HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 72-20; LA COSTA VALE UNIT NO. 1; PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION; 1971-10-22I BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. PHILIP HENKING BENTON r,u:s101tN'1 • CJVfL IENGtNl:IEfl Rancho La Costa Route 1, Box 2550 Encinitas, California 92024 APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS - FOUNDATIONS 0741 EL C-"JON BOULEVARD SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 1211S October 22, 1971 r SAN DtS:GO, 583-!5654 LA ME�A, 469-515!5<& Subject: Profect No. 71-10-lBF Pr.!_limlnary Soils Investigation C, -=, f;>-;)..O umi 1LaCOJta Vale No. 1 ► Northwest of t&. Intersection of La Costa Avenue and Rancho Santa Fe RoodLo Costa Area, Son Diego County, Califomlo Gentlemen: CONCLUSIONS It is concluded from the field Investigation and laboratory te$t results that: 1.The medium firm to very firm natural soils are suitable for support of the pro•posed fills and/or residential structures. However, loose or porous compressible upper sol ls, similar to those encountered to a depth of 6.5 feet in Bori ng 2-11, and to 6.0 feet In Bodng 18-IV, may be expected to exist In certain low areas. lt ls recommended that thesematerials, and slmilar materfals be removed, and that the compacted fi fled ground and/orfootings be placed on the underlying natural soils determined sultoble For Founc:lotton support.Abo potent I ally expansive clayey fine sand, sandy cloy, silty clay, and clay soi Is were foundin certain areas and speclol ly designed footings and slabs are recommended where these ex­pansive soils are allowed to remain in ploc• within the vpper 3 feet below finished grade. 2.It Is concluded from the results of the laboratory tests t�ot the natural sot Is,suitable for structural support, have a safe bearing capacity of at least 2500 pounds per square foot for one foot wlde continuous footi�1 ploc:ed at least one foot below firm undisturbed natural grvund surface. Tho s.ttlement of a one foot wide continuous footing loaded to 2500 pounds per llneol foot and founded on suitable undisturbed natural sol.ls Is estimated to be less than 1/8 Inch. 3.The results of the laboratory •xponslon tests Indicate thot certain of the clayey fine sand, silty clay, sandy clay, and clay soils encountered in the lnvesttgatlon would be con­sidered as "expansive" 10111. Therefore, ln order to avoid the use of spectally designed footings and slobs, It fs recommended that, wherever practlcablo, the "expansive•• sofls bll.t�ed to a I 'l/;(J b£p. S € P " ''frl),f t1rr,., 1 '8?2s1010.21 ?,1 Project No. 71-10--lSF La Costa Vale No. 1 -2-October 22, 1971 depth of 3 feet below prcposed ftnished grade and be replaced wtth nonexpanslve soi 11 uniformly compacted to at least 90 percent of maximum dry density. In fl I led ground areas, al I "expansive " soils should be placed at least 3 feet below the Frnal compacted fill surface. If "expansive" sotls are allowed to remain in the upper 3 feet below finis~ grade, it Is recommended that footings and slab. b. 'f)ecially designed. The required special design will be dependent upon the degree of expansion potential of the soil, the thickness of the layer, and the location of the expansive loyer with respect to the footings or concrete slabs. The lots requiring specially designed footings and slobs wtll be listed upon the completion of grading. 4. All of the sofls may be satfsfactorJly compacted In the fJI I areas and, when com- pacted to at leost 90 percent of maximum dry density, have a safe bearfng capacity of at least 1650 pounds per square foot for one foot wide footings placed 1 foot below the compacted ground surface. The settlement of a one foot wide continuous footing placed on fill soils uniformly com- pacted to ot leost 90 percent of maximum dry density is estfmatod to be on the order of 1/8 Inch. It is recommended thot all ,oft, loose, or compressible sons existing in proposed compacted filled ground areas bo removed os required by the soils engineer and the compactod filled ground bo placed on firm natural sotls. Recommendations for the placement of fllled grourd are presented in the attached "Standard Specifications for Placement of Compacted FIiied Ground," Appendix AA. 5. A. Post experienco Is making excavations in the sflty clay onddoyey slit formations in the La Costa area has indicated that the slopes should be cut on o slope rotio of 2 horizontal to 1 vertical or flatter. It should be noted that any cut slopes in areas such 01 the plastic clay and claystono below 8. S feet in Boring 5-11 should be no steeper than 3 horizontal to 1 vertical. It is concluded from the test data that cuts made In other types of ,oils and rock formations may be safely excavated on a slope ratio of 1 1/l horizontal to 1 vertical for heights up to at least 50 feet. Slope stability analyses ore shown on Drawl~ Nos. 22 and 23. 8. The fill soils, when uniformly compacted to at least 90 percent of maximum dry density tn accordance with the approved specifications, will be stable with an adequate foctar of safety when constructed on a 1 1/2 horizontal to 1 vertical slope for heights up to 30 feet. The above conclusions assume that suitable erosion control and proper drainage will be provided to prevent water from runnfng over the top of exposed slopes. 