HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-05-23; Municipal Water District; ; Acceptance of Bids, Denial of a Bid Protest, Award of Contract to Houalla Enterprises Ltd. dba Metro Builders and Engineers Group, Ltd. for the El Fuerte and Maerkle MotoCA Review GH Meeting Date: May 23, 2023 To: President and Board Members From: Scott Chadwick, Executive Manager Staff Contact: Dave Padilla, Utilities Engineering Manager dave.padilla@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2356 Sean Diaz, Utilities Senior Engineer sean.diaz@carlsbadca.gov, 442-339-2350 Subject: Acceptance of Bids, Denial of a Bid Protest, Award of Contract to Houalla Enterprises Ltd. dba Metro Builders and Engineers Group, Ltd. for the El Fuerte and Maerkle Motorized Valves Project and Appropriation of Additional Funds Districts: 2, 3 Recommended Actions Adopt a resolution accepting bids, denying the bid protest of the second lowest bidder and awarding a contract to Houalla Enterprises Ltd. dba Metro Builders and Engineers Group, Ltd. for the El Fuerte and Maerkle Motorized Valves Project, Capital Improvement Program Project Nos. 5007, 5009 and 5050 in an amount not to exceed $2,310,955, and appropriating additional funds from the Water Replacement Fund to Capital Improvement Program Project Nos. 5009 and 5050. Executive Summary The project will install new motorized valves and associated actuators on existing water transmission mains that will: •Allow remote operation of the water system through the Carlsbad Municipal Water District's Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, or SCADA, system •Improve water operations and worker safety The improvements will be added to the El Fuerte Street pipeline at Rancho Pancho and at the Maerkle Reservoir, as shown in Exhibit 2. These improvements will also install corrosion test stations at five locations along the El Fuerte Street pipeline between Rancho Pancho and Alga Road to monitor the corrosion of the steel pipeline, as part of the Cathodic Protection Program. The Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) Board of Directors previously approved the solicitation of bids and subsequently rejected the bids received after they were determined to be non-responsive to the bidding requirements. Staff evaluated bids received from a second bid solicitation and chose Houalla Enterprises Ltd. doing business as Metro Builders and Engineers Group, Ltd., as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 1 of 87 ~' •. MUNIC IIPAL WAT E R o,11ST RICT \11? Staff Report Staff received a bid protest from the second lowest bidder, CCL Contracting, Inc., that alleged the project experience record listed by the apparent lowest bidder, Houalla Enterprises Ltd. doing business as Metro Builders and Engineers Group, Ltd., or Metro, does not meet the technical ability and experience requirements of the bidding documents and that the qualifications of the contractor’s representative were excluded from the bid. The allegations were reviewed by staff and rejected, as detailed below. Staff recommend the CMWD Board accept the bids, deny the bid protest and award the contract to Metro in an amount not to exceed $2,310,955. An additional appropriation of $737,000 from the Water Replacement Fund is required to complete the project. There are adequate reserves in the Enterprise fund this difference.1 Under Carlsbad Municipal Code, CMWD Board approval is required for all formally bid contracts when the value exceeds $200,000. Explanation & Analysis Project history • On Nov. 15, 2022, the CMWD Board adopted Resolution No. 1689, approving the plans and specifications and authorizing advertising for construction bids. The project was then advertised using the city’s formal bidding procedures. • On Jan. 18, 2023, staff received three bids that were deemed non-responsive because they didn’t identify the manufacturers for the valves and actuators to be used in the project. • On March 7, 2023, the CMWD Board adopted Resolution No. 1699, rejecting the bids and authorizing staff to readvertise the construction of the project. • On April 11, 2023, staff received three bids for construction, ranging from $2,310,955 to $3,285,100. The engineer’s estimate for the project was $2,204,000. Metro was deemed responsive because it met the requirements of the bidding documents and deemed responsible because it submitted a list of similar projects to show its capability and qualifications to perform the specified work. • On April 14, 2023, one bid protest letter was received from CCL Contracting, Inc., the second lowest bidder. Bid protest The bid protest letter asserted the bid was non-responsive based on two factors: 1) The project experience record listed by Metro did not meet the technical ability and experience requirements of the bidding documents. 2) The qualifications of the contractor’s representative were excluded from the bid. The protest letter and staff’s response are provided in Exhibit 3. On the first issue, staff reviewed Metro’s experience by reviewing the Technical Ability and Experience record submitted with their bid and conducting reference checks. Staff deemed the bid to be responsive based on the types of projects completed by Metro and the responses received from Metro’s project references. Further, under Business and Professions Code 1 An enterprise fund is used to segregate revenues and expenditures into a fund with financial statements separate from all other governmental activities. May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 2 of 87 Section 7056, a contractor with a Class A General Engineering license can perform the pipeline construction work required for the project. On the second issue, the bidding documents did not require the qualifications of the contractor’s representative to be submitted at the time of the bid, but before starting work. Therefore, the bid was not non-responsive on this basis. Performance standards The construction contract contains general performance standards and refers to technical specifications, which if not met, allow the city to withhold payment. The contract also includes a one-year warranty period from the notice of completion. Fiscal Analysis The total project cost of $3,150,155 is detailed in the table below. An additional $737,000 appropriation from the Water Replacement Fund is required to fully fund the project, and sufficient funding is available. Approximately $14.1 million is available in the Water Replacement Fund to fund the increased costs. Cathodic Protection Program Capital Improvement Program Project No. 5007 Total appropriation to date $1,796,700 Total expenditures and encumbrances to date -$209,730 Total available funding $1,586,970 Construction contract (estimated) -$328,166 Construction contingency (15%) -$49,200 Construction management and inspection (estimated) -$49,200 Community outreach during construction (estimated) -$10,000 Engineering and administrative costs (estimated) -$16,000 Total estimated project costs -$452,566 Remaining balance $1,134,404 Additional appropriation requested $0 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 3 of 87 Carlsbad Municipal Code Section 3.28.040(C)(5) authorizes the Executive Manager or designee to approve change orders in the amount equal to the contingency set at the time the project is awarded. For this project, the amount is $346,600. Construction management and inspection services are necessary for the project. Staff plan to issue a task order for these services in an amount not to exceed $346,600 through the Executive Manager’s delegated authority under an existing master agreement for as-needed horizontal construction management and inspection services, authorized by the CMWD Board in Resolution No. 1644. Maerkle Facility Improvements Capital Improvement Program Project No. 5009 Total appropriation to date $2,735,200 Total expenditures and encumbrances to date -$1,544,210 Total available funding $1,190,990 Construction contract (estimated) -$923,527 Construction contingency (15%) -$138,500 Construction management and inspection (estimated) -$138,500 Community outreach during construction (estimated) -$9,000 Engineering and administrative costs (estimated) -$37,000 Total estimated project costs -$1,246,527 Remaining balance -$55,537 Additional appropriation requested $56,000 Normally Closed Valve (Install Motorized Valve) Capital Improvement Program Project No. 5050 Total appropriation to date $985,000 Total expenditures and encumbrances to date -$214,675 Total available funding $770,325 Construction contract (estimated) -$1,059,262 Construction contingency (15%) -$158,900 Construction management and inspection (estimated) -$158,900 Community outreach during construction (estimated) -$32,000 Engineering and administrative costs (estimated) -$42,000 Total estimated project costs -$1,451,062 Remaining balance -$680,737 Additional appropriation requested $681,000 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 4 of 87 Options Staff provide the following options for the CMWD Board’s consideration: 1. Adopt a resolution accepting bids, denying the bid protest of the second lowest bidder and awarding a contract to Metro for construction of the project in an amount not to exceed $2,310,955, and appropriating $737,000 from the Water Replacement Fund to Capital Improvement Project Nos. 5009 and 5050. Pros • Metro has been determined to be the lowest responsible and responsive bidder • Improvements can be completed at the earliest opportunity • Improves worker safety and water system reliability and enhances water quality Cons • Requires additional funding appropriation • Work will temporarily disrupt traffic during construction 2. Do not adopt a resolution accepting the bids, denying the bid protest of the second lowest bidder and awarding the contract to Metro for construction of this project and appropriating additional funds. Pros • None identified Cons • Delays start of construction • Potential increase in construction costs could occur due to inflation and supply chain issues • Likely to require additional funding appropriation Staff recommend Option 1. Next Steps If CMWD Board accepts the bids and awards the construction contract to Metro, staff will issue a purchase order, schedule a pre-construction meeting with Metro and issue a notice to proceed for construction of the project. Upon execution of an agreement for construction management and inspection services, staff will engage the consultant for management of the construction contract and inspection services. The duration of the construction contract is an estimated 18 months, not including rainy days and delays for change orders that may extend the contract duration with an estimated completion in early 2025. Construction is expected to begin in summer 2023 and be completed in early 2025. When the project is finished, a notice of completion to release bonds will be recorded. May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 5 of 87 Environmental Evaluation The project will update improvements that were in the Water Master Plan. The Sewer, Water and Recycled Water master plans, adopted in November 2012, were evaluated in an environmental impact report prepared and certified by the city (SCH No. 2012021006). The master plans were updated in 2019, and an addendum to the program environmental impact report addressed the changes from the 2012 report. A second addendum to that report was prepared and approved, in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act – Public Resources Code Section 21000 and the CEQA Guidelines (Title 14, Division 6, Chapter 3, of the California Code of Regulations). That addendum documents the City Planner’s determination that this project is within the scope of the previously adopted program environmental impact report. Addendum No. 2 will be attached to the program environmental impact report, in accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15164. Exhibits 1. Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of Directors resolution 2. Location map 3. Bid protest letter and response May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 6 of 87 RESOLUTION NO. 1705 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING BIDS, DENYING THE BID PROTEST OF THE SECOND LOWEST BIDDER AND AWARDING A CONTRACT TO HOUALLA ENTERPRISES LTD. OBA METRO BUILDERS AND ENGINEERS GROUP, LTD. FOR THE EL FUERTE AND MAERKLE MOTORIZED VALVES PROJECT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NOS. 5007, 5009 AND 5050 IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $2,310,955, AND APPROPRIATING ADDITIONAL FUNDS FROM THE WATER REPLACEMENT FUND TO CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NOS. 5009 AND 5050 WHEREAS, the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board has determined that it is necessary, desirable and in the public interest to install new motorized valves and actuators on existing water transmission mains for the El Fuerte and Maerkle Motorized Valves Project, Capital Improvement Program Project Nos. 5007, 5009 and 5050, or Project; and WHEREAS, on Nov. 15, 2022, the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board adopted Resolution No. 1689, approving the plans and specifications, and authorizing the advertisement of bids for the Project; and WHEREAS, on Jan. 18, 2023, staff received three bids for construction of the Project, which were deemed non-responsive for failing to identify the manufacturers for the valves and actuators to be used in the Project; and WHEREAS, on March 7, 2023, the CMWD Board adopted Resolution No. 1699, rejecting the bids received from the first bid solicitation and authorizing the Secretary of the Board of Directors to re­ advertise for bids for the Project; and WHEREAS, on April 11, 2023, staff received three bids for construction of the Project; and WHEREAS, Houalla Enterprises Ltd. dba Metro Builders and Engineers Group, Ltd., or Metro, submitted the lowest responsive and responsible bid, in an amount of $2,310,955; and WHEREAS, on April 14, 2023, the second lowest bidder, CCL Contracting, Inc., filed a bid protest alleging the bid submitted by Metro was non responsive; and WHEREAS, staff conducted a review of Metro's bid and experience record and found the allegation to be unfounded and deem Metro's bid responsive; and WHEREAS, staff recommend that the bid protest by the second lowest bidder be denied and the contract be awarded to Houalla Enterprises Ltd. dba Metro Builders and Engineers Group, Ltd.; and Exhibit 1 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 7 of 87 WHEREAS, Carlsbad Municipal Code, or CMC, Sections 3.28.080{C) and 3.28.080(1)(6) require the CMWD Board to award all formally bid contracts when the value exceeds $200,000; and WHEREAS, the Project requires an additional appropriation of $737,000 from the Water Replacement Fund, and sufficient funding is available in this fund; and WHEREAS, CMC Section 3.28.040{C)(S) authorizes the Executive Manager or designee to approve change orders in the amount equal to the contingency set at the time of project award, which is $346,600 for the Project; and WHEREAS, the City Planner has determined the Project is within the scope of the adopted Project Environmental Impact Report, or PEIR, and approved an addendum to document recent Project changes as appropriate. The California Environmental Quality Act, or CEQA, Guidelines Section 15164{c) notes an addendum need not be circulated for public review, but may simply be attached to the PEIR. Addendum No. 2 is to be attached to the PEIR in accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15164{c). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Carlsbad Municipal Water District Board of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: 1.That the above recitations are true and correct. 2.That the bid protest of the second lowest bidder, CCL Contracting, Inc., is denied. 3.That the bid in the amount of $2,310,955 submitted by Houalla Enterprises Ltd. dba Metro Builders and Engineers Group, Ltd. for construction of El Fuerte and Maerkle Motorized Valves Project, Capital Improvement Program Project Nos. 5007, 5009 and SOSO, is accepted, and the CMWD Board President is authorized to execute a contract with Houalla Enterprises Ltd. dba Metro Builders and Engineers Group, Ltd. 4.That the Executive Manager or designee is authorized to approve construction change orders up to $346,600. 5.That the Deputy City Manager, Administrative Services, is directed to appropriate $56,000 from the Water Replacement Fund to CIP Project No. 5009 and $681,000 from the Water Replacement Fund to CIP Project No. SOSO, for a total appropriation of $737,000 to fund the Project. 6.That the award of this contract is contingent upon Houalla Enterprises Ltd. dba Metro Builders and Engineers Group, Ltd. executing the required contract and submitting the required bonds and insurance policies, as described in the contract, within 20 calendar days of the adoption of this May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 8 of 87 Resolution. The Executive Manager may grant reasonable extensions of time to execute the contract and assemble the required bonds and insurance policies. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Municipal Water District of the City of Carlsbad on the 23rd day of May, 2023, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Blackburn, Bhat-Patel, Acosta, Burkholder, Luna. None. None. None. KEITH BLACKBURN, President SHERRY FREISINGER, Secretary (SEAL) May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 9 of 87 at LOCATION MAP Sun n y C r e e k R d Rancho Panc h o PROJECT NAME PROJECT NUMBER EXHIBIT Exhibit 2 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 10 of 87 NO T TO SCALE VICINITY MAP EL FUERTE AND MAERKLE MOTORIZED VALVES PROJECT 5050 5009 5007 2 Public Works Contract Administration 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  442-339-2462 t April 19, 2023 Via Email rchilcoteccl@yahoo.com Rod Chilcote CCL Contracting 1938 Don Lee Place Escondido, CA 92029 RESPONSE TO PROTEST LETTER DATED APRIL 14, 2023 RE: EL FUERTE AND MAERKLE MOTORIZED VALVES (RE-BID) CONTRACT NO. 5007/5009/5050 BID NO. PWS23-2102TRAN The Carlsbad Municipal Water District (CMWD) received your letter (Attachment A) protesting the intent to possibly award the contract titled “El Fuerte and Maerkle Motorized Valves (Re-bid)” to Houalla Enterprises Ltd. dba. Metro Builders &. Engineers Group, Ltd. (Metro Builders). In your letter you state that the “three projects listed” by Metro Builders in their Technical Ability and Experience “ do not consist of potable water pipeline distribution or water valve vault projects as required per this bid section.” Please note that Metro Builders provided nearly 70 pages of references with their Technical Ability and Experience. They listed far more than three projects. Attached is the complete Technical Ability and Experience (Attachment B) as submitted by Metro Builders with relevant projects highlighted. It is standard procedure at CMWD to check references provided and it was confirmed that for the listed projects, Metro Builders has completed projects similar in scope to our project. Moreover, the references we contacted also stated that they were very happy with Metro Builders’ finished product, responsiveness and professionalism. In addition, you also state that “the submittal of qualifications for their representatives was excluded.” While this is indeed true, it is not true that this results in their bid being non- responsive. Section 7-6 of the General Provisions of the contract/bid documents clearly states, “Before starting work, the Contractor shall designate in writing a representative who shall have complete authority to act for it.” Bidders were not required to submit the qualifications of their representatives at time of bid opening. Therefore, Metro Builders bid was responsive. Metro Builders submitted a responsive bid and met all the criteria set forth in the bid documents. While it is our intention to recommend that the CMWD Board award the above referenced project to Metro Builders, we are hoping to receive future bids from CCL Contracting. Exhibit 3 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 11 of 87 (Carlsbad Municipal Water District Public Works Contract Administration 1635 Faraday Avenue  Carlsbad, CA 92008  760-602-4677 t We understand the time and energy involved in participating in the bid process and we sincerely appreciate your efforts. Thank you for your interest in providing services to the Carlsbad Municipal Water District. GRAHAM JORDAN Contract Administrator cc: Sean Diaz May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 12 of 87 ATTACHMENT A CCL BID PROTEST LETTER May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 13 of 87 April 14, 2023 City of Carlsbad Attn: Graham Jordan CCL CONTRACTING, Inc. 1938 Don Lee Place Escondido, CA 92029 Public Works Contract Administration 1635 Faraday Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 RE: El Fuerte & Maerkle Motorized Valves (Re-Bid), Bid No. PWS23-2012UTIL Bid Protest Dear Mr. Jordan: CCL Contracting requested a copy of the bid from the City of Carlsbad for the apparent low bidder Metro Builders & Engineers Group, Ltd., on the above referenced project. Following our review of this bid package, we have concluded that their bid does not meet the specified requirements and should be precluded from award of this project. The bidding documents on page 28 titled, BIDDER'S STATEMENT OF TECHNICAL ABILITY AND EXPERIENCE clearly state that: The bidder shall demonstrate at least five years of experience successfully completing potable water distribution pipelines and shall demonstrate �uccessful completion of at least three potable water valve projects with a value of $1,000,000 or greater and similar in type and size to the Work of the proposed Contract. Bidder must also submit the qualifications of its Representatives in accordance with Section 7-6. The proposal shall be deemed non­ responsive if the required technical ability and experience for the Bidder and its representative is not demonstrated. A copy of their bid submittal for this section, page 28 of 156 from the bidding documents is attached as Attachment 1. The three projects listed do not consist of potable water pipeline distribution or water valve vault projects as required per this bid section. Also, the submittal of qualifications for their representatives was excluded, and resulting in a non-responsive bid CCL requests that the City of Carlsbad enforce its bid specifications and award the project to CCL Contracting as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. We request notice of any hearing by the City of Carlsbad regarding the project or this protest and copies of any response to this protest. Thank you for your consideration. Respectfully, ����\:=--Rod Chilcote CCL Contracting, Inc. Telephone (760) 743-2254 Fax (760) 743-7251 License #798819 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 14 of 87 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 15 of 87 CCL CONTRACTING, Inc. 1938 Don Lee Place Escondido, CA 92029 ATTACHMENT 1 BIDDER'S STATEMENT OF TECHNIAL ABILITY AND EXPERIENCE (Metro Builders & Engineers Group, Ltd. -attached) Telephone (760) 743-2254 Fax (760) 743-7251 License #798819 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 16 of 87 BIDDER'S STATEMENT OF TECHNICAL ABILITY AND EXPERIENCE (To Accompany Proposal) EL FUERTE & MAERKLE MOTORIZED VALVES (RE-BID) CONTRACT NO. 5007/5009/5050 The Bidder is required to state what work of a similar character to that included in the proposed Contract he/she has successfully performed and . give references, with telephone numbers, which will enable the City to judge his/her responsibility, experience and skill. An attachment can be used. The bidder shall demonstrate at least five years of experience successfully completing potable water distribution pipelines and shall demonstrate successful completion of at least three potable water valve vault projects with a value of $1,000,000 or greater and similar in type and size to the Work of the proposed Contract. Bidder must also submit the qualifications of its Representatives in accordance with Section 7 -6. The proposal shall be deemed non-responsive if the required technical ability ·and experience for the Bidder or its representative is not demonstrated. Date Contract Name and Address Name and Phone Amount of Completed of the Employer No. of Person to Type of Work Contract Contract 9/5/2018 CountyofLA Tim Bazinet Pump Station & $1,322,400 900 South Fremont A venue (626) 458-2185 Low Flow Alhambra, CA 91803 bazinet@dpw.lacounty.gov Diversion 4/21/2021 Coachella Valley Water Brian Korcok Check Structure $2,357,732 bistrict (760) 398-2651 x2510 at MP 88.6 75515 Hovley Ln E, bkorcok@cvwd.org Palm Desert, CA 92211 02/18/2018 Rancho California Heath McMahon Well 102 Wellhead $3,414,290 Water District (951) 296-6900 Treatment Facility 42135 Winchester Road mcmahonh@rnnchowater.( om Temecula, CA 92589-9017 (.'. •+r' Revised 6/12/18 Contract No. 5007/5009/5050 Page 28 ot 156 ATTACHMENT B METRO BUILDERS' TECHNICAL ABILITY & EXPERIENCE May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 17 of 87 Revised 6/12/18 Contract No. 5007/5009/5050 Page 28 of 156 BIDDER'S STATEMENT OF TECHNICAL ABILITY AND EXPERIENCE (To Accompany Proposal) EL FUERTE & MAERKLE MOTORIZED VALVES (RE-BID) CONTRACT NO. 5007/5009/5050 The Bidder is required to state what work of a similar character to that included in the proposed Contract he/she has successfully performed and give references, with telephone numbers, which will enable the City to judge his/her responsibility, experience and skill. An attachment can be used. The bidder shall demonstrate at least five years of experience successfully completing potable water distribution pipelines and shall demonstrate successful completion of at least three potable water valve vault projects with a value of $1,000,000 or greater and similar in type and size to the Work of the proposed Contract. Bidder must also submit the qualifications of its Representatives in accordance with Section 7-6. The proposal shall be deemed non-responsive if the required technical ability and experience for the Bidder or its representative is not demonstrated. Date Contract Completed Name and Address of the Employer Name and Phone No. of Person to Contract Type of Work Amount of Contract May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 18 of 87 9/5/2018 CountyofLA Tim Bazinet Pump Station & $1,322,400 900 South Fremont A venue (626) 458-2185 Low Flow Alhambra, CA 91803 bazinet@dpw.lacounty.gov Diversion 4/21/2021 Coachella Valley Water Brian Korcok Check Structure $2,357,732 Pistrict (760) 398-2651 x2510 at MP 88.6 75515 Hovley Ln E, bkorcok@cvwd.org Palm Desert, CA 92211 02/18/2018 Rancho California Heath McMahon Well 102 Wellhead $3,414,290 Water District (951) 296-6900 trreatment Facility 42135 Winchester Road mcmahonh@ranchowater., lorn Temecula, CA 92589-9017 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 19 of 87 Home CONTRACTORS STATE LICENSE BOARD 0Contractor's License Detail for License # 597589 DISCLAIMER: A license status check provides information taken from the CSLB license database. Before relying on this information, you should be aware of the following limitations. ► CSLB complaint disclosure is restricted by law (B&P 7124.6) If this entity is subject to public complaint disclosure click on link that will appear below for more information. Click here for a definition of disclosable actions. ► Only construction related civil judgments reported to CSLB are disclosed (B&P 7071.17). ► Arbitrations are not listed unless the contractor fails to comply with the terms. ► Due to workload, there may be relevant information that has not yet been entered into the board's license database. This license is current and active. All information below should be reviewed. ► B-GENERAL BUILDING ► A-GENERAL ENGINEERING ► ClO -ELECTRICAL ► CSl -STEEL, STRUCTURAL Data current as of 6/2/2022 9:38:54 AM Business Information HOUALLA ENTERPRISES LTD dba METRO BUILDERS & ENGRS' GRP LTD 2610AVON ST NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92663 Business Phone Number:(949) 515-4350 Entity Corporation Issue Date 07/03/1990 Expire Date 07/31/2024 License Status Classifications Bonding Information Contractor's Bond This license filed a Contractor's Bond with SURETEC INSURANCE COMPANY. Bond Number: 134973 Bond Amount: $15,000 Effective Date: 07/01/2020 Contractor's Bond History Bond of Qualifying Individual The qualifying individual FOUAD RIAD HOUALLA certified that he/she owns 10 percent or more of the voting stock/membership interest of this company; therefore, the Bond of Qualifying Individual is not required. Effective Date: 05/17/2018 BQl's Bond History Workers' Compensalion This license has workers compensation insurance with the TRAVELERS PROPERTY CASUALTY COMPANY OF AMERICA Policy Number:UB7 J948156 Effective Date: 11/01/2017 Expire Date: 11/01/2022 Workers' Compensation History Back to Top Conditions of Use Privacy Policy Accessibility Accessibility Certification Copyright© 2022 State of California 5/6/22, 10:44 AM https://cadir.secure.force.com/ContractorSearch/PrintRegDetails https://cadir.secure.force.com/ContractorSearch/PrintRegDetails 1/1 Contractor Information Legal Entity Name HOUALLA ENTERPRISES LTD. Legal Entity Type Corporation Status Active Registration Number 1000002925 Registration effective date 7/1/2022 Registration expiration date 6/30/2025 Mailing Address 2610 Avon Street  NEWPORT BEACH 92663 CA United States o… Physical Address 2610 Avon Street  NEWPORT BEACH 92663 CA United States o… Email Address Trade Name/DBA Metro Builders & Engineers Group, Ltd. License Number(s) CSLB:597589 Registration History Legal Entity Information Corporation Number: Federal Employment Identification Number: President Name: Fouad Houalla Vice President Name: Fouad Houalla Treasurer Name: Fouad Houalla Secretary Name: Fouad Houalla CEO Name: Fouad Houalla Agent of Service Name: Fouad Houalla Agent of Service Mailing Address: 2610 Avon St  Newport Beach 92663 CA United States of America Workers Compensation Effective Date    Expiration Date 6/13/2018 6/30/2019 6/1/2017 6/30/2018 6/6/2016 6/30/2017 6/18/2015 6/30/2016 11/19/2014 6/30/2015 7/1/2019 6/30/2022 7/1/2022 6/30/2025 Do you lease employees through Professional Employer Organization (PEO)?: No Please provide your current workers compensation insurance information below: PEO Information PEO Name PEO Phone PEO Email Insured by Carrier Policy Holder Name:Houalla Enterprises Ltd. dba Metro Builders & Engineers Group, Ltd.Insurance Carrier: Travelers Indemnity Co.Policy Number:CO7639L491Inception date:11/1/2021Expiration Date:11/1/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 20 of 87 Current and Completed Projects Metro Builders and Engineers Group Ltd. 2610 Avon Street, Suite A Newport Beach, CA 92663 (949) 515-4350 Tel, (949) 515-4351 FAX Completion Date:10/17/2023 Owner:City of Pico Rivera Contact:Leticia La Fortune Phone Number:(562) 801-4695 Project:PFAS Treatment Systems Location:8739 Gallatin Rd., Pico Rivera, CA 90660 Contract Value:$4,696,351.00 Description:The Project includes, without limitation, furnishing all necessary labor, materials, equipment and other incidental and appurtenant work necessary to satisfactorily complete the Project, as more specifically described in the Contract Documents. Work includes but not limited to electrical upgrades at Well No. 5, installation of new PFAS treatment system at plant 1 & 2 and associated piping, electrical and mechanical upgrades. % Done By Metro:75 % Completion Date:6/16/2023 Owner:Golden State Water Company Contact:Theresa Wu Phone Number:(714) 308-8496 Project:Hunting Horn Reservoir Retrofit and Replacement Location:11272 Reservoir Rd., North Tustin, CA 92705 Contract Value:$265,076.00 Description:Provide all Labor, Materials and Equipment to perform Hunting Horn Reservoir Retrofit and Replacement Project located in Santa Ana, CA. Work includes but not limited to demolition, potholing, fencing, yard piping, new concrete walls and columns for the reservoir and all associated work. % Done By Metro:80 % Page 1 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 21 of 87 Completion Date:5/30/2023 Owner:City of Los Angeles Contact:Darryl Pon Phone Number:(323) 644-4223 Project:Los Angeles Zoo Cape Vulture Aviary Exhibit Location:5333 Zoo Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90027 Contract Value:$2,977,596.00 Description:The basic scope of work for the construction includes the following: 1. Demolition of existing concrete features in the exhibit to fill the moat 2. Construction of a nesting wall and service/holding area behind the wall 3. Fully netting the exhibit for the Aviary 4. Construction of exhibit pool with filtration system 5. Construction of Nesting Wall 6. Construction of new indoor and outdoor viewing structure with a thatched roof and exposed timber arbor 7. Re-grading and paving the existing patron pathway in front of the exhibit 8. Design and install new irrigation and landscaping for the exhibit 9. Installation of exhibit and patron lighting 10. Design and installation of donor recognition % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:5/30/2023 Owner:Golden State Water Company Contact:David Dinh Phone Number:(909) 305-5427 Project:Government Canyon Plant Site Improvements Location:78 Big Pines Hwy., Wrightwood, CA 92397 Contract Value:$1,421,029.00 Description:Site improvement of the Government Canyon Plant in Wrightwood, CA. Demolition of existing facilities, installation of new pump, new piping, and affilaited site work. % Done By Metro:90 % Completion Date:5/23/2023 Owner:City of Los Angeles, GSD Contact: Phone Number: Project:BOE Engine Company 23 Arts Center Location:225 E. 5th St., Los Angeles, CA 90013 Contract Value:$4,982,378.00 Description:Provide all labor, materials, and equipment for the installation of the steel and concrete scopes for the arts center. % Done By Metro:90 % Page 2 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 22 of 87 Completion Date:4/10/2023 Owner:Golden State Water Company Contact:Ben Jimenez Phone Number:(909) 305-5427 Project:Bear Valley Booster Pump Station- Phase 3 Location:616 Barstow Rd., Barstow, CA 92310 Contract Value:$2,340,624.00 Description:Scope includes site improvements for the existing facility which includes but not limited to demo of existing booster pump station and piping and installation of new piping, CMU building, electrical system, HVAC, and three (3) new 900 gpm booster pumps and 50 HP motors. % Done By Metro:90 % Completion Date:3/30/2023 Owner:City of Los Angeles Contact:Patricia McCarthy Phone Number:(310) 606-9024 Project:HWRP Headworks Fire Sprinkler Replacement Location:12000 Vista Del Mar, Playa Del Rey, CA 90293 Contract Value:$2,210,351.00 Description:Scope Includes: 1.Demolish and removal of existing fire sprinkler system 2.Installation of new fire sprinkler system 3.Installation of design-build double interlock preaction system 4.Coordination with Siemens for programming and integration to existing fire alarm panel % Done By Metro:50 % Completion Date:3/23/2023 Owner:City of Los Angeles Dept. of Parks & Recs Contact:Stephen Hartourian Phone Number:(213) 202-2641 Project:Cheviot Hills Rec Center Tennis Shop Location:2601 Motor Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90064 Contract Value:$1,139,064.00 Description:This PROJECT requires the contractor to investigate and evaluate an existing roof structure over Tennis Shop, Breezeway, and Men and Women restrooms. Develop new roof designs including structural calculations, plans, specifications; secure all approval and permits from City of Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety. In addition, contractor shall investigate and evaluate the existing Men and Women restrooms and develop most cost-effective strategies of renovation to conform to the Disabled Accessibility requirements of the codes including 'path of travel' from the adjacent parking area and public right of way (R/W) to all improvements (e.g. tennis courts, restroom, pro-shop, etc) % Done By Metro:100 % Page 3 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 23 of 87 Completion Date:3/3/2023 Owner:Golden State Water Company Contact:Roman Silvestre Phone Number:(626) 485-9613 Project:Equipping of Mountain View Well 5 Location:7 Monte Vista Ave., Claremont, CA 91711 Contract Value:$1,744,003.00 Description:Construction of new well and associated electrical, mechanical and civil work. % Done By Metro:90 % Completion Date:2/28/2023 Owner:Paradign Mechanical Corp Contact:Alejandra Varela Phone Number:(619) 772-9418 Project:B1036 Roof Canopy Bridgeport Location:Pickle Meadow, Bridgeport, CA Contract Value:$98,780.00 Description:Provide all labor, materials, and equipment for the installation of the steel scopes for the roof canopy. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:2/28/2023 Owner:Foothill Transit Contact:Vincent Sauceda Phone Number: Project:HVAC Replacement at Arcadia-Irwindale O&M Facility Location:5640 Peck Rd., Arcadia, CA 91006 Contract Value:$1,372,583.00 Description:Replacement of HVAC units and related work at Foothill Transit’s Arcadia Operations and Maintenance Facility, as more fully described in the specifications, scope of work, and drawings that are provided in Part IV of the IFB. % Done By Metro:25 % Completion Date:2/2/2023 Owner:Golden State Water Company Contact:Ben Jimenez Phone Number:(909) 305-5427 Project:Blair Booster Station (Phase 2) Location:7101 Blair Rd., Calipatria, CA 92233 Contract Value:$701,398.00 Description:Mechanical and site mprovements to the current Blair Booster Station. Installation of new service piping, tanks, and affiliated site work. % Done By Metro:100 % Page 4 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 24 of 87 Completion Date:1/31/2023 Owner:Golden State Water Company Contact:Roman Silvestre Phone Number:(626) 485-9613 Project:Farna Plant Seismic Upgrade Rebid Location:5151 N. Farna Ave., Arcadia, CA 91006 Contract Value:$386,981.00 Description:Seismic improvements at Farna Plant which includes but not limited to modify 20inch steel pipe, install new 10inch DIP pipe, modify existing 8inch steel pipe drain under tank, install new manway access, drain vault and 12inc PVC drainpipe and modify the overflow pipe, install vehicle barrier post, etc. % Done By Metro:50 % Completion Date:1/30/2023 Owner:Chino Basin Desalter Authority Contact:Casey Costa Phone Number:(909) 218-3730 Project:RO Systems & Sodium Hypochlorite Storage Tanks Location:6905 Kimball Ave., Chino, CA 91708 Contract Value:$451,776.00 Description:Improvements to the RO system at Chino Desalter Facility. Storage Tank upgrades as well. