HomeMy WebLinkAboutCD 15-24; TIERRA DEL ORO; Consistency DeterminationC: DRAWING FILF..S\TILE Slff.l:_IS CLSB---IP.JWG REV!SEO: 5/15 2012 2 2'-0" • 0 I ;.., • CONCRETE TOE KICK 3 FINISH SURFACE OF STONE PAVING BARBECUE SCALE: 1/2'" = 1'-0" FIRE BRICK-TUMBLED (COLOR TBS) AT INTERIOR OF FIRE PIT, BOTTOM & SIDES CERAMIC FIRE BALLS 6" DEEP SAND AT FIRE PIT SLOPE FLOOR T DRAIN 9'-5" □ □ 2'-0" +---+-----+--GRILL 1" OVERHANG, TYP WARIIIING DRAWER ,,. ..... ·-,L =--1 --•···--·--··1 r··"'-·---~ --······-----t==c:tt=c~==t-STAINLESS STEEL ACCESS DOORS NOTES: 1. ALL COMPACTION, FOOTINGS AND REINFORCEMENT PER SOILS REPORT AND SlRUCTURAL ENGINEER 2. DIMENSIONS & DETAILS SHOWN ARE APPROXl1\IIA TE. REFERENCE APPLIANCE CUT SHEETS FOR ACTUAL Dl1\IIENSIONS. 3. COUNTERTOP TO BE COLOREO CONCRETE. ELEVATION BRICK VENEER 3'" L X 1-1/2'" W. MATCH EXISTING BRICK COLOR 4" CMU STONE PAVING (:'.'.ff;''Jilf;,!l--~~~~~L..lL','}.lJS!-"\'t'.coMPACTED AGGREGATE GAS LINE AND _ _,,, RING FIREPIT 4 SCALE: 1 /2'" = 1'-o• ORAIN LINE 3'-o" COMPACTED SUBGRADE NOTE: ALL COMPACTION, FOOTINGS, AND REINFORCEMENT PER SOILS REPORT AND SlRUCTURAL ENGINEER SECTION \ 1 : CDP 14-05/AV 15-04/CDP 15--13 I ! -------··--·-··-·-····· ----------------------------··--········-------------------- 1'', 1 1 /2" TOP AND BOTTOM RAIL, WELD ---ALL CONNECTIONS AND GRIND SMOOTH. " \ PAINTEO FINISH 11/2"s3" POSTS SPACED AT 6'-0" O.C. PAINTED FINISH 5/8"x5/8'" l!HN. SOLID PICKET AT 4" MAX. OPENING, PAINTED FINISH \ 'b I 'in ALL COMPACTION, FOOTINGS AND REINFORCEMENT PER SOILS REPORT AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. SAFETY FEN CE SCALE: 3/8" = 1'-0" ELEVA TIO STUDIO 34202 Sefx,lvedo Avenue Copisll Qt.., &each, CA 92624 pho 949.248.5404 R»< 949.240.9790 THIS DRAWIIIG AS AH l!ISTRIJ/.IENT Of S!:RY!(ES IS Tfff PROPERTY Of TH£ lMfilSCAPE AR(ltllfil All!l IMY IIOT BE REl'ROIJll(ID Ill Nff FO!UII Wl1HOIJT T!IE lAllll}{Al'E A«tfflTECT'S IVIITTEM PERMJSSION AND UllllSS THE REPKOllllCTllll CAKK!ES Tit£ I.AIIDSCAPE ARCHITECT'S IIAME. All DESIGN All!) Oll1£R ~ SllllYIII cm HIE l1«Alll!IG Al£ Fill! HIE 50lE USE Of Tl!! Sl'KlffEO l'HlllfCl Offl.l All!l SHAll NOT B! OlltERWISE USEO WITIIIJlll HIE Eml:SS P1!UR WIIITTN PERMISSION OF Tll£ LANDSCAPE wmcr. WRIITTN OfffifNSm Sl!All HAil' PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED Dlfl\ENIION. 'Tti Wl.l YUITT Affil B! RBl'OtMU FOR AU. ~ Al!ll Ull lll!: .'Ill. lllE ~ mlKf 5 lll B! lllfal) llf Alff l'illlAI!IIIIS FftUffl lltt lllMflfWllS Allll CO!IIITTIOIIS SHll'lffl cm Tl!! llRilWIII!». !151l!IG CO!lllf!IO!I; AlHl LOCATIOIIS Of UTIUll£S 11m llllT fflN YEmED ffllifflWDEflLT. IT IIIAl.l BE Tit£ IESl'tlRSllll.lll llf T!IE ~{Sl B!fO!IE BEGfll!l!Nll WORK TO IIDEl!Mfflf Tl!£ EX.ICT LIKAllllll llf All ~lllE!ITS Affil !.15llftG U1llllll:S. mE C~{S) Slli\U 81: !ESMSffl\E FOR SE(lffilllG All PERMITS AIID ENG111mlflG K!WlR£ll llfflQl 5 llVt lfiCI.W 1!1 HIES£ llMfflllGS. CM!, Sll1K11IIAl, MECllAIIKAl EIGIMERlrtn, W.01111i AND !rnAINAGE Bl OTftERS. S!IDP llMlllll'.S MUST BE SUBMllTl:D TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FDR R£Vl£W IITTm PmKEl'lllll\l fflTII fAllRICATIOII- Ttlflts.\ (WK lANilSCAPE ARC!DTEC! APP RO V[O FOR !RR/GA T/ON ANO PLAN TING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" RCE __ _ EXP ____ _ DATE 0Ns1sTENcY oerERMTNATioN 1,xH~1r Hards cape .,A::1!~-?-Fo""'r:,PR"4-om_-cr __ ~No. ~'~~ ,.---.---.....-----------------r-1_1_.4-,-__ DT"e_t_a_i ... l_s_--, ___ _.~_1_N __ s_P~E~c_1_o~R~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-DA_T_E_---t REVIEWED BY: DonNeu,CilyPfunnec 08.04.14 2ND SUBMITTAL CDP REVIEW w CITY QF CARLSBAD ~ RllCOM~IBNDllD JlY: ~ GJ.t 4 11---'1-"-1.1'-'4"-.14'-+----+-'3'-"R~D ~SU=B=Ml"-'TT=AL~C=D-'--P-"R=EVl=E-'--W -------+---t---1------+--I O . 1 DATJl: ~ls\\-s-"° V--02.10.15 4TH SUBMITTAL CDP REl<1EW ~::;::;:::::'.~::::;::::;;::;:;:P;:L::A;:NN:::1;:N:::G:::D=IV::l;:Sl=O::N:::::::==='--'====: 04.06.15 5TH SUBMITTAL CDP RE1<1EW LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: f>-l'-I O SC A p"' \...CA·' Tierra del Oro Residence 5039 Tierra del Oro Carlsbad, CA 92008 . =--1 0 --z:= '.!!~• 1rri _j ~ 1C l----+----+-----------------1---+---+---+---11-A-PP_R_o_v_E_D= ____________ ----- PLANNING DATE INITIAL DESIGNER DF WORK Expiration Date: 5.30.2016 REVISION DESCRIPTION OWN BY: DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CDP 14-05 xxxx \\ y 11 DECOMPOSED GRANITE PART 1 -GENERAL 1.02 Quality Assurance SECTION 02512 A Rules and Regulations: Perform all work and use materials which are in full accordance with latest rules and regulations of safety orders of Divisions of Industrial Safety and all other applicable laws and regulations of the City, State, and County. 1.03 SUBMITIALS A Samples and Product Data: Submit the following items: 1. Decomposed Granite: One pint for each size ana color range. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 DECOMPOSEl)GRANITE ., Supplier: California Gold Track Fines by Felton Quarry, Felton, CA 95107; Tel. {408) 335-4934, or accepted equal. 2.02 PORTLAND CEMENT: ASTM C150, Type I or II. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 SUBGRADEPREPARATION A Verification of Subgrades; Verify that subgrades have been rough graded to lines and grades to within 0.10 ft. to eccept (2) (4) in. deep crushed stone paving. B Compaction: Compact subgrade io minimum 90%. 3.02 WOODHEADERINSTAJJ..AT!ON; A General: Install headers immediately prior to the installation of the decomposed granite paving and irrigation system. 3.03 AGGREGATESUBBASE A Placement: Spread aggregate subbase over thoroughly-compacted subgrade, in conformance to Section 26 or the Standard Specifications. ( Compact by roller or tamper.) 3.04 DECOMPSEDGRANlTEPAVING A General: Install all cement-stabilized crushed stone work true to grade, properly coinciding with adjacent work and elevations. Provide a finished s\U'face wriform in texture and a,pearance. Do not permit finished work to vary more thanl/8 inc. in 10 ft. from true profile and cross section. 8 Mixing: 1. General: Paving shall consist of a mixture of decomposed granite, cement and water, thoroughly mixed by revolving blades or rotary drum or continuous mixing at the option of the Contractor. 2. Cement: Add Portland Cement to decomposed granite at a minimum of 5 % by weight of the dry fines. Increase the amount of cemenf as required to provide a compressive strength of not less than 500 psi at seven days as determined by testing procedure. 3. Water. Adjust quantity: of water added to the mixture to permit maximum compaction of the materials when placed on the subgrade. C Installation: 1. Grading: When surface areas have been rolled and it becomes necessary to add a thin layer of material to bring the surface to grade, the previously rolled or compacted area shall be ranked to provide a bond with the added material. 2. Application Time: Not more than 1-1/2 hours shall elapse between the time water is added to the aggregates and cement, and the time completion of final trimming and compaction. 3. Finish Paving Surface: Provide a uniform texture and color and without a cement mortar film on the exposed surface. D Curing: After installation, keep moist for a ~riod of 7 da~. A~ply water in a fine mist or pray an in such a manner that it will not damage the finis:t:ied surface. 3.05 CLEAN-UP A Keep all areas of work clean, neat and orderly at all times. Keep all adjacent planting areas clean during paving operations. 8 Remove from the premised all surplus materials, tools, equipment, rubbish and debris resulting from the work at no expense to the OWner. SITE CONCRETE PAVING PART !-GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Work Included: SECTION 02514 Concrete __p_atj:c;ig_ 1.02 QUALITY ASSUiW,CE: • " A. Applicable Standards: All references to the Standard Specifications , "ASTM", or "ACT" manuals shall mean the current or latest editions as described below. Standard Specifications -Standard Specifications of the State of California, Business and Transportat10n Agency, Department or ASTM -American Society for Testing and Materials, Standards as indicated, latest editions. WCLIB -West Coast Lumber lospect1on Bureau, Standard Gr.ading aml Dressin£ Rllles No.16. Concrete Reinforcing Steel mst.m,te -lllan..al of Standard Practice, MSP-1-61f. ACI -American concrete institwte, Manual of Concrete Practice. B. Percent Compaction: ASTM D1557j percentage of the maximum in-place dry density or the same materia as determined by Soils Engineer. C. Coordination: 1. Coordinate all items of other trades to be furnished and set in place. 2. Insure that such portions or their work are all or in part embedded, built-in, attached to, supported by or covered over by the concrete work are executed 'by them in ample time that progress of the work is not delayed. 3. do all cutting or patching made necessary to comply l'rith above injunction. 4. Coordinate proper installation of all accessories embedded in the concrete and for the provision of holes, openings, ect., necessary la the execution of the work of the trades. D. Llnes and Levels: A licensed surveyor or registered civil engineer shall layout and establish all lines, levels, grades ancl positions of all parts of the work. 1.03 SUBMITIA!S: , A. Samples and Product Data: Submit samples and manufactures latest catalog cuts and specifications of the following materials. 1. Jobsite flatwork panel: One 12 foot X 12 loot X 4 inch for each type of concrete finish and color. Include required. joints and treatment. 2. Color samples: -Crout and expansion joint compounds. 2. Color samples: Grounl and expansion joint compounds. 3. Concrete Mix Design: Three copies of each type of concrete. Include all information required by the batch plant to accurately mix the concrete proportions. 1Bi.x designs are to be based on the approved flatwork panels in item #1. See Mix Design Criteria 1.04. 4. aggregates: Provide three srunples of each aggregate size and type lo be used in the mix design. Clearly identify the sieve size, name, and color of each sample on the containers. Submit samples of the each of the following: 1.04 MIX DESIGN CRITEIA: A. General 1. All concrete mixes shall be proportional and designed in accordance with ACI 211.1-81 and the Uniform Building Code. 2. All mixes shall be designed for ready mix transported concrete per ASTM C94. 2.01 POURED IN PLACE CONCRETE: A. fe\\l'f"Jbncrete shall be transit mixed, complying with ASTM C94. 2. All concrete shall be supplied from a single source using a single cement, sand and aggregate supplier. B. Product Cha,racteristics: 1.--c-ampress1ve Sfiength lo be 3000 psi. 2. Slump: 4 inch maximum t Pfu'l's'W:t s~~n}frl\;i, 6sJ'Ci~u&i~n drawings. 2.02 CEMENT: ASTM C150, Type I or II Portland Cement. 2.03 BASECOURSE: Per recommendations provided in the Soil Geotechnical Report. 2.04 COARSE AGGREGATE Description: ASTM C33 2.05 FINE AGGREGATE: ASTM C33 2.06 REINFORCEMENTS: A. Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A615 Grade, 60 deformed billet-steel bars, clean and free from rust, scale, or coaling that will reduce bond. 2.07 WATER: Clean, potable, concrete mixing water free from injurious amounts of salts, oils, acids, alkalis, organic materials or other deleterious matter. 2.08 AlR ENTRAINMENT: ASTM C280, air-entraining admixture. 2.09 INTERGRAL COLOR: • • A. Product: CHROMIX Admixtures as produced by L.M. Scofield Company . 2.10 COLOR HARDENER ADMIXTURES: A. Prodnct: Lithochrome Color Hardener Admixtures as produced by L.M. Scofield Co .. 2.llEXPANSION JOINT MATERW.5: A. Expansion Joint: W.R. Meadows or equal, Ceramar flexible foam expansion joint ¾ inch. 2.12 WEAKENED PLANE JOINTS: !land tooled joint, 1/8 inch by 2 inch, with 1/8\nch radius. "Zip-strip joints" permitted in pul>lic side walks only. 2.13 SAW CUT JOINTS: Maximum 3/16 inch by 1/2 inch deep. Extend all saw cuts to the end of each concrete panel. Do not overlap cuts into adjacent concrete panels. 2.14 WOOD FORMS: A. Wood: 1. Exposed Concrete Surfaces: Plywood, PSI; B fo.ce on contact side, Ext. Grade, Douglas Fir, Class I; not less that 5{8 inch thick. Mill oil or resin coat surfaces at factory and seal; edges use type that will no stain or leave residue on concrete. 2. Unexposed Concrete• Surfaces: Board forms or plywood as specified for exposed concrete surfaces. Board forms: Douglas Fir, sound, good quality, and free from loose knots: not less than 3/4 inch thick:. 2.15 FORM OIL: Nonstaining mineral oil type. 2.16 FORM COATING: Euclid Chemical Co.'s Eucoslip, W.R. Grace's Formfilm, Noxcrete's Pre-Form, or approved equal. 2.20 CONCRETE RET ARDANTS: To be by Burke products or approved eq\Oal. 2.21 NON-SHRINK GROUT: To be by Burke products or approved equal, non-shrink, non-metallic grout. 2.22 EPOXY GROUT: To be Sika, Sikad:u.r 32 or approved equal. Minim.um compressive strength value of 8500 psi. PART 3-EXECUTION: 3.01 GENERAi.: A. Surface Drainage: 1. Provide for positive drainage on alL concrete paving surfaces. C: \DRAWING FILF_S\TI E.[ SHEETS \C_SB --IP .DWG Rt; VISED: 5/i5/2012 2. Report in writing any discrepancies or om1ss1ons on drawings and conditions on the site which would prevent proper drainage. 3. No "birdbaths" or other surface irregularities will be permitted. ProP.erly correct irregularities. 8. Securemenl: Use templates for all anchor plates! bolls, inserts and other items embedded in concrete. Accurately secure so that they wil not be displaced during placing of concrete. C. Electrical Conduit: l)o not embed piping, other lha'b electrical conduit, in structural concrete. Loca..te c9nduit tQ maintain streglfi of structures al maximum. Verify size, length and location of eleclncal conctuit. 3.02 BASECOURSE: Compact as per Soils Engineer's recommendations. 3.03 CONCRETEINSTALLATION: A. General; 1. Concrete Strengtb: lllinimum 28 day compressive stre)!gth of 3,000 psi. 2. All concrete sliall be transit mixed in accordance witli requirements of ASTM C94. 8. Placement: 1. Place all concrete in accordance with AC! 318. 2. Once concrete operation has beglll!~ it shall be continued until the specified panel1 component, or section is complete. 1.Jse of cold joints is not permitted withoY.t specific prior approval of the Architect. 3. Concrete shall not be placed in water, and water shall not be permitted to rise over concrete prior to final set. 4. Do not place concrete until all reinforcing, sleeves, and conduits are in place and properly fastened or covered. 5. Clean and coat all forms prior to placement. 3.04 FORIIIWORK: A. General: 1. Construct forms accurately to dimensions, plumb and true to line and grade. Use forms that are substantial, mortar tight, braced and lied so as lo maintain position and shape during placing of reinforcing and concrete. 2. Wa-.y Slll'faces and Jn,lged slab swfaces fOSllltiDg from settlement or s,-1iugmg of fomnrork will be rejected. 3. Carefully verify and check all forms ior alignment and level as the work proceeds. Promptly make all needed adjustments or additional bracing. B. Construction Joints: Construct and assemble forms in such a manner that joints occur at accepted locations. Thoroughly clean forms before pouring concrete. C. Details: Take extreme care in all details of forming, setting and reinforcing. Except where tooled earners are indicated, provide all exposed concrete linish work with smooth, even surfaces of dense concrete with clean sharp arises and ow.tside corners. D. Coordination: Alter forms have been placed and accepted, insure that all other trades have been properly notified and are given sufficient time to complete installation of their work. E. Recesses and Openings: Provide as shown on the Drawings or as may be directed at the site. F. Reinforcing Steel: Install progressively with work of other trades. Coordinate each other's schedules so as to avoid disturbing or moving work already installed by one trade to admit the work of another. G. Responsibility: Each trade shall be entirely responsible for proper installation and securing of the work during placing of concrete. H. Prior to Pouring Concrete: 1. Thorougl!ly clean O\lt all forms to be used. 2. Tborous:h.Jy lfet wood forms as required where form coatings are not used. I. Removal of .rorms: 1. Do not remove supporting forms or shoring until concrete has sufficient strength to carry its own weight and other loads upon it. 2. Remove forms only after concrete has properly set and without damaging concrete. 3.05 REINFORCEMENTS: A. Supports: Accurately and securely fasten or support reinforcements to prevent displacement before or d~ pouring. Ha~ footing bars from forms. Support wire mesh with suitable metal cradles. Fabrication: Clean, bend and place reinforcement per ACI Manual of Concrete Practice. Bends shall conform to bend dimensions defined as standard in accordance willl details in drawings. C. Placing: 1. The placement of bars shall conform to the recommended practices in CRSI, Placing Reinforcing Bars. 2. Move reinforcing bars to avoid interface with other reinforcement, conduits, or embedded items. Do not exceed specified placing tolenmces. 3. Provide a minimum of 2 inch concrete cOTer around all reinforcing. 4. Bars shall bar securely tied to prevent displacement. All bars shall be tied at crossing contuct. All dowels shall be sec1.1red in place before depositing concrete. 5. Welded wire fabric shall be furnished in flat sheets only. 6. Reinforcing bars partially embedded in ccmcrete shall no be field bent, except as shoffll in the drawings or permitted by the Structural Engineer. 7. All horizontal reinforcement including welded wire fabric, shall supported on specified supports. Use of "hook and pull" method for welded wire fabric is prohibited. 3.02 JOINTS: A. General: 1. Locate all ioints as shown on the drawings. 2. Locate all Joints on forms prior lo placipg concrete. Form in fresh concrete using a jointer to cut the groove so that a smooth uniform impression is obtained. Strike all joints before and after brooming. 3. Saw cut joints: Mack all joints on the pavement with chalk lines. Obtain approval of joint locations from Landscape Architect prior to prcceeding with the work. 4. All intersecting joints lo sloP. cleanly at point of intersection. Overlapping of joints into unjointed concrete panels is not permftled. 3.03 FINISHES: A. Broom Finish: 1. ~ by <ire.wing a stiff 'bristled. broom across a floated. finish. B. §l~~~eflr='."ing to be perp,,ndicwar ,o direction of w-ork or as shown on Drawings. 1. After surface water disappears and floated surfaces have sufficiently hardened, steel-trowel lo a smooth surface. 2. After concrete has set enough to ring trowel, retrowel to a uniform smooth finish, free of trowel marks or other blemishes. Avoid. excessive arreas. C. Integral Colored Stamped Concrete: 1. Grades: Screed and Mag-float paving to a smooth even grade using overhead screeds where necessary to set flow lines and grade breaks. 2. Stamping: 11hile concrete is still in the plastic stage, apply approved imprinting tools to make the required patterned surface. Joints to receive grouting shall be completed al this lime. 3. Finish:Tfaler blast surlace no later than 18 hrs. after initial pour to match the approved sample. 4. Review: Finish work shall match approved job sample. D. Sand-Blast finish: 1. Continuity: Perform is as conlinuou.s an operation as possible, utilizing the same work crew maintain continuity of finish. 2. Depth of Cul: Use an abrasive grit of the proper type and gradation lo expose the aggregate and surro\lilding matrix surfaces tQ match sample panel as foUQ,rs: a. !,lgl)t Cut: ApP.roxtmately 1/23" 9,ut. .. b. Medium Cut: i\pproxtmately 1/16 to 3/32 . 3. Uniformity: Use same nozzle, nozzlll pressure and blasting technique as used for sample panel. llse same individual operator where possible. E. Rock Salt: 1. While concrete is still in a plastic stage, evenly dispense rock salt over surface at the rate of ten (10) pounds per 150 square feet. 2. Float rock salt into surface of concrete. Do not cover rock salt. 3. Allow concrete to cure for 7 to 10 days. Thoroughly wash remaining salt from surface. Do not permit washed salt lo contaminate adjacent planting areas. F. Retardant finish: 1. Screed, tamp and float concrete in conformance to normal installation procedures. G. Seeded Exposed A§grega,e Finish: 1. Seeding: Immediately after the slab has been screeded and darbied, evenly distribute aggregate over the surface with proper techniques such that the required finish texture and color can be achieved. 2. Mixed Aggregates: Where multiple colors or sizes of aggregate are required for achieving the desired finish, pre-mix the aggregates in approved ratios and store in containers until ready for installation. 3. Embedding: Alter seeding, hand-float the surface to embed the ll§l!regate, follow with a steel trowel lo insure that all aggregate are entirely and evenly embedded j11sl beneath the surface. 4. llepth: tu, soon .. the concrete has achieved a firm set, simllltaneoualy brush and wash wiU, water mring the proper pressure and flo,r lo obtain a clean, uniform SllJ1'ace with depth of exposure of the aggregate of no more than 1/16" 3.10 EXPANSIONJO!NTS: A. Locations: Provide joints at locations and intervals shown on the Drawings, and where concrete paving abuts buildings, curbs, or other structures. B. Sealing: After the curing period, carefully clean expansion joints and fill with joint compound lo ¾ inch below adjacent paved surface. Avoid spilling on paved surfaces or overflow from joint. 3.11 EPOXYGROUT: 1. Mix, install and cure epoxy groY.t in strict accordance with manufactures -written instructions. 2. Holes for insertion of bolts or handrails shall be drilled to the diameter and depth as indicated on the drawings. All holes shall be cleaned by brushine and blasting out with compressed air. Do not drill the hole greater than ¾ inch larger than -£he diameter of the insert. 3.12 NON-SIIRINKGROUT: 1. lnstail per the manufactures recommendations. Mix consistency appropriate for placing method and conditions. 2. Minimum strengtb at any consistency shall be 7,000 psi at 28 days. SITE CONCRETE SECTION 03310 PART 1-GEIIERAI. 1.01 DESCRIPTION: A. Work Included: Concrete footings for Landscape Structures Concrete sle_ps and ram.ps Concrete walls Concrete walls for Veneer Surfacing materials Miscellaneous concrete components 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE: Section 02514 1.03 SUBIIIITTALS: Section 02514 PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.01 CEMENT: Section 02514 2.02 BASE COURSE: Section 02514 2.03 COURSE AGGREGATE: Section 02514 2.04 FlNE AGGREGATE: Section 02514 2.05 AllMIXTURES ASTM C494-82 2.06 REINFORCEMENTS: Section 02514 2.07 REINFORC!NG SUPPORTS SECTION 02514 2.08 COLORING ADDl'l1'1ES " A. Proct_1,1ct: CHI\P.IIIIX Admixtyres as produced by ''L.M. Scofield Cq/Jl_pany , or equal. 2.09 WATERSTOP: Perfect Seal By white Cap Industries, "lfaterstop ~y Greenstreak or equal 1. All waterstops shall be PVC nontoxic serrated with center bulb type 2. Size of the wateerstops shall be minimum of six times the largest aggregate size plus the width of Ille joint. . . 3. Ml waterstaps are to be a single piece free of any defects or sphces. If splices are required to accommodate horizontal radii, make all splices connected with a hot splicing iron. 2.10 EXPANSION JOINT MATER!ALS: SECTION 02514 2.05 FORMINGlllATERIALS A. Wood Forms: 1. Wood: t t 'd a. Exposed concrete surfaces: Plywood, S4S, PSI; B face on con ac s1 e, EXT. Grade, Douglas Fir. Class I; not less than 5/B inch thick. Mill oil or resin coat both surfaces at factory and seal edges: use type that will not slain or leave residue on concrete. 8. Unexposed concrete: Board forms or plywood as specified for exposed concrete surfaces. Board forms: Douglas Fir, sound, good quality, and free from loose knots; not less than than 3/ 4 inch Ulick. 2. Plywood lormmg: A. Concealed. portions may be APA rated B-B Plyform, exterior grade. B. Exposed portions shall be APA rated, medium density overlaid, exterior grade. C. Jiadius Ccmcre\e Forms: 1. To be asaem0lell in pieces representing the ra11ii required to perform the work. Shop cut and assemble when possible. 2. Burke or equal, Burke Tube, seamless, standard duly. 2.12 Form Releo:re llgent: Shall be Euclid Chemical Co. Eucoslip, W.R. Grace's Formfilm, Concrete's Pre-Form, or approved equal. 2.13 Form Oil: Nonstaining mineral type. 2.14 CURING COMPOUNDS: ASTM C-309 2.15 VAPOR BARRIER: Shall be Super Sampson 4 or approved equal. 2.16 EPOXY GROUT: To be Sika, Sikadur 32 or approved equal. All products shall have a minimum compressive strength of 8000 psi. 2.17 NOii-SHRINK GROUT: To Be by Burke products or approved equal, 57-100 non-shrink, nan-metallic grout. 2.16 OTHER PRODUCTS: Provide all other products necessary for complete installation and operation. Such products shall be subject to the review of the Landscape Architect. PART 3 -EXCUTION 3.01 GENERAi.: A. Surface Drainage: 1. Provide for positive drainage o.n e.ll concrete paving surfaces. 2. Report in mtmg any Jisct epmh .. 1e's ar omi'ssions on drawing and condition on the site which would prevent proper drainage. l)o not proceed with installation in areas of discrepancy until all such discrepancies have been properly resolved. 3. No "birdbaths" or other surface irregu.larit:it!s will be permitted. Properly correct irregwlarilies. B. Securement: Use templates for all anchor plates, bolts, inserts and other items embedded in concrete. Accurately secure so that they will not be displaced during placing of concrete. C. Electrical Conduit: Do nol embed piping, other than electrical conduit, in structural concrete. Locate conduit to maintain strength of structures at maximum. Verify size, length and location of electrical conduit. D. Prior to installation of concrete, carefully inspect the installed work of all other trades a.nd verily that all such work is complete to the point where this installation may properly comment:e. E. Verify that all work can be installed in strict accordance with all perUpenl codes and regulations, the original design, reviewed submittals, and manufacturers le.test recommendations. 3.02 CONCRE'!'l;INSTALLATION: A. Gener .. !: 1. Concrete Streng~h: lllinimwn 26 day compressive strength of 3,000 psi. 2. Transit Mixed: All concrete shall be transit mixed in accordance with requirements of ASTIII C94. 3. Time: Concrete shall be mixed for 10 minutes minimum. Concrete mixing shall continue until conc:rete is completely discharged, Minimum of mixing lime shall be 3 mimttes al the job site. 4. Water: Under no circumstances shall be the Contractor add waler to the concrete mix. 5. Standard Specifications: Applicable requ.iremenls of Section 51, "Concrete Structures," and Section 80, 'Portland Cement Concrete", except as modified herein. 6. Concrete shall be rejected if not placed within 45 minutes of adding water and admixtures. B. Placement: 1. Place all concrete in accordance with AC'l 316. 3.03 FORMWORKINSTALl..ATION: A. General: . 1. Construct form accurately to dimensions, plumb and true to lme and grade as shown on the drawings, subject to tolerances _defined in this ~pec_ificati«;>~• Use forms that_ are substantial, mortar tight, braced and tied so as to mamtam pos1t1on and shape dunng placing of reinforcing and concrete. 2. Design and construct formwork based on recommendations described in ACl 347. B. Construction Joints: Construct and assemble forms in such a manner that joints occur at accepted locations. C. Details: Take extreme care in all details of forming, setting and reinforcing. Except where tooled corners are indicated, provide all exposed concrete finish with smooth, even surfaces of dense concrete with clean sharp arises and outside corners. D. Earthforms: 1. As accepted, use eathform.s for footings only where soil is firm and stable and concrete will not be exposed. Cut excavations neatly with accurate sizes. E. Coordination: After forms have been placed and accepted, insure that all other trades have been properly notified and given sufficient time :to complete installa_tion of their wo_rk. F. Recesses and Openings: Provide as shown on tbe Drawings or as maybe directed at the site. G. Reinforcing Steel: Install progressively with work of other trades. Coordinate each other's schedules so as to avoid disturbing or moving work already installed by one trade to admit the work of another. H. Responsibility: Each trade shall be entirely responsible for proper installation and securing of the work during placing of concrete. I. Prior to Pouring Concrete: 1. Thoroughly clean out all forms to be used. 2. Thoroughly wet wood forms as required where form coatings are not used. J. Exposed Concrete: 1. Inst.all fgrm.wwk so that mortar leakage is minimized. Procide foam edge stripping at pam!l edges t.o prevent grout fins, and other clefeots. 2. Stagger all joints in forming panels. 3. Align all wall form ties symmetrically about the center of the panel, both horizontally and vertically. K. Footings: · 1. Install form-work as required to maintain dimension and elevation during concrete placement. 2. Construct lo tolerances required in thjs spepific~tion. . 3. Prepare subgrade and compact per Soil Engmeer s geotechnical report. L. Embedments: t d t •a1 • t 1. Comply with ACI 318, regarding placemen an ma eri reqwremen s. 2. All embedded items shall be aligned and braced with templates or other devices to prevent movement during concrete placement. 3. Do not embed aluminum materials of any type without approved corrosion coaling. M. Removal of Forms: 1. Do not remove supporting forms or shoring witil concrete has sufficient strength to carry its own weight and other loads upon it. 2. Remove forms only after concrete has properly set and without damaging concrete. 3. 1n no case shall forms be removed from exposed, sandblasted concrete components in less than 24 hours, and required by coating manufacturer. 4. In no case shall forms be removed from sail retaining type walls until concrete has cured a minimum of 48 hours. For soil retaining type walls over six (6') feet, forms shall not be removed for a minimum of 60 hours. 3.04 REINFORCEMENTS: A. Fabrication: . 1. Bends shall conform to bend dimensions defined as standard in accordance with details in the CRSI Manual of Standard Practice, unless otherwise noted. 2. Bars shall be bent cold, and shall not be bent or straightened in a manner that will damage the material. 3. Bars shall be fabricated within the tolerances shown in the CRSI manual of Standard Practice. 4. Welding as an aid to fabrication and/or installation will not be permitted except as specifically shown in the drawings, or as aY.thorized 'by the Landscape Architect. B. Supports: Accurately and securely fasten or support reinforcements to prev-ent displacement before or during pouring. Hang footing bars from forms. Support wire mesh with suitable metal cradles. C. Placement: 1. Clean, bend and place reinforcement· per recommended practices of ACI Mtmual of Concrete Practice. Hardscape i CDP 14-05/AV 15-04/CDP 15-13 s T u D I 34202 Sepulveda Avenue Capistrano &each, CA 92624 pho 949.248.5404 fux 949.240.9790 0 1llfS DMWIIIG AS AN INST!UMENl Of SfRYICES IS THE PROPERTY Of THE IAIIIOOl'fAIQfffcr MIii MMIIOTBf ~ IIIAIIYRl!liWITl!OUT Tl!E LMl!l5CAP£ A«Cmmrs WRITTEN !'ERMISSION AND UNtESS THE Rl:PlO!ltlmlll 001£$ lltE I.MIOSCAPE oomCT'S IIAMt. ILL DESISII MIil llTIIH IHl!A1m !l1llffll !1111111: llMWlll!l AtE fOl THE SOI£ USE Of TIit Sfttffl f'1l!llftT UlllT M9 SIW.t. ll!JT BE OOOWII!: USED WlTIIOUT Tilt mms l'R!Ot lfflflTEff l'ERMISSHltl Of 1llE lAIIDSCAPE AIOfflID. WRlillN lllMfllSlOff SHAU HAI£ l'tECED£NCE OVER SCALED DIMENSION. CllNIRAlJ1IR{SI WLl YiRlfl' Mill BE llt:Sl'lll!S!l!U fOft All 0lMfllSIORS All!) C~ IJW 111EJII. TIit ~ AtCllllfC!IS ro llE IWfOllll!ED Qf Alff JAft!AllOIIS ffflll 1lf£ DlilmlONS AIIO (OffDmOftS SIIOWI! UN TIU IJRAll!ffliS. U51l!l6 (O!lllf1l\JMS AIIO lilCAIIOIS Of I/IIUTlfS HAI£ 11111 ml! UflEll lllllEl'W!lm.Y. II SIIN.l llE lllE RESl'OIISIBlUJY Of 11!