HomeMy WebLinkAbout4660; 0-15; VILLAGE HOMES UNIT 3; 01-02We1 nerety cerr1ry t/Jat we are 7'/Je owners er or Qrt? interested 1n t/Je Land en,braced w,i'1.>1n 7'/.>e St/b- d/v1:S1on r" oeKnown as Pll"t}'e h'cmes-vmrNo.3 and Jve /Jere.by conse,7J' re rhe Prepararhn and Re'C(Jrdarh,7 d N11:S Map conS1:ST/?g or 2 ~/Jeers and descr,'tled /17 Tile ca,or1on r/Jereor. We llereby Dedicate lb Pvohc vse Matjor/e ,:. at7e, -rile porr1on o:,&" C/Jes7'nVT Avenv'e,. <'fl7d' me PvtJ//c U1"1//ry .::asemenrs as .SIJow/7 017 said /1-1,;;p. Ro88RT L WATSON' ( 6enera1 ParT17er) Stote orCal/rorn/a{ S'S cc,,,n ty "r s,v, D 1e.9c J · PARTNERSHIP I AS OWN'ERS' B~o,,1 9 .I 'fl\,~ L)oNALO M. /ilCKETh'leR ( /. 1mtted Partner) 01"1_...:::;~~~=:U,.0.e~L ;g;-o, before Me, rile C.1nders.j>1?1Fd a ;Votary PvtJl!C .,r; and ror said COC/17ty i1'7d .5Y,:;te; persol7al(Y app,;:,:;red Robert L Warson k'nown to me re be -file 6eneNJ/ Pan·aer and Oo/la/d M h'1cKe-f/J1er Kno.wr; re me ro be -far? L1mded Parrner or-file Par1aersn1p rnar iz,recv7'ed "'7f'WITl71i7 ll7SfrC/ment; atJd i1cl<nowled5N"d To me Illar SC/ca Partners/J1p e)(ecC/Nd :J'IN!' same. W;raess MY HAND and C"'"rlCIAL SEl'rL /r/Pf.;;:;t:sf;o~ ~~f4z ... / ~-<ed < •-Nora~~na i;,-~C/17l'y al7d Sr,:;te , .. , Order NO 716"589 Union line /nsvrance Co;npany nereby cerr1ries rnat ac:cord1ng ro rne-o,rr,c,al Records-or rl7e Co(//,ry or San Diego, Donabob I a /r,n1fed Parrner.sn1P co;nposed or Rooerr L watso17, Sen,;:ral Parrner, and LJonald M !i1ckera1er, L.1m/ted P,:;rfner, as owners, were 017 -rlH? <!)-:r,.,eR day or 0~/.96"0, at S? O'clock A.M. all rl)e parries aav1ny any record tyf/e 1nreresr 1r; rne land .5'ubd/V/ded by 7',?;S map. In w/l17ess Wl"?ereor sa;ct un,on Trle /l"?sC.l'rance a.mpany /2,:;s caus<i'd rais 1nstn1meat 7'o be e,n~cv?'ed c;nder 1r.s cor - porare aame and seal by 11.s proper OTri~rs fl7erev0ro duy avrnorized r11e cay and year "'"1rsr above wr1lrer. Ur;1or; T;rle Jnsvrance &mpany 8y VIL.L.A6e' HOMES -VNIT RESU8DIVIS10N NO. .1 TRACT 250 TI--IUM i. A NOS , 8emg a Resvbd/v1s1on er all rl7a'f porr1on ,;,f' 17-acr 250 ,,,.,.-?i?vm 1..a11ds1 ;i, -file C/ry of' Carlsbad, 1i? tl)e Covnry or .San D/e.90, SYa>'e or Cal,rorn,a, according ,.,, Map rhereor No. 16"81, -f'iled 1n rile orfice or Me C'oC.1nl'y Recoroer or So>n D1esc, Counry, oecem,::,er .9, HHS, descr/bed .