HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP 06-11B; PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL EXPANSION; ANCHOR RETAININ G WALL STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS; 2016-06-01'1 1%ed one engineering Inc Anchor Retaining Wall Structural Calculations for Pacific Ridge School - Parking Lot City of Carlsbad, California RECEIVED JUN 14 2016 LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINE ER. iNG June 1, 2016 W.O. #644-507 Prepared by: Matthew M. Merritt, P.E Red One Engineering, Inc. 1295 Distribution Way Vista, Ca 92081 Prepared for: Geogrid Retaining Wall Systems, Inc. 1295 Distribution Way Vista, Ca 92081 ied one engineering Inc June 1, 2016 W.O. #644-507 Geogrid Retaining Walls Inc. 1295 Distribution Way Vista, CA 92081 Attention: Mr. Mike Stevenson Subject: Anchor Retaining Wall Structural Calculations Pacific Ridge School - Parking Lot City of Carlsbad, California Please find enclosed the structural wall calculations for the Pacific Ridge School - Parking Lot Anchor retaining walls. The Anchor retaining walls were designed using the MSEW design software developed by Adama Engineering in accordance with AASHTO/FHWA allowable stress design methodology. The retaining walls have been designed for internal and external wall stability only. Th_GeQtehnLcaL ngioeer..pieLcord shall confirm site global stability. The General contractor/developer shall coordinate the installation of all subterranean construction within the reinforced zone of the Anchor walls. Red One Engineering, Inc. shall be consulted prior to any excavation within the reinforced zone. All efforts shall be made to coordinate the installation of subterranean features during wall construction to limit future disturbance of the geogrid reinforcement. Anchor Retaining Wall Systems are active systems and may exhibit slight movement or creep over time as the geogrid reinforcement elongate to develop full tensile resistance. The owner should be aware that structures and pavement placed within the reinforced or retained zones of the wall may undergo movement that can lead to surface cracking. It is recommended that the compacted soil in the reinforced and retained zones be allowed to consolidate for a time up to 45 days to allow for the elongation of the geogrid reinforcement. This will allow for any slight movement or creep to occur before placement of structures or pavement on top of the fill and further mitigate the possibility of surface cracking. It is also recommended a maintenance program be implemented by the property owner to monitor and repair any cracking in the finished surface above the Anchor retaining wall to prevent water infiltration and hydrostatic pressures. Soil design parameters are based upon the Limited Geotechnical Investigation by Leighton and Associates, Inc. dated Apri18 , 2016. All soil design parameters shall be confirmed by the geotechnical engineer prior to the commencement of 1295 distribution way, vista, california 92081 phone 760.410.1665 facsimile 760.509.0078 maft@red1engineedng.com construction. The owner shall provide a special inspector, approved by the City of Carlsbad, to observe the wall installation to satisfy the special inspection requirements as noted on the Title Sheet and Notes of the Anchor Retaining Wall Plans. Please contact the undersigned with any questions regarding the Anchor Retaining Wall Structural Calculations or the Anchor Retaining Wall Plans. Sincerely, Red One Engineering, Inc. Matthew M. Merritt RCE #68429 1295 distribution way, vista, california 92081 phone 760.410.1665 facsimile 760.509.0078 mattred lengineering .corn .7 $ ABBREVIATIONS: f = soil internal friction angle c = soil cohesion value g = soil unit weight in pounds per cubic foot Tuit = ultimate tensile strength RFcr = creep reduction factor RFd = durability reduction factor RF d = installation damage reduction factor LTDS = long term design strength FS = factor of safety Tai = allowable tension T1 = peak connection tension TSC = serviceability connection tension Ci = pullout soil interaction coefficient CdS = direct shear soil interaction Coefficient LEVEL BACKFILL WITH 250 PSF TRAFFIC SURCHARGE MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Present Daidrun: Wed Jun 01 (#fr.43:16 2016 R:I Active pmjectsWaciti Ridge School Parting LoACatublinnsW=I0' LEVELBEN It AASHTO 2002 ASD DESIGN METHOD PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL MSEW(3.0): Uvdate # 14.93 Title: PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Project Number: 644-507 Client: GEOGRID RWS, INC. Designer: MMM Station Number: Description: H=10', LEVEL BACKFILL WITH TRAFFIC SURCHARGE, ANCHOR VERTICA BLOCK, MIRAFI GEOGRID Company's information: Name: Red One Engineering Street: 1295 Distribution Way Vista, CA 92081 Telephone #: 760-410-1665 Fax #: 760-509-0078 E-Mail: rnatt@redlengineering.com Original file path and name: R:\l Active projects'¼Pacific Ridge School Parking