HomeMy WebLinkAbout0; 0; CCC POST-LCP CERTIFICATION - VILLAGE REDEVELOPMENT;• Post-LCP Certifica tio11 Permi-t and Appeal Jurisdiction City ,-->•·-.-: .,·,o, :·'.·--;.,_--i?i\/--.. ~ :xx .;_, ~ -~ y ,) y >U > of Carlsbad, Village Redevelopment Permit Jurisdiction This area includes only londs below the mean high tide line ond lands where the public trust moy exist. Appeal Jurisdiction This area includes ionds be\ween the sea and \he designated first public road poraltering the sec or 300' from the inland extent of any beacrJ or of the mean high tide Hne if there is no beach, whicnever ls t1e greater distance, Also inc,uded are lands within 100' of streams and wetlands ond ,ands within JOO' al \he top of the seoward foce of any coastal bluff. Appeal Jurisdiction (P.R. C. §30613) This area includes lands where the Commission has delegated original permit Jurlsdiclion 1o the local government for areas potentially subject to the public lrusl bu\ which ore filled, de·,eloped, end committed to urban uses. from wetland .......... Madison SI Roosevelt ten ti al Public Trust Land State St Coastal Zone First Public Rd. £ ii 0 " ro ~ <( ~ 0 -,:, ., 0 l I I l 300' Bluff: -:--<-:--:e.,. :··::=:<if\ i l PACIFIC ~ <( .., C 0 ~ !; <( -c:, " 0 ~ Cl Segment -------- I I t I I I I J I I I I t I ~ J <( E w □ ., > <( E w Carl sl:> ad Blvd In oddition to these geographic <1re□s of appeal Jurlsdictlon the following twes of development ere appealal:>le througr,out t~e Coastal Zone pursuant lo P.R.C. Section 30603 (o)(4) and (o)(S), L Any development approved by a county that is not deslgno\ed as a principal perml\ted use under zoning approved pursuant to the □ppllcable Local Coastal Program: NOTE -This map has been prepared to show where the California Coas.la! Commission relc\ns. pos\-LCP cedificotion permit end appea! .Jurisdiction pursuant lo P.R.C §3D519(b), and §J060j(a)(1 J and (0)(2). In addition, de•,e'opments may also be oppealob1e ~ursua~t lo P,R.C._ §J0603(a)(3}, (a){ 4) and (o)(5J. If ques\,ons arise concerning foe p,ec,se lo- cation of the-boundary of ony .(lrea de'1ned in the above sections, the m otter should be referred to the locul go,- ernment and/o-r the Executive Director of the Commission for clarlflcction and information, This plot may be updated as opproprio !e and moy not in elude all lands where post- LCP certificat:rn, permlt and appeal jur['.Sdiclton is reta;_ried by the Commi!3sion. ~ . Hording St I L I I I l Jefferson St [~----~- I Madison St ~-I I I . I I • ~ ! I i I I I I ~ l I ~-I I t < ) I I: =r~·I;:== ~1J 1;==; =====1 t I L---- .,, 3! Roosevelt St ., -• :, : I£ I ~1~1;.._ - T~er St __________ Bou n d a r_y ! _______ _ A, T & S F Railroad ~ •• ~ ...... ,.~.~ <i:;;; -"' 0 0 . ••u•••* . Lincoln St .____lie____ ~7 . ... . Garfield St 4••••• "•••• ••••••ou,,,,. / OCEAN " ;,, <( -:, " -., ., ,:: 0 2. Any development that constitutes o major publlc works pro}ect or a major energy facility, 0 500 FEET ,1_. JVC S/87 California Coastal In areas where a parcel is bisected by tt,e □!)peal jurtsdictlon boundary, only th at portion of the parcel within the area defined as appealoble is subject lo the Commission'• appeal Jurisdiction. Comm issicJn I STATE: DF" CAC.<l'OF'll,IIA 1 l '-,S. C(ltj I'll!",' Of S,i,.~ F RA.NC •SC-0 - Oe ,Oo< :J.-'::9. :r.E~ , '"• ,,., .U~1--"""" ~. 1.4..,)~fu~. ""'•" i:>-J~:,,:-_ i:,e•~ori.a.•;r ,1.pc,e-;iie,1__ 'i~_-_ ~-· i;,i,~or•all·,--..na....-r-. l◊ ""11 1C>r g.r;:i~e,j 1r,. ;'f',£1 on Ll'-e Oo131s -~! ~.ill·51.;,cr r~ ,i-·,-,r:114111:e,1 1-::· ~ l~e h•thCtr,ied ,e,i:-re$e-f,t,1.<1~,i QI" lhe C,a,1.-forn,.a cc~s•o, -:::::.rr,m,,$1un !rn:I E3/HIBIT 2