HomeMy WebLinkAbout1717; 6-18; HOTALING LANDS; 01-04:-LL ' , - 1rheet 1. Of' 4-5heet.s • MAP HOTALING OF_ LANDS SAN DIEGO COUNTY CALlr0!2N/A . JANUARY 1920 5cALE I IN =300. Fr SURVeYED /3Y ENGIIVEEP!!NG SERVICE CO. 8emg c suh-drv,s,on of lots sixty-six, s1xty-:Jeven and (JI/ that per/ton of lot f1fty-.reven of 5ovth Ocee:ms1de, Jn the County of San O,eqo Stole of Ccr!tfornta, occordm9 lo lh? map thereof M:, 622 (J/ed in the office of the Recorder of S<11d 50.t1 D,ego County Febuary 7, 1690, lym9 J,ortheasfer!y of 6nfFln- Sf.t:ee:I ff .rood sired were ex fended .roulbm'y fl>rouqh said Lot fifty-seven. Excepf1n9 from ,;-a,d Loi fifty- sewn H,ol porl,on thereof IJtn? soufhm,,derly of the center !me of Solo Sf reef as shown on mop No 30/ bf South Oceanside filed rn the office of the Recorder of scud Son £)1e90 Counfy &pkmher _ ,i 14. 1887. _ - _ di so e,J f that porf,on of Lot-fr f'fy-a1x of" South Oceans1ck, 1ti the-Covnfy of San Otego . .State <Jf Cal1forn101 accordmq to the map fhe,reor No 622, fifed m the office-of the Jau:crder c-f' -• said J"<>'n PMgo County, re6u_rary T, /8ffO, 'ymy .J'outh o~ fhe ,.au'!-. /me of Kelly .ffn:et, if s-01d .f'frc,,;IY\'ere z,yf,:,nobcl ,',cdu-ly /!,rough ,;-a,d fJ.',x,K "d'ty-s-1,x Exc<"pfln:7 thenef'rom a tract of /and ',venry fad - snuare, sduafe, rn f!u-mo,;i e-7.f'ferly corn.z,r t'1ereof u.nzd a, ·he, oonal pie,;,, ~,,. S!J} ""roz.e:e f ,, ,, T , • •Ha,r~ <,~•-._,,_,., ._,, 'f ••,< ,~ AJ.r-o, all th= porhons of Lots rburteen, Mnefy-foor, N,n,:zfy-fim and Mne-fy-.,1;,, /\N Joun uceonrid; m fhrv Coonfy of San £)1ego, .State cf' Cohforn1o; oo:ormnq to lhe mo,P flure;of No <'>22 71,ed 1n 1k ,:,ff,'c;:£, of the Rec<>rawr of .n::m:I Son o,eg.,, (ponfy /J:,),rvary T, /!J!JO, ck,zr/1,i(f a.f' hllcrvs Be'J'll?mng or fhe Nor/h11t¥sf ccrner of Mc>r.re Sfree f <md ,'11! I Sfnze-/ if .,,,.,d Hi! I ,'f n::et were pn::,'<m:fed Nor,'¾er.y throvg-h lot /Vm1vfy-s-ix, thence north S!E degnee-.; fad along the, north !me of ,'l1or.re-Stnu:t 2646:Zliwuf ib t!M- YlbS'krly flile, of' M=no cfreel; t/Jf:nce Norin 3.J.d?,;reec »&s-t ll88CJO/e_-,-f, them-.e Si:wth .56,;le,gret:J" 7Ye.d 6/$0.0o f'eef, lhe110e North34~nze-r West 246.3& teef fo the mad elMferly corner of' the tract of' land com eyed m deed fn,m Sooth Oxlal Lond Compny f,:, liay,z-,s Load :-om,,,,.,ny, doled Jone Z7, 1907 recordx-/ ;i, /3ooK 44-6,page 2ff cf deed}; fh,mce Swlh 37 &,gt=r J mmole We.I uhng /he earl /me of /he /and JV conw:pd lo .otd Hay,n Lem& Company 648.90 fed, fhenx conf1nwnq o!o":l .raid fa.rt /me S:'"V.Jfh Z 2 ,:k~rr~= 19 mmvtes We.rt I ,i,4 7 'i' /'reef n> ff,,;;, / nf er.s,zd1on of lnrz ,cnf,rlg Im~ of /t, I I Street (if' .:x tench d Norfh,.rfv) ,lhenc e, Sor/th 2f4- ek1ru.r feJ'.