£ COlmACTDi!SI mm BEGlll!IING llllRI( TO DEm/11111£ Ill£ EXACT UlCATIOR Of AU IA5IM!m All!) EJISTIIIG lll11.lllES. lHE COlffiACTOR(SI S11AU. Bf K!Sl'IJIMI.E fOI SiCllllllll All PERMITS JMD EIN!MERIIIG REIMl!ll lllllCH IS llllt 1ll0.tl!J£Il Ill 1lt£SE [)RA'fflllGS. CIYI!, SlffiJll&II, MECHAIIKM. EIIGIMEllllll, Wf/lftG Aftll DRAINAGE BY OTHERS. S!IOr ~s MllST IE SUBMllJEl) TQ THE l.AIIOSCAPE AROillt(l FOR Rm£II BmlR£ l'l!Otffllllll, ffllll FAmv\111)11. T!MSA elm LANOS(Al'E AlOflT£CT APPROVED FOR /RR/GA TION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. " AS BU I LT" RCE EXP. DATE REVIEWED BY: [ . ONSISTEN. CYDETERM.IN. '~.1SN\!lX!:ll!VT. -!~ROJECTNO, S--l'-t° /'{p~ Pute,ll\$1r:08,;;:-;0;:4-:1:-4r-,r;;2;:;ND~S:;-;U;;;BM-;;IT;:;T:;A;-L-;:C:;:;OP~R;:EVl:;;E~W;;----------r--r--r--r--r.:===:;:-;::::::::::::::::::::::::;;::::;:::::=;;::::~~:::;;;:;:::::=:;:::::;-;::;::::;-;;:;::::: Don Neu. Cily Prnnner A flt. · · 11.5 Specifications INSPECTOR DATE w CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ RECOMMEND;A~~'~j~~ .·1i-_:□~1~:::.--1-_-1~=-··~--:+---+-'-!:.:.:D.:....::::.:~.::::M:::Ml:.:1~.:.:T:.:.:~:....::~.:::~:'-'-:"'!:.:.~:.:1!.:.:: __________ j-__ 1 __ 1 ___ 1 __ 1 ~::::::;::::::::::;:'..,'.:;::::;:::::;:::;:;:;::~~~;:::;:::::;:;~:;:::;::===::::'._.'.::::====; ~\ 04.06.15 51H suB•ITTAL CDP REv1EW LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: PLANNING DIVISION Ex,:: irotion Dote: 6.30.2Q16 Tierra del Oro Residence 5039 Tierra del Oro Carlsbad, CA 92008 l---+-----'l------------------t---t------1--,--, IA __ P_PR_o_v_E_D_= ____________ ----1 1---+---+----------------t----t----t---r-, _PLANNING . l--::-:c::;c-+-:-c::=c+----------------t-;;-;-;:;:-t-;;:;;c;;--;;---t--;;-;c~t"';';;;:;;-;;-;-a ~D~W~N=;B~Y=: ===:;-;::=~P::::R::::O=JE:::C::::T==NO:::_==~DR:::A::W::::1::NG:::=N:::::O:=;_ DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OATE INITIAL CHKD BY: ~--CDP 14 05 XXXX DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: - ,, z. ,. 1 ARB MAR 6' -0" HGT 757. OPEN FENCE AND GATE .4 36"B PER PLAN 6'-0" VIEW CORRIDOR, TYP. REINFORCED STRAW MATTING WILL BE INSTALLED TO THE PROPOSED PLANT MATERIAL. 9 MYR COM 16 MAC 5G 48" o.c. 15G PER PLAN 3 GRE LON 15G 42" O.C. Slopes 6: 1 or steeper requiring erosion control measures as specified herein shall be treated with one or more of the following planting standards: a. b. C. d. Standard #1 -Cover Crop/Relnforced Stnaw ltlattlng Caver crop shall be a seed mix typically made up of quick germinating and fast covering grasses, clovers, and/or wild flowers. Submit the specific seed mix for City approval prior to application. The cover crop shell be applied at a rate and manner sufficient to provide 907. coverage within thirty (30) days. Type of reinforced straw matting shall be as approved by the City and staked to the slope as recommended by the manufacturer. Reinforced straw matting shall be required when planting occurs between August 15 and April 15. The cover crop end/or reinforced straw mat shall be used the remainder of the yeor. Standard #2 -Ground Cover One hundred (1007.) percent of the area shall be planted with a ground cover known to have excellent soil binding characteristics (planted from a minimum size of flatted material and spaced to provide full coverage within one year. Standard #3 -Low Shrubs Low spreading woody shrubs (planted from a minimum of 2-3/4 inch liners) shall cover a mlnimum of seventy (707.) percent cf the slope face (at mature size). Standard #4 -Trees and/or Lorge Shrubs Trees and/or large shrubs shall 0e (planted from a minimum of 1 gallon containers) at a minimum rate of one(1) per two hundred (200) square feet. C: DRAWING FILES TITLE SIIEETS CLSB-IP.OWG REVISED: 5 15 2012 ~ , 12 GAL SPE /," ~128~ _.,., ,,..,, ,.,.. ~,,-.,--~.,.. / Y ...... ,,.,.,~~,., ,,,,:;:: ,/ '}<,1-.,,-J Slopes 6: 1 or steeper and: C. =· c. 3' or less in vertical height and are adjacent to public walks or streets require a minimum Standard #1, 3' to B' in vertical height reqwire Standards #1 (erosion control matting shall be installed 1n lieu if a cover crop), (12 and fl3. In excess of 8' in vertical height require Standards #1 (erosion control matting shall be installed in lieu of cover crop), #2, #3 and #4. Areas graded flatter than 6: 1 require Standard #1 (cover crop) with temporary irrigation when they have one or more of the following conditions: a. Sheet graded pads not scheduled for improvements within 6 months of completion of rough grading. b. A potential erosion problem as determlned by the City. c. Identified 0y the City as highly visi0le areas to the public or hcive special conditions that warrant immediate treatment. 5 MYR C M 8 MYR COM 5G 42" O.C. Coastal Commission Special Condition 6.e. Per the Californio Coastal Commission Special Condition 6.e.: "A written commitment by the applicant that five :,ears from the date of the issuance cf the coastal development permit for the residential structure, the applicant wm submit for the review an written approval of the Executive Director (of the Califomio Coastal Commission) a landscaping monitoring report, prepared by a licensed Landscape Architect or qualified Resource Specialist, that certifies whether the on-site landscaping is in conformance with the landscape plan approved pursuant to this special condition. The monitoring report shall include photographic documentation of plan species and plant coverage. If the landscape monitoring report indicates the landscaping is not in conformance with or hes faited to meet the performance standarels specified in the landscape plan approved pursuant to this permit, the gpplicant, or successor in interest, shall submit a revised or supplemental landscape plan for the review and written approval of the Executive Director (of the California Coastal Commission). The revised landscaping plan must be prepared by a licensed Landscape Architect or Resource Specialist and shdfl specify measure to remediate those portions of the origlnal plan that heave failed or are not in conformance with the origlnal approved plan." //1ICUFST !--JCUS'E. .::::· j /, / Lj. ', 8 RHA UMB 5G PER PLAN 4 NER RED 5G PER PLAN ARB MAR 36"B PER PLAN 4 CON MAU 1G PER PLAN GftOIJNDCOVERS SYM BOTANICAL NAME AEO URB Aeonium urbicum CIS PUR Cistus purpureus CLI MIN Clivia miniato CON MAU Convolvwlus mauritanicus COR DUS Correa 'Dusky Bells' COR PUL Correa pulchella OIE LEl'II Dietes 'Lemon Drop' DIE VAR Dietes variegcta DYM Dymandia GER INC Geranium incanum LAV STO Lavand11la stcechos Cover Crop Connors Clover for Standard #1 VINES/ESPALIERS SYM. BOTANICAL NAME ANT LEP An tigonon leptopus , BOU ROS Bowgoinvttlec 'Rosenka MAC Macfadyeno ungwis-cati PER 6 TEU CHA GUTT. \ 6 SAL ALB 5Q 4i2" .. o.c. ___ _ --·------· TAG LUC 5G 48" o.c. r ··· :f r: .. 1··5 ---; /;, c"-;, ! ,,L_ I / , .-1-~L!'(~ . J ,./ti-' ...... ,4~~ ('' \ i \ _14 BOU ROS \ 5G 48" O.C. ' 12 ROS OFF 5G 30• O.C. ·iw ,;,,Y /-/.,-/:1-l~3L ' , !/ ·········/ EXISTING NORFOLK ISLAND PINE TO REMAIN 9 TEU FRU 5G 42" O.C. 6 GRE SER 5G PER PLAN 10 ROS OFF 4 ANT LEP 15G PER PLAN DYM FLATS AT JOINTS COMMON NAME Soucer Plant Orchid Rockrose Kaffir Lily Ground Morning Glory Red Australian Fuchsia Pink Australian Fuchsia Fortnight Lily Variegated Fortnight Lily Silver Carpet Cranesbill Spanish Lavender COMMON NAME Coral Vine ~~rs Claw 5G 30" O.C. PLANT LEGEND TREES SYM ARB MAR ERY BID MEL ARM MEL LEU RHU LAN BOTANICAL NAME Arbutus 'Marina' Erythrina bidwillii Melaleuca armillaris Melaleuca leucadendra Rhus lancea COMMON NAME Strawberry Tree Shrub Coral Tree Bracelet Honey-Myrtle Weeping Paperbarl< African Sumac QTY 2 1 1 1 1 SHRUBS OTY 8 17 12 4 29 12 44 8 10 11 QTY. 4 19 16 SYM AGA ATT ALO ALL Al.0 VER CAR MAC CIS SAL CIS SAL GAL SPE GRE LON GRE st:R LAU NOB l't1YR COM NER RED RHA UMB ROS OFF' SAL ALB SEN VIT TAG LUC TEC ORA TEU CHA TEU FRU BOTANICAi NAME Agave attenuate Afoe allocides Alce vera Carissa macrocarpa Cistus salviifclius Cistus salviifolius 'Prostratus' Galvesia l'l)eciosa , GrevHlea 'long John Grevillea sericea Laurus nabilis Myrtus cammunis , Nerium oleander 'Little Red Rhaphiolepis umbellata Rosmarinus officinqlis 'Tuscan Salvia. gre_ggij 'Alba Senec,o vitahs Tagetes lucidc Tecoma 'Orange Jubilee' Teucrium chamaedrys Teucrium fruticans Blue' COMMON NAME Agave Grasl<op Aloe Medn::inol Atoe Natal Plum Rockrose Scgeleaf Rockrose Island Bush Snapdragon NCN Silky Grevillea Sweet Bay True Myrtle Dwarf Red Oleander Yeddo Hawthorn Rosemary White Texas Sage Blue Chalk Stic~s Mexican Tarragon Orange Jubilee Tecoma Germander Bush Germander OJY 34 17 34 27 12 14 12 3 6 19 24 4 8 22 11 17 10 5 14 9 MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY NOTE: ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS WILL BE MAINTAINED BY PRIVATE HOMEOWNER. VEGETATION WILL BE MAINTAINED TO PRESERVE VIEWS PER CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE 21.201.100C. KEY MAP s \ T u D I 34202 Sepulveda Avenue Capl$1rano BeQch, CA 92624 pho 949.246.5404 fax 949.240.9790 0 NCT TO SCALE llllS 1/RAWIIIG AS AN IIIS!lit!Mflff Of SERVICES IS T/11: PROPERTY Of THE IAlllKAf£ IIRCffllID All1I lflflf llllf BE RB'ROlltl(ED 111111! FORM Wl1HOUT 11IE LAJIOSUl'E AtCl!1T£CT'S mlffiff l'ERMIS>IOW MIO UILBS ll!E mtWl!tiMI lAfflUl'S lift tAffl)S{Af'E Mtlf1T!CT'5 ftAfflf. ALL DESl\iN Ml!l Olll!l lllfOl!1IIATIOI Sffllfflf Oil Tlfl' ORAWlllG Ai£ fOl THE SW USf Of HIE Wlfl£» Pl!1lJKT OWIJ MID SffALL NOT BE OTHERWISE USEll ffllllWf TIii Eml:SS fklllR WRITTEN l'ERMISSIO!I Of THE lAl!OSCAfi MttlllECT. WRITTEN Dlllt£IIIION SHALL H.IV£ PR!CillENCE OVER SCAlEll DIMENSION. COIITRACTl/l:{Sl SIIAll. ¥!RITT AftO Bf RESfOIMU FOi All. DIMENSIONS MIil COIIDIJ!OII} ll!ITHE JOB. 1Hl. IAIIDSCAPE AROIITTCTIS TO S! lffilRM!ll Of AlfY YAilATIOIIS fiOM THE llllil!ftS!OliS /lilf) COIIOITI01IS SHOWN Oil THE llWIIRGS. EXISlfflO COlfflfllOllS Allll lOCATIORS Of IITlllllES tl,\Vf HOT 11!:Ell mtflfD ll'llfl'Elll!l!llY. IT Sl!AU. SE Tiff: IESl'OllSISIIITY Of THE COll!WTO&lSl lEFm IEG!IIIIJRG W~ TO DET!l!IIIRE THE EJ',A(l LOCATIVll llf All tA°sfmTS Allll Ell>ll!lli llllllllES. 1llE Cl!NlMffOljSI 51!All IE ffSl'VIIWE fO,. 1£Wlffl, AU. l'mllTS AIIO EIIGIIIEfRlflG REWffl£U llllltll 5 IWT llltWO£ll ll! lllESE MOOJS. CIYII., S1RIICTllW, MfCl!Aft!tAl EIWIIIEEftllG, W;Oll!$ MW IIRAINAGE Bl OlHEl!S. 111W lllAWl!IGS 11111ST IE SIJ!IIITTEO TO THE I.ANOSCAPE MCHITl:CT FOR RE1!!ll fflORt PIOa!DffiG WITll FAIKICM!Oft. l!IHESA (I.ARI( LAllDICAfi WillftT APPROVED FOR !RR/GA TION ANO PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. ALL TREES WITHIN 5' OF PAVING AREAS,. CURBS,_ OR WALLS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH ROOT CONTROL BARRIERS, BY DEEP ROuT OR E1,1UAL. APPLY IN A LINEAR ltlANNER, 00 NOT WRAP ROOTBALL. 8 16 "AS BU ,LT" 32 ' AL YSSUM l't1ARITIMA 'CARPET OF SNOW' AS HERBACEOUS GROUNDCOVER TO BE BROADCAST SEED FOR COVER CROP DURING WOODY SHRUB ESTABLISHMENT. E'in:'oi.\-\'~~•• oC '' ~1-\H~ 08.04.14 SCALE: 1 /8"= 1 'o" 12.1 Plan ting Plan Upper Level RCE __ _ EXP. ___ _ DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE 2ND SUBMITTAL CDP REVIEW ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ ll--1~1'-'. 1c,4,_,. 1.::4+---+-3:::R.:,D'--"S"U:::BMcclc:.TT.:.:A.:,Lc_::CD:::P_:_R::cEc.:.1'1::cE.:.:W __________ t-__ -t-__ --t ___ T __ 1 z 1 5 4TH SUBMITTAL CllP REV1E\'I "-:=::;:;::::::;~~:;::;;;;:;P~LA;,N;N;l;N:::::G~D;:;IV;IS~l::;0;N~===::'...::===; 02.10.1 ~ 04.06.15 5TH SUBMITTAL CDP REVIEW LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: Tierra del Oro Residence 5039 Tierra del Oro Carlsbad, CA 92008 t====j====j==============================~=====~====~====~====: ~P~LA~N=N~IN~G===:::;-;::=~~~~~=~~~~::::,::=::= DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. l APPROVED: DATE INITIAL DESIGNER OF WORK Ex iration Date: 6.~.2()16 REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL ~~~g ~~; ~-CDP 14-05 XXXX DATE INITIAL CITY APPROVAL "AA'' Slopes 6: 1 or steeper requiring erosion control measures as specified herein shall be treated with one or more of the following planting standards: a. b. c. d. Standard #1 -Cover Crop/Reinforced Straw Matting Cover crop shall be a seed mix t}'Pically made up of quick germinating and fast covering grasses, clovers. and/or wild flowers. Submit the specific seed mix for City approval prior to application. The cover crop shall be applied at a rate and manner sufficient to provide 90% coverage within thirty (30) days. T}'Pe of reinforced straw matting shall be as approved by the City and staked to the slope as recommended by the manufacturer. Reinforced straw matting shall be required when planting occurs betm,en August 15 and April 15. The cover crop and/or reinforced straw mat shall be used the remainder of the year. Standard #2 -Ground Cover One hundred (100%) percent of the area shall be planted with a ground cover known to have excellent soil binding chorocteristics (planted from a minimum size of flatted material and spaced to provide full coverage within one year. Standard #3 -Low Shrubs Low spreading woody shrubs (planted from a minimum of 2-3/4 inch liners) shall cover a minimum of seventy (70%) percent of the slope face (at mature size). Standard #4 -Trees and/or Lorge Shrubs Trees and/or large shrubs shall be (planted from a minimum of 1 gallon containers) at a minimum rate of one(1) per two hundred (200) square feet. Slopes 6: 1 or steeper and: a. 3' or less in vertical height and are adjacent to public walks or streets require a minimum Standard #1. b. 3' to 81 in vertical height require Standards #1 (erosion control matting shall be installed in lieu if a Cover crop), #2 and #3. c. In excess of 8' in vertical height require Standards #1 (erosion control matting shall be installed in lieu of cover crop), #2, #3 and #4. Areas graded flatter than 6: 1 require Standard #1 (cover crop) with temporary irrigation when they have one or more of the following. conditions: a. Sheet gra.ted pads not scheduled for improvements within 6 months of completion of rough grading. b. A potential erosion problem as determined by the City. c. Identified by the City as highly visible areas to the pwblic or have special conditions that warrant immediate treatment. 3 AGA ATT 5G 42" O.C. 1 ERY BID 36"8 PER PLAN , :·!LTER 7 ALO V. R 5G 36" O.C. C: DRAWING FiLlS ll!LE Sll[[iS CLSB-IP.DWG REVISED: 5/15 2012 • A"\\' \ 5. SEN VIT 5G 36"0.C. \. \ ' BW 22. . 20 COR DUS .. ,, c•-/·. 1· 5G ! Vy , 24"0.C . 11 Cl:> PUR 7.5' :-,1J!i 36" o.c. BUILDl~'r \ \ '·· . 7 .. CAR MAC -~\ 5G 36" 0.C. c~, ~, ... \ GROUNDCOVERS $YM BOTANICAi NAME AEO URS Aeonium urbicum CIS PUR Cistus purpureus CLI MIN Clivia miniata CON MAU Convolvulus mouritonicus COR DUS Correo 'Dusky Bells' COR PUL Correo pulchella DIE LEM Dietes 'Lemon Drop' OIE VAR Dietes variegate DYM Dymondia GER INC Geranium inconum LAV STO Lovandula stoechas / 36"8 8 DIE VAR 5G 42"0.C. COMMON NAME Saucer Plant Orchid Rockrose Kaffir Ltty Ground Morning Glory Red Australian Fuchsia Pink Australian Fuchsia Fortnight Lily Variegated Fortnight Lily Silver Carp et Cranesbill Cover Crop Connor's Clover for Standard #1 Spanish Lavender VINES/ESPALIERS SYM. BOTANICAL NAME ANT LEP Antigonan leptopus BOU ROS Bougainvillea 'Rosenko' MAC Macfodyeno unguis-cati COMMON NAME Corel Vine NCN Cats Clow QTY 8 17 12 4 29 12 44 8 10 11 QTY. 4 19 16 ALL TREES WITHIN 5' OF PAVING AREAS, CURBS, OR WALLS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH ROOT CONTROL BARRIERS, BY DEEP ROOT OR EQUAL. APPLY IN A LINEAR MANNER, DO NOT WRAP ROOTBALL. - AL YSSUM MARITIMA 'CARPET OF SNOW' AS HERBACEOUS GROUNDCOVER TO BE BROADCAST SEED FOR COVER CROP DURING WOODY SHRUB ESTABLISHMENT. SYM AGA ATT ALO ALL ALO VER CAR MAC CIS SAL CIS SAL GAL SPE GRE LON GRE SER LAU NOB MYR COM NER RED RHA UMB ROS OFF SAL ALB SEN Vil TAG LUC TEC ORA TEU CHA TEU FRU BOTANICAi NAME Agave attenuate Aloe allooides Aloe vera Carissa macrocarpa Cistus solviifolius Cistus salviifolius 'Prostratus' Galvesia ~pecioso Grevilleo long John' Grevilleo sericeo Laurus nobilis 1¥1yrtus communis , NeriloffTl aleander 'Little Red Rhaphiolepis umbelloto Rosmarinus officinqlis 'Tuscon Salvio greggii 'Alba Senecio vitolis Tagetes lucido , Tecomo 'Orange Jubilee Teucrium chomaedrys Teucrium fruticans Blue' 11.16 F?!M=,~- /F- COMMON NAME Agave Groskop Aloe Medicinal Aloe Natal Plum Rockrose p· Sageleaf Rockrose Island Bush Snapdragon NCN Silky Grevilleo Sweet Bay True Myrtle Dwarf Red Oleander Yeddo Hawthorn Rosemary White Texas Sage Blue Chalk SticRs Mexican Tarragon Orange Jubilee Tecomo Germander Bush Germander QTY 34 17 34 27 12 14 12 3 6 19 24 4 B 22 11 17 10 5 14 9 PE.RVIOUS STONE WALK \ CUf?B& \ \ \ \ \ \ SECOt-/0 DWELLING Coastal Commission Special Condition 6.e. Per the California Coastal Commission Special Condition 6.e.: "A written commitment by the applicant that five years from the date of the issuance of the coastal development permit for the residential structure, the applicant will submit for the review an written approval of the Executive Director (of the California Coastal Commission) a landscaping monitoring report, prepared by o licensed Landscape Architect or qualified Resource Specialist, that certifies whether the on-site londscoping is in conformance with the landscape plan approved pursuant to this special condition. The monitoring report shall! include photographic documentation of plan species amd plant coverage. If the landscape monitoring report indicates the landscaping is not in conformance with or has failed to meet the performance stgndards specified in the landscape plan approved pursuant to this permit, the applicant, or successor in interest, shall submit a revised or supplemental landscape plan for the review and written approval of the Executive Director (of the California Coastal Commission). The revised· landscaping plan must be prepared by a licensed Landscape Architect or Resource Specialist and shall specify measure to rernediate those portions of the original p1an that hove faffed or are not in conformance with the original approved plcm.,, MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY NOTE: ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS WILL BE MAINTAINED BY PRIVATE HOMEOWNER. VEGETATION WILL BE MAINTAINED TO PRESERVE VIEWS PER CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE 21.201.1 OOC. 8 0 --~ 8 16 32 ----~ --' SCALE: 1 /8"= 1 'o" I CDP 14-05/AV 15-04/CD:~5-13 -~ KEY MAP \ s T u D I 3,4202 Sepulveda Avenue Copioll QIIO l!ea<:h, CA 9262-4 phc 949.248.5404 !,;ix 949.240.9790 0 TlllS DRAWJIIG AS All lllS!RIIMIH! Of SERYl(fS IS TIIE PROPERTY Of THE LIIIDSCAl'f .-ill1ECT A!lll /N11 IIOl Bf IEPKODIJ[B) IN ANY ffmi Wlll!OUT THE IAN!ISUl'E ffl!ITT£Cl'S WRITTEN l'ER/illSSJOll Allll UftlBS THE R!l'ftOllUCTifJll (ilmfS ll!f I.ANIW!'E AiCHITKT'S NAM£. All llESIGN 1111D Ul11ER lffl'Oi1W11111 SHOW!I Dll lflf DAAW!IIG AiE FOii. lHE SO!£ US!: Of lllf SFECIFIED Pl!Wfil Oll!J AIID Sl!All IIDT BE OIIIE!YIISE USED fflfflQUT Tffl: EXl'RESS nlQR WRmlN PWIISl!Oll Of THE lAIIOS(/1?£ ,IR(llllffi. WRIITTN IIIIMNIION SlfAll. HAYE PRECEDENCt OYER SOOD DIMfNSJON. C~fi l!WJ. lERITT MIil iE KESfOllSIII.E Fill All DffiOSIONS Allll C Oii 111£ JflB. IH!. INIO,CAl'E Mro!ITECTIS 1li Bf llffOWll llf MT YAllATlffi Fa 11!1 lllME~ MIil CIJIIDITI011S SIIOWII OIi Tl!.. MliMii 951fflG UIIMHOIIS lillll lOCAllOllS OF UllUTl£S l!,\YE NOT BEHi Yfflfltll lffll'EIIOOOLY. If YIAU BE lHI: KEl!'llllSlBIUlY Of THE WllTRACTOK!Sl BEFORE B£G0041NG WORK 10 DEIERM!ff ETHE EXACl lOCAllOll llf All tASEM!N!S Mill UISTIIIG UllllllES. lHI: C011TRAC!Oll1Sl SHAU 1£ KESl'QllS!lllE FOR SffURIIIG All PERMITS AIIO ENG!!IEERrilG R£Wffl£1) WNICH IS IIOTl!ICUIIIEI) 1111!1£\E OMW!NGS. {M~ SlRUCTURAt, M£CIIANl(Al EIIG!ftHRIIIG, GRAOIIIG AIID DRAINAGE BY OTHERS. SHDf' DMWltlGS MUST BE SUBMITTED lO THE I.AN!llCA!'E ARCHIT£Cl FOR ffllfW ffiffi PROCfEOl!l\i l'l'ITll FAIRlCAllOft. lltE&tlA Cl.ARK I.AN ilCAPf AROUTECT NOT TO SCALE APPROVED FOR !RR/GA TION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BU,L T" RCE __ _ EXP ____ _ DATE 11 E · · '' Planting Plan ONSlSTENCY DETERMIN~t)\SEXH\B!"l" REVIEWED BY: Fo PRDJEcrNo, -2.'t 12.2 Lower Level INSPECTOR DATE tlouNeu,ClryPlunrte i~o[J.171.~\S\lC l.-o-a.-o4--1-4 -r-----,--!N-R~-:--~-:-:~--:~=~--:~-~=~-:-:-=:=:~-=::--:-------,---,--,---r-.i:1==~1 =c=r=T=y==o=F==c==A=R::::::::L=s:::::;B=A::::;;D:::::;--;::I ;::::;;:;;1:;;::;-11 RECPMMEND€·tl······ll· Y; _ . . .• .. 1~-'-11'.:.· 1'.'.'4 ::c· 1.'.':4-l----l--"4~TH'c...:S'ceU.':'.BM~lc.'.TTc'.A~Lc.:C~D:'..P_R,_,,E:.,~e,E:.,_Wc..._ ________ -+ __ --t __ ----j,--1-1 '-====3~~:;::~~~P;L;::A;N~N:;I N;:G:;:;D::;l::;:V;IS;:l::;O:;N;;:===::::'....'.===::; I I~ 02.10.15 c DATE:, . · 04.05.15 5TH SUBMITTAL CDP RE~EW LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: Tierra del Oro Residence 5039 Tierra del Oro Carlsbad, CA 92008 t====j====j==============================~=====~====~====+===~ ~P::::LA:::N:::::N:;IN=:G===:::;-;::=======~;:::=======~ OWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. I APPROVED: DA TE INITIAL DESIGNER OF WORK Ex irotion Dote: 6.J0.2Ql6 REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL ~t~g ~~'. --CDP 14-05 XXXX DATE INITIAL CITY APPROVAL i---j:::~-?---------ATTACH VINE TO WALL OR COLUMN ~---------2" MULCH LAYER of ~--------AMENDED BACKFILL ~----FINISH GRADE OR PAVEMENT EDGE io -v'7";t-------------\..,OMPACTED AMENDED ~T_ i:.:,.::.,t..,:;.,t.,:.,:.,:.:.::...:;.:...:..:;..:;..::..:;.i BACKFILL ~1 9/16"XROOT__J 5 VINE PLANTING NOT TO SCALE C: DR/\WING f.'ILE.S n1u: SHE.ETS CLSB--IP.DWG R['v!S[J: 5j";5 2012 3 4 T f---0 0 [t' t "' -----SHRUB ~--EXISTING GRADE,. SLOPE ~----MULCH 2" LAYER I llimw11 -----~'711il' ~--BERM 1.11 111 111 111 11 ·.·-~II .. · ... ••···•·.SI 1 )1111111 >•-111 I , 1ml I ;: :. m:: :1 I i'I ~ ~111111ill~I TTT=I ~I 11' I ----KOO TB ALL ------------ 1 1 /2 X ROOTBALL t-------COMPACTED AMENDED BACKFILL 85% SHRUB PLANTING ON SLOPE NOT TO SCALE I I EDGE OF CURB PAVING OR WALL GROUND COVER NOT TO SCALE & SHRUB SPACING 1 2 (/) uJ [t' <( > f---0 0 [t' 1 1 /2 X ROOTBALL TREE PLANTING NOT TO SCALE ODGE POLE PINE STAKE 2" DIAMETER X 1 O' ..----~VIT TREE BRACE ,,----~L" MULCH ~--2" BACK MULCH f---'. • I= J!ml 0 0 ~°' -~~~'77"7'77"77'7'.='7"h-T····-n1,·•··••·•····_ 11 i' I I I I i' I I I ' "' MENDED BACKFIL 111 111 11i'11 1 I -----i~~~~~m~~~~~r~~-~:t;f-~OMPACTED AMENDED -"' BACKFILL 85% ,, Planting ! CDP 14-05/AV 15-04/CDP 15-13 ___ ] STUDIO 34202 Sepulveda Avenue Copis1rc,no Beoch, CA 92624 pho 949.2-48.5404 be 949.240.9790 lfflS llRAW!lfG AS All fffSTRUMElfl OF SUVICES IS lffE PIWPERIY OF THE ~ARtll11ffi Mil !iMT IIUT B£ Kmootl(fl) l!IMY FOi/ii WllHOllT lffE lAllllSCAl'E AIC!!ITTCT'S wx1m1 !'HlllfiSION AIID UlllESS THf Rt!'llOIIIK I IOI! lARm l11E LANDS<AI'!' ARClllffCT'S IMIIIE. All DESIGN MID a!ffl lllfll!!MM1!JII !itl\l'IIII 011 TllE IIMll!IIIJ ARE FOR THE SOil' t5E Of 111! m.rmo moo 11111.Y AftO SHAl.l llOT BE Q!l!ERlml' USEO WITHQIIT 111! rnms mill IIIITTEII PHMl!iliON Of 1l!E LAIIWA!'E li!Wll1RT. WR!TlIN DlliltNSIOft SHAU ltA¥E !'llECEDffiCE O'IEK SCAU:D DIMENSION. '°"== Wit YIRlfY MIU BE IIE!it'lllMlE FOR AU. O!MEIISIOIIS All!) llll lHE JQi. 1H£ I.AWi(Af[ ARtllllECTIS TO BE IRFOIUllfO Of All YAmATm FROM TllE O!M£MIIS ANll CONOffiONS lffOWN ON TllE IMll!ftiS. ~ ,O!illlliOir.> AIIHQCAllO!IS Of tmtmES HAYE llllT MEIi YERlfl£0 !IIIIEP!llfflll.Y. IT Sll,lll BE l!fE RES!'VIIS!ll!.ITT Of 111£ COlfflACTOR'!Sl 8£fffl BEGl1lll!l!G l'llm TO DETERMIIIE 1l!E !Xi.CT WUJIOII Of AU ~ MID EX!SllllG \JTIUIIES. THE CO!ITRACTOR!Sl Sl!Ail Bf KE'.ifwbv\f Flit SE(l!il!IG All l't:IMITS MIil Ellfilll!E&IRG R£Wffl!II WfflOI IS IKl! l1KllfllE0 111 lltESE llMWll!6S. CIVIi, SlXIKlllW, MECHMIKAt ~. GAAOOOi AIIO ORAINAGf BY OTHElS. 5ff01' MINGS MUST 8£ SUBMITTED TO 111£ LAtlllSCA!'E ARCHITECT FOR ID!fW fflOIE f'1!11CEED!llli WITH FAfflt:AllOlt ll!EftESA CUKK lAIIDS(A!'[ ARCHITTCT APPROVED FOR /RR/GA TION ANO PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" RCE EXP. DATE REVIEWED BY: [ . NSJ.STENCYD. ETERMINro.NEXj!\BlT ..f!.Y5fROJECT NO. tlS•2"1' - L.Je,,, Date: 1" t.-rl. <' lr::::-::-:-:--;-r---,--;~:;;;;;:;,;:;:;--;:;;-;;-;;;:;-;;;:;;;-----__,1,,_-,--r---r-r-,--;:==::::;~:::::::::::::=:::::::=::::::::::::::::;::::::~:::::::::::::::;-;:::;=.;:;::; iion'~Nec::..,.'.a,Cily""P;;;:lan~ner~'tl--···-f,(I ~ li--"'.08c.".0:='.4 . .'..:.'.14+----1-.'.::;2N::::,D.::,SU::.:B:::::Ml'..'...:TT.'..::AL:_C::::D:__P _:.::RE::.::Vl:::.:EW:__ ______ +----+---t---t-----t 12,3 Details INSPECTOR DATE w CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ RECOMI.IENiJED ilY: _ 'Ji'i'!:._rfh:k.. 11.14.14 3RD SUBMITTAL CDP REVIEW L-r=:;2n;;A;TB~• ~~·~,s~-==========~02~.,~o.,~5+==+~41H~SU:iB!MiMl:iiTTA\AL:::;c;QDP~REi"1IYEw1-______ +---+---4--+---1 ~=='....::=========:::;::::::::::::::===::::;:;::::;::::===-=====; 04.06.15 511, SUBMITTAL CDP RE"1EW LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: Tierra del Oro Residence PLANNING DIVISION 1 4 · -1 5039 Tierra del Oro 'r'q_ Carlsbad, CA 92008 ~~ 16 ...., 5 1-----1----1--------------+----+---t--+-----t I A_P_P_Ro_v_E_D= _____________ _ ,~, * l----+---l--------------t---+---t---r---1~·P~LA~NN~IN~G===:;-;:::========;-;=====~ ~>-~'-'2_20_15-:, ~'< 1-----1----1--------------t--:--:-=--+-:-:=---t--=-:=--t-::c=-:c---t DWN BY: --PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. , . -DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL cRHvwKDD BsYy:_ --CDP 14-05 XXXX or cALI DESIGNER oF woRK REVISION DESCRIPTION o11,rn APPROVAL cITY APPROVAL Expiration Date: 6.J0.2016 IANDSCAPE GRADING SECTION 02215 PART I-GENERAL 1.01 QUAIJTY ASSURANCE: A. General: Perform work in accordance with all applicable laws, codes and regulations required by City, State and Federal guidelines, B. Applicable standards: All references to slondords described below sholl mean I.he current or lolest conditions. Standard Specifications: Reference to " S\andard Specifications of the SLale of California, Business and Transportation Agency, Department of Tnmsportation, CalTrans. 1.04 LAYOUT AND SURVEY: A. licensed Surveyor or Civil Engineer; Employ a licensed surveyor or civil engineer to sLake out lines and levels. 1.05 SITE MAINTENANCE: A. Standing Water: Keep site free of standing water at all times. Provide and maintain (ditches). Grading or pumping as necessary to prevent erosion, softening of compacted surfaces and formation of mud in trenches and excavation. B. Dust: Assume full responsibility for all all.evialion or prevention of dust nuisance on or about the site. C. Bulkheading and Shoring: Provide as necessary! and maintain lemPQnuy slopes duriDg construction. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 EX!Si'ING SOIL A. Definition: Material required for landscape and finished grading operations. B. General Qualifications: Soil shall be fertile, friable, well-drained soil, of llililorm quality, tree of stones over 1 inch diameter, slicks, oils, chemicals, plBSter, toxic substances, concrete and other deleterious materials, as a planting medium for the project. C. Fertility Considerations: Soil shall contain sufficient quantities of available nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, calcium, and magnesium to support normal plant growth. Jn the event of nutrient inadequacies, provisions shell be made lo add required materials lo overcome inadequacies prior to planting. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL: A. Veri.Iicalion or Previous Work: Verify that all areas have been brought lo the required finished subgrade prior to commencement of fine grading. B. Erodable Slope: Perform grading operations so that no erodable slope areas shall be exposed at one time prior to Contractor beginning the plontillll operations. 3.02 MOISTURE CONTENT: A. Inadequate Moisture content: Add water and thoroughly mix until the moisture necessary is uniformly dispersed throughout. B. Excessive :Moisture content: Aerate by blading or other acceptable methods until moisture content is uniformly reduced to achieve required compaction. 3.03 COMPACTION: A. Percent Compaction: ASTM Test Method D 1557 maximum dry density. B. Paving Areas: 1. Compact to 95 % all soils within 2 feel of the finish grade of paved areas. C. Planting Areas: Compact landscape materials to 85 % compaction for the lop 3'± feel in bermed areas, and full depth in planter areas. 3.04 FINISH GRADING: A. General: 1. Grade smooth all planting areas af\er weeding, soil preparation, and soil conditioning have been completed and soil has been thorougbly water settled. 2. Provide all grades for natural runoff of water without low spots or pockets. Accurately set flow line grades ltninimum gradient unless olhenrise noted in Drawings. 3. Finish grades shall be smooth, even and on a uniform plane with no abrupt changes of surface. Slope uniformly between given spot elevations. 4. Grades not otherwise indicated shall be uniform levels or slopes between points where elevations are given, or between points established by walks, paving, curbs or catch basins. B. Grades: 1. Finished Grades of Shrub and Groundcover Areas: 1-1/2 inches below top of adjacent pavement, headers, curbs, or walls unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings. 2. Finished Grades of Le:wn Areas: ? inch below top of adjacent pavement, curbs, or headers. SWPE PROTECTION AND EROSION CONTROL SECTION 02270 PART I -GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL: A. Labeling: Furnish standard products in unopened manufacturer's standard containers bearing original labels showing quantity, analysis and name of manufaclw-er. B. Storage: Store products with protection form weather or other conditions which would damage or impair the effectiveness of the prodllCt. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 EROSION CONTROL FABRIC: A. Jute Mesh: Heavy jute mesh of a uniform open plain weave of single jute yarn averaging 130 lbs. Per 14,400 yd. Spindle and fire retardant. "Soil Saver os manufactured by I.he Santo Fe Bog Co. of Vernon, CA. 90058. Tel. (213) 585-7225 or equal. 1. Length of Roll: Approximately 75 yds. 2. Size: 1 in. x 1 in. x 48 in. 3. Warp Ends per lfidt.h of Clot.h: 41. 4. Weight of Cloth: 1.22 lbs. Per linear yard +5 5. Color: Green or Brown. 2.02 STAPLES: 1-1/4 in. hog rings. Staples on end overlap:f.shall be #11 gauge steel wire forned into a ~u• shape 6 in. long or equal. PART 3-EXECUTION 3.01 PRE-INSTALLATION REVIEW: A. Slope Areas to Received Erosion Control Fabric: All slope areas 2:1 and greater and/or areas with concentrated water runoffs. B. Verification of Grades: Verify that all grades have been established under another section, with finished grades within 1 inch plus or minllS of the required. fiDisb.ed grades. C. Soils Preparation: Do not commence installation of erosion camrol fabric prior to soil preparation. 3.02 EROSION CONTROL FABRJC A. Layout: Place fabric neatly perpendicular to the slope, with straight seaim; and no unsighlly wrinkle5 after shrinkage. Do not stretch fabric during installation. B. Top and Bottom Slopes: Bury top edge of fabric in 6 in. trench 1 fool back from lip of slope and staple with 12 in. metal stakes at 12 in. on center maximum. Anchor and staple bottom ed«e in same manner. C. End of Roll Overlap: At junction of two rolls, provide 18 in. overlap as per "Top and Bottom of Slopes" Above. D. Edge of Roll Overlap: Provide 5 in. overlap at edges of adjacent rolls and staple with 6 in. #11 gauge wire stables ot 3 fl. lo 5 fl. on center. E. Edge of structure: Install per "Top and bottom of Slopes above. Fill and lamp trench firmly against edge of structure prior to unrolling fabric. SOIL PREPARATION SECTION 02920 PART I -GENERAL 1.01 QUAIJTY ASSURANCE A. Certificates of inspection: Provide those required by law for transportation, with invoice. 1.02 BIDDING A. The amendments, quantities and procedures included herein are for bidding purposes only. FollolfiDg an on-site agricultural soil analysis Biter I.he rough grading, Ille amendments and quantity and procedures may change. B. Tests shall be paid for by the Contractor. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.01 TOPSOIL A. Definition: 1. Topsoil shall be defined as an on site soil material that could be used in the planting mixes for backfill of tree, shrub and groundcover planting pits provided it is fertile, friable, well-drained :,:oil, of uniform quality, free of stones over l inch diameter, sticks, oils, chemicals, plaster, toxic substances, concrete and other deleterious materials, as a planting medium for the project. 