HomeMy WebLinkAboutCUP 2017-0004; WEST COAST SELF STORAGE; Engineering Application(_ City of Carlsbad APPLICATION ENGINEERING PLANCHECK E-23 Development Services land Development Enllneering 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov ComDlete all annrooriate Information Write NIA when not annllcable Project Name: West Coast Self s1oraie Date: Ianuan: 9, 2018 Project Description: Self Storage Facility Project Address: Southeast Corner of El Camino Real and Cougar Drive Lot No(a).: 3 Map No.: PM 18054 APN(s): :ZQ2-040-~:Z-O:Q Number of Lots: 1 Number of Acres: 1.48 Miles ofTrails: 0 Owner: NWB Carlsbad1 LLC Applicant: Iim Eilz121lri~ Mailing Address: 808 134th St. SW1 Building B1 Ste. 211 Mailing Address: !?l96 S. M1ri&Qld W1x Everett1 WA 98204 Qilbel:11 b.Z. 82298 Phone Number: 818.749.8846 Phone Number: 8182~.88~ Fax Number: Fax Number: E-mail: ifil1.12at[ii;;k(S!wi;;self11ta[a&e,,am E-maU: jfitzeatrick~wcselfs1ora1e.com I certify that I am the legal owner and that all the above information iss)7~ to the best of my knowledge. ~t .. -4{) l .4 .tg Signature: ~ ~ Date: ( ~ + • l ~ Signature: Date: r ·-I"~ " " ~ ' . • ClvU Engineer: :W:alti:[ ll[Qlll'.D1 fi;i Soils Engineer: ~D[~lllYi Firm: Ha:w,i. :w:,il,[ aod Associal~ Firm: ~il,i f:D&iD"do& Associ11'11 lo,, Mailing Address: 2888 Loker Avenue East1 Suite 217 Mailing Address: 12~:Z Nonb Maio S1ns:,1 Carlsbag1 C~ 9io I 0 Orange, CA 92865 Phone Number: 260,929.2288 Phone Number: Zlj 222 0812 Fax Number: 760.929.2287 Fax Number: 714.279.9682 E-mail: whm:wn@hm?hmoio&,,2m E-mail: State Registration Number: C 36191 State Registration Number: ~QZ~8Z Additional Comments: IMPROVEMENT VALUATION 1. What water district is the proposed project located in? (check one) i) Carlsbad Municipal Water District D Olivenhain D Vallecitos 2. If in the carlsbad Municipal Water District, what Is the total coat estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements, sewer (for Carlsbad Municipal Water District only), street, public (median) landscape and irrigation, and drainage improvements (if applicable)? s GRADING QUANTITIES cut 1~.200 cy fill 160 cy remedial 0 cy import Q cy export l~.~~Q cy E-23 Page 1 of 2 APPLICATION ENGINEERING PLANCHECK E-23 Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov Complete all appropriate information Write NIA when not aoolicable. APPLICATION FOR Project (check all that apply) 1.0. D Adjustment Plat (ADJ) D Certificate of Compliance (CE) D Dedication of Easement (PR) Type: Type: D Encroachment Permit (PR) 0 Final Map (FM) Ix] Grading Plancheck (DWG) Ii] Improvement Plancheck (DWG) D Parcel Map (PM) D Quitclaim of Easement (PR) Type: D Reversion to Acreage (RA) D Street Vacation (STV) D Tentative Parcel Map (MS) D Certificate of Correction (CCOR) D Covenant of Easement (PR) U Substantial Conformance Exhibit (SCE) D Trails D < mile D > mile D Other II APPUCAMN ACCEPTED BY: LG- E-23 Drawing Number So't-7Pt So,-1 Page 2 of 2 FOR CITY USE ONLY Deposit /Fees Paid (,.~2.018-Ool «ow-i..,1i-oa II Comments il~J---z,oo ~ fo S3 DATE STAMP APPLICATION RECEIVED RI~ I ED JAN 2 2 2018 REV 07/14 Project Name: APPLICATION ENGINEERING PLANCHECK E-23 Oey t?_fqpt1]~~j1t 5C[V.L.