-1s r'ollows •• 8eg1nn1ng al a po//?T oil roe C<i'nrer //he ot" a,un>'y ,<;v,;:n{/e d/sral'Jr rnereon S,:,U'r/; 67°57'30" wesr 4S4. 6"3 .,,-eer / rrom 1·ts 1hrersecr1on wdl;, r/Je crllrer /1i?e or Mot7roe 5rMet; sa/d po117r or t,,;:gli'Jn1n9 1:Je1n9 also rile Nor'fnwesrerly corner ,:,f' rnat porr1017 o,C Traer 250, as conveyed by file So<ir/"/ coast Land O:>;npany re r/7e W,;:srlo>kl? Pa1-k ./17vesrmenr Ccmpa17y, oy deed dared ocrober 14, 1!326', and recorded 1h tJook IZ?O, page 163 er £Jeeds; t!?el'Jce along roe Se</7'1)1fie?;fe'rly line orrl)e porT1017 so a,nveyed n, rl7e wesr1aKe Park .l'aves7'17Jel77" Compa;,y .So{l7'17 i'6'~39'cast So3.~4 ,...n-t r,, 7'/Jemost ;Vor7'nl/"ry c-orn,;:r,:,r,'/Jaf-po1-r1an or said 1?-acr 2$°0, ,s,s ccnveyed by rlJe So,4/J Co6st Lahd Company t,; JY1/l1am .ioyes and .41atyaM1'" Boyes by deec/ dal'ed M-,,y 25, 1925, al7d l'eeon:::led 1h 8ook IO!JS, ,;,a.ye ISO,,,.-£Jeed.s; -f/Jl?nce a1on3 -f/Je NortilweS?rrly li,v (Jrr/Je said Boyes ,.oorl'hn .Sovtll 01•.?1' wesr a d/srance or 23!3.ti'S reer to 1'!,,emo.sic.:JSJ?rly CVl'>?l!'"r or mat f'r)r/-10/'J or .s,:;1d lrac7' 2so, as COl71'1i"Jied o y r!?e 5,:;,{ln'J a:,,;,sr Land 0m?9ny n, .Jesse,;: o Kli'7m417 and csf!?erc. k'1hman t,y dtto' ,:;lal'ed April zc, 1!1.:11, and rea:,/"Cled 1;,, Book /6'!11, p,;9e 12? ,,,,,. Der?'d.s-,. 7'heace alo;,9 tne #ot-rl7easlerly 11he or.said Kihman L ,1nd, mrm ?9':3!J 'Wrr.sl'; a d!sra= or' 423. 5!1 ,reel' 7'<> r1Je mo.sr Nw-mv,;y c0Me1-:tl?l?,vor, .sa1;/ a:,mer Nlng a po1i, r o/7 M, a rbremet7 r1i>n# Cl!'"hlirr 11.he or a,,,my A Wt7t.K; 7'/Je17,r Norm 6'7''.573:J H Eo>sr a d'1sTat?C<i' d 26'!1. 03 (Record z~e. o7) re,;:r r,, the po11J1' or beg1i1mi79. • BASIS Or BEARINv'S • Tile_ Norrl7erly_llhe or 77-acr 250, 717vtJ? La;,ds .:;nown as 1\1. 87'S7'30"E, on M,1p /6'81 was vs,zd as me 8as1s <>r tJear,ngs ,&r rl.>1:.S Ma;:,. ' I, Wava,:: e L, II C/ry En911leer ,:,f' tile c,ry o7" Carls,t,ad, S7'a7'e or Q9l;m/",7;il, l!ereby cerr1ry rllar J nave ekam1ned r/Je Annexed Mi1p orr/7/:S Svbd1v,s1on 7'o be knowo as v,/1,;,_ye Homes, t./171r Ne. B c.:>ns1:S-r1n9 OT z .:,-/?ee?'