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:1/25/2023 Owner:Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts Contact:Allison Hornstra Phone Number:(562) 908-4288 Project:JWPCP Secondary Treatment Concrete Repair Phase II Location:24501 S. Figueroa St., Carson, CA 90745 Contract Value:$18,257,582.00 Description:The work consists of furnishing all materials, equipment and labor, demolition of existing deteriorated concrete portions of secondary clarifiers and replacing with new concrete, demolition of existing foam spray piping and installation of new foam spray piping and demolition of existing aluminum handrails and installation of new handrails, and all appurtenant work. % Done By Metro:73 % Completion Date:12/31/2022 Owner:Golden State Water Company Contact:David Dinh Phone Number:(909) 305-5427 Project:San Dimas Fire Hardening Location:Terrebonne Reservoir, San Dimas, CA Contract Value:$164,047.00 Description:Provide all Labor, Materials and Equipment to perform Fire Hardening project located in Wrightwood, Morongo Del Norte, Claremont, and San Dimas, CA % Done By Metro:100 % Page 5 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 25 of 87 Completion Date:12/30/2022 Owner:GIN Construction Contact:Eugenio Landa Phone Number:(949) 510-9359 Project:SS - Reilly Residence Location:28182 Modjeska Canyon, Silverado, CA 92676 Contract Value:$99,874.00 Description:Provide all labor, materials, and equipment for the installation of the steel scopes for the Reilly residence. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:12/30/2022 Owner:Hamel Contracting c/o City of Pasadena Contact:Becca Hamel Phone Number:(404) 304-1482 Project:SS - Robinson Park Pool and Pool Building Project Location:1081 N. Fair Oaks Ave., Pasadena, CA Contract Value:$64,075.00 Description:Provide all labor, materials, and equipment for the installation of the steel scopes for the Robinson Park Pool and Building. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:12/30/2022 Owner:GIN Construction Contact:Eugenio Landa Phone Number:(949) 510-9359 Project:SS - Zhao Residence Location:8 Fairway Point Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92657 Contract Value:$84,776.00 Description:Provide all labor, materials, and equipment for the installation of the steel scopes for the Zhao residence. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:12/30/2022 Owner:GB Construction Inc. Contact:Noel Gabriel Phone Number:(424) 340-8292 Project:SS - Project Legacy Location:3839 Brockton Ave., Riverside, CA 92501 Contract Value:$783,696.00 Description:Provide all labor, materials, and equipment for the installation of the steel scopes for the new bungalow houses. % Done By Metro:100 % Page 6 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 26 of 87 Completion Date:12/1/2022 Owner:Inland Empire Utilities Agency Contact:Joel Ignacio Phone Number:(909) 993-1913 Project:RMPU Basin Improvements Project Location:11396 Beech Ave., Fontana, CA 92337 Contract Value:$634,880.59 Description:The following work consists of improvements to the RP-3 Basin: 1. Construct gate operated concrete vault structure along the existing 36-inch pipe and install new 30-inch piping from structure into basin cell 2. Construct new outlet structure into basin cell 3. The addition of level instrumentation, electric gate actuators and new additions associated support electrical, instrumentation and control infrastructure. 4. Install a 4-inch PVC to Basin Cell 2. % Done By Metro:80 % Completion Date:11/30/2022 Owner:Cal Engineering & Construction Contact:Ali Hashemi Phone Number:(949) 338-8698 Project:SS - CMC-ED Addition Roof Supports Location: Contract Value:$26,740.00 Description:Fabricate and install steel scopes for the roofing at the structure. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:11/30/2022 Owner:Walsh Construction c/o City of Los Angeles Contact:Jeremy Stockschlaeder Phone Number:(310) 418-0532 Project:Hyperion Advanced Water Purification Facility (SS) Location:1200 Vista Del Mar, Playa Del Rey, CA 90293 Contract Value:$1,511,434.00 Description:Subcontractor. Fabrication and installation of structural steel scopes for the Hyperion Advanced Water Purification Facility. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:11/7/2022 Owner:North County Transit District Contact:Leonard Brinkers Phone Number:(760) 966-6792 Project:Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) System Installation Location:1 Coaster Way, Camp Pendleton North, CA 92055 Contract Value:$189,543.70 Description:The North County Transit District (NCTD) requires the furnishing, delivery, and installation of a one thousand (1000) gallon bulk Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) system at the COASTER Operations Facility to support Charger locomotives. % Done By Metro:100 % Page 7 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 27 of 87 Completion Date:11/7/2022 Owner:Golden State Water Company Contact:Dennis Ambayec Phone Number:(626) 430-4254 Project:Niland Plant Demo Location:8110 Cuff Road, Niland, CA 92233 Contract Value:$157,650.00 Description:Demo and remove existing steel bolted tank, shed/encosure adjecent to the tank and plug existing system water mains, remove pressure vessels etc. % Done By Metro:50 % Completion Date:11/1/2022 Owner:Walsh Group c/o City of San Jose Contact:Ben Padilla Phone Number:(619) 921-3428 Project:SS - San Jose Filters Project - Misc. Metals Location:700 Los Esteros Road, San Jose, CA 95134 Contract Value:$100,243.43 Description:Fabricate and supply all miscellaneous steel % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:10/31/2022 Owner:City of Los Angeles Dept. of Recreation & Parks Contact:Jimmy Newsom Phone Number:(818) 679-1453 Project:Wings of the City Sculpture Installation Location:2850 W. Observatory Rd., Los Angeles, CA 90027 Contract Value:$43,350.80 Description: 1.Demolition and removal portion of existing concrete slab 2.Two new caisson foundations with anchor plates to attach sculpture 3.New colored concrete hardscaping around sculpture 4.Installation of (2) in-ground spotlights, with conduit to existing electrical panel 5.Fabricate and mount Sculpture Explanation Display on existing CMU Wall 6.Transport sculpture, frame and wings, from RAP facility to Griffith Park. % Done By Metro:100 % Page 8 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 28 of 87 Completion Date:10/30/2022 Owner:City of Los Angeles Dept. of Recreation & Parks Contact:Aren Galustians Phone Number:(213) 202-2656 Project:Evergreen Child Care Center Improvements Location:211 S. Evergreen Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90033 Contract Value:$318,388.39 Description: Scope at 3 locations includes but not limited to following: 1.Resurface and restripe parking lot 2.ADA signs installation 3.New concrete path in front of ADA parking stalls at a minimum of 5 feet wide 4.Upgrade exterior lighting 5.Repaint building exterior and trims 6.Replace damage skylight 7.New window tint films 8.Paint interior walls 9.Remove and replace flooring 10.Plumbing repairs etc. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:10/30/2022 Owner:Heffler Contracting Group Contact:Cardin Tran Phone Number:(760) 713-1365 Project:SS - Bridgeport Extend Roofs Mech. Rooms B-4044 Location:MCMWTC, Bridgeport, CA Contract Value:$110,421.00 Description:Provide all labor, materials, and equipment for the installation of the steel scopes for the roofing. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:10/30/2022 Owner:Golden State Water Company Contact:David Dinh Phone Number:(909) 305-5427 Project:Wrightwood Fire Hardening Location:Wrightwood, CA (Various Locations) Contract Value:$862,417.00 Description:Provide all Labor, Materials and Equipment to perform Fire Hardening project located in Wrightwood, Morongo Del Norte, Claremont, and San Dimas, CA % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:10/30/2022 Owner:Telacu Construction Management c/o County of Ventu Contact:Kelly Coultrup Phone Number:(714) 623-8993 Project:SS - Ventura County FS - Thousand Oaks 34 Location:2977 Mountclef Blvd., Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 Contract Value:$252,881.00 Description:Provide all labor, materials, and equipment for the installation of the steel scopes for the fire station. % Done By Metro:100 % Page 9 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 29 of 87 Completion Date:10/30/2022 Owner:City of Los Angeles Dept. of Recreation & Parks Contact:Aren Galustians Phone Number:(213) 202-2656 Project:Branford Child Care Center – Building Improvements Location:13310 Branford St., Arleta, CA 91331 Contract Value:$135,259.22 Description: Scope at 3 locations includes but not limited to following: 1.Resurface and restripe parking lot 2.ADA signs installation 3.New concrete path in front of ADA parking stalls at a minimum of 5 feet wide 4.Upgrade exterior lighting 5.Repaint building exterior and trims 6.Replace damage skylight 7.New window tint films 8.Paint interior walls 9.Remove and replace flooring 10.Plumbing repairs etc. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:10/30/2022 Owner:City of Los Angeles Dept. of Recreation & Parks Contact:Aren Galustians Phone Number:(213) 202-2656 Project:Victory Valley Child Care Center Improvements Location:6451 Saint Clare Ave., North Hollywood, CA 91606 Contract Value:$200,000.00 Description: Scope at 3 locations includes but not limited to following: 1.Resurface and restripe parking lot 2.ADA signs installation 3.New concrete path in front of ADA parking stalls at a minimum of 5 feet wide 4.Upgrade exterior lighting 5.Repaint building exterior and trims 6.Replace damage skylight 7.New window tint films 8.Paint interior walls 9.Remove and replace flooring 10.Plumbing repairs etc. % Done By Metro:100 % Page 10 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 30 of 87 Completion Date:10/30/2022 Owner:City of Los Angeles Dept. of Recreation & Parks Contact:Aren Galustians Phone Number:(213) 202-2656 Project:Downey Child Care Center Improvements Location:219 S. Ave. 18, Los Angeles, CA 90031 Contract Value:$294,856.59 Description: Scope at 3 locations includes but not limited to following: 1.Resurface and restripe parking lot 2.ADA signs installation 3.New concrete path in front of ADA parking stalls at a minimum of 5 feet wide 4.Upgrade exterior lighting 5.Repaint building exterior and trims 6.Replace damage skylight 7.New window tint films 8.Paint interior walls 9.Remove and replace flooring 10.Plumbing repairs etc. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:10/30/2022 Owner:City of Los Angeles Dept. of Recreation & Parks Contact:Aren Galustians Phone Number:(213) 202-2656 Project:Echo Park Child Care Center Improvements Location:515 Laveta Terrace, Los Angeles, CA 90026 Contract Value:$177,645.00 Description: Scope at 3 locations includes but not limited to following: 1.Resurface and restripe parking lot 2.ADA signs installation 3.New concrete path in front of ADA parking stalls at a minimum of 5 feet wide 4.Upgrade exterior lighting 5.Repaint building exterior and trims 6.Replace damage skylight 7.New window tint films 8.Paint interior walls 9.Remove and replace flooring 10.Plumbing repairs etc. % Done By Metro:100 % Page 11 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 31 of 87 Completion Date:10/30/2022 Owner:City of Los Angeles Dept. of Recreation & Parks Contact:Aren Galustians Phone Number:(213) 202-2656 Project:Hubert Humphrey Child Care Center Improvements Location:12560 Filmore Street, Pacoima, CA 91331 Contract Value:$137,812.12 Description: Scope at 3 locations includes but not limited to following: 1.Resurface and restripe parking lot 2.ADA signs installation 3.New concrete path in front of ADA parking stalls at a minimum of 5 feet wide 4.Upgrade exterior lighting 5.Repaint building exterior and trims 6.Replace damage skylight 7.New window tint films 8.Paint interior walls 9.Remove and replace flooring 10.Plumbing repairs etc. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:10/15/2022 Owner:Los Angeles County Public Works Contact:Elisa Renteria Phone Number:(626) 458-3112 Project:Arena Drain and Doris Coast Pump Station Upgrade Location:199 East El Segundo Blvd., El Segundo, CA 90245 Contract Value:$3,981,554.00 Description:Replace all 24" ball valves and their respective hydraulic actuating systems and include a new LPG backup fueling system at the Arena Drain and Doris Coast Pump Stations. % Done By Metro:80 % Completion Date:10/15/2022 Owner:City of Colton Contact:Ed Vasquez Phone Number:(909) 653-3581 Project:Hutton Senior Center Patio Improvements Location:660 Colton Ave., Colton, CA 92324 Contract Value:$98,000.00 Description:Provide all labor, materials, and equipment for the improvmenets at the Hutton Senior Center % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:10/7/2022 Owner:North County Transit District Contact:Leonard Brinkers Phone Number:(760) 966-6792 Project:Monument Sign Installation Solana Beach Station Location:105 N. Cedros Ave., Solana Beach, CA 92075 Contract Value:$54,655.00 Description:Work includes installation of a new monument sign at Solana Beach Station. % Done By Metro:25 % Page 12 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 32 of 87 Completion Date:9/30/2022 Owner:City of Upland Contact:Julian Chang Phone Number:(909) 297-2941 Project:Landfill Gas Treatment System Upgrade Location:870 E. 15th St., Upland, CA 91786 Contract Value:$361,846.00 Description:This project consist of upgrading the current Landfill Flare Station to a Carbon Extraction System that consists of a Carbon Filtration Skid, a Carbon System Electrical Panel, and a shade structure. The portion of the existing Landfill Flare Station that will no longer be used, such as the existing flare, skid frame, blowers, and inlet and outlet piping, will be demolished. Since the methane gas production of the landfill can no longer support the continuous operation of the existing flare system, the new proposed system can more efficiently and effectively remove the methane gas production for the remaining life span of the landfill. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:9/30/2022 Owner:Golden State Water Company Contact:David Dinh Phone Number:(909) 305-5427 Project:Claremont Fire Hardening Location:Varous Locations Contract Value:$145,830.00 Description:Provide all Labor, Materials and Equipment to perform Fire Hardening project located in Wrightwood, Morongo Del Norte, Claremont, and San Dimas, CA % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:9/30/2022 Owner:City of Colton Contact:Ed Vasquez Phone Number:(909) 653-3581 Project:Colton - Monument Sign Repairs Location:2578 E. Topanga Ct., Colton, CA 92324 Contract Value:$12,477.00 Description:Repair two monumnet signs % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:8/31/2022 Owner:Golden State Water Company Contact:David Dinh Phone Number:(909) 305-5427 Project:Morongo Del Norte Fire Hardening Location:Morongo, CA (Various Locations) Contract Value:$327,234.00 Description:Provide all Labor, Materials and Equipment to perform Fire Hardening project located in Wrightwood, Morongo Del Norte, Claremont, and San Dimas, CA % Done By Metro:100 % Page 13 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 33 of 87 Completion Date:8/24/2022 Owner:Borrego Water District Contact:David Dale Phone Number:(760) 554-3418 Project:Wastewater Treatment Plant Rehabilitation Location:4891 Borrego Springs Road, Borrego Springs, CA Contract Value:$663,102.00 Description:The Headworks facility rehabilitation includes the replacement of the grit screw classifier unit, the replacement of the air lift blower system, the replacement of process piping and valves, installation of screening’s receptacle containment, cleaning and coating of the interior concrete walls, as well as the repair of damaged areas of the headworks facility’s concrete walls. The Oxidation Ditch rehabilitation includes the rehabilitation of the effluent weir which controls the oxidation ditch mix liquor liquid level. The rehabilitation for Clarifier No. 1 includes the repair of the concrete spall areas around the exterior Clarifier walls, sandblasting and re-coating of the interior steel components, cleaning and coating of the interior concrete walls, replacement of squeegees and hardware connected to the raker arms, as well as the removal and replacement of grout at the bottom. The rehabilitation for Clarifier No. 2 includes the sandblasting and re-coating of the interior steel components, cleaning and coating of the interior concrete walls, replacement of squeegees and hardware connected to the raker arms, removal and replacement of the grout at the bottom, and the repair of the existing gear box. The Sludge Holding Station rehabilitation includes the installation of an additional air blower system, as well as air piping and valves. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:8/3/2022 Owner:Yucaipa Valley Water District Contact:Charles Thomas Phone Number:(909) 549-8603 Project:WRWRF Secondary Treatment Improvement Project Location:880 W. County Line Rd., Calimesa, CA 92320 Contract Value:$759,686.00 Description:The Work includes the provision of all equipment, labor, and materials necessary to complete improvements to the secondary treatment system including the replacement of the aeration tank diffusers and aeration blowers with District-provided equipment, as specified and shown in the Contract Documents. % Done By Metro:90 % Completion Date:7/31/2022 Owner:Joud Construction Contact:Yousef Audi Phone Number:(951) 734-2723 Project:SS - Scinto Residence Location:360 High Drive, Laguna Beach, CA 92651 Contract Value:$92,000.00 Description:Fabrication and installation of steel scopes for Laguna Beach residence. % Done By Metro:100 % Page 14 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 34 of 87 Completion Date:7/21/2022 Owner:Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Contact:Damien Romo Phone Number:(213) 215-4866 Project:Garvey Reservoir Sodium Hypochlorite Feed System Location:1601 South Orange Ave., Monterey Park, CA 91755 Contract Value:$2,418,149.00 Description:This project involves replacement of the existing sodium hypochlorite feed system; installation of a temporary system to function during construction; various equipment and electrical upgrades; abatement of materials containing lead and asbestos, and other appurtenant work as specified and shown on the drawings. % Done By Metro:70 % Completion Date:7/7/2022 Owner:Oscalibur Plumbing c/o County of LA Contact:Ruben Munoz Phone Number:(213) 858-2575 Project:SS - Lancaster Animal Shelter Location:5210 W. Ave. I, Lancaster, CA 93536 Contract Value:$82,232.00 Description:Provide all labor, materials, and equipment for the installation of the steel components for the animal shelter. