HomeMy WebLinkAbout1803; 0; PALISADES NO 2 BLOCK S; 01-02' I _l ,- _,- ' APRIL 1924. MAP o;-- PALISADES NUMBER TWO SAN D!t:.0O COUNTY CALIFORNIA SCALr: I INCH'= 200 FEET. 8e1,1g o sv.6d/V1s1on or Tract 213 and fhof l'ar/ 0' T,-aGls i:''2, 227, 2Z8, 229 ona c3C Thd71 Lands as s,ho« n or Map Nl/mbcr 168, t)n hie /rt /he 0/)1<..e o/ /hr Recorder o/ Saf.1 D1eg.o C.::unty, Cot/~.rn1a /ncluded wd111.n lne /v1/otv1ng de~cr/bed hne~ &g,/Jr1,ng or /he Sourneaslerly corner or so,d Tjocf Nwnber E30 Thorn L:7nds, lh=r>ce along /he Soulher/y covndary //ne o/ so1J' T,,-r,c,' :t,.,·nbe,-Z.30 Tl,um Lands or-,d ,'s S,:,ufhtteslerly prolor,gol,on 5cuth 72'25 n'esl a d:s/oryce o/" 7,3655 /eel lo a pone/ wl11ch ,s 'ne So,_,//-,e-,_:,/eny Cor-,er O' so,d Tr,,cl' Nurnrer 213 7hwn Lor,ds, 7hence ahng /he Sc,ulhwe.sr,,rly bc>u/Jdory fine c,/ so,d Traci Nun,be,• 213 7hwn Lands Nor#, 78'0,3' Wes! a d,s,'ance or /08692 reel le fl7e S,,u/hi,.u.sl'er/'/ cnrner o/ so,-, Tt-ad Nu•n.6er 213 TJ.,un-, Lands, 7hence Vorfh 35'27' Wes/ o d,s/ance o/ 63.33 /eel lo o po/nl, lhenee Nu-#, 30"04' East CT d,s/ance o/ I/ 25 reel lo .:, ,oc,nl, 77,~n--e North .32'2135 West a a/;s'a-,ce o/ 96 30 /eel lo a ,ao,nl wh,ch ,s /he /n/ersec//on or /he easterly bo.,,ndor;; hre ol the S'ule Highway and lhe Soulherly bcundary J,n,. c/ Ch1,"'Quop1n A,,enue; 7hence alor-g the said So~•fl,erly boundary hnc of O,,m:,uopm //venue Nor/f, 5.5-27'Eosf o d,s/m,ce ,.;J' 49174 /eel lo ,fs ,,-,fersechon W-//h flu, Wesler~v boundary llne q' Gar/,e/d Sfr,,,el. 77,er,c" akn_q fh-, lc>s,• nuwl,oned ;,,~ So,J/-34"33'Eosl a d,sr.,rce o/ /7643 /eel f,;, a po,,,,•, 711-:nce or.1 J curve conaave lo lhe Norfheasf., 1ong.g.r,/ /o the /o.s-t 1n~rd.1on~-e1 /:re a....,a h,:n 1n9 -A" ruJ/VS o./ ?2~81 /et.:!,r a 7/.sf-:;.nca Of /86 9B /.f"ef ,neosvred a/.ong /he arc o/ scud curve ./o a po/n.T/ 7h-~~ce alcng o curve CO.l"ICQve lo the S,x..-f7J,,r..es-, Jungen~ ,""::? /.--~,:; 1...,-s:.,.. P?