Lot\C ..... ions\H=10 LEVEL.BEN Original date and time of creating this file: 6/1/16 PROGRAM MODE: ANALYSIS of a SIMPLE STRUCTURE using GEOGRID as reinforcing material. PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Page ! of 10 Cooviight 0 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering. Inc. License number MSEW-301738 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Pieseni Datefrm: Wed Jun 0110:43:19 2016 - R:I Active prnctcPaifn Ridge School Parking Lot ubtionsiN-lO LEVELBEN SOIL DATA REINFORCED SOIL Unit weight, Y 128.0 lb/ft3 Design value of internal angle of friction, • 28.0 RETAINED SOIL Unit weight, If 125.0 lb/ft Design value of internal angle of friction, $ 28.0 FOUNDATION SOIL (Considered as an equivalent uniform soil) Equivalent unit weight, Ifeui,. 125.0 lb/ft 3 Equivalent internal angle of friction, 28.0 Equivalent cohesion, c qui,. 0.0 lb/ft2 Water table does not affect bearing capacity LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS Ka (internal stability) = 0.3610 (if batter is less than 10°, Ka is calculated from eq. 15. Otherwise, eq. 38 is utilized) Inclination of internal slip plane, i = 59.00° (see Fig. 28 in DEMO 82). Ka (external stability) = 0.3610 (if batter is less than 10°, Ka is calculated from eq. 16. Otherwise, eq. 17 is utilized) BEARING CAPACITY Bearing capacity coefficients (calculated by MSEW): Nc = 25.80 N 'y= 16.72 SEISMICITY Maximum ground acceleration coefficient, A = 0.290 Design acceleration coefficient in Internal Stability: Kb = Am = 0.336 Design acceleration coefficient in External Stability: Kh_d = 0.145 => Kh = Am = 0.145 (Kh in External Stability is based on allowable displacement, d = 75 mm. using FHWA-NHI-00-043 equation) Kae ( Kb >0) = 0.4478 Kae ( Kh =0) = 0.3478 A Kae =0.1000 Seismic soil-geogrid friction coefficient, F* is 80.0% of its specified static value. PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Page 2 of JO Copyright © 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-301738 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Proem Daidrm Wed Jun (11 (9:43: 19 2016 R:\I Active prnjeet.Wxif kidgeSch,rnl Riztin uIai60nH=I0 LEVELBEN ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Static conditions) Bearing capacity, Fs = 3.35, Meyerhof stress = 1929 lb/ft'. r,,.n,lut,,s,, mt flir't l,lrn, 1P. - 1 II - A 120A - 2 AA GEOGRID CONNECTION Fs-overall Fs-overall Geogrid Pullout Direct Eccentricity Product # Elevation Length Type [connection [geogrid strength resistance sliding e/L name [ft] [ft] # strength] strength] Fs Fs Fs 1 0.67 8.00 3 1.84 4.08 4.076 9.585 1.773 0.1239 Mirafi 8XT 2 2.67 8.00 3 1.67 4.08 4.076 6.413 2.096 0.0832 Mirafi 8XT 3 4.67 8.00 3 1.92. 5.20 5.195 4.907 2.556 0.0503 Mirafi 8XT 4 6.67 8.00 1 1.87 - 3.39 3.387 3.334 3.268 0.0251 Mirafi 3XT 5 8.67 10.00 1 2.50 4.93 4.927 2.333 5.646 0.0046 Mirafi 3XT ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Seismic conditions) Bearing capacity, Fs = 2.31, Meyerhof stress = 2325 lb/ft2. Fniinrhitinn interfnrp flirpi't clitlino Pc = 1 '7'7fl Prrentriritu eli = A 17R Pcnvertiirnina = ' GEOGRID CONNECTION Fs-overall Fs-overall Geogrid Pullout Direct Eccentricity Product # Elevation Length Type [connection [geogrid strength resistance sliding e/L name [ft] [ft] # strength] strength] Fs Fs Fs 1 0.67 8.00 3 1.35 3.30 3.300 5.573 1.291 0.1921 Mirafi 8XT 2 2.67 8.00 3 1.25 3.40 3.396 3.886 1.557 0.1251 Mirati 8XT 3 4.67 8.00 3 1.44 4.29 4.292 2.936 1.959 0.0724 Mirafi 8XT 4 6.67 8.00 1 1.35 2.76 2.756 1.952 2.630 0.0337 Mirafi 3XT 5 8.67 10.00 1 1.70 3.52 3.516 1.137 4.982 0.0055 Mirafi 3XT PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Page 6 of 10 Copyright 0 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-301738 MSEW - Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL' Preeiw DateITin: Wed Jun 01 09.43:IK 2016 R:I Active projeosUlicific Rkie school Parking ulaiion%H=llr LEVELBEN DIRECT SLIDING for GIVEN LAYOUT (for GEOGRID reinforcements) Along reinforced and foundation soils interface: Fs-static = 1.686 and Fs-seismic = 1.220 # Geogrid Geogrid Fs Fs Geogrid Elevation Length Static Seismic Type # Product name [ft] IN 1 0.67 8.00 1.773 1.291 3 Mirafi 8XT 2 2.67 8.00 2.096 1.557 3 Mirafi 8XT 3 4.67 8.00 2.556 1.959 3 Mirafi 8XT 4 6.67 8.00 3.268 2.630 1 Mirafi 3XT 5 8.67 10.00 5.646 4.982 1 Mirafi 3XT ECCENTRICITY for GIVEN LAYOUT At interface with foundation: e/L static = 0.1394, e/L seismic = 0.2178; Overturning: Fs-static = 3.40, Fs-seismic = 2.23 # Geogrid Geogrid e /L e / L Geogrid Elevation Length Static Seismic Type # Product name [ft] [ft] 1 0.67 8.00 0.1239 0.1921 3 Mirafi 8XT 2 2.67 8.00 0.0832 0.1251 3 Mirafi 8XT 3 4.67 8.00 0.0503 0.0724 3 Mirafi 8XT 4 6.67 8.00 0.0251 0.0337 1 Mirafi 3XT 5 8.67 10.00 0.0046 0.0055 1 Mirafi 3XT PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Page 8 of 10 Copyright 0 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSE MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Prein Daidrm Wed Joe 01 09:43:1* 2016 R:l Acthe prujecisWicilic Ridge School Pirting LotCkubikoiiH.l0 LEVELBIN n.ansaonv,.,-vJ.ozwa..uwn,fl.a. RESULTS for STRENGTH Live Load included in calculating Tmax # Geogrid Tavailable Tmax Tmd Specified Actual Specified Actual Elevation [lb/ft] [lb/ft] [lb/ft] minimum calculated minimum calculated Product IN Fs-overall Fs-overall Fs-overall Fs-overall name static static seismic seismic 1 0.67 3497 858.04 322.58 N/A 4.076 N/A 3.300 Mirafi 8XT 2 2.67 3497 857.99 274.67 N/A 4.076 N/A 3.396 Mirafi 8XT 3 4.67 3497 673.14 226.75 N/A 5.195 N/A 4.292 Mirafi 8XT 4 6.67 1654 488.29 178.84 N/A 3.387 N/A 2.756 Mirafi 3XT 5 8.67 1654 335.74 215.59 N/A 4.927 N/A . 