/granitic bedrock typically may be difficult tD excavate. These areas are identified as Hazard Categories 52EN, 52N, 53EN, and 53N on the Gcotcchnical Hazards/C.,onstr.aints Maps. Gc1,llc1,-;hnical Haz,1rd Raling K!..~Y Definitions l)f Seismic 1-lat/inls ◊ -lnsi~nific.ant. or not applkahk. L -Low: [,,w prnhability that a particular hazard wouhl he a constraint to .site development. Liqudm:tion - M -Modentle: Moderate probability that a particular hazard might be a Lurching - constraint Lo site development. H -High: High probability that a particula, hazard will be a Lateral Spreuding - com,trnint to sit.c development. L-M, M-H, L-H -Variuble l{uting. Ground Shaking - When 11 soil (usually an unconsolidattxl mat.criul such as alluvium) changes from a solid slate to ~I weaker (liquid-like) state unable to support structures; whl..~rc the nwtcrial he.haves similar lt) a liquid as a consequence of earthquake shaking. Ph.enomernm a:,;.~ociatcd with stnlng carlhquakcs whereby the ground is di:sturbed ;ind cracked hy ~arthquake oscillations. Shallow~angle slope failure caused by liquefaction of a subsurface layer; very large displacemenL Movement of the ground surface caused hy seismic waves travelling through the ground. nynumic Settlement -Settlement of :soils due to seismic forces which DAVID BVANS AND ASSOCIATBS, INC. ENGIJ',TEI:.RS., SURVIlYORS, PLANNERS. LANJJSCA('f. ARCH.fH-;cfS 28?8 S.W. CORBEIT AVENUE PORTLAND, OR 972.01 {503)223 6663 cause compaction of compressihle; granular soils. Ul.IGIITON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3934 MURPl--l;Y CANYO!lf ROAD, surrE B10;1 SAN DIEGO, CALU"OR.NlA 92123 (619)292 .. 8030 • TABL:_~ D SUGGESTED INVESTIGATIONS ACCORDING TO BlJILDINCi TYPE/ LAND USI, & HAZARD CATEGORY • Hazard Category No. Building Type / Land Use Designation No. (Tahle B) - _ .......................................... , ..... ..,.., .. .,. ................. ,..,,.,_.,.,,.r········•·•·••• ............ -______ ..... ., ..................... ,,.,,.,,.,,, ······•·••···•·• """"""'"'"' ____ _,,.. .................... ___ """"'"""""I I II III IV V VT 21 22 EG-2 SL-2 EC-2 SF-2 SE-2 EG-2 SF-2 E0-2 SF-2 EG-2 SF-2 EG-2 SF-2 EG-1 SL-2 SE-2 SL-2 SE-2 SL-2 SE-2 SL-2 SE-2 SL-I EC-2 EC-2 EC-2 EC-2 EC-I EG-2 SF-2 EG-2 SF-2 EG-2 SF-2 EG-2 SF-2 EG-2 SF-1 E0-1 SL-2 SE 2 SL-2 SE-2 SL-2 SE-2 SL-2 SE-2 SL-2 SE-1 SL-1 SF-1 SE-I EC-2 EC-2 EC-2 FC-2 EC-2 EC-1 ______ ,j__:=-:: ___ j...._.'.:::::..: ___ ~,.:_:_-------l~----+------+------11 EG-2 sr-2 EG-2 SF-2 EG-2 SF-2 EG-2 SF-2 E0-2 SF-I EG-1 SF-1 SE-1 SL-2 SE-2 Sl.-2 SE-2 SL-2 SE-2 SL-2 SE-I SL-2 SE-I SL-I EC-2 FC-2 EC-2 EC-2 EC-I FC-1 23 24 & 25 EG-2 SF-2 E0-2 SF-2 EG-2 SF-1 EG-2 SF-1 EG-1 SF-I EG-I SL-2 SE-2 SL,2 SE-2 SL-2 SE-2 SL-2 SE-I SL-I SE I SI. I JI"' J2 41 EC-2 EC-2 EC-2 LC-2 EC-I EC I EG-2 SE-2 EG-2 SE-2 SF-2 EG-2 SF-2 EG-2 SF-2 EG-2 S1'-2 EG-1 SF-2 EG-1 SF-I FL-2 SE-2 FL-2 SE-2 FL-2 SE-2 FL-2 SE-2 l'L-2 SE-1 FL-I SF-2 EG-2 SF-2 EG-2 SF-2 EO 2 Sf.,2 EG•l SF-2 EG-1 SF-l Fl. 2 SE-2 FL-2 SE-2 FL-2 SE-I FL-2 SE• I FL-1 SE-I FL-1 EG-2 SF-2 LG-2 SF-2 E<i-2 SF-I EG-1 SF-1 EG-1 SF-I t:G-1 SE-I SL-2 SE-2 SI.-2 SE-2 SL-2 SE-2 SL-2 SE-2 SI.-1 SE-I SL-I SE-1 11----------1--~I~'C~.-~2--=0~(~'·2=---1----=E(='.=·2:_____:0~C~'.-=2------l-____:E=C=-2:__c_><_~--2-+----=''~:c_-2 ___ 0_c_.-2_+--E-(_>2 ___ 0_c_:._1-t-E-·( ____ 1 __ r_JC:1__ EG-2 SF-2 EG-2 SF-2 f'(;. 2 SF-2 EG-1 SF-2 EG-1 SF-2 l'G-1 SF-i Sl'-2 EC-2 SE-2 FC-2 SF-2 l'C-2 SE 2 EC-2 SE-2 FC-1 SE-1 FC-1 FL-2 OC'-2 H.-2 OC-2 l'L,2 OC-2 l-'L-2 OC-2 OC-2 OC-2 1-1 .-t OC-1 42 & 41 51 & 52 EG-2 SF-2 FG-2 SF-2 E(; I SF-I EG-1 Sl-'-1 FG-1 SF-1 EG-1 SF-I SL-1 EC-2 Sl.-1 FC-2 Sl.-1 FC-2 SL-I LC-2 Si.-1 EC-2 SL-1 FC-2 '------~------·-···-~•----+-···-·-----+---------!--·--·-·--------------+----·------11 EG-1 SF-I FC I SF-1 EG-1 SF-I FG-1 SF-I F.G-1 SF•l E<i-1 SF-I . 11-------l--=s E:::· -~2:__:_E:..:C~-.:..1 ---1--=S:..:E=-2:_____:t:..::r::..-:..:l -+----=S=E..:-2:.....__:E=--' C~-=--1-+_S_E_· -_t __ F_.C_-_1 -+-s_· E_-_1 __ 1::;_c_·-1_+-_SI_"-•_l __ E_· C_-~1-, Inactive EG-2 SL-2 EG-2 SF-2 EG-2 S~-2 FG-2 SF-2 EG-2 SF-2 EG-1 SF-I 53 Faults SE-2 SE-2 SE-2 SE-2 SE-2 SE-I !1.._.:.::,:;,;;_..,16,.;:,;,,:;.. ___ ...,1_;;,;;;..;... __ ,_...,1_;,;,;.;.. ___ ,..1....,;;.;;.,;;,.. ___________ .... ____ ~ .. =··- • The two letter symbol prmeoted in the columns represents the type of investigation, while the numhe, after the symbol represent, the level of investigation. Both the type and level of investigation are described below. Type of Investigation EG: En2ineerinu, Geolot;:ic Investigation -An investigation that would evaluate the geologic conditions and engineering characteristics of the site as it pr.;rtains to the planned development and long-term maintenance of the site. These engineering geologic conditions include items such as the characteristics of the gcolr.1gic units, geologic struL:turc, and ground water conditions.. SF, Soll and Foundqtion lnvestl2alloo -This type of investigation should focus on the engineering characteristics of onsite soils on which o1aructurcs will he founded and analysis and recommendations of foundation systems. Items of thi!; type of investigation would include the cvalualion of snil engineering characteristics (such as expansion, consolidation, grnin size, chemical composition, etc.), (.,"Valuation and mitigation or adverse gcotechnical L:onditiuns (~uch as sc1tlcment, expunsive soils. etc.) and gcotechnical design recommendations. for foundation systems. SL: Slope Stubility lnvestigadon -An evaluation of natural and proposi;--:d manufactured slopes for gross and surficial stahility_ The investigation might entail a subsurface investigaticm and literature review Ln determine the geology of l.he slopes, determination of soil strengths <1nd other engineering charact.cristic.'i, stahility calculations to dctcrn1inc ,'.-lope factorwof-safctics., design of slope buttress or other stuhilization methods and rccornmendtHions concerning slope construction and mainlenance. SE: St!ismk lh11.11rd lnve~tigation - A Sci~rnic Halard Invc:.~digation should determine the scisrnic hazards assol:iate<l with a site and provide conclusil>ns aod pns.s.ihlc f'ccommendations lo rcdue,.~ nr eliminate potential problems. Items that should be addressed include the presence uf f;rnlls, u~c~:nry of Luilting, proximity of site lo rcgicmal faults, anticipated ground aL:cderations and othiJr seismic parameters, a discussion on the ath:cts of seismic ha:t.ards (liquefaction, ground ~haking. ground rupture, etc._) al the site and recommendations dealmg with seismic n1m:1.:rns nn the pro1)()SCd development_ EC: Erosion Cont ml Investigation -This. type of investigation evaluates the potential for erosion of slopes, hiuffs and other areas which may Oc affected hy surf.al:~ runoff_ The investigation should include a historical review of aerial photographs, evaluation of the engineering dH1nu;tcristics of site ~oils, evaluation of the :silc 111 relationship lo the topography, geology and hydrogcologic conditions and provide re,~ommcmhltions concerning the prevention of tlctrimental erosion at the site from a geotcchnical standooint. 1-'L; •'hKHiing Potential lnV('stigatlon - A Flood Potential Investigation is performed when there is a need to evaluate future flooding al the site ,11HI whal ath:l:ts ii will have tHl the planned dcvck,prnent. Ji incl11dcs items such B.S a histodc wvicw of mcleorologic records and related litcrnturc, i.:valu.111~111 nr poh..:ntial llooding c;-i.used hy ::dorms and/or catastrnphic dam failure, and recommeri<lations dealing with the contrnl of llood water-:,; rmm a gcokchnical standpoint. ()C: (keunograuhk I n\lestigalion -This type ()f invt.."::-tigation should he performed (In site:s along the c.oas!linc lh.at are affected by potential wave nttack, sediinenlalion m tHher nce:rnoµ;raphic conditions. Tills investigatinn would m1aluatc the nature ;-ind severity of potential oceanographic nrndi11nns alfr:cting silc development and provide conclusions and rccnntmcnda.tions to miligutlnn those rroblcms (such as erosion, hluff srnhility, etc.) from a geotechnical st1.111dp\>int. Level of Investigation Uvel 1: Koutlne -Basic or standard study evaluating the nc1rmal hazards associated with the Hazard Category in relation to the type of investigation (e.g., geologic reconnaissance or limit'.!d subsurface investigation). '-"••I _2: U~talled · C-.omprchensive study evaluating all possible hazards associated with the Hazard Category in relation to the type of mvcsugauon (e.g., detailed subsurface investigation and analysis). General Notes I) This table is intended for general land-use planning only. The type and level of the investigations should be based upon site-specific L:undiLions, planned use, and building C:o(!C requirements . 2) Gcotcchnical lnvestigatiDns can range from very preliminary, feasibility-type stuJics utilizing available research data (at the planning sta~e..<:. of a pmj~cl) to in-depth in:cstigation requiring extensive field exploration and enginccring/ge<1logic/seismic analysis (at the des1gn/construct1on ~tagc). Depending upon the complexity of the geotechniL:al conditions in relationship to the proposed development, the (icotechnical investigation may either be routine or detailed. While cacli type of investigation deals with a specific gcotcchnical cond1lon(s), the d1flcrcn1 investigations typkally am incorporated into one gc:otcchnical report. 1) Some aspects of the investigations listed above may be beyond the purview of the gcotcchnical ccnsultant and should he performed by other qualllkd consultants (i.e., civil engineer, coa~tal engineer, structural engineer, etc.). 4) Refer to special State regulations regarding investigation standards and construction codes for schools and hospitals; alS<l Federal regulation:s for nuclear facilities. 5) LanJ uses such as disposal sites or mineral resource development and other appropriate studies may require a geologic investigation to evaluate impact as regards to slope stability <1nd subsidence effects. 1., Environmental Impact Reports (EIR) may be required to meet State as well as Federal guidelines, depending upon jurisdiction. TABLES NOVEMBER 1992 >-0 :) I-en -z :c u w l-o w (.!J Page 2 11 --.J ~~ '.l: OJ fl'\ i- h} Ill ~ IJI ~ I) "l) oO -f.,. .---------------------------------------·-·-···-···---····-·-··············-···· © 'll02CITYQf'CAIU'JAD Carlsbad, California November 1992 - .... eotec nica Pages 3 through 25 Prepared by: LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 3934 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite B205 San Diego, California 92123 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 2828 S.W. Corbett Avenue Portland, Oregon 97201-4830 ■ app1ng aps H 2,01<,LllX) + i !ftJ'/'l:iJ + + Refer to Page 1 for • deecription of this map and Table A entitled "Hazard Category/Risk Zone Correlation-on Page 2 for a description of the numerical hazard category zones and subcript letter modifiers. + + + DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERS, SUKVJ:::YORS, PLANNERS, LANDSCAPE ARCI-HTECTS 7878 S.W. COR:JH?IT AVRNUR PORT! AND, OR 9'n01 ('.103)7.?.l-66(,3 • &~ -_-=,cl y -··--· LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3~34 MlJRPHY CA,11, YUN KO.a.D, ~UI rE 820:S SAN DIEGO, CAUFORNIA 92123 (61 g)292-8030 + + + 0 400 800 1200 ---- - GRAPHIC SCALE 1-= 400' Aarlal Photo Data -Sopt.-= 1988. Aalol Photo Scola • 1 : HOO This map was comp/led by photogrammetrjc methods and meets national meip standard accuracy specifice.tion.s. Horizonu11 C.Ontrol is Bftsed On the Cnlifornia Coordinma Sy:,;tcm NAO 8:3, Vortlool Control is Based On tt\e 1929 Mf:/\N SE/\ LEVEL. DAl'UM, Oceen bottom ~ontou(,g dt'Hived froin 1 968 U.S.G.S. OuHdf81"1Qle Map~ + + + + + + l,IUENA V1$TA 1 2 4 5 Geotechnical Hazards/ Constraint Map November 1992 >-0 ~ 1- (f) (!) ~2: -- ---7 ·-:r: CJ L.U l-o w (.9 N Sheet 1 of 23 Page 3 0 1D02 mY OF CNL9BAD :::.;:::__ ______________________ .J_ _______________ ___.__ ______________ _.__ ________________________ ___. __________ __,_ ____ '-------'--------.._ __________________________ .._ _______ ~ en -:t; 111 J)J 'i / G r ( f ( .. • ( • --+ lil\Oll\000 + Aoun: 7B " " " " • ,. !/•, ' /' . " ' I • 23 l')f,2,010,COO ,. 17 31 CE 33c + 23 I •. / 1· \ I ,\ Refer to Page 1 for a description of this msp and Table A entitled l-fazard Category/Risk Zone Correlation-on Page 2 for a description of the numerical haiard category zones and subcript letter modifiers. @ 1182 aTY OF CW MW I \ ., + ---'\ -:--, ., ___ \ . \ ' .. ' ·.,· 31 \ ,\ .. I' )1 -- VISTA WAY 20 ,. VISf -) m r I i 33 cec--- z Q I·; l 23 ( 31 CE 33c-I I . ·-·· 23 -.J DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. LEIGHION AND ASSOCIATES INC. ENGINEERS, SUilVEYOKS, PLANNERS, LANUSCAPE AR.CHJ"l'EC"l'S 1t!2tl, S,W, CORRRTT AVENUE PORTLAND, OR 97?0I (:iU3)11.3-Mti3 3Y34 MURPHY CAJl,,-YON ROAD, SUITH 823' SAN Drnnn, CAUf-'OU.NfA. 9'.U?j (619),92-8030 '00 ,o --1\ ·' I ; ,·: '\\·.\ ---. Ii\\ .. 11 I ,. + + ( 31 CE " 24( 0 400 800 '°" s::;·-.. __ ; i4<. 1200 ------ GRAPHIC SCALE : 1• _, 400' MtW Photo llobl -S..ptAlct. 1988, Mrial Pl\ato Sc,,Jo • 1 ; 9600 This map was compiled by photogramrnetrlc methods and me<:;lti:; national m1;1p $tandard w::curHcy spOOt'ioi.tioM tir)fimnttil r,.ontrol is BMl-ld On the C.t'!lifornla Coordfnnte System NAO 83. Vertical Control is Based On the 1929 MEAN $El\ LEVEL DATUM. Oc8an bottom corno1m.1, deriVQd f,om 1968 US.GS. Out1drer1gle Mips. + + + + ,oo ·zi I I . "' 1 3 4 5 6 _______ .. ··1 ., \ ,·;.-;;/_ . Geotechnical Hazards/ Constraint Map November 1992 >-0 ::, I- C/) (!) z -a.. ....J Uc) -z I u w ._ 0 w CJ N .... Q) .c E Q) > 0 z Sheet 2 of 23 Page 4 N l,OU,000 . \ \ ·-~ ·, \ \_ .. p.OV.,-_~ ' •. '• 24 I I .//"•,\ . ,!/ \ 3 1 'cE \ ';l.!;i ,oo I 23 ( ... ,, 1!/(i'i,.< ,ti> HAVMAR .• '" • ·, .• "" ,,o ,,o ' \ I , .. ,. ... o,,_ • ' ) .. ::-:· .. 175 . " I I •-. 200 i I / . • I M \ \ + + + Refer to Page 1 for a d89Cription of this map and Table A entitled 1-lazard Category/Risk Zone Correlation-on Page 2 for a description of the numerical hazard category zones and subcript letter modifiers. @) 1112 a,y OF C#N e•o + + + DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERS, SURVE'rORS, PI.ANNHRS, I.ANIJSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2l'li8 -~,w. ('.()RHr'~n· AYl~NOR PO~'l1.ANI), OR 97201 (503)223-{:1663 LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC. ·.W34 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE 8205 SAN DJ6C.<), CALlFORt·HA 92123 (619)292 .. 8030 + + + \ __ .. -.· / 0 400 800 1200 ------ GRAPHIC SCALE 1• = 400' Hrlol Photo o..te -S<,pt.-Oct. 1888, /\o<i"' Photo Scole -1 : BIIOO This map was cornpi~d by photogr~mmetric methods and 1neets r1atlunal map standard ac;r:unicy spOO-fiCf.ltioM. Horizontal Control is ~ad On the Cslifornie Coordinnte System NNJ 83. Vertir.al Control is Based On the H).29 MEAN SCA L~V~l. DATUM. Ocean bottom cor1tours derived from 1968 USGS Ou1:1dr.angl~ Mllp.!L + + + 2 5 + + + / . / .• ~ I J .-•-...., 6 7 G eotech n ical Hazards/ Constraint Map November 1992 >-0 ::, I-en CJ z > ·-r-1-...... ...J Uc5 :2 ::c u llJ J-o w (.!) N Sheet 3 of 23 Page 5 / + + + Refer to Page 1 for e deacriptlon of this msp snd Table A entitled 1-fazard Category/Risk Zone Correlation-on Page 2 for a description of the numerical hazard category zones and subcript letter modifiers. @ 'a2 CITY OF Ctfl PAD \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ t / \ __ ./ .. ---- + + DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINF;RJ:tS, SURVEYOR$, PIANNER$, I.AND$CAPH AR(;'HITHCT$ 282fl S.W. CORBETT AYfi.NUE PORTI.AND, OR 97/01 (){)3)'i.73---fl663 I ·, \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ I LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3!J:34 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUrt'E B2M SAN 'OlEUO, CALIRJU:NlA 921?.J (6l9)292-80:).0 + + • \ + 0 \ \ 400 \ 800 \ • \ \ ----- GRAPHIC SCALE : 1-= 400' I I 1200 Aarlal Photo Data -Sept-Oct. 1988. Aoriol Photo lkale -1 : 8800 I I This mciip was compiled by photogramrnetdc methods 1;1nd meet~ nation1;1t map standard BCCuracy spttdficatians. HorizontBI Control is ~ad On ttie C'.6.lifornie. Coord[nllte System i'l'\D 83, Vertlool Control is Based On the 1929 MEAN SEA LEVEL DA1'UM. Ocean bottom contou,s defived from 1968 U.S.G.S. Qua(_tr8nglo ~pa. UI;~ VISTA l.AGOON 1 8 2 9 Geotechnical Hazards/ Constraint Map November 1992 >-0 :::) I--en (!) z - -z :c u w l-o w (!) N Sheet 4 of 23 Page 6 \ '. \ \ '1 . ,: l;l:! Refer to Page 1 for • deecrlption of this map and Table A entitled 1-fazerd Categoiy/Risk Zone Correlation· on Page 2 for a description of the numerical hazard categoiy zones and subcript letter modifiers. @) 1802 CITY OF CtN 91\D DA YID EV ANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ENOINEERS, SURVEYORS, PLANNERS, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2828 s.w, CORl3!•ffr A YHNl)H P()R'n.A~IJ. OR 97201 (503)22..,1--666~ LEIGHfON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3934 MlJRfl-lY CANYON ROAD, SUITE B2~ SAN DIEGO, CALlFORNTA 92123 [619).!92-8030 0 400 800 1200 - ---- GRAPHIC SCALE ,~ = 400' ,w1a1 Photo Dobl • s.,,t.-Ocl. , 988. -P!,<>t<> l'bolo • 1 , eeoo Thfs map WM compiled by photograrnmetrlc methods Hnd tneet~ natloni,I map ~andard accurBCy apar..ifice1iona. Hor;,rnntal Control is Bosed On the Ce.lifornle Coord!nAfe System NAO 83. VertiQII Con1rol is &sed On the 1929 Mb'\N SE:A LEVEL DATUM. Ouoan bottom comours deri1Jed from 1968 U.S.G.S. auadrt:ingle M6pa. 1 4 L . ... 8 2 6 9 3 6 10 G eotech n ical Hazards/ Constraint Map November 1992 >-0 ::> 1-f/J (!) z ·-ll.. ll. m:z Cl)•::( -IC/JN a:oom :>-0") c(~~ U~] LLUl 0 l::l l:C: ·-z ::r: u w 1- 0 l.lJ (!J N E Q) > 0 z Sheet 5 of 23 Page 7 Refer to Page 1 for • dncription of this map and Table A entitled 1-lazard Category{Risk Zone Correlation-on Page 2 for a deacription of the numerical hazard category zones and subcript letter modifiers. DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. HNGINEERS:, SU~VEYORS, Pl.ANN£RS, LANDSCAPE AR('J-IITECTS 2818 S.W. CORBETT AYENUR PORTI,AND, OR 97201 (5{:13)223-6663 LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3~:34 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, surrn B'lOJ S.AN" DrBtK), CAIJFORNIA 92123 (619)292-8030 0 400 800 1200 ------ GRAPHIC SCALE : r = 400' Aorfal Photo Data • S.PT,Oct. 19118. Allrlal Photo ble -1 : BIIOD This map was complled by photogrammetrlc methods 1;1nd meets netlonal map standard accuracy spooifioetloM Horizontal Control is Baried On thB Cnlifornie. C.Oordlnate System NAO 83. Vertlcel Control is SM;ed On the 1929 MEAN S~ LEVEL DATUM. Ocenn bottom contours derived from 1968 US.GS OuHdrangle Maps. 2 3 6 6 9 10 + + 7 11 3048 436.-5:il Geotechnical Hazards/ Constraint Map November 1992 >-Cl => I-en t C, z -a.. Q <Co i =~ \ ..l(J)N -m CC~m <C ....I T- i ~ .... (J<( Q) .c u. (/) E Q) 0~ > 0 z 11. ·, > , I- ....I U5 -z I u w I- 0 w (!) N Sheet 6 of 23 Paga 8 N 2,006,000 + N 2,004,000 + Refer to Page 1 for a deMlrlptlon of this map .,d Table A entitled 1-lazard Cat9gory/Risk Zone Correlation-on Page 2 for a deacription of the numerical hazard category zones and subcript latter modifiers. (i') WJ Cl1'Y Cll'CMl ■Y + + + DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC, ENOINEBRS, SURVEYORS, PLANNERS, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2828 S.W. CORBETT A VENUE PORTI AND, UR 9TI01 (503)22.~--6663 LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3934 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE a2M SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92123 ((119)292-8030 + + + ""' 0 400 900 1200 ----- GRAPHIC SCALE : 1• • 400' Mr1al Photo c.ta • Sapt.-Oct. 1988, Mri.tll Photo S..lt -1 : 9600 ThJs map was compiled by photogramm1:1tric method$ ~d meet$ national rnap standard llCCUrf!CY splllCifications. Horizontnl Control in BMed On the Ce.lifotnla Coordlnote System NAD 83. Vertical Control Is Based On the 1929 MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM. Ocean bottom contours derived from 1968 US.GS. Quedrangte M6ps. + + + + + + ..., 3 Geotechnical Hazards/ 6 Constraint Map November 1992 10 11 >-0 :) I- C/) (!J 2 -a.. -z :c u w l-o w (.!) N ~-, ~ Sheet 7 of 23 Page 9 en ( l:. Tl'\ I -1'11 • i --.t> " 'ri ~ ..r.., ·-+ ·-+ + .. I Refer to Page 1 for a deecriptlon of this map and Table A entitled 1-lazard Category/Risk Zone Correlation-on Page 2 for a description of the numerical hazard category zones and subcript letter modifiers. @ al! CITY OF c,,-w,o + + + DAvm EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS, PLANNERS, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2ij28 S.W. CORBH'IT AVENUR PORTLAND, OR 97201 (503)223--6663 LFJGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3934 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUlTE BM SAN PIEGO, CALIPORNIA 92123 (619)29'2-fl030 + + + .. I 0 400 800 1200 - ---- GRAPHIC SCALE : 1• = 400' -Pl1oto Dom, -Sept-Oct. 1988. Aeffal Photo Sc>ole -1 : 9600 This mti!P was compiltnj by photogrammetric method5 i,nd meet.J n,atlon&I map stand,atd accuracy spttdfications. Horizontal Control is Basad On ttie Ce.lifomle Coordinate System NAD 83. Vertical Control is Based On the 1929 MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM. Oce..-i bottom contours derived from 1968 USGS Quadrangle Mapa. + + + + 4 5 8 9 12 AllUA I-IEDIONDA. LAGOON ,. X 4 \ \ \ \\ I \ I \ \ 1// \ \ \ I \ \ \ \ \ I Geotechnical Hazards/ Constraint Map November 1992 > 1- >-Cl ::, J-en C, z -c.. .....J Uc5 -2 I u w l-o w CJ N Sheet 8 of 23 Page 10 \ I \ I I I I 42- 42 Refer to Page 1 for ■ d89Cription of this mep and Table A entitled 'Hazard Category/Risk Zone Correlation-on Page 2 for II d89Cription of the numerical hazard category zones and subcript letter modifiers. @ ._ cm-ar ce• eetD DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. LEIOHI'ON AND ASSOCIATES INC. EflilGINE.l:HtS, SURVEYORS, PLANNERS, LANDSCAPE ARCHTIE.CTS 3gi;;.4 MlJRF'f-lY CANYON ROAD, SlJJTE U~ 187.H SW. CORRITTT AVRNUF!. PORTLAND, OR 97201 (~3)22.'H,663 SAN PIEOO, CALIFORNIA 92123 (619);!92--8030 0 400 800 1200 ------ GRAPHIC SCALE : 1-= 400' 1ar1o1 l'lioto c.t. -9opt.