-enlioned c-urv~ and hov,ng a rad,us o/ 450 (Jt) /"eel, a dis/once of 346 62 reel n-,eosure,d along //1,,-or.., o/ .so,d CJrve lo o /ANnl, 7,1,~n_,. Soufh '18°30' Eosf on a line longenl lo /he lost' n-,enhoned cvrve a d,st'ance of /47/I /eel lo a p,v,-1, -;?,,:nee Norlh 55'?7'Easl' a d,s>&nce o/ /80-30/eer lo a,oo,nl; 7her1ce No,-f/, 38"30'Wesl a dis/once o/ ISO 3.3 /eel lo a po,rn,', fflenee alorg o c.1rve concove lo the Sou/h;vesf, langenr /o /he /osl ,rnenhoned /,,-,,,, and having o radu,,. ,_/ 63Ci.OO /'eel, o ol,slanae o/ 485 . .57 /"eel ,-.,easur«d ohng rhe arc o/ sa,d curve ro a pond, lhence a,/ong a curv" concave lo /he Norlheasf, fang,,,,,/ ro ff,,, las/ ,nenl,oned cvrve ,,nd having a radus o/ 4ZBI /eel, a ct1slance o/ .3593 -;,,,, lo o,ao,nl _,7,~ 7ce Nori!, 34°33'£,~.sl o/ong a lu74' lan;1_enl ro /he /osr n-,enr,onea cur~e a d1shn_,e ;;,/ 72643 /"eel-lo ;;, ,P<>✓n/ on /he Sov/-herl,,-bc>unctar5,1 j/,--,e o/ Tamarack Avenue; lhence Norlh.S.5"27'£asl o chslonce .,, b/4.4-1 feer /o a ,oo,nl' on •he Sou/h.,.,esfer,y 6ovndary L/ne o/ /he Arch/son, T,,,oek,,;, and San/a~ Ra,//-oad P,ghl of Way, 7ho!nce, along /he sa,d las/ rnenl.oned hne a/on9 o c-✓rve aoncove lo /he Norl'heasl hav,ng a radius o/ .5829 6.5 /eel, lhe rodtus a/ sa,d po,nr hov,ng a 6e,u-1ng o/ Norlh .53"46'Z7' Easl o d,slance o/ 3.5:ao leer "o a ,ooh?/-,' ?hence No,-/h 30"04'£asl a distance o/ 544.5 /eer lo a ,oo/nr; 771ence o/o,-,g o cw•ve co,,e-ave /o rne 1V;;,rlho,osl hav,ag a radius o/ 5779 65 feel, lhe rad,us al so1d po;nr having a 6ear;ng o/ Norlh 63"40'Z5'Eosl o dtslance o/ 174.,?7 feet' n,easured along /he ore o/ sa ;.,, cvrve l'o a ,o,,,nf; 77rence Sou/h 38 °03'.30 Easf er d,,-lonce o/ /535 67 leer lo lhe po//7,: O/ oeg/nn/ng. A/45-o kgmnmg of /he ,o,::,,nf of 1nlerGec/,oa o/ /he Svvlheasler/y-hne a/ Ac;;,c1a Avenue as sl,ovvn on Ma,o o/ Pa//sades ;1,urnber /747 Pn /,le 1n /he o/f;ce ol /he Rec.order or San D,ego County and /he Weslerly boundary hne o/ /he A/ch;.so,7 To,oeM<> and Sanl'a re Railroad R,ghl o/ Way, '17,ence Soulh 34"33' £:as/ cT/ong /he las/ n,enl';oned kne a d,sla-.ce o_" 907 54 /eel lo lhe po,nr of 117/erseol',e,n of /he /asJ' n,enhoned hne a-nd rhe Norlhvvesler,y l,ne o/ Hemlock Avenue OS shoi,vn on said Map o/ /he Pallsodes, Thence Sou#, 55"27'Wesl along /he las/ n-,enltoned line a dtslance t:>T 61200 /eel /o a pcunr, lhence North 34"33'Wesl a distance o/ 907.54 /eel lo a ,001nr on /he sa,d Soulh- eoslerly l,ne o/ Acacia Avenue, 7henceNor/h 55",?7'Easr along lhe las/ 1'77enltoned ltne a d,slance o/ 6/2_00 _feel lo /he po,nl of 6e91nn1n9. ·~· •• • • ••• ...... ....... .