HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 05-10; POINSETTIA PROPERTY; POINSETTIA PROPERTY TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS; 2005-06-29. OS June 29, 2005 TO: ASSISTANT ENGINEER, DAVID RICK FROM: Associate Engineer, Brandon Miles POINSETTIA PROPERTY TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS (CT 05-10) Below are comments for the Poinsettia Property Traffic Impact Analysis Report dated April 27, 2005. I have also provided comments in the report. The roadway segment south of Poinsettia Lane fronting the project is should be called Sumac Lane. The Highway Design Manual refers to ramp meter analysis as Stable, Unstable, and Capacity. This should be consistent with report. V/C calculations provided for roadway segments should be revised. Revise "Cumulative Projects" as noted. It addition to providing stop control at both driveway access points, other modifications to signing and striping may be necessary. Other typographical errors to be revised as noted in report. 'BRANDON ES,P.E. Associate Engineer Page 1 of I 1.0 Introduction The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze traffic impacts from 29 detached residential dwelling units. The project is to be located on the southwest corner of Poinsettia Lane and Paseo Del Norte in the City of Carlsbad, California. The location of the project is shown in Figure 1 with a site plan shown in Figure 2. This report describes the existing roadway network in the vicinity of the project site and includes a review of the existing and proposed activities for weekday peak AM and PM periods, and daily traffic conditions when the project is completed. The format of this study includes the following chapters: 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Study Methodology 3.0 Existing Conditions 4.0 Project Description 5.0 Existing + Project Conditions 6.0 Cumulative Projects 7.0 Existing + Project + Cumulative Conditions 8.0 Build-Out (Year 2030) Conditions 9.0 Conclusion LOS EflguneeriDg lilt. Poinsettia Property Draft Traffic Impact Analysis IfivesUgalive Sc/silts aflullflgiflee,iilg, lilt 1 April 27, 2005 S 2.3.1 Intersections The study intersections were analyzed based on the ICU ratio. This process defines LOS in terms of the ratio of available intersection capacity. Intersection LOS were calculated using ICU spreadsheets from the Growth Management Plan Traffic Monitoring Program. The ICU LOS is described in Table 1. TABLE 1: INTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE (ICU] Level of Service Intersection Capacity Utilization Ratio A 0.00-0.60 B 0.61-0.70 C 0.71-0.80 0 . E 0.81-0.90 0.91-1.00 F Greater than 1.00 Source: Growth Management Plan Traffic Monitoring Program. The accepted methodology by Caltrans for signalized intersections is the Intersecting Lane Volume (ILV) methodology. The ILV operations are shown below in Table 2. P.1 TABLE 2: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION ILV OPERATIONS [CALTRAJISI Description of Operations ILV per Hour Under Capacity <1,200 Near Capacity fU'' 1,200-1,500 Over Capacity c24c.'r > 1,500 Source: Caltrans' Highway Design Manual page 400-2. 2.3.2 Street Segments The street segments were analyzed on a peak hour basis using a Volume to Capacity ratio (V/C) to determine the LOS. The City of Carlsbad uses a one-direction capacity of 1,800 vehicles per lane per hour for LOS capacity calculations. 2.3.3 Freeway Segments The typical methodology by Caltrans for requiring mainline freeway analyses is when 50 or more peak hour trips are anticipated to use the freeway. For this project, I-S was not analyzed because the project is calculated to add less than 50 peak hour trips to 1-5. 