-f ohnq fl>,,, hr! mentioned /,ne 306.30'fe<;I; to the pomf of ?"9''N:1n9 . ;Vo7e·- AI I Trod ,;orners rnorAed b'{ ,r, 4 s:okes All Lof 2 xJ' Concr(lfe monumen1s """ ~N-'w,ln copper wire shawn fht1s 0 ,- 1 ' \ l_ i ' f : _JL 71 <: cc; ~ " ~ f~~ ,, () ~~ ' ' , / ,,f>° &i~:<;- , 'J ,' • ._.s: ee: r ... · _---- ~ ~ ~ I .;r.'-b _.-,, , .£.i..' {.Q."I; ,L,f,L .. -,JI ~ ~ -(> "'· :~54' e,1 . \ 112-p. . ~ . 'I, /.(~'., ,(S "~" ~• I '.ft'' "'' \,,,. 1l.\ ~-,. -i~1 ... ., ;f 1, ~ "i _... ,_ .... • C ~ • (;l. I~. \~- "' '!I 'it to "' , SEC 2 SEC 30' "' SEC 36 \ SEC. 31 Foun,:f old 6 ,8"sowad,' ienl0 ost r. ' ~ _, ~ 1 ...... ... · .. . ····: .. .. . . ..... ····· ....... ...... . . . . . ....... .... .. · ' ··:.·: . .. . . .... . . . ..... . .... . . ... .. .... ... ...... . ...... . . . . . . . ... ... .,,. of" 4 sheets I 51 • 5EC. Z5 5EC. 36 ., TEACT S/.290· 6r. Ac. f..221 Ed. .SO. 07.J" /-./rd _.qc_ 60 S.:35"'/Z"C v:z.oo' S -38"' .zr.J,o., E SS7.,.49'4~E 1$.Z. zo Tl?ACT 6/ .S .rot'£ IZl.7S J" Z6"16' .E Z36.St3' 7. /. 7 2.-6 ._:y.,.._ ,4,;;, .(J.08.(".. ,ed. 7 t 64.0 / ,',.:_-/· .--~C . ! ~_;._---------~ TEACT G7 254.355" Acr~s. _JL 71 /2e Norfher/.:f .6oundarf:I kne ./-n::;cf 9 9 Soulh Oceo.n..s,;de /.,?9,::,-:20J ... .... ... .. . .... .. .. . ... . .. .. .. . . . .. ... . .. . .. ... . ... .. -...: :· ...... : .. • :·:: ..... : -5 I: C. 50 1674 6<>' l80h~-~63~·-=-------------_;;cc....,&"=------::r-'---~--'---'--/'-7§_Z::.:..:'6:...' __ _c~ ... ··;..· ·+:~· •:..:··~=~:-:::.-··-~--~•5"::...'.:E:..:C=-3~0 __ :::j---CA 5Ec ·31· -----l~---'-"-=~---------==P~':---------N-:-':'St89.:Z.8'>V -•••• •• . • • • • '.'<OE "2 V . SouH,erly boundary line of' ,';...acfs 72, 7S, 7'f, 7.9 and Sf>, SooN, Ocean.side Son D/ego _Coonfy Recorders Map No . .;;._>,? • •• • •••• •v. C. -CJ/ ·! ( __ \ __ _ 29 32. -I \ I · 5heef 3 of 4 sheef.s ., • _JL 71 •. \ ~ C• -'., \.,. "~ ,, -;-.::~- \ ' / I I See Sheet N!? .l 5.eETCH N 9 / TRACT 66 ..::,a 794-Gr. he. -0.617 R.al. -38.17 7 -vet-Ac;; /7/7 .... Sheer 3 SEC. 25 S£CJO SEC. 31 (~[~ ;'-....i..) ...... ... . . ... ...... ....... ... . ..... .. . . . -..... ' :;f-,G:••••• ..... :·.