HomeMy WebLinkAbout5328; 3-21; CHESTNUT HEIGHTS; 01-02I .' ' ' \ / I •• h1r1hy certify that" are th• o•n•r• or or •r• intereet..i tn th• lend ,~braced within the aubdiTieton to be knorn u Cheatnut Haight■ and" hereby con■ent to the preparation and racordation or thi■ ,...p con■i ■tlng of 2 ■heat■ and da■cribad In the c■ptton thereof, •• hereby dedtc■t• to public u•• the portion of Chaatnut AT■nue and Cam.a Road u ■hown on Mid ... p, •• further ofter for dedication to City of Carl■bad for public u■• the •■hr and dnin■p •■--,.ent;s ■■ aho,m on ■■id -iap. Californt ■ Corr>Ol'llltion aa '!'RrSTEE ,,ff~< ••• the unden1gned S■n Otego Ila■~ Electric Co,-pany, hereby cer- tify that" are lntaN■ted In the land embraced within th• eubd!Ti■ion to be ltnorn •• Ch-■ tnu t "elgt, t■ by Tirtu• or -■a,r,ent■ recorded in 'look 1:,olo, Pap 1,, of Official Record■, 'look ,12, Pap 107 of Official Record■ and 'look''°'• Pap }9"1 of Official Record.■, and•• hereby con■ent to the preparation ■nd record■tlon of th!■ ,...p conei■tinr, of 2 ahMt■ and daa- crtbad in the caption thaNof, and•• hereby dadlc■t• tot~• pu~l1c the portion or Cha■tnut ATtnu■ and ea...., Road for u■a •• ■treat ■ u ,~or her.an ■nd no other■• 54·: DHY',O 'JAS • .. t:LEC'l'RJC COMPANY, A Corporal ton State of California County of C■n Diego a■• ~ · , Or, thie -7 ~~/ d■y or ~ ~ , 1o,;,, before "'•, ■ ·:otary hit in and for ,.,~ nuny•n ~h.b, per■'>n■lly appeared !'e"in S. !!u"'J!hreya and Idella R. :•u"'phreya, known tr, ~. to bl the p,era.-n■ lfhoae n■,ses are ■ub■crt bed to the aboTa certi f1 cat•, and 1ckno•l•d,:ed to~• that they 1x1cut1d the ■-~•• l' SI1't,!ZS I' 'ER!Xlf, T h ■Ta hereunto ■at wry hand and a fflx~d ,,.y ~fflctal ■•al tn ■■Id County •nd Stat• th~ day and year in th!■ certific- ate flrat eboTI ffitten, l"y Co.,.. la■i"n erplru ___;"' qi y State of California Cou~ty of ~an Diego a■• / r On thil · ,d7/---r:,/;'. <iay "f ~~ , l?(}, he tore "!"P 'i.D. ~R.EU"Df::NB"E_:::::,Qt:_-~ t • tar:r 1,£ in ariJ)Por uid Gou n t y and ~ t-J,_ ~ pa r■onally a ppea rad · · " kn o• n to .,. to be ti\■ ~--J PN■ident and 4 '""i~+o~a,;...;A~~~ ....... known tQ. "'• to b• the .,..,....,..-,-. .... .,...,.. ~•ere tar,• t> t ., corpora ti o 1xacu tad the ab01'1 car ti flu t • and know to ,.,. to he the per■or,■ who 1rec·1 ! 1d th• ebo•• c•rti tic■te on behel f of the C"1"'!'0rat1on therein na ... d er.d acknow- ledged to"'• that ■uch corporation executed uid certificate pursu&~t to it■ by•l•" or a resolution of it■ '1oard of )tractors, ~': 1 :'!'"E.~0 'f'!ER!X)F, I ha YI herflun to •• t -y 'isnd • .,d a rtir•d "'Y official 8flal in ■■id County •nd State the ruo.y ■nd year in thl• certi- fic•t• flr■t aboTe ffittan. ...-----,. __ . l'y c,,.,,. 111■ I on erpfrea 5!7Cp-,8,( ' / "9 '< f Rcta;7 en1 aJ/,:~~~ty •nd stah YD l R5>VC-,F_uP.,L ~,c,,~C'-. State of C•lifornl• County of s,.,, Diego sa. On th la 9 ~ d■y of Jl,YP4 i:.Ji:'.'