HomeMy WebLinkAboutAD 2-1960; VALLEY STREET - ASSESSMENT PLAT 1960; CERTIFICATE - ASSESSMENT NUMBER 2-1960; 1960-12-31ASSESSMENT NUMBER 2-]960 In the matter of the improvement of Valley Street sewer from Basswood Avenue 645.73 feet Southerly pf Basswood Avenue in the City of ____ C~a~r_l_s_b~a~d _________ , County of ____ s~a=n_n_;_e,..g=9 _______ , State of California, as provided for in Resolution of Intention No. _ __,6'-'9"'1'---' passed by the ___ .....,C ... i.,t.,y--"C"'o"'u"'n"'c_.i_.l _____ , of said Cit on the ------'4-"t""h'---day o:r __ ..,.O..,.c-=t..,.o..,.b.,_e.._r _____ , 19 60 ; Pursuant to and in accordance with the statute, "Improvement Act of 1911", being Division 7 of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, I, ---'C_L""Y""D-'E_L-'-, _J'-E"'N"""K""'E"'N ________ , Engineer of Work and Superintendent of Streets o:r the said do hereby certify that that certain contract, entered into by and between R.E. Melbourne Company s -~an_L_u-'-i~s_R_e~yL·-~•-C'-'a~l-'-l-'.f'-o-'r-'n-'i~a'--------------• as contractor, and the Engineer of Work and Superintendent of Streets o:r said City on the __ 2_0_t_h __ day o:f --=-D-=e-"c"'em"'b=er"-----• 19 60 , f'orconstructing sanitary sewers, manholes and appurtenances in said it above set :forth, has been --~'--------------------------------=---------- :fulfilled and performed to the sat i s:f action of the _E_n_.g._i_n_e-'e_r_o_f_W_o_r_k-=•-"n""d'"""S u_p._e""r-'--'i n""t"-e'-n""d'-e'"'n""t'--o'-'f~S ... t'"'r'"'e'"'e'"'t'"s'-----o:r said Eng i nee r of Work and __ C_i_t_y _____ • that the __ s_u""p_e_r_i_n_t_en_d_en_t_o_f_s_t_r_e_e_t_s ____ of said ___ C_i_t~-----has accepted the work contracted for, and that I have estimated upon all lots, portions of lots and parcels of land within the assessment district described in said Resolution o:r Intention and shown upon the diagrarli-; Engineer of Work and prepared by the Superintendent of Streets and hereto attached, the benefits arising from the work performed under said contract and to be received by each of said lots, portions of lots and parcels o:r land within the said assessment district, and as such Engineer of Work and Superintendent of Street,: I do now hereby assess upon the lands in said assessment district the sum ofFive Thousand, Six Hundred and Forty~one Dollars and no Cents Dollars ($ 5,641.00 ), the said sum being the total amount due :for the work performed and specified in said contract, together with incidental expenses, reduced by the sum of$ , to be paid by the ----------- ------------------· as :follOWSI CONTRACT COST 6 4 5 7 3 L!ne~l fePt Rn ·w ......... ~ i;:'.;j-,. ......... -~t'h u (' e-..,l.\1PY o; "'' I~ 6 I,. 8 'l 7 l each Construct Standard Concret~ Manhole 'l ".'.'In nri 1 0 0 0 0 l each Construct Standard Concrete M0 ~""' ~ . /,./1/1 f\f\ I, n ' n n . l each Construct Standard De"d End Structure on nn g 0 0 r. 1· Cubic Yards of Crushed Rock Beddin<> 1 R nn ? 1 I,. n n I\ Total Contract Cost 4 6 7 2 3 7 INCIDENTAL EXPENSES ,/''" Engineering$ J 86 89 and Inspection $ "" /, S ? R n 11 I Preparing Resolutions, Notices, Contract, etc. 1 ( 0 0 0 Printing and Advertising 2 6 5 8 4 / Expense of making Assessment 9 3 4 --~ • ' Estimated Cost o:r Printing, ' Servicing and Collecting Bonds 2 2 9 0 0 Total Incidental Expense~ 9 6 8 6 3 .. Total Cost 4 6 7 2 3 7 Less Amount to be paid by Total Assessment 5 6 4 l 0 0 And I do hereby _rassess such total sum of $-=-5=64-'-l=-• ... o'"'oc.-________ upon the several lots, portions I ·'· of lots and parcels:of land in said assessment district benefited thereby, to-wit: upon each respec- tively, in proportiofrto the estimated benefits to be received by each of said lots, portions of lots and parcels of land, as follows: .JEFFRIES aANKNOTE CO,, LOS ANGELES-FRONT SHE~, CONTRACTORS ASSESSMEMT