2. Soil lo contain sufficient quantities of available nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, calcium, and magnesium to support normal plant growth. In the eveut of nutrient inadequacies, provisions shall be made to add required materials to onrcome inadequacies prior lo planting. B. Imported Topsoil: 1. Obtain an agricultural suitability analysis of the proposed topsoil from an accredited soils laboratory al Contractor's cost. 2.02 ORGANIC AllEJIDMENTS A. Nitrogen-Treated Sawdust: Derived from redwood, fir or cedar wood sawdust. B. Manure: Well-rotted cow, horse or sheep manure, free from sawdust, shavings or refuse, and not containing more than Z5 straw by vohwe. C. True compost: Natural organic soil condiUoner "Nulri-Mulch" by Red Star Fertilizer, Corona. CA. 91720. Tel. (714) 597-4801 or equel. 2.03 CHEMICAL ADDITIVES; kJ determined by lhe soils report. 2.04 SOIL lllXES A. Acid-Loving Planting Soil Mix (for Azaleas, Camellios, Rhododendrons, etc.): Amount per Plant Pit 50 ~ site Soil 25 " Fine Sand 25 % Peat M:oss B. Backfill Mix for On-Grade Plant Pits: Thoroughly mix the following componets into one (1 cy) cubic yard of backfill mix: 70 7. by volume of on-site soil 30 7. by volume of nitrolized fir shavings17 pounds Cro-Power Plus w/ 4 % Sulfur 2 pounds ferrous sulfate planting tablets C. Soil Preparation: Initially cross rip to a depth of 10-12 inches with 15 pounds of soil sulfur per 1000 square feet and thorolljihly leach wilh approximately 4-6 inches of good quality water. Then apply 200 pounds of Gro-Power Plus with 4 7. swfm-imd 2 cubic yards of nitroli:zed fir shaving!!, or equal per 1000 square feet. Rotofill • minimum of two directions, lo a dept.h of 4-6 Inches. Alter soil preparation, but prior to planting, irrigate with Offrbead irrigation so that a minimum of 3-4 inche:,: of waler passes through the soil profile, beyond the toot zone. Be sure to wash off all hardscape immediately, since ferrous sulfate has potent.ial to stain concrete products. PART 3-EXECUTION 3.01 SOIL PREPARATION A General: 1. llloislure content: Do not work soil when moisture content is so great that excessive compaction will occur, nor when it is so dry that dust will form in air or that clods will n-ot break readily. Apply water, if necessary, to bring soil to an optimum moisture content for tilling and planting. 2. Clearing of Debris: Clear all planting areas of stones 2 in. diameter and larger, weeds, debris and other extraneous materials prior to (amending existing soil) {spreading stockpiled topsoil) (spreading imported topsoil). C: \DR/\WING FIL[S\ ii I LL SHF.[TS\C_ss---lP.JWG REVISED: 5/15/ 2C12 B. PreparaUon of Existing Soil: 1. Yerilicat.ion of Exiating Grades: Verify that grades are within 1 in. plus or minus of the required finished grades. 2. cleariag of Debris: Clear al.I phmtiDg areas of sLones 2 iu. diameter 8Jld kqer, lfffls, debris and o\her erlraneous materials prior lo omen$ng existing soil or spiei!Glng importell lop!011. 3. cultivation: Rip or c\Utiva.te all planting areas to a depth of 6 in. immediately prior to amendmg existing soil. Rololill lo reduce soil clods lo o maximum diameter of one (!") inch in I.he lop six (IIJ inches. 3.02 SOIL CONDffiONING: A Incorporate thoroughly with top 6 in. of soil layer and bring amended soil lo finish grades and elevations shown on Drawings. Do not work soils under muddy conditions. B. Mixing of Soil Mix for Acid-Loving Plants: Prepare I.he mix, blending oil materials llililormly, in stockpiles on I.he site. 3.03 DRAIIIAGE OF PLANTING AREAS A. Surface Drainage: 1. Discrepancies: Provide proper surface drainage of planted areas. Submit in writing all discrepancies in the Drawings or Specifications, or prior work done by others, which contractor feels precludes establishing proper drainage. B. Detrimental Draine,ge, Soils and Obstructions: 1. Notification: Submit in writing all soils or drainage conditions considered detrimental. to growth of plant materials. state condition and submit proposal and cost. estimate for correcting condition. 2. Correction: Submit for acceptance a written proposal and cost estimate for the correction before proceeding with work. 3. Obstructions: U rock, u.udergro\Uld conslruclio9n work, tree roots or other obstruction area encountered in the performance of ,rnrk 1,mder this section, submit cost required to remOYe the obstructions to a depth of not less than 6 in. below the required soil depth. 1.4.JNS ltND GHA-WS SECTION 02930 PART I-GENERAL 1.01 QUAU'!Y ASSURANCE A. Applicable Standards: Apply the current or latest editions of the standards for seed as described in I.he following: 1. Hortus m-1976 Edition, Bailey Horatorium, Cornel University. l.02 WORK SCHEDULE: Proceed -with the work as rapidly as the site becomes available, consistent with normal seasonal limitations for planting work. 1.03 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND IIANDIJNG: Store with protection from weal.her or other conditions which would dagage or impair the effectiveness of the product. 1.04 WARRANTY PERIOD: A. Time Period: Warrant that all lalt'llS and grasses shall be in a healthy and flourishing condition of active growth six (6) months from dale of Final Acceptance. B. Appearance During Warranty: Lawns and grass shall be free of dead or dying patches, and all areas shall show foli~e of a normal density, size and color. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.01 LA'IINSOD A. One year old nursery-grown sod, seeded of "marathon U", as produced by &n1.thland 5od Farms of Camarillo, CA 93010. Tel (605) 461!-35115 or equal. B. Sod shall be dense, healthy, field-grown on fumigated soil with the grass having been mowed at 1 in. height before lifting form field. C. Sod shall be dark green in color, relatively free of thatch, free form diseases, weeds and harmful insects. D. Sod shall be reasonably free of objectionable grassy and broadlea:f weeds. Sod shall be considered weed free if no more than 10 such weeds are found per 100 sq. fl. of sod. E. 5od shall be rejected if found lo contain the following weeds: {co9mmon Bermuda grass), quack grass, lohnson grass, poison ivy, nimbleweed, thi3tle, bindweed, bent grass, perennial sorrel, brome grass. 2.02 TOP-DRESS l'ER'llllZER: 16 ~ Nitrogen, 6 X Phosphoric Acid, 8 ~ Postash or equal. PART 3-EXEDUTION 3.01 GENERAL: Perform sodding on a section by section basis immediately after grading, and irrigation installation except for seasonal limitations. Complete embankments and slopes in a continuous manner. 3.02 SOIL PREPARATION A. Verification: 1. stone5, Weeds, Debris: Verify that all areas lo receive lawns are clear of stones larger than 1-1/2 in. diameter, weeds, debris and other exlrueous materials. 2. Grades: Verify Illa! grades are within !in. plw, or minus of I.he required finished grades. Verify I.hot fertilization (and erosion control materials have heen installed in anoVJ:er section. Report all variations in writing. 3.03 SODDED LAWN A. Sodding Operations: I. Method: Lay the first row of sod in • straight line, wit.h subsequent rows parollel lo and lightly against each other, with no spaces between strips. Stagger lateral joints. Do nol stretch or overlap sod. Butt all joints tighily to eliminate all voids. Use a sharp knife lo cut sod to fit curves. 2. Tamping and Rolling: Thoroughly tamp and roll sod lo make co:atacl with sod bed. Roll each entire section of completed sod. 3. Watering: Thoroughly waler sod immediately after installation lo wet the underside of the new sod pad and the soil immediately below lo a depth of 6 in. 4. Top-Dress Fertilizer: Apply at the rate of pounds per 1,000 square feel at 25 days and at 50 days alter sodding. HYDROIIULCH SEEDING PART I-GENERAL 1.01 QUAIITY ASSURANCE: Sect.ion 02930. 1.03 WlllilC SClllllllJW:: Section 112931)_ 1.07 RODVCT DEl.lVERT, STOftA\ll: AND IIANDIJNG A. Seed: SECTION 02930 1. Delivery: Furnish standard seed in unopened manufacturer's standa5rds containers bearing original certification labels showing quantity, analysis and name of manufacturer. 2. storage: Store seed with protection from weather or other conditions which would damage or impair the effectiveness of tlte product. B. lllulch: Store with prott!clion from weather or other conditions which would damage or impair the effectiveness of the product. 1.10 WARMNTY PERIOD: Sect.ion 02930. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 LAWN SEED: A. Composition: Fresh, clean, certified, class nA• , new crop seed. B. Type: "11.orot.hon n· or equal. Southland Sod Form of Camarillo, CA. Tel. (805) 466-3585, or Stover Seed co., Los Angeles, CA (213) 6Z6-9668 or equal. 2.02 GRASS AND ll!W!'I.Ol!Eft MIX: A. DistribYlor: S & S Seeds of Carpenlerio, CA. 93013. Tet (605) 664-0436 or equal 2.03 be JM.CH: A. Composition: Pre-mixed organic-based combination of virgin-wool fiber and stabilizing e.genl with no gromh or germination-inhibiting elements. B. Product: "l!yaro h!ch 2llOO Fibers" distributed by Conwed Corporot.ion, P.O. Box 43237, St. Paul, MN 55164; Tel. (612) 221-1190 or equal. C. General: 1. Composition: Green-colored, fibrous, virgin wood cellulose mulch containing no growth or germinatian-inbibiUng factors. 2. Dispersion in Slurry: Mulch shall be manufactured in such manner that a.fler addition to and agitalion in slurry tanks with fertilizer, seed, water and other approved additives, fibers in the material will become uniformly suii:pended lo form a homogeneo\lS slurry. 2.01 SOIL STABIIJZER: A. Product: "Ecology Controls M-binder" as distributed by Stover Company, Los Angeles, CA or equal. 2.02 HYDROSEEDING lllX A. LAWN ARE.IS: 2000 lbs/ocre-l'iber llulch, !Olbs/1000 sr-"!lorat.hon rr·, 500 lbs/ocre-15-15-15 fertilizer. PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL: Perform seeding on a section by section basis. Complete embankments and slopes in a contmuovs mmmer. 3.02 SQII, PBEPA!!ATIOII A. Verili<a\lon: 1. stones, Weeds, Debris: Verify that all areas to receive hydroseeding are clear of stones larger than 6 in. diameLer, weeds, debris and other extraneous materials. 2. Grades: Yerify that grades are within 2 in plus or minus of the required finished grades. Verify that fertilization and erosion control materials have been installed in another section. Report all variations in writing. B. Soil Moisture: l. Excessive Moisture: Do not commence work of this section when soil moisture content is so great that excessive compaction will occurs, nor when it is so dry that dust will form iD air or that clods will not break readily. 2. lnacreq\late Moisture: Apply waler, as necessary, to bring soil lo an optimum moisture content for plonlmg. 3.03 HYDRUSEl5DliU LAWN, GRASS AND 1f!LDFL01fERS A. Application: l. General: Apply specified slurry mix in a sweeping motion to form a uniform mat at the specified rate. Keep hydroseeding within designated areas and deep from contact with of.her plant mo.terisls. 2. Unused llllx: Do not use slurry mixture which hos not been applied within 4 hours of mixing. Promptly removed from the site. 3. Pro:tection: After applicaLion, do not operate any equipment over the Hyr.lroseeded areas. 4. Reseellhig. Kesml ail areas and parts of ar'"" 11bich fail to show • llllilorm stand of rut\i,e planting unlil all areas area covered wit.h a satisfactory ~ of plants. 5. OVerspray: Immediately after application, thon:rughly nsh off any plant materials, planting areas, or paved areas not intended to receive slurry mix. TREES, SIIRWl, NlNES & GKOUNDCOYER SECTION 02950 PAH'l I -GENEBAL 1.01 QVAU'!Y ASSURANCE: A. Applicable Standards: Apply standards for plant materials as described in the following: 1. An AnnoLated Checklist of Woody Ornamental Plan.bl of California, Oregon and Washington, {Number 4091), lfcClinthock and Leiser, Division of Agricultural Sciences, University of California, 1979. 2. American Standard for Nursery Stock, 1960 Edition, American Association of Nur:,:erymen, Inc. 3. Hortus W-1976 Edition, Bailey Horalorium, Cornell University. 1.02 fDftX SCHIIDUU:: Proceed with the work as rapidly as the site becomes available, consistent with normal seasonal limitations for planting work. 1.03 SWTION, TAGGING AND ORDERING OF PLANT IIIATERIAI.; A. Review: Submit a written request for review of plant materials and quantity at place of growth al least ten {10} working days prior to shipment to site. B. T~: Landscape Convaclor shall accompany the landscape Architect for all reviews and lagging plwl\s ot jrio,:e of ~ ""'1 -dEllVery for oou!wml\y to ~- C. D!staot lk\erial: Sullmit ptn,tograplls 1lilh a person adjB<rent to plan\s for prelimillary review. Such review sh6l1 not impair Ure right of rei'ilt and rejection during progress of the work. D. Unavollable Material: II proof is slll,mil\ed I.hat any plant spe<ified ill not obtainallle, • proposal will be co~ed for use of the nearest equivalent size or variety with corresponding adjustment of Contract price. Substantiate such proof in lJl'itmg no later than thirty (30) days Biler award of contract. E. Special Conditions: The above provisions shall not relieve contractor of the responsibility of obtaining specified materials in advance if special growing conditions or other arrangements must be mftde in order to supply specified materials. 1.04 ll'AR!IANTY PERIOD: A. Warranty: Warrant that all trees, shrubs, groundcover, and vines planted under this Contract will be heaUhy and in fiourishmg condition of active growth one year from date of Conditional Acceptance. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2.01 PLANT IIIATERIALS: A. General: 1. Growing Conditions: Plants shall be nursery-grown in accordance -with good h-orlicultural practices under climatic conditions similar to those of project. 2. Appearance: All planls sllall be exceptionolly heaty, symmetrical, tightly kllit, so trained or favored in development and appearance as W be superior in form, number of bran,cbes, compactness and symmetry. 3. Vigor: Planls shall be sowd, llealt.hy am! vigorous, well branched and densely foli!lted when in lee!. They shell be free of disease, iDsect pests, eggs, or larvae. They shall ha.Te healthy, well-developed root systems. Plants shall be free from physical damage or adverse conditions which would prevent thriving growth. 4. container stock: Verify that all container stock has been grown in the containers in which delivered for al least six (6) months, blill not over two (2) years. Samples must prove lo be free of chinked, circling or ~ roots and with no evidence of a pot-bound condition. Do not install container plants that have cracked of broken balls of earth when taken from container. 5. Condition: Trees which have multiple leaders, unless specified, or damaged or crooked leaders, will be rejected. Trees having a main leader shall not have been leaded back, Trees with abrasions of the bark, sunscalds, disfiguring knots, or fresh cuts of limb:,: over three-quarter (3/ 4 •} inch which have not completely callused, will be rejected. 2.02 TREE, SHRUB AND VINE PLANTING l'SH'IILIZER: "Agrilorm" 21 gram tables wit.h 20-10-(N-P-K) formula as manufactured by Sierra Chemical Company, Milpitas, California, Telephone (408) 263-8080, or equal 2.03 STAKING IIIATERIALS: A. Tree Stakes: Lodgepole Pine wit.h ten (10") inch tapered driving point and chamfered lop, treated with copper napthanate or pentachloraphenol to heartwood, green color, as man'Ufactured by C&E Lumber Company of Pomona, CA. Tel. (714) 1126-3591, or equal. B. Ties: Thirty six (36") inch br""" type. V.I. T. company, Inc. 15561 Product Land, D-4, Huntington Beach, California 92649. Tel. (714) 691-6338 or equal. 2.04 VINE SUPPORTS: A. Anchors: Galvanized m-etal or plastic epoxy fastening type as approved. B. Tape: Polyet.helene \ape, one-hllll (1/2") inch widt.h. , 2.05 ROOT CONTROL BARRIERS -4" Universal Barrier, Stock #UB29-2 or 48" stock /IUB-48-2 by Deep-root. (714) 896-0563 or equal. Use within 5' of all hardscape elements. 2.06 WOOD CH!P li!ULCH: A. Medium grind ground tree !llld shrub trimmings, one-half (1/2~ inch to one (11 inch diameter free of sticks, dirt, dust and other debris, as accepted. B. Manufacturer: Michael Ro-.Is Co., Tel (714) 649-0296 or equal. 2.07 WOOD HEAIIER: A. Construction Hearl. Grade RedlfOOd header and slake (or pressure-treated Douglas Fir stake). No sapwood. 2.06 STEEL HEADER: A. Size: ~• x o" cohl f•rmed sleel. B. llanufaclurer: Jos. T Ryerson am! Son Co., Inc or Emeryville CA. Tel (410) 563-2933 or equal. PART 3-EXEC1J'l!ON 3.01 PREPLANT REYlEll A. General: Do not commence planting work prior to acceptance or soil preparation. B. Finish Grades: Finish grades for all plantillll areas shall have been established in another section. Verify that all grades are with one (1 ") inch plus or minus of required finish grade and that all soil amendments have been installed as specified. 3.02 DRAINMlE or PIANTING AREAS: A. Surface ln'a.inage: Maintain positive surface drainage of planted areas as established under Section 02215-Landscape Grading. B. Detrimental Drainage, Soils and Obstructions: 1. Notification: Supply written notification of all conditions detrimental lo growth of plant material.. 2. Testing: Test drainage of plant beds and pits by filling with water twiee in succession. 3. Correction: Submit for acceptance a written proposal and cost estimate for the correction before proceeding with work. 4. Obstructions: If rock, underground eonslrwction work tree roots or other obstructions are eocountered in the excavB.tion of plant pits, al.t.ernale locations may be used as directed. Where locations cannot be changed, submit cost reqw,Ted to remove the obstructions to a irepth of not less than six (6"} inches below \he required pit dey\h. Proceed wit~ work olltt aoceptance. 3.03 LAYWI AfiD EXCAVA'IION Ill' PlMTlNl: IIREAS: A. Layout and staking: Lay out plaa.ts at locations shoffll on Drawings. Outline shrub and groundcover beds with lime. B. Plant Pits: Excavate container-grown tree and shrub pits to the dimensions sholfD on details. 3.04 ROOT CONTROL Bll:RRIEftS: Install per details and manufacturer's most recent written installation instructions. 3.05 REDllOOD AND/OR STEl:L HEADERS: A. Gen-eral: Install head~rs prior to installation of adjacent sprinkler irrigation system. B. Headers: Inste.11 beders true to line and grade as shown on the drawiogs. Align header edges and ,rel flush wilh adjB<rent pmng. C. stakes: Stakes shall be a minimum of sixteen (151 inches long and longer as required for solid anchorage. Double slol<e oil joinls and corners and securely nail to headers. D. Nails: Nails shall be galvanized. 3.06 PLAN'llllG OPERATIONS: A. General: I. Protect planls at all times from sun or drying winds. 2. Keep plants Umt cannot be plBnted immediately upon delivery in the shade, well-protected and well-watered. 3. Remove canned stock carefully after cans have been cut on two sides with accepted cY.tter. Do not use spsm, to cut cons. 4. Uft and handle plants Ollly from I.he bottom of I.he boll. U root ball is crocked or broken during handling, pion\ sholl be rejected. 8. Installation: I. Pit Preparation: Add the appropriate amount of backfill mix to I.he bottom of I.he plant pit and blend into the existing soil. Tamp and compa.et mix. 2. Positioning: After re=moving plant from coutainer, scarify side of root ball to prevent root-bound condiUon am! position plant in planting pit. 3. Fertilizer TabletB: Place evenly distributed in plant piLs when backfilled 2/3 according to the following schedule: 1 gallon can-2 tablets 5 gollon can-4 tablets 15 gallon can-6 tablets 24" box-8 tabrels 36" box-10 tablets 41!" box-12 toble\s C, A4jUBYDent: Adj\lsl plants so that after full setuement has occurred, the natural grade at the base o! \he plants is two (2") inches above I.he a4jaoent plslil>g finish grade. 3.07 STAKml1: A. General: 1. Trees shall be able lo stand upright without support, and shall return to the vertical after their lops have been dellecled horizonlally am! released. Stake or guy trees which do not meet this qusUfication. .W plant materials shall remain plumb and straight for all given conditions from insle.lltion thrwgh the guarantee period. 3.08 TRAINING OF VINES AND ESPAUERS: A. Anchors: Place as many anchors as required to support the plant and its branching structure as 3.119 IIUJ.CIIING: lnsloll a two (2") inch (minimum) deep layer of mulch over oil shrub areas including tree and shrub watering basins 3.10 GRUUNllCOYER PLANTING: A. Planting: Plant groW1dcover plants al optimum depth for proper growth. Avoid air pockets. Equally speoe triangularly, ot disttmce, called for in \he ])rowings. 3.11 PWTIIIG IN PRE-CAST CQllCRETE AllllOII l'lllEl!Cl,ISS Pl.INTERS: A. DroiD Hook: Ploce \1!0 (21 moires of <lnin rwk in bot\uw of pol or urn. B. 1'11\er Bebric: Cover drain rwk wilh filter bobric and nm 4 inches up -of pot woll. C. Soil Mix: Fill bmance of planter with soil mix. D. Jlrain Test: Fill 1/3 full with waler lo insare positive drainage. Planter should lotolly drain within five (5) minutes. E. PlanLing: Instell plant materials as shown on Drawings. LANDSCAPE ESTABUSHMENT FOR 90 DAYS PART l -GENERAL 1.01 GENERAL: SECTION 02970 A. Duration: continuously maintain each plant and each portion of groundcaver area after installation, during progress of work, and for a period of 90 days alter completion of oil planting work until Final Acceptance. . . . B. Replacements: Immediately treat or replace all plants which become damage or mJured. 1.02 llORK FORCE: A. Experience: The landscape establishment firm's labor force shall be thoroughly familiar and trained in the work to be accomplished and perform the task in a competent, efficient manner acceptable lo Lhe Owner. B. Supenision: The foreman shell directly employ and supervise the work force at all times. Notily OWner of all chtmges in supervision. C. Identification: Provide proper hrenlification at all times for landscape establishment firm's labor force. Be uniformly dressed in a manner satisfactory lo the Owner. 1.03 SCHEDULE: A. Perform all establishment during hours mutually agreed upon between Owner and Contractor. PART 2-PRODUCTS 2.01 IIIATERIALS: A. General: Al] materials and equipment, unless otherwise indicated, shall be provided by the Contractor. PART 3-EXECUTION 3.01 TREES, SHRUBS AND VINES A. Pruning: 1. Select and develop permanent scaffold branches that are smaller in diameter than the trunk or branch to which they are attached, and radial orientation so as not to overlay one another. 2. Eliminate diseased or dame.ged growth, and narrow V-shaped branch forks that lack strength. Reduce toppling and wind damage by thinning out crowns. 3. Prune trees to maintain growth within space limitations, maintaining a natural appearance and balancing crown with roots. 4. No stripping of lower branches ("roising up1 of young trees will be permitted. 5. Thin o\ll and shape evergreen trees when neces:ffllJ to prevent wind and storm damage. Do primary pruning of deciduous t.rees during the formant seas-on. Do not permit any pruning of trees prone lo e,":=ive "bleeding" during growth season. 6. Prune dame.ged trees or those that constitute heal.th or safety hazards at any time of year as required. 7. Make all cuts clean and close to the truck, without culling into the branch collar "Stubbingw will not be permitted. B. Staking of Trees: 1. Inspect slakes al least one a month to check for rubbing that causes bark 1r0unds. 3.02 GROUNDCOVERS A. llalerinl!: 1. Water as frequently as necessary lo maintain heal.thy growth of groundcovers. 3.03 WEED CONTROL: 1. Control weeds, preferably with pre-emergent herbicides and with selective systemic herbicides. 2. Use only recommended and legally approved herbicides to control weed growth. 3. Avoid freqY.ent soil CllltiTaUon that dffll'oys shallow roots and brooks the seal of pre-emergent herbicides. 4. Minimize hoeing of weeds in order lo avoid plant damage. 3.04 LAWNS A. ll'alering: lloler l«wus ot such frequency as weolher C0ll4i\ioDo reqwire, to replenish soil moisture lo 6 in. below root zone. B. lleed Control: 1. Control broadleaf weeds with selective herbicides. 2. In areas where crabgrass bas infested the lalfD, apply a selective post-emergent herbicide as soon as possible, and prior to flcnrering. C. Mowing and Edging: 1. Mow lawns when they reach 2 in. high. 2. Trim edges at least two times per month or as required for neat appearance. 3.05 INSECTS, PESTS, AND DIS!'.ASE CONTROL A. Inspection: Inspect all plant materials for signs of stress, damage a.nd potential trouble from presence of insects, moles gophers, ground squirrels, snails and slugs in planting areas. SPECIFICATION SUPPLEIIEN'i'/REVISlON ! CDP 14-05/AV 15-04/CDP 15-13 I··············--········· ·······--- s T u D I 34202 Sepulveda Avenue Capislrono Beach, CA 92624 pho 949.248 . .5404 fi:ix 949.240.9790 0 THIS DRAWIHG AS All lNSTRUMEllT Of S£RYlCfS IS !HE PROl'ERTV OF !HE l.Allll!CA!'f ClfflKf mll lMY IIOf IE WROlltiWl RI Alff FORM WllllOIJT 1!1£ LAffllSCAfE AfeffITTCT'S WHITTER PtRMISSIOll A1!D llltESS THE lffi®llCTW!l CAftmS 11fl: IJIIDSCAfE A«ClllltCT'S NAME. N.l OESIGH Allll OIIIBi lllrOIIMTm 5!ffllffl OIi Tlft llMl'ffllll A«E fOR THE SOU: US£ Of TR! Sf'ECIOO) PROJECT OlllY MIO Sl!All NOT BE OTH£Rll1S£ USEO WITffll!IT TR! mrn pm, lllITTEN PHMl>SlON Of TH£ I.AIIDSCAPf ARCll!TfCT. WRITTEN IJIMfllSIOII SHAU. HAVE PREHOENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSION. CO!ITRA(Mjl) 5ltillt Ylllll MID BE RESl'O!MlE FOR All D!MEKIIOIIS AIIIIC~OIITHEJW. THE~AlOllltCTIITOBEl!lfOM\Rl llf Alff f~l11111'i FM 1HE llllI1!.IISIOII MIil COlllltllOIIS SliOWII 011 1NE DRAWlftGS. EJIS1fflG (~ MIO lOCATIOIIS Of lffilffiES HAVE IIOT BUii VElllflfD llllmllllilllY. IT SHAU Bf !HE R1SP0115111llTY Of 111£ COll'!IIACTOl{Sl BtfflE BEGllffllllll W!m TO DETERMRIE THE EXACT lotlilm Qf All~ AIIO EXl>llNG IJ11UTJ£S. Tlft COIITRACTOR{S) lltMl. Bf RESl'OIISIBI.E FOR SEClltlllG All PERMITS AIIII EllGINEER!kli KHl\llml 'ffltt(H IS NOT lltWl1Ell Rt TH£,£ OP.AWINGS. (IVI~ Sli\lCTlll!Al, 11\ECliAtl!CAL E!IGllltEllllli, GAA!llll<i MIO DlAINAG£ BY OTHERS. SHO!' UP.A't/lllGI 11111ST BE SIJBMITTEP TO TH£ tA!IDSCAl'f ARCHITECT FOR Rffl!:W ffllfflE mt!ffll6 ffllll fAlllUlmll. THEiESA CLARK IANDSCAPE ARCHITECT APPRO VEO FOR !RR/GA T!ON AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCA T!ON OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" RCE ___ _ EXP. ___ _ DATE directed. ..-:.I . I \\ M t \\ ~ . , h I 11 B. Ties: Tre branches to anchors wit.h vinyl ribbon ties. Cll.W'i•bit" 't)l) Q~ u ,I.II.I REVIEWED BY: [ 1:~.t2~~2\f!T 12.4 ~~::i~~cgations INSPECTOR DATE Dato: l')lte:I,~ lr:::::-::-:-::-:-r---,-;;:=;-;:;:;-;-;:;:~:;------r---r-r:.___r-r.==~~~;:::::::::;::::;;;:;::;;:;:;:::;::::;;::;-;:;;~ DooNeu.CityP.rant1er · ·· ·· · M4""f 08.04.14 2ND SUBMITTAL CDP REV!EW ~ CITY QF CARLSBAD [sHEETsl RECQMiimn:_· Ai~,.~ .. s 1~ ~-~~-~~-~~ !: ~~:::~~:~ ~~: :~~~: ~ PLANNING DIVISION ~ ~) 04.06.15 511, SUBMITTAL CDP R•V!EW LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT Pl.ANS FOR: Tierra del Oro Residence 5039 Tierra del Oro Carlsbad, CA 92008 I APPROVED: I 1-----+----+---------t------t------t-i------J ----~ 1-----lc---+----------------'t-----t--t----t--~ ~P~LA~N~N~IN~G===:::;-,:::=:::::::::==,===,,:;:~==;-r.:::=:=.=~=:=:::~- DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DESIGNER OF WORK Expiration Dale: 6.J0.2016 REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL DATE INITIAL CITY APPROVAL ~~~g ~~': --CDP 14-05 XXXX IRRIGATION LEGEND MFG. MODEL NO. DESCRIPTION PSI RAD GPM PATTERN PRECIP. RA TE DETAIL 0 ® 0 M I!"] RAINBIRD RAINBIRD RAINBIRD NIBCO FEBCO 1806-SAM-1401 100-DVF XCZ-075-PRF FP-600N POP-UP BUBBLER 1" CONTROL VALVE 30 [" LOW FLOW DRIP VALVE KIT BALL VALVE -LINE SIZE 2' .25 FULL CIRCLE 1" REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTER & RAINBIRD e WILKINS 825Y ESP-SMT-13i 70 SERIES AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER w/ ET SENSOR & RAIN SHUT-OFF 1" PRESSURE REGULA TOR TLEZ6-18 ON-GRADE DRIPLINE 30 18" .6 GPH DRIP m1 NETAFIM SPACE AT 18" O.C. WITH STAPLE EVERY 4' AND (2) STAPLES AT EVERY TEE, ELBOW OR CROSS. USE (1) LINE FLUSHING VALVE FOR EVERY 15 GPM OF ZONE FLOW -POSITION NEAR HALFWAY POINT PRESSURE MAINLINE: ["-1\": USE PVC SCHEDULE 40 2" OR LARGER: USE PVC CLASS 315 SOLVENT WELD, BURY MIN. 18" BELOW GRADE. SIZE NOTED ON PLAN NON-PRESSURE LATERAL: PVC CLASS 200 SOLVENT WELD, BURY MIN. 12" BELOW GRADE SIZE NOTED ON PLAN. SLEEVING: PVC SCHEDULE 40 BURY MIN. 24" BELOW GRADE WIRE SLEEVING: PVC SCHEDULE 40 EXTEND MIN. 12" BEYOND EDGE DF PAVING BURY MIN. 18" BELOW GRADE JlGEJPMyDyt.:J •==VALVE NUMBER W VALVE SIZE UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT call: TOLL FREE 1-800-422-4133 lWO WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG IRRIGATION PIPE SIZE L£G£NO lfMXWIIGPII 5lZr J(4" 1 11/4" 11/2" gJl5 SCIUO B IJ 2J J2 \ 2· Sli 2112· BJ 3• 125 \ IRRIGATION NOTES 1. 120 VOLT ELECTRICAL POWER OUTLETS FOR CONTROLLERS TO BE PROVIDE BY OTHERS. CONTRACTOR TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAKING HOOK-UP FROM OUTLETS TO CONTROLLERS. 2. ALL WIRE FROM CONTROLLERS TO ELECTRIC VALVES TO BE COPPER #UF-14 DIRECT BURIAL. USE BLACK FOR PILOT AND WHITE FOR COMMON. INSTALL IN COMMON TRENCH WITH MAIN LINE WHERE POSSIBLE. PROVIDE MIN. OF 1 B" COVER. \ \ \ 3. PROVIDE MIN. 18" COVER OVER ALL MAIN LINE PIPING AND 12" COVER OVER ALL LATERAL LINE PIPING. 4. ALL PIPE UNDER PAVED AREAS TO BE PVC SCH. 40. PAVING. INSTALL PRIOR TO 5. THIS DESIGN IS DIAGRAMMATIC: EQUIPMENT SHOWN IN PAVED AREAS IS FOR DESIGN CLARIFICATION ONLY AND IS TO BE INSTALLED WITHIN THE NEAREST PLANTED AREA WHERE POSSIBLE. 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL FLUSH ALL LINES AND ADJUST ALL HEADS FOR BEST PERFORMANCE AND TO PREVENT OVERSPRAY ONTO WALKS, DRIVES AND BUILDINGS AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. THIS SHALL INCLUDE THE SELECTION OF THE BEST DEGREE OF ARC TO FIT EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS. 7. INSTALL ALL EQUIPMENT AS SHOWN IN DETAILS. 8. SYSTEM DESIGN IS BASED ON PRESSURES AND GALLONAGES INDICATED AT POINTS OF CONNECTION. 9. DO NOT WILLFULLY INSTALL THE SYSTEM AS DESIGNED WHEN IT IS OBVIOUS IN THE FIELD THAT UNKNOWN OBSTRUCTIONS OR GRADE DIFFERENCES EXIST THAT WERE NOT KNOWN DURING DESIGN. SUCH CONDITIONS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE, OTHERWISE THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR MUST ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY AND ALL NECESSARY REVISIONS. 10. FINAL LOCATION OF AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER TO BE DETERMINED BY OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE AND/OR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. 11. THE SYSTEM SHALL BE FULLY GUARANTEED FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR. ANY DEFECTIVE MATERIAL OR POOR WORKMANSHIP SHALL BE REPLACED OR CORRECTED BY THE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR AT NO COST TO THE OWNER. 12. CONTRACTOR TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR RODENT CONTROL OF DRIP SYSTEM DURING INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE PERIOD. 13. CONTRACTOR IS TO ADJUST IRRIGATION TO WHERE LIGHTING FIXTURES AND OTHER UTILITIES OCCURRED IN FIELD. 14. CONTRACTOR TO ADJUST ALL HEADS TO PROVIDE FULL COVERAGE WITH NO OVERSPRAY ONTO THE BUILDINGS AND/OR HARDSCAPE. C: DRAWING f'ILf.S Tl l"c.[ SHf:T_TS CLSB ·· IP .DWG f~EV!SED: 5 15 2012 \ \ \ \ 6.0 0.43 \ \ \ \ E / L3.3 C / L3.3 D / L3.3 B / L3.3 A / L3.3 F / L3.3 G / L3.3 \ \ ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ TW 7.5' SIDE BUILDING SETBACK WATER Eff/ClfNT 9@/NANCf CfRTIFIOATION $TA!f¥(fir 2/.?5 22.75 "1 •1\1,1 Fi\1,1/LJAR WITH _THE REOUIREMENTS For{ i.ANOSCAPE AND. /RR/GA TJON Pi.ANS CONTAINED. IN TH€ CITY OF CARLSBAD'S lAN!JSCAPE MANUAL AND WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE REGUlATIONS.. i HAVE. PREPARED THIS PWI IN COMPLIANCE WITH THOSE REGULATIONS AND THE I.ANDSCAPE MANUAL /WD AGREE: TO C:OMPLY WJT/f ALL RfQU/RfMENTS WHEN SUBM!mNG CONSTR/JOTION IXiCiJME:NTS. I CERTIFY THAT THE• Pi.AN IMPLEMENTS THOSE RfGUJ.ATiONS TO PROVIDE EFFJCIEN'f /JS£ OF WAiER~ .. .. . ... •SIGNA]U ~kf e$'4& 12-2-15 7.5' SIDE BUILDING SETBACK ' / / ,,✓,..,, ✓ ,.,/ / , " -.,.---., , '..../'· .. , :--:---~ '·,.•,~C, ·-<-✓ ;, -~~·---c:, ···7·=:i····,--------,~,I. 0 :::r::. ? z -/,) <...