6. Both cutting and fllltng ore r•qulred for development of the site. Residences may be constructed partly on cut and partly on fill provided the load-settlement characteristics of the natural soils and the compacted frlled ground ore comparable. If any soil types are encountered during the grading operations that were not tested in this investigation, additional laboratory tests wlll be conducted in order to determine their physical characteristics and supplemental reports and recommendations wrll automatically become a part of the speciflcations. Project No. 71-10-lSF La Costa Vale No. l -3-October 22, 1971 The dot a presanted on page 1 to 8, Inclusive, ond on Drawing Nos. 1 to 23, incluslve, as wall as Appendices M, A and B, ore a part ef this report. Respectfully submitted, BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. By ~~/ f {7~k Mcae . opt Rovlewedby1~ ~ Wllllam G. Cotiln, sv ngneer Distr: (4) Rancho La Costa, Inc. (2) Rancho La Costa, Inc. Attention: /IN. Burton L Kromer (2) Rick Engineering Company Project No. 71-10-lSF La Costa Vale No. l Discussion -4-October 22, 1971 PRELIMINARY SOILS INVESTIGATION A preliminary soils investigatton has been completed on the proposed La Costa Vale Unit No. 1; located northwest of the intenection of la Costa Avenue and Rancho Santa Fe Road, San Diego County, California. The location ls more specifically referred to as a portion of Section 31, T. 12S., R. 'JW ., portions of Section 36, T. 12S., R. 4W ., portions of Section 1 , T 13S. , R. 4W., and portions of Section 6, T 135. , R. 3W., San Bernardi no Base and Meridian, San Otego County, Callfomfa. The obiectives of the investigation were to determine the existing sofl conditions ci,d physical properties of the soils in order that engineering recorMlendotions could be pre- sented for a safe and economJcal foundation design and for the development of the proposed building sites. In order to accomplish these objectives, ten borings were drilled, and repre- sentative undisturbed and loose bog samples were obtained for laboratory testing. General The proposed subdivision Is located on the south side of the valley extending easterly from Batiquitos Lagoon. La Costa Vale Unit No. 1 is located primarily on the higher lands near the crest of the hills forming the south rim of the valley. Drainage is primarily northerly; future drotn~e will be Into streets and storm drains. According to the soil map prepared by the U. S. Department of ~riculture, the upper soils have been grouped into four categories. They are as follows: · 1) Altamont clay, which consists of 0.8 foot of moderately compact cloy, 0.9 to 3.5 feet of very compact i~ularly calcareous clay, and bedrock. 2) OIJvenhaln loamy fine sand, which consists of 0.5 to l .4 feet of friable loamy ftne sand, 1.5 to 1.7 feet of very compact solonetz clay, and bedrock, partially consolidated. 3) Huer.huera fine sandy loam, which consists of 0.7 to 1 ,4 feet of friable fine sandy loam, 0.7 foot of very compact solenetz sandy clay loam, 1.0 foot of moderately com- pact columnar sandy clay loom, 1.7 to 1.9 feet of moderately compact, moderately calcareous, fine sandy loam, and slightly compact sandy loam. 4) Las Posas stony fine sandy loam, whlch consists of 0.5 foot of friable stony fine sandy loam, 1 .0 foot of slightly compact columnar stony fine sandy loam, 1 .1 to 1.7 feet of moderately compact 5tony fine sandy loam, and bedrock. The major soil types encountered in the exploration holes, as classified in accordance with the Untfled Soil ClasslfJcatlon Chart were clayey sand, sandy clay, claystone, cloy, sllty sand, 111 ty cloy, and sandy siltstone. Profect No. 71-10-lSF La Costa Vale No. l Field Investigation -5-October 22, 1971 Ten borings were drllled with a truck--mounted rotary bucket-type drlll rig at tho cpproximate locations shown on tho attached Drawfng No. 1, entttled "Location of Test Borings." The borings were drfl led to depths of 12 to 63 feet below the existing ground surface. A continu- ous log of the soils encountered in tho borings was recorded at the time of drilling cmd Is shown in detail oo Drawing Nos. 2 to 18, fncluslve, each entitled "Summary Sheet. 11 The soils were visually classlfted by fleld Identification procedures in accordance with the Unlftad Soll Classlflcatton Chart. A slmpltned descrtptton of this classification system ls presented in the attached ,Appendix A at the ~ of this report. Undisturbed samples were obtained at frequent Intervals, where pouible, ln the aolls ahead of the drilling. The drop weight used for driving the sompling tube into the soils was the "Kelly" bar of the drill rig which weighs 1623 pounds, and the average drop was 12 inches. The general procedures used in field sampling are described under "Sampling" In ~dlx B. Laboratory Tests Laboratory tests were perfonned on all undisturbed samples of the soils In order to determine the dry density, moisture content, and shearing strength. The results of these tests ore presented on Drawing Nos. 2 to 18, tnclualve. Consol1datlon tests were performed on representative sam- ples in order to determine the load-settlement characteristics of the.soils. The results of these tests ore presented on Drawing Nos. 19 lo 21, Inclusive, each entrtled "Consolidation Curves. 11 The general procedures used for the laboratory tests ore described brlefly in Appendix 8. Direct shear tests were performed on selected loose sotl samples remolded to 90 percent of maximum dry density and on selected undisturbed samples that were all saturated and drained pr1or to testing. The results of these tests are presented below1 Boring 1, Sample 2 Depth: 11 • 0 feet Boring 1, Sample 6 Depth: 31.0 feet Bor1ng 2, Sample 5 Depth: 26.0 feet Borlng 2, Sample 8 Depth: 42. 