.s aad D,;:scr;t,ed 1n r;,e CaPT1on fl7<?!"rol'; and /Jave rc,,,,nd 7'!7ar 7'17e desij,17 is svostant1a1;y 'file same as da,P,-<>eare-d oa ll7e karBr/W #J;;p a;,d any ,;;,,;,proved a/fera;f-10/?s '1'17ereor; rnar a11 r/7,z prov1:S1ors or rile "'.f{/L>d;ir1J;,ba M'ap Acl" or rhe-.sYale <>r C<$//rorma I as Ameno'eq' a;'Jd or a,,,y 1oca1 ord;i7ances er said c1ry a,.apl1cat/e al r/Je rime or 7'17e A,,o;.,r,:wal or t/Je ?earar1ve Ma,o nave oeeo c-oa;,?ked w/t/J, al7d J a;n sal'1$ried r1Jar said 11-1a,o is Te-can,c-ally correcr, J /Jere Iv' Approve ~nd .recommend sa,d Map. Dated: 21 Oc.::tobe.-\9c..o 0~ (P~ RC.€. 71 :!J4 Appr,:,ved <1nd rec-ommel7ded t';'J1:.S-'---_ _,,,,3,_IL"-·'--""1/ or' Ocfob,:r ,,,.-Map and Cer7'/r'tcares rnereoo, J, wesley;: vreeK, Cdy Jreasw-er or tn,;: cdy or c-a,-1soad, sraTe er Cal1rorn1a, 1/,;:reby cerl'1ry 7'/Jar rllere are no Le/?s rcr unpa/d c1i'y T<1.-res or vnpa1d tJonds /:Ssued vnder any /mproveme11r Acr er Jmprovemr17;f-Bond Acr M-r/Je .5'J'are or" c-al1rormc1 s/Jmwny on '1'/Je 8=ks or r111s o,r/"'/ce, e.-rcepr ra,res no/ yer payable a.9,vn.sl_ r/"/e Traer or Sv1:Jd1 il/s/on, or any pa,-r r/Jereor" S/Jow,7 017 r/71$ AnneA?d Map and described 1i7 r-ae capr1on rnereor. Jr; w/:t,,;,ess wnereDr, ..r /Jave nereu1?ro ser My Ha17d r/?15 3/ ~_,. day or Ocfoiu::c -----196"0. / Approved as -ro Form 1'17/s day of' Oclab,:r 3/~r ~L-~<✓ ~~,eJ /96"0 I, J 11. ?rice I C/ty Clerk or ,'/7e CYl'y er car/s-bad, Srare or ca/irorn;a, hereby Cer:t1ry f/Jar f/Je Cov'/?C1I or .said C1fy /Jas .4,oprovrd ra/5 Map or 1/1/lagrz Homes, Ul?/7' No, .:J, Cot7s1$?'/r,9 or 2 sneers <1ad Descr/be,:;' 1n ?'Ile Ca,or1bn r1Jereor' and /las accepred 017 bel?,:;/f" of't/Je P{lbl;c Matyor,e Lane., rne Porr1on oT Cnes717ur Aveoue, and r/Jr A:iol1c Ur1/1ry t!.'asemenrs as si'lown on .said Map. Zr w1r1?ess wnereor, said Cov1?C1/ /?as caosed "r:w by -r/Je C1ry Clerk &17d Ar:tesred by ..rrs seal ,'his 2---=- - MAP No. '-fl, '0 SHEET OF 2 51-\EETS .r, Roger N Ho'1/e, C,:,v,-,ry Recorde,.., ,:,,/"'-Ille C',:u.,my o,r Sal? Diego I S'l-ale or C~/lfora;a, Her eay ,.qpprove ?'ne Name VILL.46E ,J,ICJ,#/iS -UNIT N.!.' 3 ,'er rl7e .5r,,L,d/v1s1017.$?0W/? 017 1'-/7e Al7nE>Kec:;/ ,+;>qa, Con:!'J1J:;,'1n9 o.r i? .5hee1'-s cvNr d~- cr1.oed ;); lae C',i'p,'10/? ~r.' fe ~ Dared.· /t7;;J,S-6o .ay ~ 'M9-HI / LJep<il'y~M ry Re-corder C"vnfy ,:,f" .San .Di,rgc .S: S: stste o,ro,1/if>,.,..,,s:} J, ..I.C ~rrt5,:,, C.:>Vl?7'y ,4,,,,:r/ror 1n at7d-For rile a,vn?"'y o'f" .5.