-...,, !V:7----~ '· " "· " \ ' T? "";,, <-"::~(s- ~-,,_ " COASTAL COMMISSION NOTES: JJ.65 -NO PERMANENT IRRIGATION SYSTEM MAY BE INSTALLED WEST Or THE ESTABLISHED BLUrr EDGE LOCATED AT + 10 MSL -ALL /RR/GA TION INSTALLED INLAND Or THE BLUrr EDGE AND UTILIZES POTABLE WATER MUST UTILIZE ONLY DRIP OR MICROSPRAY SYSTEMS rOR DELIVERY. ,, [?n [?n C7 (545) 855-G4 I 3 FAA 830-44G5 u n u n DD LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE CJ CJ 230 I I Moulton Parkway PLANNING · RESEARCH STAN SMITH ASSOCIATES Su,te JI 2 · Laguna Hills, CA 52G53 \ 39.16 41.16 EX!ST \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' \ ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (E) i CDP14-05/AV 15-04/CDP 15-13 KEY MAP BACKFLOW PREVENTERS SHALL BE TESTED BY A CERTIFIED TESTER & RESULTS MUST BE GIVEN TO THE OWNER AND THE WATER DISTRICT PIPE BETWEEN THE METER & BACKFLOW PREVENTER SHALL BE COPPER NOT TO SCA!..E \\Ston-cod2\Noncy'sCAD\Residentiol\TIERRA DEL 0R0\TCLA logo.tif ESTIMATED PRESSURE CALCULATION VALVE 2 [" WATER METER AT 5.2 GPM 1" REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTER 204 FT. OF 1" PVC SCH. 40 MAINLINE [" REMOTE CONTROL DRIP VALVE KIT LATERAL LINE FRICTION LOSS FITTINGS (20% OF MAINLINE LOSS) SPRINKLER HEAD OPERA TING PRESSURE ELEVATION (-9') MISCELLANEOUS LOSS TOTAL PRESSURE REQUIRED FOR PROPER OPERATION EXISTING STATIC PRESSURE RESIDUAL PRESSURE MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY NOTE: ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS WILL BE MAINTAINED BY PRIVATE HOt-r1EOWNER. 0.60 PSI 10.00 PSI 1.35 PSI 13.40 PSI 5.00 PSI 0.27 PSI 30.00 PSI (3.9) PSI 5.00 PSI 61.92 PSI 95.00 PSI 33.38 PSI APPROVED fOR !RR/GA T!ON AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCA T!ON or PLANTING AREA. 8 0 8 16 32 "AS BU,L T" --w 08.04.14 2ND SUBIIIITTAL CDP REVIEW ' SCALE: 1 /8" = 1 'O" RCE EXP. DATE Irrigation Plan REVIEWED BY: 13.1 Upper Level INSPECTOR DATE ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ PLANNING DIVISION 1 6 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR Tierra del Oro Residence 5039 Tierra del Oro Carlsbad, CA 92008 I APPROVED: t=====t====t===============================~=====+====~=====t====1 ~P:;LA~N;=N;;IN~G===~==~===-========ir,~~~~ OWN BY: ---PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. ~~~g ~{; --CDP 14-05 XXXX DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL DESIGNER Of WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL "'EE II BLUFF EDGE n,'.AIER EFRCIENT ORDII/A/iGf CERT/fltATIQN $[A1EM£HT. 1 AM FAIi/UAR wrm TH[ Ri:OUIREMfNTS FOR IANDSCAP[ ANO IRRIGATION PLANS C()/lT,'JN[D IN Tll[CfTY OF CARLSBAO'S.WIOSCAP£ MANUAL ANfJ"WAT£R EFFICIENT WIDSCAPE: R£GULA110NS i I/AVE: PREPARED THIS PW/ IN COMPUANC£ WIT/I THOSE Rf.GUlADONS AND TH£ IANOSCAP£ MAN/JAL AND AGf/EE TO COl.lf'l )'. WITH ALL R[QUIREMElfTS WH[N SUBMffl/NG CONSTRUCDON DOCUMENTS. I CERT/fl' THAT _THE _PLAN IMPLEMEJITS THOSE REGI.JLATIONS TO fROV!llf EFFIC/£NT 1,JS£0 0F WATER• 12-2-15 SIGNATURE: / DATE [?n [?n II (949) 855-G4 I 3 -~-FN< 830-44G5 u n u n DD LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE LJ LJ 2301 l Moulton Parkway PLANNING. RESEARCH STAN SMITH ASSOCIATES su,te J 12. Laguna Hills, CA 92G53 C: DHA'lr~NG FILES "lllL.[ SHET.TS C_SB---IP.JWG REV!Sf--D: 5 15 2012 PRESSURE MAINLINE: [" -1 \": USE PVC SCHEDULE 40 2" OR LARGER: USE PVC CLASS 315 SOLVENT WELD, BURY MIN. 18" BELOW GRADE. SIZE NOTED ON PLAN NON-PRESSURE LATERAL: PVC CLASS 200 SOL VENT WELD, BURY MIN. 12" BELOW GRADE SIZE NOTED ON PLAN. SLEEv1NG: PVC SCHEDULE 40 BURY MIN. 24" BELOW GRADE WIRE SLEEv1NG: PVC SCHEDULE 40 EXTEND MIN. 12" BEYOND EDGE OF PA\ANG BURY MIN. 18" BELOW GRADE .GEM ~VALl/f. NUMBER ~VALl/f. SIZE DETAIL l!lllfGIITKJlf PIP£ SIZE LEI/EIID -GPII J(4" ' 11/4" 11/2" Q,115 r 56 2112• BJ J" 125 . ' " SC/HO 8 IJ 2J J2 ,, [ !STENCY net. ERMINA TI◊N-EX~!T :rt:OJECT No . .t'Ill'S·Z't Date:l'lp,d tC- Doo-Neu_·~c.tty,Phm_""_' _ ~--', RECOMMENDED BY:~-__ • DATE: _\7.ll:r\t'S"" COASTAL COMMISSION NOTES: -NO PERMANENT IRRIGATION SYSTEM MAY BE INSTALLED WEST OF THE ESTABLISHED BLUFF EDGE LOCATED AT +10 MSL -ALL IRRIGATION INSTALLED INLAND OF THE BLUFF EDGE AND UTILIZES POTABLE WATER MUST UTILIZE ONLY DRIP OR MICROSPRA Y SYSTEMS FOR DELIVERY. MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY NOTE: ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS WILL BE MAINTAINED BY PRIVATE HOMEOWNER. 8 0 ~w 8 16 32 -•711 , SCALE: 1/8"=1'0" 13.2 Irrigation Plan Lower Level i CDP14-05/AV 15-04/CDP 15-13 i KEY MAP UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT s call: TOLL FREE 1-800-422-4133 TWO WORKING OAYS BEFORE YOU DIG T u D I 34202 Sepufvedo Avenue Copistrono Beoch, CA 92624 pho 949.248.5,40.4 fax 949.240.9790 0 l!llS lliAWING AS All l!ISTRIIMm Of S!RVKES IS THE PROPERTY Of THE Lllll1SCA1'f /IWfflEIT /illll lMY rtllf BE lfPRlJOIJ(fJ) Ill Alfi RnM WIIHOIIT 111< IA~CAl'E A!KllffftrS WRITTH PfRMISS!OI AID VNlfSS IBE R£PRllilUCTlllll 0015 lllt !J!IWSCAPE AlfCHITTCT'S NAME. All ll£11Gll Allll llllll'R lflfORlMl1tlll 5IIOWII OIi THE DiAWllG Alf FOi THE SOlE USE OF T1ff Sl'tClflfD mmT 0111.Y MIil StlAU. IIOT BE OTHER\'IIS! USED lllllf01IT m umss !'Pm lYRJlTEfl l'fffM!SSIOII OF Jljf lMIPSCAl't Al!tll!TECT. WIUTIIN 11!11!£11S!Oft WIU. IIA¥E PllifD!!KE OYER SCAUll DIMENSION. C~Sl Slfflll. 'l£fflfl A1lll IE JE5fOIISl&.E Fill All DIMtWSl1l1IS Allll C!llllllTIOII! llff 1lf !Ill. lllt I.Mll5CRf ARClfflfil IS 10 it lffilR!ll!ll OF .m IARlATIOIIS flllll\ ll!E IIIMEIGIO!IS AIIO CO!IDllffmS SHO\'fll OIi TffE DMl!IIGS. El!STINli COIIOITllJ1IS Allll IJ)(ATIOIIS Of IITIUllfS HAYE 801 Bt!ft ¥ER11'1H IIIO!PBWEllllt If SHN.l BE THE REll'\mlSff.llY Of l1IE ~SI IIUlllE 8EG!ffll!NG WOIK TO 0£11:KMlllE THE EXACT lOCAl!Oll Of All. ~Allll EXISTING UTI1.111ES. THHOlllRACTOK!Sl 511All 8E RE5l'OllSl!l.f FOR S!CUW Al.I. PE1MITS ARO ENGlllfERlflil R!Ql!IRB) WlflOl 15 ftQI IIKI.IIOED 15 TI1ESE PRAW1116S. CM~ Sll!llffi!IAI., MECHANIC/ii. EIIGll!URING, GIAO!IIG AND OIAINAG€ BY OTHERS. SHOf' DIAWIBGS MYST SE SVBMITTEO TO THE 1.ANOSCAl'E ARCtlllECT FOR KrnEW lffllffl: l'l!OOElllll\l lY1IB FABKICATION. THmSA CLIRX lAllllSCAl'E ARCHITECT NOT TO SCALE APPROVED FOR !RR/GA T!ON ANO PLAN TING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCA T!ON OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BU,L T" RCE __ _ EXP. ___ _ DATE REVIEWEO BY: INSPECTOR DATE ~08'.:'.'..0::'.:.4.1'..:'.:4+--+2:::.:N:::.D _::SU::B:.:.:Ml.:..:TT:.:_:AL:....:C=DP__;__::RE:....:Vl::.:.EW~------i-----t--,---i--1 fsHm77 CITY OF CARLS BAD ~ ~ PLANNING DIVISION ~ ::;L=A=-N~D~SC~A'...;P~E::::=;;IM:::;:P;R~O~YE~M;E,:,::N"'T:::,P"'LccA~N;;;S~FO"'R;;=:===-=== Tierra del Oro Residence 5039 Tierra del Oro Carlsbad, CA 92008 1------1-~--J---~------~~~-~7"~~,~~l~I-I I APPROVED; ~-~P~L---:-A~-cN~N11N1G~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;,~~~~~~~~~~~~i7 ~1--=-~-=-~-=-j~~:~-=-i-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-⇒-=-;;;-=-~~;;;~~i::.;;;-=--=-~;;~~~ D WN BY; PROJECT NO. DRAWING N 0. DATE INITIAL DATE INlllAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY; ---CDP 14-05 XXXX REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: DESIGNER OF WORK "FF'' • FINISH GRADE/TOP OF MULCH POP-UP SPRAY SPRINKLER: PVC SCH 80 NIPPLE (LENGTH AS REQUIRED) PVC -SCH 40 ELL PVC SCH 40 STREET ELL PVC SCH 80 NIPPLE (LENGTH AS REQUIRED) PVC SCH 40 STREET ELL PVC LATERAL PIPE PVC SCH 40 TEE OR ELL E POP-UP BUBBLER IRRIGATION SPECIFICATIONS INSTALL ALL MATERIALS TO COMPLY Will-I LOCAL CODES AND ORDINANCES. VERIFY PRESSURE SHOWN PRIOR TO BEGINNING OF CONSTRUCTION. VERIFICATION: AUL SCALED DIMENSIONS ARE APPROXIMATE. BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH ANY WORK, TI-IE CONTRACTOR SHALL CAREFULLY CHECK AND VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS. LOCATIONS OF VALVES AND VACUUM BREAKERS SHALL BE AS INDICATED ON TI-IE DRAWINGS. ANY OEVIA TION FROM THE PLAN MUST HAVE TI-IE APPROVAL OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. LOCATION OF ALL BACKFLOW AND CONTROLLERS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. PERMIT AND FEES: TI-IE CONTRACTOR SHALL APPLY AND PAY FOR ALL NECESSARY FEES AND PERMITS REQUIRED IM THE PURSUIT OF HIS WORK AS REQUIRED BY GOVERNING CODES. EXCAVATIONS; DEPTHS OF MINIMUM COVER UNLESS OTI-IERWISE SPECIFIED BELOW FINISH GRADE. 1. MAIN LINE PRESSURE PLASTIC -18" MINIMUM COVER, 24" UNDER PAVING, SAND BACKFILL. 2. QUICK COUPLER LINES -1-1/2" AND SMALLER MAIN LINE 16" 3. LATERAL SPRINKLER LINES -12" ; SAND BACKFILL UNDER PAVING. 4. CONTROL WIRING -18". TI-IE IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT WILLFULLY INSTALL SPRINKLER SYSTEMS AS INDICATED ON TI-IE DRAWINGS WHEN IT IS OBVIOUS IN THE FIELD TI-IAT THERE ARE UNKNOWN OBSTRUCTIONS, GRADE DIFFERENCES AND/OR DISCREPANCIES IN AREA DIMENSIONS, UNTIL SUCH CONDITIONS ARE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. INSTALL ALL EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS AS SHOWN IN DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS. ALL PIPING UNDER PAVED AREAS SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO PAVING, USE PVC CLASS 315 FOR 2" AND LARGER AND PVC SCHEDULE 40 FOR 1-1/2" AND SMALLER. PROVIDE SAND BACKFILL OVER PIPING CROSSING ANY ROADWAY OR AC PAVING. ALL PIPING BETWEEN WATER METER AND BACKFLOW PREVENTER SHALL BE PER LOCAL CODE. VALVE BOXES SHALL BE AMETEK #10-131-001 WITH AMETEK #10-131-007 COVER MARKED "IRRIGATION CONTROL VALVE." INSTALL CONTROLLER AS CALLED FOR ON TI-IE DRAWINGS. OWNER SHALL PROVIDE 110 VOLT SERVICE TO CONTROLLER. IRRIGATION CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE FINAL HOOK-UP TO CONTROLLER. INSTALL 24 VOLT CONTROL WIRING ON #14 UF DIRECT BURIAL IRRIGATION WIRE. USE BLACK FOR PILOT, USE WHITE FOR COMMON WIRE. USE EPOXY TAPE CONNECTORS FOR SPLICING OF WIRES. BURY WIRES IN SAME TRENCH AS MAIN LINE Will-I SIX 1" DIA. x 30" LINEAR EXPANSION COILS EVERY 100' AND AT VALVES. INSTALL WIRES IN PVC SLEEVE UNDER PAVING. ADJUST RISER HEIGHT ON SHRUB POP-UP SPRAYS. SHRUB HEADS SHALL BE 2" ABOVE GRADE ALONG PARKING AREAS, CURBS OR SIDEWALKS. HEIGHT OF HEAD IN PLANTING AREAS SHALL BE 6" ABCVE GRADE. · INSTALL HEADS 6" FROM WALKS OR WALLS. ADJUST SPRINKLERS FOR REQUIRED COVERAGE. KEEP OVERTHROW AT A MINIMUM, ADJUST PRESSURE OF SYSTEM TO AVOID 'FOGGING' OR OVERSPRAYING. PERFORM A COVERAGE TEST UPON COMPLETION IN PRESENCE OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT "AS-BUILT" DRAWINGS TO OWNER. LOCATE VALVES, QUICK COUPLERS AND IWIAIN LINE LOCATION WITH DIMENSIONS FROIII THE NEAREST PERMANENT POINT OF REFERENCE. CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH THREE (3) QUICK COUPLING KEYS EQUIPPED Will-I HOSE SWIVELS. TESTS: ALL PRESSURE LINES SHALL BE TESTED PRIOR TO BACKFILL OPERATIONS. CENTER LOAO PLASTIC PIPE WITH SMALL AMOUNT OF BACKFILL TO PREVENT ARCHING AND Wi'flPPINC UNDER PRESSURE. GUARANTEE: THE ENTIRE IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE GUARANTEED BY TI-IE CONTRACTOR TO GIVE COMPLETE AND SATISFACTORY SERVICE AS TO MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FROM TI-IE DA TE OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF TI-IE WORK BY THE OWNER. SHOULD ANY TROUBLE DEVELOP WITI-IIN TI-IE SPECIFIED GUARANTEE PERIOD, WHICH IN TI-IE OPINION OF TI-IE OWNER IS DUE TO INFERIOR OR FAULTY MATERIAL AND/OR WORKMANSHIP, THE TROUBLE SHALL BE CORRECTED, WITHOUT DELAY, BY TI-IE CONTRACTOR TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE OWNER AND AT NO EXPENSE TO TI-IE OWNER AS PART OF IBIS CONTRACT. C: JRAWING f'IL[S lHLE Sl-!f:TTS Ci..S~-IP.JWG REV!S[D: 5/15/2012 NOTES: FINISH GRADE PVC SCH 40 ELL PVC SCH 60 NIPPLE (LENGTH AS REQUIRED, 1 OF 2) 30-INCH LINEAR LENGTH OF WIRE, COILED WATERPROOF CONNECTION: RAIN BIRD SPLICE-1 (1 OF 2) --ID TAG: RAIN BIRD YID SERIES ~---VALVE BOX WITH COVER: ~-PVC SCH 40 FEMALE ADAPTER '----LATERAL PIPE "---BRICK (1 OF 4) '----3-INCH MINIMUM DEPTH OF 3/4-INCH WASHED GRAVEL PVC SCH 60 NIPPLE '----CONTROL ZONE KIT: ~~011..tb lf~~T~O ~lef EN) : PVC SCH 40 TEE OR ELL ~ PVC MAINLINE B I R D 1. TO REPLACE INLINE WYE FILTERS. USE REPLACEMENT IIILTER • ELEMENTS RAIN BIRD l,IODELS RBY-150MX OR RBY-IWIX. 0 D DRIP VALV~ KIT C /INOOOR WALL_) CID INSIDE FRONT COVER 0 F CD RAIN BIRD ESP-SMT4i · INSIDE WALL l,IOUNT ® 1 -INCH PVC SCH 40 CONDUIT AND FITTINGS 0 WIRES TO REMOTE CONTROL VALVES AND SENSOR 0 OPTIONAL IWIODULES FOR 13-STATION CONTROLLER ® CONMECTION FOR WIRES FROM SENSOR ® 120 VAC, 60 HZ EXTERNAL PLUG-IN TRANSFORMER ~ F 6 (INDOOR) INSIDE CONTROi L ER CHASSJS NOTE: WIRE LENGTH FROM CONTROLLER TO SENSOR NOT TO EXCEED 200 FEET. CONTROLLER ,,---30-INCH LINEAR LENGTH OF WIRE, COILED ,,--WATER PROOF CONNECTION (1 OF 2) .,--ID TAG ,,---VALVE BOX WITH COVER: 12-INCH SIZE -----FINISH GRADE/TOP OF MULCH ,,--REMOTE COMTROL VALVE: .,--PVC SCH BO NIPPLE (CLOSE) ,,---PVC SCH 40 ELL ,,--PVC SCH BO NIPPLE (LENGTH AS REQUIRED) ~~~.,,,..,-~-BRICK (1 OF 4) I""--",,. .----SCH 80 NIPPLE (2-INCH LENGTI-1, HIDDEN) AND SCH 40 ELL ~-PVC MAINLINE PIPE '--PVC SCH 40 TEE OR ELL '--PVC SCH 40 MALE ADAPTER '--PVC LATERAL PIPE '--3.0-INCH MINIMUM DEPTH OF 3/4-INCH WASHED GRAVEL NOTE: .-------FINISHED GRADE IN TURF AREAS .-----PLASTIC RECTANCULAR VALVE BOX WITH BOLT DOWN COVER. USE STIIN\.ESS BOLT, NUT, ANO WASHER. BOX TO BE Pl.ACEO AT RIGHT ANGLE TO HIIROSCIIPE EOOE. HEAT 8RAII!) "BV" ONTO Lill. .---BALL VM.VE, SEE LEGEND FOR SPECIFICATION FINISHED GRACE IN Sl1R\/8 AREAS PRESSURE SUPPLY LINE DEPTl1 AS PER SPECS. '----SCH 80 PVC COUPLING ANO T.O.E. NIPPLES ---BRICK SUPPORTS 4 REQ PER BOX '--------SCH BO PVC UNION ~-------SCM BO PVC NIPPLES ~ov&6~!:£\ts '-----------3/4" ROCK, 3 CUSIC FT. SfCD9N VJEW N..I ;s ,c~{P1(Dj~~~~~am:q•lll!'~' ====;~::~SUPPLY LINE PL.AN YQ tfTS BOX TO BE INSTALLEO AS TO ALLOW FOR PROPER OPERATION OF BALL VALVE INSTALL AT RIGHT ANGLE TO HARDSGAPE EOGE, INSTALL VM.VE OFF-CENTER IN BOX. INSTALL VN..VE BOX EXTENSIONS AS REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE PROPER VALVE INSTM.LATION AT MAIN LINE DEPTtl. CONTROL VAL VE B BALL VALVE G H ~--TOP OF MULCH FOR ON-GRADE DRIP ~------COMPRESSION TEE ~--LANDSCAPE DRIPLINE TUBING: TIE DOWN STAKE: --FINISH GRADE DRIP LINE FINISH GRAD[--~ VALVE BOX SEE SPECS. LINE FLUSHING -- VALVE fL050Mf'V-1 - . _! .. I SEE SPECS PVC LATERAL (OR EXHAUST HEADER) DRIP FLUSH VALVE I 6" LATERAL LINf--f--'-,<J ;;; , / ,' / / MAIN LINE 1/ OR SLEEY=----'-4'7"+-~ / SLEEYE----''-,L.,"..+---r CLEAN OR SAND BACKFILi---✓ CONTROL WIRE---_/ RENCHING / I I I I I L ____________ _ • N i CDP14-05/AV 15-04/CDP 15-13 ' .---------REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTER --------COPPER MALE ADAPTER (1 OF 2) .-------COPPER UNION (1 OF 2) .,.--FINISH GRADE '----COPPER FEMALE ADAPTER '----COPPER PIPE FROM POINT-OF-CONNECTION ---PVC MALE ADAPTER NOTE: 1. INSTALL BACKFLOW PREVENTER AS REQUIRED BY LOCAL CODES AND HEALTH DEPARTMENT. VERIFY LOCAL REQUIREMENTS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. A BACKFLOW PREVENTER ---FINISH GRADE 12" min Spray 18" min Rotor • N E C: E l-o a;) Irrigation 13.3 Details STUDIO 34202 Sepulveda Avenue Copislrano Beach, CA 92624 pho 949 .248.5404 lex 949.240.9790 l!IIS DMWlltG AS Mi INS!RtlMm Of S£RVIC£S IS lllE PROPERTY Of 111£ !A!llll(Al'!WlllKf l!III IIW IIVI If ffl'IOll!ICfD 1W ID FCilil WllHOtrT Ill£ Wl);cAfE Altll!Tftrs lllffiEII PERMISSION Aftll UNLESS THE R£!'ROf11Kffl1!1 (ffllES lllE ~ AiCltt1ECfS NIIMI. All DESIG!I All') Offl l!lfllB1lOII S!\'01ffl Ill! 111£ Mltlli ARE FOi! 1ll£ SOLE ll'IE Of 1llE Sl'Wfl!D mJR1 011.T i\!IO SHAU IIOT 8E OTffElffllSE USEO lfflffillll Tllf Emffi PRIOR IRITTEN l'HlillSSlllll OF THE lAIIDSCAPE AROIITTCT. WRITTEN ll!MENSION SHAU HAVE l'REUD!:NCE OYER SCALED DIMENSION. COIi=~ SIIAU l'!ilfY A/10 BE RESPONSIBLE FOR All Dll!ENSIOIIS AIID . llll lftE JOB. l1!E ~ ARClllT!CTII TO BE IRFORlilED OF /lllY VA!IAlllJIIS FD 1ll£ DlfflEIIS!UIS A/10 (OIIOITIONS SltllWII ON 1ll£ DMWIIIGS. UISTIIIG (O!ID1T!OMS MIO !JJCAllONS OF lllllmES HAYE IIOT B£Ell YEmfltD lll9£PEND!l!Tl.Y. IT SHAil BE THE R£SPONS1WIY Of lll£ CONTRACTDl!S) ffiORE BEG!MUIIG WORK TO DmRM!NE !111: EXACT lOCA!l0N (If AU fA5E!IIOOSA!IO UIS!mG UlRITlES. THE CO!l!RAC!OR{Sl SIIAl.l 1£ RE5!'lJllSIBlf FOR SHUR!llli All PERMITS AIID EIIGlNHR!NG JruMKID lll!IUI r; IIOT!ftUUIIED 1ft 1ffB£ llWIIIIGS. Cm!, SJKUCMAI., MECMAlll(Al Ell\llMEllftG, GWlllG ANO DRAINAGE BY OTHERS. SHOI' llMll'lffliS lil\lST II! SlltllllllEO TO ll!E I.AIIDICAPE ARCHITECT FOR l!Fl!EWl!l'lm: rRUU:Ml\i ffl1ll FmlCATIUN. TIIERtSA CI.Al!K lAIIDSCAPE Af!CllllHT APPROVED fOR /RR/GA T/ON AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCA T/ON OP PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" RCE __ _ EXP. ___ _ DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE 08.04.14 2ND SUBl,IITTAL CDP REVIEW ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD l---+----+-----------------1---1-----+---+---1 ~ PLANNING DIVISION ~ ~ .WATER EFRCIE1'{[ QRDINANGE CERTIFICATION $WEMENT 'i Al,(. f.Aof!LJ4R. wm-, .. TH£ REQU/REM(J,(T!J FOR l.ANO$CAP£ AND IRRJGATJON. Pl.At}$ CONTA/NfO . IN "[H£ CITY OF CARI.Seltl)'s iM{)SCAP£ MAHWtl. /f/'/D. WltTER £fflC1£NT I..Afi{)Sct,pf.: RWliLATIONS, J H,4.VE PRfPARfD THIS PLAN iN COMPLIANCE: WITH JHOSf Rf.GUt.ATIONS ANO JHf. LANDSCAPE MA/I/UAL AiYO AGRF:f. TO COMPLY WITH ALL Rl:QU!RE:MENTS WHEN• SUBM/ffiNd CONSTRUCT/ON DOCUMENTS. / CERTIFY THAT THE PLAN IMPLEMfNTS THOSE REGULAIJOIIS . TO PROV/Of· EFFICIENT USE OF WATER" . SIGNA~ p Kdtz ,~A~ 15 I r:J r:J C7 (cl4cl) 855-G4 13 u n u n DD LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE FAX 1330•44G5 LJ LJ 230 I I Moulton Parkway \ PLANNING . RESEARCH STAN SMITH ASSOCIATES Suite JI 2 • Laguna Hills, CA B2G53 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: Tierra del Oro Residence 5039 Tierra del Oro Carlsbad, CA 92008 !----1----+-----------------t---t----t---+---f I A_P_P_R_o_v_E_D_: _______________ _ PLANNING DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INlTIAL DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL CHKD BY: CDP 14-05 xxxx RVWD BY: • • \ \ \ \ \ j i I UPPER LEYEL-HYDROZONES {' :f'l),,."i~ (8~!./ fQ!!i;J; !,/'l,/!{~'"'\. \ \ ' \ _ (F) f'Ut!=Vr ~ V ;-:;;z,-' \ /' ' \ , \ LOWER LEYEL-HYDROZONES C: \DRAWING FILES\TITL.t': SH[[IS ,CLSB-IP.DWG RLViSFD: 5/15 2012 L_ ,, ' .. >!!,EN::i: !J)J.'/ i f!:.'..SFUfN, iF:J, VNN, ifA'i::Mc". ·<'~,,'s;;;, Fl.:)·' 0±~~0 , )\ F:5.v:,J{' '-ms :1/J.re '-rei, 4;_ ,,, ~-f?fl./=37,2/J '-~r .;; / ·H IE~ , _ ~00 t>."-,z, Pi~-..:.RS .~ 1 18/ v~ rr,334,. "'-"" q {} _,' J-:,; 'c _,.,,_,/\\' ',< '¾ J~~J/f, "~M "',m p-,'-\ ~Ll. , ew 32.,:,8 ,st, ' ,, ~'W .~fl"J ➔tJ-'-.......1'"/.K:~\J,l 1:>W ..!-ZllJ , !,)i],4/;M / \ Rl!l-32.5 \ \ !["= _,.,.,/J\ \. \1:_22.s / 'j..,,9 j '\ -~t~,.,~{t .,....J',-CCv"-' i \-:1. -~'\ ,(;. TW l:'H J \ 1!;--"i,.'\ \'t', ·.,,-w··n54·" '"''-"· 't\ \'•. \~-t t,.';-\"\ ''l-"-;} \9- \ '%. ·-;-~;~,iic, '\ ':~ ,·::; V¼ ',":"-\ \ ,"" ',\ \ ,, ',, ',\ \ ''0; \ '\ \\ '\ \ . \ \ \ Water Efficient Landscape Features The proposed landscape design addresses aesthetic, practicality and water efficiency. Planning and Design: Plant palettes that respond to sauth and west exposures use low water and are salt and wind tolerant. Plant palettes for the north and east exposures take advantage of the soil moisture preserved by the shaded and wind protected conditions. Tre_es proposed in the west and south garden areas mitigate sun exposure and heat gams. Year round seasonal interest is provided by the plant palette that spans between succulents/woody shrubs/perennials Soil Analysis: Soil samples will be taken upon completion of the site demolition and site grading to determine amendments for specific garden area palettes. The planting specifications outline the application of amendments, fertilizers and mulch to condition the soil. Appropriate Plant Selection: West-plant palette is salt and wind tolerant, requires minimal water . to eliminate runoff flow. East -full and partial shade loving plant material selected to provide a cooling micraclimote and fragrance in the wind protected courtyard. North-Shade loving plant palette adjacent to house selected to address slope conditions and provide fragrance while full sun and wind tolerant plants selected for the existin9 raised planter to provide privacy. South -Full sun and wind tolerant Plant palette selected to provide privacy and visual/aromatic aesthetic from window views. Plant palettes for each garden area have similar water requirements. Plants that require moderate water are proposed for the north and east garden areas. The architectural structure and trees are used to reduce evaporation from the planting beds. The installation spacin9 described for each plant type allows the plants to obtain mature size and botanical character. Trimmin9 will be to maintain horticultural health. Practical T urfgrass Areas: A singular use of lawn is proposed for the west garden. The type of grass is Paspallum which uses 40% less water than a Marathon II Fescue. The lawn area also functions as an area to filter storm run-off from adjacent pa't'ing areas. Efficient Irrigation: The irrigation system will be programmed to water in evening or early morning. Routine maintenance of the irri9ation system will ensure: proper run times for each season, to be infrequent/deep watering, to eliminate runoff, low head drainage and overspray conditions. Use of Mulches: A 3" layer of organic mulch will be used in all plant beds to keep roots cool, m1n1m1ze erosion, reduce weed growth. As the mulch decomposes, it will be cultivated into the plant bed to condition the soil. Appropriate Maintenance: A maintenance program will address will establish a botanically healthy garden from installation through continued maturity. Routine pruning, organic fertilization, soil cultivation and irrigation inspection will ensure the longevity of this proposed garden. f,?' {;? ,; " RO'.;£[; c:J//!3 P{i~ S,R,'1 ;; .. .-..-:. T{Pf: A W/ f.5' or #/!;Ti-! !O ----¼1ct;1 n,<,;r.1yt; ;:uM !,rj,fi;J: 01. rt ) i ! ! ;-(f:) I SWA' I ALL IRRIGATION WATER SUPPL r IS FROM EXISTING POTABLE WATER SOURCE HYDROZONE LEGEND HYDROZONE 1 -3340 S.F. LOW WATER USE SHRUBS DRIP IRRIGATION HYDROZONE 2 -190 S.F. SiONL "'" --i!,.:--i, '-..._" '.£rr:,<t:x >t.,. u:•£ ' ' ' f'ROJi::.,.~,-4 ;, t-m:: 1,11 ... ~., g,,r 1:.·; LOW WATER USE TREES/SHRUBS BUBBLER /RR/GA T/ON "\ ... (<'j %1.iL 'ff! .'li¼W•'i Rll./=31.4 j~= 35.4 ' \ ' ' ' \ \ \ '\ ;\ \ ' PJ~1-X ?t;-'~;. -7t .;;,J/\._ \ \ HYDROZONE 3 -309 S.F. WATER FEATURE \ \ \ \ ' ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' ' \ ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' \ \ \ \ \ ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' ' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' \ ' ' \ \ \ \ ' ' \ \ WAID' fffiG/fl/T ORJJINANC£ cttmf1CATIO('I STA1£ht£Nr 20 ~w -0 20 40 60 ____ liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:11~~~~~~~1 SCALE: 1 "=20' 1 .AM FAM/UAR WITH 1/it; · REQU/Rt;Mt;NTS. FOR LANDSCAPE AND /RR/CATION PLANS CONTAINED IN THE crrr OF CARLSBAD'S f.ANDSCAPE MANUAL AND' WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS. J ,HAVE PREPARED THIS PLAN IN COMPL.IANCE Wf[H maSE REGULATIONS AND TH£ LANDSCAPE: MANUAL AND AGRE:£ TO .COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS WHEN SUBMITTING CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS. ·.• I CfRTIF'( 1/iAT THI; PLAN IMPL£MENJS• THOSE REGULATIONS TO PROVIDE EFr/ClfNr US£ OF WATER" . . S/GNATU 12-2-15 DAT£ ?h./ Jk s:dzs ' ., ' ' WELO WORKSHEETS LANDSCAPE MANUAL APPENDIXE P-25(C) Development Services Planning Plvisiun. 1635 Faraday Avenue (760) 602-4fil0 www.cartsbadt.a.gg-v Water Efficient Landscape Worksheet ThiS worksheet is filled 0\11. by the project applicant and tt iS. a required element of the Landscape Documentation Pacl\age. HYDROZONE INFORMATION TABLE Please complete the hydrozone lable(s) for each hydrozone. Use as many tables as necessary to provide the square f001ase of landscape area per hydrozone. Controller Hydroi:one• Zone Irrigation Plant Hydrozone %of Total # or lllethod'"' Type/Fm:tor-Area (Sq. Ft.) Llindscitped Valve IP F Area A < ' 7 • "" ,. ' ' . . J ., " ' . . . ,. .. ~ .. ' .. ' ,, I ' i j . .... ····~~ . . ..... ,. . .. . .. Total ' 100% •Hydrozone "'Irrigation Method MS "Micro-spray S=Sp,ay "'"'Plant Facb>ifrom W!JCOLS III or list es water/'88/ure n appropriate VLW-Ve,y Low Waler Use Plams LW. Low Water Use Pfanm MW -Moderate Water Use PisnfS' HW -High Water Use Plants R ~ RCTlor B=Bitbbler D=D,tp O=Other Mai<imum Applied Water Allowance A landscape project subject to the Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance shall Include the MAWA for the plans, including the ca!culaUQJls U$8Q to determine the MAWA A landscape proje<;i shall not exceed the MAWA. The MAWA fOr a~ projeet shall be determined by the following equation: MAWA" (eTol(0,62)£(0.7 x LAI+ (0.3 X SJ.Ali The abl:Jrevlations used fr, /he equatJon hi'!Ve the f'ollowing meanings; MAWA Maximwm Applied Water ~.ance in gallon$ per year, ETD Evapotranspiration in inches per year. 0.62 C0nversi0n factor. to gallons per sqirare foot. • . 45 ET adjustment factor (ET AF} for plant factors and irrigation efficiency, LA Landscaped area includes special landscaped area in square feel o.s The additional ET adjustment factor fQr a special landscaped area (1.0 -.0.7 = 0,3) SLA Special landscaped area iO square feet. Show Calculatlo!l: ( 40)(0. 62)(0.45)(3843) 42,887.88 Maxlmwn Applied Water Allowance: _4_2'"',_8_8 __ 8--. _____ gallons per year 13.4 CDP14-05/AV 15-04/CDP 15--13 · Hydrozone Table for Calculating ETWU Please tomplete the hydrozone table(s). Use as many tables as necessary. CITY OF C:ARI..SIMD ESTIMATED TOTAL WATER USE ETWO Hydrozone Ntim!>er {1-5 wifh SI.A Zone Below cc use as many tables Process, Step No. 1 2; C3 ·· sul: Below Evapotranspiration Rate 1 40 ETo• conversion Factor 2 0,62 (Slep 1 x Step 2) 3 24.8 Plant Factor (PF)- (From WUCOLS) (VLW 4 0,1-0.8 0.3 0.3 0.8 Area of Hydro,,one {sq, 5 3344 190 309 ft. HA (Slep 4 X Step 5) , e 57 247 Irrigation Efficiency 7 .75 1.0 IE- (Step 6 + step 7) a 1254 76 247 {Total All Step 8 +Total 9 1577 $1.A . ft. in st 5 (Step 3 x Step 9) Estimated Total Water Use in gallons per year (ETWU) -Total shall not 39,109.6 exceedMAWA ETo• West of 1-5 = 40.0 East of t-5 and West of Ef Camino F«>al= 44.0 East of El Gamino Real= 47.0 ,..IE Micro-spray= .80 Spray=,55 RD/or= :70 Bubbler=.75 Drip= .80 Applicartt may provide a different Ero if supporlerJ; by documenlal/Qn su//jeat to approval by the City Plal1fling Division App/ican/ may provide a different II= if supporleii by doc11mentatfon subject to approval by fhe·City Plam1/ni &:llvislon (Turf ffl:I Landscdf)e Irrigation Best Management Praciices, April 2005). ·• Plant Facto, & Walor tise 0.1 = VLW-Ve,y Low Water Use Plants 0.3 = LW -Low Water Use Pr<,nts 0.5 = MW -M<>clerate Water Use Plants 0.8 .= HW • High Water Uoo Plants Conceptual Water Conservation Plan \ \Ston-cod2\Ngr,cy'sCAD\Residentiol\TIERRA DEL ORO\TCLA logo.tit APPROVED FOR /RR/GA TION ANO PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" RCE __ _ EXP, ___ _ DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE 08.04.14 2ND SUBMITTAL CDP REVIEW fSHEEl'l CITY OF CARLSBAD l----+----+-----------------1---1----+---+---t ~ PLANNING DIVISION ~ ~ LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: Tierra del Oro Residence 5039 Tierra del Oro Carlsbad, CA 92008 l---+---+-----------------1---1---+---+---f I-A-PP_R_o_v_E_o_, ____________ ---- ,PLANNING DATE INITIAL DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL OWN BY: CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. CDP 14-05 DRAWING NO. xxxx • 1 EAST ELEVATION 1/4" = 1 '-0" -------------------------~ -;.;,_'.--:--: - METAL DOORS AND WINDOWS FLAT CLAY TILE ROOF-'- STUCCO ,, i'l [ EXISTING RETAINING WALLS AT PROPORTY LINE TO REMAIN , , ' ,. . . .. .. . m~-~--c ,. -L ' . _ ~l~'l 59' -10~ ~ HEIGHT 30' PITCHED ROOF HEIGHT LIMIT ----·---------------------------------·------------- FLAT CLAY TILE ROOF--- ' l ,~ ·. ,,,,,~,,==,,,, _____ n i1 , t1> 61' -0 1/4" ~----GATE AND WALLS INCLUDED IN VARIANCE APPLICATION METAL WINDOWS EXISTING RETAINING WALLS AT PROPORTY LINE TO REMAIN ~---PROPOSED GATE TO COMPLY WI CMC 21-204, 100,C ~----PROPOSED AND EXISTING GRADE I CDP14-05/AV 15-04/CDP 15-131 Bedroom #3 Plate ---57' -2" JJ~evel Plate 54' -4" Bedroom #3 Level ---48'-2" _J.Jpper Level 45' -3" ___ Gara~ Lev~ · 7'-9" \J II CONSISTENCY DETERMINAT .. ION .. EXtfIBIT .i ~R PROJECT No.m IS_-.2,.'f I Date: 1'2.\trltC Don Neu, City Planner RECOMMENDED BY: .'.j;~~-Gritl_ __ ~ DATE, \'2\IS'\JS"'" .,__ U) < t)\Q d NO °' "' I-.....::--<!9 0 l,.I.. u ro --<: -"' CJj :5 ~ (JJ -,-.l)< ~ O< I-u -o. -z :s I 0 0 0 f-, a:: -< z <( p:I -'" z ::i ~ oz 22 ~ 1-W <_ f-1 ~Rl f-1 :r: ';' --<: u °' U) ~ ~1 @ """ :i:::2 ~N,'.j -Cl ('81.I-l "-c< ._J ~ ~ "''""""u,,,, ,,,,,,st o A F? C"lJ,,,, ,, ~ ,,, /0 ~ w Q //',,'-,;, j() -{?"f'--?,,,(J' ,S,-\ ~ ...... 1., -? ()~ t~ ~ ~ ~; -* No. C-21779 * \"' -,:,~ ,"' .,,.f , ,A 4' ;i;-" ''-,1~ JUL ,''o'<'/ ,,,,,,,,,, 0,c: CJ\\..\~,,,,,,,,, '"'"'""'"'""""' Copyrighr l~land Art:hitech 2014 JOB#: 3200 DRAWN BY, Amho, PROJ. MGR.· Checker DATE: ISSUE: 02/1 l/l 5 1st Bld9. Submilkil ~- REVISIONS # DESCRIPTION I DATE Q) u C: Q) ""'C ·-(/) Q) co 0 ~ 0 N °' 0 <( u !.... -0 0 0 ~ ,,, -;:: 0 -u Q) ' 0 0 '-0 ai 0 Cl 0 !.... '-'-, !.... ~ Q) F °' ·-(") t--0 I{') A4. 1 Exterior Elevations 02/11/15 .. ca.,..,_~U-r:p=pe.rj,.evel Plate __ _ _ ____ -1 U~-4" I __________ _J .. ca.,..,_~U~p=perJ,.e~ U 45'-3" '-0,.,..,_--;M'"'aC"in Lev_el_ U 33'-1" Basement Level ----221 -011 1 SOUTH ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0" METAL DOORS AND WINDOWS------- PLANTER/GREEN ROOF-, 42"H. GLASS GUARDRA,IL --PROPOSED AND EXISTING GRADE STUCCO I CDP14-05/AV 15-04/CDP 15-131 Bedro_o_m #3 :P~l=at='=e_ol"",,,I 57'-2" \J Basement Lan"d ... in'"g"-----10-..i ----27' -3• Cl' Existing Basement Level ----231 -10" • ATION EXHIBIT . ROJECT NO. CD\S·Z'-1 Date: 12\1s\\'5" Don Neu, City Planner RECOMMENDED BY: -"~"""'=-'-_,.tJ,,,o-'-;-'-c--1/~~'b __ DATE: !'2.\Js\lS° .... ~ (/) «: M ,0 .os i:,:i N' °' <> I---< "' u ~ u: «: . "' CJ] j" LL.I ~ -'" i:,:: 0~ I-u--< -~-' I 0 u 0 C"" a:: -«: z < d Z"" ~ 0~ CJ] "' i:,:: ::: ~ _,-1-, ~ ~ rs ~ °' ~ o°' P, ~"' U) "'': r.J "'00 :r: :2 ~ N..:.i -0 i:a~ r-,.. Copyright lslond A..:hitect, 2014 JOB#: 3200 DRAWN BY: Author PR.OJ_ MGR.: Ched:ar DATE: ISSUE: 02/11/15 l.tBldg.Submittol REVISIONS • DESCRIPTION DATE Q) u C Q) -0 ·-V) Q) 00 0 ~ 0 N °' 0 <( u !.... "'O 0 C ~ Cl) '-C -u Q) -0 0 '-0 Q) C 0 C !.... '-... !.... Q) ·-Q) I- °' ·-CT) t-0 Lil A4.2 Exterior Elevations 02/11/15 \\ Q JI .; ------·-·--------. •. -----~:------------~-~'.~------ i..Oi-,....-=B=ed,,,room_#_3 _Plate U 57'-2" 1,,0,l'",-----:Bcca='s=ement Landing U 27'-3" ----- 1 1/4"= 1'-0" NORTH ELEVATION FLAT CLAY TILE ROOF-- .;,·'.,1· 1----------+t~J< 1----,-------<~._·,X ,, 1----------+· l:il) r-----rt STUCCO ~-------:--.. __ --------....-....... .. ___ , -.......;.;...... ,,• ----------LINE OF FLAT ROOF BEYOND 61' -0 1/4" RIDGE HEIGHT PROPOSED GRADE EXISTING GRADE ---------------------------- RIDGE HEIGHT - 59'·10" CHIMNEY HEIGHT CHIMNEY PROTRUSION ABOVE HEIGHT LIMIT PER MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION: 21.46.020 59' -10" CHIMNEY HEIGHT I CDP14-05/AV 15-04/CDP 15-131 FLAT CLAY TILE ROOF ARCHITECTURAL FEATURE: PROTRUSION ABOVE HEIGHT LIMIT +-_PER MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION: 21.46.020 ___ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ UppBr Level Plate IC\ 54'-4"\J --PLANTER/GREEN ROOF +42"H. GLASS GUARDRAIL ~Level.:-, 45'-3"'-J ""Basement Level 22' -0" " CONSISTENCY DETERMINATION EXHIBIT n _ FJR PROJECT NO. CD_l_S'-2.~ ~ /{,.«_ Date: 1'2.\tS:(~ Don Neu, City Planner RECOMMENDED BY: :t.w~ @ DA TE: J'l.\lS:11,... 0 z ~ U) - t w }-, -I u a:: <( Copyright l,lcnd Architects 2014 JOB#: 3200 DRAWN BY: Author ?ROJ. MOR., Che~ker DATE: ISSUE: 02/11/15 l st Bldg. 5ubmilkil REVISIONS #I DESCRIPTION I DATE Q) u C Cl) -0 ·-V) Q) co 0 ~ 0 N °' 0 <( u ~ 7J 0 a ...c ., -;: a -u Q) 0 0 ... 0 Q) 0 0 a ~ ... ... ~ Q) Cl) i-= °' ·-C') t-0 LO A4.4 Exterior Elevations 02/11/15 . PITCH 3:12 TYP. - ~ UpperL,evel Plate _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ U 54'-4" ~ ---------- ~ Upper Lev~___ _____ _ ____ _ _ _ -45' -3" --------· 1 BUILDING SECTION 1/8" = 1 '-0" I ,MASTER ·BEDROOM ' ' LIVING rr-11-l! : ,, + \ I CDP14-05/AV 15-04/CDP 15-131 ......