HomeMy WebLinkAbout7456; CT 72-27; FLAVE LA COSTA; 01-02• I I I I r I I '. I ff4 /lere,by cerlif'y fhaf-we are f-lie ONMers of' dr are /??fel"esf-ed in f/;e land sv.f>diy/(/ed PY /-his /'l'?a,P any we fiere,6y consenl n, r/Je _;:v-~,...a.l/0,7 .;917,;I r~ror<ial/017 o/ r/J/s ma,.o- lhf.s /$ ,3 /?il:,',P of" a condo.mlntt//17 ;>rojecf as de iaecl /n Sec/ion 135"0 of fhe C/Y// Code ,:,f f, I Slale or C.?lil"orn;a J co11fa101n;7 a 177aximu1n or! .82 dwel/1n9 L//"llrS and 15 -hied ;:,vrsvanf- 1) ftie sul>d/v/sion Map Ac/-. g! r/ap,e J. Georg~ ✓r. c?17d Jt1dtfh C. 6et:1rge I flqs,6a11d' anc/ w/re as J,:,/17r 7'e17a17f-5. .5'f?1T.E Or CAf!FORAIIA } S'S 1.v#7Y OF LOS ANGcLE"S) 01'7 f/!is .3 da_y of' Oclo..6er , 1972, bef'ore !fe, . R. J. ~aT#R./D<Je: , a Nofary Pu/.,l/c /f and .f'ar s.a/d Covnly ancl Sld're /7ers0Ma//y .?/7176:'?recl' /-7ave J 4-eor.:uf , ,;,,-. ~r -,,,fd ,J«d //; c Geo;-qe kpown · fo ,1ne ro .be fhe ,Perso17s whose 17#/nes are sb.bscri6ed /-',:, rhe a.boye /ns/rd/776'171 and )~know/edged 'TO ffle /-hdf They execured rhe srme. . 1} WIT/Vess WllcREOr, .7 /Jaye hereunro sef 17lf h"P/7d and arf'ilfed /77.f Of'f/cial Seal. ,.n sa/d Cbu17f_y and Sfa/e; :/-he day and ye,yr /17 .This cerht'ic~ 1'", rsf a/Jove wrifren. I Ci? llofery -v/,//c in and f"c:1 CcPnfy and Sfafe MAP NO. •••~u FLAVE LA COSTA Sul>d!'v1sioa 5:,,a;-.i7nlee .6y 5ect1;-if y T?lle .T11svra/lce Company -t?rde,,_. Ab. "5-48t1,4,3/ BEING A SUBDIVISION OF LOTS 60 AND 61, LA COSTA-SOUTH UNIT NO. I, MAP NO. 6117, AS FILED IN THE COUNTY RECORDER·s. OFFICE, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA- • ffe, C'ol./11-ly J;-ea:svr&r ol /he Col./nl_y of' Sal? j)/e go. Srare cl t:'al//orn1'a, C',:,unry Cl7!J/aeer of" S,,l/d CoC/ary, and ,P,.rec/or of £Jepar/1'77er,I' of" Sa171/ahor1 a,-,d Flood C:711/rol o/ Sa/d C"odnry, ,ier-e,6y cera/y /17.:lf !here are /70 4'/7)'.:Vd spec/a/ assessme✓1rs ()/" 00l7t75 Wl7/Ch /Tl8Y be ,,oa/d Ir} rv/1, s/2own ,6y fhe books or ovr cf"//ces, agai,..,sf f-he rrac/ or svbd/vis/017 or eny ,Parf /neroor ShO;W/'J (Jl'J rne 3/711e)(ed ma;" dnd de,.cr/i,ecl /rl :fne c<ai',,,ol-1011 -rkreo/. By: -tef,ffj ~a6 D~pul .. IIM iAYLO,e Coqrdy' €1"191°/,e,:;- CJ. /IOdS0,1/ .8y, ,t)/red,;r ,,,, l)e,P«li"me,.,f ,,, :MnifJf/bp q>17q R'ol?d C,,,.,frol /0~11-1:- Pa-led I l'orfer !). Creman5 ~ Clerk ol