HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 2018-0002; AVIARA APRTMENTS; DRAINAGE REPORT - LAUREL TREE LANE STREET WIDENING; 2022-03-25D:\76582 Aviara Apts\13 Reports\Hydrology\East _ Laurel\Aviara East DRAINAGE REPORT, 2022-0429.docx ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Vicinity Map ....................................................................................................................................1 1. ......... Scope of Report................................................................................................................... 2 2. ......... Existing Condition .............................................................................................................. 2 3. ......... Project Description .............................................................................................................. 3 4. ......... Methodology ....................................................................................................................... 3 4.1 Design Criteria .......................................................................................................................................... 3 4.2 Soils ........................................................................................................................................................... 3 4.3 Runoff Coefficient (C-Factors) .................................................................................................................. 3 4.4 Rainfall ...................................................................................................................................................... 4 4.5 Time of Concentration ............................................................................................................................... 4 4.6 Peak Flow Rates ........................................................................................................................................ 4 5. ......... Hydrology ........................................................................................................................... 4 6. ......... Proposed Inlet ..................................................................................................................... 6 7. ......... Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 6 REFERENCES EXHIBITS Hydrology, Inlet Sizing & Hydraulics Calculations Inlet Sizing APPENDIX Websoil Survey San Diego County June 2003 Hydrology Manual Excerpts Carlsbad Inlet Sizing DRAINAGE MAPS EXISTING DRAINAGE EXHIBIT ......................................................................... Map Pocket #1 PROPOSED DRAINAGE EXHIBIT ...................................................................... Map Pocket #2 D:\76582 Aviara Apts\13 Reports\Hydrology\East _ Laurel\Aviara East DRAINAGE REPORT, 2022-0429.docx Page 1 Vicinity Map D:\76582 Aviara Apts\13 Reports\Hydrology\East _ Laurel\Aviara East DRAINAGE REPORT, 2022-0429.docx Page 2 1. Scope of Report The scope of this report is limited to the work along the Aviara Apartments West frontages within the public right-of-way. The Laurel Tree Lane widening includes pavement widening, curb & gutter, and sidewalk (frontage improvements will also include multiple Tree Wells and a fill slope along onto the future Aviara East project). Additional miscellaneous improvements and replacements along Aviara Parkway frontage for both the Aviara West and Aviara East projects. A separate SWQMP report (SB&O, Inc. dated March 2022) was prepared above work. Separate Drainage reports will be prepared for the Aviara West & East sites. 2. Existing Condition The projects are located south of Palomar Airport Road, east of Interstate 5 and west of El Camino Real and north of Poinsettia Lane, in the City of Carlsbad. The Aviara Apartment sites are located on the East and West sides of Aviara Parkway, north of Laurel Tree Lane intersection, and southwest of Encinas Canyon Creek. The East site is vacant, and the West site was previously developed with a warehouse building, paved parking lot and two paved driveways., Laurel Tree Lane is partially improved, with the north (project) frontage limited to an asphalt berm without sidewalk. Surface discharge is primarily overland from the center of the paved street to the asphalt berm on the north side, then easterly along the berm to an