___ _ _ _ _ __ Bedroom #3 Plate If_) __, 57'-2n CJ' 2" X 6"@ 16" O.C. GA~GE Be__droo117_ #~ Level ~ 48' -2" CONSISTENCY DETERMINATION EXHIBIT kt zt"PRo.1EcTNo. CD1s..z..-\ Don Neu. City Planner Date:.nlisµ.s:_ RECOMMENDED BY: _J~~-c.c~ DATE: J'ljl5jJS:- -,-~ CJ) < 1'1"1~ .00 p::; ~ \0 I-1-1 < ~ u r..r... u ro . .,: •ITT <ll :5"' IJJ -..JX ~ o< I-u -"--z :5 I 0 u 0 f-< a:: - -..:: z < ~ z';; ~ oz <ll "' r>::::: 1-11 ..,~ r-1 ~gi t;J :,: ~ U°' p.. ~ ITT U) «1 [;i '""' :,: :Q P,: N .cl -Q ~~ ,_,.. ~ ~ ~ ,,,,,ttD"''A'Ftt;;,,,, .---~ w /'•• Fv,i ·c/\ § CJ *'"'f. ;,p/,s,-~ ,;."' i'-....S, ,yQ~ t¼ ~ ~ ~i ~* No. C-21779 * \ ,r -P0: ...,_½ <tJ ""~ __.... fiy \ ~<2 Vi';-,· JUL""~-'° .,, __ (' </l ,-•·· ,,,,,,,,,9F Ct>-1....\,,,,,,,, ''"""''''""'" Copyrighl Island Architecra 2015 JOB#, 3200 PRAWN BY: Author PROJ. MGR.: Checker DATE: ISSUE: 10/14/15 CDP REVISIONS ,, DESCRIPTION I DATE Cl) u C Cl) --0 ·-V, Cl) CXl 0 ~ 0 N °' 0 <( u !.... ""O 0 0 ..0 <I) '-0 -u Cl) -0 0 '-0 Q) 0 0 0 !.... '-'-!.... Q) (1) t-= °' ·-CT) t-0 Ii) A5. 1 Building Section 10/14/15 ,. .... PROJECT INFORMATION OWNER LEGAL DESCRIPTION Tierra Del Oro, LLC. Lot 8 of Map 3052 P.O. Box906 Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 SITE ADDRESS GROSS SITE AREA 26,600 sf I .61 acre BUILDING HEIGHT: 29' 7" 5039 Tierra Del Oro Carlsbad, CA 92008 PARKING REQUIREMENTS NUMBER OF STORIES: 2 stories 2 spaces for main dwelling A.P.N. 210-020-08 1 spa,;e for second dwelling unit ZONE R-1 SCOPE OF WORK YEAR EXIST. RES. CONSTRUCTED 1959 DEMOLISH 3,056 SF SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE AND BASEMENT REMODEL AND CONNECT EXISTING 528 SF GARAGE/432 SF LIVING AREA TO PROPOSED 5,033 SF TWO STORY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE WITH 3,275 SF BASEMENT, 537 SF ATTACHED SECOND DWELLING UNIT AND RELATED SITE IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDING NEW SWIMMING POOL CONSULTANTS ARCHITECTS TONY CRISAFI, DREXEL PATTERSON ISLAND ARCHITECTS 7626 HERSCHEL AVENUE LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA 92037 PH. (858) 459-9291 FAX (858) 456-0351 JOB CAPTAIN -MICHELLE MEADE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT THERESA CLARK, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 34202 SEPULVEDA AVE. CAPISTRANO BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92624 PH. (949) 248-5404 FAX (949) 240-9790 CONTRACTOR THOMAS TAYLOR CONSTRUCTION THOMAS TAYLOR 8189 CENTER ST. LA MESA, CALIFORNIA 91941 PH. (619) 466-1000 FAX (619) 466-1074 C: DRAWiNG F--IL[S TIU~ SHEUS C_SB-·IP.JWG REV!SE-.0: 5/15/2012 CIVIL ENGINEER COFFEY ENGINEERING, INC. JOHN COFFEY 10660 SCRIPPS RANCH BLVD., STE. 102 SAN DIEGO, CA 92131-1077 PH. (858) 831-0111 FAX (858) 831-1077 PROJECT MANAGER - FELICIANO RODR)GUEZ SOILS ENGINEER GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION, INC. LESLIE REED, PRESIDENT 7420 TRADE ST. SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92121 PH. (858) 549-7222 FAX (858) 549-1604 PROJECT MANAGER -DON VAUGHN SURVEYOR PASCO LARET SUITER & ASSOCIATES JOE YUHAS 535 N COAST HIGHWAY 101 Ste A SOLANA BEACH, CA 92075 PH. 858.259.8212 FAX 858.259.4812 I Ierra VICINITY MAP CITY OF OCEANSIDE HIGHWAY ?a 5039 Tierra Carlsbad, CA I 051 del Oro 92008 LOCATION MAP ence I CDP 14-05/AV 15-04/CDP 15-13 I ~-----·······----------- DRAWING INDEX: I Sheet # I TCLA I . Sheet# Sheet Name 16 L 1.0 Title Sheet 17 L 1.1 Material Layout Plan -Upper Level 18 L 1.2 Material Layout Plan -Lower Level 19 L 1.3 Hardscape Details 20 L 1.4 Hardscape Details 21 L 1.5 Hardscape Specifications 22 L2.1 Planting Plan -Upper Level 23 L2.2 Planting Plan -Lower Level 24 L2.3 Plantiing Details 25 L2.4 Planting Specifications 26 L3.1 Irrigation Plan -Upper Level 27 L3.2 Irrigation Plan -Lower Level 28 L3.3 Irrigation Details 29 L3.4 Conceptual Water Conservation Plan 30 L4.1 Lighting Plan -Upper Level 31 L4.2 Lighting Plan -Lower Level CITY OF VISTA PACIFIC OCEAN AVE CITY OF ENCINITAS KEY MAP \ CITY OF MARCOS DI SITE PACIFIC OCEAN FOR UPPER LEVEL REFER TO SHEETS 2, 6 , 1 0, AND 14. 1 "=50' ·· O" NO[ TO SCALE ,, DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE: I HEREBY DECLARE THAT I AM TH[ LIC[NSED DfSIGN[R OF WORK FOR THIS PROJECT, THAT I HA Vf EXERCISED RESPONSIBLE CHARGE OVER THE DESIGN OF THIS PROJECT AS DEFIN[D IN SECTION 6703 OF TH[ BUS/N[SS AND PROFfSSIONS COO[ AND THAT TH[ DESIGN IS CONSISTENT WITH CURRENT STANDARDS. I UNDERSTAND THAT TH[ CHECK OF PROJECT DRAWINGS AND SPECIF/CATIONS BY TH[ CITY OF CARLSBAD AND SAN DIEGO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH IS CONFINED TO A REVIEW ONLY AND DO[S NOT RELIEVE ME, AS THE LICENSED D[S/GNER OF WORK, OF MY RESPONSIBILIT/[S FOR PROJECT DESIGN. THESE PLANS HA VE BE[N PREPARED IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE APPROVED LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN, WATER CONSfRVA TION PLAN, FIR[ PROTECTION PLAN, AND ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL RELATED TO NDSCAPING. BY: PHONE NO: ( 949 ) 248-5404 REGISTRATION NO: 3327 EXP/RATION DA TE: 6-30-16 WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE DECLARATION: I AM FAMILIAR WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION PLANS CONTAINED IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD'S LANDSCAPE MANUAL & WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE REGULATIONS. I HAVE PREPARED THIS PLAN IN COMPLIANCE WITH THOSE REGULATIONS AND THE LANDSCAPE MANUAL. I CERTIFY THAT THE PLAN IMPLEMENTS THOSE REGULATIONS TO PROVIDE EFFICIENT USE OF WATER. BY: ~!~ .CtJ:s .... · .· .. ~ . -·~-' PHONE NO: ( 949 ) ~8~55~-~64~1~3 ________ _ REGIS TR AT/ON NO: 1833 fXP/RA T/ON DA TE: 2-28-17 BACKFLOW PREVENTER TESTING: ALL /RR/GA TION BACKFLOW PREVENTERS SHALL BE TESTED BY A CERTIFIED TESTER AND RESULTS MUST BE GIVEN TO THE CITY AND THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT. PIPE BETWEEN THE METER AND BACKFLOW PREVENTER SHALL BE "SCHEDULE K HARD COPPER". APPROVED CONTRACT BACKFLOW TESTERS CAN BE FOUND ON THE CITY WEB SITE AT: HTTP: //WWW CARLSBADCA. GOV/SERVICES/DEPARTMENTS/WATER/DOCUMENTS/ RECYCLED WA TERBACKFLOWTESTERLIST.PDF FOR RECYCLED OR HTTP: //WWWCARLSBADCA. GOV /SERVICES/DEPARTMENTS/WATER/DOCUMENTS/ WA TERBACKFLOWTESTERLIST.PDF FOR POTABLE OR CALL (760) 438-2722. INSPECTION PROCEDURES: INSPEC110N PROCEDURES: INSPECTION OF THE PROJECT SHALL BE PERFORMED BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF WORK, OR HIS DESIGNA TEO AGENT. REFER TO THE SPECIF/CA T/ONS FOR THE SCHEDULE OF REQUIRED INSP[CT/ONS ANO REQUIRED SUBMITTALS. FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF THE WORK, THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF THE WORK WILL CERTIFY THAT THE INSTALLATION HAS BEEN COMPLETED BY SUBMITTING THE "CERT/FICA TION OF COMPLETION" FORM. A REQU[ST FOR A FINAL LANDSCAPE INSPECTION BY THE CITY MUST ALSO BE MADE BY CALLING THE INSPECTION REQUEST LINE. "CERT/FICA T/ON OF COMPLETION" FORM FAX TO: (760) 944-8943. LANDSCAPE INSPECTION REQUEST PHONE LINE: (760) 602-4602. PRIOR TO BEGINNING LANDSCAPE WORK: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT THE DESIGNER OF WORK PRIOR TO BEGINNING LANDSCAPE WORK AND THE DESIGNfR OF WORK SHALL REVIEW THE PROJECT UTILITY LOCATIONS AND REVISE PLANS ACCORDINGLY TO FULLY SCREEN ALL UTILITIES FROM VIEW ANO PROTECT ALL UTILITIES (ABOVE & BELOW GRADE) FROM INVASIVE PLANT GROWTH AND ROOTS. STUDIO 34202 Sepulveda Avenue Capis11Cffl() h:tch, CA 92624 pho 949.248.5404 fax 949.240.9790 THIS DRAWlffll AS AN lllS!RtlMOO Of SERY!CES IS THE PROPfilY Of THE !Allll5CAff llOfflID All!! MM NOT BE REPRflOU(fl) IN ANY FORM WllHOUT 11IE lAfflOO\l'E l!IICl!ITECT'S WRlffiN PERMISSION Al!O l/!ILESS THE R!l'ROOIICTlO!I (Amt$ THE l.AIIOSCAl'E ARCHIIECT'S MAME. All DESIGN Allll OTHER lfffOWillON SNOWM ON THE lllJWING Alf FOR THE stllf USE Of TNE Sl'EClfllll PIOJKT ONtY AND SHALL NOT BE O!HERl\'IS! USED lfllll1)1JTTH[ OO'RESS Pl!Ot WRlfilN l'EKMISS!ON Of TIIE LANDSCAPE ARCl!lltCT. WRITTEN DIMENSION SHALL HAVE PRECEDENCE OVER SCALED DIMENSION. (OfflAaOR{Sl SllAU. ffllfY AIID BE RESPONSIBLE FOR All OIMEIISIOHS Affll COIIDITIO!IS 01I TllE !09. THE I.AlroSu\l'EAl!Cttlll'CTIS 10 BE INfORJo\ID Of All'! Ylll!IAlffi fllllll !HE DIMOOIOIIS AND CONDITTOIIS SHOWN ON THE !JRAWfflGS. OOSTING COIIOIIIOIIS ANO lOCA1l!l11S Of IITILITTES HAVE IWf BEEN VER!flEO lllll£1'£11l!lmY. IT ll!All BE TII£ RESPIJlll!B!LllY Of TIit (OfflACTORIS) J!FOIIE BEGllffill!G wan TO DElfRIIIIWE THE [l(,l(T LIKi\lrol! llf Ali ~ ANO EXISTl!lG IJT!IITIES. lll! CO!ITR,\CTOR(Sl S!IAU. 111 IIESl'lJ!MlE fQl Sffifl!NG All l'EKWIIJS MID EJl\,!l'l!f.llliti Rf!Mlf!lj ll!IKll 5 lll!l fflrulllEll l!I Tl!£Sf llf,A'ffil!GS. (1¥11, muCTIIKAI., 11\ECIIMIICAl EftGtftEERING, GllAPING MIO OAAINAGE llY OTHERS. SHOf DMWINGS MUST BE stl8MJTTEO TO lHE tAIIDSCAH AROIITTCT FOR REl'l!ll BEl'UR!: l'll)(fEDlffii Wlffl FAmCAllOII. THERESA Cl.ARK UHDSCAPE AROlllECT APPROVED FOR !RR/GA TION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" RCE __ _ EXP ____ _ DATE REVIEWED BY: (l ;;:~~~~. N~cn°1W!1~ .. ll!IT 11.0 Title Sheet INSPECTOR DATE _L~ oate,J2.\1s1·-1.-----,---.--------------~--,----,,-----,--r----------------i Don Neu, Cl<y Phmocr · ~ lf-'08c.:..c.:.04.::..1_4+---+-2N.:.D_S--U_Blwl_lT __ T_cAL:...C_;_D_P_R_EVI_E_W ________ t-----j----t----i-----, ~ ~ RECOMMUNDE\)BY:.:J~.Q,.&t... ~ 11.14.14 3RD SUBMITTAL CDP REVIEW OATit:•.12.\IS\IS""' 02.10.15 4TH SUBMITTAL CDP REVIEW DSCAp,._ CA · '-:</. ~ ~ ~ 04.06.15 5TH SUBMITTAL CDP REVIEW CITY OF CARLSBAD 6 PLANNING DIVISION 1 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: Tierra del Oro Residence 5039 Tierra del Oro Carlsbad, CA 92008 RT DIAL TOLL FREE 1-800-422-4133 AT LEAST TWO DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG _. .... 1fTI (") -I 1----+---+----------------i-----+---+----r-----t 1-A-P-PR_o_v_E_D_: ----------- _PLANNING ---- DATE INITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION DA TE INITIAL DA TE INITIAL DWN BY: __ _ CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: PROJECT NO. CDP 14-05 DRAWING NO. xxxx UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA DESIGNER OF WORK Ex iration Date: 6.30.20]6 OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL \ PROPOSED PAVING SYM A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 0 ITEM FRONT GARDEN PERMEABLE DRIVEWAY IMPERMEABLE ENTRY WALK IMPERMEABLE GUEST WALK (SANDSET} PERMEABLE GUEST PATIO PERMEABLE COURTYARD GARDEN PATH GUEST GARDEN ENTRY FOUNTAIN SERVICE ACCESS BALCONY BEACH ACCESS BEACH TERRACE POOL COPING SUN PATIO IMPERMEABLE PERMEABLE PERMEABLE IMPERMEABLE IMPERMEABLE IMPERMEABLE PERMEABLE IMPERMEABLE IMPERMEABLE IMPERMEABLE PERMEABLE MATERIAi / cm OR COBBLE / AUTUMN COBBLE /AUTUMN CUTSTONE /LIMESTONE RANDOM STONE /SANDSET /SEBASTIAN RANDOM STONE /SEBASTIAN CUTSTONE /CREMA MARFIL COBBLE / AUTUMN DECOMPOSED GRANITE /CA GOLD CONCRETE COLOR CONCRETE /SAN DIEGO BUFF RANDOM STONE /SANDSET /SEBASTIAN CUTSTONE /CREMA MARFIL CUTSTONE /CREMA MARFIL CUTSTONE /CREMA MARFIL SAND /WHITE Q s BEACH GARDEN POOL INTERIOR IMPERMEABLE HYDRAZZO /FRENCH GREY C: DRAWING FIL[S iHLE SHEJ::TS CLSB--IP.DWG R[V1SEO: 5 15 2012 FINISH NATURAL NATURAL NATURAL NATURAL NATURAL NATURAL NATURAL NATURAL NATURAL RETARDANT NATURAL NATURAL NATURAL NATURAL NATURAL SMOOTH SOURCE MBS MBS MBS MBS MBS COOR MBS KRC KRC DAVIS MBS COOR COOR COOR AQ PROPOSED VERTICAL ELEi.lENTS SYM ITEM AA ENTRY PIVOT GA TE BB SERVICE GA TE cc DD EE FF GG HH II JJ MM NN 00 pp QQ RR ss TT uu vv WW xx GUEST GATE COURTYARD BENCH GUEST STAIR GUEST RAILING GUEST BENCH GUEST PRIVACY WALL PLANTER WALL COURTYARD BBQ GUEST ARBOR ARBOR BASE POOL WATERLINE TILE VINE SCREEN 6'H SUN TERRACE BAND ACCENT PAVING WOOD EDGE EXISTING WIND SCREEN BARBECUE AND COUNTER SAFETY FENCE (5' HGT.} SAFETY GATE (5' HGT.) PROPERTY LINE FENCE (6' HGT.) MATERIAi 7 cm OR WOOD /MATCH ARCH. TRIM IRON /OIL RUBBED BRONZE WOOD /MATCH ARCH. TRIM IPE /NATURAL CUTSTONE /CREMA MARFIL IRON /OIL RUBBED BRONZE IPE /NATURAL CMU, STUCCO /MATCH ARCH. CMU, STONE VENEER /WINTERSET CMU, STONE VENEER /WINTERSET IRON /OIL RUBBED BRONZE CUTSTONE /LIMESTONE GLASS /OXYGEN IRON /OIL RUBBED BRONZE CUTSTONE /CREMA MARFIL PEBBLE /1" BASE LANDSCAPE TIE WOOD /NATURAL TO REMAIN AND REPAIR /SEE DETAIL SEE DETAIL IRON /OIL RUBBED BRONZE IRON /OIL RUBBED BRONZE WOVEN WIRE/BLACK FINISH STAINED PAINTED STAINED OILED NATURAL PAINTED OILED TBS NATURAL NATURAL PAINTED NATURAL NATURAL PAINTED NATURAL NATURAL NATURAL GF?AV!TY 6 SO!...iD NATURAL/FULL COLOR PAINTED PAINTED FLOW (!YP) PHOPEF:IY SOIJRCF COOR MBS MBS MBS us COOR us MBS \ \ AQ COOR DAVIS KRC MBS AQUAVATIONS COORITALIA DAVIS COLORS KRC ROCK \ \ \ \ MODERN BUILDER SUPPLY 71-;·· 7 ,./, . ./, ,,/ \ \ 760.941.9100 650.637.1204 800.356.4848 800.572. 7625 760.591.4570 \ MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY NOTE: ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS WILL BE MAINTAINED BY PRIVATE HOMEOWNER. 8 0 ~w tt711 8 16 SCALE: 1/8"=1 '0" .32 ' 1 CDP 14-05/AV 15-04/CDP 15-13 KEY MAP s \ T u D I 34202 Sepulveda Avenue Capis1rc,no Beach, CA 92624 pho 949 .241!.5404 li:tx 949.2.40.9790 1: X NOT TO w SCALE ! 0 llllS JJAAWl!IG AS AH INSfRl!MtNT OF S!iYICES IS TilE PROPERTY Of TilE lMllll(N'fJ\!ru!llECT Allll lMY lll1T BE Rfl'ROl)\J(fl) lfl ANY FOIM Wlll!OIJT flt£ lAIIDSWE ARC!!ITECT'S ll'RlffiN PEIMlSSION AND UflESS THE Rel'lOIIIKTIOll cm!ES lift: I.MIOS{ld'E AR(lilllCT'S NAME. All DESIGN Allll OTl!!i l!lRlRMATION l!ICl'III ON TI1f JJAAW!IIG Alt! FOR TilE Slllf USE Qf Tl!£ S!'EClfltD mm Olt\Y MO SHAll HOT BE OTHERWISE USED lllTffllUT Tl!£ EXPRESS PRlOR WRITTEN PERMISSION Of THE LANDSCAPE A«ClllltIT. WRlffiN lllMEJISIDN ,HM.I. IIA\1£ PRECEDENCE OVER SCAlfD DIMEN~ON. ClllliMrnll!SI SltAll 11m MIil BE RESl'DNSISU FOR Al.l l)IMf!IIIONS MIil ~ Ill ffl!JQI. lllU.AlllW1'£ AKCHITECTIS TO Stlllfll!IMEll Of Alff YllRIAllO!IS fRO!il THE ll1lllElf51DNS AIIO (OlllllllDNS 1110WN Dll lliE IIMWllllii ~ffi C~ MID lO(AllONS Of IITllffiES HAY£ ROT 1!EB1 ffllflm l!IVmlOElffiY. IT SIIAl.l BE THE RESl'OOIBIUTY Of TH£ COfflACTOll,J 11ffli!!E BrollffllNG WotK TO OETERIIIIIE THE EXACT IDtATIOlt Of All ~ Allll EXISTING IITllffiES. Tl!E ClllffRACTORfSI SIIA1l BE RESfOll51ffl.E flllt SECURl!l\l ALL PERMITS MO ENGIIIEERlflG RflllflREO ll'HICII IS llll lllllilllEO lllTHEIE DIA'lffllGI. CM~ STRUCTURAL, MECHANICAi. EftG111££RING, GRADING AND DRAINAGE BY OTHERS. ~ DRAWINGS MUST BE SUBMlffiD TO THE WfDSCAl'E ARCHITECT FOR RfYIEW BEfOll' PHlltEEDfflG Wlll1 FAIIUCATION. TltmSA Cl.ARK lANOSCAI'! ARCKITTCT APPROVED FOR /RR/GA T!ON ANO PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCA T!ON OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" us UNIQUE STONE IMPORTS 619.275.8300 RCF __ _ EXP. ___ _ DATE OSC~p<: 6.JQ.20~ :::i rri 0 11 .1 Material Layout Upper Level Plan REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE 08.04.14 2ND SUBMITTAL CDP REVIEW ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD l>--'1 -'1.-'1 4:'.c._,1 4'---J-----1---"-3'-'RD"-"S"U,_.B,,.M"-'IT_,_T'..'.AC"Lc___-,C"-DP'--'R"Ec.:V_clEc.:W.__ _________ -t----+---t----t----J ~ fsHill'sl ~ D2.10.15 411-1 SUBMITTAL CDP REv1EW PLANNING DIVISION D4.06.15 511-1 SUBMITTAL CDP REv1EW LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: Tierra del Oro Residence 5039 Tierra del Oro Carlsbad, CA 92008 t====~t===j==============================~=====;====;====~===~ ~P-:,LA::::N:=N;:IN:=G===~========~=;::=====~ DWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. I APPROVED: DATE INITIAL OATE INITIAL OATE INITIAL DESIGNER OF WORK Expiration Date: 6.30.2016 REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL ~~~g ~~; --CDP 14-05 XXXX \\ v'' HARDSCAPE LEGEND PROPOSED PAVING SYM A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 0 ITEM FRONT GARDEN PERMEABLE DRIVEWAY IMPERIIIEABLE ENTRY WALK IMPERMEABLE GUEST WALK (SANDSET) PERMEABLE GUEST PATIO PERMEABLE COURTYARD IMPERMEABLE GARDEN PA TH PERMEABLE GUEST GARDEN PERMEABLE ENTRY FOUNTAIN IMPERMEABLE SERVICE ACCESS IMPERIIIEABLE BALCONY IMPERMEABLE BEACH ACCESS PERMEABLE BEACH TERRACE IIIIPERIIIEABLE POOL COPING IMPERIIIEABLE SUN PATIO IMPERIIIEABLE PERMEABLE MATERIAi 7 COi OR ' COBBLE /AUTUMN COBBLE /AUTUMN CUTSTONE /LIMESTONE RANDOM STONE /SANDSET /SEBASTIAN RANDOM STONE /SEBASTIAN CUTSTONE /CREMA MARFIL COBBLE / AUTUMN DECOMPOSED GRANITE /CA GOLD CONCRETE COLOR CONCRETE /SAN DIEGO BUFF RANDOM STONE /SANDSET /SEBASTIAN CUTSTONE /CREMA IIIARFIL CUTSTONE /CREMA MARFIL CUTSTONE /CREMA MARFIL SAND /WHITE Q s BEACH GARDEN POOL INTERIOR IMPERMEABLE HYDRAZZO /FRENCH GREY C: \0RA1MNG FILES\ Till[ SHE:]'.. IS CLSB IP .DWG RE\/lSED: 5 "1 5 2012 FINISH NATURAL NATURAL NATURAL NATURAL NATURAL NATURAL NATURAL NATURAL NATURAL RETARDANT NATURAL NATURAL NATURAL NATURAL NATURAL SMOOTH SOURCE IIIBS MBS MBS MBS MBS COOR MBS KRC KRC DAVIS MBS COOR COOR COOR AO PROPOSED VERTICAL ELEMENTS SYM I I EM AA El'f!RY PIVOT GA TE BB SERVICE GA TE CC GUEST GATE DD COURTYARD BENCH EE GUEST STAIR FF GUEST RAILING GG GUEST BENCH HH GUEST PRIVACY WALL II PLANTER WALL JJ COURTYARD BBQ MM NN 00 pp QQ RR ss TT uu w WW xx GUEST ARBOR ARBOR BASE POOL WATERLINE TILE VINE SCREEN 6'H SUN TERRACE BAND ACCENT PAVING WOOD EDGE EXISTING WIND SCREEN BARBECUE AND COUNTER SAFETY FENCE (5' HGT.) SAFETY GATE (5' HGT.) PROPERTY LINE FENCE (6' HGT.) 4 i, STORM DF<A!N FOF!CL" MAIN. MA IERIAI Z crn oe 'ffOQD /Ill A TCH ARCH. TRIM IRON /01L RUBBED BRONZE WOOD /MATCH ARCH. TRIM IPE /NATURAL CUTSTONE /CREMA MARFIL IRON /OIL RUBBED BRONZE IPE /NATURAL CMU, STUCCO /MATCH ARCH. CMU, STONE VENEER /WINTERSET CMU, STONE VENEER /WINTERSET IRON /OIL RUBBED BRONZE CUTSTONE /LIMESTONE GLASS /OXYGEN IRON /01L RVBSED BRONi:E CUTSTONE /CREMA MARFll.. PEBBLE /1" BASE LANDSCAPE TIE WOOD /NATURAL TO REMAIN AND REPAIR /SEE DETAIL SEE DETAIL IRON /01L RUBBED BRONZE IRON /OIL RUBBED BRONZE WOVEN WIRE/BLACK FINISH STAOO::D PAINTED STAINED OILED NATURAL PAINTED OILED TBS NATURAL NATURAL PAINTED NATURAL NATURAL PAINTED NATURAL NATURAL NATURAL NATURAL/FULL COLOR PAINTED PAINTED 7.5' SIDE BUILDING SETBACK soQRCE COOR r5t··· 376 rw 4J.4 SW AQ AQUAVATIONS 760.941.9100 COOR COORITALIA 650.637.1204 DAVIS DAVIS COLORS 800.356.4848 KRC KRC ROCK 800.572. 7625 MBS MODERN BUILDER SUPPLY 760.591.4570 \ \ ' \ Li, ; tr//· \ \ p:;,: % ~, • r ·~; PEPVIOl STONE WALK MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITY NOTE: ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS WILL BE MAINTAINED BY PRIVATE HOMEOWNER. 8 0 ~---8 16 SCALE: 1 /8"= 1 'O" 32 i [CDP 14-05/~~15-04/CDP 15-13 7 KEY MAP \ s T u D I 34202 Se!)\'lveda Avenue Capmro,"' Beach, CA 92624 pho 949.248.54<).4 fQx 949.240.9790 X NOT TO 'o/ SCALE 0 THIS DMWl#G AS Ml INSl'RUMOO Of SERVICES IS lH£ PROPERTY OF lHE lAftll5(Al'EARtfflTECTM!lftl\TfflS£ltmll!ICBll!IAK'fflltMWIIHOUT Tfff iA!lllSUf£ Al!ll!ITT(f'S lfRITTEM l'HMISSKlN AND UftlESS THE lfflMCTlllft WW IN!. LAtl95CAl'E Ailllll£CT'S IIAM£. All llES16!1 Allll lllllR l!ltJll&MWll~Wll!IOlllllE BRAllllll, ilRE Filfl Tttf SOIEUSE Of Tl!£ mclf!ED l'llll«T ORlT AllO WU. llOT BE OTHERWISE USED fflTll1lUT TifE EmB~ Pllt1I. Wll1TEII l'ERMISSIOII Of THE lAIIDSCAl'E AiCffilKf. IVRlfilN lllMfllSIOII SHAU. HAVE l'RECEDEH(f OYER S{Al£D DIMENSION. COIITlACTOR!Sl Sl!All mITT AIID B! RESPOIISIBl.f FOR AU OIMElfilONS ANO COM\JITIOl!S OlllllE JOll. lHH/lllll'i(A!'E M!Oll1tCTISTO Bl:fflfOIIMEO Of AfiY VmlllOllS FROM lH£ OIMENSWIIS AIIO COIIOITTOIIS SHOIVK OIi TH£ !ffl/t11111GS. Will!IG COllllll10NS Mm lOCAllOIIS OF lllllITTES HAVE IIOT BEEN VEK!flfll lfflPl'Nfl!!ffiY. IT SHAU BE lH£ RfSPOll,IB!lllY OF TIIE (OffTWTORlSJ won BEG!lffil!IG WORK TO DOOMl!IE lHE EXACT lO<AllOII Of All OOiMm5 All!) !XISTIWG UTIUTIES. 111E (OIITIIACTOR{SI S!!All l!f R!lfll!MU fill SECUlll!G All PERMITS AIIO EIWIMEllflG ill:IIIJII® lffi1Qt IS ffliT IIIW.lllliO III rmt IMll!IGS. CIIII, STRUCIUIW., MECHAIIICAI. Elllffl£Ulllll, &WllftG AlO lltAIKAGE BY OTHERS. SIM DMW1116S /MIST Bf ~ TO lHE I.AIIDSCAPE AROIITECT FOR mw ffllffl!: iiM.mJffi\, lfllll ~- TfffRESA ClAitK LMIDS<Al'E ARCHllfCT APPROVED FOR !RR/GA TION AND PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCA T!ON OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BU I LT" RCE EXP. DATE us UNIQUE STONE IMPORTS 619.275.8300 ,------c-:-'-=-=-""=::-:::==::::-7 .. ' . ~~~~tP!s~iBIT •. ~Xf'i~\oi\-"w~ ot. \\ "'-\.\\.\" Material Layout Plan REVIEWED BY: MBS MBS MBS us COOR us MBS N ◊. P'·-.. DatoJ'l\,d•-:::-.. 1, -:08:::-:.0-:4-:-.14,-,---,-:::2:-:'.ND::-::S:-:'.UB~M::-ITT=AL:-;:C;:;DP;-;;R;:;EVl-;;;E:;;W;----------r--r--r--r-7r;::==:::::::~~~~=::;::;:::::::::;;::::;;:;:::::;::;::::;::;;:::;-;::;:;~;;:: . ::~:~El).-·::,cJ"~ bJl ~r ··II--.!,"", .c1:,4!:_. ,~4+--+-~3Rc,D:2SUa!B!!!M":'ITT::':A~L'--:"CD,:,P~RE=-Vl=Ec!W:--_______ 7 ___ t-_--i:----t--, DATE:12.\l°S:\15""' j~0~2:..!_,1~0-c.:15:..J-__ -l-.:':4TH."::'....:c:SU:'..'B~M'.'..!IT..'.:TA~L~CD:'.!.P~RE::..'.Vl.'.:Eo::W ________ --j---t----j:----t--, L-r====~;;;~:;:=====tl-~0~4J;._□l§.6_.,11_5~t-=--=--=--=-i-=-l!5-TITH_i._:is_u~B~M~ITT~~AL~~c_□~P~_!!R-E~Vl~Es)'-Wl__-_-_-_-_-_-~_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-t_-_-_-_-_-_tr---_-_-_-r_-_-_-_-_-_Jr---_-_-_11 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: Tierra del Oro Residence 11.2 Lower Level INSPECTOR DATE ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ PLANNING DIVISION 1 8 5039 Tierra del Oro S:. Carlsbad, CA 92008 ~ ~,"JI~ I APPROVED: 1<. .!!;0:!, -i t=====j=====i===================================~======t====~~====~~====~ ~-P;::L:'A'::NN:::l~NG:::=======-~=========:;;:::::====::::'. <.flA,--..:.:;~=--,, OWN BY: -~-PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. :<!?'. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OATE INITIAL CHKD BY: ---CD 14 05 XXXX DESIGNER OF WORK REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVA,L RVWD BY: p -Expiration Date: 6.30.2016 \\ w ,, . . NOTE: 1. IRON FABRICATOR TO CONFIRM ALL MEASUREMENTS IN FIELD. 2. IRON FABRICATOR TO PROVIDE SHOP DRAWINGS FOR REVIEW BY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO MANUFACTURING. 3. IRON FABRICATOR TO SIZE ALL PIECES F.G. FOR STRUCTURAL STRENGTH, SIZES SHOWN ARE A GUIOEUNE ONLY AND NOT MEANT TO TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SHOP DRAWINGS AND STRUCTURAL D£Sl(.lN. VINE SCREEN 1 0 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" STONE VENEER WALL-~ TW 24.18 AST IRON FINIAL. TO BE SELECTED " SQUARE TOP RAIL TYPICAL WOVEN 1-1/2"X 3/16" FLAT IRON BAR LATTICE NOTE: ALL COMPACTION, FOOTINGS, AND REINFORCEMENT PER SOILS REPORT AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEER SLOPE 2% TO SLOT DRAIN " ROUND 'TWISTED' POST. PROVIDE 'TWIST TO POST IN HATCHED AREAS, TYP. -1/2" SQUARE BOTTOM RAIL CUT STONE COPING, TYP. TC 22.33 12" 11·-o .. FS 21.74-- l2" STONE VENEER---, (EG 22.0) POOL SECTION 1 0 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" NOTES: 1. ALL COMPACTION, FOOTINGS,, AND REINFORCEMENT PER SOILS REPORT AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. C: JRA.WlNG FILCS\ill"LE SHfflS C;_SB !P.DWG HfVISUJ: 5/75 2012 ELEVATION 6 SECTION 7 LANTED JOINTS 4" ANDOlil STONE MIN ':-,-'!<-t----,N'vl'i')l111(,I l~-----,r--+--r,oNCRETE SUB BASE 1-,-,.-== I II l~=~-,,-.-:,,FllP-COMPACTED SAND BASE +-'--~. 'I 111 11 . ™~lT I i-' • I') OlilPACTED SUBGRADE I I~ 11~~~111l111 I 1Mffi111 ;; ~ITT~ 1~,, ,ill~Jll~, ,!l!iijill1 I il)l,, ,ill. = NOTE: ALL COll1PACTION, FOOTINGS, AND REINfORCEl,tENT PER SOILS REPORT AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEER STEPPING STONES SCALE: 1-1/2" = 1'-0" IN. PITCH TO DRAIN OCK FACE FINISH SECTION EXPANSION JT., TYP. DOWEL AND SLEEVE ALTERNATIVE ADJACE;NT PAVING tSEE PLAN) SETTING BED _,,__..._,1'-=-o~• =M=IN.~t VERLAP STONE 1• TYP. , 1 r-MORTAR SETTING BED f---ir----ir-fL-Hir'=~L...., I r-8LOCK STONE . · .. ..., . 1'-0" 1111 · XPANSION JOINT TYP ADJACENT PAVING ATOP SETTING BED (SEE PLAN) ~,: ..... "-..... '"--, •;•',:..•-•.;...,,-. ONCRETE BASE ', .. ' . ·. : · ... ' ·~. . •· -~='i'c;,-l/1.....-~---vOWEL AND SLEEVE NOTE: ALL COMPACTION, FOOTINGS, AND REINFORCEMENT PER SOILS REPORT AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. STONE SLAB ST Al R SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" FG -111 \\ \ \ 111 ) ! f I HEADER· SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-0" STAKE 111 ..... 4.. ALTERNATIVE AGGREGATE BASE OMPACTED SUBGRADE SECTION EADER (1"x4") SECTION RUSH STONE OR DECOMPOSED GRANITE OMPACTED 1/2" AGGREGATE OMPACTED SUBGRADE FG • I') • • r-~'" GROUT JOINTS TYP., COi.OR TO MATCH STONE, SPONGE S!IIOOTH ~-uUT STONE ORTAR SETTING BED ONCRETE BASE OMPACTED AGGREGATE BASE OMPACTED SUBGRADE NOTES; 1. ALL COMPACTION, FOOTINGS, AND REINFORCEMENT PER SOILS REPORT AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEER. 2 CUT STONE PAVING -PEDESTRIAN SCALE: 1-1/2" = 1'-D" FS COBBLE PAVING SCALE: 1-1 /2" = 1'-0" NOTE: ALL COMPACTION, FOOTINGS, AND REINFORCEMENT PER SOILS REPORT AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEER NSlST. ENCYDETERl\f.lNiE~E~J.llllIT FO PROJECTNO. •;ct ~-1/2" GROUT JOINTS, COi.OR TO MATCH STONE, SPON'Q£ Sfl!OOTH r---COBBLE PA VER ~-1w10RTAR SETTING BED G ONCRETE BASE OMPACTED AGGREGATE OMPACTED SUBGRADE 3/6" GROUT JOINTS, COLOR SECTION SECTION TO 111ATCH STONE, SPONGE SMOOTH ANDOM STONE /2" MORTAR SETTING BED ONCRETE SUB BASE OMPACTED AGGREGATE Ql,tPACTED SUBGRADE SECTION 1 11.3 NOTE: ALL COMPACTION, FOOTINGS, AND REINFORCEMENT PER SOILS REPORT AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEER j CDP 14-05/AV i5-04/CDP 15-13 ·7 L~---························--------------------------. ----------------------·-······_j 3/16" SAW CUT JOINT ATURAL COLOR CONCRETE OMPACTED AGGREGATE OMPACTED SUBGRADE CONCRETE PAVING NATURAL SCALE: 1-1/2" = 1'-0" Hardscape Details SECTION STUDIO 34202 Sepulveda Avenue Cc,plstrano Beach, CA 92624 pho 949 .248.5404 fax 949.240.9790 IBIS llMWIIIG AS All INSTWMEIIT Of SERVICES I> IBE PROl'ERl'I Of lit£ lAMWEARCfllOO Mil MllY IIOT BE JtmOOO(El) Ill ID fffll lffllffllH TttE l.lmCM'f AiCffITTCT'S l!RITTfN PERMISSION AIIO UlllESS THE l!El'IWtlCTIOft Cffil!S 111E lAIIDSCAl'I ~IIIJECT'$ !WA£. All DESIGII Allll arm lfff-OMll\l!ON 51100 OIIT!IE llftAWIIIG ARE FOR lltE SOLE USE Of TIIE SPEClflfD PROJECT OlllY AIIO SHAU. NOT BE OTKfRlllSE USED l!ITllfflllt[ EXPRESS fl!OR WIITIEN PERMISSION Of Tiff LANDSCAPE AICllllRT. WRlTIEJI ll!MEMSION SHAil HAVE PREC!DEMCE OVE!! SCALED DIMENSION. {OliiPsACTOl{SI lttAll V!RlfY AIID llE RESl'ONSIBlf FOR All 0111\ENIIONS AHll COfflllTIOl!!i OlllllE JOI!. 111El.AIIDSCAl'Eld!CHl1l:CTl5..TO BE lllfllRMEll Of /ffl YA«Mllll!IS FROM JHE DIMENSIONS AHO CONDl1l0NS IHOWN ON 1l1t Mlffl». UISTlllG CO!IOl1l\lftS AIID lllCAllONS Of UTILITIES HAVE llllT ffi!I VEllRfO lllll!PEftll!ftTlY. IT SHAl.l BE 1l!£ RESl'OlflllllITT Of 1llE ClllltACTUilSl BUOR! lll:GIIIIIIIIG llll!ll( TO DET!WIE TlfE EXACT wtAllilll Of All EA'S!MmS Allll !J!SllllG llllUIIES. TlfE COIIJRACTOR(SI Ml. Bf RffflJIMU fill Sfmfl!G All PEOOS /illll ENGIIIEER!f«: &lffl!lJ lfflKlt 5 IIOT l10.IJ!lED ffl 1!1£SE DMlllftGS. cm~ SJRIIOlfflN., MECll,\IIICAI. EftS111l:EtHro, GRADING AND DRAINAGE BY OIHfRS. ~p DMffll!liS M\IST BE SUBMITTED TO THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FOR mlfll BffW l'R«EElll!lt, WITll fABtlUllD!I. THERESA Ct.ARK lAIIDSCA?E AIKHITTCT APPROVED FOR !RR/GA T/ON ANO PLANTING ONLY, INCLUDING PRECISE LOCATION OF PLANTING AREA. "AS BUil T" RCE __ _ EXP. ___ _ DATE REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE --Date:\'2.115\is: P"°'oo"'iN"'eu-!,crc-.. ,;'~Plllnll::;!flf1'· • 11-0:..c8c:..0..:.4.1"-4+---+-=2c..ND:__:_SU:..cB..:.M..:.ITT ___ A.::_L _c_CD:__P..:.R.c:E ___ VIE---W _______ -+---+----t---+-----I ~ ~ RECO,MM, .. BN.PEPBY1 . •~. · 11.14.14 3RD SUBMITTAL CDP REVIEW g CITY OF CARLSBAD 1 C PLANNING DIVISION PATE:,\ 02.10.15 4TH SUBMITTAL DP REVIEW ~==::'.-'============='..'.::::====: NOTE: ALL COMPACTION, FOOTINGS, AND REINFORCE111ENT PER SOILS REPORT AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEER CRUSH STONE PAVING SCALE: 1-1/2" = 1'-0" L-1 =:::::::::::::==~~::::===::::::::==4~0~4.Q!06l,J.1!§.5+-_+_;i5'1]:THLSfilUl§!BMM!.ITTill!AL~Cg;D!E_P.BR~EVIAfEJ!.W _______ +--+---+--+-~ LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENT PLANS FOR: Tierra del Oro Residence 5039 Tierra del Oro Carlsbad, CA 92008 SECTION c~ :1 'Pc, ';";,· ~ V '.'.'.\ (.) N rr, 0 =.2016 -/ -1(. Renewal Date * t-----t---1------------------t----i----t-----i------i I-AP_P_R_o_v_ED_, ___________ ---- .PLANNING DA TE INITIAL DESIGNER OF WORK Expiration Date: 6.J0.20Hi REVISION DESCRIPTION DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL OTHER APPROVAL Cl TY APPROVAL DWN BY: __ _ PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: __ _ RVWD BY: CDP 14-05 xxxx . > -/ ' ' • I ' ' ' ' ' I ---;L-....,.,_ ' I ' ,' I ' ,' / / / / / / / ; I ' ; I ' ' ' ' ; / ------ / / / / / EXISTING TERRACE ' ' / ' ' ' ' \ ' ' ' \ ' ' ,' ' ' • ' ---- EXISTING PATIO \ \ \\, \ EXISTING BBQ I I I I I I I I PLAYROOJil I I l I I I I I I I +- I .. .• I I I BEDROOM I I I I I I \ \ \ \ I STORAGE STORAGE/ MEQl II " 11- ------11.. Ill • I > ,,. 1114 I' I. II ,- Ill 11 llf--------I_ Ill IH .- Ill---------[( Ii H. Ill--------11- 111 I UL_ ______ _ Existing Basement 1/4" = 1'-0" G) WALL LEGEND I CDP14-05/AV 15-04/CDP 15-131 IX z; :X: ;><J EXISTING TO REMAIN [ :::::: :::::: J DEMO WALL I \ i . . ~7\-~·: --~-~,:Lf Tu~:zil?S~Y~ ~ ' ~ ' ► / \ ' \ ' ' ' ! ; / / / EXISTING TERRACE ,-/\~_/ -\~ // \~ -~ -1i ----;,-' --\ i SIDE YARD SETB~CK I ~ g ' r-,_,__ /1/ /· /. _1/ /. 1/ 1/ 0 w 0 "' :;; ' w "' 0 ,,. w CD 0 ,- \ \ ' _j__ ' \// -r :_ -"~~~~=cf -rc£~Ti'1 :_ ' j i I"' •.~ I I I 7 I ------~ I ii j\ =·-1 ::::::·· -7 l_ I I L _j \I~ J : : ~~ / 1 \ \ / I I I I BEDROOM I I I BATH I I I I Ll I __ l( "I ii ' I \ DEMO EXISTING STAIRS --- I I I I I PLAY ROOM I I I \ I I I I 1 ~: I I I \1 I I : 1: ... .I STORAGE c· "I f-----'---'11 I e--'------'' --111 Ill ---I I . ii ! I -------1• . ,1 I I 111--------I ::L-------1:: I [ Ill ill ; '11b_,-------cc __ =-;;--;;,.---;;-, .• I j J. \1\ ..... •·-···· ·-··· __ ..111 , 111---------II l ____ __ L'I Ill i uJ----------I . Ill Ill I Ill--------II Ii II ! Ill--------II 1 Ii ii . Iii--------II 11 ii LIL ______ _ I I I STORAGE/ 7 1 1 1--: MECH. I -,--------1---\ -=--,.-.. -, -. -__ ------1\-. ~i _\ _ _J_,_ ....... ..,, --- ; . l \ I /1 / II rcL,c+J I \ I \"--r: I I I -'1.---+-------L'-:::_ -~1--=-~ 30'-31/4"\ I /-( I TO BE DEMOEI° I /./._1/-EXISTING TO REMAIN • • t;/ ~STI,O ''°" : \ ~ :e,a,,,C CAAWC S><CC \ -,, ·--~ \ \, ~ -I \ I ', \ ·-,~ SIDE YARD SETBACK ---, ',\ ~ .• -~ \,,''':;-3:-__ --------------+ -,...;.--. ~-._,' '. -· -----:-----r---·-. ·- -' ~'~ DEMO EXISTING BUILT IN BBQ I . ' ' . ii\i: : :--:~-----~~~ 1 __ -_-_ _i 1L:\1i, '·" ~-----~~~ I = := J_,..q ... ,,, i\i Don Neu, City Planner RECOMMEND:oA~:: rr=:DtC a~ Existing Basement -Demo 1/4" = l'-0" 0 w 0 :;; w a w CD 2 .• r-,. ...... (J) <t: "'"' ,OM ~ NO t "' "' "<("' ti: u "f ~ -~ (/J :s"' iJJ ~ >->>< ~ O< 1--u _,. -~ :s I 0 u 0 f-, 0:: - ~ z ( ~ z'" ~ 0~ gJ ~ ~ ...,-~ ~gJ <t: :r: ~ u"' P. "' "' (/) o:'t rj ~~ ., ~ ~.:.I -Cl "''" ,-. ,- ~ ~· ~ •"'""'"'"''""""' ,,,,'$ t D A R c 'J;',,, o'''S' W /'•• /'<, ;.'< . C )-'•, §CJ -fJ .f'4' 0"~~ "' .. (')" f-.J ~--; .... i ·* No. C-21779 * \ <P -P~ ,'<:l "tj s,_;:;,;, -1:' JUL ~ \, ~'°''/ --,,,,,t-~o ""::-' ,,,,,,,,Or-Cfl..\..\,,,,,,,, ,,,,,.,,,,,,,,. .. ,,,,, Copyright lslcind Architect. 2014 JOB#, 3200 DRAWN BY: Author PROJ. MGR.: Chacbr . DATE: ISSUE: 11/06/14 l :;t Bldg. Submilkll REVISIONS ., DESCRIPTION I DAIT ' 0) u C 0) -0 ·-(/) 0) co 0 a:::: 0 N °' 0 -<( u I.... " 0 C _o <I) '--C -u 0) -0 0 '--0 -a; 0 Cl 0 I.... '--'-- I.... Ill (1) i-= °' ·-C') t-0 Lt) A2.0c Existing/Demo Basement Level 11/06/14 ' '{.. - -----LINE OF EXIST. TERRACE GENEAAL NOTES: 1. SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE ELEVATION ABOVE SEA LEVEL. ----------------------- AREA TOTALS: MAIN DWELLING LOWER LEVEL MAIN LEVEL UPPER LEVEL TOTAL 2ND DWELLING UNIT \ I COP14-05/AV 15-04/CDP 15-131 3,275 SF 2,798 SF 2,235 SF 8,308 SF 537 SF CONSISTENCY DETERMINATION EXHIBIT i 2k PROJECT NO. CD \S-2-'t '-< Date: 12.l ls\ l ~ Don Neu, City Planner RECOMMENDED BY:~--~ DATE: ..12.\l~lS- -------------------· ... ··----------------------------------------- . ,__ - (/) .,: ~"' . o;g ~ ~\O r -< "' ~ u "t u < -~ en :5 ~ LLI ---'" Pl O< r u -u.. -~ :5 I 0 u 0 r< ~ - -0:: z <( d z~ ~ oz en '" p::~ I-I-I...,-~ ~~ -"' .,: "" ' u"' p.. r.l'l~ U) "' ' ~ '""' :i: :Q Pl N ~ -Q ~w ,__ f-< • ) ~' ..J ""'""""""' ,,,,,,tt O A A ?;7t,,,,, ,, \. .. , /'' ./<<., '( ~ ~ y ' 0. ;,:',,,,_ }\..) .