-0et. , eaa. Aoof,. l'lioto Soo1o1 -1 : ellOO This map was compiled by photogrammetric methods 1;md meets hl:ltlonal map at&ndard l'llc.Curacy spftcifiCBtions. Horizont"'I Contrl'.II il!I BMed On th& Cftlifornl.8 CoordlnM& System NAD 83, Vertical Control I• Basod On tho 1929 MEAN SEA L~VEL DATUM, Oc:een bottom contouts derived ftom 1968 U.S.G.S. QuMrangle Maps. 4 5 __ ,,,_,,__ --- " 8 12 6 Geotechnical Hazards/ 10 Constraint Map November 1992 13 >-Cl :::, I-en - -z J: u w l-o w C) N Sheet 9 of 23 Page 11 <fl (: I) '!.t ~ rr, \JI \'TJ 'i '\ ::a ::::: ), - t) ~ 11 ---..... "<l • ... i--) l Refer to Page 1 for ■ dr1r:rfptlon of thl■ map and Table A entitled riazard Category/Risk Zone Correlation• on Page 2 for a deecription of the numerical hazard category zonaa and eubcript letter modifiers. @ 1192 fflY OF c:u, • .., DAVID BVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS, PI.ANNBRS, LANDSCAPE AJitCHITECTS 2'21:1 S.W. CORBB'rr AVBNl,JE PORTLAND, OR 97201 (,00)22'.HiCi63 LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC. )934 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITEt 8205 SAN DlllOO. CALJFORNIA nm (61'>)2n-so:,o 0 400 800 1200 ---- - GRAPHIC SCALE : r -400' MNI ""-~ • Sopt,,Oot_ 1888. MN1 Photo -• 1 : 91100 ThJ1 map w• oomplled by photograrnmetrlc tnathods and meet■ national map atanderd at:(:Ur~ 1:1pecifloatlons. Horlzontal Comrol 11 Ballocl on the C8Iifornie. coordinnt• Sy.tom NAO 83. Vortlcol Control lo 8-d On tho 1929 MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM. Ocean bottom contour, derived from 1968 U.SGS. Qu&dreingl• MBP& 5 9 12 6 7 10 11 13 14 Geotechnical Hazards/ Constraint November Map 1992 >-1::::l ::::::> 1-,n ·-:z ::r: u lJJ J-o w (!) N Sheet 10 of 23 Page 12 ( / _j Flefer to Page 1 for • deecrlptlon of thl• map and Table A entitled riazard Category/Risk Zone Cbrrelation-on Page 2 for a deecription of the numerical hazard category zones and subcript letter modifiers. © -an' Of' CUI.MA[) DAVID BVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC, HNGINEE:J.tS, SURVEYORS, PLANNERS, LA.NDSCAPE ARCHITECTS :?82ij S.W. CORBF.IT AVRNUR P()RTLA~O, OR 97201 (503)223(1663 A 3C41 ~ 30603 LEIGHI'ON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3934 MU.RPI-IV CANYON ROAD, SUITE B2f)j SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92123 (619)292,80'.\0 + + 0 400 1200 ------ GRAPHIC SCALE 1-= 400' Mr1a1 Phc>IG Dot.I • &,pt-Oct. 1888, Aorfol Photo bla . 1 : 9IIOO This map woo oomplled by photogrammetric methods end meets netlonel rnap standard eiccuracy 11podfications. Horizontal C.Onuol is BMed On the C61ifornia C-,.oordinate Svstem NAO 83. Vertical Control Is llased On the 1929 MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM. Ocean bottom contours derived from 1968 US.GS OtJt:dr1:1ngla MHp& + + 6 7 ., 10 11 /4.--,,--.,W \. • .. ] 13 14 + + Geotechnical Hazards/ Constraint Map November 1992 >-0 :::) 1- (/) (.!) z -a.. -z :c u w l-o w (.9 N Sheet 11 of 23 Page 13 N 1,990,000 N 1,988,000 + N 1,986,000 + ts! Refer to Page 1 for • deacription of this map and Table A entitled "Hazard Category/Risk Zone Correlation-on Page 2 for a description of the numerical hazard category zones and subcript letter modifiers. (v 1182 CITY OF CA"I 1BAD \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ I I \ I \ -4- DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. i::NGINl:l.ERS, SURVl::YORS, PLANNl::RS, LANDSCAPE ARCHITl:iCTS ?t!7JI S.W. CORRRIT AVENUE PORTI..ANO, OR 97'.WI (503)223-6663 LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3\134 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE B205 SAN DJEiGO, CAUPCJRNfA 92123 (619)292-8030 0 400 800 1200 ------ GRAPHIC SCALE : 1-"' 400' -Pl>OlO PaW -""'"°"" 1988. Aorl• Pl>oto ,.,.,. -1 : 8600 Thia map was compiled by photograrnmetrlc methods and meets national mop standard accurticv specifications. Horfzont81 Control Is Based On the Celifornla Coordlllflte System N/ID 83. Vertical Control is Basod On the 1929 MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM. OcaBn bottr,m eonto1.H.!I derived from 1968 US.GS Ouedrengle M8p3. 8 9 12 15 10 13 16 Geotechnical Hazards/ Constraint Map November 1992 >-0 ::, I--en (.!:J z -a.. >:c I- EE ...J U() -z :c u w 1-- 0 w (.!:J N -k Sheet 12 of 23 Page 14 (n r. I) :t: ~ tn ~ I'll ~ -; :)i - ' < ~ ~ (:, ... ~ '11 ) ~ , ~ Refer to Page 1 for a deacrlptlon of this map and Table A entitled "Hazard Category/Risk Zone Correlation-on Page 2 for s description of the numerical hazard category zones and subcript letter modifiers. @) ._ an' OF Clffl WtO DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 1:!:NGINlitRS, SURVEYORS, PLANNERS, LANDSCAPE ARCH.ITECTS 7.87.~ S.W. CORBRT'l' AVENUE F'()RTLAND, OR 97201 (503)223-6663 LEIGIITON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3934 MURPHY CM-YON ROAD, SUITE B20S SAN DJBUO, l'ALIPOR.NIA 92.123 (619)292-8030 0 400 800 1200 ---- - GRAPHIC SCALE : r ~ 400' ......,,. Photo.,.._. S.pt.-Od. 1eee . ......,,. Photo ble. 1 : aeoo Thrs map was compiled by photogrammetric methods tmd meets national m,:,p stand~rd 6CCUracy Sf)8("..ifi~tio~ Hori~ontal C.Ootrol ii Bfts9d On thfli Cslifornin Coordinat:111 Syotom N/\0 83, Vortiool Control Is Bored Oo tho 1929 ME/IN SEIi LEVEL DATUM. Oce.!!ln bot'tom contour~ derived from 1968 USG.S. Quadrangle ~ .. 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 Geotechnical Hazards/ Constraint November Map 1992 >-0 ~ 1- CfJ .,, ,_ ::c u w l-o LJJ ~ N Sheet 13 of 23 Page 15 Refer to Page 1 for a deacrlption of thla map and Table A entitled 1-lazard Category/Risk Zone Correlation-on Page 2 for a description of the numerical hazard category zones and subcript letter modifiers. @ 1002 Cffl' OF CAII.S8AD DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ENOINEERS, SURVRYORS, PLANNERS, 1..ANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2828 -~.w. CORBE'rr AVF.NUB PORTLAND, OR 97201 (503)'}.?3-6663 LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIA1ES INC, 3934 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE 82~ SAN Dmno, CALlf't).NfA 92123 (619)192-8030 0 400 900 1200 ---- - GRAPHIC SCALE : 1~ = 400' -PhotG o.t■ • $apt-Oct. 1988_ -Plioto Scala • 1 : 9600 Thfs map woo oompiled by photogrammetrio methods and meets national map standard eccuracy spec::i1ica.tior1S. Hori:zontel Control is Based On the California Coordinate System NAO 83. Vertical Control l.!8 Based On the 1929 MrAN SEA LEVE:L DAIUM. Ocean bottom contours derived from 1968 US.GS Quadrengle ~ps. 10 13 16 1 1 17 18 Geotechnical Hazards/ Constraint Map November 1992 >-0 ~ I-en (!) .,,, ·---fl. !~ C:> ct~ m-7 Cl) :a: -JcnC'\I a: oo m >-0) ct:.... t-u~ .... Q) -:i: .c LI. en E Q) 0 t::l > (I: 0 -z I ! r > ~:c I-~ _J Uc) ■-·7 ·-::c u lJJ I- 0 w (!J N Sheet 14 of 23 • Page 16 • 1.982,000 + N 1,980,000 + N 1,978,000 + "" I Refer to Pege 1 for a description of this mep and Tabla A entitled 1-lazard Category/Risk Zone Correlation-on Page 2 for a description of the numerical hazard category zones and subcript letter modifiers. @ 982CITYOFCfflPN) • + + + "" 0:, i DA V1D EV ANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC. ENOlNEF.iRS, SURVEYORS, PLANNERS, U..NDSCAPE ARCHJTECTS 393-t MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE 820:5 2828 S,W. CORRR1~r AVENUB PORTI.AND, OR 97).01 (~))J.73-6oti3 SAN DIEOO, CALIFORNIA 92123 (619)292,-8030 I \ I \ I I + "" 0 400 800 1200 ------ GRAPHIC SCALE : 1-= 400' H1111 Photo Date -SeptrOct. 1988. AarW Photo Sent • 1 ; 9800 This map w-. compiled by photograrnmetrlc methods and meets ~th)nal mep standard fl(:Curacy spocifications. Horizontfll Control i:s Based On thB California CoordlnfJta System NAD 83. Vertlcol Control is Booed On the 1929 MEAN SEA Lf.\lEL PATUM. Oce~n bottom contour~ derived from 1968 US.GS. Ouodrartgla MBp& 12 19 X 0 13 16 20 City Limits Geotechnical Hazards/ Constraint Map November 1992 >-0 ::, 1-(/) (!) z -a. -z J: u w l-o w (!) N Sheet 16 of 23 Page 17 \J) J: VI ~ N 1,978,000 + Refer to Paga 1 for ■ deacription of this map and Table A entitled rlazard Category/Risk Zone Correlation-on Page 2 for a del!Cription of the numerical hazard category zones and subcript letter modifiers. @ ._ CITV CF CtR •l'D + ~TIQUtTOS t...A,GQQN --_, / ------------- DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC. ENGINEERS, SURV~'Y01lS, PLANNERS, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 31)34 MURPHY CANYON ROAP, SUITE B205 232@ $,W. ('.ORRF.TT AVENUR l?OR11..AND, OR 97201 (.SOJ:)iZ\-6(,(,J SAN DIEUO, CALIFORNIA 92123 (619)292-fl0,0 + X 3 0 400 800 1200 - ---- GRAPHIC SCALE : 1• = 400' .-.,.., f't,oto Da18 • Sapt-Oct. 1988. -Pilato 5c:aJe • 1 : 9800 This map was complied by pho1ogrammetriG rnethods and meets n1;1tional map stanclard accuracy spocifir.,\Tions. Horlzontfll Control is Based On the f'Alifornia Coordinate System NAO 83. Vertical Control is Based On the 1929 MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM. DtMn bottom contours derived hom 19B8 USGS Otu1drengle MaP8, + ( \ ( 12 ,' 15 Uci' ic .\_"._':_\:_r:,__r'"}=-l,<p.-4-+ 19 / 13 20 14 17 21 Geotechnical Hazards/ Constraint Map November 1992 >-0 ::> t;; (!) z -a. -z :r u w l-o w ~ N ~·" I\; Sheet 18 of 23 Paga 18 ( I • ◄ Ul ( ":t: • rn • 1'71 • '"i • -• ~ • • 0 • "'lJ • • "'() ~ • Refer to Paga 1 for • deacriptlon of this map and Table A entitled 1-fazard Category/Risk Zone Correlation-on Page 2 for a deecription of the numerical hazard category zones and subcript letter modifiers. @) 1lt2 aTY OFCtPM-0 DA V10 BV ANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. BN(HNFER$, SURVEYORS, PL.ANNE.RS, LA'IDSCAPE ARCl-nTOCTS 2828 S.W. CORRF.Tf AVRNUR PORTI.AND, OR 97201 (S03)223-6663 LEIGIITON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3934 MlJ~PH'i t;;A.NYON ROAP, SlJITI::; P.20S SAN" DffiGO, CALIFORNIA 9'1123 (619)192--8030 0 400 800 1200 ---- - GRAPHIC SCALE : 1" • 400' Mtfll PhOIO Data • Sep~ 1988, Aorial PhOIO -- 1 : 8800 This map was compiled by photogrammetdc m~thod$ i;ind meets national map standard BCCuracy sp8dfications. Hodzontal C.Ontral la Be&ed On the Cfiliforni6 CoQrdinnts System NAD 83. Vettlcol Control Is Based On tho 1929 Ml'/\N SEA LEVEL DATUM. Del!lien bl'.>ttom cr-,ntour.s deriv&d from 1968 US.GS 01mdrengle Mop& l CJ lo no.- oc;r;c ceo1 13 14 ,• 16 18 ' "Ji". ,. 20 21 22 Geotechnical Hazards/ Constraint Map November 1992 >-0 :::, 1- (/) -a.. -z :::c u w l-o w ~ N Sheet 17 of 23 Page 19 .i ..... I. .,. 000 . ·\ ... ··· -1178 700 r' I ', ' + + · 500 ~:,~! ·--·--. -.. ·-, \ ' ' ... , __ -~--... ... Refer to Page 1 for • deacription of this map and Table A entitled rill.lard Category/Risk Zone Correlation-on Page 2 for a description of the numerical hazard category zones and subcript letter modifiers. © 1002 CITY OFC"l'940 A 3oi,o ~48.2.83 + + + "" Tu I DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERS, SURVEYOQ.S, PLANNERS, LANDSCAPE ARCHJTECTS 2828 S.W. mRBEIT ,WhNUH PORTLAND, OR 9?20I (503)223-6663 LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3934 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SlJIT''E 8205 SAN DTEGO, CALIPORNJA 92123 (619)292 .. 8000 + + + "" Tu a, sr, § 0 400 800 1200 ------ GRAPHIC SCALE 1• = 400' -Photo Dot8 -Sopt.-Oct. 1988. Aorflli Phvto Scole - 1 : 9600 This m.'IP w~ compileid by photogrammetric methods and met!ts national rnap standard accuracy specifications. HQrimntt.11 Contrul is B~i.td On thv Ctilifornia. Coordinat1t System N!\D 83. Vertical Control is Based On the 1929 Mf:/\N SEA LEVEL DA.TUM. OGE'!~n bottom contours derived from 1968 US.GS. Oi.mdnmgle Mapa + + + '"' er., ~ c:, 8 + + + M ~ --.J .N c-., 8 14 17 18 21 22 Geotechnical Hazards/ Constraint Map November 1992 -SC:.::: >-0 :) t- (J) (.!) z -z :r: u w l-o w (!) N - Sheet 18 of 23 Page 20 N 1,974,000 + N 1,972,000 + N 1.970,000 + ..., O> 1;g 8 0 Refer to Page 1 for a deecrlptlon of this map and Table A entitled '1-lazard Category/Risk Zone Correlation-on Page 2 for a description of the numerical hazard category zones and subcript letter modifiers. @ ft2 CITY OP CJP PtlD + + + ,,., 0, h N § DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ~GINEEK~, SUR.Vf:VOJt~, PLANNERS, l.ANDSCAPE ARCHfTiiC'f'S 7.S2S S,W. C()RRRTT AVRNllE P()RTI.AND, QR 972.01 (5C.}))22,_1..(,6o3 LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3934 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE B205 SAN DIEGO, CAIJFORNIA 92123 (6191292-8030 + + + ..., "" -~ "§ 0 400 800 1200 ------ GRAPHIC SCALE : 1• = 400' Ao<lal Photo Cat,, • Sept-Oct 1988. A..1111 Photo Scolo • 1 ; 9!500 This map wes complied by photogrammctrle metllods and meets national map standard oocuracy 8pecifiaitions. Horizontol Control is Basod On the Californio Coordinate System N/\D 83. Vertical Control is BBsed On th~ 1929 MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM. Ot:i:mn buttmn c;c,ntours derived from 1968 US.GS. Ouadrengle Maps. + + + ..., m ~ § + + + ..., "' 1::l 0, 1§ 15 16 20 Geotechnical Hazards/ Constraint November Map 1992 >-0 ::::, I- (/) (!) z -a.. -z ::c u w l-o w CJ N ~V' Sheet 19 of 23 Page 21 r:: ~ (JJ li: u: ':t ... lll )1 J'1 l '-\ . -.. ~ --.. C) -'II :i • t N 1,974,000 + N 1,972,000 + N 1,970,000 + t"!l fl >I>-N 0 8 Refer to Page 1 for ■ deecriptlon of this map and Table A entitled 1-fazard Category/Risk Zone Correlation-on Page 2 for a de8Cription of the numerical hazard category zones and su bcript letter modifiers. @ 1'192 crrv OFCtN MM + + + t-:1 f § DA VlD BV ANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERS, SURVIWOR.S, PLANNERS, LAN'D9CAP~ AJ,?CHITl-!.(:1'$ 282S S,W, CORJUtl"'I' AVENUR P()RTI .ANO, OR 977-0l (503)223-6663 --·~ ... ~. ""'·-~~u••------~ LEIGHTON AND ASScx:IATES INC. 3934 MlJ.RPHY CAN'Y'ON ROAD, SUITE 8205 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92113 (619)292-jjOJQ + + + ,.., ~ _,I;; § 0 400 800 1200 ------ GRAPHIC SCALE : 1-= 400' Mllol """"' °""9 -S.pt-Od. 1988. ,teriai Photo Scala -1 : 9800 This rnap WM Cl>mplled by photogrommetric methods and meets national map s11;md~rd accuracy specification& Hol'izMtl'lll Qintral is Bffisd On tha California Coordinate Systom NAO 83. Vertical Control Is Based On tho 1929 MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM. Ocean bottom c:ontoura der'iv&d from 1968 US.GS. Ouedrengl8 Mftp& \ I I I \ t-l i 0 0 15 19 "' ~ 0 0 C> 0 16 17 20 21 23 I--, Geotechnical Hazards/ Constraint Map November 1992 >-Cl ::, I- (./) c., z -a.. -z ::c u w l-o w (!) N ~v --~· Sheet 20 of 23 Page 22 _, \ ·------ 33 Refer to Page 1 for • deacriptlon of this map and Table A entitled "Hazard Category/Risk Zone Correlation-on Page 2 for a description of the numerical hazard category zones and subcript letter modifiers. @ 1"2 CITY OF CH! M♦D DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATBS, INC. ENOINJ:-::ERS, SURVHYOKS, PLANNERS, IANDSCAPE AJ?Cl::HTE(;T$ '2828 S.W. CORBETT AVENUE PORTI.AND, OR 97201 (503)223--6663 LEIGHI'ON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3934 MIJRPHY c.:'ANVUN ROA.0, SUJTJi B20J SAN" DlllGO, CALIFORNIA 92123 (619)292-8030 0 400 800 1200 ----- GRAPHIC SCALE 1• = 400' MrJol ""-llello . SaptA'lct. 1988, Aorfal -5cM1 - 1 : 9800 fhls map was oomp!led by photogr,3mmetric methods and meets natlonal m8p sbmdard eccurecy &pooiflootiorvi. Hori::i:omal Control is Based On the Cttllforniu Coordinata System NAO 83. Vertical Control Is Ba5ed On the 1929 Mb'\N SEA LEVEL DATUM. Ocesn bottom conto1ns derivod ffom 1968 U.S.G.S. Quad,angle Mftp!i. 16 17 20 23 18 22 Geotechnical Hazards/ Constraint November Map 1992 >-0 ::::> ~ CJ z - -z :r: u w ~ 0 w (!J N Sheet 21 of 23 Page 23 (/) ~ tn \11 '\ N 1,972,000 + N 1,970,000 + '"' m &! m b 8 Refer to Page 1 for a deacription of this map and Tabla A entitled 1-lazard Category/Risk Zona Correlation-on Paga 2 for a description of the numerical hazard category zones and subcript letter modifiers. @) ._. CITY Of' CQI .Ml + + + '"' _a, _§i § DA VlD BV ANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINE.HRS, SURVEYOR$, P1..ANNERS, LANDS(!APE ARCHITJ--:.CTS 282S S.W. C.ORBEIT AVENUE PORTI..AND, OR 977.01 (503)723-6663 LEIGIITON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3!>34 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, surrn B20~ SAN Pll<X.1, CALlf'lRNIA 9212) (619)29H030 + + + '"' m "" 2s 8 C, 0 400 800 1200 ------ GRAPHIC SCALE : 1• = 400' -Photo Data • !.pt,-0,;t. 1988. lwfol Ph<rtQ S.:...O • 1 : 9IIOO This map was compiled by photogrammetria methods ond meets netlonal mt1-p smndmd ~umcy specifications. Horizont~I COnHol is Bt\sed On tt'le Ol!iforni6. Coordimm~ Systetn NAD 83. Vettk:al Control is Based On the 1929 MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM. Oc9,an bcttom contours derived from 1968 U.S.G.S. Qu~rBngle ~pa + + + '"' m ~ 0 8 ---·1 l---~,.l,._;lc=.'.j'. +- ,1,·,i1i, COM ,, + + + '"' m ~ § 17 18 21 23 Geotechnical Hazards/ Constraint Map November 1 992 >-0 :::, ..... (/) (!) z -c.. -z I u w l-o w CJ N ~ --~ )r.,✓ ~ ._ Q) .c E Q) > 0 z Sheet 22 of 23 Page 24 219.71 N 1,966,000 + N 1,964,000 + N 1,962,000 + Refer to Page 1 for a description of this map and Table A entitled 1-fazard Category/Risk Zone Correlation-on Page 2 for a description of the numerical hazard category zones and subcript letter modifiers. @ 1992 CfTY OF CtP ffl&O + + + DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATBS, INC, LFJGIITON AND ASSOCIATES INC, ENGINEF.RS, SURVEYORS, PLANNERS, LANDSCAPE ARCJilTEC'tS 39)4 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, surrn B20~ 2828 S.W. CORBE'rl" AVENUE PORTLAND, OR 97101 (503)22.1--6663 SAN DIEGO, CALlPORNJA 9'.2123 (619)292-8030 + + + 0 400 1200 ----- GRAPHIC SCALE : ,~ = 400' ~ Ph-o.n. -!!&pt-Oct. 1988. Aarf■ Photo b1a -1 : 9800 'This rmtp w~ compiled by photogr~mmetrlc methods 1;1nd meeh: ~tionot mttp sto!ind{nd llc."Curacy spucifications. Horizontal Contfol ii Based On tha California Coordinate Systetn NAD 83. Vertlool Cor,trol Is Based On the 1929 MEAN SfA LEVEL DATUM. Oceein bottom ~ontour9 detived frnm 1968 U.S.G.S. Ouedrengle Mep.!l. + + + 20 21 22 --- "•l'I •• '1'--,\1 .,:',. j ~-:j + + + Geotechnical Hazards/ Constraint Map November 1992 >-0 ::, rr- U) :z :I u I.U l-o I.U (.!J N Sheet 23 of 23 Page 25 @ 1192 CITY or cm,.., O ,r: l"~A!,,,, " " " a Carlsbad, California November 1992 ■ app1n _""' aps Pages 26 through 48 Prepared by: LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 3934 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite B205 San Diego, California 92123 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 2828 S.W. Corbett Avenue Portland, Oregon 97201-4830 • 1,111<1)111 + + + Flefer to Page 1 for • d~ription of this map and the bottom of Table A entitled '1-tazard Category/Risk Zone Correlation-on Page 2 for a deecription of the letters that indicate the Lane-Use Capability Risk Zones @ 1092 CITY OF CA1UUD + + + DAVID BVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ENOINRERS, SURVIWORS, PLANNERS, LANDSCAPE ARCHITHCTS 2828 S.W. COltBE'l"T AVENUH PORTLAND, OR 97201 (503)223·651'i3 LmGHION AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3934 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE B205 SAN DIBOO, CAI..lfORNlA 92123 (619)292-8030 + + + 0 400 800 1200 ------ GRAPHIC SCALE : 1~ = 400' M11a1 Photo Dell! -Sept.-Oct. 1988, Aorfol PIiato Scale -1 : 91100 This ~p was compiled by photograrnmetr~ methods Bnd rneets national rnap stand~rd oc:curocy specificntiona Horizontol Control is Based On the California Coordinate System NAD 83. Vertk>tl Control i• S...d On the 1929 MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM. Oca11n bottom contours derived from 1968 USGS Quadrangle Maps. + + + 2 4 5 + + + ------ Land-Use Capability Map November 1992 >-c :::, I--en -a.. .._ Q) .c LI.(/) E 0 0 Q) a:~ -z J: u w l-o w CJ N z Sheet 1 of 23 Page 26 Ln :::i::: fl> q t ' • • • ( .0 .,._ ·---::, \' \<._ ;--_ 2~ -:;/:_, __ -~>' ry;,>::~-'u u' JI C + + AOVH 11 " ,:_ - .·.:--., ' ·--J Refer to Page 1 for a deecriptlon of this map and the bottom of Table A entitled 1-lazard Category/Risk Zone Correlation-on Page 2 for a d88Cription of the letters that indicate the L.ane-Uae Capability Risk Zones @ 1992 e,rv o,: c•• e,n I I ' .. \ (_ I I ) + DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATBS, INC. RNGINEHR$1, $URVl::YOU, PLANNERS, LANDSCAPl:l: ARCHIT!CiCrs 2828 S.W. COJl:BRIT AVRNUE POfi:11.ANn, OR 977.01 (503)7.73-(,663 VISTA WA< ,. LEIGIITON AND ASSOCIATES INC. :3934 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE B20S SAN DIBGO, CAUPOR.NIA 9'1113 (619)291-8030 + 0 400 800 1200 ------ GPAPHIC SCALE 1• = 400' Mnlll Photo l'l<ll1I • Sept.-Oct. 1888. -Photo SQole -1 : 9800 This rnap was compiled by photogrammetrlc;: methods end meet9 netlonel mep standard BCCUracy specifications. Hofizontnl C.Ontrnl is BMed On the C6Iifornin Coordinate System NAD 83. Vertie.al Control is Based On thet 1929 Ml::!\.N Sl:A LEVEL DATUM. Ocean bottom contours derived from 1968 US.GS. l1u!:ldrtmgle M,~ + + ')):!:; (.0~n / 1 3 4 5 6 + + Land-Use Capability Map November 1992 CJ z -a.. -z ::c u w l-o w (!) N Sheet 2 of 23 Page 27 /i: ,'.: , ea / 100 lC .J \ ·--::··::--·:. ' -,:_·:~~--- ,' ir. . " ,. ::'.); , •• -•, .'"• .• I " \\ .,. ll / ' <,\, \\ I \\ \ \\, + + + + + + + + + + + + \ I 0 400 800 1200 ----Refer to Page 1 for a deecriptlon of this map and the bottom ~ (-;;;;;;2., ~ ~ GRAPHIC SCALE 1· ~ 400' , Page 2 or B description O t e etters In 1cate e ne-89 -;::;;'.I--Thlo mop wos compiled V p otog,ammot,lc met O • an mee. -~-•ona mop Own-r j ' eccuracy spscifications, Horilont~I Control is Based On tha California Coordinate __ / _ ·-··. + + + 2 Land-Use Capability Map November 1992 >-0 ::, 1- (/) (!) z -a.. ..... Q) ...c LI.(/) E 0 0 Q) ► I- a:~ z I ...J Uc5 -z J: u w l-o w (.9 N Sheet 3 of 23 of TablefA entitled ~azardf Cath eg1ory/RiskthotZo~ed_Correltethionla-on U t?_} ~ LJ O lJ .,__ .....,_~, .. -.----.-,• .. -.·--n .....,_, Ph-°""' -s.,bpt.