-•1 •• ... • • ••••• • • • • ...... .. . • ••• Siole o/ Cc,l,,Corn,o L S.S, Coun/</ o/ LosAnqe/e.!£/ We Sovlh Coos/ Lond Cornpan..,, o corporoh.:>n ar,d Secvrd<f Tru.sl Bo Sav1nqs Bank o_f L;;,.sAn9eles a corpora/Jon 7h,slee, herebl,' c:er/1/</ /her vve ore h'?e o~vners o/ or 1nleres1'ed ,,, !'he land /nclvded /1'7 /he .subd,v,s1on shovvn We lhe unders19ned herehft' cer/;/"'I lhaf .ve have carerul/'-1 exon11ned each lo/ show-n on lhe annexed n1a,o as lo ds value /or res,dencs orconunerc10/ ,,q_urpo.ses and we recon,rnend Iha/ /ht? Board o_f Su,oe.rv,.sors or San O,eqo Co,.,nly approve Sa/d map on /he an/7exed rr10,.o crl7d described ,rn /he ca,ohor;, /h<?reo/, a/?d ;t.ha/-vv.:,~ .ar-e rhe on/1/ per.sons i.-vhose e1oa.5e,.,,-n' ~..s hecessar"-1 fo p&i.s.s a clear /.,//e .lo scud land and vVe ao.n..se.n! fo lhe .177C;1/on9 o/ ?'h.-s /??ap o/ subd/v/s.1or7 e:,nd he.reb4' ded,cale lo /he pv61,c use /he h,9h !NO'f'S shoi,vn on lh.1.s .1'77ap vv-.1/h.1.n fh.1s .suhd-✓vi"ston viz., Juniper Avenue.,. Ch,.nqu.ap-'17 Avenue, Dale Avenue.., O/.,ve Avenue~ We hereb9 c.-onvet., a~"7d rehnQv.1.sh~ o,n beh.:::nY ul our.selves, h&1r.s ar,d oss/qr,.s, /o /he Board or Supervisors o/ /he Covnl</ o/ San Di,,u70, Ca/1/orn1a, co.rr,p/e.re Jur,sd1chon ar,d co..r~T...-ol over a.nt, q.nd all_ptpes., po/es or o.fher ..s/rvc.lure.s or vVorh, :frees and a17l:f/h1n9 or ..vhalever naTL✓re #,al /770'7 6e ./M $ upon, across or over The h/qhi.--va.t,t.s above offered /or dedcaT✓on And t--Ve Mereb-1/ .09ree lo o,,1/'7vv-The cro..ss-ar.r-ns o/ po/es or o/-he.r ..:5//77//0r" slruc!.ures~ .,o/aced a/on<t_ lhe ,.,,9h/-o/-;,vo¥ of a/ I h, 9 '->vVo</S' or Less /hon s,xlz,,-(60)/,,.el //"7 o,v1drh, lo over.han9 /he abul/1n9 ,oroperr,v .SOUTH COAST LAND COMPANY , ,,,-B;;:i!,J,,~ ~ _____ Pr;s ~-:}_r-:_ -~~Sec'/- ~ /S1(.-,,,'2tTY 7:_RUST & f>AV!(Y,GS BANK, u-uske. B..,,:«_;t'd,,, vYr ~ /l/cePres-j:4:'t'~,L~ ::_L _____ AssfSec'I- , --I c-, s,~le o/ Cah/orn,a }SS Cc,,,;</ o/" LosAh~lei}, ' , On flus_-~'--da<f o/ -4Pr1/ AD, /924 be/ore r,7e &,-.,ce M Cha-n,,u./ a Nol-ar',I' Pubhc ,n and ror so/d Counl<f, res1d✓n9 :lhere,n dv/¥' COFnrrvss,onea' ands,-orn, per.so,,.,ol/¥ appeared FH To//e and l/e,-u-1/ /f'ressrnonn hno=n h> ,me h, be lhe A-es/den/ and Secrel'ar'f or /he cor ... uo..