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,,1 :~~,111~r,~~~/~\\1fl)!~\m'.l}~:m11~~nf!!~~N?'!':tJ't:iit«!ii1l;}')l'/{~:;;)''!tf!fff;;fili;lii'f~~.;;tt\\i);fl?fl"i!?ri:1.%•~'.}1,tkf'.J1\?W:''.;'.o/:!c:'.~:': ,?,:1,,t?,-::Z' ,"'"t '''":/'{T0i]t~'.C;'"c'7:f,::!7(::N;;: :r;', </ ' ' '' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ', ' •• r ,,, C '. ' c?''P 'r'': MAP NO. 3<& if!;·• ', . ·\:; , .. ,., ______________________ ...... ____ __,, _________________________________ ...., ______________________________________________ ,... __ .. . , , , , , Sheel I ol'£Sheels SUNNY SLOPE TRACT(MAP9'J5)RESUBDIV/SIONNo.la+J)BUENAV/57:4 TERRACE We hi!reby cerllly /ho/ we are lh£ owner5 ol, or ore inler~sled in1 /ht /qnd embraced w//fui, 1/24 svba~·v/f;1on lobe known o!5 '1;81.11no 06/c nrrocl!11tmdwd. h£reby con5t!nl lo l/2£ pr~pcrol/on ond recorder I/on of l/215 mt7p &o1'Stsl/n§ 4/ -2 -sh eels t:tnd dl!5<:r/bed Jn /he cop/ion (he.re di. We-,:/4dicofe lo p,.,1bftc usit J;t.1enc ,0/cce ond o pcl"/it:Jn cf Jg,i,erstJn Avenve shtnvn on /1,/g ma1p w/ln!n lh1f 5t.t.bd!vislon ot?d vl////y et:1-s~m£nls Cl§ ~nown, ~-. fr.4.tlCO ...... o co~pctrlnersh1:0 -,~.--:::-,::';X: ,17 -;. ,/ /-----y-~,-,, ,.,->:-,:;-·· J:,-,,c-= /, ,,/ __,/ _...,d;' -~.'.,;' '-~~-~, ~-~-~~-==--~-1: li--_-1rJ'"")/ ., ---'.:::::::-:-- K.. ,Ehri9hl1 a parln.ir /2,t2,f<cbln6()1'),oporlntr ......,_ c. ... ~f7"..,'ly 7i'lle Insvronce Comp4PY, as lrdsfee ) \ 5/q/e of Californ/a} s.G. On Dec.euse.tt 11,;~t b4lcre me 11?4 vnd~rsi;n~cl; Cot.Jnly o/' Son O! e9,r;, o No/ary D(.!b/1c In t1nd /br sold Covnly and '5/ale personclly cppl!ored K,£,Gbr/~hl and /.l,tl/lob/n:r,.cn J:nown lo me le be al/ lh~ porlner6 cl' lhte porfn4r~hip lhcl ex-ecvl.edlhe w1/hti, 1hr;/romenl '" e1nd oc,tnowledqed rome Iha,' ~t.Jch pC1rlner$hip execuled /he ~cme, Wl/11~!.S my hand and ol/ic,u/ seal. My commission t!Kpires ,Jl.1N't. 'lj l'iS',! M Ii ry Pvb/1c ,hondlor !5t7t"d Cc,onlyondS/ol,e '5/ald of Ca/t'/orn/o] 0. n lkr.e.of.f'B. U 11,s-7-b~lcre me /he 1.1ndtrsl9ned; , Cc,vnlyol-Gon.O/e9" ;;,s. a A/ofory,Ot.11:>iic in ond/'or so/d Cct,11")/ya✓"dS}ofe 'per5cnal/y oppt!!Ol"i!dlirll w, T/f'llfA/ -1"& /cl?OW/7 lomt1 lobe lh8 J/;ct•PreG1clt!nl o.,,,d'1J1lJ!.At:t. JS ..