{! ;p<r, ,;(' ;, i' ~ ~ 0~ t~ ~ ~ ~i ~* No. C-21779 *• \{p -p._<': ...._½ ""'f ',.-A A ~i ',;?~'JUL ,'·0<cJ ,,,, ~ ,,,, ,,,,,,,,f?,F Cfl.\..~,,,,,,,,, "''"''""'"" Copyright lslcmd Architect, 2015 JOB#: 3200 DRAWN BY: Author . PROJ. MGR., Checker DATE: ISSUf: ~1~/15 CDP REVISIONS ,, DESCRIPTION I DATE . (1) u C (1) -0 ·-V, Q,) co 0 ~ 0 N °' 0 <( u !,... --0 0 0 ..0 <J) '-0 -u Q,) -0 0 '-0 (I) 0 0 0 !,... '-'-!,... Q) (1) i-= °' ·-(") t-0 L() A2. 1 Basement Level Floor Pion 10114/15 "L'' . • - I ---- I I --1 I I I I I I I I I l I ,-r LINE OF EXISTING MAIN L~VEL I DECK TO BE REMOVED I _J I I I I I I I I I I I l -----------------_J I I I I I 1 ! I I __ IJ~~ I \ : ---\1ir =_,~-r---1 --~ -------I I I ---LINE OF EXISTING MAIN LEVEL ENCLOSED AREA l: , I : I t: Ii l I :\ I :1 I l I_ ! I i \ I : I I BALCONY_ 12'-0" X 62'-9" : 1 STONE : \ I : \ I : I -j -- ' Ii /+ i \ l I I : I I : I I I \' : i : 1 I - L =r~~ , : I I ~: ' >--l l I I L I I I I l I l I I I I I I I 1 l I I I c·\i ttf'--t-=~-· , I -r -, • ~--PROPERTY LINE e 1 ---- 0 OVEN DINING l 9'-3" X l 7'-0" ..!.',~)----STONE~ ----..--~ ~ -...._-"----""""' 1-------- LIVING L 19'-3" X 27'-0" STONE ! 1___ -----------~c-~c-___ -'----- r KITCHEN 18'-4"x19'-2" WOOD t- I I I I I I I I I I ,~f~I ~~~ I • I I I _ I I I I f I I I I I I I I I l_ IKf-t--c-LINEAR BURNER GAS FIREPLACE I I I I I I I i ! I I I I I I L=I -1 1 ____ _ ___ ......;. _______ I \ I .. r--'--, ~------'--II I ["""'" , ........ ' : . : ' ,-:: ....... : ......... ·--···;·····-·········F/"··············!··············-------------E; (?. _____ --,-,---3 .... , .. _.. ·::··-~::,.fi: '•·=·=r···-·, --·-~----, ··········~--"!""·-···---, ---·=,~™-·: '"'-'= := .... ·····,·=·-·"":'···-.....-_.-... -·······------~ ----· ·--~~-~--·-:·~-0 -~---=,"✓-=--~-- I I I EXISTING WALLS TO REMAIN ' PROPERTY LINE -~ -------GREEN WALL L EXISTING WALL TO REMAIN PROPOSED PLANTER WALLS 1 I I I I G 45'-3" ~ ----- ' ..... FOYER 24'-0" X l 9'-0" WOOD ' ..... ' / ' ..... X ..... ' ..... ' 37' -9" ..... ' $ ..... ' TILE SECROOM2 l 4'-9" X l 3'-6" WOOD I ;_,_/();;'.( :(>,,-: roRcH~1;c . __ ~---EXISTING WALLS TO REMAIN - CLOSET 4'-6" X 6'-0" WOOD INWALL OS AREA TOTALS: MAIN DWELLING LOWER LEVEL MAIN LEVEL UPPER LEVEL TOTAL 2ND DWELLING UNIT GENERAL MOTES: 3,275 SF 2,798 SF 2,235 SF 8,308 SF 537 SF I CDP14-05/AV 15-04/CDP 15-131 1. SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE ELEVATION ABOVE SEA LEVEL. EXISTING WALLS TO REMAIN ENTRY COURTYARD \ \ ( --7 \ I I -·NEW WALL INCLUDED IN VARIANCE APPLICATION I '71 I ~~-~ \ \ ~-20' x 20' MINIMUM GARAGE ' \ !EXISTING DRIVEWAY7 1 G \\ J . J \ -\- \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ --· -----\ --\ \ \ \ I \ \ 37' -9" ~ GAAAGE 25"-0" X 21'-8" CONCRETE SECOND DWELLING UNIT \ \ \ \ \ \ ' ' \ \ \ \ ' \ \ \ \ \ I \ ' \ \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \·,·\,\_ , ' ,':, \<, t'-4---,1··~ --':-\}---+ -=~=+--: ...,...,....... . __ . .:~./~·:/. '·(-.-~·,. __ >_'.-_\_· __ \ ._:_.,... ___ ~---~ ',1.. ~-'. '~.,/{,,"-,",,,':....: ,✓,,"/, ,', ' _,-: ... \\\ p• --·· • ;:/ '!·?J(i):,i;~t:_:)\~t:;?';_,:-:_;/-_(\,/: ·/ <\>/ ~. t~ :,,.//·>. ----· .----,, , /_;....._/ ,7: ,✓~v,; ✓-)~ _, /, ,A ,;'.,\ >, . ., ,,;",-... . ,;,,// , ' \ \ \ I ',,: > \-.· '/';.,~' -,:~/?,., -.-,,) '•,·/ ''i•)-.''-"<!/, ;-•,,,7J/:",,:/:,,//~ ',,,-;'>;\i>-; :;,:,~h'\;::,\.::,~i~:;1~{S!f it ll ;it)5;N,✓ . . . --- CONSISTENCY DETERMINATION EXf:llBIT ra,, .-gPROJECTNO. ~IS-2&t ~ Date: \'2}1~~ Don Neu, City Planner RECOMMENDED BY: ~ »o_ t;Jt. ~ DATE: tz.\l'ijl~ Main Level 1/4" = l'-0" CD , ,.__ U) ~ M"' ,os ~ N, }-"' <) i--r-< !9 u f..t.. u ciJ ,-t:: •in ., "' lJJ ~ ;:ix ~ o< i--u -"' -~ :s I 0 u 0 f-, a:: -< z ( d z~ ~ Oz UJ t....: • > OC::.: ~ ""-f-t ""'~ f-, :r; "' «: u °' ~ VO"' U) o:1 @ "' "' :r;:;: ~ N..:...l -l"'"l .rJ 0 ~ r r. ~~ ,,,,;_:"'~"' •~w;.!,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,''c~ "-D ,., rr C /. ,,,,,, ,,,.,:,,,,... "' i; ,,, ~'<.-_,,'-,'{ VY r, _>!~ "'(j ,¾, ··-1> ,;s"""' /:; ;/''' ,J~;. ~\ ~* -No. C¥21779 *· \ .,c . ff ::-,p '0' ,½ ~~ ""> 1JI '\ 0$ \-?1 , JUL , , rl'f ,,,,,f o~ •\..\~Cl,,,,,,, ,,,,, _,,,.,. c1~ ,,,,, ,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,111111'1 Copyright l~bnd A,~hited, 2014 JOB II: 3200 DRAWN B'I: Auther PR.OJ. MGR., Checker DATE, ISSUE, 02/11/15 ht Bid 9. Submitlal REVISIONS #I DESCRIPTION I DATE CD u C CD -0 ·-en CD co 0 a! 0 N °' 0 <( u ~ "'O 0 0 ..0 "' -;:: 0 -u CD ' 0 0 ... 0 Cl) 0 0 0 ~ ... ... ~ Cl) CD i-= °' ·-(".) I-0 Ill A2 .2 Main Level Floor Plan . 02111/15 "M" - ' l s l , __ . ; " ' < • ' ' • • ~ 0 - ~--- -- I I I~ !Jl i i ii ----r Ii ii I! Ii ii 11 ii I/ II I I ;/""~\ " ., '\....,, )i :::.j::::: I I I \ I v ' GREEN ROOF / PLANTER -~- / // ROOFDRAIN - TO IN WALL DS BENCH ·: / SHOWER 7'-8" X 5'-9" / : TUB M. I SPA 14'-6:' X 5'-0" BATHROOM I : I 1 I i J l i I I i I :.1. : j I I i I I i !! i ' \ I ! ! : •-·-·- \ ' i ; I I \ I : \ i ,I 'I J 1: I I i 1 I l i \ I I i I I J); \ 1 I l / MASTER BEDROOM 16'-5" X 25'-0" CARPET 12'-0" X 19'-0" TILE FLUE 45' -3" : .. ~ 1·1 Ii «) \. l ··1··~ LINE6FWALI..BEI..OW I , : I I •M. BALCONY 21'-0"X10'-6" STONE I I Ii 1,-i""7-:.ff--l j_____ LINE OF ROOF ABOVE --.:..::...::-·-::::::.---==---·=:::.::::::.. ----=-=---- FEATURE WINDOW. (NO OCCUPIABLE AREA INTRUDING INTO SIDYARD SETBACK) -- e 1 --::::::.:-.. ·-.::::: --------· -------:::::-·-::::-· co rrj -----------r <J;i ----;;:... -->-· u; --- ,------ I i[3 I M.CLOSfT 14'-4" X 17'-0" WOOD ---7 --71 I I l36' TALL BUILT-IN i ~OPTIONAL WALL FOR I I ACCESSIBLE WC 1-1 --- MASTER ENTRY 14'-0" X 7-8" WOOD VENTILATION UNIT. PROVIDES NO ACCESS TO PLANTER--, --=::.::.::.-·-·::::::···---.. --- - 45' -3" --~ EXISTING SITE WALLS TO REMAIN - STORAGE 15'-7" X 8'-0" WOOD ····1 I I --- ------------------I ' I I DNl-----t----lf-1---ll----+----lf-----ll---lf-l SKYLIGHT ABOVE--/o,::::...__?-"r~ ,,, ...__ / UP ...__ / ...__ / ...__ / ...__ / ----/ OPEN TO BELOW FOYER 3".Q" X 1 8'-8" WOOD ------ BBQ & HOOD BELOW DS SCUPPER TO PLANTER --~ ' ";{) ·-(~ '\,..,_,, ,,,f' --..:..:::.. -------- - 48'-2~ -·_r·-:::::::.-· -·---·-----·--==.::::.::::· --::_ --- MECHANICAL 8'-2" X 7'-0" \CW 9•.0~1~'-5" ,U OSAIC TILE BEDROOMS 15'-8" X 19'·6" WOOD IN WALL DS TO SUB SURFACE DRAINAGE --- COURTYARD BELOW 4" COPPER GUTTER -----Ba-I _J.._,..--IN WALL DS bJ.---r~ SCUPPER TO PLANTER \ \ BALCONY\ l 1 '-6" x 10'-8" STONE \ 48' -2" -------- DS TO GUTTER BELOW IN WALL DS TO SUB SURFACE DRAINAGE ---~ -I I I I I \ I AREA TOTALS: MAIN DWELLING LOWER LEVEL MAIN LEVEL UPPER LEVEL TOTAL 2ND DWELLING UNIT -7 I 3,275 SF 2,798 SF 2 235 SF 8,308 SF 537 SF I CDP14-05/AV 15-04/CDP 15-131 [ SISTENCY DETERMINATION EXHIBIT ztPROJECTNo.CI> IS'-24 Date, 1'21 !5\ IS:: Don Neu, City Planner• J RECOMMENDED BY: ~~r;c ~ DATE: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~-INWALLDS \ l/4" = l'-0" (I) TO SUB SURFACE DRAINAGE \ \ . ,.___ U) ~ ,...,~ .oo ~ ~'Cl I-...... < !9 u I.Lt u~ -.; ""' Cl) :s ~ J.iJ ~ ·x CZ:: 5 < I-u -"--z :5 I 0 u 0 f-.; a: .,: z <( ,:,: -UJ z ;;, ~ oz CJJ UJ CZ:: > 1-11 ""'-~ ..Jo, UJ N <a~ U) co.. :tr @ UJ"' :c :\l i::z:: N.:,.l -o ra µ_) ,.__ r" Copyright Island Architeds 2014 JOB#: 3200 DRAWN BY: Author PROJ. MGR.: Checker DATE, ISSUE: 02/11/1 S l st Bldg. 5ubrnittol REVISIONS # DESCRIPTION DATE (1) u C (1) -0 ·-en ~ 00 0 ~ 0 N °' 0 <( u ~ 7J 0 0 ..0 V, ~ 0 -u (1) -0 0 ~ 0 Q) 0 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ Q) (1) i-= °' ·-(") t-0 I.I") A2.3 Upper Level Floor Plan 02/11/15 "N n . > i i . . I •. Y; F UPPER'. /,! TPRINT '---.; ' Lj ~------'... ...... . ·····-·< /·,eae,LC~ ... l CONCEALED PARAPET GUTTER -- --~ ,. 55' -1" - ~-·..:.:::.·· --:.::...::.. -~- ROOF DRAIN PARAPET WALLS FLAT ROOF W~~,---,l=-~~~---,--c,~,,..,---,,..,..---,----c---,,-c--c=-~~t-"-!~L--_-~--;z'_'---_-_-_-_-_-_-~...,.._ CJ ---- ,,,., .... • '_3 .. j 12;' 2rr7 0r/~ -: . ·/,' ;r',; •,/.'\ ---··········1 : r· GREEN ROOF BELOWj : I FLAT CLAY TILE·. ROOF 56' -2" : ; ' i SKYLIGHT COPPER ROOF GUTTER 61' -0 1/4" RIDGE ' --- IN WALL OS . • . !DRAIN/SCUPPER ' iTo ROOF BELOW SEE DETAIL 3/A7.2 ·i..f--t'i----:'i.'r---1~"73\\ -. -. ---------------- GENERAL NOTES: 1. SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE ELEVATION ABOVE SEA LEVEL. ~ . IN WALL OS TO PLANTER BELOW - COPPER ROOF GUTTER I \ ,. / I -. .,.-... 41-3-• -_9_ .. -I- \ ; 48'-9" .-- ,, CONSISTENCY DETERMINATION EXHIBIT ~ --;:r;:ROJECT NO. CD \S·.24 Date: \'ll,\S'\IS::: Don Neu, City Planner RECOMMENDED BY: ~6!of\ Q,~ o,>: DATE: l'L\1-s-lrs- - \ \ \ \ ' NEW WALL INCLUDED IN VARIANCE . Roof Level I I \ I 1/4" = l'-0" I CDP14-05/AV 15-04/CDP 15-131 t---_J \ \ \ \ \ CD \ \ \ \ 0 z ~ U) - (J) t I.LI t: I u a:: <( Copyright l~kmd Ari:hitec:ts 2014 JOB#: 3200 DRAWN BY, Author PROJ .. MGR.: Checker DATE: ISSUE: 03/27/15 l st Bld,i. Submil'h:JI REVISIONS # I DESCRIPTION I DATE Q) u C Q) ""'O ·-"' Q) OCl 0 ~ 0 N °' 0 <( u !.... .J 0 0 _c Ill .._ 0 -u Q) -0 0 .._ 0 Q) 0 0 0 !.... .._ .._ !.... (I) (1) F °' ·-(') ..... 0 ll'l A2.4 Roof Pion 03/27/15 ,, o" SITE PLAN NOTES OWNER Tierra Del Oro, LLC. P.O. Box 906 Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 PROJECT NAME Tierra Del Oro Residence SUMMARY TABLE SITE ADDRESS 5039 Tierra Del Oro Carlsbad, CA 92008 A.P,N, 210-020-08 CIVIL ENGINEER COFFEY ENGINEERING, INC. 10660 SCRIPPS RANCH BLVD., STE.102 SAN DIEGO, CA 92131-1077 PH. (858) 831-0111 APPLICATION TYPES S\ISffllTTEO Coastal Development Permit (COP 14•05) Administrative Variance (AV 15-04) Coastal Development Permit (CDP 15-13) LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 8 of Map 3052 SITE AREA 26,600 sf I .61 acre ZONE R-1 EXISTING & PROPOSED LAND USE SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE NUMBER OF LOTS DENSITY 1 EXISTING, 1 PROPOSED Ell!5TING -1 MAIN DWELLING w/ GUEST HOUSE PROPOSED -1 MAIN DWELLING & SECOND DWELLING UNIT \ TOTAL BUILDING COVERAGE: ALLOWABLE FOR ZONE (R-1) LOT AREA BUILDING COVERAGE PROPOSED BUILDING AREA MAIN HOUSE: 2nd DWELLING UNIT: GARAGE: 8,308 SF 537 SF 577 SF PARKING SPACES REQUIRED & PROVIDED 3 SPACES 26,600 SF 5,110 SF WATER CARLSBAD SEWER CARLSBAD GENERAL NOTES: 40% 19% % OF LANDSCAPING 15% SCHOOl DISTRICT CARLSBAD UNIFIED 1. USE OF SANDY BEACH AND PUBLIC PARKING AREAS OUTSIDE THE ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION SITE, INCLUDING ON-STREET PARKING, FOR THE INTERIM STORAGE OF MATERIALS ANS EQUIPMENT IS PROHIIBITED. 2. NO WORK SHALL OCCUR ON THE BEACH DURING THE SUMMER PEAK MONTHS (START OF MEMORIAL DAY THROUGH LABOR DAY) OF ANY YEAR. 3. EQUIPMENT USED ON THE BEACH SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE BEACH AT\ THE END OF EACH WORKDAY. \ 4. CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROJECT SHOULD NOT EXCEED 30 MONTHS FROM \ ISSUANCE OF THE BUILDING PERMIT. r: ___ T\~7"0·7 [ \ ; .( : t< I STAGING AREA LlL\ . .l...~'_..:J \ \ \ \\ \ '· ' ' ' ' ·, ' ' PROPERTY LINE -~,..___ PROPOSED LATERAL BEACH\ ACCESS EASEMENT \ (UNDER SEPARATE APPLICATIO~) _,../' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ CONSISTENCY DETERMINATION EXHIBIT \li, FOR PROJECT NO. CD \S-2.4 111121u,l Date \~t'5\IS::: Don Neu, City Planner RECOMMENDEDBY: J;i....,.Q.~ (5(!J.. DATE: }2.\rs\lS- ( \ \ _,../' \ \ \ \ _,../' 1979 PUBLIC USE EASEMENT · \ APPRCJVED 'lliIS IST¥AP,P'ROVED TENTATIVEMAP!sflk• !>LAN FORPROJECTNQ. PER. C◊NDlTION NO,. ,QF PLAN)'1INGC:OMMISSION" ... RESOLUTION.NO: ·-~-- DAT.I( VICINITY MAP SITE PACIFIC OCEAN • • PROPERTY Llr!E Site Plan 3/32" = l '-0" ' . G) 22?. I CDP14-05/AV 15-04/CDP 15-13 ·I \ .. /_;A CURB/GUTTER 0 EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN AII.IACENT RESjDENCE 5Q61 SHORE RO LINE OF UPPER LEVEL BALCONY . ,._ - U) .x: ~"' .Otj p,:,.., ' "'"' I-e-1 -<~ u ~ UCQ .x: .,,., -<"' I.I.I CJ) ::l .. ~ X o-< I-u _.,_ -z:5 I: 0 u 0 f--< a:: -«: z <( iz z~ ~ Oz CJ) '" p,:~ ~ ~er: f--< '" ,.., ~ 0~ ~ "'"' (I) "'-; ~ '""' :r: :;: r;>:i "'~ -0 :a Ll.l r--fa 'it~ ~ ~ '""""'""'"' ,,,,•st a A R CJ;···· ,,,, ~ A ,,,, -"''0 ~ V✓• 0 I;,-~,, ~() 0~ 0 <-'~ !-..... ,~ . ~ o\ t~ ~ ~ ~i * No. C-21779 * \{fl -p<-": ..._½ "<:l ""-;?-JI,,, ' -f'€$ •d;-, · JUL ~ ' !/',0' ••,,,(:' ,o _.,· ,,,,,,,,,9,1:: c.r,.\.-~,,,,,,,,, '1J11rP1111111tl" Copyright 1,kmd Architects 2015 JOB#: 3200 DRAWN BY: Author PROJ. MGR., Checker DATE: ISSUE: 09/29/15 CDP REVISIONS # DESCRIPTION I DATE Q,) u C Q,) --0 ·-CJ) Q,) GO 0 ~ 0 N 0,. 0 <( u I... 7J 0 0 _r, Ill ~ 0 -u Q,) -0 0 ~ 0 <I) 0 0 0 I... ~ ~ I... <I) Q,) i-= °' ·-C') 1--0 IC) Al .0 Site P!an 09/29115 I - Co ca· ,._ '\. ""l 0 ,._ CY V) ""l ca· ""l D ,._ '\. ""l rv' 'o" ""l ENTRESID ERRA DEL ""l '\. ""l S34%%\7640'00"E 19.36' ""l v:,· V \ \ \ \ \ LINE OF ROOF OVERHANG LINE OF WALL BELOW - 'v q,· V \ \ \ EXISTING DETACHED GARAGE 962 (SF) TOTAL --t-----\ --\ I ------ EXISTING SINGLE FAMIL y RE§IPENCE wl PARTIAL BASEIIIENT 3,056 (SF) TOTAL F.F. ELEVATION = +32.84 ,._ CY. v '\ v· V LINE OF EXISTING TERRACE V ""l 'v -----I \ 1 / / / / / T ~- <C fr' <C ---- --------------__ ./ / LINE OF EXISTING FENCE .. \§.--·········· 'o q,· " LINE OF HABITABLE ARE ~~~~~~~~ LINE OF ROOF OVERHANG / <J ER LEVEL I CDP14-05/AV 15-04/CDP 15-131 Co '\. ""l ti Don Neu, City Planner Date. 12\,s\1~ RECOMMENDED BY: Ja::ollGiM r!P-- DATE: 1'J.\sl1r j Site Plan -Stringline l" = 10'-0" G) 0 z ~ U) - t LI.I I: I u a:: <( Copyright ls lend AR:hitects 201-4 • JOB#: 3200 DRAWN BY, Author PROJ. MGR., Checbr DATI:: ISSUE: 11/06/14 lstBldg.Submittal REVISIONS DESCRIPTION (l) u C (l) -0 -(l) 0 0 ~ ~ (l) ·-t- co 0 0 N °' j "'O _g V, ,._ 0 u -e 0 Cl) 0 e ,._ (I) i-= °' (") 0 IJ") DATI' Al .Oa Stringline Exhibit 11/06114 - --_\._ -- \ \ \ BALCONY - ROOF BELOW ROOF BELOW - I I I I I I I I I I I \ I I I I \ \ \ I \ I I I \ I \ I I I I I I I I I I I LIVING DINING I I \ I BEDROOM I I I I \ \ \ I I I I I I I I I I I \ I \ I I . I I I I I I I I \ ~XIST DOG RUN fLEV: +32.04' I ~-L _ __J_JI -----------t---- / / --/ -/ -/ -/ C KITCHEN BATH 0) BEDROOIII DN ENTRY BEDROOM ~ -----: •. - I I I I I --------- ' . . ......: .. -.. ~ -·· -,, -~_.·---..,...: -l \ ---- I I I I I I I I - I I I I I I .. -;~ .. ::--.. -... ~ ,/: ·"""':"'. :.:_---~-~ •..:....:.._ ~ ----7 \ \ \ \ GARAGE \ \ L __________ ' L---------i' Z--i""""'f'~~::::;:::=----____..J '1 I \ \ kc---LINE OF EXISTING ROOF OVERHANG TO BE REMOVED I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I _______________ __J •. . -. I I I LINE OF EXISTING ROOF OVERHANG TO BE REMOVED I I I I I I I I I I I __ ...... ?\ I I I I I \ I I I I I \ I I I I I GUEST ROOM I I -----------~ I I I I I - \ --- \ --- \ ----\ --- \ -------~~-~ --------..:::::=-~ ---- CONSISTENCY DETERMINATION EXHIBIT . (\ ..... ~PROJECTNO.CD\5-24 ~4'\ ~ Date: ,zl)sl,5: Don Neu, City Planner I CDP14-05/AV 15-04/CDP 15-131 -- EXISTING WALLAND GATES J ---\ I \ \ I I I I I I \ I I I I I \ I I I I I I \ \ \ I I I I \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ I I \ \ I \ I I I I I I I ' .,: .. \ I I I I I I I \ RECOMMENDED BY· ~ MC @: DATE: rifisl(s-Existing Main Level 1/4" = 1'-0" CD . ,-_- U) ~ ~"' -08 ~ ~,h r .....r<~ 0 I.Li uco ~ •V, (J) :s~ w -~~ ,::,: o-.: r u -o. -~ :5 I 0 0 0 f--< a:: - -< z < c,: . "' z::, ~ oz gJ ~ \.r.l -<:~ f--< "' "' f--< '"N ~ :i: '<' U<> rJ) P< ;:Jr 1;'.i "' "' :i: ::l ,::,: N .:J -Cl rB~ ,-_ fo • ) ~ ''""'"""'"" ,,,,,,-st v A 1r er;;,,,,_ ,, 'S' "I / ,, /"'<, ' ' -" /'•,, }() ;p~ ;s-,,..u' ~~ ~-.... .<..,_ "? ()~ [✓ ~ ~ ~~ * No. C-21779 * \ (fl 1,)(: ..__½ ~1 \;:~-" ,J:-JUL '!, \, Re~''/ ,,,, (" < 0 ,,, ,,,,,,,,,Q:~, •• ,S~~~,,,,,,,,,, Copyright 1.Jiand Architects 2014 JOB#: 3200 DRAWN BY: Author FROJ. MGR.: Checker DATE: ISSUE: 11/06/1 4 1st aldg. Submittol REVISIONS " OESCR.lPTION I DATE (1) u C: (1) -0 ·-V, (1) CX) 0 ~ 0 N °' . 0 <( u !I.. 7J 0 0 _Q II) ... 0 -u (1) -0 0 ... 0 ai 0 0 0 !I.. ... ... !I.. Q) (1) i--= °' ·-(") I-0 LO A2.0a Existing Moin Level 11/06114 -- I I I L ' \ \ ' \\ \ \ \ ' ' DEMO EXISTING BALCONY I I I I L _______ _ ., . , ___ ,, ·--" ---___ I I I EXISTING RETAINING WALLS TO REMAIN I I EXIST DOG RUN ELEV: +32.04' I 44' -4" TO BE DEMOED -! --- DEMO EXISTING BALCONY--<-._ j , .. L .. ,.,L---------1------1------l:--'= ·---------' · · ..... Q. :::·:·:·:::::coca::c::···co.·co:·:·co.·:·£J_'"' ______ ========~=:::::::: ... ;,;:;..::::=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::c···:i:J:..ca:·.~=~·-·--·-· _____ . ___ _ ' \ - _j 7 - 7 I ----- 0 w ~ ~ LU -0 ' .. w ., CJ 0 >- -----EXISTING SITE WALLS TO REMAIN -----------·----~------------------ ~SETBACK LINE -- LMorns;,sc HARDSCAPE 1 DEMO EXISTING ---\ SITE WALLS AND STAIRS- -- I ------·------------ - I I I \ I I - I I -- . -7 L--·-·--_I -,-,-., --- \ \ ' \ \ j, ---=---_: _:] I ·I I :1 I ii I I I I I I I I I :1 I "1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -------------·----------i ---.J ' --1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' \\ \ \ \ \\ -7 I I \ \ \ \ EXISTING & PROPOSED FINISHED FLOOR~ 37.74' \ -----+--------- EXISTING SITE WALLS TO BE REMOVED~: I I ~-,EXISTING SITE WALLS TO REMAIN / ---___,,._________ -- ,-•••"•''-· .ONSISTENCY DETERMINATION EXHIBIT FQ PROJECT NO.j'J) \5-2,.,\ Date: 1211~15: Don Neu, City Planner RECOMMENDED BY: ~~O~ ,:JP DATE:~ \ \ i ! ' \ <- \ I CDP14-05/AV 15-04/CDP 15-131 WALL LEGEND 12<;2\X:X) EXISTING TO REMAIN DEMO WALL I EXISTING WALL & GATES TO BE REMOVED. NEW WALL & GATES TO BE INCLUDED IN VARIANCE APPLICATION ' I I \ ~\r-------_;_ __ _ \ ---~ --__ .,,, -·\. ~A . ..:,,,--·---· \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I I ' \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ I \ \ \ \ Main Level -Demo 114"=1'-0" G) .... - (J) -0:: M<n -08 ~ ~IO t . "' "' 6: ul -0:: • "' Cl) j~ . J.IJ -~" ~ 0"' I-u -o. -zj I 0 u 0 f-< a.:: ~ z < ~ . "' z ::, ~ oz gJ ~ ~ ~-r-1 µ.j~ f-< :,: "' -0:: ud- P< "' "' fJ) «'s rS "'" :,: "' " ~~.:..i -q "'"' ... I-< Copyri9ht l,Jcnd Architeds 2014 JOB#: 3200 DRAWN BY: Author PROJ. MGR.: Checker DATE: ISSUE: 11/06/14 1st Bldg. Submittal REVISIONS , # DESCRIPTION DATE (1) u C (1) --0 ·-(I) (1) co 0 a:::: 0 N °' 0 <( u !... -0 0 0 ~-"' .::: 0 -u (1) ' 0 0 ,_ 0 Q) a 0 0 !... ,_ ,_ !... Q) (1) i-= °' ·-M t-0 Ii) A2.0b Demo Plans -Main Level & Lower level 11/06/14 ,, J'' i, ' ' ' 0 • > • ~ 0 ~ > ~ r City of Carlsbad DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY (Additional information for the General Project/Perm:it Application) I. SUMMARY OF REQUEST TIER.t< ,~ DEL ORO RESIDENCE DEMOLISH 3056 sq. ft. SINGLE FAMILY RESfDENCE AND BASEMENT. REMODEL AND CONNECT EXISTING 528 sq. ft. GARAGE/ 432 sq. ft. LIVING AREA TO PROPOSED 5033 sq. ft. TWO STORY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE WITH 3275 sq. ft. BASEMENT, 537 sq. ft. ATTACHED SECOND .1. DWELLING UNIT, AND RELATED SITE IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDING NEW SWIMMING POOL. Coastal Development 2 STREET ADDRESS Permit 5039 Tierra Del Oro (Check one) □N Os DE ow Between and 3. SITE AREA To1al Site Area (gross): .61 Ac. 26,600 Sq. Ft. Net Site Area :61 Ac. 26,600 Sq. Ft. (Net site area includes required streets and public dedications) 4. LOT COVERAGE DATA Total Building Coverage: 5,110SF Proposed 19% Allowable Lot Coverage: R-1 Zone 40% 5. DENSITY (Residential) Maximwn no. dwelling units allowed per zone: 0-4 dwellings per acre Number of existing units to remain on site: 1 dwellings Number of proposed dwelling units on site: 1 -additional Total number of units provided. on the site: 2 6. YARD/SETBACK Front Yard; Required 20 Ft. Proposed 8'-9 3/4" "* Ft. Street Side Yard: Required --Ft. Proposed .. Ft. Interior Yard(s): Required 7'-6" Ft. Proposed 7'-6' & 4'-4 1/2' .. Ft. Rear Yard: Required VARIES' Ft. Proposed VARIES' Ft. -- • REAR YARD IS SUBJECT TO COASTAL STRINGLINES •• SUBJECT TO APPROVAL OF VARIANCE NO. (V 14-04) 7. PARKING Parking Criteria: ll<J Residential E''ll"-iloi.\-'' A'' ot "A-\-\\-\11 (Check one) □ Commercial □ Industrial CONSISTENCY DETERMINATION EXHIBIT □ Mixed Use ~~OJECTNO.CD\5-2..\ □ Other Total number of spaces required by zone 2 -main dwelling & 1 -second dwelling unit Date: \2.\1sl1s::: Total number of spaces provided on-site 3 spaces Don Neu, City Planner Commercial Development: RECOMMENDED BY: JQ.t,M. C.,ck(. ,g_JJ. ' One space per Sq. Ft. GFA~ spaces DATE: 12.h~hs- . ' PLAN ANALYSIS VICINITY MAP CONSULTANTS ·--- \ ~ ~-- TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION ARCHITECTS CIVIL ENGl!:!EER LANDSCAP!;; ARCHITECT SURVEYOR LAND USE ATTORNEY () TONY CRISAFI, DREXEL PATTERSON COFFEY ENGINEERING, INC. THERESA CLARI<:, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PASCO LARET SUITER & ASSOCIATES PETERSON & PRICE TYPE VB ~ ISLAND ARCHITECTS JOHN COFFEY 34202 SEPULVEDA AVE. JOE YUHAS MA TT PETERSON 'C, -7626 HERSCHEL AVENUE 10660 SCRIPPS RANCH BLVD., STE. 102 CAPISTRANO BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92624 535 N COAST HIGHWAY 101 Ste A 530 B STREET, STE. 1800 "' APPLICABLE CODES ~ ; LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA 92037 SAN DIEGO, CA 92131-1077 PH. (949) 248-5404 SOLANA BEACH, CA 92075 SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 ..\ ?1-. ALL WORK PERFORMED UNDER THIS CONTRACT SHALL BE IN ~I PH. (858) 459-9291 PH. (858) 831-0111 FAX (949) 240-9790 PH. 858.259.8212 PH. 619.234.0361 "-ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT EDITIONS OF THE FOLLOWING 1> 0 FAX (858) 456--0351 FAX (858) 831-1077 FAX 858.259.4812 FAX 619.234.4786 CODES AND REGULATIONS: J> :t, ~ 0 JOB CAPTAIN -MICHELLE MEADE & PROJECT MANAGER - J: \!1 ~ CARSON NOLAN FELICIANO RODRIGUEZ 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE 2013 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE ~ 0 -~ i 0 -~ 2013 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE 0 ~ CANNON RD-2013 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE z THIS PROJECT SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2013 EDITION OF THE CONTRACTOR SOILS ENGINEER INTERIOR DESIGNER CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE (TITLE 24), WHICH ADOPTS THE ~ THOMAS TAYLOR CONSTRUCTION GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION, INC. LANDY GARDNER INTERIORS 2012 IBC, 2012 UPC. 2012 UMC, 2011 NEC, 2012 IFC AND IEBC THOMAS TAYLOR LESLIE REED, PRESIDENT LANDY GARDNER 8189 CENTER ST. 7420 TRADE ST. 95 WHITE BRIDGE RD., STE 101 SITE '!}. LA MESA, CALIFORNIA91941 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92121 NASHVILLE. TN 37205 0 PH. (619) 466-1000 PH. (858) 549•7222 PH. (615) 383-1880 ALL REQ. PERMITS MUST BE OBTAINED FROM FIRE PLAN CHECK ~ FAX (619) 466-1074 FAX (858) 549-1604 FAX (615) 383-4167 0 BEFORE THE BUILDING IS OCCUPIED. PACIFIC 1' PROJECT MANAGER-DON VAUGHN THESE PLANS AND ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE OCEAN CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS CODE FOUND IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TITLE 24 CCR AS AMENDED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD -~- ABBREVIATIONS SYMBOLS AND LEGEND ~- & AND C.M.U. CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT FAU FORCED AIR UNIT H.M. HOLLOW METAL N.T.P. NOTICE TO PROCEED REFR. REFRIGERATOR T. TREAD ELEVATION MARKER REVISION INDICATOR L ANGLE CNTR. COUNTER F.D. FLOOR DRAIN HORIZ. HORIZONTAL N.T.S. NOTTO SCALE REV REVERSE T.B. TOWEL BAR DIRECTION OF VIEW @ AT G.D. CONDUIT ONLY FDN. FOUNDATION HR. HOUR REINF REINFORCE, REINFORCED T.C. TRASH COMPACTOR ~ REVISION NUMBER 'i. CENTERLINE COL COLUMN F.E. FIRE EXTINGUISHER HT. HEIGHT 01 OVER TEL TELEPHONE ~ DETAIL LETTER, CORREsPO,os TO RGTR. REGISTER COORDINATES ON THE BORDER OF 0 DIAMETER OR ROUND CONC. CONCRETE F.F. FINISH FLOOR H.V.A.C HEATING VENTllATING O.A. OVERALL REQ. REQUIRED TEMP. TEMPERED GlASS THE DRAWING PHASE (ELECTRICAL) CONN. CONNECTION F.G. FINISH GRADE AIR CONDITIONING OBS. OBSCURE RES. RESISTANT TER. TERRAZZO SHEET THAT ELEVATION # POUND OR NUMBER CONSTR. CONSTRUCTION F.H. FIRE HYDRANT HORZ HORIZONTAL o.c. ON CENTER RESIL. RESILIENT T.&G. TONGUE AND GROOVE APPEARS ON REVISION INDICATOR (E) EXISTING CONT. CONTINUOUS F&I FURNISH AND INSTALL O.D. OUTSIDE DIAMETER RLG RAILING THK. THICK V REVISION EXIST'G EXISTING CSMT. CASEMENT WINDOW FIN. FINISH I.D. INSIDE DlAMETER THR. THRESHOLD DETAIL MARKER 0.0. OVERFLOW DRAIN RM. ROOM A.B. ANCHOR BOLT CTR. CENTER FIXED FIXED WINDOW INSUL. INSULATION DETAIL lffiER, CORRESPONDS TO OFF. OFFICE R.O. ROUGH OPENING T.O.C. TOP OF CURB a= COORD,NATCSONTHEBORDEROC ABV. ABOVE CTSK. COUNTERSUNK FL FLOOR INT. INTERIOR O.H. OVERHEAD R.W.L. RAIN WATER LEADER T.P. TOP OF PAVEMENT THE DRAWING ACOUS. ACOUSTICAL FLASH. FLASHING O.H.C. OVERHEAD CABINET R.V. ROOF VENT T.P.D. TOILET PAPER DISPENSER A.D. AREA DRAIN D DRYER FLUOR. FLUORESCENT JT. JOINT OPNG. OPENING T.V. TELEVISION SHEET THAT DETAIL ADJ. ADJUSTABLE DBL DOUBLE F.O.C. FACE OF CONCRETE APPEARS ON OPP. OPPOSITE S. SOUTH T.W. TOP OF WALL WALLS A.F.F. ABOVE FINISH FLOOR DEPT. DEPARTMENT F.O.F. FACE OF FINISH KIT. KITCHEN TYP. TYPICAL A.F.G. ADJACENT FINISH GRADE DET. DETAIL F.0.M. FACE OF MULLION S.C. SOLID CORE SECTION MARKER SCHED. SCHEDULE I I EXISTING WALL TO REMAIN AGGR. AGGREGATE D.F. DRINKING FOUNTAIN F.O.S. FACE OF STUD L. LINEN P.C. PULL CHAIN UNF. UNFINISHED AL ALUMINUM F.P. FIREPLACE PL. PROPERTY LINE OR S.D. STORM DRAIN DETAIL LETTER, CORRESPONDS TO E / z z /I DIA. DIAMETER LAM. LAMINATE SECT. SECTION U/G UNDERGROUND ~ COORDINATES ON THE BORDER OF 2 X6 STUD WALL U.N 0. ALUM. ALUMINUM DIM. DIMENSION FPRF. FIREPROOF LAV. lAVATORY PLATE U.N.O. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE THE DRAWING APPROX. APPROXIMATE ON. DOWN FRAM'G FRAMING LT. LIGHT PUSH POLE AND SHELF ·s.F. SQUARE FEET 1.i: •• : ' •. I CONCRETE SH. SHELF DIRECTION OF CUT ARCH. ARCHITECT 0.0. DOOR OPENING F.S. FULL SIZE L.V. LOW VOLTAGE PL. LAM. PLASTIC LAMINATE SHR. SHOWER VERT VERTICAL SHEET THAT SECTION r /// Ill I STEEL STUD WALLS ARCH'L. ARCHITECTURAL DR. DOOR FT. FOOT OR FEET PLSTR PLASTER APPEARS ON ASPH. ASPHALT FTG. FOOTING PLEX. PLEXIGLASS SHT. SHEET V.P. VAPOR PROOF OS. DOWNSPOUT MAX. MAXIMUM FURR. FURRING PLNTR. PLANTER SIM. SIMILAR BO. BOARD ow DISHWASHER MBR. MEMBER Sl'CYLT. SKYLIGHT w WASHER OR WEST =====r OTHER DWG'S DRAWINGS FUT. FUTURE M.C. MEDICINE CABINET PLUMB. PLUMBING V'II V'llTH EXTENT OF CUT 8.1. BUILT-IN DWR. DRAWER PLYWD. PLYWOOD SL. SLOPE OR SLIDER (WINDOW) GLASS BITUM. BITUMINOUS G. GAS M.B. MACHINE BOLT SL.DR. SLIDING GLASS DOOR w.c. WATER CLOSET PNL. PANEL BLDG. · BUILDING GA. GAUGE MECH. MECHANICAL SP. SHOWER POLE WO. WOOD PLYWOOD E. EAST GALV. GALVANIZED MEMS. MEMBRANE PNTRY. PANTRY W.H. WATER HEATER BLK. BLOCK EA. EACH P.P. PLANTING POCKET SP. SPACE BLKG. BLOCKING G.B. GRAB BAR MFG MANUFACTURING SPEC. SPECIFICATIONS W/0 WITHOUT ~ C2:'.:l CONT. WOODBLKG., E.J. EXPANSION JOINT MFR. MANUFACTURER PR. PAIR WATERPROOF BLKG. BETWEEN MEMBERS BLT. BOLT G.D. GARBAGE DISPOSAL SQ. SQUARE W.P. E.I.F.S. EXTERIOR INSULATION GFCI GROUND FAULT MH. MANHOLE PRCST. PRECAST WSCT. WAINSCOT WINDOW TYPE INDICATOR BM. BEAM FINISH SYSTEM S.SK. SERVICE SINK MIN. MINIMUM PREFAB. PREFABRICATED WT. WEIGHT I I GRAVEL OR AGGREGATE BOT. BOTTOM CURRENT INTERRUPTER S.S. STAINLESS STEEL EL ELEVATION GL GLASS MIR. MIRROR PT. POINT WTR. WATER e~ WINDOW TYPE NUMBER BASE COURSE (ABC) S.ST. STAINLESS STEEL C. ELEC. ELECTRICAL GND. GROUND MISC. MISCELLANEOUS PTN. PARTITION CONDUIT ENCL. ENCLOSED ST. STONE M.O. MASONRY OPENING PTO. PAINTED rnmu PPmn INSULATION (BATT OR CAB. CABINET E.P. ELECTRICAL PANELBOARD GR. GRADE STD. STANDARD BLANKET) C.B. CATCH BASIN GYP. GYPSUM MT□. MOUNTED P.T.D.F. PRESSURE TREATED DOOR TYPE INDICATOR EQ. EQUAL DOUGLAS FIR STL. STEEL GEM. CEMENT GYP. BO. GYPSUM BOARD MTL. METAL INSULATION (RIGID) EQUIP. EQUIPMENT STOR. STORAGE MUL. MULLION ~ DOOR TYPE NUMBER GER. CERAMIC EXIST. EXISTING QT QUARRY TILE STRUCT'L STRUCTURAL 1 12l'.'.L77771 METAL C.I. CAST IRON EXP. EXPANSION H.B. HOSE BIB STRUCT STRUCTURE CLG. CEILING H.C. HOLLOW CORE N. NORTH R. RISER I I PLASTER OR GYPBOARD EXPO. EXPOSED HOR N.I.C. NOT IN CONTRACT SUSP. SUSPENDED MATCH LINE/DATUM POINT (AS NOTED) CLKG. CAULKING EXT. EXTERIOR HEADER RAD. RADIUS SYM. SYMMETRICAL CLO. CLOSET HDWD. HARDWOOD NO. OR# NUMBER R RADIUS --k-OATUMPOINT l-111~11-111-11 SOIL CLR CLEAR FA FIRE ALARM HOWE. HARDWARE NOM. NOMINAL R.D. ROOF DRAIN TILE (GLAZED.UNGLAZED REF. REFERENCE OR PAVER) '- PROJECT INFORMATION ". OWNER LEGAL DESCRIPTION I CDP14-05/AV 15-04/CDP 15-131 Tierra Del Oro, LLC. Lot 8 of Map 3052 P.O. Box90!i Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 BUILD1NG HelGHT: 29' -5" SITE ADDRESS GROSS SITE AREA 5039 Tierra Del Oro 26,600 sf/ .61 acre NUMBER OF STORIES: Carlsbad, CA 92008 PARKING REQUIREMENTS 2 stories Main dwelling -2 spaces A.P.N. Second dwelling unit -1 Space APPROVALS: 210-020-08 YEAR EXIST. RES. CONSTRUCTED ZONE R-1 1959 AREA CALCULATIONS . ,._ - U) ..: MV, .oi:3 ~ N' t "'"' i-i ~~ ~ uoo ..: . ., (jJ ~"' w ~ >< t-el Q;;: -z :s I 0 u 0 r< It -< z ( d . '" z ::i ~ oz gJ ~ ~ ..J-~ µ.J ?l r< :i: "' ..: u"' P-< "' "' U) "tj-@ µld, :i: :2 N .. ~ ~GJ -Q ~1--t . EXISTING DEMO ADDITION TOTAL BASEMENT LEVEL: 952SF 952 SF 3,275 SF 3,275 SF EXISTING GARAGE STRUCTURE TOTAL: 960 SF INCL. IN EXISTING GARAGE 528SF GARAGt: BELOW ~ ~ --~ rNCL. rN EXISTING LIVING AREA 432 SF 2ND DWELLING BEi.Off MAIN LEVEL: 2,104 SF 2,104 SF 2,798 SF 2,798 SF GARAGE 49 SF 577 Sf SECOMD DWELLING UNIT 105SF 537 Sf TERRACES 706SF 706SF 715 SF 715 Sf' . UPPER LEVEL: 2,235 SF 2,235 SF ,,,,,,,,t'D''''A'"Jfl(:"''•,,, _.,'\;:, .. s . .., ,y /'•,,,, f~x;-:i:,9~'\ ••. 0-S-,, /'/\ 2, .<.... "'-, (")~ 2-.j ~ '-I' .-\~ 2 ,-,,; ~ = ~* No. C-21779 * \ (J' -p«": ..,_<.:i ~l '·"' ,j, '" ·s.f;,; -JUL ', \, r!,""'-f ',,, $" .,o ,,,. . ,,,,,,,,,,9F Cf,,.\...~,,,,,,,,, '"'"'""'""'' TERRACES 715SF 715 Sf Copyright lskrnd Architects 2014 JOB#: 3200 . DRAWN BY: MM TOTAL HABITABLE AREA: PROJ. MGR.: MM MAIN HOUSE 8,308 SF 3,275 SF+ 2,798 SF+ 2,235 SF = 2ND DWELLING 537 SF TOTAL 8,845 SF DATE: ISSUE: 11/06/1.d 1st Bld1:1. Submittal . TOTAL ADDITIONAL HABITABLE AREA: = (PROPOSED) -(EXISTING) MAIN HOUSE 5,252 SF = (3,275sf+2,798sf+2,235sf)-(952sf+2, 104sf) 2ND DWELLING 105 SF = (537sf) -(432sf) TOTAL 5,357 SF TOTAL BUILDING COVERAGE: 5,110SF ·--REVISIONS SCOPE OF WORK #I DESCRIPTION I DATE ~--. DEMOLISH 3056 sq. ft. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE AND BASEMENT. REMODEL AND CONNECT EXISTING 528 sq. ft. GARAGE/ 432 sq. ft. LIVING AREA TO PROPOSED 5033 sq. ft. TWO STORY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE WITH 3275 sq. ft. BASEMENT, 537 sq. ft. ATTACHED SECOND DWELLING UNIT, AND RELATED SITE IMPROVEMENTS INCLUDING NEW SWIMMING POOL. DRAWING INDEX Sheet Number Sheet Name T.1 Title Sheet T.2 Island Architects General Noles C.1 Topographic Survey C.2 Key Map, Notes, & Legend C.3 Preliminary Grading Plan A1.0 Site Plan A1.0a Slringline Exhibit A2.0a Existing Main Level A2.0b Demo Plans -Main Level & Lower Level A2.0c Existing/Demo Basement Level A2.1 Basement Level Floor Plan A2.2 Main Level Floor Plan A2.3 Upper Level Floor Plan A2.4 Roof Plan A4.1 Exterior Elevations A4.2 Exterior Elevations A4.3 Exterior Elevations A4.4 Exterior Elevations Q) u C Q) A5.1 Building Sections -u L 1.0 Landscape Title Sheet L 1.1 Material Layout Plan -Upper Level L 1.2 Material Layout Plan -Lower Level L 1.3 Hardscape Details ·-(/) Q) co 0 O!'. 0 N 0-- L 1.4 Hardscape Details L 1.5 Hardscape Specifications 0 4:: u I.... -0 Planting Plan -Upper Level L2.1 Planting Plan -Lower Level L2.2 0 C _Q Cl) ._ L2.3 Planting Details L2.4 Planting Specifications C -u Q) -0 L3.1 Irrigation Plan -Upper Level L3.2 Irrigation Plan -Lower Level 0 ._ 0 -Q) L3.3 Irrigation Details L3.4 Water Conservation Plan 0 0 C I.... ._ ._ L4.1 Lignting Plan -Upper Level L4.2 Lignting Plan -Lower Level I.... Cl) Q) i-= 0--·-C') -t-0 t.() FIRE PROTECTION AN AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM IS REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT. UPON T. 1 BUILDING PERMIT SUBMITTAL PLANS INCLUDING A 1" WATER SERVICE LINE AND FIRE SPRINKLERS WILL BE INCLUDED FOR REVIEW. Title Sheet ~ 11/06/14 ,. A'' ISLAND ARCHITECTS SUPPLEMENTAL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. All construction and procedures shall conform to all applicable codes as outlined on Title Sheet. 2. Do not scale drawings. If dimensional discrepancies occur between plans and existing conditions, contact architect immediately to resolve conflict prior to continuation of work. 3. Provide smoke detectors which will sound an alarm when actuated. Detectors must be permanently with a battery backup . See noted plans for locations of smoke detectors. 