asphalt spillway, which discharges northeasterly toward the Canyon de las Encinas watercourse. Aviara Parkway is fully improved along the length of the project frontages with full width pavement, curb & gutter, contiguous sidewalk and a raised median. There are curb return improvements at the Laurel Tree Lane intersection, and at the 2 driveway entries along the Aviara West frontage. Aviara Parkway slopes south to north toward Palomar Airport Road, with surface runoff directed from the median out to the curb & gutter to curb inlets located on either side of the street, approximately 300 feet north of the Avaia Apartment sites (about 100’ south of Palomar Airport Road intersection) The Aviara East site drains northerly toward Canyon de las Encinias with the northwesterly portion of the site intercepted by a headwall and storm drain connected to the culvert under Aviara Parkway. See Existing Drainage Exhibit in Map Pocket #1. D:\76582 Aviara Apts\13 Reports\Hydrology\East _ Laurel\Aviara East DRAINAGE REPORT, 2022-0429.docx Page 3 3. Project Description Laurel Tree Lane will be widened and improved along the project frontage of Aviara East site. The work will extend from the curb return at Aviara Parkway easterly to match the full width street improvements near the cul-de-sac terminus (approximately 60 feet east of the Aviara East site). A driveway for the future Aviara East site will be provided. Additional work is proposed along the Aviara Parkway frontage of both the West and East sites as follows; · upgrade pedestrian ramps at the Aviara West project entry at Laurel Tree Lane intersection. · Reduce width of existing northerly driveway for the West site · new driveway entrance for the Aviara East site Apartments. · replace raised median with pavement for left turn lane pocket · landscaping on West frontage. The project improvements maintain the existing drainage patterns and avoid diversion. See Proposed Drainage Exhibit in Map Pocket #2. 4. Methodology 4.1 Design Criteria Drainage systems will be designed in accordance with the City of Carlsbad’s “Engineering Standards,” Chapter 5. The Rational Method, as defined in the San Diego County Hydrology Manual (June 2003 edition), is used to calculate peak flow rates for 6-hour 100-year storm events. (See Appendix) 4.2 Soils The soil mapping for the Laurel Tree Lane portion of the site is hydrologic soil classification Type “A.” Regional geologic mapping by Kennedy and Tan (2005 and 2007). 4.3 Runoff Coefficient (C-Factors) The runoff coefficients used for this project, according to the San Diego County Hydrology Manual (2003) Table 3-1, includes the following; Surface Condition % Impervious Runoff Coefficient for Soil Type “A” Impervious 100 0.87 Pervious 0 0.20 Intermediate impervious areas will be prorated using values from Table 3-1. D:\76582 Aviara Apts\13 Reports\Hydrology\East _ Laurel\Aviara East DRAINAGE REPORT, 2022-0429.docx Page 4 4.4 Rainfall Rainfall intensities are calculated using the rainfall totals from the County 6-Hour and 24-Hour Isopluvial Maps as follows; Storm Event 6-Hour Rainfall (in) 24-Hour Rainfall (in) Ratio P6/P24 Adjusted P6 (in) 100-Year 2.7 4.4 61% 2.7 See Appendix for Isopluvial Maps and Figure 3-1 to determine the adjusted 6-hour rainfall. 4.5 Time of Concentration Rainfall intensities were calculated using times of concentration in accordance with the procedures noted in the June 2003 Hydrology manual. This includes the limitations as noted in Table 3-2, which restricts the initial overland times of concentration (To) based upon the Land Use / Density (% Impervious) and slope. For impervious areas (streets) the initial time of concentration are extremely short, ranging from 2.3 to 2.7 minutes (slopes 5% to 2% range). The remaining travel time is based upon the gutter length and average velocity. Velocity is based upon flow velocities estimated using the Gutter & Roadway Discharge Velocity Chart for curb and gutter, and a V shaped channel for the existing Apshalt Berm (6” Type “A” Asphalt Dike w/ 1:2 batter and the 2% street crossfall). The time of concentration is the sum of the overland flow and travel time in the gutter. 4.6 Peak Flow Rates Peak flow rates are estimated using the Rational Method (Q=CIA). Rainfall intensities are based upon the following formula; I = 7.44 P6 Tc-.645 Where; P6 is the adjusted 6-hour rainfall total (inches) for a given storm frequency. Tc is the time of concentration (minutes) at the design location in the drainage system. Note: When calculating intensity, the minimum Tc is 5 minutes. 