•. H1;-1,,taBri knew,,., lam.glob& /he S.ecr~lt1ry i:::i/'lhe Oc~onsio'd fii?a11ceComp:,i1y.1 /he ccrpcrallon f)u:,/ i!!Kt'C(/led /he w1lh1h insfrvm~nl,, kt?awn lome lc/:Je l/'Je ;:;e;-sons who 4-YdCtJlt'd lne w/lhin n1lrvmt111I en /:;.e/20'1/' i::.,I' lhe carporol/cn lher~in named end oci:.n()wkd9ed lc me l/2ol 5V(:/2 ccrpcra//017 exec vied lh~ w/l/21i1 !ns/rdml!nl pvrsvt7nl lo; Is bylc-w5 or o r.esclt/llbn cl' ii 6 ~cc rd o I' /.:J/r e clt::1r9- , W/lnlt55 ~y he,nd and oll/cc/ seo/. My c"mml$slon dxp/r~s::ruv41 "' 1trt Nola ~/'~nd 5/o/e 5,'ale t,,/ Co///'orn1b ls~ On JqntL,an12tJ,. l~b~/'cre l'l'J~ lhe vnd4r61gn4d,, Ccon/yp/'Scn .O/eqo} · a Nolcry /!>t/bltt: in 011d /'cr$c1d Covnly and '5lcl~ !)V5cncl/y opp~orl!d Gord2n B.. Lat'rns: Kt?t:IWI? ltJm! lo be /ht vic~-/71'4~idenl ond S.TI..ph en M .. ~ known lb me loC4 ,45~is/1.7,1/ 54crelal"'y g//hi! Secur/ly 'lt& lns,mmce Comp~ny,., /he ccrpor(J/10/'J lholeK~C'1!edlhe w//lJ;',,, ln~lrumenl;kncwn lo m4 la be /he pel'5ons whc execvl~d lhe w11'h1;., inslrv,,,,.!l?I an be/20// o/' /he corparalion I herein ndmt'd l7nd oekn,:,w/4!d9ed -!om& /1,gf St.Jc/, ccr."orclk>n execvli!d lne wllhin 1i?~lrvmenl pvrsvanl lo !Is bylaw5 arC1re,olvl/cn c/ 1/!? /!Jocrd o/' Olrealcrs. ,,,.1 .,,, 'l / ✓• W11/)e4, m.( ht;nd on'! ()//i~a/ 540/ (___~~W ,<;:), ./ /-· "'~ ., >! !vly ccmm,1s101' expire~ ,yr, ~ l'j.£j /Jo/ory Pvf.Jlfln 11ndll,/' ~/ti Covn/y t.1ntf 5/tJ/4 , ' Orderlva. gtJf.Ztn ~ Securlfy 'Jil/e h11::1.H·dnce a,,,,/7tl.,,)" a ccrporalton, hgr~,t,y Ct!rl/liGs Iha! t7ccord1n~ /t, /he 01/ic/o/ Reccrd5 ol lhe Covnlyc/SanOieqcJ, 5lolec/Col//ornic11 E4',zC01 a co- porlners/2ti;,,:Seclll"ifr J:l/e Ji,,suNnce a,,,,,Ptt11,:, o carporg//an,, ag !rf.l;sle,111nder //2t7I cer/q;n deed of I rvsl r~corded 4u9us/ f; lo/511h 15ook. ar;ee,, pq9e 1'67 a,/ C)/lic/11/ Rt'ard~· qr,dCJce,,rsit/e f;nt,r;ce Cv,,p,u,y ,,t7 corpcrc/Jonl (7~ T,t,15/,ei ()1?'7.t't 11?'7'5£ ct!rloi,1 o',.eds cl lrusl recorded 4t.19vfl 5, 1951 /n ~""-" CJC?t)~ cl pt?ge~ 8 51 dnd 15~ r~~p£cllv.tly o/01//clcl Record6_, were on lhi!?ldday o/ Mut:ch /"5~ ol 8 o'c/gci ,4,M,/cl/ lh.! porlies hPving p,-,y record /!lie 1nl~resl In 11,e /ond S11bdiv/d&d by /Iv's mt?P, Lois 4, 5, "', 1,5 al'u:I ~ in /8/tJck "'.4; £XC£PTIN~ 