4. Stairs: Provide a minimum 6'-8" head clearance, 7.75" max. riser, 10• min. tread with 3'-0" min. width for residential stair construction. Provide minimum 36" high handrail (measured from tread nosing) and minimum 3'-0" high guardrail with a maximum 4" between balusters. Per IBC. 5. All unenclosed floor and roof openings, open and glazed sides of stairways, landings and ramps, balconies or porches which are more than 30" above grade or floor below, and roofs used for other than service of the building, shall be protected by a guardrail not less than 42" in height with a maximum of 4" between balusters. Per I.B.C. 6. Safety glazing per 1.B.C. for: a. Windows adjacent to tubs or showers and within 60" of tub or shower floor; b. Windows within 24"arc of doors; c. Windows within 18" of walking surface. All glass shower and tub enclosures shall be fully tempered. 7. All exterior doors and windows shall be fully weather stripped; manufactured units shall meet ANSI and Title 24 standards for air infiltration. 8. All joints and penetrations in the building envelope shall be caulked and sealed. 9. All exhaust fans shall have automatic or back draft dampers. 10. All fireplaces shall have tight fitting flue damper. Fireplaces located on exterior walls or within bedrooms and/or bathrooms shall have minimum six square inches combustion air take. 11. All fireplaces to be supplied with gas log lighter and valve. 12. Provide shower bench where shown on drawings 18" high minimum with full tile face of wall beneath bench. 13. Provide attic access minimum size 24" x 30" UON. Size of access to enable removal of heating equipment. 14. Provide dead bolt locks at exterior doors LION mounted below latch set. 15. Garages require one-hour fire separation on the garage side of walls and ceiling common to the dwelling. Table 3-B, Section 302.4 16. Provide R-19 insulation at exterior walls and R-30 insulation in all new attics. 17. Provide R-13 insulation at all interior plumbing walls for sound insulation. 18. All fireplaces shall conform to the requirements of CBC, CRC and CMC. 19. Coordinate with Architect to provide blocking in walls where accessory items are installed typical : grab bars, toilet paper dispensers, etc. 20. Fireblocking: In combustible construction, fireblocking shall be provided to cut off aH concealed draft openings {both vertical and horizontal) and to form an effective fire barrier between stories, and between a top story and the roof space. Fireblocking shall be provided in wood-frame construction in the following focations: 1. In concealed spaces of stud walls and partitions, inclwdlng fl.rrred spaces and parallel rows of styds or staggered studs, as follows: 1.1. Vertically at the ceiling and floor levels. 1.2. Horizontally at intervals not exceeding 10 feet (3048 mm). 2. At all interconnections between concealed vertical and horizontal spaces such as occur at soffits, drop ceilings and cove ceilings. 3. In concea~d spaces between stair stringers at the top and bottom of the run. Enclosed spaces under stairs shall comply with Section R302.7. 4. At openings around vents, pipes1 ducts, cables and 'fl'i[es at c:eiJin,g agd floor level, with ap :mm;OYedmaterial to resist the free passage afflame and products of combustion. The material filling this annular space shall not be reqwired to meet the ASTM E 136 reqyileI1.e11ts. 5. For the fireblocking of chimnevs and fireplaces, see Section R1003.19. FOUNDATION NOTES 1. All footing depths indicated on plans are depths below top of undisturbed soil or top of engineered certified compacted fill. 2. Soil shall be dampened prior to placing concrete in footings. 3. Sub-grade for slabs shall be undisturbed native soil or compacted fill. 4. Fill soils (if used) shall be compacted to at least 90% maximum dry density. 5. Slope grade away from foundation walls a minimum of 2% typical for distance of 5 feet minimum. 6. All hold down anchors and base plate anchors to be tied in place prior to calling foundation inspection. 7. Concrete slabs: 4" actual thickness with 6 x 6 WI. 4 x WI. 4 welded wire mesh and mid height of slab. Slab to be on 3" thick sand on 6 mil. vapor barrier on sand base (omit vapor barrier at exterior slabs) UON. Slab subsoil shall be thoroughly moistened prior to placement of vapor barrier and concrete. 8. All concrete 2500 psi@ 28 days minimum compressive strength LION on plans. 9. Where 3000 psi cone. is indicated on plans special inspection is required. 10. Provide necessary openings in stud frame shear walls at crawl space for ductwork, access, etc. 11. Waterproof exterior stem foundation walls to crawl space, protect waterproof membrane during backfilling. 12. Provide 4" diameter perforated French drain to daylight away from foundation walls, back fill with 1/2" diameter gravel for 15~ width. 1~. All reinforcing shall be provided with the following minimum concrete cover: Footing cast against earth: 3" Concrete exposed to weather or earth 2" ~labs (#4 and smaller): 3/4" 14. Laps at bar splices shall be: 30 bar dia. (12" minimum) for grade 40 re-bar, 36 bar dia. for grade 60 re-bar. 15. Concrete slabs on grade: a. Landings at all door locations shall have a maximum slope of 1/4" per foot. (Sec. 1004.9). b. Seal all voids around penetrations through floor slabs. (U.P.C. Sec. 313.1 and U.M.C. Sec. 328.2 as Amd.). 16. Crawl Spaces: Provide crawl space access minimum 18Mx 24M per U.B.C. Sec. 2317 .5. Provide crawl space vents at new concrete stem walls minimum vent area per U.B.C. Sec. 2317.7. Verify existing ventilation is adequate. 17. Provide Simpson post base at isolated post locations. ROOF NOTES 1. General contractor to coordinate all plumbing and mechanical vent locations at roof. Vents to be screened from view wherever possible (see roof plan}. Combine plumbing vents in attic where possible. 2. All roof penetrations, flashings, vents, etc. to be painted to match weathered roof color. 3. Provide attic ventilation per U.B.C. Sec. 1505.3 1/150 of area of space ventilated. See Roof Plan for calculations. 4. Attic ventilation openings shall be covered with non-combustible, corrosion-resistant metal mesh openings of 1/16" -1/8" dimension. 5. Roofing: 2-piece Clay Tile. Provide minimum 3 layers of 30 lbs. felt underlayment hot mopped between layers and on the top. Install with minimum exposures per U.B.C. Table 15- D-1. Refer to Roof Plans for additional notes. 6. All Roof Plate Heights/ Ridge Heights indicated on plans are taken from main level finished floor Elev. +358.5' 7. Provide gutter, downspouts and roof drains as indicated on plans. Provide overflow scuppers at flat roof drains. Downspout to drain to 4" ABS tight line connected to existing surface water drainage system where possible. FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTES: 1. Fire protection, including fire apparatus access roads and water supplies for fire protection, shall be installed and made serviceable prior to and during time of construction. (CFC Appendix C & D, International Fire Code) 2. Buildings undergoing construction, alteration or demolition shall be in accordance with CFC Chapter 14. (CFC.1401) 3. Decorative materials shall be maintained in a flame-retardant condition 4. Complete plans and specifications for fire alarm systems; fire systems, including automatic sprinklers and wet and dry standpipes, halon systems and other special types of automatic fire systems, basement pipe inlets, and other fire systems and appurtenances thereto shall be submitted to Fire and Life Safety for review and approval prior to installation. (CFC 901.2) 5, Fire systems shall be installed in accordance with CBC 901.4. 7. Complete plans and specifications for fire alarm systems shall be submitted to Fire and Life Safety for review and approval prior to installation. (CFC 907.1.1) 8. Installation of fire alarm systems shall be in accordance with CFC 903.3. 9. An approved audible sprinkler flow alarm shall be provided on the exterior of the building in an approved location. An approved audible sprinkler flow alarm to alert the occupants shall be provided in the interior of the building in a normally occupied location. (CFC 903.4.2) 10. An approved vehicle strobe detector system, with knox key switch override, satisfactory to the fire marshal, shall be provided on all vehicle main entry and emergency entry points to the project. 11. Construction documents approved by the fire code official are approved with the intent that such construction documents comply in all respects with current code. Review and approval by the fire code official shall not relieve the applicant of the responsibility of compliance with this code (CFC 105.4.4) 1.2, At least one fire extinguisher with a minimum rating of 2A10BC shall be provided within 751 maximum travel distance for each 6,000 sf or portion thereof on each floor (light hazard): 3,000 sf (moderate); or 2.000 sf (high hazard) [CFC 906] .! 3. Address shall be provided for all new and existing buildings in a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property [CFC 505.1J 14. Valves controlling the water supply for automatic sprinkler systems and waterflow switches on all sprinkler systems shall be electrically monitored where the number of sprinklers is 20 or more [CFC 903.4) 15. At least one fire extinguisher with a minimum rating of 4A20BC shall be provided outside of each mechanical, electrical or boiler room. MECHANICAL NOTES 1. Provide one utility duple, O\i!let at all VVater t'teater locations within 5'-0" of •nit. 2. Provide switched incandescent light at all FAU and WH locations. 3. All fixtures with hose outlets (hose bibs) and landscape irrigation shall be protected with backflow preventers (vacuum breakers) U.P .C. Sec. 603.3.7. 4. The minimum ceiling insulation must be R-30 UON. 5. The minimum wall insulation shall be R-19 in frame walls, UON. 6. HVAC ducts shall be constructed, installed and insulated per Chapter 6 of the U.M.C. 7. Doors and windows between conditioned and unconditioned space shall be fully weatherstripped. 8. Exhaust fans shall have back-draft dampers or automatic dampers. 9. A night setback thermostat shall be installed that can automatically set back the thermostat set points for at least two periods in 24 hrs. 10. The HVAC equipment installed shall be of a type certified by the CEC. 11. The hot water heater shall be wrapped with an R-12 external blanket. 12. Fully insulate hot water supply lines. The hot water heater inlet and outlet pipe shall be insulated to R-13 or greater for the first 5 feet in unconditioned space. 13. The water heating equipment, shower heads and faucets installed shall be of a type certified by the CEC. 14. Interior water supply all copper pipe, insulate. 15. Provide gas supply at FAU and WH locations and all appliance locations indicated on plans. 16. 17. 18. All gas fired furnaces and gas fired cooking appliances shall be equipped with an approved intermittent ignition device. 19. Provide vapor barriers for cold climate zones 1, 14 and 16. 20. All ducting and joints shall be sealed with pressure sensitive tape and shall be insulated to conform to the provisions of U.M.C. 21. Shower heads and faucets shall be equipped with flow restrictors as outlined in the appliance efficiency standards and shall be certified to the energy commission. 22. FAU closet or alcove must be 12 inches wider than the furnace or furnaces being installed in accordance with U.M.C. Sec. 324.1. 23. Approved spark arrestors shall be installed on all chimneys in accordance with U.B.C. Sec. 3102.3.8. 24. Combustion air for fuel burning water heaters will be provided in accordance with the Uniform Plumbing Code. 25. Provide T and P valve at water heater. Route discharge line to exterior wall at grade in accordance with U.P .C. Sec. 608.5. 26. Water heater must be adequately braced to resist seismic forces. Provide two straps (one strap at top 1/3 of the tank and one strap at bottom 1/3 of the tank). U.P .C., Sec. 510.0. Gas-fired Water Heaters located in garages shall be installed with the base +18" above finished floor. U.P.C. sec. 510.1 & U.M.C. Sec. 308.2. 27. In shower and bath tub combinations, control valves must be pressure balanced or thermostatic mixing valves. U.P.C. Sec. 410.7. 28. The discharge point for exhaust air will be at least 3 feet from any opening which allows air entry into occupied portions of the building. U.B.C. Sec. 1203.3. 29. Ductless fans can not be used in bathrooms if a tub or shower is present. U.B.C. Sec. 1203.3. 30. Shower walls shall be finished with moisture-resistant sheetrock and ceramic tile (or equal) to a minimum height of 70" above drain. U.B.C. Sec. 807 & U.B.C. Sec. 2512. 31. Shower enclosures shall be shower rods, tempered glass or approved equal. U.B.C. Sec. 2406.4. 32. General Plumbing Notes: a. Solders and flux having a lead content in excess of two tenths of one percent shall not be used in the installation or repair of any plumbing in residential or non residential facilities providing water for human consumption which are connected to public water systems. A.R.S. Sec. 49-353, U.P.C. Sec.316.1.3. b. Plumbing fixtures shall be as follows: U.P .C. Sec. 402 as Amd.: Water closets: provide ultra low flush toilets Gravity: 1.6 gal. Per flush (max.). Flush Valves: 3.5 gal. Per flush (max.). Urinals: 1.5 gal per flush (max.). Shower Heads: 2.5 gal. per minute (max.}. Lavatory Sink faucets: 2.2 gal. per minute (max.). c. Hot water shall be the left fitting at all faucets. U.P .C. Sec. 601.2. d. Hose bibs: Permanent vacuum breakers shall be included with all new hose bibbs. 33. Provide 4" diameter dryer exhaust to exterior 14' maximum length U.M.C. Sec. 908 and U.B.C. Sec. 504.3.2. 34. Provide dishwasher with an approved air cap per U.P.C. Sec. 807.4. 35. Provide fire sprinklers per U.8.C. requirements as amended. 36. All mechanical work to comply with the 1998 edition of the U.M.C. 37. Primary condensate waste will route to trapped plumbing fixture for disposal. 38. Install floor drain where indicated per code to remain in full view and tie into sanitary sewer. 39. State Health and Safety code Sec. 17921.9 bans the use of chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (cpvc) for interior water -supply piping. 40. Provide 5 air changes per hour for bathroom and laundry room ventilation, discharging to the exterior of the building not closer than 3 ft. from any exterior opening. 41. Attic/underfloor installation must comply with sections 904, 908, 909 of the CMG ELECTRICAL NOTES 1. Provide utility duplex outlets at forced air unit and water heater within 5'-0" of unit. 2. Provide switched light at forced air unit and water heater locations. 3. General lighting in kitchen and bathrooms shall have minimum output of 25 Ju mens per watt. 4. All wiring to comply with 1996 NEC. 5. Provide GFI protected circuets at all locations required by NEC, Article 210-8 {a) and within 6'-0" of all sinks. 6. Provide 220V outlets for appliances where indicated on electrical plan. 7. Refrigerators, refrigerator-freezers, freezers and fluorescent lamp ballasts to be certified by CEC. 8. All wall duplex outlets shall be located 12" above finished floor level UON. 9. All wall switches shall be located 36" above finished floor level UON. 10. Electrician shall coordinate electrical requirements for security flood lighting, landscape lighting and security system with owner and architect. 11. Floor electric or phone outlets shall be located by owner or architect. 12. Provide and install continuous monitoring interconnected, hard wired, permanent smoke detectors w/ battery back up at locations required by code. 13. In new constru-cUon, required smoke alarms shall receive their primary power from the buffding wiring where such wiring is served from a commercial source and shafl be equipped with a battery back-up. sm~e alarms shall emit a signal when the batteries are low. wiring shall be permanent and without a lfrsconnecting switch other than as required for over current protection 14. Where more than one smoke alarm is required to be installed, the smoke alarms shall be interconnected in such a manner that the activation of one alarm will activate all of the alarms in the individual dwelling unit. the alarm shall be clearly audible in all bedrooms over background noise levels with all intervening doors closed. 15. Bedroom branch air vents will be/ are fault circut protected. CEC ART 210.12 (b} 16. A 20 ampere circut dedicated to each bathroom. CEC ART 210.11 (c} 3 STRAPPING OF ALL WATER HEATERS Section 510.5 of the California State Plumbing Code requires all water heaters to be braced against seismic reactions. An acceptable method is the use of 2 "heavy duty straps\ with one going completely around the water heater and secured to the structure at two (2) points within the upper 1/3 of the heater and the other within 1/3 of the bottom of the heater. See diagram below for this method. The term "heavy duty" shall be deemed to be a METAL STRAP, NOT LESS THAT 22 GAUGE, NOR LESS THAN 3/4" WIDE. The means of connection to the structure shall be made by the use of a screw not less than 1/4" in size with a minimum penetration of 1 112• into a wood stud of the wall. A cut washer shall be used between the head of the screw and the strap to insure a positive support. Manufacturers do not allow direct connection to their units. Simply stated, no fittings or screws shall be attached or installe 2 gauge metal strap material installed within the'top 1/3 of the heater and the bottom 1/3 of the heater. Minimum 1/4" screws with minimum 1 1/2" penetration are allowed. \ 0 11 ,---Drill pilots in centerline of stllds. Insert screws throwgh punched holes in straps (typ.) _,, 1/ \,,.-wall :;;, 1 stud For heaters installed in a =----. J garage location, this 18" ·--~:_--_----i~rn::_~l::::~~~;;~~~~~1~ 18" height is required. It may _ be by the use of a stand - of by a raised floor area. NOTE ·. STRUCTURAL NOTES TAKE PRECEDENCE. (SEE STRUCTURAL PLANS) IN CASE OF CONFLICT, NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT. SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: NOTICE TO THE APPLICANT/ OWNER/OWNER'S AGENT/ARCHITECT or ENGINEER OF RECORD: By using this set of permitted construction drawings for construction/installation of the work specified herin, you agree to comply wffl'I the requirements of City of San Otego for special inspections, structural observations, construction material testfng and off- site fabrication of building components, contained in the statement of special inspections and, as required by the California construction codes. NOTICE TO THE CONTRACTOR/ BUILDER/ INSTALLER/ SUB-CONTRACTORS/ OWNER-BUILDER: By using this set of permitted construction drawings for construction/installation of the work specified herin, you agree to comply with the requirements of City of San Diego for special inspections, structural observations, construction material testing and off- site fabrication of building components, contained in the statement of special inspections and, as required by the California construction codes. ARCHITECT'S SUBMITTAL REVIEW STAMP STATES THE FOLLOWING: I CDP14-05/AV 15-04/CDP 15-131 CORRECTIONS OR COMMENTS MADE TO THE SHOP DRAWINGS DURING THIS REVIEW DO NOT RELIEVE CONTRACTOR FROM COMPLIANCE WITH REQUIREMENTS OF THE DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE CODES. THIS CHECK IS ONLY FOR REVIEW OF GENERAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE DESIGN CONCEPT OF THE PROJECT AND GENERAL COMPLIANCE WITH THE INFORMATION GIVEN IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR: CONFIRMING AND CORRELATING ALL QUANTITIES AND DIMENSIONS; SELECTING FABRICATION PROCESSES AND TECHNIQUES OF CONSTRUCTION; COORDINATING HIS WORK WITH THAT OF ALL OTHER TRADES; AND PERFORMING HIS WORK IN A SAFE AND SATISFACTORY MANNER. 2010 CALIFORNIA GREEN CODE NOTES: 1. Automatic irrigation systems for landscaping provided by the builder and installed at the time of final inspection shall be weather-based, ~nd comply with the following: Controlfers ~hall be weather-or soil moisture-based controllers that automatically adjust irrigation in response to changes in plants needs as weather condItIons change. Weather-based controllers without interal rain sensors or communication systems that account for local rainfall shal, have a separate wired or wireless rain sensor which connects or communicates with the controllers. Soll moister-based controllers are not required to have rain sensor input. (CGBSC 4.304.1) 2. Joints and openings, Annular spaces around pipes, electric cables, conduits, or other openings in plates at exterior walls shall be protected against the passage of rodents by closing such openings with cement mortar, concrete masonry, or similar method acceptable to the enforcing agency.(CGBSC 4.406.1) _ _ . 3. A minimum of 50 percent of the construction waste generated at the site is diverted to recycle or salvage per CGBSC Section 4.408.1 and City ordinance. _ _ 4. Before final inspection, a complete operation and maintenance manual shall be provided to the building occupant or owner. Contractor or owner shall submit an affidavit that confirms the delivery of the maintenance manual. {CGBSC 4.410.1} 5. Duct openings and other related air distribution component openings shall be covered during construction.(CGBSC 4.504.1) 6. Adhesives, sealants, and caulks shall be compliant with VOC and other toxic compound limits.(CGBSC 4.504.2.1) 7. Paints, stains, and other coatings shall be compttant with VOC limits. (CGBSC 4.504.2.2) 8. Aerosol paints and coatings shall be comptiant with product wetgtrted MIR limits for VOC and other toxic compounds.(CGBSC 4.504.2.3) 9. Carpet and carpet systems shall comply with VOC limits.A letter from the contractor and _or the building owner certifying what material has been used and its compliance with the Code must be submitted to the building lnspector.(CGBSC 4.504.3) 10. Documentation shall be provided to verify that compliant VOC limit finish materials have been used. A letter from the contractor and or the building owner certifying what material has been used and its compliance with the Code must be submitted to the building Inspector. (CGBSC 4.504.3) 11. Fifty percent of floor area receiving resilient flooring shall comply with the VOC-emission limits defined in the Collaborative for High Performance Schools (CHPS) Low-emitting Materials List or be certified under the Resilient Floor Covering Institute (RCFI) Floor Score program. {CGBSC 4.504.4) 12. Particleboard, medium density fiberboard (MDF), and hardwood plywood used in interior finish systems shall comply with low formaldehyde emission standards. A letter from the installer and or the building owner certifying what material has been used and documenting its compliance with the Code must be submitted to the building Inspector. (CGBSC 4.504.5) 13. Building materials with visible signs of water damage shafl not be installed. Wall and floor framing shall not be enclosed when framing members exceed 19% moisture content. _ 14. The moisture content of building materials used in wall and floor framing is checked before enclosure. Moisture content shall be verified by either a probe type or contact type moisture meter. A certificate of compliance indicating date of test. location, and results issued by the framer subcontractor or General contractor must be submitted to the building inspector. (CGBSC 4.505.3) 15. Exhaust fans which terminate outside the building are provided in every bathroom that contains a shower or tub, capable of providing 5 changes per hour. 16. Per Sec 4.303.2 -When single shower fixtures are served by more than one showerhead, the combined flow rate of all the showerheads shaH not exceed the maximum flow rates specified in the 20 percent reduction column contained in Table 4.303.2 or the shower shall be designed to only allow one showerhead lo be in operation at a lime. Exception: The maximum flow rate for showerheads when using the calculation method specified in Section 4.303.1, Item 2, is 2.5 gpm @ 80 psi. 17. Per Sec 4.3Q3.3 -Plumbing fixtures (water closets and urinals} and fittings (faucets and showerheads) shall meet the standards referenced i11 Tabte 4.303.3. (See charts below.) 18. Per Sec 4.503.1 -Any instailed gas fireplace shall be a direct-vent sealed-combustion type. Any installed woodstove or pellet stove shall comply with U.S. EPA Phase II emission limits where applicable. Woodstoves, pellet stoves, and fireplaces shall also comply with applicable local ordinances. 19. Per Sec 4.506.1 -Mechanical exhaust fans which exhaust directly from bathrooms shall comply with the following: i. Fans shall be ENERGY STAR compliant and be ducted to terminate outside the building. ii. Unless functioning as a component of a whole house ventilation system, fans must be controlled by a humidistat which shall be readily accessible. Humidistat controls shall be capable of adjustment between a relative humidity range of 50 to 80 percent. 0 z ~ {J) - ~ u w 1--I u 0:: < Copyright Island Architects 2014 JOI!#: 3200 DRAWN BY: Author PROJ. MGR.: Checker DATE: ISSUE: 11/06/14 l st aide. Submittol 20. HVAC systems were sized and selected based on square footage and zon~ng. See Titl~-24 Rep?rt for additional information. ~OTE: _A sign~d affida~it from installer stating method used for selection of Heating and Air Conditioning equipment and that such equipment was installed m accordance to that method Is reqmred; this affidavit shall be presented to the Building Inspector >------------j BEFORE Final Inspection. TABLE 4.303.1 WATER USE BASELINE 1 FIXTURE TYPE Showerheads, residential Lavatory faucets, residential Kitchen faucets Replacement aerators Gravity tank-type water closets Flushometer tank water closets Flushometer valve water closets Electromechanical hydraulic W/C Urinals FLOW RATE 2 2.5 gpm @ 80 psi 2.2 gpm @ 60 psi 2.2 gpm @ 60 psi 2.2 gpm @ 60 psi 1.6 gallons/flush 1.6 gallons/flush 1.6 gallons/flush 1.6 gallons/flush 1.0 gallon/flush DURATION 8min. .25min. 4min. 1 flush 1 flush 1 flush 1 flush 1 flush DAILY USES 1 3 1 3 ma\e 3 female 3male 3 female 3 male 3 female 3 male 3 female N/A OCCUPANTS: 6 120 9.9 52.8 57.6 BASE WATER USE: 240.3 Gallons Per Day Per Day 20% REDUCTION: 1112.24 Altbw-Gallons Fixture "Water Use" = Flow rate x Duration x Occupants x Daily uses 1. Use Worksheet WS-1 to calculate baseline water use. 2. The flow rate is from the CEC Appliance Efficiency Standards, Title 20, California Code of Regulations; where a conflict occurs, the CEC standards shall apply. 3. For low-rise residential occupancies, the number of occupants shall be based on two persons for the first bedroom, plus one additional person for each additional bedroom. 4. The daily use number shall be increased to three if urinals are not installed in the room. TABLE 4.303.2 FIXTURE FLOW RATES FIXTURE TYPE REDUCTION FLOW RATE MAXIMUM FLOW RATE AT~ 20 Showerheads 2.5 gpm@ 80 psi 2 gpm @80 psi 1.5 gpm @ 60 psi2 Lavatory faucets, residential Kitchen faucets 2.2 gpm @60 psi 2.2 gpm @ 60 psi CONSISTENCY DETERMINATION EXHIBIT Gravity tank-typewater closets Flushometer tankwater closets Flushometer valvewater closets Electromechanical hydraulic water closets 1.6 gallons/flush 1.6 gallons/flush 1.6 gallons/flush 1.6 gallons/flush 1.8 gpm @60 psi 1.28 gallons/flush1 1.28 gallons/flush1 1.28 gallons/flush1 1.28 gallons/flush1 ~ _ ;j)R PROJECT NO eo '5'-2-f ~ 7{p-',( Da1e: 12hs\\'S"' Urinals 1.0 gallon/flush .5 gallon/flush Dou Neu, City Planner RECOMMENDED BY: ~ '1,off DATE: J'l)\S:hS°' 1. Includes single and dual flush water closets with an effective flush of 1.28 gallons or less._ _ _ . Single flush toilets-The effective flush volume shall not exceed 1.28 gallons (4.8 liters). The effective flush volume 1s the average flush volume when tested in accordance with ASME A112.19.233.2. Dual flush toilets-The effective flush volume shall not exceed 1.28 gallons (4.8 liters). The effective flush volume is defined as the composite, average flush volume of two reduced flushes and one full flush. Flush volumes will be tested in accordance with ASME A112.19.2 and ASME A112.19.14. 2. Lavatory faucets shall not have a flow rate less than 0.8 gpm at 20 psi. TABLE 4.303.3 STANDARDS FOR PLUMBING FIXTURES AND FIXTURE FITTINGS REQUIRED STANOARDS Water closets (toilets)-flushometer valve-type single flush, maximum flush volume ASME A 112.19.2/CSA 845.1 -1.28 gal (4.8 L) ASME A 112.19.14 and U.S. EPA WaterSense Tank-Type High- ~ REVISIONS # I DESCRIPTION I DATE Q,) u C Q,) --0 ·-V) Q,) ~ 0 !.... 0 -Q,) 0 0 !.... !.... (1) <X) 0 0 N 0-- <( u -0 0 _Q "' ,_ 0 u Q) 0 0 ,_ ,_ Q) Water closets (toilets}-flushometer valve-type dual flush, maximum flush volume Efficiency Toilet Specification -1.28 gal (4.8 L). ·-i-= 0-- C") 0 I[') Water closets {toilets}-tank type Urinals, maximum flush volume Urinals, nonwater urinals Public lavatory faucets: U.S. EPA WaterSense Tank-Type High-Efficiency Toilet Specification ASME A 112.19.2/CSA B45.1 -0.5 gal (1.9 L) ASME A 112.19.19 (vitreous china) ANSI 2124.9-2004 or IAPMO Z124.9 (plastic) ASME A 112.18.1/CSA B125.1 Maximum flow rate -0.5 gpm (1 .9 Umin) -='---'-----'---------------------------- Public metering self-closing faucets: Maximum water use-0.25 gal (1.0 L) per metering cycle ASME A 112.18.1/CSA B125.1 Residential bathroom lavatory sink faucets: Maximum flow rate -1.5 gpm (5.7 Umin) ASME A 112.18.1/CSA B125.1 t- T.2 Island Architects General Notes 11/06/14 I I I I \ I ( I iii I! .. :,, I I I t ... I I ( ........ ~, ;:: ~ ., 'q_. ....... ........ ........ 15 0 CDP 14-05/AV 15-04/CDP 15-13 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY --5039 TIERRA DEL ORO ....... GRAPHIC SCALE I ... , I I I ~Ii lz; 1 !~f I t1 I I ..... I I I I I 1 ''=15' 15 30 45 '-t: ! I j I i ; / I I \ tD z H '3 H al a: ... 3' 0 .J l'IO S11JRr Sllflll.E FA/fll.y l1ESIDEJa ~~ i I PFIWERrr LINE ' I PREPARED BY: PASCO LARET SUITER AND ASSOCIATES 535 NORTH HIGHWAY 101, SUITE A SOLANA BEACH, CA 9/?a57 B5B-/!59-Bi?12 II-IS-la 2-18-14 11 0 I 1"----f ~ '•-c~~v~,~- 1 'l -,J;;.~r= 11' _ .. ~- \ I \ I \ \ \\ \ D; 0 \'\~"'-" \. "'" .'\'\ \~ . \\ \\ \ \ I I JI // LEGEND: VICfNfTY MAP CLIENT: SITE PACIFIC OCEAN TIERRA DEL ORO LLC PO BOX 906 RANCHO SANTA FE. CA 92067 SITE ADDRESS: 5039 TIERRA DEL ORO CARLSBAD, CA 92008 APN: 210-020-08 /'/OT TO SCALE I 5 LEGAL DESCRtPTION: LOT 8 MAP 3052 EASEMENTS: EASEMENTS PER CHICAGO TITLE CO. REPORT /ffJ. 7371201Be70 OATED /IOY. 9, i?012 BOUNDARY NOTE: BEARINGS AND DISTANCES SHOWN HERON ARE DERIVED FROt,/ FOUND MONUMENTS AND PROCEDURAL BOUNDARY CALCULATIONS. NOTES: THE PURPOSE DF THIS SURVEY WAS TO LOCATE AND MAP THE EXISTING TOPOGRAPHIC FEATURES ANO I/tlPRDVE/IIENTS ON THE SITE. DATE OF SURVEY: B-18-2013. OI/IIE/1SIONS ARE /JIEAS!/RED BASED ON FOUND MONU/IIENTS, VNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. BENCHMARK: CITY OF CARLSBAD CONTROL POINT NO. 57 (CLSB-057) 2. 5" DISK IN DRAINAGE BOX AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF AYENIOA ENCINAS AND CANNON RD DATUM: NAD29 ELEV.: 44.01' --------SURVEY BOUNDARY ADJOINING PROPERTY LINE EASE/I/ENT LINE AC ASPHALT SURFACE 100,00_,/ GROUND ELEVATION OR FINISHED SURFACE ELEVATION AS NOTED Exwbi '' C.11 o~ " CONSISTENCY DETERMINATION EXHIBIT CONC Tlf Bl'f FF pp /1/H (\ ~ PROJECT NO,_t.tLl~-2..<-I ~ ~ Date: 12.\1~115" Don Neu, City Planner RECOMMENDED BY: -~-~J:C: .. -t1&_ DATE: J2.\l~l\S- CONCRETE SURFACE TOP OF WALL BOTTO/If OF HALL FINISHED FLOOR PGIIER POLE MANHOLE PLSA 2J2j -; ! I , GRADING NOTES (IN ADDITION TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 15.16 OF THE _ CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE.) 1. THIS PLAN SUPERSEDES ALL OTHER PLANS PREVIOUSLY APPROVED BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD REGARDING GRADING SHOWN ON THIS SET OF PLANS. 2. APPROVAL OF THIS PLAN DOES NOT LESSEN OR WAIVE ANY PORTION OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE, RESOLUTION OF CONDITIONAL APPROVAL, CITY STANDARDS OR OTHER ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS LISTED HEREON AS THEY MAY PERTAIN TO THIS PROJECT. THE ENGINEER IN RESPONSIBLE CHARGE SHALL REVISE THESE PLANS WHEN NON-CONFORMANCE IS DISCOVERED. 