5. Hydrology The Laurel Tree Lane pavement and sidewalk addition will increase both the total and impervious area tributary to the inlet east of the Aviara East site. The peak flow rates for the 100-year 6-hour storm are estimated as follows; EXISTING HYDROLOGY – LAUREL TREE LANE Basin Area (sf) Area (ac) % Impervious C C x A Tc (min) I100 (in/hr.) Q100 (cfs) E1 10,090 0.232 100 E2 5,491 0.126 0 Existing 15,581 0.358 64.8 0.66 0.236 5.0 7.11 1.68 D:\76582 Aviara Apts\13 Reports\Hydrology\East _ Laurel\Aviara East DRAINAGE REPORT, 2022-0429.docx Page 5 POST DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGY – LAUREL TREE LANE Basin Area (sf) Area (ac) % Impervious C C x A Tc (min) I100 (in/hr.) Q100 (cfs) E1 10,090 0.232 100 P1 8,712 0.200 100 Proposed 18,802 0.432 0.87 0.376 5.0 7.11 2.67 Existing 1.68 Increase 0.99 The above hydrology calculations show an increased peak flow rate from the Laurel Tree Lane widening and sidewalk addition to be 0.99 cfs. The proposed peak flow ignores the abstraction and potential mitigation by the tree wells. Detailed hydrology and hydraulic calculations are provided in Exhibit “A”. The remaining Aviara Parkway work areas will have limited increases in increases in 100-year peak flow rates due to limited increases in total impervious areas, summarized as follows; ID & Scope of Work P2 Remove & replace impervious areas (pedestrian ramps and cross gutter). P3 Reduce driveway width – replace with landscaping & walkway, P5 Replace paved median with road paving, P6 Add landscaping to existing pervious area – west side of Aviara Parkway. P4 Replace sidewalk with driveway paving. P7 Add sidewalk paving at curb return (Laurel Tree widening). P8 Temporary slope (Aviara East site from Laurel Tree Lane Widening). ID Discharge Location Area (sf) Impervious Change (sf) % Impervious C (Increase) C x A Peak Increase (cfs) P2 B: Aviara Gutter (West) - None P3 B: Aviara Gutter (West) - None P5 B: Aviara Gutter (West) - None P6 B: Aviara Gutter (West) - None P4 C: Aviara Gutter (East) - 200 0 to 100 0.67 0.026 0.022 P7 C: Aviara Gutter (East) - 176 0 to 100 0.67 0.014 0.019 P8 D: Existing Storm Drain 6,698 None Totals 376 .041 Notes: 1. Runoff increase based upon increase in imperviousness. 2. Due to the small area and dimension of the work areas, a 5-minute time of concentration was used to determine the Q100 peak runoff increase. D:\76582 Aviara Apts\13 Reports\Hydrology\East _ Laurel\Aviara East DRAINAGE REPORT, 2022-0429.docx Page 6 6. Proposed Inlet The street widening will require replacement of the existing asphalt spillway. A modified curb inlet will be used to intercept flows and direct runoff to the existing ditch. Inlet openings in sump conditions are estimated using a two cfs per lineal foot of opening per Carlsbad City Standards chapter 5.4.A (excerpt included in Appendix), which requires a minimum opening width of 2 foot. The proposed inlet is identical to a Type “B” curb inlet, which would require a 3 feet clear width to intercept the post development peak flow. The curb height is 6” with a 2” local depression. The outlet of the modified curb inlet is a rectangular concrete channel at 1% slope, which results in a discharge velocity of 3.55 fps, which is below 6-10 fps range. A rip rap energy dissipater with the smallest rock size (No 2 Backing ) has been specified. See Exhibit “A” for curb inlet and velocity calculations. 7. Conclusion The calculations show limited increase in the Laurel Tree Lane peak runoff, which occurs at the proposed curb inlet with rip-rap energy dissipater. The estimated increase is approximately 1 cfs in the event of an extremely short time rainfall event (time of concentration = 5 minutes), which decreases during longer duration events. Due to the limited change in impervious area, the Aviara Parkway improvements will result in negligible increases in peak runoff (a maximum of 0.04 cfs). The conversion of pervious areas to impervious surfaces, will naturally result in increased runoff volumes, which addressed by hydromodification mitigation detailed in the project SWMP. The project improvements will maintain the existing drainage patterns and avoid diversion. The Laurel Tree Lane and