HomeMy WebLinkAboutCDP 2019-0002; SMITH RESIDENCE; Engineering Application(cityof Carlsbad Project Name: Smith Residence /1"""" .__,, Project Location: 4246 Hillside Drive Assessor Parcel Number{s): 207-022-11 APPLICATION GRADING PERMIT E-24 Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov ! PERMIT NUMBER: GR2018-022 Project Number: ------------1 Drawing Number: 512-6A ----------I --..,.......,----c:--------------:----,------=----===,--------------t Project Description: Grading, retaining wall construction and storm drain installation for SFR Owner: Jesse Smith Address: 44 7 Bougher Rd Suite: --------t City: San Marcos State: CA -------Zip: -----------1 92069 Phone Number: 760-504-8987 Fax Number: -------------------I certify that I am the legal owner of this property ar:i.d I aut he grading associated with this permit. OWNER SIGNATURE: Civil Engineer: Ben Lund Engin ring Address: 27790 Granite_Ridqe Road City: Escondido Phone Number: 760-410-8171 State: CA Soils Engineer: Jaime Cerros -Geotechnical Exploration, Inc. Address: 7420 Trade Street City: San Diego State: CA Phone Number: 858-549-7222 Grading Contractor: Address: 29550 COLE GRADE RD State: CA DATE: 4 - Suite: -------Zip: 92026 Fax Number: Suite: --------1 Zip: 92121 Fax Number: (858) 549-1604 Suite: -=-=------Zip: 92082 City: VALLEY C.t:NTEfil. -------Grading Quantities: cut 130 cy fill 1,080 cy cy import 950 cy ------remedial 170 cy export -0- Qualified contact person trained in NPDES requirements: Phone Number: Basis of Permit Fees: cy Total Permit Fees: $ -----------------------Verified By: Ba I an c e Due: $ I hereby acknowledge that I have read the application and information provided is correct. I agree to comply with all federal, state, and city laws, ordinances, regulations and policies relating to excavation and grading including, but not limited to, the Federal Endangered Species Act of 1973 and any amendments thereto. I will also comply with OSHA Permit requirements for trenches over five feet deep and the provisions and conditions of any permit issued pursuant to this application. Applicant Name: Jesse Smith ------------------------------------1 Address: 44 7 Bougher Rd Suite: ----------ll City: San Marcos State: CA Zip: 92069 -----------1 Phone Number: 760-504-8987 ...:....:~:..:....:......:...::.._:__-F"r-:--:--c---,---..::..../.,-----~""-,--- APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE: E-24 Page 1 of 1 MAY 1 7 ?Q21 REV 07/14 ~'~. ~.~ ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD APPLICATION ENGINEERING PLANCHECK E-23 Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov Complete all aooropriate information. Write NIA when not aoolicable. Pro~t Name: Smith Residence Date: 2/22/20 Project Description: Private improvements: Sinole familv residential. ADU, and drivewav. Public improvements: Hillside Dr widenino. drivewavs, and curb, outter, and sidewalk. Project Address: 4246 Hillside Dr, 92008 Lot No(s).: Portions of 18 7 19 Map No.: 2152 APN(s): 207-022-11 (10 & 12 for street) Number of Lots: 1 Number of Acres: 0.25 Miles of Trails: NA Owner: Jessie Smith Applicant: Same as owner Mailing Address: 447 Bouoher Rd Mailing Address: San Marcos, CA 92069 Phone Number: 760-504-8987 Phone Number: Fax Number: Fax Number: E-mail: isaridad@aol.com E-mail: I certify that I am the legal owner and that all the above information is true a~~rrec~best of my knowledge. Signature~A.I ~ate: ~--13-J-c) Signature: Date: Civil Engi4w.' -Ben Lund Soils Engineer: Jaime Cerros Firm: Ben Lund Enoineerino Firm: Geotechnical Exploration Inc Mailing Address: 27790 Granite Ridoe Rd Mailing Address: 7420 Trade St Escondido, CA 92026 San Dieoo, CA 92121 Phone Number: 760-410-8171 Phone Number: 858-549-7222 Fax Number: Fax Number: 858-549-1604 E-mail: benrlund@omail.com E-mail: oeotech@oei-sd.com State Registration Number: C68849 State Registration Number: l,;J44:l:.! Additional Comments: ' IMPROVEMENT VALUATION 1. Whatyv'ater district is the proposed project located in? (check one) [Z]I Carlsbad Municipal Water District □ Olivenhain D Vallecitos 2. If in the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, what is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements, sewer (for Carlsbad Municipal Water District only), street, public (median) landscape and irrigation, and drainage improvements (if applicable)? $ GRADING QUANTITIES cut 130 cy fill 1.080 cy remedial 0 cy import 950 cy export 0 cy E-23 Page 1 of 2 REV 4/30/10 11\ «~ ~ CITY OF CARLSBAD APPLICATION ENGINEERING PLANCHECK E-23 Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov Complete all appropriate information Write N/A when not applicable. APPLICATION FOR Project (check all that apply) I.D. □ Adjustment Plat (ADJ) □ Certificate of Compliance (CE) □ Dedication of Easement (PR) Type: Type: [] Encroachment Permit (PR) C] Final Map (FM) @I Grading Plancheck (DWG) LDPlOl4-~0 @I Improvement Plancheck (DWG) [] Parcel Map (PM) □ Quitclaim of Easement (PR) Type: DJ Reversion to Acreage (RA) C] Street Vacation (STV) □ Tentative Parcel Map (MS) I] Certificate of Correction (CCOR) !di Covenant of Easement (PR) g Substantial Conformance Exhibit (SCE) □ Trails □ < mile □ > mile CJ! Other II APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY: E-23 Drawing Number ,._ G-R. l ttJ Rowl.O~ Page 2 of 2 FOR CITY USE ONLY Deposit /Fees Comments Paid ~~ ,. ' -aoi.:t o-OL\4'l.. '. ,' r II r MAY tO 2020 \ LAND DEVELOpl,,ENT ENG:NEERl~G ! REV 4/30/10 ,. 05/05/2013 07:54 7607461197 PAGE 02/02 -De.velopme,nt -Serwlte-s-. larj~:rie~~l~pm.~nt (~inijei,'ing • .. 1Gi5. F~~~~ay Av~n_q~. ·' ' • • • •. • ;7~0~6.0~~175.0, • www;:c~ri.s~adca.gpv . . ;,pfbj'~ct-.A~dt~~;-:4?.4~. ,4~$0'. ~r.i¢(424Q'HUf~i~e_:-or.-. • • i ~ot,Nq(~j:.:. l?q(J.:cit •19:ato:Ck .Cf • JJla~fN~i~_, 2_1_ii ___ 2'-!---'_-,...__,,_ .APl'-l(s):: .201~022-t1· , ;Numbet.ofV>ts:.-1 • ·Number::0f:Ae~i~·:_b'._o!:2 .. :Mil~-cif·ir~i_ij;-\N~A .•• ·. :.9w~er::.' . iMall1ng Addre$s: ; •i, • )PhMe",Nl;irn'be(-~ •. --fax-:Numb13r:; ,"'. ,J,, ·'··••'• ,-•-•• ' :: :,E--r:r.i;!rlfa -.:_Ap.'i>licant. __ ,-M.ailil19'Acfdress: ,...'7 ..... 6 ...... 9·_..s..:.:.q.""""'~~-'---.:.·sa-.:.·7_: _______ • ,P.Mne:Number; ,......,.,......,__ ____ ___,_'--'__,_ ____ . . _:Fax,NiJr.J1ber: ls~ndi:i.d~aQ.l;¢P.tn ::e::.rni:iil: • , $(>'36,~y~:in~.apatl<:"J(v.'e·, S.uite'2to· ·$."ailt)i~f,10;:::cA:_sitl~- : :·1:cerljfytJ:i(\f.f;a,n ~J. ~lpwner._a11iffh~-~-lf.the_;a~~-- , inf~a~ -is true a . . . ,:rec: : -~1:1-~t qf:n'IY. t<nowledge. :signatbr. , . • __ • Date:A-2'€$-a O _ : '.~:!~r,tgl-~e:; : )iil~il_ihs "Ad~r.e_i.:,i:;:_ • ·9et~s:s:u~ines!fpatkAve.$1,E::_2,1q. s_anPie_aQ, :CA.-921-31 S.oiIs,Engln.eer: • Firm~ ._ ;~~iii~~ :~dd_re~s·: • Ph,'i>n"-~ul1lbe1:; _· {_8_58_)_ .. 6~4_9_;.:7 ___ ,.2.,..22 _________ .......,_ -Pax Nuhib.&r: ...;..·'"""'~5-'-:8.;.;..): ....... 64 ..... : .9 ..... ~ .... 1e.-.;.ii=4 _____ _ : E-.maii;. . • • iµerro'sca)r.tel~.s~:com: • :~· i:{Ei!iftt(r,at_lpn;:N~:m:tl.~ti .· -:c:11;2::gpo1 . . . . . IMPR0VEMENTVALUATION:' .• .•• What\½ite(d[stri~ i~ the· prop~S$d' proj~'¢t l~cat~.d in? (~heck 't:>n~): • • •• 12]1 :¢atfs~a;d. Mi,1_"1¢Jp~rW~t(;lrt>istfict [I_. Oifv~rih_ar n □-V;;i11ecitQS' 2 .. • lf In ·;the, Geilsbad M_uni~ipa(W~t~ (>i~rfo( ·W.Hat: iiJhe:tot~J::.c<)Sf ~stitnate, .. lnc_l\.idihg)~~ 1:5.!¼. ¢0T)tii)g~r,i9y-:-f~!:f; for • • W~~ti\r_td. :r;~!~1rn~-w~te.r:-irnP.i:PYe~~i:tts;;};~w~(;(tor::C~rl$bad :Mynicfpal·W~ter-Ol.s(rtct .orily), .str.e.ef,, p~blic _,(111~ic3n.)';!~ng~~::·.an.<t)rrig~fi.Q~ .. -.c1n~.'~rak1ag_e-ir.np1:PVeir-,_~1,1ts'.:(if~ppli~~-b.l~)? • • • • ·-l 2~f;ooo