3.516 Mirafi 3XT RESULTS for PULLOUT Live Load included in calculating Tmax NOTE: Live load is not included in calculating the overburden pressure used to assess pullout resistance. # Geogrid Coverage Tmax Tmd Le La Avail.Static Specified Actual Avail.Seism. Specified Actual Elevation Ratio [lb/ft] [lb/ft] [ft] [ft] Pullout, Pr Static Static Pullout, Pr Seismic Seismic [11] (see NOTE) [lb/ft] Fs Fs [lb/ft] Fs Fs 1 0.67 1.000 858.0 322.6 7.62 0.38 8224.3 N/A 9.585 6579.4 N/A 5.573 2 2.67 1.000 858.0 274.7 6.49 1.51 5501.9 N/A 6.413 4401.5 N/A 3.886 3 4.67 1.000 673.1 226.8 5.36 2.64 3303.1 N/A 4.907 2642.5 N/A 2.936 4 6.67 1.000 488.3 178.8 4.23 3.77 1627.8 N/A 3.334 1302.2 N/A 1.952 5 8.67 1.000 335.7 215.6 5.09 4.91 783.3 N/A 2.333 626.7 N/A 1.137 PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Page 9 of 10 Copyright ©I998-2O13ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-301738 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Preem D2ie1Th: Wed Jun 01 09:43:182016 2016 R:I Active p.ctsWudIic Ridge School Parking LoiCokubiioncHl(T LEVELBEN ,,.na,,o,s. flfl7•flI4Mflv•M1t% V,I.,.tw%JtLS %UMtWVIIM1Lflfl$iL RESULTS for CONNECTION (static conditions) **** Important: Hinge height concept is ignored. Live Load included in calculating Tmax # Geogrid Connection Reduction Reduction Available Available Fs-overall Fs-overall Elevation force, To factor for factor for connection Geogrid connection Geogrid Product IftJ (IbMJ connection connection strength strength, strength strength name (short-term (10ng4erm Tavailable strength) strength) Vb/ftl Specified Actual Specified Actual CRult CRcr Oblft) 1 .0.67 858 1.00 0.25 1582 3497 N/A 1.84 N/A 4.08 Mirafi 8XT 2 2.67 858 1.00 0.22 1436 3497 N/A 1.67 N/A 4.08 Mirafi 8XT 3 4.67 673 1.00 0.20 1290 3497 N/A 1.92 N/A 5.20 Mirafi 8XT 4 6.67 488 1.00 0.30 913 1654 N/A 1.87 N/A 3.39 Mirafi 3XT 5 8.67 336 1.00 0.28 840 1654 N/A 2.50 N/A 4.93 Mirafi 3XT RESULTS for CONNECTION (seismic conditions) ****** Important: Hinge height concept is ignored. S***** Live Load included in calculating Tmax # Geogrid Connection Reduction Reduction Available Available Fs-overall Fs-overall Elevation force, To factor for factor for connection Geogrid connection Geogrfd Product (ftj [IWftJ connection connection strength strength, strength strength name (shod-term ong4erm Tavailable strength) strength) [lb/ft) Specified Actual Specified Actual CRult CRcr llb/fli 1 0.67 1181 1.00 0.20 1266 3497 N/A 1.35 N/A 3.30 Mirafi 8XT 2 2.67 1133 1.00 0.18 1149 3497 N/A 1.25 N/A 3.40 Mirafi 8XT 3 4.67 900 1.00 0.16 1032 3497 N/A 1.44 N/A 4.29 Mirafi 8XT 4 6.67 667 1.00 0.24 730 1654 N/A 1.35 N/A 2.76 Mirafi 3XT 5 8.67 551 1.00 0.22 672 1654 N/A 1.70 N/A 3.52 Mirafi 3XT PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Page 10 of 10 Copyright 0 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-30 1738 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Present DuefTin: Wed Jun 01 (#.4I:53 2016 R:l Active pni*l.%V acific Ridpe Schuol Patting iionsH=lf LEVELBEN AASHTO 2002 ASD DESIGN METHOD PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL MSEW(3.0): Undate # 14.93 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION Title: PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Project Number: 644-507 Client: GEOGRID RWS, INC. Designer: MMM Station Number: Description: H=8', LEVEL BACKFILL WITH TRAFFIC SURCHARGE, ANCHOR VERTICA BLOCK, MIRAFI GEOGRID Company's information: Name: Red One Engineering Street: 1295 Distribution Way Vista, CA 92081 Telephone #: 760-410-1665 Fax #: 760-509-0078 E-Mail: matt@redlengineering.com Original file path and name: R:\1 Active projects\Pacific Ridge School Parking Lot\C ..... tions\H=8' LEVEL.BEN Original date and time of creating this file: 5/13/16 PROGRAM MODE: ANALYSIS of a SIMPLE STRUCTURE using GEOGRID as reinforcing material. PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Page 1 of 10 Coovnght 0 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-301738 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Present Dateflime: Wed Jun 0109:41:53 2016 R:l Active pmjectsPxifuc Ridge School Ptuthig CauIations\H.6' LEVELBEN ,33flt%flgaw,J,M,&. %34Sfl %ZtWfl T7OMflTJIWfl %OWflSIfl s,oen%*,,Mn,a,na. Vj.Wt%ttS,jIWVwfl,VutWvflI&s,,o SOIL DATA REINFORCED SOIL Unit weight, 'y 128.0 lb/ft Design value of internal angle of friction, • 28.0 RETAINED SOIL Unit weight, 'y 125.0 lb/ft Design value of internal angle of friction, 4 28.0 FOUNDATION SOIL (Considered as an equivalent uniform soil) Equivalent unit weight, yeQuiv. 