3. CITY APPROVAL OF PLANS DOES NOT RELIEVE THE DEVELOPER OR ENGINEER-OF- WORK FROM RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE CORRECTION OF ERRORS AND OMISSIONS DISCOVERED DURING CONSTRUCT/ON. ALL PLAN REVISIONS SHALL BE PROMPTLY SUBMITTED TO THE CITY ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL. 4. A RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT FROM THE CITY ENGINEER WILL BE REQUIRED FOR ANY WORK IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE, A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE AS WELL AS ADDITIONAL INSURED ENDORSEMENT MUST BE FILED NAMING THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED ON THE PERM/TTEE'S POLICY IN THE MINIMUM AMOUNT OF $1,000,000.00 FOR EACH OCCURRANCE OF LIABILITY. THE INSURANCE COMPANY WRITING THE POLICY MUST HAVE A RATING OF "A-" OR BETTER Ai'ID A SIZE CATEGORY OF CLASS V OR BETTER AS ESTABLISHED BY "BESTS" KEY RA TING GUIDE. 5. UNLESS EXEMPTED BY SECTION 301.(b)5 OF THE UNIFORM BU/Ll)INC COOE, RETAINING WALLS OUTSIDE OF PVBLIC RIGHT OF WAY REQUIRE SEPARATE PERMITS FROM THE BUILDING DEPAR7MENT. 6. NO WORK SHALL BE COMMENCED UNTIL ALL PERMITS HAVE BEEN OBTAINED FROM THE CITY AND OTHER APPROPRIATE AGENCIES. 7. APPROVAL OF THESE PLANS BY THE CITY ENGINEER DOES NOT AUTHORIZE ANY WORK OR GRADING TO BE PERFORMED UNTIL THE PROPERTY OWNER'S PERMISSION HAS BEEN OBTAINED AND A VALID GRADING PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED. 8. NO REVISIONS WILL BE MADE TO THESE PLANS WITHOUT THE WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE CITY ENGINEER, NOTED WITHIN THE REVISION BLOCK, ON THE APPROPRIATE SHEET OF THE PLANS AND THE TITLE SHEET. 9. ORIGINAL DRAWINGS SHALL BECOME THE PROPERTY OF THE CITY UPON BEING SIGNED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. 10. THE ORIGINAL DRAWING SHALL BE REVISED TO REFLECT AS-BUILT CONDITIONS BY THE ENGINEER-OF-WORK PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE WORK BY THE CITY. 11. ACCESS FOR FIRE AND OTHER EMERGENCY VEHICLES SHALL BE MAINTAINED TO THE PROJECT SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING CONSTRUCT/ON. 12. WHERE TRENCHES ARE WITHIN CITY EASEMENTS, A SOILS REPORT COMPRISED OF: (A) SUMMARY SHEET. (8) LABORATORY WORK SHEETS AND (C) COMPACTION CURVES, SHALL BE SUBMITTED BY A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OF THE STA TE OF CALIFORNIA, PR/NC/PALLY DOING BUSINESS IN THE FIELD OF APPLIED SOILS MECHANICS. THE SOILS REPORT WILL BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY ENGINEERING INSPECTOR WITHIN TWO WORKING DAYS OF THE COMPLETION OF FIELD TESTS. 13. A SOILS COMPACTION REPORT AND COMPLIANCE VER/FICA T/ON REGARDING ADHERENCE TO RECOMMENDA T/ONS OUTLINED IN THE SOILS REPORT IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT. ALL CONTROLLED GRADING SHALL BE DONE UNDER THE DIRECTION OF A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER OF THE STA TE OF CALIFORNIA PRING/PALLY DOING BUSINESS IN THE FIELD OF APPLIED SOILS MECHANICS. ALL FILL OR FUTURE FILL AREAS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CITY OF CARLSBAD STANDARD SPECIF/CA T/ONS AND THE • EARTHWORK SPECIF/CATIONS • ATTACHED TO THE PRELIMINARY SOILS INVEST/GA TION. DAILY FIELD COMPACTION REPORTS WILL BE SUBMITTED TO THE PROJECT INSPECTOR. 14. A PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING SHALL BE HELD AT THE SITE PRIOR TO THE BEGINNING OF WORK AND SHAU BE ATTENDm BY All RFPRFSENTADYES RESPONSIBLE FOR CONSTRUCT/ON, INSPECTION, SUPERVISION, TESTING AND ALL OTHER ASf'ECTS OF THE WORK THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REQUEST A PRECONSTRUCT/ON MEETING BY CALLING THE INSPECTION LINE AT (760) 438-3891 AT LEAST FIVE(5) WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR WILL THEN BE CONTACTED BY THE PROJECT INSPECTOR TO COORDINATE A DA TE ANO TIME FOR THE PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING. APPROVED DRAWINGS MUST BE AVAILABLE PRIOR TO SCHEDULING. THE GRADING PERMIT WILL BE PROVIDED BY THE PROJECT INSPECTOR AT THE MEETING. 15. ALL INSPECTION REOIJFSTS OTHFR THAN FOR PRECONSTRI/CDON MEFTING W/1 l BE MAD£ BY CAil ING THF FNGINEERlNG 24 HOIIR INSPECDQN REQUEST I INF AT (760) 438-3891. INSPECTION REQUEST MUST BE RECEIVED PRIOR TO 2:00 P,M. ON THE DAY BEFORE THE INSPECTION IS NEE;DED. INSPECTIONS WILL BE MADE THE NEXT WORK DAY UNLESS YOU REQUEST OTHERWISE. REQUESTS MADE AFTER 2: 00 P.M. WILL BE SCHEDULED FOR TWO FULL WORK DAYS LATER. -16. THE OWNER AND/OR APPLICANT THROUGH THE DEVELOPER AND/OR CONTRACTOR SHALL DESIGN, CONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN ALL SAFETY DEVICES, INCLUDING SHORING, AND SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR CONFORMING TO ALL LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS, LAWS AND REGULATIONS. C 17. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFORM TO LABOR CODE SECTION 6705 BY SUBMITTING A DETAIL PLAN TO THE CITY ENGINEER AND/OR CONCERNED AGENCY SHOWING THE DESIGN OF SHORING, BRACING SLOPING OR OTHER PROVISIONS TO BE MADE OF WORKER PROTECTION FROM THE HAZARD OF CAVING GROUND DURING THE EXCAVATION OF SUCH TRENCH OR TRENCHES OR DURING THE PIPE INSTALLA T/ON THEREIN. THIS PLAN MUST BE PREPARED FOR ALL TRENCHES FIVE FEET (5') OR MORE IN DEPTH AND APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER AND/OR CONCERNED AGENCY PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. If THE PLAN VARJES [ROM THE SHORING SYSTEM STANDARDS ESTABLISHED BY THE CONSTffUCTIOTV SfiFETY ORDERS. TITLE /l CALIFORNIA ADM/NISTRA T/VE CODE, THE PLAN SHALL BE PREPARED BY A REGISTERED ENGINEER AT THE CONTRACTORS EXPENSE. A COPY OF THE OSHA EXCAVATION PERMIT MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE INSPECTOR PRIOR TO EXCAVATION. 18. NO BLASTING SHALL BE PERFORMED UNTIL A VALID BLASTING PERMIT HAS BEEN OBTAINED FROM THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. SUBMIT APPL/CAT/ON FOR BLASTING PERMIT WELL IN ADVANCE OF THE SCHEDULING OF BLASTING OPERA T/ONS. 19. IF ANY ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES ARE DISCOVERED WITHIN ANY WORK AREA DURING CONSTRUCTION, OPERA T/ONS WILL CEASE IMMEOIA TEL Y. AND THE PERM/TTEE WILL NOTIFY THE CITY ENGINEER. OPERA T/ONS WILL NOT RESTART UNTIL THE PERMITTEE HAS RECEIVED WRITTEN AUTHORITY FROM THE CITY ENGINEER TO DO SO. 20. ALL OPERATIONS CONDUCTED ON THE SITE OR ADJACENT THERETO, INCLUDING WARMING UP, REPAIR, ARRIVAL, DEPARTURE OR OPERA T/ON OF TRUCKS, EARTHMOVING EQUIPMENT, CONSTRUCT/ON EQUIPMENT AND ANY OTHER ASSOC/A TED GRADING EQUIPMENT SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE PERIOD BETWEEN 7: 00 A.M. A/'10 6: 00 P.M. EACH DAY, MONDAY THRU FRIDAY AND /'IO EARTHMOVING OR GRADING OPERATIONS SHALL BE CONDUCTED ON WEEKENDS OR HOLIDAYS. (A LIST OF CITY HOLIDAYS IS AVAILABLE AT THE ENGINEER/NC DEPARTMENT COUNTER.) 21. ALL OFF-SITE HAUL ROUTES SHALL BE SUBMITTED BY THE CONTRACTOR TO THE CITY ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL TWO FULL WORKING DA rs PRIOR TO BEGINNING OF WORK. 22. IMPORT MATERIAL SHALL BE OBTAINED FROM, AND WASTE MATERIAL SHALL BE DEPOSITED AT. A SITE APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DEBRIS OR DAMAGE OCCURRING ALONG THE HAUL ROUTES OR ADJACENT STREETS AS A RESULT OF THE GRADING OPERA T/ON. 23. BRUSH SHALL BE REMOVED ONLY WITHIN THE AREA TO BE GRADED. NO TREES ARE TO BE REMOVED UNLESS SPECIF/CALLY NOTED ON THE PLAN. 24. ALL AREAS SHALL BE GRADED TO DRAIN. GRADING RESULTING IN THE PONDING OF WATER IS NOT PERMITTED. ALL EARTHEN SWALES ANO DITCHES SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM ONE PERCENT SLOPE. 25. THESE PLANS ARE SUBJECT TO A SIGNED AND APPROVED SET OF EROSION CONTROL PLANS. EROSION CONTROL SHALL BE AS SHOWN AND AS APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER OR AS DIRECTED BY THE PROJECT INSPECTOR. 26. ALL SLOPES SHALL BE TRIMMED TO A FINISH GRADE TO PRODUCE A UNIFORM SURFACE ANO CROSS SECTION. THE SITE SHALL BE LEFT IN A NEAT AND ORDERLY CONDITION. ALL STONES, ROOTS OR OTHER DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED AND DISPOSED OF AT A SITE APPROVED OF BY THf CITY ENGINEER. 27. ALL SLOPES SHALL BE /RR/CA TED, STABILIZED, PLANTED AND/OR HYDROSEEDED WITHIN TEN (10) DAYS OF THE TIME WHEN EACH SLOPE IS BROUGHT TO GRADE AS SHOWN ON THE APPROVED GRADING PLANS. 28. LANDSCAPING SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED ON ALL SLOP£$ ANO PADS AS REQU/RfD BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD LANDSCAPE MANUAL, THE LANDSCAPING PLANS FOR THIS PROJfCT. DRAWING NO. 467-2A , AND/OR AS DIRECTED BY THE CITY £NG/NEER OR PLANNING DIRECTOR. 29. THE OWNER/APPLICANT SHALL INSURE THAT ALL CONTRACTORS SHALL COOROINA TE THE WORK OF THESE GRADING PLANS WITH THAT SHOWN ON BOTH THE LANDSCAPE AND /RR/CAT/ON PLANS AND THE IMPROVEMENT PLANS AS REQUIRED FOR THIS WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LANDSCAPE MANUAL TIME REQUIREMENTS. JO. WHfRE AN EXISTING PIPE LINE IS TO BE ABANDONED AS A RESULT OF THE GRADING OPERATION, IT SHALL BE REMOVED WITHIN TWENTY FEET OF BUILOf/VG OR STREET AREAS AND REPLACED WITH PROPERLY COMPACTED SOILS. IN OTHER AREAS THE PIPE WILL BE PLUGGED WITH CONCRETE OR REMOVED AS APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. 31. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE LOCA T/ON OF ALL EXISTING FACILITIES ( ABOVE CROIJND AND UNDER GROUND ) WITHIN THE PROJECT Sl1E SUFFICIENTLY AHEAD OF GRADING TO PERMIT THE REVISION OF THE GRADING PLANS IF IT IS FOUND THAT THE ACTUAL LOCA T/ONS ARE IN CONFLICT WITH THE PROPOSED WORK. 32. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY AFFECTED UTILITY COMPANIES (SEE BELOW) AT LEAST 2 FULL WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO STARTING GRADING NEAR THEIR FACILITIES AND SHALL COOROINA TE THE WORK WITH A COMPANY REPRESENTA T/VE. UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT (800)422-4133 SDG&E ( 800)660-7 343 PACIFIC BELL (BOO)B92-0123 T/Mf WARNfR CABLE (760)436-7741 COX COMMurtrCA TIOTVS (760)806-9809 CITY OF CARLSBAD(STREETS &: STORM DRAIN) (760)434-2980 "CITY OF CARLSBAO(SEWER, WATER &: RECLAIMED WATER) (760)436-2722 'SAN DIECU/TO WATER DISTRICT (760)633-2650 "LEUCADIA WASTEWATER DISTRICT (760)753-0155 *VALLECITOS WATER DISTRICT (760)744-0460 *OLIVENHAIN WATER DISTRICT (760)753-6466 'BUENA SANITATION DISTRICT (760)726-1340 *AS APPROPRIATE JJ. PERMIT COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS: A. FOR CONTROLLED GRADING -THE APPL/CANT HIRES A CIVIL ENGINEER, SOILS ENGINEER, AND/OR GEOLOGIST TO GIVE TECHNICAL ADVICE, OBSERVE ANO CONTROL THE WORK IN PROGRESS {15.16.120 A.BJ CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE. 8. PRIOR TO FINAL APPROVAL OF A GRADING PERMIT -THE FOi.LOWiNG REPORTS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY ENGINEER VIA THE PROJECT INSPECTOR {15.16.120 A. 10} CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE: (1) FINAL REPORT BY SUPERVISING GRADING ENGINEER STA TING ALL GRADING IS COMPLETE. ALL EROSION CONTROL, SLOPE PLANTING ANO /RR/CATION ARE INSTALLED IN CONFORMANCE WITH CITY CODE ANO THE APPROVED PLANS ( OBTAIN SAMPLE OF COMPLIANCE LETTER FROM CITY ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT). (2) AS-BUil T GRADING PLAN. (3) REPORT FROM THE SOILS ENGINEER, WHICH INCLUDES RECOMMENDED SOIL BEARING CAPACITIES, A STATEMENT AS TO THE EXPANSIVE QUALITY OF THE SOIL, AND SUMMARIES OF FIELD AND LABORATORY TESTS. THE REPORT SHALL ALSO INCLUDE A STATEMENT BY THE SOILS ENGINEER THAT THE GRADING WAS DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS ANO RECOMMENOA T/0/'IS OVTL/NED IN THE PRELIMINARY SOILS REPORT AND ANY SUPPLEMENTS THERETO. (4) REPORT WITH AS-BUILT GEOLOGIC PLAN, IF REQUIRED BY THE CITY. 34. UNLESS A GRADING PERMIT FOR THIS PROJECT IS ISSUED WITHIN ONE (1) YEAR AFTER THE CITY ENGINEER'S APPROVAL. THESE PLANS MAY BE REQUIRED TO BE RESUBMITTED FOR PLANCHECK. PLANCHECK FEES WILL BE REQUIRED FOR ANY SUCH RECHECK. 35. THE SOILS REPORT TITLED "REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL INVEST/GA T/ON & COASTAL BLUFF EDGE EVALUATION", PREPARED BY GEO TECHNICAL EXPLORA T/ON, INC., DA TED NOVEMBER 12, 2013, SHALL BE CONSIDERED AS A PART OF THIS GRADING PLAN. ALL GRADING SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RECOMMENDA T/ONS ANO SPECIF/CA T/ONS CONTAINED IN SAID SOILS REPORT. "DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE" I HEREBY DECLARE THAT I AM THE ENGINEER OF WORK FOR THIS PROJECT. THAT I HAVE EXERCISED RESPONSIBLE CHARGE OVER THE DESIGN OF THE PROJECT AS DEFINED IN SECTION 6703 OF THE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE, AND THAT THE DESIGN IS CONSISTENT WITH CURRENT STANDARDS. EROSION CONTROL NOTES 1. IN CASE EMERGENCY WORK IS REQUIRED, CONTACT ~T°"'~~TA~Yl.=OR~ _____ A T (619) 466-100Q (PHONE NUMBER) 2. EQUIPMENT AND WORKERS FOR EMERGENCY WORK SHALL BE MADE AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMES DURING THE RAINY SEASON. ALL NECESSARY MATERIALS SHALL BE STOCKPILED ON SITE AT C01'1't'Ef'fff/'IT LOCATIONS TO FAC/t.lTATE RAPIIJ CONSTffUCTION OF TEMPORART DEVICES WHEN RAIN IS EMINENT. J. DEVICES SHOWN ON PLANS SHALL NOT BE MOVED OR MODIFIED WITHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEER/NC INSPECTOR. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTORE ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES TO WORKING ORDER TO THE SA T/SFACTION OF THE CITY ENGINEER AFTER EACH RUN-OFF PRODUCING RAINFALL. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AS MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE CITY ENGINEER DUE TO UNCOMPLETED GRADING OPERA T/ONS OR UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH MAY ARISE. 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE AND SHALL TAKE NECESSARY PRECAUTIONS TO PREVENT PUBLIC TRESPASS ONTO AREAS WHERE IMPOUNDED WATERS CREATE A HAZARDOUS CONDITION. 7. ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES PROVIDED PER THE APPROVED GRADING PLAN SHALL BE INCORPORATED HEREON. 8. GRADED AREAS AROUND THE PROJECT PERIMETER MUST DRAIN AWAY FROM THE FACE OF SLOPE AT THE CONCLUSION OF EACH IP'ORP(fNG DA r. 9. ALL REMOVABLE PROTECTIVE DEVICES SHOWl'I SHALL BE IN PLACE AT THE END OF EACH WORKING DAY WHEN THE FIVE (5) DAY RAIi'/ PROBABILITY FORECAST EXCEEDS FORTY PERCENT ( 40%). SILT ANO OTHER DEBRIS SHALL BE REMOVED AFTER EACH RAINFALL. 10. ALL GRAVEL BAGS SHALL BE BURLAP TYPE WITH 3/4 INCH MINIMUM AGGREGRA TE. 11. SHOULD GERM/NATION OF HYDROSEEDEO SLOPES FAIL TO PROVIDE EFFECTIVE COVERAGE OF GRADED SLOPES (90% COVERAGE) PRIOR TO NOVEMBER 15, THE SLOPES SHALL BE STABILIZED BY PUNCH STRAW INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 35.023 OF THE EROSION ANO SEDIMENT CONTROL HANDBOOK OF THE DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVA T/ON, STA TE OF CAL/FORl'IIA. TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL PLANTING A@ IRRIGATION ALL PERMANENT ANO TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL PLANTING ANO /RR/CAT/ON SHALL BE -INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED AS REQUIRED IN SECTION 212 OF THE STANDARD SPECIF/CATIONS AND THE FOLLOWING: A. HYDROSEEDING SHALL BE APPLIED TO: 1. ALL SLOPES THAT ARE GRADED 6: 1 (HORIZONTAL TO VERTICAL) OR STEEPER WHEN THEY ARE: 2. a. THREE FEET OR MORE IN HEIGHT AND ADJACENT TO A PUBLIC WALL OR STREET. b. ALL SLOPES 4 FEET OR MORE IN HEIGHT. AREAS GRADED FLATTER THAN 6: 1 WHEN ANY OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS EXIST: a. NOT SCHEDULED FOR IMPROVEMENTS(CONSTRUCTION OR GENERAL LANDSCAPING) WITHIN 60 DAYS OF ROUGH GRADING. b. IDENTIFIED BY THE PARKS AND RECREA T/ON DIRECTOR AS HIGHLY VISIBLE TO THE PUBLIC. c. HA VE ANY SPECIAL CONDITION IDENTIFIED BY THE CITY ENGINEER THAT WARRANTS IMMEOIA TE TREATMENT. 8. HYDROSEEOED AREAS SHALL BE /RR/GA TED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: 1. 2. 3. ALL SLOPES THAT ARE GRADED 6: 1 OR STEEPER AND THAT ARE: a. THREE TO EIGHT FEET IN HEIGHT SHALL BE /RR/GA TED BY HANO WA TERINC FROM QUICK COUPLERS/HOSE BIBS OR A CONVENTIONAL SYSTEM OF LOW PRECIPITA T/ON SPRINKLER HEADS PROVIDING 100% COVERAGE. b. GREATER THAN 8 'FEET IN HEIGHT SHALL BE WA TEREO BY A CONVENTIONAL SYSTEM OF LOW PRECIPITATION SPRINKLER HEADS PROVIDING 100% COVERAGE. AREAS SLOPED LESS THAN 6: t SHALL BE /RR/GA TED AS APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER, PRIOR TO HYOROSEEDING. THE DEVELOPER SHALL SUBMIT A PROPOSED SCHEME TO PROVIDE /RR/CATION TO THE CITY ENGINEER. THE PROPOSAL SHALL BE SPECIFIC REGARDING THE NUMBERS, TYPES ANO COSTS OF THE ELEMENTS OF THE THE PROPOSED SYSTEM. /RR/GA T/ON SHALL MAINTAIN THE MOISTURE LEVEL OF THE SOIL AT THE OPTIMUM LEVEL FOR THE GROWTH OF THE HYDROSEEDEO GROWTH. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE CHECK OF PROJECT DRAWINGS AND SPECIF/CA T/ONS CITY OF CARLSBAD DOES NOT RELIEVE ME, AS ENGINEER OF WORK, RESPONSIBILITIES FOR PROJECT DESIGN. i; "f:f C. HYDROSEEDINC MIX SHALL CONSIST OF ALL OF THE FOLLOWING: SETO MIX SHALL CONSIST OF NO LESS THAN: COFFEY ENGINEERING INC . , RESS: 10660 "" • s Ran " Blvd, Suite 102 , STA TE: Sar/Dien , CA FIRM· ADO CITY. TEL£ BY: 2131 1077 PHONE· I tisB)BJ1 0111 . V'- ' ,NS. :»c EY E. NO.: 62716 R.C. REC/ STRA TION EXPIR T/ON DA TE: 6/30/16 DA SOILS ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE /, JAIME CERROS , A REGISTERED (CIVIL/ GEOTECHNICAL) ENGINEER OF THE STA TE OF CALIFORNIA, PRING/PALLY DOING BUSINESS IN THE FIELD OF APPLIED SOILS MECHANICS, HEREBY CERTIFY THAT A SAMPLING AND STUDY OF THE SOIL CONDITIONS PREVALENT WITHIN THIS SITE WAS MADE BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION BETWEEN THE DA TES OF SEPTEMBER 19 , 20 1.J AND NOVEMBER 12 , 20].J_. TWO COPIES OF THE SOILS REPORT COMPILED FROM THIS STUDY. WITH MY RECOMMENDATIONS, HAS BEEN SUBMITTED TO THE OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER. SIGNED: G.E./P.E. NO.: ""20:..:0'-'-7 __________ _ DATE: LICENSE EXP/RAT/ON DATE: 9_/_3_0_'f_15 ____ _ OWNER'S CERTIFICATE I ( WE ) HEREBY CERTIFY THAT A REGISTERED SOILS ENGINEER OR GEOLOGIST HAS BEEN OR WILL BE RETAINED TO SUPERVISE OVER-ALL GRADING ACTIVITY AND ADVISE ON THE COMPACTION AND STABILITY OF THIS SITE. TlfRRA DEL ORO, LLC. DATE SOURCE OF TOPOGRAPHY ~ESSJ a. 20 lbs. PER ACRE OF ROSE CLOVER ~ s. Co_.. b. 20 lbs. PER ACRE OF ZORRO FESCUE ,! "' c. 3 lbs. PER ACRE OF E SCHOOL CIA CALIFORNICA -s d. 4 lbs. PER ACRE OF ACHILLEA MILLEFOLIA No. C062716 e. 3 lbs. PER ACRE OF AL YSSUM (CARPET OF SNOW) f. 1/2 lb. PER ACRE OF DIMORPHOLECA g. ITEMS c,d,e, ANO f OF THIS SUBSECTION MAY BE OMITTED ON LOCATIONS WHERf THE AR[A BEll'IG HYDROSfEDED IS NOT VISIBLE FROM EIT/'lfR A PVB!.fC STRf:ET OR RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES. h. ITEM a OF THIS SUBSECTION MUST BE /NOCULA TED WITH A NITROGEN FIXING BACTERIA AND APPLIED DRY EITHER BY DRILLING OR BROADCASTING BEFoRE HYl)ROSEEDING. i. ALL SEED MATERIALS SHALL BE TRANSPORTED TO THE JOBS/TE IN UNOPENED CONTAINERS WITH THE CALIFORNIA OEPARTNIENT OF FOOD AND A CR/CUL TUR£ CERnFICA T/ON TAC ATTACHED TO, OR PRIN1ED ON SAID CONTAINERS. j. NON-PHYTO-TOXIC WEmNG AGENTS MAY BE ADDED TO THE HYDROSEED SLURRY AT THE DISCRETION OF THE CONTRACTOR. 2. TYPE 1 MULCH APPLIED AT THE RA TE OF NO LESS THAN 2000 lbs PER ACRE. TYPE 6 MULCH (STRAW) MAY BE SUBSTITUTED, ALL OR PART. FOR HYDRAULICALLY APPLIED FIBER MATERIAL. WHEN STRAW IS USED IT MUST BE ANCHORED TO THE SLOPE BY MEGHAN/CALLY PUNCHING NO LESS THAN 50% OF THE STRAW INTO THE SOIL. 3. FERTILIZER CONSISTING OF AMMONIUM PHOSPHATE: SULFA T£ 16 20 0 WITH 15% , --• • SULPHUR APPLIED AT THE RA 1E OF 500 lbs. PER ACF?£. D. AREAS TO BE HYDROSEEDED SHALL BE PR [PARED PRIOR TO HYDROSEEOING BY: 1. ROUGHENING THE SURFACE TO BE PLANTED BY ANY OR A COMB/NAT/ON OF: PER THAN 6: 1 a. TRACK WALKING SLOPES STE£ b. HARROWING AREAS 6: 1 OR FLATTER THAT ARE SUFF/CIENTL Y FRIABLE. c. Rf PP/NG AREAS THAT WILL NOT BREAK UP USING ITEMS a OR b ABOVE. 2. CONDITION/NC THE SOILS SO THAT IT IS SUITABLE FOR PLANTING BY: SOIL MOISTURE TO PROVIDE A DAMP a. ADJUSTING THE SURFACE BUT NOT SATURATED SEED B ED. MENTS, PH ADJUSTMENT. LEACHING b. THE ADDITION OF SOIL AMEND COVERING SALINE SOILS " 0 PROVIDED VIABLE CONDITIONS FOR GROWTH. ED TO PROVIDE A VIGOROUS GROWTH UNTIL THE E. HYDROSEEOE:O AREAS SHALL BE MAINTAIN THE PROJECT IS PERMA/'if:NTL Y LANDSCAPE THE PERMANEl'fT LANOSCAPIIVC, UIVTIL D OR, FOR AREAS WHERE HYDROSEEOINC IS THE THE PROJECT IS COMPLE1ED A/VD ALL BONDS RELEASED. ''O" oC."' TOPOGRAPHY SHOWN ON THESE PLANS WAS GENERA TEO BY FIELD SURVEY METHODS FROM INFORMATION GATHERED ON NOVEMBER 15, 2013 BY JOSEPH C. YUHAS, LS 5211. CONSISTENCYDETERl\flNATIONE..XHIBIT VICINITY CITY or OCEANSIOE 7B MAP NOT TO SCALE CITY OF VISTA PACIFIC OCEAN BENCH MARK CITY or ENCINITAS DESCRIPTION: CITY OF CARLSBAD CONTROL POINT NO. 57 (CLSB-057). 2. 5" 0/SK IN ORAJNAGE BOX LOCA T/ON: SOUTHWEST CORNfR OF AVENI/JA ENCINAS AND CANNON ROAD. RECORDED: _________________ _ ELEVATION: 44.01' DA TUM: l'IGVD 29 REFERENCE DRAWINGS DWG 3052 (MAP) DWG 141-5 (SEWER) DWG 233-B (STORM DRAIN) WORK TO BE DONE THE GRADING WORK SHALL CONSIST OF THE CONSTRUCT/ON OF ALL CUTS AND FILLS, REMEDIAL GRADING, DRAINAGE FACILITIES, EROSION CONTROL FACILITIES, ANO PLANTING OF PERMANENT LANDSCAPING AND PREPARATION OF AS-BUILT GRADING PLANS, AS-BUILT GEOLOGIC MAPS AND REPORTS, ALL AS SHOW/'/ OR REQUIRED ON THIS SET OF PLANS Al'II) THE CITY STANOAROS, SPECIF/CA T/OIVS, RfQUIREM£NTS, RfSOLUT/ONS AND ORDINANCES CITED ON THESE PLANS. THE GRADING WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS, CURRENT AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCT/ON, AS DIRECTED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. 1. CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE 2. CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING STANDARDS 3. THIS SET OF PLANS 4. RESOLUTION NO. 7101 DA TED May 20, 2015 5. THE STANDARD SPECIF/CA T/ONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (GREEN BOOK}. 6. SOILS REPORT AND RECOMMENDA T/ONS ayGEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION, INC., _____ DA TED NOVEMBER 12, 2013 7. THE SAN DIEGO REGIONAL STANDARD DRAWINGS ANO AS MAY BE MODIFIED BY THE CITY OF CARLSBAD STANDARDS. 8. CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION DEVELOPMENT PERMIT CONDITIONS DATED __________ _ 9. ENVIRONMENTAL APPROVAL DOCUMENTS DATED ~N=/."-'A _____ _ 10. STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN PREPARED BY COFFEY ENGINEf.R((YC, 1/'IC. DA TEO ______ _ 11. STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN PREPARED BY N/A DATED ________ _ 12. CALIFORNIA STORM WA 1ER QUALITY ASSOC/AT/ON BMP CONSTRUCTION HANDBOOK ANO CAL TRANS COl'/SfflUCT/ON SITE BMP MANUAL. DESCRIPTION PROPERTY LINE ROW CENTERLINE (E) CONTOUR (P) CONTOUR (E) SPOT ELEVATION (P) SPOT ELEVATION LEGEND DWG.NO. DRAINAGE SWALE OR DIRECTION OF FLOW (P) RETAINING WALL (NON-STANDARD PER SEPARATE PERMIT) (P) CMU STEMWALL (P) WALL (P) BUILDING BASEMENT ADDITION (P) BUILDING FOOTPRINT (BUILDING ADDITION) (E) BUILDING FOOTPRINT (P) COBBLESTONE DRIVEWAY (P) CURB OUTLET -TYPE A (P) 6" PVC DRAIN LINE (P) 4" PVC DRAIN (P) LANDSCAPE DRAIN (P) PERMEABLE STONE WALKWAY (P) CONCRETE WALKWAY (P) COBBLESTONE PAVEMENT SDRSD 0-14 (MOD) SDRSD 0-25 *SEE MATERIAL t.A.YOUT Pl.AN LI. I FOR PAVEMENT MATERIAL UST REQUIRED TREATMENT CONTROL BMP TABLE TYPE DESCRIPTION OWNERSHIP MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT SYMBOL QUANTITY --''i.- ---90--- ---90--- \i,__ _ _,v L__J 1°1 SHEET NO. MAINTENANCE FREQUENCY EARTHWORK QUANTITIES SUSMP PROJECT PRIORITY CUT: ____ _,3"'0"'-0 CY ♦ FILL: JO CY* IMPORT: CY "AS BUILT" EXPORT: 1540 CY* REMEDIAL: CY ♦ POOL EXCAVATION IS 70 CY RCE EXP. DATE ** BUILDING EXCAVATION IS 1200 CY * GRADING OUTSIDE THE BUILDING NOT INCLUDING POOL REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR DATE I SH3TS I I SHlET I CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT GRA!llNC AND EROSION CONTROL PLANS FOR: TIERRA DEL ORO, LLC 5039 TIERRA DEL ORO TITLE SHEET APPROVED: JASON S. GELDERT TOPOGRAPHY SHOWN HEREON CONFORMS TO NA T/ONAL MAP ACCURACY STANDARDS. ~.· FORPROJECTN.O. Cl)\'5-2.,f Tu DllteJl\\s\ IS: CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT PROJECT LOCATION THIS PROJfCT IS LOCA TEO WITHIN ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBfR(S) 210 020 08 THE CALIFORNIA COOROINA TE INDEX OF THIS PROJECT JS: N 350 E~1=66"'5'---------- Dem Neu,.!City :planner RECO~NDEDBY Jo.w ~ ~ DATE 12-\15\15"' DAVID A. HAUSER DEPUTY CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. 33081 /1\ DATE INITIAL DATE REVISION DESCRIPTION EXP. 6/30/08 ENGINEER OF WQRI( CITY ENGINEER RCE 63912 EXPIRES 9/JQ/16 DAlE OWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. DATE INITIAL DATE INITIAL CHKD BY: CDP 14-05 487-2A OTHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL RVWD BY: I 1 l '''0'' NEW 4" ROLLED CURB AND GUTTER AT DRIVEWAY --------------------------·----- 4' p£R o-25 , Tf?AIIS(IIOII' 5.61 EXISTING 4" ROLLED CURB AND GUTTER AT NEIGHBORS FRONTAGE SAWCUT EXISTING CURB -BEGIN \_EXISTING ASPHALT PAVING, TO REMAIN - REPLACE IF OAMAGED CURB & GUTTER SECTION IMMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO D-25 CURB OUTLET TO BE PER S.D.R.S.D. G-2 (6" BOTH SIDES) MAINTAIN EXISTING FLOW SLOPE THROUGH NEW CURB AND GUTTER SECTION 1. SEE S.D.R.S.D. 0-25 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CURB OUTLIT STRUCTURE DETAIL ~ .,,,,. .,,,,. .,,,,. .,,,,. \ ~ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , \ \ \ \ CONSISTENCY OETERMlNATION EXHIBIT {\ ...... JfRPROJECTNO.CDIS:.Za.i ~N\ &, Date:1'lbshs: Don Neu, City Planner RECOMMENDED BY ,::);f:00 £,J.(. ~h)_ DATE i'2-\15\ I~ ' PRIVATE STORM DRAIN DATA SEGMENT SIZE TYPE SLOPE AB 4" PVC .010 BC PVC .010 55 OF 6" PVC .010 20 6" PVC .010 20 FH1 PVC .010 48 GH1 6" PVC .010 27 PRIVATE CATCH BASIN DATA TABLE SYMBOL DESCRIPTION RIM IE 4" PVC DRAIN 37.4 35.4 6" PVC DRAIN 34.8 30.7 6" PVC DRAIN 32.5 22.5 6" PVC DRAIN 21.5 20.0 6" PVC DRAIN 21.5 20.0 8" PVC DRAIN 21.5 19.8 6" PVC DRAIN 21.5 20.0 SUMP-PMP 25.5 16.0 (]) 6" PVC DRAIN 21.6 20.2 J ·1 1 ' I l I SH2ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD I SH3TS I ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLANS FOR: TIERRA DEL ORO, LLC 5039 TIERRA DEL ORO GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN APPROVED: JASON S. GELDERT CITY ENGINEER RCE 63912 EXPIRES 9/30/16 DATE OWN BY: I PROJECT NO. I DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: CDP 14-05 487-2A RVWD BY: \\ 5 II JELLYFISH DESfGN NOTES JELLYFISH lREATMENT CI\PACllY IS A FUNCllON OF THE CARTRIOOE SELECTION Mil THE NIIM5ER OF CARTRIIJGES. THE ST~ MANHOLE smE IS SHOWN. -· MANHOLE JELLYFISH F'EAKTREATMENT CAPACITYIS 0.45 CFS,AllllWIXIM\IM BYPASSCAPACI1YIS2.50CFS. IFTHE SITE CONDmONS EXCEED TOTAL CAPACITY, AN UPSTREAM BYPASS STRUCTURE IS REQUIRED. CARTRIDGE SELECTION CARTRIDGE DEPTH OUTl.ET INVERT TO SlRUCTVRE INVERT FLOW RA TE HIGH-FLO/ DRAINDOWN c:fa MAX. CARTS HIGH-FLOIDRAINDOWN MAX. BYPASS (cfl) MAX. TREATMENT (c:fa) 54• 7'-5" cart 0.46 MAX. lREATIIIENT AND BYPASS (cfs) OTAL CAPACITY 2.95 FRAME AND COVER (DIAMETER VARIES) N.T.S. HATCH (036" CAST INTO SLAB) N.T.S. SO:E SPECIFIC DATA RECMFIEMENTS STRUCTURE ID WATER QUALITY FLOW RATE dll BYPASS FLOW RATE "'9) PEAfl: FLCl'I RATE c:fa RETURN PERIOD OF PE:AKFLOW I OF CAftTR!IKlES REQUIRED HF/ DD CARTRIDGE S1i!E • 0.05 • 100 1/1 • PIPE llATA: I.E. MAT'L DIA SLOPE 'II HGI. 19.Q • • • • ll'&E:TIII! • • • • • OliTI.ET 18.6 • • • • SEE GENERAL NOTES &-10 ~ INLET AND OUTLET HYDRAULIC AND ~ZING Reg\/lREMENTS, RlMaEVATION Nm-Fl.0TATl0N BALLAST WICTH HEIGHT • • NOTESISPECIAL REQUIREIIIENTS: • PER ENGINEER OF RECORD \ \ \ \ \ ' I I -·~~-~~~,] BASE}A.E}iT FF=23. ~ PROPOSED MAiN _rp.-.-.-.-33_ o PROPOSED BASEMENT ADD!!lON fT"·"-22.0 PAfi,.0,-21.3 I J o I I CONSISTENCYDETERlv!INATION EX'1-tffiIT Q, FORPROJECTNO.C,t>IS~2~ 7--21,i,{ Date:12.l~ Don Neu,City Planner RECOMMENDED BY J;,_W\ ~4 (JJ'J... DA'JE: \'2.\\'S"\ 1'5'"' MAINTENANCE CONDITIONS: MAINTENANCE INTE/i/VALS FOR THE JELLYFISH FIL TE/ii SHOULD BE PERFORMfD QIJARrrRLY DURING THE FIRST YEAR TO ODFRM!NE A MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE. MAINTENANCE INTERVALS VARY DEPENDING ON UNIT APPLICATION. REMOVE SEDIMENT AND DEBRIS USING THE MAINTENANCE ACCESS PIPE. AFTER SEDIMENT REMOVAL CHECK CARTRIDGES FOR VIABILITY ANO NEED FOR REPlACEMENT. DISPOSAL FROM THE UNIT SHOULD BE DONE IN CONFORMANCE WITH LOCAL GUIDELINES. COURTYARD GENERe!:: "Pis§~ PREScRVATION OF EXIST/NC VECUAnON 8EY()M) PER EC-2, TYPlr:AI.. 1. CON I ECr! 1 0 PROVIDE AI.L MATERIALS UNLESS N0TED OTHERWISE. -- ¼"''"""-,-..,.,_,,,o·--·---.,_ 10 20 40 ! ; SCALE: 1 "= 1 O' 2. FORSITESFECiriC DRA1'11mi1SWITH CIETAIL.ED STRUCT1JRE DHNSfONS AND WEIGHT, PLEASE CONTACT YOUR CUNI ECh ENGINEERED S01.lilTlCNS REPRESE..TATIYE. -.cc:a..d:W,..m, 3. .IEU.TFISH WATER ~ITT STRWCT\/RE Sl¥iLl. BE IN ACCOffllANQE WITH ALL gE:SIGN DATA AND INFORIMTl0N CONTAtNel:> IN THIS DRAWING. CQN"TRACTCR TO CON'Flffl'II ST!M::TURE IIIIEETS REQVJREMENTS OF PROJECT. 4. STFlldC'NRE Sl1ALL MEET; IIIRM'I O l-!5-20 ~ PER AFPl«NING JURIS0!CTICIN REQ\llFCEMENTS, YfHICHEVER IS MORE: Si RiNG1:NT, ASSUMING EARTH WfER OF II' -3', ~ ~TER El.eYATION AT, OR BEi.OW, TI1E QUTLET f'IPE INVERT ELEVATION. ENGINEER Qf REQ0RD T0 CCNFIIGil AC'1\IAL GRC\JNlm'ATER ELEVATIClN. CASTINGS $HALL JIEET AASKTO 111008 LOAD RATING AND BE CAST WITH Tl1E CON1cCr, LOGO. 5. STRl.lt:'NRE S11ALL BE F'REQIIST CONCRETE CONFORMING TO ASTM c-478 ANO AASHTC LOAO FACT0R DESIGN r,iETHOC. 5. iNi,ET HGL l'l0T TO laJIQEE0 6" BEi.CW THE TOP CF THE MAW. DIIR!NG TNE PEAK DES!lm STCRlfi, OR 10-YE:Aft Si iJRM (WHICHeYER IS GREATER). 7. IHI.ET PIPE INWERI ~ATIQN VARIES Fff0M IJ" TO 8" MAXIM\JM PBOVE Tl1E 01.TLET PIPE INVERT. 8. OUTIET PIPE INVERT IS EQ\/AI. TO 'll'IE: CAR I RIWE llECK ELEVATION. 9. THE OVTLET PIPE DWIIC, ..:R l'0IR NEW INSTPII.IATICl'IS IS T0 BE 0NE f'lf'E SIZE LARGER THAN THE INI.ET f'1PE AT l=QUAL CR GREATER SLOPE. 10. TPE DlrFCJ.ICCE IN THE INIET MD 0lffiEI' PIPE EI.EVAm;!NS Fl1rs HE I ROFi i INSTAI.LATIONS T0 =XIS I IN6 STORM l:IRAIN PIPES SHALL BE EQUAL TC TPIE SLOPE OVER 111£ IMIUCT.11 r1F Tl'IE IW\lfl 10LE; N0T T"'= E.XCEED ~ 1111 YERTICAL biFFEIEIHIA\. BE l'WEBf fllru:T MO 01,ilLET PIPES. 11. NOFRJ.,..._,-S\ll!ISTITUTlCISlfflLL BEACCEPIS\> 111111.ESSSli&ili, 15D TOCIATSPRIORTO ~ EIID OATE, ~M 0i1C..IS\> c,Y1"E i:aNG\IGAuFREWRD. CONTECtr &NQ1ftiLkiD $OWTIQN$ ~ m.Cu111&ul1EiB,w:11 91125COffl!e PlllnlBDr., S11111>41lD, -~. OH 45llll9 8111>-331t1122 5 5 JELL YFfSH JF4 STANDARD OETAtL ONLINE CONFIWRATION • LEGEND DESCRIPTION PROPERTY LINE SILT FENCE PRESERVATION-OF -EXISTING INLET PROTECTION GRAVEL BAG BERM/BARRIER DIRECTION/COURSE OF FLOW HYDRAULIC MULCH/HYDROSEED STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE MATERIALS DELIVERY AND STORAGE AREA TEMPORARY TRASH/SOLID WASTE HAZAROOUS AND CONCRETE WASTE MANAGEMENT SANITARY WASTE (PORTABLE TOILET) • DWG.NO. SE-1 l:C-2 SE-10 SE-6 EC-1, EC-4 TR-1 WM-1 WM-5 WM-6, WM-8 WM-9 SYMBOL QUANTITY N45~5~5"W -D C C 200 LF t..L.L.t..L.t..i..t.. 12,450 SF @ 16 Ei\ ~ 20 Ei\ ~ 600 SF ffgglfggJ 280 SF WM-1 1 £A Wlv/-5 1 EA Wlvl-6 1 EA Wlv/-8 I WM-91 1 £A STANDARD DRAWINGS (SE-5, WM-5, ETC.) CAN BE FOUND AT THE CALIFORNIA STORMWATER QUALITY ASSOCIATION (CASOA) WEBSITE: http://www.cabmphandbooks.com/ BYF. SS MAH4 I e;w:;; CCE AO SSWALL A 11\A.W. BJIIFF\E WALL. L~ CONTRACTOR TO GRO\JT T0 FINISHED GRADE !)RADE RINGSIRISERS MA ff. ORIFICE BYPASS.clillliCIEMCE ACCESS ffAU. (rtl.AW.) ,tn0WFLEfflU INLET HGL MAX. 5LEYATiON SEE GErERAL. NOTE & S" MIN. INLET PIFE (12" Iii IIIAX.) SEE ,.,EHER.... NOTES 7 AMI 111 ~TDR SIIIRT JELL YFJSH JF4 STANDARD DETAA. ONLINE CONFIGURATION .. STEPS (l0CATICN IMYYJIRY) PLANVEW HI-HQ CARTRIWE FRAME:AND COYER SHOWN (NATCI, OPI ION l"~IISH mTH TOP OF SiRUCTUftEJ ..... , .. . · .. •· .... "· ,·.' . ·. . . -. • . .. ·· ~ P00lffEIR (8" l1IGHl OUTLET PIPE 1W fJ MAX.) aeena.ll NOTES8,9~11l CARTRIDGE DECK < "· ... ;,.. :-" ' . ... . . .. • • • ;I I SH3ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD I SH3TS I ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLANS FOR: TIERRA DEL ORO, LLC 5039 TIERRA DEL ORO EROSION CONTROL PLAN APPROVED: JASON S. GEUlERT CITY ENGINEER RCE 63912 EXPIRES 9/30/16 DATE OWN BY: PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. CHKD BY: CDP 14-05 487-2A RVWD BY: ,, r i\