2.3.4 Freeway On-Romps The typical methodology by Caltrans for requiring freeway on-ramp analyses is when 20 or more peak hour trips are anticipated to use an on-ramp. For this project, the on-ramps at 1-5/Poinsettia Lane were not analyzed because the project is calculated to add less than 20 peak hour trips. - ILlS Eiigineering INC. Poinsettia Property Draft Traffic Impact Analysis Invest/iNNs Science aiulIngineering, lilt. 5 April 27, 2005 3.0 Existing Conditions This section describes the study area street system, peak hour intersection volumes, daily roadway volumes, and existing LOS. 3.1 Existing Street System In the vicinity of the project, the following roadways were analyzed as part of this study, which are described below. The existing roadway conditions are shown in Figure 3. Poinsettia Lane is a five-lane divided roadway (3 WB lanes and 2 EB lanes) from 1-5 NB Ramps to Paseo Del Norte and a four-lane divided roadway from Paseo Del Norte to Batiquitos Drive. This segment is classified as a Major Arterial on the City of Carlsbad Circulation Plan. The posted speed limit i.41IPH. Bike lanes are provided on both sides of the roadway with curbside parking prohibited. is a two-lane undi4ded roadway from Poinsettia Lane to the project points of way -segrnent~e~-St6s"at_ the gated entrance to the existing X A not observed. 'No parking'signs are-posted on both sides of the roadway along the project frontage. friA 3.2 Existing Traffic Volumes and LOS Analyses Existing AM and PM peak hour traffic volumes were obtained from the 2004 Traffic Monitoring Program for the intersections of: Poinsettia Lane/Avenida Encinas (8/11/2004) Poinsettia Lane/I-5 SB Ramps (8/11/2004) Poinsettia Lane/I-5 NB Ramps (8/11/2004) Poinsettia Lane/ Paseo Del Norte (8/11/2004) j Existing Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volumes were obtaii6 from the 2004 Traffic Monitoring Program for the segment of Poinsettia Lane from Paseo DYNorte to Batiquitos Drive, which had count dates of July 20th (Tue) and 21st(Wed), 2004. JADT volumes on the street segments of Poinsettia Lane from 1-5 to Paseo Del Norte and as &cknt from Poinsettia Lane to the project access were collect by LOS Engineering, Inc. on Thursday February 3, 2005. The existing AM, PM, and ADT volumes are shown on Figure 4, with count data iiicluded in Appendix A. The LOS calculated for the intersections and street segments under existing conditions are shown in Tables 3 and 4, respectively. Hiss rn,iiieeriiw, be. Poinsettia Property Draft Traffic Impact Analysis Inves,igailveSeienceanilEngineerunl, Inc. 7 April 27, 2005 Figure 3: Existing Roadway Conditions XX AM peak hour volumes at intersections (YY) PM peak hour volumes at intersections Z,ZZZ AOT volumes shown along segments- (j) Intersection Reference Number to LOS Tables --Iw— No Scale HIllS Engined ifig, /1W. Poinsettia Property Draft Traffic Impact Analysis invesligailve Science au!Egg/lied!iiii, iflc 8 April 27, 2005 S Figure 4: Existing Volumes 0 - ....-.-----.-.- ....... 293 (185) (1) (298) (409) (10) (102) 352 (705) - 2 4— 501 (555) 106 (193) 394 (793) - ,-.. - 305 (175) () 4— 793 (938) 212 (353) .-' 762 (982) —4 4 48 (33) 4— 749 (748) 127 (187) .-_ . 446 (553) 18 (37) -. 't - 4 (2) 166 2 599 281 13 (172) (2) (492) (18) (7) (7) \ 1 0 i 35,495 ADT Poinsettia Lane . ( (49) ADT 49 --.