-Oct.h 1988-iWflll Photoh dScmed -1 't 9:° 1 •••• d _ ~:: .. t_J· Capability Risk Zones DAVID BVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. LEIGHl'ON AND ASSOCIATES INC. System NAO 83. Vertical Cont,ol ,. llooed On the 1929 MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM. ,. ,,, ENGINEE.RS, SVRV.l::iYOKS, f"LA.NNF,RS, LANDSCAPE ARCHITI:iCTS 3934 .IJURPHY t:ANYON ROAD, SlJl'rn b205 OcMn bottom i::ontours derived tmm 1968 USGS □ul'ldr~mgle Maps. . . . '""· ·--5 6 7 © '1!92· Cfl'Y OF CARI •=•=D~ ________________________ __JL2_s2_s _s,_w_. m_. _•_•RIT_, _A_VE_,NUE __ ro_•_.,._, .. _,_D_, 0_•_•_1'_"_' _1_-'°'_)_1.,3_.,,,._'L __ s_A_N_"_IEOO_._c_A111_~_,~_NI_A_9_21_2J_c6_19-)2_92_s_o,_o __ _j ___________________________ _JL ______ ==---L--_--1 ____ _L ___ _J _____________________________ __, _________ _. Page 28 I' ~ ::i: ~ t::.: VI n, (/) r. :,-),. (I) ~ (1) '{ tl1 ...... t-N .... 0() ~ 0, ~ ...., -~ l- 'R "' er, + + + Refer to Page 1 for II deErlption o·f this map and the bottom of Table A entitled 1-fazard Category/Risk Zone Correlation-on Page 2 for a deecription of the letters that indicate the Lane-Use Capability Risk Zones @ 1NICffl'OWCIR[W• I I \ \_ + + DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. F.NGIN:RERS, $UR,VRY0R$, PI..ANNERS, J...ANOSCAPE ARCHITECTS 28211 S.W. CORBE'rr AVENUE PORTLAND, OR 97201 (503)22...1--6663 LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC, .:)~.,l-4 Ml)RPHY CANYON ROAD. SUITE 8205 SAN' nmoo. CALil'ORNIA '112) (619)292-8030 \ \ + \ \ I + 0 400 800 ----- GRAPHIC SCALE : 1-= 400' 1200 ""'1al Photo °"'"' · Sopt,.0ct 1988. Mrfol PhotQ !blJa • 1 : 911QO \ ThJs map was oomplled by photogrammetric methods and meets national map standard eccurecy ,pacificetions. Horizontal Ctintrol is Basad On the Califomio Coordinate System NJ\D B3. Vert'cal Control Is Based On the 1929 MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM. Oc;E1rt11 bottom contours derived from 1968 US.GS Quadrangle Maps. UE~ VISTA LAGOON >Cld • b""""'--'11 ~:, -~ 'Q(; • ;' ~~'!~""' --p..-,\f"'-H---------1 ~<' ~ : j 1 2 4 5 8 9 Land-Use Capability Map November 1992 > 0 :::, 1- U) (!J z -a.. > :J: I-' I _J Uc5 :z :I u w 11- 0 IW lt!J N Sheet 4 of 23 Page 29 ! ,, ( ) • r \ \ \ \ ' \ \ Refer to Page 1 for a description of this map and the bottom of Table A entitled 1-iazard Category/Risk Zone Correlation-on Page 2 for a del!Cription of the letters that indicate the Lane-Use Capability Risk Zones DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINrrF.l~S. SURVl-iYORS, PI.ANNERS, LANlJSCAPE ARCIU'l"ECTS 1~2~ !.,W. ffif.:H.1-Tl' AVENUE PORTI.ANO, OR Y7'.?.01 (5-lB)'.H.:l-6663 LEIGHTON AND ASSOC."IATES INC. 3934 MURl-'HY CA..N'l'ON ROALl, Sl!!Th 820:5 SAN T>Jf.:iGO, CAJ.JFORNIA 9211.:l (619)292 8030 0 400 800 1200 ----- GRAPHIC SCALE : 1 • ~ 400' l\arlal Photo Dots -SGpt,-Oct 1988. lwf., Photo Scal<o -1 ; 9fl00 l his m!:lp was c□mp'led by µhotocr~mmctric method!\. and meets m:it!onal l":"lap standard ~u(iiCY spocifir-.ofion,'\ lfori7ontal Control is B001ul On th8 Ctillfornit1 Coordinate System N/\0 83. Vertk·,al Contrnl is ~sed On tl10 1929 MU\N SI:/\ Ll::VEL DATUM. Ocoun bottom contour$ derivod frorn 1968 U.S.GS Ou~drnnglQ Mops. I 1 4 125 7 ,\ \\ ',, \I )\ I 2 5 ----------··-··-- 8 9 \ \ \ 3 6 10 160 ' I / \ I '1 I ' I / -· I// // I \ ' I ' \ B' /i I ! ; / Htits' ; I I ! BORO Land-Use Capability November 1992 .--··· ! I ,, \ ' Map >-0 ::, I--en CJ z - z :c u IJ.J ._ 0 w (.9 N Sheet 6 of 23 Page 30 @) 1IKl2 CflY OF C♦R PU' ·-----~--------_L__ ________ l___ _______ ~---------------L-----_____l.--___j___-~-__,__--------------~-----~ I I ( • \, ',',..,. i11 1li 11 I I AB I I I \ {~:, __ ,_;\ __ -__ \_,\_\~~>_-_"·-· ,· rn \ .. -:-, .... , . -.::..:::.- 1 " \ ' ' { ( ·-.// ./" •, -. j \ r·' ../-f\ o' ... , . p~. '. ' ' """·"" ' ' I '. I ,, " G,&,T[$HEAIJ ·-200 \ " 2,002/'00 \ 175 1)5 ·-.CT. 100 ,',,,I I C C "' I ( ' I ' ' ' C ,. I 1·,: I: 1 " " I :I• I. 'I I : /ii . ' ' \ I, ' i I Refer to Page 1 for a description of this map and the bottom of Table A entitled riazard Category/Risk Zone Correlation-on Page 2 for a description of the letters that indicate the Lane-Use Capability Risk Zones @) 1992 CITY OF CtR ,-,n A8 .a I ) ! I I/ ' \ \ '• . '" ', \ ' i I / / B: <DO ,so ;. 226 /i' I I I i '' I .. , / ,i1.', j, ,' I I ,,'',, ,''I ,! /1 I f ,1 I' I . !_.' ! /',',, '' i, ', .,.. -··-· I I I I ; I I '( I C \ i \ DAVID EV ANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. " ENGJN1'1J;:RS, SURVEYOR.$, PI.ANNER:S, 1.ANDSCAPE AR~H!TJ-i.l'.TS '2828 s.w. CORBErl' AVhNUE PORTLANn, OR 97701 (503)77.3-666) I ,-, I/ I I I u I • I I, " ( ' \ I , I \ \ I I I ' \ i I, \ G'\IAVERA6 ''' i i ,' I '· I \ ,, :_;'/ ,,_' c-\ \ \ 190 '" I \ 76 , ·c ' ' ' \ I I LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3!,134 M\HU1HY CANYON ROAD, SUTE R/M ~AN DIEGO, CALU,'ORNTA 9).l'..!J (61~).i.9;! so:-10 C ., -. . --·---- ------~----~--,~---,_1_ ,.. . --. '\ ~--_',. -.. : _- / . I .,--,._ //-· ·- /r ( /I/ I I ' AB \ ', ' ' I ' \\ ''' " / 0 '50 '" \\ \ \ I '' /I I _' I' / / / '' I I I . . / . I' \ I ' : ,' / ' i I \ I ' ' 4-00 I I I I . ,,. 800 GRAPHIC SCALE : 1-= 400' 1200 ....,lol P11<>to Oo1'I • S.plcOct. 1988. ....-!Ill Pl1oto Scela -1 : 9600 TNs map was compiled by photogr~mmetric me1hods and meets nc1tlorIal mep standard l'C..Cllracy spocifications.. HorizontE1I C.ontr□I i~ Ba-lad On tha Dlllfoml8 Coordinh'!:e Sys.tern NAO 83. Vertical Contrnl is Bcised On the 19?9 Mr-l\N $[./\ LEVEL DATUM_ Oco1::1n bottom contours derived from 1968 US.GS. Guudn1ng!0 Mlips. 350 I ;(', ' I i\ '' 2 5 9 (I,_ I, -, I' - I ,1 3 6 ( \ ' I ' I 'I '·" 10 + + + 7 11 '135.52 Land-Use Capability Map November 1992 >-0 ::::> I-en c., z -a.. LL(/) 0 a: -z :c (") U.J 1- 0 w (,9 1\1 Sheet 13 of 23 Paije 31 • N 2,006,000 N 2,004,000 ' I AB \ \ ""' ' ' y' 498 . • ... .. , ·,: ;u. SQUIRES WI 'i ••o ,1 ', !i \, '"1 ',I I \' \ \ '<\ I I \ ' 5D0 / ' ,, ' I "' "' ' ' i + + " ' iii "'' ' ,ff "' e,O ' ' ' ' ' i>· \:c. ' Refer to Page 1 for a description of this map and the bottom of Table A entitled rfaz_ard Category/Risk Zone Correlation-on Page 2 for a dascription of thi, letters that indicate the Lane-Use C..apability Risk Zon8S @ 1992 CITY OF Cf'P •AD ·.'. '" 450 [100 'I ' \ ' \ ... + + '' ' DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, JNC. ENGIN~ERS, SURVEYORS, PLANNERS, LA~D$<.1APE ARCHITbC'TS ))j?.8 S.W. CORRJ-i'lT AVENUl-i P<)RTLANf'>, Ott 97?.0I (5ff:!)7./.l-6f,63 ,!Ck LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3934 MU.RPHY CANYON ROAD, SlHT'E BW5 SAN fJIF.,GO, Ct\J,H-1mN!A. 9?;!).;l {619J.!91-80J0 + + + ,.., "" ""-> en -~ 0 0 0 400 BOO 1200 ---- GRAPHIC SCALE 1• ~ 400' Aorlol Photo o..te • Sopt,Oct. 1988. Aoriol Photo So,Jo • 1 : 9600 This rnap was compiled by photogrammctric rrethods ~11<.1 /'t\NHS r'lational mop standar(I accuracy spocifirutiorls. Hor'zorital control ia n~rili On tho C)i.lifornia Coordinate Sy:dem NAD 83. Vertk~tl Control is. &i~ed On the 1929 Mu\N SEA LEVEL DATUM. Oc,;um bottom comours derived from 1968 U.S.G.S. OlJ~drttngle Mt,ips, + + + + -!-+ t.,,, cg "' ·°' w ~ "" 0 N C, 0 0 C, 0 0 _J ____ 3 6 7 l=] ___ ,, ___ , ., ., C•' 10 1 1 Land-Use Capability Map November 1992 -- L. a, ..c u.cn ~ O t:l > ll: 0 z ■- Sheet 7 of 23 Paga 32 t-- :::i,, ~ ~ 1.::::: (J) (h ~ I'll fb 0i i '.b ~ {I.) M CJ) ~ I) ..... 1l ~ I)(,) "'.:$ ;:... )." '\) N IJll6<0) + + N Ul!!l,IXll + Refer to Page 1 for a description of this map and the bottom of Table A entitled ~azard Category/Risk Zone Correlation" on Page 2 for a description of the letters that indicate the Lane-Use Capability Risk Zones @ 11192 CITY OF CN1t.SBAD + + + DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. t::NGJNEFRS, $1JRVEYlWS, PLANNER',, LANnSCAf'f ARCHITECTS 2~21i S.W. CO/tl.lE'IT AVENlJE P()i<:TLANf), OR 977.01 \:,0J)22~·6663 LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 39l1 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, Sl)JTR 131M ~AN J)J.[C.0, CATJFOR.NIA 92123 (6]9!292--Bo:,o + + + 0 400 800 1200 GRAPHIC SCALE 1• = 400' Ae,lal Photo Dote • S.pt--Oot. 19B8, /Wlal P!ioto Scola • 1 : 9600 Thf3 mop was compiled tJy photogr::immctric: methods and meets n~tional mElp stand.Jrd occumr.y ~pocificatians. Hof'ilOnUJI Cormol is 88'.led On tha California Coordinf'1l8 $ys1em N/\1.) 83. Verti0cl1 C-Ontrol is l:!a~d Or1 the 7 929 M1::AN SEA U:VEl.. DA'fl)M, OcMn bmrnrn contours derived from 1968 US.GS. Q1.mdrnnula MHp~ + '\ .. , + + '\ \ \ \ .. .._'-., \ \ \ \ \ 4 8 \ \ \ + + 5 9 12 \ \ \ I I ' i ' I ', ', \ \ \ LAGOON \ \ C \ \ 1 BC \ ' \ \ Land-Use Capability Map November 1992 -- ·-·7 --::c CJ llJ J- () lJJ (!J Sheet 8 of 23 Page 33 ) .. Nl,iOO,OOO \ ' ! \ \ \ ( \ c, ., . ( ' \ \ ' '···· so 25 ' \ \ i ,, '' ; ' ' ' 50 A \ " \ \\ r __ -,o . . \ I\ ~ ,, \ ' ' " \ ! ! A .. 1- \ Refer to Page 1 for II description of this map and the bottom of Table A entitled 1-lazard Category/Risk Zone Correlation-on Page 2 for a description of tho letters that indicate the Lane-Use Capability Risk Zones © 1N2 crrv Cl&' c•• 9BM> .. ,· 47 ' \ ' \ \ \ ·•'' ( ' '' AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON . · .. ·~···,.···;,i····· .... •·· ... · .... ·.·.· '' ! i' \'' •,, : '·· \ I' ·. \ ' '•·. \ " A ' .. •, '• C 'lH \ \ \ ( ·,', '-..''.\ > ·a: 2 \ " \ 9, --------......... , ... , .. ]'fl ......... ·--······· =---~~ \ ' DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC, LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC, EN(ilNEHK.S, SURVt~YORS, PtA:•,r•,n-;R~, I.ANl>Sf:Al'l-::: ARCHHEC.TS 28?JI S.W. COllRFTr AVENUE f'O::iR1l'I.A'ID, OR 97?01 (503)7?.3-Mit-.3 3934 MURPHY CANYON RUAl), SUlrE B/,05 SAN PIBGO, CAT..U·"'I.J~NJA 921'.1.3 r61())'i.9:!-SOJO B S' 10 + 5 1()() / \ \ \ \ \ \ 'a "' ~,025 A 1':/1:1,19 /..J rn \ I ! I \ C . ' ' \ \ . \ ' \ I I \ \ ' ! . ,. ' \ ,· ', ' . ' \ \ \ \ 0 400 800 GRAPHIC SCALE : 1w = 400' \ ' \ 1200 """"' Ptiato Del8 -S.pt,-Oct. 1988, !\oriel Pliato SCllla -1 : 9600 \ \ \ \ I \ \ ', ' \ \ I lhis rnap Wi.lS compiled by photograrnrretrlc rT1Llthods end meets n!'ltion~I map standard occ11ror.y spocifications. Horizonhil Cnrttrot ia 8.Mod On tho Califomi1:1 COordinf.ite System Nftl) 83. Vl!:lrtlc..il C-onHol is hed On the 192.9 MfAN SEA LEVLL DATUM. l'.lc:mm bottori-i contours d~HiV!:ld fr<1rn '1968 USGS Quadrangle M1:1p~ \,' \ ( ·,: 7 ( I I I ( ··-.J * ' ' I I ' \ 118.77 0, I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 4 8 -···/ f , , ! , i , l \ ---- - - \.1 ,\ ,·· ( I '! I ( I I ! I I \ ' ' ,, \ 5 9 12 '" 6 10 13 \ \ \._ + ( \ C C BC. ;,/, 17 ' ' ' ' ' ' \ I ' \. \'.,,.1a. / \ I I I ' ?$ :x 21 ) ( \. "' 0 ' .. / m Land-Use Capability Map November 1992 >-0 ::::> t; CJ z - u.cn 0 0 a: --z N I.. Q) ..a E a., > 0 z Sheet 9 of 23 Page 34 lJ} ~ lb (I) 'f ., • a \ \ \ ) ( ) IC -;; \900.000 50 75 I',' '' '·' i, ·oo ':lQ 160 " ,1: C 1 350 I I / , , u:i ,// \ ' I I I / ! B: ... I I I I \ I I "' HI 1' \ \ C I I / I •,I I ,I I' 1\\' ./,' I \ I >ftn ; 268.14 \ \ I ; /' I \ I I I I I ( ( ( 'sc ( \ BC \ I ,,-; --~,~~::~.-~-~· ,_, ~~-~-~-~·-·-·"·j'_._,.;c_"'"'""-"'-''"'-'"-L~'-L- I \. f--· ·, ,_. . \ AB 176 Refer to Page 1 for a description of this map end the bottom of Table A entitled 1-la7..ard Category/Risk Zone Correlation-on Page 2 for a description of the letters that indicate the Lane-Use Capability Risk Zonas @ 191112 cm, OFCARL88AD AB . "' C i 50 '. PABLO I A i \, ( \ I ' I I I I \. DAVID EV ANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. EN(IJNEErl.,g, SUN.VEYORS, Pl . .A.NNERS, LANDSCAl'E AHCHll'E.Crs 2!P.I! S.W CORBETT AVENUE 1-'(Hl'l"I.ANJ\ OR 97?01 (~J'.l)?.'13-{-.C:'63 Lr "' B ) l \ \ ! " I I I I LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3934 MURPHY CANYON ,ROAD, surrE B205 SAN rm-ii.to, CALll'l"JP.l',"'!A 92'.:l3 (Gl9)'l92 81))0 I I I ( B \ " I I .\ \. / ( -··" I j/ / t .J / 0 I t; I I \ ·-21 ... ,oo 3018 286.t.,15 I B -,) ·-.I 400 --- 17' BC RUTHI lifORD I I 800 "I " ' ' \ ,'-' I _.I GRAPHIC SCALE : 1" = 400' ( I I, I \ \ \ 1200 >o,, ·-. JOO Aorlal Photo o.,t,. • S.pt-Oct. 1988. Aor!ol Photo Srnio> -1 : 9600 "' \ \ This tnap was compiled by pht,tournrnmctric methods and meets r\a.!.lonal map standard t'K..'turncy spocitications. Horizontal Control ia BMod On ths Cctlifomia Coordlm1ta Systl::)m NAD 83. Verik:.-at Cor0trul Is ~sed On th~ 1929 MU\N SrA LEV[L D!\TUM. Oc:mm bottom cor\tours d\Hiv!-'ld frorn 1968 US.GS. 0\.11.'ldrorigle M!-lps.. ( ( j I \ ( \ ' \ \ ) I I I ··\) I I 5 9 12 /. / ,,: au (_ / - . I ( I ) \ '" 6 10 13 I I I \ \ I I 7 11 14 /'\, 1_V.2~ J2tii A I I I .\ •, ·-' / i( ,,/,' ,, i/ \ B \ I •, ', I '! \ '" I' :! ( / I I I \ I .-.,\ I I ' I \ / ) \ / 1\\'1 ::::S' ( \ ( \ \ I \\ \ I ; i \ . I \ \, \ I ' I I I \ \ I \ \ ,, 3::;49 345.C2 --, I I_ l \ A, ( Ii (i \: ( ' I I, \ \ I / / / / Land-Use Capability November 1992 Map >-Q ,:::> 1-U) ~ z 2 :r~ () UJ 1-- 0 UJ (.9 N Sheet 1 0 of 23 Page 35 -... "' B 2U M1 "' B1 ':,1 ,994/)()0 . 40o 350 \ 3~r; /\.. . ·\ __ / .... · // AB// ·, i i: C A I \. " ! 'I', '\ \,' I I •oo I \ \ \ I \ \ I 300 BC I 76 I aso •oo I '// ( I \ \ I 450 _I 00 ;\> i /Aa ,_,1 I , / / 460 ,AB '· I ·--..... 'I I i I I \ 'k ·,, < ._ \ C ' I \ \ \\ \ (. __ l...._\_~--1~ __ '_'_'_" _____ ~~-·-'"-'-~ the bottom map and Zone Correlation-on V I . I I 500 ,' i A I AD. Refer to Page 1 for a description of this of Table A entitled 1-lazard Category/Risk Page 2 for a description of the letters Capability Risk Zones that indicate the Lane-Use @) 1992 CITY OF CARLIIIAD DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERS, SURVEYOR.i;, PLANNEl<S. l..AND.'iCAPE ARCHllECTS 'l828 S.W. CORRElT AVl~N'UE P()~TI.ANn, OR 97?01 \50'3)7.T:l-6663 30-413 30!.03 I \ \ I I .,, . '·· i I I I I I ! .\ AB ,' ! + + BC BC . \ 1·1. AB . \ ' \ \, \ / ; I \ \ "' ·, ~~-~_L_C1_ 11c'.c/_1_.__,_.:...l....i....i..~-\~~c 1~--•--=c....'-'---'I~:.· .:2;......:,,....,..,.. LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC. :.N:34 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, ~UffH 82.05 SAN PJE.GO, ~:AL!Ft:H1.N[A n.rn {6l9)WJ.-ll0;_10 0 400 800 1200 GRAPHIC SCALE 1-~ 400' ..... i,,J Photo Oeta • Sopt,Ocl. 19B8. A.otfol Pho1o SC,,18 - 1 : 91!()() lhis map was compiled by photoorammc-tric methods a:md meet:;; mt1ionat mop stnndard occurocy ~pocifications. Huriz.onH~ Control is Eht'Sed On tho C!olifomill r..oordinato System ~ 83. Vertical Control is Bc!scd On the 1929 ME=AN $El\ LLVl::L DATUM. Oc0t1n bilttorr\ tor\tuurs d~rfvHd from 1968 US~S (luc:1dranyl0 M11r,-9, + + / I I '· •oo ·. '\ 6. + + \ '" '°' 500 6 7 10 11 13 14 J "' "' "' 81 VD i. ,,; Land-Use Capability November 1992 ' I ;,,_f,0 Map >-0 :::> I- (/) (.9 z -·- LL en 0 0 0: --2 I u IJJ 1- 0 UJ t9 N .... (D ..c E (D > 0 z Sheet 11 of 23 Pa,ge 36 I • • • I I ( I ( • • • • • N 1,990,000 \ I ' ',. \ \ ', ' \ \ ' \ \ \ '' I ( \ I \\ \ \ I \ \ \ I \ \ \ \ \ ·-,,_ "b \ ' \ I I \ I I I \, ·- ( \_../\ I I I \ \ N 1.988,000 + N 1,RRR,000 + Refer to Page 1 for a description of this map and the bottom of Table A entitled 1-iaxard Category/Risk Zone Correlation# on Page 2 for a description of the letters that indicate the Lane-Use Capability Risk Zones @ 1992 CITY OF CM'! MM I \ I I I \ \ I I \ ' \ \ \ ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' ' I I ' \ \ I ' \ \ I \ \ I + I ' ' I I DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ENG[Nl.m~s. SUMYEY()KS, PI.AN'.'11:'.KS, LANDSCAPE ARC!llTE(::TS :nn.8 s.w. CORHETI' AVE?-IUE PGRTl,ANO, UR ~f/7()1 t~u:~r22.:~-6663 ,· 11 BC \ ' \ I / ! i \ LEIGlITON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3934 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, st:JTR e?.M SAN J)l!-l.00, CAL!FORNlA.. 921'../.J (61•),'.191:-0030 \ \ / ) + AlRF'OR1' " B \ \ I I \ I ' ! ! I " .. ' " .. ·1 .-----·· \ , : CMTO vrnDE \ ' ' \ \ ' I I \ \ 0 A ·, ,, • I 400 800 1200 GRAPHIC SCALE : 1~ ~ 400' Aerial Pl10to Data • Sept.-Oct. 198B. "'"1111 F'lloto Sc,i" -1 ; 8600 \ ' I Thi$ map was compiled by photour;:lrM1,ctric rncthods i:ind m('et$ na1ional map standard flCCunicy sput..-ific1-1tlw\s. lfor"irontnl Control is BF.l:Sod On 1ho Ctllifornia 6)1Jtflir111M Systl!m Nt\D 83. VertiC{I.I ('_.rmtro! is Bm:..ed On the 1929 MrAN Sf./\ U:Vl:L D/\lUM. Oc01::1n buttom corltours dtirived rrom 1968 US.GS n1mdrar19l!'i MHr>~ 15 _____ .. -·· \ / I / / I \ ,.--·1 . '· ' ,,.c,,~,o ' \ \ cf" .i~ \ Ii ', ,, ,'i, r:.._-.:' .' ·~· ,I 9:'i\ § o, I I I f,JCHSIA l "',' 8 9 12 15 ifi.. -_ -, -·ts" ... ,. __ ,..,, . - 150 ("'..AMINO 10 13 16 / ' / I I / ; I ! C '" / ; I ' I ( I \,.-· " / ' ' \ I \ \ I ' / / I ' ' " B \ ' DE I AS . (J ~OA .. _, .. -· i ,j/ Land-Use Capability November 1 992 ' ' ,' \ ' Map >-Cl ::, I- C/) Cl z -c.. -z :c u lJJ ~- 0 w (.9 N .... CD ..c E Q) > 0 z Sheet '12 of 23 Page 37 B , .. \ I\ w,· ... 1)er1:ooo·, B "' 3012 6 2991 g ,I j I B I \ \ "' 1J6 .. ·· . ' I B :.'25 200 :mo / I~ Ch ~{\) '"" "' \ \ \ -;_~~ \ c:_":, 0 ~---____ L the bottom Refer to Page 1 for a description of Table A entitled r~azard of this map and Category/Risk Zone Correlation-on "' a doocription Risk Zones Page 2 for Capability of the letters that i ndicata tho Lane-Use @ 1D02 CITY OF Ctffl ,aan V' \ ' \ \ ' ' 'I \ I COS.TA A \ ' I ' \ I I \ I \ \ B I \ I ' I I ' ' ' "' "' r :-: lll P~OMAR ! A ',, ti ' " I I t=-1', -=· 'S'2 ,~ o. c:::., ', C..), DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. l..i:NGINl'::Fl~S, SURV~'.Yrnt.i;;, Pl.ANNEitS, l,A~D:'li'"Al"I-: ARCHITECTS '2~l~ S.W. COHBETI' ,,;.,v1~N(J/i ?O~fl.ANT), OR 97?01 ()C3)773-(,(,ffl ./ " ... I I / B I \ \ I I I \ I I ./ UC c1.,tLL.N"' / ! I '" \ B / I D9 \' \ ', I ' A \ \ \ no C ! I ) ! ) ' I I I / IJUGHfON AND ASSOCIATES INC. '\,H4 MIJRFJIY CANYON ROAD, SUI.TE J!'r.(l'j SAU l)JHU(), CAL::,~.11~:-.:A 91!'!3 (619)'.!.91--fl0'.IO • I "J [3 p.1.R.roRT BC ' I I '! i J A ' / I ; / / ; ' / ---~-.... ---... ·· ... --•' ..... -······ --. .--··· " I BC/ ' ' ,r i /1/4]/ ~ :mo ; ( \ \ ': ( ,I B B I I B/ \\I ' I• I \ \ ' \ '\ \ \ ,, ', \ ·,''1 \ \, ' ! I "' "' ) \( ,I /! " I I lAS m \ \ I \ I 11 c· ,. 1\ \ ,--··· \ \ h\ \ \\~~,--, -' c1_.sS,-I --T_;!/1 (. \ ,r CORTE: ) i. -: \ _I,' I .J .. (? o: / / \ I ) J ', DR. 1 'i . I Ir I I ' / r ' ·, ROl;l,l~ /i 1· ! I I J I ._/ I I I ,_, A ,SO I I ( " i I " ) \ '· 1/ :' \ ( \ • - I ./ _; i / \ ) I I A B "' I \ ( ,' I \ '' I I \ I ! I I I I I ( \ ---l 1 -/ _/ 1 "' 1/ i/" I I I I I ! I I' 'I ,' ,I I I I Ir i 1"i ! ' ) ' 1.- I I ' / . < .. ··. ! ··,. ~'f.lJ ,, , / . . . ! '', ! ',' ,. ;.\, ,,•' -<.-_/,' 226 <.•.>.·~i•··.·.·/.· .-.. · .. ··.· 1 ' \ B I I -- ·' ,i \ I I ' ' \ ; ,' / i ; , I / \ ' ,I ) ( I I / / I I "' ' \ ( \ I I I \ \ B ( I \ \ - 2'/1,~~ ~M -\ -----~~---'-~-"-------'---"--'-'-~··· .. ~·:_;_ .... ;,.;_ ., .. ·---••a ____ ---~~----~-~-/-.. ··,----'----'--~~~---~-~--:._:.__~'·'-' ~' ~--~------'~'--\--~-">-...... :._--_ L ' --'--~-------'----~---"--'---'---"·--'-··---------' 0 400 BOO 1200 ---· - GRAPHIC SCALE : 1~ ~ 400' Aerial Photo Data • SopL-Oc.t. 1DBB. /l«lol Photo Sc.lo -1 : 9600 This map w~15 compiled lJy photow;:3rnmetric methods and rn(•ets. ncitional rnap stvnclo:lrd F.1CC1irt1cy spocifications. Horizor)fol (\mtrul is l¾!'.i1:i:d On the C:fl.lifornif.l Coordinata Sy!<:t~m N,A.!) B3. Vertkcl Control is l¾.iscd On tho 1929 MLA.N SU\ U:Vll DATUM. Qcr,i1m bottom cur1tours dodvod frorn 1968 USG.S. 01.1odr11nQla Mi,p .. ". 9 10 12 13 15 16 11 14 17 Land-Use Capability November 1992 Map >-0 ::) 1- Cf) t'J z Lin(/) 0 0 . 0: >· ~11'11 E:::ml _,I CJ~ t5 -z 0 lJ,J (9 N Sheet 13 of 23 Page 38 \ ' // i , ' / / / ·a/// . . . I , ; ,I i I I, · N 1,990,000 \ ', I I \ ,:,.' I I \ \. . -· · I \ '-. .. . . --C \ I I ; I 10 I \ I ' \ ' I / I / I \ I I I I 'O W$ " \ ) ' \ I ' iB I -- \, I / I ' I '•. I I ' / ' " N l,OR6,000 /,. I I \ j ) <~\ \ 'i I I 'J / I "\1 .. \ •• " \ . " :,' 1 / 1/,, ,,,1,! 'I,, \< \ \. '\ \. l ' •._I\ ··.,-/ ·, \ / \ \ -•-"\) I \ ' I C / / BC. , / 1 ' / C I ' \ I ' \ I ( ) / I I \ ( "' ' I , A1 I"\' \ ' \ \ \ \ I ST. . Q :l I t 1, J \ D \ • . ···. / '' / / ' \ \ ( \ •I ' 8 -"' 475 z \ " I I ,',\ \ ' \ \ ' \ '\ ' i ',02. \:_, v· \,,. 1\1 ,, 'I ' ' i 1 .. I / \I, ,'. \ ... j I I ') I \ ( ' \ \ ' I ... \ /,. ' / I' 1 ' I' I I ) ) , I; 1 1;;/1/ ' " I. · .. 'I I / \ I \ ,·' I, \ \ \ \ --:,-, --...... ::---AB.,, ,,, \\ ,'~c "'\ ' I a. "\ I 1 . i '•. ' ( I / \ I \ ', ( \ "\ -. ' ( \ ' \ >-0 :::> I-en c., z - :c (J l~~.J I ..... 0 I.LJ (9 N 1' \ I -·-::-.::_ ' >/ I \~~;;) i--------------------------------,--------------,-------------.------------------------r------------.---~-----------,,-----------------------l--- Refer to Page 1 for a description of this map end the bottom of Table A entitled riazard category/Risk Zone Correlation-on Page 2 for a description of the letters that indicate the Lane-Use Capability Risk Zones DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. l·II\G!Nt-'.J-i.HS, SUKVb'l'O~S. PI.ANNERS, LANDSCAP~; ARCHn 1-'..C rs 282.8 S.W. COJHlFIT AVENUE PORTLAND, OR 9710! (50J)J)J-666J LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATF..S JNC. 3934 M\JRJ>IIY CANYON ROAD, SlllTE B20:5 SAN j)!l-i,(>0, Ca\UM )l~Nli\ n1n {619}21JJ.-80JO 0 L 400 800 GRAPHIC SCALE : 1" ~ 400' 1200 ""'lol Photo °""I -S.pL-Oct. 198B. Aorinl Photo Scni., -1 ; 8600 This map was comp!led by photogr1:1mmetrlc methods ar·d meets national rnap stBndard occ1micy specifiortion!:t. HoriwnHII Control is Bos~d On tl10 C'.tJlifornia Coordinate System N/\D 83. Vertical Control is lli:ised On rhe 1929 Ml:AN SE!\ LEV[L DAIUM. OCl:l8fl bottom C0ntl}U(l'! d1:1nved from 1868 U.S.G.S. OwidrMgle Mdp.'l 10 1 1 13 14 16 17 18 Land-Use Capability Map November 1992 Sheet 14 of 23 @ 11192 CITY OF CARLaAD ~~-~----------------------------------'-------------------'--------~----------_J_ ___________________________ ....L. ___________ ____L ____ _l_ ____ .L. ____ ....L. _____________________________ _j_ __________ ~ I, i • I I ( r ( ' 1.982,000 + N 1,980,000 + N 1,978,000 t=-j m -f;s 0 ·o 8 Refer to Page 1 for a description of this map and the bottom of Table A entitled 1-lazard Category/Risk Zone Correlation-on Page 2 for a description of the letters that indicate the Lane-Usa Capability Risk Zones ® 1112 cnv o,c,.,,,o \ I \ ( ;,: I \ I \ I \ \ \I I" \ I I I 1\ I I I \ I \\ '. \ I I I I I I I \ I \ I \ \ [\, I I \ \ . \ + + "' m -f;s [\) -c") 8 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCJAT&'l, INC. ENGINEJ-:H.S, Sl/J.l.\16YO!lS, PLANNtRS, l,ANDS<.'