0 feet Normal Load in kips/sq ft 1.35 3.93 3.37 5.42 M:iximum Shear Load kiJ)V'sq ft 1.891 3.85 3.84 5.06 Angle of Internal Frictton Degrees 38.0 Apparent Cohesion lb/sq ft 820 Project No. 71-10-18F -6-October 22, 1971 Lo Costa Vale No. 1 Maximum Angle of Nonnal Shear Internal Apparent Load tn Load Frictton Cohesion kips/sq ft kips/sq ft Degrees lb/sq ft Boring 1, Sample 5 1.0 1.43 28.5 900 Depth: 26.0 feet 2.0 2.10 4.0 3.01 Boring 4-11, Bag 2 * 0.5 0.70 33.0 390 Depth: 4-5 feet l .0 1.20 2.0 ·1.93 Boring 5 .. f f, Sample 2 0.5 1.05 44.0 570 Depth: 6 feet t.O 1.98 2.0 2.9'2 Boring 16-IV, Sample 3 0.5 1.14 45.0 ** 640 · Depth: 8 feet 1.0 1.65 2.0 3.74 Boring 19--IV, SarJ1>le 2 0.5 1.0'/ 27.0 . 820 Depth: 7 feet 1.0 3.33 2.0 1.84 Boring 19-IV, Bog 3 * 0.5 0.52 34.0 190 Depth: 14-15 feet 1.0 0.86 2.0 1.41 * Remolded to 90 percent of maximum dry density ** Arbitrarily reduced Using the values of angle of internal friction and apparent cohesion detennined as shown above, and the Terzaghi formula for local shear failure, safe allowable bearing values for the weakest soils are determined on the following page. - Project No. 71 .. J0-18F La Costa Vale No. f -7-October 22, 1971 Local Shear Fonnula: Q'd = 28 (2/3 CN'c + Y Of N'q + Y BN'y) (1) . Continuous footing 1 foot wide = 2B (2) Depth of footing = 1 foot = Of (3) Q• Safe= Q'cy'3 (Factor of Safety} Boring 19-IV, Bag 3 (P.emolded to 90 percent of maximum dry density) Depth 14-15 feet <l> = 34.00 N'c = 23.0 C = 190 lb/sq ft N'q = 13.0 Y = 120 lb/cu ft N'y=8.5 Q ' Safe= 2 __ (1_90 __ } (-'--23_. __ 0} + 1_2_0 _(1_3._0} + 120 (8.5) = 1660 lb/sq ft 9 3 6 Use 1650 lb/sq ft . Boring 19-IV, Sample 2 Depth 7 feet <l>=27.rf' N'c = 16.5 C 820 lb/sq ft N' =7.5 q Y = 119 lb/cu ft N'y = 4.0 Q 1 Safe= 2 (820} (16.5) + 119 (7 .5) + 119 (4.0) = 3386 lb/sq ft 9 3 6 Use 2500 lb/sq ft In addition to the above laboratory tests, expansion tests were perfonnecf on some of the clayey soils encountered to detennine their volumetric change characteristtcs with change in moisture content. The recorded expansions of the samples are presented as follows: Percent Expanslon Under Unit Load of Depth of 150 Pounds per Square Boring Sample Sample, Soll Foot from Air Dry No. No. in Feet Description to Saruration 1-11 · 1 2.0 Grayish-brown fine sandy clay 11.50 4-11 1 2.0 Brown clayey fine sand 4.84 4-11 5 21.0 Ollve-groen claystone 9 .16 5-11 4 16.0 Olive-green claystone 10.28 16-IV lA 1.5. P.eddlsh-brown fine sandy clay 8.18 19-IV 1 3.0 Olive silty clay 4;00 The general procedures used for the laboratory tests are described briefly in Appendix B. Proloct No. 71 .. 10-lSF La Costa Vale No. 1 -8-October 22, 1971 Compaction tesn were performed on represontattve samples of the soils to be excavated to establish compaction criteria. The soi Is were tested according to the A. S. T. M. D 1557-661 method of compaction which uses 25 blows of a 10 pound rammer dropping 18 inches on each of 5 layers in a 4 inch diameter 1/30 cubic foot mold. The results of the teats are presented as follows: Maximum Optimum .V.01s- ~ring Bag Depth Soil Ory Density ture Content No. Sample in Feet Description lb/cu ft % dry wt 1-11 1 1-2 Greenish-brown fine sandy clay 118.8 12.2 2-11 1 2-3 Brown clayey fine to medium 128.0 9.2 sand 4-11 2 4-5 Grayish-brown silty fine sand 117 .o 13 .1 19-IV 3 14-15 Lfght brown st I ty fine to 118.5 12.0 medium sand ~ ~~ ~ -----_,......,,...--~ ',\ \ '\ I \ I \ I I _j__ Li ~_,... >--·~z -----~ ,_,--____ '-~ . " ' \ , I I \ 8 0/INIWIY Pf'.DJClr ,;.v '.I ~ ;;. a '\ if I LB :'\', I ') ( i / '?' '(•· l4t /407 /l ~ tndicat•s Approximalt Locot,on or T••' Boring l'ROJfcr NO. TO• l •IIJ~ * hdlcatN .. PPf'OlltnOfl Loco/Iott of ,.,, Sori"f ~NOJu:r NQ. 70-,-~,, ■ 1nOca,1r1 /Jppa.imot, Loca,io,, ol T,st Soring /IROICCT NO, ro • Z • Z ¥8 BENTON ENGi NEERING, INC• IC• SAN SAN DUGO, CALIFORNIA LOCATION OF TEST BORINGS LA COSTA VALE UNIT NO. I DIEGO COUNTY1 CALIFORNIA ~•onCT NO . D■AWIHG 71-IO-!8F I - -NO - ·,·, -. '., ·i -- ..!! ')· 0 ; > ·-0 1 u . "'-' .s t ''.t!. t- ... ::e G Q '· -'- ! :r ti:; .... 1M D. ... u 0 ' .. SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO . 1 _ .•..• 1:LLV/d,Ot! ... .213 .~ .. ,___ vu-1.,.__..,.. -·-· ... .. . .. . :·:·:·.·::. Dark Gray, Slightly Moist, FINE SANDY CLAY '. · ... .-·.• · loose ] ........ . ::::·:.::: Gray, Slightly Moist, Firm, 2 ":·:::::: lean ~·light Yellow~rown, Slightly ,.. v._x;;.: Moht Verv Firm ,J / / t/ / 4--/ / I/ ' / / ~I/' / ~ ffl 6-·v-/ / / . 7-"· / / / / , 8-:--!/ / Dark Olive-gray With Oral'Ge- brown, Moist, Very Finn, Badly Jointed Claystone / / -----------v / ---,. 9-/ / light Olive-brown to light / Brown, Moist, Very Firm , 1 / / ,., / / 11--fW7 / 12 r/ / /' / ✓ / 1; / / . .. . . .. . . 14--. .. - Light Gray-brown With Orarge- brown, Moist, Very Fi rm, P0<:kets of Slightly Silty Fine to 1--'------t Medium Sand 15-: : : : 1~ ~ .... . . . . 