(~2. Land Development Engineering l fj:15 Faraday AVt!llUe 760-602-2750 www.c.irlsbadca.gov Complete all appropriate information. Write NIA when not applicable. WEST COAST SELF STORA9E Date: 05/0312017 ··--- Project Description: West Coast Self-Storage Groue is proeosing to develoe APN 209-040-42-00 Cougar Dive and is reguesting some easements be vacated . - Project Address: COUGAR DRIVE & EL CAMINO REAL. CALSBAD, CA Lot No(s) : PARCEL 3 Map No.: PM 18059 APN(s): 209-040-42-00 Number of Lots: NIA Number of Acres: NIA Miles of Trails: N/A .. . ···- Owner: Land Development, LLC Applicant: West Coast Self-Storage Groue Mailing Address: 2371 Fenton Street Mailing Address. 4012 148TH ST Chula Vista, CA 91914 MILL CREEK WA 98012 ---· -· Phone Number: Phone Number: 818-749-8846 ··-. -Fax Number: Fax Number· . ·-jfitzpatrick@wcselfstora_ge.com -E-mail: ~ollevy2@yohoo com -E-mail: CU:"!tf;• tii ~,·, rlt't :I~ c'.{, .. 11 O\•:f .;t;i·i:J ht~.i ti l 1-',4 t');·,;-J~ s;gnatu,ed'<-J~~ ~111~:.,::':1:~. ·'· ··,,.1 ,17~~~:t n,·,:;2~'/;/ 7 Date: ~-2.1, 11 L ~m~l~c1ryeycr BRUCE C. BONDE Soils Engineer: N/A -Btv n~neer-; --·--Firm: GOLD COAST SURVEYING. INC Firm: Mailing Address: P.O. BOX 1876 Mailing Address: •-·•- VISTA, CA 92~4 Phone Number: 760-758-7732 Phone Number: -· -· -·• Fax Number: 760-758-7733 Fax Nllmber: -.. E-mail: GCSl@att.net E-mail. State Registration Number: PLS 6144 State Registration Number: -· ·-Additional Comments: -----.. -· -. .. ---· -. -.. ---· ... IMPROVEMENT VALUATION 1. What water district is the proposed project located in? (check one) NIA 0 Carlsbad Municipal Water District D Olivenhain rJ Vallecitos 2. If in the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, what is the total cost estimate, including the 15% contingency fee, for water and reclaimed water improvements, sewer (for Carlsbad Municipal Water District only), street, public (median) landscape and irrigation, and drainage improvements (if applicable)? $ --· GRADING QUANTITIES cut NIA cy fill NIA cy remedial NIA cy import NIA cy export NIA cy E-23 Page 1 of 2 RF.V 07/14 { R.. ( City of Carlsbad APPLICATION ENGINEERING PLANCHECK E-23 Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov Complete all appropriate information. Write N/A when not applicable. APPLICATION FOR (check all that apply) D Adjustment Plat (ADJ) D Certificate of Compliance (CE) D Dedication of Easement (PR) Type: Type: D Encroachment Permit (PR) 0 Final Map (FM) 0 Grading Plancheck (DWG) D Improvement Plancheck (DWG) D Parcel Map (PM) D Quitclaim of Easement (PR) Type: D Reversion to Acreage (RA) 00 Street Vacation (STV) D Tentative Parcel Map (MS) D Certificate of Correction (CCOR) D Covenant of Easement (PR) LJ Substantial Conformance Exhibit (SCE) D Trails D < mile D > mile D Other I APPLICATION A\~P!Jf;Y: ',t, ·1111 I E-23 Project Drawing I.D. Number {; rn,(hll-rt rn I fl'.lf' :::: I V J~ Page 2 of 2 FOR CITY USE ONLY Deposit /Fees Comments Paid n I 1 -iv=•ri1- DATE STAMP APPLICATION RECEIVED RF~Ei'/ED MAY 2 3 2017 ND DEv .:...LG?MENT ENGINEER! REV 07/14 (_ City of Carlsbad APPLICATION GRADING PERMIT E-24 Development Services Land Development Engineering 1635 Faraday Avenue 760-602-2750 www.carlsbadca.gov I PERMIT NUMBER: Project Name: West Coast Self Storage Project Number: rt TD '>ll 1 7 _nnn,1 Project Location: Southeali1 Comee of El Camin!l Real and C!lugaI Dr. Drawing Number: Assessor Parcel Number(s): 209-040-042 Project Description: SPlf-F"'rilitv Owner: NWB Carlsbad LLC Address: 808 134th Street SW, Building B Suite: 211 City: Everett State: WA Zip: 98204 Phone Number: 818.749.8846 Fax Number: I certify that I am the legal owre:yf i~r erty and I authorize the grading associated with this permit. OWNERSIGNATURE: ,. • DATE: bl -0'6.i~ Civil Engineer: Howes We'r er and Associates -Mr. Walter Brown Address: 2888 Loker A venue East Suite: 217 City: Carlsbad State: CA Zip: 92010 Phone Number: 760.929.2288 Fax Number: 760.929.2287 Soils Engineer: Giles Enl!ineerin~ Associates -Mr. Edl!'