----- (3) 25 TJ __ Project ----- 6 -- Location ... t 49 25 59 118 (40) (109) (290) 30 (45) - 186 (219) 120 (208) —3 1 4— 240 (236) 36 (58) - - 266 (357) 31 52 220 LEGEND XX AM peak hour volumes at intersections (YY) PM peak hour volumes at intersections Z,ZZZ ADT volumes shown along segments () Intersection Reference Number to LOS Tables -1*- No Scale HIRS lngifleeriiw, 11w. Poinsettia Property Draft Traffic Impact Analysis Ilivesligalive Seleilce 21111IiigiiieerIiig, Ifle 9 April 27, 2005 24,332 TABLE 3: EXISTING INTERSECTION OPERATIONS Intersection and Peak Existing Control' Hour ICU2 LOS3 1) Poinsettia Ln at AM 0.41 A Avenida Encinas (S) PM 0.61 B 2) Poinsettia Ln at AM 0.41 A 1-5 SB Ramps (5) PM 0.53 A Caltrans ILV AM 802 U Caltrans ILV PM 956 U 3) Poinsettia Ln at AM 0.5 A 1-5 NB Ramps (S) PM 0.51 A Caltrans ILV AM 802 U Caltrans ILV PM 956 U 4) Poinsettia Ln at AM 0.53 A Paseo Del Norte (S) PM 0.62 B 5) Paseo Del Norte at AM DNE DNE North Project Dwy (U) PM DNE ONE 6) Paseo Del Norte at AM ONE ONE South Proiect Owv (U) PM DNE ONE Notes: 1) Intersection Control - S: Signalized; U: Unsignalized. 2) ICU is measured as a ratio to capacity 3) LOS: Level of Service. Caltrans ILV: U-Under Capacity; N-Near Capacity; 0-Over Capacity. ONE: Does Not Exist TABLE 4: EXISTING SEGMENT VOLUMES AND OPERATIONS Roadway and Peak Number Direction Existing Classification Hourly of and Peak Peak V/C LOS Capacity Lanes Period Volume Lane - Maior From 1-5 1,800 3 WB -AM 1,070 0 A to Paseo Del Norte 1,800 2 EB -PM 1,372 8 A (0.30 ) From Paseo Del Norte 1,800 2 WB-AM 801 A to Batiquitos Drive 1,800 2 EB -PM 1,091 A Paseo Del Norte From Poinsettia Ln 1,800 1 NB-AM 49 0.03 A to Project Access 1,800 1 SB - PM 49 0.03 A Notes: Peak Volumes from adjacent peak interseciton volume by direction. Under existing conditions, all study intersections and street segments were calculated to operate at LOS B or better. Intersections LOS and ILV calculations are included in Appendix A. lOS lllgilleefifig, Iiie. Poinsettia Property Draft Traffic Impact Analysis I0ves9iia1iVe Seleilee all!!fngineerlflg 11W. 10 April 27, 2005 S 4.0 Project Description The proposed project consists of 29 detached residential dwelling units. The site. is currently vacant. 4.1 Project Traffic Generation The project traffic generation was calculated using SANDAG trip rates from the Brief Guide of Vehicular Traffic Generation Rates for the San Diego Region, April 2002. Using the SANDAG rates as shown in Table 5, the project is calculated to generate 290 ADT, 23 AM peak hour trips (7 inbound and 16 outbound), and 29 PM peak hour trips (20 inbound and 9 outbound). TABLE 5: PROJECT TRAFFIC GENERATION Proposed - AM PM. Land Use Rate Size & Units ADT % Split IN OUT % Split IN OUT Detatched Residential 10 IOU 29 DU 290 8% 0.3 0.7 7 16 10% 0.7 0.3 20 9 Source: SANDAG Brief Guide of Vehicular Traffic Generation Rates for the San Diego Region, April 2002. DU: Dwelling Unit. 4.2 Project Distribution and Assignment Project trips were distributed to the adjacent roadway network based existing turning movement distribution patterns. In other words, the distribution for the intersection of Poinsettia Lane at Paseo Del Norte was calculated by taking the average between the AM and PM existing volumes for the percentage of left, thru and right vehicles, which calculated to 57% to/from the west, 19% to/from the north, and 24% to/from the east. This methodology was also applied to the other study intersections. Calculations are included in Appendix B. The project distribution is shown in Figure 5 with assignment of the project volumes shown in Figure 6. 