125.0 lb/ft 3 Equivalent internal angle of friction, 4w,,,. 28.0 Equivalent cohesion, c equiv. 0.0 lb/ft 2 Water table does not affect bearing capacity LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS Ka (internal stability) = 0.3610 (if batter is less than 10°, Ka is calculated from eq. 15. Otherwise, eq. 38 is utilized) Inclination of internal slip plane, r= 59.000 (see Fig. 28 in DEMO 82). Ka (external stability) = 0.3610 (if batter is less than 10°, Ka is calculated from eq. 16. Otherwise, eq. 17 is utilized) BEARING CAPACITY Bearing capacity coefficients (calculated by MSEW): Nc = 25.80 . N y= 16.72 SEISMICITY Maximum ground acceleration coefficient, A = 0.290 Design acceleration coefficient in Internal Stability: Kb = Am = 0.336 Design acceleration coefficient in External Stability: Kh_d = 0.145 => Kb = Am = 0.145 ('Xli in External Stability is based on allowable displacement, d = 75 mm. using FHWA-NHI-00-043 equation) Kae ( Kh > 0 ) = 0.4478 Kae(Kh=0) =0.3478 A Kae0.1000 Seismic soil-geogrid friction coefficient, P is 80.0% of its specified static value. ,Uflfl.fl,afljflfl,,..,fl,flaw,,,wV,omfl. vnrvJo ,oaw,nnw,,.w, ,.w,ny,anmzw,1,Iew,Iow%nn. PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Page 2 of 10 Copyright 0 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-301738 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL P,eiu DiledTm: Wed Jun 01 09:4153 2016 R:\l Active projectAftific Rkle School Puthi k,nsH- LEVELBEN a*sa1w,.sMwsnLs,sawsosawv,otss',.wav*,.wsr..,.sg, V2*MiLW%3OW3&SV$haW% 31WW% IIfl%5*MMflJSNflVQMVW%Ifl1flV3flrn %3tWWJjW&%YJh.___ ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Static conditions) Bearing capacity, Fs = 3.79, Meyerhof stress = 1550 lb/ft2. - i ii.& ii - n IT71 2 1' GEOGRID CONNECTION Fs-overall Fs-overall Geogrid Pullout Direct Eccentricity Product # Elevation Length Type [connection [geogrid strength resistance sliding e/L name IN [ft] # strength] strength] Fs Fs Fs 1 0.67 7.00 3 2.04 4.97 4.970 7.978 1.829 0.1103 Mirafi 8XT 2 2.67 7.00 3 1.92 5.20 5.195 5.027 2.233 0.0668 Mirafi 8XT 3 4.67 7.00 1 1.87 3.39 3.387 3.436 2.856 0.0334 Mirafi 3XT 4 6.67 9.00 1 2.50 4.93 4.927 2.395 5.080 0.0058 Mirafi 3XT ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Seismic conditions) Bearing capacity, Fs = 2.86, Meyerhof stress = 1784 lb/ft2. niini'Iutirnn inip f,wp flit di1.na Pc 1 T71 Pi.'pntr-tu P11 A 10 Pc.jw,i,irnina ' GEOGRID CONNECTION Fs-overall Fs-overall Geogrid Pullout Direct Eccentricity Product # Elevation Length Type [connection [geognd strength resistance sliding e/L name IN [ft] # strength] strength] Fs Fs Fs 1 0.67 7.00 3 1.52 4.10 4.103 4.770 1.360 0.1651 Mirafi 8XT 2 2.67 7.00 3 1.45 4.39 4.391 3.110 1.711 0.0956 Mirafi 8XT 3 4.67 7.00 1 1.36 2.82 2.822 2.081 2.299 0.0446 Mirafi 3XT 4 6.67 9.00 1 1.73 3.65 3.650 1.229 4.482 0.0069 Mirafi 3XT PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Page 6 of 10 Copyright 0 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. license number MSEW-301738 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Preem DaiefTin: Wed Jun (II 09.41:53 2016 R:U Atve pmjwsNPjdfic Ridge School Parking bxV0j1cuLdhinSNH=w LEVELBEN DIRECT SLIDING for GIVEN LAYOUT (for GEOGRID reinforcements) Along reinforced and foundation soils interface: Fs-static = 1.724 and Fs-seismic = 1.272 # Geogrid Geogrid Fs Fs Geogrid Elevation Length Static Seismic Type # ' Product name [fi] [ft) 1 0.67 7.00 1.829 1.360 3 Mirafi 8XT 2 2.67 7.00 2.233 1.711 3 Mirafi 8XT 3 4.67 7.00 2.856 2.299 1 Mirafi 3XT 4 6.67 9.00 5.080 4.482 1 Mirafi 3XT ECCENTRICITY for GIVEN LAYOUT At interface with foundation: e/L static = 0.1271, e/L seismic =0.1926; Overturning: Fs-static = 3.72, Fs-seismic = 2.52 # Geogrid Geogrid e / L e / L Geogrid Elevation Length Static Seismic Type # Product name [ft] [ft] 1 0.67 7.00 0.1103 0.165 1 3 Mirafi 8XT 2 2.67 7.00 0.0668 0.0956 3 Mirafi 8XT 3 4.67 7.00 0.0334 0.0446 1 Mirafi 3XT 4 6.67 9.00 0.0058 0.0069 . I Mirafi 3XT PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Page 8 of 10 Copyright 0 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-301738 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL P,eeiw Da*eflime: Wed Jun 01 09:4134 2016 'nmn %L¼)Ofl fl fl(WflMfl*$flV.flMflI.JZ&flJfltS %nww*,,e.wns0un,,,si.tv,.unv,oww%,,uuv,,.n,av,,n-%,,Kn-,,.nws,oaws,.