•· ....... . .... ..: .. . . . .. .. .... .. . ... . . ... . . .. .. . . :··· ..... . . ........ ...... ~~;Ii'<· ,j,•? ('\ ,. ~~~ (ii~~ ,Q • I , 1< ~'!,-. l.r-,-. -. u_j I Jo "' L• ~, t-: ~ 51:ETCfl-N 9 z TI I 3. If. 5_W..c..._. ____ SEC. 3 6 T /2 3.R. 5W. ,5EC. I \ '.5heef 4 of 4 sheet~ i ' ' - i / • _S1L1IJ:. QfCAL!FORNIAJ CoulflY or Las ANs r:s S.S. - On :J,,'.r.J_r;jlffeay ot _ .D. /~/J before __ m•~ noiul"!l pu6hc in r,nd or Sa,d Cov;J!r;_ rN1d,n9 !/;herein !!"if commis.s-,'o,,,,rl end SuJWn per.s-am,/ly an1ean,d ___ ~~--and.£Q1.Ul'~-- lf=n tome fohe fl(~p,e.,-/d~n4 :'·and._______ .Secretary of the Ccrporoflbn -/-l,<1f exec<-1-kd f/Je i,,il/,,i, -,-,,.,f,-,,menf and acknouJle<lyed lo me fha-/ sud, Corpor<1fion executed fhe =me, In wdneu whe,~of I have /ter,,vnfo .,el' my hand ond affixed mf o{f;ciol seal of my office in .,aid covnf_y, Stole of Ca/ir- e d, -fhis cerfilicofe above wril ten . . . . #oltry R,b/,'c ;,, am/ for Los Al>Jeles ,SILJIJ;:_ Qf CALIFQRN!fl] C,"(y ""' COUHr( 'lf SAN FRANCISCO S.S. - On -11,r,J.tday ofJ:.:.0~\"A.0,. /9_1!() hefo,,, mef&.fc£._/::C'!t,;,f.a no-taru l L·~:1 '<'-h<( ,J pul,/Jc in <tnd for .soltf,. c-,,,,,,fy, rr,.,-ld,i, :J -/hen, in dvly CDmm,s.s10,,..; and swcm pe=nal/y <YJ'/"'"red ,J_>:k>, ??c 1tf,jfr .and_(!'., f':.. :I! fl:.!:':!._. kn=n to me to I,,, U ~e Pnsld<>nf ond -Secrefo,-!I of fl,e CorporaMm fhal e;,ecufed the wilhin in:slrvment a,d acki,t>wledyed fo me ihaf sr.;ch CorPorafion e,rec,,f,d the sume. - In wilness wlrereof I /,4ve hen,unto sef !'/'/!{, ._,';</,'P and aff;;:ed my cff,ci<>I .S<M/ al my office i,i sa,"d ,.cobnfy, State of Calif- , om?>,, /1,e a''l:1er in -//,i.s cerfif,cafe _ abave wr/tlen. ~-'-';<A __ ~-'-_.--:. .?.-0.'±~-__ ,\lotu,y R,J,/ic in <1nd mr Sat1 Francie"" ~-._,-y u,-« Cour,tg, st<lfe of California, STAT£ Or CALlrO/i'NIA} s --. , Cow.fTY ar lcsANGELE'B ,S. . _ -~ C On fhis/!IC!'dt,qof Januorq AD/920 he/ore meU!t"3f:JLL, _>t_f,f,!t_ff a nolar'{ puhlic in a,,d for said Cwnf'{, rti'Sidin1 !herein d ,; CMlm¢- itJned and srvorn personalflj appeared .F. H.. /(]lie known to me ft) be the pe,·son whose name is subscrjbBd fc.-fhe wif.lu'n lnstrvment ond ock.naw/edqed to me /hot he ~ ecufed the same_ In Wif wher&of I av. er mq hand and offixed mq cff1ciol seal. I and <'ar i fe first a/ure wrilfen. -lvolorq Pu iic~no-,,d j;z~;,i;qeks-E;;,i~ ofcal,io~r,i(I / ' :,,l;/tf;.. c;,,~; --11 -eiary. CculV__r)/ o~ SA,. 