.APF A.R(:HITE-C-J'S 281.fl S.W. ('CR~E11 4VFN1.JR PORTI AND, OR 97/0I (501)?:?.:l-M,W I I ·,; 11111 \ I \ I I \ I I \ I I I I \ I I I I I I J' I I ( \ \\ t, I \ I I I I '1 I I I I \ \ I \ \ I \ I \ \ I I \ I I ·-. J \ I I I I \\ I \ \ \ I I \ I I I I ( \ \ I \ I I ,, ·.,: t-4 \ I I I \ \ I I .. ) \ I \ I I \ \ \ \ I \ I I I \ \ + \ I \ I I \ I I \ I I I I I \ \ I '· ( I I \ I I I I \ \ I I \ I I I I I \ I I I I \ I I \ I \ I \\\ \ \ I I I \ \ I \ I I I •. I I I \ \ I I I I I I I I \ I I I \ \ \ \ \ I I I \ I I \ I I \ \ I I I I \ I \,_ \ I I \\ I ', LF.JGHfON AND ASSOCIATES INC. :N34 MURPHY CA.l'•YUN ROAD, Sl!l1£ HW5 SAN PJHCrQ, Ct\U1-'0RJ.'i!JA 92)?..3 ((>19ft.?:1-8QIO \ \ I I \ I I I \ I I \ I I I I, I I \ I '\\ I \ I \ I I ) I \ \ I I I I \~ \ I I •. I I \ I I \ I I \ \ \ I \ I I I \ I I I I ' I I I I I \ I "' m t3 ... C, C'.> C> 0 \ I I I I I \ \ 400 I ! 800 \ I \ \ \ ' I I I ( \ I \ \ I I \ \ I \ \ \ I I I 1200 --- GRAPHIC SCALE 1• ~ 400' lwf,d Pllotn °""I • S.p!Akt. 1988. Alorfol Photo Scola • 1 : 9800 This map was compiled by photograrnn1ctrlo mctt\ods and meets n~tional map ~1andard ~urncy spocificatiorlS. HorizontHI O)ntrnl i~ B,floi1 On tho California Coordin!::ltO Sys:tern N!\D ~3. Vert/Ci::11 Control is [¼1sed On the 1929 MlAN SEA LEV[l. DATUM. r)cmm bottom contours derived from Hl68 U~s.~:;s, t".hmdrttng~ Meps. • m "" ~ 0 / I / I ( ./\ . _) BC \ I \ ' \ I \ \ \ \ \ I I 60 12 ',, .. , .. 15 19 tv,.'r'IOIJl'ln!:C 13 -···---·- 16 . ....... , ·----- 20 \ ,. LAGOON City Lim Its"---- I \ Land-Use Capability NovemlJer 1992 Map >-Cl ::::> I- C/) (!) z -Cl. -z J: u LJJ l-o w (..9 N Sheet 1 5 of 23 Pa1Je 40 f t • ' ~ \ t C t ~ ' ' (J) ( ~ RI " • 'I ' 6' • -() 'I, oQ ~ © I I ,·. I I _1 ,' i ' ,I I I I I/ I I I I \ I ) ,oo IS ·" ;o ,. -N 1,978,000 I i! I I •\ I / \ + 11/';nou TDS I.AGOO!II C Refer to Page 1 for a description of this map and the bottom of Tabla A entitled '"Hazard Category/Risk Zone Correlation-on Page 2 for a description of the letters that indicate the Lane··Use Capability Risk Zones 1992 CITY OF CtR • ..., DAVID EVANS AND ASSOC'IATE8, INC. E~(ilNEI-IRS, SlJRVEYORS, Pl,ANNEl<l,S, I.A.Nl)SCAPE ARCJIJ'n-.:C.TS ;8?,ll S.W. CORHFIT AV!·.NUE f'()!U!.AND, OR 9'/201 (.'!1H)2'l.''l-6M3 ,. C ---------·-·······"· LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3YH MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SIJITR .9'.i':OS SAN JJHY.;o, CA1.1FORNIA 92123 (6] llf,'9'UIO'J0 ,: 3 0 400 800 1200 GRAPHIC SCALE 1• q 400' Aerlal Pilato Deta -Sapt-Oct. 1988. l'afel "'1oto Seo"' -1 ; 9600 This nx-ip W<"IS COPlpflcd by photograrnmetric mcthorls nnd meets notional map stfmdnrd accuracy spocitir-..-rltinn.<L I forirnnuil Omtrol is Bu9ed Ori tho Ctilifornia Cocrdineto Systum N/\D 83. Vertical Cor1trnl is Baood On H10 197.9 MC:AN SCA LEVEL DATUM. Ocmm bottom contourt (~tuiv~(j from 1968 U.S.G.S. Quadrangle Maps j \ \ I i I 12 15 19 . ( I I I I I ',, i 1' I 1.\ I• I . ' " ;/ /I ,· i I I \ I I 13 16 ' I . .. ------··-· 20 39 14 17 21 ) I I \ . . B +~·. ,: 9 •: 13 I • I I i "\ • 12 ' / ,,--·· I I ( ( \ \ /" .. \ •. . " ,' ,./ ._, .. , .. ?5 50 ) j I I C > I " ,. '. 17 ( ... 1,, Oo • Ii•. i B .· i3 ··-----> 19 8' I Land-Use Capability Map November 1992 >-Cl :::> I- C/) - -z I u LJ.J l-o UJ (9 N Sheet 16 of 23 Page 41 .... \'' ,I \ I\ C \ \, \ \ \ '\ -N 1,978,000 \_ .. \. " \: B\ \ ( // I \ I . ' " C I()() f"AHINf',A ', I \ ,, C .. ·-~ I B Refer to Page 1 for a description of this map and the bottom of Table A entitled 1-lamrd Category/Risk Zone Correlation-on Page 2 for a description of the letters that indicate the Lane-Use Capability Risk Zones @ 1992 crrv Qi, c•• aAD ' ' ': ' ,_,' \ \ ;;: ' ' : ,B \. ,, ' .. ( .,,, I . , j ' ' : / NAVN~RA DR, ·, \ ,, C \ ' \ \ \ / I ; , I "\ / \1\_ ·: \ ''' '· / '.' \ DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. FNGINEf-;[~.S. SURVl-iYORS, Pl .ANNI-Jt',, I.A~l)$('4.PE A~CHITF,CTS 'hi28 ~.W. C'ORHhTI' AVENIJH. l'()RTI.ANI), OR 9'!201 ('i03)22J 6o63 J ·_.//) J' // / ., 160 \ " ·\ LEIGIITON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3934 .\11JRPHY t'A1''I'ON ~OAO, SlJJTE R?.O"i SAN PIE(:O, CAIJf'URNlA 9'21:LI (619)l92.-80JQ /' ,, AB:>' ' ' '· \ I, \ ' • . \ I \ ,,,.,.;_-I ' I \ \ \ .. ·, / -.. ' ( B 0 400 \ ' ', \ 'o !', I 800 GRAPHIC SCALE : 1-= 400' 1200 ..... Id Pt,oto o,,ta • S.pt.-Oct. 198B. """1111 Pl1oto &::,,fa • 1 : 9600 I his map was compiled by photugrarmTlelric rnetl1L)ds er'd meets m1tiunal mup standard accuracy ~pocifications. Horizor,tal C.ontrol 1s Bwad On the ~llfornla C'...oordinote Systeni NAO 83, VertiCdl Control Is Bc!:-:;ed Or, the 1929 M[AN SfA LEVEL DATUM. Or:{-l•~n bottorn c;(mh'lur"' dQriv,~d from 1968 Li.SGS Ouadr1mglo Mi:ip~ , r, ' .,, l " , ·11 ,1, ,· \ I "" , rf:llO Cf.\ ' ' I ' I \ 13 14 16 17 18 20 21 22 ' \ : \ I \ \ \ \ I ' ' : Land-Use Capability Map November 1992 >-0 ::, tii t? 2 - u.cn 0 0 cc -z :c (J UJ I- Q w (.9 IN t -.;-:._ :.::--~ '\;1' ~-_ ........ Sheet 1 7 of 23 Page 42 N 1,9ll ,000 . f>'1,.':, / i ! f ' ' I I ' ' 676 600 "'" - 0,0 '" 700 750 \ ' I \ ' ', ' I I I ' ' ' I ' ' I I ,, ' ' ' ' I I ' ' ' \ ) n!:l ,,. ; I I' I ' I \ \ ' ' \ I \ ' I ' ' I '· ... ,so t'l'D ' ' \ ' I I ! ' ' \ I ; \ \' \ ' ' \ \ \ .<P J\a "" aoo I I \ I / / + + ,oo Refer to Paga 1 for a description of this map and the bottom of Tabla A ontitled 1-fazard Category/Risk Zono Correlationw on P8ge 2 for 8 description of the letters that indicate the Lane-Use Capability Risk Zones @ 1992 CITY OF cmwAO + + + ,., a, 1':, ,.,, 0, cc, Cr' '-' DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. EN()INEERS, ,<;IJRVEYOJ.l.S!, PL.ANNtl-1.S, LANDSCAPE Al{CH'J'fHCTS n::,g S.W. CORAFTr AVE~UF. PORTLAND, OR 'J"l'..!()1 (.'.:>m)21J 6663 63032 1040.90 -1ic c:-: -'>...._-----'.___ - -y ---· -.. LF.JGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC. )934 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, surm 820~ SAi\! l.)Jf-iU:}, t'A.U!-rnm!A 921'.13 (619)'!92, 8030 + + + '"' "" N ,.,, co -0 (.:..:, 0 0 400 800 1200 --~------ GRAPHIC SCALE 1• ~ 400' AarJal Photo Data -Sept-0<,-t. 1988. Anrlol Photo ble -1 ; 9600 l"his map was cornp·led by photoor.i.mmctric method$ ond' rneet~ n.-1tiom1I map st~ndard w:r;urHr.y lilpociflcations.. Horizontsl Control is B~Bd On the Ctilifornia CoordinMe System N/\D 83. Vertical Control 15 R-;;i:;ed 0" tho 1919 MU\N $[/\ LEVl..:L DJ\l'UM. Oc:~Hn bottom cor)tours derived from 1968 USGS l1rm(1mngre Mtpl-L + + + M en ';:l i:::=. (::l ~3 14 17 21 18 22 + + + "" a.> ~ 0 8 Land-Use Capability Map November 1992 (!) z -z J: u JJJ l-o U.J (.9 N Sheet 1 B of 23 Paga 43 1i t--:. ~ ~ t:; (A CJI ~ f'1 lb 0 ~ :ii, ~ -\:. Q\ (.)l -r-- 'I::. -~ '1l "-.( O(l ~ -{:.. ) , N 1,9'14,000 + N 1,972,000 + N 1,970,000 + "" "' ro w 0 b 0 0 Refer to Page 1 for a description of this map and the bottom of Table A entitled 1;azard category/Risk Zone Correlation-on Page 2 for a description of the letters that indicate the Lane-Use Capability Risk Zones @) 1992Cfl'YQFCtRfEM + + + "" "' h g 0 0 DAVID EV ANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. EN<lll'-il-~~S, SURVEYORS, PLANNER:$, I.ANDSCAP£ Al-tCHITECTS 21128 S.W. CUJ.:BRTT ,a.VhNlJH P{)RTI..AND, OR 97201 (503)7).J-6663 U:!IGIITON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3934 MURPHY CANYON RO/\JJ, ~!Hr~ H201 SAN fJJEOO, CAUl-~l!~N!.A 9'./'11.'.l (f.[g)).91--8030 + + + "" ""' h ,.... 8 0 0 400 800 1200 ---- GRAPHIC SCALE : 1• = 400' Aerial PhOIO Data -S,,pt..-Oct 1BQB, /\Bofel Photo Sade - 1 : 9600 Thrs rnap w.is compiled by photogr~rnr,r.tilc methods arid meets nmion-,1 m1;1p stand1:11d BCG\Arf!cy ~pociHcations.. Horizontal Control is Bfr':led On Iha (':fllifornia Coordimrt& System N/\D a3. Vertiml Control Is B.Jsed On the 1929 Ml:AN SEA LEVEL DATUM. Ocean botlom contours darivad frorn 1968 USGS. Out:idrnng!e M.1pa + + + "" a, h O> § 15 16 19 20 + + -t- "" O> h _a, 0 0 0 Land-Use Capability Map November 1 992 -z J: u LU l-o w (.9 N Sheet 19 of 23 Pa11e 44 1 • • ' • E t (. r er, ( ::s-::i (\I • -~ • { • i:.. I -• ...;:_ ..., C) ~ '11 -.. <xi. • • -{::. .. N 1,974,000 + N 1,972,000 + N 1,970,000 -t- Refer to Page 1 for a description of this map and the bottom of Tabla A entitled ~azard Category/Risk Zone Correlation-on Page 2 for a dascription of the letters that indicate the Lane-Use Capability Risk Zones @ 1892 CITY OI' Ctlf 2:\D + + + DAVID EV ANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEHRS, SURVEYORS, PLANNERS, LANDSCAPE ,4.R(:HITF..CTS 2i!'.2R S.W. OORRRTI i\VFNUR P<)RTI..AND, OR 'Y/201 ('i01)22:'l666:l LElGHION AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3934 MURPHY CANYON ROAO, .',UJ"rE B'Xl'., SAN DJEGO, CAUFOP.NIA 92123 (619}29:t-8030 3cl0.87 + + + ""' "' "° ~ 8 0 0 400 800 1200 ----- GRAPHIC SCALE : 1• = 400' .-.,ial Photo Data -Sopl.--Oct. 1988. /IMd Photo blo • 1 : 9800 This rnap was compiled by photogmmmetrfc methods and meets tll:ltlonal map standard ~uracy spocifict1tloM. Hc~l,ontfll f"Antrnl is Basod On the California C.Oordlnate System NAO 83, Vcrtlmil Control is BID:ed On the 1929 M[J\N SE.A UVE.L OAl'UM. OCoon bottom contours d0ri\1'0d from 19:68 U.S.G.S. Quadrangle Maps. ' I I , ' I I ' .. ( . ' I ' -. \ .. 15 19 ---- ~- 16 17 20 21 ___ .' _,' ,'-'------'-'- 23 t \\ • \ I \, \. ) Land-Use "\ I I ( ·-._ I ,: (' • .• Ii \ (1 I I-. I ) \ ,, Capability November 1992 Map c., :z I- z I u LJJ 1-,o w t'J N Sheet 20 of 23 Page 45 / I N 1,972,000 " D .. ·..-c . --. " \ I I / ( ~04 LA' · .. \ •- \ .I AVE. ,\ \1 ... \ ( \ -· I I I I I WILLOWH.AVEN Refer to Page 1 for II description of thi11 map end the bottom of Table A entitled 1-iaz.ard Category/Risk Zone Correlation-on Page 2 for a description of the letters that indicate the Lane-Use Capability Risk Zones @ 1092 CITT OF Ctffl WtlD "' \ I I )i WOoo oo. DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERS, SURVHY0R$, PLANNERS, U.NLlSCAf'E ARCHlTf:CTS 2828 S.W. (..'ORBJ~IT A YFNUB P(JRTI ,ANO, OR ~rti:Ql (.503)22:) (;663 . ~::\: ~~:"J,.,cJ~-........ ,.__, LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3934 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, .SUITE B20:i !iAN blHGO, CAUPORNTA 9:.1123 (619):Z91. !!0)0 0 400 800 1200 ---- GRAPHIC SCALE ,-Ill: 400' Aorlol PIiato 0ab1 -SeptAlct. 1998. Aariol PhatQ Sa,Jo -1 : 9600 l'hi::i; map wM; compiled by photogrammetric methods and meets national map standard accuracy spoc..ifir-..1:1tioflS. Horizontal Control is Booed On th9 California Coordinate Systern Will 83_ Vertical Control Is Bosed On the 1929 MEAN SEA LEVF.l. OATUM. Ocaein bottom contl'.'.luf.S derived from 1968 US.GS Ou!Jdrongle Meps. ,; r-::~ • ::;-< j 16 20 17 21 23 18 22 I \ \ Land-Use Capability November 1992 Map >-0 :) .... CJ) - N Sheet 21 of 23 Page 46 T ::i .. .. ' t CJ 11 ( .'.I ., ) t .. r ~ .. .... ... l , -----, N 1,972,000 + N 1,970,000 + M ,:,, &l 0-, ~ Refer to Paga 1 for II description of this map and tha bottom of Tabla A entitled '1-faz.ard Category/Risk Zona Correlation-on Paga 2 for a description of the letters that indicate the Lane-Use Capability Risk Zones @; --cri'Y OF OMIUIIAEl + + -t- M 0, tl5 ·"" § DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGIN'!~ERS, SURVEYORS, PIA.NN£RS, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 1.8'.i'.8 S,W. CORBliTf AVENUB F"l'JRTI.AND, OR 91201 (503)7.23-('663 ~ -1" ?":::~__J=:J LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3934 MURPHY CANYON RO!tO, .SUITE 820~ SAN J)].EOO, CALWOl-tNlA 9'.1123 (619)292 ·8030 + + + M 0, ':J p § 0 400 BOO 1200 ---- - GRAPHIC SCALE : 1• = 400' Aorilll Photo 0..., • S.pt.-Oct. 19BB. Aoriol Photo Scale • 1 ; 98lll) This map w~ cor0piled by photogrammctrie metfiods and meets national 111ep standard accuracy specification& Horimntal Control is Booed On tha (",.alif□ rnia Coo(dinete Sys.tern NAD 83. Vcrtielll Control i5 &5ed On the 1929 MEI\N SEA LEVF.L DATUM. Oc;ean bottom contou~s dar1vad from 1968 US.GS Oum1mngle Mttps. + + + M O> 1\> ..., N Tgi ·' :c::,~--17 18 -) r\.', . ,- . L. .. ,-:; ~-,, ' 21 22 'm:i "~.''' ->-=·-=·· ,, 23 + + + M _,;:, ~ ... ·o 0 0 Land-Use Capability November 1992 Map >-0 ::, l-oo (.9 z -z I u IJJ r 0 w (.9 N -,\;<- Sheet 22 of 23 Page 47 3038 ~ 118.17 N 1,966,000 N L954,000 -N 1,952,000 + + + ""' 0, t,1 ,l'- 0 8 Refer to Page 1 for a description of this map and the bottom of Table A entitled 1-fazard Category/Risk Zone Correlation-on Page 2 for a description of the letters thst indicate the Lane-Use Capability Risk Zones @) 1992 crrv OF Clft P:\11 + + + DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. F,N(i-lNEHR$, SURVl:!YORS, PLANNE\l;S, LAN])SCAJ''R ARClilTnC'TS 282!! S.W. CORRF.TT A Vf<.NUR PORT! ,AND, OR 97201 (:'i03)J23··6<i63 .. ~ "--... -=u v:-_ ~ LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3934 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SIJITE 8205 SA.N O!l1JO, CALU·'OU.NIA 91123 (619)192--8030 + + -1- 0 400 800 1200 -"""""'--- GRAPHIC SCALE : 1• = 400' Aarloi Photo Data -Sapulat. 1988. Aon"' Photo b• - 1 : 9!!00 Thrs map was cornp!led by photogrammetric methods i,nd meets natlanel meip st&ndard occurac:y spACifications. Horizontal O:mtrol is Booed Ori the Galifornia r..oordin1;1t8 System NAO 83. Vertical Control Is ~d On the 1929 M[I\N SEA l.l::VEL DATUM. Om~n bottom contours dorivad from 1968 US.GS OuOOrengla MHp~ + + + 20 21 22 + + + Land-Use Capability Map November 1992 Q >-0 ::.l 1- U) (.!) z -0.. Co m~ U) l ...l~N cc~~ ae(_J or--u ... Q) ..c LI.(/) E 0~ Q) > 0 z >:c t- Gd I _J U5 -z I u w I- 0 w {!) N Sheet 23 of 23 Page 48 l I t-- )l. ~ t, (/\ ~ ~ J'IJ (b ~ ~ l,. 'f \) ~ ~ Cll °' .... t \) )J ⇒ OI.\, );. ;:. '.:b, \) .... eotech n ica • azar s na ys1s an Carlsbad, California November 1992 ■ ■ au t _ocation an e1sm1ca y roun Pages 49 through 73 Prepared by: LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 3934 Murphy Canyon R.oad, Suite B205 San Diego, California 92123 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 2828 S.W. Corbett Avenue Portland, Oregon 97201-4830 aps r ( ( ' ·. Regional Seismicity Index Map @ 1082 arv OF CtN MIU> DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ENOINfl:ERS. SURVBYOJlS, PLANNRRJ, LANDSC'..APB All.C'Jill'ECTS 2S2S :i..W. CORBETT AVTINUE PORTI.AND, OR 97201 (50:\)223-6663 SEISMIC ANALYSIS NOTES All faults that have fflP mapped wjtbln the City limit. bas<d on current knowled2e are all con,tder<d Inactive, The selsmk ground shaking ldtenslty maps should be used only for general planning purposes and should not be used for specific design requirements. Site-specific studies are required to adequately characterize the seismic parameters used in the design of a structure. The numbers presented on the maps indicate relative seismic lntensilles that can occur to a particular urea during a major earthquake on the Rose Canyon Fault Zone. Major earthquakes on other regionally active faults may occur hut analysis indicated a major earthquake on the Rose Canyon Fault Zone would produce the greatest ground accelerations and highest seismic intensities. For this discussion, a major earthquake is considered to he an earthquake with a magnitude of approximately 7.0 or greater. The numberS or seismic ground shaking lutenslty values pruented on the maps range from 5.5 to 8.5 with the differences relating to a degree on the distance from the fault but more importantly due tn the differences between the types of bedrock und surficiul soils prtsent within the City, The Intensity values presented on the maps correspond to a level of ground shnking that have only • 10 percent chance of being exceeded In 50 yen.-s (which corresponds to a ground motloo that would be exceeded on the avera1-:e once every 47S years). This is the same way the values presented in the Uniform Building Code (UBC) are determined. The Seismic Ground Shaking Intensity Scale presents a description of the Intensity Values, listing occurrence• and/or damage that may oc<11r in each of the intensity ranges. Half-unit values (such as 6.5) on the maps represent the upper end of the Intensity values presented in the table to the right. 8ackgnmnd Several faults within southern California have the potential of generating earthquakes that will cause strong ground motions. Each of these potential earthquakes will affect the City differently depending upon the distance the earthquake is away from the City, sire and rupture mechanisms uf the earthquake and local geologic conditions. Some faults are alrn more likely to cause an earthquake than others. The faults that have been mapped within the City are all considered inactive (i.e. a fault that has not mnved within the last 11,000 years ~ the Holocene). Regionally active faults in southern California are shown on the l1gurc lO the left. Based on the proximity of a fault to the City and the known geologic/seismic conditions a number of faults (including the Rose Canyon, Coronado Banks. Elsinore, San Jacinto, and San Andreas Faults) were evaluated during the seismic ground shaking intensity analyses. A maximum probable earthquake is the largest earthquake a fault is predicted capable of generating within a specified time period of concern. such as 30, 50 or 100 years. A maximum credible earthquake is lhc largest earthquake a fault is believed capahk of generating regardless of the time span. The maximum credible earthquake on the Rose Canyon Fault Zone for this study was considered to be a 6.9 magnitude earthquake. For the Seismically Induced Ground Shaking Analysis Maps of Cerlsbad (presented on Pages 51 through 73), the seismic intensities were based on a level of ground motion that had only a 10 percent chance of being exceeded in 50 year;'\ (defined as the "effective pt"ak ground accdcratiun"). This value corrl'.spom1:s: to a ground motion that would be exceeded, on the average, only oni.:c in 475 years. "Effcclivc peak ground accelerations" were utilized for this study because they arc the same parnmctcrs ttrnt arc ~1tili1.<.xl in determining the seismic ground motions presented in the Uniform Building Cude (IBCO, 1991 ). It should be noted that maximum credible earthquakes are considered in the design of critical facilities such as dams, emergency operations centers, and hospitals. Ar;. a result, the values presented on the ground shaking intensity maps should not he utili1,ed for the planning of critical facilities. Earthquakes are normally c!BMified as to seserity according to their magnitude (usually using the Richter scale) or their seismic intensity. The destructiveness of an earthquake at a particular location is commonly reported using a seismic intensity scale. Seismic intensities arc subjective clas ... 'iifications based on observations of damage caused hy pa.iiit earthquakl':s. These are several seismic intensity scales hut the one used the most often is the Modified Mcrcalli Scale presented to the right. This scale has 12 levels of damage, the higher the number the greater Lhi.~ damage. An earthquake ha.o; only one magnitude hut may have scvcnd se.-··nic intem;itic& that generally decrea.o;e ~Lh innctJ:;ing distance from the soun.:c. Ground motion caused by earthquakes is generally ch;:iractcrizcd using parame:ters of ground displacement, velocity. and acceleration. Fur most seismic studies (including this one), the measurement used is peak ground acceleration. Although computer models arc now U!-icd routinely to predict grountl motions expected at a given s_ite as a result of an earthquake, it is ~till difficult to anticipate the damage sustained hy different types of buildings. This is hccausc the rc~ronsc nf strutlurcs to µ;round motion depends upon many fflctors including the i!mplitude, [rcyucncy and duration or ground shaking. Seismic Ground Shaking Intensity Analysis The Seismically Induced Ground Shaking Maps for the City of Carlshad were generated based on the results of a prnhahili.,;-,tic ground mo1inn analysis. The City was digitized into a grid system with 1.4 km spacing. The prnhahilistic effective pe:=ik ground a1..-celcration values (whi~h assume a lO percent prohahility of bl'ing exceeding in 50 years) were obtained at each grid point using Joyner, and Boore's (1981) acceleration attenuation equation. The controlling event was fnund io he a maximum prohahle earthquake on the Ruse Canyon Fault Zone. The peak ground acceleration values al each grid point were translated into the Modified Mercalli intensity scales u-;ing a comhimition of Richter's ( l 95R) and Evcrn<lcn and Thompson's ( 1988) empirical rehHiunships for predicting inlcn:sity in terms of accelerati()n.~. Thi;.~ inl.1..:nsity Sl'.ak: vc.1l ucs at each grid point were assumed to represent sites that consistl'.<l ofsaturntcd alluvium. The inlt.~n.sit.y 1-n.tlc values were then corrected [or ll.C type o[ bedrock using Evernden and Thompson's (1988) reeonimendations of negative corrections for intensity scales with respe1:;t to saturnt.cd alluvium. For example, an area having u intensity scale value of RO for saturated alluvium would be corrected to a value of 5.1 if it consisted of granitic bedrock or 6.0 if tt consisted of sedimentary bedrock. Typically, ground shaking intensity values are nDt defined in half-units (i.e., 5.5 or 4.5)_ In this stu<i'i, however. since seismic intensities. were calculated hased on effective peak ground accelerations (which gi~c values to lhe nearest tenth versus whole numbers), the seismically indu1..:c<l _ground shaking maps show int~nsity values in half-units. The use of half-units in presenting intensity values is not meant a~ an nuempl to introduce a new concept, but ratht:r, as a mci.lns of presenting data obtained from mathematical models rather than from direct observation LHlGHIDN AND ASSOCIATBS INC. 3934 MURPHY CANYON ROAD. SUITH B2(t5 SAN DffiGO, CAUJ:OltNlA 9212.) (619)291-RO]O MODIFIED M.ERCALLI INTENSITY SCALE* Intensity Value Dc;,;;cript.ion 1.0 Tr~mor not fdt by peopl~, except. under espedally favorable circ11m~t11m:,:s. 2.0 Tremor £elt by per.;ons at rest or in upper floors of n building. 3.0 Tr~mor felt indOOni by stven,I people, wmally as ll rapid vibration that may not be recognized as an 11.·11rthquuke ut first. Movements may be apprcciahle on upper levels of t;ill structures. Standing motor cars may rock slightly. Vibration:s l'cd like a lighi. trurk p;issing by. I langing objects swing. 4.0 Felt indoors hy muny, outdoors by ft'w, bunging objeets swing. Awakens a few individuals1 particularly light sleepers. Vihrations fed like a hcavy truck passing hy, and the jolt feels like a he.avy objccl striking the walls. Standing cars rock. Windows, dishes and doors rattle. Glasses clink and crockery clashes. Wooden walls and frames crack in the upper 4.0 intensity range. Hanging objects definitely swing. 