Aviara Parkway improvements are part of the Aviara Apartments West & East development sites, which hydromodification mitigation and attenuation of the 100- year peak runoff, resulting in minor reductions in peak discharge. In consideration of the above, the Laurel Tree Lane and Aviara Parkway project is expected to have minimal downstream impacts. Therefore, no additional flood control measures are necessary. D:\76582 Aviara Apts\13 Reports\Hydrology\East _ Laurel\Aviara East DRAINAGE REPORT, 2022-0429.docx APPENDIX References 1. Kennedy, MP., and Tan, SS., 2007, Geologic map of the Oceanside 30' by 60' quadrangle, California, regional geologic map series, scale 1:100,000, California Geologic Survey Map No. 2. 2. Kennedy, MP., and Tan, SS., 2005, Geologic map of the Oceanside 30' by 60' quadrangle, California, regional map series, scale 1:100,000, California Geologic Survey and United States Geological Survey, www.conservation.ca.gov/cgs/rghm/rgm/preliminary_geologic_maps.htm 3. Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluation 9.2 ACRES, APN 212-040-56-00, LAUREL TREE LANE AT AVIARA PARKWAY, CARLSBAD, SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA FOR SUMMERHILL HOMES, JULY 7, 2016. 4. County of San Diego Hydrology manual, 2002 Edition. D:\76582 Aviara Apts\13 Reports\Hydrology\East _ Laurel\Aviara East DRAINAGE REPORT, 2022-0429.docx EXHBIT A Calculations Hydrology Inlet Sizing Hydraulics LAUREL TREE LANE HYDROLOGYBASINLOCATIONIMPERVIOUSAREACC x ALoSoToLgSgVgTgTcI100Q100Discharge(%)(AC)(ac)(ft)(%)(min)(ft)(%)(fps)(min)(min)(in/hr)(cfs)LocationE1 LAUREL TREE LANE - EXISTING 100.0% 0.232 E2 LAUREL TREE LANE - EXISTING 0.0% 0.126 EXISTING100.0% 0.358 0.660 0.236 35 5.6% 1.38 472 2.3 2.24 3.51 4.89 7.11 1.68 ABASINLOCATIONIMPERVIOUSAREACC x ALoSoToLgSgVgTgTcI100Q100Discharge(%)(AC)(ac)(ft)(%)(min)(ft)(%)(fps)(min)(min)(in/hr)(cfs)LocationE1 LAUREL TREE LANE - EXISTING 100.0% 0.232 P3 LAUREL TREE LANE - ADD 100.0% 0.200 POST DEVELOPMENT100.0% 0.432 0.870 0.376 37 5.6% 1.42 468 2.3 3.2 2.44 3.86 7.11 2.67 ADifference0.074 0.139 2.0 -4.0 1.0 -1.1 (1.03) 0.99D:\76582 Aviara Apts\13 Reports\SWQMP\East _ Laurel\ProjectData-OFFSITE.xlsx Hydrology Curb Inlet Sizing - Laurel Tree Lane Q = 0.67 hL(2gd)^0.5 Orifice Option Q=2.67 cfs Curb Height 8.00 in Curb Opening Height (h)4.80 in Curb Opening Height (h)0.40 ft Curb Opening Length (L)3 ft Effective Depth (Do)0.188 ft g 32.17 fps/s Qcapacity 2.80 cfs Effective Depth d0= (y+a)-h/2 Sin(theta) y 3.36 depth of flow in adjacent gutter a 2 curb inlet depression (in) h/2 Sin(theta)3.1 in d0= 2.26 in d0= 0.188 ft Q = CwLwd^1.5 Weir Flow Q=2.72 cfs Cw 3.0 Lw (Opening)3 ft D (flow depth)0.45 ft Q required 2.671 Curb Height 8.00 in Curb Opening Height (h)4.80 in Curb Opening Height (h)0.40 ft Clear Opening Size Used 3 ft D:\76582 Aviara Apts\13 Reports\SWQMP\East _ Laurel\ProjectData-OFFSITE.xlsx Hydrology Range A85..I91 D:\76582 Aviara Apts\13 Reports\Hydrology\East _ Laurel\Aviara East DRAINAGE REPORT, 2022-0429.docx APPENDIX Websoil Survey County of San Diego Hydrology Manual Excerpts City of Carlsbad Standards PLANNING ENGINEERING SURVEYING 3990 Ruffin Road, Suite 120 San Diego, Ca. 92123 858-560-1141 858-560-8157 Fax BASIN LOCATION DESCRIPTION NET AREA NETAREA IMPERVIOUSPERVIOUS IMPERVIOUSDISCHARGE (SF)(AC)(SF)(SF)(%)LOCATION E1 LAUREL TREE LANE - EXISTING PAVING TO REMAIN 10,090 0.232 10,090 8,712 100.0%A E2 LAUREL TREE LANE - EXISTING PERVIOUS AREA BEHINDBERM 5,491 0.126 - 5,491 0.0%A TOTAL 15,581 0.358 10,090 14,203 64.8%A PLANNING ENGINEERING SURVEYING 3990 Ruffin Road, Suite 120 San Diego, Ca. 92123 858-560-1141 858-560-8157 Fax BASIN LOCATION DESCRIPTION NET AREA NET AREA IMPERVIOUSPERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS DISCHARGE (SF)(AC)(SF)(SF)(%)LOCATION P1 LAUREL TREE LANE STREET WIDENING 8,712 0.200 8,712 -100.0%A P2 AVIARA PKWY - MAIN DRWY WEST R&R RAMP & GUTTER - - - - -B P3 AVIARA PKWY - SECONDARY ENTRYWEST REDUCE DRWY / ADDWALK - - - - -B P5 AVIARA PKWY - MEDIAN RAISED MEDIAN TO PAVING - - - - -B P6 AVIARA PKWY - WEST ADD LANDSCAPING - - - - -B P4 AVIARA PKWY - DRWY ENTRY EAST ADD DRWY PAVING 200 0.005 200 -100.0%C P7 LAUREL TREE WIDENING @ RETURN ADD SIDEWALK 176 0.004 176 -100.0%C P8 AVIARA EAST - LAUREL TREE R/W SLOPE MODIFICATION 6,698 0.154 - 6,698 0.0%D - - E1 LAUREL TREE LANE - EXISTING PAVING TO REMAIN 10,090 0.232 10,090 -100.0%A