17- 0 -Indicates loose 8~ Sample VERY FINE SANDY CLAY SILTY FINE SAND SILTY CLAY CLAYEY FINE SAND Q -Indicates Undisturbed Drive Sanple 9.7 16.6 ~05.0 3.76 14.6 18.2 105.9 2.92 24.3 13.2 118.9 3.72 * -'The elevations shown on these Summary Sheets were obtained by lnterpolatll'l} between contou!'l 5hown on a topographic drawi~ prepared by Rfck Ergineering Company, dated October 15, 1969 • I kr '"""' .,.. :..... tll 0 .... -~7-----·· -···· .. ·--·-··•------------·-· -------···-·-········-- :: : : Light Gray-brown, With Orcl"(Je- 8 : : : : brown, Moist, Very Finn, : : : : Pockets of Slightly Silty Fine to 19 : : : : Medium Sand //// Light Olive-gray With Ora~e- 20-/ , brown, Moist, Very Firm, / / Pockets of Slightly Silty Fine 21 . ~ to Medium Sard and Silty Fine Sand / / // 22 -/ / / / 23.,.. / // // 24-.,.. / / / / ,/ 25-/ / 26-~ V / / / 27-/ / V / / 28-/ / // , / / 29 / / Light Olive-gray With Some Purple, Moist, Very Finn / / Light Olive-gray With Orof'Ge-, / / 30--r/ / Brown 31 ~ // 32·-" /. ,/ / / // /, 33 -v / 34 / / / / / // 35-/ / , / ,/ 36 J7L CLAYEY FINE SAND SILTY CLAY SILTY CLAY (CLA YSTONE) Continued on Drawl~ No. 4 . PROJECT NO re-2-2.te BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. 34. J 12.3 118.9 4.84 66.8 11.8 120.7 4.33 58.0 12.5 120.7 5.44 69 .6 1 l. 1 124. 9 7 .50 ·---•··_J DiiA W,,ING NO . I .... • ~ 2 -8 u 0 ...J Gil 0 ... ~ :r ::u .... .., ..... w 0 Light Olive-gray With Orarge- 40-rr,._,,--,--, brown and Red-bro'M'\, .Moi5t, .....,_.,... Very Finn 53-- SILTY CLAY (CLA YSTONE) ContirYJed on Drowi'l) No. 5 43.3 JJ.8122.17.50 63.0 12 .o 120.9 7 .50 82.8 12.2 125.1 7 ,50 i I I I I I Ill) 0 ~ :x.:Z .... "' ...... "" I C J I r-~3-I --· I I li~h-t··o1iv-e-gray With Ora(Ge--- ....... ~ .... brown and Red-brown, Moist, ____ _, Very Fi rm ,__,,.__"'4 Gray 'With Dark Red-brown, "'""--"""-1 Moist, Very Firm SILTY CLAY (CLA YSTONE) 92.0 13.0121.77.44 99 .6 13 .0 123 .9 7 .50 . I IC 0 ..., ,: ~ ....... ~ ..... ... i O . I I r--o---------·---1 Dark Gray, Moist, Medium I loose I I l I· I I • I Li9ht Olive-gray With Dork ----1 ~-'-.<I Red-brown and Orarge-brown, . .__ ......... ~ h\oist, Medium Firm SILTY CLAY (CLA YSTONE) Continued on Drawl rG l'b . 7 22.7 14.3114.9 2.35 I 30.8 13. 1 122,.0 4 .49 I 40.6 14 .5 119 -~ 7 .50 i I J I . I I I ~-----_,. __ ,........_..---...-..._-·•·-------· _______ ___...,_ ___ ·r----··· .... ·-.. ·---i PROH:<..l NO ~•RA ,,·.•:to NO. ! .;u\,...Q..A,a Rf-NTntJ S::tl.lf~ifJJ:.Cl>Ujr-,._1r ... _;_ . 0 z .! 0 -> 0 ... ... 0 u ~ 141 ~ ID 0 ... ::d;:; ....... L.._ 141 0 ....... 24-·. ····· ..... 25-· ::.·.-::··_-_· . ... . ·.·· 26 ~~?:# . ········· ·······-··· .· ... ·.··· -·····.· ... .. ·········· •, .. •···. 29-_··.-:·_::. ··.···. :.,• ..... '• ····.·. 32--•·:•.·· .;. ... . . . ·· ..... •, VERY FINE TO FINE SANDY CLAY (CLA YSTONE} Continued on Drawirg No, 8 63.4 11.4 120.2 4.73 143.2 12.0 124.0 6.49 ,'.,r.:•··:. I I .... ID 0 ..., '¥ 'X ►• w .... uJ a. ... u, 0 3 l I I I -1 l w• I .... ~ 0.. .l I ~~ I < ::> t .~ z I :_:::. :::::. Li~h t Olive-gray With Dark - 34 .. :·:.:.:·::: Orarge-brown, Moist, Very ··::.·:·:::.' Firm ........ 35 -· ... ,. ·.· · .·. ----- ~-~-Light Olive-gray With Dark 36 \~.!!!'= Ora~e-brown Witn Light ..' .. ·.·. Yellow-brown, Moist, Very 37 ·:::::::·:. Firm, 10 Percent Gravel and ·:.::.:·:·••: Concretions to 2 Inches, 38 ···· ·::.::.·::·:. Pockets of Clayey Fine to ::··.·:.·.-:: Medium Sand .. ·. ····· 39 ... · ... ... -.······ ... 40· .· ... .. . · ... .. . . .. .. .. 41 · .. •.•,: . . . .. VERY FINE TO FINE SANDY I CLAY (CLA YSTONE) Merges 58.3 14 .0117.6 7.fE 33.3 13 .8 110.0 7.50 ' i I ! I ,t 0 -u .3 ... ~ . '{ "T n ev A non . 175' * 0--.+----,~---.. -~--····· ·---·----·---,--.. -----··--....... -.. : : : : : Brown, Dry, Loose , _. .. :::::: Gray-Brown, Slightly Moist, CLAYEY FINE SAN! -~~i'I...Moist, Madlum Firm _____ FINE SANDY CLAY 2 .· ... ..!.. MoJst, Very Firm •· .. · .... -t--t·-;-:z:--~--~:-7-;-::-: ---------3_ ··_·_-:< Red-Brown and Gray -....... • . 5 .. . ··-....... .. -·.- ... .. . 6 I I : 1 , 1 1' Light Gray, Noist, Very Firm 7-I I 8 -~31 ~ ~ -Jf 2 ~- 9 -I I I • I I 10 -I I I • I I . 11 -I I I . I I I I . I 12 .. I , I I 13 -~4~ □ Indicates loose bog sample CLAYSTONE 0 Indicates undistrubed drivs sample ~ .......... . .. 8. 1 14.5 104. 9 4.30 6. 5 19. 7 1 03. 0 2. 89 8.1 13.6 114.9 4.43 19.5 5.2 128.4 4.74 * The elevations shown on these Summary Sheets were obtained by interpolating between the contours on a mop provided by Rick Engineering Company of Son Diego, t------------·· ............... -........... -.,,.,._..,..___ ____ . --·· ... --....... . PROJECT NO. 1"0=-'8=-1'81= ENGINEERIMG ct-1C ,_ . 0 z ... :c ..... ""_, r..:.. . ... 0 . . . :. ,.,.-.. -: ... BENTON FINE SANDY CLAY CLAY, MERGING TO CLAYSTONE ENGINEEltlNG, INC. 4.9 4.9 109.2 0.81 0.8 17 .9 108.2 0.57 3.2 17.5 110.4 1.54 4.9 18.6 109.3 1.81 t·t_,_w ,,.,c r~''· ,a-10 ) Ill 0 .... ------------·•~· ......... -----~~-··-.. -·---.. ~ ......... ,.,,... ...... ,, ~. I I ! :I: ... ... ~ LIA. "' 0 SUIAMARY SHEET , .. _ . : ' : ~~: ;·/>>. . ~ •. ·-• -· . J.. . BOr<ING NO . ..A..=J.I .. ',~ ~i~~~.!L : ..... i ~ :a,,: , -~ ,1 · • Brown, Dry, Loose, Topsoil I '), . .,_ 0 ,.,, ~ ., '.,· .. -cl'• 1 -" • &• I :;~1 <_r . '. CF~~EY. ... f I SAND l I I 16.21,4.51,01.1 1.84 . ' I I I .(M,rges) I I i-·- FINE TO ! I FINE SAND I : I I I I l I I 14.6, 12.7j107.4 2.82 26.0 16.8 106.8 3.02 I i l 32. 5 14. 1 13. 4 6, 58 Continued on Drowirig No. 5 ENGINH:MING, INC t IC 0 .... . . . . -~ ..... -.. .......... .----· --. ----_,,,,.~---y·---...... _ ....... ,,J•t ).. I I . " '. I SUMMARY SHEET i.> ,.; 1 ►;: ;:... ;. 