5.0 Eart.hquakc felt lnrl<MJtS by practically ,veryone, outdoors by most people. Direction can often be c!iitimated by those 011Moors. Sleepers arc awakened. Liquids are disturbed. some spilled. Small unstable objects are displaced or upset. Doors swing, closing and opening. Shutler:-, and pictures move. Pendulum clocks stop. start or change rate. Small objects move and furnishings may shift to a slight extent. 6.0 Earthqtmke f'elt by everyone, indoors and outdoors. Awakens all sh..:.epers. Frightens m1111y people; general txdtem~nt, and some persons run outdoors. Persons walk unstc;idily. Windows, dishes and glassware are broken. Knickknacks and boob r.::1 ll off she Ives; pictures fall off walls. Furnit urc moves or is overturned. Weak plaster and masonry D are cracked. Trees and bru:i.hcs arc shaken. 7.0 .Earthquake t'ri~htens everyone. Geoeral alarm, itveryone runs outdoor~, 1,nd people find lt. difficult lo stand • Eart.hquakc not.iced by drivers of motor cars. I :langing objects qmvcr. Furniture is broken. Damage to ma~onry D, including f.-11len plaster, loose bricks and stones, cracks in tiles and cornices. Weak chimneys break at roof line. Some cracks in mascnry C. Damage is negligible in buildings of good design and construction. Waves form in lakes, lagoons, an,; ponds, disturbing the mud at the hottom. Slides and caving occur in loose sand and gravel hanks or slopes. C.mcrctc irrigalion ditches are damaged_ 8.0 General fright1 a·nd alarm approaches panic. Steering or motor cnrs is affected. Partial cnllapse of masonry C struc1 ures. Some darna.2,e lo 1misonry H; none to masonry A. Fall of stucco and some masonry walls. Twisting mid falling or chimneys, facinry stacks, nmnumcnl:s, tower.,; and elevated tanks. I7ramc structures, if not holte<l to rnunda1ion, :-hit't.. l.{1<1si:,~ panel walls are lhrown out; dccayi..:d pilings brake off. Very heavy furniture moves conspiclJOUSly or ()',/Cl'Ult'tlS. Branches hrake off ln .. :1..'.~. Change::; in ilow or in 1.cmptr;::it11re of springs or wells .. Cracks in wet ground and on ste'-.'.p slopes. 9.0 (;encral panic. Masonry D strudures destroyed, masonry C heavily damaged, sometimes completely collapsed. Gcne.rr1l damage to foun(fations. Frame structures. if uot ho]t(~d. i;hirt off their foundation~. Serious damagl: lo reservrnrs_ Underground pipes arc hmh'.n. 0HlSpicuous crncks in the gro1i11d. In alluvial areas, sand and mud arc ejected forming sand craters. JO_() Most masonry und frnnte sh•udurcs arc destroyed. Most foundations tlcs1roycd. Somi..~ well-built wnndcn struc111res :HH.i hr·id11es •" are destroyed .. Serious damage tD <.foms. dikes, and embankments. lJnctergrnund pipelines arc seriously damaged_ l"argc 1Hm1slidc:i. Wutcr thrown on lrnnks of canals, rive!', lakes, etc. Open cracks and hroad w,wy folds open m cement pavement :sand asphalt road surfac(:s. S<1nd and mud 11,hiftcd horizontally on hcaches, an<l in fbtlands. Rail• bent slightly. 110 Severe damage to wood-frame structures. Few1 if any, masonry structures remain standing. Rails hent greatly. Underground pipelines completdy out of service. Many and widespread dlsturhances of the ground, including hroa<l fissuresi earth slumps and land slips in sofi, wet ground. Sand-and mud~charged water ejected from fissures in the ground. Seismic-waves (tsunamis or sciches) or signifirnnt magnitude, Severe damage to darns. dikes and emhankments. Large, well-constructed bridges destroyed due to damage to their supporting piers or pillars, wooden bridges are affected less. 12.0 llumagc is ncul'ly total. Lines of sighl and level arc distorted. Objects are thrown into the air. Great and varied disturhancc:s of the ground~ including numerous shearing cracks, lHnd<l.H<les, large rockfalls~ and numerous and widespread slumping of river banks. Fault slip< in llrm rock with notahle h()rizontal and vertical offsd. Water l:h;mnds, hulh at the surface and undcrgmund are dislurhed and modified. Lakes are dammed, rive~ arc ddlcctcd, walcrl'alls occur. The rolling effect of the seismic waves is actually :seen at the ground surfocc. Masonry A: Good workmans.hip, mortar and design. Reinforced, csp(Xially laterally, illld hound together with sled, t:0ncrdc, de. Design to resist lat.era! forces. Masonry B: Good workmanship and mortar. Reinforced. but not designed to resist lateral forces. Masonry C: OrdinaI"y workmanship and mortar. Not. reinforced or designed to resist horizontal forces. Masonry D: Weak mL1tcrials~ such as adobe; poor mortar. Low standards of workmanship; weak horizontally. These masonry types are not to he confused with the conventional Class A. B, and C construction types. • Modilicd and rewritten after Richter ( 1958), lacopi ( 1971) and Toppozada and others ( 1988) using the Rossi-Fore! Intensity Scale. The Modified Mert:alli Intensity Scale is normally t.-xpres:-;cd in Roman numerals. However, since the sehmic analysis (see Page 49 for a discu~sion) divided the values into hair-units (i.e., 4.5, 5.5, etc.), Arabic numerals have been used for this study. SEISMIC INTRODUCTION NOVEMBER 1 992 > 0 ::::, ._.. en (!) z -z J: u w ._.. 0 w (.9 Page 49 (J) ~ ~ fb 'f -t '-(I 0 l\ ~ ~ \ \ \ \ \· \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ • \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Roee Canyon \ \ \ \ Fault Zone* \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Pacific Ocean \ \ \ \ \ \ Legend • Appoximate loc:.tion of the Roae Canyon Fault Zone ~ based on Fisher and Mills, 1991. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Approximate Locstion of F.ult \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Approximate loco11on of I.ult covernd by aurficial Mils (such as alluvium and torrllCB dopoaitee) City Limit 25' Elnvatlon contour Mi,Jor FIOodWoytl DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS, PLANNERS, UNDSCAPE: ARCHITECTS ~1S S,W. COR9mT .AVENUE PORTT.A.Nn, 0-'-97201 (:S00)'.223-6663 &~ -·--=-J, _ -••-••-~-•••-••--•""""" ... ,~rn•••••• ... .,.,., • .,~ •ft~ LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 31134 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE B205 SAN DIEGO, CAlJFORNlA OC?12J (619)192-8030 0 2600 15000 7500 ------ GRAPHIC SCALE 1• ~ 2600' AIN1al Photo c.rto -Sept.-Oct. 1888. Aar1ol Photo 9colo -1 : 8600 This map was compiled by photogra1nmetric rnethocls and rneets national map sti!lndard accuracy specifications. Horizontal Control is Based On the California Coordimrte System _NA..D 83. Vertiral Control Is B&.ed On the 1929 MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM. Ocet1n bottom contour:, darived from 1968 USGS OlJ~r"'ngla, Mnps. and Seismically Shaking Maps 1992 Fault Location Induced Ground November N Page 50 •I I I ' Vl ~ (l) ; ~ ~ '1J ~ -;:.. ll,llljllll @) 'Km CITY OF CAIIILM.&rl Legend Fault Locodon; doohod whorl oppro>dl'l'llltll; dottlld where burJed; U reprM801' th• upthrQWrl bl~ D the downtrown block (Movamant is oon.sid~red to b9 n,IHtiva) Appro•ima11 limit of 5aiamic Grnud Sllokino lntel'Wty Zona + + + 6.6 to 8.5 sa,....,.., llround Slloklng lntan&fty Vnfucrt • • Rofor to Pogo 49 for tho -lptlon of what th9 lnt-:tn,dty Velue1 repr8N'nt and for a dr1CtJaaion on the aeisrnic study. + + + -I DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS, PLANNERS, LA.'IJDSCAPE ARCHl'rECTS 2826 S.W. CORBJ-;rr AVF..NO'B P()R'rl.AND., OR ~1201 (~)223---t,0(),3 IEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3~j,4 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, Sl,Jllli BM SAN Dl:&ro, l;.'Al..lPORNIA 92123 (619)292-8030 + + + .. I 0 400 800 1200 ---- - GRAPHIC SCALE : 1• -400' + + The line represents the dividing line between two Modified Mercalli Intensity Zones based on the distance from the Rose Canyon Fault Zone. The intensity zones are then modified by soil type resulting in the intensity valves indicated on the map. + .....W Photo Doti • 5apt.-Oct. 1988. -Photo Sc.ala • 1 : 9800 Thhs map was compiled by photogramrnetrlc methods and meets rn:itlonal map standerd accuracy speclficstioris. Horizont11I Control ia Booed On the Ge.lifornia coordinate Sy.stem NAO 83. Vertical Control i.s Ba.,ed On the 1929 ME/\N SEA LEVEL DATUM. Oeeein b~ttl'.>m eonMurs derived from 1968 U.S.G.S. Quedrengle Maps. i ·-,._, -"" J 4 + + + 8.0 HUENA VISTA 8.5 2 5 Fault Location Induced Ground and Seismically Shaking Maps November 1992 >-,::l ::> 1- U) (!) :z ·-tl.. t ·7 111-::c u l.U r- 0 l.U el N Sheet 1 of 23 Page 61 Ul flJ ....... (/) ~ U'I --~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '\ -~ .._ -' ~ (,) --.( 1\ ~ ~ - @ 1S1112 arY OF CAP! •40 Legend F,oult LOCll!lol'I; d•hod W~ "l'P"'"',,,_: dOffild wher• burlad; U r,prl!ll!llfmli th■ upthrown block D the downt,own block (Movement 11 con~id""rad to be relM:lve) Apptoxlmate limit of Sllamlc Groud Shaking I ntar'lllity Zone + 5, 5 to 8, 5 so ramie Ground Shaking lnten11ty Value • ~ Refer to Paa• 49 for the dwriptlon crf what the Intensity Valuee rnprmiont and for l!!I drOJaaion on the Ml.tniic &tudy. + DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGlNEERS, SURVEYOR~, PLANNERS. LANDSCAPE ARCI-UTBCTS 2828 S.W. CORRR'TT AVRNUR POR'n..AND, OR 97201 (503)223--6663 LEIGHrON AND ASSOCIATES INC, 3!H4 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE 820S SAN JJlll(J(J, CAI.JRJRNIA 92123 (619)2928030 + 0 400 800 1200 ------ GRAPHIC SCALE : 1• ~ 400' --c.tw -9opt,-Oct. 19118. -Ph<>to Scala -1 : 9600 This map was compiled by photogrammetrlc methods and meets national rnsp standard accuracy 11pecificatloM Horflontal COntfOI is Ba,iad Ori the California Coordinate System NAO 83. Vertiool Control i• Based On tho 1929 MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM. Oceein bottom contours derived from 1968 USG.S. Quadrangle Map.a. + 1 4 5 3 6 + Fault Location and Seismically Induced Ground Shaking Maps November 1992 > c :::, .... en (.!J z -a.. .... Q) ..c LI. en ~ 0 0> a: 0 -z J: u w .... 0 w (9 N z Sheet 2 of 23 Page 52 @ 1802 CITY OF Ctp F/\Cl Legend Fou~ Loc:etlon; dMhed whore opproldm-; dotted wh•• burled: U repreeentl the upthrown block D 1:he downtrown block (Movement Is oonsid41red to be relative) Approximate lim~ of S.iomic Oroud Shllkir,a lntenaity Zone + + 5.5 to 8.6 SeJ,mic around Shaking lntenalty Vt1lue • • Refer 10 Paga 49 fot the dMriptlo~ of wh.t th111 lnten•lty V.Jun rupr191Hnt and for a ditDJ.-icm on the aei~mic study. + + DAVID EV ANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS. PLANNERS, LANDSCAP'h ARCHITECTS 2828 S.W. CORBETT AVRNUR PORTI,AND, OR 97201 (503)22:l-661"U LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC, 3934 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE B2~ SAN DIBGO, CAl.IFORNIA 921:2.J (619)292-8030 + + 0 400 800 1200 ---- - GRAPHIC SCALE : 1• m 400' Aorta P!,oto ON -Sept-Oct. 1988. Allrfll Photo ScaJa -1 : 91!00 Thrs map was compiled by photogrammetric methods end meets national mop standard 8C:Curacy specification& Horizontal Control hi: Bai,ed On the Cti.tiforni8 COord!nMe System NAO 93. Vertical Control is 8ased On the 1929 MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM. OceNi bot1om contours derived from 1968 U.S.G.S Quadrangle Mapa + + ~ -- ---"I" ,n -·--- - ~( ,1;, ,.~;n + + + Fault Location and Seismically -2 3 Induced Ground Shaking Maps 5 6 7 November 1992 >-0 ~ 1- (/) -- N Sheet 3 of 23 Page 53 (f tSI tr. ... ::i.--V, (I) ~ ½ -('l ~ :): \)l \' --0 ... "'t\ ,,:: - l:JQ .... "'< ;:.. ·- @1N2Cll'YCIFC4PFan Legend , U Fault l.ocodon; doohod where llf'prmdmata; dottod ' Whl'trlll burl•d; u rftprMltnh thlll upthtown blodi!,. D 4't D the downtrown block (Movement la considered to tN!i rslotive} '-._ Approximate limit of S.lemic Groud Sh9kinQ ....... ln,onolty Zone + + + .. I 5.5 to 8,5 Selomlc Ground Shaldn9 Intensity Vllllu• • • Rotot to l'Bgo 48 tor me doMiptlon of what th• lntflnsity Veifue1111 reprl!.ll!lent 11nd for 1111 dllCtJUlon on the Miamlc study. I \ + + DAVID BVANS AND ASSOCIATES, JNC. f.;N(HNEER$, $1.JKVEYOKS. Pl.AJl{l'{ER$, LANDSCAPS Ai;t:CHITl:.CT$ 2828 S.W. CORBl!IT A VFJiUB PORTLAND, OR 97201 (503)213-wil \ I \ LFJGHI'ON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3934 MURPHY CANYON f!.OAD, SUITE BM SAN PlEGO, CAIJFORNJA 92123 (619)292 8030 + 0 400 800 1200 ------ GRAPHIC SCALE : 1• = 400' Mflol Plt<>to Dolt9 • Sept.-Oot. 1988. ""'1al Photo :5aM -1 ; 81100 Thrs map was compiled by photogrammetric metllods and meets national map standard t.lOOlJi'ftCY speciflootiona Horizontal Control is Based On the Cslifornio Coordinate System NAO 83. Vertical Cnntrol Is Based On the 1929 MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM. Oce~n bottom contours de,lved horn 1968 USG.S. Quadrangle MaJ18. UENA. VIST. LO.ODON .. I -~~ ·---·-·· .. L- ~~il,c \ \ \ (,Hr ~-W-t+--------i 1 2 I-----+-----.. -.... ~ ,, __ ,, ___ , _ _____, 5 8 9 Fault Location and Seismically Induced Ground Shaking Maps November 1992 >-0 ::) I- C/) (!) z -a.. N Sheet 4 of 23 Page 54 I (J) ;;,- ~ (l i ~ ~ 1' oq_ -~ C/l TTt -vi ~ -r:: ~ C> --l ..... -c::: ... ~ '>( ····-····--------------------------------------------------------------------------.---~-----.. \ \ \ ' . -~-\t:::: ·--' I 1'( \ \ /1 ,-'i;;i / ::-.._,.-~ ---\ ( _, -(_ ----:z= ~ --~~-,,!_.! 1((-~~-=~:c~::.::: ( --7/ // '-,-/ . ---, \ \ I ------------~--_:_·c ·, -r-::; 1 --\ \:. --J ---c~ .--~-.}~. ,~ ( :=z 1/ - ) \ 'L "-)' ~ ;,,,;,, ~ ~\\ J'--j I .;:~:•:IZ<""-;~ ____ _/?'_;;_-\} I /;:;;p ____ _, ---. ~;; -~✓ 1 \ :)~_ -'\.-;:_\ \ \ \ -::-, •• J \ \ ~ --,_J\---_ __., j( ~ \ ) ,, .. 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N I ___ Jc t~~,~t_>:~-) ll()Jt),~<~Jr:1--r-~,------~----,~-~----~\ II J_, 11;01~~::-l;~>s~:~-ds~}'.,~[f//!_JJ\1,:~~":--:':\:~-~/\1'.•, .... -----~-;~!/:..... __ ~~. ~\ _,.;l \~ c·~:" r , \~~~~~it\\' \i~~1i',~1 (;\8:,,;:'ctit'e l )t , 'r, "~=Jr 21!;:ic;\l~G-f lf 1}-{t~u;;;);;j ,J)~. ~ ···•·. 1 ,~~ ~ J>~ (f1j1 ~{✓~,---~""'-------:~~-~-·0 •;-: ___ :~----\~:---~-~-v _(:~o:;,;=c ?~1d -(I~:~:;':~;;;~~~;( \ \ _____ _/\;~ \ ,,'-\_)-·-..,-,:,0:_, .. _:,.':,\ ,\\\1\\ 1\\\11\\' -_6~5,\\':,J-;1'("(?1·'-s· .. /c:'::·:.cc.-,:-/7\ / t,(\ ~----:-l~-_-\,l___,1:_--. _ _j-/'.l\J) ( ~----_,_~/ J,--""\_ __ (,-.~-;-_\c-!i\ ( --;1~-:>.'f -j/ /111> J.,-_...c·~;._._/·-:, c -· _.,o<> :-'-·X-------------..:c---,/\··-,c.:_,,.\:~:--)))' L_ _ _.,L_...L__::...______J,~::::::.__JllJi._..::...__....L..:l..__ _ _:,::,._;.;;:,_ :......:::..L.:J,.~~l...JL'j__LJ_~/J..:fil'lil..C~~sJ,/2(., ~., 2 'i.L ;:.... ( ~ .. __ __, ----_,..-......_ ----• -_ ---, -~, • .,./.../1:::iJc.:____ - --.-.\ ,-.,, -------\ ~ ----~/ -. ·---- @ 19D2 CfTY rJF CUILSBAD Legend ' u Foult l.ooollon; --__ , -~ wt,.,. burf«I; U ,..,,_ tho upthrown blodt D ... D 1he downtrown blod< (Movament la conaldorod to ba Mlill!:l'IM) ......... Appro,clmeta limit of -Oroud Sholdng ........ bllw4 llllt Zone 6.6 tO 8.6 So-Oraund Shlldna lntonolty Val._. • • R<,f., '° Paa• 48 fo< tt,o daiptlon DI DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. -tile lntenetty Volu• n,pr-1111d for • drlELl.ron on th9 ~ lllUdy. ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS, PLANNERS, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS ].:,',l~ S.W, Cf)AHITTT AVBNUR PORTI .AND, OR Y'Tl0I (~p.2~-(;(',63 LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3934 MLJRPH'i CANYON ROAD, SUITE 820:J SAN DIEGO, CAI.lFOitN(A ?2 l 23 (619)29'2-8030 0 400 800 1200 ------ GRAPHIC SCALE , 1-= 400' -Photo Dlltll -Sopt.--Oct. 1 eaa. Aorfol Photo Scalo -1 : eeoo This map was compiled by photogrammetric methods and meets national map standard accuracy epecific8tlons. HorizontBI Control is Based On the California Coordinate System NAD 83. Vertlool Control Is Based On the 1929 MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM. Ocean bot1om contour~ derived from 1968 USGS Quadrangle Mepa. 1 2 3 Fault Location and Seismically --·-·-·--·· --- 4 6 Induced Ground Shaking Maps n!'.I c~un November 1992 10 8 9 >-0 ::::> I--en C, z - -z J: u w l-o w CJ N Sheet 5 of 23 Page 55 • • - -\ -X -/·,.,---\ '1 --"\ ) • \ I I ( . ::; ~ _./ ·, j ' "' ,> 1/ --------·-->---:,; ' ·;::..__~ -\":\ \~ \' • ,t~-~-,,_';,,\~ \ ( \-1 \ ?~=-:!~;~-~~=~~;~:/ ~'S \ ci.,)1 ,: )j I\ (---~~!i~~~1/ :::'" ----'·-;/:-:::::L f{C~-;~:~~~'::~~~,~~-,\~ --"--.. ~ 'q, 6.0\/:'"'.:.:_;:~~\.~~,'\ :i__ r,, \ \ • ·\· '1 r---=c.-. !/ -~---_)) ) # ! \ ~ '.cc c-\: \::';:'. ~ ✓' 1/ ~---( • ( u -,cc-:----:--____ ./ '/ / I 1 / . --------._ ,1 ------,::::::--------S::-,\'.--1 -1--1 ---~--·-,,_;;----:.>-- - -------", -;' " --_ _ _ _..:> , ½~\\~\_~;::c?~"tJ";;1l1f )"~~jJP,~jj(11 1 ~~~~~~ \1 ~.'if:J ~· ·~, f ~Jts~~,~ 1 !111 /4~~~~~~" =-r~--~:!f-;1~~11tr r(- j) ~---\ -\_ ~ -j r\J(( ! .'_::.---\ \ \ I\_ c--::_~-:::::;;::::ce'.':/ (Js, / /// · ',I --;-.,_"' --~-----·;·~---·L:::-~~:=:::~_-:::------_/'/4(/' /ffi//1(/ I '~-s: \ ~(,),.. \ '" ,.'-:.--:::-.:::.:1 ,,,_. -\<:::.:::~::;;, ·---__ ·---c._ 1, d' ) \ ! 11 I ---· 0 'I I I __ l,, \ ~:.<'~) I I\ '1,-·:;,:/'1 1 -'-.--,oo 1/--·u __ /---___ ·-. -, ' / ._/· -:;' 1/ / Ir· I.__ __ • I 0;:'.> (, ~--,~~--2-s 1 -~~,~':~~(fl~ rl' ~ ~ 1 ·, \ \ 1, ~:t~~-J ,i1;·, ~)~~\(: /((("~w1 ~~) (((s1\(if c: .~<"1f -*; _J\~? ;:1 \'" i'tc. .•2,IXHJm t(1l --~ ~ '-" r \.-<;:/l\\\,\\\"•·1 ;/; \\L,(r('•c"' __ ;-:JJ Jjl, ii \_ )\11,~ L//// --· --------,.·. / '.<·•"" \ I ,\\_ -· ;:,_,1)1,/1!. \j! 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"-~~ (, IT':':,>•~~•OIJJ: / .. / <\ ((((~_(:;c~-.1) )J//~f=-~-~ 1/t:;.:~1 \ (( 1 r1 r--; .. ·=~:~~:,; ) 8.0 I.~----( __ J, \ \ "f":~;;~,~-,-?:~Ji)!i\)1 '~111( 1\, I /;;) :--::. ---:>:~--=-----~':'--"--:.:;::;,:;:----/1:',/:;~::?)j'>}X~\ "---=~·-2::>~~~>\<:·•,, ( ·1 -)'1" I /. ;:;,=:?: ·., "(r··· -\\ ,------✓ ((//, _-_/ ) ( ·:i... \\ (r ,··--1_' /-------"\ v 111ll1/((V"-,,., ) --\ (//,I,"-:•~·-;,----'.'._:---.._ • . )J -,, \ (( I ;/,----~ /..'•~"'---__./\\ \ (\\i2l•••__.;..-:c-·>:,,,1"' \)/;·.c-\/1/ ___ __, ;_,-,-::-:' I) j -----()'~• .-, --'::-:·.'t~~, L~\~\:.\:,C:i~--)~'( ·,-------// ,o .:-,'->,JI.\\, (.-., ~ ; I \1--....?:~-~:-..>,~~--=:~:Y/// 1/11/) \ '---~:--~;=:,_:::-_:'"~-:":. _-. /1:r/ "' \~-~ ~;0\~1 1 / /;;-•r-; /--;1;.,-;,:•·)" 1, \\\c_':?;;s:{:~'.:~~,:---:-·,, rr-J(_ //,,·:=-,;.·:--/q/!Jt"<:..-'-J<~ __ ,-/(;"< .. '\ '--~ \' -":,:~~.--·1 @ 11»2 CIT\' OF C♦AI SBAP Legend Ftiult l~on; d•hed where epproKlmllte; dotted where burled; U repr-nhi the upthrown block D the downtrown block (Movement Is cnn~ldarad to be relative! " Approxirnnte limit of Sei1mic Groud Shaking ln~anaity Zone 5.5 to 8.5 Seiamk: Ground Shaking lntenafty Value 11 ~ R•f•I' to Paa• 49 for th• daaripti01' of wh.t th111 Intensity V•h.uni n,pre$1;1'nt 11,nd for a dlecuasron on the Nii&mic study. DAVID EV ANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. RNG!NHER$, SUR.VEYORS, PLANNFR$, LANDSCAJi<F, AR.Clil'J'F.CTS ].!!;i.g S.W. COJUU:rIT AVF:NUB PORTI.AND, OR 97201 ($03)223·6663 LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 39'34 MIJRPBY CANYON ROAD, SUITE B20S SAN" DffiOO, CALilURNIA ~nl2.) (6l9J29;?-80)0 0 400 800 1200 ------ GRAPHIC SCALE : 1-= 4-00" .-1-Pl>olo Dora • Sept-Oct. 1888, Aor1al Photo hlo · 1 : 8600 l'his map wa,; compiled by photogrammetrlc rnettiods and rneets natlonel map standard eccurecy speciftcations. Horizontet Control is Based On the Califomi~ C',i)ordinate System NAD 83. Vertical Control is Based On the 1929 MEAN SEA LEVl:.L DAfUM. Ocean bottom contou(a dEirived from 1968 USGS Quadrangle Mapa 2 5 9 3 10 7 11 Fault Location and Seismically Induced Ground Shaking Maps November 1 992 (!J :z :z :I tU IW 11- iD IW I~ N Sheet 6 of 23 Page 56 • CJ ,, ~ u ... • -.. (J\ ( ::s-l (1) r: ; .. .. < ~ .. -a--. ~ C ~ -\:- N 2,006,000 N 2,004,000 @ 1992 CITY OF C♦AI SVD Legend Fou~ Loaidon: dahod whore oppro,cimate; dotted where burled; U repre&ll!lnts the upthrown block D the di,wntrown block (Muvemerit i• consid11r-,d 10 be rlll-Mlve) Approximlllte limij of Sel■mlc Groud Shaking lntenaitv Zona + + 5.5 to 8.5 S.iamic Ground Shokln; lntenelty Value • • R8fM to f'Rgll 4g for thlll d11111riptlon of WhM: th~ Intensity Volucs roprcscnt end 1or e df~881'on on the Mlamic study. + + + "" DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINbl:iRS, SURVEYORS, PLANNERS, LANDSCAPE ARCHl'l'ECTS 2828 S.W. CORBETT A YENUB POI.TI.AND, OR 97201 (503)22.'l-6663 LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3934 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE B2m SAN DIECK>, CALJPORNIA 92123 (619)292-8030 + + + ..., 0 400 800 1200 ------ GRAPHIC SCALE : 1-= 400' MIiii Photo o.t,, • Sopt.-Oct. 1988. Aorfol Photo Scola -1 : 9800 Thrs map was compiled by photogrammetrlc methods end meets netlonel mep stenderd eccuracy specifications. Horizontal Control is Based On the Californi"' Coordinine System NAO 83. Vel'tlcal Control is Based On the 1929 MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM. Ocean bottom contours derivHd from 1968 US.GS 0uBdrHngl8 ~p& + + + -- ~ -~-J " GM1' L. ' __ ,, ........ ,. ----·-··· .,., -:,,: + + + 3 Fault Location and Seismically .... , .. ,, _______ ····-·----- 6 7 Induced Ground Shaking Maps 10 11 November 1992 (!J :z :z ::c ll) IW lr-,o IW (!) N Sheet 7 of 23 Page 57 g)_ Cb ~ ~ --l I), .,., «l i- / (/) tn -t.n ~ ..... (l ':t,. ~ .... ' --\ '< • ·- @ 1002 CITY <Y' CIPf MID Legend , U Fault Loeollon; d•hod whor• approxlm-; dottod ~ where burled; U repreamtl the upthrown b!~ D 411t D the downtrown block (Movement i■ considered '-. Appro;w;imete limit of S.iimic Oroud Sheking , lntenolty Zona + + + -i 5.5 to 8.5 Solamlc Ground Shllklng lnta,n•ity Vi,l1J11 • • R•f• to P'age 49 for the d.-iption of wrnlt thG lnteo:slty Values represent and for II dracussion on tha •Jlismic study, + + + DAVID EVANS AND ASS<XlATES, INC. ENGlNF.ERS, SUR.VF.YORS, Pl,.'\NNJ;,:lts, l.ANDSCAPF. ARCHITECTS 282S S.W. CORBEIT AVENlJE POlt'IT.AND, OR 97201 (~3)223-.(!(563 LEIGHTON AND ASS<XlA TES INC. 3934 MURPHY CAN'(()N ROAD, SlnTE BZO,: SAN JJJEGO, C'-AIJFORNIA 92123 (619)292.