4.3 Project Access Project accessjs4oposed through two new driveways. The driveway will be T-intersections with as-l1rte. The north driveway will be located approximately 200 feet south of Poinsettia Lane (centerline to centerline). The south driveway will be located approximately 235 feet south of the north driveway (centerline to centerline). The City of Carlsbad Street Design Criteria (Table A) notes a minimum T-intersection spacing of 150 feet for local streets with an ADT volume of up to 2,000 ADT. The existing plus project ADT on Paserte along the project frontage is anticipated to be 1,664 ADT. A copy of the aforementioned Table A is included in Appendix C. L. A queuing analysis was performed for the south leg of Poinsettia Lane and Paseo Del Norte with buildout volumes (year 2030) to determine if vehicles would queue back and block the entrance to the north driveway on Paseo Del Norte. The queuing analysis was prepared using Synchro 6.0 (Trafficware Corporation, 2003), which is an intersection analysis software package. Synchro reports a vehicle queue of 56 feet in the AM period and 45 feet in the PM period for the northbound left turn approach at Poinsettia Lane/Paseo Del Norte. Based on the Synchro output, vehicles queuing on the south leg of Poinsettia Lane at Paseo Del Norte will not block the proposed driveway. Calculations are included in Appendix D. 198 Engiiiec,ii,g IlIC . Poinsettia Property Draft Traffic Impact Analysis Inveso,atveleieiee sold fngliweriiig, 11w. 11 April 27, 2005 5.0 Existing + Project Conditions This scenario accounts for the addition of project traffic onto the existing background traffic for AM, PM and ADT conditions. The peak hour intersection volumes and- daily traffic volumes for this scenario of existing + project are shown in Figure 7. The LOS calculated for the intersections and street segments under existing plus project conditions are shown in Tables 6 and 7. TABLE 6 BUSTING + PROJECT INTERSECTION OPERATIONS Intersection and Control1 Peak Hour Existing 1CU2 LOS3 ICU2 Existing LOS3 + Project Delta impact' 1) Poinsettia Ln at AM 0.41 A 0.41 A 0.00 No Avenida Encinas (S) PM 0.61 B 0.61 B 0.00 No 2) Poinsettia Ln at AM 0.41 A 0.41 A 0.00 No 1-5 SB Ramps (8) PM 0.53 A 0.53 A 0.00 No Caltrans ILV AM 802 U 807 U NA NA Caltrans ILV PM 956 U 964 U NA NA 3) Poinsettia Ln at AM 0.5 A 0.5 A 0.00 No 1-5 NB Ramps (S) PM 0.51 A 0.51 A 0.00 No Caltrans ILV AM 802 U 807 U NA NA Caltrans ILV PM 956 U 964 U NA NA 4) Poinsettia Ln at AM 0.53 A 0.53 A 0.00 No Paseo Del Norte (S) PM 0.62 B 0.62 B 0.00 No 5) Paseo Del Norte at AM DNE DNE 0.13 A NA No North Project Dwy (U) PM DNE DNE 0.13 A NA No 6) Paseo Del Norte at AM DNE DNE 0.13 A NA No South Project Dwy (U) PM DNE DNE 0.12 A NA No Notes: 1) Intersection Control - S: Signalized; U: Unsignalized. 2) ICU is measured as a ratio to capacity LOS: Level of Service. Caltrans ILV: U-Under Capacity; N-Near Capacity; 0-Over Capacity. Delta is the decrease in ICU capacity. 5) Impact due to project (yes or no). DNE: Does Not Exist TABLE 1: EXISTING + PROJECT SEGMENT VOLUMES AND OPERATIONS Roadway and Peak Number Direction Existing Existing + Project Classification Hourly of and Peak Peak V/C LOS Project Peak V/C LOS Capacity Lanes Period Volume Volume Volume Poinsettia Lane - Major From 1-5 1,800 3 WB-AM 1,070 .2 A 9 1,079 .2 A to Paseo Del Norte 1,800 2 EB - PM 1,372 6.38 A 12 1,384 .38 A From Paseo Del Norte 1,800 2 WB - AM 801 10.2 A 2 803 0.22 A to Batiquitos Drive 1,800 2 EB - PM 1,091 A 2 1,093 . 