1 1" , . ~ w• : ~ ~ 31 ~ •· ,, ''i I I .J"' Z""0:::> .:i -t(•i :x:I;; LID SORING NO. 4 -II (cont'd) ""~ ~ .... >-,~ \J •. , ~~ 1' ~ ~ "'' 0 , .1. i_;' ~"' ~ . ll-QOI>-v, "'~ti a. I.I,. "' ""Z _ .... ~ .... ~ ..... _, Q all .., •-I c, _, • . , , 0 ~. -1~ ....... --_,, __ .... .... -···-· --·------__ ... ~· Light Brown and Light Gray, SILTY VERY FINE -~ ~ist ~ Vary F inTI ____ TO FINE SAND 17 • I light Olive Green, Moist, I I I ra.. I I Vary Firm, Highly Fractured CLAYSTONE I I -I I I I l '; I I . 2(; . --. I Olive Green, 1-k:Jre Massive -I 5 ... ,::: 2; 16.2 18.3 100,7 5.47 -I ~ µ. I IT 2: I I I . I . 2~ I I I I I . 2.A I . I 2~ I I . . I ~6)c 54 .5 16.2 114.6 5.10 2~ I -I I ! I . 2 ..... I I . -I I 2~ I I I 2Y I . I . . I I I . . I I 3 . 31 ·ti 7):! -31. 7 18.4 110. 1 6.33 .. .. ~-··-··•--... -----· _.___,,_ . ... ·---........... ,. .. --....... , .. , .. ........ PROJECT NO I ;~ t. . L..:· . .. .7..0...S-~ BfNiON ENGINEERING, INC. .5.. 1? .... ,. , ,_,_ : t ' I ' ' . \ ; : ' : i I ! ' ' - I ; i I ; ' . . --0 z j C: IO 0 .., SUMMARY SHEET SORING NQ._[..::jj_ El EV A TIO N _ _.2..,9._.8'--' _ ). . . >-"... . .. ..,; ......... 611&. --"'-w, •Jz"'. z"'o:l :::> OIi L _, ... ► WO U -"'"'at -"' llC ;.:o-o . > . ► .,, _.,_. I••--~"-~o...., _o -t==::::.t:----:--· --·--------.-------4--+--+---t----r-- ::::: Brown, Dry, loose, Topsoil CLAYEYFINESA }-t,,:,-..:,..;,..,.4-----------_L-~""1¥11'.1.J.---+----l~-f---1---4----1 Light Brown and light Gray, /SILTY VERY FINE 2 Moist, Very Firm 1 TO FINE SAND i 3 4 5 7 8 13 14 15 PROJECT NO. - I CLAYSTONE Continued on Drawing No. 7 BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 22.7 16.8105.9 1.41 16.2 16.4 106,2 2.10 9.7 18,9 107:2 7.35 ~If.AWING NO. l -6-13 ..... IC 0 ""' I 17 18 -- 1 'i 20 I I I I I I I • . I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • • 23 I• I I I I I I I I I I l I I 22 I r I • I 2~ • I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I l I I 1 I I l t 2'"' I I 1 • • Cemented Lens 1 -, , , ·\ Dips 3 Degrees Approx. N 70 °~ 'lf\ --r 1 I .w. --:i 7} Olive Green and Brown, Pockets ~1 of Fine to Medium Sand and I ,Silty Claystone ' I I I { I I i : ; * I 1 16.i17.a :113.0 1.so; I I i I I I I l \ I : i ! j 4a. 3 20.3 P 07 .a 4.62 1 I i I I . I I I ! I I l I I I I 3s.al21.sl103.7 4.48 l • Shear reslstance exceeded 7 .50 kips per square foot, the limit of sheor machine. BENTON ENGINEElllNh INC' -l ~ - ii I I . \ ,. I ;t ~; 'j I ;~· .IL ' ' ., .,- 1 'i 7 ~ . c_ .l ~ • I • I ;, '. =-:·; 1· ·.i- I I I !: I · ) i 1- i I•• I - ' i 1 i- I i 1- L 1 I I I I ~ ~ 4 ~I ~! ... i: { L. Ill 0 -, E ::, ·-> :::> - ...,. _, "' O..Cl ~~ .,, z SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO. 1 -JV ELEV A TION 170• • FINE TO MEDIUM : SANDY CLAY I I j ; i 4.9 , 10.1189.0; -j I ---------4--------.---i I I ~ ....... ~ Brown, Moist, Finn, 20 to GRAVELLY ; 3 0: a 7· +---i!~~ 25 Percent Gravel and Cobbles, CLAYEY FINE TO ; l • ; • : ,,...;;:.._;..;:;.._., With Pock Fragments to 8 Inches MEDIUM .._._~ Light OJ Ive-gray and Ught ~,,_.""'"" Red-brown, Very Moist, 1,,,Q,...,,.;· Medium Soft, Contains Medium to Coarse Grains Between 6 .6 .,_._,..lie,( and 7 .2 fNt SAND SILTY CLAY i 1.6 19.4107.8 1.94; i . ; I I > ' I I I I . ! I i 3.2 ~ 19.7)05.7! 1.20 , . i i ' I I I I • . I I ~ I:: 1 : I I ' I ' • I ' : I ; . _____ ------~-L________ 16.2 : 12.6~~~ 0 -Indicate, Undisturbed Drive Sample • PROJECT NO. .;zo..a18'=- The elevations shown on the1e Summary Sheets were obtained by interpolatlng betwHn the. contours on a map provided by Rick EnglnNrlng Company of San Diego. DRAWING NO . BENTON ENGIN~i;RINCl ttJr • I ! . .:... C) 0 -, I j i I l j I I I i I ! I I I i i i ..... 9 -: : : .... I 10-: ·.·,' .. . . . -.... •··· t i ... PROJECT NO. -708 18f L-._~•--·· ~-=tttt BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 24.3 14.6 111.8 4.13 I DRAWING NO. ~ ·16 ~ x:Z ... u, ..... VJ 0 . ..... ' . SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO. 18 -JV UE\li\TION --=2=2z--3'_ ~-~-.. -.. ~ .. ~.,t------------,----Brown, Dry, Loose, Porous, ..... ...... Pockets of Clay ond Sand >-:>-l Tl ·7 e>..: ,_1-►:, ... I-I 1111:w. ~:,.iii ... , I....,. z ~ o::,'"' z => ixZ0·1· IU G.. .J,-.► 141 V o(<( -t.UVIQC 0 ...._ Wt-11'1 ""' lll!'. u: -0 0 . :r .. , -....; \ > . ,.. "' "' ;;: "' ·1 iit.: :E~*~ .... !!: I 0 l • \ 0 : ~ ~i i 1 . :·:: ·.-. ·:: ! I I 1 I I ·.-·: ·: ·. ----i \ a .1 !I 13 .4\. 77 .6 1 \ i 1 2_i!.~ Slightly Moist, Firm ! 1 1 1 l --·: .. ···_.:; i ; '1 !, II . .. .. .. : CLAYEY FINE TO 1 3 :: ... :: ___________ ___,i MEDIUM SAND . 1 j i E ·:::· .. -Moist I I I i \ I ·= :::·:: I l I I .... : ·.:_· . ! ! I I : I I ••• :· .. \ ! I I ·--+1"'°'1""'1 ... , .. ____________ ....,__. _________ i·-·-·~---+--1-· ·- ~;; Olive, Moist, Very Firm ' ' 11 : 1' ; 1-~~.,~~,·~~,~~ I : ! ... ,,~ : I ., II ., , , SILTY CLAY I i ! i j I l I I : i I 8.1 120.4,104.11 I ; i i I i I i : l I I ! 1· ~~i~ __________ _,_ _____ 111.4 22.41102.91 BENTON ENGINEERING_ INC. l DRAWING NO. e."" ,.., ' . - -. :£ G a > 0 SI V1 D -' u, ~ c( z llQ 0 ., ~ ::z: I-I-IU .. : I.U 0 2 ........ . ......... SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO. 19 .. IV ELEVATION 2361 Olive, Dry, Very Firm CLAY CLAYEY FINE TO MFnll 1u'CA.1-Jn R 1 F, Oltve, Holst, Very Firm 3-"""--"- SILTY CLAY ::(2}:: ]--;.. ........ 17 .9 20.2 98.7 9 .7 21.4 98.0 (Merges) o~.,,._.,~..;-----------------+--------4---+--+--4----1--~ ... ,,. ¼ -~. 