._ , Fl'4, ~•fare '""• .John W, Gt:♦ -v , • 1,otary Ml i c 1 n •nd for-111111 id County •nd St .. t• personally 'appeared R 4:1 kl« Hkt: r kn'lwn to ~• to b,e, the l4(;e, Pr-■i dent and w X K4 me .s knnw,i to ..,. to b• the 31cntary of the corporation that executed the eboTa car- -t-J~f-i_c■_t_1_a_n_d_k-norn to me to b• the paraon■ who 1x1cut•d the •~ove cart- ifieat1 on behalf of the corporation therein na"'•d and acknowledged to ~• that ■uch ccrporatlon executed ■aid certificate pureuant to its by- lafl■ or a re■olutlon of it ■ Roard of Director■, TN WT'!'!,'ESS IJIIER!XlF, l ha1'a hereunto 11t ~y hand and affixed "'Y official •nl Is ■aid County and Stat• the day and yNr In this cer- tificate fil'llt eboTI written, ~ Co~m!Nion ffl)ire■ :;Tu ~y :'t,, 19'] Notary Publ~ Kr1:t~.;;;(:nd stat• v" °"" If! . C~E;STtvUT Reing a SubdiTi■ion of ■ Purtlon of Lot •J•, ,anoho A,... lladionda, in the City of C■.Jolab■d, County o t San Diego, aooording to Parti tlon Map thereof No. "2,, ud u dalinN t..i on ShNt 2 heNin, Title In■unnca and Tr-u ■t Coarpa,Q' hereby cartitiff that aooording t.<, the Otriotal Raoord.■ ot the County of f,■n Oilgo, lt■r1'in S, '!unrph.N)'■ and Idella R. llldlphNya, husb&ad u,d •tfa a■ joint t ■nant■ u Omar■ ■nd OcNN1id1 Finano• Cor,rpany, a California ct0rpont1on u TPu■tN ll1ld1r that oertain 0..d ot TPu■t recorded OCToa.s..a. ta , , 9(o'a , ACi, OOC.UV\lii:t..JT t..JO. I~-4(o4 in the otflo• of the County Recorder of San Diego County, C.lifornt■, "" on the '1!:4 day or J,,_~~..,.,.t , 19 '-'+ at ~:oo o'clock ./J;. .M., all the pu£t1■ fu.•inc any Ncord tfii, lnter-■t In the land ■ub41T1dad byhi■ .. P, other than Diego Gas~ Electric Company as to tho■• oar ta in N■-nt ■ record-.! in 'look l :Y)II, pap 1,, ot Otfioial Reaord■ and !look ,12 pap 197 of Official Reoord■ and Rook ,:,o,, r■P }'lll of Offlcttal RHorda and th■ Collnty of S..n Diego u to tho■■ certain N■-nt ■ r■cord■d in Book l?}li, p■ge 110 of Oftioial R-rd■ and Rook 1807, page iil2 of Otriolal Record■ and Carl ■bad Hutu.al later Co"')>■llJ' •• to that certalr Na..,.nt recorded In ~k 11Qli, ,-p 207 ot Official Recorda end Patricia A, Hardin, o. P, HcDcupl and Eula I. McDcupl a■ to that certain Nae,..nt recorded t n 'loo!< 7051, p,,ga 5}'\ of Official Record■, lfhtch c11rmot ripen into a fH. IN II T'l'NJ:SS l'lDI !XlF ■-Id Tith I nsura nol and Truat Co"'pan y ha a oa uaed th i ■ In■ t rumen t to be executed under its col"'OOr■te n■,,.. and •••l by It• prop,,r officer■ thereunto duly authori11d the day and year fir■t •~.,• written. TITLE INSURANCE um TRUST COMPANY T, l ,ollall A, R11 th bnn, Cl t." f.'1gl ",Hr of th• City of Carl SN<-i, ~ ta ta of Cal 1 forn h, ~eraby certify th~t T have ax11~ ined •>,e a~n.,xed -ap "f thi& ■u~".I' Tieton to l,a "n"wn 11.