-aJ',,r0,1 11,af .exec.uled lhe vv1lh.1n 1.r?.s-./ru/77t;"n~ and ocknovvl.su:t'9ed lo ,-ne !'hair .such corporo:/;an e,eecu:led fl-,e .sorr7e _ , ' In vvdness vvhereo/ I have here,vnlo sa/ 1-n'/ nand and affixed n>'-t' off)cu?I seal /he day and </ear in ;fh1.s cerh,/'/caf-e_L,.rs/ {~b :='ve vvrd/-en <?~a-;_ A1 e(a:+._._.., . --------------.... --=-_-t-----------· No:J'ar<f Pubhc 1n and /or LasA--.9eles Counllf ~ ,, , Sfa/e o/ Coh;farn1a '~-~.1v1.,.,,..,, 311 !;If!/ c .,._r -~ c. .:!,. M-r..., ...::J~ 19,7 -:t ' , Sfc,k a/ CaH/'or/1la J-s s Cpvnf'( of Los Anqelee · ' -, On fh;s ~d-,,. cl&?</ o/ Aprd AD.1924 be/ore n-,e J--'1-tA--'-•-'-j;:_1.J;J... __ a /Va/ar'i Public ,n and ,'or scud tf:'ounr</ rB.s1d,n9 lrer<!U/7 dull/ .,:,-nn-.,ss/oned a/7d s,-.,orn, persona/I</ ap,P ea,·ed _ ~ ,tr,1,.,:,_ /J:", -L~ _ ~ _. __ .and_~_,_.rl,_ =-k { € f_::;L r,'70Vvn /o ,rne /-o be lhe V,ce Pres,cleMr and A.ssl Secreror;,,, ·er rhe cor,Poro/ton Iha,' e,xecukd /he ..,,,/hJn 1nsfrun1enr , , Q'7C¥ aclrno.,.,/ed9ed TO me Thal svch cor,ooraTlor7 er<ec,.,l'ed i r•\.~ S0'/77.e, l /r7 .v,/,,ess vvhereo/ I have hereun/o Ser rn'/ hond j <Jnd aH,,,,.ec/ rn',' a/Tic/al seal /he do,y and lfeor fr7 J /h✓s cer.h'/;,core r1r.sf a6ave ;,vr,lfen ' ' • ~~ ?......-' \ ~J Norar,s, Pv6hc 1n and far LosAn9e/es Covn:l"I Srale o/ Ca/,/orn/a, .J. he,--ebtf cerhr'I fhal I a,n, ,,,,. C, v,/ £nq,neer a/'7d rhu/ · ----· • j have ,;;urv,::yed ar,d sk,/r~d fhe subdlv,rs/on as shoi,v/'7 orr rhe onne.K4'<¥ ,nap oons;s;';nq ,:;,,' /vvo sheel:s and fhaf / haw~ ,;o=p/red .,..-,,'h rhe la.-vs o/ fhe Sfo:1-e o/" Ca/1/0.rn/a and /h~ reqv1rernenrs o/ /he Boord o/ Su~erv1so,-.s Oaled Ae--11/ ___ /9E4 -B'{-_{,,.-~ J'_:_ ~Svrve1:for, 36078 Doled lh,s ::,/:!_do'I o_l Apr,11924. /4( -., /'-" ----· ,?L, _-c:;, ~-~-'::._ _;~ Y~YV' ,-__ Counf'I Assessor -~ 6~ fi~!fo~nf,,, Surve','or 7h,:,, Union 77#e Insurance Co1npan</, hereb'f cer:11/"y /ha.I on lhe_I:_#!!day or Ju&' A.01924 a.I B·oo ocloch A M. /he Sou/h Coos/ Lana' Co,npan..,, ~ c;;,rporo/-/on and Secvr,l'I Trvsl & Savin9s Bonk a c;or,ooral,on were all the owners and ,oerson.s /nleresled /M and vvhose con.sen/ vVOS nece.ssor'I lo pass o clear /1//e lo /he /and e;n6raced ,vv1/h1n /he sv6d,n;;,on /o 6e k,-,o.,,,n as l=bll.sades Nu,.nher Tw-o. In ,vdne.ss ""nereo/ sa,d l/111on Tth'e /,,surance C,vnpony has caused ,'171s ,nsn--un7e,"TI-lo 6c execv/ed under Jf.s ~or;oorale no✓-ne a-,,., _,,, ,,,, OL,J //.s proper orhcers dv/'I aulhor,zed /he da</ and '7'""" .. ,.,,,.,,~ 7 bove .