Ille Board ,..;: 5v,oe;-nsors ,.f' f.l;e CoC/n/y of San D1e90., cerf/:/y fhal. s,;,/ef 80c1rd or Su,Perv'/$,:1/"'S 17d'$ a17,t7r0Yed ll11s mi/p• £1ated/ahb2-- SHEET OF 2-SHEETS I, George Wtlliam ,e,,,se., a L/i::ensed Land Sl/rveyor, cerr/l'y fhal fhe .surYeJI of' fhis .sv/Jc/;y;j,;bn wa,s made by me o;-under my d/recl1on oa ;? ..rvne /972 and .sa/d .suryey is :frue and complefe as shown; fhaf 1770nv/"17enl-.s of rhe charac/er /nc/;cqfed haP'e oeen sel or found al /-he subd/y/sion bound.i7ry corners and are sut'·l"icienf f-o ena,6/e -"'he sl./rrey f-o ile re/raced- G. 11/1//ian? Rose ,L./cel"!secl £qnd Sl./r.reyor /Vo . .347:9 I, Ii M. Tay/or , Covl7ry cn91neer1 cerr1r'y f'hol- I /781/e eX8/'77//7ed 1'/vs mB,P ; -fhar fhe sv.6d/vis101"1 is SI./PST'ci'l7T'l8/ly rhe .Sc7/17e a~ /I a,o,Pea/"ed on fne J?l7rar/ie map Bl7d 6'.!7Y a,Pprdl/ed' a/rersr/0"75 thereof'; 7'/Jal' al/ rhe _proy1s11n~. or rhe . .9vbdlv/s/O/'l A1sp /tc:f 6'/7d £)////S/017 / or' 7Yr/e B o.,C .rhe Sa/7 P/e50 Covnry Code ha//e been cotnpliecl wirh ; a17d I a/7? safis.f'/ed rha-f rh/s ma,,o IS rechnica/-'y co;-;-ecf. If. M. TAYLOR Covnf_y cng/hee/" .7 l'brler l? Oe/17#,?S C/e;-,e of fhe Board or Sv;:,erwsors' here.6y cerf-/1) rhaf rhe PrcJI//S/017:S of' c:.'½apl'er .:.?, ,P.ilrr ...?, £>/P'/5/017 4, or I-he ,Bu.:,//7e:SS a/?d ?roless/on5 Code ha11e ,bee/7 ?'"'m,P//ed w//h reyar~i7g de,.oos/1'.:s ror r-a...res ,:117 rhe ,Pro,Per/-y w;l,1,,/n r/2>?.s svfu:://v/,s/an. ;;;~:1 f~ 5{;1,_1A#S . lla,) AJ~. of 51.1,,oernsors; /o/;7/7:::l.., · ---~-- Af'pro yeq' as /'o N/"/77: ROBERT t; . .BcRRBE~-~~~-. Couniy Cot/nse/ ., ~~ ~. Pep<1:l'y · I hereby -i',P,Prore ///e na=e FLAY£ !..A COSTA fbr /he 5'l/b Q///"::,Jo11 shown on :fne 8/717exed map. //ARLEY r. BLOOM (}, ~ /l . · County Reaor<?'er 'd_y·~Oafed/o-.t./-?Z Pepvfy . hie ;Vo. ,2 7 fOo/ I, #ar/4y r. 8/,,,om, Recorder ol' /k Cbul'?T.Y of'· ,5'.;;n O/e9,,,; l?ere .b_y cer/hj rhar .I /;ate ,accepled /er recordaf/,,,n lhis mc1p r'!le✓ -fl' tile ;-e'f_C/e57" a;?° c;. . ff//1/am. ~se fh/:, I /' di!)! 0 f OcroB&/<. , /97.2, .af q-:/ 'f o'clock _:....t::f_. #ARLEY P. BLOOM ti / /) _ ~ . Co,;11/y Recor,:/er By: ~ • · Pe17ufy Fee #__:?.:..:.. 0:::,_0;;;__ __ _ • -- AF 83° oe, '28H ,e, ZCOO' ,( ; ,.2 .9. 0/. T~/773' A• l 027'C,?" R• 380. oo' J.. ~ 9_;;,2' T= 4.81' ' FLAVE SU/3£)/ J/1 S/01\1 LA COSTA ' ~I ~ CASTILLA rd ¾ ' /;-cP ,/j;o.