■ r-,a■tnu! "•1gt, ta, consistiq or 2 11h ••ts ,rnd deecrl hed in the caption t~ er10 f, ar,d ha n fo,,r.d t':" t th• d"aign 1a suh■tan t tally the .. ,.. H it epp-■red on the ten ta ti ve .,.,■p ard ar.y •pprond d tar■Hona tlineof; frat dl the proTl■tona of the "S,1r-divi1<lor Koo" Ac~~ c,f t~• ,t,,,., of c~u f,,rnia, "• ""'"rded, ■nd &ny l ocd ord!n11nc1■ of 111.id ct ty "J'- pll CII b 11 "t t,. ti~-n r t~e ""prove 1 0 f the Tent■ ti Tl l'■p ha .... ,,.,.n co.,rl\ ed rH .. ' l\r ~ I ""' 8A t 1a tied th• t said~-■~ ls ••c~~ic,,lly correct, I 11rpcy •prro•a 11nd r•com~•. aqf".I ..,.r, _,.d,( (j.R~ -:.. t.-,t ,_:,J;.._,o...;...,_· _2._I.,_, .;.I q.,_,_l __ "'tr naer • A pprr,v.-d e ~d rec,,-~.-r d"d th.!,., f 9~ •r•~t.,ati,,,· of "•P ~~d c•rtlftcate& •kereo·. day of __ .;,.N.;,.~=.z.fl:11'11...111P~--~c---- ! , 'he ■l ey r. '":ruk, Cit;· 'T'rN■urer or tta City of Carlsh11d, · t.a t • of Cal t for,,\ a, h araby cert tty that thar" a re ro l' ana for "~f>A Id c tty tax11 or u rpa t d l onds \11a•,r•d 11r<ler . ac y I •pro••"'•n t 11.c t or U1- proT1.,.'1 t t>ond act of the St11.t1 of Celtforni• e'1owlng o• the •00,11 of ~~111 of~lce, except tue■ r.ot yet payahl • a~ l "II t t ':1 trflc t or aut,d\ •! a Ion or &ny part therao t 111\or.i or th\ 11 •nnexed ""'P end d1■crib1d tn tie captlor thereof, T~: 'U'I':,,:;;~ N'!.:'lEOr, l ia "• h enun I" 11e t "'Y hand t~ b 2 Q day of ):1,W , l %}. .t s?. I dey " , ~ I, llilr!l,'11nt -:. Ad11~a, Cltv Chrk of the City of c,.rlah11d, Stitt" of '.:111 !torr.I.~, her•hy certify that t'·,e C0,,r,cll c,f ...,id city """ "nrr"v~d tile "'"P or "Cne,.l'<ut :ei.gl,ta" co'1~111t I r.g of ? ■~11ta and deacrthad In the e11ption •~er""', ar<I ~"" accepted 'lM hahal f of 1~1 ru'•Uc &nd no!'tlon of Che ■tnut AT1nu1 and Ca,,.10 Road •• sh,,.,, O'' ■-11 ""'P, 11nd h"" accept.ti on h~h•l f of thf! r•1!-l1c the w11tar a•.d drllbag• ■■■1r.iante•• tll1 C'IWTI rm !181 id '!':ap. - l N ·nrNI;:;S ll'l!ERmr, am id Co11no ll cu, c ■ •,sed t':1.., rr•••n• ■ t., !·e nflcu ted by the City Cl erk and attu'.ed ',y. it■ ... 1 thh 3! :\.1' day of O rc•,...~an, , 101:~. MAPN2 State of Callfornie County of San Diego ... I, Donald H. Holly, a Lloan■ed X..nd Suneyor of the State ol Calltornia, hereby oartify that .the ""•1 or thi■ ■ubdil'i ■ion •• .,.,. by N or under wy direotion in Jillie, 196,, and that ■ald ■uney i■ tl'II■ and c09plet1 a■ ■horn. A TW'O (2) inch iron pipe, twenty-four (2~) 1n•h•■ in length hH bffn ■at at Noh boundary eornar and T •ill ■et Uu N cwt•r inch Iron pipe■, aitht-■n (1~) Inch. H in hnr;th at~ all i.t ■IPll■N, . .,.i, point■ and point■ of cun■ rithtn thirty (,0) day■ attn ~le■ i4 '.tA• required iBproT-nt■ ■nd their aeoaptanc■ by the CU:, ot ~1-...: ••t', ■uoh •nu1111t1t■ ■re or will be ■urftolent to en■bh thl■ Nrwe, ,,·.-■ .,..: traoad and will occupy the po■itlon■ ■horn thereon. · · ' r, A. S. any, County Recorder of the County of San Oi■go, State of California, hereby ■pproTe the n■1" Che■tnut llelgt,t■ for th• SubdiTi■ion ehown on the annex-.! -p, oos■i■ting of 2 ah■-t■, and deaorlbed in the caption thereof, A. S, (ll!A f, County Recorder · o. t. d , @ VRzl£1' 1 $.,, 1 ,;:, 4 3 -_/ I State of Caltrornia County of S■n Diego •~!