11 ~. • I 9 ~ ·. ~. ·-~ . ~. . -· ·. Ollve, Moist, Very Firm _i----Olive, Moist, Very Firm FINE SANDY SILTSTONE . CLAYSTONE LENS 1" ~ 3 r.,.!'":l,rt--------------1--------1-=--,,-t--+-J---1-----+--1-~ ~ Light Brown, Moist, Very flrm 37.3 12.1 19.2 1 ;=~ 1 SLIGHTLY -~?.:'/_~. I SILTY FINE TO h -Y./. MEDIUM SAND ]A~@ ~/>¼ -~ 3 ~ 15-~ -~:-?/:· 16-·· '• . ~ ·.;c • -/.~;:Q F . rj 4 0 PROJECT NO. 7A--6 ?PS= I Dl:11.ITn._l 22.7 7.8 i07.1 I DRAWING NC. .J. -; . ' Oi Z l I t»! _, Oi >1 o: li v! ol ....11 :I:' ii J! j i ~ J "' :I "' z Ill ~ ,------------ ' CONSOLfDt.,..TION CURVES LG,.f'I 11( 1<1P8 PEi. SQUAii( FOOT en ,,, ;., :I: lie u -X ~ lu ..J &. a ~ "' ... 0 ._ z lu (.) a: lu 0.. z 0 ~ 0 :i 0 IIQ ·i u o INOICHES PERCEHT CONSOLIOATIOk AT FIELD MOISTURE • 1>101.:;ATES PERCENT COHSOl..lOATIOH AFTER SATURATIOk PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. L --. 0 z .! 0 > ts ~ 0 u 3 I ~ ~I .11 j ~, r. I ~ "' :I ◄ X m 0 ., 1·---;0N~::D:-fl-ON--C-UR-VES I l,.J J 11,,. 2 ◄ ~ ... 0 .... z .., CJ « ..... ~ L0.40 'M !5QUAftE FOOT 8 ,.·, ,t, c9f-------''"1,4 0 6 0.8 I ;:\ 2 4 1 --r-~:...........::.:.:!.-~:;_ ______ .,:... ______ T ---:-·-·1 ; ! __ ')...._, ___ Boring 18-IV i>-._ __ _ I l 1 ' I -·-· ··-· t-· -· 1--- 1 ! 3 L -· •.. ·+- i 4 l. .. , t 0 , 7 -.. i I 8 ~ .. ' ·----+----•+ ; I 1 ••••••• ·1 I ' ... ··-+ -·-!· -t I 9 t -· + I . ... -· - I t· ♦ • ·! 'T • .. ' l I I I .. r S ' • ompie 1 D th 2' _, I I t 1-.•. I j I , -+ .. : . I I l I '. i --J--~ :--~-. ! l i I,. ·•·· u IHOICATES Pt11C£HT COHSOLIOATIOk AT flELO t.101S1 URE • lNOtC,HES f'ERCENT CONSOLIOATION MTER SAllJRATtOtt -----------.---·--------------------- PROJECT NO. -. : 0 I~ z ID 0 I -> 0 I .. I 8 !· i · L 0 ...J l: : J ~ ' ' I l I - i 1 l r--t t ; 1 - I ' i- t ~- l- ( ... :l'-:a C z ID 0 I~ ... . . ,-...... ; CONSOLIDATION CURVES LOAD IN Y.IPS PU SQUUE FOOT +:P,...--....--~·•;.__,..~o.~6--~o~.6:.....-~'~o~----=z~------4;-_,.-~6-,nr 9't 9't .., z 11' £ X ... z 0 .J 0 • i (J +2 +1 0 1 2 +1 PROJECT NO • o INDICATES PERCENT CONSOLIDA.TIO_H Al FIELD MOISTURE • IHDIC.ATES PERCENT CONSOLIDATION AFTER SAluiUT10N ~ ... -"""l&.tr-_..n,111,1"-.... ,.. I -DR AWING NO . I .1 ; _, / / r-' - . i -0 ~ ,, ..:. -·~ •. ~: \ ; ~! ~ ~ 11 : ~- \., ~; .... .,.. -..;. \, ~ \1~ .I _.r , , >--I / I j-~ ~ .• ,;..r.i,;i' : ,~ > ;, 1: II ,, ,. I r ,, r;. ,,.. r. :---· r..-:-(, I• ... -.: r ;.;.-...:-, .r .. ._') !"-' ·.1. : ,. --j ;,:.:. ·-' \ \ 0 -.> . ·-~: r ·-...... ,... .. r · 1:·, C' ~-J· ,J ~ ,:, -· ,. I )4 ,, :• ~ ... ,\ 1 :~ 3 ~ ~ ,, ,,.... :i r. r· ,,, -~ .. '' hJ a. f' () -J ,_ ..r, ..__ ,. ,. _.) :> ·-"> CJ 11 "'='l' V ~ 0 t" N 11 ~ ~ o;) I II V, La: / / / / I I II '• : .. BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. APl'LIE0 SOIL MECHANICS -l"OUN0ATIONS 5741 EL CAJON BOULEVARD IAN DIEGO. C:ALll"ORNIA 92ttlS P'HILII• HENKING BENTON f'ltHID«N~ . CIVIL IINGINIIEII SAN O11:C0: 593.55154 LA MESA: 451-11554 APPENDIX M STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PLACEMENT OF COMPACTED FILLED GROUND J. General Description. The objective is to obtain uniformity and adequate internal strength rn filled ground by proven engineering procedures and tests so that the proposed structures may be safely supported. The procedures in~lude the clearing and grubbing, removal of existi~ structures, preparation of land to be filled, filllng of the land, the spreading, 2. and compaction of the filled areas to conform with the lines, grades, and slopes as shown on the accepted plans. The owner shall employ a qualified soils engineer to inspect and test the filled ground os placed to verify the uniformity of compadion of filled ground to the specified 90 percent of maximum dry density. The soils engineer shall advise the owner and grading contractor immediately if any unsatisfactory condi tlons are observed to. exist and shall have the authority to reject the compacted filled ground until such time that corrective measures are taken necessary to comply with the specifications. It shall be the sole responsiblltty of the grading contractor to achieve the specified degree of compaction. Cle9ring, Grubbing, and Preparing Areas to be Filled. (a) All brush, vegetation and any rubbish shall be removed, piled, and burned or other- wise disposed of so as to leave the areas to be filled free of vegetation and debris. Any soft, swampy or otherwise unsuitable areas ~hall be corrected by draining or removal, or both • (b) The natural ground which Is determined to be satisfactory for the support of the filled ground shall then be plowed or scarified to a depth of at least six inches (6"), and until the surface is free from ruts, hummocks, or other uneven features whrch would tend to prevent uniform compaction by the equipment to be used. (c) Where fills ore made on hillsides or exposed slope areas, greater than 10 percent, horizontal benches shall be cut into firm undisturbed natural ground in order to pro- vide both lateral and vertical stability. This fs to provide a horizontal base so that each layer is placed and compacted on a horizontal plane. The inf tial bench at the toe of the fill shall be at least 10 feet in width on firm undisturbed natural ground at the ~levation of the toe stoke placed at the natural angle of repose or design slope. The soils efl1ineer shall determine the width and frequency of all succeeding benches which will vary with the soil conditions and the steepness of slope. (d) APPENDIX AA -2- After the natural ground has been prepared, ft shall then be brought to the pr0per mois- ture content and compacted to not less than ninety percent of maxfmum density in accordance with A .S. T .M. D-1557-66 T method that uses 25 blows of a 10 pound hammer falling from 18 inches on each of 5 layers in a 4 11 diameter cylindrical mold of a 1/30th cubic foot volume. 