£ t.. $. 2 tf, ,J 2 jN?r Niip ;¼. ?117 BOUNPAR Y t.dr 1 0. 7~ Acres I \j \ '1- ~I ~1 I. ,·i ··1·· _-:r·J ... '-·• .) ' ( WAY Z6'4. !S' 148.oCJ' ' . (L ('.\ ·:r· ::";C:) ' MAP NO. ' ----------,-, --,,,,o-, -,---,--=--c:c,, ... ,,:ca1,,t""1~iJ1"""\ r, "'~1,.-,, •""'i"""•l,.1, 7456 SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS • s.oo' .... ' . .... • ' -... .; rd Pk. .............. .. ~ (;78.?4" /1-'la-Jl"' ,f//7{ ,;;,1,;,e_) 1, (/680{'! 'Ma;s ~/17 t if✓if'!!) /78 34' Sl/8£)///ISIO/V BO?INOA£V ;,:;;,7 o,;, F----------------_;:..:.:;:.::::=--------,-------~;:;.::,:.:.;_:.:..::.:.:. ___ ~~::::.@!::..----..:;.:.::,.:..:.;::.:,::..; __ 4 _____ _.;:::::.::.;_· :::., _____________ ..;:... ............. -~-~ _?._::,'_oo__ 0 1Vi, Rer. (),J3'c, C. 0. #. ().I,; ac<N,pkd) Al 0 6 04'30° W. ;V {J'o.3'4,f"/4( /2"#,1"'6" $//7l~f6,V , 402. ss' ! Fd ¾' lmn ,P;pe m.vrh;d Fd, ¼ "/ro,7 fo))e ,r,;rfsd L.. S, Z~02 ,Pi'I'" ;1/¥f' Alo. ~l/7, tJ.IJB';,/, (;Vol a<Jc,;,p/ed) R<?tJBI Fd Cone !V&1/ Z"lrcJ» ,0pe. »-73rM L:S. 3~79. O 05' ;ti, No Ref: Renx,r,N::I C,,,;.,c. ;//,;vi I Se/ P,f:' I Tag t.6. ..3479 @ Trve ,Po;i:,/ BASIS Or Bc"ARl!VGS The. Ba.sis cf" ,Bearing,; -!'or fhi,; /778,P IS #le cenkr //oe or IV£v.,.,,,.,,,.,. ,0,,-/;,,&- 5hoN n on Mal? Alo. 6117 of !:.A COs[A-_ ,, SOL/Th' i1/,,V/T ,,Yo. I as 1'earin;1 IV 89 "Si 14 E $,:,1/.s re,Porrs COY<'l'riny rhe /of.s wll-1,in 7771:S S«6d/v,d,-,b1? 1¥,:!"re /17.ade 017 Marc/2 8, /9<Pd by £!e17f-on 6:n9~neer/n!l I/7c. The nal77e of_l-he en51neer n7ai:1n9 rhe:-.e re,Porf-5 was P/11/;p fl. /3enron , ,R'. Ci:. l033Z. T/?!B ?u/Jt/;y1:S/Jfl 1;,:,17/;;11»5 / 77 ,-0:;;_""s q1-css ;'Pc-I /1,w /,:,l,z/ 11t1mbe,-o-f io/9 /e I. -I .. I ,:._ s zr;oz p,v Jtsp µ,_ ~117 , d()4'E. (Ab/ ;rccepled) ' _/j// /.:\ ;:::: . lf/(). Leti£NP • /11dtt:iiles c1, 2" x :?4"/n:w P_pe w1//; filg s/,;Q7ped L. §. 3479 sel /hsl;. 0 /11dlciiles a slreel survey monumen/ (.$'/,I Owg. JIO ,?/BJ sef per H.;rp #9 6/17 0 !11dic,1fes ,; s:freel svrv.ey tm'ntNPenl (SH Ag. JI? J'IB) sel ~r H4p ;V!? ,;-1,;.?. @ /17d/e,rfes ;i l'oand mo11ome11I NS des<:ribed nereo/7. • - ---<:::,, = rd ¾" lrcwJn ,'. S. ,;!C,O,J per /Vi7p ;Vg r:;1I7 #5<!!'7 f "//O# /f~ /?!Krh>d L. 9. 3'179 ,...,. ' ----:-s-0 "'\ ~ <::::,, ,"~ ' ¾ ,~\ ~ ~ q ,,, ~ NO f1Cl1L£ C V/d/AI/TY #llP