1/.IG'~E,t:'R,tJM /he §gr,ferly l~C' /eel /h,!ri!ol;•ollo./ !dis 4, G r7ndei Ol'ld /1,e, Eoslerly oiJ& ,,.,;,o//'c/' /o/5 7 8t11'Jd g 1n ElocK ~,,, ond ell of' /o/g 4, 5 a,,.,d tJ in ~loc,t ''C; 01/ 1n 1/2~ resvbc/;(/J~1on o/ o porlian t,/' , 'Sunr,y 5/o;,e Troe~ ;n lh~ Ci'lyo/' Ccrls6oct; Covnly ol'5t7nl.J!e9c1 Slole o/' Co/,,'l2,rn1b; occ.crdtni;, lo lhe Mop I hereof' !\lo, ~'!J5 /il.fd /,, ll,e ,::;1/ictJ t:r/' /1,e Cc:,vn,:v ;fecordi! r .:,/' $anO!i!g-~ Ct:,i:,1nly; J(,,/ne <J, l')t:1t2,. 4LS<7, o/1 ol tZeeci! 411~nt1t vocoled a/'Jdclosedlop(!h/;c d5B by ord~r of lh.e /,!,ctJrd o/ Svp,erv1'5t>r5 of' so1c' 5on Oieqo Covn/.½ ,t:"ebrUO'l"ya,,, J'!J{ld,, cnt:I ri!ccrt.:led /:'ebr11<:7ry I~ 1q~9 in /?Joc;,J:. 141'!!!1 ;:,c79,e l!J4 o/' O.!i!o's, /y/n9 bl!lwl!itl? !i-<71d 1$/cckG 1'13 11,::,,.;d 'C 10"nd /y/n9 b.!/w$en /he .5o-sl4r/y prolon90/!an of l/2e Norlh line t:JI lhs ab<>ve menf;iJr,4,;/ lol 61 1n /!Jlo.:J: 11C11cnd 1/2~ EoGlerly pro/i::,n91:1l/o,-, ol l/2e S(lv/h /int of /he aoove menltcn.!d Loi ,4✓ 11' 18/occ "C~ A/.. 5t?, oll ()f 7v/llB 4 v,!l?(le t/'7Ct.7IBd O'l1a' closed lo p1,1b/Jc (.)Se✓ ly1hq b£lw.een 5010 /?,locks ''4''and ''1!:/1andly/"9' belw~i!n /he We,lerly pr"lcn9alion o/ l/24 A,{-,r/h line o//h~ t1bov£ men/i()n£d L.ol ~ ~lock 11,41° ond i/24 Wes/e14/y pr.::,/dn570//on of /he G,:,()//2 /;n& t:J//h~ abov4 m.i;,l/o,,,t'd Loi 4, ,.'8/ocR ''.4 ~1 '.5/ole ()/ Cclilor171c} $. §, .l, W; 12ay ':ocB C/ly Trt1a,ur.!/' pf' /he C/ly o/ C o;I 5bad,, , Ccr.Jnly "I' 5on 1.J1eqo C ol//"1'1?1Q1 /2.fl'~by c.!rl/fy Ina/ l/2t'I".! or-1110 lten5 fbr 11npo1d C/lylt1X'.i6arunpoid band5 issV&:lvndel' ,::;ny Im;,rovemet?l .4cl or Im."iov~meJ?/ /!,and Acl ol lhe '£/ale c,/' Col/l'orn1c,, ,sl,,:7w/1?~ 01? lhe bt:JO'K~ a/ llvG of/ice~ exc~pl l<7K.1G nol ye! paytt1ble a-;,clntSI /he lrocl o,,. St)bdtv/51'on ✓ orol?y ~t:tr/ /1,e,,.,eo, 1-hcwn on ih.! annexed ma/.) ond d.e:Scrlbed 1h /h.! co;.:>l1bn l/2ereof, fi, WllneGG WluJree:,/ r hove heret.1nlo ssl my hond /l,15 /Go'oyol ,/2,b-C6KE-u1h57 / j I ' ' V . C1li 7a '1t:75lll"'t'i V · A;,prcved and r~cc,mmended lh/:; ;Cdday afl}iZc¢t!LJ.a~ fl~G 7 af/4r b'om/1?ahon .ol' mopG and c.erli/iccltff~ lhereo.,,,, , , Stole ol' Col/iorn,o} $,5, f, MtJx GW(J/d, Clly Cl.