0.3 A Paseo Del Norte From Poinsettia Ln 1,800 1 NB-AM 49 0.03 A 16 65 0.04 A to Project Access 1,800 1 SB - PM 49 0.03 A 20 69 0.04 A Notes: Peak Volumes from adjacent peak interseciton volume by direction. Under existing plus project conditions, the study intersections and street segments were calculated to operate at LOS B or better with the addition of project traffic. No project related traffic impacts were calculated. Intersection LOS and ILV calculations are included in Appendix E. Please note the ICU delta of 0.00 with the addition of project traffic in Table 5 is not an error. The zero delta is due to the small number of project trips being added to the study intersections. 198 Inuiiiieefiiig INC. Poinsettia Property Draft Traffic Impact Analysis I0vestiga1ive ScieNce Sol !Eligifleering Inc. 14 April 27, 2005 6.0 Cumulative Projects Cumulative projects in the immediate vicinity that are anticipated to use Poinsettia Lane along the project frontage were included for analysis. Five (5) cumulative projects were identified on the City of Carlsbad Carlsbad Tracts 1990 to Present Index Map dated September 2004. The cumulative traffic volumes and general project locations are shown on Figure 8. Information on the individual cumulative volumes and assignments are included in Appendix F. Summaries of the cumulative projects are noted below with their respective and cumulative traffic generation shown in Table 8. CT98-14 (Tabata) - A residential project with approximately 234 single family dwelling units in the vicinity of Poinsettia Lane and Crystalline Drive. The traffic generation for this cumulative project is calculated at 2,340 ADT with 187 AM and 234 PM peak hour trips. CT02-08 (Tabata) - A residential project with approximately 24 multi family dwelling units in the vicinity of Poinsettia Lane and Crystalline Drive. The traffic generation for this cumulative project is calculated at 192 ADT with 15 AM and 19 PM peak hour trips. CT98-05x1 (De Jong) - A residential project with approximately 28 single family dwelling units in the vicinity of Poinsettia Lane and Black Rail Road. The traffic generation for this cumulative project is calculated at 280 ADT with 23 AM and 28 PM peak hour trips. CTOO-22 (Redeemer) - A residential project with approximately 12 single family dwelling units in the vicinity of Poinsettia Lane and Black Rail Road. The traffic generation for this cumulative project is calculated at 120 ADT with 10 AM and 12 PM peak hour trips. Villages of La Costa - A mixed use project within Zones 10 and 11 east of El Camino Real and south of Palomar Airport Road. The traffic generation for this cumulative project was obtained from the Villages of La Costa traffic study, which noted 15,970 ADT with 1,450 AM and 1,640 PM peak hour trips. cr'e.- - 0-7- , C..)?1-O ,) P/ e'i - o q'T TABLE 8: CUMULATIVE PROJECT TRAFFIC GENERATION t'/ C01iEfi- O '4\ir&r ?f'? i1)EiT r Cumulative Project AM PM Rate Size & Units ADT % Split IN OUT % Split IN OUT CT98-14 Single Family (Tabata) 10 /DU 234 DU 2340 8% 0.3 0.7 56 131 10% 0.7 0.3 164 70 CT02-08 Multi Family (Tabata) 8 /DU 24 DU 192 8% 0.2 0.8 3 12 10% 0.7 0.3 13 6 CT98-05x2 Single Family (De Jong) 10 IOU 28 DU 280 8% 0.3 0.7 7 16 10% 0.7 0.3 20 8 CTOO-22 (Redeemer) 10 /DU 12 DU 120 8% 0.3 0.7 3 7 10% 0.7 0.3 8 4 Villages of La Costa - Mixed Use _;Q920 10 Cumulative Projects Total 18900 599 1086 1250 683 Source: SANDAG Brief Guide of Vehicular Traffic Generation Rates for the San Diego Region, April 2002. DU: Dwelling Unit. 111$ Enulilesiliii, lee.. Poinsettia Property Draft Traffic Impact Analysis Invesligafive Se/alice all!!Ingineefing, INC. 16 April 27, 2005 S 8.0 Build-Out (Year 20301 Conditions Build-Out (Year 2030) conditions were analyzed using SANDAG forecasted ADTs for the study area roadway segments. The SANDAG 2030 ADT volumes are included in Appendix H. The build-out intersection volumes were factored up from existing turn moves