.ar Gatus Address: 1965 NQith Main Str~~t Suite: City: Orange State: CA Zip: 92865 Phone Number: 714.279.0817 Fax Number: 714.279.9687 Grading Contractor: To Be Determined State License No.: City Business License No.: Address: Suite: City: State: Zip: Grading Quantities: cut cy fill cy import cy remedial cy export cy Qualified contact person trained in NPDES requirements: Phone Number: Basia of Pennit Fees: 13.700 cy Total Pennlt Fees: $ $4,419 Verified By: Balance Due: $ I hereby acknowledge that I have read the application and information provided is correct. I agree to comply with all federal, state, and city laws, ordinances, regulations and policies relating to excavation and grading including, but not limited to, the Federal Endangered Species Act of 1973 and any amendments thereto. I will also comply with OSHA Permit requirements for trenches over five feet deep and the provisions and conditions of any permit issued pursuant to this application. Applicant Name: NWB Carlsbad LLC Address: 808 134th Street SW, Building B Suite: 211 City: Everett State: WA Zip: 98204 Phone Number: 818.749.8846 ~ I'\ "' I'\ " Fax Number: APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE: ~~YT DATE: o, -oS--1 B V '\ E-24 Page 1 of 1 REV 07/14 Michael Baker INTERNATIONAL PROJECT PLAN REVIEW COMPLETION 5050 Avenida Encinas Suite 260 Carlsbad, CA 92008 The following project plans have been reviewed and are recommended for approval: Project Name: Project No.: GR. No.: DWG. No.: Sheets No.: West Coast Self Storage CUP2 017-0004 2018-0006 509-7A 1 -13 OF 13 DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I hereby declare that I have exercised responsible charge over the plan review of this project as defined in Section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code to determine that the plans are found to be in substantial conformance with applicable codes and standards. Plan review of these project drawings does not relieve the Engineer of Work of the responsibilities for project design under state and local ordinances. P--~~ ... Signed--~------------- RCE 77512 Exp. 6/30/2019 07-23-2018 Date • Michael Baker INTERNATIONAL PROJECT PLAN REVIEW COMPLETION 5050 Avenida Encinas Suite 260 Carlsbad, CA 92008 The following project plans have been reviewed and are recommended for approval: Project Name: Project No.: Dwg. No.: Sheets No.: West Coast Self Storage CUP 2017-0004 509-7 I ROW 2018-0053 1-2 OF 2 DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I hereby declare that I have exercised responsible charge over the plan review of this project as defined in Section 6703 of the Business and Professions Code to determine that the plans are found to be in substantial conformance with applicable codes and standards. Plan review of these project drawings does not relieve the Engineer of Work of the responsibilities for project design under state and local ordinances. ~~ Signed ______________ _ RCE 77512 Exp. 6/30/2019 07-23-2018 Date