&rk ol' lne Cily Of Corlsbc,,d,, C041nly of 5an Oles,c Cal//'ornlo,, !,ere by cerl//y /ho/ lhe Ccvnc/l o I sa1c:l C/ly hos approved lh/s mc,p 01 "~t.1eno 0sla ierrace 11 conG1'til/n9 of'~ s/Jee/s end de~crlbed ,i, lntt capl/or, lherep/ ql'Jc/ nos occepled on hefu:7//' .::,I l/2e pvb/;c /:!:lveno Place ond o porh'an c,/ J~/'/er£on 4venue Shdwt? on lh/s mop ,,111/Aln lht's siJbdlvls/on, In Wllness Wher,ecl; said Cc1,,1nall/2a!S cous1d /he~e prl!Gl!l?I!. le bt ex-er:µ/ed by /h.g Cily Clt?rk O✓"d ol/~'};/tto' hy /Is -.;.!!t1l lh1'! U'!J'ay c:/ M it v t. 6 1, S-f }M. & . L..Jd. C/ly Cieri< Stole cl' Col//'orn10} s. $, f, JC. Perriqo, Co(./nly 4udilor /r, ond tor /1,e Covnlyot Col,.}nly of' Son Oitt90 Son Oi.!'70,, Col/l'orn1b1 hereby C.!rli/y /h(J/ /h11r.1 ore"" lit"s for 1.1n;?cid $tole a/" Covnly laX'I!~ or /t>r 5r.,~t:iol oS.:Sll<S~menlG co/lt!c,led as foxes shown b_yi/21! bcoi:s ol' lhfG 01'/"/ce,, Bxcepl lcxet: or ,;peel:,/ a~sg,;5menls col- lscled 0$-loxe~ ncl ye/ payable end es/Jmclec" by me le be?:jL.dol/cr51 cg,ol,,sl the lrpc/ or svbd/v/slan ~ncwn en lhe anne.¥.ed mcp ond des Cl"1/.J.ed Jn lhe cophm fhereo/.' ' /? Oolecf,~~1~ ~o; /tjS[ t:~/ f11 JA//l.17t!!Hi W!J~rt?o/; 5oJdSecu,,if;' FWe ks~ C.111/-""r.hoG cavsed l/21$ 1ns/rtJminl le t,4 ex£cv/.ld vl"d~r-1'11 a,r;:;c/'t1/ie 1'om& and seal by /1.s pro;:;el" cf/i'ci!r5 lhe;--£vnlo ~()/y 0'(,,1/hc ., df!?, di:1y.6'na;:eor_lii-sl obc.-'e wr/f/en. ~~~, ~/ , , _ . , .... r eeurily Jirle. fnwronc.e Com/.)any ~ :12J. ~ , , , · by: 0:Ce ,':)f"~,sli n , , hy.",4-55. ldnf G4vGfary , , , Slale o/' Col/fcr✓-;10} 5_5, 1, J. Y K (./bo~u,, C1(yEng-inte1'0I 1_1e C!tyo/ Cor/5hc7cj_ Counlyo/'5on Dli!?O S/a/e of' Ca/;1/c,rn1t71 he,t!.by cerv(Y /ho/ f /u:J//4 8%dm1ned /1,e onne.Y$d mtJ;., ol' /his 5tJbo'!v/5Jpn lo bt! known os //~tJeno 0'~/o lef"roa 11 ccn .. s/~11;,90/ '2 sheiS/5 <71'd ef~Gcr/b.lt:l1n /J,e cop I/on /hereof ond hove lovnd Iha/ !he d.!s/qn ls subslonhally /he seme os op,ceored ol"J Ins /~..,cl/ve map c7,,,d l/24 opprt.,v~d (1/14roll"ns lh~reol; /hol C✓II II?