3. Materials and Special Requirements. 1he fill soils shall c!)nsist of select materials so graded that at least 40 percent of the material passes a No. 4 sieve. This may be obtained from the excavation of banks, borrow pits of any other.approved sources and by mixi~ soils from one or more sovrces. The material uses shall be free from vegetable matter, and other de- leterious substances, and shall not contain rocks or lumps of greater than 6 inches in diameter. If excessive vegetation, rocks, or soils with inadequate strergth or other unacceptable physical characteristics are encountered, these shall be disposed of in waste areas as shown on the plans or as directed by the soils engineer. If during gradi~ operations, soils not encountered and tested in the preliminary investigation are found, tests on these soils shall be performed to determine their physical characteristics. Any special treatment recommended in the preliminary or subsequent soil reports not covered herein shall become an addendum to these specifications. The testing and specifications for the compaction of subgrade,subbase, and base materials for roads, streets, highways, or other public property or rights-of-way shall be in accordance with those of the governmental agency haviro jurisdiction. 4. Plocirg, Spreading, and Come9cti~ Fill Materials. {a) The suitable fill material shall be placed in layers which, when compacted shall not exceed six inches (6 11). Each layer shall be spread evenly and shall be throughly mixed duri~ the spreadi~ to insure uniformity of materol and moisture in each layer. (b) \¼en the moisture content of the fi II material is below that specified by the soils ergineer, water shall be added until the moisture content is near optimum as specified by the soils engineer to assure thorough bondi~ during the compactfng process. (c) \¼en the moisture content of the fill material is above that specified by the soils engineer, the fill material shall be aerated by bladil'lJ and scarifyire or other satis- factory methods until the moisture content is near optimum as specified by the soils engineer. (d) After each layer has been placed, mixed and spread evenly, It shall be thoroughly compacted to not less than ninety percent of maximum density in accordance with A.S.T.M. D-1557-66Tmodifled as described in 2 (d) above. Compaction shall be accomplished with sheepsfoot rollers, multiple-wheel pneumatic-tired rollers, or other approved types of compaction equipment, such as vibratory equipment that is specially designed for certain soil types. Rollers shall be of such design that they will be able APPENDIX AA -3- to compact the flll material to the specified density. Rolli~ shall be accompltshed ....+iJJe the ffll material 1s at the speclfled mofsture content. Roll1"8 of each layer shall be continuous over Its entire area and the roller shall make suffident trips to insure that the deslred densfty has been obtained. The entire areas to be ftlled shall be compacted. (e) FIii slopes shall be compacted by means of sheepsfoot rollers or other suitable equipment. Compacting operations shall be contl nued until the slopes are stable but not too dense for plantlllJ and until there is no appreciable amount of loose sotl on the slopes. Compacting of the slopes shall be accomplished by backrolli~ the slopes In Increments of 3 to 5 feet In elevation gain or by other methods produclf'8 satisfactory results. {f) Field density tests shall betaken by the soils e~lneer for approximately each foot In elevatJon galn after compaction, but not to exceed two feet 1n vert1cal height between tests. Reid density tests may be taken at intervals of 6 inches in elevation gain If required by the sotls el'l)ineer. The location of the tests In plan shall be so spaced to gtve the best possible coverage and shall be taken no farther apart than 100 feet. Tests shall be taken on corner and terrace lots for each two feet In elevatlon gain. The soils ef'8fneer may take addftfonal tests as considered necessary to check on the unfformity of compaction. Wiere sheepsfoot rollers are used, the tests shall be taken In the con)- pacted material below the disturbed surface. No additional layers of fl II shall be spread unttl the fleld density tests indicate that the specified density has been obtained. (g) The fl(I operation shall be continued In six Inch (6") compacted layers, as specified above, until the fill has been brought to the flnlshed slopes and grades as shown on the accepted plans. 5. Inspection. Sufficient Inspection by the soils erglneer shall be maintained durlrg the flllirg and compacting operations so that he can certify that the flll was constructed in accordance wt th the accepted spec I fi catl ons. 6. Seasonal Limits. No ftll material shall be placed, spread, or rolled tf weather conditions Increase the moisture content above permissible ltml ts. 'Nhen the work ts Interrupted by rain, ftll operations shall not be resumed until field tests by the soils e~lneer Indicate that the moisture content and density of the 'ftll are as previously specified. 7. LfmltlllJ Values of Nonexpanslve Soils. Those soils that expand 2 .5 percent or less from alr dry to saturatron under a un1t load of 500 pounds per square foot are consldered to be nonexpanslve. 