HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP 2018-0023; BUENA VISTA PARK; POST CONSTRUCTION BMP CERTIFICATION; 2021-07-27 9968 Hibert Street 2nd Floor, San Diego CA 92131 • T 858.751.0633 • www.latitude33.com July 27, 2021 City of Carlsbad Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 SUBJECT: Buena Vista Reservoir Site, Carlsbad Certification for Permanent Post Construction BMP As the professional in responsible charge for the design of the above project, I certify that I have inspected all constructed permanent post construction treatment control BMP’s required per the City of Carlsbad BMP Design Manual and Construction Permit No. GR2019-0040; and that said BMP’s have been constructed in compliance with the approved plans and all applicable specifications, permits, ordinances and Order No. R9-2007-0001 of the San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Board. I understand that this BMP certification statement does not constitute an operation and maintenance verification. Sincerely, Nick Psyhogios, P.E. Principal 8450 Miramar Place, San Diego, CA 92121 Ph: 858‐458‐9900 Fax: 858‐458‐9904 May 13, 2021 Buena Vista Reservoir Park BVLD Job #1030047 BMP Certification Submittal -Photo of Bottom of Basin Grade -Photo of Catch Basin -Photo of Drain (Outlet) Pipe Connection to Catch Basin -Photo of Drain (Outlet) Pipe Invert to Basin Riser Pipe -Photo of 1st Layer of 12" Gavel -Photo of 2nd layer of 3" #8 Gravel -Photo of 3rd layer of 3" Washed Sand -Photo of 4th layer of 12" Biosoil -Photo of completed Basin with stakes -Basin BMP As Built -Material Receipts -Photos of Completed Basin - fully planted and mulched. -Photo of Signage at Basin. BrightView Landscape Development 1711J98 7rP2 2121 +h66.0JO 2122 +h"'990 2119 [~:: +{µ'm 67.069 T-1~ 2097 2106 1711 8-T- +I G G +16"'872 210! G I~ 21,fJ 16"'/UI 2140 +h"'m 954 169.llJ CIWA G 2159 2077 +h66.097 166.917 ~ 2057 ~417,f f:59.12 T-IO"Fff 1/~007 T-lo"Pftl. + + 2058 +1 G 2157 166.977 T-6"1ft:1 2110 [~"'~ 2146 +h"'946 1711215 7rP2 21JO = 1711474 10PFflC 2024 1711554 10PFflC 2025 1711662 7rP2 2026 1711868 10PFflC +h66."9 2046 17115/U 7rP2 +fifo78 G 2045 17115J5 10PFflC 2075 +h66.059 2151 +h"'962 2147 2111 166. +h66."" G 21Jt +h"'965 21J6 +h"'957 ~2155 67.144 2114 166.l"r\ 21J5 +h65.960 T-6')ftf 21/U 167.DJ T-6')ftf 2070 +166.6/U 2071 G 2072 +166.491 +h66.6JO G 2027 ~6 20J2 1711718 TrJP2 WEIGHMASTER c-ERTIFICATE ..,.3 THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the following descnbed commodity was weighed, measured, or counted by a weighmaster, whose signature is on this certificate, who is a recognized authority of accuracy, as prescribed by Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 12700) of Division 5 of the California Business and Professions Code, administered by the Division of Measurement Standards of the California Department of food and Agriculture. DEPUTY: MEASURED FOR: DELIVERED BY: DRIVER SIGNATURE: VEHICLE UC. NO. '•·•d MEASURED AT: l 2, 'r: •> i..: WEIGH MASTER: AGRI SERVICE, INC. 3720 Oceanic Way #204 • Oceanside, CA 92056 • 760.295.6255 • FAX 760.295.6262 l. I I DATE: COMMODITY: AMOUNT: INVOICE NO. P.0.NO. TRAILER LIC. NO. ', oACCOUNT El Corazon Compost Facility 3210 Oceanside Blvd., Oceanside, CA 92056 LIABILITY RELEASE oc.o.□.$ CHECK NO. No. 75184 YARDSL.C. CASHo cco All deliveries are made at buyer's risk. Although all efforts will be made to accommodate the buyer's request, driver discretion will be used in determining the safety of unloading at Job site. The undersigned agrees to accept responsibility for any property damage including but not limited to: -lrngat1on pipes or drains -Cracked concrete -Asphalt damage -Fencing This agreement is in effect for all loads requested by buyer and delivered by AGRI Service, Inc. RECEIVED BY: SIGNATURE: DATE: CALIFORNIA 800.522.0282 l CALIFORNIA 800.734.3053 ZONA 855.522.0282 VI( EST TICK# 1 " ..., 8" == OAST DEiIVERYTICKE; '=--SANO & GRAVEL ~ ___ u_o_TE_®w __ w_w_.w_cs_g_.c_o_m _________ Date:------ b#: P.O.#: Id To: l> Location: 3:VER: Truck#: Plant: ( f -' -, I :erence #: Arrival Time: \l. I \ ' ~ l )SS Wt: Time Departed: ·eWt: Total Time: Wt: I f L I Time Allowed: ' ~l J flmodity: -' Excess Time: er Notes: Reason For Standby: ies shall be made where customer designates. Customer lzerby assumes responsibility for damage inside curb •erty line. Any and all claims for shortag and/or quality of product delivered will not be allowed unless made of delivery \ I \ \ l I ' \ Consignor/Consignee Printed Name Consignor/Consignee Signature .. ~ --' ~ 'iil;.--:..:,.,,,_ --.