-vr1r/en . YNIO':: '7772.'lf,7~_,f~~-~CE(' COMPANY Bl/_:: _ £ f~ ~re.stdPnl \ l.J, -//-_ ~--J _ .. ,.,,,,_.,.,_,,,,_,,,._,.,,.-&...__~.._--__ SecrelorLj Sfale or Call/or "''"' } Counl'-1 of' San U ";Jco S S /,_(2_/i__ 2t:no2<2J2d_Counf</ Aud1for 1n and /or the Counft; o/' San D1e90 Sfale or Ca/1rorn1a hereh</ cerrn•</ fhal /here ore no hens mr unpaid Slafe or Counf'I laxes sho,-vn h<-J fhe hooks o/' fh,.s oHice excepl /-a><.e.s not' t;el paqable aq,:unsl /he land ,ncluded In lhe suhd1 v1.s1on shovvn on lhe annexed map or,7 cl""°cr1bed 1n fhe caphon oran'I par.I /hereof' a.s sho"" n , •, 1 '7 ,_,, -nap J~'jf-tl,,-/924, 61?-.:tr,, -!· ___ '(_,1~.1.-:l L1-1fl !_ ____________ _ h,dtfor /n and ror.SonD/eqo Counfl( S~afe o;" Coltrorn,a_ J ,B'I~ ~ ~,J-__ --Depuhf S/a/e o,r Cal f,, ,,.., } Counl'f or Son D,eqo S S SI The Boord or Supervisors of" /he Coun/'-1 or SanD,eqo are or Ca/;/'arn1a hereb</ approves lhe annexed map and fhe .subd1v1.s1on sho;-vn /hereon ar7d ac,cepfs on be.hair 0 ,r /he Public all h1qhwa'ls dedtc:aled fo pubh,t use_ t,{. . .r A\,lc:r,f Bt., <>~dr.; _or /he Board o/ Sup)=,rv/.sor.s /'h1.sL";f __ dau 01 ~ _..; ,_, /_Q,_ ✓--f 7 ., _-c ha,rl'??an a/" /he Board 01 St-per~,,~ ors, Cou~ ,,, , ,-San D/eqo, Slefle o/'Col,/'orn,a 41'/esf J 8 /1, '-• -~ -.s clerk or /he Boord o/" Supe'rv1.sors B<f_o~·-, :: :" -h..-_ Depuf'I- I.,. /-.1.:_~~ ~~L'>-.r ... /";;,r /he subd,~ ,S' - ;--v--ove /he /'701'7?& Pal/sades Nv✓-77ber T,,,-o sho,-vn on /he an/'7exed /770,P- .:.. _____ Joba _,f{_ Eg_rr.t,t ___ _ Recorder d San 01eqo Coun/</, Cal,rorn,a_ Bl/ z:_C.:. _ _: ,-._J.c __ -2~ -'=-~ ____ -.J6?,Puly ... -. • • • • ...... " .... . ••~ ••• • • ,~ ..... ..... • •" .~ ... ••• • SHEET No I IS °' QI ... Q f....: • ~ l( (.) ~ II ts ~ ---- 3~ ~~ ~ V) '-: -..j 0 .. / , -•--i, , ' ~· i. ,' " ' \ I \ -~ ,.j ' • , ! __ , -I H/f5Hl,,'VA ,. ' ' ),-" ""$ 32?/Cc)4"-,r" --------~ -.:. w 81.'JA~ Gr ,78 Rd 7,ZOAr N,r / / / / / -,. • t j I "' \ ,. '. I i _..,, ' ,, , ' i l ' ,_ j ,, , .. '' " . ' " ", ' ' ' ,, • ' f t ' '11 ! 1 ,.~ .... ~-r'/ >, I ! • I ' , l ," r·· 1/ I"