8. All recommendations presented in th'e "Conclusions" section of the attached report are a part of these speclflcatlons. BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS 47AI EL CAJON BOULEVARD SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92.115 PHILIP HEN KING BENTON ~llltSIDaNT • CIYtL ENGINE~ .. APPENDIX A s .. H Dui:co, !113-11&14 LA MlfSAt A49-!1454 Unified Soil Classification Chart* SOIL DESCRIPTION I. COARSE GRAINED, /./\ore than half of material is larger than No. 200 sieve size.** - GRAVELS More than hol f of coarse fraction is larger than No. 4 CLEAN GRAVas sieve size but smallerGRAVELS WITH FINES than 3 inches (Appreciable amount of fines) SANDS More than half of coarse fraction is smaller than No. 4 sieve size CLEAN SANDS SANDS WITH FINES (Appreciable amount of fines) 11. FINE GRAINED, More than half of material is smaller than No. 200 sieve size. n SILTS AND CLAYS Liquid Limit Less than 50 SILTS AND CLAYS Liquid Limit Greater than 50 Ill. HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS GROUP SYMBOL GW GP GM GC SW SP SM SC CL OL MH CH OH PT TYPICAL NAMES Wei I graded gravels, gravel:-sand mixtures, I ittle a no fines. Poorly graded gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, little or no fines. Silty gravels, poorly graded gravel- sond--silt mixtures. Clayey gravels, poorly graded gravel- sand-clay mixtures. Well graded sand, gravelly sands, little or no fines. Poorly graded sands, gravelly sands, I ittle or no fines. Si I ty sands, poor I y graded sand--s i It mixtures. Clayey sands, poorly graded sand-clay mixtures. Incrgonic silts and very fine sands, rock flour, sandy silt or clayey-silt-sand mixtures with slight plasticity. Inorganic clays of I ow to medium plas- ticity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays. Organic silts and organic silty-clays of low plasticity. Inorganic silts, micaceous cr diatoma- ceous fine sandy or silty soils, elastic silts. Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays. Organic clays d medium to high plasticity. Peat and other highly organic soils. * Adcipted by the Corps of Engineers and Bureau of Reclamation in Januarv. 1952. PHILIP HENKING BENTON ~R1:a101un .. CIVIL EHGINEl:fl Sampling BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. APPLIED SOIL MECH,.NICS --FOUNDATIONS 67'41 EL CAJON BOULEVARD SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92115 APPENDIX B SAN 011!:GD: 5113-56154 Lt. MuA: 469-5654 The undisturbed soil samples are obtained by forcing a special sampling tube Into the undisturbed soi Is at the bottom of the boring, at frequent intervals below the ground surface, The sampl Ing tube consists of a steel barrel 3 .O inches outside diameter, with a special cut- ting tip on one end and a double ball valve on the other, and with a lining of twelve thin brass rings, each one inch long by 2 ,42 inches inside diameter, The sampler, connected to a twelve inch long waste barrel, is either pushed or driven approximately 18 inches into the soil and a six inch section of the center portion of the sample is taken for laboratory tests, the soil being still confined in the brass rings, after extraction from the sampler tube. The samples are taken to the laboratory in close fitting waterproof containers in order to retain the field mois- ture until completion of the tests, The driving energy is calculated as the average en·ergy in foot-kips required to force the sampling tube through one foot of soil at the depth at which the sample is obtained. Shear Tests The shear tests are run using a direct shear machine of the strain control type in which the rate of deformation is approximately 0.05 irich per minute. The machine is so designed that the tests are made without removing the samples from the brass liner rings in which they are se- cured. Each sample is sheared under a normal lood equivalent to the weight of the soil above the point of sampling. In some instances, samples ore sheared under various normal loads in order to obtain the internal angle of friction and cohesion. Where considered necessary, samples are saturated and drained before shearing in order to simulate extreme field moisture conditions. Consolidation Tests The apparatus used for the consolidation tests is designed to receive one of the one inch high rings of soil as it comes from the field. Loads are applied in several increments to the upper surface of the test specimen and the resulting deformations are recorded at selected time intervals for each increment. Generally, each increment of load is maintained on the sample until the rate of deformation is equal to or less than 1/10000 inch per hour. Porous stones are placed in contact with the top and bottom of each specimen to permit the ready addition or release of water. Expansion Tests One inch high samples confined in the brass rings are permitted to air dry at 105°F for at least 48 hours pdor to placing into the expansion apparatus. A unit load of 500 pounds per square foot is then applied to the upper porous stone in contact with the top of each sample. Water is permitted to contact both the top and bottom of each sample through porous stones. Continuovs observations ore made until downward movement s_tops. The dial reading is recorded and expansion is recorded until the rate of upward movement is less than 1/10000 inch per hour.