---- ••• County V.aaurer of th• County ot S■n Diego, State of California, CountySuneyor of Nid County, and Director of Special '/ Ot■trtct Sentc•• ot N!d County hereby certify that there are no unpaid ■peci•l a ■■•-■~•nte or bond■ -.t\lch may be paid In full, ■horn by the book a of our offlc-■ age Ina t the tract or ■ubdi •!■ion or any part thereof ■" own o~ the ennexfld Np ■nd d■■cr !bed 1 n the caption th er.of. Da tad:._.:.;/._· -_.:.,/.;;;O_-.;..~...J'f.,_ __ ·~ Dated, _ __,/..._· _lt:J_-t_?--__ rated, / -/t:J-/..¥ ----------- Stett of California County or ~-~ Diego •• • DELA VAN J. OJCl(SON, County Tr11 ■ur■r O,r.. SPUR., Co~ ~ £J7l . •pu y IAl!RDi A. !l.\RNE'f, Director of ·· s J, "'el•n rtekner, Clerk of the "<>ard of Supe"i■on, hanb: eartlf7 that t~• pro• 1•1 ~n■ of Chaphr 2, Part 2, DiTi■ I on lo, of tM l!uai n•N ■'ftd Prot11eione Code "a~e hean co~plied with reprding d1,,..1t■ for i.z-■ !WI tr e property wt t". 1 n th i ■ ■ubdh'l ■ton, ""t• •7 If Mir :ih ·~. /03/f ', A. S. '":ray, County Recorder or the Cou~ty of San Oiago, State of Celt for~.!•, hereby cart if:, that T h■ u accepted tor recorda tlon th t ■ ""'P• F1 lid at the req11-■ t of Dn~d d 1l, 'loll:,-tr I• f Z, da:,-of -_.J .. A=lt'.c.L1,1;'1.:iAuR;i..,,,cY~--...J,C-,'i":L1k'--I._ ___ , ~ at f/ / z " clock, A ' J ' J A. S. Thi, bearing ot t~• 01nt1rllna of Chestnut Avenue {~unty Road) ■hown •• tJ 79° 2~' t on Hap of fioad SurTay llo, 52} ..,. used a■ the ba■ia of bH.rinp for ·th!■ "8.p. 1 , Cl-l~STtvUT 1-1~~ I G 1-1 T S I 4..,. A. ,r I • R:::--i~,, ... ~-· ,L_ .:-........ Qc,'. A.,,. .... • BASlS o,:. '@)e.,A~l l.JG,'::, • T'-<c. &c.A R,u c;. O'F ,\.-\~ CE,. .... Te.R l-\ u e O I= C~E.~T1VUT AVEIJUE. (. COU"-lT'( 120A'D'\ "o \.-\ OVv"-1 A~ t..), <!,• '2.4' 'E. O t.J """->, 'P o i::. UOA O 'e,UQ.Yl!!.Y t,J 0 • ':>'2.~ WA<; uc;.1:.0 A'!, TH£ f.!,A'!.I~ Of= 1!,E,.ARI>-)~ ~Ol;a TH\<:, \,'\AP, I OE.TA\L'~ I NO ':,GA 1-£ -·.:.. -·.-. ~. '.,.·1 21 111 ' "' -,,, 0 r-0 0~ . -0 ::, ., i , / /_J / 20 • ----- / . . " /~ 00 16 .,..,.. .... ~ ... . ,o 0 0 0 $ s ' "' '!>~ • ,, .. 9 -' T\.41S '• : s-1--... .: ·a~ 25 26 27 29 '\:iis .. ~~N1-'l•~Oi"'. o-o, .;,-,- Of- 1 ) J t-- )' ol 0 Q "' • ,t .r: • MAP tJ2. \ • . 'Ji cJ ,a,. I.fl . Ci. - • ' ·. , >-Of 4 0 2 2 > ~ -0 0 2 ~ a Cl 0 z 0 U) > 6 (I) ::, d) I ( 0~ ,#' lb" -l _j"-~ f)" ~• v-..2>-; ,•~o R. .. (.,'!,,_.,. •• \. • i4f>,04' ,t, .. • ,o• ,..~ l, ~ .,,-~ .ru•• .. ·-r; • LE.GE.tvO • ~-.,. ,: i:: e ----~ 0U'JO PO,..,,-~ Al!, i>lO•C.A T E.O @ ----'i,£'!' I '1;; 1Q.0>.) f.>IP!;. "TA<.(i,c.t:> I,.':, ~O /1. T ~BO MS, o>v BOul.lOA RY ~t.lela <; V>JL le. e,,;;, OT >-IE R ~':,E I I..IPICA'tl!D O ----'-E. T >/4" IRO>v Pl PE. TAGGE'D L <;, ~ .6."T AL\. LOT COG!l,YEa.R s, UIJL lc<;. ~ 0T"6a.WI~ 1UD~.6.TE.0 6 ----~ET r,;· Couc.RE.Te MOtvu>J,E.>ST T A.""°E.D L .£,. 'l.'!40 A.T ALL ':ffGl'Ea"-l CE l..)Tle.Q L I ,JE CCI-) T RC>L r.>c::, I,.,,.'=>' I l..)T ~"'-'=>ECT 10,,.., $ , e,l.1.1 "'o.:, 1 >ll. A. IJO £1,j D 0~ CulLYI!. ~ .