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:6/30/2022 Owner:Burkhart Brothers Contact:Juliette Vinkovic Phone Number:(949) 877-4935 Project:SS - 413 Edgewater PL Newport Beach Location:413 Edgewater Pl., Newport Beach, CA 92661 Contract Value:$29,934.00 Description:Provide all labor, materials, and equipment for the installation of the steel scopes at a residence. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:6/30/2022 Owner:Water Replenishment District of Southern CA Contact:Melody Wu Phone Number:(562) 275-4254 Project:LVL Water Treatment Facility MF Filtrate Tank Reha Location:7380 E. Willow Street, Long Beach, CA 90815 Contract Value:$527,835.00 Description:The Project consists of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, supplies and incidentals required to provide rehabilitation of the MF Filtrate Tank and provide filtration of the backwash stream utilized for the MF system at Leo J. Vander Lans Water Treatment Facility. % Done By Metro:80 % Page 15 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 35 of 87 Completion Date:6/30/2022 Owner:Golden State Water Company Contact:Ben Jimenez Phone Number:(909) 305-5427 Project:Modify Existing Fence at Bella Vista Site Location:Bella Vista Dr., Morongo Valley, CA 92256 Contract Value:$9,065.03 Description:Modify Existing Fence at Bella Vista Site % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:5/30/2022 Owner:Golden State Water Company Contact:Johana Perez Phone Number:(562) 266-7553 Project:Imperial Plant PFOS-PFOA Treatment Facility Location:11564 Imperial Hwy, Norwalk, CA 90650 Contract Value:$1,692,580.00 Description:Installation of new concrete pad and activated carbon adsorption system for the Imperial Plant PFOS-PFOA Treatment Project. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:2/18/2022 Owner:Cal Engineering & Construction Contact:Ali Hashemi Phone Number:(949) 338-8698 Project:SS - 6 Point Loma Drive Stairs Location:6 Point Loma Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92625 Contract Value:$15,653.00 Description:Provide all labor, materials, and equipment for the installation of the steel scopes for the stairs at a residence. % Done By Metro:100 % Page 16 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 36 of 87 Completion Date:2/2/2022 Owner:City of Los Angeles, GSD Contact:Larry Lopez Phone Number:(562) 360-8995 Project:SS - BSS 6464 SUNSET BL (STRUCTURAL STEEL) Location:6464 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90028 Contract Value:$33,054.00 Description:Scope includes: 1.Install new L3x3x1/2 angles as shown on 4/s-2. 2.Install new shoring / bracing and beams as shown on S-2, S-3 and S-4. 3.Remove damaged slab along the existing cuts as shown on plan 2/S-2 4.Chip edge of concrete and expose top rebars as shown on 3/S-3, 4/S-3, 4/S-4 and 5/S-4. 5.Weld top rebars as shown on 3/S-3, 4/S-3 and 5/S-4. 6.Fireproof new W12x19 at gridline 8 with 2-hour rating. Contractor to provide an add alt line for the following scope of work: 1.Form for new concrete slab. 2.Place new reinforcing as shown. 3.Apply Sika Bonding Agent (Sikadur 32 Hi-Mod or approved equal) on exposed concrete slab 4.Place new concrete with min. compressive strength of 3,000 psi. 5.Remove form two (2) weeks after concrete placement. 6.Contractor to provide all submittals and samples as required before any work may begin. 7.Contractor responsible for providing a schedule and update on weekly basis. 8.Contractor shall have a representative available to join all weekly construction meetings until scope of work is completed. 9.Contractor to follow all Covid-19 requirements set by CDC and LA City, including having workers take a temperature and answer questions daily. 10.Contractor responsible for cleaning up of their scope of work. 11.Water and temporary Power will be provided by GSD/CFD. 12.Contractor to provide fire watch. % Done By Metro:100 % Page 17 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 37 of 87 Completion Date:1/12/2022 Owner:City of Santa Paula Contact:Becca Alonge Phone Number:(805) 947-4971 Project:Odor Control Facility Replacement Project Location:920 Corporation St., Santa Paula, CA 93060 Contract Value:$1,389,498.00 Description:The scope of work includes construction and installation of a biological odor control system to replace the existing odor control systems at the City of Santa Paula Wastewater Reclamation Facility (WRF). The work under this contract is to furnish all necessary labor, materials, and equipment for the construction and installation of a biological odor control system and all associated piping, ductwork, fittings, and appurtenances. Existing air-handling units, designated 20- and 30-inch fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) ductwork, a carbon scrubber vessel and fan, foul air mixing box enclosure, and all other associated equipment shall be removed and disposed. Following removal and disposal of the existing equipment, new fiberglass reinforced plastic ductwork will be furnished and installed within the existing odor control facility yard to direct approximately 20,000 standard cubic feet per minute of foul air flow to a new biological odor control system. Construction of a new biological odor control system entails the removal and disposal of designated yard piping, furnishing and installation of a new concrete masonry unit enclosure, double-leaf access gate, reinforced concrete foundation, biotrickling filter, FRP fan, water control panel, and all other associated yard piping, fittings, and appurtenances. % Done By Metro:80 % Completion Date:12/2/2021 Owner:Golden State Water Company Contact:Ryan Lee Phone Number:(909) 305-5427 Project:Florista Plant Site Improvements (East Tank) Location:10852 Cherry St., Los Alamitos, CA 90720 Contract Value:$182,574.00 Description:Scopes as noted below: 1. Furnish and install new 6" corrugated HDPE dual wall piping 2. Sawcut, remove, and replace the existing AC pavement and AB 3. core drill the existing concrete curb around the existing tanks and insert 1" PVC Sch. 80 drain piping 4. Excavate a 2" wide by 6" deep channel behind the curb and install a soil filter sock filled with 3/4" gravel. 5. Core drill through the existing drain box and connect the new 6" HDPE piping 6. Joint the HDPE piping to the existing 12" storm drain pipe at the tank overflow 7. Furnish and install potholes for existing utilities not shown on the plans but marked by USE and/or discovered during excavation of the pipe trench. % Done By Metro:100 % Page 18 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 38 of 87 Completion Date:10/8/2021 Owner:City of Laguna Beach Contact:Hannah Johnson Phone Number:(949) 464-6615 Project:Victoria Neighborhood Nyes Place Lift Station Location:2794 S. Pacific Coast Hwy, Laguna Beach, CA 92651 Contract Value:$356,433.00 Description:In general, the work comprises the installation of a IMS odor control unit (procured by the City), site improvements, and electrical/instrumentation service connections at the Nyes Place lift station site and Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) in the City of Laguna Beach. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:9/23/2021 Owner:City of Colton Contact:Victor Ortiz Phone Number:(909) 514-4210 Project:Fleming Park Restroom Renovation Project Location:525 N. La Cadena, Colton, CA 92324 Contract Value:$124,777.00 Description:The Works consists of, but not limited to renovation of two (2) units existing restrooms as indicated on the plans and bid specifications. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:9/20/2021 Owner:City of Santa Monica Contact:Phillip Ticun Phone Number:(424) 330-9683 Project:Santa Monica Airport Façade Repairs Location:2828 Donald Douglas Loop North, Santa Monica, CA Contract Value:$1,000.00 Description:Façade and deck mortar repairs for a balcony at the Santa Monica Airport. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:8/30/2021 Owner:LEED Electric c/o Eastern Municipal Water District Contact:Kevin Schwab Phone Number:(562) 409-4380 Project:Grant Street Booster Electrical Replacement Location:44942 Palm Ave., Hemet, CA 92544 Contract Value:$83,281.00 Description:The work comprises providing temporary power during construction, including a temporary switchboard with (2) 200 HP VFDs and a portable generator; removal of existing electrical equipment to be replaced; construction of SCE Metering Switchboard; construction of 800 Amp Distribution Switchboard; construction of 800 Amp manual transfer switch and generator receptacle connection box; construction of four (4) VFDS; construction of a new Control Panel and installation of EMWD provided OIT and RTU backplane and appurtenances; construction of new conduits and wiring including replacement of existing power and control cables with XHHW- 2 type conductors; and construction of site improvements including retaining wall, concrete slab, chain-link fencing, gates, and relocating existing antenna tower. % Done By Metro:95 % Page 19 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 39 of 87 Completion Date:8/14/2021 Owner:Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts Contact:Shahrooz Soltani Phone Number:(562) 699-7411 Project:Pomona Pumping Plant No. 4 Facility Upgrades Location:2860 Ficus Street, Pomona, CA 91766 Contract Value:$2,790,000.00 Description:The work consists of furnishing all materials, equipment and labor for removal of trees, demolition of the existing concrete pavement, piping, three dry-pit sewage pumps, a gas engine, and electrical equipment; modifications of the drywell access; installation of three new sewage pumps and associated piping; construction of new electrical building and a restroom; construction of new wet well; installation of new electrical equipment and control panels; installation of a district-furnished emergency generator; installation of a security system and wrought-iron fence around the perimeter of the property, and all appurtenant work % Done By Metro:78 % Completion Date:8/10/2021 Owner:North County Transit District Contact:Leonard Brinkers Phone Number:(760) 966-6792 Project:Electrical Panel Upgrades Location:Various Locations, San Diego, CA Contract Value:$332,300.00 Description:This project is for improvements to electrical equipment at NCTD's various locations due to condition of the equipment and code requirements. The scope of work includes removing and replacing main switchboards, panelboards, transformers, motor control centers, meters and disconnection of feeders and branch circuits. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:8/5/2021 Owner:San Diego Metropolitan Transit Systems (MTS) Contact:Thang Nguyen Phone Number:(619) 557-4560 Project:LRV Upper Platforms Buildings A, C, and C1-East Location:1601 Newton Ave., San Diego, CA 92113 Contract Value:$1,894,547.00 Description:Concrete and steel platform modifications to two (2) existing maintenance buildings. % Done By Metro:100 % Page 20 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 40 of 87 Completion Date:6/23/2021 Owner:Golden State Water Company Contact:Conde Ventura Phone Number:(310) 701-2500 Project:SCADA at 4 Zone Break Pressure Regulation Stations Location:Various Locations, Los Angeles, CA Contract Value:$742,605.20 Description:The scope of this project is to furnish and install the specified equipment, wiring, conduits, cabinets and power to provide each PRV with SCADA communication and control capabilities. Each PRV will require the installation of a flow meter, pressure gauge, position transmitter and pilot controls. Contractors shall provide and install the PLC, RTU, HMI, control panel and meter pedestal and route power through conduits and wires to and from the existing PRV’s and specified SCE power source. In addition to the above each vault will require the installation of a sump pump, intrusion switch, mounted lights and radio antenna as specified in the in the plans and specs. The PLC programming shall be contracted by GSWC and will not be included as part of this bid. See plans and specs for full details of each site. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:6/22/2021 Owner:Mountains Recreation & Conservation Authority Contact:Blaine Yoder Phone Number:(714) 541-2390 Project:Maritime Rocks Beach Access Location:20500 Pacific Coast Highway, Malibu, CA 90265 Contract Value:$634,505.00 Description:This project includes but is not limited to: The furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment, services and incidental necessary for Work, as indicated in the plans and specifications, for the Maritime Rocks Beach Access Project, at 20500 Pacific Coast Highway, Malibu, CA 90265. Work includes but is not limited to removal of an existing wood stairs and wood platform, installation of a new reinforced concrete stairs supported by concrete piles, handrails, steel fencing, decomposed granite pathway, landscaping and minor street improvements. % Done By Metro:75 % Page 21 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 41 of 87 Completion Date:6/15/2021 Owner:City of Los Angeles Contact:Brain DeMaree Phone Number:(714) 801-6627 Project:Hansen Dam Trail Signage Location:12200 Osborne St., Lake View Terrace, CA 91040 Contract Value:$53,996.00 Description:The structural steel contractor’s scope of work shall include, but not limited to, the furnishing of all steel, sheet metal and wood for fabrication, installation and painting of the shade canopy and entrance awning as shown in the approved set of plans. The scope or work shall include layout, excavation, export/import and compaction of soil as necessary for the steel column footings. Installation of reinforcing steel and painted steel columns. Placement and vibration of concrete footings for steel columns. 1. Fabricate, & install per plans provided. 2. Provide design for submittal and provide sample for approval before fabrication per plans provided. 3. Fabricate: a. Three (3) Trail Entry Maps b. Seven (7) Pedestrian Directional c. Sixteen (16) Trail Markers % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:4/30/2021 Owner:Burkhart Brothers Contact:Ryan King Phone Number:(714) 620-9587 Project:1010 Kings Place Newport Beach (Structural Steel) Location:1010 Kings Pl., Newport Beach, CA 92663 Contract Value:$58,268.01 Description:Steel installations for new residential home. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:4/21/2021 Owner:Coachella Valley Water District Contact:Brian Korcok Phone Number:(760) 398-2651 Project:Check Structure at MP 88.6 Replacement Project Location:68th Ave. & Costa Mesa Dr., Mecca, CA Contract Value:$2,357,732.00 Description:The work shall consist of demolition of existing check structure at Milepost 88.6, and construction of new check structure; constructing a canal bypass with concrete lining; constructing earthen cofferdams; forming and placing of reinforced concrete for slabs, walls and decks for the check structure; installing two (2) radial gates with actuator pulley’s furnished by CVWD; miscellaneous metalwork; electrical, instrumentation and control work; grading and site work; and CCTV security camera system installation. % Done By Metro:100 % Page 22 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 42 of 87 Completion Date:4/10/2021 Owner:Mt. San Jacinto Community College District Contact:Tamara Cunningham Phone Number: Project:Chiller Replacement at SJC Bldg. 300 Location:1499 N. State Street, San Jacinto, CA 92583 Contract Value:$69,083.00 Description:Replacement of one (1) current 30 ton Chiller Unit with one (1) 30 ton gas fired double-effect Yazaki Model CH-K30 Chiller. Existing mounting curbs are already in place within the equipment area. % Done By Metro:50 % Completion Date:4/10/2021 Owner:City of Riverside Contact:Kim Ellis Phone Number:(951) 351-6113 Project:Airport Observation Deck Location:6951 Flight Rd., Riverside, CA 92504 Contract Value:$219,889.00 Description:Provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to the project consists of renovating the current observation deck to provide a safe place for guests to the airport to gather. Generally, the project will remove a portion of the deck’s structure surface decking and support columns and replace sections decayed structure, provide new support columns, weather proof surface decking and construct a second stairway. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:2/28/2021 Owner:Young Construction & Development Contact:Trevor Young Phone Number:(951) 258-7010 Project:1519 W. Balboa Blvd. Stairwell Replacement Location:1519 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, CA 92663 Contract Value:$1,675.00 Description:Steel stairwell upgrade at residential home. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:2/26/2021 Owner:PCN3 Contact:Kian Abghari Phone Number:(714) 272-6896 Project:CalTrans Maintenance Building - Steel Location:175 W. Cluster St., San Bernardino, CA 92408 Contract Value:$147,000.00 Description:Steel installations for new CalTrans maintenance building. % Done By Metro:100 % Page 23 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 43 of 87 Completion Date:2/15/2021 Owner:Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority Contact:Blaine Yoder Phone Number:(323) 221-9944 Project:Malibu Pier Beach Access Stairs Project Location:2300 Pacific Coast Hwy, Malibu, CA 90265 Contract Value:$297,100.00 Description:The furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment, services and incidental necessary for Work, as indicated in the plans and specifications, for the Malibu Pier Parking Beach Access Stairs Project, at 23000 Pacific Coast Highway, Malibu, CA 90265. Work includes but is not limited to installation of a new reinforced concrete stair over existing rock revetment with new stainless steel fencing and handrail and repair to an existing concrete stair including handrail modifications and installation of a new concrete stair base. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:2/4/2021 Owner:Orange County Sanitation District Contact:Steve Speakman Phone Number:(714) 593-7398 Project:CENGEN Oil Filters Platform Location:10844 Ellis Ave., Fountain Valley, CA 92708 Contract Value:$134,479.00 Description:The Work involves the fabrication and installation of a complete temporary (removable) platform in the CenGen Basement at both Plant 1 and 2. The Work also includes the installation of a segment of permanent (fixed) platform at each oil filter assembly for each CenGen engine at both plants. There are three CenGen engines at Plant 1 and five CenGen engines at Plant 2 % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:1/28/2021 Owner:City of Colton Contact:Victor Ortiz Phone Number:(909) 370-5065 Project:Park Concessions Stand Upgrade Project Location:Vaious Locations, Colton, CA Contract Value:$413,893.00 Description:The Works consists of, but not limited to remodeling of four (4) existing concession stands within the City of Colton Parks as indicated on the plans and bid specifications. % Done By Metro:100 % Page 24 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 44 of 87 Completion Date:12/7/2020 Owner:CalTrans Contact:Denyel Lanik Phone Number:(916) 227-6043 Project:HVAC Installation - San Bernardino Location:464 W. 4th Street, San Bernardino, CA 92401 Contract Value:$34,735.00 Description:Contractor agrees to provide to the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) all labor, materials, supplies, equipment, tools, travel, and incidentals necessary to install a new heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system as described herein. Contractor shall furnish and install one (1), new, complete HVAC split system, including one (1) outdoor condensing unit, and one (1) indoor blower air handling unit (AHU). a. The system shall use R410A refrigerant or equivalent. b. The system shall provide an efficiency that meets or exceeds 13.0 Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER). c. The outdoor condensing unit shall be rated three (3) tons. d. The inside Air Handling Unit (AHU) shall be rated 1200 cubic feet per minute (CFM) and the blower unit shall be field-adjusted to the required air volume for the size of the cooled area in the building. e. The AHU shall have cooling capability only, no heat. % Done By Metro:50 % Completion Date:12/4/2020 Owner:City of Santa Monica Contact:Fabio Macias Phone Number:(310) 458-8721 Project:Ocean Ave. Bus Pad Project Location:Ocean Ave. & Colorado Ave., Santa Monica, CA 90401 Contract Value:$83,612.80 Description:Installation of new concrete bus pad. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:10/25/2020 Owner:CalTrans Contact:Anna Avilez-Avila Phone Number:(909) 246-6732 Project:HVAC Removal and Replacement Location:320 S. Sierra Way, San Bernardino, CA 92408 Contract Value:$313,762.00 Description:Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, parts tools, equipment, permits and incidentals necessary to install three (3) 10-ton commercial heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) packaged units, remove and dispose of thirteen (13) existing wall evaporative coolers, remove and dispose of twenty-nine (29) commercial heaters and related ducting, electrical wiring, and components, remove, dispose of and install one (1) new 4-ton commercial HVAC packaged unit, install two (2) 7.5-ton HVAC packaged units, one (1) existing roof evaporative cooler, and four (4) wall evaporative coolers and all related ducting, electrical wiring, and components in the San Bernardino Shop Facility buildings. % Done By Metro:50 % Page 25 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 45 of 87 Completion Date:10/1/2020 Owner:Riverside County Dept. of Water Resources Contact:Fouad Mina Phone Number:(951) 486-3244 Project:Lamb Canyon Sanitary Landfill Facility Improvement Location:16411 Lamb Canyon Road, Beaumont, CA 92223 Contract Value:$4,741,733.00 Description:This project consists of two structural steel buildings, along with associated site work such as grading, electrical, and paving. % Done By Metro:80 % Completion Date:9/30/2020 Owner:PCN3 Contact:Kian Abghari Phone Number:(714) 272-6896 Project:Fire Station No. 2 Apparatus Bay (Structural Steel Location:2900 E. Collins Ave., Orange, CA 92867 Contract Value:$51,799.00 Description:Steel installations for new apparatus bay at fire station. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:8/30/2020 Owner:City of Santa Monica Contact:Saad Malim Phone Number:(310) 458-8721 Project:Pier Below Deck Fire Sprinkler Replacements Location:300 Santa Monica Pier, Santa Monica, CA 90401 Contract Value:$2,068,963.00 Description:Installation of new fire sprinkler system at the pier. % Done By Metro:50 % Completion Date:8/30/2020 Owner:GIN Construction Contact:Eugenio Landa Phone Number:(949) 510-9359 Project:Alabbasi Residence (Structrual Steel) Location:7211 Alabbasi Way, Riverside, CA 92571 Contract Value:$292,750.00 Description:Steel installations for new household. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:7/31/2020 Owner:Burhart Brothers Contact:Glenn Luman Phone Number:(949) 230-0133 Project:110 30th Street Duplex (Structural Steel) Location:110 30th Street, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Contract Value:$78,000.00 Description:Steel installations for home remodel. % Done By Metro:100 % Page 26 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 46 of 87 Completion Date:6/30/2020 Owner:Access Pacific Contact:Ruben Munoz Phone Number:(213) 858-2575 Project:Division 18 Bus Washer No. 1 Replacement Location:450 W. Griffith St., Gardena, CA 90248 Contract Value:$140,660.00 Description:Steel scopes for the bus wash station upgrades. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:6/30/2020 Owner:Pacific Orca Corporation Contact:Ken Mockett Phone Number: Project:32321 Pacific Coast Highway (Structural Steel) Location:32321 Pacific Coast Highway, Dana Point, CA 92629 Contract Value:$3,350.00 Description:Steel upgrades. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:6/26/2020 Owner:City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Recreation and Parks Contact:Harold Arrivillaga Phone Number:(213) 202-2640 Project:Van Ness Recreation Center - Pool & Bathhouse Repl Location:5720 S. 2nd Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90043 Contract Value:$8,872,002.00 Description:The proposed scope for this project includes the following: 1. Demolition of existing 7,500 square-foot swimming pool and pool deck 2. Demolition of existing 6,000 square-foot bathhouse 3. Construction of a new 9,000 square-foot lap pool with 7,500 square-foot pool deck 4. Construction of a new 750 square-foot splash pad 5. Construction of a new 4,930 square-foot bathhouse/pump house 6. Construction of new 10–foot high pool perimeter fencing 7. Replacement of the new landscaping, planting and irrigation 8. Replacement of site utility connections serving the building and pool 9. Installation of stadium light poles and LED underwater pool lights 10. Installation of security light poles throughout the pool and bathhouse area % Done By Metro:66 % Completion Date:6/13/2020 Owner:City of Los Angeles Contact:Herman Van Buren Phone Number:(213) 473-7878 Project:BOE CD 15 Gibson (Concrete) Location:2165 John S. Gibson Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90731 Contract Value:$1,054,625.00 Description:Scope includes site concrete, layout, concrete placement, driveway, pavement etc. % Done By Metro:100 % Page 27 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 47 of 87 Completion Date:5/29/2020 Owner:Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts Contact:Steve Hernandez Phone Number:(562) 908-4288 Project:Puente Hills Materials Recovery Facility Building Location:2808 Workman Mill Road, Whittier, CA 90601 Contract Value:$6,424,241.00 Description:Demolition of existing equipment and concrete structures. Installation of new concrete pits, steel pushwalls, electrical runs for new equipment, and new HVAC systems. % Done By Metro:80 % Completion Date:5/29/2020 Owner:U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Contact:Stan Fujimoto Phone Number:(626) 401-4084 Project:Whittier Narrows Dam Mechanical & Electrical Work Location:645 Durfee Ave., South El Monte, CA 91733 Contract Value:$3,253,983.00 Description:Upgrades to the mechanical and electrical systems for several dam gates. % Done By Metro:90 % Completion Date:5/5/2020 Owner:City of Seal Beach Contact:Denice Bailey Phone Number:(562) 431-2527 Project:Seal Beach Zero Tower Lifeguard Ladders Location:Zero Tower, Seal Beach, CA 90740 Contract Value:$24,093.00 Description:Removal and upgrades of the ladders at the Zero Tower. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:3/20/2020 Owner:City of Monrovia Contact:Chris Castruita Phone Number:(626) 256-8224 Project:Fire Station 101 Renovation Location:141 E. Lemon Ave., Monrovia, CA 91016 Contract Value:$97,450.00 Description:Updates to the kitchen at fire station 101. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:3/20/2020 Owner:City of Newport Beach Contact:Fong Tse Phone Number:(949) 644-3321 Project:Park Avenue Bridge Handrail Upgrades Location:Park Ave Bridge, Newport Beach, CA 92662 Contract Value:$35,800.00 Description:Replacement of aluminum railings on the existing bridge. % Done By Metro:100 % Page 28 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 48 of 87 Completion Date:3/6/2020 Owner:City of Colton Contact:Victor Ortiz Phone Number:(909) 514-4210 Project:Civic Center Restroom Renovation Project Location:650 N. La Cadena Dr., Colton, CA 92324 Contract Value:$151,300.00 Description:The Works consists of, but not limited to renovation of four (4) units existing restrooms as indicated on the plans and bid specifications. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:3/4/2020 Owner:Coachella Valley Water District Contact:Amer Hassouneh Phone Number:(760) 398-2651 Project:Design-Build for Palm Desert Auto Shop Building Location:75-515 Hovley Lane East, Palm Desert, CA 92211 Contract Value:$1,597,710.00 Description:The purpose of the Project is to design and construct a new concrete masonry auto shop building with dimensions of approximately 55’-4” x 62’-0” and a floor area of 3,431 square feet to be located on the north side of the existing fleet maintenance building at CVWD’s headquarters campus located at 75-525 Hovley Lane East, Palm Desert, as shown in the concept plan included in the Appendices of the Basis of Design document. The project also includes a deductive alternate for a reduced building size of 48’-0” x 62’-0”. This is a three bay expansion to the existing 3,428 square foot repair shop to provide major maintenance and repairs.The primary focus of the auto shop is to perform preventative maintenance on CVWD’s fleet of gasoline and diesel powered vehicles and equipment. The auto shop also does equipment repairs which can range from small items up through heavy repair such as an engine or transmission overhaul. All work utilizes industry best practices for environmental and safety compliance. A five- ton crane over one bay is also included as part of the project. The total desired Project budget is $1,600,000, which includes CVWD-owned contingency. % Done By Metro:100 % Page 29 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 49 of 87 Completion Date:3/2/2020 Owner:City of Los Angeles Contact:Sam Navid Phone Number:(310) 648-6129 Project:DCTWRP Chlorine Contact Tanks High Pressure Efflue Location:6100 N. Woodley Ave., Van Nuys, CA 91406 Contract Value:$1,687,412.00 Description:At the Donald C Tillman Water Reclamation Plant, around the Primary Tank and Chlorine-Contact tanks Demo & replace: - Copper & other piping - Valves Install: - Surge tanks - Water-hammer arresters Commissioning & Startup testing % Done By Metro:85 % Completion Date:2/29/2020 Owner:City of Newport Beach Contact:Jim Miller Phone Number:(714) 316-3000 Project:Newport Beach Dog Park (Concrete) Location:Avocado Ave. & San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach, CA Contract Value:$7,500.00 Description:New concrete placement at dog park % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:1/31/2020 Owner:Hoag Hospital Contact:Angel Liu Phone Number:(949) 764-4495 Project:Hoag Hospital Creative Office Space (CANCELLED) Location:1 Hoag Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92658 Contract Value:$1,100.00 Description:CANCELLED - New steel awning for hospital office spaces. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:11/4/2019 Owner:Burkhart Brothers Contact:Alen Dacic Phone Number:(949) 375-6725 Project:Circular Stairs Install at Acacio Azores Rd. Location:32492 Azores Rd., Dana Point, CA 92629 Contract Value:$1,400.00 Description:New steel stair installations. % Done By Metro:100 % Page 30 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 50 of 87 Completion Date:10/31/2019 Owner:City of Los Angeles Contact:Herman Van Buren Phone Number:(213) 473-7878 Project:BOE CD 11 Sunset (Structural Steel) Location:100 Sunset Ave., Venice, CA 90291 Contract Value:$184,948.00 Description:The structural steel contractor shall provide all labor, supervision, tools, shop drawings, tools, equipment, materials, services, documentation, reports, insurance, bonds, submittals, shop drawings, inspections, manifests, and all other items required to complete the work in accordance with the project documents. • The structural steel contractor’s scope of work shall include, but not limited to: • Fabrication and installation of the dining canopy structure as shown in the approved stamped set of plans. • Shop drawings are to be submitted and approved before fabrication is to start. • Layout, excavation and export/import of soil of post footings. • Installation of reinforcing steel and HSS post, placement and vibration of concrete footings. • Colourshade fire rated fabric mounted on top of steel framing. Color of fabric shall be selected by architect. See G0.06 for flame resistant certificate. • All field welding is to be performed by an approved Certified Los Angeles City Welder. • All field welding is to be inspected by a deputy inspector, that will be coordinated by GSD CFD personal (Allow minimum 24-hours to schedule deputy inspector). • Fire watch is required for all field welding. • The contractor site supervisor to ensure personal protective equipment shall always be worn by employees on construction site. Hard hats, safety vests, safety glasses and work boots. • Contractor to provide GSD with a detailed schedule. • Temporary water and power will be provided for construction activities. • Construction site working hours: Monday through Saturday 7 AM to 7 PM. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:10/31/2019 Owner:City of Los Angeles Contact:Herman Van Buren Phone Number:(213) 473-7878 Project:BOE CD 2 Sherman Way (Structural Steel) Location:11839 Sherman Way, Los Angeles, CA 91605 Contract Value:$227,069.00 Description:Structural steel upgrades at GSD's facility. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:10/31/2019 Owner:City of Newport Beach Contact:Peter Tauscher Phone Number:(949) 644-3316 Project:Newport Beach Fire Temp Station #5 Decommissioning Location:Marguerite Ave. & 5th Ave., Corona Del Mar, CA 926 Contract Value:$17,500.00 Description:Removal of temporary site facilities (electrical and plumbing) for the temporary fire station. % Done By Metro:100 % Page 31 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 51 of 87 Completion Date:10/29/2019 Owner:Golden State Water Company Contact:Michael Amimoto Phone Number:(909) 544-1433 Project:SCADA Zone 250 MWD Import Connections Location:Los Angeles County, CA Contract Value:$590,840.00 Description:Upgrades to the electrical and SCADA systems at four locations in LA County. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:10/25/2019 Owner:City of Los Angeles Contact:Joshua Engstrom Phone Number:(213) 473-8411 Project:BOE CD 15 Imperial (Structural Steel) Location:2316 East Imperial Highway, los Angeles, CA 90059 Contract Value:$159,578.00 Description:Fabricate and install structural steel in dining canopy and associated work. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:10/25/2019 Owner:City of Los Angeles Contact:Graham Harrison Phone Number:(213) 923-3102 Project:GSD FIN CH - Colored LED (Structural Steel) Location:200 N Spring St, Los Angeles CA 90012 Contract Value:$109,420.00 Description:Fabricate and install new LED lighting mounting systems for City hall, fall protection systems and scafolding. % Done By Metro:83 % Completion Date:10/7/2019 Owner:City of Newport Beach Contact:Jim Miller Phone Number:(714) 316-3600 Project:Mariners Park Tennis Court Location:1300 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach, ca 92660 Contract Value:$1,375.00 Description:Upgrades to the tennis courts. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:9/30/2019 Owner:City of Newport Beach Contact:Celeste Jardine-Haug Phone Number:(949) 644-3244 Project:Oasis Senior Citizen Center - Emergency Repairs Location:801 Narcissus Ave, Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 Contract Value:$23,000.00 Description:Emergency plumbing repairs % Done By Metro:100 % Page 32 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 52 of 87 Completion Date:8/30/2019 Owner:City of Los Angeles Contact:Joshua Engstrom Phone Number:(213) 473-8411 Project:BOE CD 15 Imperial (Concrete) Location:2316 East Imperial Highway, los Angeles, CA 90059 Contract Value:$226,076.00 Description:Scope includes site concrete, layout, concrete placement, driveway, pavement etc. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:8/30/2019 Owner:TM Grady Builders Contact:Kyle Foley Phone Number:(949) 371-1386 Project:Alderson Residence (Structural Steel) Location:24131 Cascades Drive, Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 Contract Value:$30,600.00 Description:Structural steel fabrications and installations for private residence. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:8/23/2019 Owner:City of Los Angeles Contact:Joshua Engstrom Phone Number:(213) 305-6449 Project:CD 8 St. Andrews Site Temp Shelter (SS) Location:5965 S St. Andrews Pl., Los Angeles, CA 90047 Contract Value:$235,905.00 Description:Fabricate and install structural steel in dining canopy and associated work. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:8/2/2019 Owner:City of San Diego Contact:Joseph Ecclesine Phone Number:(858) 573-5045 Project:University Heights Water Tower Seismic Retrofit Location:North Park Water Tower, San Diego, CA 92104 Contract Value:$1,037,782.00 Description:This project will repair and/or replace the exterior structural elements that includes replacing the corroded anchor bolt washers; extending of column footing foundation; new tie rod bracing and installing of new gusset plates and pin connectors; lead coating abatement; and recoating of the lower portions of the tower columns. No work will be done on the current catwalk and ladders, interior trusses, roof or any painting or coating to exterior or interior of the water tank. % Done By Metro:91 % Page 33 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 53 of 87 Completion Date:7/31/2019 Owner:Joud Construction Contact:Yousef Audi Phone Number:(951) 734-2723 Project:Laguna Project 1414 Dunning Drive - Steel Location:1414 Dunning Drive, Laguna Beach, CA 92651 Contract Value:$33,000.00 Description:Structural steel fabrications and installations for private residence. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:7/19/2019 Owner:City of Los Angeles Contact:Ken Tafoya Phone Number:(213) 276-5571 Project:BOE MT. LUKENS (Structural Steel) Location:5150 N Mount Lukens Rd., Tujunga, CA 91042 Contract Value:$171,149.00 Description:Fabricate and install supports for five (5) A/Ccondensers and catwalk % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:7/12/2019 Owner:City of Newport Beach Contact:Mark Vukojevic Phone Number:(714) 642-2429 Project:333 Grand Canal ( On-Call Maintenance Newport) Location:333 Grand Canal, Newport Beach, CA 92662 Contract Value:$29,725.00 Description:Demo existing site paving and instalaltion of new brick paving. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:6/30/2019 Owner:Martin Harris Construction Contact:Dwight Webb Phone Number:(702) 385-5257 Project:SFSSM - Snack Bar Remodel (Structural Steel) Location:13963 Alondra Blvd., Santa Fe Spring, CA 90670 Contract Value:$14,600.00 Description:Fabrication and installation of steel members for the swapmeet upgrades. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:6/30/2019 Owner:City of Los Angeles Contact:Daniel Gage Phone Number:(213) 276-3274 Project:FD FS 35 Staircase - Structural Steel Location:1601 Hillhurst Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90027 Contract Value:$69,860.00 Description:Design and replacement of a steel stairwell for a fire station. % Done By Metro:100 % Page 34 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 54 of 87 Completion Date:6/30/2019 Owner:Burkhart Brothers Contact:Randy Hilario Phone Number:(949) 697-5022 Project:Carlini Residence (Viejo) - Structural Steel Location:327 Viejo Street, Laguna Beach, CA 92651 Contract Value:$24,500.00 Description:Structural steel fabrications and installations for private residence. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:6/28/2019 Owner:EPRI and California Energy Commission Contact:Daniel S. Lee Phone Number:(310) 763-5699 Project:Lekos Dye ORC Demonstration install (Structural St Location:3131 E Harcourt Street, Rancho Dominguez, CA 90221 Contract Value:$38,000.00 Description:Fabrication and Installation of structural steel platform for equipment. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:4/30/2019 Owner:Martin Harris Contruction (Santa Fe Springs) Contact:Dwight Webb Phone Number:(702) 385-5257 Project:Santa Fe Springs Swapmeet - Structural Steel Location:13963 Alondra Blvd., Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 Contract Value:$194,600.00 Description:Fabrication and installation of steel members for the swapmeet upgrades. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:4/13/2019 Owner:City of Newport Beach Contact:Fong Tse Phone Number:(949) 644-3321 Project:City Hall Drinking Water Fountain Location:100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Contract Value:$17,850.00 Description:Installation of new drinking water fountain and associated piping. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:3/30/2019 Owner:City of Newport Beach Contact:Fong Tse Phone Number:(949) 644-3321 Project:Lifeguard Headquarters Stingray Treatment Washdown Location:70 Newport Pier, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Contract Value:$45,720.00 Description:Installation of new concrete and plumbing systems for the stingray washdown area. % Done By Metro:100 % Page 35 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 55 of 87 Completion Date:3/21/2019 Owner:City of Newport Beach Contact:Peter Tauscher Phone Number:(949) 644-3316 Project:Newport Beach Police Dept. Doors and Misc. Work Location:870 Santa Barbara Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Contract Value:$4,850.00 Description:Upgrades to door closure and hardware at the police department. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:2/19/2019 Owner:City of Santa Monica Contact:Gene Higginbotham Phone Number:(310) 458-8729 Project:Santa Monica Pier Electrical Upgrades Project Location:Santa Monica Pier, Santa Monica, CA 90401 Contract Value:$1,058,700.00 Description:This project would replace the existing deteriorated electrical switchgear on the Santa Monica Pier. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:1/31/2019 Owner:City of Los Angeles Contact:John Moreno Phone Number:(213) 216-3442 Project:DOT Lot 752 Fire System & CO2 - Structural Steel Location:6265 Sylmar Ave., Van Nuys, CA 91401 Contract Value:$64,740.00 Description:Welding repairs to two (2) existing steel stairwells. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:1/31/2019 Owner:CALTEC Corporation Contact:Henry Abghari Phone Number:(714) 717-1638 Project:Canine Lab Remodel - Structural Steel Location:1100 North Grand Ave., Walnut, CA 91789 Contract Value:$156,190.00 Description:Fabrication and installation of steel members for the Mt. San Antonio College upgrades. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:1/17/2019 Owner:City of Newport Beach Contact:Fong Tse Phone Number:(949) 644-3321 Project:Marina Park Lighting Modifications Location:1600 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, CA 92663 Contract Value:$2,800.00 Description:Lighting upgrades at the Marina Park. % Done By Metro:100 % Page 36 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 56 of 87 Completion Date:1/16/2019 Owner:City of Newport Beach Contact:James Miller Phone Number:(714) 316-3000 Project:Newport Coast Community Center Door Closure Location:6401 San Joaquin Hills Road, Newport Beach, CA 926 Contract Value:$1,000.00 Description:Upgrades to doors at the community center. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:11/30/2018 Owner:Burkhart Brothers (SS - PRIVATE) Contact:Ben Matyszuk Phone Number:(949) 375-6725 Project:Cartie Residence - 659 Bolsana - Structural Steel Location:659 Bolsana Drive, Laguna Beach, CA 92651 Contract Value:$38,500.00 Description:Structural steel fabrications and installations for private residence. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:11/30/2018 Owner:Burkhart Brothers c/o Brent Engstrom Contact:Sarah Zimprich Phone Number:(714) 353-2272 Project:New Three Level Duplex 29th - Stuctural Steel Location:115 29th Street, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Contract Value:$23,675.00 Description:Structural steel fabrications and installations for private residence. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:11/30/2018 Owner:West Coast Air c/o County of Orange Contact:Scott Golueke Phone Number:(619) 561-8000 Project:OC Data Center CUF Infrastructure Upgrades Location:1400 S. Grand Ave., Santa Ana, CA 92705 Contract Value:$59,231.00 Description:Structural steel fabrications and installations for OC Data Center. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:10/31/2018 Owner:G.M. Neal Corporation c/o Gray Residence Contact:Gary Neal Phone Number:(949) 589-5999 Project:309 Via Lido Soud Remodel - Structural Steel Location:309 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Contract Value:$23,300.00 Description:Structural steel fabrications and installations for private residence. % Done By Metro:100 % Page 37 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 57 of 87 Completion Date:10/1/2018 Owner:City of Los Angeles Contact:David Perka Phone Number:(213) 473-7856 Project:LIB Central Digital Labs Structural Steel Location:630 W. 5th St., Los Angeles, CA 90071 Contract Value:$27,000.00 Description:The Structural Steel contractor shall provide all labor, supervision, shop drawings, tools, equipment, materials, services, documentation, reports, insurance, manifests, and other work- related items to do the following: Fabrication, Installation, deputy inspections, building inspections of all structural steel components, per plan. Work to be done after 8:00 pm M-Thurs. Must work with other LA City trades. Must keep Library clean of debris each night, debris to be hauled off each night. Does not Inc. light gage steel. One week for RFI’s % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:9/28/2018 Owner:California State University San Bernardino Contact:Alfred Salgado Phone Number:(909) 537-5136 Project:Pfau Library Exterior Deck Replacement Location:5500 University Parkway, San Bernardino, CA 92407 Contract Value:$2,184,612.00 Description:In general, the work consists of all construction services and phasing for demo and replacement of existing exterior decking of the Pfau Library Building located on the campus of California State University, San Bernardino. The old and new Pfau Library sections of the existing exterior deck areas have multiple water intrusion/leaks areas that are current within the basement level of the library. Scope of work consists of demo and replace the existing exterior deck which will entail the topping slab components to include terrazzo, control joint, mortar setting bed, sand layer, metal flashing and waterproofing membrane system down to the structureal concrete deck in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by AEPC Group, LLC % Done By Metro:85 % Completion Date:9/15/2018 Owner:Stradwick Construction (SS - PRIVATE) Contact:Marc Stradwick Phone Number:(949) 610-4542 Project:8 Sea Glass Crystal Cove - Structural Steel Location:8 Sea Glass, Crystal Cove, CA 92657 Contract Value:$140,000.00 Description:Structural steel fabrications and installations for private residence. % Done By Metro:100 % Page 38 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 58 of 87 Completion Date:9/5/2018 Owner:County of Los Angeles, Department of Public Works Contact:Tim Bazinet Phone Number:(626) 458-2185 Project:Manhattan Beach Pump Station and Low-Flow Div. Location:Manhattan Beach, CA Contract Value:$1,322,400.00 Description:Installation of two new vertical turbine pumps, an electric motor, a right angle gear drive unit, ball valves and control panels a low-flow diversion system, fiberglass reinforced polymer platform, stairs, trash rack, and miscellaneous electrical work % Done By Metro:95 % Completion Date:8/30/2018 Owner:Stradwick Construction (SS - PRIVATE) Contact:Marc Stradwick Phone Number:(714) 318-2645 Project:Spinnaker Remodel - Structural Steel Location:23 Spinnaker, Newport Coast, CA 92657 Contract Value:$250,000.00 Description:Structural steel fabrications and installations for private residence. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:8/30/2018 Owner:Touchstone Construction Services (SS - PRIVATE) Contact:Adam Feliz Phone Number:(714) 917-9781 Project:240 West Chapman Avenue - Structural Steel Location:240 W. Chapman Ave., Orange, CA 92866 Contract Value:$60,500.00 Description:Structural steel fabrications and installations for private residence. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:8/30/2018 Owner:Renaissance Builders Group, Inc. (SS - PRIVATE) Contact:Edward Riahi Phone Number:(949) 300-7636 Project:V.D. Hill Residence - Structural Steel Location:1087 Van Dyke Drive, Laguna Beach, CA 92651 Contract Value:$19,800.00 Description:Structural steel fabrications and installations for private residence. % Done By Metro:100 % Page 39 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 59 of 87 Completion Date:7/10/2018 Owner:City of Newport Beach Contact:Fong Tse Phone Number:(949) 644-3321 Project:Fire Station No. 6 Apparatus Bay Replacement Location:1348 Irvine Ave., Newport Beach, CA 92660 Contract Value:$977,868.00 Description:The work necessary for the completion of this contract consists of obtaining no-fee City building permits; preparing and submitting a shoring plan to the Building Department for no cost approval, removing and disposing the existing Apparatus Bay; constructing the new Apparatus Bay and its associated improvements; and arranging with WestNet for their work. % Done By Metro:80 % Completion Date:6/30/2018 Owner:LA County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Contact:Noelle Valenzuela Phone Number:(213) 922-3647 Project:Division 9 Maintenance Annex Building (Design/Buil Location:3449 Santa Anita Avenue, El Monte, CA 90011 Contract Value:$4,401,237.00 Description:Division 9 Maintenance Annex Building Design/Build project will have the Contractor provide the design, construction, and installation/addition of four more services bays for both standard and articulated buses. % Done By Metro:56 % Completion Date:6/30/2018 Owner:LA County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Contact:Wonder Van Twist Phone Number:(213) 922-7325 Project:Division 1 Maintenance Annex Building (Design/Buil Location:1130 E. 6th St., Los Angeles, CA 90021 Contract Value:$5,719,866.00 Description:Div. 1 Maintenance Annex Building Design/Build Contractor to provide the design, construction, equipment installation and testing of Annex Maintenance Building including site improvements % Done By Metro:60 % Completion Date:6/1/2018 Owner:Metropolitan Transportation Authority Contact:Josie Mellen Phone Number:(213) 922-1105 Project:Environmental Graphics at Harbor Gateway Location:731 West 182nd St., Los Angeles, CA 90048 Contract Value:$2,546,000.00 Description:Design/Build for the installation of new electronic signs for two MTA stations in Los Angeles. % Done By Metro:50 % Page 40 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 60 of 87 Completion Date:5/21/2018 Owner:County of Los Angeles Contact:Salim Sioufi Phone Number:(626) 677-0569 Project:Marina Beach General Improvements Project Location:900 South Fremont Avenue, Alhambra, CA 91803 Contract Value:$3,984,768.00 Description:The proposed project will consist of refurbishing the existing restroom building with a more contemporary design, including reconfiguring and renovating the interior space for Americans with Disabilities Act compliance, replacing the entire roof structure, and cladding the exterior masonry walls with painted plaster, cement board siding, and expanded perforated metal panels; removing and replacing the covered group picnic shelters with similar contemporary structures, including the benches and barbeque grills; resurfacing the waterfront promenade with integral colored concrete and interlocking pavers; and repairing and enhancing the existing landscaped areas with bioswale planters. The illumination of the waterfront will include providing lights to existing palm trees and installing light bollards. % Done By Metro:80 % Completion Date:4/16/2018 Owner:LA County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Contact:Thomas Tan (C.A. Rasmussen) Phone Number:(818) 634-2677 Project:Bob Hope and Hollywood Way Metrolink Station Location:3600 N. San Fernando Boulevard, Burbank, CA 91505 Contract Value:$500,600.00 Description:Fabricate and install the steel components at the new Metrolink station. Components include steel canopy systems, metal hand rails, and steel fencing. % Done By Metro:8 % Completion Date:3/15/2018 Owner:TM Grady Construction (SS - PRIVATE) Contact:Kyle Foley Phone Number:(949) 371-1386 Project:Alderson Remodel - Structural Steel Location:24131 Cascades Drive, Laguna Niguel, CA 92625 Contract Value:$25,350.00 Description:Structural steel fabrications and installations for private residence. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:2/18/2018 Owner:Rancho California Water District Contact:Heath McMahon Phone Number:(951) 296-6983 Project:Well No. 102 Wellhead Treatment Facilities Location:Temecula, CA Contract Value:$3,414,290.00 Description:Construction of new wellhead Treatment facilities at the Districts existing Well No. 102 Site - Replacement of the existing well pumping equipment and appurtenances; a series of steel Pressure filters for removal of organic carbon TOC, Iron, and Manganese; a bolted steel filter backwash storage tank; backwash pumps; disinfection facilities; electrical facilities; and miscellaneous piping, valving, and instrumentation % Done By Metro:85 % Page 41 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 61 of 87 Completion Date:1/24/2018 Owner:City of Santa Monica Contact:Gene Higginbotham Phone Number:(310) 458-8729 Project:Santa Monica Pier Electrical Upgrade Project Location:1685 Main Street, Santa Monica, CA 90401 Contract Value:$1,058,700.00 Description:This project would replace the existing deteriorated electrical switchgear on the Santa Monica Pier. % Done By Metro:95 % Completion Date:11/25/2017 Owner:City of Culver City Contact:Lee Torres Phone Number:(310) 253-6457 Project:Transfer Station Stormwater Diversion Project Location:9770 Culver Blvd., Culver City, CA 90232 Contract Value:$1,094,312.00 Description:The Scope of Work for the referenced project includes, but not limited to, the installation two (2) HDPE manhole storage basins, each with a duplex submersible grinder pumping system mounted rail removal system, control panels, floats, cast in place concrete lid with 3’x3’ H20 rated hatches, piping, valves, valve vaults, diversion boxes, 2" HDPE pipeline, storm drain drop inlets, storm drain pipes, concrete removal and replacement, trench removal and paving, asphalt concrete cold milling and asphalt concrete overlay, and other associated improvements shown the improvement plans. % Done By Metro:80 % Completion Date:11/1/2017 Owner:Metropolitan Transportation Authority Contact:Andi Wang Phone Number:(213) 922-4722 Project:Sound Enclosures at Slauson & Manchester Busway St Location:Slauson & Manchester Busway Stations Contract Value:$2,263,168.42 Description:Design/Build of updated sound enclosure system at two MTA bus stop locations along the I-110 freeway. Sound Enclosure project located at the following Transitway Bus Stations: 1. Slauson Ave. Harbor Transitway Station 350½ W. Slauson Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90003 2. Manchester Ave. Harbor Transitway Station 452½ W. Manchester Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90003 % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:9/15/2017 Owner:Los Angeles County Sanitation District (LACSD) Contact:Ignacio Murillo Phone Number:(562) 908-4288 Project:Indiana Street Pumping Plant Generator Installatio Location:207 N. Indiana Street, Los Angeles, CA 90063 Contract Value:$1,690,346.00 Description:Installation of facility to house a standby generator. Includes site utility work and perimeter CMU wall. % Done By Metro:80 % Page 42 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 62 of 87 Completion Date:5/26/2017 Owner:City of Newport Beach Contact:Fong Tse Phone Number:(949) 644-3321 Project:Marina Park Seat Wall Location:1600 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, CA 92663 Contract Value:$63,000.00 Description:The work necessary for the majority completion of this contract consists of (1) mobilization and demobilization, (2) traffic controls, (3) sand handling and compaction, (4) construct integrally colored reinforced concrete seat walls, (5) construct integrally colored concrete panel, (6) install non-shrink elastomeric joint seal, and (7) Clean Up. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:5/22/2017 Owner:Port of Los Angeles - Harbor Department Contact:Jill Shimamoto Phone Number:(310) 732-7634 Project:Berth 142 Crane Maintenance Building Location:710 W. Harry Bridges Blvd, Wilmington, CA 90744 Contract Value:$6,489,559.00 Description:Construction of an approximately 5,000 SF steel framed building for crane maintenance at the Port of Los Angeles, including site utilities, drilled pile foundations, concrete piles caps and foundation, structural steel building, steel catwalks for service personnel in building, mechanical service systems, etc. % Done By Metro:65 % Completion Date:2/27/2017 Owner:County of Los Angeles, Department of Public Works Contact:Erayna Change Phone Number:(626) 600-2325 Project:(DROPPED) Pitchess Laundry and Water Tanks Location:29350 The Old Road, Castaic, CA 91384 Contract Value:$1,875,000.00 Description:Work to be done under the Contract consists of furnishing all materials, all equipment, and performing the Work required by these Specifications and the Drawings hereinafter, described and necessary, to complete the construction of the Pitchess Laundry and Water Tanks Replacement Project. B. The work includes but is not limited to the following: The work includes the demolition of designated existing laundry equipment and utility connection to new owner furnished laundry equipment, electrical and plumbing upgrades to the current laundry building, and installation of a water softening system to support the new equipment. Additionally, an on-site inmate restroom and employee break room will be refurbished as part of the Project scope. Laundry equipment is furnished and installed by others. % Done By Metro:80 % Page 43 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 63 of 87 Completion Date:2/1/2017 Owner:Coachella Valley Water District Contact:Brian Korcok Phone Number:(760) 398-2661 Project:Lift Station 80-03 Structural Repairs Location:Palm Desert, CA Contract Value:$107,941.01 Description:Remove and replace access hatch, remove and fill-in equipment hatch, provide beam strengthening for roof support, and miscellaneous concrete repair. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:11/4/2016 Owner:Southern California Regional Rail Authority Contact:Sonny Ibrahim Phone Number:(213) 452-0436 Project:Diesel Exhaust Fluid ( DEF) Systems and Sand Syste Location:1555 San Fernando Rd Los Angeles, CA Contract Value:$3,053,075.00 Description:This project requires a responsible contractor to perform the procurement and installation of Diesel Exhaust Fluid Systems and Sanding System at Authority's Central Maintenance Facility and Eastern Maintenance Facility, as outlined in the Technical Specifications. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:8/30/2016 Owner:City of Santa Ana Contact:Michael Ortiz Phone Number:(714) 615-0892 Project:Santa Ana Stadium Structural Concrete Repair Location:602 N. Flower Street, Santa Ana, CA 92701 Contract Value:$977,532.77 Description:Structural concrete repairs and replacements. % Done By Metro:90 % Completion Date:8/30/2016 Owner:City of Anaheim Contact:Caster Williams Phone Number:(714) 765-5176 Project:Modifications to City Hall Pedestrian Bridge Suppo Location:200 S. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim, CA 92805 Contract Value:$99,180.00 Description:Upgrades to the pedestrian bridge at City Hall, including new sheet metal, concrete patch work, and steel components. % Done By Metro:75 % Page 44 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 64 of 87 Completion Date:5/18/2016 Owner:City of Newport Beach Contact:Fong Tse Phone Number:(949) 644-3321 Project:Newport Beach Fire Station No. 6 Auxiliary Drivewa Location:1348 Irvine Avenue, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Contract Value:$25,500.00 Description:Installation of new gate fence for a larger fire truck at the fire station with updated driveway. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:5/9/2016 Owner:City of Newport Beach Contact:Peter Tauscher Phone Number:(949) 644-3316 Project:Newport Theater Arts Center on Cliff Drive Location:225 El Modena Avenue, Newport Beach, CA 92663 Contract Value:$10,740.00 Description:Design and construction management for the architectural upgrades of the theater. % Done By Metro:50 % Completion Date:2/1/2016 Owner:Castiac Lake Water Agency Contact:Ross Hartsock (Layfield) Phone Number:(619) 631-1260 Project:Rio Vista Water Treatment Plant Clearwell No. 2 Location: (Newhall Ranch Rd and Santa Clarita Pkwy) Contract Value:$929,387.65 Description:Subcontractor Work to Layfield USA % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:11/13/2015 Owner:City of Claremont Contact:Natalie Avila - RKA Consulting Phone Number:(909) 594-9702 Project:City Hall Water Conserving Landscape Project Location:207 Harvard Ave, Claremont, CA 91711 Contract Value:$246,335.45 Description:Removal of existing grass and shrubs, installation of drip irrigation system and drought tolerant planting. Installation of landscape boulders, mow curbs, DG surfacing, and site amenities (tables and benches). % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:10/23/2015 Owner:City of Newport Beach Contact:Fong Tse Phone Number:(949) 644-3321 Project:Grand Canal Sand Maintenance Project Location:Grand Canal (Balboa Island), Newport Beach, CA Contract Value:$246,500.00 Description:Construction of seawall to prevent damage to existing retaining wall and prevent flooding. % Done By Metro:100 % Page 45 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 65 of 87 Completion Date:9/11/2015 Owner:City of Los Angeles - Bureau of Engineering Contact:David Copp Phone Number:(310) 210-7506 Project:Air Treatment Facility - ECIS - Mission & Jesse Location:651 Mission Rd, Los Angeles, CA Contract Value:$17,904,742.67 Description:Construction of Air Treatment Facility -- 25' deep shoring, concrete basement, pumping equipment, sewer odor control equipment, electrical and instrumentation. % Done By Metro:75 % Completion Date:3/26/2015 Owner:City of Los Angeles - Bureau of Engineering Contact:Meghan Aldrich Phone Number:(213) 847-4713 Project:Rainforest of the Americas - LA Zoo Location:LA Zoo, 5333 Zoo Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90027 Contract Value:$16,907,092.26 Description:Construction of several buildings, retaining walls, exhibits, animal cages, life support systems, mechanical, and electrical systems at the LA Zoo. % Done By Metro:35 % Completion Date:10/27/2014 Owner:Metropolitan Transportation Authority Contact:Scott McConnell Phone Number:(213) 312-3116 Project:C1048 Westside Subway Advanced Utility Relocations Location:Wilshire Blvd near La Brea Ave, Los Angeles, CA Contract Value:$8,373,236.99 Description:Advanced Utility Relocations for future subway construction. Relocates domestic water service lines and electrical power duct banks within city streets. % Done By Metro:85 % Completion Date:8/21/2014 Owner:LA County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Contact:Matt Gallagher Phone Number:(323) 903-4111 Project:C0990 - Crenshaw/LAX Advanced Utility Relocations Location:Various Locations within Los Angeles Area Contract Value:$9,116,140.16 Description:Relocations of underground utilities, including domestic water, storm drain, sewer, and communications ductbanks. % Done By Metro:85 % Page 46 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 66 of 87 Completion Date:6/26/2014 Owner:City of Huntington Beach Contact:Safa Kamangar Phone Number:(949) 585-0477 Project:Algonquin Sewer Lift Station Location:Algonquin St & Pearce Dr, Huntington Beach, CA Contract Value:$2,325,674.07 Description:Replacement of existing sewer lift station with new sewer lift station located in the street. Replacement of sewer force main at multiple locations. % Done By Metro:85 % Completion Date:5/5/2014 Owner:Metropolitan Transportation Authority Contact:Thomas Lee Phone Number:(213) 922-7284 Project:MRL Union Station West Entrance Skylight Location:Union Station, Los Angeles, CA Contract Value:$410,000.00 Description:Modifications to existing skylight structure to add ventilation to Metro Red Line Subway Entrance. Includes removal and reinstallation of skylight, modifications to fire sprinkler system, modifications to structural supports, and installation of new louvers. % Done By Metro:85 % Completion Date:9/18/2013 Owner:Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County Contact:Jennifer James Phone Number:(562) 699-7411 Project:JWPCP Dewatering Facility Location:24501 S Figueroa St, Carson, CA Contract Value:$11,721,164.49 Description:Construction of dewatering facility, including concrete wet well, masonry building, equipment installation, electrical and instrumentation, utility relocations, site asphalt, and other site improvements % Done By Metro:75 % Completion Date:7/28/2013 Owner:City of Palos Verdes Estates Contact:Floriza Rivera Phone Number:(310) 378-0383 Project:Rocky Point Sewage Pump Station Location:224 ½ Rocky Point Road, Palos Verdes Estates, CA Contract Value:$1,550,751.00 Description:Construction of Emergency Wet Well, Rehabilitation of Existing Sewage Pump Station, Construction of new pipelines within streets associated with new improvements. % Done By Metro:85 % Page 47 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 67 of 87 Completion Date:7/22/2013 Owner:Metropolitan Transportation Authority Contact:Raul Pedroza Phone Number:(213) 922-4797 Project:Division 9 Fire Protection System - C1027 Location:3449 Santa Anita Ave, El Monte, CA Contract Value:$797,153.00 Description:Design and construction of fire protection system at Division 9 Maintenance Building, including fire alarm and fire sprinkler systems. Div 9 is a 24/7 operational bus maintenance facility and required work while building is occupied. % Done By Metro:70 % Completion Date:4/23/2013 Owner:Mojave Water Agency Contact:Greg Gomez Phone Number:(760) 902-7249 Project:Upper River Well Field - Turnouts 3, 4, 6 & 7 Location:Various Locations, Hesperia, CA Contract Value:$4,224,776.00 Description:Construction of CMLC water main pipeline and turnout buildings at multiple sites. % Done By Metro:75 % Completion Date:5/23/2012 Owner:Metropolitan Transportation Authority Contact:Thomas Lee Phone Number:(213) 922-7284 Project:Civic Center Station Escalator Replacement Location:1st and Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA Contract Value:$4,788,946.00 Description:Design and construction of 4 existing escalator replacements at Metro Red Line Civic Center Station in Los Angeles. % Done By Metro:35 % Completion Date:11/8/2011 Owner:City of Newport Beach Contact:Andy Tran, P.E. Phone Number:(949) 644-3315 Project:Wastewater Pump Station Rehabilitation Location:Various Locations, Newport Beach, CA Contract Value:$2,940,839.00 Description:Rehabilitation of 4 existing sewer pump stations and replacement of 1 sewer pump station. % Done By Metro:65 % Page 48 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 68 of 87 Completion Date:8/25/2011 Owner:Metropolitan Transportation Authority Contact:Ajith Peiris Phone Number:(213) 922-4771 Project:Division 3 Maintenance Building Renovation Location:630 W Avenue 28, Los Angeles, CA 90012 Contract Value:$5,453,672.00 Description:Design and construction of maintenance building renovation and addition. New steam clean facility, removal of USTs, other miscellaneous site improvements. LEED Certified Level % Done By Metro:75 % Completion Date:5/3/2011 Owner:City of Los Angeles - Bureau of Engineering Contact:David Copp Phone Number:(310) 210-7506 Project:Air Treatment Facility at La Cienega and Jefferson Location:3410 S La Cienega Blvd, Los Angeles, CA Contract Value:$16,820,414.00 Description:Construction of Air Treatment Facility -- 25' deep shoring, concrete basement, pumping equipment, sewer odor control equipment, electrical and instrumentation. % Done By Metro:75 % Completion Date:4/24/2011 Owner:City of Los Angeles - Board of Recreation and Park Contact:Alice Gong Phone Number:(213) 485-3996 Project:Reseda Lake Park Rehabilitation PRJ1200K Location:18411 Victory Blvd, Reseda, CA 91335 Contract Value:$1,251,527.00 Description:Drain existing lake, rehabilitation of lake bottom, construct aeration system, construct skimmer boxes, installation of floating islands and planting. % Done By Metro:75 % Completion Date:10/19/2010 Owner:City of Norco Contact:David Gilbertson Phone Number:(909) 594-9702 Project:Reservoir No 4 Booster Pump Station Location:Norco, CA Contract Value:$777,854.00 Description:Construction of Booster Pump Station, including steel pipeline, site electrical improvements, masonry walls, new pump house, installation of new pumps and associated electrical and instrumentation. % Done By Metro:85 % Page 49 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 69 of 87 Completion Date:8/4/2010 Owner:City of Fontana Contact:Kyle Scribner Phone Number:(909) 350-7627 Project:Pacific Electric Inland Empire Trail - Segment 6 Location:Fontana, CA Contract Value:$1,207,809.00 Description:Construction of concrete bike trail, including grading, concrete trail, lighting improvements, minor drainage improvements, hardscape, and landscape and irrigation. % Done By Metro:85 % Completion Date:12/15/2009 Owner:City of Huntington Beach Contact:Michael Wolfe - Integrated Design Services Phone Number:(949) 387-8500 Project:City Hall Seismic Upgrades Location:2000 Main Street, Huntington Beach, CA Contract Value:$6,839,067.00 Description:Seismic Retrofit of 6-story building using concrete frame w/ bonded steel braces. % Done By Metro:65 % Completion Date:8/7/2009 Owner:Metropolitan Transportation Authority Contact:Ajith Peiris Phone Number:(213) 922-4771 Project:Division 3 Maintenance Building Annex Location:630 W Avenue 28, Los Angeles, CA Contract Value:$4,197,739.00 Description:Design and construction of approx 12,500 sq ft bus maintenance facility including building shell, equipment, utilities, etc. LEED Certified Silver % Done By Metro:85 % Completion Date:5/4/2009 Owner:County of San Bernardino - A/E Dept. Contact:Larry Herkelratj Phone Number:(909) 708-6692 Project:Park Moabi Holding Tanks & RV Connections Project Location:1 Park Moabi Rd, Needles, CA Contract Value:$624,482.00 Description:Installation of precast concrete holding tanks and sewer piping for RV campsites. % Done By Metro:100 % Page 50 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 70 of 87 Completion Date:4/3/2009 Owner:Department of Parks and Recreation Contact:Bill Johnson Phone Number:(916) 445-8763 Project:Kenneth Hahn State Recreational Area - Baldwin Hil Location:6300 Hetzler Road, Culver City, California 90232 Contract Value:$7,507,665.00 Description:Construction of approx. 8,000 sq ft visitor center, hiking trails, parking area, and scenic overlook point. Native/Riparian Habitat Restoration. % Done By Metro:65 % Completion Date:8/30/2008 Owner:City of Newport Beach Contact:Fong Tse Phone Number:(949) 644-3321 Project:Police Facility Lobby Renovation Location:870 Santa Barbara Dr, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Contract Value:$261,042.00 Description:Renovation of Police Station Lobby % Done By Metro:85 % Completion Date:7/9/2008 Owner:Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District Contact:Chad Merrill Phone Number:(909) 831-4532 Project:Back Basin Groudwater Treatment Location:601 Malaga Rd, Lake Elsinore, CA Contract Value:$8,974,275.00 Description:Construction of Groundwater Treatment Plant including pumping equipment, water treatment equipment, electrical and instrumentation. Also included sewer lift station. % Done By Metro:65 % Completion Date:6/19/2008 Owner:Metropolitan Transportation Authority Contact:Raul Pedroza Phone Number:(213) 922-4797 Project:New Bus Washes at Div 5, 7, 10, & 18 Location:Various Locations Contract Value:$4,580,822.25 Description:Construction of 4 new bus washes, canopies, and miscellaneous improvements at bus maintenance stations % Done By Metro:65 % Page 51 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 71 of 87 Completion Date:4/25/2008 Owner:City Of Laguna Beach Contact:Wade Brown Phone Number:(949) 497-3311 Project:Public Parking and Corporation Yard Location:1900 Laguna Canyon Rd. Laguna Beach, CA 92651 Contract Value:$8,945,231.00 Description:Design/Construction of approx 22,000 sq ft pre-manufactured steel building w/ CMU exterior walls for the City Corporate Yard, and construction of public parking lot. Native landscaping installation. % Done By Metro:65 % Completion Date:12/15/2007 Owner:City of Los Angeles Board of Public Works Contact:Michael Henderson Phone Number:(213) 978-1906 Project:Watts Junior Art Center Location:10624 S Graham St., Los Angeles, CA Contract Value:$2,777,711.00 Description:New Art Center Building, Concrete, Electrical % Done By Metro:65 % Completion Date:6/1/2007 Owner:Jurupa Community Services District Contact:Umesh Shah Phone Number:(951) 685-7434 Project:Roger D. Teagarden ion exchange water treatment pl Location:4150 Etiwanda Ave., Mira Loma, CA 91752 Contract Value:$2,279,176.42 Description:Water Treatment Plant % Done By Metro:85 % Completion Date:6/1/2007 Owner:Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District (EVMWD) Contact:Loren Sorber Phone Number:(951) 674-3146 Project:Lake Elsinore Phase II Aeration Project Location:1306 Lakeshore Drive, Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 Contract Value:$2,171,711.00 Description:Lake Aeration System including pumping equipment, aeration equipment, etc. % Done By Metro:75 % Completion Date:5/21/2007 Owner:City of San Buenaventura Contact:Lucho Rodriguez Phone Number:(858) 658-4789 Project:VWRF Odor Control Project Location:Ventura, CA Contract Value:$987,001.00 Description:Odor Control improvements % Done By Metro:65 % Page 52 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 72 of 87 Completion Date:5/1/2007 Owner:City Of Anaheim - Public Works Contact:Carl Heimberger Phone Number:(714) 765-5176 Project:Convention Center Katella Ave. Frontage Landscape Location:800 W Katella Ave., Anaheim, CA 92802 Contract Value:$4,723,552.19 Description:Landscape &Irrigation, Concrete, Pavers, Fountain % Done By Metro: Completion Date:1/9/2007 Owner:City of San Diego Contact:Harry Nguyen, P.E. Phone Number:(858) 627-3299 Project:Mid City Transit Facilities: El Cajon Blvd. Location:San Diego, Ca Contract Value:$1,637,202.00 Description:Construction of Public Trans Bus Stop including sewer, water, electrical service through streets % Done By Metro:65 % Completion Date:1/9/2007 Owner:City of San Diego Contact:Harry Nguyen, P.E. Phone Number:(858) 627-3299 Project:Mid City Transit Facilities: University Ave. Location:San Diego, Ca Contract Value:$1,556,390.00 Description:Construction of Public Trans Bus Stop including sewer, water, electrical service through streets % Done By Metro:65 % Completion Date:12/1/2006 Owner:County of Orange Resources&Development Management Contact:Dave Gaffaney Phone Number:(714) 567-7387 Project:James&Rosemary Nix Nature Center at Laguna Coast W Location:18751 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach, CA 92651 Contract Value:$3,053,252.00 Description:New Nature Center Building, Concrete, Rammed Earth Wall, Electraical, % Done By Metro:65 % Completion Date:10/1/2006 Owner:Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Aut Contact:David Walker Phone Number:(213) 922-7453 Project:MTA - Long Beach Station Platform Extension Location:128 W. 1st. St., Long Beach, Ca Contract Value:$498,697.50 Description:Concrete, Electrical, Platform Extension % Done By Metro:65 % Page 53 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 73 of 87 Completion Date:7/15/2006 Owner:Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Aut Contact:Ajith Peiris Phone Number:(213) 922-4771 Project:MTA L.A. County/USC Medical Center Busway Enhancem Location:Between downtown L.A. and El Monte. Contract Value:$1,375,239.00 Description:Bridge Improvements, Painting, SS cages, Landscaping % Done By Metro:65 % Completion Date:2/15/2006 Owner:Pacific Islandia California - Sheraton Hotels Contact:Ross Crowder Phone Number:(714) 234-2418 Project:Anaheim Sheraton Location:900 S Disneyland Dr., Anaheim, CA 92802 Contract Value:$75,622.00 Description:Lighting Improvements ross@crgjpn.com. We do not have a fax on file. % Done By Metro:65 % Completion Date:1/9/2006 Owner:United States Postal Service Pacific Facilities Se Contact:Irwin Blatner Phone Number:(626) 400-4001 Project:L.A. Bulk Mail Center Fire Alarm/Fire Sprinkler Up Location:5555 Bandini Blvd., Bell, Ca 90201-9997 Contract Value:$1,052,700.00 Description:Fire Alarm/Fire Sprinkler Upgrades % Done By Metro:65 % Completion