___ R:l Active projw.Madfic Ridge School Puting CIubnedH=li LEVELBEN RESULTS for STRENGTH Live Load included in calculating Tmax # Geogrid Tavailable Tmax Tmd Specified Actual Specified Actual Elevation [lb/ft] [lb/ft] [lb/ft] minimum calculated minimum calculated Product [ft] Fs-overall Fs-overall Fs-overall Fs-overall name static static seismic seismic 1 0.67 3497 703.69 238.01 N/A 4.970 N/A 4.103 Mirafi 8XT 2 2.67 3497 673.14 197.32 N/A 5.195 N/A 4.391 Mirafi 8XT 3 4.67 1654 488.29 156.63 N/A 3.387. N/A 2.822 Mirafi 3XT 4 6.67 1654 335.74 187.84 N/A 4.927 N/A 3.650 Mirafi 3XT RESULTS for PULLOUT Live Load included in calculating Tmax NOTE: Live load is not included in calculating the overburden pressure used to assess pullout resistance. # Geogrid Coverage Tmax Tmd Le La Avail.Static Specified Actual Avail.Seism. Specified Actual Elevation Ratio [lb/ft] [lb/ft] [ft] [ft] Pullout, Pr Static Static Pullout, Pr Seismic Seismic IN (see NOTE) [lb/ft] Fs Fs [lb/ft] Fs Fs 1 0.67 1.000 703.7 238.0 6.62 0.38 5614.3 N/A 7.978 4491.4 N/A 4.770 2 2.67 1.000 673.1 197.3 5.49 1.51 3384.0 N/A 5.027 2707.2 N/A 3.110 3. 4.67 1.000 488.3 156.6 4.36 2.64 1677.9 N/A 3.436 1342.3 N/A 2.081 4 6.67 1.000 335.7 187.8 5.23 3.77 804.0 N/A 2.395 643.2 - N/A 1.229 PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Page 9 of 10 Copyright © 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-301738 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Present Daieffln: Wed Jun 01 09:41:54 2016 R:I Active prncv,Wxitic RkIe School Parking LoiI jki1ionsH=W L.EVELBEN Lwaw,b,.u,aJ.xuw,JuIwI.atynuas,,oa.-,.._,.wsw,..,.w. Sti.IItw% SsN%ws*InLw ,ILw, ,uu.20aw,nwr,,,&w,,awv...unvntwy.g.Jng. ,,.___ RESULTS for CONNECTION (static conditions) ****** Important: Hinge height concept is ignored. ****** Live Load included in calculating Tmax # Geogrid Connection Reduction Reduction Available Available Fs-overall I's-overall Elevation force, To factor for factor for connection Geogrid connection Geogrid Product [tt] (lb/fl] connection connection strength strength, strength strength name (short-term (long-term Tavailable strength) strength) (b/tt) Specified Actual Specified Actual CRult CRor Llb!ft] 1 0.67 704 1.00 0.22 1436 3497 N/A 2.04 N/A 4.97 Mirafi 8XT 2 2.67 673 1.00 0.20 1290 3497 N/A 1.92 N/A 5.20 Mirafi 8XT 3 4.67 488 1.00 0.30 913 1654 N/A 1.87 N/A 339 Mirafi 3XT 4. 6.67 336 1.00 0.28 840 1654 N/A 2.50 N/A 4.93 Mirafi 3XT RESULTS for CONNECTION (seismic conditions) ****** Important: Hinge height concept is ignored. ****** Live Load included in calculating Tmax # Geogrid Connection Reduction Reduction Available Available I's-overall I's-overall Elevation force, To factor for factor for connection Geognd connection Geogrid Product [ft] Liblft) connection connection strength strength, strength strength name (short-term (long-term Tavailable strength) strength) [lb/It] Specified Actual Specified Actual CRult CR (lb/fl) 1 0.67 942 1.00 0.18 1149 3497 N/A 1.52 N/A 4.10 Mirafi 8XT 2 2.67 870 1.00 0.16 1032 3497 N/A 1.45 N/A 4.39 Mirafi 8XT 3 4.67 645 1.00 0.24 730 1654 N/A 1.36 N/A 2.82 Mirafi 3XT 4 6.67 524 1.00 0.22 672 1654 N/A 1.73 N/A 3.65 Mirafi 3XT PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL . Page 10 of 10 Copyright 0 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-301738 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Prceni Daiefrun: Fri May13 11:27:122016 R:l Active projec*sPacif.c Rid'e School Paztin iions'H.6 LEVELBEN AASHTO 2002 ASD DESIGN METHOD PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL MSEW(3.0): Undate # 14.93 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION Title: PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Project Number: 644-507 Client: GEOGRID RWS, INC. Designer: MMM Station Number: Description: H=6', LEVEL BACKFILL WITH TRAFFIC SURCHARGE, ANCHOR VERTICA BLOCK, MIRAFI GEOGRID Conipany's information: Name: Red One Engineering Street: 1295 Distribution Way Vista, CA 92081 Telephone #: 760410-1665 Fax #: 760-509-0078 E-Mail: matt@redlengineering.com Original file path and name: R:\l Active projects\Pacific Ridge School Parking L.ot\C ..... tions\H=6' LEVEL.BEN Original date and time of creating this file: 5/13/16 PROGRAM MODE: ANALYSIS of a SIMPLE STRUCTURE using GEOGRID as reinforcing material. PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Page 1 of 10 Copyright © 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-301 738 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Present Daidrin: Fri May 13 11:27:122016 R:I Active pmjectsTwific RkJeScIkwI z$i uHLEVELBEN nl.aw%,o,&.,,n. %JIN*LWVJIW1WV1.JIW3___ SOIL DATA REINFORCED SOIL Unit weight, y 128.0 lb/ft 3 Design value of internal angle of friction, 4 28.0 RETAINED SOIL Unit weight, y 125.0 lb/ft Design value of internal angle of friction, $ 28.0 FOUNDATION SOIL (Considered as an equivalent uniform soil) Equivalent unit weight, Yjv. 125.0 lb/ft 3 Equivalent internal angle of friction, $iv. 28.0 Equivalent cohesion, c Iv. 0.0 lb/ft 2 Water table does not affect bearing capacity LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS Ka (internal stability) = 0.3610 (if batter is less than 10°, Ka is calculated from eq. 15. Otherwise, eq. 38 is utilized) Inclination of internal slip plane, V= 59.00° (see Fig. 28 in