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1782; 0; GRANVILLE PARK; 01-02
I. I -l I I I I I i 1 I i I I '-- ~--, -~ ' . -- ,._..)._ ~ (. \ '- < ••• ... •• MAPOF • • • • • ••••• ••••• s:: • • GRANVILLE PARK ••• • • ••••• •••• • • ..... ::,:: SAN JJJEGO COUNTY CALIFORNIA. Juty l.!JZ3 / .5cale IN=lJO' IN Z 5HE[TS -SH£IT I Be✓ng O ~u.b-~Y/5/0n or ~ol ;::orhon 0~ B/or:-ks .I, i!, .J, 8, !J, /0, //,, CTneY /Z. o/" Oce<:n.S✓tTe Add,,r,,on n, Ce>r/.s~ /n ~e C0ow16,- o/" So-n ..:J.e90, 5hle f.!r l'.Qhlonvo,. =:cormng lo n1a_,o /he✓-<;o( ,¥!' 833 ~led ✓17 k o~e of:~ n:-coro'er or -5:7h' ...5i?n LJ✓e90 Covn6-', A.,or✓7 8#1-/903-. _purhr:-u/urty descr,:l,e,r <?.s fo//ow-s: Be_y✓nn✓ny o.fo _poun~ on k ~skr&,, une o/" lo.I 4 Secha-? / T. /ZS. R..5 w. S..B.M. e>no' d,sJb,7/ .&reon !.IZO, 0 /ite/ frOn? /he nor~eqs/ corner o/," solo' lo/ 4; /he= IY. .ss"oo'E. o d,,s/onc.e o/" 8S.S-7/ lee/ /o o ,DOJn/; .i½e.,:,ce JY 4/ '1/o W. o d,,s,bnce of"" zss.zs k't!?/ .lo a ,.oo✓;.,/ on #;e .sov/%weskrd,, uhe o/4""~A/ o/"·wi:zy of"" k AA:6/.sQI? ~lo ond ~n/Q' ,,,s;. ✓fb,-hod" Co~Q/7)"; i?ence o/o,7y .s,:,it:,' r✓jhl or WQY hne ! W.,?/cn' /S 0/7 Q cvr.-e cona:>ve .lo ,k hor~eo.s/ ha.-,.;,.y u ~ ... s or /.S.:IZ-69 lee/; Su,rq' r,;,a',.us or ,#;e-/c.srn1enl'9neo' ,PO/~/ -?on,?y a .bear✓ll,9_ o/" .,Y Jo°.35'.3.s"'E, <70'l.S~ o/' /7/./8 /fee/ =sured q/ony ~u.n:-or ,sq,o' curve lo a po,-h/; /hence olon9 o curve conco.-e lo ~ .sou/beos/ h.7v,-ny q rodms or Z07-/6 tee/, sqk/' n:,o',us o.l ;½e .hs/ menhoned pO/flT howns1 o A:ar✓hy or .5-3Z 008 'Jo '"J,v. o o'lslonre or /7/-4.S tee/ n,eosureo' ulon9 k ore or -Sq,Hf curve /o <7 po,;,/; lhence ukn..9 a cvne c...-,"""..., /2 l½e norJ½wesl ond ,'onyenl /o..½e /4s1 o't:scn:6eo' cvrH::", ha.-n9 o ro,d,rv.s of" /113-88 !Ge/_. od,-:Sbnce or Z0/.84~/ meo.svreo' o/ony the ore o/" ~ .so/o' cvr...-;lo o ;oo.,;,/; /hence s. 7.3•,-.:, ·so-lo/. o o',r.s/once or 2.S-.33 /eel /o a ,Po,~I.· /hence o/ony a curve conc,;,ve ,lo Me /Yorl½ ond .lonyenl lo /he /q.s/ de.scr,rL>ed hne, howny a l'VCY/~s ol' S87-!JS fee!, o o,.s.lonce or ZZ!J.J6 /eel ,neo.sureo' o/o~ /he arc or so,i,J' cvrve .lo o ,oo,;,/; .#enc.,. 0/an.9 o cvrve ~once>= /o ,:l,e sou#, cno' run.9enr /2, /he /as.· descr,rl,d c...-= hu..-"o/ o ..