- Construction Management and Inspection 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-602-2780  760-438-4178 fax tcbmp@carlsbadca.gov www.carlsbadca.gov February 25, 2020 MEMORANDUM TO: Property Owners/Developers/Contractors All Active Construction Sites in the City of Carlsbad FROM: Shawnetta Grandberry, QSD, Senior Construction Inspector, Construction Management and Inspections RE: BMP Verification of Installation Required Prior to Occupancy On May 8, 2013, the California Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) issued a municipal storm water permit Order No. R9-2013-0001 (Municipal Permit) to the City of Carlsbad (City). The Municipal Permit requires the City to use its land use and planning authority to implement a program to control and reduce the discharge of pollutants in storm water from development projects. In addition, on February 16, 2016, new storm water standards were adopted for both private and public development projects. The BMP Design Manual includes storm water guidelines for all development projects. Priority Development Projects require city-approved Storm Water Quality Improvement Plans, drainage studies, and construction plans that include hydromodification, low impact development (LID), and treatment control best management practices (BMPs). Pursuant to the Municipal Permit, the City must require and confirm that prior to occupancy and/or intended use of any portion of the project, that structural BMPs including LID, source control, and treatment controls are inspected and verified by the Engineer of Work (EOW). The EOW must verify that the BMPs are constructed and operating in compliance with the applicable requirements. This verification includes: • Inspection and photographs of the installation of permanent BMPs must be completed at each phase of construction. Photos of the structures are required prior to construction, during, and at final installation; • Prior to occupancy all permanent BMPs must be constructed per the requirements of approved plans and functionality must be verified in writing by the EOW. The verification letter must include the EOW stamp; • When informational signage is required for permanent BMPs, please review the approved plans and permits for specific requirements. The signs must be designed, approved, and installed prior to occupancy; • The developer is responsible for ensuring the permanent BMPS are not removed or modified by the new homeowner of HOA until the project has been finalized and found to be in full conformance with the approved plans and specifications; and • At the completion of the project, an addendum to the As-Builts, and/or Storm Water Quality Management Plan (SWQMP) may be required to address any changes that occurred during construction. C cityof Carlsbad These requirements apply to all priority development projects subject to the BMP Design Manual standards, including phased development projects. Verification of BMP installation and functionality can ONLY be certified by a California registered civil engineer or other EOW. Operation and maintenance of BMP facilities is an eight-stage process: Item Description Time Frame 1 Determine structural BMP ownership, party responsible for permanent O&M, and maintenance funding. Prior to first submittal of a project application – include draft framework in preliminary SWQMP. 2 Identify expected maintenance actions. First submittal of a project application – identify in SWQMP. 3 Document structural BMP locations and signage on drawings. During final design, complete structural BMP tables on construction drawings using city template title sheets. 4 Develop detailed O&M Section (in SWQMP). During final design, subject to approval by the City Engineer, and prior to issuance of construction, grading, building, or other applicable permits. 5 Execute Permanent Storm Water Quality BMP Maintenance Agreement (legal agreement to be recorded against the property). Required by the City Engineer, prior to the issuance of construction, grading, building or other applicable permits. 6 Ensure the permanent BMPs are not removed or modified by the new homeowner or HOA. The Developer must provide the homeowner and/or HOA with educational information and conduct regular inspections of post-construction BMPs until project completion and the City finds the project to be in full conformance with the approved plans and specifications. 7 Project revisions may trigger an amendment to the approved SWQMP to reflect constructed structural BMPs with as-built plans. Required by City Engineer, upon completion of construction of structural BMPs. 8 Maintain the facilities in perpetuity and keep records for self-inspection and verification requirements. The responsible party must submit annual verification of maintenance records to the City upon request. Project proponents are required to comply with all storm water regulations and implement BMPs to the maximum extent practicable. It is the City’s goal to obtain your compliance with the applicable regulations and requirements. Please contact your Project Engineer or Inspector to review the specific project requirements. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and compliance efforts.