DEMO 82). Ka (external stability) = 0.3610 (if batter is less than 10°, Ka is calculated from eq. 16. Otherwise, eq. 17 is utilized) BEARING CAPACITY Bearing capacity coefficients (calculated by MSEW): Nc = 25.80 N 'y= 16.72 SEISMICITY Maximum ground acceleration coefficient, A = 0.290 Design acceleration coefficient in Internal Stability: Kh = Am = 0.336 Design acceleration coefficient in External Stability: Kh_d = 0.145 => Kh = Am = 0.145 (Kh in External Stability is based on allowable displacement, d = 75 mm. using FHWA-NHI4)0-043 equation) Kae ( Kh > 0 ) = 0.4478 Kae(Kh=0) =0.3478 A Kae=0.1000 Seismic soil-geogrid friction coefficient, F* is 80.0% of its specified static value. PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Page 2 of 10 Copyright ©i9983ADA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-3OI738 -p. MSEW - Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Pvseut I)jieffln: Fri May I3 II27:I2 2016 R:I A4.live pmjevt%Wxific Rkigeschool ParImg 1cn,H=6LEVELBEN ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Static conditions) Bearing capacity, Fs = 4.45, Meyerhof stress = 1185 lb/ft2. n... 1:A;.,., r.. - 1 T7Q .n - n ii M v.. - A 13C GEOGRID CONNECTION Fs-overall Fs-overall Geogrid Pullout Direct Eccentricity Product # Elevation Length Type [connection [geogrid strength resistance sliding e/L name [ft] [ft] # strength] strength] Fs Fs Fs 1 0.67 6.00 1 1.79 3.01 3.011 6.308 1.910 0.0924 Mirafi 3XT 2 2.67 6.00 1 1.87 3.39 3.387 3.542 2.445 0.0464 Mirafi 3XT 3 4.67 8.00 1 2.50 4.93 4.927 2.455 4.514 0.0075 Mirafi 3XT ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Seismic conditions) I Bearing capacity, Fs = 3.68, Meyerhof stress = 1302 lb/ft2. 1Zmne1t,.m 1ntD,frø• flirpg-t el,lnp, V. - 1 2A1 It - A I KM Vimnnp, - 2 flfl GEOGRID CONNECTION Fs-overall Fs-overall Geogrid Pullout Direct Eccentricity Product # Elevation Length Type [connection [geogrid strength resistance sliding e/L name [ft] [ft] # strength] strength] Fs Fs Fs 1 0.67 6.00 1 1.31 2.55 2.549 3.912 1.463 0.1318 Mirafi 3XT 2 2.67 6.00 1 1.39 2.91 2.913 2.247 1.968 0.0617 Mirafi 3XT 3 4.67 8.00 1 1.78 3.84 3.840 1.352 3.983 0.0089 Mirafi 3XT PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Page 6 of 10 Copyright © 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-301738 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Present uefrime: Fil May 17 11:27:12 2016 R:l Aaivc projcc*swacir.c Ridge School Parking t kii inH6 LEVELBEN %3WLW*3tMU%flMjflVISL %sNns VaIIM1CtVJI t*VrflW*,.MV.J,r&W3W% flaw. ,.mLtte2QMJWS3SMW%flfl,fl %U,flw%UMuwvJSNaVrINtwV.J,wovsl,O DIRECT SLIDING for GIVEN LAYOUT (for GEOGRID reinforcements) Along reinforced and foundation soils interface: Fs-static = 1.778 and Fs-seismic = 1.347 # Geogrid Geogrid Fs Fs Geogrid Elevation Length Static Seismic Type # Product name IN [ft] 1 0.67 6.00 1.910 1.463 1 Mirafi 3XT 2 2.67 6.00 2.445 1.968 1 Mirafi 3XT 3 4.67 8.00 4.514 - 3.983 1 Mirafi 3XT ECCENTRICITY for GIVEN LAYOUT At interface with foundation: e/L static = 0. 1109, e/L seismic = 0.1609; Overturning: Fs-static = 4.25, Fs-seismic = 3.00 # Geogrid Geogrid e / L e / L Geogrid Elevation Length Static Seismic Type # Product name [ft] [ft] 1. 0.67 6.00 0.0924 0.1318 1 Mirafi 3XT 2 2.67 6.00 0.0464 0.0617 1 Mirafi 3XT 3 4.67 8.00 0.0075 0.0089 1 Mirafi 3XT PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Page 8 of 10 Copyright Cl 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-301738 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Pienr jteJTin: Fri May 13 11:27:12 2016 R:I Active projecisiPacifre RkircSchouI Parting k,nlH6 LEVELBEN RESULTS for STRENGTH Live Load included in calculating Tmax # Geogrid Tavailable Tmax Tmd Specified Actual Specified Actual Elevation [lb/ft] [lb/ft] [lb/ft] minimum calculated minimum calculated Product IN Fs-overall Fs-overall Fs-overall Fs-overall name static static seismic seismic 1 0.67 1654 549.34 159.40 N/A 3.011 N/A 2.549 Mirafi 3XT 2 2.67 1654 488.29 127.30 N/A 3.387 N/A 2.913 Mirafi 3XT 3 4.67 1654 335.74 151.92 N/A 4.927 N/A 3.840 Mirafi 3XT RESULTS for PULLOUT Live Load included in calculating Tmax NOTE: Live load is not included in calculating the overburden pressure used to assess pullout resistance. # Geogrid Coverage Tmax Tmd Le La Avail.Static Specified Actual Avail.Seism. Specified Actual Elevation Ratio [lb/ft] Pb/ft] [ft] [ft] Pullout, Pr Static Static Pullout, Pr Seismic Seismic [ft] (see NOTE) [lb/ft] Fs Fs [lb/ft] Fs Fs 1 0.67 1.000 549.3 159.4 5.62 0.38 3465.4 N/A 6.308 2772.3 N/A 3.912 2 2.67 1.000 488.3 127.3 4.49 1.51 1729.4 N/A 3.542 1383.5 N/A 2.247 3 4.67 1.000 335.7 151.9 5.36 2.64 824.3 N/A 2.455 659.5 N/A 1.352 ,IWIflLW,,.flVa,.t.,J•LWIflLWT,,WYUMU.,Ufl.YJDfltVUflWVfl PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Page 9 of JO Copyright © 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-301738 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Pvesem Dudrm Fri May 13 11:27:12 2016 R:I ALlive projccisWacit.c Ridge School P3II(U15 Lot utaikrnsH=6 LEVELBEN J.ta,OaVJhwWv3IuWIIwwVnMSw%flaw,3•wnTn,GtsT_.Mann %IWTIhl6L %..