Date:1/1/2006 Owner:City of Anaheim Department of Public Works Contact:Chuck Smith Phone Number:(714) 239-3344 Project:Anaheim Convention Center Katella Ave. Frontage Li Location:800 W. Katella Blvd., Anaheim, CA 92802 Contract Value:$1,207,087.80 Description:Lighting & Landscaping % Done By Metro:65 % Completion Date:12/1/2005 Owner:MTA Contact:Ajith Peiris Phone Number:(213) 922-4771 Project:LA/USC Busway Enhancements Location:Los Angeles, CA Contract Value:$1,375,239.00 Description:Station Enhancements, Painting, Elevator % Done By Metro:65 % Page 54 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 74 of 87 Completion Date:12/1/2005 Owner:City of Dana Point Contact:Archie Rempher Phone Number:(760) 525-8641 Project:Salt Creek Ozone Treatment Facility Location:Dana Point, Ca Contract Value:$4,586,814.00 Description:Ozone Water Treatment Facility. Construction of collection structure within creek bottom. Included pumping equipment, ozone treatment equipmpent, and electrical and instrumentation. % Done By Metro:65 % Completion Date:12/1/2005 Owner:USPS Contact:Irwin Blatner Phone Number:(626) 440-4001 Project:LA Bulk Mail Center Fire Alarm & Fire Sprinkler Location:Bell, CA Contract Value:$1,052,700.00 Description:LA Bulk Mail Center Fire Alarm & Fire Sprinkler upgrades % Done By Metro:65 % Completion Date:12/1/2005 Owner:City of Los Angeles Dept. of Recreation and Parks Contact:Michael Henderson Phone Number:(213) 978-2738 Project:Delano Recreation Center Location:Van Nuys, California Contract Value:$3,395,151.70 Description:Gym. Old contact Gary Halajian % Done By Metro:65 % Completion Date:12/1/2005 Owner:State of California Contact:Ron Birkhead Phone Number:(916) 445-8760 Project:Crystal Cove State Park Historic Dist. Phase I Location:Laguna Beach, Ca Contract Value:$9,613,043.50 Description:Historic Restoration of Cottages, Retaining wall, Asphalt Paving rbirk@parks.ca.gov , Installation of sewer, water, electrical services and sewer pump facilities. % Done By Metro:65 % Completion Date:9/1/2005 Owner:City of Anaheim Contact:Chuck Smith Phone Number:(714) 765-5176 Project:Anaheim Convention Center, Katella Frontage Location:Anaheim, CA Contract Value:$1,207,087.80 Description:Convemtion Center Lighting, Landscaping % Done By Metro:100 % Page 55 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 75 of 87 Completion Date:6/1/2005 Owner:County of Los Angeles Contact:David Asato Phone Number:(626) 458-2586 Project:Whittier Narrows - Phase I Sports Improvements Location:Whittier, CA Contract Value:$1,196,208.28 Description:Retrofit of Playgrounds, BMX Track % Done By Metro:65 % Completion Date:3/15/2005 Owner:U.S.P.S. Facility Office Service Contact:Martin Petry Phone Number:(650) 615-7241 Project:San Bernardino - P&D Center Location:Redlands, CA Contract Value:$698,856.88 Description:Security Up-Grade, Door Hardware, Concrete Paving % Done By Metro:65 % Completion Date:1/1/2005 Owner:City of Los Angeles Dept. of Recreation and Parks Contact:Michael Henderson Phone Number:(213) 978-1906 Project:Van Nuys Sherman Oaks Gym Location:Van Nuys, California Contract Value:$2,922,711.00 Description:Gym % Done By Metro:65 % Completion Date:12/4/2004 Owner:U.S.P.S. Facility Office Service Contact:Byron Williams Phone Number:(650) 615-7217 Project:Inglewood Main Post Office Location:Los Angeles, CA Contract Value:$272,500.00 Description:Replace HVAC % Done By Metro:50 % Completion Date:7/20/2004 Owner:Metropolitan Transportation Authority Contact:Paras Sharma Phone Number:(213) 922-4704 Project:Reverse Osmosis Location:Various MTA Locations Contract Value:$806,860.00 Description:Reverse Osmosis % Done By Metro:65 % Page 56 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 76 of 87 Completion Date:1/1/2004 Owner:Long Beach Transit Contact:Steve M. Watt Phone Number:(562) 591-8753 Project:Bus Stop Amenities Location:Long Beach area Contract Value:$1,790,357.69 Description:Bus stop improvements % Done By Metro:65 % Completion Date:9/3/2003 Owner:City of Anaheim Contact:Justin Kazak Phone Number:(213) 891-3098 Project:Anaheim Convention Arena Location:Anaheim, California Contract Value:$2,598,339.90 Description:Arena HVAC and roofing renovation % Done By Metro:62 % Completion Date:6/3/2003 Owner:County of Los Angeles Contact:Joe Camarillo Phone Number:(626) 300-2340 Project:ValleyDale County Park Location:Azusa, CA Contract Value:$1,471,711.00 Description:General Park Renovation, Enlarge Community Building % Done By Metro:65 % Completion Date:5/20/2003 Owner:City of Los Angeles Contact:Elia Sun Phone Number:(213) 847-5154 Project:L.A. Riverfront Park Location:Los Angeles, CA (Studio City) Contract Value:$1,880,000.00 Description:General Site Renovation, Slope Repair, Landscape / Irrigation % Done By Metro:60 % Completion Date:4/1/2003 Owner:County of Los Angeles Contact:Sam Shadab Phone Number:(626) 300-2337 Project:Torrance Beach Renovations Location:Torrance, CA Contract Value:$2,577,711.00 Description:Slope Repair, Drainage, Park Lot, Vehicle / Pedestrian Ramps, Concession and Restroom Buildings % Done By Metro:60 % Page 57 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 77 of 87 Completion Date:3/28/2003 Owner:County of Los Angeles Contact:David Palma Phone Number:(626) 300-2339 Project:Earvin (Magic) Johnson Park, Lake improvement Location:Los Angeles, CA Contract Value:$1,198,000.00 Description:Lake Rehabilitation, New Pumphouse, New pumps, Piping and valves % Done By Metro:65 % Completion Date:3/1/2003 Owner:City of Lahabra Contact:Delfino Consunji Phone Number:(562) 905-9720 Project:Reservoir Location:Woodcrest Ave., near Fallen Leaf Street Contract Value:$1,074,710.00 Description:Reservoir % Done By Metro:65 % Completion Date:7/1/2002 Owner:Metropolitan Transit Authority Contact:Thomas Lee Phone Number:(213) 922-7284 Project:Harbor Station Location:105 Fwy. Contract Value:$197,000.00 Description:Harbor Station % Done By Metro:65 % Completion Date:6/1/2002 Owner:City of Beaumont Contact:John Wilder Phone Number:(909) 769-8520 Project:Noble Creek and Marshall Creek Location:Beaumont, California Contract Value:$1,977,111.00 Description:Pump Station % Done By Metro:65 % Completion Date:1/1/2002 Owner:City of Maywood Contact:Robert French Phone Number:(562) 908-6200 Project:Maywood Park Location:59th Place - Walker Ave. - 60th Street Contract Value:$2,329,343.58 Description: % Done By Metro:65 % Page 58 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 78 of 87 Completion Date:11/1/2001 Owner:City of Anaheim Contact:Carl Heimberger Phone Number:(714) 765-4465 Project:George Washington Park Location:Anaheim Contract Value:$1,020,000.00 Description:New Historic Park % Done By Metro:55 % Completion Date:11/1/2001 Owner:LA County Parks and Recreation Contact:Vache Keledjian Phone Number:(213) 738-4049 Project:Cerritos Community Regional ParK Location:Cerritos, California Contract Value:$1,180,000.00 Description:Lake improvements % Done By Metro:65 % Completion Date:10/1/2001 Owner:City of Los Angeles Contact:Reza Bagherzadeh Phone Number:(213) 485-8815 Project:Long Beach Ave Pedestrian Bridge Location:53rd Street, Los Angeles Contract Value:$1,650,000.00 Description:New Concrete Bridge % Done By Metro:75 % Completion Date:6/2/2001 Owner:City of Downey Contact:Lea Sharpe Phone Number:(562) 904-7118 Project:Downey Intermodal Transit Center Location:Downey Contract Value:$2,015,445.00 Description:New Glass and Steel Building and Bus facilities % Done By Metro:55 % Completion Date:6/2/2001 Owner:City of Los Angeles Contact:Long Hoang Phone Number:(213) 847-5153 Project:Speulveda Park West Location:Panorama City Contract Value:$1,564,000.00 Description:New Ball fields, Lighting, Building, and site e improvements % Done By Metro:55 % Page 59 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 79 of 87 Completion Date:2/1/2001 Owner:City of Los Angeles Contact:Alice Gong Phone Number:(213) 485-0873 Project:Willis Ave Pedestrian Bridge Location:Panorama City Contract Value:$1,625,000.00 Description:New Steet Bridge % Done By Metro:75 % Completion Date:1/16/2001 Owner:LACMTA Contact:Tom Lee Phone Number:(213) 922-7284 Project:Acoustical Barrier Wall Location:El Segundo Contract Value:$985,000.00 Description:Design Build project. Involved design and construction of a sound wall on an existing Green Line bridge. % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:10/1/2000 Owner:City of Newport Beach Contact:Mr. Fong Tse, P.E. Phone Number:(949) 644-3340 Project:Dahlia Ave. Corona Del Mar Location:Newport Beach, California Contract Value:$457,512.00 Description:Retaining Wall % Done By Metro:65 % Completion Date:4/1/2000 Owner:South Pasadena Unified School District Contact:Mr. Bob Vanderwall Phone Number:(626) 441-5700 Project:South Pasadena High School Gymnasium Location:South Pasadena, CA Contract Value:$1,620,000.00 Description:New gymnasium building % Done By Metro:55 % Completion Date:3/3/2000 Owner:County of Orange Contact:Mr. Ralph Maples Phone Number:(714) 567-7826 Project:Upper Newport Bay Location:Newport Beach Contract Value:$3,636,000.00 Description:7000 sf of concrete cast in place building with site work, including native/riparian habitat restoration and maintenance % Done By Metro:55 % Page 60 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 80 of 87 Completion Date:3/1/2000 Owner:County of LA Dept. of PW Contact:Mr. Joe Camarillo Phone Number:(626) 458-2540 Project:East Rancho Gymnasium Location:Los Angeles Contract Value:$2,650,000.00 Description:New gymnasium and site improvements % Done By Metro:60 % Completion Date:10/1/1999 Owner:University of California, Los Angeles Contact:Ms. Pam Wilson Phone Number:(310) 825-7074 Project:Parking Structure #3 Improvements Location:UCLA Campus Contract Value:$1,035,000.00 Description:Parking structure upgrades % Done By Metro:85 % Completion Date:9/1/1999 Owner:City of Laguna Beach Contact:Ms. Lisa Penna Phone Number:(949) 497-0792 Project:Alta Vista Retaining walls Location:Laguna Beach, CA Contract Value:$350,000.00 Description:Street stabilization/ caisson and lagging % Done By Metro:85 % Completion Date:3/1/1999 Owner:San Bernardino Associated Government Contact:Mr. Mark Robertson Phone Number:(909) 484-2469 Project:Sapphire Street route 30 Over-Crossing Bridge Location:San Bernardino , CA Contract Value:$1,900,000.00 Description:Bridge % Done By Metro:80 % Completion Date:1/1/1999 Owner:City of San Diego Contact:Mr. Vishnu Moharirr Phone Number:(585) 627-3242 Project:Challenger Middle School Joint Use Ball Field Location:San Diego, CA Contract Value:$1,050,000.00 Description:Baseball fields and site improvements % Done By Metro:75 % Page 61 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 81 of 87 Completion Date:1/1/1999 Owner:Long Beach Unified School District Contact:Mr. David Chapman Phone Number:(714) 490-4000 Project:International Elementary School Location:Long Beach, Ca Contract Value:$4,400,000.00 Description:New 1200 student elementary school % Done By Metro:85 % Completion Date:3/1/1998 Owner:City of Laguna Hills Contact:Jonathon Claudio Phone Number:(949) 707-2657 Project:El Conejo Park Improvements Location:El Conejo Lane and Calero Avenue, Laguna Hills, CA Contract Value:$387,592.25 Description:Park Improvements % Done By Metro:65 % Completion Date:12/1/1997 Owner:Orange County Transportation Authority Contact:Mr. Frank Ataiyan Phone Number:(714) 560-5868 Project:OCTA Parking Structure Seismic Upgrades Location:Santa Ana, CA Contract Value:$847,412.00 Description:Concrete foundation, Shearwalls, shotcrete, extensive new beams and doweling, underpinning and reinforcement of 4 story post tension parking structure % Done By Metro:85 % Completion Date:9/1/1997 Owner:County of LA Dep. Public Works Contact:Mr. Joe Camarillo Phone Number:(818) 458-2540 Project:Alondra Park Lake Location:Lawndale, CA Contract Value:$1,115,000.00 Description:10 Acre lake with mechanical and aeration system % Done By Metro:65 % Completion Date:9/1/1997 Owner:Calif. State San Bernardino Contact:Mr. Hamid Azhand Phone Number:(909) 880-5136 Project:CSUSB 1000 spaces Parking Lot/ Landscaping Location:San Bernardino, CA Contract Value:$1,650,000.00 Description:1000 Space parking lot including utilities, and landscaping % Done By Metro:80 % Page 62 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 82 of 87 Completion Date:9/1/1997 Owner:City of Newport Beach Contact:Mr. Dana Hutchins Phone Number:(949) 654-4125 Project:Ground water Development Location:Newport Beach, CA Contract Value:$1,920,000.00 Description:Site improvements and buildings for ground water project % Done By Metro:65 % Completion Date:8/1/1997 Owner:Port Of Long Beach Contact:Mr. Paul Sheets Phone Number:(562) 437-0041 Project:Hanjin Site Buildings Location:Long Beach, CA Contract Value:$2,813,000.00 Description:5 new port administration and maintenance buildings % Done By Metro:55 % Completion Date:4/1/1997 Owner:City of Hawthorne Contact:Mr. Arnie Shadbehr Phone Number:(310) 970-7965 Project:Reconstruction of Hawthorne Plaza Parking Location:Hawthorne, Ca Contract Value:$400,000.00 Description:Three bridges acroos railroad tracks % Done By Metro:90 % Completion Date:2/1/1997 Owner:County of Orange Contact:Mr. Hernan Pelaez Phone Number:(714) 567-7837 Project:Santa Ana-Delhi Channel Location:Santa Ana, CA Contract Value:$1,002,000.00 Description:500 ft Section of cast in place concrete flood channel. 60ft wide by 22 ft high , includes shoring, earthwork, concrete, and dewatering % Done By Metro:80 % Completion Date:2/1/1997 Owner:County of LA Dept. of Public Works Contact:Mr. Joe Camarillo Phone Number:(818) 458-2540 Project:White Point/ Royal Palms State Beach Location:San Pedro, CA Contract Value:$1,167,000.00 Description:New pump station, masonry building, grading and site work % Done By Metro:75 % Page 63 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 83 of 87 Completion Date:6/1/1996 Owner:GSA Contact:Mr. Roston Manoukian Phone Number:(213) 894-0777 Project:US Post Office Location:Bell, CA Contract Value:$366,000.00 Description:New Steel structure, electrical, heating and fire sprinklers at mail facility % Done By Metro:70 % Completion Date:4/1/1996 Owner:County of Riverside Contact:Mr. Frank Petmecky Phone Number:(909) 275-6885 Project:Airport Blvd. Bridge Location:Riverside, Ca Contract Value:$255,000.00 Description:New Bridge with 60' long precast concrete girders and pour-in-place concrete deck % Done By Metro:90 % Completion Date:3/1/1996 Owner:City of Los Angeles Contact:Ms. Virginia Hatley Phone Number:(213) 485-4831 Project:Angeles Gate Park , Phase II Location:San Pedro, CA Contract Value:$1,480,000.00 Description:New high voltage electrical distribution system, new 6" and 4" domestic water and irrigation water system, new pump concrete masonry, AC Paving, Landscape % Done By Metro:75 % Completion Date:1/1/1996 Owner:Caltrans Contact:Dave Duncan Phone Number:(714) 472-0177 Project:Orange County Maintenance Location:Orange, CA Contract Value:$125,000.00 Description:Maintenance station warehouse, concrete, masonry, framing, glazing % Done By Metro:60 % Completion Date:11/1/1995 Owner:City of Los Angeles Contact:Richard Klink Phone Number:(213) 485-4819 Project:Delongpre Park Location:Hollywood, CA Contract Value:$256,000.00 Description:Underground utilities, concrete masonry, lighting, irrigation, landscaping, and play equipment % Done By Metro:60 % Page 64 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 84 of 87 Completion Date:9/1/1995 Owner:County of Orange Contact:Mr. Ralph Maples Phone Number:(714) 567-7826 Project:Orange County Courthouse Location:Santa Ana, CA Contract Value:$133,000.00 Description:Historical restoration of old orange county Courthouse % Done By Metro:80 % Completion Date:8/1/1995 Owner:City of Alhambra Contact:Mr. Samir Khoury Phone Number:(310) 868-8266 Project:Fremont Plaza Location:Alhambra, CA Contract Value:$805,000.00 Description:Site utilities, water fire main line, electric, concrete, masonry, landscape % Done By Metro:53 % Completion Date:1/1/1995 Owner:Caltrans Contact:Mr. Oscar Vargas Phone Number:(619) 428-2903 Project:Descanso Maintenance Location:San Diego , CA' Contract Value:$155,000.00 Description:Project was a pilot to serve as a model fofor all of Caltrans Stations through the state. Work involved a state of the art water treatment system with instrumentation, and extensive electrical work % Done By Metro:80 % Completion Date:12/1/1994 Owner:Caltrans Contact:Chuck Tranh Phone Number:(714) 472-0177 Project:Crystal Cove Bridge Location:Laguna Beach, CA Contract Value:$60,000.00 Description:New auto bridge in historic Crystal Cove State Park. Work to conform to historic standards % Done By Metro:70 % Completion Date:12/1/1994 Owner:Dept. Of Fish And Game Contact:Ms. Katherine Sirk Phone Number:(916) 323-1570 Project:Outdoor Amphitheater Location:Newport Beach, CA Contract Value:$81,000.00 Description:Outdoor amphitheater using state of the art environmentally friendly paving system, first in this application % Done By Metro:80 % Page 65 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 85 of 87 Completion Date:9/1/1994 Owner:City of El Segundo Contact:Rene Bruno Phone Number:(310) 322-4670 Project:200,000 gal tank Location:El Segundo, CA Contract Value:$103,000.00 Description:Structural upgrades of elevated water tank and tower involving extensive structural steel work % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:7/1/1994 Owner:City of Industry Contact:Mr. Richard Diehl Phone Number:(818) 333-3056 Project:Sidewalk improvements Location:City of Industry, Ca Contract Value:$121,000.00 Description:Concrete and Masonry street work % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:10/1/1993 Owner:City of Garden Grove Contact:Mr. Ken Anderson Phone Number:(714) 741-5826 Project:Shade Structure Location:Garden Grove, CA Contract Value:$125,000.00 Description:New masonry and timber shade structure including plumbing, electrical, and landscaping % Done By Metro:60 % Completion Date:10/1/1993 Owner:City of Baldwin Park Contact:Nadeem Phone Number:(818) 813-5255 Project:Street improvements Location:Baldwin Park, CA Contract Value:$55,000.00 Description:Street and sidewalk improvements throughout the city % Done By Metro:100 % Completion Date:2/1/1993 Owner:City of Costa Mesa Contact:Mr. Bruce Covey Phone Number:(714) 754-5029 Project:Water Treatment System Location:City Yard Contract Value:$67,000.00 Description:Build a new recycling water treatment system for the city yard % Done By Metro:100 % Page 66 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 86 of 87 Completion Date: Owner:City of Beaumont Contact:John Wilder Phone Number:(909) 769-8520 Project:Culvert Box Location:Highland Springs - Channel Crossings Contract Value:$285,884.00 Description:Culvert Box % Done By Metro:65 % Completion Date: Owner:City of Los Angeles Contact:Ethan Wong Phone Number:(213) 847-4807 Project:LA Zoo - Rainforest of the Americas - Lily Pad Mai Location:5333 Zoo Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90027 Contract Value:$1,250.00 Description:Lily pad maintenance work. % Done By Metro:100 % Page 67 of 67Project References Metro Builders And engineers Group Ltd. 11/21/2022 May 23, 2023 Item #3 Page 87 of 87