based on the increase in ADT for each intersection approach with calculations included in Appendix L The peak hour intersection volumes and daily traffic volumes for build-out are shown in Figure 10. To be conservative, the project volumes were added on top of build-out volumes as shown Figure 11. -- %- J1c&. QOt t The LOS calculated for the intersections and strsegments are shown in Tables 11 and 12, respectively. Intersection LOS an&LU ations are included in Appendix K without project and Appendix L with the project. TABLE 11: BUILD-OUT WITHOUT AND WITH PROJECT INTERSECTION OPERATIONS Intersection and Control' Peak Hour Build-Out ICU2 LOS3 ICU2 Build-Out + Project LOS3 Delta4 Impact5 1) Poinsettia Ln at AM 0.66 B 0.66 B 0.00 No Avenida Enemas (S) PM 0.88 D 0.89 0 0.01 No 2) Poinsettia Ln at AM 0.52 A 0.52 A 0.00 No 1-5 SB Ramps (S) PM 0.70 B 0.70 B 0.00 No Caltrans ILV AM 1,070 U 1,074 U NA NA Caltrans ILV PM 1,335 N 1,342 N NA NA 3) Poinsettia Ln at AM 0.61 B 0.62 B 0.01 No 1-5 NB Ramps (S) PM 0.63 B 0.63 B 0.00 No Caltrans ILV AM 1,070 U 1,074 U NA NA Caltrans ILV PM 1,335 N 1,342 N NA NA 4) Poinsettia Ln at AM 0.68 B 0.69 B 0.01 Na Paseo Del Norte (5) PM 0.79 C 0.79 C 0.00 No 5) Paseo Del Norte at AM ONE ONE 0.13 A NA No North Project Dwy (U) PM ONE DNE 0.14 A NA No 6) Paseo Del Norte at AM ONE DNE 0.14 A NA No South Project Owv (U) PM DNE ONE 0.13 A NA No Notes: 1) Intersection Control - S: Signalized; U: Unsignalized. 2) ICU is measured as a ratio to capacity. LOS: Level of Service. Caltrans ILV: U-Under Capacity; N-Near Capacity; 0-Over Capacity. Delta is the decrease in ICU capacity. 5) Impact due to project (yes or no). ONE: Does Not Exist lflSliigiiiee,ing, INC. Poinsettia Property Draft Traffic Impact Analysis IflVOS9ga1ive Science anilleg! sf/eq 11W. 20 April 27, 2005 TABLE 12: BUILD-OUT WITHOUT AND WITH PROJECT SEGMENT VOLUMES AND OPERATIONS Roadway and Peak Number Direction Build-Out Build-Out + Project Classification Hourly of and Peak Peak V/C LOS Project Peak V/C LOS Capacity Lanes Period Volume Volume Volume Poinsettia Lane - Major From 1-5 1,800 3 WB-AM 1,520 . 8 A 9 1,529 0.2 A to Paseo Del Norte 1,800 2 EB - PM 1,850 0.51 A 12 1,862 0.52 A From Paseo Del Norte 1,800 2 WB-AM 1,190 0.33 A 2 1,192 0.33 A to Batiquitos Drive 1,800 2 EB- PM 1,270 .35, A 2 1,272 .35 A Paseo Del Norte From Poinsettia Ln 1,800 1 NB -AM 60 0.03 A 16 76 0.04 A to Project Access 1,800 1 SB - PM 70 0.04 A 20 90 0.05 A Notes: Peak Volumes from adjacent peak interseciton volume by direction. Under build-out (Year 2030) conditions, the study intersections and street segments were calculated to operate at LOS D or better. Intersection LOS and ILV calculations are included in Appendix J. Under build-out (Year 2030) plus project conditions, the study intersections and street segments were calculated to operate at LOS D or better with the addition of project traffic. No project related traffic impacts were calculated. Intersection LOS and ILV calculations are included in Appendix K. - I] flLOS liigiiieerlag 11w. Poinsettia Property Draft Traffic Impact Analysis InvesIIgaai'e Se/eea sill Eiigiiieefl#I 11W. 23 April 27, 2005 L . . 