-Jn .Die-go, .5'7'Qte or C15'/1mr,71a, Herecy Q,-.r,ry 1"nar -f/71Zt'>2 arq no .Lien$ ;Sr C.lnp.;ud -5','afe or Co<inry-Taxes a,-, r"or SpeC/,!l/ A5Sl2'SS/nel7rS Co/leer~ as la)r1;!'!;;, S!,,:,wn b_y £/J,;> ,5i:,oks ,,,.,c ?'-ll1s CrT1C'e, c,xcepr Ta,res or..5),ec1a1 AS'se-ssme&s collected as Tsxe!! not yer payc1ble and esr1mareQ' dy 177e to be ,"?4) do/1.,rs ,!/.:Ja/;,sr i,1e 'Traer or .Sub - dlv1s Ion a5 sno.vr, on 'file An 17r xed ~ a}!t_, de-scr1brdl?l7 In -rl)e C,s,pr100 ~ef c;i;,· q. ~", a, . .,..,c, C}dred: -~ ;j' ('lia .i_y t:Z...;;/?!z..-,~«-vv. a..¢ Cavary ,f Cl o'/7"or 5'1-ete ,:,r C<'l/1 'formaJ s: s: C"all1'lj or S;Jn C)lil{gO ' . we, C.::vnry Trea.5(1,yr cf' -rl7e Cor,,nty or S.Gll 0/~o, s-,<a;,'q or Ca//rorn1·a, CO</n>'v $r,,rveyor or ..:S-<5'1d Cova")', .;,nd l)1rec'lt,r of' Pv'tJl/c Works-or .said Ccu17ry /Jrreby cerr,& -H?a1'-fllere are no vnpa/d .Special ,45se.5Sl?7el?l".S or 8oods wnic-17 may oe pa;<?' 1n rcd/1 show11 cy rne 8ook'.s ,,,,.-our Cr"r1'ee's ag<'J/nsf >'he Tr.;cr ,:,r.Svod/v1s;o,;, or a17y parr rner2or Shown on r1u: Annexed ;11,;p a,.-,d oescr;bed ;;,, rl)e Capr1on '1"/)tfreor. D,Ued: /0/,,,;,s;/4-e, Oared: I~ .2S'-60 LJiJred: /C•25"-,:;;.~ oe /a van l)/ckson IJ. k:" Jea11 L. V1ilcenz Cov17ry Treasurer Co(.I,?. :y D1i-ector o,r A:iblk ~ B_v .~• 0 ,Zit ~-l c24 ' -1 ay, '"It). 8y;_, .,?¥"CA~=:d:.~ LJepl/,:Y s .-are o'f" c,1, ra;l'l/1 Z ss C=nly t:1f'~n .t>ll!gaJ · · I, R.B .. James, c1e,-K or -f/7<? Beard orSC.1,1:xv·ws,:,rs, nereby C,;:rt1fy rna'f' :Me p--ov/s;o;,s or Cnaprer 2, Parr 2, l)/v/.s1bn 4 1 ,;f' the 8vs1ntrss and Pro,re.ss/ons Code /7avf? oeen c:omphed wdl7 re.9aro,179 Or?pD5/f'S ?"er Ja.-res c/7 r/7e Properry w,;.n/i? rn,s s{/,:,div151on. · R 8 ./~1'5, Clerk e:lle a::':" or .S</perv/SO/'"'S B_y, ~.,(, ..... / /ZAa ~rf-1, .oepury 11--v-d.o F,le N,;, .:?.,_l'J.:330 I, Royer N. Hewe, Coun,:Y Recorder or 7'171:S Co(lnJ'y er S4n 01i,"90, 51,:;re or Cal/krn1a, ;'Je~by C,;:r7',ry 7'/Jat I nave iiccizpred ror Recordat'101? r/J,J ,1,1ap. r;hdar~el"''t"f>C.le$7'0r DW~S tt11.S d-!JI er NOIIGMae...f. ft l.9~, ar /:,RO oclockP.M. /'(OGl!i!/f II/ • .!lo we./ Cov'nry ✓a-corder 8_y.