-...wus Dr /SJO-oo ~)'... o ~s.hnce o/" J0-.34 ,ee/ =a.sured olony ~ QrC o/".so,rc:/ CLU",..,,, /4 O ,,oo,rn/; /.4ence 0/an.9 O curve C0,7a,>V,:, h, ;JI,.,, .sov~sr ono' lbnycn/ J'o J½e leur o'cscr.-beo' curre, howny o ror:llUS or" /Z? 2!.1 ~/,. o d',.s.lon= o/" /40-ZZ ~/ n?eosvn!!o' a/ony /.he ore or ..som' cvrve /o o ,,oo,n/; knee S. S7'z.9'1'V-u o',s/unCC" o/" /80-Z7 ree/ /o ,:, _,oo.-nf; /hence S. 3Z".3/'E. a c,1,:S/o,7ce ..,,,-4.SS--:z :feel /4 o ~on.I; /.hence Al-s.s 'l:io· .E. o &:S-lo.-,ce or /o.3-zo ree/ /o JJi,e po.,;,/ o/"" ,/,e9,-nn.,ny. ' 1:11 • l':j'-1 .. ,. 11t• IO'i! e = Se,' 6i,6"Cancreh MOl71K17..n,' 0 = Iron pin. ~ i:J • ~ • -00) 0 ti) • .. ~ ..... ..... ti C ,, -~ \)ii ·-;,, lo.It "i1 I ' ~ -~~-- ------. .7 I -, ..,,__ '-<:, .... , " Iii ,----. ' ~ " r-~ ' <;_ ~ \.r '--' 0 I \ ' -----<... 3•.1 _ __::~,a<:OC---/f I "'~;/ 4' ., :r ~,J'f~ ll ~r \/j. /*~ ' 1\ I 4~}".lJ-4t ~{:,,:~~- , ~ IJ ""fr Q.,_" ◊"' 'r 't" t" ~ l:i!i- ~ /~ ,re; IC s .z:: ~s , 7::, ,s-= ., ~, 2:2 .. . " ' . ·' s:-·· • "' I /. t' ~ . ..,_ "' ' 0" _ .. ., ., ' :~ il . " ,, ., '- ,, ,., '' o: _Q.t ... / ~I~ . , .. 'l"I "I' ~- 7S z I 7S I . , .. ' j 7S , .. " 0 .. . ... .... . ' ,, "I 'I I w " >I .., <l ' ' 0 .. ~ • ... .. . ~ > e 8D 42 ·" 0 ... <> ., "' --.. 1- .. Q 0 • ;: .. ., ~ ">-,__ .., I / ' .... ' ... <ii ' 0 ' r"\ "--..... .. . ~ . . !!~: .... - ...... ~,. ·-~• . -- ··· ......... ... ,--··-. . '"•-..! . ·. • '1] ·". ... "l' . ' II f I --i.. r f ' i I I I / ' .. ,,._ .. , .. • • • • • ••••• ••••• ··-· •••• • • •••• • ---• (.? \ S11.EET 1 . __ ..: ::-. ------·--- I I I I ' I I I • I I .............. ,_....,..,.................--- -s ~-;"'>-- ,,, ;7gc MAP OF GRANVILLE PARK SAN D1£60 COUNTY CALIFORNIA July /923. ' ' ,,,: I I Slofe of' Coh/'orn,a \ss I County o/' LosAngele.s/ . We Al/red G Blair~ and _Sue,.., A B/a,r __ his vvi/'e and-~Soulh Coos/Land Con-,panp a corpo,-af,on h&reliy cer771y /-hat we are the owners o/' or 1nferesl<?d In lh& land included In /he SU'b- dtvi.s1on :shovvn on lh.,;, onne,red n70p and described 1n the co,,olion fhereo/: and Iha/ 1Ne are /he on& persons INhose con.sent 1s necessary to ·pass a clear Idle foso1d land and 1-'Vl? con.sen/-/9 the rno~1n O/' /h;s n70p o./' s ubd/vision and hereby d&dtcate /o'h the ,q_vbhc use the 'Phwoy.s, -shown on this map wvt!h1ri t, 1s svvo'fVJsion, v1.z 'Qcific -:L/venue, Mountain V;&w Or/ve, La9una Or,ve and Mor //.