~ prov/s/ons of' /he 11S(lbd/v1$1bnMttpAcl" cl f he 5fcle al' Co///c1"1110 .:7S om ended, and on y local t:>rdnonces a/ said C/ly gpp//ccbld ol lhe /Jme of opprova/ 01 lhe/enlcl/v~ mgp hove been complied w1'.l/2 ont:I I om 5a//slitd !ho/ so1o' mo-pis lechnicgl/y correcl. I h~ri1hy o,oprove and recomm.end 5c/d mop. C/ly 09/neer tZ,E, 1coS'0, :/ V Slole cl Ct:1///'o,,.,n10 Js.; J', Mi"11bm ..4 Ct.1rlr.is., h4reby c,erhly lhol .r C1111 a ReG'/5/~red Cot.1nlyo/5an Olttgo C/v// En;!nB~r o/' lne Glale o/ Col//orl'JtO/ lhol /Ae Svl'vey o/ /h/6 Svbdivis,,i:::,n w-o~ made b.v me or v11der my o'lrechan b.ilw~LnJv(y t1nd Sepli!lmbet; IIJ61,, qnd l/2ol l/2e svrvey 15 ll-ve end ctJm,1:,lale t1G ~!,own. A lwa('2)1ncl, p~ lwt'nij- /ovr (t'4} /nche ,s ,i, l~ngl/2 wos G,g/ al et1i::/2 M(.l✓"aory earner ot?t::/ .1' w/1 I sel one-no/I (~)inc/2 ;::vpeG lw~/v~ (f'Z)lnche6 /nlen9lh al oll/ol cornitrs, o/'Jp/4 pt::11r,I$ CJn::I ptJ1nh: .:,/cv,,-ve w1Yh1i, /h/rly tioy, g//e;-comp/4/!on al IN 1"41Pv1i"~d 1mf)l"ovGmgnl1 01?.cl l/211i" d~ceplo1?ce fy /he Cii:Y., c,nd t,vt::/2 mon&1menis t:1ri! er w11// h,1 :;v/licienl /.:, enobl.e /h.£ GLJrvey lab~ i.!lroced ond w1i'/ OCCLI/.JY /he pt:1$ilion 15 shaw/? l/2arei::Jn, (1~)~" . W/l/1om,4,C1,1rlls RE.tf-210 / ,4pprOV.:!d as lo /'orm /hi~20~oy cf' .. ,§:,/).'c.vac:!J 1,5s / ' ✓;7 . ' ~07. / ·// ' ~,<✓~ .,_,f:2zr ~ C/lyAllcrn.ey Slole,cl' Col/tcrn/e7]s.G. Ne; Cot.1nly ~ret:15,vrer c,/' lne Co1.1nly al'_Son Q/eqo, County of S(lnOi.;go., 5/ale ~ Cal/torn10_, C.:::u,1r,ly 5vrveyt::1r al' sa/d CotJ,?I):, ()/rte/or cl P()b/!i Ncr16 c/' 5t:71i::f Ce1t1nfx 1,,er,!by arllly /1,al /h~rA t7rd no t/.npo/d specie/ osse.s!5mttnl~ er bo.nds w/21e/2 .mcybe pt1!di~ /410 show,.-, by l/2i! bot>i.!5 al' cGJI" of"lice.s-a9c!nsl /,>,4 ll"ocl o.r svbd/v/slon er Cl'JY par! lhereol' show,,, en /he annexed map end de scr/b,£d ;;,, /!,~I.ton lh£r4o/. Ool4d: ~,,-, ... /~~//r',/7:ft't.Joled: W.Pe I 1,,;;1w Ool1d: ~. /J: /?.J7 Oe/avqnO/ckson .)./-1. Mock. Jt!on L,Vtncenz ~, Counfy 7r~ot;"rer Co(.)n/y 5vl"v~yt:tr ftJr o/' Pvh/1c W"rkG ,_ I ti',. * '" ✓,,;,✓-, • ---l J.. • r'w-M ,_ ..,._ ,.,L_ • 1..Jy • ~v,_...;.;;~,.. ~ vrr:::=•"""'1V' t.1y. ,,,,.,~..._,,,.,..., ......... ,___...-=-~.----~ /Jepvfy 0 Sft::rfe cl" Ccli;fcrn10} G,~. I, /.2.J-5. Jome$., Cieri: cl' lhd !