1 9.0 Conclusion The proposed project will consist of 29 detached residential dwelling units on the southwest corner of Poinsettia Lane at Paseo Del Norte. The site is currently vacant. Based on SANDAG traffic generation rates, the project is calculated to generate 290 ADT with 23 AM peak hour trips and 29 PM peak hour trips. Proj e ss roposed through two new driveways. The driveways will be T-intersections with Pei-1tNorte. The north driveway will be located approximately 200 feet south of Poinsettia. Lane (centerline to centerline). The south driveway will be located approximately 235 feet south of the north driveway (centerline to centerline). This falls within the minimum T-intersection spacing per the City of Carlsbad Street Design Criteria. A queuing analysis was performed for the south leg of Poinsettia Lane and...Eallorte with buildout volumes (Year 2030) to determine if vehicles would queue back and block the entrance to the north driveway on Paseo Del Norte. The queuing analysis was prepared using Synchro 6.0 (Trafficware Corporation, 2003). Synchro reports a vehicle queue of 56 feet in the AM period and 45 feet in the PM period for the northbound left turn approach at Poinsettia Lane/Paseo Del Norte. Based on the Synchro output, vehicles queuing on the south leg of Poinsettia Lane at Paseo Del Norte will not block the proposed driveway. It is recommended that the north driveway be allowed full movements unless future safety issues arise. cumulative projects were identified on the City of Carlsbad Carlsbad Tracts 1990 to Present Index Map dated September 2004 and were included in this analysis. The cumulative projects included: CT98-14 (Tabata) - A residential project with approximately 234 single family dwelling units in the vicinity of Poinsettia Lane and Crystalline Drive. CT02-08 (Tabata) - A residential project with approximately 24 multi family dwelling units in the vicinity of Poinsettia Lane and Crystalline Drive. CT98-05x1 . (De Jong) - A residential project with approximately 28 single family dwelling units in the vicinity of Poinsettia Lane and Black Rail Road. CTOO-22 (Redeemer) - A residential project with approximately 12 single family El dwelling units in the vicinity of Poinsettia Lane and Black Rail Road. Villages of La Costa - A mixed use project within Zones 10 and 11 east of El Camino Real and south of Palomar Airport Road. L7J 'JC(. Intersection and roadway segment analysis were conducted for five (5) scenarios, which included Existing, Existing + Cumulative, Existing + Cumulative + Project, Build Out (Year 2030) without project, and Build-Out (Year 2030) with project. The adjacent freeway mainline and on-ramps were not analyzed because the project adds less project trips than the required threshold for analysis. The operational findings are summarized below by scenario: 1)Under existing conditions, all study intersections and Street segments were calculated to US Engiaee,in.q, 11w. Poinsettia Property Draft Traffic Impact Analysis Iiives1igai!vè Se!eaea sill Eagiiiaedog, INC. 24 April 27, 2005 operate better. 2) Under existing plus projeacQnditions, the study intersections and street segments were calculated to operate a OS or better with the addition of project traffic. No project related traffic impacts w 3) Under Under existing plus project plus cumulativ itions, the study intersections and street segments were calculated to operate OS r better with the addition of cumulative traffic. Under build-out (Year 2030) without projecLconditions, the study intersections and street segments were calculated to operate a S D r better. Under build-out (Year 2030) with projectpn4tions, the study intersections and street segments were calculated to operate at OSO or better with the addition of project traffic. No project related traffic impactswere calculated. It is recommended applicant install stop signs on the project exit points to the satisfaction of the City 198 Eflhlllleeflhhl, 11W. Poinsettia Property Draft Traffic Impact Analysis II1L'es!ig.lIivs SCISIWI? SRI!EDh1iI1DCfiIII, lile. 25 April 27, 2005