<Sia ' venve a,ndJ..~ne' ·We here69 convey and rehn'?u1sh, on beh.:1,Y' o/ ovr..selve.s., he11c:s and ---oss,1gns to the B-o-ard o/' Superv/Sors o/' rhe Counl.JI if St:1n D1e9.0c Coll/i:Jrn1a, complete Jvr1.scl1clton ono' control ort?r any ond all p,:pes po/.;,," or ol'her slructvre.s or worlr, lrees and anything o/· .,..,,,ha/ever natvre //?al /TJO!:f be 1n, upon, ocro.ss or oYer /he h;ghwoy or porks a6ove offered for ded1cahon. A1_7d We hereby agree lo allow the cross ar,n.s <-'F po/es or or.her snn1/ar slruc tc1re-5 _placed 0/on.9, ,rhe r,qf,/ o/'-woy or. all h1ghw-a!ls if less /"hon .s1xl!,' (C>O /eel 1n vvid//2 Iv overht1ng the abvlf1.n3 proper;y 1 Sccr/e·/',,;80' Tile U,.,,on 771/e .ln.suronce Co177,.0<=1ny here,j:y cerl,fie.s Iha/ on /he .?6...t1!._dos, o/ J)_eC.£1:.:.f¥rA O 1.92-3 Qj6'qp_oc/ocA A M lhe_ South Co..:,,.s,' Lo-,d Co177pany a Corporo/-10,,., and A//,-pd G .6/cvr- , Jrere c,// /he ovvner.s oMd persons ,,n/,p,-,,,.s,',,..,;, ' //7 0.r?d vvho.se con.s<!'nT. Was r7,x;oe-s.sary Topos.s O cl,.,or .nr/e TO Slate o/ Co4lorni,::, } s s. Counly o/ .5an0/egc • fi.. ,/ ,,/ / On lh1s..S da_y o£!JOV'_ -A LJ /923 be/ore me ..e.-...e,~ g,_;Vo/'ory ;n ond ;vr sc:ud county r,·,;-~,1d!nj 1't?re117,c/ul_y COl77- >77.ss1on,i,:;:i' and SU'<;rl?, personally 01,?peored_ ~~ _ . -«-✓<b.-<-..,e-__ _ and~ ~-LJ~~ ___ h1.s M/i/e /rnown 7'o f'./77e /o e Int? per.sans whose 17a,177e.s ore .suo,,cr,6ed lo ,he wtlh1n ln:if,-.u.rnenf, 011d ocknau,-ledged fo me /-haf they exeu/ed rhl'? same .In wtfne.s.s whc"reo/ .I hove hereunlo .sef 177!/ hand O'nd o/'//...r&d ;ny officio/ seol the day and _year 1n !his cerli/icofl? /'1rst obove J/Vl"'i/len - -~-"--,~ ~4-r7-_ --- Nolorp/ Public 1n and ;&r .S??nDle.90 Covn.,Y Stale of' C ohlbrnia F,'le 7So7 /he londeM?bracec/ w1lh,n the .subd/v1.s1on robe knovvn a.s ---..,----_GRd_ljf'ILLc;r,c _ _FcJ.RI< ,.-----= ----,----.In w,rne.s.s vvher<Pq; .$ii'i'c1 <..1n1on 7?/le Ln.sura.ru,e c...o,-n;oan9 na-5 cou.sc>d l'h/.s 1r,.s/'rvrnen/ /o be e,recv/ed under 1rs c::orpc,ra/e nan?e ar7d St?o/ 6y ,r.s ,broper o//1cer.s du/9 avlho.ri~ed /he da-y and year /,rs/ aooye ,-,,,-,-,/fen. $/'ale o/ Co/,/ornJa]55 Coun/y o/SanD1e90J · T/7e Boa-rd o/SuperY1.sors ~/' the CO(.,'nly o/ Sa-,-, 01e90 .S/'ar& o/ Co~/OrM/Q htt?,-.e6_.r '-"PPrOJ.