$.1. %I.MnIIS%a%JIILWSUwutilmLtY3IMflVJ.MflflHflvfl__ RESULTS for CONNECTION (static conditions) **** Important: Hinge height concept is ignored. *** Live Load included in calculating Tmax # Geogrid Connection Reduction Reduction Available Available Fs-overall Fs-overall Elevation force, To factor for factor for connection Geogrid connection Geogrid Product (It) [lb/fl] connection connection strength strength, strength strength name (short-term (long-term Tavailable strength) strength) [lb/It] Specified Actual Specified Actual CRult CRcr (b/It] 1 0.67 549 1.00 0.32 985 1654 N/A 1.79 N/A 3.01 Mirafi 3XT 2 2.67 488 1.00 0.30 913 1654 N/A 1.87 N/A 3.39 Mirafi 3XT 3 4.67 336 1.00 0.28 840 1654 N/A 2.50 N/A 4.93 Mirafi 3XT RESULTS for CONNECTION (seismic conditions) Important: Hinge height concept is ignored. ****** Live Load included in calculating Tmax # Geogrid Connection Reduction Reduction Available Available Fs-overal Fs-overall Elevation force, To factor for factor for connection Geogrid connection Geogrid Product (It) [lb/fl) connection connection strength strength, strength strength name (short-term (long-term Tavailable strength) strength) (lb/It) Specified Actual Specified Actual CRult CRcr [lb/fl] 1 0.67 709 1.00 0.26 788 1654 N/A 1.31 N/A 2.55 Mirafi 3XT 2 2.67 616 1.00 0.24 730 1654 N/A 1.39 N/A 2.91 Mirafi 3XT 3 4.67 488 1.00 0.22 672 1654 N/A 1.78 N/A 3.84 Mirafi 3XT PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Page 10 of 10 Copyright 0 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-301738 - MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Presm Daierraw FriMayl3 11:27:49 2016 R:l Active pmjeoo,Pacifuc Rhige School Parküig Loi\CajLnionsH=4 LEVELB€N AASHTO 2002 ASD DESIGN METHOD PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL MSEW(3.0: Uodate # 14.93 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION Title: PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Project Number: 644-507 Client: GEOGRID RWS, INC. Designer: MMM Station Number Description: H=4', LEVEL BACKFILL WITH TRAFFIC SURCHARGE, ANCHOR VERTICA BLOCK, MIRAFI GEOGRID Company's information: Name: Red One Engineering Street: 1295 Distribution Way Vista, CA 92081 Telephone #: 760410-1665 Fax #: 760-509-0078 E-Mail: matt@redlengineering.com Original ifie path and name: R:\1 Active projects'.Pacific Ridge School Parking Lot\C ...... tions\H=4' LEVEL.BEN Original date and time of creating this file: 5/13/16 PROGRAM MODE: ANALYSIS of a SIMPLE STRUCTURE using GEOGRID as reinforcing material. PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Page 1 of 10 Copyright © 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-301738 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Prcem Dndfln: Fri May 13 11:27:49 2016 R:I Active pmctsWacific Ridge School Part1g I eC.*ulaitm'iH.4 LEVELBEN SOIL DATA REINFORCED SOIL Unit weight, '1 128.0 lb/ft 3 Design value of internal angle of friction, 4' 28.0 RETAINED SOIL Unit weight, y 125.0 lb/ft 3 Design value of internal angle of friction, 4' 28.0 FOUNDATION SOIL (Considered as an equivalent uniform soil) Equivalent unit weight, 'Yjv. 125.0 lb/ft 3 Equivalent internal angle of friction, 28.0 Equivalent cohesion, c er. 0.0 lb/ft 2 Water table does not affect bearing capacity LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS Ka (internal stability) = 0.3610 (if batter is less than 10°, Ka is calculated from eq. 15. Otherwise, eq. 38 is utilized) Inclination of internal slip plane, W = 59.00° (see Fig. 28 in DEMO 82). Ka (external stability) = 0.3610 (if batter is less than 10°, Ka is calculated from eq. 16. Otherwise, eq. 17 is utilized) BEARING CAPACITY Bearing capacity coefficients (calculated by MSEW): Nc = 25.80 N y= 16.72 SEISMICrrY Maximum ground acceleration coefficient, A = 0.290 Design acceleration coefficient in Internal Stability: Kb = Am = 0.336 Design acceleration coefficient in External Stability: Kh_d = 0.145 => Kb = Am = 0.145 (Kh in External Stability is based on allowable displacement, d = 75 mm. using FHWA-NHI-00-043 equation) Kae(Kh>0)=04478 Kae(Kh=0) =0.3478 A Kae=0.I000 Seismic soil-geogrid friction coefficient, P is 80.0% of its specified static value. ,,uw,,.aw,,.wwULws.snwnwawynwav,esawvnwv,,nwnwa. sflaw,J.mtS fls,a, 3LWJOfl°IIMkWS2&N* SJ•tWflWW3h&WVIh PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Page 2 of 10 Copyright 0 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. license number MSEW-301738 • MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Present DaielT,nw. Fri May 13 11:27:49 2016 RU Active p i.Wirc Ridge &ItnoI Parkin L1%C5bjbIionst.H=4 LEVELBEN JJMfl%3.IIMflVSP___ ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Static conditions) Bearing capacity, Fs = 5.53, Meyerhof stress = 841 lb/ft2. fl,.t - 1 260 r.4,.... !T - A AQQA Ve 6 21) GEOGRID CONNECTION