-803() + + + .. I 0 400 800 1200 ------ GRAPHIC SCALE : 1' ~ 400' Hrlol Photo o.t. -llai>~ 1888. -Photo SCa1o1 -1 ; 9IIOO Thi:!!! map WBS r:ompfled by photogri,mmetric m~thods :i,n(l meets nationet me,p stanclard flOOUracy ~pecifloatiaM Horizont~I control is &sed On tha Cr:ilifor11ia Coordinfrte System NAD 83. Vertlcol Contrnl Is Based On tho 1929 MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM. ocean bottom contoura derived from 1968 USGS Ou!:ldnmgle Maps. + + + .. I \ \ \ 4 8 \ \ I \ 5 9 12 + \ \ + \ \ \ \ cC I I Fault Location and Seismically Induced Ground Shaking Maps November 1992 >-0 ::> I-en (!) z -a. -z J: u w l-o w CJ N Sheet 8 of 23 Page 58 (J (J) t .., ::s-t ~ .. ~ "' .. ( V) :i ti<:\ ( ~ C, ... "' • -ao - i-" I \ \ \ \ \ @ 1002 CITY OF Ct• IUD Legend ' U Foult Locetfon: dalhod wt,.,. .,,.,,.,Id,,,_; dt>ttod , where burled; U r11prM8nh thn upthrown bl~ D ._,, D the downtrown block. (Movement Is con~fder&d ta be relative) '--Apprn:xfmete llmit of S.lamic Gtoud Shaking ~ Intensity Zona 5.5 to 8. 5 Solomlc Ground Shaking lntenaity Vall.JII • • llofor to Pago 49 for th• doorlptlon of DAVID BV ANS AND ASSCXlATES, INC. what the lntenolty Volueo repr-nt and for l!I d/JQ.!pion on the •ismic atudy. HNGINEF..R$, SURVl::!:YORS, PLANNERS, L.ANDSCAPH ARCHITl-7-CT.$ 21128 S.W. CORBEIT AVENUE PORTIAND, OR 97'.201 (j()J)2.23-6663 LElGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3934 MURPHY CANYON JtOA.O, SUITE B~ SAN PIO<'-', CAIJroRNlA 92123 (619)292,!030 0 · 400 800 1200 ------ GRAPHIC SCALE : 1· = 400' Aarllll ,.,_ 0.,.,. !loptAlct. 198B. Aorlril Photo !lcela. 1 : 9111)1) ThJs map WM comprled by photogrammetrk:; methods arid meets l'\9tionel map standerd IIQ(::ur~ spocifiefflinn"-Horiinnt~I Control js Basad Ori tho California Coordinat~ System NAO 83. Vertical Control is Based On the 1929 MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM. ()c11;1sn bottom contours d$rived from 1968 US.GS. Quad,angl4l Mapa 4 5 8 9 12 6 10 13 Fault Location and Seismically Induced Ground Shaking Maps November 1992 >-0 :::, ~ CJ z -c.. -z J: u w J-o w (!) N Sheet 9 of 23 Page 59 I I,.' - - / • • • /,, So • • ., • • 1 S / '><,.. \. >-~·,::-.,._,_,, __ / / / / / 7.0, -' ' ( '.··~ ~ \ ,_~') ) iH • • -. -· 8,0 I 6.5 @ -u;tH CITY OF CARLSBAD Legend F.nult LOCAtion; dNhed wh81'e approximl!rta; dattsd where burit:id: U represet,ts the upthrown bloclt D the r.lowntrown block {Move::ient Is t.-On,5ldor0d to ba n:Jlm'ive) Appr'O){imata limit of Saismic Gtoud Sh8k1ng Intensity Zone \ \ I I \ ( ( / I ( ( \ I ' ' / I \ . . I -/' .: / i ,. / ( ., • ,I ' 6.5 5.5 to 8.5 Seiomic Ground Shoklng Intensity Value • • Refa, to Pl!lge 49 for the desriptlon of what the lntern~ity Vtilui,:s represent and for B di11CUuion on tha .saismic fflJdy. DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. l:iNGlNhbKS, SURYE'l'Ol(S, PLANNP.H.S, IANDSCAPF, ARCHJTF..CTS :nm~ 5 W C()RHETT AVENUE N}RTI.A~D, OR 97201 (.'i0])22J-6663 LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC. ;l9,!4 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SlJITE 8205 SAN DIEGO, l'ALll-'DRNIA 92123 (619)292 .. 80':I0 0 400 BOO 1200 ---- - GRAPHIC SCALE ,. 11111 400' Mlai Photo c..r. -Sept-Oct. 1888. Aori.o1 Photo Sco1o -1 : 9t100 This map was compiled by photoi;rnmmctric methods a11d meets r1atiunal map standa,d 11CC!1rocy specifiratio'i~ Horizontal C',ontrol is RM~d On ttie C~liforni~ Coo,dlnato System NAD 83. Vertical Control is ~d On the 19:29 Mr:AN SEA LEVEL DATUM. Ocean bottom contours dgrivad from 1968 US.GS. Quactrangle Map& <ttl:1 I , ••. _" ''f I I 1 5 6 7 .~, -i I ~ 9 10 11 r . 1f 12 13 14 Fault Location and Seismically Induced Ground Shaking Maps November 1992 > t- >-0 :::, J- C/) -a.. a I ..J Uc5 -z J: u w J-o w CJ N .... Q) ..c E Q) > 0 z Sheet 10 of 23 Page 60 ______________________ , ________ ...,___ _________________ ..____ _____________ .,__ ______________________ .J._ _________ -'-------L------1---....L------------------------1-------__J V, 111 ..... CJl V, ~ ':3 ('> ... \" ~ ~ Ii' r-0 ... ~ ._ .. "'n ~ ._ II(), ... 4:- + + @ moo cm, OF CARLP..Bl\D Legend -"? "1/ I -~ ~\ ' \' '•• 0< 0 ... -/ </ ( "--'"'--..___ ' \ -• /(; \ \ ~---· ::::~-;l ') I , -;_-=--=:::----7 -GRAPHIC SCALE : :; 0 = _ 1 : 1800 --800 1200 ~--· dotted wt,.,., ""~'°"" -· Fault Locodoo; daohod u tho upthrown blocl,; ' U who,., burled; U ,op,_n(Movomenl 11 oonoidored D ,... D th" downtrown block to be ralotive) Saiamlc <Jroud Shaking Appro,cimate limit of "" lntanaity 2'on• 5.5 to 8.5 S.lomlc Clround Shaking lnt11:1n1rty Value • 4g tot th• dMriptk:ln of • Refar to PAo• Values repr~nt «md what the lntem11ty th 18famJc study. for a dl~•i,m on . a §@@ ASSOCIAni.,, INC. DAVID EVANS AND SCAPE ARCH!TllCTS RVRYORS, PLANNERS, LA~ ?7201 (:;{)3)223-{.663 HNGINERRS, SU AVENtJE PORTLAND, 0 'lS'}.11: S.W. CORRETT ASSOCIATES INC. GIITON AND l.m N ROAD Slll'rE 9205 3934 MURPHY CM/YU 92123' (6tm92-BOJO SAN DIEi.JO, CALJPORNIA .,._-"-'+ 1888. Aon■ otondord Mrlll Ph-Oot. • ..,..,,~ d meets national map hotogrammetnc rnetllods ~~e °"l1fQrnta Coord!nete Th;s ""P wao compiled by p tol Control ia Bl,,ad On MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM. "ficti:tions. Hortlon On the 1929 ..,,u,acy r::o"" 83. Vertical Control ;5 -:8 U.S.G.S. Quedrengle Mepa System ii d1o1rived from 19 bottom contour Oceen + + + + 6 7 10 13 14 . and Seismically Fault Location d Shaking Maps Induced Groun 1992 November ---:,, ·-:c u LU ~·-0 L.U (!) N Sheet 11 of 23 Page 61 l I \ N 1,990,000 \ N 1,988,000 N 1,986,000 @ 1992 CITT' OF CAFlfSll::D Legend , U Fault Location; doohod wher■ ■pproxlm-; dotted ~ when!II burled; U reprMtt11ta th• upthrown bl~ D flt D the downtrown block (Movement Is rom,id~red to be relative} '--Approximate limlt of Seiamlc Groud Shaking , lnten9ity Zone • • • • • • • '·, + + I I 3000 • \ I \ \, ., I 5, 5 to 8.5 S.iomle Ground Shaking lnten&ity Vi!lllue • \f\ ) ~ \ ,~~~--\\\ \ \, \ \\ -') \ i \(\ --~~~-\''-:~~,:~:~~~{0: J1\'i\:·f1Jf1i111JL~ 00 --r;;,/ /I~ \~ , ~ \ 1\ _ "'-\ \ , \ 1 \ 1 ,--,.. I '-,_ -_/" ) 1 6; 1 • 1 ~I\ \j /I ;. 1f/; ,' ;;i -~::.-;~ x /~/! J : I ---, x• \~, ~ " \ 01\~\ ~ ~ ~~ \ \ \ _;--\ X ·~ \ \ ,:,);){~_:;,;(i)!;{( -:~\;~-~~~,:/;-~:~};\ \ ( --~~~C-((('.:l~~\c~i)~Jv~)f~~~;_- • • : ,~, " \I~ .. \ ,,> .. 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J'>.:,. 'V:. ( ) \ \ ( W ,c ~ ,._) ) " \ .. '::;>__ __'.~j~-, '"i \l\v;-·:_, J I \ \ \' ~ \ \ I\ ~\ ~ ' -I I \ \ 1-)\ \ ---I ~ \\ I • 7 ' ~ ,£ i 1\ -\ \\'~ \:--~-) ",'-\\\ \~-x., ( \ \ 8 \\ ~)\ c:>-_J ~~i;:~l1rtl1::_f_t!~~-::s \~:.; ( _ _l\(~~,.c:~:"_(1-,;'-'C:~;i~o'' ~.,,, ,)~~~~(\1( 0 400 800 ---- - 1200 GRAPHIC SCALE : r ~ 400' 8 9 10 Fault Location and Seismically .-..fol l'h-a.. -s.pt_.Oot, , 988, .-..W Plloto Scolo -1 : 9600 "·" ,t' 13 Induced Ground Shaking Maps --, . f-•-~--- O(.il ;c, • R•fiw-to PRQ• 4A tor the dwiption ot D· • ·vm BV ANS AND ASSOCIATFS INC whot the lntonolty Voluoo ropreoont ond " 1 • LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC, This map was coinpiled by photograrnmetrk:: methods end meets nt1tlonel m~p st,llndard accu~y s~fk:ati□f"Ul. HQriwntel Contral i• Based t)n the Di,lifornia CoQrdinats System NAO 83. Vertical Control is Based On tht, 1929 MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM. Ocaon bottom contours derived from 1968 USG.S Ouf.ldrnngle Mapa. ,-~oo .,., I / ! -~ ..... ---------·-· ··-···-November 1992 L d' . ""' fo, a dfacu&Bion on the Miflrnic: etudy. 8NG!NbbHS, SURVEYORS, PLANNERS, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2.82R SW. CORRRIT AVFiNUR PORTI.AND, OR 9'7101 (503)223-6663 3934 MURPHY CANYON .ROAD, SlJITE B2~ SAN DIEGO, CALIFURNIA 92123 (619)292--!!030 15 16 ·-:z :::c (:J IJJ l-o IJJ (:!) N Sheet 12 of 23 Page 62 • • ( ) ( ' .. • .., .. X 111 / 9 10 12 ------------------l'L.2~.SU 15 16 1 1 14 17 Fault Location and Seismically Induced Ground Shaking Maps November 1992 ,<( .c II.(/) E 0 Q) 0 iCC: ~ ,z I ►::r: I-' -....J u~ ,_ :z ::r: iU IW ll- 1Q IW ii.!) N Sheet 13 of 23 Page 63 ( ( .Jf~ l/#18-fc,)~~l~~~~~j\!~( lf<,~,;l-~/>(((_J/(~i' \ -~:~~~~~~--~~,~--~~~!/P~0/ i;( ~0 11 1/r r -~~--~it2~((] (-;/f~c(~~f~~~~~Y~ I /!// Ii ·-'(' .. :·-."/. -· -;-" ---y· ...... -------\' ------·-·:-0---c ---·----.(: / ( \ --~ / ,--. / -.-.. ----.··· ' -----, -, ~ '/~. \\I\\\'>"---~ \\\'\·' \\' (/ --·--.---//' . '' D ~1/\.._ I I' I ' ' : ' /-I ;::::/)JI; ' 11 -~: \ ~~~";:.::-:ti~::i:t:-~<_::::~-:::;__ ~ ~:::>:::-~.-_.:.:~.----.----.. / 1:> / '~) :,,~{?-efi:?!_ ---__ ::.::~t'> •. \ ( '\.~:_"i~_:::---~~.:>-;::::::·:r-,'_::?: __ ) j [ : _·· 1:T;.,{:~~;;>= ;~l ( r/(;/~~~j ( /:;>\\~ __ \ \l (( -(, / q;,( /) t,Qs ~>:;:~t}::~:~s~;' --~~ .,, 1ll\___ . ~ •• .., :::~~~---::--~;), ~--=/:;p ;_'_"='.';;;~·-~~'=:~;c::::=:,:, 1 w uk .. ··B .. ·o .. bo. .. .···. '. -.-.-.. -. -~. ·./ .. / / // · / . (·/···· · ... :~:.. -. \ \. ~.~-.. ~. i;._·:·L·}}:':\·'·\.··_-... -~:.·,.·c'.f.::;<;: .. _ ..•... ~ ·.-~ ... <.~?;,!?"'"~::~ :-::::; : .·>· -·-----.-· .. ·. ·.· .•. 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I/ • I •/f1//o ( •0 ,rn, Ii ( h{f -, '•1' \.'. .. \%\ 'rn• • ~ • I\ S • •, / J "•' -~, :-· l_ )J::w~>/f' 1-/ J /( ((< '\ 1 . 1 \ ', 1t''.:ti:Sr!~.2:· ·tJFr~ .. ><''.: 1,;, I \>"'+i'\ -, --·_ .--::,,.:::,;,,;:/;--"'"/ \ __ (--; --~) \';;... (>'" __ , -· . '---·'; (_) · " •,_ /, / .. , ·•;7i1--1t .• (_ 1 I \ ,,~ ::. -: \ 11~//___' "< -'\ · '\ _ , \;\\~i,:jf:~:~. j 1 '1111, ----•, , •• ) , \ ·:· \. \ , 1_ _ ··. ' :-::·~-=-:::::::\~>~~{\:\}':,I~::~\:>:·::::. @ 1992 CITY OF CAl\!.IIAD Legend 5.5 to 8.5 !lalomlc Ground Shaking ...._ U F,,ult l.ocation; oahod whoro oppro,dmo111; dot"'d ~, where burled; U repreeer,tl the upthrown block; lntemiity V1:11lue • D ._, D th$ downtrowr, block (Movement is considered to b8 relative, '-. Appro;ii;im~• limit of Sei•mic Gro'Jd Shlk.iog , Intensity Zone • Refer to Page 49 for the desrlptlon of whe.t the lnten&fty Vsluee represent and for a dim:ussiQr, on the aaismic study, DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. F-N(ilNERRS, $URVHY0RS, Pl.ANNFR~, 1.ANDSCAPf: AR.CI-IITECT.S 21!2!! S.W. COR8E1T AVENUE PORTI.AND, OR 97201 (503)223·6663 _, ,·--•,.w•·•w•r• ,,.,. LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC. J!i)34 MU.RP.HY CAN'iUN ROAD, SUITE 810~ SAN DIEGO, CALJFORNIA 9112) (619)2Sl2·11000 0 400 800 1200 ---- - GRAPHIC SCALE : 1• ~ 400' ~Ill l'Mlo Dolle -S&pt.-Oct 111118, M1o11 Pilato Sco1e -1 ; 11900 Thra: n\lif:I WM c:ompfled by photoatammetrlc methods Bnd meets national tnap $hmd(lrd ~L1r1:1ev "H>acifi~tion& Horhi:on,6I CQrmol is aaa~d On the Celiforni~ COordlnMa System NAO 83. Vertical Control Is Based On the 1929 MEAN Sl:A Ll:VEL OAfUM. Ocean bottom contours derived from 1968 USG.S. Quadrangle Mapa " U,'"'CC'!J p· ,::,•,i·rt-="':kbcc:li :=~] 10 13 16 11 17 18 Fault Location and Seismically Induced Ground Shaking Maps November 1992 N Sheet 14 of 23 Page 64 1.982,000 1,980,000 N 1,978,000 Legend '-U Fault l-"on; daohod where apl)roxlma!e; donod '-where burled; U reprl!!lllents the upthrown block D 411, D the downtrown block (Movamant is consider111d to be ralstive) "-._ Apprn~lmat• limit of Sail!lmk: Gro~d Shaking '-. lntonaity Zooe \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \, \, + + + 5. 5 to B. 5 Selamlc Cl round Shol<lng lnt8mdty Vl'lfue • + + + • Refor 10 Pogo 49 fot th• d,wlptiM of DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCJAlES, INC. who,: tho lnt"11111ty Vttfue:i, repr8'1tmt and for II dillllCUhion on the aaismic study. ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS, Pl.ANNERS, LANDSCAPE ARCHJTECTS 2828 S,W. L"ORRRTr AVENUR PORTI.ASD, OR 972DI (5{]3)7.1.'.Hi,63 \\ \ \ \\ \ \ \ LFJGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 393-t MlJRPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE 8205 SAN DlllOO, CALIFORNIA 92123 (619)292 8030 I \~ 1\ --~)' \ \ ~ • 1 '~--:~ ~\ , tr, 1 \1i \\ >,~ ~ 1.1 , 1l \ _ ~,~c 1\1 • 1 , 1 1 \ 1"' , 0 j \ 1 --z_ , . ;. _ \ , '" 1 ; \v ; l ·'4->"(~ 7,-1 ~J.N.1 _f'"'-._ __ )c \ ~. . ~\\ -=~~_;er:: ( 1 )S:~~0 ' ,. ,1i 1\ • \ i , • (f i , ;\;~{! : ,r; dl~o SNf ~'{ ~ ' . '' ✓~il,\(:tt,JJ)___,, ~ '\ \ ' ~1"¼\ I }, ~-/,.\~\,: ' "li(rt-f,;,~'}-{)l)•-~c. Jl1 l.½1s1~!- 0 .~~) \____ (_ \ __ ,~c.-r \ -''\\\ '~~ \)~ \ j\ P:=~"' \ ~11 \ •1 1111 1 , /~' -• r r r ~ -tJ [ \ r ( \ I '!l. _) \ ~~ ., \I\ "/::,,;c-"' >, \\: \ I t \ / " I ' \\ ~ I \ \1 \ ~ \ \ ~ -) _ ~'¼ ' i 1;\--\(: . .:1-\ ' , 1~<· '.\1--'---✓s~' :i~:.~lrar--;;l'-1 "----\\; \~--; \ 0 \ \\A,·~\\\\\~ '" \ \_ \ i\ \ \,\ 1~\j\ ~ \[ \ \\~ ,1,,\-:'.\\ \~~-}\{,((~ (L~\ ~\_ ~ '.. I\ \ ~ ) \ \ \'\· \ )' -'";:, ___ ~ \ " '\ ",.. rll ~' -~?>rr-]f-r' /1 ( :_;; [ 1 ·--1 \ I C ~\ ~ ., \I\ _Jl}:,, __ f. .1 ?' ~ ~~, "'-~ -"IX \ \ \\ \ \\/> -~ IWm>LO t l_,_ s ~\;\~· ", ,. 1-1 \ l _ 11 \ \1 '\ \ -'"tr~~{_/-" r r1CT[JC s \\\_\1 . \ \ ."1.\, ---{( , ,, \ ~ \ 0-\\1 ~,\. £'\\ ~--•~1 i '=~-- 7 ,0 \ r~ I ~\ \ \ J' 0 ~ . (~ -:.-, . \ ~t, -, _/ ~ j' ~ ~~:"_ ' I {!) • 400 ~ \ ( \ f;)l-~ \ l ~ \' ': . '~->.,. ,, ( I \ f' ./ I I I ( Ir \-r, ,., --,...,. WJ -~~ rl, ,J < \•~ \)' ~ ~>--;) ) ~ \ \ :ft'·--\o ' 800 X.. I Ir, -'\. _-.-1 / 11 •\ l \ \ j \ \ •• l x,. ( 3021 \ \ \ \ I I', L \ \ \ I \1 ~ '\'J\;\\ \ \) //, ) /4 _, I I ) ''< - , ~ X 11 \ , _ ,) / \ \ '0l¥ I\ ' ~ ~ '(/ I I I I / : ) 1'• \ 1111• \ I ' 1lt \\1 1 \ \, ""I"' 1 / './// \) \ \ •I"\ \L \ I \ \ ,I -_/ \ \ I\ \(: \ .. ",J,, . / / ;/ i ~ -\ ef::lc \;'\~)11 _/? )\\ ~)' ('/ tV$~\1~~t,~~)\ . ' \;~ 1200 \ •. _., _/ \ O ~ -•• '-."\ • 0 •-/ IJ . 'y f0.. ';} I _ \' ( x 11 \\ \ ' \ -,, , \ -, z ~ ./ --/ • 1/ ~ ''\\ " '·" \ /\• \ \ i ((\ \ "'--f\-;;_-_ \ \ • . .,/~;;<co, ---cc 80 _:_; )f '\ 1 / f _J~• ~ 0 L ~;~-50 -"\ \~l I ----.. I ' \ \ \ rt I / ~ / \~ \ 1' __ \ • ", -_______ J ,•.~c;_:.i,/r-·c··, -·-----. . ~ , •, . I' , ( ~ \ I \ I \\ \ ·1 .. . f "--:C/<t~----1 .--_.-\ ~. ·-,_ I \~ \\ 1 ,7'1)-t-.~;.-/_/--\\\\\''(___ ' , I \; '\ \\ \I , I \\ \ -1 1 I\ (--~'--:L•_-./~ ' '' 1~ 1 ~1 \ The line represent~ _the dividin_g line . ~-J'__; \\, \ \ \~a. 5"----' ~)\\ between two Mod1f1ed Mercalh Intensity \ 1 \. \ w~ ·. ... \, \1 Zones based on the distance from the \ \1 \ 111) i:\_ \ __ •:::::--=-c X .. RoseTIO'e!nyon Famt ~<?ne. The. intensity \; X ~1_/ \, , ,. ((1~ ~es~lt1ng 1n the 1ntens1ty valves -----:~~ \ '/ \ \\ 'l\, indicated on the map. /~~ 1, , ,\ \0, li ~\ ,\ ' . \\\~\ ,1't1 h . / .. /::!._lt \\ (_/-,. ', I\ \: ~ \~)\~ \ ,,, , / · --)1 \ > I , 1 ii ) 1 \ \"'-__ \\\ 1 \ § /~?!;;:::~---: 1 r: ___ j V,, \·1 ( -----12 13 16 GRAPHIC SCALE : 1-~ 400' Ml'IIII PIiato Date · Sept-Oct. 1988. Aorfal Photo Soolo -1 : 9800 This ~p was compiled by photogrammetric methods and meets nstlonal map itan(kird ~uracy Specifications. Horizontal Control ia Booed On the Celifornl.e. Coordinattt System NAD 83. Ve,t..,I O,nt,ol is Based On the 1929 MfAN SEA LEVEL DATUM. Or;'-an bottom contours derrved from 1968 US.GS. Quadrangle Maps. 19 20 Fault Location and Seismically Induced Ground Shaking Maps November 1992 -a. .... Q) .c LL(/) ~ 0 0> a: 0 >:r: 1- ...J Uc) -z J: u w l-o w (!) N z Sheet 15 of 23 Page 65 © 1992 Cl'iY OF CAIIIJl1IAD Legend Fault Location; dMhed where ~proximate; dott-1 where buried; U repraaents the upthrown bl~ D tha downtrown block (MQvem&nt is con~idari,d tn be relntiva) Approximate limit of S9iamlc Groud Shaking Intensity Zone 5.5 to 8. 5 SOlamlo llround Shol<lng lm:onartv Vll!llua • • Refer to Page 49 for the daarlption of wh.t the lnt111sltv Valu• represent l!Uld for ft diill::UMioo 00 tha llll!lismic study. DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. EN(HNHER!ii, SURYEYOR!ii, PLANNERS, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT$ 1.828 S.W. COtl~Bl'T AYFNUF.. l?OR:Tl A.NT1, OR 97201 (503)?.?.:l-6663 LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3CJ3.4 ::MlJllPlfY CANYON .k.OA.O, SOITE B2(r'i !;AN J')!EOO, CALlFt)llNIA 92123 (619):292 8030 0 400 800 1200 ------ GRAPHIC SCALE : r = 400' Mfla Photo Doi. . Sapt.-Oot. 198B. AArial Photo Saila -1 : 9800 Thhl map WM compiled by photogrammetrlc methods and meets nE1tlolVII h"ll'llp st&ridard accur~cy (lpocifications. Horfzonti,I control is Booad On tt'le Gatifornia Coordinate System N/\D 83. Vertical Control is ~d On the 1929 MEAN $EA U::V!:L OATUM, OcQer, bonum C(rntour.s derived from 1968 U.SGS. Qu~1r~gle M8ps. 12 13 ' '. 8 15 19 20 14 17 21 Fault Location and Seismically Induced Ground Shaking Maps November 1992 >-0 :::> I--en C, z -a.. -z ::c u w J-o w (!J N Sheet 1 6 of 23 Page 66 I _r -. • --{ ✓ -a,('/( 1\l/f " ,( > ;,,};, , ; >;) -::;-'( 7(.,~ '0/'"J _f.C:,"._:'.:_;:~""' ( -, -'02 \ I\ I/ j ~I I / / /" -0) f-~,-::: (''~' '-,_J,c,,---: '_:~V\\=-"'v \ ) \__ ____ "---,.) I \ \_ , _ _,--;;;:;ccc-::<'.;>::J;// '¼;~'---,) ~-;;_::::;-~cc'.c------------------•15 -\. ) / ./ ' • J ,C:'-,;.--~<\ \ \ ( ,'. .;:--,,\,:-< --<: --.___; -'\:__ ! ) I r·'( (' ---::{;._ --\,~-\, __ :::,___ ,,r·· !,_::;):::<~{--------!""_-,, ____ / '! I l;//(i, -">,_,--,, ----~-:0:\' /r/ /';, -"c'-----:>---->:::.-,;11-_-_ I 11 ----;::---./_,-'? I/"/--------·-s \ -,,~~_'=, ___ (_----': _ _ /·_:---<------:--=,-_:-:_~---~~ f_p,'""----<--{-, --l"t<f'----'.J/:-'-,•• )("~-, '""\-~,-" __ .:=,,--__ .,,(_,------,1'1·-,j .JJl/'I _f_\\\\<-,,;; _ _<i-) j rJ ' _,//--------, 1,;,"'·--~\\\\\0, \~., \"}. S:-'--J; __ <oo er w;c, __ '-,l:--.-:...:.-~• _/.<>>;/J __ c,,.,o-\')11~~,+-._ .· if( -.___~,--\\;;\ 5~ -::::,c::\Ci c\ r-~-----::-->~:t$?-:;::::::~;~---:l {j_C'l 'i---t:i-~'>i!' /'--, .. -.~.J." '-.___.___" i,,,,. -----\'~r -~-='< ~1 --!--)f·' l1r'---Jcj",~\_""""-=r~:j -1.)_ ( J\ __ ./-•C,C _Jt,o 'c_-:,,-, __ ~1---\,:::>ll'3,,,;, '~.-\ \\\ \~\" \ )_'ii, ) . (;;.;?'/-z::::,_.'/··."·'."":T:l1l,0 .=_=,ec-. )>1 ,~-))_\-.. i:i? ... · ·/·.:--.~_>_-~/_:1_221::£:,{.?~; _ _;'i-_~: ---0 \ ~\~'11\ \''Z,: ;-,\t\%. . ---I( \ \ ~.".·.... • \ : _ .. -•-----': -~~--------~--<'.....-/,..,,,tr I I L-~\_f_;/ __________ ,>,. V -~ ' ", --,v· \._.>-----~;;?-·1ft·_.-~-:~":--'., ... __ ...----1._.) ,r _ _, ( \✓---;/ .. if!i.'-;=-··,-:-:::.,.._._ __ .---.,\ (;i,-.. J ~-\ \\\ ,,_))'-...----)m"--:: ___ /~s '·'---::--·-r·•s:,:,,.--:.;,2· (:··-i-</;<;//,,.-"'.::.,,.::: .. ;.<,///_.r1-;-_,..-.(Jl _ _..-"' I\ 11 ,\,\-\\\''--..___ ·' ', \'\~\\\<; ~ l Jr::~., X "' \ ___ 7 LJ--}L··-_J-;~ (:\__' ~//_:::___ =~( __ I . is~~.-.) ;r:=:/01. -~{,~/-=--_°-'2t ~','( -.J (")'¾~~.,. : :-;:/ ,.1.r~--ll( -X ,u<;:~J•,~-l-:"'--,1~\~rt'~J() -J~. -)-'j -) 1('_1_\1-_. ~>~};;cf y> ? -(__<~ ) (-~~ '"i'v1):C:::1 \/-;'.l_ j ) '1~~J;\~t0¼:;1f.:{t'.;l.:-'. -~:~t!::?( '•~ _) ~>11_). \,/ /~-=:>;;·/ / !;· I . \ \ \<-~::;~:.?:~_ -:/. ;~ ~-_:: 1ff ld}f-:::-.:/(:.)))))))))? ) 1\1! \ $ -. -_ \ ,:~~::;\:-.~~::~~" .• ;?>-> '· \(;' ~\ \ ___ J _ . ~j_ __ ·-•. _, -·-·1 __ _.,. ,.--...._ --. _ __,.. ".:: ----}( "'.,--·-· ·-·" ··.,. ( c----· ______ \\ ; , , .. ----·V · ) .-c·,--:~d~-~..,,,~--/ ..._,_.1 __ ..,. ____ ·-... f .., -, ··.ttf_·----·-.. ___ .--·? I --..._ / .) / -~,.,,,. .. _/ . ~'~ ·-...-, _______ ./ .-/ ·-:.-:..-:._~:.-_---<-··'··:-11.;; I 1/ , , , \ >--. '· , ....,-...., "•. ··-.,'-. ...,_--. __ ._.--,. , ® an arv OF CAA a•o Legend , U Fou~ Lomtion; doohod where oppro><lmM•; dotted D:--,.. .._ who,o buried; U ,op,....,h tho upthrQwn bloc!,; ...., D the downtrown block (Movement ~ considered to be talotlvel -......_ Appro,imotv lim~ of Seiemic Oroud Shaking "'-lntenalty Zon• 5.1':1 to 8.5 !lolwnlc Ground Shoklng lnterdlity Value " • Refer to Pia• -19 for tho d-1ptlon at DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES INC whet th111 Intensity Velum reprBMnt end ' ~ for !!I dlecuMlon on tha 1!!19ismic study. ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS, PLANNERS, LANDSCAPE ARCIIlTECTS 282i S.W. CORBEIT AVBNUB PORTJ.ANP, Olt \17:WI (50J)n3-«<i3 LEIGHTON AND ASSOC1ATES INC. l934 MIJRPliY C,:ANYIJN ROAD, SUITB B20S SAN DIEGO, CAI.JmRNIA n123 (1519)2.n-RO)O 0 400 800 1200 ------ GRAPHIC SCALE : 1M • 400' -Photo Oat1I • Sapt,<ict, 1988, -Photo --1 : 11600 This map WM compiled by photogrammetrlc m~hod$ ond meet$ netlonlil l"l"lf'IP 5'l8nderd l!ICCL.lrecy spoci1icotions. Horizontul Control it Based On tl'1& ~lifornle COordlnme System NAD 83, Vertlcol Control Is Based On the 1929 MEAN SlcA L~Vol DATUM. Ocetlln bottom contouts derived from 1968 U.SGS. Quadr~ngle Maps. 13 14 16 17 20 21 18 22 Fault Location and Seismically Induced Ground Shaking Maps November 1992 N Sheat 1 7 of 23 Page 67 @ 1182 CITY c,: CUI sev, Legend Fllult Ltlallion; deohod whore opproJdmm; domd where burled; U repreaenta the uptl'1rown bloclil;.. D the downtrown block (Movement Is con!llfd&l"f'ld to be rsJmlve) Approxfmftte llmlt of Sillinlmlc Grn1,1d Shaking lntenefty Zone fl.=. 5.5 to 8.5 Solomlc Clrounol Shol<lng lnten1llty Valua • • Refer to Pago 49 for th• dMril'fk>n rri whst the Intensity Vafuee represent and for s dlBCUmdan on tlie Milemlc arudy. + + + taJ "' ~ C, 8 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, JNC. l:lNGINEERS, SU~VBYOJlS, PLANNERS, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 1.~21! S.W. CORBElT AVENUB POR'n.AND, OR 'l'nOI (503)?.?.3-6663 6 :,032 104-0.91 LEIGIITON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3934 MURPH'/ CANYON ROAD, SUITB B20~ SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92.12'.3 (619)29'.l-8030 + + + t-l I 0 400 BOO 1200 --- - GRAPHIC SCALE : 1· = 400' -P!,c,to Dalll • S.pt.-Ocl. 1988. Aorlol Photo Scolo -1 : 8600 This map WM eomplli,d by photogrammettic methods 1;md mfitets rni.tional map standard .!l(:CIJrac.:y 8pooifloe.tlona. Horizontol Control i~ 8fl88d On the Qilifornia Coordinm:e System NAO 83. Vertlool C.Orl'HOI Is Based On ths 1929 MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM. Qc9ao bottom contoure derived from 1968 USG.S. Quadrengle Msps. + + + "" "' i -- ' I 'nc.11 ;, . ':!:~_n ·/ C -··-·····j >-0 ::J I- (/) C, z -0.. + Q <to =~ ..I Cl) N -m a:~ O") " <C _J r- u~ .... Q) <(.c + LI.(/) ~ QC> a.: 0 z > 11 I- ....I U() -z ::c u w + I- 0 w (!) "'" N fi § 14 Fault Location and Seismically Sheet 18 of 23 17 Induced Ground Shaking Maps 21 22 November 1992 Page 68 1,974,000 N 1,972,000 N 1,970,000 @ 1992 CITY 0F Cltll PPtO Legend Fault t.oc..tlon; dmhed wt,.,■ ■pproxlm,,t,,; dotted where burled; U repr-nts the upthrown blocic; D the downtrown block (Mov11ment is consMsr11d to be rotative) Approx.imllta llmlt of Sulamic Oroud Shaking lntenalty Zona + + + ""' ~ § 5. 5 to 8. 5 SOl■mlc Bround Shaking Intensity Vailue 11 • R■far to Page 49 for ttt■ dlllll'lptlon of What th• lnttmslty VilfUM rnpt~t and for II dl1CUa!on on the eel■mlc at\Jdy. + + + "" ~ g 8 DAVID EV ANS AND ASSCXIATES, INC. ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS, PLANNERS, LANDSCAPE ARCHJTE('TS 7.818 S.W. C0RRh7T AVRNUR P()RTI.AJ"'ID, OR 9'1201 C503)223·,(1663 LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC, 3934 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, smm B20J SAN DJEOO, CALlFORNIA 92123 (619)292-8000 + + + ""' ""' ~ § 0 400 800 1200 ------ GRAPHIC SCALE t 1• • 400' -l't,c,l(J Dol>I • Sopt.-Oct. 1988. -Photo Sail,■• 1 ; 8900 lhrs map WM compilf!ld by photogrammetrlc methods ,!Ind m113i,ts national m~ irt~dtird t1CCutt1CY 11peeifioo.tions. Hotizontel control io Besad On tt'ie Colifornie coordinate System NAD 83. Vortloal Control ,. Booed On tho 1929 MEAN SEA LEVF.L DATUM. Ocean bottom contours derived from 1968 US.GS Qu!Kfrangla Maps. + + + t'j m 11 § 15 16 ':-. ~~ ... J ... · . :! n , .... ,, 19 20 + + + t'j a, ~ § Fault Location Induced Ground and Seismically Shaking Maps November 1992 I >-0 :::> I-en (!J z -a.. -z :i: u w ..... 0 w CJ N ~~ Sheet 19 of 23 Page 69 .£~,:\~ 1 1\: .. ',~\:::,·· / .-(-,1 -)1 I J( 1i({:fJ~!)-~0. ,.✓ • \ \ \ • 1/, I I /1 I r:~::;._ -. =J>~~: \ \ ~\ \ \\, f ~~~S\~~:_~:::~i~--~i:"'-~:\~~~-~,'j ~ -:f-~ri\~i\ \ \ 1\jr;>_<~\i\~ I (i?;':t~:.'.)j>--ZJ ~ "' N 1,9'/ 4,000 N 1,972,000 N 1,970,000 @ 1992 OITT' OF CAAUIBAD Legend r.u~ Lo.-.,otlon; deohocl wh.,. -ro,dmal,O; dottocl where burl1:1d; U rll!lpreeenhl the upthrown block. D the downtrown b!oc:k (Movement is C1Jmtidered to be ndative) Apptrlxim,rt.a limit of Seiemic Groud Shaking lnt1:tnsity Zone + + + 1:.-:j "' M 0 8 5, 5 to 8.5 9-lomlc Gfound Shoklng lnt9rlllity Valua • • RiitfM to PBQ• 49 for tht!I dMr'lptlon of whet thi, Intensity V1;1lues represent and for II dlscuuion on the seismic study. + + + ""1 ~ .... _ .... 0 0 0 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. f'.NOINEl:!:ltS, SURVEYORS, PLANNERS, I..A.'IDSCAPE ARCHITECT'S 28211;! S.W. CURBP.TT AVRNUR P()RTI.AND, C)R 9'"1101 (5[.)))1~-(,663 LEIGHfON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 1934 MUJU'HY CANYOl'i ROAD, SUITE B:ZOS SAN DIEGO, CAL"FOilNIA 92.12:3 (619):?9;'.t-80,0 1018 .6. 330.87 + + + ,,.. "' N> ~ 8 0 0 400 800 1200 ------ GRAPHIC SCALE : 1w = 400' This map was compilnd by photogrammctric m6thods and meets national map s1andard eccuracy specification."L Horizontal Control is Based On the California Coordinate System NAO 83. Vertical Control is Based On the 1929 MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM. Ocean bottom contou(!I derived from 1968 USGS Oul:idrt:ingla Mttpa. '"" "' S2 a, I§ 15 19 16 17 21 23 "" O> 1)1 _o 8 0 C~~::_:=) 1 ,~--~-,", Fault Location and Seismically Induced Ground Shaking Maps November 1992 >-C ::, I- (/) (!) z -a... Q c(c m~ U) ...I Cl) N -en a:~C) c(....1~ u '-Q) .c LI.Cl)~ oo~ z ' I ► I· i' \ I I- ...J u~ -z :c u w ._ 0 w (.9 N Shei,t 20 of 23 Page 70 @ 1992 CITY OF CARL8aAD Legend "" Feult Locetlon; dlohod wh•t llfl!lrO>clrrwl•; dottod where burl9d; U repr..,ntw the upthrown btocli;. D the dQwntrown bloc-le. (Movement is considen~d ta ho roi.,lvol Approximate llmft of Slltmic Groud Shaking lntonolty Zane 5.5 to 8.5 s.r.m-, Gro~no !lhol<lng Intensity Value • • Refer to Pt.o• 48 fot th• dMl'lptiOl'I af what the Intensity Value111 represent nnd for 1111 dlacuaalon on the Mlamlc fttt.ldy. DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 1::1:NG!Nl:::ERS, SUR YtiYORS, PLANNERS, LANOSCAPE ARCHITECfS 1117.8 S.W. CORRRIT AVENl.IB PORTI..ANO, OR 97201 (M)213-6663 LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3934 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE B20S iAN Olf:l.t.O, c'AUFORNIA 91:123 (619)192-8030 0 400 BOO 1200 ----- GRAPHIC SCALE : 1• ~ 400' Ml1al -0ota • S.pt.Oct. 1 BBB. Miol Photo s,,,lo • 1 ; 9800 This map WN compiled by photogrammetrlc r-nethods and m~eU n{3tion•I mo11p $timd,11rd BCC:ur'tley specifications. Horizontol Control is 8osad On 1h8 California Coordinate System NAO 83. Vertiool Control is Bared On the 1929 MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM. OceBn bottom contoul'S derived from 1968 USG.S. Owtdrnngle Maps. ··--···· l. ",i".;ijJ ' :1 '-,.r ?:: !lo !r.~on .. I 16 17 18 Fault Location and Seismically 20 21 22 Induced Ground Shaking Maps . --j November 1992 23 >-0 ::, ~ c., z -a... ._ Q) .c LI. (I) ~ 0 0> a: 0 ...J Ut) -z :r: u w l-o w c., N 2 Sheet 21 of 23 Page 71 N 1,972,000 N 1,970,000 @11t2crrYOFCAIILIIUD Legend ""' Fautt l.omtion; doo!iod wti4"'• •~~;oxln,.,.; dotbld wht1re burh,d; U r•prei,enQ th• upthrown bl~ D the downtrown block (Movement is considered to be relntiv•~ Approximate limit of 5aiemic Groud Shaking Intensity Zone + + ..., I 5.5 to 8.6 S.larnlc Oround Sl>oking lntentity Yalu• tt " R•fer tn Pllg11 49 tor the daarlpdon of wh.,-1; thi; lnti,nsify Vnlu• ~pr~nt 1,1nd for • dl~ssioo on th• •i•rnic:: study. + + + t"l er, I DAVID EV ANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC, ENGINEERS, SURVl:iYOltS, PLANNERS, LANDSCAPE A~CHIT)-£'1'$ 2828 S.W. CORBETI AVENUB PORTI..ASD, OR 97201 (:503)223-6663 LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3934 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE B205 SAN Plll<K>, C:Al.ll'<J~NIA. 9ZJ2J (619'292-i<J)0 + + + ..., fil § 0 400 1200 ------ GRAPHIC SCALE : 1• -400' -Pl\ato Doi. · Sopt.-Oct. 1988. """1ol P'1ato Scalo • 1 ; 9600 This map was compiled by photoQrammetrlc methods and meets national map standard flCCUrecy specifications. Horizontal Control ia Based On tha Qilifornia l..oordinate System NAO 83-VertiClll Control is BaFied On the 1929 MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM. OcMn bottom contours derived from 1968 U.S.GS. Quadrangle Maps. + + + 1,,:1 C) I 17 21 23 18 + + + C"'l "' ~ § Fault Location and Seismically Induced Ground Shaking Maps November 1992 :z ::c u I.U 1-,::, I.U (~ N -- Sheet 22 of 23 Page 72 !tl.17 N 1,966,000 N 1,964,000 N 1,962,000 @ 1992 C1TY OF C•RI •ui Legend ,=,,.,~ Loo,llM; dMhod where epproxlmate; dotted where burled; U repr8"nbi th• u11thrown block D the downtrown block (Movement It considered to be relative) Approximate limit of :ielomlc Groud Shaking lntenaity Zone + + + l"'J fil 0 8 5.5 to 8.5 Sel1mlc Ground Shaking lnteMity Value • • Refer to Pi,ge '49 for Iii• dMrlptlon o1 what the lnten,lty VelL..ieii, ri,prment 11r1d for • di-=union on the eeli&mlc atudy. -,,:0fi?fr--::_1 __ :":~v't-:,I;/\~~=2_) jt(-),u ,~, ':-_: ; .ti~1t1~s~1l(/ ( ',. ( ( ((-------✓-~/-X .. >----__ //:,, 1~\'--?~[-t~~t\~{_-~_( ,,, ___ '"t/_X;?/:-_![rs_~/~('.1 -;--_/ lh1,l()--(,:y;~-1//1!(/ I i \ (-( l(; -' \ \ ((· --\_\\~-{ L -LV '-\1\11 I i<0c".~-, \\_ '---------------~---i0L ___ frr-----:l\\'-;0--:c::c:-::-' -' --;. ) r,;/'11; ~, \~-,, ~ , i '-, -'-----::3 \\ \ r-"~-:: + + + tis! "' "' ~ 8 0 DAVID EV ANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ENOINEERS, SURVEYORS, PT.A.NNERS, LANDSCAt>J::: ARCHlTECTS 282.8 S,W. CORBf:'rf AVENUE POR11..A.ND, OR ~7201 (5U'J)223-6663 303' b,. 27241 LEIGHI'ON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3934 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, surrn 920'! SAN !)JEUO, CAUFORNIA 9211,:1 (619)292-8()30 '~-,)~ ,, , ~~~~ :-::~·1jjll(, Q_; _ ti/ (1J!1~\, i _; ,:rt~-~L;::::~-J,f,,,~f~1,~1; --~~--= \ t~"' l\b ½ c~ (_ '-----~q-~~~ \ ) ))/ /,f(iir~))J~)v \'f(1)' { --~\;~~~:c-::;;-::=:~}t~, --) /~-7;;,-a:s~-=-=-~=~:, ,\~<>,, I 'i ) I "¾'.l "C::CS ~ 1 '--, __ ::_---✓_:_,;;-:_-! I -l--:::, Y-c._, / 1\ , -, ,K,\((( r: ! 1 -"-,-1 r ----, - \ ~ ,--- + + + l"'J i -8 0 0 400 1200 - ---- GRAPHIC SCALE : 1• ~ 400' Ao,1111 Photo EJ.111 " Sept.-Oct. 1988. Aoriol Photo Saole -1 : 9800 This rrutp W88 complied by photogrammetrlc methods and meets national mnp standard flCCl.lracy sp8cifiaitlona Horiwn,,-I l.oritrol i11 Bas:sd On th& California Coordinete System l\lAO 83-Vertiatl Control is Based On the 1929 MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM. OceAn bottom contours derived from 196B US.GS Ouadrengle Mops. + + + l"'J ~ D 8 0 20 ---- • A.---JA: J 21 22 + + + ts! i 8 Fault Location and Seismically Induced Ground Shaking Maps November 1992 ► I- i I u > 0 ::> ~ (!) z -a.. -z :::i: u w 1:- 0 w (!) N ~½ ~-- Sheet 23 of 23 Page 73 ■ ]eotec, n1ca @ 1992 CITY OF CAIL8BAD Q ','"' ' ' \ ■ ■ na ys1s an .app1n Carlsbad, California November 1992 ■ 1nera esource Pages 7 4 through aps 78 Prepared by: I .mOHrON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 3934 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite B205 San Diego, California 92123 DAVID EV ANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 2828 S.W. Corbett Avenue Portland, Oregon 97201-4830 @ '1002 CITY Of c.•111 SBAD Legend X 1111 Sand, Cley &r"id/or Gra~el Pit; veeir indicates when p1t was last i!t::tive ~Hit FvAnon:rtion Pond; nd year lt'!d1cat.es when po WM IB5t l:IL1:ivu ed WIid cat Oil Wells .. L~ji)(, (I-If ~don TrM:I limited di!fta available ara vary approxif1iflte. 1 1902 11r1d 19901 0 f C'..onMrvll't on (Calit eopt-0 f thlil w1a1II~ by Town- lnd!C!rtcs the IOctJtlo~t, ,;> ~ 11pproximatc olevm:fon. W II• with Well Name, ■liip end ktl□n w n th11 maps w1,1r11 furthsr 'Id c.t Oil 9 ; oc,fone ,hown ° 8d /\l>endoned Wt , d ear wolf w,-; dnllod Tho I 1 0 ,. h~ b ... ""'P IU5GA "" -approximate elevatton an y defined l)y too. QI Ph to-i;Jraphi(: an&lyl!'iis. sh66tsl and ai:'lfllil P 0 , here adequate c,, 7one 2 .. · Aleas w . u= Zoo• lo by . Mineral Resour , ,,, t rnin.,•I , .. ou,ce,, •• Cloo8ific,mon of """' 1 Division of Mll'\N CJ , d' :1'11.m Lhat s1gn11ium 1.h d ....,. of ConMrvat on, ir1formatiQn in ic , , . d ed thfft e high like I oo Calif. Dal"'.. 1Kohl8r 111nd Mill8r, 19B;il'). t or where 1t 1a JU O •nd Geology Brft presen t·N th~lr presence exlst5 '\",p J ,., ,! - 1,~ )1 . " "~~ C " ·" .,, AND ASSOCIATES, INC. DAVID EVANS ERS ,.~NDSCAPf, .. CHITRC'TS ENGINEERS, suRYEYOR_s, ~-~:n.ANo, OR 97201 (503)223-6663 SW ("ORBR'IT AVENUE 21:1,2~ , , · ___,.~, . .. .. AND_ ASSOCIATES INC. LEIGHTON CANYON ROAD, SIJfT.a Jli~ 39l4 MURPHY 91123 (ti l 9)292-8030 SAN DIEGO, CAI.JFORNTA -· ::. ,:; --_d ~ :; ,1~ H.,_'l'M~lli;,_. 0 1000 2000 3000 ----000' --••e 1· ~ 1 GRAPHIC s,._._ : _ . 9600 "Oct. 1955. Aerial Photo Scale 1 . Aerial Photo Dote -SepL d meets notional map :standard 1 le methods an d' 'I d by photogr1;1rntne r he California Coor In,e1to This map w"'. ""'."P' o H rizontal Control is Booed On t E/\N $EA LEVEL DATUM. eccurocy snec1f1cat1ons. o , B~d On the 1929 M S stem NAD 83. Vertical ~ntrol ,:. 1968 US.G.S. Outidrtl.ngla MIJps. ~n bottom contoum dor'1ved from Mineral Resources Map November 1992 > C ::, I--en CJ z -a.. .... Q) .c IL(/)~ C c> 0: 0 ► 1- ...J Ut3 -z J: u w l-o w (!) N z Sheet 1 of 6 Page 74 ,, i ;:•: ,,V; ~ '7 "' •_:".r--) C -LI "~" ="' "'' If=---"·· - ~----------~~ ~ Al71~ ,c ✓ff ""½N d~ -)~ ~ .~n :tlfG p;' I >'~) rr (/ ~,,:(_J~ I r,,;:0)) \\~,' --~·:!k[ , ·-.. '~/!;. {" ~I'~~~":?-~] ! /. ' , t I SC ~,',;~,~z;~ ~·0-f;p ~ L, __ ,.,,,, ,. \ ':-l,~\; ' . " \ 'fr, · ~~ ~!f'0 · · -·· .. r . ~ fii i) · /: > -;; C (,,,,,. -:,,:.,!:_:. .. ., • ;;~ )~( (CJ .. ""_ > . ~~~ l~ .,. --~r ... ~ . ·~1.. ;/v (? "0 ~~~ 0 '~~" ~-' ( ~ -m ,,,, ~' ~LS ~ '_,/ '"" ,, \;;',. '" ,, ' ,, ·= "ic' / --· . ' ., -, /f, -~ "\ ::Ji,'!\_ ~,-~ (( .fr::~ -"\_~IJ'4~~~i{ '' ~ " .::.';)? ~\··-;?~,, :C:;-,, '" ' ' .• ',c,, ,~· 1 ';11, /fr;., , ~~'lt, ~ J '. -i~r ·~--...-" '( :;;,<'.-L,~1 ~\\~-.I\' ~"';;-): ;fl. / -= -~ I "-"'=--~"'-'¾~h .Ill ,,., '--=~--~:;, »,\\·~~~.-.A"-~' /,.. ,, j>, , .,, ~ ,,,, j C -~-;:-~t&-~--...__ -'.C ,: . '" '!'. "''" .. \ • ''",,,. i . -~i ,,.,~,;,;:: -._/ ·:: ~ ( ' ~ -~.... / ~.,1'>~- '•' ,,~--------~ ,,._,,_,_ __,,--_,,, '"-=, "cc,_ -· ,,, " ',_ " ' '"~=-..,-=" ' " " ""' ---" '.~, --c..-~ ~' -· ' ~ "=, """" >,,,, '" V •'" , ---·~:~ _,_,r---~. ••·• = •" . " '• J ' ff ~ C \ "\,. ~~i:rc~::!_( .,., , r . .,, ,m (~~ , 1 ~ ,::,,~,~· ~j;/::~,,V V Clay Pi( "'-~ "~~~ C'') \" ,,,, (•' la-:,. <?i''" _,;'~'~··"· (" (:' /_,----,--~•:,,'.=::-;, /i~--::::~2:~,,:,., ,-.,,: "' '-V ~/ .,,, · . ., ~ > .A/' ,, J.',.., . . ""~"' ~~~-j .. ,, ... ' , "" ·•• "· ;r ,/ ' -,.; 3000 " • , L "'-' "' • "' . 000 ,tt~4 1956 .,. V •·~'°' = . ' 'Q,,, • "" "" 6',i;,,, S'', 1000 2 -'?r ' ' "C,,. •" _c.~ w,"' ,0 "'.C'E'.:o. • ' ,2i1 -' [s\ ~ ,.~~--! L~....__,' -i:1a. .,,. .... ,:.:f\. -----E 1· l:oll 1000 9600 ' ' ·-~ ' '°"-' '' .--r,,-: 110. r,. t,01 .. ,,, .,. "" ,,;~ " ~ O,W'HIC 1988. Aerinl Photo Sea e - I al map starulard --, " , ' • "" " --;::::::=;--;-r'n'\ S t .. -Oct. eets net on . • ,, ,.,,. L-' I " . " , .. oo • . ~,,,,~ \ ,. ~ •• .. --1 ··-compiled by p I Control IS 1929 MEAN S 'l ' __..----:C: Cru h" map "'"'" Horizonte O On the I Map& • .,., -m @ T ,. aoy opoo;fi<;otion& I Control Is Boso US,GS, a,,oorang • • -•• .,. •---~ 0 oocur NAD 83. Vertloo , d from 1968 ·-'•-::,;::_ ~ ~•;:", N •-~.··__ C) TES INC. -~ .. ~-.. SOCIATES INC, =~mbottom contour• derive ----hv"-" '-..J ·•-MJ ~ •• ,. --·-• LIO " ~ WW, """"~' .,..,._. ·-· ,. ___ , ··-·--· ---,,,.. fc\ 1192 an -• ~ ., -_, • --••~ -AND .,._ AR~~ SAN o1000. I.!./ Well Nom' 1ocat,oos . """" mop EVANS SCAPE =3 d ,.. •• ' ~ -· ' -~ DA VlD ' ORS PLANNERS, LANDOR 97Wt ('500)223 ............ Lege n 4 Wlld Qr! OIi We 'well W08 drille defin.• d by t:Urial photog11:1phic • SURVEY ' nn.RTI.AND, ( Calif. D•pt. of I • N -• -N ~•• '"~ ~ -Abandoned I .,M ---• •• . w ~~-, -••-• ., ·-• OW .. -• -"28 S.W. COIJ:R , ~· °""'"" W,-...,, , M • --•-• • ·~ 0-, ,,. , ·-0 --•• ,__ "•-•,k ,O~. Sand, Clay an hen pit R-,.,uroe Zone ln nt minara r l"hood O'lli-!' Ol!lpt. o • hler and M ' · die8t08 w Mineral = , that slgnif"" high like I d G•ologv I 0 -· '" ' ' ···-' ' .. ~ . . was last active EJ inforr'n8t:101"1 i where it is JU ge p,ooent or .... oron Pond; ore . co exis,. S111lt Evl!lpor ' hon pond for their pr686n 1111, ~eer indicm:es w loot BctiVG waa -- s Map . I Resource Mmera 1992 November >-0 ::> tn C, z L. Q) .c LL.(/)~ 0 0> a: 0 z :c u w l-o w (!) z Sheet 2 of 6 Page 75 I -a :>4 J @) 1992 arv OF CARLSSAD Legend sand, Clay and/or Gravel Pit; year indicetes when pit was I.st active Saft Evl!pormion f'ond; yeer indicates when pond wns ll!drl actiVfl • Loc:atkin of abandoNtd Wild Cat Oil Walls ____6_ Abandon•~ WIid Cat 011 Woll•; with Woll Nomo, ~ improxim~te ele\lation and year well Wi'\S drill,e,d i:ire vEir; appfoximat:111. Th• limitod data awilablo11 ICallf. Dept of Conaervl!ltlon 19B2 and 19901 lnd1~tl'lljl thi:i l~li;m of th!; w-1111111 by Town- ship and ~ion with nn ,11ppr4;1xim11ti:i eileVHtion. The locatiofl"J ~hown on tl-i1:11 ~p$ wEl(EI furth,.;ir defined by topographic baae map IUSGA Quad sheets\ end aettal phat[}gntphic analysia. CJ Mineral Re&1\HCll lone 24 • -Ar~ where "dequatlJ information indicates that significant mineral resources 111"9 present or where it is judged thin II high likelihood ° C~ifiootion of ~I.In:;$ Zone 1• bY . . Calrf. Dept of Con.!l@!rvation, Division of Min• for their preoonce exists 11.nd Ge0logy (Kohler and Mille,. 19821, DAVID EV ANS AND ASSOCIATES, rNC. l'th!GINHHRS, SURVEYOR~ PLANNl!H.S, LAND$Ci\PH A.RCttITFCT'S 282S S.W. CORBflTI AVENUE PORTLAND, OR 97201 (503}223-6663 LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3934 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE B2fil SAN DIBOO, CALIFORNIA 92123 (619)292-IIQ\0 8.1.[IOUITOS I A~Q(:)'-1 0 1000 2000 3000 ---- - GRAPHIC SCALE : 1-= 1000' Aerial Photo Dale -Sepl..,0cl. 1988. Aerial rho!□ Scale -I : 9600 This mep WM oompil~d by photogrammetric methods and meets nstlonal map standard no::uracy flpeciflct11ion:1J. Horb:ontal Control is BBSad On the CaliforniH ComdinHts System NAD 83. Verticol Control io Be.red On the 1929 MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM, Ocean bottom contoure derived from 1968 USGS Ou8drnngle Mnpa d BATIQUITD~ Lli000'-1 .\,\ Mineral Resources Map November 1992 >-Cl ::> 1-U) c:, z -a.. -z :J: u w l-o w (!) N Sheet 3 of 6 Page 76 @1092arYOFCNILSBAD Legend V Send, Cl~y a11d/or Gravel Pit; ~ yBBr indicates when pit was last active 1111 So11lt F.v~p,rmrt.ion Ponr:I; yMr 1'ndicates when pond WBil le&t ectivlil ___6_ Abandoned WIid Cflt Oll Well•; with Well Name, ~ approximate elevation and year well wea drilled • LOOltion of •bfilnd0nllld Wild Cat Oil Wivll• MIi vl'lry 11ppm)(imate. The limited ~a .11v11ilable {Dillf. Dep![. of Conservation 1982 and 1990) Indicates tho loci,tion or tl1., well~ by lciw11- r1hlp and Sl!lci:lon with an approxlm21.te t1ilev!!!tlon. The locetior,~ sh□wn on thQ nlElps wen, further d&fined b)'' topographic 0€\Se map (USGA qu!ld ~lneral _Res.~ur~ .Zon~ ~••. -. ~eas w.here adcquo!lte 11h,;wi,1.s) 111"1d Mrilll photogni.phtc analysis. 1nfurrnat1on ,nd1ca1es Lha.: i:i1gnrrn:;ant mineral resources ere present or where it is judged that a high li~elihood ""' Cleooitiootfoll of Ao,x,1,1n;11 Zoni, i, bv Calif_ Oept of Cc:!rtMl'v11tiM Oh,laion of Mi"M for their presenoe exists !j!nc;l Geolo~y !Koti~r .8nd Makir, 1982). DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATllS, INC. RNGTNf,F..RS, 5\.-l{YF.YORS, PJ .• ANJ,,,"ER.~ LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 2828 S.W. CORBBl,.I' AVEM.JH POln'LANI), OR ~201 {~3)223--6663 U!IGHI'ON AND ASSOCIATFS INC. 3934 ML'RPH"i t:ANYON ltOAl\ SUI1'£ lHO! SAN PIEOO, CALIK>RNIA nm (619)292-80)0 0 1000 2000 3000 ------ GRAPHIC SCALE : ,. A 1000' A.rial Photo Dot• -Sopt.-Oct. 1988. Aorial Photo Sc □I• - 1 : 9600 Thi3 map was compiled by pho1ogrammetric methods and meets national map 6tandard accuracy specification& Horizontal C:mtrol is Based On the California Coordinate Sy'1em NAO 83, Vertical Control is Based On the 1929 MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM. OC:eari bottom contours del"ived from 1968 US.GS. QutKlrangle M8pa Mineral Resources Map November 1992 >-Cl :::) 1- (/) (.!:J z -z ::c u w l-o w CJ N Sheet 4 of 5 Page 77 .... • ~ --.. r .. .. ~ ~ -(\\ . ~ r -; ~ I --.:, . ,.J , ~ ~( "'h :).. r Oq \) ( -,t.. 1111 Legend Sand, Clay ood/or Gravel Pit; year indicates when pit WB5 last aLiive St,lt Ev,,pormion Pond; veer 1nd'1cat68 when pond was last BctivH AbaindoMd Wild Cnt Oil Well•; with WAIi N111mfll, ::ipproximatt!! elevation and year well was drilled Mineral Resource Zone 2" • ·· AreDS where adequate inforrrmtion indimtm thrit ~igni1iUtnt miner~I rQt;;ourc:es are pr~nt or wh111:ri:, it is judg.,,d th6t a ~igh likftlihood for their pr~rw,e exi,"t$ " Looation of 111bandoned Wild Cat Oil W•I" ~Ill vitl'y .tpprnximata.. Th• limit•d data a.W11illlbl• (C8Uf. D9Pt, of Gonaervatlon 19B2 and 1990) indi~~ thi, lt;,o,tion o-f th., well151 by Towri- Ghip and Sert'ion with an appr(l)(irm1te ~lev!!dr:m, ThEt locations shown ori the m111ps were further dAtined hy topogr•phic:;: bsiii,1 r'r'lep (USGA quad Bheete) and Mr.al photcgrophic anl!l!y8i~ ""' c•iti«ation 01 Rei,¢,J,Jf'(;f!i zoni& 1, by Calif. Dl!lpt ot Conservation, Division of Min·N 1!111d GeolDgy (Kohler end Milfar. l 9821, DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. HN01NEHR$, SURVH'r'ORS, PLANNERS, LANl>t;CAPR ARCHITECrS 282S S.W. CORBP.'l~r AVENUE PORTLAN!), OR 9720l (503)223--6663 LBIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3934 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUTIE B205 SAN DlfJJO, CALlH)R:-.llA 9).JZ) (619)192-8030 0 1000 2000 3000 ------ GRAPHIC SCALE : 1• ~ 1000' Aerial Photo Date -Sept.-Oct. 1988. Aerial Photo Scale - 1 : 9600 This m0p W98 complied by photogrammetrlc methods end meets national map standard N.t:;l.ir~y spAC"ifications. HrHi:rnntnl Con-t:rol i~ 8~d On the C-"Mornit.t [~ordinMe $y$tem NAO 83" Vertk·~I Control is Ba.-..ed On the 1929 Mf:N,,J $1:A Ll::.Vl:L OAl'UM. Ocean bottom contours derived from 1968 US.GS. Quadrangle M!!ps. I L Mineral Resources Map November 1992 CJ z -z ::c u w l-o w (.9 N Sheet 5 of 5 Page 78 ~ . . . r ' . . I (J') ... :.,--... (\ r (' L \ C t -"-3 ., ( CQ t> r 11 ~ ... CQ. -..,t:. ~ ., © 1'92 CITY OF CARLSBAD Carlsbad, California September 1992 ■ ■ atastrop 1c , am a1 ure nun ation, • Tsunami an eiche Hazar _one aps · Pages 79 through 83 Prepared by: I ,ETCTIITON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 3934 Murphy Canyon Road, Suite B205 San Diego, California 92123 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 2828 S.W. Corbett Avenue Portland, Oregon 97201-4830 , . 2. 3. 4. 5. NOTES The Catastrophic Dam Failure Inundation Zones are based on engineering and hydrogeology studies performed (for the most partl in the early 1970's. Since that, existing conditions (such as topography) may have been modified, consequently, the inundation zones should be used for planning purpose only. If a more detail study is needed, the original study (listed in the Hydrogeology References n Page 84) should be obtained and utilized. Where significant changes in topography or other conditions have occured since the original studies were performed, the inundation zones were revised to reflect the changed conditions (which generally consisted of raised grades on the canyon or valley floor). Inundation zones that have been changed include; 1) the Stanley Mehr Reservior inundation zone in the vicinity of Stage Coach Park and the area northeast of Rancho Santa Fa and Olivenhein Roads; and 2) the Lake San Marcos Inundation Zone on the north side of the zone in the vicinity of Corte de Vista (to the east of Batiquintos Lagoon where the canyon bottom widens outl. Both of these areas are located on the bottom of Page 82. The Catastrophic Dam Failure Inundation Zone for Calaveras Lake was based on data obtained through Carlsbad Municipal Water District (Inundation Map of Squires Darn and Reservoir, Carlsbad, California showing the Calaveras Dam Inundation Area plotted January 10, 1975). The Catastrophic Dem Failure Inundation Zone for Squires Dam and Reservoir was based on engineering analysis performed by Woodside/Kubota and Associates, Inc. for the Carlsbad Municipal Water District in the early 1970's. The Catastrophic Dam Failure Inundation Zone for the Stanley Mahr Reservoir was based on analysis performed by Camp Dresser and Mckee, Inc. for the Vallecitos Weter District in July 1992. 