· ~ ~" d., p Fee$ 700 Sr;;fe or Cald2'r.n1. ~ 7. ss C,:,vny orS,1nDli?.9cj · . I, vv.srav..; ;<,,;mpfn,zr,, /Jer2b_y cerhf)' 7'/Jar Jam a L IC"et7Sl?d L. and svrve_yor orr;'Je srare or Cal, :,&"orn1a; rnar toe ${/rv.,.y or' flv:S S{/L:Jd1i/1s1on was-mad,;: oy M.,. or c;nder My d;r.,.cr1;;,a 1n t?c roEJER • 1:J/5"0, and tllB'f said S{/rvey 1s-rrve aac' ccn1p1ere ,1S Sl'Jcw17, A 7'wo 1?) inch pipe, hV<i',?l'y •rof/r (',24) /l7C/7eS 117. 1e179'fl7 llas LJeen ~r af each .!Jovndary Corner al7d .r w1J/ $eT r/Jree -9,,,.arrer 13/4) 1nc/J ;:,1pes, rweive (' 12) inc/Jes /;,, lengrn al' iii/ lot corl?er.51 ;;179/e points at7d po1ars o'f" C{lrves wdn1i, 7'/J;i--ty r3c) days a,C7'er comp1er/on ot'"-lne re9e11i--e,;,' 1m,Drove - met7rs and rl'lr;;,. acce,Dl'ance .6y rlJe C1ry and svc/J Mo17C/mel77'5 are er W/i'I be .s-v:r:r1c1enr re enable tile Svrvey n, be rerraceQ' Q;,d w;i'/ occ</py rne pos1f/oas .5»own ?'1'7ereon. .oa~: Jo/4s-/4,o &th{~· _,6/ey~ I I Uf/ <IV . ner : . .oi:et7sed L 617d S<./rvey,:,r ,.,._ 278!' !'REClStON CIEC 191960 ffii,CR081-MED, \ \ ,,,, ,, ,,.._ I /\ I I I \ ' I ,., ,,. ... , k,....l -..,.. ,, '< . .,.. I I f I I ' I I ~ ,, 1' //vi .-,, I I : J I ,..., ,._ ... , _ ... I I ' I I ,..._ "1'> ""' <', "Z. ·..., <S> Q "' -.s,. ~ \ V/L.L.AGE HOMES -f/Nlr No.3 .Re SC/8.0IVISION NO, :t , TRAC'T 250, T/-1(/M L. A NOS , M,4 P N!' /08/ SL.IBP/VISION ----- CHESTNUT \ (JsRMcRL y Co;.;NTY AvcNU,V \ AVeNUe /184.16' 4S4,E;6'3~,:__ ________ _ -------- / / z. 0-F 2 SHEETS - --r.O SPIKE PER i .,-,.,. nes, c;rr or O'IRL s.s,11:) /\ I ,.1 i' ,. ... ,, I I I I ,, .. ,., I I>., I I ".J I /4 , lv' 1 I I I / I , ,.,. ' ... , \,..., ,1 { I ,, I ' I ·ISASIS Or 8EAR/N6S • Th'E NORTh'ERL Y LINE O,F TRACT 250 Th'CIIYI LANDS/ Sh'OW,V AS N.87°57'SO"E. ' ON MAP lo'8 WAS USED AS Th'E BAS/$ o;: 8£AR/N6S rOR T#IS MAP. SCALE ~ •LE6ENO • SET 2" IRON PIPE CENTERi!'l) WITH DISC. SlAMPED L.S. 2789 AT ALL BOUNDARY CORNERS 5 -:$:f ~{t'cf,f P/PE CENJFREO m)-;;-b)sc ... -.. --· @ smMPEO L.5'. 2789 AT ALL LOTCORNeRS ShOWN Th'(/$ __ o FOt/NO M.4RKERS AS INOICATEO $/(OWN Th'OS. __ --· • R4DIAL 8EARIN$ LINES Sh'CIW/4/ T/r't/S.. _. (RAD.) SET 6'"'CONCReTe MONUMeNT Ct!NTEREC W!Th' CISC STAMPED L. S. 278.9 Al' STREET f! INTERSEC770NS ,/ 8£GINN/NGS ANO ENO Or CURVES ONE Sh'OWN T;,'(.IS_._. El MH.":ROFU.MED 46602,,-12