&oordof' Supu-v1sor~ Ccvnly al' SonOieqo h~reby cerl/ly Iha/ /he prcv1's/o/>6 c/"Chdpler f; Perri e.1 Oiv/slo/"J 41 of' lhe /!Jus1'nes,s and Pro/'es5ion.i Cad.e hov~ been ccmplied w1rl, r8;ordlng-depas!ls1"rlc-t'e::;0n /he properly w1/h/i-, lh1~ su/.:JdlV1's1cr,,, .. ,,J1 . _ t 12.l!,.Jome5; Clerk. o/'lhe ;f!Jt:JtJrd 9,( Gvf)el"v1~ors ' Ooled, L.tLa.1r.,c4-.:l,J1lf-> ii bv.~· kf~/ , !:)$/,)4,1/y ' 1, 12 09,r M J..lowi, C,.:,vnly /Z$card.tr of lhe C0'1nly "/' Gen 01t~"., Callk:rn10;/Jer~by approve /he name ''!5vttno 0slo ierl"<7C6 /I tor l/2d sv.6dlweion Shcnvn pl") l/2.e 0/11') exed map c'1n5isl/ng o/'2 sheels ond desc.r/beo' Jn /he co,t:Jl/on /herec/, l!.09er N J./171'114, Ct1L1/'Jly Reet:Jrder hy:~ (/ oe!WY ,t://eNo, tl~'fJ').._ I, /Zager N, /./awe, COl./nfy Recore/er al //2,! Coonly of' San tJ/et90; Colllorn10; Mre.6y cdrl//"y lhol f have acce,cled /'or recordohm lh1'$ mop li'/4d al l/2i! re<;t.Jd5/ ol Wt'll;bm.4, C(lr/;'61 l/21sZfooC1yP/_ 21~ 195 ~ 1 ol?.'llo'c/cci:.ftM /Zo9er Al,, J/t:>w-e, Ct>t.1nly IZ~ccrder by: fl1ifii;; - '! .•' ,,i•' ~? .-. . :. ·~ ... .. '':•i ..... . ,. . i ••• .t·1 .. r· " ~ .• .. ~ .... ) :.•.tJ ,•• \ ...... ') '-.:~::}.-....... · .. ,.~ .Jo. oo' ,o.tJo' saooi ,o.oo' --------------7 I I I --------. ------7 6/, 00' '"· 00' I 2 FP. J/.,ii;., PIPE MRD. "t.. S. 14-,. 4.':.. NO RECORO -HFPLACEO W/711 z" PIPE MRD. ''R.C. 8210." I I I ! I -------------7 FO. ~1'' PIP£ (NO /?ECORD) FD. -CONC. MON. I I I I I I -I I I C/. 00' \'••• ./• /••••; .~:~::-: ~~~::•n• , ..... / .......... ~ •• ,..,· / ' . 1. ....... . 5 6I.07I' .•. -...... •1·6· 4-.S. 0.3 I N 7 8 6 I. "0 ' 6 I . o"'o")" - 1 s 1 oo' 1 w ........ -.. ",.. .... / .... :) l: .. I (•u) l:,::j l::~•• '-•••• I !,-: .... i I I I (82.5.¢0' REC) ........... 824-. ?''I' N {!V" 57' oo''w··· .. ······ /0 I I i..,_ --- ___ .... ....,so. oo~---·--· ---. ------ MAP ,; ~ ~: <;:;: ~,= .... : .. 1~ . ~ 3(). oo' 1 so.00' I I . I •-ln✓/cafes point found us noft!'d. @~Jndicotes set" 2" Pipe with disk .stomped 11R. E. Bt?/a'' o-/ndlcc,fes set" .3/4-"Pipe with disk .stomped "R. £. 8210." Also .set .1/q" Pipe with disk stomped "R. £. 82/0" a-tall lo, c11rners and curve point's. (see Def't:rred .Mon- umen-J'in..9 Certif/care on .Sheer 1). BASIS oF BEAR/NCS: t cf Knowles Ave. per Map NE .3382; I. £. N 8'1"0 57' 00# W. E:-NGIN&&RIN& Santa Ana Sari Oiego SCALE' PRECISION M/J1Y 311960