-'e.S ?>'7e a,7r,e,rea' ;,,op Ona' /ne su6dlv1.s1on sho ,-Yr• l'he -ea., B91 c>, ,,.0, J 1,1,;,e 800, ::e'. ~/ $►~"'""H' ,-.sc.-,;... ,,,,,..,_,..9_ -'-..,,·ay--=. __ -=-4,-£7. ~-7"" -,£-,;:;;-----; _--9::!': :;:::;::. ~!f:,,. !!,"" Q-,pt ~/ .S<.~r>P,•'• <Ii',;,., 0:-, 00 • <'? ,; ~ ../9..., ,9,"' 5' C, , ~' io--~ 41;.7 'a. Q, And accepf.s an behalf" or the pub/,'c;. t-he publt'c );, J" ,.,....:,y.s 5hovvl'7 ;;;n th,,.s mop and ,-.herQOn o'e,"Y1ccrfe.s 'fo -fl?e p""bl1c v.se V;;z Pac.1-r/C. Ave Movnto,n V,,e,,..,. Dr,ve. Lo9ur,a Dr11..-,p Mar V,.sla Avenue ancl t.a,ne , ~ ;;+ 0 ~, By order oF the aoai-d oF Superv1c5orc5 tr,,.s /~? d. oF~ l9Z"'1 AO. Chairman <>~ fhe Boar-d of .Svperv1.sors. , q.,~~~ Atfs.st' Clerlf or Boa,rd of $,.,pervt.sor.s -~~,_. Qer.,viy• T;-,e Board o/ 7?-uslee.s o/ !'he c,ly % Ocean.side hereb_y opp.roves /h1.s mop a/fe,,.-exarn,not/o.r, by !'he c, y £1"79/neer o.s pra,-,,'ded 6y Se<!:'r/on i?. Cnapler 75.6, o/ the s/~uks, ona' arnendn,enls ro lhe codes /91S ___ oote££;r~a;:!I= _/J .:!19.?Zf. ~---P,,..,,,.s1den/ if/he Boord,:;,/ lrv.sl'ee.s • ~ C'1'.'.9 C/e.r·k. Approyec/ a/fer ex=n-11nol!on o/' .Svbd/vJs/on and .r-nap /hereo/. .sup@rv1sor o/ .5 lh d1.s.lr1cl Covnr9 .svrveyar- _✓.d>1-t_(i'~ ---~~. fl..!~-·,~ We lhe vnde>rs1.9ned hereby cerr//'y //-Jo/-we ho//e Core/ully e...rcu,,,nc"d ea-c:h lo/ .Sho,:,vn on /-he annexed n1op as /o /T.S Valve r,or res1del"7c& o,,.., co,..,,,,,..,.,e,..a10/ purposes a,-,al ..-ve recarn,,.,.,end fhar rhe Boord o/ .Su,qer...,;.sor.s o/' ~":n .C//ego Co< .. h"7T!/ qo,.oroVi!' .said .1"7?op Oared this,:,2-~_da_y o/_ .'.l,(~ ___ /923 .....:__~Ou UrrA._~C'ovnry ,4..ss@.ssor / ____________ oepvly ~----f. ~Covnry surveJ;or. .. r,'/ed at /he re1uesf .,f /1/fred ,Ci-/i'la,r af 57 /11/n!' f'4st 10 O'c./ocl( /1.M 1/Jit 2/~f-day of rebrvar7. /l.ZJ IB?-f rec::.ords of SanZJies;rco Cavn7? Ca/1forn1a d. ;; Ji. on . Ferr_y .. . .. . . ... . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . -~· -. . . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . ... . . . . ... .. . . "'.. . ~ Covn'1y., l?e;corder of SanD'ego County Ccr/,'J·orn1a 6 ~a.n.d. L}-.Deputy I I } ' l. SHEET 2. \. ◄