6. The Catastrophic Dam Failure Inundation Zone for San Marcos Dam No. 848 (Lake San Marcos Dam) was based on engineering analysis performed by CM Engineering Associates for the Citizens Development Corp. dated November 26, 1973. The Tsunami and Seiche Hazard Zone was based on a number of published reports dealing with Tsunami Hazards along the southern California coastline (Garcia and Houston 1974; Iida 1969; Joy 1968; and Whalen 1970). Tsunamjs sea waves can be generated by a submarine earthquake, landslide or volcanic activity which displaces a relatively large volume of water in a very short Pacific Ocean period of time. Seiches are periodic oscillations in a body of water (such as a lagoon or lake) and can be caused by tsunamis, earthquakes, submarine landslides, storm winds or surge and barometric disturbances (Joy 1968). During the past 1 70 years, numerous tsunamis have occurred (including six great tsun8misl with the P8Cific Ocean Basin C8using wave heights no gr88ter than normal tides along the San Diego Coastline. Interestingly, the six great tsunamis represent an event from each of the major generating zones within the Pacific Ocean Basin (Joy 1968). Based on the historical events and the generally accepted and favorable geologic end seismic conditions along the San Diego County Coastline, the potential for damage caused by tsunamis or seiches can be considered very low. However, minor problems such as flooding and material damage to some low-lying waterfront structures might occur within the tsunami and seiche hazard zone indicated on the map. @) 1181 aTY OF CUI re& LEGEND Cateetrophic Dam Failure Inundation Zonas 1 b\,._~ C.aleveras Lake Inundation Zone 2 V✓.::::1 Squires Dem lnundl:.t:ion Zone~ [I]] Stanley M•hr/Lo Coste Dom lnund•tion Zone • □ Lake San Marcos Dam lnundatio11 Zone ft Tsunami and Seiche Hazard Zone CJ Coastal and low-lying inland areas subject to tsunami or sciche ha7.ards 9 Footnotes 1 through 6 aro deocribed In the notes on paga 79. DAVID BVANS AND ASSOCIATES, JNC. ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS, PLANNERS, LANDSCAPE A~CHITECTS 282.S S.W. C0RRRTT AYF."IUB PORTLAND, OR 97201 (~03)22.i-6663 LHIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3934 MURPHY CANYON .llOAD, SUITE B~ SAN DIEGO, CALJPORNIA 9'2123 (619)292-8030 0 1000 2000 3000 --- - GRAPHIC SCALE : 1• m 1000' ,Mffll Photo Dort,, • Sapt.-OcL 11188. Aaria1 PhotQ !bile • 1 ; 9600 This map wm: compiled by photogrammetrlc met!,ods end meet$ mi.ttonal m~p s.tandard f'IC.Curecy 8pacifiCJ'l.tior'ls. Horizontal Control is BM.Ad On the Californie. Coordimrte Sy~tem NAO 83. Vertical Control I.s Bas.ed On the 1929 MEAN SEA LEVEL DATUM. Oceim bottom contours derived from 1968 USGS Ouedrangle Maps. ... -·--1 \l 1\[1,_ ·-·--· ...... , ... ' ,y ~ --·-. : -:-t1...,_.,,1 . 3 2 4 5 Catastrophic Dam Failure Inundation Tsunami and Seiche Hazard Zone Map November 1992 >-0 ::, I-en (!J z -a.. -z :::c u w l-o w (!) N Sheet 1 of 5 Page 79 I • -1 3 l_ _____ --- 2 4 5 I ndation F 'lure nu · Dam a, M Catastrophic d Zone ap Se iche Hazar Tsunami and 1992 November z :c u w l-o w ~ N Sheet 2 of 5 Page BO @ 1092 Cll'Y OF CAN •AD LEGEND Catastrophic Dam Failure Inundation Zones ' IS;:;J C..loveros Lake Inundation Zone 2 V./J SquirM Dam Inundation Zone 3 [I]] Stanley Mohr/Lo Costa Dam Inundation Zone 4 E] L8kM San Marcos Dam Inundation Zone 6 Tsunami end Seiche Hazard Zone D Co"'tal and low-lying inland oreoo subject to tsunami or sciche ha7ards e Footnotoo 1 through 6 ..-e d"""ribed in the notes on page 79. DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS, PLANNERS, 1.A."lnSCAPF. ARCHITF.CTS '2828 S,W, COkA~r,· AVl-'...NIJE. roRn.AND, OR 97201 (50'l)22J-66ti3 "~ --------=LJ-x~ ___ ._ ----- LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 39,4 MURPHY CAKYON .ROAD. sum; 820S SAN DIEGO, CAI.JFORNIA 9'.llIJ (6191292-8030 Pacific Ocean 0 1000 --2000 --- GRAPHIC SCALE ; 1-= 1000' 3000 -Photo c.t. -Sapt-OcL 1988. Aaiol Photo Scola -1 : 9800 This map W&S oornpfled by photogr.)1r1metrlc methods arid meets nation~ map standard 8CCltl"!l.CY Bpaci1ir,ition:a. Hori;ic:orit,il Control i11; !:!Mad On 1ho California. Coordinate System NAD 83. Vertical Control is BHsed On the 1929 MEAN SFA LEVEL DATUM. Ocet1n bottom r:ontllura d111riv111d from 1968 USG.S. Ou&drangl& Mep!l 1 3 2 4 5 Catastrophic Dam Failure Inundation Tsunami and Seiche Hazard Zone Map November 1992 >-0 ::, ... en (!J z -a. -z :c u w r- 0 w CJ N Sheet 3 of 6 Page 81 I . ' ., Batiquitos Lagoon @ -or, Cl' t:•IUIAD> LEGEND Catastrophic Dam Failure Inundation Zones ' (SJ Calaveres Lake Inundation Zone 2 ~ Squires Dam lr,undatior, Zona 3 LlLJJ Stanley Mehr/La Coste Dam lnundetion Zone 4 B Lake San Marcos Dom Inundation Zona • Tsunami and Seiche Hazard Zone [·,·:] Coastal and low-lying inlend ereaa subject to tsunami or seiche hazards 8 Footnotoo 1 through 6 are deaoribad in the notes on page 79. DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ENOlNBERS, SURVEYORS, PLANNERS, LANDSCAPE ARCHJTECTS 1818; S.W, C0RRF,1T AVENUR PORTLAND, OR 9Ti.OI 1~0J)22j-66{l3 1' 1 - ""'~·---..:.:::..:..~~ LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC. ]9'.l-4 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SUITE 8205 SAN DIEGO, CA!JFOl<NlA 92!2) (619)192-80)0 0 1D00 2000 3D00 ---- - GRAPHIC SCALE : 1" = 1D00' ..... ,. 1'11010 oata • Sept.-Oct. 1988, Aorfol Photo Scola • 1 ; 9600 This map WM compiled by photogrammetric methods ond meets national m~ standard ~IJri:,cy spooifi~tiOr"'!S. Horizontal Control ia Based On the California Coordinate Sy&tem NAO 83, Venfool Control Is Based On the 1929 ME.l\N SE/\ LEVEL DATUM. Oceen bottom i::onto1..m~ darivad from 1968 US.GS. auudranu:e Mtlps. 1 3 2 4 5 Catastrophic Dam Failure Inundation Tsunami and Seiche Hazard Zone Map November 1992 >-0 ::> ~ (!) z - -z ::c u w l-o w (!) N Sheet 4 of 5 Page 82 @ -cm OFCAIIUBAD LEGEND Catastrophic Dam Failure Inundation Zones 1 [::sl a.lave,.. Lala, Inundation Zone 2 ~ Squirea Dam lnundatiDn Zone a LJ_J_] Stenley Mahr/I.ea Costa Dam lnundeition Zone • Q Lake Sen Marcos Dam Inundation Zone 15 Tsunami end ~iche Hazard Zone D Coastal and low-lying inland "'""" subject to tsunami or seicho hazards e Footnotea 1 through 6 are deacribod in the notee on page 79. §)@Ciru DAVID BVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 1::NGINl:lliRS, SURVl:::YORS, PLANNERS, LASDSCAPE ARCIIITECTS 2828 S.W. CORRFl'TT AVENllR PORTI.AND, OR 9'n01 (503)22.1-6663 LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3934 MU.RPHY CAN-YUN ROAD, SUITE: BW5 SAN PIEGO, CAJJflJRNIA 92123 (619)292 MO 0 1000 2000 3000 ------ GRAPHIC SCALE : r = 1000' Mr1a Photo DEi -SeptrOct. 1988. Aerlol Photo Scole -1 : 9800 This rnnp was Mmp/led by photograrnmetric methods and meets national map standard llCCt.m1cy spocifiootiona Hori:i:ontal Control is Based On 1he Csiiforni.e Coordinate Sys1em NAO 83. Vertical Control is Based On the 19.29 MEAN SEA LEVf:I. DATUM. Ocesn bottom comour& derived frorn 1968 US.GS Quadrangle Mops. 1 3 2 4 Catastrophic Dam Failure Inundation Tsunami and Seiche Hazard Zone Map November 1992 >-0 :::, ~ (!) z -z I u w l-o w (!) N -.,... __ __ Sheet 6 of 6 Page 83 REFERENCES GecJ!cJcy/Gcotechnical Artim, E.R., 1985, Erosion and Retreat of Sea Cliffs, San Diegl> County. California in McGn1th. J., ed.i Californi11's Battered Coast; Proceedings From a Conference on _Co<.1stal Erosion, San Diego, February 6-8, 19K5: Calil'ornia Coa,tal Commission, p. 92-101. California Division of Mines i)ild Geology; 1973, Urban Geology Master Plan for California: The Nature, Magnitude and 0)SlS of Geologic Ha1..ards m Cali[ornia and Recommendations for Their Mitigation: California Division of Mines and Oeolob'Y, Bulletin ·19s, p. 112. Carlsbad, City of; Various Geologic, Soils, and Environmental Impact Report., Filed m the Engineering Department's Active an<l lni..11..~tivc Project Files. ' Eisenberg, Gftslil, G. LI. and Ahhott, P.L, 1985, Eocene Litho[acie, and Geologic History, NDrthern San Diego County .in Abbott, P.L., ed., On the Manner or Deposition of lhe Eocene Strata in Northern San Diego C'.ounly: San Diego A'>S0C]ation of Geologist:,;, p. 19-15. and Higley, R., 1977, Guide to San Diego Arca Stratigraphy: The Fodwin C. Allison Center, Dcparlmcnt of Geological Sciences, San Diego State lJnjversity, ()2 p. Green, H.G. and Kennedy, M.I'., ed,., 1987, Geology Df the Inner-Southern California 0)ntinentnl Margin) Califol'nia, St;alc 1:250,000: California Division of Mines and Ucology, Cl:llifornia O:mtinental 'Margin Geologic Map Series, Arca 1 of 7. Jennings, C.W., 1977, Geologic Map nf California, l:750,000 Scale· California Division of Mines and Geology, Californiu Geologic Data Map Serie~. Map No. 2. , 1985, An Explanatory Text to Accompany the 1:750,0(X) Scale Fault and Geologic Maps of California; California Division of Mines and Geology, Bulletin 201. M.P., 1973, Bedrock Lithologics, San Diego C',oastal Area, Calil'ornia in Ro", A. and Dowlen, R.J., eds_, Studies on the Geology and Geologic H<tzHrds of Gro;.;atcr San Diego Area, California: San Diego A'\sociation uf Geologists, p. 9--15. Kuhn, G.G. and Shepard F.P., 1984. Sea Cliffs, Beaches and Coa,tal Valleys of San Diego County: Univer,ity of California Press, 193 p. l.eighton, F.B., 1966, Landslides and Hillside Development in Lung, R. and Proctor, R. eds., Engineering Geology in Southern California: A<l.sociation of Engineering Geologbts, Special Public:-1tion, p. l49-21J6. Norri,, RM., 1977, Rrnsion uf Sea Clills in Abbott, P.L and Victoria, J,K., ed,., Geologic Hazards in San Dil'!go; Eart.hq1,rnkes, Lamlslidcs. and floods; John Porlcr Dexter Memorial Publications, San Diego Society of Natural !-listmy, p. :l6-40. Peterson, G.L, 1977, The Geologic Setting of San Diego and Vicinity in Abbot!., P.L. and Victoria, J .K., eds., Geologic Hazard~ in San Diego; Earthquakes, Lands licks and Floolis: John Porlcr Dexter .f\lernorial Publications, San Diego Sodety or Nmurnl History, p. ·1-·12. Tan, S., 1986, Landslide Hazards 111 the Encinitas Quadrangle, S,111 Diego County, Calitornia: California Division of Mines and Geology, Open I'ile Report &i-8LA U.S. Army C.orps of Engineers, 1987, Coastal Cliff Sediment,, San Diego Region, Dana Point to the Mexican Border; Processes, Locations and Rates of Coastal Cliff Erosion from ·1947 to Present: Coast of California Storm and Tidal Waves Study, Interim Data Report. Wdicr, F.H., 1980, Landsliding and Flooding in Southern California During the Winter of l979-·t980 \Principally I'chruary 11,21, 1980): California Division of Mine~ and (kolngy, Open File Report 80-1 LA, 69 p. , 1982, Recent Slope Failure~. Ancient Landslides and Related Geology of lhc Northern- Central Cmu;t.,d An .. -:;.1, San Diego C.ounly, Californii1: California Division u[ Mim.::,; and Geology, Open I'ik Rcp<>rt 82-12LA. 77 p. Wilson, K.L., 1972, Eocene and Related Geology of a Portion of the San Luis Rey and Encinitas Ouadrnnglcs, Satt Diego Count.y. Culiforniu: Musicr Thesis, Univ(.;r:;ily of Cldifornia at Riv'-:rside, 121 p. Source USDA USDA City of Carlsbad City of Carlshad @ 1192 CITY OP CAIIDIAD Dale 1951 1951 1988 1988-89 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS Scale I :20,1100 1 :20,lK)O 1 ·'J,6011 l :6/.!Kl Flight AXN HM AXN 14M 88/14 88/14 l(, to 2:;, 67 to 75. and 95 to 1114 16 lo 21 1-1 '" 10-12. and 12,1to"12,1() I 1-1 to 11-8 and 14-·t to25-12 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. SNGlNBERS, SURVEYORS, PLAt-."NBRS, LANDSCAPB ARCHITECI'S 282!1 S.W. OORBJTIT AVF.J',;1.JE p()RTl.-".NO, OR ~1201 ('>03)223-6663 REFERENCES Faulting and Seisrnicity California Division of Mines and Geology, 197\ Guiddincs to Geologic and Seismic Reports: California Divii:;ion of M.ines and Geology, Nole 44. ----, 1983, Guidelines for Evaluating the Hazard of Surface Faulting Rupture: California Division of Mines and Geology, Note 49 in California Geology, November, 198.1, p. 249-251. Cf! dsbad, City of; Various Geologic, Soils, and Environmcnlal Impact Reports Filed 111 the Engin~cring Dcp:utment's Active and Inaclivc Proj~ct f"ilcs. Ei.,cnberg, LI., ·1985, Pleistocene I'aults and Marine Terrace,, Northern San Diego County m Abbott, P.L, ed., On t.he Manner of Deposition of the Eocene Strata in Northern San Diego County: Snn Di1.Jgo A,<.:socintion of Geologists, p. 87-91. Evl'rndcn, J.F., HibbRrd, R-R-and Schneider, J.F., 1973, Int.cl'prction or Seismic Intensity Data) BuJlctin of Seismologit·al Society of America, Volume 63, p. 1287-1 Tl 5. Evcrndcn, J.F. ;.-md Thomson, J.M., 1988, Predictive Model for Important Ground Motion Pnramcters A<.;sociated with Large and Grcal Earthquakes; U.S Gcologic;-11 Survey, Bulldin 1838, 27 Jl. Fisher, P.J. and Mill,, G.l., 1991, The Ol'li;hore Newport-Inglewood-Rose Canyon Fault Zone, Californin: Structure Segmentation and Tectonics in Abbott. P.L. and Elliott W .. L, eds., Environmental Perils, San l)iegil Region: San Diego A~:-;.ociation or Geologists, p. 17-36. Grada, A.W. and Houston, ,J.R,, 1974, T,unami Runup Predictions for Southern California Coastal Communities, U.S.A. in Tsunami Research Symposium 1974: RnyHI Society of New Zealand, Bulletin 15, p, 5-17. Hannan, D., 1975, Faulting in the Oceanside, Carlsbad and Vista Areas, Northern San Diego County, California m Ross, A. and Dowlcns. R.J., eds., Studies on the Gcoln~ry of Camp Pendleton anti \\'cslcrn S<.m Diego County, California: San Diego A-c;sociation of Geologists, p. 56-59. Hart, E.W., ]990, Fault-Rupture Hazard Zones in California, Alquist-Priolo Special Studies Zone Act of 1972 with Index to Special Study Zones Maps, Revised 1990: Dqrnrtrncnt o[ Conserv:-ltion, Division of Mines and Gcolob1)', Special Publicalion No. 42. Heatnn, T.lL and Jones, L.M., 1989, Seismological Rcscarc:h Issues in the San Diego Region in Roquemore, G., ed., ProcccdinJ;:. uf the Work.shop on "The Seismic Risk Ul the San Dic,go Rc,gion; Special foe<>& on the Rose Canyon Fault System," June 29-10, 1989, p. 42-49, lacopi, R., 197l, Earthquake Country; How, Why and Where Earlhquakes Strike in Calil"ornia: Lane Publishing Co., Menlo Park, California, Reprinted 1981, 160 p. Iida. K., 1969, The Gcncrntion of Tsunami::,; and lhc Local Mechanism of Earthquakes in Tsunamis in the Pacific Ocean; Proc.ccdings of the International Symposium on Tsunamis and Tsunami Rc:'ic..tn.:h: Ea:st-Wcst Center Press, p. 2-18. International Conference of Building Officials (TCBO), 1991, Uniform Building Code: IC!lO, 1,050 p Jennings, 1975, Fault Map of California with Locations of Volcanoes, lbermal Springs and Thermal Wells, 1:750,000, Scale: Calil"ornia Division of Mines and Geolob'Y, California Geologic Data Map Series, Map No. 1, Second Printing, 1982. , 1985, An Explanatory Text to Accompany the 1:750,000 Scale Fault and Geologic M8ps of California: Californi:1 Division of Mines an<l Geology) Bulletin 20L Joy, .I.W., 1968, Tsunamis and their Occurrence Along the San Diego County Coasl: Westinghouse Ocean Research Lah Rq1ort for the Unified San Diego County Civil D(._:rcrt,-c and Disaster Organization, 15 p. Joyner, WJ3. and Bonre. D.M., 1982, Es.limation of Response~~Spectral Values as a Function of Magnitude, Dblancc and Site C.ondilions: U.S. Geological Survey, Open File Report 132-881, 14 p: Kc,nnedy, M.P., ct. al., 1977, Studies on Surface Faulting as Potential Earthquake Hazards in Urban S.-1n Diego California: California Dh,ision or Mines and Geology, final Technical Report. Kern, J.P., 1989, Earthquakes and Faults in San Diego County: Pickle Press, San Diego, 73 p. I.cc. L.J,, 1977, Potential Foundation Problems Associated with Earthquakes in San Diego in Ahhott, P.L and Victoria, J_K_, eds., Geologic I la7ards m San Diego; Farthquakc:i., Landslides and F"l(X>ds: John Porter Dexter Memorial PubliG1lions, San Diego Society or Natural Histnry, p. 23-29. Lt:_gg, M.R.; ·t989, h1ulting and SeisnmL~ctnnie-.,;; of the Inner Continent.-il Border!Hnd West ol San Diego in Roquernnre, G., ed .. Proceeding of the Workshop on "The Sci~mic Risk in the Sim Diego Region; Special Focus on the RO:iC Canyon Fault Sy:..tcm" June 29-10, 1989, p. 50-70. Leigh tun and A<s-sodatcs, Inc., I 983, City of San Diego Seismic Safety Study, updated June, 19KJ, Limlv:-111, S.C., ct. al., 1989, The Seismic Hazard of San Diego Revised: New Evidence for Magnitude 6+ Holocene Eanhquakcs on the Rose Canyon Fault Zone. in Roquemore, Proceeding of the Workshop on 'The Seismic Risk in the San Diego Region: Special Focus on the Rose Canyon Fault Systcrn." June 29-10, 1989. p. 71-79. McCarthy, R.J., ct al., 1991, A Re-evaluation of Rsrthquake Hazards within the California Coastal Zones; Lcs:sons from the Loma Pricla Earthquake in Ahhott, PJ ._ and Elliott, WJ., eds., Environmental Perils, San Die.~go Region: Snn Diego A,;;socialion or Geologists, p.119-126. McEven. RD. and Pinckney, CJ., 1973, Sdsmic Risk in San Diego in Ross, A and Dowlen. RJ. eds., Studies on the Geology and Geologic Hazards of the Greater San Diego Area, California: San. Di1.'.go Nism:iation of Gcologisls, p. 89-103. Power, M.S., ct. al., 1982, Evaluation of Liquefaction Susccptihility in the San Diego, California Urhan Arca: U.S. Geological Survey, f,'jnal Technicr1l Repol't, 2 Volumes, Reichle, M.S,, et, al,, 1990, Planning Scenario for a Major Earthquake, San Dicgo-Tiajuana Metropolitan Area; California Divi~ion of Mines and Geology, Special Publication 100. RldHer, C.F., l9SII, Elementary Seismology: W,H. Freeman, San Franciilcn. LBIGIITON AND ASSOCIATES INC. 3934 MURPHY CANYON ROAD, SlJl'T"F. 9205 .';AN Dll-'..c."'.0, CALIFORNIA 9112:3 (619)292-8030 REFERENCES Faul\lng and Seismicilv /Continued) Rockwell, T.K, et. al., 1991, Minimum Holocene Slip Rate ror the Rose Canyon Fault in San Diego California, in Abbott, P.L. and Elliott, W.J., eds., Environmental Perils, San Diego Region: San Diego A-...sociation of Geologists, p.37-46. Sangines, E.M., et al., 1991, Ground Motion, Intensity and Damage Expected in l~e Metrn.polit~n San Diego Area a, a Result of a M~7 Earthquake on the Rose Canyon hrnlt m AbboH, P.L, and Ellioll, W .. J., eds., Environmental Perils, San Diego Region: San Diego Association of Geologists, p, "I01-107. Treiman, J.A., 1984, Fault Map, Rose Canyon Fault Zone: California DivisiDn of Mines and Geology, Rose Canyon Fault Zone Review, Draft Form. Toppo7ada, T.R., Bannett, J.H., ct. al., 1988, Planning Scenario for a Major Earthquake on the Newport-Inglewood Fault Zone: California Division of Mines and Geology, Special Publication No. 99. Whalen, R.W., ct. al., 1970, A Model Study of Wave Run--Up al San Diego, California in Tsunamis in the Pacific Ocean, Proceeding of the International Symposium on Tsunamis <.1ml Tsunami Research· East-West Center Press, p. 427-452. fu\lrogeology California Department t>f Water Resources, 1963, San Diego Omnly Land ;md Water U,e Survey 1958: California Department of Water Resources, Bullctm No. 102, 55 p. , 1967, Groundwater Occurrence and Quftllty; San Diego Region: Californi<"l Departrn0n1 of Water Resources, Bulletin No, 106--2. -----, 1988, San Diego Region Groundwater Studies, Phase IV: San Juan, :'gua llediond~, and Bu~na Vista Basir,s'. Californin Dep4'rtmcnt of W:.1Lcr Resources, Southern D1slrict; 99 p. Camp Dresser and McKee, Inc., 1992, AMlysis of Flooding as the R~sult of Failu.rc ~f the Mahr Reservoir Dam, Carlsbad, California; Prepared for Vallec1tos Water Drntnct. CM Engineering Associates, 1973, Inundation Map of San Marcos Dam No. 848 (Knmvn as Lake S<!n Marcos Dam), San Marcos, California, Scale 1"=2,000'; Prepared for Citizens Development C.orp. Federal Emergency Management Agency, l 983-1989, Flood Insurance Rate Maps, Community P_arcel Numbers ()(,0285-0002, -0004, -0010, and -0015; and Numbers 0611284-775, cl();\1, -1050, and -1075: National Flood Insurance Progrnm. Gizicnski, S.F., 1981, La Costa Dam Storage Reservoir and Dam in Abbott, P.L and O'Du~n, S., e<ls., Geologic InvcsLigations of the San Diego C'.oastal Plain: San Diego A~socrnt1on oi Gcolog1st:s, p. l 43-153. Mayo, A.L, 1977, Groundwater m San Diego County, in Ahbott, P.L. and Victoria, J.K. eds., Geologic ·Hazards in San Diego; Earthquakes, Landslides, Floods: John Porter Dcxlcr Memorial Puhlicatinns, San Di"g" Society of Natural History, p. 60-69. Pryde, P.R., 1977, Flooding in San Diego County in Abbott, P.L. and Victoria, J.K. ed.,., Gcoil,gic Hazards in San Diego, Earthquakes, Lands.Jides, Floods: John Porter Dexter Mcmonal Publication, San Diego Society or Natural I listory, p. 50-59. United States Department or Agriculture, 1971, Soil Survey, San Diego Area Calil"ornia: Soil Con:;crvation Servii.:e and Forest Service. Wood~ide, Kuhola and Associutcs. Inc., Undal.cd, Inundation Map of Squires Darn and Reservoir, Carbbad, California, Scale I"= 1000': Prepared for C,1rlshad Municipal Water District. -·-, Undated, Inundalinn Map of Squires Dam and Reservoir (Including Calavcra Dam InundatiDn Arca) Carlshad, Calilnrnia. Scale I"= lO(KJ'. Prepared lc1r Carl,bad Municipal Water Distrkt, Mflp is Undated but Calavcra Dam lnun<lation Area Plotted January 10, l 975. Minc~al Resources California Department of Conservation, 1'182. Oil and G,1, Prospect Well, Drilled 111 C,lil"ornia through 1980: California Division of Oil and Gas, Publicalirm No. TR-1, 258 p, 1984, Designation ol"Regiom.11\y Significant C,0nstruction Aggregate Resource Areas in lhc ' Western San Dk)~tl County, Prnduclion-Consumption Region: California Departmcnl of Conservation. , 1990, Regional Wildcat Map Showing Wells Not On Division of Oil and Gas Field Maps, S,m Diego and Riverside CounLics'. California Division or Oil and Gas. Map w·t-7. Copenhaver, G.C., ·1991. Mining in the San Diego, California llrhan Environment: Pa,t, Pre,cnt., and Future in Ahhntt, P.L. and r:lliotl, W.J. ed~ .. Environmental Perils, San Diego R~ginn: S::in Dicgu A,;sociation nf Geologists, p. 217-222. Goldman, H.ll .. 1968, Sand and Gravel in California: an Inventory of Deposits, Flirt C -Southern California: Californii.1 Division of Mines and Geology, Bulletin 180-C. Knhk, S.L, and Milkr R.V., 1'182, Mineral Land Classification: Aggregate Mal.(<rials in Western San Diego County, Prodm:tion-Consumplion Region: California Division of Mines and Geology, Special Report No. l5'.t Unit-..~d Stale~ Geologic Surv<..:y, 1968, 7.5 Minute Series. Endnilas, Rancho Sante Fe, San Luis Rey and San Mmcos Quadrangles, Scale 1 :24000, Photo Revised I 975. Weber, F.J., 1961, Geology and Mincr.ol Rc,ourccs of San Diego County, Californin: CalifDrnia Division o[ Mine.,;; and Geology, Ccur..ty Report No. 3, J.09 p. REFERENCES NOVEMl3ER 1992 >-0 => 1- U) -z I u w .,_ 0 w (!J Page 84