Fs-overall Fs-overall Geogrid Pullout Direct Eccentricity Product # Elevation Length Type [connection [geogrid strength resistance sliding e/L name IN [ft] # strength] strength] Fs Fs Fs 1 0.67 5.00 1 2.31 4.19 4.188 4.506 2.033 0.0681 Mirafi 3XT 2 2.67 7.00 1 2.50 4.93 4.927 2.516 3.948 0.0101 Mirafi 3XT ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Seismic conditions) Bearing capacity, Fs = 5.01, Meyerhof stress = 883 lb/ft2. PniiniInthin lntprf,wn flirppt clilnn Pc 1 47 P pntrit'hu p/J fl 1,)n Pern,prt,ir,iin OR GEOGRID CONNECTION Fs-overall Fs-overall Geogrid Pullout Direct Eccentricity Product # Elevation Length Type [connection [geogrid strength resistance sliding e/L name [ft] [Ii] # strength] strength] Fs - Fs Fs 1 0.67 5.00 1 1.73 3.67 3.670 2.942 1.636 0.0901 Mirafi 3XT 2 2.67 7.00 1 1.84 4.12 4.116 1.530 3.484 0.0119 Mirafi3XT PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Page 6 of JO Copyright 0 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-301 738 . MS.1EW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Pieni DatdTin: Fri May 13 11:27:411 2016 R:l Acme pmjectPWc Re School Porting LU oimUho4 LEVELBEN ,,aW,,ww%,.ww*.J.&wNM,&w,ilMflTJIM%s DIRECT SLIDING for GIVEN LAYOUT (for GEOGRID reinforcements) Along reinforced and foundation soils interface: Fs-static = 1.859 and Fs-seismic = 1.467 # Geogrid Geogrid Fs Fs Geogrid Elevation Length Static Seismic Type # Product name [ft) [ft] 1 0.67 5.00 2.033 1.636 1 Mirafi 3XT 2 2.67 7.00 3.948 3.484 1 Mirafi 3XT ECCENTRICITY for GIVEN LAYOUT At interface with foundation: e/L static = 0.0884, e/L seismic = 0.1203; Overturning: Fs-static = 5.32, Fs-seismic = 3.98 # Geogrid Geogrid e /L e / L Geogrid Elevation Length Static Seismic Type # Product name IN [ft] 1 0.67 5.00 0.0681 0.0901 1 Mirafi 3XT 2 2.67 7.00 0.0101 0.0119 1 Mirafi 3XT PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Page 8 of 10 Copyright 0 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-301738 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Preiern DaieJTin: Fri May 1311:27:411 2016 R:I Active pncrsPxif Rige School Parking Lr umH-4 LEVELBEN ,uIqnr.,.unI,ers%,,a. %*IiIiLW v1*a. V*ISt %*J.3tflWV..1hW %UNi&% %rNaw ,flA.,OL.%,IflW%l,gflVJI_fl 'astun %1Ifl% S_Sm' V,*xflv..flM5,,......_ RESULTS for STRENGTH Live Load included in calculating Tmax # Geognd Tavailable Tmax Tmd Specified Actual Specified Actual Elevation [lb/ft] [lb/ft] [lb/ft] minimum calculated minimum calculated Product [ft] Fs-overall Fs-overall Fs-overall Fs-overall name static static seismic seismic 1 0.67 1654 394.99 89.10 N/A 4.188 N/A 3.670 Mirafi 3XT 2 2.67 1654 335.74 105.84 N/A 4.927 N/A 4.116 Mirafi 3XT RESULTS for PULLOUT Live Load included in calculating Tmax NOTE: Live load is not included in calculating the overburden pressure used to assess pullout resistance. # Geogrid Coverage Tmax Tmd Le La Avail.Static Specified Actual Avail.Seism. Specified Actual Elevation Ratio [lb/ft] [lb/ft] [ft] [ft] Pullout, Pr Static Static Pullout, Pr Seismic Seismic [ft] (see NOTE) [lb/ft] Fs Fs [lb/ft] Fs Fs 1 0.67 1.000 395.0 89.1 4.62 0.38 1780.0 N/A 4.506 1424.0 N/A 2.942 2 2.67 1.000 335.7 105.8 5.49 1.51 844.6 N/A 2.516 675.7 N/A 1.530 [I PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Page 9 of 10 Copyright 0 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-301738 MSEW - Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Present Datet1in: Fri May13 II i7:46 21)16 R:I Active prujocisUNwific Ridge School Patting .orCou1aionsU4-4 LEVELBEN %JI$,tt%tSwn3tWt%flw,tvaSY,IMflWVflflflaJ.MflV3hfl snaw%nmnv..as,.acnaw,.nw%nwa.,,o,nw,.nwv,.M.svunwyntv,o._...... RESULTS for CONNECTION (static conditions) Important: Hinge height concept is ignored. **** Live Load included in calculating Tmax # Geogrid Connection Reduction Reduction Available Available Fs-overall Fs-overall Elevation force, To factor for factor for connection Geogrid connection Geogrid Product [ft] (lWftJ connection connection strength strength, strength strength name (short-term (Jong-term Tavalable strength) strength) [lb/ft] Specified Actual Specified Actual CRult CRor [IbIft] 1 0.67 395 1.00 0.30 913 1654 N/A 2.31 N/A 4.19 Mirafi 3XT 2 2.67 336 1.00 0.28 840 1654 N/A 2.50 N/A 4.93 Mirafi 3XT RESULTS for CONNECTION (seismic conditions) **** Important: Hinge height concept is ignored. ****** Live Load included in calculating Tmax U Geogrid Connection Reduction Reduction Available Available I's-overall Fs-overall Elevation force, To factor for factor for connection Geogrid connection Geogrid Product [It] PM] connection connection strength strength, strength strength name (short-term (Jong-term Tavallable strength) strength) [IbM) Specified Actual Specified Actual CRult CRor [IbM) 1 0.67 484 100 0.24 730 1654 N/A 1.73 N/A 3.67 Mirafi 3XT 2 2.67 442 1.00 0.22 672 1654 N/A 1.84 N/A 4.12 Mirafi3XT PACIFIC RIDGE SCHOOL Page 10 of 10 Copyright © 1998-2013 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-30 1738