1 ~ GO ,,,. -I ·7n,1;; Boan/ of Supervisor.ST of fhe Counry' of Sar, Di0901 r.Stt,ie of - Col/fornio; here by OF?rc.r~es fhe annexed .map and f.he ,5 u bdi~,",s;on sfr,,,_,n flrereon atd UCC'ef'f• OQ l,e/,a/f of the Puh/ic, fhe publi, H'!}h"""Js .slro.,,n on this ""'I' and he teen de,/Jc,,fe,/ -k f/Je A,1,/,"c use.· IO><:- /7/7 The Soulhem 711/e ,_fvaronty Company, a corponff1on, hereby c,,rl;fle$ flrof OP f,!o, •• __ ,;i'._n ____ --~ or.-£ ~f!?P.~<--____ 19,,;,Q_ -• • • <rf - 9: oc, o'clock o.m. -fhe Soulh Coast Land C'o.mfX'".Y.1 acorpcrat/o-n.,.Jose.oh Ii 5mdh,J' I I ' '. I 1 I ,tr"d I: Ii. Toi le,,were al I /he, owners and persons hhaSe consenf -wos necessary lo c, dear ii/I,: la lhe land embraced wifh in lhe resu6-division fo" Je Known os /4,.qp or HoTAJ..,INa LANtJS Son Die.go. Counfy. Co/1f6"rnio. · /n Witne,;G W/Jereo f, .s,,k/ Soulhern 7lile ~ Gu"n,niy Company h,ts cu1.1Sed !his 1"n.sfrvmenf k-he exec u--/efl under ifs co-rporc1te name aMI .seal hy ,is pro officer.s fhoreun:fo duly -aulhorj,:,dlhe d'!f "'~/ · _ ,,., ~--Soull,em 7ifl~ Gudranly Comf'C'"Y· Bf--::--· -c • ,-~ _ •:~~ ___ ..,_ ••• Ftu;denf-~--!.t•f---.Secretary , _ f --- St'ATi: CF C,-)LiFCRMA ( CWNTY if .£41/ {)/£60f S.f' Oa f;'id zolf-d<>-yo/-Mo/ A£J.(2:?0,k/4re rne/7.£.CRANe a ,..•.,/or-o.c.-... 7 P~bh~ ;n $~d fa-Vci?./0'"°' co<C/,;.,-1,::-, r~...Frd.-ry der-e/a d«/y Ci?'rr,,/n/..rJ/OTf,F:·d .Yh·d J'.1-Voro ,..Pr-~r.rc.rJa/f· ¥~-red JO.S-E.PH_fr. S~rr/~ k,r;a:::,n·= -"',_., v-..-e ?"'b be //.·e p~-r..,ci.r:.-......,,....,.-?o..,re;. "7ar=e .FJ ...i:·v6..rcr/L--.ed T'"o 7'/?e /i,-~'l_--5';,~;;.-//7..,r.·?,,-Y/o.d.._..,.;-_/-<.Tr,..·o/ • crc/<oc,;,-v/~.eo~ /cc /77t: ffAYT ho e;xecu/eo--.Me: .Furne-. /n-~Jhe.r.r#k~~r / h,.;.,re-he~-v.r;,,/o J(_~/-/7/V /:,,u.r.1<T a':ef ~~-;<ed r??y ~Ck;J'/-..rea-/,. .#...-e d...-_ya...-70' /r:'"'U,.,.... F/.?~7!--.,-j ec-r/..,-.;t:,;-~.._,.,..;.--:- /.Fr.r/" a6c,e ,,,,,-r/-1"cn, A~ /77 _ _ • . ~ 0. ~~ . ,,;v--e-rdr_y .PbM;; ,..:::;.-.;r,,o far .tan LJ .r.eyo Ccvnry ~ c .if/_,-~_.,..,._, _;,~d"" --- 5hee:t4 • .. .... .. • . . . . . ........ ...... . .. ...... .. . . . ........ ..... . . ...... t:::: . .. . . . ...... . . . .. . .... . .. .... .. ...... :··· . .... . ..... . ::::: .. -· i / ( l '